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Lesson Plan

Subject : Chemistry
Class/semester : XI/I
Time : 20 Minutes
Standard Competence : Understand about the atomic stucture to predicting periodical properties
of element, molecul structure and the properties of compound.
Based Competence : Explain the VSEPR (Theory number of bonding electron pairs suround
the nucleus) and hibridization theory to predicting shape of molecul.
Objective : Predicting molecul shapes using the theory of VSEPR (the Valence
Shell Electron Pair repulsion).
Indicator : Predict the molecule shape based on VSEPR theory.
Named the molecule shape
I. Lesson Purpose
After this lesson process, student expected to be able to:
Predicting molecul shapes using the theory of VSEPR (the Valence Shell Electron Pair

II. Lesson matter

The VSEPR theory was developed by Gillespie and Nyholm based on ideas
state by N. V. Sidgwick and H. E. Powell. The theory was based on the existance of an
electron in atom. Electron in the atom, execept hydrogen and helium, can be clasified
into two group, electron in the inner shell and electron in the outer shell(valence
electron). The outer shell is occupied by Bonding Electron Pairs (BEP) and Lone
Electron Pairs (LEP). The bonding electrons pairs are pairs of electron use together in
the formation of covalent bonding. The lone electron pairs are pairs of electron which
are not use together in the formation of covalent bonding.
Electron pairs have repulsion properties. To minimize this repulsion action,
electron pairs will tend to repel each other. Molecular shapes of substance depend on the
number of bonding electron pairs (BEP) and lone electron pairs (LEP). Based on the
number of BEP and LEP, the basic shape of a molecule can be predicted.

III. Lesson method

1. Questioning and answering method
2. Discussion
IV. Lesson steps
1. The beginning activity (time allocation is 4 minutes).
No Activities Teachers language
1 Greeting Good evening class?
2 Asking for students Are you feeling well today?
3 Leading a prayer Before we start our lesson today, lest pray
together. Shall we..Amen
4 Checking attendance Who is absent today?
5 Reviewing last material Lets review our lesson last week. We have
talked about the Lewis structure.
6 Apperception 1) Do you remember about the Lewis structure?
2) Please draw the Lewis Structure for CO2?
3) Do you remember about the covalent bond?
4) Are the kinds of electron affecting the
molecular shapes?
5) The electron that used together is called?
7 Goal stating After having this class, you will be able to
predict the molecule shape.
2. The main activity (time allocation 11 minutes).
No Activities Teachers language
1 Teacher asks one student , can you draw the Lewis structure of
to draw the Lewis structure CO2 on the board, please?
of CO2
2 Teacher explains the Based on VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pairs
definition. Repulsion) theory, we know that
3 Teacher asks students Do you understand? Any question so far?
4 Teacher divides the Now I will divide this class to 5 groups, 1 group
students into 5 groups. consist of ..students.
5 Teacher shares the To make you more understand, please do this
worksheet to each group. worksheet in group.
6 Teacher and student
discuss the answer
7 Teacher asks one student Now, one student from each group come in front
from each group to answer of class to present the groups answer, please?
the question in the
3. The finishing activity (time allocation 5 minutes).
No Activities Teachers language
1 Summarizing Ok class, the time is up. Lets summarizing our
lesson today? Today we have learned
2 Homework For your homework, please do the exercise 2 in
your book and hand in to my room tomorrow!
3 Wise words I wish you have to read and learn about the
matter for next lesson.
4 Leave-taking Ok class, well have to stop now, have a nice day
and see you next week.
V. Media and study source
1. Media
A.White Board and felt tip.
B.Laptop and LCD
C.Power point
E. Molecule model.
2. Study source
Kimia SMA/MA Kelas X

VI. Assessment


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Enclosure 1
Indicator : Predicting molecul shapes using the theory of VSEPR
(the Valence Shell Electron Pair repulsion).
Electron pairs have repulsion properties.
Repulsion between BEP and BEP
Repulsion between BEP and LEP
Repulsion between LEP and LEP
To minimize this repulsion action, electron pairs will tend to repel each
Complete this table, and conclude your answer!
Name Predict the
The The
of shape
Lewis structure number number
of BEP of LEP






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