Megamon Acceptance v0.3

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Nokia 2G L3DC

Acceptance Document

L3DC for 2G

2G Megamon
Acceptance Document

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Nokia 2G L3DC
Acceptance Document

1 Document Revision History................................................................................................................... 3
2 General Information.............................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Scope.................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 References........................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Responsibilities.................................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Document Validation Period.................................................................................................................. 5
2.6 Definition of Terms............................................................................................................................... 5
2.7 Test Equipment Requirements................................................................................................................ 5
3 L3DC(2G Megamon) Tests.................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Confirmation of Hardware and Physical Installation.................................................................................6
4 mcBSC Configuration Check................................................................................................................. 6
4.1 Single/Multiple mcBSC Configuration to one Megamon..........................................................................6
4.2 Broadcom Switch Configuration Check.................................................................................................. 7
4.3 GIVAXIGX Version Check.................................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Check TN910 Implemented................................................................................................................... 8
5 Megamon Connection Check................................................................................................................. 8
5.1 Megamon Hardware Check................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Megamon Software Check..................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Megamon licence Check....................................................................................................................... 9
5.4 Megamon Filter Check.......................................................................................................................... 9
5.5 Megamon Monitoring Check................................................................................................................. 9
5.6 Remote DeskTop(RDP) Check............................................................................................................... 9
5.7 NtAlfo Alarm Transfer to Netact........................................................................................................ 10
6 Appendix A Megamon Acceptance Check Results Sheet......................................................................10
6.1.1 Single/Multiple mcBSC Configuration to one Megamon....................................................................10
6.1.2 Broadcom Switch Configuration...................................................................................................... 10
6.1.3 GIVAXIGX Version....................................................................................................................... 10
6.1.4 Check TN910 Implemented............................................................................................................. 11
6.1.5 Megamon Hardware Check............................................................................................................. 11
6.1.6 Megamon Software........................................................................................................................ 11
6.1.7 Megamon License.......................................................................................................................... 11
6.1.8 Megamon Filter............................................................................................................................. 11
6.1.9 Megamon Monitoring..................................................................................................................... 11
6.1.10 RDP Access................................................................................................................................. 12
6.1.1 NtAlfo - Alarm Transfer to Netact.................................................................................................... 12

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Acceptance Document

6.1.2 2G EMIL...................................................................................................................................... 12

1 Document Revision History

Date Issue Author Summary of changes

27/02/15 V0.1 G Monk Initial draft

30/04/15 V0.2 G Monk Latest updates added.

05/05/15 V0.3 G Monk NtAlfo (Alarm Forwarding) added.

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Nokia 2G L3DC
Acceptance Document

2 General Information
2.1 Introduction
The purpose of this procedure is to record the activities required for accepting the Nokia L3 Data Collector
also known as the 2G Megamon into Everything Everywhere (EE).

2.2 Scope
The 2G Megamon connects directly to mcBSCs in EEs live network. The information contained in this
document is specific to the EE network and should NOT be used for upgrades on any other customer
This document is for Nokia internal use only. It is only issued to a customer representative on the
understanding that it is for approval only and should not be copied or passed outside of Nokia without
prior permission from the approved signatory.

2.3 References
# Document Title Link or Document Reference Date
Ref 1 Nokia Megamon Installation Documents EE to Supply link or Document

Ref 2 Megamon WPF EE to Supply link or Document

Ref 3 Nokia Configuration Supplement EE to Supply link or Document
Ref 4 Nokia L3DC Overview Supplement EE to Supply link or Document

2.4 Responsibilities
The Nokia designated support team is responsible for:

Physical hardware acceptance with handover activity

Completing L3DC Acceptance Tests including completing the L3DC Acceptance Test Results
Technical support.
Everything Everywhere
Everything Everywhere are responsible for:

Providing support to L3DC acceptance tests

All Core elements provisioned and Configured

This support will be provided either directly from Everything Everywhere or through one of its out sourced
MSP (Ericsson BO RAN)

To witness the L3DC acceptance results on behalf of Everything Everywhere.

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Acceptance Document

Ensure test results and any issues are documented, with a copy distributed to EE via

2.5 Document Validation Period

The document owner shall validate this document annually during the anniversary of the month of issue or
when required due to a major software release or Hardware change to the L3DC which results in changes
in methods or changes in testing required.

2.6 Definition of Terms

BSC Base Station Controller
BSS Base Station Sub-system
eNB LTE Node
ERN Engineering Release Note.
IP Internet Protocol
LAN Local Area Network
LMP Local Maintenance Port
McBSC Multi-Controller BSC
NETACT Network Element Manager
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OMU Operations & Maintenance Unit
SW Software
VLAN Virtual LAN.

2.7 Test Equipment Requirements

The equipment on the following list is required to successfully complete the acceptance testing of the
Nokia L3DC
Laptop with Ethernet Interface and terminal application (putty and HIT) Earth Strap / Mat.

Ethernet cable

Installing and Commissioning Megamon - TSS15 version 3_2_150-2003

IP addressing verified by EE.

3 L3DC(2G Megamon) Tests

This section of the document details all the tests that need to be completed for the L3DC to be accepted by
Everything Everywhere. Each test case will detail the Objective, Pre-requisites & Expected Result. All
tests in this section must be passed and the Test Engineer must sign for each test case completed in
Acceptance Testing will include the following:
Megamon/Emil Functionality

L3DC Restart and Recovery.

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Acceptance Document

Licence activation

Remote Connectivity

3.1 Confirmation of Hardware and Physical Installation


1 The cabinet layout complies with the engineering design. (See Ref 3)

2 HW Installation accepted by EE Conformance.

3 L3DC Commission and Integration Certificate has been completed by Nokia

4 mcBSC Configuration Check

4.1 Single/Multiple mcBSC Configuration to one Megamon
Objective Check mcBSC Configuration

Pre-Requisite Connect locally or Remotely to L3DC Server

Number of connections are per number of mcBSC`s physically on the individual site.

VLAN 100 for internal mcBSC Connection

1st mcBSC 10.10.11.x

2nd mcBSC 10.10.12.x

3rd mcBSC 10.10.13.x

Note that VLAN 100 is same for both EL0 and EL1 (if configured) interfaces in all the

Procedure Expected Result

1st mcBSC Configuration as per Ref 3


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Acceptance Document

2nd mcBSC Configuration as per Ref 3


3rd mcBSC Configuration as per Ref 3


4.2 Broadcom Switch Configuration Check

Objective Check Broadcom Main & Extension Switches are Configured

Pre-Requisite Connect locally or Remotely to L3DC Server

Number of connections are per number of mcBSC`s physically on the individual site.

Procedure Expected Result

BCN-1 Switch (MCBC-0) Configured as per Ref 3


BCN-2 Switch (MCBC-1) Configured as per Ref 3


BCN-3 Switch (MCBC-2) Configured as per Ref 3


BCN-4 Switch (MCBC-3) Configured as per Ref 3


BCN-5 Switch (MCBC-4) Configured as per Ref 3


4.3 GIVAXIGX Version Check

Objective Check GIVAXIGX version

Pre-Requisite Connect locally or Remotely to mcBSC

Check GIVAXIGX version in current mcBSC SW document.

S16: GIVAXIGX 4.6-0 (3.9-0)

S16.1: GIVAXGX 4.8-0

Procedure Expected Result

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Acceptance Document

Check correct GIVAIGX version present.


Check GIVAXIGX Status It should be set to 00FF. If not, change with


Check Control Port Status


4.4 Check TN910 Implemented

Objective TN910 Checked

Pre-Requisite Connect locally or Remotely to mcBSC

Procedure Expected Result

Check TN910 Implemented.

Provide activity log or MML ????????????

5 Megamon Connection Check

5.1 Megamon Hardware Check
Objective Megamon Hardware Connection Check

Pre-Requisite Connect locally or Remotely to mcBSC

Procedure Expected Result

Connections as per Ref 5 NIC 3= mcBSC 1

mcBSC SF8 Port to Megamon NIC Port NIC 4 = mcBSC 2

NIC 5 = mcBSC 3

Check NIC1 & NIC 2 Ports are Bonded

5.2 Megamon Software Check

Objective Check Megamon Software

Pre-Requisite Connect locally or Remotely to mcBSC

Procedure Expected Result

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Acceptance Document

Check Megamon OS Software Platform = Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2

Check Nokia Megamon Software TSS15

5.3 Megamon licence Check

Objective Megamon License Check

Pre-Requisite Connect locally or Remotely to mcBSC

Procedure Expected Result

Check License Installed and Active.

5.4 Megamon Filter Check

Objective Megamon Filter Check

Pre-Requisite Connect locally or Remotely to mcBSC

Procedure Expected Result

Check Filter Conditions are selectable

5.5 Megamon Monitoring Check

Objective mcBSC Unit Check within Megamon

Pre-Requisite Connect locally or Remotely to mcBSC

Procedure Expected Result

Check Unit and Filters can be set in Megamon

Check Megamon monitoring can be started.

Check mcBSC logs are captured

5.6 Remote DeskTop(RDP) Check

Objective Check Remote Access to Megamon from Netact

Pre-Requisite Connect locally or Remotely to mcBSC

Procedure Expected Result

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Acceptance Document

Check Remote Access to Megamon Platform

Check Remote Access to HP Platform via iLO port

5.7 NtAlfo Alarm Transfer to Netact

Awaiting update on the configuration into Netact 8 (Current document supports up to OSS5)

Nokia L3 Data
Collector MegaX NtAlfo Installation Instructions

6 Appendix A Megamon Acceptance Check Results Sheet

Megamon ID _____________
Megamon OS SW Version _____________
Megamon Nokia SW Version _____________

6.1.1 Single/Multiple mcBSC Configuration to one Megamon


1st mcBSC

2nd mcBSC

3rd mcBSC

6.1.2 Broadcom Switch Configuration







6.1.3 GIVAXIGX Version




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Acceptance Document

Port Status

6.1.4 Check TN910 Implemented


TN910 Implemented

6.1.5 Megamon Hardware Check


mcBSC to NIC Connections

NIC1 & NIC2 Bonded

6.1.6 Megamon Software


Megamon OS Software

Megamon Nokia Software

6.1.7 Megamon License


License Active

6.1.8 Megamon Filter


Filters can be set

6.1.9 Megamon Monitoring


Unit and Filters Selectable

Monitoring can be started

mcBSC logs Captured

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Acceptance Document

6.1.10 RDP Access


Remote Access to Megamon & iLO


1 NtAlfo - Alarm Transfer to Netact


Alarms received in Netact

6.1.11 2G EMIL


2G EMIL available on Server

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