Electrical Machines MCQ

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Multiple Choice Questions on Electrical Machines -1

Important Multiple Choice Questions in Electrical Machines

1. In an electromechanical energy conversion device, the developed torque depends upon

A) Stator field strength and torque angle

B) Stator field and rotor field strengths

C) Stator field and rotor field strengths and the torque angle

D) Stator field strength only

2. Consider the following statements:

The use of interpoles in dc machines is to counteract the

I. Reactance voltage

II. Demagnetizing effect of armature mmf in the commutating zone

III. Cross-magnetizing effect of armature mmf in the commutating zone

Which of these statement(s) is/are correct?

A) 1 &2

B) 2&3

C) 1&3

D) 3 alone

3. The current drawn by a 220V DC motor of armature resistance 0.5 ohm and back emf 200V is

A) 40A

B) 44A

C) 400A

D) 440A
4. A DC shunt generator when driven without connecting field winding shows an open circuit terminal
voltage of 12V. when field winding is connected and excited, the terminal voltage drops to zero

A) Field resistance is higher than critical resistance

B) There is no residual magnetism in the field circuit

C) The field winding is wrongly connected

D) There is a fault in armature circuit

5. The advantage of the double squirrel-cage induction motor over single cage rotor is that its

A) Efficiency is higher

B) Power factor is higher

C) Slip is higher

D) Starting current is lower

6. An induction motor when started on load does not accelerate up to full speed but runs at 1/7 th of
the rated speed. The motor is said to be

A) Locking

B) Plugging

C) Crawling

D) Cogging

7. Synchronous condenser means

A. A synchronous motor with capacitor connected across stator terminals to improve power factor

B. A synchronous motor operating at full load with leading power factor

C. An over-excited synchronous motor partially supplying mechanical load, and also improving power
factor of the system to which it is connected

D. An over-excited synchronous motor operating at no-load with leading power factor used in large
power stations for improvement of power factor

8. In cylindrical rotor synchronous machine, the phasor addition of stator and rotor mmfs is possible

A) Two mmfs are rotating in opposite direction

B) Two mmfs are rotating in same direction at different speed

C) Two mmfs are stationary with respect to each other

D) One mmf is stationary and the other mmf is rotating

9. The rotor power output of 3-phase induction motor is 15kW. The rotor copper losses at a slip of 4%
will be

A) 600W

B) 625W

C) 650W

D) 700W

10. Skewing of the rotor in a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor reduces

A) Noise, parasitic torque, starting torque and pullout torque

B) Noise and parasitic torque, but increases starting torque and pull out torque

C) Noise and pullout torque, but increases parasitic torque and starting torque

D) Noise, parasitic torque and starting torque, but increases pullout torque

Multiple Choice Questions on Electrical Machines - 2

Important Multiple Choice Questions in Electrical Machines

1. In a shaded pole induction motor, the rotor runs from the

A) Shaded portion to the unshaded portion of the pole while the flux in the former leads that of the

B) Shaded portion to the unshaded portion of the pole while the flux in the former lags that in the latter

C) Unshaded portion to the shaded portion while the flux in the former leads that it in the latter

D) Unshaded portion to the shaded portion while the flux in the former lags that in the latter

2. The torque of a reluctance motor can be effectively increased by

A) Increasing reluctance of the magnetic circuit along the direct axis

B) Decreasing the reluctance of the magnetic circuit along the quadrature axis

C) Increasing the ratio of the quadrature axis reluctance to direct axis reluctance
D) Decreasing the ratio of quadrature axis reluctance to direct axis reluctance

3. The starting current of a three phase induction motor is 5 times the rated current, while the rated
slip is 4%. The ratio of starting torque to full-load torque is

A) 0.6

B) 0.8

C) 1.0

D) 1.2

4. A single-phase transformer when supplied from 220V, 50Hz has eddy current loss of 50W. if the
transformer is connected to a voltage of 330V, 50Hz, the eddy current loss will be

A) 168.75W

B) 112.5W

C) 75W

D) 50W

5. In case of auto transformer, which of the following statements are correct?

I. An auto-transformer requires less copper as compared to a conventional 2-winding transformer

of the same capacity

II. An auto-transformer provides isolation between the primary and secondary windings

III. An auto-transformer has less leakage reactance as compared to the conventional 2-winding
transformer of same capacity

Select the correct answer using the codes given below

A) 1,2 and 3

B) 1 and 2

C) 1 and 3

D) 2 and 3

6. Switched reluctance motor means

A) Salient pole synchronous motor without excitation winding

B) A stepper motor with salient poles

C) Synchronous motors with salient poles on stator and rotor

D) A stepper motor with closed loop control and with rotor position sensor

7. A DC series motor is accidentally connected to a single phase AC supply. The torque produced will

A) Of zero average value

B) Oscillating

C) Steady and unidirectional

D) Pulsating and unidirectional

8. The synchronous impedance method of finding the voltage regulation by a cylindrical rotor
alternator is generally considered as

A) A pessimistic method because saturation is not considered

B) An optimistic method because saturation is not considered

C) A fairly accurate method even if power factor is not taken into account while determining
synchronous impedance

D) A fairly accurate method when power factor is taken into account while determining synchronous

9. Generally the no-load losses of an electrical machine is represented in its equivalent circuit by

A) Parallel resistance with a low value

B) Series resistance with a low value

C) Parallel resistance with a high value

D) Series resistance with a high value

10. The power factor of a synchronous motor

A) Improves with increase in excitation and may even become leading at high excitations

B) Decreases with increase in excitation

C) Is independent of its excitation

D) Increases with loading for a given excitation

Multiple Choice Questions on Electrical Machines -3

Important Multiple Choice Questions in Electrical Machines

1. A single phase transformer when supplied from 220V, 50 Hz has eddy current loss of 50 W. If the
transformer is connected to a voltage of 330V, 50 Hz, the eddy current loss will be

A) 168.75 W

B) 112.5 W

C) 75 W

D) 50 W

2. A coil wound on magnetic core is excited from an AC voltage source. The source voltage and its
frequency are both doubled. The eddy current loss in the core will become

A) Half

B) Remains same

C) Double

D) Four times

3. Building steel core out of stampings reduces eddy current loss because it

A) Increases core resistivity

B) Increases the effective length of eddy currents paths thereby increasing effective resistance to the
flow of eddy currents

C) Increases core permeability

D) Reduces the effective length of eddy current path, thereby reducing effective resistance to the flow
of eddy currents.

4. A 200/100 V, 50 Hz transformer is to be excited at 40 Hz from 100V side. For the exciting current to
remain the same, the applied voltage will be

A) 150 V

B) 125 V

C) 100 V

D) 80V

5. The applied voltage of a certain transformer is increases by 50% while the frequency reduced to
50%. The maximum core flux density will be
A) Becomes three times

B) Becomes 1.5 times

C) Becomes half

D) Remains the same

6. Which of the following tests must be performed on a transformer to determine its leakage reactance

A) SC test only

B) OC test only

C) Both OC and SC tests

D) Test by an impedance bridge

7. Power input to a transformer on no load at rated voltage comprises predominantly

A) Copper loss

B) Hysteresis loss

C) Core loss

D) Eddy current loss

8. Hysteresis losses are directly proportional to the

A) Square of frequency and flux density to the power 1.6

B) Frequency and flux density to the power 1.6

C) The square of frequency and proportional to the square of flux density

D) Frequency and proportional to flux density

9. For a fixed primary voltage how does the secondary terminal voltage of a transformer change if the
power factor of inductive load is raised from 0.7 to 0.9 with load current remaining fixed?

A) No change in voltage

B) Voltage decreases

C) Voltage rises

D) Voltage will rise, go through maximum and then decrease

10. For a fixed primary voltage how does the secondary terminal voltage of a transformer change if the
power factor of capacitive load rises from 0.7 to 0.9 with load current remaining fixed?
A. No change in voltage

B. Voltage decreases

C. Voltage rises

D. Voltage will rise, go through maximum and then decrease

Multiple Choice Questions on Electrical Machines - 4

Important Multiple Choice Questions on Electrical Machines

1. Transformer excited from a sinusoidal voltage source will draw a no-load current which

A) Is sinusoidal and of the same frequency as the voltage source

B) Comprises the fundamental frequency (same as that of the voltage source) and the peaking third

C) Comprises the fundamental frequency and the depressing third harmonic

D) Is sinusoidal of frequency three times that of the voltage source

2. A transformer on no-load is switched on to a source of voltage. It will draw a current which

A) The same as the steady-state magnetizing current

B) Several times the steady-state magnetizing current depending upon the initial state of the residual
flux in the transformer core

C) Several times the steady-state magnetizing current depending upon the initial state of the residual
flux in the transformer core

D) Twice the steady-state magnetizing current provided the core has no residual flux

3. A 2/1 ratio, two winding transformer is connected as an auto transformer. Its KVA rating as an auto
transformer compared to a two-winding transformer is

A) Same

B) 1.5 times

C) 2 times

D) 3 times
4. On the two sides of a star/delta transformer

A) Voltages and currents are both in phase

B) Voltages and currents both differ in phase by 30

C) Voltages differ in phase by 30 but currents are in phase

D) Currents differ in phase by 30 but voltages are in phase

5. The efficiency of transformer at full-load 0.85 pf lag is 95%. Its efficiency at full-load 0.85 pf lead will

A) Less than 95%

B) More than 95%

C) 95%

D) 100%

6. In a transformer the phase angle between primary and secondary terminal voltage is

A) 90; primary voltage leading the secondary voltage

B) 90; primary voltage lagging the secondary voltage

C) A few degrees, primary voltage leading the secondary voltage

D) A few degrees, primary voltage lagging the secondary voltage

7. A 2500/250V, 25kVA transformer is connected as an auto transformer to give 2500/2750 V. Its rating
would be

A) 250 kVA; 225 kVA is transformed conductively

B) 250 kVA; 225 kVA is transformed inductively

C) 275 kVA; 250 kVA is transformed inductively

D) 275 kVA; 250 kVA is transformed conductively

8. A single phase transformer is to be switched to the supply to have minimum inrush current. The
switch should be closed at

A) Maximum supply voltage

B) Zero supply voltage

C) 1/1.414 maximum supply voltage

D) 0.5 times maximum supply voltage

9. Auto transformer is used in transmission and distribution

A) When operator is not available

B) When iron losses are to be reduced

C) When efficiency considerations can be ignored

D) When the transformer ratio is small

10. Keeping in view the requirement of parallel operation, which of the 3-phase connections given below
are possible?

A) Delta-delta and delta-star

B) Delta-delta and star-delta

C) Star-star to delta-delta

D) Delta-star to star-delta

Multiple choice questions on Electrical Machines - 5

Important Multiple Choice Questions On Electrical Machines

1. Supply to one terminal of delta-star three-phase core type transformer which is on no-load fails.
Assuming magnetic circuit symmetry, voltages on the secondary side will be

A. 230, 230,115
B. 230,115, 115
C. 345, 115, 115
D. 345, 0, 345
2. A 220/440 V, 50Hz, 5kVA single phase transformer operates on 220V, 40 Hz supply with
secondary winding. Then

A. The eddy current loss and hysteresis loss of the transformer decrease
B. The eddy current loss and hysteresis loss of the transformer increase
C. The hysteresis loss of the transformer increases while eddy current loss
remains the same
D. The hysteresis loss remains the same whereas eddy current loss decreases
3. The voltage regulation of a large transformer is mainly influenced by

A. No-load current and load power factor

B. Winding resistances and load power factor
C. Leakage fluxes and load power factor
D. Winding resistances and core losses
4. If a sinusoidal voltage source is connected to a power transformer, its no-load current would be

A. Sinusoidal and lagging the voltage by ninety degrees

B. Sinusoidal and lagging the voltage by less than ninety degrees
C. Rich in third harmonic and its fundamental would lag the voltage by ninety
D. Rich in third harmonic and its fundamental would lag the voltage less than
ninety degrees
5. The utility of delta-connected tertiary windings in star-star connected power transformer is that it

A. Makes supply available for small loads

B. Provides low reactance paths for zero sequence currents
C. Is used to suppress harmonic voltages
D. All of these
6. A 200/100V, 50 Hz transformer is to be excited at 40 Hz from the 100V side. For the exciting
current to remain the same, the applied voltage should be

A. 150 V
B. 125 V
C. 100 V
D. 80 V
7. A 2-phase, 4 pole permanent magnet stepper motor has a step of

A. 90 degrees
B. 45 degrees
C. 30 degrees
D. 22.5 degrees
8. The magnetizing current in a transformer is rich in

A. Third harmonics
B. Fifth harmonics
C. Seventh harmonics
D. Thirteen harmonics
9. An auto-transformer having a transformation ratio of 0.8 supplies a load of 3kW. The power
transferred conductively from primary to secondary is

A. 0.6 kW
B. 2.4 kW
C. 1.5 kW
D. 0.27 kW
10. While performing the open-circuit and short-circuit tests on a transformer to determine its
parameters the status of the low voltage (L.V) and high voltage (H.V) will be such that

A. In Open circuit L.V is open and in short circuit H.V is shorted

B. In Open circuit H.V is open and in short circuit L.V is shorted
C. In Open circuit L.V is open and in short circuit L.V is shorted
D. In Open circuit H.V is open and in short circuit H.V is shorted

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