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2003 An n u a l R e p o r t

The A sp en I nstitute
Balance S heet
December 31, 2003
(w ith comparativ e totals for 2002)

A ssets 2003 2002*

Cash $1,926,630 $1,865,788
Promises to giv e, net 9,839,151 10,276,224
R eceiv ables, net 1,610,329 1,798,316
Inv estments 29,175,472 24,893,455
Inv entory 103,246 86,148
Prepaid E xpenses 477,192 275,308
Deferred Compensation 141,263 -
Deposits 157,887 138,933
Property & eq uipment, net 31,881,402 32,799,467

Total current assets $75,312,572 $72,133,639

Liabilities and N et A ssets

Lines of Credit $729,394 $472,000
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 2,387,114 2,589,910
Customer deposits 639,834 713,430
Notes Payable 342,573 417,573
Capital lease obligations 82,255 48,361
Deferred Compensation 141,263 -

Total liabilities 4,322,433 4,241,274

Net Assets:
Undesignated 2,078 94,516
Board Designated 39,423,720 38,174,101
39,425,798 38,268,617
Temporarily restricted 21,831,686 20,537,948
Permanently restricted 9,732,655 9,085,800

Total net assets 70,990,139 67,892,365

$75,312,572 $72,133,639

* As restated

The Aspen Institute
C onsolidated Statement of Activities by Prog ram
Year Ended December 31, 2003

Unrestricted Restricted Total

O perations Prog rams O perations
Project Grants 13,025 13,025
Seminar Fees 1,422,280 199,870 1,622,150
Net Conference Revenue 442,867 442,867
Contributions 3,455,582 1,691,351 5,146,933
Net Investment Income 179 179
Real/Unreal Gain(Loss) on Investments (1,029) (64,882) (65,911)
Rental Revenue 54,907 66,822 121,729
Overhead Transfer 2,069,869 2,069,869
Contract & M isc Revenue 245,089 17,025 262,115
Transfer of Fund Balance 354,520 (644,520) (290,000)
Endowment Spending Revenue 517,821 108,997 626,818
Total Revenue 8,574,931 1,374,844 9,949,774

Seminars 1,549,095 1,549,095
Campus Activities 602,185 602,185
Policy Program 0 0
Other Restricted Programs 135,874 614,072 749,946
Overhead Transfer 7,500 5,961 13,461
Depreciation Expense 0 0
Fund Raising & Development 1,613,676 7,750 1,621,426

Board of Trustees 274,213 274,213

President/International 685,942 685,942
Seminar & Policy Prog Admin 347,538 347,538
Executive Administration 349,733 349,733
Human Resources 184,655 184,655
Communications 600,286 600,286
W ash D.C. Office Admin 195,577 195,577
Finance/Accounting 1,099,460 1,099,460
Information Technology Services 863,873 863,873
G eneral Business & Administration 4,601,276 0 4,601,276

Debt Service 50,748 0 50,748

Contingency 12,500 0 12,500
Total Expenses 8,572,853 627,783 9,200,636

NET RESULTS 2,078 747,060 749,138

Policy F ellowship Plant Endowment Total
Programs Program F und F und 2003

15,935,701 15,948,726
273,540 43,755 1,939,445
5,307,436 120,200 3,898 724,322 11,302,790
263,868 479 265,835 530,362
394,213 25,000 3,948,345 4,301,647
30,020 151,748
744,379 1,006,493
290,000 0
16,350 350,000 (993,168) 0
22,965,507 803,955 29,377 3,945,334 37,693,947

20,411,719 20,411,719
580,042 (853,599) 1,261,530 1,737,920
2,009,321 47,087 2,069,869
1,939,437 1,939,437

0 0 0 0 4,601,276

22,421,040 627,130 1,085,839 1,261,530 34,596,174

544,467 176,825 (1,056,461) 2,683,804 3,097,773

The Aspen Institute Subsidiary
Consolidated Statement of Activities
Year Ended December 31, 2002
(with comparative totals for 2001)

Temporarily Permanently Total Total

Unrestricted Restricted Restricted 2003 2002
Revenue and Support:
Project Grants $723,013 $16,093,241 $16,816,254 $14,962,047
Conference Fees 8,394,436 8,394,436 9,161,369
Contributions 3,222,557 2,724,473 646,855 6,593,885 8,419,632
Investment income (loss) 2,744,701 2,020,895 4,765,596 (2,229,033)
Seminar Fees 1,837,342 1,837,342 1,870,295
Rental Income 226,961 226,961 150,965
Other 229,020 1,269 230,289 139,253
Net assets released from restrictions 19,546,140 (19,546,140)

Total revenue and support 36,924,170 1,293,738 646,855 38,864,763 32,474,528

Program services
Policy Programs 15,975,530 15,975,530 16,771,398
Campus Activities 9,552,167 9,552,167 9,940,368
Seminars 981,885 981,885 1,305,537
Five year fund 621,816 621,816 2,142,080
Crown fellowship 393,829 393,829 308,434
Other restricted programs 183,056 183,056 486,265
27,708,283 27,708,283 30,954,082

Supporting services
General and administrative 6,914,986 6,914,986 7,324,634
Fundraising and development 1,143,720 1,143,720 1,098,956

Total Expenses 35,766,989 35,766,989 39,377,672

Change in Net Assets 1,157,181 1,293,738 646,855 3,097,773 (6,903,144)

Net Assets:
Beginning 38,268,617 20,537,948 9,085,800 67,892,365 74,795,509

Ending $39,425,798 $21,831,686 $9,732,655 $70,990,139 $67,892,365

Soc iety of F ellow s
Lifetime Fellows Walter and Cathy Isaacson* Aspen Leaf Society
Mortimer J. Adler The Honorable and Mrs. Frederic V. Malek* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bezos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Anderson Philip Merrill* Rita and Irwin Blitt
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin I. Brown Clare Munana and John McCartney* Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Braddock
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Burtis Mrs. Judith E. Neisser Mike and Veronica Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Lodwrick M. Cook** Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schermer* Dr. and Mrs. Ronald I. Dozoretz
Ian M. Cumming Mr. and Mrs. Albert Small* Gael Neeson and Stefan Edlis
Page L. Hufty Mortimer B. Z uckerman* The Honorable and Mrs. Melvyn J. Estrin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Makins Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Finger
Frances and Paul Martinson President's Society Jerry A. Goldstone
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs.Paul F. Anderson* Diane and Bruce Halle
Mr. Robert A. Mosbacher** Kay and Matthew Bucksbaum Joan W. and Irving B. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Nitze* Ms. Melva Bucksbaum and Irv and Ellen Hockaday**
Arthur M. Pappas Mr. Raymond Learsy Robert J. Hurst and Soledad DeLeon Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. Gregor G. Peterson The Crown Family* Diana Jacobs Kalman and C. A. Kalman
Nina Rosenwald Andrea L. Cunningham and Rand Sigfried* Alex Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Smith Jane and Michael Eisner* Dena Kaye
Shannon and Richard Fairbanks Abbe Lane and Perry Leff
Golden Leaf Society Jessica and John Fullerton Mary Ralph Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. William Budinger Mr. and Mrs.Gerald Greenwald* Pam and Tom Luce
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Catto* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Gross* Dr. Nancy Cain Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. John Doerr* Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Harman* Edward J. Mathias
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Koch* Ann F. Hudson and Edward Hudson* Oliver G. McGee III
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lauder* Bill Joy The Mesdag Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mayer* Yotaro Kobayashi* Norman Perlmutter
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick* Ann M. Korologos and Tom Korologos* Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steel* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Krauskopf* Kelli and Allen Questrom
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Whittemore* Laura and Gary Lauder Daniel and Paula Reingold
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Madigan Arlene and Chester Salomon
Chairmans Society Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Pickering* Vicki and Ronald Simms
Madeleine K. Albright* Carolyn and William Powers Victoria L. Smith
Mercedes K. Bass and Sid Bass* Nancy and Miles Rubin Mr. and Mrs. William T. Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Berl Bernhard* Linda and Jay Sandrich Aziz D. Syriani
Mr. Richard C. Blum and Senator Dianne Pamela Smart Joan F. and Maurice B. Tobin
Feinstein Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valenti* Dr. and Mrs. Teviah Turkat
F. Peter Cundill* Roderick K. von Lipsey* Leah and Ralph Wanger
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferguson* Mr. and Mrs. Vin Weber* George D. White
The Honorable Joseph and Alma Gildenhorn* Charles and Dee Wyly
Barbara Goldsmith Foundation Selim K. Z ilkha
Nina Rodale Houghton*

*Trustee **Trustee Emeritus Honorary Trustee (as of D ec emb er 31, 2003)

Fellows Martin Davis Julia and Edward Hansen
John W. Adams Lorraine and Alex Dell Gordon A. Hardy
Mrs. Robert H. Allen (Judy) T.J. and Dawn Demas Donna and Robert Harper
Patricia Alper Andy Dolce Jody and Andy Hecht
Jon and Lucy Anda Marcy and J. Leo Edelstein Nikos and Alison Hecht
Cristine Aronson and Terry Ewbank Gail and Richard Elden Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hedges IV
Suzanne Atkinson Ms. Judith L. Estrin and Lita W. Heller
Becky Ayres Mr. William N. Carrico Timothy A. Heller
Marilyn and George L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Woods Fairbanks Mr. Barnett C. Helzberg Jr.
Harley Baldwin Thomas Figge Juliane Heyman
Lisa Baron Kathryn Fleck Thomas and Susan Hilb
B. John Barry and Cheryl Sandeen Dr. and Mrs. John V. Flynn, Jr. Alberta D. Hogg
Raifie and Michele Bass Merrill Ford Susan H. Horsey
Rita Bass Charlotte Moss and Barry Friedberg Jerry Hosier
Michael J. Batza Jr. Adam and Kathryn Frisch Kenneth Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald R. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Morton Funger Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hunt
Mr. Laurence D. Belfer Judith McGregor and Richard Gallun Fern K. Hurst
Barbara and Bruce Berger Gideon I. and Sarah Gartner Mary Ann Hyde
Meta S. and Ronald Berger Norman H. Gershman Judith and Gordon Ingram
Jill and Jay Bernstein Gary Gerst Irwin and Julanne Isaacson
Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Berti Betty S. Gerstley, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Israel
Archer and Sandie Bishop Judy and Lanny Gertler Jeanne Jaffee
Elaine and Bob Blatt Frank B. Gibney Jr. Ms. Jane Jellinek
Bob Bowden David Gitlitz Dr. Jane Jenkins
Mark A. Bradley Richard and Harriett Gold Lisa Jung
Cari Britton Ana and Michael Goldberg George and Sandy Kahle
Eli Broad Louisa and Adam Goldsmith John B. Kane
William and Barbara Broeder Susanne H. Goldstein Marjorie C. Kastman
Vicki Brooks Richard Goldstein Jane and Gerald Katcher
Mr. K. Dane Brooksher Andrea S. Gordon Donald G. Kempf Jr.
William and Jessica Budinger Gretchen M. Gorog Robert D. Kennedy
Tony Caine and Terri Caine Arthur and Audrey Greenberg Jeffrey L. Kenner
Connie and Jim Calaway Mr. Ronald K. Greenberg Ms. Ishik A. Kubali-Camoglu
Ruth and Martin Carver Ms. Diane Troderman and David J. Kudish
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Case Mr. Harold Grinspoon Lawrence Ladin
Ms. Merle C. Chambers and Richard L Grubman David H. Langstaff
Mr. Hugh A. Grant Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Mr. and Mrs. Garland M. Lasater Jr.
William Coleman** Llura and Gordon Gund Lowell H. Lebermann Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Congdon Mr. Stephen Gunther Tom Lemons
Bunni and Paul Copaken Arjun and Vinati Gupta Toby D. Lewis
Dale Coudert Vinod Gupta John S. Lillard
Carol Craig Lou and Bill Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lowrey
Roy E. Davidson Dr. Giora Hahn Marianne and Sheldon Lubar
Gary and Ellen Davis Lisa Haisfield Ann and Paul Lux

Lee R. Lyon Marian and Mike Peters Orli and William Staley
Carol Marks Hana Pevny Gayle and Paul Stoffel
Marilyn R. Marks Anne and Arnold Porath Barry S. and Evelyn M. Strauch
Anne and Austin Marquis Mrs. Charles H. Price Melanie Sturm
Kristin Hoegh Marsh Fred and Shirley Pryor Shelly and Pete Thigpen
Mr. Edward P. Martin and Kathryn and Richard Rabinow Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tobey Jr.
Mrs. Charlotte Lewis Martin Ellen B. Randall Margaret B. and Philip K. Verleger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mascotte** Donna K. Rautbord Peter M. Waanders
J. Alec Merriam Nancy and George Records Mrs. Louise Walker-Resor
Ellie and Robert Meyers Mr. Robert S. Rich Carolyn F. Walton
Diane L. Morris and Stevenson Atherton Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Rittenberg Jay and Marnie Webster
Pat Morris Toni and Arthur Rock Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Weintz Jr.
The Honorable Georgette Mosbacher Marvin Rosenberg Lantz and Laura Welch
Ilene and James Nathan Robert A. Rosenfeld, Esq. Jack and Bonnie Wilke
Hermine and Maurice Nessen Gail Sachson Ginny L. Williams
Jeannette T. Nichols Marius and Claire Sanger Lorrie and Larry Winnerman
Mrs. Tricia Nichols Yasuhiko Sata Ruth Winter
Janet C. O'Grady Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Schorr III Jacqueline Wogan
Susan Christine O'Neal Carole and Gordon Segal Mr. and Mrs. M. Richard Wyman
Linda Pace Mr. Martin J. Sherwin Dr. and Mrs. David M. Yocum III
Joseph K. Pagano Sandra Simon Harriet and Jerome Zimmerman
Patricia M. Papper Beth K. Smith Pamela and Hugh Zuker
Susan and Paul Penn William D. Smithburg Paula Zurcher
Diane Perros Nancy Spears

*Trustee **Trustee Emeritus Honorary Trustee (as of December 31, 2003)

Indiv idual Donors
Peter Ackerman Jill and Jay Bernstein Ms. Merle C. Chambers and
John W. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Berti Mr. Hugh A. Grant
Maya Ajmera Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bezos Anthony Chase
Madeleine K. Albright* Archer and Sandie Bishop Micki Chen
Frank Alexander Elaine and Bob Blatt William Coleman**
Michela A. Alioto-Pier Rita and Irwin Blitt Lola J. Coles
Mrs. Robert H. Allen (Judy) Laura G. Blocker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Congdon
Anthony Allgood Mr. Richard C. Blum and Carol Craig
Patricia Alper Senator Dianne Feinstein Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Craig
Daniel Alpert Bob Bowden Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crain
Joseph and Deborah Amato Helen B. Box The Crown Family*
Jon and Lucy Anda Tina Brackenbush James S. Crown
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Anderson* Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Braddock Toby Crystal
Anonymous Mark A. Bradley F. Peter Cundill*
Mary G. Armour Stuart M. Brafman Andrea L. Cunningham and Rand Sigfried*
Suzanne Atkinson Louis Brandt Mike and Veronica Curran
Becky Ayres Sally Breul Richard Danzig
Joe and Helen Badt Evelyn and Claude Brice Tarun Das*
Stephen Baird Eleanor Brickham Keith T. Darcy
Marilyn and George L. Baker Cari Britton Roy E. Davidson
Harley Baldwin William and Barbara Broeder Sally J. Davis
Suzanne Barnes Laurene B. Brooks Martin Davis
Lisa Baron Vicki Brooks Amy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Barrick Mr. K. Dane Brooksher Gary and Ellen Davis
Sid and Mercedes K. Bass* Vivian W. Brown Lorraine and Alex Dell
Rita Bass William and Jessica Budinger T.J. and Dawn Demas
Raifie and Michele Bass Cynthia Buniski Booker T. DeVaughn
Carol Batchelder Judi Burwell Nicholas Dewolf
Michael J. Batza Jr. Tony Caine and Terri Caine John DiBiaggio
Walter F. Bauer Connie and Jim Calaway Thomas J. DiPasquale
Jonathan D. Baumgarten John R. Calcott Mr. and Mrs. John Doerr*
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald R. Baxter Beverly A. Campbell Peter H. Dominick
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bell Jr. Clayborne Carson Paula Douglass
Arthur P. Bellis Clayton C. Carter Antonia P. DuBrul
Barbie Benton Ruth and Martin Carver Merle Dulien
Barbara and Bruce Berger Edward M. Caswall John Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Berl Bernhard* William H. Cathers Theodore R. Eck

Paul F. Eckel David Gitlitz Kenneth Hubbard
Marcy and J. Leo Edelstein Lawrence D. Glaubinger Ann F. Hudson and Edward Hudson*
Gail and Richard Elden H. Lee Godfrey Norman J. Hunter
Tom Engh Ana and Michael Goldberg Paul E. Hurley
Mr. and Dr. Charles E. Ennis Louisa and Adam Goldsmith Joseph R. Hyde
Ms. Judith L. Estrin and Jerry A. Goldstone Mary Ann Hyde
Mr. William N. Carrico Craig G. Goodman Judith and Gordon Ingram
The Honorable and Mrs. Melvyn J. Estrin Mr. Ronald K. Greenberg Mick Ireland
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Evans Jr. Ms. Diane Troderman and Mr. Harold Irwin and Julanne Isaacson
Mr. and Mrs. Woods Fairbanks Grinspoon Walter and Cathy Isaacson*
Shannon and Richard Fairbanks Elaine Grossman Dorothy and Marvin Jacobs
Tarek Farouki Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Neil Jacobstein
Samia and A. Huda Farouki Mr. Stephen Gunther Jeanne Jaffee
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein Arjun and Vinati Gupta Rusty and John Jaggers
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferguson* Vinod Gupta Ms. Jane Jellinek
George Fesus Leo S. Guthman Dr. Jane Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Finger Lou and Bill Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Jones
Dr. John E. Fish Jr. Keneth Gutner Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jubin
Kathryn Fleck Dr. Giora Hahn Lisa Jung
Donald J. Fleisher Lisa Haisfield Diana Jacobs Kalman and C. A. Kalman
Dr. and Mrs. John V. Flynn, Jr. Julia and Edward Hansen John B. Kane
Merrill Ford Steve and Sally Hansen Andrew R. Kassoy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Fore* Gordon A. Hardy Marjorie C. Kastman
Angela Foster Drew Harman Alex Kaufman
Colonel and Mrs. James B. Foster, (Ret.) Ronald Harris Bicky and George Kellner
Ellen and James Fox Reed Hastings Donald G. Kempf Jr.
Owen O. Freeman Nikos and Alison Hecht Kathryn L. Kershow
William M. Freestate Jody and Andy Hecht Freia and Warren Kershow
Otto Frenzel Timothy A. Heller Helen Klanderud
Chuck and Marilyn Frias Mr. Barnett C. Helzberg Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Knowlton
Adam and Kathryn Frisch Juliane Heyman Mr. and Mrs. David H. Koch*
Hidetaka Fukuda Thomas and Susan Hilb Lawrence Koppelman
Karen Fulbright-Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Hines Ann M. Korologos and Tom Korologos*
William Fulkerson Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hirsch Thomas F. Kranz
Judith McGregor and Richard Gallun John Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Krauskopf*
Alston Gardner Alberta D. Hogg Ms. Ishik A. Kubali-Camoglu
Gary Geiger Richard and Constance Hoguet Neel Lawrence Ladin
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Gergen* Colonel and Mrs. Robert A. Holden, (Ret.) David H. Langstaff
Norman H. Gershman Daniel A. Honig Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Lauder*
Betty S. Gerstley, M.D. Susan H. Horsey Laura and Gary Lauder
Frank B. Gibney Jr. Richard A. Horvitz Katherine Lawrence
The Honorable and Mrs. Joseph Gildenhorn* Nina Rodale Houghton* Joan Lebach
*Trustee **Trustee Emeritus Honorary Trustee (as of December 31, 2003)

Lowell H. Lebermann Jr. Patricia E. Mitchell Donna K. Rautbord
Gloria Lehr Jan D. Montassir Peter A. Reiling*
Pascal N. Levensohn Mr. Kenneth N. Moore Daniel and Paula Reingold
Carl Levy Diane L. Morris and Stevenson Atherton John W. Rendon
Toby D. Lewis Pat Morris Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick*
Jerry D. Lindauer Richard M. Morrow John W. Rhea
Jeffrey Littell The Honorable Georgette Mosbacher Creighton J. Rhodes
H.H. Loud Mr. and Mrs. Karlheinz Muhr* J. T. Rhodes
Mary Ralph Lowe Clare Munana and John McCartney* Mr. Robert S. Rich
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lowrey Mr. and Mrs. George Munroe* Ann W. Richards*
J. A. Lubowski Marc B. Nathanson Jean Ringwalt
Pam and Tom Luce Mrs. Judith E. Neisser Joyce Roaman
Ann and Paul Lux Hermine and Maurice Nessen William A. Roberts
Lee R. Lyon Virginia Newton Kenneth G. Robinson
Herbert Mack Jeannette T. Nichols Edward Robinson
Marie and James Malaro Mr. and Mrs. William A. Nitze* Aviva Robinson
The Honorable and Mrs. Frederic V. Malek* Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Noonan Toni and Arthur Rock
H. George Mann Janet C. O'Grady Mr. and Mrs. Jon Rose
Stephen J. Marcus Susan Christine O'Neal Henry A. Rosenberg
Michael Marek Margaret D. Orem Marvin Rosenberg
Mia Margolis Olara A. Otunnu* Phillip Rothblum
Marilyn R. Marks Linda Pace Nancy and Miles Rubin
Kristin Hoegh Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Kent Greenawalt* Warren B. Rudman
Mr. Edward P. Martin and Allen Parelman Mr. and Mrs. William R. Russell Jr.
Mrs. Charlotte Lewis Martin Carol Parks Gail Sachson
Susan Marx Patricia S. Patterson Arlene and Chester Salomon
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mascotte** Susan and Paul Penn Flora L. Sanders
Yukio Matsuyama Norman Perlmutter Linda and Jay Sandrich
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mayer* George Perreault Marius and Clair Sanger
Arline G. Mayer Diane and Dimitri Perros Vincent and Elaine Santucci
Mr. and Mrs. Homer W. Maynard Marian and Mike Peters Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Saslove
Oliver G. McGee III Hensley and James Peterson Yasuhiko Sata
Harvey McKay Hana Pevny The Honorable and Mrs. John W. Sause Jr.
David T. McLaughlin John J. Phelan** Arno Schefler
Andrew J. Melton Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Pippin Jr. Rudi and Caryn Scheidt
J. Alec Merriam Anne and Arnold Porath Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schuerholz
Leroy M. Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Powell Lewis Seager
Donna W. Messix Carolyn and William Powers Carole and Gordon Segal
Martin Meyerson** Kelli and Allen Questrom John M. Seidl
Joan B. Michelson Kathryn and Richard Rabinow Peter Seiersen
George L. Miles Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramondo Jr. Nancy and Sam Shamie and Family
Jean C. Miller Ellen B. Randall Joel and Cynthia Shapiro

Elizabeth Shapkin Washington Sycip Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Waughtal
Daniel A. Sharp Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sylvanus Jay and Marnie Webster
Joyce Sher Aziz D. Syriani Philip J. Webster
Mr. Martin J. Sherwin Phillips Talbot** Robert S. Weil
Sandra Simon Peter S. Temes Michael Weil
David J. Singer Shelly and Pete Thigpen Marvin F. Weissberg
Spyros Skouras Peter Q. Thompson Dolores D. Wharton**
Damaris Skouras Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tobey Jr. George D. White
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Small* Alexander B. Trowbridge** Wendalin Whitman
Pamela Smart Dr. and Mrs. Teviah Turkat Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Whittemore*
Victoria L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valenti* Jack and Bonnie Wilke
Gary Smith Beth Vanderslice Lorrie and Larry Winnerman
Elizabeth K. Smith Anna D. Varela Bruce and Barbara Winston
Jane G. Sparks Dennis Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Woodford Jr.
Rebecca Sparks Margaret B. and Philip K. Verleger, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Wroten Jr.
Nancy Spears Enzo Viscusi Dr. and Mrs. David M. Yocum III
Kate Springs Roderick K. von Lipsey* Ms. Alice Young and Mr. Thomas L. Shortall
Warren Stark Peter M. Waanders Carl Zillig
Jack Stievelman Michael D. Walden Harriet and Jerome Zimmerman
Novartis Stiftung Christopher Walling Dorothy S. Zinberg
Fleur and Curt Strand Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Walls Mortimer B. Zuckerman*
Mr. and Mrs. Albert I. Strauch Carolyn F. Walton Paula Zurcher
Melanie Sturm Leah and Ralph Wanger

Corporate Support
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. BellSouth Corporation City of Aspen
Accenture LLP Blackstone Group, L.P. Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
Aetos Capital LLC Bloomberg Comcast Corporation
ALSTOM Power, Inc. Boeing Company Commerce Capital Markets
American Electric Power Service Boies & McInnis LLP Communications Consortium Media
Corporation Booz Allen & Hamilton Center (CCMC)
American Express Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Cox Enterprises, Inc.
American Petroleum Institute Champion Industries, Inc. Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation
AOL Time Warner Inc. Chase Manhattan Banking Corporation CXO Communication
Aramco Services Company Chevron Products Company Daimier Chrysler Corporation
AT&T The Northern Trust Company Christopher Walling Inc. DaimlerChrysler Services AG
Bank for International Settlements Cinergy Services, Inc. Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Bear, Stearns Securities Corporation Citigroup Dolce International

*Trustee **Trustee Emeritus Honorary Trustee (as of December 31, 2003)

Eastman Kodak Company Modell & Associates TDS Telecom
Edgewater Management, Inc. Morgan Stanley & Company, Inc. Telesoft Management Services, LLC
Edison Electric Institute Motion Picture Association Textron
EPRI Neisser Family Fund The College Board
Exelon Corporation New York Life Insurance Company The Franklin Mint
FHCHS Peace Software, Inc. The Scowcroft Group, Inc
First Health Pepco Holdings, Inc. The Thrift Shop
Fleet Bank Pfizer, Inc. TIAA-CREF
Ford Motor Company Fund PGP Corporation Time Warner Cable
Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. Piper Rudnick LLP Town of Snowmass Village
Gale Force Energy, LLC Pitkin County, Inc
General Electric Company Premier, Inc. U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Globe Capital Partners Public Strategies Incorporated U.S. Trust Company
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Qualcomm Ventures, United Way of Essex and West Hudson
Goodwill Industries International Inc. Qualcomm Incorporated US Department of Commerce
Hatco Corporation Rio Tinto London Ltd. Veridian Information Solutions, Inc.
Heidrick and Struggles, Inc. Rittenberg Assoc. Inc. Verizon Services Corporation
Henry Crown & Company Rosemore, Inc. Viacom International, Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Company Ryan Beck & Company Virtumundo, Inc.
HongKong & Shanghai Banking Co. (HSBC) SBC Communications, Inc. VISA International
Host Marriott Scholastic, Inc. Wabash Valley Power Association, Inc.
Human Service Group, Inc. T/A Estrin SEIU General Fund Wallace Global Fund, Grants
International Sempra Energy Walt Disney Company
Insight Venture Partners Service Employees International Union Warburg Pincus & Co., LLC
J.W. Light Investment Account Sesame Workshop we energies
Lee Enterprises Small Business Administration Wyeth
MediaNews Group, Inc. Sullivan & Worcester LLP Yankee Entertainment & Sports
Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc Sunrise Medical Inc. Network, LLC
Microsoft Corporation TCS America

Foundation Support
Acorn Foundation Aspen Education Foundation Bessemer Trust Company
Adler Schermer Foundation Association for Enterprise Opportunity Bill & Orli Staley Foundation
Albert & Tricia Nichols Foundation Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Barbara and Spyros Skouras Foundation Bruce T. Halle Family Foundation
American Express Foundation Barbara Ingalls Shook Foundation C Gary and Virginia Gerst Foundation
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Barbara Lubin Goldsmith Foundation Carnegie Corporation of New York
Annie E. Casey Foundation Barry S. and Evelyn M. Strauch Caserve Foundation
Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Foundation, Inc. Catto Charitable Foundation

Center for Strategic and J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Norman M. Morris Foundation Inc.
International Studies Jack Hidary Foundation Northern Star Foundation
Charles B. Israel Foundation Jane J Jenkins Trust Patrica M. and Emanuel M. Papper
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Jane W. Smith Living Trust Foundation, Inc.
Chazen Foundation Jerry and Nanette Finger Foundation Pew Charitable Trusts
Christine Aronson Charitable Fund John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Records-Johnston Family Foundation
Citigroup Foundation Joy Family Foundation, Inc. Red Bird Hollow Foundation
Copaken Family Foundation Kaufman Foundation Richard C. Goldstein Investments
Coudert Institute Kenner Foundation, Inc Robert and Donna Harper Foundation
Coydog Foundation Latousek Foundation Robert K. Steel Foundation
Dade Community Foundation Lauder Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Danny & Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation Laurence D. Belfer Family Foundation Rockefeller Foundation
David N. Rosner Charitable Foundation Lee Foundation Rodel Charitable Foundation
Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc. Legg Mason Roe Jasen Charitable Lead Trust
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation Leslie & Walter Burlock Foundation Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Edward & Julia Hansen Foundation, Inc. Levin Charitable Trust Scheuer Associates Foundation, Inc.
Eleen & Gary Davis Foundation Lita & Morton Heller Foundation Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Eli & Edythe L. Broad Foundation Lucille S. Thompson Family Foundation Selim K. Zilkha Foundation
Essence Foundation Lux Family Foundation Simms Foundation
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Madigan Family Foundation Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc.
F.B. Heron Foundation Malek Family Charitable Trust Smithburg Family Foundation
Fannie Mae Foundation Malott Family Foundation Starr Foundation
Ferer Foundation Markle Foundation Stefan T. Edlis Trustee of
Fern Karesh Hurst Foundation Martin Bucksbaum Family Foundation The Stefan Edlis Trust
Ford Foundation Mary Bucksbaum Scanlan Stoffel Foundation
Fullerton Family Charitable Trust Family Foundation Ten Ten Foundation
George Mead Jr. Foundation Matthew and Carolyn Bucksbaum Family The Polsky Foundation
Gertler Family Foundation Foundation The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Gideon Gartner Foundation McCloskey Family Charitable Trust The Atlantic Philanthropies
Charitable Trust McNamara Foundation The Barry Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Mervyn Adelson Trust The Barry Friedberg and Charlotte Moss
Harbor Lights Foundation Meta S. & Ronald Berger Family Foundation Family Foundation
Harris Foundation Miller and Jeanette Nichols Foundation The Boyd Foundation
Henry and Gladys Crown Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ingersoll The Charles A. Dana Foundation, Inc
Trust Fund Foundation The Corrigan Foundation II
Herald Newspapers Foundation, Inc. Nancy C. & Jeffrey A. Marcus The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Hitachi Foundation Foundation, Inc. The Eisner Foundation Inc.
Hosier Family Foundation Nathan Family Foundation The Elmer F. Pierson Foundation
Hyde Family Foundations National Academy of The Funger Foundation, Inc.
Institute for International Monetary Affairs Television Arts & Sciences The Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation
Institute for Research and National Center for Nonprofit Enterprise The Greenwald Foundation
Reform in Education National Community Capital Association The Harman Family Foundation
Institute of Gas Technology National Governor's Association The Hedges Family Charitable Foundation
Irwin and Rita Blitt Charitable Contributions Norman & Mary Pattiz Foundation The Herbert and Ruth Winter Foundation

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur The Robert J. Hurst Foundation Tobey Foundation
Foundation The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation University of Chicago
The Julienne M. Michel Amended and The Rodel Foundation University of Notre Dame
Restated Revocable Trust The Susan and Ford Schumann Foundation W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The Katcher Family Foundation, Inc The Suzanne Nora Johnson & David G. Whittemore Family Foundation
The Lantz Welch Charitable Foundation Johnson Foundation William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
The Lubar Family Foundation, Inc. The Wallace Foundation William T. Grant Foundation
The M & T Charitable Foundation Thomas Lemons Foundation World Resources Institute
The Merrill Foundation, Inc. Thomas M. and
The Murray Hidary Foundation Victoria O'Gara Foundation

Inkind Gifts
American Airlines Training and
Conference Center
Linda and Jay Sandrich
Lindt & Sprungli (USA) Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bezos
The Aspen Meadows
The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc.
The Franklin Mint

Ensuring O ur M ission
of L eadership Development
Every year a group of exceptionally qualified emerging leaders receive scholarships to attend the Executive
and Leadership seminars, and other programs, of the Aspen Institute. These scholarships are awarded to
individuals in the public and civic sectors who, without this vital support, would be unable to attend.

Special endowments continue to provide funding for a significant number of these outstanding individuals.
These wonderful endowments, combined with the annual support of individuals and corporations, ensure
that the mission of leadership development benefits a broad spectrum of people, both here and abroad.

We are extremely indebted to these individuals and organizations for their support.

2003 Gifts Polsky Foundation Socrates Endowment

Paul F. Anderson The Rodel Foundation Arie & Ida Crown Memorial Fund
Aspen Education Foundation Jay and Linda Sandrich Arjun & Vinati Gupta
Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation Lewis Seager The Hedges Family Charitable
Justice Harry A. Blackmun Fund The Thrift Shop Foundation
Martin Bucksbaum Family Foundation Town of Snowmass Village The Murray Hidary Foundation
City of Aspen Wyeth Jack Hidary Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crain David M. Yocum Peter Hirshberg
Eastman Kodak Company Laura and Gary Lauder
F. Peter Cundill Endowments Pascal N. Levensohn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Engh Mortimer J. Adler Endowment Rosenbloom Foundation, Inc.
Exxon Corporation Bicky & George Kellner Endowment Beth Vanderslice
David R. Gergen Robert B. McKay Endowment
Ronald K. Greenberg David T. McLaughlin
Host Marriott Corporation Leadership Endowment
Nina Rodale Houghton Nakasone Endowment
Kenner Foundation, Inc. Rose Associates Endowment
M & T Charitable Foundation Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer
William E. Mayer Endowment
McCloskey Family Charitable Foundation Stradivarius Endowment
Pitkin County Gus & Marie Tyler Endowment

The Aspen Institute Boa
William E. Mayer, Chairman of the Board Henry E. Catto, V ice Chairman
Walter Isaacson, P resident and CEO Lester Crown, V ice Chairman

Mervyn L. Adelson* Tarun Das Arjun Gupta

East-West Capital Associates Confederation of Indian Industry TeleSoft Partners
Madeleine K. Albright William L. Davis* Sidney Harman
The Albright Group LLC WLD Davis Holdings, LLC Harman International Industries, Inc.
Paul F. Anderson John Doerr Ann Frasher Hudson
Booz Allen Hamilton Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Javelina Partners
Prince Bandar Bin Sultan Sylvia A. Earle Jerome Huret
Royal Embassy of the Kingdom of Deep Ocean Exploration & Research Institut Aspen France
Saudi Arabia Michael D. Eisner Walter Isaacson
Mercedes Bass The Walt Disney Company The Aspen Institute
Sid R. Bass, Inc. James L. Ferguson William N. Joy
Berl Bernhard General Foods Corporation Aspen Smallworks
Piper Rudnick LLP Henrietta Holsman Fore* Y otaro Kobayashi
William D. Budinger United States Mint Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
Rodel, Inc. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. David H. Koch
Stephen L. Carter Harvard University Koch Industries, Inc.
Yale University Law School Manfred Gentz Ann McLaughlin Korologos*
Henry E. Catto Aspen Institute Berlin Benedetto Gartland & Company
The Atlantic Council of the David Gergen Timothy K. Krauskopf
United States Harvard University Round Lake Designs, LLC
Lester Crown Alma L. Gildenhorn Leonard A. Lauder
Material Service Corporation Kennedy Center The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc.
Peter Cundill Gerald Greenwald Gerald M. Levin
Cundill Investments Research Greenbriar Equity Group Time Warner, Inc.
Andrea Cunningham Patrick W. Gross Frederic V . Malek
CXO Communication The Lovell Group Thayer Capital Partners

rd of Trustees

Robert H. Malott Olara A. Otunnu Andrew L. Stern

FMC Corporation United Nations Service Employees International Union
James M. Manyika Elaine Pagels Giulio Tremonti
McKinsey & Company Princeton University Aspen Institute Italia
William Mayer Thomas R. Pickering Jack Valenti
Park Avenue Equity Partners The Boeing Company Motion Picture Association
Bonnie P. McCloskey Charles Powell of America
Cornerstone Holdings, LLC Sagitta Asset Management Limited Roderick K. von Lipsey
John P. McNulty Margot Pritzker Goldman Sachs & Co.
Goldman Sachs & Co. Peter A. Reiling Vin Weber
Olivier Mellerio The Aspen Institute Clark & Weinstock
Interfinexa Lynda Resnick Frederick B. Whittemore
Philip Merrill* Roll International Corporation Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc.
United States Export-Import Bank Ann W. Richards Alice Young, Esq.
Karlheinz Muhr Public Strategies, Inc. Kaye Scholer LLP
Credit Suisse First Boston Donald Roth Mortimer B. Z uckerman
Clare Muana Aspen Music Festival & School Boston Properties, Inc.
Ancora Associates, Inc. Lloyd G. Schermer
Elinor Bunin Munroe Lee Enterprises
Elinor Bunin Productions, Inc. Isaac O. Shongwe
Jerry Murdock DNA Supply Chain of South Africa
Insight Venture Partners Albert H. Small
William A. Nitze Southern Engineering Corp.
Gemstar Group Inc. Robert K. Steel
Her Majesty Queen Noor The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Humanitarian activist; UN expert advisor As of April 16, 2004

The Aspen Institute U.S. Offices

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The Aspen Institute The Aspen Institute The Aspen Institute
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