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Speciation Vocabulary Presentations Day 3

HS-LS4-5. Evaluate the evidence supporting claims that changes in environmental conditions
may result in: (1) increases in the number of individuals of some species, (2) the emergence of
new species over time, and (3) the extinction of other species.
HS-LS4-6. Create or revise a simulation to test a solution to mitigate adverse impacts of human
activity on biodiversity.
ELD 9-10 B.5 Listening Actively
ELD 9-10 C.9 Presenting

Purpose/Rationale: By splitting up the vocab terms on the previous day, each group has to
become an expert in their term so that they can teach the class about it. This quick, low-stress
group presentation will get them used to being in front of the class and hopefully ease some
nerves for presentations throughout the rest of the year. Students will also be more engaged
listening to their peers than if they were looking up the words individually.

Background Knowledge: The day before this lesson, students will have worked in groups to
create a vocab card for one assigned term. The card includes the definition, an example and a
picture for the term. Students have experience in this type of vocabulary activity so they have
done similar presentations before. This time they will be applying this to new terms.

*Instructional Objectives: Assessment (formal/informal) HOW you

will assess: WHAT you will be looking for:
By the end of the period, students will orally Students will be informally assessed based on
present one vocabulary term including the the completion of their presentation. They
definition, an example, and a picture. will be held accountable to present because
their presentation will be the only way their
peers will get the definition of each term.

*Language Objectives: Assessment (formal/informal) HOW you

will assess: WHAT you will be looking for:
During presentations, the students in the Students will complete the definitions on a
audience will be able to listen to and write vocabulary handout which will be checked at
down the definition of each vocabulary term a later date as part of a regular notebook
based on their peers presentations. check. During class, I will also be visually
scanning the room to assess participation.

*Multicultural Objectives: Assessment (formal/informal)- HOW you will

assess: WHAT you will be looking for:
After the term, Endangered Species is Participation will be voluntary as the purpose
presented, students will engage in a quick of this discussion is to get students to begin
class discussion on what kinds of factors may thinking about this issue, leading into the
lead to species becoming endangered as an project that will be completed the following
introduction to the endangered species week.
project later on in the unit.
Materials and Safety Precautions (if applicable)
- Document Camera
- Completed Vocabulary Cards from the previous day
- Vocabulary handout for students to fill in definitions
- Finch Speciation animation

Accommodations for special needs, advanced and English language learners

Students will be presenting in groups where every person will be encouraged to speak but not
required if they are not yet comfortable. For students who have presentation anxiety, this will
be an opportunity for them to at least get used to coming up to the front of the room and
reading off of their prepared card in a low-anxiety setting. These students, along with English
Learners will get support from their group members while presenting.


1. When students come in, explain that the warm-up today will not be done on the
warm-up sheet.
Exploration/Collaborative Learning
2. Warm-up: Finish your vocab card with your group, if not yet completed. Discuss how
you plan to present. Give students about 5 minutes to finalize their card and decide
who will present each part of the card.
3. Remind students that each group will come up the front of the room to present their
Vocabulary term to the class using their Vocab Card displayed on the document camera.
First tell us your vocabulary term, explain the definition and examples you found, and
then show and explain your picture.
4. Hand out blank vocabulary term list as students are working in groups.
5. After preparation time ask, Would anyone like to volunteer to present first?
Explanation/Collaborative Learning
6. Have groups volunteer one at a time to present. If no one volunteers start going down
the vocabulary list and call up groups.
7. While groups are presenting, have the rest of the students listen quietly and write down
the definition of the term being presented.
Explanation/Guided Practice
8. After each presentation, ask clarification questions to the groups if necessary and
elaborate on each term while students finish up with writing down the definition.
9. Repeat steps 6-8 for all 10 terms.
10. After the term Endangered Species is presented, pause and ask What are some things
that could cause a species to become endangered? Discuss student responses.
Continue presentations.
11. Using some of these terms we have just learned, we are going to look closer at the
speciation of the Galapagos Finches the Darwin had studied. Bring up Finch speciation
animation on the projector.
12. Go through entire animation and briefly explain each step using the vocabulary terms
Population, Founder Effect, Bottleneck effect, Geographic isolation, and Divergent
Expansion/Guided Practice
13. Start animation over and have students call out the name of each step, in unison. Most
of these terms are also displayed on the animation.













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