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Blueprint for

Restoring Safety and

Soundness to the GSEs
June 2017
Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs
June 2017
This memorandum provides a detailed plan (the Blueprint) for restoring safety and soundness to Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac while protecting taxpayers and maintaining stability in the secondary mortgage market. This Blueprint was
developed by Moelis & Company LLC as financial advisors to certain non-litigating preferred stockholders of Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac.

This Safety and Soundness Blueprint:

1. Protects Taxpayers from Future Bailouts.
This Blueprint protects taxpayers by restoring safety and soundness to two of the largest insurance companies in
the United States, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This is achieved by (a) rebuilding a substantial amount of first-loss
private capital, (b) imposing rigorous new risk and leverage-based capital standards, (c) facilitating the governments
exit from ownership in both companies, and (d) providing a mechanism to substantially reduce the governments
explicit backstop commitment facility over time.
2. Promotes Homeownership and Preserves the 30-Year Mortgage.
This Blueprint ensures that adequate mortgage market liquidity is maintained, the GSE debt markets continue
to function without interruption, and the affordable 30-year fixed-rate conventional mortgage remains widely
accessible for every eligible American.
3. Repositions the GSEs as Single-Purpose Insurers.
Given the substantial reforms implemented by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) since 2008, the GSEs
can now be repositioned and safely operated as single-purpose insurers, bearing mortgage credit risk in exchange
for guarantee fees with limited retained investment portfolios beyond that necessary for securitization inventory
and loan purchases.
4. Enables Rebuild of Equity Capital while Winding Down the Government Backstop.
The Net Worth Sweep served the purpose of dramatically accelerating the payback of Treasurys investment in both
companies. The focus must now turn to protecting taxpayers by rebuilding Fannie Maes and Freddie Macs equity
capital and winding down the governments backstop.
5. Repays the Government in Full for its Investment during the Great Recession.
Treasury has retained all funds received to date during the conservatorships. The government has recouped the
entire $187.5 billion that it originally invested, plus an additional $78.3 billion in profit, for total proceeds of
$265.8 billion. Treasurys profits to date on its investment in the GSEs are five times greater than the combined
profit on all other investments initiated by Treasury during the financial crisis.
6. Produces an Additional $75 to $100 Billion of Profits for Taxpayers.
Treasury can realize an estimated $75 to $100 billion in additional cash profits by exercising its warrants for
79.9% of each companys common stock and subsequently selling those shares through secondary offerings.
This monetization process, which follows the proven path of Treasurys AIG and Ally Bank (GMAC) stock
dispositions, could bring total government profits to $150 to $175 billion, the largest single U.S. government
financial investment return in history.
7. Implements Reform Under Existing Authority.
This Blueprint articulates a feasible path to achieving the Administrations GSE reform objectives with the least
amount of execution risk. It can be fully implemented during the current presidential term by FHFA in collaboration
with Treasury utilizing their existing legal authorities. Congress could build on these reforms to develop an integrated
national housing finance policy that accounts for the Federal Housing Administration, the Department of Veterans
Affairs, and Rural Housing Service, and emphasizes (i) affordable housing, (ii) safety and soundness, and (iii)
universal and fair access to mortgage credit for all Americans.
Executive The approach outlined in this Blueprint brings
a shareholder perspective to the ongoing policy

Summary discussion. Our goal is to facilitate an end to ongoing

litigation on positive terms for all stakeholders, not
The Administration has clearly stated its goals for the least of which is the government (and thereby the
GSE reform taxpayer protection and maintaining American taxpayer) which owns warrants that can be
mortgage market liquidity and stability. There is an realized for value on the order of an additional estimated
achievable and effective means of achieving these $75 to $100 billion.
goals, utilizing proven in-place processes within this This approach is unique in its feasibility. It lays out
Administrations current term. This Blueprint provides a a clear path to build safe and sound levels of capital
detailed path forward, incorporating elements of current in less than four years at the GSEs using existing
leading industry proposals such as: building safe and legal authority, and facilitates the development and
sound capital levels at the GSEs to protect taxpayers; implementation of additional housing finance reform
relying on existing infrastructure as opposed to new through congressional action. Furthermore, this
and untested systems to ensure stability and liquidity Blueprint represents the first proposal based on detailed
in the mortgage markets; continuing existing regulatory financial projections and analysis, and establishes
reforms enacted under the Housing and Economic a reference point for any discussion of capital
Recovery Act (HERA) so that the GSEs can never requirements, corporate valuation, issuance
revert to their pre-crisis investment business models; mechanics, and government exit timeline and
and preserving core GSE functions (e.g., duty to profitability projections.
serve, affordable housing goals, level playing field for
This Blueprint provides a clear and pragmatic path
originators) to ensure that access to homeownership
to achieve important public policy goals in a manner
for middle-class and working-class Americans remains
that will both protect taxpayers for years to come and
intact access to homeownership remains intact.
respects the property rights of shareholders. Ending
the GSE conservatorship and putting Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac on sound footing remains the final piece of
Protect Taxpayers
outstanding crisis-era financial reform.
Successful housing finance reform cannot
We welcome the opportunity to be a part of the solution.
put taxpayers at risk. The end-state system
must be one that is absolutely safe, where Overview of the Safety and
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac cannot get
taken over again.1 Soundness Blueprint
This Blueprint would build capital at Fannie Mae and
Maintain Mortgage Liquidity and Stability Freddie Mac as shareholder-owned insurers, refocused
on their core conventional mortgage guarantee business,
Any comprehensive reform must not substantially de-levered, and held to the highest
eliminate capital from the housing regulatory standards. Key Blueprint components include:
market, and must preserve housing
market liquidity by maintaining the Capital Build
availability of the 30-year fixed-rate
The Blueprint envisions a robust capital build, up to a
conventional mortgage.2
total of $155 to $180 billion of core capital, through a
combination of retained earnings, existing shareholder
participation (e.g., conversion and/or participation in a
rights offering), and third-party primary equity raises.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs

Enhanced Capital Standards Strengthened Regulatory Oversight
The Blueprint envisions a three-pronged In addition to imposing substantially enhanced
approach to establishing robust minimum capital capital standards, the Blueprint continues existing
requirements, with a risk-based capital minimum GSE reforms that have de-risked the Enterprises.
(8.5% of risk-weighted assets), leverage ratio This includes the continued wind down of the GSEs
requirements (3.0% of total assets, and 5.0% of investment portfolios (focusing the companies on their
total assets when credit risk transfer outstanding to core mortgage guarantee business), and use of capital
third-parties is included in the calculation of capital), markets and insurance risk-transfer structures (reducing
and stress testing (providing an additional layer of risk in their guarantee portfolio). Further, the Blueprint
oversight relative to the pre-crisis regulatory regime). maintains a strong independent regulator, the FHFA,
These illustrative capital requirements, which equate to and grants them the continued oversight of
roughly four times the GSEs pre-crisis requirements, guarantee fees.
are broadly consistent with approaches applied to other
large financial institutions, and represent reasonable Continuity of Existing Infrastructure,
estimates of capital standards for the Enterprises. and Responsibilities
The Blueprint uses an openarchitecture capital The Blueprint preserves the To-Be-Announced
raising model that is flexible by design and can easily (TBA) market, ensuring the continued availability of
accommodate increases or decreases to regulatory Americas most popular, and affordable, mortgage
capital requirements which would be established product the 30-year fixed-rate conventional mortgage.
by the FHFA. It also maintains core GSE functions (e.g., the duty
to serve and affordable housing goals, which are
Government Exit from Ownership crucial to middle-class and working-class access
Under the Blueprint, Treasury retains all $266 billion that to homeownership), and preserves existing GSE
it has received to date from both companies. Treasury operational infrastructure and corporate structures.
also retains and exercises its warrants for 79.9% of Together with reduced ongoing support, this
common stock and sells its common shares through infrastructure will ensure stability in the approximately
secondary offerings in 2019 and 2020. This process $5 trillion market for GSE mortgage-backed securities
follows the proven path of Treasurys AIG and Ally and agency debt.
Financial (GMAC) stock dispositions, and is estimated to
generate $75 to $100 billion in additional cash proceeds, Shareholder Support
raising total government profits to as high as $175 billion. Importantly, this Blueprint does not envision that the
government will write a check or otherwise transfer
Wind Down of Taxpayer Support funds to any shareholders or to the Enterprises. The
The Blueprint does not envision an open-ended financial markets, and not the government, should
government guarantee, but instead utilizes the existing determine the appropriate value of privately held
framework of explicit but limited government support shares of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the context
to maintain market stability without necessitating of a capital building plan that meets the governments
new legislation as a prerequisite. The existing PSPA policy goals. In fact, existing shareholders representing
commitments are transformed into catastrophic substantial private capital are prepared to help the
support protected by $155 to $180 billion in GSEs build capital as outlined in this Blueprint.
subordinated private capital, for which Treasury
is paid a market-based commitment fee.
Further, the Blueprint provides a plan to partially wind
down these PSPA commitment facilities over time.
This wind down would be effectuated first by reducing
the size of the commitment line as permanent equity
capital is built, and then by implementing a mechanism
that transfers a portion of Treasurys catastrophic risk
to the insurance markets via reinsurance of the PSPA
commitment line.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs

Table of Contents
The Safety and Soundness Blueprint...................................................................................5
The Nuts and Bolts..........................................................................................................11
Blueprint Benefits............................................................................................................21
Comparison to Other Plans...............................................................................................23

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs

Background Enactment of HERA
The Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA)
was enacted in July 2008, just as the financial
Historical Context crisis intensified, but this was too late to adequately
Since the creation of Fannie Mae in 1938 by President remedy the GSEs existing undercapitalization.4 HERA
Franklin Roosevelt, the GSEs (commonly known as was modeled on the Federal Deposit Insurance Act
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) have helped millions (FDIA), providing the new Federal Housing Finance
of Americans achieve their dream of owning a home, Agency (FHFA) with the same legal powers that the
irrespective of (i) where they lived, (ii) whether they Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has
were middle-class or working-class, and (iii) the successfully employed for decades to address bank
relative strength of the U.S. economy. Fannie Mae and under-capitalization through strong regulatory oversight
Freddie Mac accomplish this by providing essential directives, enforcement actions, management changes,
countercyclical liquidity to the mortgage market. The and if necessary, conservatorships or receiverships.
companies purchase conforming mortgage loans from While there was too little time to use many of these
originators and then securitize these loans for sale to authorities to remediate the GSEs financial problems
private investors while guaranteeing the credit risk in before the financial crisis hit full force in September
those securitizations. Over many decades, this funding 2008, FHFA used its new authority under HERA
has helped create and sustain strong neighborhoods to force the GSEs into conservatorship, appointing
and has enabled an accumulation of wealth that itself as conservator. Under the framework laid out
could be passed from one generation of Americans in HERA, the conservatorships for Fannie Mae and
to the next. Freddie Mac, like those used for banks under the
Indeed, for most of their history, the GSEs prudently FDIA, were intended to be short-term proceedings. The
adhered to this core mission. However, regulatory framework was designed to either rehabilitate the GSEs
changes in the 1990s allowed for an expansion by rebuilding their capital bases and returning them
of the GSEs investment portfolios which caused fully to stockholder control or, if the GSEs could not be
the companies to become over-leveraged and rehabilitated, to place them into receivership so their
undercapitalized.3 In 2008, when the collapse of the assets could be liquidated and distributed to creditors
U.S. housing market led to a global financial crisis, the and stockholders.
GSEs were forced into a temporary conservatorship During conservatorship, Treasury invested $187.5 billion
that has now entered its ninth year. in the GSEs. The HERA statute explicitly directed the
conservator, the FHFA, to preserve and conserve the
GSEs assets in order to return them to sound and
solvent condition.5

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 1

The Net Worth Sweep commonly referred to as the Net Worth Sweep.6 While
the Net Worth Sweep expedited the repayment of
By mid-2012, less than four years after FHFA appointed
the $187.5 billion advanced by Treasury, it strips the
itself as Conservator, these shareholder-owned
GSEs of their entire net worth on a quarterly basis and
companies had returned to consistent and substantial
makes rebuilding capital a core statutory objective
profitability. As of the end of the first quarter of 2017,
of the conservatorship impossible. Thus, despite
the GSEs have returned $265.8 billion to Treasury,
the GSEs massive and sustained profitability, the Net
nearly $80 billion in excess of Treasurys investment
Worth Sweep has caused the companies to operate
prior to consideration of Treasurys 79.9% stake in each
with almost no capital and in an inherently unsound
of the Enterprises.
condition, leaving taxpayers fully exposed to the risk
The vast majority of the GSEs payments to the of having to potentially inject more money to support
government are the result of a substantial change otherwise healthy companies.
to the terms of the Senior Preferred Stock Purchase
Agreement by the Treasury and FHFA, an arrangement

Figure 1: Consolidated GSE Treasury Draws and Dividends Paid

$ Billions

Consolidated Draws from Treasury Consolidated Dividends to Treasury

$200 $187.5 $187.5 $300

$100 $150 $130.0

$50 $55.2 $40.2

$15.8 $14.6 $9.9

$0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0
2008- 2013 2014 2015 2016 Q1 2017 Cumulative 2008- 2013 2014 2015 2016 Q1 2017 Cumulative
2012 Total 2012 Total

Source: Company filings, Bloomberg

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 2

Current Political Landscape FHFA Director Mel Watt has described the current lack
of capital as the most serious risk related to the GSEs
While many stakeholders, policy analysts, and
and the risk with the most potential for escalating in the
lawmakers have offered reform proposals in recent
future.7 Director Watt has also expressed concern that
years, none have garnered broad bipartisan support.
the GSEs pervasive lack of capital could erode investor
Many of these proposals seek to dismantle the GSEs
confidence, and in turn could stifle liquidity in the
and replace their operations with complex and untested
mortgage-backed securities market and could increase
mortgage funding structures that could easily disrupt
the cost of mortgage credit for borrowers.8
the national housing finance market. This is a risk that
homebuyers and taxpayers cannot afford.
Fortunately, HERA provides FHFA with the legal The most serious risk,
authority and a clear mandate to reform the GSEs. and the one that has
In fact, FHFA has already used that authority to the most potential for
dramatically strengthen Fannie Mae and Freddie escalating in the future
Macs operations such that the companies today look is the Enterprises
materially different than they did in 2008. In the period FHFA Director lack of capital
prior to the financial crisis, it was the Enterprises large Mel Watt
February 2016
investment portfolios, not their core guarantee business,
that caused questions to arise about their financial
health. FHFA has effectively ended those investment
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has stated that
businesses at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as their
get[ting] Fannie and Freddie out of government
retained portfolios have been substantially reduced
ownership is an important priority for this
since 2008.
Administration and has laid out two key principles for
The impetus for the conservatorship of Fannie Mae housing finance reform: first, that the end-state system
and Freddie Mac was each companys inadequate must be absolutely safe, ensuring that Fannie and
capitalization. However, as a result of the Net Worth Freddie cannot get taken over again, and second,
Sweep, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are today far more that reform must preserve the availability of the 30-year
critically under-capitalized than they were heading into fixed-rate conventional mortgage and not eliminate
the financial crisis. The companies have a combined capital for the housing market.9
$1.2 billion in net worth, less than 0.1% of their $5
trillion balance sheets. This amount is scheduled to be We cant put taxpayers
reduced to zero at the beginning of 2018 which means at risk. We cant have a
that Treasury, and ultimately the taxpayer, will be fully system where we have
exposed to any potential future losses at the GSEs.
a bailout of housing
Treasury Secretary
Steve Mnuchin ... liquidity in the 30 year
April 2017 mortgage, thats been
very important for the
middle income in terms
of being able to have

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 3

Leading industry groups such as the Independent
Community Bankers Association (ICBA) have echoed MBA: GSE Reform Creating a Sustainable, More
the calls from FHFA and Treasury for enhanced capital, Vibrant Secondary Mortgage Market
stability and liquidity. The ICBAs key reform principles PRINCIPLES
include that the GSEs must be allowed to rebuild their
capital buffer, that capital liquidity, and reliability are We believe that all GSE
essential, and that the TBA market for GSE MBS reform options should be
(mortgage-backed securities) must be preserved.10 evaluated and measured
against these core
principles. Working from
ICBA: Principles for GSE Reform and a Way Forward these principles, MBAs
proposal is for a new
Principles for
GSE Reform
secondary market end
The GSEs must be state that would advance
allowed to rebuild their the following critical
capital buffers policy objectives
Capital, Liquidity, and Maintain the liquidity and stability of the primary and
reliability are essential secondary mortgage markets
The TBA market Protect taxpayers by putting more private capital at
for GSE MBS must risk through expanded front- and back-end credit
be preserved enhancements
Establish strong capital standards, and enhanced
regulatory powers to ensure a sound and stable
secondary market system
The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) agrees,
highlighting the need to protect taxpayers by putting
more private capital at risk establish strong capital By following the letter and respecting the spirit of
standards and enhanced regulatory powers, and HERA, the government has the compelling opportunity
maintain the liquidity and stability of the primary to put the GSEs on sound financial footing, resolve the
and secondary mortgage markets among its core longstanding conservatorship, and realize a substantial
principles. The MBA further supports preservation additional profit for taxpayers. The framework discussed
where possible [of] the existing infrastructure to herein lays out a financially grounded approach for
ensure minimal market disruption, another principle transitioning the GSEs to single-purpose insurers with
with which we wholeheartedly agree.11 robust capital requirements sufficient to gradually
reduce the governments exposure as backstop
provider. The reformed system that emerges will
preserve and perhaps expand upon current access
to homeownership and the duty to serve Americans
seeking affordable housing.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 4

The Safety and Our Blueprint is the only plan released to date that
recognizes the true value of the GSEs to the American

Soundness taxpayer. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have already

contributed to the taxpayer nearly $80 billion in
Blueprint profits, making them by far the most successful U.S.
government financial investment of all time. This profit
Any GSE reform plan that does not specifically confront can more than double under a feasible capital raise
the practical realities of (i) prudent regulatory capital plan, capturing future profits through monetization of the
requirements, (ii) the process of raising substantial taxpayers 79.9% stake in the GSEs common stock. This
private capital, and (iii) the construct of protecting sale of the governments ownership stake is expected
taxpayers by having private GSE investors bear to raise an estimated $75 to $100 billion in incremental
mortgage credit risk, will remain a mere wish-list. profits. Under our Blueprint, Treasurys disposition would
A detailed, realistic Blueprint is needed. take the form of a series of secondary stock offerings in
2019 and 2020 following Treasury exit precedents such
This Blueprint was developed by Moelis & Company LLC
as AIG, Ally Financial and other TARP investments.
and legal advisors working on behalf of large institutional
investors who are prepared to lead GSE shareholders
in discussions about supporting and contributing to The GSEs Need Private Capital Now
the success of specific negotiated plans to restore the The U.S. needs a vibrant private mortgage market
Enterprises to safety and soundness. in which innovation and product development can
thrive, and can further enhance housing options
Safety and Soundness for all Americans.
Within Four Years While the governments senior preferred stock and
warrants represent equity interests in the GSEs, their
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can successfully achieve
value must be measured in terms of the overriding
safety and soundness within a four-year period.
policy interests of U.S. homebuyers and taxpayers. The
Capital can be built up to levels that are consistent
ongoing nationalization of the GSEs cannot achieve that
with the rigorous prudential standards applied to other
goal and is inconsistent with the principles that have
regulated financial institutions. As part of an exit from
historically made Americas mortgage markets thrive.
conservatorship, an enhanced regulatory framework
would be implemented to ensure that taxpayers will Beginning to build private capital now, instead of
never again have to provide direct financial support waiting for legislation that may not be enacted before
to the GSEs. Ongoing government support would be Treasury has to advance additional funds to the GSEs,
limited to a catastrophic guarantee which would only be is absolutely necessary to maintain the integrity of the
at risk once all private capital was exhausted and which secondary mortgage market. A secondary market that
could be wound down over time. The government would depends solely on a backstop line of credit provided
fully exit its ownership position taking taxpayer assets by the Treasury is dangerous to U.S. taxpayers, the
off the table against future risk and allowing these housing sector, and ultimately the economy as a whole.
assets to be dedicated to other administrative priorities. As a result of the Net Worth Sweep, Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac have almost no loss absorbing capital
despite nearly six consecutive years of highly profitable
operations. As such, another draw on the Treasurys
commitment line is very possible in the near term.
This could be precipitated by a reduction in the U.S.
corporate income tax rate (which would have the effect
of lowering the value of deferred tax assets on both
Fannie and Freddies balance sheets), or by the
GSEs incurring non-cash charges (such as those
from occasional timing mismatches between the
book value of assets and the market value of
interest rate hedging instruments).

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 5

The Building Blocks of Private Capital 3. New Capital from Existing Stockholders
Raising sufficient capital to protect taxpayers is Existing investors can further contribute by
achievable during the current presidential term. committing new capital to the GSEs. This capital
Commentators who have stated that the problem is commitment could take the form of an investment
just too big to solve in a few years have focused in a priming equity raise, participation in a rights
solely on retained earnings of the Enterprises and have offering, and/or a commitment to backstop a portion
failed to consider the many other tools that are readily of the initial public offering.
available to build capital. 4. Public Market Offerings of New Stock
Our Blueprint recognizes the availability of multiple The GSEs could accelerate a rebuilding of capital
sources of private capital. Specifically, $155 to $180 through a series of public primary common equity
billion in core capital is raised and retained through a offerings totaling $70 to $90 billion, along with
combination of: approximately $25 billion in new, non-cumulative
1. Retained Earnings preferred stock issuance (designed to meet
regulatory capital standards). These primary capital
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac produce net income
raises would begin in 2018 and would be completed
(post-tax) projected at over $15 billion per year
by 2020.
on a combined basis.i Lock-boxing these earnings
will allow the GSEs to retain over $60 billion in net While equity offerings of this magnitude are
income through fiscal year 2020, building a solid infrequent, they are not without precedent for large
foundation of common stockholders equity. financial institutions. From 2008 to 2011, a number
of financial institutions were required by regulators
2. Conversion of Preferred Stock into Common Stock to issue equity to bolster their balance sheets and
Conversion of some or all of the existing $33 billion repay funds received under the Troubled Asset
junior preferred stock into common stock is one Relief Program (TARP). For example, Bank of
mechanism by which existing investors can help America raised $43 billion, Wells Fargo raised $34
ensure successful execution of a capital build billion, Citigroup raised $33 billion, and JPMorgan
by leveling the playing field and demonstrating raised $17 billion over this period. Collectively,
confidence in the long-term viability of the these examples from a tumultuous period of market
restructured companies. instability lend credence to the feasibility of large-
scale capital raises by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Figure 2: Selected Cumulative 2008 2011 Financial Institution Jumbo Offerings
$ Billions
$43 2008
$40 2009
$34 $33 2010


$12 $12
$10 $10

Bank of Wells Citigroup JP Morgan AIG General Goldman Merrill Morgan
America Fargo Electric Sachs Lynch Stanley
Source: Bloomberg
Note: Jumbo offering defined as single offerings greater than $5 billion in size

i. See Appendix for further detail, including assumptions related to forward-looking earnings projections, and illustrative valuation and capital
raise analysis.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 6

The Role of Soft Capital Role and Limitations of CRT
Our four building blocks of private capital allow the Fannie Maes and Freddie Macs CRT programs (and
GSEs to build hard capital, in the form of permanent related insurance risk transfer programs CIRT and
core capital (analogous to Tier 1 capital under bank ACIS) are designed to hedge unexpected losses.
frameworks) at the corporate level. In addition to these Financial institutions, such as banks and insurance
components, two additional soft sources of capital companies, use credit protection and excess of loss
exist in the form of risk transfers which decrease risk insurance transactions similar to CRT to enhance or
to taxpayers. supplement regulatory capital and to absorb the risk
of unexpected losses.
Credit Risk Transfers
While CRT is a powerful hedging tool that can be
Credit Risk Transfers (CRT) distributes the risk of used to supplement permanent capital, it should not
guarantees on specific mortgage pools to the capital be the only solution. The GSEs need to maintain the
and insurance markets, thus reducing risks held by ability to determine when CRT is appropriate, and
the GSEs. To the extent that regulators grant the flexibility to utilize the most efficient forms of
risk-based capital relief for CRT and other structures risk transfer (e.g., capital markets transactions and
that are demonstrated to provide significant risk excess of loss insurance transfers), based on investor
transfer, CRT can serve to lower their core appetite and prevailing market conditions.
capital requirements. It is for precisely these reasons that the FHFA stated
in its 2016 scorecard that FHFA will adjust [CRT]
targets as necessary to reflect market conditions and
economic considerations. Commentators who push
for strict CRT issuance requirements, irrespective of
market conditions and other forms of capital, ignore
the economic realities of the capital markets and the
inherent pro-cyclicality that CRT can present.
Unlike firm-level equity capital, CRT references
only specific mortgage pools which are not
cross-collateralized across all of the GSEs mortgage
guarantee portfolios. The experience of the past
credit crisis demonstrated that different vintages can
witness dramatically different default experiences.
CRT transactions are also not permanent sources of
capital. They have legal maturities and need to be
replaced as the specified pools amortize and new
mortgages are purchased. This leaves the GSEs
exposed to market cyclicality, as future CRT
issuance may be unreasonably expensive or
altogether unavailable.
While CRT reduces risk-weighted assets, substantial
permanent and cross-collateralized equity capital
is an absolute necessity to the safe and sound
functioning of the GSEs in all market conditions.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 7

Reinsurance Transactions Criteria to Determine the
Reinsurance is a proven source of risk transfer in the Appropriate Mix of Capital
insurance industry where, as in the case of the GSEs Financial institutions choose what forms of hard
core guarantee businesses, liabilities are somewhat capital and soft capital they use based on market
predictable over long periods of time given data on conditions, regulatory requirements, and key financial
the contributing factors (e.g., levels of underlying criteria. Key criteria to be considered by the GSEs
equity, borrower income, and housing prices). Given and their safety and soundness regulator should
that residential mortgage credit risk is relatively include (i) cost of capital, (ii) duration, stability, and
uncorrelated to other risks commonly handled by countercyclicality, (iii) refinance-ability, (iv) depth of
large property-and-casualty insurance companies, sources and diversification, and (v) depth of risk transfer
reinsurance transactions may be a promising new when considering soft capital such as CRT.
source of incremental protection for the GSEs. In
There are fundamentally sound reasons why every
this manner, Treasury could reinsure in whole or
capital plan for a financial institution includes both
in part its ongoing catastrophic guarantee to these
retained earnings and issuance of permanent equity
private insurance market participants. Indeed, there
capital. Retained earnings do not require external
is ample global reinsurance capacity to replace a
sources to contribute capital in exchange for a promise
substantial portion, and perhaps a large majority, of
of future returns and permanent equity capital is
Treasurys remaining commitment line. In fact, such
not subject to refinancing risk when the companies
a structure was seriously considered for deposit
in question, or financial markets as a whole, are
insurance in 1983:
distressed. These sources of capital can be, and
must be, included in any plan.
[P]articipation by private insurers in By recognizing all available sources of capital,
deposit insurance appears to be both safety and soundness can be achieved by 2020
feasible and desirable. A private role in without changes to the prevailing mortgage market
deposit insurance should reduce both infrastructure. The ultimate goal is to ensure that Fannie
the regulatory and financial burden on Mae and Freddie Mac are dramatically de-risked and
government institutions, and market- de-levered by the time the conservatorship concludes.
oriented pricing and management of at After building capital, the then-outstanding common
least some layers of deposit insurance shares of the GSEs can be transformed into modest
dividend-yielding stocks that can attract a deep private
should have salutary effects on the
investor base in the public capital markets, especially in
financial intermediaries. Moreover, the
this era of low interest rates and dividend yields.
broad range of insurance products that
have evolved to cover large catastrophic Recent Precedents:
events, as well as risks of various
financial enterprises, demonstrates that AIG and Ally Financial
private insurers possess the versatility AIG provides an excellent template of a large scale
and capacity necessary to participate secondary share sale and government exit of a reluctant
in depositary insurance.12 crisis-era investment. Treasury exercised its warrants
receiving 79.9% of AIGs common stock and converted
its outstanding balance of preferred shares into
additional common equity, before embarking on a series
of well-timed and well-placed secondary share sales into
the market. Treasury sold $51.6 billion of AIG common
stock in secondary offerings in only two years, between
January 2011 and December 2012. The conversion of

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 8

the governments AIG warrants and sale of AIG common Ally Financial serves as another instructive precedent as
stock was viewed by many market observers as an it demonstrated the viability of a private sector capital
overwhelming success. By creating a dividend-yielding raise via a primary offering (which was dilutive to the
stock that would be attractive to conservative investors, then outstanding Treasury ownership), followed by
the same can be achieved with Fannie Mae and secondary offerings proceeds of which were used to
Freddie Mac. repay the funds advanced by the Treasury during the
American International Group Inc. (AIG) is a financial crisis.
U.S. domiciled multinational insurance corporation Ally Financial (formerly known as General Motors
formed in 1919 that nearly failed during the crisis, Acceptance Corporation, or GMAC) was formed
primarily due to losses arising out its Financial by General Motors in 1919, to act as a provider of
Products unit (AIGFP). As of September 2008, financing to automotive customers. In 1985, GMAC
AIGFP had written approximately $440 billion in expanded into the mortgage business. Twenty years
credit default swaps and created large, concentrated later, in 2005, the company formed Residential
amount of systemic risk within the market. The Capital (ResCap) as a holding company for its
federal government promptly intervened in order mortgage originations. Mounting mortgage losses at
to protect AIGFPs counterparties, which included ResCap during the financial crisis of 2007-2008 led
some of the worlds largest financial institutions, the Treasury to invest approximately $16 billion in
and to stabilize the broader markets. In aggregate, GMAC, effectively taking control of the company.
the U.S. taxpayers overall support for AIG totaled The Treasury took a series of steps to recapitalize the
approximately $182 billion. That figure includes company. In 2009, GMAC announced plans to wind
nearly $70 billion that Treasury committed through down its legacy mortgage risk and explore strategic
TARP and $112 billion committed by the Federal alternatives for ResCap. GMAC issued mandatory
Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY). convertible preferred membership interests (MCP)
On December 8, 2010, AIG announced that it had in May 2009, and trust preferred securities (TruPS)
entered into a master transaction agreement with the in December 2009 under TARP. Treasury converted
Treasury and FRBNY to recapitalize AIG in a series its MCP interests into GMAC common stock. By
of transactions in order to facilitate the governments the first quarter of 2010 the company had returned
exit from ownership in the company. By this point, to profitability and GMAC was rebranded to Ally
AIG had undergone a significant restructuring effort Financial (Ally).
to de-risk the business and enable the company to In November 2013, as a precursor to its IPO, Ally
fully repay taxpayers. paid Treasury a total of approximately $5.9 billion for
Between May 2011 and December 2012, AIG and the repurchase of preferred stock simultaneous with
Treasury conducted six public offerings of AIG a private placement of approximately $1.3 billion of
common stock, selling a total of 1,655,037,962 common stock, diluting Treasurys common stock
shares (originally 92 percent of AIGs outstanding ownership stake from 73.8% to 63.5%. In order to
common stock, representing Treasurys full attract new private capital, as part of the November
ownership stake after exercising its warrants and 2013 transaction Treasury eliminated the anti-
equitization of preferred shares) at an average price dilution ratchet on its warrants. In January 2014,
of $31.18 per share. Treasurys $20.7 billion AIG Treasury sold approximately $3.0 billion of shares
common stock offering in September 2012, at that in Ally through a private placement transaction,
time, represented the largest single U.S. common reducing its ownership stake to 37.0%. In April of
stock offering in history. By March 2013, AIG had 2014, Treasury launched the IPO of Ally by selling
returned $205 billion to the U.S. Government, $22.7 $2.4 billion of its shares, further reducing its stake
billion in excess of the $182 billion provided by in Ally to 15.6%. Over the balance of 2014, Treasury
FRBNY and Treasury (a $17.7 billion positive return sold off its remaining Ally Financial stake in a series
on the $112.5 billion provided by FRBNY, and a $5 of secondary market transactions. Ally ultimately
billion positive return on the $69.8 billion provided returned $19.6 billion to the U.S. Government, $2.4
by Treasury). billion more than the original $17.2 billion invested.
Source: U.S. Treasury,, Wall Street Journal, SNL, AIG Source: Bloomberg, U.S. Treasury, Ally Financial
public disclosure public disclosure

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 9

Recognize and HERA and Market Reforms Lessen Risk
Continue Reform Key regulatory game changers that have been
implemented since 2008 include:
The GSEs have been materially de-risked since
the crisis. The required reduction of their investment Improved mortgage quality through implementation
portfolios, from over $1.5 trillion pre-crisis to of the Qualified Mortgage rule and new servicing
$0.4 trillion by year-end 2018, is critical to ensuring oversight standards;
that the past cannot repeat itself.13 The GSEs large Enhanced state regulations that serve as controls
pre-crisis investment portfolios, which included on mortgage loan origination fraud;
subprime securities and other higher-risk mortgage
Strengthened consumer protection rules that
assets, were largely responsible for the losses that
reduce the prevalence of complex or exotic
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac incurred during the crisis.
mortgage products;
Our Blueprint continues this wind down of the GSEs
investment portfolios below the mandated thresholds. Increased oversight, with HERA superseding the
largely ineffective Federal Housing Enterprises
Figure 3: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992;
Consolidated Retained Mortgage Portfolio Enhanced regulation, as FHFA has been endowed
$ Trillions with substantial regulatory powers that its
$1.6 37% predecessor agency, OFHEO, lacked; and
$1.5 Elimination of regulatory capture, by limiting GSE
$1.4 foundations, political contributions, and other sources
of undue political influence that in the past led to
ineffective regulation.
This strong marriage of reforms, regulation, and sound
capital standards will help ensure housing affordability
$1.0 for middle- and working-class Americans while enabling
the GSEs to generate a steady and reasonable dividend
$.8 stream that is sufficiently attractive to private investors.




2007A 2013A 2020P Pro Forma1
Agency Securities Non-Agency Securities Loans

Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates

1. 2020 pro forma retained mortgage portfolio allocation based on
year-end 2016 pro rata

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 10

The Nuts and Bolts Pre-crisis, the GSEs were subject to minimum (core)
capital requirements of 0.45% on their mortgage
guarantee portfolio, plus 2.5% on their on-balance sheet
How to effectively implement the Safety
loans and securities. While these requirements have
and Soundness Blueprint during this been suspended in conservatorship, they continue to be
presidential term calculated by FHFA and currently equal approximately
$43 billion of core capital under the pre-crisis
Enhanced capital regime. This amount of capital is woefully inadequate,
standards for post-crisis representing less than 1.0% of the total asset values
and guarantee notional amounts at the Enterprises.ii
regulatory era At present, under the constraints of the Net Worth
Taxpayer resources do not constitute capital. To the Sweep, the GSEs capital falls far short of even this
contrary, taxpayers need to be protected by substantial, low minimum.
subordinated private capital.
Any credible capital regime should subject the GSEs Setting new standards
to significantly enhanced capital standards broadly Our Safety and Soundness Blueprint targets $155
consistent with the capital requirements of other to $180 billion in permanent capital at the GSEs,
regulated financial institutions. We assume that such equivalent to over 8.5% of risk-weighted assets or
a capital regime would include the imposition of both 3.0% to 3.5% of total balance sheet assets (including
risk-based capital calculations and overall leverage unfunded guarantees). This equates to approximately
limits. These capital requirements would be further four times the pre-crisis GSE capital requirements and
augmented by stress testing at extreme loss cases (e.g., is equivalent to approximately 150% of the existing
Dodd-Frank Annual Stress Tests which the Enterprises capital requirements the Federal Housing Administration
are currently subject to). The implementation of such (FHA) is subject to, despite the substantially higher
a regime, which will substantially de-lever the GSEs, is quality portfolios guaranteed by Fannie Mae and
critical to ensuring that any exit from conservatorship Freddie Mac. Furthermore, this permanent GSE capital
includes robust standards and protections for taxpayers would be augmented by a reduction in risk-weighted
to effectively eliminate the prospect of future bailouts. assets provided through the issuance of CRT securities
(projected to reach nearly $100 billion, or approximately
2.0% of total assets, at 2020 year-end). Including the
use of CRT and loan loss reserves, the Enterprises
would achieve total private claims paying resources in
the range of $280 to $305 billion (or 5.5% to 6.0% of
total assets).iii

ii. Source: Company filings

iii. Based on projected 2020 consolidated total assets of $5.1 trillion

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 11

Leverage Ratio
The dual objectives of (a) ensuring sufficient permanent
capital and (b) continuing to incent the distribution of
guarantee risk to private counterparties and the capital
markets can be achieved through the establishment of a
two-tiered simple leverage ratio, as illustrated below.

Table 1: Leverage Ratio Requirements


Primary Leverage Ratio Core Capital 3.0% of Total Assets

Secondary Leverage Ratio Core Capital plus Outstanding CRT 5.0% of Total Assets

Figure 4: Projected Consolidated Leverage Ratio

$ Billions at December 31


5.0% 1.9%
Ratio 4.0%

3.0% 3.1%
3.0% 3.3%
Ratio 2.0%
1.0% 1.0% 1.3% 1.5%

2016A 2017P 2018P 2019P 2020P

Core Capital1 ($188) $12 $75 $131 $167
CRT Capital 2
54 67 78 88 97

Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates

1. Core Capital includes Common Equity and Junior Preferred Stock
2. CRT Capital includes CRT debt issued and outstanding to third parties

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 12

Risk-Based Capital Requirements Dedicated mortgage
In addition to leverage ratio requirements, our Blueprint insurers
assumes the imposition of a risk-based capital
In assessing capital requirements, we should
requirement, provisionally set at 8.5% of risk-weighted
recognize the unique nature of Fannie and Freddie as
assets which is consistent with international banking
single-purpose mortgage guarantors. Nearly 90%
standards.14 This equates to 4.25% of mortgage
of Fannies and Freddies assets are effectively
guarantee notional (which would be subject to a 50%
match-funded through issuance of MBS by
Standardized risk-weight under the U.S. Basel III
consolidated trusts. As such, the GSEs are not
framework15) and slightly exceeds the requirements
dependent on deposit funding that can be withdrawn
proposed by the International Association of Insurance
and are far less dependent on short-term funding (such
Supervisors (IAIS), which requires 4.0% capital for
as commercial paper) when compared to other financial
mortgage insurance (as a percentage of risk-in-force).16
institutions. In other words, unlike banks, the GSEs have
These illustrative risk-based capital requirements
limited liquidity and interest rate risk, instead operating
would require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to
under a proven insurance company model which
hold capital against their core guarantee business
precludes the possibility of financial runs.
equivalent to nearly ten times their pre-crisis
requirements and more than double the FHAs Given the unique nature of Fannie Mae and Freddie
current requirements. Macs businesses, and particularly the scale of their
mortgage guarantee businesses, FHFA may elect to
Table 2: Risk-Based Capital Requirements implement a more nuanced risk-weighting system
for mortgages, as compared to the fairly simplistic
RISK-BASED CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS (e.g., 50% RWA) approach applied to multi-product
banks. Such an approach would be consistent with
Mortgage Guarantee Risk Weights 50% FHFAs more granular Private Mortgage Insurer Eligibility
Requirements (PMIERs).17 Doing so could also enable
(x) Minimum Risk-Based FHFA to encourage product innovation by recognizing
Capital Requirements the true economic impact of offsetting factors in
determining the quality of a mortgage, as well as the
Risk-Based risks associated with risk-layering (e.g. combinations of
Capital Requirement lower FICOs with higher LTVs or DTIs). A more nuanced
approach to determining RWAs could also help to
Pre-Crisis GSE requirement 0.45% broaden the credit box that has historically excluded
large groups of deserving Americans from obtaining a
FHA Capital requirement 2.00% mortgage. Multi-product banks may themselves migrate
towards such an approach, as proposed Basel IV
rules now contemplate more granular mortgage
risk-weights (including differentiation based on LTVs).

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 13

Role of FHFA in setting The chart and table below detail calculations of such
risk-based capital requirements applied to the current
minimum capital standards GSE portfolios and to an estimate of the portfolio over
The FHFA, which HERA endowed with broad discretion time, pro-forma for continued credit risk transfer.
and authority to implement capital standards for the This illustrates an average risk-weighting of the GSEs
GSEs, will have the ultimate responsibility for designing portfolios declining from 42.5% at 2016 year end to
and implementing final capital requirements.18 This 36.3% at 2020 year end, with minimum risk-based
authority, which has not been used or tested since capital declining in parallel, from 3.6% to 3.1%.
the crisis, allows FHFA to impose a safe and sound
regulatory regime tailored to the unique nature of Table 3: Implied Risk-Based Capital Requirements
the GSEs businesses and, designed to prevent
the undercapitalization which led to their initial RISK-BASED CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS
conservatorship. FHFA should be strongly encouraged
Mortgage Guarantee Risk Weights 50%
to exercise this authority.
While we have sought to provide credible assumptions
Hedged Mortgage Guarantee
in designing and testing this Blueprint, the architecture 20%
Risk Weights
of the Safety and Soundness Blueprint can be applied
to lower or higher minimum capital requirements.iv 2016 2020

Continued De-risking of the Blended Risk Weighting 42.5% 36.3%

Guarantee Portfolios
(x) Minimum Risk-Based
Consistent with the leverage ratio, risk-based capital 8.5% 8.5%
Capital Requirement
standards should incent continued risk mitigation efforts
by the GSEs. The regulator should grant risk-based Implied Risk-Based
3.6% 3.1%
capital relief for CRT and for other approved structures Capital Requirement
that are demonstrated to provide significant risk transfer.
This relief can be provided through a reduction in
the risk weighted asset calculation for hedged
mortgage portfolios.
For illustrative purposes, we have applied a reduced
risk-weight of 20% (taken from the Simplified
Supervisory Formula Approach, or SSFA) to the
portion of the GSEs mortgage portfolios that are subject
to credit risk transfer.19 Application of this approach to
historical CRT issuances results in just over $0.50 of
risk-based capital relief for every $1 of CRT issuance at
the time of the issuance of the CRT securities.v

iv. There is an implicit trade-off between safety and soundness, on one hand, and the cost of guarantee fees and timeline to building capital, on the other.
Imposition of more conservative capital requirements (e.g., 4% to 5% capital minimums) would require higher guarantee fees, in order to provide a
sufficient market return to the larger amount of private capital that needs to be raised from third parties, and/or would necessitate a slower capital build.
FHFA as safety and soundness regulator has the ultimate responsibility for assessing and evaluating this trade-off.
v. In simple terms, this is because issuance of approximately $4 to $5 of CRT securities per $100 of portfolio notional (e.g., the 0% to 5% or 1% to 5%
tranches of a STACR or CAS deal), is assumed in our analysis, to reduce GSE capital requirements on the hedged portfolio from $4.25 (8.5% RBC x
50% RWA), to just under $2 (8.5% x approximately 20% RWA). This results in approximately $2.5 reduction in core capital requirements per $4 to $5
of CRT security issuance. Note further that, in the tables that follow, mortgage loans subject to CRT are risk-weighted at 19% (reflecting full risk transfer
and thus 0% risk-weighting with respect to the issued tranches, and 20% risk-weighting on the retained senior tranches). Even this calculation
reflects a simplifying assumption, that the GSEs fully distribute the junior CRT tranches.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 14

Figure 5: Projected Evolution of Consolidated GSE Balance Sheets and Risk-Based Capital Requirements
$ Trillions at December 31,

$5.0 $5.0 $5.0 $5.1 CAGR %
$0.4 $0.4 $0.4 $0.5 2.3%
$1.3 $1.6 15.9%
$1.8 $1.9

$3.0 $2.8 $2.7

2016A 2017P 2018P 2019P 2020P

CRT Mortgage Loans 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% 19.0%
Other Mortgage Loans 1
49.6% 49.5% 49.4% 49.4% 49.3%
Other Assets 2
38.0% 36.8% 35.7% 33.8% 32.5%
Total 42.5% 40.4% 38.8% 37.4% 36.3%

CRT Mortgage Loans $0.2 $0.3 $0.3 $0.3 $0.4
Other Mortgage Loans 1
1.9 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3
Other Assets 2
0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2
Total $2.3 $2.0 $1.9 $1.9 $1.9


Risk-weighted assets $2.3 $2.0 $1.9 $1.9 $1.9
(x) Required RBC ratio 8.5% 8.5% 8.5% 8.5% 8.5%
Implied Core Capital required $0.2 $0.2 $0.2 $0.2 $0.2
% of assets 3.6% 3.4% 3.3% 3.2% 3.1%

Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates

1. Includes unhedged mortgage loans held for investment, loans held for sale, allowance for loan losses, and cost basis and fair value
adjustments. Gross mortgage loans are risk-weighted at 50%. Risk-weights are not applicable for allowance for loan losses, or cost basis and
fair value adjustments
2. Includes cash, fed funds purchased and securities purchased under repurchase agreements, investment securities, accrued interest,
derivatives, other real estate owned, deferred tax assets, and other assets. Risk-weights applied on asset specific basis in accordance with U.S.
Basel III standardized risk-weighting (including notional derivative adjustments)

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 15

While our analysis assumes risk-weighted asset Table 4: Total Claims Paying Resources
relief being granted in relation to qualifying credit
risk transfer transactions, the net effect of this relief
is not to reduce the quantum of total private capital
from the baseline risk-based calculation of 4.25% % of Assets $ Billions
(i.e., 8.5% minimum capital ratio multiplied by a 50%
risk-weighting). Instead, total private capital increases Core Capital
under our Blueprint and ultimately exceeds a minimum (Common + 3.0% - 3.5% $155B - $180B
target of 5.0%. The chart below illustrates total claims Junior Preferred)
paying resources (defined here as core capital, plus
outstanding CRT issuances, and loan loss reserves) CRT Outstanding
2.0% $100B
ahead of any taxpayer funds.
Loan Loss Reserves 0.5% $25B

2020 Total Claims

5.5% - 6.0% $280B - $305B
Paying Resources

Figure 6: Total Claims Paying Resources, Consolidated GSEs

$ Billions at December 31, Cumulative %
$294 of Assets1
$30 5.73%




$37 40 $167

2016A 2020P
Common equity & preferred stock CRT Debt Loan loss reserves

Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates

1. Based on projected 2020 consolidated total assets of $5.1 trillion

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 16

Capital Raise Mechanics The Blueprint utilizes broad public offerings, both with
respect to primary offerings and secondary offerings
Our Blueprint raises $155 to $180 billion in core
of Treasurys shares. The capital-raising process would
capital within four years. This capital is raised through
be open to all interested capital providers, subject to
a combination of (i) retained earnings, (ii) conversion
customary government policy concerns (e.g., prudential
of a substantial portion of outstanding junior preferred
regulation of investing parties, diffusion of systemic
shares to common, (iii) rights offerings (or participation
risk, etc.). This structure is designed to maximize value
in a priming equity raise) to raise additional capital
to Treasury as a shareholder by relying on a deep,
from shareholders, and (iv) issuance of new common
liquid, and market-based mechanism to determine
and junior preferred shares to institutional
the recovery amounts to existing GSE shareholders.
This permanent capital is also augmented by the
The diagram and table below illustrate the process of
continued (albeit market dependent and when prudent)
rebuilding capital from 2017 through 2020 year-end.
use of CRT.

Figure 7: Rebuilding a Fortress Balance Sheet

$ Billions


SPS principal reduced to reflect

Adj. 2016A
original contractual terms, with any $1B +0.0%
Core Capital
remainder exchanged into equity

Retained Dividends suspended until

$62B +1.2%
Earnings2 capital build is completed

Common 2018 relisting, Initial Follow-on

Equity Raised 2019 offering(s) $40B $40B

2020 issuances augment existing

junior preferred stock (to the $25B +0.5%
Stock Issuances
extent not converted)

Dividends resume $167B 3.25%
Core Capital

Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates

1. Based on 2020 projected total assets of $5.1 trillion
2. Retained earnings net of common and preferred dividends

vi. Further details, including company earnings projections and assumptions can be found in the Appendix.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 17

Reduced Reliance on The current undrawn commitment line is $258.1
billion. After balancing prudential capital standards and
Government Backstop ongoing market support, the size of this commitment
Commitment line could potentially be reduced with further stock
While a catastrophic government guarantee is likely issuances, retained earnings, and CRT issuance.
needed to support the smooth operation of the secondary This limited, but explicit and paid-for, support by the
mortgage and TBA markets, and to maintain the broad Treasury would preserve the deep and liquid global
availability of the 30-year fixed-rate conventional market for agency securities, and allow these securities
mortgage, there should not be a realistic scenario to continue benefiting from favorable capital and
in which that backstop would again be drawn upon. liquidity treatment.vii
Importantly, if the GSEs had the capital levels and The diagram below illustrates the current capital
were subject to the regulatory constraints articulated structure (with only $1.2 billion in Net Worth cushion
in this Blueprint during the 2008 financial crisis, against further draws on the commitment line), and a
neither company would likely have had any need for projected 2020 capital structure (with over $165 billion
federal financial assistance. Under this Blueprint, the in Core Capital protecting the taxpayer). The Blueprint
existing backstop facility provided by the Treasury (i.e., envisions reducing the size of this commitment as
the Senior Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement) would capital is built by the GSEs, with the PSPA line winding
be maintained but transformed into an explicit, limited, down to a notional floor of $150 billion.viii Moreover,
second-loss catastrophic guarantee that would be called third-party reinsurance transactions of the commitment
upon only when robust private capital reserves are fully line could further reduce the amount of taxpayer risk to
exhausted. The government would be appropriately well below $150 billion.
compensated for this catastrophic backstop via a market-
based commitment fee, which has been estimated at
50 basis points for the purpose of this Blueprint.

Figure 8: Preferred Stock Purchase Commitment: Illustrative Wind down

$ Billions
MBS and
PSPA commitment reduced as
MBS and Senior Debt
capital is raised and retained
Senior Debt $258.1B
Senior Preferred
Stock (Undrawn
Senior [$150B] [$150B]
Preferred Junior Preferred
Stock Stock $42B
Balance) Current PSPA 2018 2019 2020 2020
$258.1B Common Equity Commitment Capital Capital Pro Reinsurance
$125B Line Raise Raise Forma Pro Forma
Net Worth
Pro Forma SPS can
$1.2B be ceded to third-party
Current Capital Illustrative 2020
reinsurance companies
Structure Capital Structure1
Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates
1. Illustrative capital structure reflects $167 billion of core capital (i.e., common equity plus junior preferred stock) consistent with our mid-point target
capital level (3.25%), as used elsewhere in this whitepaper. Assumes pro forma preferred stock balance of $42 billion based on $25 billion of new
issuance plus, for illustrative purposes only, $17 billion of outstanding legacy junior preferred stock (pro forma for an illustrative 50% equitization)

vii. A number of market participants, commentators, and legislators have discussed the possibility of transforming the existing PSPA support into a full
guarantee of GSE MBS (paid for, and supported by sufficient private capital consistent with those aspects of our plan). While we believe market
stability can be maintained utilizing the existing PSPA, and in fact winding-down that PSPA line over time, nothing in our plan would preclude new
legislation to restructure this support into a full MBS guarantee, should Congress ultimately enact any such legislation.
viii. The notional floor for undrawn PSPA capacity should be set based upon the requirements of the safety and soundness regulator, and should be
sufficient to support TBA markets, and to maintain current Basel III treatment of GSE MBS and agency debt. The estimate used herein ($150 billion)
is illustrative in nature, and substantially exceeds the notional amount required to maintain the current level of claims paying resources at the GSEs
(approximately $93 billion, based on our base case capital scenario).

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 18

Stakeholder Benefits worth an incremental $75 to $100 billion in cash
profits upon being exercised and ultimately sold. These
Our Blueprint provides a pragmatic and workable
proceeds are expected to create a windfall under
solution, so that all of the parties involved in litigation
the CBO budget, providing additional capacity for
relating to the Net Worth Sweep will find it beneficial
administrative priorities (e.g., tax reform, infrastructure).
to agree to the terms of the proposed transactions
Under the OMBs budget, our Blueprint should bring
as would be the case in a normal restructuring
forward this substantial revenue into this presidential
process. The Blueprint emphasizes respect for the
term, which would be beneficial for debt-ceiling and
existing capital structure and restores normal corporate
other shorter-term budgeting requirements.
governance in the context of highly regulated public
mortgage guarantors. Taxpayers have received nearly $80 billion in profits
to date, equivalent to an annualized return of over
We envision existing shareholders to provide a
10%. This is consistent with the original contractual
substantial contribution to assist the Enterprises in
terms, prior to the imposition of the Net Worth
meeting their capital requirements. This contribution
Sweep.20 Under this Blueprint, up to $100 billion
can take the form of a conversion of (i) existing junior
in incremental profits are generated by monetizing
preferred stock into common equity, (ii) investment in
Treasurys warrants. This could bring the total dollar
a private placement priming equity raise, and/or (iii)
amount recouped by Treasury up to $366 billion,
participation in the initial public primary equity issuance
nearly doubling the $187.5 billion of taxpayer funds
through a rights offering or a committed backstop
invested. This would equate to a 15% internal rate
facility. The goal would be to ensure a successful capital
of return on the taxpayers investment, which equals
build by respecting the capital structure and providing a
or exceeds the returns that investors typically earn
Blueprint that benefits all stakeholders.ix
for providing capital to distressed companies. These
The biggest winner by far is the American taxpayer, returns will far surpass other crisis-era investments
who owns warrants through the Treasury that could be made by the Treasury.

Figure 9: Treasurys Cash Profits from Federal Financial Assistance Programs

$ Billions as of April 2017
Annualized return
$75 - $100B
from warrant 10% (IRR-basis) on taxpayer
investment, to date

Annualized return
15% projected, pro-forma for
$21.4 monetization of warrants

($2.3) Total cash payments

($12.5) projected to be received
$366B by Treasury, on an initial
Automotive Other GSEs
Sector Institutions investment of $187.5B
% of total funds dispersed 9.9% 4.2% 55.8% 30.1%
Projected multiple
% of Treasury cash profits (14.7%) (2.7%) 25.2% 92.2%
received on invested
Multiple on Invested Capital 0.8x 0.9x 1.1x 1.4x - 2.0x
2.0x capital including
monetization of warrants
Government exit complete?4

Source: Pro Publica, Company filings, Moelis estimates

1. General Motors Company and Chrysler Group LLC
2. Includes investment funds, state housing organizations, TALF, SBA security purchases and the FHA refinance program fund
3. Includes banks, financial services organizations, insurance companies, and mortgage servicers
4. Excludes the approximately $290 million of remaining TARP investments held by Treasury as of April 2017

ix. Retirement of the Senior Preferred Stock (treating all amounts paid in excess of the initial 10% cash dividend rate as repayment of principal) should also
have the benefit of allowing for a full and final settlement of shareholder litigation. While Moelis does not represent litigants, the interests of our clients
are aligned with those of the litigants, taxpayers, and all other Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shareholders. Furthermore, the practical ability to raise
private capital and to monetize Treasurys warrants is contingent on elimination of this senior preferred share overhang and a level playing field.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 19

Structural Alternatives
We have analyzed a wide array of structural alternatives
to effectively implement this Blueprint, which legal
advisors to our clients have affirmed are workable for
these purposes and consistent with the authorities and
limitations of current law.x Under any structure analyzed,
our objectives are to:
Maximize the value of the governments ownership
stake on behalf of taxpayers;
Respect the role that well capitalized GSEs must play
in a vibrant U.S. housing market;
Recognize the need for strong and comprehensive
prudential regulation;
Provide the government with the ability to reduce its
backstop commitments over time;
Preserve the interests of stakeholders;
Rely on private capital as a determining factor with
respect to valuations;
Provide transparency and disclosure to the
markets, to minimize structural changes and
avoid disruption; and
Refocus the GSEs on their limited core mission
of providing liquidity to the mortgage market, and
maintain the bright line between the primary and
secondary mortgage market.
We look forward to engaging with the government on
available transaction structures.

x. These structures range from a simple reversal and termination of the conservatorships, to more complex multi-step transactions that effectuate the
transfer of legacy assets and liabilities to successor entities of the GSEs, in a series of pre-packaged transactions.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 20

Blueprint Benefits play, and that FHFA has played over the last nine years,
while balancing prudent regulation with private investor
returns, and affordable housing goals and mandates.
Overview Other plans create new government corporations,
untested and expensive open-access conduits, and
The Safety and Soundness Blueprint combines the
unlimited explicit financial support of MBS by taxpayers,
best elements of existing industry proposals with the
requiring a continued role for the government in the
most feasible and executable transaction structure
mortgage space that is likely to be larger and less
and is supported by detailed financial analysis and
desirable than the one it plays today.
projections. Together, these features go further than any
existing proposal in protecting the taxpayer, maximizing
value to the government, and charting a feasible and Reduces the governments footprint
credible path to a near-term resolution for the GSEs. A This Blueprint gets the government and the U.S.
summary of the benefits that this proposal provides is taxpayer off the hook from excessive support of the U.S.
presented below. housing market and mortgage credit risk. As capital
builds at the GSEs, the current backstop line should
Protects taxpayers with permanent capital be partially wound down, rather than converted to an
unlimited guarantee. We propose an explicit, but truly
This Blueprint is appropriately counter-cyclical through
limited, catastrophic backstop, in a senior position
its use of permanent equity capital. Other plans transfer
to robust levels of private capital, supporting highly
mortgage risk to the capital markets during good times
regulated shareholder-owned companies. Our emphasis
but expose taxpayers to potential losses in the event
on private capital significantly enhances the free-market
of an economic downturn when market risk capacity
clearing mechanism for capital in bearing mortgage
may not be available. Permanent capital is critical to
credit risk, while maintaining Fannie Maes and Freddie
ensuring that taxpayers will not be exposed to the risk
Macs traditional roles supporting the critically important
of future bailouts. While we encourage the GSEs to
secondary mortgage markets.
transfer credit risk through CRT as market conditions
permit (and at prices competitive with other capital
sources), we would not endorse mandating or otherwise Respects realities of mortgage
forcing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to enter into capital markets
transactions that are uneconomic or impractical. This This Blueprint provides comprehensive financial analysis
Blueprint has real funded equity capital that supports demonstrating how private capital can be put to work
the mortgage market through a cycle. It does not rely to mitigate mortgage market credit risk, reduce the
on programmatic issuances that, as history has shown, governments footprint in housing, and create true
cannot be relied upon during recessions. market pricing signals and capital allocation. Other
plans allude to private capital but they fail to specify
Ensures mortgage market stability how much capital would actually be required, fail to
This Blueprint utilizes the proven infrastructure that has provide details as to how that capital would be raised,
successfully helped middle-class and working-class and fail to specify where that capital will come from or
Americans buy homes for decades. These systems the associated impacts on financial markets.
were not the cause of the financial crisis and do not Any effective capital building exercise should be
need to be redesigned or rebuilt. In fact, the GSEs consistent with the real-world mechanics of corporate
infrastructure allowed the conforming MBS market to finance, the mortgage origination and securitization
continue to function and meet its objectives through the system, and public equity and debt markets. Other
depths of the financial crisis. This Blueprint provides plans primarily focus on political goals and include little
continued support to the current mortgage financing financial substance. Private capital will not return to the
markets (including the TBA and GSE MBS markets, market unless the rules of the road to govern such
both of which are critical to the continued availability capital are well understood and respected, and investors
of the 30-year fixed-rate conventional mortgage), and are able to earn a market-dictated rate of return on their
maintains existing affordable housing mandates and investment. The housing market, cannot and should not
policy goals. This Blueprint builds upon all reforms that be put into a grand experiment that, if it fails, could lead
have been implemented to date. It goes even further to financial distress for all Americans and the broader
by recognizing the consequential role that HERA can global economy.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 21

Feasible implementation Maintains an even playing field for everyone
As many commentators have recognized, we are long This Blueprint ensures that the housing finance system
past the time when the conservatorship of Fannie is available to all market players irrespective of size or
Mae and Freddie Mac should have ended. Proposed market sophistication. This is particularly important to
plans that require new government guarantees on smaller institutions that want to service their own loans
mortgage-backed securities, new charters, or an and maintain primary contact with their local clients.
expanded government role in the mortgage market This Blueprint preserves the use of current systems
create complications which introduce dramatic timing that support equitable access for loan originators of
and execution risk to solutions that the American people all sizes including small banks, non-bank specialty
deserved long ago. Through existing legal authorities finance companies, and large money center banks. As
the FHFA and Treasury can largely implement the noted, other plans create new mortgage frameworks,
near-term process of reforming the GSEs, while cannibalize pieces from the existing system without
still providing ample room for Congress to enact regard to legal rights of ownership over those pieces,
comprehensive housing reform legislation in the future. or create uneven playing fields that generally favor
This framework is broadly consistent with bank reform big banks.
efforts, where Treasury was responsible for exiting its The Common Securitization Platform (CSP) should
TARP investments and Congress was responsible for remain controlled and owned exclusively by Fannie Mae
regulatory reforms (e.g., Dodd-Frank). and Freddie Mac. The continued malaise in the private
label MBS market has nothing to do with whether
Addresses long standing market overhang or not large banks that have their own infrastructure
Only this Blueprint delivers a timely solution that can have access to the CSP. By eliminating Fannie Mae
be fully implemented without exposing the taxpayer and Freddie Mac as secondary-market counterweights,
to further unnecessary risk. Many other plans impose these big banks could dominate the U.S. mortgage
long tail risk on the government for legacy asset finance system. Nearly nine years after the financial
run-offs while seeking to establish new untested crisis, big banks continue to pay unprecedented fines
mortgage market structures. Our Blueprint can be for servicing errors, mortgage origination fraud, and
achieved within four years, provides substantial value improper sales practices. Concentrating control of the
to the governments warrants, uses existing statutory $10 trillion U.S. mortgage market in the hands of these
and regulatory authority, and recognizes the unique big banks would be a grave mistake.
roles Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac play as secondary
mortgage market insurers. This Blueprint mitigates Harvests idle taxpayer assets that
financial risk to the American taxpayer while can be used for other priorities
supporting affordable housing policies, funds,
This Blueprint is the only plan that recognizes the
and goals, and creating dividend-paying stocks
franchise value of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the
for conservative investors.
corresponding value to the government as an existing
shareholder. We project the value of the governments
warrants for common stock in these Enterprises to
be worth an estimated $75 to $100 billion. Financial
institutions are typically valued by the market based on
multiples of earnings, premiums to book value, or both.
Carving up Fannie Maes and Freddie Macs assets
into a series of government corporations, reconfiguring
the architecture of the mortgage market, and relying
on untested (and in certain instances, unworkable)
corporate structures has the potential to substantially
destroy the value that taxpayers and other shareholders
expect to have preserved (and maximized) under
current law.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 22

Comparison to Recent industry
proposals are moving
Other Plans in the right direction,
Our Blueprint is easier to implement, brings but are incomplete
private capital back to the market faster, Recent proposals from the ICBA and the MBA represent
and seeks to maximize the governments progress in the right direction and our Blueprint shares
compensation for its crisis-era financial much in common with them. The ICBA and MBA
support for the GSEs proposals both recognize the risks associated with
establishing new mortgage finance infrastructure,
Historical proposals and instead opt prudently to rely on the existing
operational infrastructure and processes of the GSEs.
have relied on wholesale Both plans preserve the TBA market, which is crucial
infrastructure changes to the continued availability of the 30-year fixed-rate
conventional mortgage. Further, these plans maintain
Many market commentators acknowledge the critical
the core functions of the GSEs (e.g., the duty to serve
need for private capital to return to our nations
and affordable housing mission), which are central to
secondary mortgage system. However, historical reform
middle-class and working-class housing affordability.
proposals have heavily relied upon (i) big government
solutions, (ii) development of large and expensive These industry proposals address taxpayer protection
experimental infrastructure, and (iii) procyclical using a similar approach to the one spelled out in this
credit risk transfer programs as a panacea. These Blueprint, making guarantors of securitized mortgages
plans are also dependent upon significant bipartisan hold substantial capital (and raising such capital if those
congressional agreement which has failed to materialize guarantors do not have it) and establishing enhanced
to date and which may not occur for the foreseeable capital standards consistent with those of other large
future. Certain special interest groups argue that financial institutions. They continue existing reforms,
the problem is simply too big and would take too winding down the GSEs investment portfolios, which
long to resolve without overarching and far reaching were a central cause of crisis-era losses, and continuing
government support alongside new mortgage credit risk transfer programs on economically sensible
market plumbing. Our Blueprint addresses terms and under appropriate conditions. The MBA
these issues head-on. plan specifically calls for a three-pronged approach
to capital standards (leverage ratio, risk-based capital
requirements, and stress testing), and incentivizes
continued de-risking of the guarantee portfolios via the
granting of regulatory capital relief for approved CRT
structures which provide true, first-loss, risk transfer.
Our Blueprint is entirely consistent with this approach.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 23

We agree with the ICBA that capital retention must Advantages vis--vis Industry Plans
begin now and can be followed shortly by new capital
While there is much to agree with in the current industry
raises. Under this Blueprint, capital raises begin in 2018
proposals, we believe that our Blueprint represents the
and the GSEs can fully rebuild capital (and facilitate a
only feasible and credible path forward.
complete government exit) by 2020.
Our Blueprint does not rely on an unlimited and/or
Finally, the ICBA and MBA proposals address the
implicit guarantee provided by the federal government.
duopsony (the market condition that exists when there
Instead, ongoing government support is provided via
are only two buyers) of the GSEs, providing stability
the existing $258 billion PSPA commitments. As such,
in mortgage rates by transitioning to an approach
our Blueprint explicitly limits taxpayer risk to not exceed
that regulates the pricing of guarantee fees. While our
this remaining commitment amount. Furthermore, our
Blueprint does not prescriptively address the issue of
Blueprint substantially reduces this risk over time in two
regulating guarantee fees, so long as they are set by
ways. First, the remaining PSPA commitment partially
markets together with regulators to appropriately strike
steps down as capital is built by the GSEs, effectively
a balance between ensuring ample safety and
replacing government risk with private capital. Second,
soundness while providing adequate returns to attract
we envision a risk-sharing mechanism whereby the
private capital, on one hand, and providing a stable
Treasury continues to provide the then-reduced PSPA
and fair housing market, on the other hand, we
commitment, but shares that risk with the capital
would not disagree.
or reinsurance markets through participations or
We also agree with many of BlackRocks principles for quota share reinsurance. These efforts would reduce
GSE reform. BlackRock supports the importance of a Treasurys PSPA exposure from $258 billion to less than
clearly defined government role, and rightly points out $150 billion.
that catastrophic government support is necessary to
By avoiding the need for a full government guarantee on
support a deep and liquid TBA market (and ultimately
mortgage-backed securities, the Safety and Soundness
to ensure the availability of the 30 year mortgage).xi
Blueprint not only reduces risk to the taxpayer but also
BlackRock emphasizes that any government support
avoids the need for new legislation to authorize such
should be appropriately priced, and explicit, and
a guarantee. Further, this Blueprint does not require
supports prudent and reasonable levels of private
new charters to be put in place, a feature of the MBAs
capital credit risk absorption via capital markets.
plan, or amendments to the existing charters, as
BlackRock notes that a cushion is needed to protect
contemplated by the ICBA, both of which would require
taxpayers. They also highlight the importance of a
incremental legislation. Our Blueprint is, however,
smooth transition to any new system, and suggest that
wholly compatible with any legislation that potentially
plans should require fungibility of the existing GSE
re-charters the GSEs as utilities with an independent
MBS with any new system.21 Our Blueprint satisfies
board that would set guarantee fees, should Congress
each of these principles.
agree to enact such a change.
Our Blueprint is also consistent with many of the
More importantly, our Blueprint does not require a
principles recently set out by the American Bankers
winding down of the existing GSEs, or use of market-
Association (the ABA). Specifically, the ABA has
destabilizing legal constructs like receivership,
called for preservation of the To Be Announced
as envisioned by the MBA. The MBA proposal
(TBA) market, a continuation of credit risk transfers
contemplates leaving behind substantial portions of the
(to the extent they are real transfers of risk and
GSEs portfolios and winding these portfolios down over
are economically viable), a well-defined QM
time (for example, in MBAs operating subsidiary model).
requirement, and assurance that the GSEs must
This approach fails to protect taxpayers as private
be appropriately capitalized to the risks borne and
capital is only raised at the new guarantors, leaving
regulated to ensure that they remain so in all market
the old GSEs effectively nationalized, with any and all
conditions.22 We agree with each of these points,
risk associated with the existing books of business fully
without reservation.
borne by taxpayers for decades to come.

xi. While our Blueprint does not envision an unconditional government guarantee on MBS, as BlackRock calls for, we clearly define the role of the
government, and utilize the existing PSPA commitment line to ensure stability in the GSE MBS and unsecured debt markets while reducing risk to the
taxpayer. This Blueprint attempts to reduce ongoing government support, rather than increase it via an unlimited securities level guarantee. Limits on
investment portfolio size, which serve to focus the GSEs on their core guarantee business, can be augmented by restrictions on new activities and debt
issuance limitations (e.g., restricting debt issuance to qualifying debt supporting loan purchase activity and securitization inventory).

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 24

Any steps towards receivership would present massive
complications to a proper resolution, including raising
market concerns about the future performance of
GSE MBS and agency debt obligations.xii Receivership
would also eliminate the value associated with
Treasurys warrants, thereby costing taxpayers
substantial realizable value. The use of receivership
also compromises existing GSE assets, at best
creating the need for new legislation to allow these
assets to be transferred or reinstated, and at worst
permanently destroying substantial value for both the
government and private shareholders. The creation of
new enterprises in receivership to operate the GSEs
businesses will substantially slow the process of building
capital, leaving taxpayers exclusively on the hook in
the near-to-medium term. Further, a wind down of the
existing GSEs, coupled with substantial value transfer
to newly chartered guarantors, fails to resolve existing
shareholder litigation and would likely lead to new legal
claims (e.g. preference issues, fraudulent conveyance,
takings claims) that increase the prospect of a court-
imposed solution rather than a policy-led solution.
Finally, our Blueprint provides detailed financial analysis
that goes well beyond the details provided by other
industry proposals. We have provided estimates of
every major facet of the proposed capital build plan
(e.g., capital requirements for the new GSEs, capital
raise timing, government exit profitability, guarantee fee
impact). These important issues are all interrelated, and
the government (together with independent financial
advisors working on its behalf) can model the resulting
impacts of any variations on these and other important
parameters and make determinations with respect to
optimal public policy.

xii. While this risk might theoretically be managed through careful transaction structuring and robust disclosure, receivership introduces unnecessary risk
of confusion and disruption into the mortgage capital markets. Undoubtedly, holders of GSE MBS and debt would immediately file notices of claim (in
fear of having their legal claims waived if they do not), initiating a costly and administratively complex decade-long process of claims adjudication in
front of FHFA.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 25

Figure 10: Comparison of Safety and Soundness Blueprint to Other Proposals23



Ends the failed business

model arbitraging ?

Puts new private capital in a

first loss position

Maintains the
30-year mortgage

Provides explicit, paid-for,

supportto ensure stable ?
market forlegacy obligations

Feasibly maintains market

access to non-bank and non-
SIFI mortgage originators

Maintains affordable
housing initiatives

Does not disrupt mortgage

rates, home prices, TBA
markets and other Agency-

related financial markets

Allows Treasury to capture

proceeds from monetizing ?
GSE warrants

Explicitly limits government

support, and allows this
limited support to be
reduced over time

Quick and feasible


Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 26

FHFA and Treasury together have the ability to resolve
the GSE conservatorships while Congress continues
to work on additional housing finance reform. Decisive
practical action to raise capital can prevent future draws
from Treasury (otherwise a near certainty as the GSEs
approach zero capital, especially with the impending
passage of corporate tax reform), restore the GSEs to
a sound and solvent condition (avoiding the specter
of future bailouts), and can provide an economic
and policy success in this current presidential term.
Charting a path forward for Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac that provides taxpayer protection and market
liquidity while respecting shareholder rights, would be
a significant, long-lasting, and economically beneficial
accomplishment for the federal government.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 27

3. Capital Restoration Plan
The FHFA Director has the authority to implement
Blueprint new capital requirements, subjecting the GSEs to new
minimums (e.g., Primary Leverage Ratio of 3.0%,
Implementation Secondary Leverage Ratio of 5.0%, minimum Core
Capital / Risk Weighted Assets of 8.5%), and to request
that the GSEs develop and submit capital restoration
Blueprint Design and plans. FHFAs capital requirements should also clearly
Implementation Schedule delineate treatment of credit risk transfer activities.
This Blueprint is designed to provide the most feasible, 4. Preferred Stock Conversion and Warrant Exercise
pragmatic, and rational path to GSE reform. It builds Treasury can acquire 79.9% of GSEs common stock at
upon existing reforms, preserves existing operational its discretion through the exercise of its warrants and
infrastructure, and avoids the potential for disruption to agree to equitize any remaining SPS balance at the time
the critical MBS and TBA markets. There is no complex of primary stock offerings. Junior preferred stockholders
and uncertain receivership process, and no creation of could contribute to the capital build by converting
new mortgage market infrastructure. The plan can be or exchanging some or all of their existing stock in a
implemented under existing legal authority through the manner that is constructive to building capital. Private
following steps: common stockholders could potentially contribute to
1. Dividend Suspension building capital as well through participation in future
common stock issuances.
The FHFA Director has the authority to suspend
dividends to all shareholders, including Treasury. Doing 5. Issuance of Primary Capital
so would allow the GSEs to retain their earnings in a The GSEs can conduct initial public offerings estimated
lock-box, serving as a critical capital buffer against at $40 billion (combined for Fannie and Freddie) in
potential losses driven by tax reform or interest rate 2018, and additional follow-on offerings of approximately
variability and beginning the process of building $40 billion in 2019. This common stock issuance can
permanent capital. This capital retention can initially be augmented by the issuance of new junior preferred
be structured as a change to how often the dividends stock of approximately $25 billion in 2020, completing
are paid (e.g., annual or biennial) or as an increase to the capital build. As noted earlier, Treasurys experience
the Minimum Capital Reserve Amount, to minimize with AIG and Ally Financial provides a good point
budgetary impacts while the other pieces of the of reference for successfully executing such
Blueprint are being put in place.xiii public offerings.
2. Amendment of the Existing Preferred Stock 6. Secondary Share Sales
Purchase Agreement
Full government disposition of its ownership stakes
FHFA together with Treasury can agree to execute a occurs via secondary sales into capital markets over the
Fourth Amendment to the existing Preferred Stock course of 2019 to 2020. These sales would be similar
Purchase Agreement to reflect and apply the original in size and timing to Treasurys AIG stock disposition. If
economic terms of the backstop. Such an amendment the government wishes to extract value sooner, it could
would have the effect of reducing the balance of accelerate its exit by executing a partial secondary sale
Treasurys Preferred Stock (taking into account past in parallel with the initial public offering in 2018. There
payments in excess of 10%) to approximately $6.3 are, however, trade-offs between secondary
billion.xiv This would enable both Enterprises to prudently and primary issuance sizes and timing, dictated
rebuild equity capital and would likely resolve all by market capacity.
outstanding litigation pertaining to the Net Worth Sweep.

xiii. According to a May 2012 presentation for the Office of Management and Budget at the White House, Treasury proposed a minimum net worth amount
of $10,000,000,000 for the quarterly reporting periods between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2019. Treasury indicated that the economic
rationale behind [this] minimum net worth amount is to avoid having unnecessary PSPA draws that result from price volatility in the GSEs mortgage
investment portfolios.
xiv. This calculation is inclusive of dividends paid on March 31, 2017, but not dividends scheduled to be paid on June 30, 2017.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 28

The diagram below provides an illustrative timeline:
Figure 11: Full implementation and Treasury exit by 2020


Q2 Q3 Q4 2018 2019 2020 $ CAPITAL %ASSETS1

Turn off Net Worth Sweep and retain earnings until

regulated minimum first-loss equity is built2 $62B +1.2%

Adjust SPS balance to reflect original contractualterms

Agree to terms to equitize remaining SPS balance,

and partially equitize JPS3

Establish regulatory framework and mechanics

for oversight of G-fees

Announce future, not immediate, exit


Companies issue primary common equity

through anIPO $40B +0.8%

Companies issue primary common equity

through a follow-on offering $40B +0.8%

Companies issue new junior preferred stock $25B +0.5%

Treasury sells remaining equity interest via


GSEs emerge as rebuilt organizations and

taxpayersprofitably exit their only remaining $167B 3.25%
financialcrisis federal financial assistanceprogram

Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates

1. Based projected 2020 consolidated total assets of $5.1 trillion
2. Retained earnings net of preferred and common dividends
3. Conversion price and terms can be pre-established (consistent with the approach used by Treasury in AIG), or can be set at the IPO price

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 29

Projections and
Company Projections
and Assumptions
The analysis contained herein is based on
three-statement (e.g., balance sheet, income statement,
cash flow statement) models for each of Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac, prepared by Moelis & Company LLC.
These models are used to generate forward-looking
earnings and balance sheet projections. It should be
noted that the models, and the resulting projections,
rely on a number of forward looking assumptions and
estimates, including MBS market issuance volumes
(assumed to follow MBA projections in the near-term,
and grow modestly thereafter), default and prepayment
rates for the existing guarantee portfolio (assumed
to follow current performance trends), and retained
mortgage portfolio size (assumed to wind down to
approximately 90% of statutory maximums).
We further assume 70 basis points for average
guarantee fees on new originations (less an ongoing 10
basis points that is redirected to the Treasury pursuant
to the Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of
2011, consistent with the terms of existing legislation).
We model the payment of a 50 basis point annual PSPA
Commitment Fee (calculated on the then-prevailing
commitment balance). Our projections assume flat
purchase and refinancing single-family market-share for
each GSE, which (given the MBAs reduced issuance
projections, combined with the reduction in investment
portfolio assets) creates a modest reduction in total
assets (from approximately $5.3 trillion to approximately
$5.1 trillion) through 2020 year-end.
As detailed below, our projections estimate
an average of over $17 billion per annum in post-tax
net income for the GSEs, on a combined basis,
which is broadly consistent with other third-party
estimates (e.g.,CBO, OMB).

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 30

Figure 12: Summary Consolidated Earnings Forecast
$ Billions at December 31,


$20 $20.1 $20.0
$17.3 $17.5 $18.0
$16.5 $17.2
$15 $15.5




2014A 2015A 2016A 2017P 2018P 2019P 2020P 2021P 2022P 2023P 2024P 2025P

Net interest income $18.3 $15.9 $12.7 $11.9 $10.2 $9.6 $9.3 $8.9 $8.4 $8.0 $7.3 $7.0

Guarantee fees 17.5 18.8 20.7 22.6 24.0 25.3 26.6 28.0 29.5 30.9 32.4 34.0

Provisions (benefit) for

(3.9) (3.5) (3.0) 1.4 2.3 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.5
loan losses

Other expenses, net1 7.5 12.7 6.4 6.3 6.6 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.6 6.0 5.5 5.0

Earnings before tax $32.2 $25.5 $30.0 $26.9 $25.3 $23.9 $25.3 $26.5 $27.6 $29.3 $30.7 $32.4

Net Income $21.9 $17.3 $20.1 $17.5 $16.5 $15.5 $16.5 $17.2 $18.0 $19.0 $20.0 $21.1

Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates

Note: Projections assume 35% corporate tax rate
1. Includes fees and other income, other non-interest expenses, administrative expenses, other operating expenses, other income, other gains
(losses) on investment securities recognized in earnings and one-time items

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 31

Figure 13: Summary Consolidated Origination Volume Forecast
$ Trillions at December 31,


$0.1 $0.9 $1.0
$0.9 $0.9 $0.9
$0.8 $0.8 $0.8 $0.9 $0.1 $0.1
$0.1 $0.8 $0.1
$0.8 $0.1 $0.1
$0.1 $0.1
$0.7 $1.0
$0.6 $0.1 $0.9 $0.9
$0.8 $0.8 $0.9
$0.8 $0.8
$0.8 $0.8
$0.4 $0.6



2014A 2015A 2016A 2017P 2018P 2019P 2020P 2021P 2022P 2023P 2024P 2025P
Single-Family Originations Multifamily Originations

New Origination 62.9 60.5 56.7 65.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0
G-Fees (bps)

56% 54% 52% 48% 47% 46% 46% 46% 46% 45% 45% 45%
Market Share %

Source: Company filings, Mortgage Bankers Association, Moelis estimates

Figure 14: Weighted Average G-Fee Contribution Forecast

Basis Points at December 31,

Fannie Mae Freddie Mac

Single-Family Portfolio Weighted Average G-Fee Single-Family Portfolio Weighted Average G-Fee
65.8 66.2
65 63.8 64.9 65
62.8 64.2
60.5 62.3 61.0
58.3 58.6
55 55.6 55 55.6
52.4 52.0
45 45

35 35

25 25

15 15

5 5

2017P 2018P 2019P 2020P 2021P 2022P 2023P 2024P 2025P 2017P 2018P 2019P 2020P 2021P 2022P 2023P 2024P 2025P

Legacy Book: Pre-2017 New Originations: 2017-2025 Legacy Book: Pre-2017 New Originations: 2017-2025

Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 32

Valuation Analysis
Illustrative Valuation
Our earnings and balance sheet projections are
utilized in producing illustrative pro-forma 2020 equity
valuations. The primary metrics used in this analysis
are estimates of forward looking (2021 projected) Net
Income available to common shareholders, 2020 Book
Value (specifically Tangible Book Value, excluding AOCI),
along with Return on Equity projections (which are used
in determination of estimated Tangible Book Value,
excluding AOCI multiples). Using traditional investment
analyses, which include a dividend discount analysis,
and selected public companies analyses, we estimate
the following illustrative valuation ranges for the fully
capitalized Enterprises, on a consolidated basis, as of
2020 year-end. For reference, we have annotated the
valuation points that are consistent with $75 billion
and $100 billion of Treasury proceeds, using our
base case capital raise assumptions.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 33

Figure 15: Summary Illustrative Equity Valuation Ranges
$ Billions


12/31/2020 MVE: $206.7B 12/31/2020 MVE: $238.5B

UST Proceeds: $75B UST Proceeds: $100B
1.20 2.00x Terminal
TBV (ex-AOCI) multiple
Dividend Discount Analysis $160 $256 7.5% - 9.5% Cost
of Equity

Selected Publicly Traded

12.0x 16.0x
U.S. Banks $176 $234 Price/2017E Earnings
(2021 Earnings of $14.6B1)

Selected Publicly Traded

10.0x 13.5x
N.A. MortgageInsurers $146 $198 Price/2017E Earnings
(2021 Earnings of $14.6B1)

Selected Publicly Traded

U.S. Banks 1.40x 2.00x
(2020 Tangible Book Value $173 $247 Price / TBV (ex-AOCI)
ex-AOCI of $123.7B)
Selected Publicly Traded
N.A. Mortgage Insurers 1.25x 1.75x Price /
(2020 Tangible Book Value $155 $216 TBV (ex-AOCI)
ex-AOCI of $123.7B)
Selected Publicly Traded
9.5% - 13.5% 2021E
U.S. Banks ROE Regression
(2020 Tangible Book Value $208 $290 estimated ROE
R-squared = 81%2
ex-AOCI of $123.7B)
Selected Publicly Traded N.A.
9.5% - 13.5% 2021E
Mortgage Insurers ROE Regression
(2020 Tangible Book Value $136 $201 estimated ROE
R-squared = 61%
ex-AOCI of $123.7B)

Market Value of Equity $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350

MVE / 2020E TBV (ex-AOCI) @

0.81x 1.21x 1.61x 2.02x 2.42x 2.82x
MVE / 2021E Earnings @
6.8x 10.1x 13.5x 16.9x 20.3x 23.7x

Source: CapitalIQ, SNL, Moelis estimates. Market data as of April 30, 2017
Note: Selected publicly traded US banks include JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, U.S. Bancorp, PNC Financial, BB&T, SunTrust,
M&T Bank, KeyCorp, Fifth Third Bank, Regions Financial and Huntington Bank. Selected publicly traded North American mortgage insurers
include Arch Capital Group, Radian, MGIC, Essent, and Genworth MI Canada. Moelis believes that the recapitalized GSEs would trade at a
premium to the selected N.A. mortgage insurers because, among other considerations, mortgage insurers are exposed to greater credit risk on
mortgages as they insure the first loss on mortgages, and the GSEs are much larger businesses.
1. Net income available to common figures reflect aggregate GSE net income ($17.2 billion projected in 2021), less preferred dividends
($2.6 billion per annum), which are projected to resume in full in 2021, following completion of the capital build
2. Selected Publicly Traded U.S. Banks ROE regression analysis excludes BB&T and M&T Bank.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 34

Capital Raise
Capital Raise Analysis
The financial projections and valuation estimates
are used in performing analysis of a capital raise
scenario, designed to achieve full capital build at the
GSEs by 2020 year-end (through a combination of
retained earnings, preferred stock conversion, and
new issuance). The below scenario, by construction,
achieves back-end (2020) fully-distributed market
capitalizations consistent with the prior valuation
analysis, effectively backing into estimates of share
issuance volumes and resultant dilution. Included in
this analysis is a series of secondary share sales in
2019 and 2020, representing disposition of Treasurys
shares (assumed to be received in relation to exercise of
existing warrants for 79.9% of Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac common stock).xv The following charts illustrate
two valuation cases, one consistent with $75 billion
of proceeds to Treasury, and the second consistent
with $100 billion of proceeds. Both rely on identical
assumptions relating to 2020 year-end core capital
(3.25%), as well as identical capital raise assumptions
($40 billion of primary equity issued in 2018, followed
by an additional $40 billion in 2019), consistent with
projections illustrated elsewhere in this Blueprint.

xv. Future share price projections are inherently uncertain, and are dependent on a variety of external factors (including, but not limited to, company
performance, market environment, ultimate capital requirements, guarantee fee assumptions, and treatment of senior and junior preferred shares).

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 35

Figure 16: Illustrative Recapitalization Timeline - $75B Treasury Proceeds

2020 FULLY
10% annually MARKETVALUE
Share Price
$8.75 $9.62 (2020
$7.95 Projected)

21,489 21,489

21,489 Outstanding

Share Price $2.63
~$207B Capitalization
Shares Outstanding

Current 2018P 2019P 2020P

Equity Offerings - $B Total

Primary - issued $0 $40 $40 $0 $80

Secondary - sold $0 $0 $17 $58 $75

Equity Offerings - shares Total

Primary - issued - 5,031 4,574 - 9,605

Secondary - sold - - 1,998 5,995 7,994

Relative Ownership Total

Treasury 80% 46% 30% 0% n/a

Equitized JPS 0% 12% 10% 10% n/a

Other 20% 41% 60% 90% n/a

Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates, CapitalIQ, Market data as of April 30, 2017
1. Illustrative transaction analysis assumes Treasury exercises its warrants for 79.9% ownership immediately prior to an IPO and receives 7.2
billion shares in the Enterprises (on a consolidated basis). This could also be executed by removing Treasurys anti-dilution ratchet to attract
new private capital. At the IPO date, Treasury and the equitizing portion of junior preferred stock then receive approximately 0.8 billion and
2.1 billion shares, respectively, based on the IPO price and equitized balance then outstanding. Post IPO, Treasury would own 8.0 billion
shares representing 47% of the then outstanding common shares. Treasury, and the equitized junior preferred stock, ownership stakes are
then further diluted by new shares issued in 2019 to raise primary capital. This is broadly consistent with the approach Treasury took to attract
private capital in its exit from Ally Financial as well as other TARP investments.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 36

Figure 17: Illustrative Recapitalization Timeline - $100B Treasury Proceeds

2020 FULLY
10% annually

$11.96 Share Price

$13.15 (2020
$10.87 Projected)

18,133 18,133
14,788 18,133 Outstanding

8,997 =
Share Price
$2.63 Market
~$239B Capitalization
Shares Outstanding

Current 2018P 2019P 2020P

Equity Offerings - $B Total

Primary - issued $0 $40 $40 $0 $80

Secondary - sold $0 $0 $23 $77 $100

Equity Offerings - shares Total

Primary - issued - 3,680 3,345 - 7,025

Secondary - sold - - 1,945 5,835 7,780

Relative Ownership Total

Treasury 80% 46% 30% 0% n/a

Equitized JPS 0% 10% 8% 8% n/a

Other 20% 43% 62% 92% n/a

Source: Company filings, Moelis estimates, CapitalIQ, Market data as of April 30, 2017
1. Illustrative transaction analysis assumes Treasury exercises its warrants for 79.9% ownership immediately prior to an IPO and receives 7.2
billion shares in the Enterprises (on a consolidated basis). This could also be executed by removing Treasurys anti-dilution ratchet to attract
new private capital. At the IPO date, Treasury and the equitizing portion of junior preferred stock then receive approximately 0.6 billion and
1.5 billion shares, respectively, based on the IPO price and equitized balance then outstanding. Post IPO, Treasury would own 7.8 billion
shares representing 46% of the then outstanding common shares. Treasury, and the equitized junior preferred stock, ownership stakes are
then further diluted by new shares issued in 2019 to raise primary capital. This is broadly consistent with the approach Treasury took to attract
private capital in its exit from Ally Financial as well as other TARP investments.

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 37

Historical Financials
Figure 18: GSE Net Operating Profit vs. Net Income
$ Billions at December 31,





Net Operating
Profit After Tax
Net Income
2007A 2008A 2009A 2010A 2011A 2012A 2013A 2014A 2015A 2016A

Net Operating Profit After Tax Total

Net operating revenue1 $20.0 $29.7 $37.3 $27.0 $32.2 $35.8 $38.2 $32.5 $35.4 $35.0 $323.0

Credit losses 2
(1.8) (10.3) (21.5) (37.8) (31.8) (26.3) (9.3) (9.9) (10.0) (5.4) (164.0)

Admin expen. & TCCA fees (4.3) (3.1) (3.9) (4.2) (3.9) (4.3) (5.9) (6.8) (7.6) (7.7) (51.7)

Taxes @ 35.0% (4.8) (5.7) (4.2) 5.3 1.2 (1.8) (8.0) (5.5) (6.3) (7.7) (37.6)

Net Operating Profit After Tax $9.0 $10.6 $7.8 ($9.8) ($2.3) $3.4 $14.9 $10.3 $11.6 $14.2 $69.8

Net Income Total

Net operating revenue1 $20.0 $29.7 $37.3 $27.0 $32.2 $35.8 $38.2 $32.5 $35.4 $35.0 $323.0

Credit related expenses 3

(8.1) (47.3) (103.4) (44.5) (38.8) (0.8) 14.4 3.3 1.5 2.0 (221.7)

Admin expen. & TCCA fees (4.3) (3.1) (3.9) (4.2) (3.9) (4.3) (5.9) (6.8) (7.6) (7.7) (51.7)

Other income (expen.), net (9.6) (11.4) (2.0) 0.3 0.5 0.6 6.5 7.3 (2.6) (0.9) (11.3)

Other non-recurring & non-cash expen.4 (9.2) (57.4) (23.4) (7.6) (12.7) (4.6) 10.8 (4.2) (1.3) 1.5 (107.9)

Taxes - DTA valuation (allow.), release 0.0 (53.0) (29.8) (8.7) (10.1) 9.1 90.0 0.4 0.2 0.0 (2.0)

Taxes - other 6.0 33.7 31.6 9.7 10.6 (7.6) (21.3) (10.6) (8.3) (9.8) 33.9

Net Income ($5.2) ($108.8) ($93.6) ($28.0) ($22.1) $28.2 $132.7 $21.9 $17.3 $20.1 ($37.5)

Memo: Non-Cash & Non-Recurring Variances Total

Credit expen. in excess of losses, t.a. ($4.1) ($24.1) ($53.2) ($4.4) ($4.5) $16.6 $15.4 $8.5 $7.5 $4.8 ($37.5)

Other non-recurring & non-cash expen., t.a.4 (6.0) (37.3) (15.2) (4.9) (8.2) (3.0) 7.0 (2.7) (0.8) 1.0 (70.1)

Taxes - DTA valuation (allow.), release 0.0 (53.0) (29.8) (8.7) (10.1) 9.1 90.0 0.4 0.2 0.0 (2.0)

Total Adjustments ($10.0) ($114.4) ($98.2) ($18.0) ($22.9) $22.7 $112.4 $6.2 $6.8 $5.8 ($109.6)

Source: Company filings

Note: Selected figures tax affected at 35% corporate tax rate
1. Net operating revenue includes net interest income, g-fee income, other cash related income, losses on extinguishment of debt, and interest
expense on accruals of interest rate swaps
2. 2015 credit losses excludes adoption of bulletin policy changes
3. Includes provisions for loan losses and foreclosed property expenses
4. Includes losses from partnership and low income housing tax credit investments, Other-than-Temporary-Impairments, and fair value gains
(losses) net of interest expense on accruals of interest rate swaps

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 38

Figure 19: Adjusted Net Losses 2007 2011
$ Billions

2007 - 2011 Adjustments for subsequently reversed accounting entries and non-recurring items Adj. 2007 - 2011
Net Income Net Income

($30) ($30)
($12) $14

Settlements Losses from

received from discontinued LIHTC
$90 Impairments taken investments partnerships taken
from 2007 - 2011 banksfrom from
($227) on, primarily 2013 - 2016 2007 - 2011 t.a.
subprime related to Private
and Alt-A MBS Label Securities
securities, t.a. (PLS) sold to the
$100 Credit expenses
taken in
excess of losses
2007 - 2011 (i.e.
($258) excess provisions
taken) t.a.
DTA valuation
allowances taken
from 2007 - 2011
which were
reversed in
2012 & 2013

Source: Company filings

Note: Selected figures tax affected at 35% corporate tax rate

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 39

Plan Comparison
Tables10 11
Safety and
ICBA Principles MBA Plan Soundness Blueprint

Common Features
Preserve operational
Yes Yes Yes
infrastructure and processes
Preserve TBA market,
single-family lender Yes Yes Yes
access, multifamily
Preserve duty to serve,
Yes Yes Yes
affordable housing mission
Significantly enhanced Significantly enhanced Significantly enhanced
capital standards capital standards capital standards
FHFA to establish specific Regulator granted authority to FHFA to establish specific
levels (per HERA) set specific levels levels (per HERA)
Capital Standards (Overview) Prudent, and sufficient
Provisional standards
to ensure well capitalized Consistent with those of
designed to be consistent
GSEs, which do not banks and... insurance
with insurance and
require additional companies
bank requirements
taxpayers support
Risk-based capital, Leverage Risk-based capital, Leverage
Capital Standards (Approach) Detail not provided
Ratio, Stress Testing Ratio, Stress Testing
Capital relief granted for Capital relief granted for
Capital plan to include CRT
approved CRT structures approved CRT structures

Credit Risk Transfer Capital relief limited to true

Capital relief limited to
CRT should occur when risk transfer, risk transfer
true risk transfer, ahead of
economic returns are met should remain an
the GSEs
economic decision
Investor Purpose Utility-level returns/risks Utility-level returns/risks Highly regulated returns/risks
Wind down of
Not explicitly addressed Substantially reduced in size Continued reductions in size
investment portfolios
Government retains
all funds received to date,
Yes Yes Yes
and proceeds from future
share sales

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 40

Safety and
ICBA Principles MBA Plan Soundness Blueprint

Explicit government guarantee Explicit government guarantee Limited, explicit, catastrophic,
Ongoing Government Support
of MBS of MBS support of the GSEs
Mortgage insurance fund, similar Mortgage insurance fund, similar Existing PSPA Agreements,
Government to FDICs Deposit Insurance to FDICs Deposit Insurance reduced in size over time, with
Support Mechanism Fund, funded via ongoing Fund, funded via ongoing Treasury receiving an ongoing
premiums premiums commitment fee
Wind-down of existing GSEs
Existing GSEs converted to Capital raised at existing GSE
(via Bridge Bank or Operating
shareholder-owned utilities legal entities
Subsidiary model)
Transition Process Charters converted to Newly chartered companies No complex receivership process,
accommodate new GSE purpose granted or need for new charters
Enterprises recapitalized, New Guarantors recapitalized, Enterprises recapitalized,
Government divests ownership Government divests ownership Government divests ownership
Can be enacted under existing
New legislation required New legislation required to
law, while congress works on
Enactment to establish explicit Guarantee, establish explicit Guarantee, and
additional housing finance reform
and to amend existing charters to create new charters
Treatment of the Eliminates the Eliminates the Net
Not directly addressed
Net Worth Sweep Net Worth Sweep Worth Sweep
Transitions risk Dependent on structure (some
of existing GSE portfolios Yes or all risk may be left with the Yes
to private investors taxpayer)
Some gains through share
Substantial gain on sale Substantial gain on sale of
issuance, reduced due to
Budgetary Impact of Treasurys equity stake Treasurys equity stake
Not quantified Not quantified Estimated at $75-100billion
Number of Guarantors 2 2 or more 2
Core Capital + CRT >= 5.0%
Assets & Guarantees
Capital Standards,
Further Detail Core Capital >= 3.0% Assets &
No figures provided No figures provided
Core Capital >= 8.5% Risk
Weighted Assets

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 41

APPENDIX G: FHA: Federal Housing Administration a federal
agency that provides mortgage insurance on loans
Acronyms Index made by FHA-approved lenders

AOCI: Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income FHFA: Federal Housing Finance Agency
a line item in the shareholders equity section of the the primary regulator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
balance sheet that includes income that is not reported
GSEs: Government-Sponsored Enterprises
in the income statement such as unrealized gains/
specifically, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
losses on certain types of investments, gains/losses on
pension funds and foreign currency translations, and HERA: The Housing and Economic Recovery Act
flows directly to equity legislation enacted in July 2008 to address the
subprime mortgage crisis intended to restore confidence
CAS: Connective Avenue Securities a Fannie Mae
in Fannie and Freddie and leading to
program to issue CRT securities
their conservatorship
CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate the mean
IAIS: International Association of Insurance
annual growth rate percentage over a specified period
Supervisors a voluntary membership-driven
of time
organization of insurance supervisors and regulators
CBO: Congressional Budget Office an independent from more than 200 jurisdictions in nearly 140 countries
office that produces analyses of budgetary and
ICBA: Independent Community Bankers of America
economic issues to support the Congressional budget
the primary trade group for small U.S. banks
IPO: Initial Public Offering the sale of the stock of a
CRT: Credit Risk Transfer a class of securities
private company onto a public exchange
intended to move credit risk on loans held by Fannie
and Freddie from the entities to third-party investors, LTV: Loan-to-Value a financial ratio used to measure
thus reducing the overall risk of Fannie and Freddie the riskiness of a mortgage loan that gauges how
valuable the collateral of the loan compares to the
CSP: Common Securitization Platform a technology
loan balance with higher LTV ratios generally seen as
and operational platform that is being developed
higher risk
through a joint venture between Fannie and Freddie
that will allow the issuance of a single mortgage-backed MBA: Mortgage Bankers Association the U.S.
security that will be issued by both Fannie and Freddie national association representing the real estate
finance industry
DTA: Deferred Tax Asset an accounting asset that
represents the value of future tax relief a company MBS: Mortgage-Backed Security a type of
expects to capture due to taxes paid in advance or asset-backed security that is secured by a mortgage
overpaid taxes in the past or collection of mortgages
DTI: Debt-to-Income a financial ratio used to OFHEO: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise
measure the riskiness of a mortgage loan that gauges a Oversight a federal regulatory body that formerly
borrowers ability to manage payments with higher DTI oversaw Fannie and Freddie that was replaced in 2008
ratios generally seen as higher risk by the FHFA
FDIA: Federal Deposit Insurance Act legislation OMB: Office of Management and Budget an office
enacted in 1950 that governs the Federal Deposit that assists the President of the United States in budget
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) development and execution among other responsibilities
FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation a U.S. PMIERs: Private Mortgage Insurer Eligibility
government corporation that provides deposit insurance Requirements the set of requirements for mortgage
to depositors in U.S. banks insurers to be approved to insure loans acquired by
Fannie and Freddie

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 42

PSPA: Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement
specifically refers to the preferred stock purchase
agreement entered into by the U.S. Treasury and
each of Fannie and Freddie in 2008 that governs the
preferred stock investment by the Treasury into
each entity

RBC: Risk-based capital A capital requirement metric

based on the riskiness of a companys assets

ROE: Return on Equity a measure of profitability

equal to the amount of net income returned as a
percentage of shareholders equity

RWA: Risk-Weighted Assets a regulatory capital

metric used to determine the riskiness of an entitys
assets for which capital will need be to held against

SBA: Small Business Administration a federal agency

that provides assistance to small businesses

SPS: Senior Preferred Stock the preferred stock

security owned by the U.S. Treasury received from its
investment in each of Fannie and Freddie

SSFA: Simplified Supervisory Formula Approach

a method to calculate the risk weights for securitization

STACRs: Structured Agency Credit Risk unsecured,

unguaranteed debt obligations issued by Freddie Mac
that pass on the credit risk of pools of mortgages

TALF: Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility a

U.S. Federal Reserve funding facility that supported the
issuance of asset-backed securities collateralized by
consumer and small business loans

TARP: Troubled Asset Relief Program a group of

programs created and run by the U.S. Treasury to
stabilize the countrys financial system during the 2008
financial crisis

TBA: To Be Announced a phrase used to describe

a market for securities in which the actual securities
to be delivered are not designated at the time the trade
is made

TCCA: Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act

legislation enacted in 2011 to fund an extension of the
payroll tax cut which levied a 10 basis point fee on
Fannie and Freddie for all loans delivered effective
April 2012

VA: Department of Veteran Affairs a federal agency

that provides housing support to Veterans

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 43

APPENDIX H: 9. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Tax Reform
(April 26, 2017), Retrieved from
1. Fox Business News, Interview with Treasury
10. Independent Community Bankers of America
Secretary Steve Mnuchin (November 30, 2016),
(ICBA), ICBA Principles for GSE Reform and
Retrieved from
a Way Forward (April 25, 2017), Retrieved
2. Housingwire, Trump Treasury pick Mnuchin principles-for-housing-finance-reform
Opposes Recap and Release of Fannie Mae,
11. Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), GSE Reform:
Freddie Mac (January 19, 2017), Retrieved from
Creating a Sustainable, More Vibrant Secondary
Mortgage Market (April 20, 2017), Retrieved
3. This shift was largely as a result of the passage
12. Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Agenda
of the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial
for Reform: A Report on Deposit Insurance
Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 (October 28,
to the Congress from the Federal Home
1992), Retrieved from
Loan Bank Board (March 1983), Retrieved
4. Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 pt?id=mdp.39015034852163;view=1up;seq=1
(HERA) (July 30, 2008), Retrieved from https://
13. A key change in the August 2012 Third Amendment
to the PSPA was the requirement to contract
Fannie Maes and Freddie Macs portfolios at an
5. 12 U.S.C. 4617(b)(2)(B) and (D) annual rate of 15 percent an increase from the 10
6. FHFA, Third Amendment to Amended and Restated percent reduction previously required. This reduces
Senior Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement both Fannies and Freddies retained portfolio to
(August 17, 2012), Retrieved from $250 billion by 2018.
gov/Conservatorship/Pages/Senior-Preferred-Stock- 14. Federal Reserve Board, Approval of Final Rule
Purchase-Agreements.aspx adopting and implementing Basel III regulatory
7. FHFA, Prepared Remarks of Melvin L. Watt Director reforms in the United States (July 2, 2013),
of FHFA at the Bipartisan Policy Center (February Retrieved from
18, 2016), Retrieved from 2013-10-11/pdf/2013-21653.pdf. The 8.5% Tier 1
Media/PublicAffairs/Pages/Prepared-Remarks- minimum ratio consists of 4.5% Common Equity
Melvin-Watt-at-BPC.aspx Tier 1, 2.5% Capital Conservation Buffer, and
1.50% Additional Tier 1 Capital.
8. FHFA, Statement of Melvin L. Watt, Director,
FHFA, Before the U.S. Senate Committee 15. Ibid.
on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
(May 11, 2017), Retrieved from

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 44

23. The Department of the Treasury and the US
16. International Association of Insurance Supervisors,
Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Basic Capital Requirements for Global Systemically
Reforming Americas Housing Finance Market: A
Important Insurers (October 23, 2014), Retrieved
Report to Congress (February 2011), Retrieved from
BlackRock, Getting Housing Finance Back on
17. Fannie Mae, Private Mortgage Insurer Eligibility
Track (February 2011), Retrieved from https://
Requirements (December 21, 2015), Retrieved
The Housing Finance Reform and Taxpayer
18. The Director shall, by regulation, establish risk-
Protection Act of 2013 (Corker-Warner)(June 2013),
based capital requirements for the Enterprises
to ensure that the Enterprises operate in a safe Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners
and sound manner, maintaining sufficient capital Act of 2013 (PATH Act)(July 2013), Retrieved from
and reserves to support the risks that arise in the
operations and management of the Enterprises. 113hr2767ih.pdf
HERA (July 30, 2008) The Housing Finance Reform and Taxpayer
19. Federal Reserve Board (July 2, 2013) Protection Act of 2014 (Johnson-Crapo)(September
2014), Retrieved from
20. FHFA, Certificate of Designation of Terms
of Variable Liquidation Preference Senior
Preferred Stock, Series 2008-2 (September 7, The Urban Institute, A More Promising Road to
2008), Retrieved from GSE Reform (March and June 2016), Retrieved
Conservatorship/Documents/Senior-Preferred- from
Stock-Agree/2008-9-7_SPSPA_FannieMae_ publication/81331/2000809-A-More-Promising-
Certificate_N508.pdf Road-to-GSE-Reform-Governance-and-Capital.
pdf, and
21. BlackRock, Addressing the Housing Finance
Conundrum (May 2017), Retrieved from https://
22. American Bankers Association (ABA),
Reforming the Housing Enterprises: Sustaining
Homeownership and Protecting Taxpayers
(May 2017), Retrieved from

Blueprint for Restoring Safety and Soundness to the GSEs 45

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