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Plaintiffs, The American Automobile Association, Inc.; ("AAA") as

defined according to the US Department of Commerce,

collectively called (Plaintiffs, Plaintiff, or Plaintiffs) in this

document and in all other documents written and submitted by

Mr. Waller, unless the title of the document The Complaint and it
was written by Mr. Waller. Then see definitions below. Plaintiffs

bring an attack on Mr. Waller and his business ventures, entities,

software and Intellectual Property. Through the disguise of

Trademark Litigation, Plaintiffs being a direct contributor, by,

filing The Complaint or intentionally caused, the theft of Mr.

Wallers lifes work. These works with many different file names

included, Business Plans, Software applications and code, theories

and many proven products, some tested in the parameters of

virtual reality, are based on the laws of physics. These works and

files, included plans for a working mass producible flying

automobiles and or trucks. The files, also contained the contact

information and locations of the engineers around the world.

These professionals, were prescreened to implement the project

once funded. Consequently, Mr. Waller has computed nuclear

engineering formulas for energy production and space

transportation. These formulas, most written when he was

thirteen, utilized the concept of the continuous grazing of an

atom; without splitting the atom, simultaneously to the grazing of

that atom, is the controlled harnessing and directional output of

the energy for long-term and precise space travel; energy

production, or even at some point, once properly tested,

propulsion for vehicle by road or air. The most monetizable file

that was taken, to date, was a file containing a

software program, almost eight years in the making.

The software communicates with multiple networks,

hardware and software systems. This program was used to

manage inventory, monitored and reported sales statics, salvage

yard vehicle buys, and helped the user predicted the Automotive

and Truck part needs of other customers. Consequently, this

allowed, in our opinion, the highest quality used

parts around the country to be brought to market instead of being

scrapped for pennies on the dollar. Many companies who used the

same software as our company, called partners, are small local

vendors. Many, have been disallowed from the Credit Card

processing exchanges, on information and belief, due to tortious

interference, consumer fraud and or competitors

organized fraud. The softwares had the ability to

communicate with other computers, networks and


recommend mathematical based decisions to the

user. The results, allowed many of our nations metal and

aluminum suppliers to meet

the needs of the mills more

effectively then foreign

suppliers and provide a higher

quality new and used

Automotive and Truck part for consumers worldwide.


1) Plaintiffs, The American Automotive Association, (AAA),

crafty attack, disguised as an enforcement for injunctive

relief, monetary damages, and other relief for enforcement

for a Trademark Action against, Michael Waller, (Waller

Group); just recently DBA; AAA Parts; Automotive and

Truck, Aviation and Agriculture Parts;; known as (collectively "Waller

Group"). Mr. Waller who prepared these legal filings, on his

own, owned all his businesses as a sole proprietor.


2) As (Mr. Wallers AKAs)s we respond, to the Complaint and

seek lawful relief via, a Compulsory and Permissive

Counter-Claim, as part of this filing. AS per The

Constitution of The United States; Defendants AKA

Counter-Claim Plaintiffs (Mr. Wallers

AKAs), do not waive our right to a trial

by jury. If adjudicated not guilty or the

Complaint against us is dismissed in

pre-trial pleadings or before trial and Counter-Claim is

awarded we will most certainly accept the commandment

of the Court.

3) We rigorously deny any wrong doing or violations of the

law. Furthermore, we attend these allegations are a

Mockery of the Laws and a travesty with respect to Justice.

Nevertheless, and despite our opinions as to the nature of

this suit; we humbly and respectfully suppress denying the

courts jurisdiction in this matter and we thank the court

for its time.

4) These Counter-Claims arise out of Plaintiff's, The American

Automobile Association, (AAA)s, (See Definitions)

fraudulent, , accusations; in connection with;

Plaintiffs, The American Automotive

Associations, violations of 42 U.S.C

2000e2 (c) (3); Plaintiffs violations of The Stored

Communication Act 18 U.S.C. S 2701 (a) 1 and 2 and

Tortuous Interference with a prospective economic

advantage. Additional violations, for Contributory

Trademark Infringement under common law, The sham

lawsuit provision under The Noerr-Pennington Doctrine,

Economic Espionage violations under18 USCS S 1831 3

and 4 with the (b) provision, Violation of 2010-Title 15

Chapter 22 Sub Chapter III Section 1125 d (2) (D)(i), (I) and

(II). Violations of 15 USCS 1120.

5) Plaintiffs unlawful acts destroyed a contract for a lifetime

license for use of his software for payment to Mr. Waller in

the amount of 941,572,614 US dollars after fees. This

contract was voided solely due to Plaintiffs

Tortuous Interference with a prospective economic

advantage. Since the contract was voided, Mr. Wallers

software and Intellectual Property, as described in Page 1-3

of this filing, has been stolen though

economic espionage and Plaintiffs

have added the majority of his

vendors to their Auto Parts Discount

Program as shown on the AAA Map (SEE EXHIBIT 1) and

obtained a new Trademark consistent with his software

application. The name of the trademark was AAA

Drivetrain now it seems to display AAA Driversnation. This

was fourteen days following Plaintiffs unlawful cancellation

of our website, Plaintiffs unlawfully

had Mr. Wallers website shutdown on August 16 th, 2016;

see complaint paragraph 34. Their actions constituted

violation of 15 USC 1125 d (2) (D)(i), (I) and (II). Mr.

Wallers contact information was correct to the best of his

knowledge. Meaning my license and the contact

information in database matched. At the time I

was traveling a lot meeting with vendors writing code the

address on the license was a flop house.

6) Around January 2016 Mr. Waller began accepting offers for

his software program and parts network. The name of the

company and the domain name were nil, ie never even

discussed. The objective was to determine a value for the

program and intellectual aspect based on functionality to

use as collateral for start-up funding and to keep control of

his company.

7) Around June 2016 he began negotiating with an

organization and an individual with a strong footprint in

Japan and East Asia. They were part of the same company.

Mr. Waller verified the prospects funds with a third party

and the individual and company were more than approved.

Confidentially and covertly he negotiated the sale for a

lifetime use license for this organization and this individual.

The agreement included use of the software in all its

capacities. Mr. Waller received the contract pre-signed, by

the buyer, after reviewing the contract he signed it and

sent it back to the initiator. The date on the contract was


August 15th, 2016. The contract and all that it meant for
him, his business, his

childrens future, future jobs

for US employees etc were

on their way back to Japan

to await reception and


8) On August 16th, 2016, we received an email stating our

Contact Information was reported out of date on The Who

is Database. Furthermore, we replied to the email with a

copy of our drivers license and documentation showing we

were the legal owners of We

received a notification that everything was fine but

immediately following our website was shutdown. We

attempted rigorously to have the website reinstated to no

avail. Eventually after I believe months of calling to

everyone I went all the way up to the CEO of

and GoDaddy reinstated our website.

9) The problem was the buyer thought we sold the software

to someone else and our very connected backer whos

name I cannot disclose due to

multiple agreements, would

violate both State and Federal law.

These powerful people were very

upset with me and I could not

figure out what happened until

Plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against me.

10) Plaintiffs unlawful acts are likely to cause and more

than likely have cause people in the Business Community

to view Mr. Waller as unethical. Upon choosing Mr. Waller was unaware of it being

trademarked by Plaintiffs, they do not us it at all for

anything and upon receiving summons in the lawsuit; he

continued his use because it is obvious that Plaintiffs do

not use their mark in commerce and he was attempting to

secure its extended registration by meeting the

requirements set forth in (Couture v. Playdom, Inc., 778

F.3d 1379, 1381, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 3135, *3, 113 10

U.S.P.Q.2D (BNA) 2042, 2043 (Fed. Cir. 2015). Also, The

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office showed and still shows

the mark Triple A being cancelled in 2007. Yet after looking

up the number on Plaintiffs filing we did observe that one

to be active. Consequently, it is obvious to him as a highly-

educated businesses person, professional and intellectual

that Plaintiffs Trademarks are a

system to impede commerce a tool of

enforcement to keep hold on their

quote, unquote, monopoly acting as

a government operating inside US

borders. Revisit (Exhibit: 2 )

11) Plaintiffs unlawful acts are likely to cause and more

than likely have cause people in the Business Community

to doubt Mr. Wallers abilities in the structuring of Sales

Models, Business Models, Logistics Models, Acquisition

Models and my other very specialized consulting services

he offers to Clients.

12) Plaintiffs unlawful acts are likely to cause and more

than likely have cause people in the Technology

Community to doubt his

coding and designing of cluster

wrappers and formula generating

procedures. Consequently,

projecting the exceptionally rollicking mirage that Plaintiffs

scandalizing to misappropriate my trade secrets will be

accepted without engagement.

13) Plaintiffs unlawful acts have diminished the capacity of

Mr. Waller to exercise and promote his Goodwill and their

name has tarnished the rarity and exquisiteness of his

name. Mr. Waller does not give individuals he doesnt know

use of his name and a bumper sticker with a picture of

himself on it for less than five Denarius. Plaintiffs give tens

of millions of members use of their

name and a Logo for less than five

Denarius as Plaintiffs execute


14) Conclusively, on information and

belief, Plaintiffs have profited and

continue to profit and plan on generating more profits

employing his Intellectual Property.

15) The Defendant's and Counterclaim Plaintiff's

respectfully request punitive damages and summary relief

VIA counterclaim in the amount of 1,371,460,901 US



The American Automotive Association is alleging various

trademark infringements committed and currently being

committed by our company AAA (Auto and Truck, Aviation and

Agriculture) Parts. They falsely allege, trademark infringement,

false designation of origin, unfair competition, dilution, and


cybersquatting. We deny any wrong doing or violations of the law.

Furthermore, we attend these allegations are a Mockery of the

Laws and a travesty with respect to Justice. Nevertheless, and

despite our opinions as to the nature of this suit; we humbly and

respectfully suppress denying the courts jurisdiction in this

matter and we thank the court for its time.

12. The American Automotive Association does not and has

not used many registered

Trademarks in commerce for a

long time. Specifically, to the

AAA mark, Trademark

registration number 3046904,

and Word Mark; Trademark Registration numbers:

3046904, 1168790, 3316227, 5036379; sixteen

thousand companies use AAA as the first the letters of

their company name according to Info USA. (SEE

EXHIBIT_3) Info USA is the top business lead database

in the world. One of my previous employers paid over a

million dollars for access to the Info USA database.

Thankfully, I have been using them since 1999 so I have


a reasonable priced membership.

13. These companies that use AAA are real companies

most have Dun and Bradstreet numbers and most if not

all participate in Interstate commerce. Consequently, a

preponderance of evidence exists, demonstrating

Plaintiffs target weak companies that cannot defend

themselves in court as a faade; intended to create the

illusion that they are protecting their trademarks.

14. In addition, on information and belief, demonstrated by

the obviousness that even with a

Google search that the words AAA are

widely used across all industries by all

different types of companies.

Companies use AAA not to pretend

to be Plaintiffs but to be displayed at

the top of search engine and business listing directory

which display business listings in alphabetical order.

15. Additionally, even The Federal Department of

Commerce has determined that AAA stands for The

American Arbitration Association. (SEE EXHIBIT 3) This

would be a direct violation of Plaintiffs trademark

number 5036379. One of the goods and services are

reimbursement to Merchant Processing Providers in the

field of legal services. Plaintiffs have no interest in

challenging the Department of Commerce, they know

they have no chance of winning. Alternatively, Plaintiffs

will sue AAA Auto Glass AAA v. AAA Auto Glass, LLC,

2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 72598 because thats what bullies

do, pick on the small business. People and companies

that cant defend themselves. The State of Indiana had a

Billboard that said AAA Bond Rating Indiana A State that

Works. Did Plaintiffs sue them, of course not. Plaintiffs

know they have lost control of their Trademarks and

most are not protectable.

16. Plaintiffs trademarks are not protectable because they

violate multiple Sections the Lanham Act, among other

violations of The Lanham Act. Plaintiffs Trademarks are

generic and have not acquired a secondary meaning.

Trademarks have acquired secondary meaning when it

"has been used so long and so exclusively by one

producer with reference to its article that, in that trade

and to that branch of the purchasing public, the word or

phrase has come to mean that the article was the first

producer's trademark. G. Heileman Brewing Co. v.

Anheuser-Busch Inc., supra, 676 F. Supp. at p. 1467. As

shown in Exhibit ____, Plaintiffs original mark in

commerce was abandoned. Furthermore, as the law

reads one producer Plaintiffs do not produce anything.

They do have some towing services performed by trucks

they own but that is less than one percent of the time.

The other 99% of the time the services or products are

produced by another company. That company pays a fee

to Plaintiffs to use their Logos and receive their

certification. This fee is better described as a Tax.

Considering Exhibit ___ these companies pay Plaintiffs,

on testimony under oath to the court of appeals, a

defendant testified that ten percent of the total purchase

price for all organization who are members of The

American Automobile Association goes directly to AAA.

Consequently, when a member come to a location that

accepts The American Automobile Association members

card the member receives a discount of 5% and the

owner must pay The American Automobile Association

10%. The American Automobile Association, forces this

on business owners. If the business owner says no, The

American Automobile Association puts in place a team

that systemically destroys the business via credit-card

chargebacks, online reviews, Better Business Bureau

complaints. Buying goods destroying them and trying to

return them. Also, filing civil lawsuits against the

company. Attempts to get the person arrested. At the

same time these actions are being performed, The

American Automobile Association contacts the

companys credit-card processor and has them hold the

funds for the business. Then The American Automobile

Association has Credit Card advance merchants contact

the company and forces them to enter an adverse

contract. This process continues until the company goes

out of business or they join The American Automobile

Association membership. If they do not join in the end

then The American Automobile Association moves one of

their own people into the place where the business was
operating. We,

(Mr. Wallers

AKAs) have

experienced this

first hand. Consequently,

The American Automobile

Association has set up their

own Government inside the United States. On

information and belief, The American Automobile

Association partnership with The American Arbitration

Association puts the last piece of the puzzle in place.

They have conspired to have their own Government

inside the United States. Also, on information and belief

that Plaintiffs additionally use the information to trade

illegally with inside information on the major exchanges.

The ten percent they collect is more than most state

17. The current precedent of the Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. v.

McNeil-P.P.C., Inc., 786 F. Supp. 182, 194, 1992 U.S. Dist.

LEXIS 2288, *24-25 (E.D.N.Y. 1992) Aspirin was ruled

generic because it was listed on 24 different bottles of

medicine. If we look at a medicine shelf in a Pharmacy

weather big or small based on the average as compared

to the amount of companies currently using AAA as the

first three letters of their brand name, AAA far exceed

the limit. In fact, it may be the most widely used

lettering in the history of US commerce. Why is that? The

business directors are listed in Alphabetical order. When

Plaintiffs knew, or should have known that most of their

marks, and especially the ones in this claim, are not

protectable marks.
18. Plaintiffs Trademark Number 1168790 TRIPLE A does

not meet the use requirements as set forth in Section 45

of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. 1127.

19. Plaintiffs Naked Licensing of it Logo and Trademarks

through the stickers they send to any member does

constitute as abandonment under the Lanham Act, 15

U.S.C. 1051. See Movie Mania Metro, Inc. v. GZ DVD's

Inc., 306 Mich. App. 594

16) Other facts, three hundred and six different companies

around the United States use TripleA as their brand name,

on information and belief, none of them are associated

with Plaintiffs. Amusingly, there is a company called AAA

Auto Parts in Minnesota using the website

and in New Orleans, IN there is a company doing business

as AAA Auto Parts using the AAA logo trademark number

829,265 and 2,158,654. This company has been in

business for over a decade and used to sport the website as their own but did change it to recently. Defendant alleges this would

constitute as inconsistency of continued protection with

the governing statutes; and genericness. Under 15 U.S.C.

1064 of the Lanham Act. Specifically, section (3) and (5) of

this title. We Pray the Court for a trial by jury as is our right

under the Seventh Amendment of the Constitution of the

United States of America, unless we are adjudicated not

guilty or the Complaint against us is dismissed in pre-trial

pleadings without prejudice, before trial and Counter-Claim
is awarded then we will most certainly accept the

commandment of the Court, because it is Justice.

20. The Plaintiffs says this action arises out of our knowing

and willful violation of AAA's rights in its famous and

distinctive AAA trademarks (collectively, the "AAA

Marks"). Answer: We do business as AAA Parts as

Automotive Aviation and Agricultural Parts, we have used

a variety of different names because of the stages of our

business at this point. We have used AAA Automotive

and Truck Parts before we secured vendors and

customers in the Aviation and Agricultural markets. Most

importantly we never, at any point, represented

ourselves as (Plaintiffs) We are a Technology Company

that focuses on parts sales for the Automotive, Truck,

Aviation and Agricultural sectors. The Plaintiffs do not do

any business in the used parts sector. Unless they own or AAA Auto Parts in New Orleans, Indiana.

Those companies are not associated with us they service


small communities in rural areas we focus on the

Nationwide and International Markets. Also, we are not

an Auto Repair Facility and we do not nor have we at any

point in time portrayed to be an approved American

Automotive Association repair facility.

21. The American Automotive Association says,

Defendants' unlawful use of the AAA Marks is likely to

causeand in fact already may have caused

consumers to believe, erroneously, that Defendants are

affiliated or associated with or have been endorsed by

(Plaintiffs), jeopardizing the goodwill and tarnishing the

reputation associated with Plaintiffs Marks, confusing

those consumers seeking the reliable and dependable

services of Plaintiffs, and unjustly enriching

Defendants. Answer: If applicable we would pass the

Sleekcraft Test but the Trademarks in this complaint do

not qualify for Trademark Protection. Lets not forget

that Plaintiffs answers to Interrogatories on January 23 rd,

2017 when Plaintiffs were called, intentionally by

Defendants, American Automotive Association instead

of American Automobile Association, Plaintiffs made a

clear distinction between the word Automobile and

Automotive. There was no confusion.


22. Plaintiffs Claim they are a non-

for-profit, non-stock

corporation, with fifty million

members. Yet, the Bureau of

Revenue in AAA v. Bureau of Revenue, 86 N.M. 569

determined The American Automobile Association was a

For Profit Entity and was liable for gross receipts and

municipal taxes and interest on the gross receipts tax.

23. This fact should illuminate, that Plaintiffs quite possibly

committed perjury on their Corporate Disclosure

Statement filed 10/24/2016.

24. On information and belief, Plaintiffs over One-Hundred-

Year-Old Retirement Fund combined with the tens of

billions they collect in premiums each year, the tax they

charge retailers, the subsidiaries they control and the

insurance companies they allow to sell insurance under

The American Automobile Association logo. Allows them

the unique ability to purchase large quantities of Stock in

major companies. They then control these companies

through the force of commerce by having the knowledge

and capital to make their stock almost worthless over a

short period of time. Companies are forced to do

Plaintiffs bidding and bend to Plaintiffs will.

25. Plaintiffs hide their ownership from the public and

others by

utilizing the

benefits of non-

for profit


Plaintiffs make

recommendations to the Congressional bodies of our

great nation. Furthermore, if owned in part or completely

by a foreign government or entity they could use their

audience with Congress to circumvent the Patriot Act,

impede commerce across numerous industries of our

country and support interest contrary to the United 25

26. The power of the Plaintiffs legal arm, for credit card

processing legal services, insurance litigation and

Trademark Enforcement. If unchecked could and we

believe does disable interstate commerce across

multiple industries for the benefit of Plaintiffs

27. Consequently, on information and belief, Plaintiffs

accomplish these task by abusing the attorney client

privilege rule to answer to no one, use silent list to

blackball individuals and companies for participating in

competing avenues of interstate commerce; through

private name flags, chargeback teams, teams of

individuals who buy items then charge them back on

their credit-card keeping the item. These actions cause

the Merchant or business to be kicked off the credit-card

processing platform. Additional acts include, negative

and false business reviews and reports to Government

Agencies to destroy the business or companies Goodwill.

The organization of Plaintiffs teams are so tailored they

seem like random attacks. Although, when out under a

microscope and comparing multiple victims information

it is easy to identify Plaintiffs are involved and who and

what actions were performed to destroy the businesses

or individuals. Plaintiffs organized teams are meant to

maximize the interest of Plaintiffs groups and hold back

the development of the United States. Despite these

facts, Justice must prevail. We will not fold and we will

fight to have Justice.

28. To give the court one example of what I am speaking,

we will discuss many more in the counter-claim section,

Plaintiffs former CEO, in his recommendations to

Congress on gas prices tax, during the Bush

Administration, when gas prices were $4 per gallon, was

to keep the federal tax in place to fund road repairs. This

recommendation was absurd and more than likely the

end goal was the suspension of the tax, which is what

happened. Around the time, The American Automobile

Association was making this recommendation, Plaintiffs

conducted a study showing that Americans waste 27

billions of dollars a year on Premium gasoline. Thus, the

logical recommendation, would be Plaintiffs

recommending the suspension of the tax on unleaded

gas and an increase in the tax on premium gas. This

recommendation would have created the most tax

dollars for The United States. Creating estimatingly two

hundred and fifty billion dollars of tax revenue for the

United States. Reprehensively, those funds would have

created almost three hundred and fifty to five hundred

billion dollars of total economic activity. On information

and belief, Plaintiffs did not make that recommendation

because bad roads equal an increase in roadside

assistance insurance membership. Consequently, motor

vehicles that use premium gasoline have the lowest risk

of making a claim, or abandoning a claim when they find

out it will be a three hour wait for a tow truck. Most

newer and nicer cars use premium gasoline. These

recommendations to the governing bodies of our county

cost tax payers in the long run hundreds of billions of

dollars. The causality of their actions is showing now the

Trump administration is seeking a trillion dollars to

rebuild our





conspiracy continues today as AAA seeks to debunk the

sale of EPA approved E15 gasoline. This has more to do

with the interest of stakeholders in The American

Automobile Association than the safety of the public.

29. Mr. Waller was born in Hammond Indiana and was the

oldest of five children. His first sister, (sister 1) is 11

months younger than him, his second sister, (sister 2), is

23 months younger than him, his first brother, (Brother

1), is four years younger than him and his other brother,

(Brother 2), is five years younger than him. Names

excluded for privacy.

30. Mr. Waller had a different childhood than most people,

he attended a unaccreted religious school in Schererville

Indiana. This school taught the Bible continuously. At a

young age, he could quote literally Books of The Bible.

Part of the School program was chapel. At chapel which

was every day you were screamed at and yelled at

because of sins, aka listening to rock music or

watching a Hollywood movie. In my opinion, classic

cult tactics to train mass followers. At age four he started

selling candy bars to pay his brothers and sisters tuition

for school. Furthermore, from age four every day after

school he would go business to business and sell candy

bars. Carmel, Crunch and Almond. He was trained by

Church staff to say, Hi would you like to buy a Delicious

Candy Bar for only a Dollar?

31. After a while he learned that by placing the candy in the

persons hand they were more likely to say yes. So, he

changed his pitch. His pitch was, most of the time, Hi

would you like to buy a delicious candy bar for only a

dollar. I have Carmel, Crunch and Almond; place three

candy bars in person hand; which one is your favorite?

By doing this he increased his sales dramatically. When

he was ten, a Nestle Beich semi pulled up at his parents

house every two months and they unloaded a semi-truck

full of candy bars and me and my brothers and sisters

sold every last one of them. We averaged six hundred

dollars a night in sales and about fifty dollars a night in

tips. My parents didnt get rich off this, we received a

fifty-cent credit for each bar and so average after gas

and food expense about two hundred dollars per night

profit. My Father worked two jobs at two Steel mills. He

worked hard, I can still hear the Classic Radio Stories

about the Shadow as if it were yesterday. We would

listen to Old Time Radio Classics on WBBM while we

waited to pick up my Dad from work a midnight in

32. When the Steel Market bubbled in late 2007 early 2008

both mills employing him went under and he was left

with no retirement.
33. On another note, late 2016 and early 2017 when my

Billion Dollar deal was closing, before Plaintiffs

destroyed it, The Steel Market was extremely

underpriced. Steel was trading at 550 per metric ton on
a down turn. Currently, it is trading at 686 per metric

ton. In 2007 Steel was trading at 1200 per metric ton.

34. In October of 2016 the downturn could be contributed

to recyclers getting out. Many of those owners had been

in business for decades but there was no real interest in

buying recycling yards and the market was prime for

35. The school I attended as an adolescent taught basic

Math, English, Chemistry and all non-spiritual subjects

were very basic. I found myself very bored with the

curriculum. So, I went to the Library and I read and read

and read. Teaching myself how to learn things became

an instinct. I was able to teach myself Physics, Nuclear

Engineering, Astrology, Mechanical Engineering,

Advanced Mathematics and much more. My Science

Teacher in 9th grade gave me a C on my Science Fair

Project, which was Mathematically proving Pluto was a

Moon. I think someone figured that out. Consequently, I

still remember chucking to myself, when the winner of

the science fair was a staff members child that brought a

cow, they will figure it eventually.

36. At age twelve I began to deliver newspapers for the

Post Tribune and Hammond Times. My mom would let me

use her car and I would go drive and deliver multiple

newspaper routes. After school, I would collect the

money. At age fifteen, I received my driver license and I

began to work for the Chicago Tribune. The Chicago

Tribune was different because you were paid weekly

instead of having to collect your routes. So, I could earn

double the salary with the Tribune.

37. At age sixteen I was promoted to route manager and

managed deliver for eight cities.

38. At age seventeen, my Friend and Attorney, not in this

matter he doesnt practice Federal Law, and he has not

helped me in this matter, helped me bid the contracts for

six major newspapers in eight cities. The New York

Times, The Financial Times, The Chicago Tribune, The

Wall Street Journal, Investors Business Daily and The

Auto Finder. Bidding the contract requires an individual

to bid the total amount of money for delivery of specific

demographic areas that includes your driver pay. Since I

was the manager and looked at the numbers daily I knew

exactly where I needed to bid, plus my agent was being

promoted, to win the contracts. We won the contracts

and I officially owned my own business.

39. As a seventeen-year-old young man, no one would give

me respect. People advised me, manage by fear, fire

some people hire new people. I entertain a lot of advice.

As the distribution center manager, I needed a computer

to update sales every week and daily vacation holds

cancelations etc. The system was call the Tribune NADS,

it stood for Newspaper Agency Delivery Service. The was

my first experience with a computer.

40. After a few months, a few drivers quit and I was working

twenty hour a days seven days a week. As an agent, I

had me access to the programing language, software. for

my computer. The routes were built to maximize

mileage. The delivery drivers, were paid by route miles

and papers delivered. The process of rewriting all the

routes for thousands of newspapers in eight cities it

would have took me a year to accomplish. It was

counterintuitive because of a year contract in place I was

so amazed with the software I understood it. I spent a

few days playing with software and I figured out how to

tell the computer to rewrite my routes for me.

Amazingly, the computer did and we went from twenty-

four employees with each one making an average of

three hundred and fifty dollars a week, constant

turnover, to twelve employees and each making six to

seven hundred a week. Employees were happier they

worked less and made more money doing the same job.
41. Mr. Waller told the executives he knew the area so well

he was able to combine the routes filling the open

positions and pay the drivers a above living wage. Once

the Tribune Inc, his main contractor, observed what he

had accomplished. They were very much impressed.

42. They took him to Cubs Games let me network with

executives, drink beer and compelled me to give them

an updated distribution model for Tribune. He gladly did

but didnt tell them how he did it because I knew they

would fire me and they did. Thankfully, I gave them a

very basic one. They didnt like a seventeen-year-old kid

knowing more than them.
43. Since, he was making unbelievable money at seventeen

years old. When his contract came up for renewal they

gave him a six-month extension and after the six

months, in 2001, they cancelled his contract and

combined his distribution area with another one. They

had been doing this the whole time to all their other

44. When Mr. Wallers contract was cancelled, he moved to

Central Florida. His Mother and Brothers and sisters lived

in Ocala. He came to town with loads of cash four cars

and a couple year old Mercedes Benz. He was odd, Mr.

Waller would spend ten hours in The Ocala or Orange

Park Library reading every day he read about

Architecture, brain development, mental exercises,

advanced mathematics and many other subjects. He was

perfecting his Air Car Project a commercially massed

produced car that could theoretically fly. The Math said it

would work. It had self-navigation, smart vehicle

detection, to avoid crashing into walls etc, and it could

theoretically fly on its own. Around that time, he began

networking and making calls to companies to find

funding for the project and he secured a meeting off

sight with executives from American Airlines. He went to

the meeting and it was great they were really interested.

Then a few days later he was in a Wal-Mart store in

Ocala, Florida. He went inside purchased something and

left. When he left the store, he pulled out of the parking

lot to be pulled

over by the

Police. They said

he had stolen a

Brittney Spears

45. Mr. Waller had twelve hundred dollars in cash on him at

the time of his arrest for allege theft. After searching the

vehicle, his Mercedes Benz, they Found an opened

Brittney Spears CD (Compact Disk which has music on it,

Brittney Spears is a well-known singer/Actor). Ironically,

Mr. Waller never opened his trunk while on the Wal-Mart

premises. Feel free to check the report, Ocala Police

Department 2001. When he was arrested, they took his

finger prints, scanned his face, everything he was in the

46. In 2001 Igor City, Florida and other cities in Florida had

just implemented Facial Recognition software, since I was

in The System hackers and others could infiltrate the

Police Department Database and use Government

resources to track myself and other entrepreneurs like

me. I shared that story with the Court today because its

happening today, to brilliant Americans across the

country every day. Also, its the truth.

47. If you look on Facebook, or YouTube or any Social

Networking or sharing website. The Court will find

thousands of people being arrested for petty crimes and

they are kicking and screaming bloody murder I didnt do

it. I didnt steal anything. Most are telling the truth. They

are being tagged. Once they are in The System when

they touch a phone they can be identified, when they

start searching for different formulas to develop an

experimental cure for cancer or they figure out they can

buy products on and sell them on a niche

website their searches are stored and sold and that

avenue of commerce that they concepted and that their

brilliant minds identified another larger company takes

for themselves.
48. This entrepreneur then continues to find another great

idea and the process repeats its self while the

entrepreneur is almost never compensated for their idea

and it takes them years even decades to figure out they

have been doped. Many times, they never know.

49. Most importantly it eliminates the person in most cases

from jury duty. Furthermore, that brilliant, rash, uncut, I

will risk it all attitude of the self-made entrepreneur is

absent from the place its needed most our court system.

Most states eliminate you from jury duty once you have

been arrested or convicted of a crime.

50. Then that individual will have a harder time finding

employment, they will have a harder time being

accepted into an Ivy League School. This type of person

who was the backbone of our country is now a lot of

times a thinktank for the companies that have the 39

resources to access them. Most Corporations as the

news has shown the cyber security for local

municipalities are ancient at best. They are turned into a

slave. Their constant struggle to escapes the grip of the

norm fuels the mental process of ideas.

51. I know its risky to my case etc. putting the previous

paragraphs in this document but it is the truth. The

Statics for petty crime arrest a lot of times can be

asserted information gathering.

52. Do I have the resources to prove this hypothesis? I do

not but a lot of the evidence to support it is on the record

already in bits and pieces of data. When combined you

can get enough information to see a partial picture.

53. From there I had do develop some contacts in Central,

Florida for a distribution and shipping model we were

going to use to attempt to sell vehicles in Cuba and

Venezuela. This was before there currency was

worthless. Then attempted to start Mercedes-Benz Taxi.

The laws in the State of Florida at the Time were very

leveraged towards day labor. Furthermore, the barrier of

entry was too steep to enter the marketplace, at the 40

54. From there I came back to Indiana and started College

at Indiana University Northwest. I discovered I had a

photographic memory but it doesnt work all the time

and the years as quickened my recall but I still have not

achieved instant recall. My first year I received a 4.0 but

was bored so the next semester I started taking twenty-

one credit hours per semester and completed the

coursework with a 3.97 GPA.

55. Following College, I went to work for Tribune Inc and my work set the standard for

excellence. The best experience was the music box

presentation and The Emperor had no clothes statue.

56. The owner of Tribune at the time told me specially I was

the best sales person he had ever seen. That is because

I keep my word unless its not physically possible or the

clients circumstances change.

57. While working at Tribune we had a contest for the best

business idea. My idea consisted of front page display

advertising. First prize was a million dollars I took second

41 a
place, ironically. Mr. Wallers idea has generated at least

billion dollars in revenue for Tribune Inc. It is available for

sale today in almost every major newspaper around the

world. Classic to old school management techniques and

consistent to Monopolys, which they are not anymore.

He received his pink slip a few months later. As the

employment market was crashing do to the housing

market my numbers were unbelievable. My book of

business was growing and in direct controversy to the

story Managers were telling their subordinates. I sold on

the relationship and quality of services. I could basically

program the job postings to show up in different types of

searches in search engines. So, the company could

commit a portion of their marketing budget to

employment advertising. Also a few of us figured out

how to sell anything on the Tribune product line. So

realistically they thought they could convert my book of

business among three or four employees and they could

keep four people employed instead on one. The

department we were in no longer exist.

58. From there we started Waller Media Group Inc. Strategy

was to approach advertisers for Media assets and

collectively get advertisers to commit to long term

adverting terms and we would use those commitments

to borrow enough to buy the asset or collectively buy the

asset. So, the asset would now be owned by a group

advertisers and myself. Our first deal everything was

ready to go the companys CFO loaded the asset with

high interest debt hoping we would miss it. Of course, we

didnt that was when you could buy a good media asset

for fifty million.

59. Around 2008 we started Waller Automotive Group we

were doing business as the

concept was simple private owners who wanted to sell

their vehicles would hire us as salespeople to sell their

cars or trucks. We opened an office in Griffith Indiana

and we were selling a lot of cars. We didnt make much

profit on each because we were building a customer

base so we could start selling our own cars as a dealer to

the customers that hired us to sell their vehicles in an

online forum. 43
60. Conceptually, come into a market keep cost low by

utilizing a small location build a good name then turn it

into a maximum value business. Since we were selling

on behalf of private owners the party purchasing the

vehicle would pay the sales tax at the DMV so there was

no tax collection on site.

61. After being in business for a few months a gentleman

stopped by and said he was curious about my business.

He asked how we sold so many cars. So being nave I

told him about our business he then said, Im from The

American Automobile Association and well be taking

that from you. I laughed and told him to leave for the

most part but a few days later The State Stopped by and

said I needed a special license to do what we were doing

even though I knew we didnt. My Attorney on this

matter, made sure one was not required before we

started. Then my Grandfather died and we had to go to

Florida for a short period of time and couldnt fight the

Administrative hearing. Now this Model and concept is

available in a couple of different forms. None as perfect

as mine because I was the creator of the concept. A few

months following my Grandfathers death I decided to

build the software and Parts Network which is and was

AAA Parts (Automotive Aviation and Agricultural) for the

last couple years. Previously it was called Michael Waller

and other names.

62. Plaintiffs sued me because they needed a way to do

discover on me and the people, the country they control

is sick of it. The software programmer in California who

makes three thousand dollars a week but must spends

five thousand dollars a month on rent because local

ordinances wont allow developers to build proper

housing. Its just a circle the money stays at the top.

63. Ive had enough conversations with people who confirm

these theories. Many of these individuals migrate to the

automotive industry because of the earning potential,

the ability to work long hours and the freedom to be your

own boss. Plaintiffs, The American Automobile

Association, are in the middle of all this. Their one-

hundred-year-old company has the most experienced in

monopolizing than any other company in the United

States. Their retirement fund is massive. The Insurance

companies that sell under the AAA logo have an

estimated twenty billion dollars in mutual funds, each. I

have or had before my system was hacked, multiple

industry changing ideas that I should Patent. For Energy,

Space Travel, Automotive, Steel, Aluminum there is so

much knowledge and ideas that people just dont see.

64. The combining of three or four subject matters into one

line of products or a specific product is extremely hard.

The different backgrounds, the egos, the work patterns

of the individual, the state of mind of everyone involved.

I have had the opportunity to study so many different

subjects and I can instantly apply them one specific

subject matter instantaneously but I have never

patented anything.
65. I know as soon as my idea is filed Im going to be

challenged by large organizations who would want the

technology or idea for themselves, like Plaintiffs. Thats

why Im here, thats why Im being sued. Its true yes

that Plaintiffs do have one hundred trademarks. Why do

they have one-hundred trademarks is the real question.

66. Plaintiffs Trademarks consist of every letter in 46

alphabet. As described in the Pass Law for H.R. 97 A BILL

To amend the Act entitled An Act to supplement existing

laws against unlawful restraints and monopolies, and for

other purposes. Dated January 3, 1945

Gregorian calendar By Mr. Voorhis of California for the

79th Congressional Session. Mr. Voorhis explains it

perfectly they want the ability to sue anyone for

anything. That is the goal of their Marks. Another goal is

18 U.S. Code 2701 (c) (2) the exemption to access

other companies voice and electronic communications

without a court order. Claiming the communication is

meant for them. This Includes the American Arbitration

67. Plaintiffs then use the information to make trades that

serve the best interest of themselves and the companies

they own.
68. The program was amazing but once I started I began to

see my code being used by other websites. They were

not using it before. Most of the time, Code is unique each

line produces a different result. For example,

hrcolor=white will make your text white or invisible if

building on a white background, in most cases. Code is

like DNA If you compare the genetic information in male

vs female homo sapiens, there is a difference of about

3% (given the number of chromosomes and the

difference between the X and Y chromosome) (6). I

figured out I was on the radar so to speak. So, I built this

software in Public Librarys at McDonalds, Starbucks,

any place that had free Wi-Fi so I could monitor if anyone

could or tried to access my computer. We contacted

people across the globe and have them build a piece of

the end program. We had students build pieces. Once

combined and working we kept it offline we used it for

market analysis to build the most efficient shipping

model. We meet with vendors completed purchases to

determine quality of the parts, we made returns to

determine the honesty of the vendor.

69. The software was amazing we could realistically tell

what parts a customer would need before they knew.

We could track vehicle imperfections and problems

based on the vehicle production plant. We built a 48

recycling model for Airplanes to help reuse a large

number of parts sitting on planes in the dessert

collecting dust. Then a company and an individual with a

footprint in the Japanese market and other markets

overseas agreed to buy a lifetime unlimited use license. I

would have cleared 941,572,614 US Dollars after fees.

That was it my day had come. Those funds were meant

to be used for US manufacturing plants, research and

development, acquisitions and putting some much

deserving Americans back to work with some good

paying jobs. Our countries Steel industry has so much

potential. Mr. Waller has researched many ways to cook

steel and what chemicals when added in the proper

method produce durable, flexible and almost

indestructible steel.
70. Our Countries Steel industry is far behind China and

many other countries. We needed this, as poverty

enslaves a large part of our country and so many must

work so hard for so little. The concept of Life, Liberty and

the pursuit of happiness seems like a fantasy. 49


71. Plaintiffs allege This Court has subject matter

jurisdiction under 15 U.S.C. 1121 and 1125 and under

28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1338. This Court has jurisdiction

over Plaintiffs state law claims under 28 U.S.C.

1338(b) and 1367(a), as well as under general principles

of supplemental and pendent jurisdiction.

The Defendants do not demy.
72. As alleged by Plaintiffs, Defendants are subject to

personal jurisdiction within the Southern District of

Indiana because Defendants hold themselves out as

conducting business and residing in this State.

The defendants agree.
73. As alleged by Plaintiffs, Venue is proper under 28

U.S.C* 1391 (b) and (c) because, as Defendants hold

themselves out as doing business in the Southern

District of Indiana, a substantial part of the events or

omissions giving rise to the claims occurred in the

Southern District of Indiana. The Defendants agree.

Jurisdiction for Counterclaim 50

74. Venue is also proper under 42 U.S.C 2000e2 (a) (2)

75. The Stored Communication Act 18 U.S.C. S 2701 (a) 1

and 2
76. Under State Law Claims of Tortuous Interference
with a prospective economic advantage.
77. Common Law Claims of Tortuous Interference with a
prospective economic advantage.
78. Common Law Claims of Malicious Prosecution.
79. Common Law Claims of Misuse of Process.
80. Contributory Trademark Infringement under common

81. The sham lawsuit provision under The Noerr-

Pennington Doctrine
82. Economic Espionage violations under18 USCS S 1831 3

and 4
with the (b) provision,
83. Violation of 2010-Title 15 Chapter 22 Sub Chapter III

Section 1125 d (2) (D)(i), (I) and (II).

84. This Court has Jurisdiction violations under 15 USCS

85. This Court has Jurisdiction under 17 C.F.R. 240.10b-5
86. The Sherman Act 15 USCS 1 by authorization of 15

U.S. Code 9
87. This Court has Jurisdiction to enforce The Sherman Act

15 USCS 2 by authorization of 15 U.S. Code 9

88. This Court has Jurisdiction to enforce The Sherman Act

15 USCS 3 by authorization of 15 U.S. Code 9

89. This Court has Jurisdiction to enforce 51
The Clayton Act 15 USC 18
90. This Court has Jurisdiction to enforce
The Clayton Act 15 U. S. Code13(a)
91. This Court has Jurisdiction to enforce
The Clayton Act 15 U. S. Code13(c)
92. This Court has Jurisdiction to enforce The Clayton Act 15


93. This Court has Jurisdiction to enforce The Clayton Act 15


94. This Court has Jurisdiction to enforce The Clayton Act 15


95. This Court has Jurisdiction to enforce 15 U.S. Code 14
96. This Court has Jurisdiction to enforce 15 U.S. Code 6
97. This Court Have Jurisdiction Under 15 U.S. Code 4
98. This Court has Jurisdiction for this violations of 15 U.S.

Code 8 by authorization of 15 U.S. Code 9

99. This Court has Jurisdiction for violations 15 U.S. Code

100. This Court has Jurisdiction for violations Ind. Code

Ann. 35-45-6-1 for Fraud (IC 35-43-5-4(1) through IC

35-43-5-4(10) under the legal theory of Diversity

101. This Court has Jurisdiction for violations for theft

under Ind. Code Ann. IC 35-43-4-2 under the legal

theory of Diversity Jurisdiction.

102. This Court has Jurisdiction under 18 U.S.C. 1001,
in accordance with USC Title 37 1.68 52


103. Defendants attest Plaintiffs are not entitled to any

relief. The Trademarks in their complaint do not meet

the use requirements as described in Couture v.

Playdom, Inc., 778 F.3d 1379, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 3135,

113 U.S.P.Q.2D (BNA) 2042 (Fed. Cir. 2015) and Id.

1127; Aycock Eng'g, Inc. v. Airflite, Inc., 560 F.3d 1350,

1357 (Fed. Cir. 2009) (quoting 15 U.S.C. 1127). Use in

commerce must be "as of the application filing date." 37

C.F.R. 2.34(a)(1)(i). "The registration of a mark that

does not meet the use [in commerce] requirement is

void ab initio." Aycock, 560 F.3d at 1357 (Couture v.

Playdom, Inc., 778 F.3d 1379, 1381, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS

3135, *3, 113 U.S.P.Q.2D (BNA) 2042, 2043 (Fed. Cir.

104. Plaintiffs Marks are generic as defined in Bristol-

Myers Squibb Co. v. McNeil-P.P.C., Inc., 1992 U.S. Dist.

LEXIS 2288, 786 F. Supp. 182 (E.D.N.Y. 1992)
105. Plaintiffs marks have not obtained a secondary

meaning as quoted: The odds of attaining a solid mark

status with an abbreviation are poor. (ROGER MILGRIM,

9.04[3][B] MILGRIM ON TRADE SECRETS at 9-152 [1991].

Although one cannot claim an exclusive right to the use

of a numerical or alphabetical system (RUDOLF


Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. v. McNeil-P.P.C., Inc., 1992 U.S.

Dist. LEXIS 2288, *23, 786 F. Supp. 182, 194 (E.D.N.Y.

106. With 15,000 other companies using AAA that are

not associated with Plaintiffs in addition to the fact that

Plaintiffs send their logo to 50 million consumers to put

on anything, cars, dumpsters, houses and bumpers.

Does the AAA logo on a car mean that Plaintiffs are the

source of that vehicle? No, the manner in which

Plaintiffs have managed their trademarks have made

them ineligible for protection under the Lanham Act and

they know it. So, they seek to commit a fraud on this54

court and many other courts across multiple

jurisdictions. Consequently, on information and belief,

the faade of trademark enforcement is used to obtain

the priority information of other businesses.

107. Plaintiffs have no registered domain names that

displayed TripleA. The website in question does not display aaa in its domain

name. Also, currently there are thousands of other

domains name in the automotive industry using aaa, as

part of the domain, that are not associated with The

American Automotive Association. Including,, and

claims to be "The AAA Service Network." Also, is used by Bank of America. There are

thousands of websites with the mark AAA and TripleA in

the domain name.

108. Plaintiffs do not sell auto parts. Plaintiffs sell

batteries. We do not sell batteries. Ironically there is

already a perfect example of this in the marketplace.

Interstate Tire and Interstate Battery. Two separate

companies yet anyone in the industry knows you can put

a battery in a cell phone try putting and engine in a cell

phone and see how that works out.

109. In response to pre-litigation dispute maneuvers, no

person from AAA or who identified themselves as The

American Automobile Association contacted me at any

time to discuss my website and that it might me a

trademark infringement. We received a phone call on

10/26/2016 stating Oreillys Auto Parts wanted to meet

to discuss our catalog. Our company, through hard work

and Technology built a network of vintage and new Auto

and Truck part manufactures around the globe and with

AutoZone and others offering new vintage parts our

company was networking for an appropriate retail arm to

offer those goods for sale. After preparing our Marketing

Presentation we were meet with a Summons. Our

employees started crying people were looking at me like

I was a mass murder, our tire vendor who works hard

every day to find us good tires and sells them to our

company for a fair price. Still hasnt spoken to me. 56


As affirmative defenses, Defendant alleges and states as

110. Plaintiff has failed in whole or in part to state a

claim upon which relief can be granted; as the case

progresses we reserve the right to bring a Motion under

Rule 12 (b) 1-7.

111. Plaintiff has suffered no damages by Defendant

and/or has failed to mitigate its damages, if any;

112. Plaintiff has suffered no injury by Defendant nor is

there a likelihood of injury by Defendant;

113. Plaintiff has suffered no harm and/or irreparable

harm by Defendant;
114. Plaintiff failed to protect and/or enforce its alleged

rights; by allowing 15,000 other companies to use their

Trademarks they have diluted the Marketplace.

Consequently, since the Plaintiffs Logo, in the form of is

mailed to almost all members with no outlined Terms of

Use. The Plaintiffs consumers are accustomed and

trained to not assume that Logo means Plaintiffs have

endorsed the product or service.
115. Plaintiffs Complaint is barred as unconscionable;

As shown in (Exhibit 2) the Monopoly Power of Plaintiffs

network and business practices the idea or any claims

risen in their complaint is not only absurd, but it is a

classic example of The sham lawsuit provision under

The Noerr-Pennington Doctrine.

116. Plaintiffs Complaint is barred by reason of waiver,

Plaintiffs waived their right to prosecute me for

Trademark Infringement if we were guilty which we deny

by selling me a membership and welcomed me doing

business as via email.

117. Plaintiffs Complaint is barred by estoppel,

Plaintiffs abandonment of Trademark Number in which is

a mirror image of their current Trademark in Image 4

demonstrates their understanding of the fact that the

Trademark Laws unanimously support these Trademarks

are unprotectable and enforcement is an erroneous

application of law.
118. Plaintiffs Complaint is barred laches: Plaintiffs,

The American Automobile Association claim is barred.

They knew the moment I purchased They waited until the last minute

to sue, on information and belief, to stop the sale of my

software and steal it for themselves.

119. Plaintiffs Complaint is barred Fair use: TripleA is

not in use, and if what they said is even remotely true.

Indiana Law allows a company with a similar name to

use the Logo of the like company if it is used to

distinguish the difference between the two companies.

Under Fair Use Principal or Doctrine, Penske Inc. on

information and belief, who has no contract with

Plaintiffs uses Plaintiffs logos on their trucks. The trucks

display the Plaintiffs Logos as well as a discount of ten

120. 59
Plaintiffs unclean hands: Plaintiffs, The American

Automotive Associations Marks are Trademarks are

based on common words, adjectives, adverbs and

common nouns. They choose these words so they can

sue anyone or file a lawsuit against someone and do

discovery on another powerful person or organization.

See Exhibit__7__ Case Number 2:12-cv-06553-R-MAN


EXHIBIT__7__ page 6 aka Page 4 of the complaint; line 9-

16, sued Abes Garage Doors & GATES, INC.; based on

the fact the companies name had AAA in their company

name. See highlighted name above. Upon discovery, the

cased was voluntary dismissed. On information and

belief, the case was filed to harass in violation of Fed

Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 11 (b) (1) and to conduct

discovery on Billionaire Philanthropist and Microsoft

Founder William Gates. The following in correlation with

the mountains of other evidence should demonstrate the

culpability and frame of mind demonstrating Plaintiffs

feel as though they are above the law and that the rules
do not apply to their company.
121. Merger Doctrine: we reserve the right to merge

two or three or as many as necessary together for our

122. Statute of frauds: We assert that Plaintiffs by

accepting membership for myself,, our company and my wife. They

received payment for services. Following our payment

Plaintiffs, The American Automobile Association, sent us

Logos of The American Automotive Marks with no terms

of use. Even though we asset that we did not use them

illegally or even at all. We are still being hassled by this

123. Latches: equity aids the vigilant and not those who

slumber on their rights. Our companies have been doing

business for a long time. Weve sold many parts to AAA

Approved Shops and Vendors. Never one time has

anyone of those shops or any customer to my knowledge

every thought we were Plaintiffs. There are only so

many combinations of AAA and TripleA available. If

Plaintiffs were really under the assumption that we were

infringing and they wanted the Domain name Back

they should have been aware of our usage from the

124. Plaintiffs Estoppel: Plaintiffs statements and

actions on other suits of similar nature bares them from

bring this suit.

125. Contributory negligence: Plaintiffs have followed

my work for years in 1999 while speaking to American

Airlines executives about my flying automobile designs,

on information and belief, the designs and information

was passed along to Plaintiffs, The American Automotive

Association also there were members from other

automotive organizations and I believe a member of

Plaintiffs group or organization was in attendance.

Nothing came out of the meeting because I was still a

minor at the time but was living on my own.

126. Consent: We asset that even if all Plaintiffs

allegations were true, which they are not, they gave us

127. Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice for any violation

of law or the rules.

128. Motion to Strike for any violation of law or the 62

rules, law or any reason.


129. We Pray the Court for a trial by jury as is our right

under the Seventh Amendment of the Constitution of the

United States of America, unless we are adjudicated not

guilty or the Complaint against us is dismissed in pre-

trial pleadings without prejudice, before trial and

Counter-Claim is awarded then we will most certainly

accept the commandment of the Court, because it is


130. On or about October 28th, 2016 we received

notification from our Credit Card Processor that our

account had been accessed from China. Our credit card

processing account was managed through a Yahoo

account but since re securing our account someone re-

hacked our yahoo account and deleted the email

notification. It has since been recovered. Also for no

means of our own that credit card processor dropped63our

account. Even when we had zero chargebacks on

transactions with an average sale of 1200 per

transaction in a non-card present environment. Since our

account was re-hacked and the notification deleted that

ties the hack to Plaintiffs indisputably not to mention the

nightmare that has followed clearly orchestrated by

Plaintiffs include:
131. Mass Orders being placed via credit card over the

phone the parts being shipped the customers clearing

receiving the orders. Then the customer disputes the

charges with their credit card company. Our chargeback

percentage gets to high processor drops us. We send

hundreds of man hours recovering the funds.

132. Orders being placed deliveries delayed by

customer when the parts are a few hours away from

delivery the customer changes the address for delivery

to a AAA Approved Shop but disputes the charges with

their credit card company literally when the parts on a

few hours away.

133. Plaintiffs seek to deprive defendants of my

enjoyment of my business model and my website and

seek to destroy our name in the marketplace. 64

134. Plaintiffs have reached out across the industry

through their shop network and destroyed our name and

our brand.
135. Plaintiffs use their credit card processing legal

service to destroy our name and are trying to make our

chargeback percentage too high to maintain a credit

card processing account.

136. One day in December we had 40 percent of our

customers around tens of

thousands of dollars of

transactions in multiple

states place orders that

we shipped and delivered that were all charged back on

the exact same day. 60 days later all within an hour of

each other, IN MULTIPLE STATES. States almost a


the money back but only after hundreds of hours of labor

and 45 business days. Also, we lost two more credit-card

137. We will show that a DNA Test has a better chance

of being incorrect that these things happened with

intelligent design.
138. Plaintiffs reached out to Facebook and had my

Facebook account disabled. This account contained the

only pictures of my childrens births my sons birthdays

my weddings my lifes memories. The Facebook Account

was down for months and I still have not been able to

access the account.

139. Plaintiffs reached out too many of our vendors and

through intimidation techniques prevented acquisitions

and partnerships.
140. Plaintiffs defamed my name with The World

Technology Association
141. Plaintiffs intimidated our name with venture

capitalist who had spent years perusing my business.

Now my calls are ignored.

142. Mr. Waller and his business has developed a plan

for a twelve-billion-dollar valuation in the next ten years

for his connected Auto Parts business. Plaintiffs have

cause excessive harm in the form of lost revenue, 66

opportunity cost, brand defamation and lost valuation in

an amount that we will compute later. We can compute

941,572,614 which was the amount to be earned from

our lost sale on the signed contracted dated August 15 th,

143. Also, Mr. Waller has been Accredited by The Better

Business Bureau see Exhibit_8_ The BBB has an Army of

lawyers and they do not accredited businesses in

violation of the Lanham Act.



144. For over a century Plaintiffs have scoffed and

mocked the Laws of this Great Nation! There Illegal acts

have impeded the growth and general welfare of the

United States of America. For the first time in 100 years

The United States of America is a servant and slave to

the debtors who hold the notes on 19 Trillion Dollars of

Illegal Debt. Per Article VI of The United States

Constitution All Debts contracted and Engagements

entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution,

shall be valid against the United States under this

Constitution, as under the Confederation. I Pray the

court would note the key word in that Phrase Before.

Before the Constitution was enacted, it most certainly

did not say the debts were valid if entered after the

enactment of The Constitution. WE ease our conscience

with the debt owed by our Forefathers sacrifice for

Liberty with the information above.

145. Furthermore, as an American we pray for relief

from acts of economic espionage, impediment of

commerce, scars from the acts of Monopolistic

Structures, and many others. We will further pray for

relief from the debt that is unconstitutionally held by

Foreign Governments and Private Organizations who

participate in Commerce. These said persons,

unconstitutionally hold the United States of America

hostage with the invisible handcuffs of debt and through
malice intentions impede our rights for Life Liberty and

146. Wherefore, the system that has rewarded

Plaintiffs and those who break its code and dance

around its code like dancing demons for which the

hypocrisy of their words and the insincerity of their

prayers and the disrespect of their filings with this court,

further lessen the capacity for justice.

147. For as the system that has allowed the injustice of

the weak and the enslavement of poor has now fallen

victim to the devices of the unethical and those who care

not for the needs of the many but only the needs of the

few, and hold our Country Hostage and its citizens

148. Plaintiffs have contributed to this process. As one

of the oldest companies in the world they have impeded

commerce on a local, national and international level.

149. The American Automobile Association has used

key relationships with The American Arbitration

Association to keep the enslavement of debt and the

clear violations of the Acts written to keep this country

free, away from the eyes of the court.

150. The American Arbitration Association has

decreased settlement and judgement amounts to make

it profitable to break the law. The American Arbitration

Association, a foreign owned conglomerate has replaced

the Justice System enacted by our forefathers and the

151. As we will show through a preponderance of

evidence that by means of falsehoods and buildings

surrounding the courthouses they have successfully

hidden the truth

152. Plaintiffs have successfully created their

own Government inside of the United States of

America. This government is enforced though

hearings such as this one.

153. Plaintiffs under the cover of friendship and

support successfully buy both sides of the isle to

violate our right to proper representation and with

no remorse for law Plaintiffs have developed a70tax

system called membership, to finance operations

contrary to the interest of the United States.

154. Once membership is obtained if the member has

items or extrinsic value they are confiscated without

payment for services.

155. In addition to state and federal tax these

membership fees are 10% of the total sale price of an

156. The American Automobile Association in violation

of Bill H. R. 1813 uses its resources and connects to only

allow certain individuals or members to do business in

specific demographic areas. When a competitor enters

the market place Plaintiffs bound together to purchase

items on Credit Cards and chargeback the amounts.

Make false statements about the businesses and their

practices to discourage other consumers from doing

business with them. Consequently, causing the business

owner to be kicked off the merchant processing system

hindering their ability to participate in interstate

157. Citizens with entrepreneurial potential are flagged

and though programs such as ticket quotas, web

browsing history, University Activity, location data and

cell phone call history. Their ideas and ability to

participate in commerce is impeded and made

nonexistent through activities such identity theft, to

destroy their credit, traffic tickets and or petty arrest or

even major crimes arrest. As two hundred years of

history has shown the ability for corporations and people

of means to manipulate the legal system for those, even

with counsel, to steal, impede or keep that individual

from participating in commerce.

158. The greatest wars over the last century has been

Economic Wars and we have or are lost or losing. With 19

Trillion in debt the interest alone will require decades of

poverty for our children and the future generations of

this nation.
159. These Economic Battle Grounds have been almost

a century in the making and Plaintiffs are direct

participators in this war that most people did not even

know we were fighting.

160. 72
Causality, since the year 2000 The United States

Government has paid $6,883,301,372,573.55 in interest



In the year 2000, The United States has 5.7 Trillion

dollars in debt and paid $361,997,734,302.36 in interest.

Considering we paid $432,649,652,901.12 on 19.5

Trillion in 2016. That is 2% interest. While 19 Trillion is a

lot of money 2% annual interest is great. Especially on a

Trillion dollars. Mathematically, 20 billion is the annual

interest on a Trillion Dollar Loan. That is a great rate and

it shows the trust the American people have in the

Government considering the majority of the debt is held

by Public. Consequently, I did not possess the time to

find out exactly what that means. During the mortgage

crises Congress gave banking institutions a Trillion

dollars to avoid collapse. These funds were used to

consolidate a very important industry. Leading to the

initial problem in the first place. With few holding the

ability, to exit a particular venture or investment avenue,

in this case Mortgage Backed Securities, and their exit

leads to a market crash or substantial market value

deduction. The first out will always come out in the end

with a larger market share if the sole intention is market

capacity expansion. Through market diversification of

multitudes of participants is the economic resources and

workforce fully utilized. As time has shown, since its

been ten years, the national debt has doubled the

powers of the banks and credit cards processors has

increased and major players continue to finance the

legislation of Arbitration as a means to employ their own

government and beheld unaccountable to liability. As a

direct result, Americas workforce sits idle the idea of Life

Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness as guaranteed in

the Constitution and States Constitutions is a faade.

Plaintiffs have been direct participants in these actions.

As demonstrated in the attached Exhibits.

These multiple violations of Law and The Constitution as

described below and above entitle Counter-Claim

Plaintiffs to the relief as described in The Prayer for 74

Counter-Claim Counts 1 , 2 , 3 ,

161. Mr. Waller hereby with force and reverence

Incorporates all the preceding Paragraphs. Around June

2016 he began negotiating with an organization and an

individual with a strong footprint in Japan and East Asia.

They were the same company Mr. Waller verified the

prospects funds with a third party and the individual and

company were more than approved. Confidentially and

covertly he negotiated the sale for a lifetime use license

for this organization and this individual. The agreement

included use of the software in all its capacities. Mr.

Waller received the contract pre-signed, by the buyer,

after reviewing he signed it and sent it back to the

initiator. The date on the contract was August 15 th, 2016.

The contract amount was 941,572,614 US Dollars.

162. The contract and all that it meant for him, his
business, his childrens future, future jobs for US

employees etc were on their way back to Japan to await

reception and payment. On August 16th, 2016, we

received an email stating our Contact Information was

reported out of date on The Who is Database.

163. We immediately replied to the email with a copy of

our drivers license and documentation showing we were

the legal owners of We received a

notification that everything was fine but immediately

following our website was shutdown. We attempted

rigorously to have the website reinstated to no avail.

Eventually after I believe months of calling to everyone I

went all the way up to the CEO of and

GoDaddy reinstated our website.

164. The problem was the buyer thought we sold the

software to someone else and our very connected backer

whos name I cannot disclose due to multiple

agreements, would violate both State and Federal law.

These power people were very upset with me and I could

not figure out what happened until Plaintiffs filed a

lawsuit against me.

165. Mr. Waller did obtain the server logs in his Yahoo

mailbox but once access the perpetrators, on information

and belief, the location on his server said Heathrow

Florida. He is almost sure of it. Immediately accessed

they were deleted. He is in the process of recovering

them. Consequently, he will timely serve his updated

answer and file when he has recovered. They will be

listed Exhibit Yahoo Server Log.

166. They show that Mr. Waller did communicate with

Go Daddy to verify his address. The security breaching

methods aka hacking, code is far advanced and non-

167. Plaintiffs by their own testimony in the complaint

Prayer for Relief number 3) line 3. In addition

168. These Actions by Plaintiffs are clear violations of

State Law and Common Law Claims of Tortuous

Interference with a prospective economic advantage. In

Addition, Violation of 2010-Title 15 Chapter 22 Sub

Chapter III Section 1125 d (2) (D)(i), (I) and (II). Which

Reads (II)not transfer, suspend, or otherwise modify the
domain name during the pendency of the action, except

upon order of the court.

Counter-Claim COUNTS 4 , 5 , 6 ,

169. Mr. Waller hereby with force of Justice Incorporates

all the preceding Paragraphs. Plaintiffs, The American

Automobile Association, Inc.; ("AAA") brings an attack on

Mr. Waller and his business ventures, entities, software

and Intellectual Property. Through the disguise of

Trademark Litigation, Plaintiffs being a direct

contributor, by, filing The Complaint or intentionally

caused, the theft of Mr. Wallers lifes work. These works

with many different file names included, Business Plans,

Software applications and code, theories and many

proven products, some tested in the parameters of

virtual reality, are based on the laws of physics. These

works and files, included plans for a working mass

producible flying automobiles and or trucks. The files,

also contained the contact information and locations of

the engineers around the world. These professionals,

were prescreened to implement the project once funded.

Consequently, Mr. Waller has computed nuclear

engineering formulas for energy production and space

transportation. These formulas, most written when he

was thirteen, utilized the concept of the continuous

grazing of an atom; without splitting the atom,

simultaneously to the grazing is the controlled

harnessing and directional output of the energy for long-

term and precise space travel; energy production, or

even at some point, once properly tested, propulsion for

vehicle by road or air. The most monetizable file that was

taken, to date, was a file containing a software program,

almost eight years in the making. The software

communicates with multiple networks, hardware and

software systems.

170. This program was used to manage inventory,

monitored and reported sales statics, salvage yard

vehicle buys, and helped the user predicted the

Automotive and Truck part needs of other customers.79

Consequently, this allowed, in our opinion, the highest

quality used parts around the country to be brought to

market instead of being scrapped for pennies on the


171. These actions were committed in violation of 18

U.S. Code 2707 and Economic Espionage violations

under18 USCS S 1831 3 and 4 with the (b) provision, 18

U.S. Code 1832 - Theft of trade secrets. Plaintiffs can

and should be held responsible under 18 U.S. Code


172. This software program was valued at 3.6 billion

dollars. We pray the court grant relief in three times the

amount and an additional 16,100 per hour for the

reproduction of the documents as required by law in

section 18 U.S. Code 1832. We estimate it will take Mr.

Waller 31 months to remake the software and the files.

We base his compensation on the fact he had an

accepted offer for 941,572,614 on a project that took

him eight years to complete. At 20 hours per day seven

days a week, which is his normal schedule the total

hours spent would be 58,400. Consequently,

941,572,614 dollars divided by 58,400 hours would

amount to 16,100, rounded down, per hour. A total

reproduction cost in hours of 18,620 for a total of

300,265,000. We also ask for additional Punitive

Damages to be paid to The Court of the Southern District

of Indiana in the amount of 18,500,000,000 The United

States Treasury in the Amount of 18,500,000,000 and

The State of Indiana in the amount of 1,500,000,000.

Counter-Claim COUNT 7

173. Mr. Waller hereby with force of Justice Incorporates

all the preceding Paragraphs.

174. During the time of October 2016 through March

2017. During my investigation of Plaintiffs practices, we

discovered though testimony and visual observation. The

Statute Reads: (2) to limit, segregate, or classify his

employees or applicants for employment in any way

which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of

employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect

his status as an employee, because of such individuals

race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Plaintiffs do

not advertise or promote their Roadside Assistance

Products or any insurance product in predominately

African American communities. This action clearly

violates 2042 U.S.C 2000e2 (a) (2); because it limits

the employees of Plaintiffs earning potential in that

potential customers who are African Americans do not

know they can receive a two-hundred-mile tow and

three, one hundred mile tows with a membership.

Furthermore, the employee, the tow truck, aka

employees, driver whose livelihood depends on receiving

new tow opportunities would be limited for employment

in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive the

individual of employment opportunities. Also, this would

adversely affect his status as an employee, if he wasnt

receiving enough tow request because he would need to

find a new job. These results are because of Plaintiffs
decision not to advertise in markets based on race, color,

religion, sex, or national origin.

Counter-Claim Count 8 , 9 , 10 , 11

175. Mr. Waller hereby with force of Justice Incorporates

all the preceding Paragraphs. 17 CFR 240.10 b-5, 18

U.S.C. Section 1001 and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 and 37

CFR 1.68 - Declaration in lieu of oath.

176. In 1974, the Bureau of Revenue in AAA v. Bureau

of Revenue, 86 N.M. 569 determined Plaintiffs were a for

Profit entity. Yet Plaintiffs have continuously and continue

to present themselves as a non-for-profit organization

that is a clear violation of 17 CFR 240.10 b-5. Since they

are an insurance company this is a clear violation of this


177. In addition, Plaintiffs lied on their trademark

application See Exhibit__9__ Serial Number 73248477

Registration Number 1168790. A clear violation of

multiple laws and statues including 17 CFR 240.10 b-5

and 18 USC SECTION 1001.

178. Specifically, they on their Combined Declaration of

Use and/or Excusable Nonuse Application for Renewal of

Registration of a Mark under Section 8 & 9

179. They chose use in commerce. They Provided a

Photograph as described in Exhibit 9_. This statement is

absolutely false. Triple A was not at present or now in

use. Im sure the Attorney didnt know that it most

certainly at the direction of Plaintiffs.

180. IT SAYS RIGHT ON THE FORM The Undersigned

being hereby warned that willful false statement and the

like are punishable by fine or punishable by fine or

imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. Section 1001,

and that such willful false statements and the like may

jeopardize the validity of this document, declares that

he/she is properly authorized to execute this document

on behalf of the Owner; and all statements made of

his/her own knowledge are true and that all statements

made on information and belief are believed to be true.
181. This should demonstrate how above the law

Plaintiffs think they are that could have easily chosen

acceptable nonuse.


182. Mr. Waller hereby with force of Justice Incorporates

all the preceding Paragraphs. Contributory Trademark

Infringement under common law.

183. In 2014 while building his software Mr. Waller

enrolled in Indiana University Bloomington, he had heard

their Kelly School of Business was very advanced but he

couldnt access a majority of the curriculum without

enrollment. So, he could commit the material to memory.

While attending he networked a large number of very

intelligent people. During that time, he continually

observed The American Automobile Associations logo

everywhere it was on tow trucks it was on cars it was on

License plates. Everyone who was using the logo had85

nothing to do with The American Automobile Association.

184. When Mr. Waller drove to Saint Louis every week

he would see AAA Storage and other companies, such as

The American Arbitration Association, he was a member

under his wifes card then we became a member himself.

SEE EXHIBIT___10_ They sent him Logos with no

requirements for use. After calling and paying them an

exuberant amount of money they sent him an e-mail

welcoming into the AAA Family. There is

even a Tow Truck Vendor in Bloomington called AAA

Towing and they have nothing to do with Plaintiffs. I

dont think there could be a clearer example of

Contributory Trademark Infringement under common law.

We pray the court dismiss Plaintiffs claims against Mr.

Waller and award damages including cost in the amount

in The Prayer for Relief.


185. Mr. Waller hereby with force of Justice Incorporates

all the preceding Paragraphs. The sham lawsuit

provision under The Noerr-Pennington Doctrine, Malicious

Prosecution Under Common Law, Malicious use of


186. AS provided previously Plaintiffs Trademarks are

generic, not protectable under the Lehman Act. They are

used by 15,000 other companies that are not associated

with Plaintiffs.

187. Also, The American Arbitration Association uses

AAA, The American Accounting Association uses AAA,

NAPA Uses AAA Auto Parts in Windsor Colorado, has nothing to do with Plaintiffs

Trademarks, I can go on and on. On strong information

and belief, and a folder of evidence, Plaintiffs wanted

my software. They wanted my intellectual property. They

needed discovery. They needed a reason to follow me


188. Around 2008 we started Waller Automotive Group

we were doing business as the


concept was simple private owners who wanted to sell

their vehicles would hire us as salespeople to sell their

cars or trucks. We opened an office in Griffith Indiana

and we were selling a lot of cars. We didnt make much

profit on each because we were building a customer

base so we could start selling our own cars as a dealer to

the customers that hired us to sell their vehicles in an

online forum.
189. Conceptually, come into a market keep cost low by

utilizing a small location build a good name then turn it

into a maximum value business. Since we were selling

on behalf of private owners the party purchasing the

vehicle would pay the sales tax at the DMV so there was

no tax collection on site.

190. After being in business for a few months a

gentleman stopped by and said he was curious about my

business. He asked how we sold so many cars. So being

nave I told him about our business he then said, Im

from The American Automobile Association and well be

taking that from you. I laughed and told him to leave for

the most part but a few days later The State Stopped by
and said I needed a special license to do what we were

doing even though I knew we didnt. My Attorney on this

matter, made sure one was not required before we

started. Then my Grandfather died and we had to go to

Florida for a short period of time and couldnt fight the

Administrative hearing. Now this Model and concept is

available in a couple of different forms. None as perfect

as mine because I was the creator of the concept. A few

months following my Grandfathers death I decided to

build the software and Parts Network which is and was

AAA Parts (Automotive Aviation and Agricultural) for the

last couple years. Previously it was called Michael Waller

and other names.

191. The point is I was on their radar. They were

keeping tabs on me. When I was, younger I meet with

American Airlines executives to discuss my air car project

outside of Orange Park, Fl. On information and belief, the

information on my project was relayed back to them.

192. Plaintiffs are very skilled at these kinds of tactics.

Plaintiffs sued a company named ABES GARAGE DOORS

& GATES, INC because they claimed that was a

Trademark Violation under an AAA mark. The Case

number is 2:12-cv-06553-R-MAN. SEE ATTACHED

EXIBITS__10__ The complaint said one of the members in

Southern California was upset about his business

practices. Plaintiffs did discovery then dropped the case.

February 6th, 2017, Plaintiffs filed a new Trademark AAA

Overhead Doors based out of California.

COUNTER-CLAIM COUNT 16 , 17 , 18 , 19


INCORPORATES The Incorporates all the preceding

194. The Sherman Act 15 USCS 1 by authorization of

15 U.S. Code 9
195. The Sherman Act 15 USCS 2 by authorization of

15 U.S. Code 9
196. The Sherman Act 15 USCS 3 by authorization of

15 U.S. Code 9
197. 7 of Clayton Act (15 USCS 18)
198. 15 U.S. Code 8
199. The Plaintiffs are a plague on This Great Nations
Recourses. They have conspired and do conspire in

violation of multiple Federal and State Codes to Destroy

The Constitutional Freedoms so many have fought and

died for to protect. The first of these is The Sherman Act

15 USCS 1 in the line of commerce of Roadside

Assistance Insurance and Group Discount Programs.

200. On information and belief, The American

Automobile Association has and currently conspires with

an excessively large number of tow truck providers,

automobile repair facilities, hotels, campgrounds, road

side assistance providers, credit card processing

services, banking services and others to restrain trade

and fix prices in relation to tow truck services, road side

assistance needs, prices of camping rentals, pricing of

hotel and lodging services, excluding though the use of

force and contracts for legal services who can and

cannot utilize a large portion of credit card processing

201. On information and belief, Plaintiffs through

partnership with The American Arbitration Association

have illegally lobbied the Congressional bodies of The

United States of America. Although, lobbing of The

Congressional body of The United States is not illegal for

normal organizations but since The American Automobile

Association is a Federation of motor clubs, and their legal

organization they cannot lobby The Congressional Bodies

of The United States.

202. Consequently, on information and belief, The

American Automobile Association and The American

Arbitration Association have formed a partnership to

ultimately undermined the authority of The Constitution

of The United States of America. They accomplish these

goals through lobbying under LLCs and through The

American Arbitration Association. The Arbitration process

further makes justice unachievable because of the cost

to be hear in the event of a violation of either party. The

weaker party must pay a large sum of money in order to

reclaim even a small amount of money. The Arbitration

process further condenses the market in which Licensed

Legal Professionals may practice their craft.

203. AS this collective group continues to grow the
Arbitration clauses continue to be written into the Code

of both Federal and State jurisdictions. Prima Facie

evidence of this agreement is: The coexistence of AAA

Trademark for The American Arbitration Association and

The American Automotive Association. Both a legal

service there is no doubt that any reasonable person

would assume that they are connected to each other.

Furthermore, as per The American Automobile

Associations own admission of fifty million members one

in four licensed drivers in The United States would

assume that by Agreeing to an Arbitration clause that it

is endorsed by The American Automobile Association.

204. The American Arbitration as per their own

admission have confirmed that they are a foreign owned

conglomerate. See their relationship with Stratfor

Enterprises, LLC, more than likely the party in possession

of Mr. Wallers software and Business Plans and

Intellectual Property. Manages and implements the

strategies and plans to impede commerce throughout

The United States.

205. On information and belief, the system to manage,
impede and prevent the United States Economy is

enforced and implemented through. Chargeback Teams,

teams of individuals who collectively make purchases

using a credit or bank card then call their card provider

and report the charge as fraudulent or use Visa or

MasterCard not as described or descriptive merchandise

chargeback reason. Visa and MasterCard number Reason

Code 53. This chargeback code is unique in that the card

holder may use this chargeback code if the item is not

received by a certain date. This happened to us about a

hundred times since plaintiffs have filed a lawsuit

against Mr. Waller and his businesses. The customer will

call place a purchase using a Visa, Discover, MasterCard

or American Express (Called Cards Throughout this

Pleading) then call back or set a future delivery date.

Then once they have confirmed the Tracking Number or

that the item is out for delivery they contact their card

carrier and Dispute the transaction. On numerous

occasions this happened to our company and those

chargebacks can be directly linked to Plaintiffs.

206. Upon placing a Chargeback Request the 94

businesses reputation is hurt substantially in that they

can be kicked off the processing platform and be unable

to accept credit or debit cards for purchases. Even if the

Chargeback is won the Chargeback does not come off

vendors profile which is accessible to all credit card

processors. This profile includes the business owners

Social Security Number thus making it almost impossible

to open another business in the future. In the preceding

eight years in Business Mr. Waller had zero chargebacks.

The Chargebacks occurred during the time of using AAA

Automotive and Truck Parts,, AAA

Parts. If the court will reflect to Exhibits they will see on


Bureaus Complaint Page the customers were forced to

pay with a check. On information and belief, Plaintiffs

successfully disabled that companies ability to accept

credit-cards. This process is an amazing economic

weapon for economic warfare with foreign

conglomerates or enemies of the state but when used

against US Businesses the results are unimaginable. The

business and the entrepreneur are forthwith refrained

from participating in interstate commerce. Further

trapping and hindering that viable and brilliant

entrepreneur from participating in inter-state commerce.

The inability to processing credit cards is most certainly

an unreasonable restraint of trade.

207. The kicker and additional piece of the conspiracy

is after the card issuer determines the merchant was

correct and charges back the customer the customer can

initiate Arbitration. The merchant must pay the

Arbitration fee and The American Arbitration Association,

The American Automobile Associations, partner in this

conspiracy. Then makes the decision on whether the

merchant wins the transaction.

208. Furthermore, a Foreign owned conglomerate, The

American Arbitration Association in partnership with The

American Automobile Association, the oldest and most

experienced monopoly in The United States successfully

control commerce throughout The United States.

209. Additionally, we will look at The State of Florida, I

included the first twenty pages of the A section. The 96

companies are listed in alphabetical order. The pages

show twenty per page for this is four hundred

companies. There is about a thousand pages of

companies. I stopped counting at around seven hundred

and seventy. Consequently, on information and belief,

twenty thousand companies in the State of Florida alone

have been victim to Plaintiffs tactics. The owners of

these companies I did have time to reach all said the

same story. Similar experiences to mine.

210. On information and belief, Plaintiffs use these

tactics when they accept a new member into their

approved auto repair facility or other group. As part of

our investigation we have spoken to many of Plaintiffs

approved automotive facility. Five of those shop owners

joined one of their shops into Plaintiffs group, to

determine if there was value associated with joinder of

the group. Consequently, immediately after joining other

shops in the area started receiving attacks exactly

similar to the attacks on our company. These shops

owned under other names and LLCs had to be closed97

because of the attacks.

211. Volkswagen and others. Plaintiffs through contract

with Volkswagen and others provided an unreasonable

restraint of trade in that it price fixing of roadside

assistance insurance for large organizations has made it

unreasonable for any company to successfully bid or

compete for these contracts. Consequently, as

punishment for breaking the contract and suing The

American Automobile Association, plaintiffs imposed a

five-million-dollar initiation fee. This was the subject of

the contract. On information and belief, from a trusted

source. The American Automobile Association then

infiltrated Volkswagens vehicle emissions teams and set-

up the emissions scandal plaguing Volkswagen.

212. Additionally, in a direct market area when a

member needs to make a claim to perform a tow in a

rural area such as Terre Haute Indiana. Plaintiffs will tell

the member there are no tow trucks available. The The

American Automobile Association will communicate to

their vendors in the area to charge an exurbanite rate

perform the tow. In October of 2016 while investigating

Plaintiffs I called to inquire about a tow from Terra Haute

to Bloomington, Indiana. Previously knowing who was

approved tow providers in that area. Plaintiffs then

informed me that they had no tow trucks available and I

could not make a claim. The tow from Terra Haute to

Bloomington is about forty miles. After getting off the

phone I called every approved tow provider in Terra

Haute. They each told me they had a driver available

and the rate was around three hundred and fifty to four

hundred dollars. I then waited about ninety minutes and

had another member call The American Automobile

Association to see if a truck would be available under

another member, thinking since I was being sued by

Plaintiffs maybe my name was flagged etc. This member

confirmed there was no trucks available per Plaintiffs

but the phone representative did say its a busy night

out there and the other member said did someone else

need a tow or something the representative then stated

try eight or nine. We can draw with to a reasonable

conclusion that nine different AAA members didnt call to

place a roadside assistance claim. Plaintiffs and most of

their vendors can see the request for Roadside

Assistance tows and quotes for tows their vendors

receive collectively. Consequently, all calls were placed

from different phone numbers and the email address

associated with those phone numbers received multiple

advertisements from Plaintiffs for a long period of time

following the call to Plaintiffs vendors.

213. Plaintiffs accomplish these task by attaching

cookies and tags and other technology to their

contracted vendors websites. When someone goes to

that vendors website or clicks on the phone number

through the ISE (Internet Search Engine) provider that

lead or persons information is sold to the other vendor.

So, to paraphrase, customer A see toms towing listed on

Google. They must click on toms Google listing to get

Toms towing Phone Number. So, Customer A, calls Toms

Towing gets a quote then simultaneously sees an

advertisement for Bills Towing on the Google Page. So,

then customer A calls Bobs Towing to get a quote. Then

Customer As information is then sold to Plaintiffs etc.

This has a departmental effect on the economy.

Businesses must place their listing on Google to be

found. Yet by the business placing their advertisement

on Google their customers information is sold to

multiple competitors. The competitors then cut the price

of Toms towing leaving a bad taste in the mouth of the

consumer with Tom and drives that business and

revenue out of local markets and giving large

organizations a competitive advantage in commerce. A

small company cannot buy leads like we just discussed.

They are only available to large organizations or parties

that have ownership interest. Furthermore, if we spent a

million dollars an TV advertising and those customers

went to Google or many other ISE to find our phone

number because they forgot the but remember the

advertisement. We could potentially lose all of those

customers. This most certainly an unreasonable restraint

of trade.
214. Additionally, The American Automobile

Associations Insurance Unit. I am an injured party. If you

call AAA today and request to buy car insurance but you

did not have previous insurance for six months. They will

not sell you insurance. Plaintiffs insurance products are

a group of separate insurance companies who have all

agreed not to sell insurance to a group and or groups of

people who fall into certain classes.

215. These classes include, not having insurance for a

certain period of time. Or having an accident during a

certain period of time. This collective group of insurers

furthermore forces consumers to purchase insurance

from providers who operate in a liquid manner. They

collect as many premiums as possible delay payout for

long periods of time then divert the premiums close and

or file bankruptcy and start again. Alfa insurance is a

great example of that type of company. Plaintiffs and

their insurance group participate in this is an

unreasonable restraint of trade. Furthermore, they set

prices higher for the poor by diverting them to these

shady insurance companies. If an individual lived in the

city lets say Chicago you wouldnt need a license or with

the availability of Uber it is very reasonable to go without

a license or without driving for a long period of time.

These policies are also used in keeping the poor in

check. Wear as one of the 43 million American people

living in poverty would use their tax refund check to

purchase an automobile they would be unable to

properly insure the vehicle with an adequate insurance

company. Furthermore, by being in an accident whether

they are at fault or not would leave them without an

automobile consequently limiting their employment

216. Then Plaintiffs use their partner The American

Arbitration Association, most insurance companies

including the group sold by Plaintiffs, have arbitration

clauses. To limit the amount paid to an injured party or

make even any remedy of law available to the person.

The Arbitration Clause would require in some cases four

thousand dollars to be paid to obtain an Arbitration

hearing. The Arbitration hearing is made up of insurance

company workers so for an Attorney to take a case like

this on contingency would be very unreasonable. The

risk associated with Arbitration fees etc. leaves the

person who followed the laws and who did what they

were supposed to do with nothing. A seamless and

mindless trap of poverty.

217. What would you have them do? Start a business,

wait cant do that reason above, oh lets walk to work

three miles one way for we can collect 7.25 an hour you

know the employer isnt going to pay more how much

farther and someone really walk every day after working

two jobs. One of those jobs isnt going suffice

considering the 210 dollars you receive after taxes might

cover your rent which is average eight hundred a month

not including utilities. So, in any ideology in considering

that those actions constitute as Life Liberty and the

pursuit of Happiness is mentally inept and far out of

focus with reality and should be sentenced to try it 104

themselves for a few years and see how it work for

218. The Conscious parallel behavior if not obvious is

The Arbitration among others. The Fact the The American

Automobile Association who is so concerned with their

Trademarks would allow an organization to use AAA as

The American Arbitration Association absent quid pro

quo is insanity. Plaintiffs collective seeks to keep God

fearing, Patriotic American out of court and out of

commerce. This has a detrimental effect on the

economy. Small business assets have grown 10% higher

than corporate assets since 2012 and that is without a

trillion-dollar injection and despite all the challenges they

must overcome. The diversion of the missed assets and

revenue stemming from the economic impediment of

Plaintiffs over the last one hundred years is in the

Trillions. Consequently, the middle-class people whose

live leveraged if their insurance policy doesnt do what

its contracted to do they will lose everything. So, if Sally

and Joe go with a carrier who has no intention of paying

out on a Policy or will hold funds or payouts to customers

when they are due it will dramatically change the

lifestyle of that person.

219. Realleged harm to Mr. Waller as a direct result

from Plaintiffs Actions and to the restraints of

commerce. Mr. Wallers Software application and

business plans valued at 2.3 billion dollars were stolen

from his computer system. At the time of the theft the

files and software were protected by Federal Government

Quality firewalls. A contract for 941,572,614 US dollars

was cancelled as a direct result of Plaintiffs Actions.

Plaintiffs Chargeback Teams had his and his companies

Credit Card Processing Accounts cancelled at Square Inc,

I Payment Technologies, Stripe Inc, Shopify Inc,

Merchants' Choice Payment Solution, Swipe Simple, The

Bank Card Center, Quid Payments and In

addition, these processors disrupted his business

operations in that his online store originally built in The

106 of
Square Inc platform had to be dismantled and a month

operations ceased and thousands of employee hours

diverted to delete all the accounts set-up for our

vendors. Quid Payments and I Payments Inc locked him

out of his accounts with no way to refund or access

customer data. These Credit Card Processors held large

amounts of customers funds creating mass confusion

customers not receiving their shipments forcing Mr.

Waller to enter very unfavorable contracts to fulfill the

customers orders. These processors continue to hold his

companys funds and Shopify Inc which we built out

store platform on and were assured that under no

circumstances would funds be held has stopped the

ability for customers to make purchases. These criminal

acts in violation of IC 35-43-4-2. Since all of these

accounts are tied to his Credit when someone does a

credit check on his name all this negative information

shows up on his score, Plaintiffs have destroyed his

Credit and consequently seek to enslave him through

impeding competition because they know that once he

enters the marketplace he will subsequence kick their

rumpus with superior sales models and actual customer

service. Subsequently, if he continues use of AAA Parts

he might actually make the name worth something other

than the people you can buy roadside assistance

insurance from and have a fifty-fifty chance of getting a

tow truck and a 25 percent chance of getting a tow truck

in less than three hours. Plaintiffs are mindless and rely

solely on the work of others to generate ideas of value.

On information and belief, even in the early 1900s

Plaintiffs were well known to cheat at the racetracks they

220. Plaintiffs actions and interferences have cost our

company thousands of customer accounts which have a

long-term revenue value of 100,000 dollars per year at

full operations. These numbers are based on the industry

leading business projection software, in addition to years

of historical sales data. Plaintiffs have also cost us a few

hundred vendor accounts. The complications and

confusions with vendor funding has led to hundreds of

cancelations and made it impossible to meet the terms

set forth in the vendor agreements. Comparatively,

Plaintiffs have magically grown by around twelve

hundred vendors on their Automotive Map since October

2016. Also, Plaintiffs have a new Trademark Filed

February 2017 AAA Drivetrain. They connected many old

trademark to it to make it look as if it was very old but its

new. Reminds me of Drivetrain

Logo we had with the software.

221. These Credit Card Processors and institutions all

have an Arbitration Clause and they hide behind it avoid

222. Furthermore, we pray the court sees it is very

clear that the market power of Plaintiffs is more than

satisfactory to meet the requirements as required in

these Acts and these actions more than violate The

Sherman Act 15 USCS 1, The Sherman Act 15 USCS 2

by authorization of 15 U.S. Code 7 and 9, The

Sherman Act 15 USCS 3 as authorization of 15 U.S.

Code 7 and 9 and grant our prayer for relief.

COUNTER-CLAIM COUNT 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 109


INCORPORATES all the preceding Paragraphs.

224. 15 U. S. Code13(a)(c)(d)(e)(f)
225. Around February 2016, my wife had a membership

with The American Automobile Association. She had a

membership that allowed a certain number of tows etc.

We had used those tows but our vehicle broke down. My

wife whose Father had died asked me if my wife could

keep their familys last name so their name could live on

another generation. Of course, I said it wasnt a problem

so she does have a different last name than I do.

Consequently, I called The American Automobile

Association and asked if they could do a tow for me

because I was out in the middle of nowhere and on my

way to a meeting to meet with some investors for my

businesses. The representative said that since we had

different last names and my wife was not with me that I

would have to purchase a membership in order to get

tow services from them. They said that 1) I had to be a

member that under no circumstances do they provide

services to non-members. So, they transferred me to the

national call center and I purchased a membership. So, I

recalled The American Automobile Association help line

and they said because I was a new member I couldnt

place a claim for seven days and I had to pay an

additional I think it was 75 dollars. So here I was in

February freezing to death I had just coughed up 200

dollars for a membership and they wanted me to pay an

additional seventy-five dollars and wait seven days to

receive a tow. In performing these actions, they violated

section multiple subsections of this section.

Consequently, they did not tow my vehicle that day. I

had to call find a ride and missed a very important

meeting with an investor. The buy in for investment was

one hundred million dollars. These guys dont wait.

Additionally, I discovered I was charged 25% more than

my Mother in Law who made the exact same purchase in

the same year. Consequently, in doing research on The

American Automobile Association they contract with Tow

Truck Vendors to receive discriminatory prices on tow

services. In revisiting the Volkswagen Contract The

American Automobile Association discriminated against

its members, the general public and competition in

entering into the Volkswagen agreement.

226. Relatively, The American Automobile Association

has different price points for the exact same services

around the country. If you buy a membership in

California the price is different than Indiana etc.

227. On information and belief, that Plaintiffs

collectively enter markets because the buying power

they give them the ability to purchase materials in bulk.

Please revisit AAA Overhead Doors.

228. Additionally, in 2015 I called The American

Automobile Association to purchase insurance. I had an

accident while leaving the hospital after having my

retina detached for an x-ray because I accidently hit

myself in the eye while changing a exhaust manifold on

one of my trucks at the time. The bolt broke off while

applying pressure with a breaker bar. When I left the

hospital, I couldnt see straight literally, the doctor said I

was ok to drive but I didnt make it out of the parking lot.

Furthermore, The American Automobile Association

refused to sell me insurance because I had one accident.

So, I chose a company called Alfa Insurance. I purchased

the full coverage policy all the bells and whistles. At the

time, I was restoring a 2000 AMG 500 Mercedes Benz.

The two-door coupe has the same body principals as a

Bentley Continental. So, I was determined to design a

body kit for the car that would convert it into a Bentley

Continental replica, like the one me and my friend

designed for the 70s-model corvette that converted it

into a Batmobile. So, it was an important project.

229. So a 15 year old kid steals the car while Im buying

parts for it takes it on a high speed chase and Alfa

Insurance says there was five hundred and fifty dollars

worth of damage to the vehicle without taking to a

Dealer. The kid ripped into everything all the wiring

everything. Now The American Automobile Association

and a large group of insurance companies agreed to get

together and fix prices for a certain class of people.

People who wake up drive 10 miles to work every day

and drive home five days week. Further attacking

competition by

excluding a large class

of individuals. So as

part of their

agreement Plaintiffs

and the insurance companies pushes millions of people

into the path of an a bad business deal an adverse

230. On information and belief, Plaintiffs Credit Card

Processing Contracts are structured to intentionally

interfere with small and medium sized business and they

are empowered through Arbitration clauses.

Count 25


INCORPORATES all the preceding Paragraphs.

232. Plaintiffs model violates 15 USCS 14.
233. On information and belief, The American

Automotive Association does not offer nonmembers

access to their services. Plaintiffs contracts with

Approved Automobile Shop, Hotels, Rental Car

Companies, ETC. Almost half the businesses in the

United States. They agree not to provide a discount or a

service to non-members. This includes Carfaxs, Hotel

Room, Pharmacys, tens and thousands of businesses.

Count 26


INCORPORATES all the preceding Paragraphs.

235. Plaintiffs Actions violate 15 USCS 6a
236. Plaintiffs Tactics have been on display for over

100 years. Their fixing of racecar events, their riots and

strikes in the union days. The American Automobile

Associations. For the last seventy-five years, most

innovation in the automotive industry has come from

237. Plaintiffs Actions have shown continuously that

they have the ability to control foreign commerce. Mr.

Wallers software has and had the ability to make US

production of steel, aluminum, coal and other resources

readily available for production domestically. More than

competitive for export internationally.

238. On information and belief, Plaintiffs knew of its

capabilities due to their precise actions against him and

with foreign interest in mind made calculated and

precise attacks against Mr. Waller.

239. Plaintiffs system of Government as he would call it

works in unison to keep domestic interest dwarfed to its

full potential.
Count 27 , 28 , 29 ,

INCORPORATES all the preceding Paragraphs. Violations

of 15 USCS 18 violation of 15 USCS 18 and violations

of Section 13 and Section 13(d) of the Securities

Exchange Act of 1934.

241. On information and belief, Plaintiffs use their one-

hundred-year-old retirement fund as well as the funds of

the insurance companies that sell under their name to

purchase large portions of publicly traded companies.

For means of controlling those companys actions.

242. Through means of combined purchasing power

and with the intentions of protecting and enforcing their

Monopoly Plaintiffs monitor and track the 116

communications of parties they consider adverse or

monitor new and emerging markets.

243. Plaintiffs Trademarks work as a means of

enforcement of the will of Monopolistic Leaders who scoff

at laws, rules and regulations.

244. As Plaintiffs cancer continues to spread into the

veins of our Homeland and abroad Plaintiffs continue to

use US Tax Payer funds derived from The US road funds

to use inferior concrete and asphalt to ensure the faade

of their future relevance.

245. Plaintiffs assets hidden in plain sight are so large

they must be concealed by other non-profits and other

insurance companies not bearing Plaintiffs name but

fully owned and controlled by Plaintiffs. As our

investigation is ongoing we have reasonably pinned

pointed the major fund Plaintiffs use to implement the

will of their monopoly and illegal activities.

246. The Tagging process as talked about in Mr. Wallers

background is further discussed in the pass law for H.R.

97 A BILL To amend the Act entitled An Act to

supplement existing laws against unlawful restraints and

monopolies, and for other purposes. By Mr. Voorhis of

California dated January 3, 1945. This was for the 79 th

Congressional Session. The Statement of The Honorable

Jerry Voorhis after he is introduced by Mr. Walter. It

explains the way Monopolies work and what they do to

people who cross them. Senator Voorhis continues to

explain how they ruin the individuals credit and

hypothetically trap them in poverty.

247. Additionally, he speaks about how a vitamin D

manufacture will patent every possible use for vitamin D.

Consequently, the baker who want to use it, the Doctor

who wants to use vitamin D in medicine or any other use

will have to pay the original Patentee a royalty to use

vitamin d in any product. The Senator continues to

express how this action and others similar are restraints

of trade. For the last century Plaintiffs have impeded,

monopolized and controlled the roadside assistance

marketplace hindering growth and technological

248. On information and Belief, Plaintiffs charge
businesses that in their network a ten percent tax to wait

on their members then the business must give the

member an additional five percent discount. On

information and belief, these funds are then

proportioned into LLCs and Plaintiffs retirement fund to

allow for Plaintiffs to trade in violation of 15 USCS 18.

The retirement fund is massive. The Insurance

companies that sell under the AAA logo have an

estimated twenty billion dollars in mutual funds, each.

249. On information and belief, Plaintiffs collectively us

18 U.S.C. 2701 (c) (2) exemption, unlawfully to access

other companies voice and electronic communications

without a court order. They then trade on this

information in violation of 15 USCS 18 and violations of

Section 13 and Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange

Act of 1934.



INCORPORATES all the preceding Paragraphs.

251. On information and belief, Plaintiffs have and

continue to make false statements to Congress in 119

violation of 18 U.S.C. 1001.

252. In my investigation, we uncovered that multiple

times Directors contradicted themselves while making

testimony before congress. Consequently, Plaintiffs

continue to provide false documentation to Congress on

their ownership, employment records, earnings and

which companies control Plaintiffs. The causality of their

actions reflects on the state of the economy as a whole.

253. When GM moved Jobs overseas where was

254. When Ford moved jobs overseas where was

255. Plaintiffs have successfully for the last century

pimped the Great name of The United States of

American and while painting themselves as Patriotic

saviors of The Republic have sold the interest of The

United States to foreign governments for pennies on the

256. Part of their schemas include The Disablement of

small businesses though The Credit Card Processing

257. The dismantlement and unstableness of The 120

Governments Authority and The Authority of The Courts

through Arbitration and Through the policing of relative

and useful information by keeping it out of our Public-

School Systems.


258. Having completely and fully provided his Answer

to the Complaint, this Defendant therefore also DENIES

Plaintiff's mildewed and plagiarize prayer for relief.

Whereby the testament of their complaint push and

surpass the bounds of Hypocrisy thus being prepared by

another and presented to this court as their own with the

names of persons not accepted to practice in this forum.

While even having, the matter brought to their attention

they do no action to repair or seek absolution.

Furthermore, and thoroughly Defendants DENY Plaintiffs

Pray for Relief. We furthermore, humbly pray for the

court to grant the relief as follows below:

259. On this day let the court reflect with me to the

stories of old, paraphrasing A rich Noble, aka

organization, described as Plaintiffs in this filling, with

many farms, lands as far as the eye can see, flocks of

the field, beast of the wild lands, Chariots and Horses,

herds of cattle, towers that reached to the sky, and many

servants, concubines and vaults of gold. One of this

Nobles neighbors, a scientist, theologian and theologist,

in commerce whos lands he could see from lofty towers

had spent many seasons breading the perfect Lamb. This

man had spent his whole life learning how to bread the

perfect lamb, now it was time to bread flocks of beautiful

white lambs, to reimbursed for his mental sacrifice and

labor. The neighbors lamb was white and beautiful. The

noble said to his servants I want that lamb; Go and fetch

it for me in the darkness. The Nobel, instead of buying

the lamb for fair settlement he took it in the night. When

the King heard of these acts he brought the Noble to his

court. The King looking upon the noble proclaimed: DO

YOU NOT HAVE ENOUGH!! You have lands; Kingdoms;

vaults of Gold; concubines and servants. Yet, you

wouldnt give fair settlement or offer to thy neighbor for

his work and sacrifice and hence taketh all that he has.

The Noble proclaimed, it was just a Lamb. The King

wisely said was it not just a seed that sprouted the trees,

was it not a voice in the darkness that gave life was it

not dust that brought mankind. The King said to the

Noble maybe just a Lamb to you but to your neighbor it

was all he had. Therefore, the King ordered all the nobles

lands, flocks, sheep, chariots, wealthy, servants,

concubines, towers and gold be given to the man whose

sheep was stolen and in a fortnight what the King had

ordered was done. We Pray for the same or similar Relief.

For while we invested our resources and earnings for the

last eight years into technology, Plaintiffs have come in

the night and stolen or plans and technology as to

impede our ability to compete in a marketplace they

already dominate though unlawful techniques and

Monopolist strategies. These tactics have been employed

and are currently employed against the efforts of many

other small businesses.

260. The Complaint against Defendant be dismissed

with prejudice. 123

261. Award Defendants the amount of 12,371,460,901

US Dollars for Plaintiffs and their affiliates violation of

The Stored Communication Act 18 U.S.C. S 2701 (a) 1

and 2 and Tortuous Interference with a prospective

economic advantage. As a direct result of these actions

Mr. Waller lost a contract worth 941,572,614.

262. WE further pray the court that Mr. Waller in order

to exercise his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of

happiness as guaranteed him in the State of Indiana

constitution that all prisoners who are innocent of their

crimes, weather found guilty or not, be set free

immediately. The cries of the innocent impede his ability

to exercise his right to the pursuit of life liberty and the

pursuit of happiness.
263. We also pray this court that the debts of the Poor

and Middle Class be paid in full. On information and

belief, the practice of entrapment and slavery via

cleverly named instruments of debt do not fully disclose

the terms and conditions of the contracts entered and

are furthermore adverse contracts. These unlawful

instruments, further restrain the ability of poor and

middle class as well as small businesses in violation of

Declaration set forth in USC 7 USCS 601.

264. We ALSO pray It is hereby declared that the

disruption of the orderly exchange of any commodities in

interstate commerce that impairs the purchasing power

of any American or destroys the value of business assets

which support the national credit structure be Declared

265. We pray that any Conditions affecting or

obstructing transactions in any commodities with a

national public interest or any United States channels of

interstate commerce. Declared ENJOINED.

266. WE pray that corporations that make marketplaces

unenterable or impeded competition in anyway


267. WE pray that Plaintiffs be required to pay in

addition to the damages above A total reproduction cost

to Mr. Waller in the amount of 300,265,000. We also ask

for additional Punitive Damages to be paid to The Court

of the Southern District of Indiana in the amount of

18,500,000,000 The United States Treasury in the 125

Amount of 18,500,000,000 and The State of Indiana in

the amount of 1,500,000,000.

268. We further pray this court to release all

Trademarks owned by Plaintiffs, The American

Arbitration Association and The American Automobile

Association into the public domain.

269. We pray that the Plaintiffs and The American

Arbitration Association and The American Automobile

Association be Enjoined from re-establishing those marks

270. We pray that the Trademarks. Used to further the

interest of restraints of trade and hindrances of

competition be ENJOINED without the ability to refile.





We Pray this court, for Justice for the weak, freedom for the
innocent, and mercy for the evil doer and the guilty.
272. Also, we pay the court enjoin the defendants from

speaking, writing, posting, anything negative about Mr.

273. We pray the court require them to write a letter to

all credit card processor saying we are not a scam.

274. We also pray the court order Plaintiffs, their

vendors, their associates, their affiliates, and any other

person or persons related to them in any way to abide by

the terms and conditions as set forth on

when taking orders from our company.

275. Also, we pray the court that Plaintiffs contact all

approved members via letter and e-mail saying we

deserve an opportunity to earn the companys business.

Definitions: Plaintiffs, The American Automobile Association,

Inc.; ("AAA") as defined according to the US Department of

Commerce, collectively are called Plaintiffs in this document and

in all other documents written and submitted by Mr. Waller, in

reference to this case. Plaintiffs are the person or persons who

filed this lawsuit. Unless Mr. Michael H Waller Jr., the Michael H

Waller Jr. who is typing this now, is the actual Plaintiff. If that is

the case then the Plaintiff would be The Law Firm of Bingham

Greenebaum Doll LLP, Covington & Burling LLP, The American

Automobile Association, Inc. and ("AAA") The American Arbitration

Association as defined according to the US Department of

Commerce. Fifth Third Bank, The City of Bloomington, Square Inc,

IPayment Inc, The BankCard Center, Merchants' Choice Payment

Solution, Shopify INC, GODADDY INC, Indiana University

Bloomington, The American Automobile Associations Retirement

Fund. The Tribune Inc. Alfa Insurance. If a

document is filed Titled Complaint and Mr. Waller or any of his

companies or businesses is the Plaintiff. The following references

to Plaintiffs in other documents would refer to the following

companies. The American Automobile Association, Inc. ("AAA") as

defined according to the US Department of Commerce, Fifth Third

Bank, The City of Bloomington, Square Inc, IPayment Inc, The

BankCard Center, Merchants' Choice Payment Solution, Shopify

INC, GODADDY INC, Indiana University Bloomington, The

American Automobile Associations Retirement Fund,, Alfa Insurance, all affiliated groups with The

American Automobile Association.

If the title of the document is Complaint and it was written by Mr.

Waller, the Plaintiff in all of his other filings were Mr. Waller or any

of his businesses are listed as defendants would be The American

Automobile Association, Inc. ("AAA") as defined according to the

US Department of Commerce. Fifth Third Bank, The City of

Bloomington, Square Inc, IPayment Inc, The BankCard Center,

Merchants' Choice Payment Solution, Shopify INC, GODADDY INC,

Indiana University Bloomington, The American Automobile

Associations Retirement Fund,, Alfa Insurance,

Woodforest Bank, and all affiliated groups with The American

Automobile Association and the initiator of this lawsuit.

Furthermore, Mr. Waller will always be either the Plaintiff or the

Counter-Claim Plaintiff. He will never be Pleading Against himself.

When Mr. Waller says we, or says Mr. Waller this is because he is

Pro Se so he is stepping outside himself so to speak and reporting

the events. When he writes in the first person most of the time it

is because those circumstances and events can only be reported

in the first person.

On April 26, 2017

Pro se:

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael H Waller Jr.

Telephone: (812) 679-
(888) PARTS20 Ext 1
[email protected]
[email protected]
Living at 800 west 11th Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47404 inside
The United States of America on
Planet Called Earth in the
English Tongue.


Movant Address and Telephone Number:

800 west 11th Street Bloomington, Indiana 47404 inside The

United States of America

I certify that a copy of this Pleading for AMENDED CONSOLIDATED,


has been mailed, postage prepaid, upon (insert address in space

Jessica Whelan Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP 127 North Illinois
Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46204



1) The American Automobile Associations Map of Automotive
Shops and Locations twelve hundred new additions since
October 2016 1 Page
2) Map of all The American Automobile Associations locations
and network of approved Shops. 1 Page
3) Info USA/ same company and their listing of
sixteen thousand other companies doing business under
AAA. 1 Page
4) The American Arbitration Association clearly defined as AAA
as described in The United States Department of Commerce
5 Pages
5) The American Automobile Association welcoming into their membership 1 Page
6) Yahoo 1 Billion Users Hacked 3 Pages
7) Federal Civil Case Number 2:12 CV12-6553R (MAN)x 6 Pages
8) BBB Accreditation of AAA Automotive and Truck Parts 1 Page
9) Exhibit 9 Patent and Trademark Application for TRIPLE A 9
10) AAA Club Membership for Michael Waller 1 Page
11) Letter to the Law Office of Bingham Greenebaum Doll
LLC 1 Page


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