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Protective equipotential bonding | 29

Circuit protective

conductive-part Main protective
bonding conductors

Regulation 411.1 states that
automatic disconnection of Water
supply is a protective measure pipe

in which basic protection is

provided by basic insulation Earthing
of live parts or by barriers or
enclosures and fault protection is
provided by protective earthing,
protective equipotential
Means of earthing
bonding and automatic
disconnection in case of a fault Typical protective conductor arrangement

By Geoff Cronshaw

There are four protective supply is a protective voltage (Ut) between these TT systems. Consider Figure 1
measures generally measurein which basic andextraneous-conductive- below (extract from IET GN 5).
permittedby BS 7671:2008 protection is provided by parts during a fault. The
(2011), given in Regulation basicinsulation of live parts purpose of protective The touch voltage in the event
410.3.3: (i) Automatic orby barriers or enclosures equipotential bonding is to of a fault with main protective
disconnection of supply and fault protection is further reduce the touch bonding installed is given by:
(Section 411) (ii) Double or providedby protective voltage between exposed-
reinforced insulation (Section earthing, protective conductive-parts and Ut = If (R2)
412) (iii) Electrical separation equipotential bonding and extraneous-conductive-parts in
for the supply to one item of automatic disconnection in the event of: The touch voltage (within the
current using equipment case of a fault. installation) in the event of a
(Section 413) (iv) Extra-low i. a fault on the installation fault with no main protective
voltage (SELV and PELV) Main protective equipotential bonding is given by:
(Section 414). bonding ii. an open circuit PEN
The purpose of earthing the conductor in a PME supply. Ut = If (R2 + RA)
A note at the end of this exposed-conductive-parts of
Regulation acknowledges that, an installation is to ensure that, Regulation 411.3.1.2 requires If is given by:
in electrical installations, the in the event of a fault (line main equipotential bonding to U0
most commonly used conductor to an exposed- be carried out, however its If =
protective measure is conductive-part), sufficient importance is often R2 + R1 + RA + RB
automatic disconnection of fault current flows to operate underestimated.
supply. the disconnection device
(fuse,circuit-breaker, RCD). The effect of applying main Assume U0 = 230 V, RB = 20
Regulation 411.1 states that Earthing exposed-conductive- protective equipotential , RA = 100 , R1 = 0.5 , R2
automatic disconnection of parts also reduces the touch bonding is most noticeable in = 0.5 E

Summer 12 | IET Wiring Matters

30 | Protective equipotential bonding


L If
Z0 R1

Z0 Rn


If C

RB Earth RA R X AB Earthing conductor

electrodes BC Main protective bonding conductor

Then consumers side of any 54.8 of BS 7671:2008(2011) Further information

230 insulating section or insert at gives sizing requirements for BS 7671:2008(2011)
If = that point or any meter. main equipotential bonding IET Guidance Notes 5 and 8.
0.5 + 0.5 + 100 + 20 conductors. However, it is
Any substantial extraneous recommended that the
conductive part which enters electricity distributor or
= 230/121 = 1.9 A, the premises at a point remote supplier should be asked to
from the main earthing confirm their agreement to
giving Ut with no bonding = terminal or bar must also be theproposed size(s) it is
191 V bonded to this terminal or bar. intended to install.

and Ut with bonding = 0.95 V Extraneous-conductive-parts BS 951 earthing and bonding

should preferably be bonded warning label
Installation of main using individual main Regulation 514.13.1(ii)
equipotential bonding equipotential bonding requires a permanent label to
conductors conductors. Alternatively, two be fixed at or near the point of
IET Guidance recommends or more such parts may share connection of every main
that main equipotential a main equipotential bonding equipotential bonding
bonding conductors should be conductor, but where this conductor to an extraneous-
kept as short as practicable arrangement is employed the conductive-part. L
and be routed to minimise the conductor should be
likelihood of damage or continuous, i.e. disconnection
disturbance to them. of the conductor from one
The connections to gas, water must not interfere with or
and other services entering the endanger the security of the
premises must be made as bonding of the other part(s).
near as practicable to the point
of entry of each service, on the Regulation 544.1.1 and Table

IET Wiring Matters | Summer 12

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