Reverse Power Protection

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Reverse Power Protection., Theory & Setting .

Reverse Power Protection.

1- Protection against overspend 32G (# 1).

In case of Turbine Failure, the Turbine is tripped and then the
Generator is tripped by operation of reverse power relay to
prevent overspending of the Turbine generator unit.

2- Protection against generator motoring 32G (#2).

-Generator motoring protection is designed for the prime
mover or the system, rather than for the generator.

- With steam turbines, Turbines will overheat on low steam

flow, motoring results from a low input To the Ac Generator,
- When This I/P cant meet all the losses, the deficiency is
supplied by absorbing real power from the system.

- since field excitation should remain the same , the same

reactive power would flow as before motoring , thus, on
motoring the real power will be into the generator, while the
reactive power may be either flowing out or into the

Setting of Reverse Power Relays

Data for setting calculations
-Rated Capacity of Generator -------- 440,000 KVA
-No Load Loss of Generator --------- 1,785 KW
-No Load Loss of Turbine ---------- 1,350 KW
-No Load Loss of TG unit ---------- 3,135 KW
-Permissible Motoring Time ------- 60 Sec.
-Relay Constant ------------------- 1 P.U. = Generator KVA

Setting Of Reveres Power Relay 32G ( #1 )

1- Reverse Power Trip Level
Trip Level < No load loss of TG unit * 0.3
= 3,135 * 0.3
= 940.5 KW
Pick up = Trip level / relay constant
= 941 / 440,000
= 0.0021 P.U.
Setting = - 0.002 P.U. ( 880KW )

2- Reverse Power Trip Delay

Trip Delay < Perm. Motoring time (60 Sec.)
Setting = 50 Cycles (1 Sec.)

Setting Of Reveres Power Relay 32G ( #2 )

1- Reverse Power Trip Level
Trip Level < No load loss of TG unit * 0.5
= 3,135 * 0.5
= 1,568 KW
Pick up = Trip level / relay constant
= 1,568 / 440,000
= 0.004 P.U.
Setting = - 0.004 P.U. ( 1,760KW )

2- Reverse Power Trip Delay

Trip Delay < Perm. Motoring time (60 Sec.)
Setting = 750 Cycles (15 Sec.)

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