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Part 2 of the English Regents

Text Analysis: Argumentative

Steps for Reading and Preparing the Text:
Step 1: Pre-reading: Read the first 10-15 lines of each article to get a
idea for each articles purpose/claim.
Step 2: State your position on the line below:

Step 3: Now that you know your argument, write on the line below the
counterclaim to your argument.


Step 4: Actively Read: Read the texts silently but at a read-aloud

pace to
determine a position.
The purpose of this is to read and comprehend at a deeper level
than the
first time you read a text.
As you actively read the text, underline significant
information that support your position.

Step 5: Complete the attached chart with your selected/underlined

quotes/graphics/information (INCLUDE CITATIONS). Have at
least one piece of evidence from each text. Find only one piece
of evidence from one of the texts you can use for a

Argument: ____________________________________________________________________

QUOTATION/GRAPHIC/INFO (include How does the quote, graphic, or paraphrased

citation for each) information support the argument?
Text #_____:

Text #_____:

Text #_____:

Counterclaim evidence How does the statement refute the

Text #_____: argument?

Step 5: Look at the chart and select TWO items that support your position.
Step 6: Choose ONE item from the chart that counters or refutes your
Steps for Writing the Argumentative Response:
A. Introductory Paragraph:
Step 1: Hook: A general statement about the argument that may interest
the reader
Be sure to clearly state the argument you will be defending.
Step 2: Outline your essay in three sentences for the reader. Two
sentences will be
the supporting ideas for your position. The third sentence is the

B. Supporting Paragraph 1:
Step 1: Write a topic sentence mentioning how your example of the text
your position.
Step 2: Include a quotation/textual (INCLUDE CITATION) example to support
Step 3: Provide an explanation/analysis of your text-based example and
how it works
to support your position. This must be two to three sentences!!!
Step 4: Provide a concluding sentence.

C. Supporting Paragraph 2:
Step 1: Write a topic sentence mentioning how your example of the text
your position.
Step 2: Include a quotation/textual (INCLUDE CITATION) example to support
Step 3: Provide an explanation/analysis of your text-based example and
how it works
to support your position. This must be two to three sentences!!!
Step 4: Provide a concluding sentence.



D. Counter Claim Paragraph:
Step 1: Write a topic sentence mentioning the counterclaim.
Step 2: Include a quotation/textual (INCLUDE CITATIONS) example that
supports the
Step 3: Provide an explanation/analysis of your text-based example and
how it
supports the counterclaim. This must be one to two sentences.
Step 4: Using previously stated supporting evidence, show how the
is not a valid argument from the information you have given in
supporting paragraphs 1 and 2. This must be two to three
Step 5: Provide a concluding sentence.

E. Concluding Paragraph:
Step 1: Restate your position.
Step 2: Summarize the main points of your analysis. Two to three
Step 3: Write a concluding sentence that leaves the reader with an
interesting view of
your position. One to two sentences.

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