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Healthy Choices aay ee VOCABULARY @ Liston and repeat the words in purple inthe book excerpt below. Which words are cognates in your language? Then ead the excerpt ‘Which thee tps do you thinkare the most important? To be successful, all athletes need good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, 1 are the main source ofeneray for athletes. 2. An active atete needs 2,200 to 3,000 calories a day. 4. Athletes must dink 3 lt ofl 4 Futs give energy, but athletes must be careful of unhealthy fats 5, Protein i ipertant fr stent. 6. Athletes must stay anay From drinks with sugar ad snacks with too much sat. Jutk food and p ‘often contain 3 lot of sugar and sat. aK ives an athlete all the mineral and vt he or he noes. -ebetes shouldnt drink a lot of Which word oes belong? Seta adel 2: fatscarots-ove ol butter-margaine ice 3 tami poder -bonmas-omet ng pete 4 proteins: chicken eget Ree cease Matchthewordsbaomtothecorectentece. £5 @) Howmany food tems an youremenber? cares «nc» heathy eye Copy and complete the chart ther 1 fn isin te cole anda ‘| 2. iceatthere between meal 23 This expression desibes how we shoul ve 4 every food has gor these init 5. Its cake ie cream, sweets and chocolate, LISTENING tonoiogues about healthy habits © sen to mee monologue about heathy habits ‘Which othe alloning do the teenagers enton? 1 chewinggum 8 sak S plas 2 per 4 cla 6 chocolate @ Listen gun and decide the sentences bow re truco ae speakers 2 Thespeakeravays chev gumin maths asons Speaker 2 2 Thespeaker stud fora history exam st eek 4 The speaker el relaxed during the exam, Speaker Choco nt ad for your ki 6 Tate ae about 50 caloriesin a bigbar of chocolat GRAMMAR wodais When taking about heath and fests, we often se todals to tak abou abies and ports inthe resent or past rule obligations prohibition and advice, an unten klometes nan hou aby) taning Tey capa fatal toy posit) She could ply tris when she was es. (astbiy) ‘Aletes must havea esthyiestye obigaton) ‘Anuar must tks lot cafe, eroMetion ‘You shoud ty ths deus ue ee) @ choose tne coect answer. 1 Chien must can svimin the svimning poctwtout aut ts rue 2 Usacan/ must pay football forhours without ‘eting ted he's amazing! 3 Youmust/mustrt go rellebading on the 4 Youre You can must dik ots of quid 5 tiveryslon | ean't/mustnt run ast. © ony and compat te sntance vi feet cereal 1 you play cricket this atemoon Dy siter dive ou et She's 00 youn 3 your grandparents buy processed foods 19507 4. alles of bids sin? 5 the match on TV because we got home too late 61 ceatmik products maleic them, © coy and complet the tis wth the verbin Shas below andthe cet fom of. @ oro nthe un witouta at You _ have) a healthy breakfast with ots of vitamins very dy. @ you. (ad) sugarto juice? No you @ 14. (oim) nthe oesan after you havea big mes You . (dink! tes or coffe wth caffeine ight before you go tobe @ Fora eatty ese, you 60) sprcattest SPEAKING alking about ntrtion © wer apart sy at ato sentences th cht the weds andexpenionsbio ae ‘Sierent mea eae READING Anmagazineartide Look quickly atthe ate andfnd the olloring 1 anitemationa sports competion 2 footballlub 3 acount inthe Caribbean What types of food give Michael Phelps, the US swimmer, won 18 old medals Sports ars the energy athe Olympic Games. Whi he was tani Micha sre eat suid or atte enorons mess day His belt stated Seatac ead withthe deg sandwiches with cheese mayonnaise er ee ney and vores, Then he ha a Seceg omelet, As, how much do they pois ts asso French with sa tose ee hip pancakes and evo cups of effe. Can you guess atv many calories Micha had a da? 12,000! Maria Sharapova, the Rossian profesional tennis a player, ets thee lage meas a day and he tacks ae {=| fresh fut and bun, Se musts drink lo of Kaui. * we T aever diet becuse | need to be srng,” sys Maria %: Her morning mea nls anee8-white omelet, some : oie and frit nd be often has aft drink 0, w Wayne Rooney is an English foul player with Manchester United, He loves tbe sport and he loves uA — cating sausages, chips and 30-cetimere pizzas, but “@ * Wayne stn eat is sorco fod every day. He Won't + © Score many goals onthe football pth if be does. As 3M otal pis mae ct of vey ood On match days, Wayne must have exra ener ore cts aot of heathy crbohydaes ke past, and “shehas chicken for protin. JAM x Usain Bott from Jasics became the work's fisest SSP eo comeing inte 208 Oo ‘Games, Usain has tet six meals ada Because besa nner His specilly balanced dit includes 609% ssprofcin, 30% carbides and 10% fats. He gets his 22259" protein irom chicken, pork and fish, He aso takes i ‘tain C everyday. Read the ate what dothe ‘Answer the questions felloning numbers refer to? 1 How many typesof food wih eggs does Michael et for reals? 18 2 Wit does Mari eat between meals? 2s 3 What kind funk fond does Wayne lhe eating? 3 12000 14 When does Wayne need tohave extra ener? 40 5 How many meals day shoulda runner have? {6 Which nuitiona tem -not food = does Usain add to is det? Wher are the fur champlonsin the textin Exercise rom Find thelr hore countries on the map on pages 140-14 GRAMMAR sodas When king abou athletes andheaiyHestyes we en ‘sows the modas have to and meet talk about ‘blgaton and neces. Heaeto /nesdeto eat more poten, ‘Tey dont have to/ dont needto dikes How many calories dahaveto/ need whave cach day! NOTE! must= hove to = eed 0 ‘But must = dothovetodonitneed to © copy and complete te sentences ith the correct fermothovet. 1 hie hes training, profesional swimmer et Include hage amounts of od 2 How many eogs-Aex 3 Runnershavemotthan thee meaty 0 getencugheneray 4 Rate eat alotf cabotydates becuse shea matic 5 liable ace 6 1 o sport at schoo every day—nty tee timer weet enc every day? include aloof poten in thir copy and complete the sentences withthe correct form ofneed 1 You. buyanyeauipment for running just 2 We cant surfina swimming pool. We beach when we wantto sur 2 Adam bicycle ’simportant 4 you~ play thiegame with bigger bal? Lora. take a swimming cap tothe swimming pool because she gt short hac 6 Greg tke scuba dng lessons before he anjointhe group? gorothe wear hishelmet when nevis is @ croosethecoectanset A Fast Lady ‘acing fan to knw who Danica Patick is Shes mot only a very succesful car racing dive but aoa beaut mode, Danica only weighs AB llos ae she? can /couldtrace at 36 iiomettes an hou Thos hard work and t makes Danica hung, ‘ashe should /noedst est ‘rer threshours As you" can should imagine, she hasto/ doesnt need to feat alotoffood afer araceoffouror five hours But Danica hasto ean ‘Simply eat anything. Hert" must an ‘nce alot of retein and carbohydrates She needs t0/ doesnt need oe the Tigh type of food to ave her encugh ‘energy, nt only height quantities This wy Danica ways takes boxes of eggs wth her on her vel nat advice does Danica need t0/ ‘can Danica ive athletes? She believes thotyou mst shouldnt expect sucess oust happen. You have to dont have to wot hard-=and shedoes! aR cS HA SPEAKING. Discussing lifestyles How would you change yourlifestyle to make it healthier? ell your partner. Use theideas below to hep you vegetables protein + jnkfood «hid twlking = stig = sport spent I shoul Play VOCABULARY fitness 2) Usten and epeatthe words and prsesnpurpleon the ‘Ter Speak Out pags below Red the comments wo? 1 anoutioor person 2 won outer 3 acoso a problem da Te F You and Fitness need to gett but dont like tam sports so ve started going toa gym twicea week ‘he ftnesstainerbepeme| 4 Tram on a track outside because peter the fesh ak Running i goad for your heat ‘muscles and bones loften gain weight on holiday According to my dietician, a holiday ft he time ofose ‘eight stead, must eat healthy food and exercise © nd he folowing ten the words and phrases incsiourin bere’ 2 thre parts ofthe body 3 fourverbe 106 © copy and compete the sentences with words and phrases in colour rom Exercise 1 Tedoy many people workout regulary at 2 Rug, otal basketball and volleyball ayeall_spor. 3 fyoueattoo many aloes, you il 4 eve walking bythe ea becaue |enioy 15 Before a competion runners practise running ona 6 Adastic det st good because youcan too quik. 7 Bereme sports ae dangerousbecause they can cause LISTENING ‘dialogue about school projects © Uistentozaecand na aking about e@ Sch00l projets What the title of Zacks project going to be? Listen agbn and choose the TWO correct {looking foriflormation on Yourube doing projects on nutrition Inthe 1940 in tan, 2. people grew vegetables 1. there wast enough food people oly ate eggs buterand sugar Profesor Php James, 2, Iswored about chidrens ets 1. gave the cilren processed food dnt ie the ehilren junk feod The cilden nthe experiment 2 gained weight 1. gotmch otter became taller PRONUNCIATION /1/,/1/ + Contractions 4. @ usenand repeat 1 e-file 2 ould «fresh 1 @ isn and choose the words yout. Then ten pao and pet 11 Maybe you should not/ shouldnt at ha. 2 must nt /mast't got sleep ate tonight. 3 leannot /. think you need to getup earlier (© Maybe you should walk or parhaps you (an ride 8 Diogo. 1s bealiler for you! 44 Are you geting enough sloop? snk {ts good idea to poe your doctor Why don't you try freoh frtt and Uhevee insizad of processed food? You can olther a a ditilan or speak {ov fitness trainer at tho gym. "ese ertoakabouts ‘ole brent post. ‘eucantuve her chken oh SPEAKING Giving advice ‘ead the students problems below. Then, with ‘pertner give advice foreach problem, Use the Sentences in Exercise 8 to help you. How many "iggestions can you thisk of! /_ TEEN FORUM shamburgas and chips nearly every doy. ie Ny Father dowarft went me to play baskatbal any more osause | get alto injures Burm the star of he team! air Texeres, the muscle tne eee “ay father ink Ushoutd do sport. pele reading books ‘and paving computer asmes. eS iA Read the model and find five prepositions Anew report ay Ina news report, we usually include basic information (what " fappened when ander tne wet took pce descapon ill Wins Rugby Cup ie ees Sitrday, hundreds ofexced stents were at City Sadi 0 watch te match against When wing news report. weaften wea avy of Georgetown, ‘Bodh teams wee playing well when Mike agains Ceogetow Stem, one of Georgetown’ best payers, ‘ne bostetaploerced nnjurts and rece a injry to is ee Het he ee ies seat east fume Then Redhl tok the ead and thie Se core wet fom 124020. Georgetown un oul ht Bak because Rel were Stronger ‘py and complet the sentences with the corect Inthe ast mint, ery Norn, captain of peaton nc “ms Mel nen me hte led scored he last points ofthe math. The 1) Melissa Roberts searednine pints the lst two Se 2 —Fiday evening, here were vera thousand students ‘and parents Roselle Stair. on at) ‘Answer the questions about the model 3 the end the mayor presented the trophy. 1 What events the news report about? the wining team. n) 2 When and where did ithappen? 4 Walnut Creekchave won the regional volleyball Rees compettion the seconde 204 f Unathaeeednteca the ball and scored the tpl... te match (wth oF of White news report 1 Choose ae orimaginary match or competion 2. Copyand compete the chartaboutthe 3. Usethe information inthe chart andthe ‘model thelp you write yournews reper. hat olympic athletes do you know about? What sports did thay door competein? GO readinerext and ten asner the questions below he 1936 Olympic Games took place in Berlin Germany, According to the German leader, Adolf Hier, German athletes had wo be the best and show the word that Germans were superior to all other nations, Tete was Just one problem for Hitler's plans ~ an African-American athlete fesse Owens ‘Owens was an excellent athlete. Inthe long jump there were two thin competitors ~ Jese Owens anda German athlete, Lux Long. Laz Long was Hitler's ides ofthe periset Getman. He had blond haicand bu eyes. But in fet, Luz Long disagreed with Hilers way of hiking. At one point, Owens tras having problems with his jumps and Laz gave im some advice to help im succeed, Inthe end, only Jesse Owens and Laz Long remained in the ‘option. In he last jump, Jesse Owens won the Why was Jaze Owens problem for ter’ plans? {Who was theirs person to congratulate esse Owens? How did Germans inthe see fee about Jese Owens success atthe Olmos? What id 2 Lon ask esse Owens tel his son? What record dl Jesse Ovens break atthe 1936 ympics? god medal Luz Long walked up to him ann rot af everyone, was the fist person to congratulate him fn hs victory. "It took a lot of curage for him 10 | beiend me in front of Hitler sald Owens. In the end, Jesse Ovens won four gold medals record at thit te, Owens became a hero, The ‘crowd cheered when he won and. many people ‘oped him inthe sets of Bein to ask hm or his autograph Sadly, after the Games, Jesse Owens never saw Luz Long agin. They wrote to each other, but then the Second World War broke out Liz Long ded i fetion i aly in 1943, In his ast leer to Jesse Owens heasked Owens to go to Germany when the war ended and to find is son, Kar He ete, "Tell fim, Jesse, what ties were like when we were not separated by wae Tam saying tell him how things can be hs Eath ye a a. CULTURE VIDEO Sharing Information Match the questions in Ato the anewersin 4“ ® 1 DitheLACIppeninthe game? a. The Oklahoma City Thunder. 2 Who played aganstthe Clippers? b 114106. 3 Where they pay? € Blake Gti. 4 Who scored the most points? 4 Yes they 5 What asthe final core? © InLos Angeles, California, Listen and check your anawers to Gxereise 1 Look atthe deals and complete the dialogue below. ‘Ten lsten and check your answers. ae cee | 13h May, 2012 European Gaskatball Championship ‘Olympiakos vs CSKA Moscow stabil Turkey | Obmplatios e261 Kostas Papanicolaou ~ 18 points ‘A: Didyou see the Euroleague champlonsip mate st night? B: No. who played? [: Obmplaks against B: Where i they play? int B: idthe Ruslan team win? 1: No, they dit.» wen, B: BuCCStAMoscowarea uch stronger tam. What waste fal? he B: Who scored the mast points fo Omplakos? ra © Practise the aalogue in Exercise 3 with partne anddothe acts, Read the messages that zome tens sentto thelr fends. What typeof exercise does each ten want todo? ~ te ° Be you want to 90 funning tomortow at Iraally want 1 99 a Sirmoing tod a ‘Would you keto ‘The fiends used abbreviatlons in thir responses Doyou know wat they mean? Match each abbreviation 1 sty 1 Seeyou soon. 2 uM sony. 2 oN © terme know, 4 cUSe0n ——d-Byefornow, Now read the responses the teensin Eerie I receive from ‘ther fiends, Matcha message to each response Which teens te going to get exercie together with thelr rend today? ZUR 5 Way Wate diferent response to each message. C Lets go eying on Ssturday morning, We should go for 8 vwatkon the beach Ioter th afternoon, WOCABULARY TE 0 ometerace woretion 1 Pastaand poatoes are a. sracks bearbohydates ¢ abalanced det meotoe [kee [at ive a 2. Junkfood has not gota lot of. salves ution oa a sugar bat vitamins faibohydates processed food —unbeathy 2 aliquid fat | poten vitamins a Waters b Caffeine lec Cleiesare ely isle 4 healthy fesylefr an adit Includes. russ 2 inunes bevercse gaining weight bone ae lose wlohe 5 are not pats ofthe body. etican gene ruil Sones be Muscles 6 Tacks aS jam team 6 ve gotamecing wih a because wanttoleam * tex howto exercise corecty dietician ness tainer «oy ea (GHAMNARTENNNNED © ovretecrm ene Moons 1 you snim when you were ive years lt a Shouls B.Could Gan (o_o PG ieteraet Satins (COULD She could:k when she was young. rer eae | estou Bmust— € donthaeto west __[Nernsttewethegmanon 2: Ron... gt ft He wants trun amarathonin ay. ‘MUSIWT _They must ays =a ee aM ee soup |Ishould gain weigh, 4 Look the sign! You. your phone her. “MIVETOehasto vast = ahaveto Bidontneedto € must NEEDTO Weneedtoestmore vegetables. 5 sare. You. weartainessatthegym must B shoud can 6 Wheres my red jacket. a shouldnt Beant mustit 2 There ay mikinthe doe go tothe supermarket aneedio— baant ——_€ shouldnt 1s Saturday. You do yourhomework todo. arsed beant¢ donthoeto a oo

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