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IHS Aerospace, Defence & Security

Air-to-Air Mistral (ATAM)

IHS Janes Weapons: Air Launched
This abridged sample is a static extract for of ATAM were first made in 1990 from a
indicative purposes only. The full, updated content Gazelle helicopter, using a twin launcher
including photographs is available within IHS assembly.
Janes Weapons: Air Launched.
An improved missile version, the Mistral 2,
Type was developed around 1995 and entered
service in 2000. This version has improved
Infra-red guided air-to-air missile. manoeuvrability, increased flight speed,
and an increased launch envelope when
Development fired from helicopters.
The French Mistral 1 short-range surface- The ATAM has been cleared for use by
to-air missile started development at Matra the Eurocopter SA 342M Gazelle and
around 1974 and has gone on to become Eurocopter Tiger HAP helicopters. It has
a multipurpose multi-platform weapon. It also been fitted to the AgustaWestland A
was primarily intended to be a man- 129 Mangusta, Boeing AH-64 Apache,
portable air defence system (MANPADS) Denel CSH-2 Rooivalk, Eurocopter
weapon (or in French a Sol-Air Trs Fennec, Panther and Cougar helicopters.
Courte Porte :SATCP) but MBDA has Typical helicopter loads comprise two or
gone on to produce a vehicle-mounted four missiles, with a theoretical maximum
system (ALBI and ATLAS), an armoured of eight.
turret with six missiles with a radar and IFF
(SANTAL) and small ship surface-to-air Description
missile (SAM) systems (SADRAL,
SIMBAD and TETRAL). It was a design The Mistral ATAM is a helicopter-
requirement that the individual Mistral launched, short-range infra-red homing
missiles be identical, regardless of launch missile and is developed based on the 'fire
method and service. Full development of and forget' concept. One of the striking
SATCP started in 1980 and French Army features of the missile is its unconventional
trials were carried out from 1986 to 1988 nose shape, with flat transparent
with the surface-to-air missiles entering hexagonal pyramidal faces similar to the
service in 1988. (much) earlier UK Firestreak. At the front
of the missile, just behind the guidance
In 1986, a contract was placed to develop section, are four small rectangular control
an air-to-air variant for use from fins and at the rear end of the motor
helicopters. This missile was originally assembly are four wraparound stabilising
known as Hlicoptre-Air Trs Courte fins. Both sets of fins are designed to flip
Porte (HATCP), but later became the Air- out after the missile has left the launch
to-Air Mistral (ATAM). Development firings firing tube.

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IHS Aerospace, Defence & Security

The Mistral ATAM system comprises two m/s. At a distance of around 15 m from the
twin launchers (caters four missiles) and launch helicopter, the sustainer motor is
each launch canister weighs 3.0 kg. It can ignited and the missile achieves a velocity
be integrated on various attack, liaison or of 800 m/s (M2.5). The motor has a Kevlar
transport helicopters. The missile is fitted structure for reduced weight, and is based
with a 3 kg tungsten ball loaded warhead, on the motor used in the Super 530F air-
produced by Nexter (formerly Giat), that to-air missile.
incorporates both an impact fuze and a
laser proximity fuze, the latter being tuned The ATAM can be operated in one of the
to prevent it being triggered by trees, sea two modes: the 'autonomous' mode in
surface or clutter. Guidance is by IR which a simple collimator is used to fire
homing and the seeker is a development along the helicopter axis, and the
of the Magic 2 system, with an increased 'integrated' mode in which a gyrostabilised
sensitivity to detect low infrared (IR) telescope is used to allow engagement of
signals, such as helicopter exhaust targets off the helicopter boresight. Mistral
signatures, at ranges up to 4 km. The IR can be aimed by helmet-mounted or
seeker is a two-colour system; it contains cockpit-mounted sights or by the Gazelle's
a signal processor unit for flare and SAGEM (formerly SFIM) APX M334 roof-
background discrimination. mounted HOT missile sighting system.
The standard two missile launcher rack to
Mistral's ATAM seeker operates in the 3 to which the launch tubes are attached is
5 m mid-wave infrared region using four fitted with NATO 356 mm (14 in)
indium antimonide detectors, to provide an suspension lugs and has a weight of 100
inherently high signal-to-noise ratio. The kg when fitted with two missiles. The
seeker logic varies the scan pattern, rather launcher rack contains the seeker cooling
than performing a fixed rosette scan. This bottle and supplies electrical power to the
allows the scan rate to be reduced by a missiles.
factor of 10, so that each detector moves
past the target's point in space The Mistral 1 ATAM has a maximum range
comparatively slowly and can thus collect of 6 km against aircraft targets, and can
a greater amount of target signature intercept at up to 3 km (10,000 ft) altitude.
energy. It uses a narrow-band pass The Mistral 2 version has similar
matched filter, which further enhances the dimensions and shape to Mistral 1, and
signal-to-noise ratio. has a new motor giving an increased
maximum flight speed of M2.7. Other
Mistral is delivered and fired from a non- improvements include the IR seeker and
reusable canister that has opening nose digital data processing, new control
eyelids for protection of the dome. The surfaces and new rear fins. The missile's
missile is powered by an Safran firing envelope extends from very low-level
(previously known as Snecma) two-stage, (nap-of-the-Earth) flying to 15,000 ft from a
solid propellant rocket motor using a flight speed hovering to 370.4 km/h.
EURENCO propellant charge, with six
nozzles imparting a 10 rps stabilisation Maximum range for the Mistral 2 increased
spin (later models may use a fluted nozzle from 6,000 m to 6,500 m with improved
to achieve the same effect). The booster manoeuvrability and wider launch
burns out for 2.2s within the launch tube, envelope when fired from helicopters. The
which the missile leaves at a velocity of 40 missile now has a high off-boresight

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IHS Aerospace, Defence & Security

capability. Minimum engagement range is

600 m. The seeker and processing have
been improved to be able to use the SAM
versions against incoming air-to-surface or
surface-to-surface missiles. MBDA notes
that the ATAM is effective at ranges of up
to 6,500 m even at high altitude. It can
also engage light armoured vehicles on
the ground. The weight of a four-missile
launcher system with complete helicopter
fittings is just under 200 kg.


MBDA (MBDA France).

This abridged sample is a static extract for

indicative purposes only. The full, updated content
including photographs is available within IHS
Janes Weapons: Air Launched.

2014 IHS 3

IHS Aerospace, Defence & Security

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