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Lesson Plan Template - SLE

TC Name: Kelsie Meyer

Spanish 3 (9th and 10th
Grade/level: Graders) Language: Spanish
Instructional Context
What do I know about my students and their communities that will inform this unit or lesson? (prior academic learning, everyday experiences, interests, cultural backgrounds)
Many of the students in this class have had some exposure to spanish at either the high school level or the middle school level however it seems that they are having a very difficult time with
the predicted spanish three curriculum so much of it needs to be scaled back a bit in order for the students to be successful. Also, the students are having a difficult time grasping the new
concepts that they are being introduced to them, so I think that I will try to do some sort of shift in the way the information is presented to them to ensure that they are having more
opportunities to speak and interact with one another and not simply remain in their seats. As for this unit in particular, the students should have already been exposed to the information
related to the body parts and food, however we will do some review to ensure that is the case. Once this is finished, we will transition into some exposure to new information as well.
How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous lesson(s)?

This lesson is the beginning of a new unit, however this unit builds each year of Spanish. Therefore, much of the information that they are being exposed to in this unit are terms or concepts
that they have been briefly acquainted with in previous levels of Spanish as well as already familiar with these concepts in English.
Stage 1 Desired Results (Unit Level)
Established Goals: (standards)
ACTFL Standard 1.1 Students will engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
ACTFL Standard 1.2 Students understand and interpret spoken and written Spanish on a variety of topics
ACTFL Standard 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures.
ACTFL Standard 2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of Hispanic cultures.
ACTFL Standard 3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish.
ACTFL Standard 4.2 Students demonstrate understandings of the concept of culture through comparisons between hispanic cultures and their own.

Understandings: Students will understand that Essential Questions:

Traditional and alternative medicines represent the products, practices, and perspectives of a culture.
How we take care of ourselves is representative of our culture. What role do wellness and medicine play in our lives?
There are advantages and disadvantages to advancing medical technologies. How do cultural beliefs, practices, geography and economics impact choices in medical
The resources of our country and region are very indicative of our own development of wellness. treatments and decisions about wellness?
How does wellness change in different regions and countries?
Objectives (students will be able to)
Content objectives Language objectives
For Formatives:
Students will be able to use the preterit and imperfect to describe food made in the Canal
Cocina video, using food vocabulary.
Students will be able to use the indicative to explain the parts of the body, through the game
Quizlet Live.
Students will be able to identify the context for use of DOP and IOP in relation to spanish food
and body parts vocabulary.
Students will be able to use D.O.P and I.O.P to explain in conversation what they ate for
dinner last night, and with whom, using food vocabulary.
Students will be able to use D.O.P and I.O.P to explain in conversation how they felt when
they were sick, using health vocabulary.
Students use the simple present to identify whether or not food is saludable or no, using the
new vocabulary related to health and wellness. (el salud y el bienestar)
Students will use the simple past to identify whether or not the food they ate for breakfast was
SWBAT Determine the main themes and significant details on primarily familiar topics from
healthy, using vocabulary related to health and wellness.
authentic multimedia and print sources, both informational text and narratives with easily
Students will use the simple past to describe what they did over winter break.
discerned storylines.
Students will use the verb ser/estar and the forms of ""me duele"" to analyze the telenovela
SWBAT Determine meaning by using vocabulary knowledge, background knowledge, and
possibly some contextual clues.
Students will be able to define the chapter 3 vocabulary through the game 31.
SWBAT Begin to identify and appreciate the values and perspectives of the target culture
Students will be able to listen to the affirmative and negative tu commands to describe advice
from within its own cultural system rather than judging nonAmerican cultural practices
a dr should give to a patient, using the vocabulary from chapter 3.
according to American conventions.
Students will be able to identify the vocabulary from chapter 3 in the song ""Recreos
SWBAT comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (CC
Standard for National Health Education)

For Summatives:
Students will be able to use the simple present to describe an alternative medicinal practice,
in latin america, using the vocabulary related to health and wellness.
Students will be able to analyze different practices of curanderas, after reading an article by
the WHO.
Students will be able to use the vocabulary related to health (la medicina alternativa) and art
to analyze different representations of curanderos in different latin american countries, while
focusing on the use of the simple present.

Students will be able to use the imperative form (affirmative/negative tu and Ud commands) to
give advice on how to improve one's health, using the vocabulary from Chapter 3B such as
dieta, receta, saludable, tomar, aumentar, hacer ejercicios, etc.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

(include how assessments will be differentiated to meet specific needs (IEPs, etc.) if necessary)
Summative performance task(s): Other formative assessments:
Canal Cocina listening activity
Probar and Servir sentence writing activity individually and then as large group
A ver si recuerdas - listening, reading, writing and speaking using food vocab and body vocab
in context w/ DOP and IOP
Datos de Nutricion exercise - what is healthy and what is not, arguing whether or not it is
Curandera image analysis write-up - compare and contrast between two different Vocabulary review game 31
representations of artwork, illustrating traditional/natural medicine Listening activity - Dr/Patient
Kahoot! - art and medicine
Oral Conversation between a Dr and a patient Venn Diagram Image Analysis
Curandera Jigsaw activity
Quizlet live - affirmative and negative tu commands
Quiz, quiz, trade with different doctor and patient conversation practice
Activities for quick pop-up grammar review

Opportunities for differentiation/IEP/504/Learning Support:

For listening activities, students who require additional support will be given a transcript of the listening, as well as visual aids put on the board to guide comprehension
For speaking activities: Sentence stems will be made available on the board for students who require additional language support
For writing activities: Sentence stems and graphic organizers are provided to guide students through the proper steps of completion
For reading activities: A lot of pre-teaching vocabulary will be done as well as the possibility of giving out word banks or word/picture association as to help students comprehend activities
Lesson Plan Template - SLE
Lesson # of total #
1 of 3
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Materials needed (including technology and related applications):
cloze activity for song - la vida saludable
recording of song for la vida saludable
flipchart for dr/patient conversation
listening activity on dr/patient consejos

Daily Language Objective

Students will be able to listen to the affirmative and negative tu commands to describe advice a dr should give to a patient, using the vocabulary from chapter 3, such as pastillas, jarabe, descansar, tomar, visitar, comer, hacer
ejercicios, dolor de cabeza, etc.
Students will be able to identify the vocabulary from chapter 3 in the song "Recreos Saludables."

Description What I do What students do Groupings Timeframe

- T explains to students that to warm-up we are going to do a cloze

activity about "recreos saludables" from an argentine band - Pina
Gonzalez, looking for Ss to identify ways in which they need to be
- T first asks students to just listen to the song without writing
anything down, trying to identify words that they already
understand or know, to identify what the song is about
(Possible Answers are - agua, cuerpo, desayuno, cereales, frutas,
verduras, correr, saltar) - Ss listen to the song Recreos saludables once without writing
**Differentiation opportunity: Provide students with a list of key anything down, trying to identify concepts, words, or ideas that
vocabulary that will appear in the song to aid in comprehension. If they understand in relation to health and wellness.
possible, T can also play the video for students to give meaning to - Ss get a fill-in-the-blank activity to complete as they listen to
the song, and connect the words to the theme the song once more, identifying the missing words, and the
- Then, T hands out a fill-in-the blank worksheet, for students to theme of the song.
follow along, and complete with the lyrics of the song - cloze - Ss engage in a discussion with their classmates about the
activity song theme, and write a resumen on the backside of their
- T plays the song a total of 3 times, then asks students to share a lyrics sheet.
sort of summary of what they think the song is about, who the - Ss complete above activity in the form of a think pair share
song is talking about, if the song agrees with what they have been for discussion.
working on in class (in the form of a Think-Pair-Share) - Ss sharing on topics related to how health is promoted in the
(T hoping to elicit information about a healthy living, how realistic it song, vs how realistic is that health; also making connections
is for students in this class vs. how realistic it is for students in to vocabulary for chapter 3B
other countries, also making connections to Chapter 3B realidades whole group listening activity
key vocabulary)
**Differentiation opportunity: Provide students with sentence stems
individual completion of cloze
to guide discussion amongst peers activity
Ex: En esta cancin, estoy de acuerdo con esta mensaje porque
___________________ or Esta cancin demuestra/no demuestra
cmo vivir una vida saludable en mi vida porque partner think pair share to
________________. discuss importance of song 10-15 minutes
- T transitions from the song to a presentation about dr patient
conversations in the U.S, reminding them of different health
During this task T is asking Ss to help define the captions, perhaps
act the captions out if they are willing
- T asks students to think about the process of receiving medical
care in the U.S
- T has students do a turn and talk with a partner to make a list of - Ss take out their notebooks, and take notes during a
things presentation on dr./patient conversations
(Possible responses will consider the difference between the U.S - Ss act out scenes of a conversation at a doctor's office or
medical system, where people go when they are ill, and where clinic (if willing)
people may go in other countries. What sorts of remedies will they ( if Ss are not willing, T and CT can model)
use? - Ss write down the common procedure of what happens
During-activities - T goes through the slides, asking for volunteers from the class to during a visit to the doctor and the sequence of events that
be actors, and represent the characters in the conversation transpire w/ T on promethean board
Differentiation opportunity: Provide students with handouts of - Ss then get into pairs, T hands out different scenarios, and
these graphics for them to take notes on, with key vocabulary Ss take turns acting as the Dr or Patient, either giving or taking
added advice from their partner, focusing on vocab/grammar use from
- After the first conversation, T and S co-create a list of how a dr Ch. 3.
visit happens on the promethean board.
- Next, they follow several other conversations in partners, whole group for presentation w/
volunteers to act
deciding what advice they would give one another as patients or
as the doctor
**focusing on using vocabulary from chapter 3, and trying to
refresh their memories on t commands.
T hopes to begin to elicit noticing of the grammatical form used in then partner work for dr. patient
t commands. conversation scenarios 30 minutes
- T explains that now we are going to do a listening activity to
accompany the presentation we just had
- T hands out listening chart, with different patients and the Dr - Ss complete a listening activity about a dr giving advice to
giving advice to each patient prospective patients
Differentiation Opportunity: Providing listening transcript for Ss - Ss identify which person the dr is giving advice to on a
who may need additional Aural support. worksheet as they listen to the conversation
- T reviews the activity w/ Ss after they have listened to the activity - Ss review their answers as a class
twice - Ss write the correct commands used, next to box on the
- T asks students to turn and talk to a partner to put each of the worksheet, to review formation of commands
pieces of advice into the command for - Ss recite commands to their partners to vocally review
- T monitors and moves around the classroom to act as a resource
for students as they are working through their assignment individual/whole group 10 minutes
Team-teaching x alternative (differentiated) supplemental parallel station one teach + one assist
Lesson Plan Template - SLE: 2016-17
Lesson # of total #
2 of 3
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Materials needed (including technology and related applications):
Google Slides presentation on Natural Medicine
Curandera Youtube Video
Jigsaw activity with article section about Los secretos de un Curandero
Graphic organizer for different sections of the article
Daily Language Objective(s):
Students will be able to use the simple present to describe an alternative medicinal practice, in Latin America, using the vocabulary related to health and wellness such as remedios, hierbas, frutas, verduras, curanderismo,
medicina tradicional, etc.
Students will be able to analyze different practices of curanderas, after reading articles in Veinte Mundos and from the World Health Organization
Description What I do What students do Groupings Timeframe
- T briefly refreshes memory w/ students about what was done
yesterday, and the focus on american dr/ patient interactions, by
introducing the class with one of the graphics from yesterday,
and asking students to recall any information surrounding it,
coming up with a short conversation in partners about the
Differentiation opportunity: providing key phrases or vocab on the
- Ss engage with T in discussing what they did the previous
promethean board to prompt students ideas and language
day (i.e. doctor and patient conversations)
- Ss listen to T as she describes that in many Latin American
- T explains that in many latin american countries, especially in
countries, the hospital or clinic are not necessarily where
areas that are less urban, there are many alternative forms of
people go first to receive treatment or guidance on a health or
medicine, such as curanderos
Pre-activities: mental problem.
- T does a semantic map w/ students on the board about
- Ss participate in a semantic map about what they already
different medicinal practices that are natural that they may
know about natural medicine, or types of natural medicine they
already know about
use in their lives, or have seen
(possible answers will include a lot of different natural remedies
- Ss listen as T transitions into a more detailed presentation
-- plants, herbs, fruits, salves, etc.)
about types of natural medicine. pairs to begin class in dr/patient
- T writes them on the board
conversation, in the form of
- T transitions into a more detailed explanation of natural
person sitting across from you
medicine in the google slides presentation
- T, on the slide about different remedies, asks students if they
have ever seen these in use, in their own lives
- Class discusses meanings of remedies, and what possible uses whole group for presentation,
are sharing ideas 12-15 minutes
- T explains some of the natural remedies that she has seen in
her travels abroad, and what they were used for
- T transitions to explain that Ss are going to watch a short ~8
minute video about a curandera, but while they watch, they are
going to do a 3-2-1 activity and write their responses in their
(3 things that they learned, 2 questions they have, and
1connection they made to either their lives, or a connection to
the presentation) - Ss listen and take any notes they feel are important on
- T shows a video of a Curandera in South American performing different types of natural remedies
some treatment or giving guidance to patients, as she explains - Ss prepare to watch an 8 minute video about a Curandera,
more about why she is a curandera and what it means to her however while they watch they are asked to complete the 3-2-
Differentiation Opportunity: T plays subtitles as the video is 1 activity, demonstrating 3 things that they learned, 2
playing as another form of visual aid; T can also write any questions that they have, and 1connection they can make to
potentially unfamiliar vocabulary on the board and pre-teach it their lives.
before the start of the Video; Ss will also have time after the - Ss watch the video
video to ask any questions they still may have - After the video, Ss complete their thoughts and prepare to
- T gives students several minutes to finish their thoughts, and share some of them with the class as a whole group
During activities:
then asks for a few volunteers to share their ideas from their 3-2- - Ss transition into a jigsaw activity, giving further information
1 activity about curandera practices in latin american countries
- T transitions into an activity that allows students to further - Ss count off in numbers 1 - 6 for their close reading group
explore curandera practices, in a jigsaw activity - Ss in small groups, become "experts" on their bullet point on
- T explains the directions of the jigsaw activity and counts the curandera practices from the World Health Organization
students off by 6 - Ss complete the section of the graphic organizer for their
- T hands out the graphic organizer where they can write down group (with several puntos principales)
their main points from their mini section, relating to the article - Ss prepare to present their information to the other groups
about Curanderos and their ways of life (the article is split into 6 and take notes on the graphic organizer as other groups
sections) present
- T explains that students will complete their section, and then
present it to the class so that each group can learn their material
as well, and practice presenting in the target language
- T gives work time to complete the activity,
- T circulates during work time, answering any questions that whole group for presentation
students have about their section's
- T asks for groups to volunteer to share their ideas from their small groups 1-6 for jigsaw
section of the article activity 30 - 35 minutes
- As an exit slip, on the back of their worksheet, there is a writing
prompt about which sort of Curandera they would see, after now
being informed about several different curandera practices, and
- Ss complete the exit slip prompt on the back of their graphic
organizer and then they may turn in their work
- T asks students to complete the exit slip
Post activities: - Acts as an opportunity for students to reflect on traditional
- T walks around classroom answering any questions that
medicine, and get their minds thinking about their own opinions
students have, acting as a resource for the students
surrounding traditional medicine in relation to the images.
Differentiation Opportunity: T can allow students to draw their
representation if they feel they could better express themselves
through drawing individual 2- 5 minutes
Team-teaching x alternative (differentiated) supplemental parallel station one teach + one assist
Lesson Plan Template - SLE: 2015-2016
Lesson # of total #
3 of 3
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Materials needed (including technology and related applications):
flipchart for image analysis
kahoot! to review pertinent art and health vocabulary
venn diagram printout for compare and contrast
youtube mix for work time

Daily Language Objective(s):

Students will be able to use the vocabulary related to health (la medicina alternativa) and art to analyze different representations of curanderos in different latin american countries, while focusing on the use of the simple
Students will use the interrogative form in spanish to ask a partner to compare and contrast two images of a curandera, using vocabulary from chapter 2 and 3b of Realidades.
Description What I do What students do Groupings Timeframe
-T explains that to warm up we are going to do a kahoot! to
review some key art and health vocabulary that will show up in
today's lesson
- T opens the kahoot and students play one round, to refresh
their memories.
(Most students have their own devices, if they do not, they are
allowed to pair up with another person in the class but make - Students participate in a kahoot activity to review key
sure that both of their names are present in the username to vocabulary from the art unit (previous unit) and the current unit
receive credit for participating) (health and wellness)
- T as a reflection activity, asks students to share which ones - Ss reflect on their game play, specifically the ones that they whole group activity
Pre-activities: they struggled with the most, and then do a turn and talk with were still confused about
their partner to decide how they are going to better understand - Ss turn and talk w/ a partner on ways to review the vocab
the vocabulary words so that they feel better prepared (or write thoughts on a
Differentiation Opportunity: Instead of doing a turn and talk with post-it to turn into T for feedback Individual for Kahoot
a partner if that makes them uncomfortable sharing what the - Ss share some of their responses in the whole group setting
struggled with, Ss can write down their struggles on a post-it
and turn that into T
- T brings the class back together and then asks for Ss to share Turn-and Talk for reflection
some of their ideas, especially if they have any ideas of how
they would like to review or reinforce the vocab so that hey feel
prepared to continue working. Whole group for discussion 10 minutes - 12 minutes
- T introduces an image to the class, explaining that this is just
one representation of a Curandera
- As a class, T and the Ss together do an image analysis of the
painting using key questions to guide their analysis, while T
reminds Ss about some of the different vocabulary used in their
Art unit and what they notice about how the artist represents a
Curandera, using colors, themes, style, and focus.
" - Que ves?
- Ss participate in an image analysis as a whole group in
- Dnde est sucediendo esto?
preparation for their work in pairs
- De qu colores?
- Ss share responses about the image related to the following
- De cual medio?
- Est de acuerdo con la representacin que vimos ayer?"
" - Que ves?
- T does a quick check for understanding to see if students
- Dnde est sucediendo esto?
understand each of the questions, as they are going to then do
- De qu colores?
this in partners
- De cual medio?
- T transitions to having students get into pairs based on
- Est de acuerdo con la representacin que vimos ayer?"
During activities: playing cards, where they are going to analyze two images and
- After that example as a class, Ss listen to directions as they
complete a comparison and contrast for the two images,
are handed the worksheet for their Venn Diagram
focusing on the same questions asked on the previous slide,
- Ss look at two very different representations of Curanderas
now with different representations of a Curandera
on the flipchart and answer the same questions as answered
- T allows students to have the rest of the class time as work
in the large group with a partner on their venn diagram
time with their partner. (music playing in the background)
- After completion of the Venn Diagram with a partner, for
**Focus on language: T can put sentence stems on the board in
homework they are asked to write a 5-7 sentence paragraph
order for students to use these stems to guide discussion of
cohesively analyzing either one of the pieces of artwork above
their comparison and contrast
- If students look like they are completing their work before the
end of the hour, I will explain their homework and give them
whole group activity for first
time to begin working on it.
image analysis
- T explains the homework which is to use the information that
they gathered from their graphic organizer and construct a 5-7 partners for Venn Diagram w/
sentence paragraph analyzing a painting, focusing on the same playing cards
questions as above, with the addition of an opinion statement,
primarily using the indicative. individual for homework 35 minutes
- T allows students to work on either their Venn Diagram or
homework for the remainder of the hour
- T walks around to each group as they are working on their
Venn Diagram to pose additional questions to the pairs, giving
them more insight on things to talk about in their compare and
contrast paragraph - Ss either continue working on their venn diagram or their
- T also reminds Ss of their academic language phrases homework
worksheet that was given to them last week to use to help - Ss engage in discussion on pieces of artwork with their peers
construct an academic paragraph and T, asking any questions that still remain
Post activities:
- T continues to walk around answering questions of groups, or - Ss grab their academic language chart to guide them in
offers to look at any completed paragraphs in class paragraph writing, also look at the promethean board which
- T finally reminds students of the rubric used to grade their has the rubric posted so that they know exactly what the
paragraphs, and posts it on the flipchart to guide their work as expectations are for their continued work.
well as gives them a list of academic phrases they may want to
consider using in a comparison and contrast paragraph.
- If time allows, T does an example construction of a
comparison or contrast sentence with the class to guide them in individual work time on paragraph
their own work. construction 5 minutes
Team-teaching x alternative (differentiated) supplemental parallel station one teach + one assist

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