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Bonus and Incentive Policy


Formal recognition programs, including lump-sum bonuses, incentive plans

and nonmonetary awards, offer mechanisms to effectively motivate and
retain valued employees who provide exemplary performance or meet
specified targets. These programs are intended to reward staff employees
whose achievements have resulted in a particular benefit to the company.

Monetary and Nonmonetary Awards

There are two types of monetary awards:

A lump-sum bonus to recognize a specific achievement or cost-savings.

An incentive plan with clearly defined goals, pre-established criteria

and regular payouts when goals are met or exceeded.

Nonmonetary rewards can take the form of recognition awards, career

development opportunities, and attendance/travel/time off for special
lectures, training programs and conferences.

These programs are not intended to replace informal and spontaneous

recognition or praise of staff achievements and work performance. Informal
recognition of employees should take place every day. Saying thank you to
employees and complimenting an employee on a job well done are part of
managers and supervisors responsibilities.

General Departmental Guidelines

Department directors and managers should reward behaviors and results

that are tied to the companys goals.

Specific selection criteria need to be established by the department, and all

employees of the department must be eligible to participate. The human
resource office must approve the departmental criteria before a formal
recognition program is implemented.

Funding of program expenses is subject to company, state and federal

guidelines applicable to accounting, budgeting, payroll, benefits, purchasing,
and companys principles and practices.
Bonus and Incentive Policy

Lump-sum bonus

There are two ways departments can exercise this method of recognition:

Establish an award review committee to determine award recipients.

Permit a manager the discretion to initiate an award for a specific

employee, with approval from the department director and human

All bonus award recipients must meet the following criteria:

The employees accomplishments exceed the normal

standards/expectations for the job.

The employee has fulfilled all normal job duties in addition to

performing added duties to accomplish a special project or achieve a
certain goal.

The employee serves as a role model for others, displaying desirable

characteristics such as outstanding customer service, positive attitude
and team leadership.

The amount of a lump-sum bonus may not exceed Php1000 or 50% percent
of the employees base salary, whichever is greater. Decisions about the
amount of a lump-sum bonus should be dependent on the nature and
complexity of the accomplishment and the ability of the department to fund
the award. Under special circumstances, with the presidents approval, a
higher bonus may be approved. (Documentation must be submitted to
support such a request.)

The manager should clearly communicate to the recognized employee the

specific outstanding achievements that led to the award.

Incentive plans

The department director and/or administrator must develop specific targets

to be achieved for the incentive plan. Goals, pre-established criteria and
regular payouts are essential components of this type of plan.

Managers should clearly communicate to the employee what the

expectations are and the outcome for the incentive period.
Bonus and Incentive Policy

Nonmonetary rewards

Noncash rewards such as recognition awards cannot exceed a value of Php

1000. Awards may be either recognition gifts or recognition vouchers. These
one-time awards are nontaxable.

Employee recognition vouchers are redeemable only at the company by the

named employee, and cannot be redeemed for cash.

Examples of areas that may be rewarded include:

Outstanding achievements and accomplishments. Demonstrated

and sustained outstanding achievements that consistently exceed
goals and job expectations.

Teamwork. Acting as an exceptionally effective and cooperative team

member or demonstrating superior interactions within and outside the
company and the client population served.

Length of service. A commitment to company through long-term



Proposal submission

To establish and request an awards program, a department director or

manager should submit a proposal to human resources that includes the
following information:

1. The name of the department proposing the program.

2. The employees who will be eligible for the recognition plan.

3. The type of award (lump-sum bonus, incentive, nonmonetary) that is being

requested, and a description of the selection criteria for that particular

a. Lump-sum bonus. Select one or more of the following methods, then

describe the criteria and include examples.

If the award program is based on employees meeting a

departmental goal, indicate the goals.
Bonus and Incentive Policy

If the award program is based on employees suggesting cost

savings to the department, indicate the criteria to be used.

If the award program is based on suggestions for increased

productivity, indicate the criteria to be used.

If the award program is for outstanding performance on special

projects, indicate the nature of the eligible special projects and

If there are other criteria to be used instead of the ones listed

above, indicate what they are.

b. Incentive plan. Goals, pre-established criteria and regular payouts are

essential under this type of plan. Describe the incentive plan, including the
specific targets to be achieved.

c. Nonmonetary award. Select one or more of the following methods, then

describe the criteria and include examples.

If the award program is based on employees meeting a

departmental goal, indicate the goal.

If the award program is based on employees suggesting cost

savings to the department, indicate the criteria to be used.

If the award program is based on suggestions for increased

productivity, indicate the criteria to be used.

If the award program is for outstanding performance on special

projects, indicate the nature of the eligible special projects and

If there are other criteria to be used instead of the ones listed

above, indicate what they are.

4. The proposed amount or range of the employees bonus or incentive


(Cash awards cannot exceed Php 1000 or 50 percent of the employees

base salary.)

5. The total amount expected to be paid under the program.

Bonus and Incentive Policy

6. Signature of the manager who is proposing the program (if applicable).

7. Signature of the department head who agrees or who is proposing the


8. Signature of the senior management member who agrees or is proposing

the program.

9. A signature from the accounting office. Sufficient funds for the program
must be budgeted by the department.

10. Signature from human resources. This signature designates final approval
of the program proposal.

Approvals and payments

Human resources must approve the departmental selection criteria before a

recognition program is implemented.

1. Monetary awards. After the copy of the recognition plan is on file

with human resources, the department must initiate payment to
individual employees through the additional pay process, identifying
the approved plan. For employees in positions eligible for overtime, the
rate for overtime worked during the bonus period will be adjusted
upward by the amount of the bonus over all hours that were worked in
the bonus period.

2. Nonmonetary awards. After the copy of the recognition plan is on

file with human resources, the department must complete an Award
Worksheet to document the award and submit it to human resources.
Payments for all other awards, such as equipment, pins or banquets,
must be processed through the accounting office per established
policies and procedures.
Bonus and Incentive Policy

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