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Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide

Release 12.2
Content Previou Nex
Part Number E20927-12
s s t

Using Java APIs as REST Services

Java APIs are business interfaces based on Java classes. Some specialized Java APIs whose methods must
use parameters of either serializable Java Beans or simple data types such as String, Int, and so forth can
be categorized as Java Bean Services. Some Java class provides access to business logic governing the
OA Framework-based components and pages. Such Java classes are called Application Module
Services and are also categorized as a subtype of Java interface.

To locate these subtype of Java interfaces, perform a search by specifying "Interface Subtype" as the
Category and "Java Bean Services" or "Application Module Services" as the Category Value. Both Java Bean
Services and Application Module Services can be exposed as REST services only.

Once Java Bean Services or Application Module Services have been successfully deployed as REST
services, an integration developer can invoke the deployed REST services from client program using
languages like Java, PHP, Javascript, Python, and so on.

Using Java Bean Services as the REST Service Invocation Example

To better understand how to use Java APIs as REST services to fetch and use application data, an interface
type of Java Bean Services is used as an example to explain detailed design-time and runtime tasks in this
chapter. For the example described in the following sections, Oracle JDeveloper 11g ( is used to
create a project with a Java class and invoke the service.

Similar to Java Bean Services, Application Module Services are a subtype of Java interface and can be
exposed as REST services with GET and POST HTTP methods. Therefore, the service invocation for
Application Module Services will use the similar approach as described for Java Bean Services to invoke the
Application Module REST services. That is, deploy an interface type of Application Module Services as a
REST service first, then create a security grant and record the deployed WADL, then create a project with a
Java class, and then invoke the REST service using a Java class.

This chapter includes the following REST service invocation examples for Java Bean Servivces:

Invoking a REST Service Using HTTP GET Method

Annotating and Invoking a Custom Java Bean Service

Invoking a REST Service Using HTTP GET Method

REST Service Invocation Scenario

Consider a Java Bean service 'REST Service Locator' ( as an

example to explain the REST service invocation. REST Service Locator is a sample Java API that consists of
methods to retrieve details about deployed Oracle E-Business Suite REST services.

A Java client is used to make HTTP GET request to the getRestInterface service operation. The
getRestInterface service operation returns the details of a REST service identified by its internal name.

In this example, HTTP Basic Authentication scheme is used to provide username and password information
in the HTTP request header. The user credentials are authenticated and authorized by ISG's REST Service
Provider. After validation, the getRestInterface service operation executes the request for the
authenticated user.

After the successful service invocation, the client will receive a REST response message with the details of
the REST service whose internal name has been passed in HTTP URL at run time during service invocation.

Invoking a REST Service Using Java

Based on the REST service invocation scenario, the following tasks are included in this section:

1. Deploying a REST Service

2. Creating a Security Grant

3. Recording Resource Information from Deployed WADL

4. Creating a Project with a Java Class

5. Invoking a REST Service Using a Java Class

Deploying a REST Service

Use the following steps to deploy the Java Bean Service called REST Service Locator:

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Administrator role.

Select the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility and the Integration Repository link from the
navigation menu.

2. In the Integration Repository tab, click Search to access the main Search page.

3. Click Show More Search Options to display more search fields.

Enter the following key search values as the search criteria:

o Category: Interface Subtype

o Category Value: Java Bean Services

4. Click Go to execute the search.

Click the REST Service Locator interface name link to open the interface details page.

5. In the REST Web Service tab, enter the following information:

Deploying a Java API as a REST Service

o Service Alias: servicelocator

The alias will be displayed as the service endpoint in the WADL and schema for the selected
method or operation.

o Select Desired Service Operations

In the Service Operations region, HTTP method check boxes are preselected.

Please note that if a Java method is annotated with a specific HTTP method, then the
corresponding HTTP method check box is preselected for that method. The administrator can
change the HTTP method check box selection before deploying the service.

For more Java Bean Services annotation guidelines, see Annotations for Java Bean Services.

In this example, the 'getRestInterface' service operation has been annotated with the GET
HTTP method; therefore, the GET check box is automatically selected.

6. Click Deploy to deploy the service to an Oracle E-Business Suite WebLogic environment.

Once the REST service has been successfully deployed, 'Deployed' appears in the REST Service Status field
along with the View WADL link. Click the View WADL link to view the deployed service WADL description.

For more information on deploying REST services, see Deploying REST Web Services, Oracle E-Business
Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

Creating a Security Grant

After deploying the REST Service Locator as a REST service, the integration administrator can create a
security grant to authorize the service or method access privileges to a specific user, a user group, or all

Use the following steps to create a security grant:

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Administrator role. Select the
Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility and the Integration Repository link from the navigation menu.

2. Perform a search to locate the REST Service Locator service the administrator just deployed earlier.

3. In the interface details page of the selected custom Java Bean Services, click the Grants tab.

4. Select the getRestInterface method check box and then click Create Grant.

Creating a Security Grant for a Selected Method

5. In the Create Grants page, select "All User" as the Grantee Type.
Note: In this example, the getRestInterface service operation is granted to all users. In actual
implementation, you should define strict security rules. Create grant to a user or more appropriately
to a group of users defined by roles and responsibilities.

Creating the Grant to All Users

Click Create Grant. This grants the selected method access privilege to all Oracle E-Business Suite

Recording Resource Information from Deployed WADL

To obtain service resource information from the deployed WADL for the REST Service Locator service, an
integration developer clicks the View WADL link in the REST Web Service tab.

Viewing WADL Description

The following WADL description appears:

<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">

<application name="EbsRestLocator"
xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""
<include href="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator/?XSD=addgrant.xsd"
xmlns="" />
<include href="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator/?
XSD=addgrants.xsd" xmlns="" />
<include href="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator/?
XSD=getoperations.xsd" xmlns="" />
<include href="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator/?
XSD=getrestinterface.xsd" xmlns="" />
<include href="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator/?
XSD=getrestinterfaces.xsd" xmlns="" />
<include href="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator/?
XSD=removegrant.xsd" xmlns="" />
<resources base="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator/">
<resource path="addGrant/">
</resource path>
<resource path="/getRestInterface/{irepClassName}/">
<param name="irepClassName" style="template" required="true" type="xsd:string" />
<method id="getRestInterface" name="GET">
<param name="ctx_responsibility" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_respapplication" type="xsd:string" style="query" required="false" />
<param name="ctx_securitygroup" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_nlslanguage" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_orgid" type="xsd:int" style="query" required="false" />
<representation mediaType="application/xml"
type="tns4:getRestInterface_Output" />
<representation mediaType="application/json"
type="tns4:getRestInterface_Output" />
<resource path="removeGrant/">
</resource path>

Copy or record the following information which will be used later when defining a Java client:

<resources base>="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator/">

This information http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator/ will be used later in

Java client program as baseUrl.

<resource path>="/getRestInterface/{irepClassName}/">

This information /getRestInterface/{irepClassName}/ will be used later to form the later part of the
service URL. The input {irepClassName} is a path variable, and it will be replaced with the internal
name of an interface.

Creating a Project with a Java Class

This section describes how to create a project with a Java class that will be used to invoke the REST Service
Locator service.

To create a project and a Java class:

1. Open Oracle JDeveloper.

2. From the main menu, choose File > New.

In the New Gallery window, expand the General category and select 'Applications'. In the Items list,
select Custom Application.

Creating a Project in Oracle JDeveloper

Click OK. The "Create Custom Application - Name your application" page is displayed.
3. Enter an appropriate name for the application in the Application Name field, for example
ISGJavaRESTProject. Click Next.

4. The "Create Custom Application - Name your project" page is displayed. Enter an appropriate name
for the project in the Project Name field, for example ISGJavaRESTClient.

In the Project Features tab, select 'Java' from the Available list. Move the selected feature from the
"Available" window to the "Selected" window using the right arrow button.

Click Next.

5. Click Finish in the Configure Java Settings dialog box.

The newly created project should be visible in the Projects workspace.

6. Select and right-click on the project name you just created in the Application Navigator and
choose New from the drop-down selection menu.

7. In the New Gallery window, expand the General category and select 'Java'. In the Items list,
select Class. Click OK.

Selecting a Java Class

8. In the Create Java Class dialog, change the default class name to 'RestInvocationGETMethod'. Accept
all other defaults and click OK.
9. The new class opens automatically in the source editor, displaying the skeleton class definition.

Replace the skeleton class definition with the following Java code:

package isgrestget;

import com.sun.jersey.core.util.Base64;

public class RestInvocationGETMethod {

* This Method invokes the a rest service using HTTP GET Method with path parameter in URL
public static void invokeREST(String svcUrlStr,String username,String passwd,String pathParam) throws
IOException {
String getURL = svcUrlStr + "/" + pathParam;
URL url = new URL(getURL);
//Obtaining connection to invoke the service
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String auth = username + ":" + passwd;
byte[] bytes = Base64.encode(auth);
String authStr = new String(bytes);

//Setting Http header values

conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + authStr);
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Language", "en-US");
System.out.println("\n 'GET' request sent to URL : " + url);
System.out.println("\n Response code - " + conn.getResponseCode());
//Get Response
String response = null;
try {
response = readHttpResponse(conn);
} finally {
if (conn != null)
//Show Response
System.out.println("Response is : \n" + response);

* This method reads response sent by the server and returns it in a string representation.
private static String readHttpResponse(HttpURLConnection conn) {
InputStream is = null;
BufferedReader rd = null;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
try {
if (conn.getResponseCode() >= 400) {
is = conn.getErrorStream();
} else {
is = conn.getInputStream();
rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
String line;
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} finally {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (rd != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return (response.toString());

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

String baseUrl = "http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator";
String svcUrlStr1 = baseUrl + "/getRestInterface";
//Invoke REST service
invokeREST(svcUrlStr1, "sysadmin", "sysadmin", "PLSQL:FND_PROFILE");

Please note that resource information recorded earlier from the deployed WADL is now placed in the
baseUrl and svcUrlStr1 elements. PLSQL:FND_PROFILE is the interface internal name and that it is
assumed to be deployed in the instance.

Note: Use https (instead of http) in the baseUrl if your Oracle E-Business Suite instance is running
on the TLS-enabled environment. Additionally, you need to import the TLS certificate into your client
JVM's keystore.

10. Replace <hostname>:<port> with the actual values in the code.

11. Save your work by selecting File > Save All.

12. Add required library for JSON format:

Use the following steps to add the required library file to the project properties.

a. Select and right-click on the project name you just created earlier to open a selection menu.

b. Select Project Properties from the menu.

The Default Properties dialog box opens.

c. Select Libraries and Classpath, and click Add Library. The Add Library dialog box opens.
d. In the Add Library dialog box, select the Project folder and then click New.

The Create Library dialog box opens.

e. In the Library Name field, enter 'Jersey-bundle_1.0.0.0_1-1-5-1.jar'.

Click Add Entry. The Select Path Entry dialog box appears.

f. In the Select Path Entry dialog box, locate and select the 'Jersey-bundle_1.0.0.0_1-1-5-1.jar' file
that you have downloaded. This adds it to the Classpath.

Click OK. The 'Jersey-bundle_1.0.0.0_1-1-5-1.jar' is now added to the Project folder.

g. The Project Properties dialog box appears. Click OK. This project is now set up with the
required library.

Verifying the Added Library

Invoking a REST Service Using a Java Class
After creating a project with a Java class, you need to compile and execute
the process to invoke the REST service.
Use the following steps to compile and run the Java class:

1. In the Application Navigator, right-click on the Java class you just
created at the design time. Select Make from the menu.

2. Right-click on the Java class. Select Run from the menu.

Monitor this process and check for successful compilation in the Log window. Verify that the execution is
successful in the Log window.

Request Header Information

In this example, getRestInterface Java method is exposed as a REST service operation with GET method.
There is no input payload for GET method. The path variable {irepClassName} is replaced with actual
value "PLSQL:FND_PROFILE" sent as part of the HTTP URL shown below when the getRestInterface REST
service operation is invoked.

URL = http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/servicelocator/getRestInterface/PLSQL:FND_PROFILE

Note: For GET requests, JSON is the default output response format. Use Accept header application/xml to
receive response in XML format. If Content-Type header is sent in GET HTTP request, it will be ignored.

Request Headers
Authorization: Basic c3lzYWRtaW46c3lzYWRtaW4=
Accept: application/json
Content-Language: en-US

Viewing Output Message

When the REST service is successfully invoked, the following output in JSON format appears in the Log

"OutputParameters" : {
"EbsRestServiceBean" : [ {
"alternateAlias" : "plsql/PLSQL:FND_PROFILE",
"serviceAlias" : "profile",
"serviceName" : "PLSQL:FND_PROFILE",
"wadlUrl" : "http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/profile?WADL"
} ],
"ControlBean" : [ {
"fields" : "",
"filter" : "",
"limit" : "",
"offset" : ""
} ]

Notice that the service information identified by its internal name PLSQL:FND_PROFILE is returned. For
example, the WADL URL, service name, and service alias are included as part of the response message.

Annotating and Invoking a Custom Java Bean Service

Since not all Java APIs registered in the Integration Repository can be exposed as REST services, only some
specialized Java APIs described earlier with proper annotation can be exposed as REST services. To better
understand how to annotate those specialized Java APIs as Java Bean Services, and how to invoke Java
Bean Services with REST service security, this section describes the entire process from annotating a
custom Java API to invoking the service using HTTP GET method.

REST Service Invocation Scenario

This example uses a custom Java API called Employee Service

(oracle.apps.per.sample.service.EmployeeInfo) to explain the entire annotation and upload processes as
well as the service invocation. There are two invocation scenarios. One scenario is to get employee details,
and the other one is to get direct reports for the logged in user.

To get employee details, an HTML page with Javascript is used to make HTTP GET request to the
getPersonInfo service operation contained in the custom API. An employee ID is provided at run time for
the service to retrieve the associated employee name and the employee's manager name. After the
successful service invocation, the employee details corresponding to the employee ID are displayed in the
HTML page.

To get direct reports for the logged in user, a different HTML page with Javascript is used in this scenario to
make HTTP GET request to the getDirectReports service operation. The logged in user credentials are
provided when the getDirectReports service operation is invoked. After the successful service invocation,
the logged in user's subordinates or the user's direct reports are displayed in the HTML page with the
requested number of records shown in each page.

High Level Process Flow for Creating Custom Java Bean Services

To develop custom Java Bean Services, an integration developer needs to create and annotate the custom
Java APIs based on the Integration Repository Annotation Standards for Java Bean Services. After the
interface creation, an integration administrator needs to validate the annotated APIs. If no error occurs
during the validation, the administrator will then upload the custom APIs to Oracle Integration Repository
where they can be published as REST services through Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway.

For annotation information, see: Annotations for Java Bean Services.

Annotating and Invoking a Custom Java Bean Service from HTML Pages with Javascript

Based on the REST service invocation scenario, the following tasks are included in this section:

1. Creating and Compiling Custom Java APIs

2. Deploying Custom Java Classes and Source Files

3. Parsing and Uploading the Annotated Custom Java Bean Service to the Integration Repository

4. Deploying a Custom Java Bean Service

5. Creating a Security Grant

6. Recording Resource Information from Deployed WADL

7. Invoking a Custom REST Service from HTML Pages with Javascript

Creating and Compiling Custom Java APIs

This section describes how to create and annotate a custom Java Bean Service called Employee
Information (oracle.apps.per.sample.service.EmployeeInfo).

Guidelines for Developing Custom Java APIs

During the planning stage, use the following guidelines to plan and develop the custom Java APIs that will
be exposed as REST services through Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway:

1. Develop a Java class whose public methods provide business functionality. Business logic should be
embedded into these public methods.

o The custom Java APIs and method names will be used in Web service URL. Therefore, ensure to
provide friendly names.

o If you need initialized Oracle E-Business Suite Context within the Java method, ensure the

Use ISG Context (IContext) to get handle to runtime information.

For example, IContext ctx = ContextManager.getContext();

Retrieve fully initialized Oracle E-Business Suite WebAppsContext based on the request
header / security token.

For example, WebAppsContext wctx = (WebAppsContext) ctx.getExternalContext();

WebAppsContext may be used later for application specific validation, such as fine
grained access control.

o You may use the Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway database connections within
the Java APIs.

For example, conn = DBConnectionManager.getConnection();

o Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway provides a standard exception handling from
the infrastructure. Ensure that the Java APIs throw or rethrow a throwable exception whenever
an error condition occurs.

2. If above Java methods require complex data objects to be exchanged as input and output
parameters, then develop Java Beans.

Java Beans should:

o Implement

o Have no-argument constructor.

o Have accessor methods, following 'get' and 'set' naming convention, for private attributes.

Creating Custom Java APIs

In this example, you need a service that will return the details of a specific person in the hierarchy of the
logged in user, as well as return all the reports of the logged in user.

To achieve this goal, create the following Java files:

A Java class contains the following three methods. Based on the scenarios, they
are read-only methods and we will map each Java method to HTTP GET verb.
o getAllReports - This method returns an array of all reports of the requesting user.

o getDirectReports - This method returns a list of direct reports of the requesting user.

o getPersonInfo - This method returns the person details for a specific person Id.

This method requires a key identifier parameter for "Person Id". Therefore, personId will be
annotated as key_param.

* @param personId Person Identifier
* @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required} {@rep:key_param}

A Java class that extends ServiceException in Oracle E-Business Suite

Integrated SOA Gateway.

A Java Bean to capture person information.

To create and compile custom Java APIs:

Use the following steps to create and compile custom Java APIs:

1. Open Oracle JDeveloper.

2. From the main menu, choose File > New.

In the New Gallery window, expand the General category and select 'Applications'. In the Items list,
select Custom Application.

Click OK. The "Create Custom Application - Name your application" page is displayed.

3. Enter an appropriate name for the application in the Application Name field. Click Next.
4. The "Create Custom Application - Name your project" page is displayed. Enter an appropriate name
for the project in the Project Name field, for example 'ISGJava_RESTDemo'.

In the Project Features tab, select 'Java' from the Available list. Move the selected feature from the
"Available" window to the "Selected" window using the right arrow button.

Click Next.

5. Click Finish in the Configure Java Settings dialog box.

The newly created project should be visible in the Projects workspace.

6. Add required libraries:

Use the following steps to add the required library files to the project properties.

a. Select and right-click on the project name "ISGJava_RESTDemo" you just created earlier to
open a selection menu.

b. Select Project Properties from the menu.

Selecting Project Properties from the Menu

The Default Properties dialog box opens.

c. Select Libraries and Classpath, and click Add Library. The Add Library dialog box opens.

Displaying the Add Library Dialog

d. In the Add Library dialog box, select and expand the Extension folder and choose 'Oracle JDBC'
from the list.
Click OK. Oracle JDBC is added to the Classpath Entries section.

e. Click Add JAR/Directory. The Add Archive or Directory dialog box appears.

Browse the directory and locate the 'fndall.jar' file. Click Select to add the selected 'fndall.jar'

Browsing to Locate the Library File

Use the same approach to add '' file to the Classpath Entries region in the Project
Properties dialog.

Verifying the Added Libraries

Click OK. This project is now set up with the required libraries.
7. Select and right-click on the project name "ISGJava_RESTDemo" you just created and
choose New from the drop-down selection menu.

8. In the New Gallery window, expand the General category and select 'Java'. In the Items list,
select Class. Click OK.

9. In the Create Java Class dialog, create a Java class called with the following

a. Name: PersonBean

b. Package: oracle.apps.per.sample.beans

c. Extends: java.lang.Ojbect

Creating a Java Class

Click OK. The new class opens automatically in the source editor. Use the following Java code for
package oracle.apps.per.sample.beans;


import java.util.Date;

public class PersonBean implements Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private int personId;

private String firstName;

private String lastName;

private String salutaion;

private String fullName;

private String nameSuffix;

private String emailAddress;

private String employeeNumber;

private String workPhone;

private Date startDate;

private int reportingLevel;

private int supervisorPersonId;

private String supervisorEmployeeNumber;

private String supervisorFullName;

private String reportingHierarchy;

public void setPersonId(int personId) {

this.personId = personId;

public int getPersonId() {

return personId;

public void setFirstName(String firstName) {

this.firstName = firstName;

public String getFirstName() {

return firstName;

public void setLastName(String lastName) {

this.lastName = lastName;

public String getLastName() {

return lastName;

public void setSalutaion(String salutaion) {

this.salutaion = salutaion;

public String getSalutaion() {

return salutaion;

public void setFullName(String fullName) {

this.fullName = fullName;

public String getFullName() {

return fullName;

public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {

this.emailAddress = emailAddress;

public String getEmailAddress() {

return emailAddress;

public void setEmployeeNumber(String employeeNumber) {

this.employeeNumber = employeeNumber;

public String getEmployeeNumber() {

return employeeNumber;

public void setStartDate(Date startDate) {

this.startDate = startDate;

public Date getStartDate() {

return startDate;

public void setNameSuffix(String nameSuffix) {

this.nameSuffix = nameSuffix;

public String getNameSuffix() {

return nameSuffix;

public void setWorkPhone(String workPhone) {

this.workPhone = workPhone;

public String getWorkPhone() {

return workPhone;

public void setReportingLevel(int reportingLevel) {

this.reportingLevel = reportingLevel;

public int getReportingLevel() {

return reportingLevel;
public void setSupervisorPersonId(int supervisorPersonId) {
this.supervisorPersonId = supervisorPersonId;

public int getSupervisorPersonId() {

return supervisorPersonId;

public void setSupervisorEmployeeNumber(String supervisorEmployeeNumber) {

this.supervisorEmployeeNumber = supervisorEmployeeNumber;

public String getSupervisorEmployeeNumber() {

return supervisorEmployeeNumber;

public void setSupervisorFullName(String supervisorFullName) {

this.supervisorFullName = supervisorFullName;

public String getSupervisorFullName() {

return supervisorFullName;

public void setReportingHierarchy(String reportingHierarchy) {

this.reportingHierarchy = reportingHierarchy;

public String getReportingHierarchy() {

return reportingHierarchy;

o Repeat steps 7, 8, and 9 to create the following two Java classes:

a. with the following information:

Name: PerServiceException
Package: oracle.apps.per.sample.common

Extends: java.lang.Ojbect

Use the following Java code for

package oracle.apps.per.sample.common;


public class PerServiceException extends ServiceException {

public PerServiceException(String message) {


public PerServiceException(Throwable t) {

public PerServiceException(String message, Throwable t) {

super(message, t);

public PerServiceException(String errorCode, String message, Throwable t) {

super(errorCode, message, t);

b. with the following information:

Name: EmployeeInfo

Package: oracle.apps.per.sample.service

Extends: java.lang.Ojbect
Use the following Java code for

package oracle.apps.per.sample.service;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext;
import oracle.apps.fnd.isg.common.IContext;
import oracle.apps.fnd.isg.common.mgr.ContextManager;
import oracle.apps.fnd.isg.common.mgr.DBConnectionManager;
import oracle.apps.per.sample.beans.PersonBean;
import oracle.apps.per.sample.common.PerServiceException;

import oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet;

* A sample class to demonstrate how Java API can use the ISG REST framework. This class provides
* methods to retrieve list of direct reports, all reports of a person. It also has methods to
* retrieve personal details and accrual balance of a person.
* @rep:scope public
* @rep:product PER
* @rep:displayname Employee Information
public class EmployeeInfo {

public EmployeeInfo() {

* This method returns a list of direct reports of the requesting user.
* @return List of person records who are direct reports
* @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype oracle.apps.per.sample.beans.PersonBean}
* @rep:scope public
* @rep:displayname Get Direct Reports
* @rep:httpverb get
* @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY sample
// Demonstration of list return type
public List<PersonBean> getDirectReports() throws PerServiceException {

// Get the ISG context, which has runtime information

IContext ctx = ContextManager.getContext();
// Retrieve fully initialized webappscontext, as per the request header / security token
WebAppsContext wctx = (WebAppsContext) ctx.getExternalContext();

// Use webappscontext for apps specific validation e.g. fine grained access control etc.
int userId = wctx.getUserId();
String userName = wctx.getUserName().toUpperCase();

// Here we intend to filter based on the specific user who is invoking the service
String filter = " AND LEVEL = 2 START WITH USER_NAME = :1";

List<PersonBean> personList = null;

try {
Map<Integer, PersonBean> map = makeBean(filter, userName);
if (map != null)
personList = new ArrayList<PersonBean>(map.values());
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new PerServiceException("SQL error while getting the all reports", sqle);

* This method returns an array of all reports of the requesting user.
* @return Array of person records who are reporting into the requesting user's organization
* @rep:scope public
* @rep:displayname Get All Reports
* @rep:httpverb get
* @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY sample
// Demonstration of array return type
public PersonBean[] getAllReports() throws PerServiceException {

// Get the ISG context, which has runtime information

IContext ctx = ContextManager.getContext();
// Retrieve fully initialized webappscontext, as per the request header / security token
WebAppsContext wctx = (WebAppsContext) ctx.getExternalContext();

// Use webappscontext for apps specific validation e.g. fine grained access control etc.
int userId = wctx.getUserId();
String userName = wctx.getUserName().toUpperCase();

// Here we intend to filter based on the specific user who is invoking the service
String filter = " START WITH USER_NAME = :1 ";

PersonBean[] array = null;

try {
Map<Integer, PersonBean> map = makeBean(filter, userName);
if (map != null)
array = map.values().toArray(new PersonBean[map.size()]);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new PerServiceException("SQL error while getting the direct reports", sqle);


* This method returns the person details for a specific person id. Throws error if the person
* is not in requesting user's org hierarchy.
* @return Details of a person in the logged on user's org hierarchy.
* @param personId Person Identifier
* @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required} {@rep:key_param}
* @rep:scope public
* @rep:displayname Get Person Details
* @rep:httpverb get
* @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY sample
// Demonstration of simple navigation using path param
public PersonBean getPersonInfo(int personId) throws PerServiceException {
// Get the ISG context, which has runtime information
IContext ctx = ContextManager.getContext();
// Retrieve fully initialized webappscontext, as per the request header / security token
WebAppsContext wctx = (WebAppsContext) ctx.getExternalContext();

// Use webappscontext for apps specific validation e.g. fine grained access control etc.
int userId = wctx.getUserId();
String userName = wctx.getUserName().toUpperCase();

String filter = " START WITH USER_NAME = :1 ";

Map<Integer, PersonBean> map = null;
try {
map = makeBean(filter, userName);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new PerServiceException("SQL error while getting the direct reports", sqle);

if (map == null)
throw new PerServiceException(PerServiceException.AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE, "No org hierarchy
found for user - " + userName, null);

boolean doesExist = map.containsKey(personId);

if (!doesExist)
throw new PerServiceException(PerServiceException.AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE, "The given person " +
personId + " either does not exist or does not belong to the current user's - " + userName + "
hierarchy", null);

PersonBean bean = map.get(personId);


/************************* private members ****************************/

private Map<Integer, PersonBean> makeBean(String sqlFilter, String userName) throws SQLException {

Connection conn = null;

OraclePreparedStatement stmt = null;
OracleResultSet rs = null;
HashMap<Integer, PersonBean> personMap = new HashMap<Integer, PersonBean>();
IContext ctx = ContextManager.getContext();
try {

String sql = GET_PERSON_INFO1 + sqlFilter;

// preferred way of obtaining connection, rather than from WebAppsContext

conn = DBConnectionManager.getConnection();
stmt = (OraclePreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
stmt.setString(1, userName);
rs = (OracleResultSet) stmt.executeQuery();

while (rs != null && {

int personId = rs.getInt(1);

String firstName = rs.getString(2);
String lastName = rs.getString(3);
String title = rs.getString(4);
String fullName = rs.getString(5);
String nameSuffix = rs.getString(6);
String empNumber = rs.getString(7);
String emailAddr = rs.getString(8);
String workPhone = rs.getString(9);
int supervisorId = rs.getInt(10);
java.util.Date startDate = rs.getDate(12);
int level = rs.getInt(16);
String supervisorName = rs.getString(17);
String supervisorEmpNumber = rs.getString(18);
String reporting = rs.getString(19);

// Do any data validation / transformation if necessary, here

PersonBean personBean = new PersonBean();

// Set the information into the serializable bean


personMap.put(personId, personBean);

} finally {

if (rs != null) {
try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) {};
rs = null;

if (stmt != null) {
try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) {};
stmt = null;

// preferred way of closing the connection




"FROM\n" +
"PPF.TITLE,\n" +
"FUR.USER_ID,\n" +
") E\n" +

o Save your work by selecting File > Save All.

o Select and right-click on the project name "ISGJava_RESTDemo" and choose Make
Project1.jpr from the drop-down selection menu. The compilation process starts.

Verify that the compilation process is successful in the Message - Log window.

Deploying Custom Java Classes and Source Files

Once the custom Java API has been successfully created, the integration developer needs to copy these
newly created Java classes and source files to a target instance.

For information on how to deploy these custom Java classes, refer to Section 5: Deploying Custom
Application Tier Objects, Deploying Customizations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 1577661.1.

After the successful deployment to a target instance, stop and restart the managed server.

Parsing and Uploading the Annotated Custom Java Bean Service to the
Integration Repository
Once the custom Java classes have been successfully deployed to a target instance, the integration
administrator needs to validate the annotated custom interface definition Employee Information against
the annotation standards for Java Bean Services using Integration Repository Parser. During the validation,
if no error occurs, an iLDT file will be generated. The administrator will then upload the generated iLDT file
to Oracle Integration Repository.

Perform the following steps to parse and upload the annotated custom interface definition Employee
Information to Oracle Integration Repository:

1. Source the environment in the run file system and set CLASSPATH to include all libraries and JAR files
used by the custom Java API.

2. Ensure the annotated custom interface definition and related Java classes are located in the target

Verifying the Annotated Custom Interface Definition

3. Execute the Integration Repository Parser using the following command to validate the annotated
custom interface definition against the annotation standards:

$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $FND_TOP/bin/ -g -v -username=sysadmin


Executing the Integration Repository Parser for Validation

Notice that the EmployeeInfo_java.ildt file is successfully generated after the validation.
4. Upload the generated EmployeeInfo_Java.ildt file to the Integration Repository by using the following
FNDLOAD command:

5. $FND_TOP/bin/FNDLOAD <APPS username> @TWO_TASK 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/wfirep.lct

ORACLE Password:

6. Verify the generated log file to view the upload details.

Viewing the Upload Details

Notice that the upload process has been completed successfully.

7. Search the uploaded custom Java Service Beans interface "Employee Information" from the
Integration Repository.

Click the Employee Information name link to open the interface details page.

Deploying a Custom Java Bean Service

Use the following steps to deploy the custom interface as a REST service:

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Administrator role.

Select the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility and the Integration Repository link from the
navigation menu.

2. In the Integration Repository tab, click Search to access the main Search page.

3. Click Show More Search Options to display more search fields.

Select 'Custom' in the Interface Source field.

4. Click Go to execute the search.

Click the "Employee Information" interface name link to open the interface details page.

5. In the REST Web Service tab, enter the following information:

o Service Alias: empinfo

The alias will be displayed as the service endpoint in the WADL and schema for the selected
method or operation.
o Select the POST check box for the Get Person Details Java method. Leave the rest of
preselected check boxes unchanged.

6. Click Deploy to deploy the service to an Oracle E-Business Suite WebLogic environment.

Once the REST service has been successfully deployed, 'Deployed' appears in the REST Service Status field
along with the View WADL link. Click the View WADL link to view the deployed service WADL description.

For more information on deploying REST services, see Deploying REST Web Services, Oracle E-Business
Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

Creating a Security Grant

After deploying the custom interface "Employee Information" as a REST service, the integration
administrator can create a security grant to authorize the service access privileges to all users.

Use the following steps to create a security grant:

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Administrator role. Select the
Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility and the Integration Repository link from the navigation menu.

2. Perform a search to locate the "Employee Information" service the administrator just deployed

3. Select the "Employee Information" name link from the search result table to display the interface
details page. Click the Grants tab.

4. Select the Employee Information service and then click Create Grant.

5. In the Create Grants page, select "All Users" as the Grantee Type.
Note: In this example, the Employee Information service is granted to all users. In actual
implementation, you should define strict security rules. Create grant to a user or more appropriately
to a group of users defined by roles and responsibilities.

Click Create Grant. This grants the selected service access privilege to all Oracle E-Business Suite

Recording Resource Information from Deployed WADL

To obtain service resource information from the deployed WADL for the custom Employee Information
service, click the View WADL link in the REST Web Service tab.

The following WADL description appears:

<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">

<application name="EmployeeInfo"
xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""

<include href="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/empinfo/?XSD=getallreports.xsd"
xmlns="" />
<include href="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/empinfo/?
XSD=getdirectreports.xsd" xmlns="" />
<include href="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/empinfo/?XSD=getpersoninfo.xsd"
xmlns="" />
<resources base="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/empinfo/">
<resource path="/getAllReports/">
<method id="getAllReports" name="GET">
<param name="ctx_responsibility" type="xsd:string" style="query" required="false" />
<param name="ctx_respapplication" type="xsd:string" style="query" required="false" />
<param name="ctx_securitygroup" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_nlslanguage" type="xsd:string" style="query" required="false" />
<param name="ctx_orgid" type="xsd:int" style="query" required="false" />
<representation mediaType="application/xml"
type="tns1:getAllReports_Output" />
<representation mediaType="application/json"
type="tns1:getAllReports_Output" />
<resource path="/getDirectReports/">
<method id="getDirectReports" name="GET">
<param name="ctx_responsibility" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_respapplication" type="xsd:string" style="query" required="false" />
<param name="ctx_securitygroup" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_nlslanguage" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_orgid" type="xsd:int" style="query" required="false" />
<representation mediaType="application/xml"
type="tns2:getDirectReports_Output" />
<representation mediaType="application/json"
type="tns2:getDirectReports_Output" />
<resource path="="/getPersonInfo/ {personId}/">
<param name="personId" style="template" required="true" type="xsd:int" />
<method id="getPersonInfo" name="GET">
<param name="ctx_responsibility" type="xsd:string" style="query" required="false" />
<param name="ctx_respapplication" type="xsd:string" style="query" required="false" />
<param name="ctx_securitygroup" type="xsd:string" style="query"
required="false" />
<param name="ctx_nlslanguage" type="xsd:string" style="query" required="false" />
<param name="ctx_orgid" type="xsd:int" style="query" required="false" />
<representation mediaType="application/xml"
type="tns3:getPersonInfo_Output" />
<representation mediaType="application/json"
type="tns3:getPersonInfo_Output" />
<resource path="/getPersonInfo/">
<method id="getPersonInfo" name="POST">
<representation mediaType="application/xml" type="tns3:getPersonInfo_Input" />
<representation mediaType="application/xml"
type="tns3:getPersonInfo_Output" />
<representation mediaType="application/xml" type="tns3:getPersonInfo_Input" />
<representation mediaType="application/xml"
type="tns3:getPersonInfo_Output" /> </response>
</resource path>

Copy or record the following information which will be used later when defining a Java client:

<resources base>="http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/empinfo/">

This information http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/empinfo will be used later in Java

client program as baseUrl.

<resource path>="/getPersonInfo/{personId}/">

This information /getPersonInfo/{personId}/ will be used later to form the later part of the service
Note that {personId} is a path variable defined using the <param> tag. It will be replaced with
actual value (employee ID 13137 in this example) at run time when the HTTP GET method is invoked.

<resource path="/getDirectReports/">

This information /getDirectReports/ will be used later to form the later part of the service URL.

Invoking a Custom REST Service from HTML Using Javascript

This example contains two invocation scenarios:

1. Get employee personal information by invoking getPersonInfo REST service operation

2. Get direct reports for the logged in user by invoking getDirectReports REST service operation with
pagination control parameter

Scenario 1: Get Employee Personal Information

Use the following steps to invoke the deployed getPersonInfo REST service operation:

1. Create an HTML file using any text editor with the following content:

2. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

3. <html>
4. <head>
5. <title>Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway - REST Services Sample</title>
6. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
7. <style>
8. table,th,td
9. {
10. border:1px solid black;
11. border-collapse:collapse;
12. }
13. th,td
14. {
15. padding:5px;
16. }
17. </style
18. <script language="javascript">
19. function getEmpDetails()
20. {
21. var xmlhttp;
22. if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
23. {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
24. xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
25. }
26. else
27. {// code for IE6, IE5
28. xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
29. }
30. xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function()
31. {
32. if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
33. {
34. var det = eval( "(" + xmlhttp.responseText + ")");
37. }
38. }
40. var empno = document.getElementById("empno");
41. var url = "http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/empinfo/getPersonInfo/" +
44. xmlhttp.send();
45. }
46. </script>
49. <center><h1>Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway - REST Services Sample</h1>
50. <h2>Path Parameter Example</h2>
51. </center>
52. <h3>This example demonstrates the use of Path Parameters in REST Service URL.
53. ISG REST Service expects personId as input. personId was annotated as key_param. Hence, it can be
sent as part of GET request URL.
54. This example does not set Accept header in HTTP Request. REST Service returns response in JSON format
(JSON is default message format).<br><br>
55.Enter employee id and click Get Details button. ISG REST Service will be invoked. Employee Name and his /
her Manager's Name will be displayed.<br>
57. <center><table>
59. <td>Enter Employee ID</td>
60. <td><input type="text" id="empno" size="10"/> <input type="button" value="Get Details"
63. <td>Employee Name</td>
64. <td><div id="div1/></div></td>
67. <td>Manager Name</td>
68. <td><div id="div1/></div></td>

This invocation scenario uses path parameter {personId} to obtain the employee ID at run time.
The getPersonInfo service operation is then invoked through HTTP GET request.

<resource path="="getPersonInfo/{personId}/">
<param name="personId" style="template" required="true" type="xsd:int"/>
<method id="getPersonInfo" name="GET">

The path parameter {personId} was annotated earlier in @rep:key_param and can be sent as GET
request URL.

This example does not set Accept header in the GET request. REST service returns response
message is in the default JSON format.

72. View the HTML page in a browser window.

Invoking the Service Through the HTML Page

73. Enter an Employee ID (path parameter {personId}), such as 13137, in the HTML page and
click Get Details. This invokes the getPersonInfo REST service operation and returns the associated
employee's name and his or her manager's name.

In this example, Taylor, Mr. Steve who has the employee ID 13137 is displayed as the Employee
Name; Bennett, Terrence G (Terry) who is Taylor's manager is displayed as Manager Name.

Displaying the Employee Personal Information

Scenario 2: Get Direct Reports for the Logged in User

Use the following steps to invoke the deployed getDirectReports REST service operation:

1. Create an HTML file using any text editor with the following content:

2. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

3. <html>
4. <head>
5. <title>Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway - REST Services Sample</title>
6. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
7. <style>
8. table,th,td
9. {
10. border:1px solid black;
11. border-collapse:collapse;
12. }
13. th,td
14. {
15. padding:5px;
16. }
17. </style
18. <script language="javascript">
19. function getPrev()
20. {
21. offset = parseInt(offset) - 3;
22. getDirectReports(offset);
23. }
25. function getNext()
26. {
27. offset = parseInt(offset) + 3;
28. getDirectReports(offset);
29. }
31. function getDirectReports(offsetP)
32. {
33. var xmlhttp;
34. if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
35. {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
36. xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
37. }
38. else
39. {// code for IE6, IE5
40. xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
41. }
42. xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function()
43. {
44. if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
45. {
47. xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML;
48. txt="";
49. retRows=0;
50. x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("PersonBean");
52. if (x.length > 0)
53. {
54. txt = "<br><table border = \"1\"><tr><th>Employee
Id</th><th>Employee Name</th></tr>";
55. }
56. else
57. {
58. txt = "No records to display";
59. }
61. for (i=0;i<3;i++)
62. {
63. txt = txt + "<tr><td>" + xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("personId")
[i].firstChild.nodeValue + "+ xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("personId")[i].firstChild.nodeValue + "</td>";
64. txt = txt + "<td>" + xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("fullName")
[i].firstChild.nodeValue + " + xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("fullName")[i].firstChild.nodeValue +
65. }
67. if (x.length > 0)
68. {
69. txt = txt + "</table><br>";
70. }
72. y=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ControlBean");
73. rOffset = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("offset")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
74. rFrom = 1 + parseInt(rOffset);
75. rTo = 3 + parseInt(rOffset);
76. txt = txt + "Displaying " + rFrom;
77. txt = txt + " to " + rTo + " records.<br>";
78. document.getElementById("div1").innerHTML=txt;
80. if(offsetP > 2) {
81. document.getElementById("div2").innerHTML="<input type=\"button\"
value=\"Previous\" onclick=\"getPrev()\"/>";
82. }
83. else
84. {
85. document.getElementById("div2").innerHTML="";
86. }
88. if(x.length == 4) {
89. document.getElementById("div3").innerHTML="<input type=\"button\"
value=\"Next\" onclick=\"getNext()\"/>";
90. }
91. else
92. {
93. document.getElementById("div3").innerHTML="";
94. }
97. }
98. }
100. var url = "http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/empinfo/getDirectReports/?
ctx_orgid=204&limit=4&offset" + offsetP;
103. xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml");
104. xmlhttp.send();
105. }
106. </script>
107. </head>
108. <body>
109. <center><h1>Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway - REST Services Sample</h1>
110. <h2>Pagination Control Parameters Example</h2>
111. </center>
112. <h3>This example demonstrates the use of Pagination Control Parameters. When you click Get Directs
button, ISG REST Service will be invoked. Provide EBS username
113. and password. On successful invocation, the first 3 direct reports (employees) of the logged in
user will be displayed. Next and Previous buttons will be displayed
114. based on the number of records.
115. </h3>
116. <center>
117. <input type="button" value="Get Directs" onclick="getDirectReports(0)"/>
118. <div id="div1/></div>
119. <div id="div2/></div>
120. <div id="div3/></div>
121. </center>
123. <script type="text/javascript"><!--
124. offset=0;
125. //--></script>
127. </body>

This invocation scenario uses pagination control parameter offset defined in the Javascript to limit
the number of records returned at run time and for pagination when getDirectReports service
operation is invoked through HTTP GET request.

<script language="javascript">

var url = "http://<hostname>:<port>/webservices/rest/empinfo/getDirectReports/?

ctx_orgid=204&limit=4&offset" + offsetP;'GET',url,true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml");

This example sets Accept header in the GET request. REST service returns response message is in
XML format.

128. View the HTML page in a browser window.

Invoking the Service Through the HTML Page

129. Click Get Directs in the HTML page. This invokes the getPersonInfo REST service operation. A
pop-up window appears requiring you to enter the username and password.

After you entered the username and password and clicked OK, the service returns the first 3 direct
reports (employees) of the user you just entered in the table. Click Next to display the next 3
records retrieved from the direct reports list. Click Previous to display the last 3 records from the
current direct reports list.

Displaying Direct Reports as the Results

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