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1. NATURAL LAW V. POSITIVE LAW: Analyse movies/heroes/novel or

comics characters/case-laws/legislations with respect to the Hart-Fuller
Debate (that is, debate between Natural law and Positive law). The
following is the list of probable movies/superheros/novel characters/case-
laws/legislations that you could use:
a. Baby (Hindi movie)
b. Holiday (Hindi or its Tamil version)
c. Batman as a Natural Lawyer
d. Godfather as a Natural Lawyer (Novel by Mario Puzo)
e. Special 26 (Hindi movie)
f. Bhagat Singh and his ideology with respect to Natural law
g. Indian Independence Movement w.r.t. Natural law
h. Mahatma Gandhi/Salt Satyagraha as a Natural law phenomenon
i. Recent SC decision on National Anthem
j. Boston Tea Party during American Independence Movement
k. Socrates as a natural lawyer
l. Arab Spring
m. Maneka Gandhi v. UOI
n. Air India vs. Nargis Mirza
o. Indian Express Newspaper v. UOI
p. International law/ UDHR/ Human Rights as a manifestation of
Natural law
q. Nelson Mandela as a natural lawyer
r. A.D.M. Jabalpur v. Shivakant Shukla
s. Rule of Law/ Basic Structure doctrine/ Fundamental Rights & DPSPs
as a manifestation of Natural law
t. Debate around death penalty
u. Right to die as a part of Right to life
v. Space laws/ Law of the Seas/ Energy laws/ Nuclear law as a
manifestation of Natural law theory
w. How did the World Wars lead to revival of Natural law, and how did
Positive law affect them
x. French Revolution/ English Revolution and NLT
y. Jesus Christ as a Natural lawyer
z. Slavery/ Casteism/ LGBT Rights and Natural law
aa.Trumps immigration ban as a violation of International Human
Rights Law/ Natural law
ab.Sally Yates (the fired Attorney General of USA) as a natural lawyer
ac. Martin Luther King Jr. as a Natural lawyer
ad.Donald Trump and Legal Positivism
ae.AFSPA and Natural law

a. Ban on abortion/ Reproductive & Sexual Health Rights
b. Indian Personal laws as gender discriminatory (eg: Triple talaq as a
valid part of Indian law)
c. Womens Right to Property Skewed
d. Analysis of Pink movie
e. Khairlanji case
f. Mathura rape case
g. Nirbhaya case
h. Caste-based violence against women
i. Rape trials and their flaws
j. How judiciary victimizes women
k. Intersections of caste, class, race and gender (eg: most of the rape
victims being SC/ST)
l. Fundamental rights and women: Do they freely exercise it?
m. Are womens rights considered as human rights?
n. How religion/ religious personal laws violate womens rights
o. Sexism/lookism in employment: How it violates principles of labour
p. Period leaves (Leaves during menstruation, just like maternity
leaves): A Possibility?
q. Analysis of the movie Parched
r. Goddess Kali as a feminist jurist
s. Haji Ali/Shani Shinganapur/Sabarimala cases of restricting womens
entry vis--vis feminist jurisprudence
t. UCC and feminist jurisprudence
u. Bangalore New Year molestation case and feminist jurisprudence
v. Drafting a Feminist Constitution
w. Feminist Analysis of ANY legislation/case-law
x. Judiciary as an old boys club
y. Litigation as a hostile career option for women law graduates
z. Islamic Feminism
aa.Male guardianship of women: a feminist legal critique
ab.Disabilities of trans-women: Feminist legal critique


a. Blade Runner movie & Post-modernist jurisprudence
b. Donald Trump as a post-modernist: A jurisprudential analysis
c. Clinton v. Trump: Modern v. Post-modern
d. Radical post-modernism of ISIS
e. Pros & Cons of Postmodern jurisprudence
f. Race discrimination (Critical race theory) as a part of post-modern
g. Demographic profile of undertrials/convicts in India: A Post-
modernist analysis
h. A critique of gender binaries: A post-modernist analysis
i. Identity politics in India: A Post-modernist analysis
j. Caste profiles of higher education institutions
k. Casteism in food menus in higher education institutions
l. Reservations in India: A Post-modern analysis
m. Islamophobia: A Post-modernist analysis of persecution of Muslims
in India
n. Judiciary as an old boys club Its effects on justice administration
o. How post-modernism has changed our understanding of law
p. Post-modern constitutionalism: An analysis
q. Post-modernism and Critical legal studies
r. Post-modern analysis of the portrayal of Xerxes in the movie 300
s. Edward Saids Orientalism
t. Furman v Georgia (US case which highlighted racial discrimination
in US judiciary)
u. Effects of personal dispositions of judges in accepting/rejecting bail
petitions (Read book Emotions of Law & Cardozos Nature of
Judicial Process)
a. Effects of UN Charter/ UDHR on Indian Constitution
b. Analysis of Shah Bano-Muslim Women Protection of Rights on
Divorce Act- Daniel Latiefi case
c. ADM Jabalpur case (Habeas Corpus case): Its reasons and after-
d. How the historical circumstances have affected any particular case-
e. Effect of Indira Gandhis regime on Indian laws and fundamental
rights of Indians/Constitutional amendments
f. Modi regime and amendments to labour and environmental laws
g. Political analysis of our legal system
h. Caste/class/gender profile of Indian judges/legislators and its effects
on our laws
i. Effects of colonialism on our legal education/judiciary/laws
j. Effects of Liberalization-Privatisation-Globalisation (LPG) on the
kinds of laws that were passed in India post-1990s
k. Effects of LPG on Education laws in India (post-1990s) Analysis SC
l. Effects of Bhopal Gas Tragedy on the development of tort law in
m. Effects of culture on legislations/case-laws (eg: why are rape victims
asked to marry their rapists?)
n. Analysis of Nuremberg trials/Tokyo trials

a. Satyam scam/any corporate scam vis--vis theories of corporate
b. Animal rights vis--vis theories of juristic personality
c. Disability rights vis--vis theories of personality
d. Unborn childs right to property
e. Can an idol own property?
f. A thiefs right to ownership and possession
g. Analysis of Fundamental rights vis--vis Hohfeldian system
h. Changed definition of minor under Criminal law (Amendment) Act
2013: Analysis w.r.t. Theories of Punishment
i. How should the judge use his discretion to decide cases
j. Practical utilities of Jurisprudence

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