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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the matter of the Arbitration between:



and Case No. 51 160 0126013



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Deposition of


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

2:00 p.m.


1405 Rockridge Road

Waukesha, WI 53188

Reported by Beth Zimmermann, RPR

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MADHURI TRIVEDI, 1405 Rockridge Road, Waukesha, WI 53188

Appearing pro se.

QUARLES & BRADY, By Sean M. Scullen, Attorney at Law, 411

East Wisconsin Avenue, Ste. 2040, Milwaukee, WI 53202,
appearing on behalf of GE Healthcare.


Ex. No. Description Page

1 12/8/11 Trivedi E-mail Re: Insite ExC

Agent Testing 39
2 3/8/12 Trivedi E-mail Re: Network
Packet Analyzer
3 3/28/13 E-mail Re: Enterprise UI 80
4 1/17/13 Trivedi E-mail Re: Tasks 80
5 1/17/13 E-mail Re: RSVP Prototypes 80
6 4/25/12 E-mail Re: Package Analyzer Info 80
7 2/20/12 E-mail Re: HeliOS Machine 80
8 2/1/12 E-mail Re: Tasklist Discussed 100
9 6/11/12 E-mail Re: Memory Error Stopping 101
10 1/4/13 E-mail Re: UX Experience Meeting
Notes 121
11 6/11/12 E-mail Re: Memory Error Stopping 121
12 3/9/12 E-mail Re: Localhost 127
13 8/20/12 E-mail to Dave Mehring Re:
Failing NW Connectivity 127
14 8/20/12 E-mail to Carl Conrath Re:
Failing NW Connectivity 130
15 1/31/13 Barbiaux E-mail Re: SupportCentral
Case Comment 134






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1 WILLIAM BARBIAUX being first duly

2 sworn on oath to tell the truth, the whole

3 truth, and nothing but the truth, was examined

4 and testified as follows:


6 Q So have you given deposition before?

7 A No.

8 Q Did you get any deposition coaching?

9 A Depends what you mean by coaching; but, no. I

10 think I talked with Sean for about an hour,

11 but it was all around the process, like, Here

12 is what will happen, there will be a reporter

13 and questions, and answer the questions

14 honestly. So it was all of the basic what's

15 going to happen.

16 Q Would you be concerned about your job future

17 with GE if you tell the truth and if it's

18 against management or if it's exposing certain

19 things?

20 A No.

21 Q Did I treat you with respect when I was with

22 GE?

23 A Yes.

24 Q You had good working relationship with me,

25 right?

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1 A Yep.

2 Q Things went well, without difficulties in

3 working with two of us?

4 A Yeah, for the most part. We didn't have a

5 direct assignment together, but we worked --

6 We worked near each other, so --

7 Q You worked with me on Insite ExC Surgery

8 Integration --

9 A Right. I helped with some of it, yeah.

10 MR. SCULLEN: Just wait because the

11 court reporter can only take down one person

12 at a time.

13 MS. TRIVEDI: This is off the

14 record.

15 (Off the record discussion.)


17 Q So you and I worked -- as we spoke, you and I

18 worked on Insite ExC Surgery Integration. You

19 helped me, you said?

20 A Yes.

21 Q How long have you worked with GST?

22 A GST? Since before it was GST, so from 1993

23 until now, so that's --

24 Q That's fine. How long have you known Dave

25 Mehring?

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1 A Probably 15 to 20 years, most of the time in

2 GST.

3 Q How long have you known Greg Stratton?

4 A For 25 years.

5 Q And Nate Davis?

6 A Probably 14 years, somewhere in there.

7 Q And Sachin Kendale?

8 A Probably two years. I don't know exactly.

9 Q And how about Alan Kuhn?

10 A I think close to 20 years.

11 Q And Greg Jacobs?

12 A However long he's been at GE, but I don't know

13 how many years that is.

14 Q Two, three years?

15 A Something like that, yeah.

16 Q You were in part of the Insite ExC core team,

17 as well as RSVP GEIP core team?

18 A Insite ExC core team, is that what you said?

19 Q Um-hum.

20 A The Enterprise piece, not necessarily -- not

21 the Agent piece. It's in two halves,

22 Back-Office and the Agent. So I was more

23 involved in the Back-Office.

24 Q And you were in GEIP RSVP core team?

25 A For part of the time, yeah.

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1 Q What does that mean "for part of the time"?

2 A Well, because I'm a principal engineer, I

3 don't work on the details of the project as

4 it's being implemented as you. I'm working

5 early in the project, and then I move on to

6 the next project, the early phases.

7 So I only work the early phases of GEIP.

8 So I was familiar with it, but I wasn't

9 day-to-day in all of the core team meetings.

10 Q Once in awhile -- you go in once in awhile?

11 A Right.

12 Q What is the main technology used within GST?

13 Is it Java J2EE?

14 A Probably. That's the main software

15 programming language, but we have a lot of

16 technologies.

17 Q But it's -- GST is a Java shop heavily, not

18 Microsoft shop, right?

19 A Right.

20 Q Was Windows Communication Foundation, WCF,

21 it's also called SOA from Microsoft, ever used

22 at GST prior to RSVP GEIP project?

23 A I don't know. I don't do a lot of software

24 work, pure software, so I don't know.

25 Q Do you know if any web services were used?

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1 A Used on what?

2 Q On Insite ExC or -- Not Insite ExC, because --

3 MS. TRIVEDI: Take off the record.

4 (Off the record discussion)

5 MS. TRIVEDI: Now you can put on the

6 record.

7 MR. SCULLEN: I'm going to object as

8 vague and compound. You can answer if you

9 can.

10 THE WITNESS: I know GST uses web

11 services in several places, but that's --.


13 Q The current RSVP Axeda project is mainly a

14 Java-based, not Microsoft-based project,

15 right?

16 A Say that one again. I missed the beginning.

17 Q Current RSVP with Axeda, it's heavily Java

18 technology-based project and not

19 Microsoft-based project, right?

20 A I believe that's true. Again, some of these

21 answers are software specific, and I'm not a

22 software engineer. That's not my daily focus.

23 I do more system stuff and network stuff

24 and security stuff, so I'm -- Those are the

25 best of my knowledge, but it may not be

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1 entirely correct.

2 Q You know that FDA halted sales of Surgery OEC

3 after serious quality control lapses were

4 found by FDA audit in 2007?

5 A I don't remember the date; but yes, OEC had --

6 Q And you agree that since I joined November,

7 2011 -- Can we erase that? I'm rephrasing.

8 Insite ExC project that you helped me on

9 was a project for ExC Surgery OEC modality

10 integration. Is that correct?

11 A I don't remember the product it was for. I

12 know the operating system roughly it was for,

13 which is Linux.

14 Q So you don't know the modality with Surgery?

15 A I did not know that, no.

16 Q I mean, it was Surgery, so --

17 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, you are

18 testifying. He's testified he doesn't know.

19 THE WITNESS: I don't know.


21 Q You don't know or you don't remember?

22 A I don't know. I could find out, but I don't

23 know -- I don't know.

24 Q Did you know at that point?

25 A That it was Surgery? I don't think it

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1 mattered. What was important to me -- I've

2 worked on dozens and dozens of product

3 integration, so I don't remember exactly which

4 integration was on which product because I've

5 been doing this for 20 some years, so -- I

6 don't remember which product exactly it was.

7 Q My point was that all new engineer get

8 training, and OEC halting sales of Surgery --

9 FDA halting sales of Surgery, that's in all

10 quality training. So everybody gets training

11 about that. And my first project was about

12 Surgery. So that's why I'm trying to --

13 MR. SCULLEN: I'm going to object

14 because you're not asking a question. You're

15 making a statement.

16 Q So if you can -- That's why I'm saying if --

17 That's fine.

18 MR. SCULLEN: Asked and answered.

19 A I don't know.

20 Q Do you know that in April, 2012, or so GST

21 leadership was mainly looking for adding more

22 people, body counting, RSVP GEIP project in

23 order to meet project workload?

24 A I don't remember the timeframe. You said

25 April, 2012. I don't remember exactly when.

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1 I know at various times on the project we've

2 had to add people to meet the workload, but I

3 don't remember if that was one of those times.

4 Q What was your involvement -- You said system.

5 Wasn't your involvement in RSVP GEIP project?

6 A In the GEIP portion of it?

7 Q Um-hum.

8 A Principal engineer, so early -- setting some

9 early direction and sort of not really

10 requirements, not enough detail, but direction

11 for the project. Early direction with several

12 other people.

13 Q So were you involved in the decision making

14 process to break up with GEIP?

15 A Somewhat, yeah, along with other people.

16 Q Do you have any -- What would be your comment

17 about the reasons and the -- the status of

18 RSVP GEIP project when we broke up?

19 A The status at the time we --

20 Q Right, in terms of GST.

21 A -- stopped working with GEIP? The project was

22 probably a little bit behind, but it was

23 nearing their first release, or something like

24 that. I don't remember the exact details.

25 And the main reason we stopped and

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1 changed direction there was because our

2 existing Insite ExC Enterprise, our

3 Back-Office, was having difficulty. We knew

4 that we needed to replace it sometime in the

5 next couple years because of the load and the

6 age of the servers and the software and

7 things, we couldn't upgrade it.

8 So GEIP was not at a point where they

9 would handle connections from our existing

10 install base of ExC systems or Questra

11 products. So GEIP could not handle our

12 install base. And that was a more immediate

13 priority, supporting our install base and

14 replacing Questra, than developing the future

15 product, which was RSVP. I could talk about

16 that for weeks, but that's the gist.

17 Q You did fine. So why GEIP was not able to

18 support existing install base, or why it was

19 not considered a goal and objective two years

20 before when the RSVP project was kicked off in

21 2010, 2011? Why this --

22 Was that part of a goal and objective to

23 have existing install base support?

24 A It was discussed, and it was on their roadmap

25 pretty far out, and it took longer than

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1 expected to get to where we were at the time

2 we terminated that relationship.

3 And in the meantime, from when we started

4 with GEIP until we stopped, it became clear

5 that the load on the Questra Back-Office, it

6 was deteriorating faster than we had thought.

7 So GEIP wasn't scheduled to be able to help

8 with that for another two or three years. We

9 needed a quicker solution.

10 Q So in 2010, 2011, the point was, Okay, let's

11 work with GEIP and develop next generation

12 software and then work on supporting existing

13 installment, and then, on the line, developing

14 new software delayed lot more than

15 anticipated, and then the next goal, which was

16 to support existing install base, got further

17 kicked out. And in the meantime, the existing

18 install base was kind of having problems?

19 MR. SCULLEN: Objection,

20 misstates -- vague and misstates his

21 testimony.

22 THE WITNESS: I couldn't keep up.

23 Q I was trying to redirect what you just said.

24 A I couldn't follow what you said, so I wasn't

25 sure.

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1 MS. TRIVEDI: Can we take off the

2 record?

3 (Off the record discussion.)

4 MR. SCULLEN: You need to stay on

5 the record if you're going to ask him

6 questions.

7 MS. TRIVEDI: That's fine. We can

8 move to next step.

9 Q So what was the plan in terms of replacing old

10 Back-Office?

11 MR. SCULLEN: Object as to vague as

12 to time.

13 MS. TRIVEDI: Plan asked --

14 MR. SCULLEN: But plans evolve over

15 time. You're asking about at what point in

16 time?


18 Q Okay. So does it include replacing existing

19 Back-Office and existing Agent, or --

20 MS. TRIVEDI: Same objection. What

21 period of time are you talking about?

22 THE WITNESS: Period of time and

23 specifically which Back-Office? We have lots

24 of Back-Offices.

25 MS. TRIVEDI: Insite ExC --

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1 THE WITNESS: Because we were

2 talking GEIP and RSVP, and I'm not sure --


4 Q There is only --

5 A If you can be specific, please.

6 Q In terms of Insite ExC, what is the plan --

7 what was the plan when I was there to replace

8 existing Insite ExC Back-Office and existing

9 Insite ExC Agent, or only one of them?

10 MR. SCULLEN: Same objection with

11 the time. You were there for a year. What

12 period of time -- What specific date and time?

13 MS. TRIVEDI: Year and a half. I was

14 there for a year and a half.

15 MR. SCULLEN: Okay, year and a half,

16 so that's too long a period of time.


18 Q Currently when we were on RSVP GEIP project,

19 and I also worked on RSVP Axeda project, so I

20 want to know overall GST plan, does it include

21 replacing existing ExC Back-Office, existing

22 Agent or one of them?

23 MR. SCULLEN: Again, same objection.

24 What time are you talking about?

25 MS. TRIVEDI: Last year, 2012, 2013.

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1 MR. SCULLEN: Same objection, but

2 you can testify.

3 A I can give it a shot and see. The plans, like

4 you said, change over time. There are always

5 different plans. We know we have to -- We

6 knew then -- we had to replace the ExC

7 Back-Office. And we know we, also, have to

8 not replace the install base of ExC Agents but

9 have a new Agent going forward, because we can

10 no longer get ExC Agents on new operating

11 system ports. We have to get them from the

12 company that makes them, and the company no

13 longer makes them. Axeda, the company.

14 So we know their Axeda Back-Office will

15 replace the Questra Back-Office, ExC

16 Back-Office, and we know we need replacements

17 for our future product Agents. We can't

18 replace the install base. We won't replace

19 the install base.

20 So your question -- I don't know if that

21 really answered it, but --

22 Q So in terms of RSVP GEIP --

23 A Okay.

24 Q -- GST team worked for about two years. And

25 do you think in terms of what GE Healthcare

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1 needed, was it delivered at the end? Because

2 I have a request of interrogation response,

3 and they said the project never failed, so --

4 In terms of GE Healthcare criteria, do

5 you think that the RSVP GEIP project failed in

6 terms of what GE Healthcare needed?

7 MR. SCULLEN: Object as to vague.

8 Go ahead and answer if you can.

9 A There were several phases to the GEIP project,

10 and the first -- I mean, the project was

11 delayed, but we never even took delivery of a

12 first official release.

13 So did it fail? I don't know. It was a

14 project that was going to go on for years,

15 so --. I'm not sure how to answer the

16 question.

17 Q So I had my goal and objective that I picked

18 up from Carl Conrath, goals and objective, and

19 his goal was to release RSVP project by

20 sometime 2012. So that was goal, and so

21 that's what I had, because I mentioned I'm

22 copying it from Carl, who is a manager.

23 So my point was, in terms of -- I

24 explained yesterday that she ordered size 15

25 and I ordered size 10. The project was

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1 working for GE Energy where they had 300

2 transformers, but the RSVP was not able to

3 support 60,000 devices.

4 So in terms of criteria, other than

5 delay, it didn't meet the criteria, so the

6 project -- GST managers and engineers and core

7 team members were responsible for high level

8 design requirement and delegate those to

9 engineers who work on low level, do you think

10 that there was -- there should be some

11 accountability and responsibility in terms of

12 not having a working software after two years?

13 MR. SCULLEN: I'm going to object as

14 to vague, compound, and his personal views are

15 totally irrelevant, but -- And it also assumes

16 there was an accountability to the extent

17 that --

18 MS. TRIVEDI: There isn't. That's

19 why I'm asking.

20 A I'm not sure how to answer that. I'm not sure

21 what the question was.

22 Q Do you think Dave Mehring, Nate Davis and Greg

23 Stratton -- I don't know your level of

24 accountability or role in RSVP project, but do

25 you think those three individuals should be

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1 held accountable and responsible for not

2 having a working software after two years?

3 A I would say no. There are lots of factors in

4 any project. And if by "accountable" you mean

5 they're responsible for the failure of the

6 project, which I don't think it failed --

7 We went one direction and we changed

8 direction as circumstances changed, which is

9 what we always do -- So, no. So I don't think

10 they are -- I don't remember the exact wording

11 of the question.

12 Q Accountability and responsibility.

13 A They have accountability for their own work,

14 but they're not doing all of the work on the

15 project.

16 Q So even though Carl's goal was to deliver

17 RSVP --

18 A Um-hum.

19 Q -- and that goal was never met, do you think

20 that -- So when an engineering manager and

21 team fails, there is nobody gets

22 accountable -- You said that -- Okay.

23 After two years you don't have a working

24 product, and you said that's not a failure and

25 nobody is held accountable?

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1 MR. SCULLEN: That's not what he

2 said, Ms. Trivedi.

3 A No. I said that circumstances change. No one

4 person or three people are responsible for an

5 entire project or can be held accountable for

6 things outside of their control.

7 It was a big project. Things change. We

8 don't always meet every goal. GE has, you

9 know, all kinds of goals. Many we meet, many

10 we don't.

11 Q So then there is no performance -- So people

12 are treated differently when they don't meet

13 goal based on their position and relationship

14 with others?

15 MR. SCULLEN: Objection,

16 mischaracterizes his testimony. And his

17 personal views on this are irrelevant. He's

18 not a manager.

19 MS. TRIVEDI: He's a principal

20 engineer with 30 years experience. His input

21 matters.

22 MR. SCULLEN: He's not a manager.

23 He wasn't a manager. Ms. Trivedi, let me note

24 this for the record. He's not a manager. He

25 wasn't your manager. This line of questioning

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1 is totally irrelevant. You've gone on --

2 MS. TRIVEDI: No. He has provided

3 he was --

4 MR. SCULLEN: He's not a manager.

5 MS. TRIVEDI: That's not -- You can

6 not object things when I need information.

7 MR. SCULLEN: Well, I've let you

8 go -- I mean, if you want to continue these

9 depositions long beyond when we need to be

10 here and incur additional cost and creating

11 long transcripts --

12 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm looking for the

13 truth.

14 MR. SCULLEN: Just let me make my

15 record.

16 MS. TRIVEDI: You can take this off.

17 MR. SCULLEN: No, I want it on the

18 record for the arbitrator in case we need to

19 involve him. He's answered the question, and

20 you don't like the answer. But at the end of

21 the day, ultimately this entire line of

22 inquiry is irrelevant.

23 MS. TRIVEDI: It's not irrelevant.

24 You don't want your witness to give me

25 information that will help my case and want to

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1 protect GE Healthcare from their misdoing.

2 MR. SCULLEN: I haven't stopped you

3 from --

4 MS. TRIVEDI: And they are being

5 trained to speak certain way because otherwise

6 their jobs will be at stake. I know when he

7 was helping me during level two and three,

8 Dave Mehring stopped by and asked him two,

9 three times, Did you talk with Madhuri. So, I

10 mean, I know that job is definitely at stake.

11 MR. SCULLEN: He's already testified

12 that's not the case.

13 MS. TRIVEDI: So why are you not

14 letting me get information?

15 MR. SCULLEN: I am. But you're

16 asking him the same question over and over

17 again. He's given you an answer you don't

18 like, so you keep asking the question again.

19 And the question -- his personal views on

20 hypothetical questions about managers is

21 irrelevant. Let's move on.


23 Q So your conclusion was that at times GE

24 Healthcare people doesn't meet goal, and that

25 happens all of the time, as you said, and

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1 nobody gets held accountable or responsible?

2 MR. SCULLEN: Objection.

3 A No, that's not what I said.

4 MR. SCULLEN: Mischaracterizes his

5 testimony. Just let me -- I'm just noting --

6 Just so you're clear, I'm making an objection

7 because the form of the question is incorrect.

8 That gives you an opportunity to correct it or

9 not. The witness can still answer. I'm not

10 telling him not to answer, but just let me

11 finish so you're not talking over me so that

12 the court reporter can --

13 MS. TRIVEDI: So this document --

14 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi --

15 MS. TRIVEDI: My discovery request

16 had so many lies, perjury, and I have made a

17 list already. And this perjury, lying under

18 oath, it will continue. And no matter if it

19 takes me money, but I need to prove that

20 people are lying. It's series of lie

21 information, just not stating the full

22 information, leaving information, using just,

23 you know, different words. It's just be

24 honest and tell the truth. It shouldn't take

25 this long.

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1 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, everyone

2 is doing that. You just don't like the

3 answers. The purpose of a deposition is for

4 you to ask questions and for the witness to

5 answer. Why don't you continue to do that.


7 Q So rewinding, concluding this your -- I asked

8 Dave Mehring, along with other team members,

9 like Mike Suchecki, Mohieddine -- these three:

10 Dave Mehring, Nate Davis and Greg Stratton

11 were part of the core team. Those were senior

12 individuals and managers. They had certain

13 amount of responsibility, along with others,

14 in the team to deliver this project.

15 The project was not delivered to GE

16 Healthcare, and they are not -- you think that

17 they shouldn't be held accountable and

18 responsible?

19 MR. SCULLEN: Objection,

20 mischaracterizes his testimony. Misstates

21 evidence and assumes facts not in evidence.

22 You can answer if you can.

23 A I think I already answered --

24 Q No, right? They shouldn't be held

25 accountable?

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1 MR. SCULLEN: Let him finish his

2 answer. Stop interrupting the witness.

3 A I think there were lots of circumstances

4 around that project, as any project, and there

5 is no clear place to place the blame. Things

6 changed, and we changed direction over time.

7 Sometimes we don't meet our goals, like I said

8 before. That's not necessarily anyone's

9 fault.

10 Q Do you know that Greg Stratton's performance

11 was negative around September, 2012?

12 A I have no idea.

13 Q And his job was at stake?

14 A I have no idea. I don't know.

15 Q Did you provide any performance evaluation

16 input about Greg Stratton or Nate Davis?

17 A I can't remember. We occasionally -- Or the

18 managers sometimes ask for feedback on peers.

19 Sometimes I fill out the spreadsheet and

20 sometimes I do not, and I don't remember if I

21 did that that year. I don't remember.

22 Q Do you remember about me? Did you fill out

23 mid-year review?

24 A I don't remember.

25 Q Not mid-year, not final?

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1 A Yeah, I don't remember.

2 Q Did Dave Mehring send you a sheet to fill out

3 or he didn't?

4 A Dave usually sends a sheet for feedback,

5 spreadsheet of all of the people we might have

6 worked with, and leaves it up to individuals

7 to reply if they want to.

8 Q Did he send that out for me?

9 A I've seen him -- It's not sent out for a

10 person, it's sent out for the group. So when

11 mid-year or end-of-year feedback is requested

12 from managers, they send a spreadsheet with

13 all of the people in the group, and you have

14 the right to respond to any or all or none of

15 those people. So it's not sent out for a

16 specific person.

17 Q Are you aware of continuous conflicts and

18 fights between GE Healthcare and GEIP?

19 A I don't think they were continuous. I was

20 aware that some team members didn't always get

21 along, but it's hard to do working

22 relationships over the phone and things, so --

23 Q So I --

24 A I don't know about specifics.

25 Q So I will remove. You said not continuous.

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1 So you agree that there were conflicts and

2 fights?

3 A Like I said, I think there were some

4 difficulties in the working relationship. I

5 don't know that there were fights. I don't

6 know who was involved.

7 Q So there were difficulties in working

8 relationship, as you said. Who were

9 individuals from GE Healthcare side?

10 A I don't know for sure. There were several

11 people working on them, and I just heard this

12 secondhand or thirdhand. I wasn't day-to-day

13 working with both sides.

14 Q So who would be those people at high level, if

15 you have to say? Would there be core team

16 members, all core team members?

17 A Probably core team members, whoever had the

18 most interaction with GEIP personnel.

19 Q So I learned from Mohieddine yesterday, the

20 core team for RSVP was Mohieddine, Mike

21 Suchecki, Dave Mehring, Greg Stratton, Nate

22 Davis, Anish, Subodh and Biju.

23 A Okay.

24 Q And as you said, that there were difficulties

25 in terms of working relationship with GEIP and

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1 GE Healthcare.

2 A There were, yeah, disagreements about

3 technical issues, things like that. But I

4 don't know any details. I was not on that

5 core team at that time or knowledgeable about

6 any conversations, so I'd be guessing.

7 Q You used to sit next to Greg, and you don't

8 know he was the LSD? You can hear two aisles

9 away, he was just shouting, so it was

10 pretty --

11 A I sit in the same aisle as Greg, so --

12 Q So it was pretty obvious to people, he was

13 just -- Okay. That's fine.

14 A There is also a TV right next to my desk, so I

15 often hear the television.

16 Q Do you think GEIP was being selfish and

17 looking out for themselves?

18 A I have no idea.

19 Q Another witness told me this, so that's why

20 I'm reaffirming it.

21 Do you have any information about

22 operating mechanism and team dynamics?

23 Compound question -- breaking. Do you have

24 any information about operating mechanism of

25 RSVP project?

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1 MR. SCULLEN: Object as vague.

2 A From when?

3 Q From RSVP GEIP project?

4 A Any information about operating mechanisms?

5 Very little. Only from past experience on

6 other projects. So I know they had some

7 regular meetings. I don't know when they were

8 and who was in them and what their operating

9 mechanisms were.

10 Q Would you describe -- Would you confirm that

11 issues existed, such as issues of poor

12 communication and unclear strategy expectation

13 within team?

14 MR. SCULLEN: Object as to vague.

15 What team and when?

16 Q RSVP team and Insite ExC integration.

17 A Okay, two different teams. So what was the

18 beginning of your question again? Aware of

19 what?

20 Q Issues existed, such as poor communication and

21 unclear strategy, expectation within the team,

22 changing priority and scope?

23 A I don't have any specifics, but projects are

24 often long. Priorities and scope changes

25 several times through a project, and not

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1 everything is always clear. It's hard to have

2 perfect foresight and give people their direct

3 assignments and have them be clear and concise

4 and correct without change over time.

5 So that's true in any project though. I

6 didn't see ExC or RSVP GEIP being any

7 different than any project I worked on for 20

8 some years.

9 Q So who's responsible for providing direction,

10 setting up strategy and sending out clear and

11 concise message?

12 MR. SCULLEN: Object as to vague.

13 With regard to what?

14 Q Is the engineer responsible for setting up

15 strategy and direction? Is team lead

16 responsible? Is principal engineer

17 responsible, LSD responsible, or manager in

18 this hierarchy --

19 A I would answer yes. I think everyone is

20 responsible for some piece of that. But there

21 is never one person you can point to. It's a

22 group thing.

23 I'm responsible for what a principal

24 engineer does for the team, but that's not

25 everything. Managers are responsible for some

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1 things. Functional managers, program

2 managers, LPIs, lead system designers, they're

3 all responsible in different ways.

4 Q So what is the responsibility of a team lead?

5 A I don't know that we have a title "team lead,"

6 but -- So I'm not sure.

7 Q Do you know that Anthony was a team lead,

8 Dipti was a team lead, and Prasad was a team

9 lead?

10 A And so what was the question specifically?

11 Q What's the responsibility of team lead?

12 MR. SCULLEN: In what -- Objection,

13 vague.


15 Q When they get evaluated, or in terms of their

16 job description, what they are being told

17 about their job description, what they are

18 supposed to do -- Like, as you said, as a

19 principal engineer, you are supposed to do

20 this. So similar to that as team lead, what

21 they are supposed to do?

22 MR. SCULLEN: But Ms. Trivedi, he

23 testified he's not aware of people who are

24 team leads, so I don't think he's competent.

25 MS. TRIVEDI: I gave him name and he

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1 knows.

2 MR. SCULLEN: You told him. But

3 then you need to ask him -- He testified he

4 doesn't -- he's not aware of team leads. You

5 need to clarify that with him or ask him

6 specifically about an individual that you've

7 named and what their responsibilities were, if

8 he knows.


10 Q Okay. So what was the responsibility of

11 Dipti?

12 A I don't fully know.

13 Q Whatever you know.

14 A In general, the development of new Insite ExC

15 Agents at that time, or ports of an Agent to a

16 different product operating system. So as

17 the -- I think she was LSD at the time, lead

18 system designer, she would handle the

19 documentation, a lot of the -- She was

20 responsible for delivering requirements,

21 document and -- design document and test plans

22 and things like that and making sure the

23 execution happened.

24 MS. TRIVEDI: I forgot, audio. Just

25 audio, okay?

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1 Q What was the -- Same about Alan Kuhn.

2 A What was the same? The same question?

3 Q Yes.

4 A I don't know what his role was at the time.

5 Q On Insite ExC?

6 A Right. I don't know exactly what his role

7 was.

8 Q He was LSD?

9 A He might have been. I don't know. I thought

10 Dipti was LSD at that time when you were

11 working on that project.

12 Q She was team lead.

13 A I don't know what a team lead is, because

14 that's not a title we typically have, so -- As

15 far as I know.

16 Q What is the same thing for Greg Stratton and

17 Nate Davis?

18 A What were their roles, their titles?

19 Q Yes, roles or responsibilities, job

20 description responsibility. My role was to do

21 low level design, write code, testing, do

22 FMEA, things like that. So in similar

23 context.

24 A Nate Davis was probably the architect at that

25 time for RSVP and ExC. Greg was also a lead

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1 system designer of part of that project. I

2 don't know which part, if it was the device

3 side or the Back-Office side. It might have

4 been both. It might have only been the device

5 side.

6 Q That's fine. Thank you.

7 A But that was the RSVP portion.

8 Q So you and I worked on Insite ExC Surgery

9 Integration because you were curious about

10 IPv6?

11 A Yes. You had asked for help, and you were

12 having some issues around the Linux port of

13 ExC. And since I sat across from you, I

14 offered to help.

15 Q Do you think around that time Greg Stratton

16 told you not to help me?

17 A I don't think he told me not to help you.

18 Q You were working with me, and given he was an

19 LSD of Insite ExC for a long time, he was not

20 providing me information, and I was brand new

21 to the company. I needed to learn about the

22 product before I do any --

23 And along being new, I needed some

24 information from LSDs and people like Alan

25 Kuhn and Dipti. And Dipti was kind of not

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1 giving information. She might have been very

2 busy --

3 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, you're

4 testifying. You're not asking a question.

5 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm trying to --

6 MR. SCULLEN: You need to ask a

7 question.

8 Q So because Curt Gran, who passed away in 2012,

9 we three of us mainly work for the security

10 portion. And Greg told you that you shouldn't

11 be working with me and I should be let

12 alone --

13 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, asked and

14 answered.

15 MS. TRIVEDI: That happened, so --

16 MR. SCULLEN: But you asked him that

17 question, he said no.

18 MS. TRIVEDI: I rephrased just to

19 clarify. I'm rephraseing it.

20 MR. SCULLEN: Right. I'm just

21 saying I object, it's asked and answered, but

22 he can answer again.


24 Q So what's your answer?

25 A So what was the question again specifically?

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1 Q Did Greg tell you or indicate that you -- not

2 indicate -- you directly or indirectly by

3 behavior or by body language in a way that,

4 Don't work -- help Madhuri --

5 A Greg and I did have one conversation about

6 that. We had been working together for a

7 while -- days, weeks, I don't know -- and Greg

8 had heard us talking, because we sit right

9 next to him. And he said not -- He did not

10 say don't get involved. He said you might --

11 something along the lines of if you get

12 involved, you might -- or you should leave

13 that for Dipti and Madhuri to work out in the

14 team. You have to -- They've got to figure

15 out their team dynamics. And if you get

16 involved, it will just drag you into things.

17 So he -- He didn't say don't get involved

18 technically or answer questions. He said

19 there is some team dynamics problems there,

20 they have to sort it out. Let them sort it

21 out.

22 Q So --

23 A So that was my first indication from someone,

24 other than talking to you, that there were

25 issues on that team.

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1 Q But it was December, 2012, so I was just

2 20 days old.

3 A Okay.

4 Q And I have an e-mail so I will show you, you

5 can see. And in 20 days, a person cannot be

6 that bad. And person needs at least a few

7 months to learn the product. In 20 months you

8 cannot just expect a person to do, you know --

9 I mean, it's just --

10 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, you're

11 testifying.

12 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm just surprised

13 that the things are done at GE --

14 MR. SCULLEN: This is not the

15 opportunity for you to express your surprise

16 or feelings. You're here to take a

17 deposition. This witness is here to answer --

18 MS. TRIVEDI: But he said when he

19 heard, so I'm clarifying things. I'm

20 continuing.

21 MR. SCULLEN: You need to ask a

22 question.

23 MS. TRIVEDI: Okay.

24 Q So I'm just asking that it was my -- I was

25 20 days old, and Dipti and Alan were not

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1 providing me product information. I needed to

2 learn, and Greg -- Greg was an LSD, so he

3 was -- Weren't you surprised that Greg was not

4 giving me or letting me learn product or

5 helping me learn the product?

6 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, assumes

7 facts not in evidence. And also

8 mischaracterizes his testimony.

9 MS. TRIVEDI: We had a conversation

10 that he was surprised long time back. He

11 might have forgotten, so that's why I'm trying

12 to have him recall certain things.

13 MR. SCULLEN: Remember, he can

14 answer the question if he --

15 THE WITNESS: Could you ask a

16 question again so I could --


18 Q So I was 20 days old. And in that period of

19 time, LSD leads, people like Dipti, Alan Kuhn

20 and Greg Stratton were supposed to get me up

21 to speed, give me information about the

22 product procedures and guidelines about GE

23 Healthcare, product integration. They were

24 not providing that.

25 You saw some of that as kind of not right

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1 thing, so that's why you felt that you should

2 work with me. So my question was that those

3 people were kind of not being inclusive.

4 Or is that the way things are done at GE

5 Healthcare, that people don't -- within

6 20 days or so, that people don't -- you leave

7 them alone even after -- within 20 days you

8 leave them alone?

9 A I don't remember when you started, so I don't

10 know that it was 20 days. Some of these --

11 Q I started on November 29th.

12 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, let him

13 finish his answer.

14 A These are dated from earlier in the year, like

15 March, so it's a lot longer than 20 days. So

16 I'm not sure.

17 Q These are December.

18 A Okay.

19 Q I join on November 29th.

20 MR. SCULLEN: Let's stop for a

21 second. If you're asking the witness -- Are

22 you going to mark this as an exhibit?

23 MS. TRIVEDI: Yes. You have all of

24 the --

25 MR. SCULLEN: So that the court

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1 reporter will mark it as an exhibit so it's

2 referenced.

3 MS. TRIVEDI: All right. Give her

4 whatever document you want to mark as an

5 exhibit.

6 (Off the record. Short recess taken.)

7 MS. TRIVEDI: You can mark this as

8 an e-mail from Dipti Patel -- e-mail to Dipti

9 Patel on December 8th, 2011.

10 (Exhibit No. 1 marked for identification.)

11 MR. SCULLEN: I don't think you

12 meant to include this. This is a different

13 e-mail.

14 MS. TRIVEDI: Right. So you told me

15 to ask him what --

16 MR. SCULLEN: I'm just saying to --

17 Part of my -- We can go off the record.

18 (Off the record discussion.)


20 Q So what was your experience or knowledge in

21 terms of those individuals providing me

22 information on December, 2011?

23 A Okay. In reading this e-mail, I'm not sure

24 that it's relevant other than a timeframe and

25 you were working on ExC, but --

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1 What I remember from that time is that

2 Greg did not offer and Al did not offer to

3 help you. Curt and I offered to help. But

4 numerous times during the time we would help,

5 you had questions along the lines of, Well,

6 I'm not sure what to do. This test fails,

7 what do I do? And I said, It depends what

8 your assignment is. Are you supposed to fix

9 the test plan or are you supposed to make sure

10 the software is working, and they're two

11 different tasks. And I said, Speak with

12 your -- whoever gave you the assignment,

13 Dipti, and clarify that.

14 And the next day, we would have the same

15 discussion over again, and I would say -- You

16 would ask me what to do, and I would say the

17 same thing: Figure out from your leader what

18 your real assignment is. Are you supposed to

19 fix the test plan or make sure the software

20 works, because you can't do both the way

21 they're written. The test plan works fine on

22 Windows, it doesn't work on Linux. You need

23 to sort this out with your leader.

24 It wasn't my job, because I wasn't

25 working on the project, and Greg and Al

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1 weren't offering to help. So I spoke up at

2 that time.

3 Q Thank you.

4 A So that's what I remember from that timeframe.

5 Q Right. And as I told you after those

6 discussion, I very clearly remember, that --

7 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm asking again a

8 question.

9 MR. SCULLEN: You're asking him what

10 you told him?

11 MS. TRIVEDI: No. The next question

12 before I ask a question, I need to have a

13 foundation.

14 Q So I did write back to Dipti and Al, but they

15 are not clear. And it was both, fixing a test

16 plan as well as testing, and that kept

17 changing continuously?

18 MR. SCULLEN: But I'm going to

19 object because you're not asking him -- He

20 can't testify to what you talked to Dipti

21 about.

22 MS. TRIVEDI: So I'm asking him.

23 Don't continually object. It breaks my

24 thoughts. And we have, you know -- I need --

25 So what I'm asking is -- What did I say?

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1 (Reporter read pending question.)

2 Q You have knowledge of that?

3 A I have knowledge of what I've told you in the

4 previous question. Are you saying knowledge

5 about --

6 Q Changing --

7 A No, I don't have knowledge that they changed

8 or that direction was changed. I don't know.

9 I had not heard that.

10 (Exhibit No. 2 marked for identification.)

11 Q Can you look at this? Do you remember when

12 working on Insite ExC Surgery Integration, we

13 found out a test plan where network packet

14 analyzer was used?

15 A Yes.

16 Q And the test plan developed by team leads Alan

17 Kuhn and Dipti Patel included screen shot

18 rather than actually having a SOAP message?

19 So when you analyze a packet --

20 A So I remember. Was there a question there

21 other than do I remember?

22 Q So you remember that, yes?

23 A Yes.

24 Q And we found that that was not correct, right?

25 It should be a SOAP -- the SOAP message, not a

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1 screen shot. They had a screen shot of an

2 ideal packet compared with the test packet by

3 a screen shot. So you take screen shot of

4 your ideal packet, and you test -- you take a

5 screen shot, and the test plan was written the

6 way -- by testing and comparing those two

7 screen shots.

8 And the correct way was to actually

9 capture a SOAP package and compare that with

10 the ideal SOAP package.

11 A My response to that is it isn't a matter of

12 correct or incorrect. What they had written

13 in the test plan and the screen shot and stuff

14 worked fine as long as you were testing on a

15 Windows computer. When you were now trying to

16 execute that test plan on a Linux computer,

17 you could not execute those tools.

18 The network packet capture did not run

19 because it only ran on Windows, and you were

20 on a Linux computer, so you could not complete

21 that test plan as it was written.

22 You could infer what it meant and find

23 the real meaning of the test and do it a

24 different way, but you couldn't, per the

25 letter of the test, pass the test.

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1 So was it correct or not? It depends.

2 It was correct, fine for Windows. It wasn't

3 working for Linux.

4 Q But in general, isn't it true that you

5 captured the SOAP message and -- I haven't

6 heard anyone --

7 A This is like kind of a --

8 MR. SCULLEN: Let him answer the

9 question.

10 Q Do you think that it was a hack? You know

11 hacking, right? We do that all of the time.

12 A Yes. Do I think the test plan was a hack?

13 Q Not a hack, the screen shot.

14 A It's not how I would have done it. But when

15 you were working solely on Windows, it worked

16 fine.

17 Q So why -- That's not how the way you would do

18 it. You said that's not how the way you would

19 do it?

20 A Because it's specific to Windows. If you know

21 you're going to run your test plan on Windows

22 and Linux and other versions of Linux, you

23 would write a more generic test plan.

24 But at the time, they had written ExC,

25 and they ported it to many Windows products,

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1 that test plan worked perfectly well for

2 years. It didn't work well once we changed to

3 Linux products.

4 Q So you would take screen shot and not capture

5 actual SOAP package?

6 A Well, I don't remember the test plan for sure.

7 But it wasn't a screen shot so much as cut and

8 paste the text of the screen, I thought.

9 Right? It was an actual -- you know, hex dump

10 of the bytes on the network layer, and there

11 would have been a much more friendly, human

12 readable way to do that, to write that test.

13 If I were writing it, I probably would

14 have written it different, but it worked the

15 way they said on Windows.

16 Q So even if you would have helped as a

17 principal engineer -- Suppose if I'm working

18 for you and you are my principal engineer, and

19 if I'm developing a test plan for that, and if

20 I have done that by copying instead of

21 capturing actual SOAP package, and if you

22 would have to review, would you tell me to

23 change it or -- You know what I'm going to

24 say, right?

25 A No, I don't know what you're going to say.

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1 Q Even if you had to work it only on Windows,

2 would you have it done the way it was done or

3 you would have it done differently?

4 A I don't know.

5 Q What's the engineering practice? Shouldn't --

6 My point was that the knowledge -- the

7 networking knowledge that you don't capture

8 the hex byte even for Windows to work doesn't

9 mean the actual engineering practice is to

10 capture a SOAP message and not the hex --

11 A The SOAP message and the hex bytes of that

12 SOAP message are the same thing. It's like

13 having text written in French and English.

14 The meaning of the words is the same. It's

15 just two different representations of the same

16 thing.

17 If you're looking at the network layer

18 and watching the bytes go by, you will see the

19 hex. You won't see the SOAP message. It's

20 not until you translate them into ASCII

21 English code that you will see the SOAP

22 message, but the SOAP message is there.

23 MS. TRIVEDI: Off the record.

24 (Off the record discussion.)

25 MR. SCULLEN: Let's go back on the

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1 record. I want to note for the record that

2 Ms. Trivedi just instructed the witness not to

3 answer in as much detail because the

4 arbitrator wouldn't be able to follow that

5 much detail.

6 MS. TRIVEDI: That's a

7 misrepresentation of what I said, and it's

8 misleading. I am objecting. What I said is

9 that Mr. Barbiaux need not go in very, very

10 engineering detail of the problem because it's

11 not needed, and even for arbitrator. The

12 point is to investigate and understand

13 employment problem, not engineering problem.

14 MR. SCULLEN: But the problem,

15 Ms. Trivedi, you don't like the answers you're

16 getting. They're not nice, neat answers that

17 fit into your theory of the case, which -- I

18 mean, all of this line of questioning

19 ultimately is totally irrelevant, for one

20 thing.

21 Secondly, the witness -- You can't force

22 the witness not to provide the accurate answer

23 just because it may be more complex than what

24 fits into your theory of the case.


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1 Q Do you recall that you and I spoke with Dipti

2 about the same SOAP package, and Dipti

3 resisted that it needed to be changed?

4 A I don't recall that the three of us spoke

5 together, but we might have. I don't

6 remember.

7 Q Do you remember any conversation with Dipti or

8 Alan or Greg about this, and you mentioned --

9 A No, I don't.

10 Q -- they should be -- Even for Windows it was

11 fine, it was kind of a hack; but in general,

12 and even for Linux, it should be done the way

13 I was proposing. And I expressed concern that

14 Alan, Greg and Dipti were not accepting that?

15 A Right. I do remember the situation there. I

16 remember telling you how you could do the

17 packet capture on Linux using Wireshark, and

18 that would also have worked on Windows, and

19 the test plan could be rewritten and make it

20 human readable, and you would see the SOAP

21 text and make it readable instead of the

22 binary or hex dump. I remember several

23 discussions on that with you.

24 I don't remember any discussions with

25 anyone else. There might have been, but I

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1 don't remember them.

2 Q I'm trying to refresh your memory. When I

3 expressed that those individuals were not

4 accepting this and were kind of upset about

5 that, you spoke briefly with either one of

6 them and mentioned that this is the way it

7 should be done for Windows and Linux, and they

8 should be -- why they are not accepting it,

9 what's the problem. Because I remember we had

10 that. But a long time, so it's fine if you --

11 A Right.

12 Q So you don't remember?

13 A I don't remember. I know we talked about it

14 in our aisle at your desk and mine, and Greg

15 sat right next to us, so he may have heard

16 that discussion. But I don't remember having

17 a discussion with anyone else but you. We

18 might have, but I don't recall that.

19 Q When Dipti came to that aisle, you mentioned

20 that they should be accepting this, and what's

21 the problem, why they're resisting.

22 A That's quite possible, but I don't remember

23 all of the conversations I have in the

24 hallway.

25 Q So that's quite possible, he said. Okay.

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1 That's fine. Do you remember that Insite ExC

2 Surgery Agent for HeliOS, during testing, we

3 were able to access the Agent on several

4 ports, including IPv6 and IPv4?

5 A Um-hum. Yes.

6 Q And what should be the ideal -- Should it be

7 that way or it should not be that way?

8 Because when I was testing, I found out that

9 it was working on multiple ports randomly.

10 The ports would change, and it was working on

11 IPv6 and IPv4 both.

12 A So does Agent --

13 Q Does Insite ExC Agent normally work that way,

14 or it works only for one port or it should

15 work only for one port?

16 A ExC Agents should only work on the specific

17 configured port for each protocol.

18 Q All right.

19 A So the VNC should be on a VNC port, things

20 like that.

21 Q The ExC Agent was working on IPv6 and IPv4,

22 and it was considered security issue, right,

23 because --

24 A Possibly.

25 Q Can you be specific? Possibly or --

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1 A Well, this is getting very technical, so --

2 MR. SCULLEN: Let him finish his

3 answer before you start marking documents.

4 A You were working on a test of a new port. It

5 wasn't released, right? So it wasn't -- The

6 product was not out in the field.

7 This wasn't a terrible security lapse.

8 It was, Oh, isn't this interesting. The way

9 the service is set up, it listens for both on

10 IPv4 networks and IPv6 networks, which nobody

11 realized at the time. So that was eye-opening

12 for me and for others that IPv6 is now turned

13 on by default. We need to start concerning

14 ourselves with it because it might open

15 security holes.

16 Q So you considered that was a security

17 vulnerability?

18 A A possible security vulnerability.

19 Q And what do you think about my work on that

20 point? As you already said, that you also

21 came to know about that after me working --

22 you, me and three of us start working

23 together, and that led you more -- that got

24 you more interested in that because you wanted

25 to know.

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1 So given that you considered that that

2 was good work, that was needed work with --

3 A Well, I do remember that I was the one who

4 pointed out to you that IPv6 was available and

5 it was listening there. I'm not sure you knew

6 about it at the time.

7 I had been working on an IPv6 advanced

8 technology program, so I was surprised by it

9 and used your test system to test some IPv6

10 stuff, and I pointed it out to you, so -- Was

11 it great work? I don't know.

12 Q Not great, but in terms --

13 A It was stuff we discovered in the course of

14 working on a different issue, so --.

15 Q I remember I found something -- I tested and I

16 found that it was working on different ports,

17 and then I came to you to -- even you are a

18 networking expert, I wanted an expert opinion.

19 And then you and Curt confirmed that, and you

20 led me to more detail because you were already

21 working on that.

22 But the reason I came to you was to

23 confirm these things because you are an

24 expert, and I wanted an expert opinion. And

25 it was a networking issue and you were a

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1 networking expert. So then -- So my point was

2 that --

3 MR. SCULLEN: Do you have a point or

4 a question?

5 MS. TRIVEDI: The question was --

6 That's okay.

7 THE WITNESS: It is cold in here.

8 (Off the record discussion.)


10 Q The question was that the the test results and

11 the investigation we were doing or I started

12 doing for IPv6 led to people who were longer

13 with GST or people who are leads, principal

14 engineers like you, came to know, one, about

15 the possible security vulnerability.

16 The second thing they came to know about

17 having Agent accessible on another port, like

18 IPv6 or IPv4 for first time, right, because it

19 didn't happen before?

20 MR. SCULLEN: Object as to complex

21 and vague.

22 A What I remember about the situation was I told

23 you about IPv6 and pointed out that it was

24 also listening there. I also remember issues

25 around the VNC listener service that you had

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1 difficulty getting started because it wasn't

2 configured properly on the product, and you

3 had a lot of questions about how is it

4 supposed to run? Is it set up by the modality

5 or is it set up by ExC.

6 And because it was a test system, whoever

7 had configured it before set it up differently

8 than we would see it in a product. So you

9 were uncovering difficulties with that test

10 system and how it was configured surrounding

11 VNC and stuff.

12 The IPv6 stuff I pointed out to you

13 because I was working on a project, and I used

14 your test system to test some things that I

15 figured out.

16 So there were issues around VNC and

17 getting that set up, and it was sometimes

18 listening on the correct port and sometimes

19 the wrong port, and it wasn't the right

20 version that was installed, and there were

21 several issues around that.

22 MS. TRIVEDI: Can you make a note he

23 said there were several issues around --

24 (Off the record discussion with reporter.)


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1 Q So what's your observation on Dipti, Alan and

2 Greg cooperation with me about this security

3 issue when I was working on?

4 A I don't really recall. I do -- About what

5 they thought. I don't know what they thought.

6 I remember asking you several times, Talk with

7 the rest of your team to figure out the right

8 way.

9 And I remember giving you pointers about

10 how VNC is supposed to run and things, but I

11 don't remember specifics about other people

12 involved in that.

13 Q Did I tell you that those people were not

14 cooperative and they didn't want me to

15 investigate further or they were kind of being

16 reckless? They were overconfident that it has

17 worked for long time on Windows, what's the

18 problem?

19 A I remember in general like that, where they

20 were having -- they didn't realize that Linux

21 was fundamentally different and things that

22 had worked for them fine in the past didn't

23 work. And that's where there were some

24 confusion, difficulties, whatever, sorting

25 that out.

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1 Q So there were issues where I was trying to

2 insert -- or I was trying to bring into light

3 the issues of security, possible security

4 vulnerability, VNC server had all

5 configuration issues, whether modality

6 configures, and their response was that,

7 What's the problem? It has always worked,

8 so --

9 Is it considered negligence, kind of, or

10 is it considered recklessness because it

11 was -- they were just being overconfident?

12 MR. SCULLEN: I'm going to object.

13 Are you asking him now -- There were several

14 statements and comments in there.

15 MS. TRIVEDI: Okay.

16 MR. SCULLEN: Are you asking him

17 about what you told him or what he knew from

18 having observed them?

19 MS. TRIVEDI: Both.

20 MR. SCULLEN: Then you need to

21 clarify and break that down.


23 Q Both.

24 A I'm not sure I caught the question.

25 MS. TRIVEDI: Can you read it?

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1 (Reporter read pending question.)

2 A I don't think it's -- I would consider it

3 negligence. I think they didn't realize that

4 what worked fine on Windows doesn't always

5 work on Linux, and that was their education

6 period.

7 And you were in the middle of that

8 because your job was to figure this out and

9 there were problems figuring that out. So I

10 don't know that there is any blame. It's just

11 things that you've been doing the same way for

12 years and have worked fine, suddenly they

13 don't work, and it's a little surprising to

14 you. So that's something you have to sort

15 through, and sometimes that takes time. Do I

16 blame them? No.

17 Q Do you expect them to do it differently?

18 A Differently the next time?

19 Q That point. If you would be them, would you

20 have been more open and accepting to a new

21 person who just joined, was one month old, and

22 bringing up these tons of issues indirectly,

23 because I was assigned. It was not I was just

24 doing intentionally that. That was my job

25 that I was hired to do. And as part of my job

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1 duty, I was addressing those -- I was bringing

2 those issue into the light, and they -- I was

3 kind of beaten up on the whole time that --

4 MR. SCULLEN: I'm going to object.

5 Q I'm just -- I'm the person who is just

6 bringing out issue, but it was them who had

7 just -- It was -- They were neglecting or

8 being -- as you said, what -- They were used

9 to one thing for a long period of time and

10 then it was a learning period for them.

11 A Right.

12 Q So would you have blamed me or should they

13 blame me?

14 MR. SCULLEN: I'm going to object as

15 to both hypothetical and also assumes facts

16 not in evidence. He has not testified that

17 he's aware that they blamed you or that they

18 weren't willing to -- that they treated you

19 poorly. He hasn't testified to any of that.


21 Q So do you think, given the circumstances of

22 what happened and their behavior and their

23 treatment, including Dave Mehring's, is it

24 considered proper treatment given that they

25 had to learn new things and they were all

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1 confident and borderline negligence or --

2 MR. SCULLEN: Object as to what

3 treatment you're referring to.

4 A Yeah. I'm not aware of their interactions

5 with you. I'm aware about my interactions

6 with you about that issue, and that's the

7 extent of my knowledge.

8 So you and I had discussions about the

9 test plan needs to change or things that

10 worked fine on Windows don't work on Linux,

11 and I remember asking you several times, You

12 need to take that to your team leader. I'm

13 not working on your project. I don't know

14 exactly what your assignment is. Go back and

15 figure that out.

16 Q And did I express my frustration to you that

17 those team leads, including manager, were kind

18 of being overconfident thinking that it has

19 worked on Windows. I expressed serious -- as

20 we used to talk a lot -- Do you recall that I

21 expressed that they are not taking it

22 positively?

23 A I don't recall that from the -- during the

24 time it was happening. I recall you saying

25 that later.

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1 Q When?

2 A In discussions throughout your time at GE when

3 we would talk, I remember you bringing up that

4 time period a lot and saying, They weren't

5 listening to me, or whatever, some of the

6 things you just said.

7 At that time, I remember us discussing

8 it, and you would ask me, What do I do, and I

9 would say, Go back to your team and figure out

10 what the assignment is. I don't know what

11 your assignment is, so --.

12 Q So in your opinion, the work I did for -- I

13 did for security VNC server issues on Surgery

14 was good work, and it was good for GST given

15 that I was a couple of months old within the

16 company, and it was -- I was bringing tons of

17 issues, and it was too much for them.

18 I was expressing tons of concerns, and it

19 was truth. It was not just -- It was

20 happening. Things were not working the way

21 they were supposed to.

22 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, compound.

23 A Getting back to what I think was a question --

24 Q Good work for GST.

25 A Yes. Technically, I thought what you were

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1 doing -- a lot of what you were doing made

2 sense. A lot of it was advice I was giving

3 you on IPv6 and on VNC, and of course I would

4 think it made sense because we worked together

5 on it. So technically that wasn't the

6 problem.

7 Q I didn't understand what --

8 A I don't think there were any technical

9 problems with what you worked on. If there

10 were problems at that time, it was in

11 communicating, because you would ask me every

12 day the same question and what to do about it,

13 and I would give you the same answer, and that

14 never seemed to change. The technical stuff

15 was fine. The communication stuff was

16 difficult.

17 Q Did I tell you that -- Did I come back and

18 tell you the same, that I'm talking with Dave

19 Mehring, I'm talking to all team leads, and

20 they are just giving me cold shoulder, and you

21 are the only person who would listen to -- not

22 the only, but you are the person who were

23 diligently listening to my concerns.

24 And it was my job, as a test engineer, to

25 do the testing, so if they don't listen to me,

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1 I'm not going to sign a test.

2 MR. SCULLEN: Are you now asking a

3 question or are you making a statement? Is

4 there a question? What's the question?

5 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm trying to form

6 what I said. I know he said to go back and

7 ask your team leads, and I came back and I

8 said they are giving me cold shoulder, and I

9 had serious concerns that I was not well

10 received when I was raising concerns and I was

11 not getting any cooperation.

12 Q And so the reason I came back to you again --

13 MR. SCULLEN: Now you're not saying

14 what you told him --

15 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm confirming. Can

16 you read all that again?

17 MR. SCULLEN: Just ask a question.

18 You need to ask him what you told him, if

19 that's your question.

20 MS. TRIVEDI: Can you read all over

21 again?

22 (Reporter read previous question.)


24 Q Right.

25 A And I missed the question in that.

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1 Q Do you recall this, that I came back -- that

2 after talking with you and you suggesting me

3 to go back, I came back that, Okay, I did

4 that, but here is what's happening?

5 A We probably talked about that at some time. I

6 remember us having the same conversation over

7 and over again, saying, Clear it with your

8 team, figure out what your assignment is.

9 And I was getting frustrated because you

10 would come back with the same question, "What

11 do I do?"

12 Q And --

13 A So I don't know what happened with your

14 discussion with someone else.

15 MS. TRIVEDI: He said that ten

16 times, so I need to -- If his point is to

17 come -- He said that ten times, so I need to

18 tell him that we do not repeat the same thing

19 he said 15 or 20 times.

20 Q So what I'm saying is, I did come back to you,

21 and I did say that -- as you inserted, I went

22 back and told them the same security and all

23 those quality concerns, but they were not

24 listening to me.

25 And I was new. I was concerned that

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1 given that's a regulated environment and I'm

2 responsible for testing, I'm not going to just

3 compromise my integrity.

4 MR. SCULLEN: Are you asking him

5 whether you said that to him?

6 MS. TRIVEDI: Not exact word, but

7 I'm just trying to set up the team, that it

8 was not that he was talking to me and I was

9 not -- I was going and talking to them, but

10 they were --

11 MR. SCULLEN: So just ask a

12 question.


14 Q Do you recall that, any of that, a little bit

15 of that?

16 A Yes. I remember lots of discussions with you,

17 and you probably expressed difficulty that you

18 couldn't get your point across to either Dave

19 or your team. But that's --

20 Q So you think that there are security issues,

21 they are being overconfident, they have

22 learning point, and I'm having difficulty

23 getting my point across? There is culpable

24 negligence by managers and team leads, and

25 person who is showing their recklessness has a

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1 problem getting a point across? Is this -- I

2 mean, is this legal, regulated? I have talked

3 with FDA and they said no.

4 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, assumes

5 facts not in evidence. Complex, confusing,

6 but go ahead and answer.

7 A The security aspect is a separate issue. That

8 was IPv6 stuff and things like that. That was

9 new and not really the point of the discussion

10 at the time. That wasn't a big issue.

11 The test plan working on Windows versus

12 Linux was an issue. And I remember several

13 conversations with you and conversations I

14 ultimately had with Dave to make sure he was

15 aware that technically some of the things you

16 were working on were good and important, and

17 the difference between Windows and Linux was

18 important, and the rest of the team should

19 know about that.

20 There were also communication issues, as

21 evidenced -- we went over numerous times.

22 That's a different issue. That was the real

23 problem. The technical things weren't --

24 Those were solvable problems. Getting to that

25 point was the difficulty.

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1 Q Right. So the point is, on my second month at

2 GE, I raise this security vulnerability

3 issues, quality issues. They were not

4 listening to me, as you said. They didn't

5 even -- They had a learning curve to

6 differentiate between Windows and Linux. Even

7 though IPv6 was kind of along the line, you

8 cannot pass a test when it's hackable by IPv6

9 and IPv4 technology.

10 So technically, you cannot just say that,

11 Okay, well, you know, IPv6 is future, but you

12 don't -- It's not present. But if it's

13 hackable on IPv6, then that's a failed test,

14 so it's -- It was required -- They were not

15 anticipating that. They were not aware.

16 Even engineering manager and team leads

17 who were working that for a decade had zero

18 knowledge and understanding technically. They

19 had no technical understanding or prior

20 technical knowledge about this issue. They

21 didn't understand, and then they were not even

22 listening to me.

23 So do you think that that's considered --

24 That's -- What do you think of that type of

25 behavior?

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1 MR. SCULLEN: Object, assumes facts

2 not in evidence. Mischaracterizes his

3 testimony. He hasn't testified that he's

4 aware, from his personal knowledge, that they

5 weren't listening to you or any of the

6 other --

7 MS. TRIVEDI: No. He said that I was

8 having difficulty getting my point across.

9 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, let me

10 finish the objection. He hasn't --

11 Mischaracterizes his testimony. Part of your

12 statement/question was repeatedly saying that

13 they weren't listening to you. He hasn't

14 testified that he's aware of that from his

15 personal knowledge.

16 You testified to -- You made a number of

17 other statements that are facts not in

18 evidence and/or they mischaracterize his

19 testimony. The question is complex and

20 confusing. You can answer if you can.

21 MS. TRIVEDI: That's the crux.

22 That's the problem. So they are going to

23 defend this. Do we need to put a hostile

24 witness deposition in here or -- considering a

25 hostile witness? (Ms. Trivedi asking

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1 reporter.)

2 REPORTER: I don't know what you're

3 talking about.

4 MS. TRIVEDI: He's my witness for

5 trial, but at trial you can consider a hostile

6 witness, right? You know the legal term?

7 MR. SCULLEN: I don't know what

8 you're talking about in the context of this.

9 No, I have no idea.

10 MS. TRIVEDI: It's not in

11 deposition, it's at the trial time, right?

12 MR. SCULLEN: Correct.

13 MS. TRIVEDI: He was my witness, but

14 if it's on the GE side, then it's considered

15 hostile witness.

16 MR. SCULLEN: It doesn't have any

17 application --

18 MS. TRIVEDI: It's at the trial

19 time.

20 MR. SCULLEN: I think you're totally

21 misconstruing a legal term that you don't

22 understand, but let's move on.

23 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm just saying it's

24 not at a deposition. Okay. That's fine.


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1 Q So you did say that you -- What did you say

2 about me getting my point across for

3 security-related work?

4 A In my perception, that was -- from my point of

5 view, that was the difficulty. The

6 communication between the team members was the

7 difficulty. It wasn't a technical thing. The

8 security and IPv6 was irrelevant. Nobody knew

9 about that issue, including myself. And

10 that's what I was investigating at the time.

11 We know about it now. There are lots of

12 changes and IPv6 firewalls and things. That's

13 sort of a moot point. The difficulty was

14 communicating among the team members.

15 Q So if you don't -- So if you and other senior

16 managers and team leads don't know the

17 technology and a new person is trying to bring

18 this up, is it considered the person having

19 difficulty getting a point across?

20 A I'm not sure I followed, but I will take a

21 shot. The -- Like I said before, the

22 technical issues were not the real issue. The

23 communication between you and team members,

24 among team members, was the issue.

25 The security issue and stuff is a side

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1 issue, and I pointed out most of those issues

2 to you.

3 Q You confirmed most of the issues, not pointed

4 out. You confirmed. Being an expert, you are

5 a networking expert, so you confirmed. You

6 are an expert --

7 A Yes.

8 Q -- person?

9 A Yes, but I believe that you did not even --

10 you did not even know IPv6 until I pointed it

11 out to you and I noticed that it was listening

12 on a different network and connected to it

13 and --

14 Q I knew some, but you also knew because this

15 was December, 2011, and you and Curt had IPv6

16 training in May, 2012, for three days.

17 MR. SCULLEN: Are you asking a

18 question or making a statement, Ms. Trivedi?

19 Q Do you recall that, you and Curt had IPv6

20 training in May, 2012?

21 A I don't know the date. I know Curt and Kevin,

22 Jay and myself took a week of IPv6 training.

23 Q And it was May, 2012. So it was six months

24 after this.

25 A I don't remember.

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1 Q You can go back and check. It was six months

2 after happening of this. So even for you --

3 You are an expert, but IPv6 was -- Because I

4 know it was May, 2006, that you and Curt

5 went -- had a week-long training. April or

6 May.

7 So my point was that -- I shouldn't use

8 my point with word several time. There were

9 issues. They were not realizing difference

10 between Windows and Linux and how test should

11 work. They were being negligent in addressing

12 that, and they diverted their ignorance and

13 their --

14 It's not considered -- Do you think is it

15 considered good engineering practice?

16 MR. SCULLEN: Objection as to vague.

17 What --

18 A Yeah, what --

19 MR. SCULLEN: What are you referring

20 to?

21 A -- is good engineering practice?

22 Q To not give a test engineer enough time to

23 investigate these issues?

24 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, assumes

25 facts not in evidence. You can answer.

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1 Q Do you remember I asked more time and I -- I

2 had to go back and forth several time. I come

3 to you, I go to them, I come to you, and every

4 time you told me to go to them, I went to

5 them, and they were just giving me cold

6 shoulder. They just wanted me to -- They just

7 pretty much overconfident.

8 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, he can't

9 testify as to what you did with those people.

10 This is the point --

11 Q You remember they didn't give me much time?

12 A I don't know how much time. I think I

13 remember you saying they're asking me to get

14 this done, and we had the same conversation

15 over, talk to them and point out the

16 differences and, you know, the difficulties

17 between Linux and Windows. That's the issue I

18 remember.

19 Q So do you think that you, manager and team

20 leads, not having prior knowledge of IPv6 and

21 security vulnerability has anything to do with

22 me getting my point across and communication,

23 or it's you, managers and team leads not

24 having the technical knowledge?

25 So if those individuals, including you,

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1 didn't have technical knowledge, should my

2 communication skill be considered -- you and

3 other managers and team leads lack of

4 technical knowledge was the problem, because

5 you already said that it was -- they were

6 learning.

7 So when they were learning, how can

8 they -- When they were learning, and they

9 didn't even have technical knowledge,

10 including you, as you said, would it consider

11 me having issue with getting my point across

12 or it's considered they not even having

13 technical knowledge?

14 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, vague.

15 Q It was me educating them along with you and

16 me. I was also educating myself. I know I

17 went once at Nobles and got 10 books. I spent

18 several weekends sitting whole day and

19 reading, because I cannot buy 12 books, it's

20 expensive.

21 So I remember going spending whole

22 Sunday -- Saturday and Sunday and reading

23 whole day, 10 Linux books. And then I come to

24 you on Monday and -- because I was concerned

25 that I was working on OEC Surgery and FDA had

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1 halted the sales. And in my opinion, it was

2 culpable negligence from their part;

3 therefore, it was recklessness and culpable

4 negligence --

5 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, you've

6 just spent the last several minutes making a

7 statement, not asking a question.

8 MS. TRIVEDI: I did ask -- What was

9 the question? I was trying to have him talk

10 because he's -- he's different guy. I need

11 information. That's the truth, and I need to

12 have the truth.

13 Q If they don't know technical thing, is it fair

14 and legal to blame my communication or getting

15 me? I know it's in my EMS Madhuri has a point

16 across. But you, including you and managers,

17 don't -- don't have technical skills. Is it

18 my role to educate you or communicate to you

19 and have you learn that, or it's, you know,

20 the other side's fault that they don't know

21 technical things?

22 A Let me recount a little bit here from that

23 timeframe. At the time I first worked with

24 you on this issue in the Linux versus Windows,

25 there were difficulties -- you know, you had

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1 difficulties finishing that test plan in a

2 timely manner, you said. And I kept asking

3 you to talk with your team --

4 Q Can I interrupt?

5 MR. SCULLEN: No, you have to let

6 the witness finish his answer.

7 A Let me finish saying what I'm saying. And

8 then I thought this is something maybe I can

9 help with. I should talk to Dave to make sure

10 since you were expressing concerns to me about

11 getting your point across to the team or the

12 difficulties with that.

13 So I thought I should talk to Dave and

14 make sure he knows that these are technical --

15 there are technical issues here that the team

16 needs to sort out, Linux, Windows, the test

17 plan needs to change, things like that, and

18 that in itself should not reflect poorly on

19 your performance --

20 Q Of communication?

21 A -- of communication. That these technical

22 things here should not be affected -- or

23 should not influence his opinion of your

24 communication skills because there are

25 technical issues, and I just wanted him to

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1 know that.

2 Eventually, I know that he got that

3 point. And over time I realized that the

4 technical issues were not the problem. The

5 communication issues stayed.

6 Q Right, because technical issues stayed. You

7 were not in RSVP, so you don't know anything.

8 You already said you were not in RSVP, so

9 those technical issues stayed.

10 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, misstates

11 his testimony.

12 A I was in RSVP from the beginning.

13 Q You were, but you were not on the project.

14 A I wasn't always on the core team. I was a

15 member of RSVP from the beginning.

16 Q At high level?

17 A Right, at various times.

18 Q So first in the beginning you said that you

19 didn't know the develop level, low level

20 tasks, so you don't know the technical issue.

21 Do you know technical issues in RSVP, any --

22 A Some, yes.

23 Q How many? 10 percent, 50 percent?

24 A I have no way of estimating.

25 Q You have little bit of knowledge of technical

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1 issues in RSVP?

2 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, vague.

3 A Yeah.

4 Q Do you have low level technical information

5 about RSVP?

6 A It's too vague.

7 Q You already --

8 A Some I do, some I don't. I don't know --

9 Q First you said that you worked on the RSVP

10 project in the beginning at the very early

11 stage, at high level, starting the direction.

12 This was your exact wording today.

13 A Yes.

14 Q So now you are saying that you are aware of

15 the technical low level issues?

16 A It depends on the type of issue.

17 Q So first you said this, and now you are -- you

18 want to correct yourself or --

19 MR. SCULLEN: Objection.


21 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, you're

22 arguing with the witness. Just ask a

23 question.

24 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm not arguing. He's

25 just changing his statement or he misstate

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1 something, which he didn't intentionally do.

2 MR. SCULLEN: You can clarify, but

3 you're --

4 MS. TRIVEDI: This is left and right.

5 First he said that he was involved only in the

6 beginning at high level.

7 MR. SCULLEN: That wasn't his

8 testimony.

9 MS. TRIVEDI: Can you find? That's

10 what you said today. Do you remember?

11 MR. SCULLEN: He never said he was

12 involved only in the beginning of the project.

13 THE WITNESS: I said I was involved

14 all the way through when GEIP and RSVP --

15 right -- RSVP was a project that encompassed

16 several years. We were doing it with GEIP. I

17 wasn't on the core team. I was involved

18 early.

19 So every new phase of the project, I'm

20 involved early when the direction changes or

21 something or we start a next phase, but I'm

22 not on the day-to-day technical details. So

23 I'm not aware of all of the technical details.

24 But just this morning I was working on

25 some very low level technical details on the

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1 RSVP project with Nate. So I'm aware of some

2 of them, not all of them. There are hundreds

3 of technical details on any project.


5 Q So you would confirm that on the RSVP GEIP

6 project, you didn't know or you were not aware

7 of many of the technical issues -- You are not

8 involved in day-to-day activities. You

9 wouldn't be able to confirm about some -- you

10 know, whether the technical issues existed or

11 you wouldn't have actually real factual

12 knowledge of those.

13 It would be you heard few of them, you

14 were involved on few of them, and it's just

15 that is all you know. Is that correct?

16 A That could be correct. I'm aware of some of

17 the technical issues on programs, not all of

18 them.

19 Q So if there would be technical issues that

20 were happening on RSVP, you cannot confirm

21 that you knew them?

22 MR. SCULLEN: He just testified

23 three times he knows some of them and not all

24 of them. Either ask him about specific issues

25 or you need to move on.

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1 Q Do you know that there was several

2 requirement -- missing requirement issues in

3 RSVP, including not having a delete function,

4 not having an auto log-out, security and HIPAA

5 vulnerability -- change that -- HIPAA missing

6 requirement? Do you know that or you don't?

7 A I don't remember those specifics.

8 Q Because we have that. So you cannot confirm

9 that you knew about specific technical issues,

10 which were even higher severity?

11 MR. SCULLEN: Higher severity than

12 what?

13 THE WITNESS: Than what? Yeah.

14 MS. TRIVEDI: Higher severity in

15 terms of contravention of code, so that's

16 contravention of law.

17 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, assumes

18 facts not in evidence.

19 REPORTER: Can we take a break?

20 MS. TRIVEDI: Sure.

21 (Off the record. Short recess taken. Exhibit

22 Nos. 3-7 marked for identification. Reporter

23 read previous testimony.)

24 MS. TRIVEDI: So we will go back on

25 the record.

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1 Q I needed more time in order to finish Insite

2 ExC test given there were security

3 vulnerability issues, and initially managers

4 and team leads didn't anticipate the security

5 issues, so original time given to me to

6 perform this testing was not enough given

7 there was security issues, so I needed to have

8 more time.

9 So that's different than me not able to

10 finish the testing in timely manner, which he

11 was saying, but actually what happened or

12 anyone would say --

13 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, this --

14 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm just trying to

15 correct because --

16 MR. SCULLEN: You don't get to

17 correct his testimony. You ask questions here

18 and the witness answers questions. That's

19 what happens at a deposition.

20 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm making --

21 MR. SCULLEN: But you don't make

22 statements, you ask questions.

23 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm not making a

24 statement.

25 MR. SCULLEN: You are. You just

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1 made a two-minute statement.

2 MS. TRIVEDI: You told me that --

3 And another thing is, I didn't tell him -- He

4 said he -- I told -- I didn't tell Bill --

5 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, we're not

6 going to continue the deposition if you --

7 MS. TRIVEDI: I need to make --

8 MR. SCULLEN: You need to ask the

9 witness questions. That's what happens at a

10 deposition.

11 MS. TRIVEDI: In my answer, if he

12 tells that I told him something --

13 MR. SCULLEN: You don't answer at a

14 deposition.

15 MS. TRIVEDI: If he tells that I

16 told him something, and if he didn't, given it

17 was long time back, I need to tell him that

18 that's not what I said.

19 MR. SCULLEN: That's not what

20 happens at a deposition. You can do that at

21 the hearing. All you can do at this

22 deposition is ask questions that the witness

23 will answer. If you don't agree with those

24 answers, you don't -- this is not your

25 opportunity to contest that.

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1 MS. TRIVEDI: That's fine.

2 Q All right. So you agree that the first part

3 you said about Insite ExC, that there were

4 technical issues and not my communication

5 issue, period. Is that correct?

6 For Insite ExC only right now. Not

7 only -- For Insite ExC period of time, you

8 already said that on record, right?

9 MR. SCULLEN: Objection,

10 mischaracterizes his testimony.

11 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm just trying to --

12 THE WITNESS: I can repeat what I

13 said.

14 MS. TRIVEDI: She read that, right?

15 MR. SCULLEN: You're asking him to

16 say what he said, right?

17 THE WITNESS: You asked do I agree

18 that, but -- I agree with what I said. I can

19 restate my statement. But if you're asking do

20 I agree with you --


22 Q You don't agree with me, that's fine.

23 A No.

24 Q But you already said that team needed to sort

25 out technical issue. So it was not me getting

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1 my point across, but team having technical

2 issue, including managers and you?

3 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, that's not

4 what he said.

5 Q Is that correct?

6 MR. SCULLEN: That's not what he

7 said.

8 MS. TRIVEDI: Let me ask my

9 question.

10 Q Is that correct? That for Insite ExC,

11 manager, team leads and you, including you,

12 had a learning curve in terms of technology

13 and the security issues?

14 A There were technical issues on ExC and there

15 were also communication issues --

16 Q And --

17 A -- on ExC, on that project and other projects

18 after that.

19 Q I will ask only -- Answer only I ask you. You

20 don't have to build -- You are not defending

21 company and you are not making a case here, so

22 you just ask for only specific thing I ask you

23 today. So I only ask for ExC, so you need not

24 just make this, you know, whole picture.

25 So what I ask, for Insite ExC period,

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1 there were technical challenges to managers,

2 you and team leads where they didn't have

3 knowledge or skills or ability to anticipate

4 and understand these very issues. Is that

5 correct?

6 A Well, yes, there were technical issues on the

7 ExC project.

8 Q And you already said that given the amount of

9 technical issues and managers and leads not

10 able to differentiate Linux and Windows test

11 environment, I shouldn't be held -- or I

12 shouldn't be blamed for my communication issue

13 for Insite ExC part?

14 MR. SCULLEN: Objection.

15 Q There was this whole technical issue --

16 MR. SCULLEN: Misstates his

17 testimony, but --

18 A I think I said you shouldn't be blamed for the

19 technical issues. There were technical issues

20 here and that should not reflect poorly on

21 your performance.

22 Q In terms of communication. You already said

23 that on record. She already read that once.

24 A And maybe I said that. And what I meant was

25 the technical issues you shouldn't be dinged

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1 on, right, or they shouldn't be black marks on

2 your record.

3 Q Even though you don't know technical thing, my

4 having a problem in my communication because

5 you cannot understand technical thing. Is

6 that true?

7 A Wait. Are you asking if I -- I'm not sure

8 what that means.

9 Q So suppose a person doesn't understand

10 technical thing and the opposite person is

11 communicating, is the other person having a

12 communication problem and the other person

13 being communicated doesn't have technical

14 knowledge or skills needed, so they have

15 basically --

16 It's like, okay, I don't know algebra and

17 you are talking -- and my job is to do some

18 work algebra and you tell me you are having a

19 communication problem because I don't know

20 algebra. So the person has a problem. But,

21 well, I don't know algebra.

22 So is it my problem that I'm talking to

23 you about algebra or it's your problem that

24 you don't know algebra?

25 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, speculative

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1 and confusing, vague. Go ahead if you can

2 answer.

3 A I will take a stab at answering. Technical

4 issues -- There are real technical issues.

5 The team around ExC had some technical

6 problems. There were also communication

7 issues. Sometimes the two interact, right?

8 If I'm telling you about some technical

9 thing that's brand new to you, it may seem

10 like communication issues. But until you

11 have, you know, the same -- roughly the same

12 amount of technical understanding in any two

13 people --

14 But there are also communication issues

15 that are independent of the technical issues.

16 I think that's what these were, were

17 communication issues independent of the

18 technical issues, and I learned that over

19 time.

20 Q Don't go there, over time. We're only talking

21 about ExC. You are not making a case here.

22 So you already said you are changing your

23 testimony, and just so --

24 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, stop.

25 It's not --

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1 MS. TRIVEDI: -- it's confused.

2 Q You have to tell the truth, and we will again

3 have this -- You know, it's not going to work

4 out. Not work out, but this is not proper.

5 You already said first that I shouldn't

6 be held accountable for my communication when

7 there was technical issue. They were not

8 understanding, technical team.

9 How can I have a problem getting my point

10 across when the opposite party is reckless,

11 doesn't even give a damn about the security

12 issues and is overconfident? You already said

13 that 20 times. Now you are changing?

14 A I did not say that 20 times. I think you

15 might have said that numerous times. What I

16 said was, again, the technical issues -- and I

17 wanted to make sure Dave understood, that the

18 technical issues that were going on should not

19 reflect poorly on you regarding communication.

20 I don't remember exactly how I said it, but

21 there were technical issues, and there were

22 communication issues.

23 Q Like what? Can you give specific example?

24 A About communication issues?

25 Q Yeah.

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1 A Like I said earlier, we would meet daily to

2 talk about some of the ExC and test plan

3 issues, and I would ask you to talk to Dipti,

4 and you would come back and ask me the same

5 question: What do I do here, and I would

6 again answer, Talk with Dipti, talk with your

7 leadership or your team and figure out what

8 the real assignment is. I can't tell you

9 that. I'm not part of that project.

10 And again, those communication issues

11 became evident when day after day on ExC we

12 would have the same conversation over and over

13 again.

14 Q All right. You are just elaborating this

15 thing so much, and now when I'll ask you do

16 you remember that I came back to you all of

17 those times and I told that Dave Mehring and

18 Dipti and those team leads are not addressing

19 or listening to my concern, you are

20 elaborating this part for ten minutes. And

21 when I ask you, you are saying you don't

22 recall.

23 So that's what you did in past, and I let

24 it go. But now -- Every time I came back to

25 you and I said that you are the person who is

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1 diligently listening to these concerns and is

2 interested in solving and even understanding

3 these concerns. Fixing is the next thing.

4 Every time I come back to you and said

5 that they are not listening, they are giving

6 me hard time and they are making things more

7 difficult for me. Do you recall any of that,

8 or -- You recall these things very clearly,

9 and you said in very detail now, we don't

10 recall that. I came back to you every time?

11 A I'm not quite sure what the question is there.

12 Q You said that you would tell me to go back and

13 talk to Dipti --

14 A Right.

15 Q -- and team leads, Alan and Greg -- or Alan,

16 and I said -- Next day I'll say, Okay, I did

17 talk to them, but they are just not listening,

18 including Dave Mehring.

19 A I don't remember that conversation very much.

20 I remember you asking the same question and --

21 Q How come you --

22 MR. SCULLEN: Let him finish his

23 answer.

24 MS. TRIVEDI: Five minutes, the same

25 thing. He's talking the same thing in detail

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1 for five minutes that I went -- I talked and I

2 went back, and he's just making this whole

3 nice story. He remembers that very clearly.

4 And when I am saying to him that do you

5 remember that I did talk to Dipti and got back

6 to you saying that -- he's saying that -- How

7 can that be possible? So either you don't

8 want to tell or either you want to omit, or --

9 I don't know how can that be possible.

10 If you remember this very clearly, how

11 can you not remember this, unless you don't

12 want to tell the truth.

13 MR. SCULLEN: Let me be very clear,

14 and this is all on the record. If you

15 interrupt the witness again in the middle of

16 an answer, we're going to stop the deposition

17 and we're not going to proceed. You're not

18 going to get to depose the witness anymore.

19 You do not have the right to interrupt

20 the witness and start haranguing the witness

21 because you don't like the answer or

22 questioning his honesty or veracity because of

23 whatever his level of recall and to the extent

24 it differs from you.

25 Let's be very clear. I want to be very

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1 clear about that. The witness has the right

2 to answer. You do not have the right to argue

3 with the witness and call him a liar or say

4 that he doesn't -- that his answers suggest to

5 you that he's lying.

6 If you're going to continue that, we're

7 going to stop the deposition and we won't

8 continue it. And we'll object to any further

9 depositions of this witness or others if

10 you're going to behave in that fashion.

11 MS. TRIVEDI: Are you done?

12 MR. SCULLEN: I am.

13 MS. TRIVEDI: Can I go on? One

14 thing is opposing counsel should not

15 continuously object and stop witness from

16 giving the information, the truth, because

17 that's -- his intent is not to help me truth.

18 So every time I'm asking and drilling

19 down and getting into the real information,

20 he's bringing up all kind of objections to

21 stop me doing that. I never -- or I didn't

22 say that he was lying -- that the witness is

23 liar, but witness has been changing his

24 statements few times now.

25 And either he's hesitant to tell the

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1 truth, or maybe he doesn't -- He's just

2 missing -- He's telling one point very clearly

3 and answers to that he doesn't have a clear

4 memory. So how can that be possible if he has

5 a memory of day one, and when I asked him what

6 happened on day two, he doesn't recall.

7 So that's -- It's misleading to me. He

8 can say that he doesn't want to give me

9 information and I cannot force or I cannot

10 have him give me, but that would go on the

11 record that he doesn't want to give. And he

12 has a privilege to do so given that amount of

13 information he want to give.

14 But then this is not clear that whether

15 he is not remembering or whether it's -- It's

16 misleading for me and it's not taking my

17 deposition the way I need to go in terms of

18 getting the information.

19 He's already critical person, and I need

20 this information. He has already changed his

21 statement few times, and I need the answer

22 what he meant -- if he meant one thing in the

23 first time and second -- a different thing on

24 the second time. So what was the question

25 when we were talking? Now we have to go back

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1 to the question.

2 MR. SCULLEN: You need to let him

3 finish answering the question that you

4 interrupted him in the middle of.

5 MS. TRIVEDI: Okay. So my question

6 was --

7 MR. SCULLEN: Let her read back the

8 question. Let her read back his answer, and

9 then he can continue with his answer

10 uninterrupted.

11 (Reporter read previous answer and question:

12 "Like I said earlier, we would meet daily to

13 talk about some of the ExC and test plan

14 issues, and I would ask you to talk to Dipti,

15 and you would come back and ask me the same

16 question: What do I do here, and I would

17 again answer, Talk with Dipti, talk with your

18 leadership or your team and figure out what

19 the real assignment is. I can't tell you

20 that. I'm not part of that project.

21 And again, those communication issues became

22 evident when day after day on ExC we would

23 have the same conversation over and over

24 again. Question: All right. You are just

25 elaborating this thing so much, and now when

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1 I'll ask you do you remember that I came back

2 to you all of those times and I told that Dave

3 Mehring and Dipti and those team leads are not

4 addressing or listening to my concern, you are

5 elaborating this part for ten minutes. And

6 when I ask you, you are saying you don't

7 recall. So that's what you did in past.")

8 REPORTER: Do you want me to

9 continue?

10 MR. SCULLEN: You can continue with

11 your answer.

12 THE WITNESS: I think that was my

13 answer.


15 Q So do you recall -- So my question was that

16 every time you told me to go back to leads and

17 manager, I came to you all of those times and

18 I told you that I am expressing and

19 communicating my concerns, but they are -- I'm

20 getting a cold shoulder, and they are just

21 avoiding me and neglecting me, all important

22 issues I communicate. And that's why then you

23 went and talked to Dave, I guess. I don't

24 know what you did, but --

25 A Right. I don't remember every day that we

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1 would have the conversation you would bring up

2 that they weren't listening or, you know,

3 weren't communicating.

4 What I remember more often was us having

5 the same discussion over. But at some point I

6 realized that I wanted to talk to Dave

7 about -- to make sure that the technical

8 issues and whatever communication issues were

9 going on were understood and that the

10 technical issues were real, and he should

11 understand what was happening there with the

12 test plans and Linux and why it was taking

13 longer than Dipti or whoever thought it should

14 take. So I just wanted him to know that.

15 Does that make sense?

16 Q Okay. So if you would be a manager for Insite

17 ExC Surgery Integration, you would have done

18 the things the way they were done, or how

19 would you do it differently?

20 A I don't know how to answer that. I'm not a

21 manager, so --. It's a hypothetical question.

22 Q Or technical lead or LSD or principal

23 engineer?

24 A How I would have done what differently?

25 Q The testing and integration and security

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1 investigation.

2 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, lack of

3 personal knowledge and calls for speculation.

4 MS. TRIVEDI: So can you read back

5 the time -- what you said, the time given by

6 Dipti to me?

7 (Reporter read previous answer: "He should

8 understand what was happening there with the

9 test plans and Linux and why it was taking

10 longer than Dipti or whoever thought it should

11 take.")


13 Q So basically the scheduling, do you think that

14 scheduling -- There were scheduling issues,

15 right? Dipti was responsible as a project

16 lead to schedule, and you already said it

17 was -- why it was -- you wanted Dave to know

18 why it was taking longer than --

19 So Dipti was responsible. Dipti and Alan

20 were leads. They were responsible for

21 schedule. Would you consider that that was a

22 scheduling -- scheduling needed to be

23 flexible, or it was a scheduling issue where

24 it was not anticipated or accommodated?

25 A I don't know what the schedule was. But in

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1 talking with you, it seemed like you were

2 getting pressure. You would say you were

3 getting pressure to get it done --

4 Q Scheduling.

5 A Okay. And I wanted Dave to know that

6 Windows -- what works fine on Windows may not

7 work on Linux. You need to have enough time

8 to figure that out schedulewise. So I think

9 I've said that before, but --

10 MR. SCULLEN: That's all he knows.

11 He can't testify.

12 MS. TRIVEDI: Yeah, I know. But I

13 need -- He's just expressed telling what

14 happened, and based on that we need to come to

15 a conclusion.

16 MR. SCULLEN: No. But you're asking

17 him whether he thinks the schedule -- He

18 doesn't have personal knowledge. He wasn't

19 the one responsible. He's not the right

20 witness to ask that question of.

21 His views on that are irrelevant because

22 he doesn't have personal knowledge of what the

23 schedule was. He wasn't responsible for it.

24 He's never seen -- He doesn't know the

25 schedule. He wasn't on this team. This

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1 witness doesn't have personal knowledge of

2 those issues.

3 MS. TRIVEDI: Okay.

4 Q So you do think or agree with -- agree would

5 be strong word, and you would say, Well, I

6 don't agree. But you do think there were

7 scheduling problem, and the scheduling was

8 team lead's responsibility?

9 MR. SCULLEN: Objection,

10 mischaracterizes his testimony.

11 MS. TRIVEDI: It was not

12 anticipated, so they basically didn't

13 anticipate and didn't --

14 MR. SCULLEN: He can't testify to

15 what they know. He's not competent. He's not

16 a competent witness. You can't ask him about

17 things that he doesn't have personal knowledge

18 of.


20 Q You want to look at that scheduling?

21 A I can look at that.

22 Q Take your time. This is like asking him

23 helicopter -- giving him a helicopter ride.

24 A So is this --

25 MR. SCULLEN: So first of all, you

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1 need to establish whether he's ever seen this

2 document or whether he's competent to testify

3 to it.

4 MS. TRIVEDI: I have him read along

5 the whole line.

6 MR. SCULLEN: You need to ask him

7 that, whether he's ever seen that.

8 THE WITNESS: I don't recall seeing

9 this. If you e-mailed it -- I can look at it.

10 I don't see my name on the "To" list, so --

11 (Exhibit No. 8 marked for identification.)

12 MS. TRIVEDI: It's marked as 8.

13 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi has

14 indicated she only needs the witness until

15 5:00 or 5:30.

16 MS. TRIVEDI: I haven't indicated

17 that.

18 MR. SCULLEN: I told you when we

19 agreed to reschedule the deposition that if

20 you wanted to start at 2:00 --

21 MS. TRIVEDI: It was not possible,

22 Mr. Scullen.

23 MR. SCULLEN: You only have this

24 witness until 5:30 today, and we're not

25 continuing his deposition. So you should

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1 either more quickly --

2 MS. TRIVEDI: We will have to, for

3 an hour when we do Dave's.

4 MR. SCULLEN: No, we're not.

5 MS. TRIVEDI: We have to. I won't

6 have --

7 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, I told

8 you -- When you started e-mailing me at 11:30

9 last night --

10 REPORTER: Can we go off the record?

11 MR. SCULLEN: Let's go off the

12 record.

13 (Off the record discussion.)

14 MR. SCULLEN: Let's move on.

15 THE WITNESS: I have the schedule.

16 (Witness referring to Exhibit 8)


18 Q Did it help to clarify?

19 A Not really, because I don't know who wrote the

20 schedule, and I don't know the details of the

21 test involved, so --. I don't know how long

22 they would take or should take. I'm not sure

23 where that would help.

24 (Exhibit No. 9 marked for identification.)

25 A I've read it.

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1 Q You read that -- both pages?

2 A Yeah.

3 MR. SCULLEN: Note for the record

4 that he's reviewing Exhibit 9.

5 Q Can you tell?

6 A Can I tell what?

7 Q What is -- If I ask him, it would be -- Can

8 you describe this issue on the record?

9 A I don't know if I remember it fully, but there

10 was some problem with the ActiveX control for

11 Questra when it was running inside Internet

12 Explorer 8, right? Or --

13 MS. TRIVEDI: Can I go off the

14 record?

15 (Off the record discussion)

16 MR. SCULLEN: We've got to go back

17 on the record.

18 MS. TRIVEDI: That's fine.

19 Q Go. Sorry.

20 A The problem was a technical issue where the

21 ActiveX control from Questra didn't run in

22 Internet Explorer 8. It looks like an e-mail

23 from me to the group where I had the question,

24 "Are we able to rebuild the ActiveX control,"

25 meaning from source code, or do we get the

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1 binary from Questra. Do we get it straight

2 from Questra and we can't rebuild it. That

3 dictates where we go to solve the problem.

4 Q And what was my --

5 A This was the last of the chain.

6 Q And I wrote an e-mail, and which he replied,

7 and it was originally written by Glyn

8 Livermore.

9 A All right. Okay. And you just stated what

10 you think the problem is. "Controls are built

11 using old versions of ATL crashing when DEP is

12 enabled. The solution is to turn DEP off or

13 rebuild the ActiveX control using Visual C++"

14 or higher -- "2005 or higher," sorry.

15 And there is more here, but -- And I sort

16 of summarized yours and said, okay, if

17 rebuilding is one solution, are we able to

18 rebuild or do we need to go back to Questra to

19 rebuild.

20 Q And can you go to the Glyn? Is there a Glyn?

21 A I think that was the original e-mail saying

22 what the problem was.

23 Q So what was the problem?

24 A "It appears if you don't uncheck 'enable

25 memory protection to help mitigate online

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1 attacks' on IE8, then you get the error seen

2 here," and you can't see the error because

3 it's all black and fuzzy. But maybe that was

4 what he saw on the screen.

5 Q No. I have a real good screen shot. So the

6 issue was that enable memory protection was

7 required to be unchecked. That's what Glyn

8 said?

9 A Right.

10 Q If you check the memory protection to mitigate

11 online attacks, then you cannot run Insite

12 ExC.

13 A Right.

14 Q And in order to run Insite ExC connectivity,

15 it was needed to uncheck that?

16 A Correct. Yes.

17 Q And it was in production. Do you agree it was

18 in production?

19 A It was probably in production. I can't tell

20 from here, but that's usually how these cases

21 get escalated.

22 Q So your answer is vague.

23 A Well, I don't know. It doesn't say here which

24 environment it was. But from my history,

25 users would have a problem, they would create

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1 a case in our support central group, sort of a

2 help forum, and Glyn or you or someone else

3 would investigate the case and reply to their

4 problem. Those were usually production

5 issues. I don't know if this one was. I

6 don't recall.

7 Q So for the record, that was a production issue

8 with service operation?

9 MR. SCULLEN: Objection.

10 Ms. Trivedi --

11 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm finding an

12 e-mail --

13 MR. SCULLEN: But again, a

14 deposition is for you to ask the witness

15 questions. This is not your opportunity --

16 Once we leave, if you want to stay --

17 MS. TRIVEDI: It's a production

18 issue, otherwise Glyn doesn't even come into

19 the picture. He giving misleading answer.

20 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, I'm not

21 going to continue to subject the witness to

22 this.

23 MS. TRIVEDI: Okay. That's fine.

24 Give me that back.

25 Q So can you -- I'll take printout later. I'm

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1 showing him Insite 2.0.

2 A Should I go and look?

3 Q 3Q.

4 MR. SCULLEN: I need to see it as

5 well.

6 Q 3Q 2012, page "SPR Trends."

7 A Okay.

8 MS. TRIVEDI: Later I'll print out

9 and we'll label it.

10 MR. SCULLEN: What's the question?

11 You need establish whether he has -- As you

12 recall from the deposition yesterday --

13 MS. TRIVEDI: Okay.

14 Q Can you read this?

15 MR. SCULLEN: No. I'm not going to

16 have him read a document --

17 MS. TRIVEDI: It says 465 design

18 nonconformances.

19 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, you're

20 asking the witness about some document on your

21 screen that he's not competent to testify to

22 unless you establish that he --

23 MS. TRIVEDI: Fine. We are talking

24 about Insite platform system performance

25 review. That's the document. Fiscal week,

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1 2012. You have copy of that.

2 MR. SCULLEN: I don't know whether I

3 do.

4 MS. TRIVEDI: I have sent it.

5 MR. SCULLEN: But you need to

6 establish with this witness whether this

7 witness is familiar with this document,

8 because he's not -- If he's not, you can't

9 ask --

10 MS. TRIVEDI: He is involved in

11 this.


13 Q Are you involved in system performance review?

14 A I attend many of the meetings. I usually try

15 to attend whenever Nate presents on the

16 Insite 2. So I likely have seen this before.

17 I don't recall that exact date, but --

18 Q Do you have knowledge that there were design

19 nonconformances, means defects in Insite ExC

20 in production?

21 A Yes.

22 Q Do you have any idea of how many of them?

23 A I don't recall. I know there were several

24 hundred or more.

25 Q So it says 465.

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1 A Okay.

2 Q And do you know FDA guideline in order for

3 medical device manufacturer to handle products

4 with this amount of design nonconformance?

5 A No, not -- I don't recall the details of FDA

6 guidelines on that.

7 Q Do you have any idea, basic understanding?

8 A I don't know that FDA guidelines talk about

9 numbers of defects in devices very clearly,

10 but they might. I don't know.

11 MR. SCULLEN: You can sit down.

12 Q Not number, but design nonconformances, how

13 they should be handled if it's more than

14 ten -- If it's more. If it's just two, then

15 nobody would care, right? It's trivial.

16 A It depends on the type of nonconformance how

17 serious it is. You do risk assessments and

18 things like that. Because this is not a

19 medical device, ExC, it's not a medical

20 device, non -- there is nothing to conform to.

21 It doesn't require a 510(k) FDA clearance or

22 anything. This is not a medical device. It's

23 a service tool.

24 Q But do you think that it's considered good

25 engineering practice to have this amount of --

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1 hundreds of nonconformities and/or defects on

2 service product that's used -- that's used

3 solely for connecting with medical devices?

4 A Let me take the first part. Is it a good idea

5 to have that many defects?

6 Q Engineering practice. Is it considered good

7 engineering practice?

8 A No, probably not. You would not want to have

9 a lot of defects in your production software.

10 However, this software was purchased

11 primarily, so most of the defects that were

12 there came with the Questra software that we

13 got from the company. And that company had

14 gone out of business by that time, and we were

15 looking for the replacement. That was what

16 the RSVP project is, it's to replace Questra

17 with better software.

18 And if you look at the next bullet on

19 that slide, it says something to the effect of

20 all of these nonconformance defects will be

21 marked -- I forget the terminology -- as soon

22 as it's replaced, because this software is

23 going end of life. They become irrelevant

24 defects because we're no longer using that

25 software.

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1 Q Do you know some of the defects were

2 unresolved for ten years? It shows here in

3 the -- They were unresolved for ten years. Do

4 you think, is that considered acceptable?

5 A It depends. If your alternative to running

6 that software is worse, I'd rather have

7 software to get the job done, even if it has

8 defects than not have that application at all,

9 right?

10 Q What does that mean?

11 A Well, as an example, this software helps GE

12 remotely diagnose a medical system problem,

13 right? We can do it remotely. If we had to

14 send a field engineer to that site, it might

15 take hours or days to get the field engineer,

16 and the customer would be down that whole

17 time.

18 If we can log in remotely with software,

19 even if it has bugs, we can save the customer

20 downtime, we can -- they can prevent having to

21 reschedule patients, they can potentially save

22 lives if we can do our job remotely servicing

23 that equipment even with software that has

24 defects.

25 So your question, should we have defects

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1 in software? Well, no, we shouldn't, but

2 sometimes it's acceptable if the alternative

3 is even worse.

4 Q So your -- I'm talking about -- I'm just

5 consolidating everything in one sentence.

6 Your point was connectivity is better than

7 defects in Insite ExC. At the least we would

8 have connectivity?

9 A Right.

10 Q And some are unresolved for ten years, which

11 is, as you said, not acceptable. But given

12 that there was no alternative, it went on?

13 A Right. And like I said, it was purchased

14 software, so I don't know that any of these

15 were really ten years old because we weren't

16 even in production at that point, but they may

17 be.

18 Q If you want to read -- It's 2004.

19 A Okay, a couple of them. That was very early

20 stages. That was before we actually released

21 the first version of the software.

22 Q Do we know in December, 2012, GST close --

23 tried to close all of these defects in bulk

24 closing, so closing everything in one shot

25 without actually doing anything and -- with a

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1 statement that RSVP program will -- But then

2 RSVP program was not released, so RSVP was not

3 in production.

4 But despite this, SPRs were basically

5 bulk closed, is it -- Do you have any

6 knowledge of that?

7 A Yes. And the reason, like I said before, is

8 the ExC software was going to be replaced with

9 RSVP. When it's ready to be replaced -- which

10 is soon, because that's what I should be

11 working on now -- when it's ready to be

12 replaced, we will no longer be running that

13 software. Any SPRs that point to that

14 software become irrelevant. They can be

15 closed, saying we're not using that anymore.

16 There will be a whole new set of

17 potential issues in the RSVP software --

18 that's a different problem.

19 And that's GE practice: If you retire

20 some software, if it has bugs that you can't

21 fix because it's a vended -- something you

22 bought and you don't have the source code to

23 fix it, you just have to live with those

24 defects. You retire those defects when you

25 replace that software.

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1 Q Without doing anything?

2 A There is nothing to do. You can't fix the

3 software.

4 Q But you are still not fixing the problem, so

5 those problems still exist?

6 A No, they don't exist because you're not

7 running that software anymore.

8 Q But that's not happening. You haven't -- RSVP

9 is not in production.

10 A It's not yet.

11 Q Right. So these defects were closed in bulk

12 in December, 2012?

13 A But they were closed saying we cannot fix

14 these right now. They weren't closed, they

15 were put in -- They were marked to say we

16 cannot fix these bugs. The best we can do is

17 replace it with new software and these bugs go

18 away. So let's stop reviewing these bugs

19 every month because there is nothing we can do

20 about them. Let's instead focus on the new

21 software. That's how we -- This comes up all

22 of the time.

23 Q And it's March, 2014, so still there is no

24 RSVP in production. So there is no

25 replacement for this defective product, and

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1 those defects are still existing in

2 production. Is that true?

3 A Most of them, yes. Some things we fix by

4 other ways or we mitigate the problems, but

5 yes.

6 Q Most of them are still existing in production?

7 A Correct.

8 Q Do you think these defects can potentially

9 affect the safety and security of the

10 operation of medical device and even to the

11 patient in any way?

12 A No.

13 Q It could have been, given that it's defects or

14 it's --

15 A No. They're defects to Back-Office software.

16 The only thing it could affect is if there is

17 a serious defect in the Back-Office software,

18 we couldn't connect to that device at the

19 hospital and get it up and running again, and

20 we would have to send a field engineer, which

21 would take more time. But that's a

22 productivity thing for the hospital and for

23 us. It's not a patient safety issue.

24 Q Directly or indirectly it could have been?

25 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, asked and

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1 answered.

2 A Not a patient safety issue.

3 Q All right. Can we on the record, SPR means

4 defects. It's a technical term, so we need

5 to --

6 A Well, it means it's a problem report. That

7 problem that's stated in there, that item

8 might be a defect, a nonconformance. It might

9 be an improvement opportunity, or it's a new

10 request for a feature. It's not really a

11 defect, so it depends on how they're

12 classified.

13 Q So can you read the same blue item?

14 A "Not so good news. We have been experiencing

15 a large number of issues on the device facing

16 side of the application. This means that even

17 though users can get into the Questra app,

18 they --" And that's all that's highlighted.

19 Q You can finish the remaining.

20 A " -- they cannot use remote service features

21 of the application. We have mechanisms to

22 detect the issue, but not to do trending on

23 it."

24 Q Can you explain what that means or elaborate.

25 A Okay. That means that we have an application

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1 in the Back-Office, the Questra application or

2 ExC application. Users, the engineers working

3 at GE, can log into the application and view

4 the pages, but the medical devices cannot

5 reliably connect to the application.

6 So there is three parts to this

7 application, the medical device and the Agent,

8 so the Agents and the Back-Office can't talk

9 to the medical device.

10 Q Can't connect to Back-Office?

11 A Can't connect to the Back-Office reliably.

12 That's the way I read that statement from

13 Nate. That's an area that I'm very familiar

14 with because that's what I've been working on

15 for the last couple of years.

16 MS. TRIVEDI: So I'm just repeating

17 what he said --

18 MR. SCULLEN: Is there a question?


20 MR. SCULLEN: You don't get to --

21 You need to ask a question.

22 MS. TRIVEDI: I need to ask second

23 question.

24 MR. SCULLEN: Then ask the question.

25 You don't --

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2 Q So you just said that medical device cannot

3 connect to the Back-Office reliably, right?

4 As per the --

5 A At the time that statement was made, there

6 were some issues, yes.

7 Q Is it fixed?

8 A I don't remember exactly what the issues are.

9 There have been numerous issues over the

10 years. Today things are reliably connecting.

11 Q Do you know, was logging and reporting and

12 auditing feature in Insite ExC?

13 A Logging -- Those are three different features.

14 Q You can explain all of them one by one.

15 A I can?

16 Q Not how this works in terms of technically,

17 but do you know that proper reporting existed

18 or proper reporting was there in Insite ExC,

19 or is there?

20 A Reporting of what? To who?

21 Q Audit trails, audit controls.

22 A There is an audit trail log in Insite 2.

23 Q Is it useful or does it -- Is it enough, or is

24 it what it should be?

25 A It's close. There is an application that

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1 collects those audit logs and generates

2 reports for customers, along with Insite 1,

3 Audit and Auto SC audit logs.

4 There used to be reporting of that on the

5 Questra application itself. We disabled that

6 years ago because it wasn't very useful or

7 reliable, so instead we use iCenter to do

8 audit trail reports. That's working today.

9 Q So do you remember Mike Walls and you stopped

10 by at my desk and I was working on prototyping

11 of RSVP Gen 1?

12 A I think so, yeah, a couple times.

13 Q Mike Walls mentioned that I shouldn't be

14 reproducing -- I was told to repeat some of

15 the features from Insite ExC, and you and Mike

16 expressed the concern that some of the

17 features were not usable, like search

18 function, along with other -- and customers

19 were frustrated, and there was kind of a

20 concern?

21 A I remember general discussions. I don't

22 remember the specific issues.

23 Q So you remember the general discussion

24 about --

25 A About that you were -- We were developing new

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1 screens, and we were trying to take the

2 Questra screens and do something very similar

3 for RSVP, and there were issues that you

4 brought up around that.

5 Q And the point you and Mike were trying to

6 convey was that even these issues or concerns

7 exist in Insite ExC, they shouldn't be

8 reproduced, because --

9 A Mike or I might have said something like that

10 or expressed our opinions. We weren't working

11 on that piece directly, you were, so you were

12 more familiar with that than us.

13 But we might have said, Yeah, we don't

14 like the way the user interface is now --

15 probably one of those 465 bugs that people

16 complained about -- and we thought, you know,

17 when we're doing the new screens, maybe it's

18 time to fix some of those.

19 But it would be completely new software,

20 so it is likely that those bugs would be fixed

21 or be completely different in the new

22 implementation.

23 Q But they shouldn't be replicated or

24 reproduced. My point was --

25 A Right. But all we were doing at that time was

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1 screens, how the screens look.

2 Q All right.

3 A So you don't know how they're functioning

4 underneath, you were just doing screen

5 drawings.

6 Q So going back to the reporting. I need an

7 e-mail. I sent out an e-mail to confirm to

8 Mike, and I also have a -- I can show you.

9 (Off the record discussion.)

10 Q So I confirmed with Mike Walls. After you and

11 Mike stopped by, I had a meeting in January,

12 2013, or December, 2012 -- actually, December,

13 2012, with Mathews Matson about usability and

14 basically designing of RSVP Gen 1.

15 (Off the record discussion.)

16 MR. SCULLEN: Is there a question?

17 MS. TRIVEDI: Before I ask, I need

18 to have him see that.

19 Q Can you just read the log-in. It was missing

20 log-in functionality.

21 MR. SCULLEN: For the record,

22 Mr. Trivedi has asked him to read an e-mail on

23 her computer screen.

24 MS. TRIVEDI: I have a printed copy,

25 I just need to --

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1 MR. SCULLEN: I understand, but

2 that's not -- you don't have it in front of

3 the witness. So it's an e-mail between

4 Mathews Matson dated January 4th, 2013, in

5 response to an e-mail from Ms. Trivedi dated

6 January 3rd. What's the question?

7 MS. TRIVEDI: Have him finish

8 reading instead of asking him in helicopter

9 view that nobody can even understand.

10 THE WITNESS: I won't remember all

11 of these details, so --

12 MR. SCULLEN: He's not on the

13 e-mail, so --

14 MS. TRIVEDI: I have an exhibit.

15 Can you mark this?

16 (Exhibit Nos. 10-11 marked for

17 identification.)

18 MR. SCULLEN: Maybe just note on the

19 record that Exhibit 10 is a printout.


21 Q So as I mention in e-mail to Mathews, Mike

22 Walls confirmed or communicated to me that,

23 "Current reporting in Questra Back-Office is

24 not really helpful. There is no good way to

25 pull all information together and see." And

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1 information it pulls up is very basic and

2 limited.

3 So the conclusion was -- his point was

4 there is no good reporting in Insite ExC.

5 MR. SCULLEN: You just can't testify

6 to what Mr. Matson meant or what this e-mail

7 says. He's not competent to testify.

8 Q Do you know? He's an Insite ExC --

9 MR. SCULLEN: Does he know what?

10 Q Can you confirm this or --

11 MR. SCULLEN: Confirm what?

12 Q Is there a good way it pull up all

13 information, or is there a good audit control

14 and reporting?

15 MR. SCULLEN: Do you mean as of

16 January 3rd, 2013? You need to give me --

17 Q As of January 3rd, 2013.

18 A Well, if you're asking if what Mike said --

19 your e-mail about what Mike said, you said you

20 spoke with Mike, and he said there is no easy

21 way to do that. Mike would be correct, if he

22 said that -- I don't know if he did -- that

23 the Questra reporting capability that I said

24 earlier that we had disabled because it wasn't

25 very useful and didn't function well, is not

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1 very good, but that the iCenter application is

2 the way we collect these logs, and that

3 includes the who, what, when, where, why of a

4 remote connection to a medical device that we

5 wanted to audit.

6 So Questra on its own, yes. All of the

7 data is there in the database, but you've got

8 to pull it from several tables. That's what

9 we do in the iCenter report.

10 Q So is there -- Practically is it possible on

11 daily basis to look at all of the activity, at

12 all of the details -- the level of all those

13 details that needed --

14 MR. SCULLEN: Object as to vague.

15 A Yes, it's possible.

16 Q Is it available?

17 A The iCenter report is available for customers

18 and for us. It's not used very well or very

19 often. Mike and I both know how to go into

20 the database and look at the audit log

21 whenever we do, but there is not a convenient

22 reporting mechanism for that, so --

23 Q Okay. So you can confirm that there is no

24 convenient reporting mechanism?

25 A For Insite 2 audit trail logs, sure. I can

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1 confirm that.

2 Q All right. That's -- Thank you. Do you know

3 HIPAA HITECH law? It's a mandated requirement

4 for all medical software and system to have an

5 audit trail --

6 A Right.

7 Q -- and detail?

8 A Yes.

9 Q That's a required feature, so it's not

10 optional. It's a mandatory required feature.

11 A It's required for medical providers to keep

12 track of who has seen patient information when

13 and where. And because GE connects to and

14 might in the course of servicing a piece of

15 medical equipment transfer some patient

16 information, we also keep an audit log so that

17 if our customers ask where did this image go,

18 who saw this image of some patient, we can --

19 we have records and we can say who from our

20 side might have seen that.

21 So yes, I'm familiar with that, and all

22 of that data is logged.

23 Q But there is no convenient reporting

24 mechanism?

25 A Right. But that wasn't a requirement. It's

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1 just do you have an audit trail, is the

2 requirement, so --

3 Q I think reporting mechanism is also required.

4 I was reading --

5 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi --

6 MS. TRIVEDI: But that's not a

7 matter -- Sorry. Okay. All right. Can I

8 take one, two second break?

9 (Off the record. Short recess taken.)


11 Q Do you have any knowledge that Insite ExC

12 Surgery Integration was halted or kind of

13 stopped in mid-2012 for connectivity problems,

14 the integration itself?

15 A I don't recall that. I don't recall that.

16 Q Axeda investigation.

17 A Well, you said Surgery ExC.

18 Q Yeah, so there was -- the problem was when you

19 disconnect the network cable.

20 A Okay.

21 Q Agent would stop, and when you reconnect it

22 back, Agent should automatically restart.

23 A Right. Okay. I remember parts of that issue.

24 I'm sure I'll have the technical details

25 wrong, but yeah.

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1 Q And it was not -- Basically you don't have a

2 product if you don't have that feature

3 working?

4 A Well, right. That feature should work, right.

5 We shouldn't ship if that doesn't work,

6 correct.

7 MS. TRIVEDI: Can you read what he

8 said?

9 (Reporter read previous answer.)

10 Q Do you know that Axeda investigated this

11 issue?

12 A I don't know the details about it. I don't

13 remember -- I don't remember all of the

14 details about the issue. I know about it.

15 Q What do you remember about it?

16 A I remember, like you said, there was an issue

17 with unplugging the network and things

18 restarting. If I remember correctly, we -- I

19 think we might have needed a patch from Axeda

20 or we misconfigured Linux wrong or something,

21 but something was wrong in the build -- in the

22 Agent we ultimately were trying to build. So

23 it was an actual software defect, and once it

24 was fixed, the problem was solved.

25 And it was tricky to figure out. That's

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1 what I remember about it. It took a little

2 while to figure it out. So that's the extent

3 of my recollection so far.

4 MS. TRIVEDI: Off the record.

5 (Exhibit Nos. 11-13 marked for

6 identification.)

7 MR. SCULLEN: He's reviewed it if

8 you're ready. You want him to review another

9 exhibit before you ask about 12?

10 MS. TRIVEDI: Yes.

11 MR. SCULLEN: He's reviewed them.

12 MS. TRIVEDI: You reviewed both of

13 them. So for the record, let's talk like

14 exhibit number --

15 MR. SCULLEN: He's reviewed Exhibits

16 12 and 13.

17 THE WITNESS: 12 and 13.


19 Q So this is the test for the same thing we

20 talked about on network?

21 A Sounds similar, yes. Sounds like that

22 problem.

23 Q And it says it was March, 2012?

24 A Yeah. From Dipti's response to you, yeah.

25 Q And you read that Dipti -- This was a test

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1 that I was conducting?

2 MR. SCULLEN: Wait.

3 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm giving him

4 background.

5 MR. SCULLEN: But you can't. He's

6 not a recipient of the e-mails. You have to

7 ask him about his personal knowledge.

8 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm asking him a

9 question.

10 Q What does -- The e-mail says that Dipti --

11 e-mail -- wrote an e-mail -- Dipti wrote an

12 e-mail to Alan Kuhn and me mentioning that, I

13 helped Madhuri with network cable disconnect,

14 so this issue is closed.

15 Prior to that e-mail that Dipti sent out,

16 I sent an e-mail to Dipti and Al mentioning

17 that it's -- when you disconnect our network

18 cable and connect it back, Questra agent is

19 not starting, so the test is failing.

20 MR. SCULLEN: So he's not a

21 recipient on those e-mails. He doesn't have

22 personal knowledge.

23 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm asking him a

24 question.

25 MR. SCULLEN: But he can't testify

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1 as to what you e-mailed. He wasn't a

2 recipient or a participant in these e-mails.

3 MS. TRIVEDI: Not this, but how

4 about Dave's e-mail?

5 MR. SCULLEN: He's not a recipient

6 on that either.

7 MS. TRIVEDI: Okay. That's good.


9 Q So do you recall that HeliOS Insite ExC

10 Surgery Integration was halted because of

11 these issues? Kind of you recall vaguely,

12 right?

13 A I remember that issue. Like I said earlier, I

14 didn't know it was stopped in the middle of

15 development. But I remember the issue where

16 disconnecting the network cable and

17 reconnecting it, the Agent wasn't functioning

18 properly anymore, so --

19 Q And as for this e-mail, what does that mean?

20 That the test was initially failed. Is that

21 correct?

22 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, he can't

23 comment on an e-mail that he didn't receive

24 and wasn't a participant to.

25 (Exhibit No. 14 marked for identification.)

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1 MS. TRIVEDI: Say the witness is

2 reviewing Exhibit 14.

3 MR. SCULLEN: He's reviewed it.

4 MS. TRIVEDI: Okay. Can I get it

5 back?

6 THE WITNESS: Well, I want to read a

7 little bit at the beginning first.

8 MS. TRIVEDI: Take your time.

9 MR. SCULLEN: Again, this is -- You

10 realize this is an e-mail he wasn't included

11 on, correct, Ms. Trivedi?

12 MS. TRIVEDI: It's about the

13 problem, technical problem.



16 Q So as we spoke earlier, you mentioned that

17 there was a software defect and --

18 A Yes.

19 Q -- and we don't have Insite ExC product if

20 that feature doesn't work, basically, because

21 that was --

22 A For that Agent build on that operating system,

23 yes. That had a problem.

24 Q And as for this e-mail chain you saw, it

25 appeared that I failed the test and then Dipti

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1 passed the test.

2 MR. SCULLEN: Well, you're asking

3 him to say what -- The e-mail speaks for

4 itself. He wasn't a participant in the

5 e-mail.

6 MS. TRIVEDI: Can't he read and

7 confirm?

8 MR. SCULLEN: It's not appropriate

9 for him to comment on -- You want him to say

10 what it says?

11 MS. TRIVEDI: No. But does it say

12 that the test was failed by me?

13 MR. SCULLEN: Well, the e-mail says

14 what it says, Ms. Trivedi. It's not

15 appropriate to ask a witness --

16 MS. TRIVEDI: I need to conclude

17 something here.

18 MR. SCULLEN: But his testimony

19 about what the e-mail says is irrelevant.

20 MS. TRIVEDI: So my point was I

21 failed the test, team lead passed the test.

22 MR. SCULLEN: The question is does

23 he know any of that. That's what you need to

24 ask him.

25 MS. TRIVEDI: He knows a little. He

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1 already said that when I --

2 MR. SCULLEN: No, about whether you

3 personally failed the test is the point. He

4 can't testify to that. This witness isn't

5 competent. You can testify to all of that.

6 It's just not appropriate in his deposition to

7 ask him about it.


9 Q But you do confirm that that was a software

10 defect and it was -- the GST group was looking

11 into it?

12 A Right.

13 Q You don't know the details. And you already

14 said that it was -- for this Agent, we don't

15 have a product if this network connectivity

16 doesn't work the way it's supposed to, and it

17 was not working.

18 A Right. That's a defect we should fix before

19 we ship that software to a product team. We

20 make software that goes into another medical

21 device, so it's -- yeah, a long way before it

22 gets to production.

23 MS. TRIVEDI: All right. Thank you.

24 (Off the record discussion.)


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1 Q Are you familiar with a document that I

2 created for Insite ExC Support of installing

3 ActiveX, which is basically connecting

4 Back-Office with the medical device?

5 A I'm familiar with a document you edited. I

6 don't know that you created it.

7 Q Edited, yes. That's true.

8 A Right.

9 Q So you are familiar with that?

10 A Yes. I've edited that document, too, by the

11 way, so --

12 Q And you are aware that that issue was a

13 widespread issue for connectivity for Insite

14 ExC? The field engineers and online engineers

15 were having lots of problem on connecting with

16 medical devices because of that issue?

17 A I don't remember the specific issue. That

18 document is a troubleshooting guide for all

19 kinds of issues.

20 Q The one I edited?

21 A Right. That document is a troubleshooting

22 guide for numerous issues that engineers have

23 in using the application because they have

24 different versions of laptops or different

25 applications loaded. So this is a

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1 troubleshooting guide to help them get through

2 their problems. So there are numerous

3 problems.

4 Q And do you know the part that I edited, it was

5 for installing Insite -- installing ActiveX?

6 A I know about it, but I don't remember the

7 details of that.

8 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, what's

9 the -- Off the record for a second.

10 (Off the record discussion. Exhibit No. 15

11 marked for identification.)

12 MS. TRIVEDI: He's reviewing

13 Exhibit 15.

14 MR. SCULLEN: Just note for the

15 record that Exhibit 15 is GEHC 172 through

16 175. He's reviewed them.

17 Q Can you tell me what --

18 A In general, the person who created the case,

19 Denise, was having trouble with getting the RA

20 Viewer control, the ActiveX control working on

21 her laptop. She had a laptop reimaged and

22 encountered a problem, and I directed her to

23 Section 4.2 of that troubleshooting doc we

24 were talking about earlier.

25 Q Which I created?

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1 A Which you edited and I've edited, yeah. And

2 that section covers ActiveX stuff, which is

3 one of the sections you worked on.

4 Q Right. And was that -- There was several

5 hundred cases, SupportCentral cases, opened

6 for this very issue. You can go back and --

7 A I don't know that. I would have to look back

8 through case after case.

9 Q You can search this issue and come up with the

10 research in one search. And can you do that?

11 MR. SCULLEN: No, we're not doing

12 that.

13 A And you can't really search by the issue very

14 easily. There were probably several hundred

15 cases there, yeah.

16 Q Regarding this issue?

17 A I don't know if they were regarding that

18 specific issue. Like I said, there were many

19 issues in that troubleshooting guide, because

20 there are lots of different issues. There

21 continue to be issues today, and we have cases

22 every day where someone has a problem with

23 their laptop regarding the ActiveX control,

24 so --.

25 Just things change all of the time.

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1 Microsoft does an update, GE does an update,

2 something breaks, we figure out a fix, the

3 troubleshooting doc gets updated, users get

4 pointed to it, and life goes on.

5 Q Do you recall that modality managers, which

6 means GST internal customers, sent an e-mail

7 complaining to -- sent an e-mail to general

8 manager, Dave Elario, about significant Insite

9 ExC issues, and Insite Back-Office was down 23

10 times or more and --

11 A I don't recall an e-mail like that.

12 Q Or any discussion that you had with the

13 customers?

14 A Well, I recall discussions with users of the

15 system because I had weekly telephone calls

16 that I ran with some of them.

17 Q So do you recall that Insite ExC Back-Office

18 was down 23 times?

19 A I don't recall the numbers.

20 Q But do you recall that it was down -- it was

21 unavailable?

22 A Well --

23 Q Was not working properly?

24 A It is down periodically, and it has issues,

25 like we covered earlier. That's why we're

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1 replacing it with RSVP. And one of my jobs is

2 to keep it running.

3 So I'm very aware of the issues around

4 Insite ExC Back-Office, yes.

5 Q And there were issues -- numerous issues

6 surrounding Insite ExC Back-Office?

7 A Yes.

8 Q So when I was working on Insite ExC Surgery

9 Integration for developing a test plan, as

10 well as testing, one thing is, as you said,

11 Back-Office had a numerous issues. And as we

12 talked, there were 500 -- 465 defects.

13 How can team leads like Alan Kuhn, Greg

14 Stratton and remaining members continue

15 integrate Insite ExC on all kind of medical

16 devices when there are this many issue? How

17 does the testing work? Shouldn't the test

18 fail?

19 A Well, there is a difference between what Al

20 and Greg do because they focus on the product

21 side, the medical device side, the Agent side.

22 Most of those issues, the SPRs in our

23 defect tracking system, are related to the

24 Back-Office side, which is what we have to

25 replace. We're not replacing the Agents in

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1 the field. Those are largely fine.

2 The problem is their Back-Office

3 software. The RA Viewer ActiveX controls,

4 software being up and down, the system being

5 up and down -- It's all the Back-Office stuff.

6 Greg and Al did not work on that. Nor did

7 Dipti. So they were working on the Agent

8 side.

9 Q But when you integrate Insite ExC, you have an

10 Agent and Back-Office. I remember when I did

11 testing, I was testing by logging into

12 Back-Office and connecting with Agent. You

13 cannot have one thing to test.

14 When you test, you need client and server

15 both. So I know --

16 A Right.

17 Q Several of my test cases involved Back-Office.

18 A Okay.

19 Q Because that's how front and back works. It's

20 all together one.

21 A You need them both.

22 Q You need them both.

23 A In many cases, right.

24 Q In any case you need them both. And given

25 there were issues in Back-Office, and given

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1 when I was test -- I was given a task to do

2 the testing, which involved Back-Office and

3 Agent both, and given that there were issues

4 and defects, how -- do you think that these

5 things should have been addressed in the test

6 plan, or how can --

7 How does the testing work given this

8 amount of defect? Are those defects ignored

9 or overlooked or considered as a -- I don't

10 know --

11 A Those defects would be largely irrelevant.

12 You would write the test plan for the Agent.

13 Where it interacted with the Back-Office, the

14 test plan might need to take into account what

15 to look for if there is a Back-Office bug,

16 right? But those issues and --

17 You're mixing a lot of stuff up. Your

18 comment about modality, saying the system is

19 down was the production Back-Office instance.

20 When you're testing new Agents, you're

21 pointing to development or staging or pilot,

22 usually not production, because you shouldn't

23 be testing on production. So those are

24 difference instances. There are lots of

25 factors involved.

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1 Q It's a different test that's done. We are

2 done with that deposition question about the

3 Back-Office now. This was the second

4 question.

5 A Okay.

6 Q And it was -- I said Insite ExC Surgery

7 Integration. So it was in test environment.

8 And as you already said, that when there is an

9 interaction between Agent and Back-Office

10 while testing, someone needs to look whether

11 there is a bug -- what did you say --

12 associated with this issue or --

13 A Right. If you're running a test on an Agent

14 and it interacts with the Back-Office and

15 there is a bug there, you might have to

16 mention that in your test plan as to how to

17 work around that bug.

18 But I don't recall any specific instances

19 like that. There may be some. I don't know.

20 There are -- The test plans have hundreds of

21 tests in them, so --

22 Q So do you think all current modality

23 integration team takes into account the

24 existing defects when they integrate --

25 A Well, like I said, they're largely irrelevant.

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1 When who integrates with what?

2 Q When modality integration team, so those team

3 leads when they integrate this product, do you

4 think or are you aware that -- are you aware

5 of the matter --

6 Do you have any information that they

7 take into consideration existing bugs when

8 they develop test plan or when they do

9 testing?

10 A I don't have specific knowledge of that. They

11 might. They might not. It wouldn't surprise

12 me one way or the other.

13 Q Why?

14 A Because like I said, most of those bugs are

15 irrelevant to the actual test plan. If they

16 become relevant, I'm sure they will work out

17 how to deal with that, whether it's change the

18 test plan or just change the process a little

19 bit or --

20 Q Now, given this amount of defects, were these

21 defects in Windows environment or -- These

22 defects were in Windows environment, right?

23 A Well, depends on the defect. There are 465.

24 Q No. But you said there was no Linux product

25 before, right?

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1 A Well, that's on the Agent side. Most of those

2 defects we're talking about are the

3 Back-Office side, which run on Unix servers

4 and Solaris servers and run on the ActiveX

5 control.

6 So there is Windows environments on the

7 users laptops where the ActiveX control runs,

8 but that's a Back-Office piece of software.

9 That's Windows-based. The Enterprise

10 Back-Office software is Solaris-based. The

11 products are Linux or Windows. That's where

12 your Linux/Windows issues come up.

13 Q Now, do you -- What would you say about your

14 knowledge about technical issues concerning or

15 related to RSVP GEIP project?

16 A Related to that project, I probably don't know

17 a lot of the details because I'm on the early

18 end of the project. So by the time they're in

19 the technical details, I'm off on to the next

20 project. I hear about them, but I don't know

21 enough details about them.

22 Q If there would be technical issue, you

23 wouldn't know?

24 A Probably not, unless I'd hear it from Nate or

25 Greg or someone, right. I get involved up to

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1 maybe the requirements documents, so nothing

2 has been implemented yet. So you don't really

3 get the technical details until you start

4 implementing and testing and things are not as

5 rosy as they looked when you were writing the

6 requirements.

7 MS. TRIVEDI: I want to pause for 30

8 seconds.

9 (Off the record.)


11 Q So given you didn't know about the technical

12 issues, you wouldn't have any knowledge about

13 me working on RSVP project and realizing those

14 technical issues -- not realizing -- me

15 working on the RSVP project and having

16 technical issues?

17 MR. SCULLEN: Object as vague and

18 compound, but go ahead and answer.

19 A I'm not aware of specific details, or I don't

20 recall specific details. I'm sure there were

21 numerous details working with GEIP RSVP

22 project, and I believe you worked on that at

23 some point with Greg and Nate, so you're

24 probably far more familiar with the technical

25 details of that team, because I wasn't on that

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1 core team at that time, so --

2 Q All right. That's fine. Did you provide

3 input on performance appraisal about Greg,

4 Nate, Sachin, Naresh, Alan Kuhn and Greg

5 Jacobs, mid-year and final year?

6 A I don't recall, but I probably did not. At

7 least not all of them because I only give --

8 When I give feedback, which is not every time,

9 I only do it for people I work fairly closely

10 with. So I didn't work really closely with

11 Greg or several of the people you mentioned.

12 Greg Jacobs, for example.

13 Q Did you give any input in mid-term or final

14 about me?

15 A I don't recall.

16 Q You don't recall?

17 A I honestly don't know. I talked to Dave one

18 on one, but I don't know that I filled out --

19 Q The sheet?

20 A -- feedback spreadsheet.

21 Q Mid-term as well as --

22 A I don't remember.

23 Q Mid-term as well as in final, you cannot

24 remember?

25 A I don't remember.

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1 Q Would you be able --

2 A I'm notoriously bad at filling that out.

3 Sometimes I do, I know I filled it out, but I

4 don't always do it.

5 Q Would you be able to go and find out, by any

6 chance?

7 A I don't know if I would have those records

8 saved or not. They would be on an old hard

9 drive because I have a different laptop.

10 Q Do you remember when we were coming back from

11 Brewers Stadium, the Milwaukee Stadium, Sachin

12 Kendale mentioned that he came from

13 programming background and he doesn't have

14 skillset networking?

15 A I don't recall that specifically, no.

16 Q Anything related to him not having enough

17 technical knowledge and in networking

18 technology?

19 A I don't recall that coming back from the

20 Brewers game or wherever it was. But I was

21 Sachin's mentor this entire last year, so we

22 had weekly -- biweekly meetings and we talked

23 about stuff like that all of the time, yeah.

24 He wanted to know more about networking and

25 connectivity, so -- That's one of the reasons

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1 he chose me as a mentor, so --

2 Q But you don't recall that he didn't have a

3 prior -- He said that --

4 MR. SCULLEN: He said he doesn't

5 recall.

6 A I don't remember.

7 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm trying to suggest

8 in case if he can refresh --

9 A I don't remember.

10 Q So maybe that's why he came to you as a

11 mentor, seeking a mentor, because then he

12 mentioned that he directly came from

13 programming and he doesn't know technical

14 skills -- networking? Can you try to recall?

15 A Well, I don't recall that conversation. I

16 recall from mentoring him for the last year,

17 and we met again just two days ago, that he

18 wanted to know more about networking, and

19 that's one of the things we discussed every

20 week or so for the last year.

21 So yeah, I'm very familiar with that.

22 But not from the time you recall that bus

23 conversation. I don't remember that.

24 Q So maybe he didn't -- My experience with Greg

25 was -- Greg Stratton was he would have a

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1 passive-aggressive behavior. What do you

2 think?

3 A I don't know.

4 MR. SCULLEN: Are you asking him

5 whether --

6 Q Have you observed the same thing, different

7 thing?

8 A No. I don't think so.

9 Q Do you think that GST wanted to go for Axeda

10 kind of rather than going with GEIP, given

11 that they had been already working with Axeda

12 for Insite ExC platform?

13 A I'm not sure I understand the question.

14 (Reporter read pending question.)

15 Q For RSVP project. So we wanted -- We were

16 working with GEIP for -- I'm trying to

17 explain. This is not a question. We were

18 working with GEIP for RSVP?

19 A Yes.

20 Q And Insite ExC is now owned by a company

21 called Axeda. And was it a safe route from

22 the beginning to go for Axeda in replacement

23 of Insite ExC than GEIP?

24 A When Questra, which is -- We built ExC on top

25 of Questra. When Questra went out of business

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1 or was bought, their assets were bought by the

2 Axeda Corporation, we were originally going to

3 upgrade or migrate to Axeda Back-Office with

4 our software.

5 We started on that effort because that's

6 what Axeda recommended. At some point --

7 Q This is too much elaborating --

8 MR. SCULLEN: Let him finish.

9 MS. TRIVEDI: You know, it's

10 unnecessary. I don't need all that

11 information.

12 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, let him

13 finish the answer.

14 MS. TRIVEDI: I don't have enough

15 time. You just said we don't have enough

16 time.

17 MR. SCULLEN: You should ask better

18 questions then because this is irrelevant.

19 But let him finish the answer.

20 A At some point we started working toward Axeda

21 with RSVP. That changed and we started

22 working with GEIP instead of Axeda for RSVP.

23 Somewhere in there we were going to build it

24 completely ourselves, and I don't remember

25 exactly when that was, and eventually we

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1 stopped with GEIP and went back to Axeda.

2 They weren't ready at the time we wanted

3 to upgrade, and there are lots of issues over

4 the -- this timeframe, so now we're back with

5 Axeda.

6 Q All right. Thank you. What do you think

7 about my intellect and technical ability?

8 A I think you're a decent engineer. Technically

9 there were never any issues. About intellect

10 regarding technical stuff, I don't think there

11 were major problems.

12 Q Technical. All right. I was taking an

13 initiative when needed, right?

14 A That's --

15 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, lack of

16 foundation and vague.

17 Q Do you find me a person who was taking

18 initiative and --

19 MR. SCULLEN: Again, object. His

20 opinion on that is --

21 MS. TRIVEDI: It matters because my

22 manager says that he sought and got input from

23 him. So either he didn't say what he said or

24 he didn't say or if he said what I want to

25 know.

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1 A So this question was --

2 Q Did you find I was taking initiative, taking

3 initiative rather than sitting and not doing

4 anything?

5 A I would say yes, you took initiative on some

6 things.

7 Q Do you find I was having sense of urgency?

8 A Yes. Sometimes too much.

9 Q Do you believe that being an effective team

10 member is also about taking initiative?

11 A Yeah. Sometimes, yes. You need to take

12 initiative sometimes.

13 Q And do you believe that being an effective

14 team member is also about having some --

15 having sense of urgency?

16 A At times, if it's really urgent.

17 Q Do you admire an employee who speaks the truth

18 and is honest even to the people in power,

19 even if their authority is challenged and

20 their blind spots and weaknesses are exposed?

21 A That's a broad question. But yes, I admire

22 people who speak the truth.

23 Q Did you have any issues with Greg Stratton,

24 communication issues?

25 A Me personally? Not really. There were issues

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1 related to this topic when we were -- you were

2 working on the test plan and he wasn't

3 offering help. And I offered help because I

4 knew he was working on -- he had worked on

5 that test plan.

6 So that was the only time I recall in

7 25 years of knowing him where there was an

8 issue.

9 Q Do you think that Greg Stratton is a person --

10 he had been with GE for -- has been a person

11 passed over for promotion person with some

12 grudges?

13 MR. SCULLEN: Objection.

14 A I didn't follow that.

15 MR. SCULLEN: Unintelligible.

16 Q What's your thought about Greg having -- He's

17 with GE for a long time and he's just an LSD.

18 So do you find him as a person he thinks as

19 being passed over, so he's not a manager?

20 A I don't know.

21 Q And he is having grudges and resentment?

22 A I don't know his opinion on that. I doubt

23 that he wants to be a manager, but --

24 Q Not manager, but having something different

25 than what his current role is?

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1 A I don't know.

2 Q Gives him more power?

3 A That's his opinion. I don't know.

4 Q Did you have gender speak training provided at

5 GE Healthcare about gender diversity for

6 retention of female engineers?

7 A Retention of female --

8 Q Female engineers.

9 A Sorry. I don't recall that training. I

10 recently looked at my training record

11 because -- for a different issue, different

12 project I'm working on, and I got a copy of my

13 training record, and I had 200 classes in the

14 last six years, but I don't remember that one

15 specifically.

16 Q So have you taken that training or you

17 haven't?

18 A I don't think I have, but I don't recall. I

19 had 200 classes, and I don't remember exactly

20 what the topic of each one was.

21 Q Do you have any recall that the training

22 regarding retention of female engineers at GE

23 Healthcare was identified, that there was a

24 problem at GE -- or GE Healthcare about

25 retention of female engineers?

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1 The main concern was how the females were

2 perceived by peers and manager, as well as

3 measured in terms of their behavior,

4 communication and soft skills. And the

5 training was geared towards educating men and

6 women on the differences that -- how men

7 communicate is different than how female

8 communicate, and both sides should understand

9 these differences and work on accepting and

10 basically working it out?

11 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, assumes

12 facts not in evidence. And lack of personal

13 knowledge, but --

14 A I did not have the training. I don't remember

15 that specifically. I remember you talking

16 about it in some conversations, but I don't

17 believe I had that training.

18 Q Should I show you that? Do you want to see?

19 A It's fine if you show it to me, but -- I

20 already told you what I remember. I don't

21 remember, so --.

22 Q Do you like a female engineer who

23 is relatively new compared -- You have been

24 30 years, others have been with the company

25 for 20 years, and I considered myself as a --

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1 compared to you, a person, for example me, who

2 is ambitious, have potential to grow quickly

3 and -- and but basically who is ambitious and

4 have potential to grow quickly. Do you like

5 female engineer who has potential to grow and

6 who is ambitious?

7 A Well, I don't distinguish much between male

8 and female engineers. I like good engineers

9 who are good at what they do and work well on

10 a team and, you know, do assignments and help

11 out where needed.

12 I like all kinds of things. It doesn't

13 matter to me if they're male or female. I've

14 worked with both in the past for years, so --.

15 Q Do you think -- What's your thought on success

16 and likability positively correlated for men

17 and negatively correlated for women?

18 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, object as

19 vague and -- His personal views on that are

20 totally irrelevant. He wasn't your manager.

21 Q Do you think that when a female is great at

22 her job, as you all said I was great

23 technically --

24 A I said good.

25 Q But she's not -- When she's just not well

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1 liked by her peers and managers, they find

2 that, well, she's just a bit aggressive, so

3 that's unconscious -- reflection of

4 unconscious thinking of stereotype?

5 MR. SCULLEN: Object, vague and

6 unintelligible. I didn't understand.

7 Q She's great at her job, right? You all have

8 said she's really good at technical --

9 MR. SCULLEN: Mischaracterizes his

10 testimony.

11 Q Do you think that --

12 MS. TRIVEDI: Let him answer.

13 MR. SCULLEN: I'm not going to let

14 you mischaracterize his testimony. He didn't

15 say you were great technically.

16 THE WITNESS: Right.


18 Q Not technically. Okay, was good. Okay. Let

19 me rephrase.

20 A Yeah.

21 Q Do you think the person who is good, a female

22 engineer who is good at her job, but as the

23 managers and peers some. They don't like

24 female mainly just because she was female, and

25 she was good at her job and she was

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1 aggressive, assertive, she was confident,

2 coming up front, talking and basically showing

3 manager their weaknesses and their lack of

4 technical skills and understanding and

5 knowledge.

6 A There was a lot there. It seemed like it was

7 a hypothetical question. But what I'll say

8 about what I think is good for engineers at

9 GE, a large company, are good, competent

10 engineers who can handle their technical

11 skills and who can also communicate well and

12 work well on teams.

13 We do a lot of big things where you can't

14 be just an individual working off on the side.

15 Ambition is fine as long as you can still work

16 together with your team members.

17 Q So do you agree that the manager unconsciously

18 reflected -- my case manager unconsciously

19 reflected a stereotype when they judged my

20 performance saying that she's good at her job,

21 but, well, she's just not well liked --

22 It's a common, industrywide issue. I

23 have -- People are writing a book right now as

24 we speak.

25 MR. SCULLEN: Objection. You're now

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1 making statements as to your personal beliefs.

2 MS. TRIVEDI: I wanted him to

3 confirm or explain or --

4 MR. SCULLEN: Just move this along.

5 Are you just asking him whether he believes

6 that your managers were discriminating against

7 you because you're a woman? Is that what you

8 are asking?


10 Q Showed an unconsciously reflected stereotype.

11 A No, I don't believe they did. I believe that

12 they evaluated your technical performance --

13 and I read some of this in your EMS, which you

14 allowed me to see -- technically was fine.

15 Skills, interpersonal skills and

16 communicating and working on a team were where

17 the problems came up, and that's what I agreed

18 with.

19 Q So now, Sachin Kendale didn't have prior

20 networking knowledge. Sachin was working on

21 RSVP Back-Office with GEIP. There are 200

22 defects in development the day I joined.

23 Despite, Sachin Kendale was not held

24 accountable, was not given negative

25 performance despite having negative technical

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1 contribution, because maybe he was being nice

2 to the manager and you and others and I was

3 punished for doing the job I was supposed to

4 do?

5 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, assumes

6 facts not in evidence. And he doesn't know --

7 There is no evidence in the record about what

8 Sachin's performance evaluation was. He

9 doesn't have personal knowledge of that, and

10 these aren't appropriate questions for this

11 witness.


13 Q I'm asking is it fine for a male engineer to

14 not --

15 MR. SCULLEN: You're making

16 assumptions that aren't in the record. You're

17 making assumptions about facts which aren't in

18 the record and about which this witness has no

19 knowledge.

20 Q Okay. You know about Greg Stratton, right?

21 You know about Greg Stratton and --

22 A What about Greg Stratton?

23 Q Greg Stratton -- WCF, Windows Communication

24 Foundation, was never used at GST. It was

25 released in 2008. And given that Greg

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1 Stratton didn't work on that, and the fact was

2 GEIP RSVP project was -- the Back-Office was

3 using WCF and Greg was supposed to drive the

4 requirement and high level design, and Greg

5 didn't have technical experience in that area,

6 the project was not delivered to GE Healthcare

7 after two years. Was Greg held accountable

8 for his lack of technical ability?

9 A I don't know how -- I don't know.

10 Q Should he be held accountable?

11 MR. SCULLEN: First of all, it

12 assumes facts not in evidence. And this

13 witness --

14 MS. TRIVEDI: It is in evidence.

15 This is not evidence? (Motioning to table)

16 MR. SCULLEN: No. This witness --

17 No, there is -- You can't wave your hand at a

18 pile of papers and say that something is in

19 evidence.

20 MS. TRIVEDI: What do you want in

21 evidence?

22 MR. SCULLEN: Well, you would have

23 to provide -- This witness isn't competent to

24 testify to Greg's performance.

25 MS. TRIVEDI: He doesn't want to

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1 answer because it's the truth. And the truth

2 will expose what was the truth and expose

3 wrongdoing. So that's why the goal --

4 MR. SCULLEN: Why don't you let him

5 answer that question.

6 A I know nothing about Greg's performance

7 reviews. He didn't share anything. His

8 manager didn't share anything. I know a

9 little bit about yours because you agreed to

10 share, so that's -- you're the only one.

11 I've never been a part of any other

12 performance review at GE except my own because

13 I'm not a manager. And I've never been a

14 manager, so --

15 Q Do you know that the WCF was used for GEIP

16 RSVP? Kind of? You said you were high

17 level -- involved with high level?

18 A Right, and that was -- Details I don't know

19 about, but yeah.

20 Q It's architecture. It's not detail, it's

21 architecture.

22 A Right. But again, that's an implementation

23 choice that GEIP and people wanted, and that

24 is not my area of expertise.

25 Q Is there a way to confirm that?

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1 MR. SCULLEN: Confirm what?

2 MS. TRIVEDI: This whole WCF issue.

3 MR. SCULLEN: Not with this witness.

4 Not right now.

5 THE WITNESS: I don't know about

6 that.

7 MS. TRIVEDI: Later? Can we do that

8 later? Go off the record.

9 (Off the record discussion.)


11 Q Did Dipti Patel ever wear clothing that you

12 felt were inappropriate or provocative?

13 A No.

14 Q Do you know why Ofir Dahan left GE Healthcare?

15 A No.

16 Q Carl Conrath told me in my meeting when Dave

17 Mehring was present that Ofir Dahan was fired

18 because of he having -- he had relationship

19 problem and he was trying to set up an example

20 to me, something like that. So I need to

21 know --

22 MR. SCULLEN: He said he doesn't

23 know and he wasn't in that meeting.

24 MS. TRIVEDI: I'm trying to refresh

25 that if he knows anything.

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1 A I don't know. I don't know anything about

2 that. This is -- I know nothing about why he

3 left.

4 MS. TRIVEDI: For the record, I

5 spoke with Ofir, and he said he wanted to --

6 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, this is

7 the tenth time. This is a deposition. You

8 don't --

9 MS. TRIVEDI: I don't want to have

10 him tell me later that Madhuri said that Ofir

11 was fired, and Ofir got mad when -- I spoke

12 with Ofir, and he told me he that he was not

13 fired --

14 MR. SCULLEN: Please finish asking

15 your questions. You're wasting time at the

16 deposition.

17 MS. TRIVEDI: No. Carl Conrath and

18 Dave Mehring were giving me wrong information

19 about the termination --

20 MR. SCULLEN: You're wasting time.

21 MS. TRIVEDI: -- of a person.

22 MR. SCULLEN: You're wasting time.

23 Please continue.

24 MS. TRIVEDI: All this information I

25 need verify.

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1 MR. SCULLEN: He's already answered

2 the question. You've asked him twice. Move

3 on, please.


5 Q Do you remember when we broke up with GEIP,

6 Greg got angry at me and he was kind of

7 hostile. I was concerned about this whole

8 behavior that he did. And it was in

9 September, 2012, right after Milwaukee temple

10 shooting, which happened in August, 2012.

11 And you -- I told you to -- I told you

12 about this briefly, and you mentioned that

13 Greg was kind of not speaking for two, three

14 days in all of your coding meetings, and he

15 was just -- something was going on?

16 MR. SCULLEN: Object as compound.

17 A I don't remember details about that. I

18 remember something about you saying something

19 about a GEIP requirement or something that was

20 missed or something, and you asked them to put

21 it in, but Greg thought it should have gone

22 through him or something like that.

23 But that was -- I'm hearing that -- I

24 heard that from you. I don't know that I ever

25 talked to Greg about that, so -- Stuff I heard

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1 from you.

2 Q And that he was -- Because of this

3 disagreement in requirements he had with GEIP,

4 he unnecessarily got angry at me, and

5 basically he was hostile. And I expressed --

6 And you mentioned that he was not talking in

7 all of the meetings where you were present?

8 A I don't know if this was exactly the time, but

9 I have a vague recollection that Greg was not

10 happy the way the GEIP project was going. No

11 one was, because it wasn't meeting our

12 timeline or our needs. And we knew we were --

13 we needed -- we had pressure to get the

14 Questra Back-Office fixed. So that was sort

15 of probably before the time of --

16 Q This was September, 2012, the day when Axeda

17 people came from Boston for a meeting at

18 Milwaukee, those days. And he was -- He --

19 basically because of this requirement,

20 disagreement with GEIP, which I was working

21 on -- he got angry. And I expressed that --

22 And you mentioned that he was not talking in

23 meetings where even you are present.

24 And you kind of mentioned that he -- he's

25 just calm right now, maybe something is going

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1 on inside.

2 A I don't remember enough details about that,

3 but --

4 Q Do you remember you -- and I was concerned

5 that -- I was really concerned about me

6 sitting next to him and his hostile behavior,

7 and you kind of mentioned that he's a dormant

8 volcano. Not kind of, but --

9 A I don't believe I ever said that.

10 Q Can you try to recall? You did say that,

11 that, Be careful, he's a dormant volcano?

12 A I don't believe I ever said that.

13 Q He's not even talking to us in our meetings,

14 so maybe something is going on inside him and

15 maybe, you know, it's -- Something is going

16 on, so it might kind of, you know -- The

17 hostility might reoccur.

18 Given other circumstances though. You

19 know, the actual reason for the angry and

20 hostile behavior could be different. But you

21 find a weak person or weak, you know,

22 opportunity, and then that anger gets

23 diverted, like parent -- child/parent getting

24 that from children when it's like venting it

25 out.

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1 So do you remember we did talk -- Maybe

2 it was before some time --

3 A Like I said again, I don't ever remember

4 saying he was an active volcano --

5 Q Dormant?

6 A -- dormant volcano. The only conversation

7 before this, we might have talked about that

8 at the time, and Greg might have been stressed

9 and quiet because of issues, or they might

10 have been issues at home, I have no idea.

11 But I was asked about this topic from a

12 previous HR person last year, and I used the

13 term, "Nah, he's a teddy bear." He's big.

14 He's a big guy. He's, you know, 300 pounds,

15 whatever. But he's a very calm, likable guy.

16 So when I was asked in the past about my

17 opinion of his personality, it was not dormant

18 volcano. I said, No, he's a teddy bear. I

19 worked with him for 25 years.

20 Q During -- When we spoke after my

21 performance -- around the time of my

22 performance evaluation, you did mention that

23 you had interaction problem and some friction

24 with Greg Stratton in past prior to me. In

25 past you had an occasion where you had issues

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1 with Greg.

2 A I don't remember that.

3 Q You told me that -- That was a diagram I still

4 have. That's fine. I have diagram, but

5 that's okay.

6 A I'm confused. I don't know what that's about.

7 Q You mentioned in the past with Greg Stratton

8 you had interaction problem or there were

9 issues in terms of communication or

10 interpersonal issues.

11 A No, I don't remember that. I've never had

12 problems talking with him, so --

13 MS. TRIVEDI: Can we reconvene?


15 MS. TRIVEDI: I will have to. We

16 will have to.

17 MR. SCULLEN: This is your

18 opportunity -- We've now stayed a half hour

19 past when we said that we would. We've now

20 been here for four hours.

21 MS. TRIVEDI: You can take a

22 deposition up to eight hours.

23 MR. SCULLEN: That's right. But you

24 requested --

25 REPORTER: Can we go off the record

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1 now?

2 MR. SCULLEN: Yes, let's go off the

3 record.

4 (Off the record. Short recess taken.)


6 Q Do you remember when Insite ExC was released

7 it was having security -- it failed security

8 test or having security issue when the website

9 was public facing?

10 A Okay. When ExC 5.2 was released? I remember,

11 because ExC was actually my idea a few years

12 before we found a vendor who could do it.

13 Q When it was released first time or along the

14 line, when it was released --

15 A The second major release.

16 Q At the time of Insite ExC release, when it was

17 public facing, it failed a security test or

18 had the security concerns?

19 A Yes.

20 Q And the reason was?

21 A It went through Scabba testing.

22 Q And?

23 A And the results were there were some

24 vulnerabilities we didn't want exposed on the

25 internet, so we did not leave the application

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1 facing the internet. We pulled it inside GE.

2 So the user interface is accessible only

3 from inside GE. The Agent traffic can access

4 from outside GE.

5 Q So any GE employee can -- So were the security

6 issues fixed?

7 A Some were.

8 Q Some weren't?

9 A And one of the big fixes, mitigations for that

10 issue was to not leave the user interface

11 exposed on the internet. We have it only

12 inside GE.

13 Q And some were not fixed? This was one of

14 those?

15 A Some we could fix and some we couldn't because

16 it's a vended application. It's from Questra,

17 so we can't change all of the code.

18 Q So there were security issues in production

19 for Insite ExC, security vulnerability,

20 because -- The reason is different. The

21 reason, Well, you know, that's excuses. But

22 there were --

23 MR. SCULLEN: This is asked and

24 answered. We went over this three hours ago.

25 MS. TRIVEDI: This is a different

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1 question.

2 MR. SCULLEN: No, it's not.


4 Q Insite ExC in production had security issues.

5 Is that correct? Or have --

6 A The user interface, which is a little bit

7 different, yes, had some security

8 vulnerabilities found during Scabba testing.

9 Our mitigation was several things: One of

10 them was to move the user interface inside GE.

11 Q And also some of them were not fixed. Some of

12 the security were never --

13 A Right, because we could not fix them.

14 Q So some of the security vulnerability still

15 exist today?

16 A Yes.

17 Q So any GE employee inside GE network can

18 potentially try to exploit that vulnerability?

19 A Depends on the vulnerability.

20 Q But it is possible?

21 A But in general, we keep track of who we give

22 accounts to. Most of the vulnerabilities are

23 only exploitable if you have an account and

24 you can log in, and then you start poking at

25 it, you can find problems. If you don't have

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1 an account to log in, which is the vast

2 majority of people in GE, then those

3 vulnerabilities aren't exposed.

4 Q So are you aware of the Snowden incident where

5 he was an insider of NSA, and he very much --

6 A Yes, I'm aware of that.

7 Q -- he very much hacked everything that NSA

8 had?

9 A Yes.

10 Q So is this -- Do you consider that's insider

11 threat detection, and not having proper

12 insider threat detection in place? Its

13 considered insider threat detection, right?

14 GE has lots of employees, and even people

15 can do espionage or people can have several

16 different motives. So you cannot rely that,

17 well, it's inside GE's network, so that's our

18 mitigation strategy. You know, security

19 problems are fixed by moving it from public

20 facing to GE internal website.

21 Given those security issues still exist

22 where an insider can try to potentially -- or

23 can try to exploit those.

24 A What's the question there?

25 MS. TRIVEDI: Can you go back?

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1 MR. SCULLEN: You didn't ask a

2 question, you made a statement.

3 THE WITNESS: What's the question?

4 Are you asking me --

5 MS. TRIVEDI: Can you read that?

6 Now I forgot where I started. I started a

7 question.

8 (Reporter read previous question.)

9 Q Is it considered good security strategy or is

10 it --

11 A To move the interface to the inside?

12 Q And keep those security vulnerability as --

13 A That was one of our only options. We had

14 several things, and we went through the risk

15 analysis with a third-party company at the

16 time. I'm trying to remember their name and I

17 can't. But they did a big security audit of

18 it.

19 We did our own internal source

20 code-assisted black box testing and determined

21 that that was the best way to deploy this

22 application. We already had the application

23 deployed for a couple of years. The user

24 interface was upgraded from 4.1 to 5.2.

25 That's where a lot of the vulnerabilities came

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1 in, so --

2 Q So do you think that engineers were involved

3 and lead technical leads or all -- I will

4 rephrase.

5 So when ExC was developed, do you think

6 that proper security engineering knowledge was

7 needed? What was the reason for not having --

8 Or do you think the engineers were lacking the

9 security skills or --

10 A Well, I was one of the engineers involved in

11 deploying Insite 2 ExC --

12 Q Not developing.

13 A Not developing that. That was done by a

14 third-party company. So we weren't involved

15 in their development. We bought their

16 software and tested it, tested our -- you

17 know, our modifications to it and their

18 software, found the vulnerabilities and

19 decided to deploy it inside our firewall

20 rather than outside of our firewall so that

21 only qualified GE people who had taken

22 training and done all of the right things had

23 access to that system, so --

24 That's a normal security thing to do, and

25 I was involved in that from the beginning

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1 because I'm the connectivity security person.

2 MS. TRIVEDI: Off the record.

3 (Off the record discussion.)


5 Q Have you worked for a female boss before?

6 A I don't think I've worked for a female manager

7 before. But I've had female project leaders.

8 Q So those -- You're referring to reporting to

9 those leaders?

10 A So no, they did not do my performance review

11 or I wasn't directly reporting to them. But

12 on the project work, they were managing

13 schedules, doing assignments, but not doing my

14 performance review, so --. Depends what you

15 mean by reporting to them.

16 Q As I mentioned about the gender speak

17 diversity training offered at GE Healthcare

18 for retention of female engineer, do you think

19 that having that training given to managers,

20 peers, including me, could have helped in

21 perceiving and measuring my communication,

22 because that training --

23 MR. SCULLEN: Object as lack of --

24 Q -- that training was completely targeted to

25 address communication and soft skills?

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1 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, he's

2 testified he didn't take the training. He

3 doesn't have knowledge of the reason the

4 training was implemented, and his personal

5 views about what could have happened are both

6 speculative and irrelevant. Move on if you

7 have other questions.


9 Q So there is a problem. That's why the

10 training was offered?

11 MR. SCULLEN: Object. Same

12 objection.

13 Q Do you think that has an influence on manager

14 and peers behavior; otherwise, if there is no

15 problem, then why would the training be

16 offered?

17 A Like I answered before, I don't know the

18 training class, so I don't believe I took it.

19 I don't know why it was offered.

20 Q Even if you took it, you don't remember.

21 Maybe you took it, but you don't remember.

22 A I doubt I took it, because I don't remember.

23 But I've had 200 classes, and I don't think

24 that one was in there, because I looked at my

25 training record for a different project last

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1 month.

2 Q Do you remember if I ever worked with chief

3 engineer at GST?

4 A I'm sure you did some stuff with Rick, but I

5 don't know the details.

6 Q What stuff? I haven't done that, so that's

7 why I'm --

8 MR. SCULLEN: You're asking him

9 about --

10 MS. TRIVEDI: This is the response,

11 and I haven't. So I need to know who said

12 that.

13 Q So you are a principal engineer, and chief

14 engineer is one level above you. So I want to

15 clarify what -- why that information was

16 there.

17 A I don't know what the information is. Since

18 Rick sits, you know, in our group and is in a

19 lot of design review meetings and things,

20 because he runs technical reviews and stuff,

21 you've probably interacted with him.

22 Q Only for innovation challenge.

23 A Okay. Well, there you go.

24 MR. SCULLEN: He isn't prepared to

25 know beyond that.

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1 MS. TRIVEDI: And that is also

2 asking for deadline--

3 MR. SCULLEN: You're testifying now.

4 You're not asking him a question. He's

5 already testified that he doesn't know beyond

6 what he already said regarding your

7 interactions with Rick.

8 MS. TRIVEDI: So this is here. So I

9 need to know the truth why he came here.

10 Either he said or he heard from someone.

11 MR. SCULLEN: And he said he doesn't

12 know, so it's not him.

13 MS. TRIVEDI: That's funny, it's not

14 him. Okay.

15 Q Do you think it's illegal to treat a female

16 engineer who is raising technical issues where

17 managers and leads didn't have technical

18 skills or technical knowledge?

19 (Reporter read pending question.)

20 MR. SCULLEN: Objection,

21 mischaracterizes his testimony, and it's vague

22 as stated.

23 MS. TRIVEDI: It's not vague. It's

24 clear and very concise. We have been

25 discussing this for --

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1 MR. SCULLEN: He didn't testify that

2 the people didn't have technical knowledge,

3 and your question ended with --

4 MS. TRIVEDI: Let me rephrase.

5 Q Do you think it's legal when a female engineer

6 who is brand new or relatively new, raising

7 technical concerns, security vulnerability and

8 those managers, team leads, LSDs who didn't

9 know about this or such technical issues

10 were -- they had technical learning curve to

11 understand and -- to understand this technical

12 issues?

13 A Again, that's not a complete question. You

14 talk about is it illegal. I don't know the

15 law around that aspect, for someone to bring

16 up technical issues when their managers don't

17 have all of the technical background. And

18 then your question ended --

19 There is nothing illegal about an

20 engineer bringing up technical issues or the

21 managers not knowing about technical issues.

22 Q Okay. All right. So do you think is it

23 legal?

24 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, his

25 personal views are totally irrelevant. This

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1 is just not relevant.

2 Q Do you think it's legal to measure a brand new

3 female engineer who was working on a project

4 and raising security and technical issues

5 where managers and leads didn't have prior

6 knowledge of that technical -- or that

7 technology and managers were diverting their

8 lack of technical knowledge in that area by

9 pointing out communication issue where the

10 problem was they didn't have technical

11 knowledge? So do you think is it considered

12 legal where --

13 A I have no idea about the law. It's not my

14 training.

15 Q Is it legal -- Is it fair or is it ethical?

16 MR. SCULLEN: Objection, assumes

17 facts not in evidence.

18 Q Is it fair?

19 MR. SCULLEN: Same objection.

20 Q You don't know law, if it's illegal. But do

21 you know, is it fair?

22 A Again, I don't know how to answer that

23 question. I'm not even sure what the question

24 is.

25 MR. SCULLEN: Ms. Trivedi, let's

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1 move on. Do you have any other questions?

2 MS. TRIVEDI: Why you don't

3 understand?

4 MR. SCULLEN: First, your question

5 makes a bunch of assumptions that are

6 incorrect.

7 MS. TRIVEDI: We already -- It's not

8 assumption, it's all facts. He already gave

9 testimony about this.

10 MR. SCULLEN: No, it's not.

11 MS. TRIVEDI: He did. You cannot

12 continually object and be overassertive.

13 MR. SCULLEN: That's not what he

14 said. And you can ask him when he said that.

15 MS. TRIVEDI: No. I'm not going to

16 ask him now.

17 MR. SCULLEN: Then move on.

18 MS. TRIVEDI: He's already testified

19 that twice. I have already that.

20 Q Do you think is it legal for managers and

21 peers to perceive and measure a female

22 engineer as a person having a communication

23 skill problem when they didn't have technical

24 knowledge or there was a lack of technical

25 skills in that area for managers and peers?

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1 A I won't answer the legal. But I think I

2 finally found a question in there, to my

3 opinion. Is it okay for someone who doesn't

4 have technical background --

5 Q Not okay. I just want to know whether it's

6 legal or not legal.

7 A I can't answer legal.

8 Q Fair and ethical? Is it fair?

9 A I can say what I think about that hypothetical

10 situation.

11 Q About my hypothetical. I'm not saying --

12 A You have to be more specific about your

13 question.

14 Q Given what happened Insite ExC -- focus on

15 Insite ExC --

16 A Okay.

17 Q I was raising security vulnerability issues,

18 technical quality issues --

19 A Okay.

20 Q I was relatively new, I was learning the

21 product, I was showing initiative and

22 dedication to quality and technical, because

23 when that points to managers, team leads,

24 other engineers, including LSDs, didn't have a

25 prior technical knowledge, nor technical

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1 understanding for the work I was doing, is it

2 legal to treat me in a way they treated?

3 MR. SCULLEN: I'm going to object as

4 to mischaracterizes the facts.

5 MS. TRIVEDI: This is the crux --

6 MR. SCULLEN: He's not -- We're

7 going to end the deposition right now. If you

8 have another question --


10 Q Is it considered negative treatment or -- or

11 is it fine? Not legal. Do you think that's

12 how it should be?

13 MR. SCULLEN: Objection as to vague.

14 He started to answer your question. If you

15 want an answer to the prior question --

16 MS. TRIVEDI: You don't want him to

17 answer legal or illegal --

18 MR. SCULLEN: I don't understand the

19 question you're asking.

20 MS. TRIVEDI: Is it legal or not

21 legal?

22 MR. SCULLEN: He's not going to

23 answer legal questions.

24 THE WITNESS: I'm not a lawyer.


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1 Q But you are an engineer?

2 A I can give you my opinion.

3 Q I don't need your opinion.

4 MR. SCULLEN: That's what you're

5 asking him.

6 A That's what you're asking me.

7 MR. SCULLEN: That's all he can give

8 you is his opinion. You keep asking for his

9 opinion, and then when he tries to give it to

10 you, you interrupt.

11 MS. TRIVEDI: I want to know whether

12 it's okay or not.

13 MR. SCULLEN: Either way, that's his

14 opinion.


16 Q So you don't know the legal laws --

17 A I do not know.

18 Q -- State and Federal laws of these actions?

19 A Correct. I do not know.

20 Q Can I expand? It's considered protected

21 activity --

22 MR. SCULLEN: Let's stop. We're

23 stopping the deposition at this point. You're

24 not asking --

25 (Off the record discussion)

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1 MR. SCULLEN: Let's go back on the

2 record. Ms. Trivedi, he's testified -- You

3 asked him four times, four different ways

4 about legal questions. He said four different

5 times he can't answer that.

6 MS. TRIVEDI: He's a principal

7 engineer. He's born and raised in U.S.

8 Wouldn't he know about U.S. law?

9 MR. SCULLEN: No, not necessarily.

10 It's not an appropriate question for him. We

11 can do that -- If you want to ask that

12 question, if you think you have a right to ask

13 it, I suggest you raise it with the

14 arbitrator, and we'll deal with it there.

15 We're not going to resolve it here.

16 MS. TRIVEDI: I need to recollect

17 now.

18 REPORTER: We're off the record.

19 (Off the record discussion.)

20 MR. SCULLEN: Let's go back on the

21 record. Ms. Trivedi has indicated she's not

22 prepared at this point to go forward, but she

23 thinks she has 20 more minutes of questions,

24 but she needs more time to write her

25 questions. We have objected to presenting the

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1 witness again. We're prepared to finish the

2 deposition now. So now it's 6:25. We're

3 ending the deposition.

4 (Deposition concluded at 6:25 p.m.)

















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2 ) SS:


4 I, Beth Zimmermann, a Registered Professional

5 Reporter and Wisconsin Notary Public, certify that

6 WILLIAM BARBIAUX swore under oath to tell the truth,

7 the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and that I

8 stenographically reported and reduced to typewriting

9 the deposition.

10 I certify that I am neither related to nor an

11 employee of any party or attorney to this action, and

12 I certify that I have no financial interest in the

13 matter.


15 Dated March 12, 2014.




19 ______________________________



23 Court Reporter and Notary Public

24 My Commission Expires 10/21/2017.


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' 164:16 A affect [2] - 114:9, 85:8, 87:12, 93:12,

2013 [5] - 14:25, 114:16 108:4, 108:25,
120:12, 121:4, affected [1] - 75:22 139:8, 141:20
'enable [1] - 103:24 122:16, 122:17 ability [3] - 85:3, age [1] - 11:6 analysis [1] - 172:15
2014 [1] - 113:23 149:7, 159:8 Agent [29] - 5:21, analyze [1] - 42:19
1 23 [2] - 136:9, 136:18 able [12] - 11:17, 12:7, 5:22, 13:19, 14:9, analyzer [1] - 42:14
25 [3] - 5:4, 151:7, 17:2, 47:4, 50:3, 14:22, 15:9, 31:15, anger [1] - 165:22
166:19 79:9, 81:9, 85:10, 50:2, 50:3, 50:12, angry [4] - 163:6,
1 [4] - 39:10, 118:2,
29th [2] - 38:11, 38:19 102:24, 103:17, 50:13, 50:21, 53:17, 164:4, 164:21,
118:11, 120:14
2:00 [1] - 100:20 145:1, 145:5 116:7, 125:22, 165:19
10 [5] - 16:25, 73:17,
acceptable [3] - 126:22, 129:17, Anish [1] - 26:22
73:23, 76:23, 121:19
110:4, 111:2, 111:11
10-11 [1] - 121:16 3 accepting [6] - 48:14,
130:22, 132:14, answer [62] - 7:8,
137:21, 138:7, 16:8, 16:15, 17:20,
11-13 [1] - 127:5
49:4, 49:8, 49:20, 138:10, 138:12, 20:20, 21:17, 22:9,
11:30 [1] - 101:8 3-7 [1] - 80:22 57:20, 153:9 139:3, 139:12, 22:10, 23:5, 23:22,
12 [4] - 73:19, 127:9, 30 [3] - 19:20, 143:7, access [3] - 50:3, 140:9, 140:13, 24:2, 29:19, 34:22,
127:16, 127:17 153:24 169:3, 173:23 142:1, 169:3 34:24, 35:18, 36:17,
13 [2] - 127:16, 127:17 300 [2] - 17:1, 166:14 accessible [2] - 53:17, agent [2] - 125:21, 37:14, 38:13, 44:8,
14 [3] - 5:6, 129:25, 3Q [2] - 106:3, 106:6 169:2 128:18 47:3, 47:22, 51:3,
130:2 3rd [3] - 121:6, accommodated [1] - Agents [8] - 15:8, 61:13, 65:6, 67:20,
15 [6] - 5:1, 16:24, 122:16, 122:17 97:24 15:10, 15:17, 31:15, 71:25, 75:6, 82:11,
63:19, 134:10, account [4] - 139:14, 50:16, 116:8, 82:13, 82:23, 87:2,
134:13, 134:15
4 140:23, 170:23, 137:25, 139:20 89:6, 90:23, 91:16,
172 [1] - 134:15 171:1 aggressive [3] - 91:21, 92:2, 93:21,
175 [1] - 134:16 accountability [5] -
4.1 [1] - 172:24 147:1, 155:2, 156:1 94:8, 94:9, 94:11,
1993 [1] - 4:22 17:11, 17:16, 17:24,
4.2 [1] - 134:23 ago [3] - 118:6, 94:17, 95:11, 95:13,
18:12, 18:13 146:17, 169:24 96:20, 97:7, 104:22,
2 465 [5] - 106:17,
accountable [12] - agree [13] - 8:6, 26:1, 105:19, 126:9,
107:25, 119:15,
18:1, 18:4, 18:22, 82:23, 83:2, 83:17, 143:18, 148:13,
137:12, 141:23
2 [5] - 42:10, 107:16, 18:25, 19:5, 22:1, 83:18, 83:20, 83:22, 148:19, 155:12,
4th [1] - 121:4
117:22, 123:25, 23:17, 23:25, 88:6, 99:4, 99:6, 104:17, 160:1, 160:5,
173:11 157:24, 159:7, 156:17 179:22, 181:1,
5 159:10 agreed [3] - 100:19, 181:7, 182:14,
2.0 [1] - 106:1
20 [18] - 5:1, 5:10, 9:5, accounts [1] - 170:22 157:17, 160:9 182:15, 182:17,
29:7, 36:2, 36:5, 5.2 [2] - 168:10, accurate [1] - 47:22 ahead [4] - 16:8, 65:6, 182:23, 184:5
36:7, 36:25, 37:18, 172:24 actions [1] - 183:18 87:1, 143:18 Answer [1] - 84:19
38:6, 38:7, 38:10, 50 [1] - 76:23 active [1] - 166:4 aisle [3] - 27:11, answered [10] - 9:18,
38:15, 63:19, 88:13, 500 [1] - 137:12 ActiveX [12] - 102:10, 49:14, 49:19 15:21, 20:19, 23:23,
88:14, 153:25, 510(k [1] - 108:21 102:21, 102:24, aisles [1] - 27:8 34:14, 34:21, 115:1,
184:23 5:00 [1] - 100:15 103:13, 133:3, Al [6] - 40:2, 40:25, 163:1, 169:24,
200 [4] - 152:13, 5:30 [2] - 100:15, 134:5, 134:20, 41:14, 128:16, 175:17
152:19, 157:21, 100:24 135:2, 135:23, 137:19, 138:6 answering [2] - 87:3,
175:23 138:3, 142:4, 142:7 Alan [15] - 5:9, 32:1, 94:3
2004 [1] - 111:18 6 activities [1] - 79:8 33:24, 36:25, 37:19, answers [8] - 7:21,
2005 [1] - 103:14 activity [2] - 123:11, 42:16, 48:8, 48:14, 23:3, 47:15, 47:16,
2006 [1] - 71:4 183:21 55:1, 90:15, 97:19, 81:18, 82:24, 92:4,
60,000 [1] - 17:3 actual [7] - 45:5, 45:9, 93:3
2007 [1] - 8:4 128:12, 137:13,
6:25 [2] - 185:2, 185:4 45:21, 46:9, 126:23, 144:4 Anthony [1] - 30:7
2008 [1] - 158:25
2010 [2] - 11:21, 12:10 141:15, 165:19 algebra [6] - 86:16, anticipate [3] - 81:4,
2011 [6] - 8:7, 11:21,
8 add [1] - 10:2 86:18, 86:20, 86:21, 85:3, 99:13
12:10, 39:9, 39:22, adding [1] - 9:21 86:23, 86:24 anticipated [3] -
70:15 8 [5] - 100:11, 100:12, additional [1] - 20:10 allowed [1] - 157:14 12:15, 97:24, 99:12
2012 [20] - 9:20, 9:25, 101:16, 102:12, address [1] - 174:25 alone [3] - 34:12, 38:7, anticipating [1] -
14:25, 16:20, 24:11, 102:22 addressed [1] - 139:5 38:8 66:15
34:8, 36:1, 70:16, 8th [1] - 39:9 addressing [4] - 58:1, alternative [3] - 110:5, app [1] - 115:17
70:20, 70:23, 106:6, 71:11, 89:18, 95:4 111:2, 111:12 appeared [1] - 130:25
admire [2] - 150:17, application [18] -
107:1, 111:22, 9 ambition [1] - 156:15
113:12, 120:12, 150:21 ambitious [3] - 154:2, 68:17, 110:8,
120:13, 127:23, advanced [1] - 52:7 154:3, 154:6 115:16, 115:21,
163:9, 163:10, 9 [2] - 101:24, 102:4 advice [1] - 61:2 amount [8] - 23:13, 115:25, 116:1,

(188 of 291)
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116:2, 116:3, 116:5, Audit [1] - 118:3 142:8, 142:10, 74:22, 76:25, 130:7, bunch [1] - 180:5
116:7, 117:25, audit [15] - 8:4, 148:3, 157:21, 141:19, 155:2, bus [1] - 146:22
118:5, 123:1, 117:21, 117:22, 159:2, 164:14 160:9, 170:6 business [2] - 109:14,
133:23, 168:25, 118:1, 118:3, 118:8, Back-Offices [1] - biweekly [1] - 145:22 147:25
169:16, 172:22 122:13, 123:5, 13:24 black [3] - 86:1, 104:3, busy [1] - 34:2
applications [1] - 123:20, 123:25, background [4] - 172:20 buy [1] - 73:19
133:25 124:5, 124:16, 128:4, 145:13, blame [5] - 24:5, BY [48] - 4:16, 7:12,
appraisal [1] - 144:3 125:1, 172:17 178:17, 181:4 57:10, 57:16, 58:13, 8:20, 13:17, 14:3,
appropriate [5] - auditing [1] - 117:12 bad [2] - 36:6, 145:2 74:14 14:17, 21:22, 23:6,
131:8, 131:15, August [1] - 163:10 Barbiaux [1] - 47:9 blamed [4] - 58:12, 31:9, 34:23, 37:17,
132:6, 158:10, authority [1] - 150:19 base [10] - 11:10, 58:17, 85:12, 85:18 39:19, 47:25, 53:9,
184:10 auto [1] - 80:4 11:12, 11:13, 11:18, blind [1] - 150:20 54:25, 56:22, 58:20,
April [3] - 9:20, 9:25, Auto [1] - 118:3 11:23, 12:16, 12:18, blue [1] - 115:13 62:23, 64:13, 68:25,
71:5 automatically [1] - 15:8, 15:18, 15:19 body [2] - 9:22, 35:3 79:4, 83:21, 95:14,
arbitrator [4] - 20:18, 125:22 based [8] - 7:14, 7:18, book [1] - 156:23 97:12, 99:19,
47:4, 47:11, 184:14 available [3] - 52:4, 7:19, 19:13, 98:14, books [3] - 73:17, 101:17, 107:12,
architect [1] - 32:24 123:16, 123:17 142:9, 142:10 73:19, 73:23 117:1, 121:20,
architecture [2] - avoiding [1] - 95:21 basic [2] - 108:7, borderline [1] - 59:1 125:10, 127:18,
160:20, 160:21 aware [24] - 25:17, 122:1 born [1] - 184:7 129:8, 130:15,
area [5] - 116:13, 25:20, 28:18, 30:23, basis [1] - 123:11 boss [1] - 174:5 132:8, 132:25,
159:5, 160:24, 31:4, 58:17, 59:4, bear [2] - 166:13, Boston [1] - 164:17 143:10, 155:17,
179:8, 180:25 59:5, 65:15, 66:15, 166:18 bought [4] - 112:22, 157:9, 158:12,
argue [1] - 92:2 67:4, 67:14, 77:14, beaten [1] - 58:3 148:1, 173:15 161:10, 163:4,
arguing [2] - 77:22, 78:23, 79:1, 79:6, became [3] - 12:4, box [1] - 172:20 168:5, 170:3, 174:4,
77:24 79:16, 133:12, 89:11, 94:21 brand [4] - 33:20, 175:8, 182:9,
ASCII [1] - 46:20 137:3, 141:4, become [3] - 109:23, 87:9, 178:6, 179:2 182:25, 183:15
aspect [2] - 65:7, 143:19, 171:4, 171:6 112:14, 141:16 break [4] - 10:14, byte [1] - 46:8
178:15 awhile [2] - 6:10 beginning [11] - 7:16, 56:21, 80:19, 125:8 bytes [3] - 45:10,
assertive [1] - 156:1 Axeda [20] - 7:13, 28:18, 76:12, 76:15, breaking [1] - 27:23 46:11, 46:18
assessments [1] - 7:17, 14:19, 15:13, 76:18, 77:10, 78:6, breaks [2] - 41:23,
108:17 15:14, 125:16, 78:12, 130:7, 136:2 C
assets [1] - 148:1 126:10, 126:19, 147:22, 173:25 Brewers [2] - 145:11,
assigned [1] - 57:23 147:9, 147:11, behave [1] - 92:10 145:20 cable [4] - 125:19,
assignment [10] - 4:5, 147:21, 147:22, behavior [9] - 35:3, briefly [2] - 49:5, 128:13, 128:18,
40:8, 40:12, 40:18, 148:2, 148:3, 148:6, 58:22, 66:25, 147:1, 163:12 129:16
59:14, 60:10, 60:11, 148:20, 148:22, 153:3, 163:8, 165:6, bring [4] - 56:2, 69:17, calm [2] - 164:25,
63:8, 89:8, 94:19 149:1, 149:5, 164:16 165:20, 175:14 96:1, 178:15 166:15
assignments [3] - behind [1] - 10:22 bringing [7] - 57:22, cannot [20] - 36:5,
29:3, 154:10, 174:13 B beliefs [1] - 157:1 58:1, 58:6, 60:3, 36:8, 66:8, 66:10,
assisted [1] - 172:20 believes [1] - 157:5 60:16, 92:20, 178:20 73:19, 79:20, 80:8,
associated [1] - best [3] - 7:25, 113:16, broad [1] - 150:21
Back-Office [49] - 86:5, 93:9, 104:11,
140:12 172:21 broke [2] - 10:18,
5:22, 5:23, 11:3, 113:13, 113:16,
assumes [12] - 17:15, better [3] - 109:17, 163:5 115:20, 116:4,
12:5, 13:10, 13:19,
23:21, 37:6, 58:15, 111:6, 148:17 brought [1] - 119:4 117:2, 138:13,
13:23, 14:8, 14:21,
65:4, 67:1, 71:24, between [11] - 25:18, bug [4] - 139:15, 144:23, 171:16,
15:7, 15:14, 15:15,
80:17, 153:11, 65:17, 66:6, 69:6, 140:11, 140:15, 180:11
15:16, 33:3, 114:15,
158:5, 159:12, 69:23, 71:10, 72:17, 140:17 capability [1] - 122:23
114:17, 116:1,
179:16 121:3, 137:19, bugs [9] - 110:19, capture [6] - 43:9,
116:8, 116:10,
assumption [1] - 140:9, 154:7 112:20, 113:16, 43:18, 45:4, 46:7,
116:11, 117:3,
180:8 beyond [3] - 20:9, 113:17, 113:18, 46:10, 48:17
121:23, 133:4,
assumptions [3] - 136:9, 136:17, 176:25, 177:5 119:15, 119:20, captured [1] - 44:5
158:16, 158:17, 137:4, 137:6, big [7] - 19:7, 65:10, 141:7, 141:14 capturing [1] - 45:21
180:5 137:11, 137:24, 156:13, 166:13, build [5] - 84:20, care [1] - 108:15
ATL [1] - 103:11 138:2, 138:5, 166:14, 169:9, 126:21, 126:22, careful [1] - 165:11
attacks [1] - 104:11 138:10, 138:12, 172:17 130:22, 148:23 Carl [4] - 16:18, 16:22,
attacks' [1] - 104:1 138:17, 138:25, Biju [1] - 26:22 built [2] - 103:10, 161:16, 162:17
attend [2] - 107:14, 139:2, 139:13, Bill [1] - 82:4 147:24 Carl's [1] - 18:16
107:15 139:15, 139:19, binary [2] - 48:22, bulk [3] - 111:23, case [15] - 20:18,
audio [2] - 31:24, 140:3, 140:9, 103:1 112:5, 113:11 20:25, 21:12, 47:17,
31:25 140:14, 142:3, bit [9] - 10:22, 64:14, bullet [1] - 109:18
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47:24, 84:21, 87:21, close [4] - 5:10, compare [1] - 43:9 160:25, 161:1 135:21, 137:14,
105:1, 105:3, 111:22, 111:23, compared [3] - 43:2, confirmed [6] - 52:19, 162:23
134:18, 135:8, 117:25 153:23, 154:1 70:3, 70:4, 70:5, continuing [2] - 36:20,
138:24, 146:8, closed [6] - 112:5, comparing [1] - 43:6 120:10, 121:22 100:25
156:18 112:15, 113:11, competent [9] - 30:24, confirming [1] - 62:15 continuous [3] -
cases [7] - 104:20, 113:13, 113:14, 99:15, 99:16, 100:2, conflicts [2] - 25:17, 25:17, 25:19, 25:25
135:5, 135:15, 128:14 106:21, 122:7, 26:1 continuously [2] -
135:21, 138:17, closely [2] - 144:9, 132:5, 156:9, 159:23 conform [1] - 108:20 41:17, 92:15
138:23 144:10 complained [1] - confused [2] - 88:1, contravention [2] -
caught [1] - 56:24 closing [2] - 111:24 119:16 167:6 80:15, 80:16
central [1] - 105:1 clothing [1] - 161:11 complaining [1] - confusing [3] - 65:5, contribution [1] -
certain [3] - 21:5, code [7] - 32:21, 136:7 67:20, 87:1 158:1
23:12, 37:12 46:21, 80:15, complete [2] - 43:20, confusion [1] - 55:24 control [12] - 8:3,
chain [2] - 103:5, 102:25, 112:22, 178:13 connect [6] - 114:18, 19:6, 102:10,
130:24 169:17, 172:20 completely [4] - 116:5, 116:10, 102:21, 102:24,
challenge [1] - 176:22 code-assisted [1] - 119:19, 119:21, 116:11, 117:3, 103:13, 122:13,
challenged [1] - 172:20 148:24, 174:24 128:18 134:20, 135:23,
150:19 coding [1] - 163:14 complex [4] - 47:23, connected [1] - 70:12 142:5, 142:7
challenges [1] - 85:1 cold [5] - 53:7, 61:20, 53:20, 65:5, 67:19 connecting [5] - controls [3] - 103:10,
chance [1] - 145:6 62:8, 72:5, 95:20 compound [6] - 7:8, 109:3, 117:10, 117:21, 138:3
changed [11] - 11:1, collect [1] - 123:2 17:14, 27:23, 60:22, 133:3, 133:15, convenient [3] -
18:7, 18:8, 24:6, collects [1] - 118:1 143:18, 163:16 138:12 123:21, 123:24,
42:7, 42:8, 45:2, coming [3] - 145:10, compromise [1] - 64:3 connection [1] - 123:4 124:23
48:3, 93:20, 148:21 145:19, 156:2 computer [4] - 43:15, connections [1] - 11:9 conversation [12] -
changes [3] - 28:24, comment [4] - 10:16, 43:16, 43:20, 120:23 connectivity [8] - 35:5, 37:9, 48:7,
69:12, 78:20 129:23, 131:9, concern [6] - 48:13, 104:14, 111:6, 63:6, 72:14, 89:12,
changing [7] - 28:22, 139:18 89:19, 95:4, 118:16, 111:8, 125:13, 90:19, 94:23, 96:1,
41:17, 42:6, 77:25, comments [1] - 56:14 118:20, 153:1 132:15, 133:13, 146:15, 146:23,
87:22, 88:13, 92:23 common [1] - 156:22 concerned [5] - 63:25, 145:25, 174:1 166:6
check [2] - 71:1, communicate [5] - 73:24, 163:7, 165:4, connects [1] - 124:13 conversations [5] -
104:10 74:18, 95:22, 153:7, 165:5 Conrath [3] - 16:18, 27:6, 49:23, 65:13,
chief [2] - 176:2, 153:8, 156:11 concerning [2] - 161:16, 162:17 153:16
176:13 communicated [2] - 51:13, 142:14 consider [5] - 57:2, convey [1] - 119:6
child/parent [1] - 86:13, 121:22 concerns [12] - 60:18, 68:5, 73:10, 97:21, cooperation [2] -
165:23 communicating [6] - 61:23, 62:9, 62:10, 171:10 55:2, 62:11
children [1] - 165:24 61:11, 69:14, 86:11, 63:23, 75:10, 90:1, consideration [1] - cooperative [1] -
choice [1] - 160:23 95:19, 96:3, 157:16 90:3, 95:19, 119:6, 141:7 55:14
chose [1] - 146:1 communication [38] - 168:18, 178:7 considered [24] - copy [3] - 107:1,
circumstances [5] - 28:12, 28:20, 61:15, concise [3] - 29:3, 11:19, 50:22, 51:16, 120:24, 152:12
18:8, 19:3, 24:3, 65:20, 69:6, 69:23, 29:11, 177:24 52:1, 56:9, 56:10, copying [2] - 16:22,
58:21, 165:18 72:22, 73:2, 74:14, conclude [1] - 131:16 58:24, 66:23, 68:14, 45:20
clarify [7] - 31:5, 75:20, 75:21, 75:24, concluded [1] - 185:4 69:18, 71:14, 71:15, core [15] - 5:16, 5:17,
34:19, 40:13, 56:21, 76:5, 83:4, 84:15, concluding [1] - 23:7 73:2, 73:12, 108:24, 5:18, 5:24, 6:9, 17:6,
78:2, 101:18, 176:15 85:12, 85:22, 86:4, conclusion [3] - 109:6, 110:4, 139:9, 23:11, 26:15, 26:16,
clarifying [1] - 36:19 86:12, 86:19, 87:6, 21:23, 98:15, 122:3 153:25, 171:13, 26:17, 26:20, 27:5,
class [1] - 175:18 87:10, 87:14, 87:17, conducting [1] - 128:1 172:9, 179:11, 76:14, 78:17, 144:1
classes [3] - 152:13, 88:6, 88:19, 88:22, confident [2] - 59:1, 182:10, 183:20 Corporation [1] -
152:19, 175:23 88:24, 89:10, 94:21, 156:1 considering [1] - 148:2
classified [1] - 115:12 96:8, 150:24, 153:4, configuration [1] - 67:24 correct [28] - 8:1,
Clear [1] - 63:7 167:9, 174:21, 56:5 consolidating [1] - 8:10, 22:8, 29:4,
clear [13] - 12:4, 22:6, 174:25, 179:9, configured [4] - 111:5 42:24, 43:8, 43:12,
24:5, 29:1, 29:3, 180:22 50:17, 54:2, 54:7, contest [1] - 82:25 44:1, 44:2, 54:18,
29:10, 41:15, 91:13, Communication [2] - 54:10 context [2] - 32:23, 68:12, 77:18, 79:15,
91:25, 92:1, 93:3, 6:20, 158:23 configures [1] - 56:6 68:8 79:16, 81:15, 81:17,
93:14, 177:24 company [13] - 15:12, confirm [16] - 28:10, continually [2] - 83:5, 84:5, 84:10,
clearance [1] - 108:21 15:13, 33:21, 60:16, 52:23, 79:5, 79:9, 41:23, 180:12 85:5, 104:16, 114:7,
clearly [6] - 41:6, 90:8, 84:21, 109:13, 79:20, 80:8, 120:7, continue [13] - 20:8, 122:21, 126:6,
91:3, 91:10, 93:2, 147:20, 153:24, 122:10, 122:11, 22:18, 23:5, 82:6, 129:21, 130:11,
108:9 156:9, 172:15, 123:23, 124:1, 92:6, 92:8, 94:9, 170:5, 183:19
client [1] - 138:14 173:14 131:7, 132:9, 157:3, 95:9, 95:10, 105:21, correctly [1] - 126:18

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correlated [2] - Dave [26] - 4:24, defend [1] - 67:23 10:24, 27:4, 78:22, 145:9, 147:6,
154:16, 154:17 17:22, 21:8, 23:8, defending [1] - 84:20 78:23, 78:25, 79:3, 151:24, 152:11,
cost [1] - 20:10 23:10, 25:2, 25:4, definitely [1] - 21:10 101:20, 108:5, 153:7, 165:20,
counsel [1] - 92:14 26:21, 58:23, 61:18, delay [1] - 17:5 121:11, 123:12, 169:20, 169:25,
counting [1] - 9:22 64:18, 65:14, 75:9, delayed [2] - 12:14, 123:13, 125:24, 170:7, 171:16,
couple [6] - 11:5, 75:13, 88:17, 89:17, 16:11 126:12, 126:14, 175:25, 184:3, 184:4
60:15, 111:19, 90:18, 95:2, 95:23, delegate [1] - 17:8 132:13, 134:7, differentiate [2] -
116:15, 118:12, 96:6, 97:17, 98:5, delete [1] - 80:3 142:17, 142:19, 66:6, 85:10
172:23 136:8, 144:17, deliver [2] - 18:16, 142:21, 143:3, differently [7] - 19:12,
course [3] - 52:13, 161:16, 162:18 23:14 143:19, 143:20, 46:3, 54:7, 57:17,
61:3, 124:14 Dave's [2] - 101:3, delivered [3] - 16:1, 143:21, 143:25, 57:18, 96:19, 96:24
court [3] - 4:11, 22:12, 129:4 23:15, 159:6 163:17, 165:2, 176:5 differs [1] - 91:24
38:25 Davis [7] - 5:5, 17:22, delivering [1] - 31:20 detect [1] - 115:22 difficult [2] - 61:16,
covered [1] - 136:25 23:10, 24:16, 26:22, delivery [1] - 16:11 detection [3] - 171:11, 90:7
covers [1] - 135:2 32:17, 32:24 Denise [1] - 134:19 171:12, 171:13 difficulties [10] - 4:2,
crashing [1] - 103:11 day-to-day [4] - 6:9, DEP [2] - 103:11, deteriorating [1] - 26:4, 26:7, 26:24,
create [1] - 104:25 26:12, 78:22, 79:8 103:12 12:6 54:9, 55:24, 72:16,
created [4] - 133:2, days [14] - 35:7, 36:2, deploy [2] - 172:21, determined [1] - 74:25, 75:1, 75:12
133:6, 134:18, 36:5, 36:25, 37:18, 173:19 172:20 difficulty [10] - 11:3,
134:25 38:6, 38:7, 38:10, deployed [1] - 172:23 develop [3] - 12:11, 54:1, 64:17, 64:22,
creating [1] - 20:10 38:15, 70:16, deploying [1] - 173:11 76:19, 141:8 65:25, 67:8, 69:5,
criteria [3] - 16:4, 110:15, 146:17, depose [1] - 91:18 developed [2] - 42:16, 69:7, 69:13, 69:19
17:4, 17:5 163:14, 164:18 deposition [27] - 23:3, 173:5 diligently [2] - 61:23,
critical [1] - 93:19 deadline [1] - 177:2 36:17, 67:24, 68:11, developing [7] - 90:1
crux [2] - 67:21, 182:5 deal [2] - 141:17, 68:24, 81:19, 82:6, 11:14, 12:13, 45:19, dinged [1] - 85:25
culpable [3] - 64:23, 184:14 82:10, 82:14, 82:20, 118:25, 137:9, Dipti [42] - 30:8, 31:11,
74:2, 74:3 decade [1] - 66:17 82:22, 91:16, 92:7, 173:12, 173:13 32:10, 33:25, 35:13,
curious [1] - 33:9 December [9] - 36:1, 93:17, 100:19, development [5] - 36:25, 37:19, 39:8,
current [4] - 7:13, 38:17, 39:9, 39:22, 100:25, 105:14, 31:14, 129:15, 40:13, 41:14, 41:20,
7:17, 140:22, 151:25 70:15, 111:22, 106:12, 132:6, 139:21, 157:22, 42:17, 48:1, 48:2,
Current [1] - 121:23 113:12, 120:12 140:2, 162:7, 173:15 48:7, 48:14, 49:19,
Curt [7] - 34:8, 40:3, decent [1] - 149:8 162:16, 167:22, device [16] - 33:2, 55:1, 89:3, 89:6,
52:19, 70:15, 70:19, decided [1] - 173:19 182:7, 183:23, 33:4, 108:3, 108:19, 89:18, 90:13, 91:5,
70:21, 71:4 decision [1] - 10:13 185:2, 185:3 108:20, 108:22, 94:14, 94:17, 95:3,
curve [3] - 66:5, dedication [1] - Deposition [1] - 185:4 114:10, 114:18, 96:13, 97:6, 97:10,
84:12, 178:10 181:22 depositions [2] - 20:9, 115:15, 116:7, 97:15, 97:19,
default [1] - 51:13 92:9 116:9, 117:2, 123:4, 127:25, 128:10,
customer [2] - 110:16,
defect [10] - 114:17, describe [2] - 28:10, 132:21, 133:4, 128:11, 128:15,
115:8, 115:11, 102:8 137:21 128:16, 130:25,
customers [6] - 118:2,
126:23, 130:17, description [3] - devices [6] - 17:3, 138:7, 161:11
118:18, 123:17,
132:10, 132:18, 30:16, 30:17, 32:20 108:9, 109:3, 116:4, Dipti's [1] - 127:24
124:17, 136:6,
137:23, 139:8, design [9] - 17:8, 133:16, 137:16 direct [2] - 4:5, 29:2
141:23 31:21, 32:21, diagnose [1] - 110:12 directed [1] - 134:22
cut [1] - 45:7
defective [1] - 113:25 106:17, 107:18, diagram [2] - 167:3, direction [12] - 10:9,
defects [32] - 107:19, 167:4 10:10, 10:11, 11:1,
D 108:4, 108:12,
dictates [1] - 103:3 18:7, 18:8, 24:6,
108:9, 109:1, 109:5, 159:4, 176:19
109:9, 109:11, designer [2] - 31:18, difference [4] - 65:17, 29:9, 29:15, 42:8,
Dahan [2] - 161:14, 109:20, 109:24, 33:1 71:9, 137:19, 139:24 77:11, 78:20
161:17 110:1, 110:8, designers [1] - 30:2 differences [3] - directly [5] - 35:2,
daily [4] - 7:22, 89:1, 110:24, 110:25, designing [1] - 120:14 72:16, 153:6, 153:9 114:24, 119:11,
94:12, 123:11 111:7, 111:23, different [40] - 15:5, 146:12, 174:11
desk [3] - 27:14,
damn [1] - 88:11 112:24, 113:11, 22:23, 28:17, 29:7, disabled [2] - 118:5,
49:14, 118:10
data [2] - 123:7, 114:1, 114:8, despite [3] - 112:4, 30:3, 31:16, 39:12, 122:24
124:22 114:13, 114:15, 157:23, 157:25 40:11, 43:24, 45:14, disagreement [2] -
database [2] - 123:7, 115:4, 137:12, detail [9] - 10:10, 47:3, 46:15, 52:14, 52:16, 164:3, 164:20
123:20 139:4, 139:8, 47:5, 47:10, 52:20, 55:21, 65:22, 70:12, disagreements [1] -
date [4] - 8:5, 14:12, 139:11, 140:24, 90:9, 90:25, 124:7, 74:10, 81:9, 93:23, 27:2
70:21, 107:17 141:20, 141:21, 160:20 112:18, 117:13, disconnect [3] -
dated [3] - 38:14, 141:22, 142:2, 119:21, 133:24, 125:19, 128:13,
Details [1] - 160:18
121:4, 121:5 157:22 135:20, 140:1, 128:17
details [28] - 6:3,
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disconnecting [1] - 136:9, 136:18, eight [1] - 167:22 152:22, 152:25, ExC [94] - 4:7, 4:18,
129:16 136:20, 136:24, either [11] - 49:5, 154:8, 156:8, 5:16, 5:18, 7:2, 8:8,
discovered [1] - 52:13 138:4, 138:5, 139:19 64:18, 79:24, 91:7, 156:10, 173:2, 8:9, 11:2, 11:10,
discovery [1] - 22:15 downtime [1] - 110:20 91:8, 92:25, 101:1, 173:8, 173:10, 13:25, 14:6, 14:8,
discriminating [1] - dozens [2] - 9:2 129:6, 149:23, 181:24 14:9, 14:21, 15:6,
157:6 drag [1] - 35:16 177:10, 183:13 English [2] - 46:13, 15:8, 15:10, 15:15,
discussed [2] - 11:24, drawings [1] - 120:5 elaborate [1] - 115:24 46:21 28:16, 29:6, 31:14,
146:19 drilling [1] - 92:18 elaborating [5] - Enterprise [3] - 5:20, 32:5, 32:25, 33:8,
discussing [2] - 60:7, drive [2] - 145:9, 89:14, 89:20, 94:25, 11:2, 142:9 33:13, 33:19, 39:25,
177:25 159:3 95:5, 148:7 entire [3] - 19:5, 42:12, 44:24, 50:1,
discussion [26] - 4:15, dump [2] - 45:9, 48:22 Elario [1] - 136:8 20:21, 145:21 50:13, 50:16, 50:21,
7:4, 13:3, 39:18, during [6] - 21:7, 40:4, employee [3] - entirely [1] - 8:1 54:5, 81:2, 83:3,
40:15, 41:6, 46:24, 50:2, 59:23, 166:20, 150:17, 169:5, environment [6] - 83:6, 83:7, 84:10,
49:16, 49:17, 53:8, 170:8 170:17 64:1, 85:11, 104:24, 84:14, 84:17, 84:23,
54:24, 63:14, 65:9, duty [1] - 58:1 employees [1] - 140:7, 141:21, 84:25, 85:7, 85:13,
96:5, 101:13, dynamics [3] - 27:22, 171:14 141:22 87:5, 87:21, 89:2,
102:15, 118:23, 35:15, 35:19 employment [1] - environments [1] - 89:11, 94:13, 94:22,
120:9, 120:15, 47:13 142:6 96:17, 104:12,
104:14, 107:19,
132:24, 134:10, E EMS [2] - 74:15, equipment [2] -
108:19, 111:7,
136:12, 161:9, 157:13 110:23, 124:15
174:3, 183:25, enable [1] - 104:6 erase [1] - 8:7 112:8, 116:2,
184:19 e-mail [36] - 36:4, error [2] - 104:1, 104:2 117:12, 117:18,
enabled [1] - 103:12
discussions [7] - 39:8, 39:13, 39:23, escalated [1] - 104:21 118:15, 119:7,
encompassed [1] -
48:23, 48:24, 59:8, 102:22, 103:6, 122:4, 122:8,
78:15 espionage [1] -
60:2, 64:16, 118:21, 103:21, 105:12, 125:11, 125:17,
encountered [1] - 171:15
136:14 120:7, 120:22, 129:9, 130:19,
134:22 establish [4] - 100:1,
distinguish [1] - 154:7 121:3, 121:5, 133:2, 133:14,
end [6] - 16:1, 20:20, 106:11, 106:22,
diversity [2] - 152:5, 121:13, 121:21, 136:9, 136:17,
25:11, 109:23, 107:6
174:17 122:6, 122:19, 137:4, 137:6, 137:8,
142:18, 182:7 estimating [1] - 76:24
128:10, 128:11, 137:15, 138:9,
diverted [2] - 71:12, end-of-year [1] - ethical [2] - 179:15,
128:12, 128:15, 140:6, 147:12,
165:23 25:11 181:8
128:16, 129:4, 147:20, 147:23,
diverting [1] - 179:7 ended [2] - 178:3, evaluated [2] - 30:15,
129:19, 129:23, 147:24, 168:6,
doc [2] - 134:23, 136:3 178:18 157:12
130:10, 130:24, 168:10, 168:11,
document [14] - ending [1] - 185:3 evaluation [3] - 24:15,
131:3, 131:5, 168:16, 169:19,
22:13, 31:21, 39:4, Energy [1] - 17:1 158:8, 166:22
131:13, 131:19, 170:4, 173:5,
100:2, 106:16, engineer [33] - 6:2, eventually [2] - 76:2,
136:6, 136:7, 136:11 173:11, 181:14,
106:20, 106:25, 7:22, 9:7, 10:8, 148:25
e-mailed [2] - 100:9, 181:15
107:7, 133:1, 133:5, 19:20, 29:14, 29:16, evidence [18] - 23:21,
129:1 except [1] - 160:12
133:10, 133:18, 29:24, 30:19, 45:17, 37:7, 58:16, 65:5,
e-mailing [1] - 101:8 excuses [1] - 169:21
133:21 45:18, 61:24, 71:22, 67:2, 67:18, 71:25,
e-mails [3] - 128:6, execute [2] - 43:16,
documentation [1] - 96:23, 110:14, 80:18, 153:12,
128:21, 129:2 43:17
31:19 110:15, 114:20, 158:6, 158:7,
early [11] - 6:5, 6:6, execution [1] - 31:23
documents [2] - 51:3, 149:8, 153:22, 159:12, 159:14,
6:7, 10:8, 10:9, exhibit [6] - 38:22,
143:1 154:5, 155:22, 159:15, 159:19,
10:11, 77:10, 78:18, 39:1, 39:5, 121:14,
done [21] - 36:13, 158:13, 174:18, 159:21, 179:17
78:20, 111:19, 127:9, 127:14
38:4, 44:14, 45:20, 176:3, 176:13, evidenced [1] - 65:21
142:17 Exhibit [15] - 39:10,
46:2, 46:3, 48:12, 176:14, 177:16, evident [2] - 89:11,
easily [1] - 135:14 42:10, 80:21,
49:7, 72:14, 92:11, 178:5, 178:20, 94:22
easy [1] - 122:20 100:11, 101:16,
96:17, 96:18, 96:24, 179:3, 180:22, evolve [1] - 13:14
98:3, 110:7, 140:1, edited [7] - 133:5, 101:24, 102:4,
183:1, 184:7 exact [5] - 10:24,
140:2, 173:13, 133:7, 133:10, 121:16, 121:19,
engineering [12] - 18:10, 64:6, 77:12,
173:22, 176:6 133:20, 134:4, 135:1 127:5, 129:25,
18:20, 46:5, 46:9, 107:17
dormant [5] - 165:7, educate [1] - 74:18 130:2, 134:10,
47:10, 47:13, 66:16, exactly [11] - 5:8, 9:3,
165:11, 166:5, educating [3] - 73:15, 134:13, 134:15
71:15, 71:21, 9:6, 9:25, 32:6,
166:6, 166:17 73:16, 153:5 Exhibits [1] - 127:15
108:25, 109:6, 59:14, 88:20, 117:8,
doubt [2] - 151:22, education [1] - 57:5 exist [5] - 113:5,
109:7, 173:6 148:25, 152:19,
175:22 effect [1] - 109:19 engineers [19] - 17:6, 113:6, 119:7,
down [12] - 4:11, effective [2] - 150:9, 17:9, 53:14, 116:2, 170:15, 171:21
example [5] - 88:23,
56:21, 92:19, 150:13 133:14, 133:22, existed [4] - 28:11,
110:11, 144:12,
108:11, 110:16, effort [1] - 148:5 152:6, 152:8, 28:20, 79:10, 117:17
154:1, 161:19

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existing [17] - 11:2, facts [15] - 23:21, 79:14, 92:24, 93:21, fits [1] - 47:24 55:21
11:9, 11:18, 11:23, 37:7, 58:15, 65:5, 168:11 five [2] - 90:24, 91:1 funny [1] - 177:13
12:12, 12:16, 12:17, 67:1, 67:17, 71:25, field [6] - 51:6, 110:14, fix [13] - 40:8, 40:19, future [3] - 11:14,
13:18, 13:19, 14:8, 80:18, 153:12, 110:15, 114:20, 112:21, 112:23, 15:17, 66:11
14:21, 114:1, 114:6, 158:6, 158:17, 133:14, 138:1 113:2, 113:13, fuzzy [1] - 104:3
140:24, 141:7 159:12, 179:17, fights [3] - 25:18, 113:16, 114:3,
expand [1] - 183:20 180:8, 182:4 26:2, 26:5 119:18, 132:18, G
expect [2] - 36:8, factual [1] - 79:11 figure [13] - 35:14, 136:2, 169:15,
57:17 fail [2] - 16:13, 137:18 40:17, 55:7, 57:8, 170:13
game [1] - 145:20
expectation [2] - failed [11] - 16:3, 16:5, 59:15, 60:9, 63:8, fixed [8] - 117:7,
89:7, 94:18, 98:8, GE [46] - 5:12, 15:25,
28:12, 28:21 18:6, 66:13, 129:20, 119:20, 126:24,
130:25, 131:12, 126:25, 127:2, 136:2 164:14, 169:6, 16:4, 16:6, 17:1,
expected [1] - 12:1
131:21, 132:3, figured [1] - 54:15 169:13, 170:11, 19:8, 21:1, 21:23,
expensive [1] - 73:20
168:7, 168:17 171:19 23:15, 25:18, 26:9,
experience [5] - figuring [1] - 57:9
27:1, 36:13, 37:22,
19:20, 28:5, 39:20, failing [1] - 128:19 fill [3] - 24:19, 24:22, fixes [1] - 169:9
38:4, 60:2, 66:2,
146:24, 159:5 fails [2] - 18:21, 40:6 25:2 fixing [3] - 41:15,
68:14, 110:11,
experiencing [1] - failure [2] - 18:5, filled [2] - 144:18, 90:3, 113:4
112:19, 116:3,
115:14 18:24 145:3 flexible [1] - 97:23
124:13, 136:1,
expert [9] - 52:18, fair [6] - 74:13, filling [1] - 145:2 FMEA [1] - 32:22
151:10, 151:17,
52:24, 53:1, 70:4, 179:15, 179:18, final [4] - 24:25, 144:5, focus [4] - 7:22,
152:5, 152:22,
70:5, 70:6, 71:3 179:21, 181:8 144:13, 144:23 113:20, 137:20,
152:24, 156:9,
expertise [1] - 160:24 fairly [1] - 144:9 finally [1] - 181:2 181:14
159:6, 160:12,
explain [4] - 115:24, familiar [10] - 6:8, fine [33] - 4:24, 9:17, follow [3] - 12:24,
161:14, 169:1,
117:14, 147:17, 107:7, 116:13, 11:17, 13:7, 27:13, 47:4, 151:14
169:3, 169:4, 169:5,
157:3 119:12, 124:21, 33:6, 40:21, 43:14, followed [1] - 69:20
169:12, 170:10,
explained [1] - 16:24 133:1, 133:5, 133:9, 44:2, 44:16, 48:11, force [2] - 47:21, 93:9
170:17, 171:2,
exploit [2] - 170:18, 143:24, 146:21 49:10, 50:1, 55:22, foresight [1] - 29:2
171:14, 171:20,
171:23 far [4] - 11:25, 32:15, 57:4, 57:12, 59:10, forget [1] - 109:21 173:21, 174:17
exploitable [1] - 127:3, 143:24 61:15, 68:24, 83:1, forgot [2] - 31:24, GE's [1] - 171:17
170:23 fashion [1] - 92:10 83:22, 98:6, 102:18, 172:6 geared [1] - 153:5
Explorer [2] - 102:12, faster [1] - 12:6 105:23, 106:23, forgotten [1] - 37:11
GEHC [1] - 134:15
102:22 fault [2] - 24:9, 74:20 138:1, 144:2, form [2] - 22:7, 62:5
GEIP [47] - 5:17, 5:24,
expose [2] - 160:2 FDA [9] - 8:2, 8:4, 9:9, 153:19, 156:15, forth [1] - 72:2 6:7, 6:22, 9:22, 10:5,
exposed [4] - 150:20, 65:3, 73:25, 108:2, 157:14, 158:13, forum [1] - 105:2 10:6, 10:14, 10:18,
168:24, 169:11, 108:5, 108:8, 108:21 167:4, 182:11 forward [2] - 15:9, 10:21, 11:8, 11:11,
171:3 feature [7] - 115:10, finish [18] - 22:11, 184:22 11:17, 12:4, 12:7,
express [2] - 36:15, 117:12, 124:9, 24:1, 38:13, 51:2, foundation [2] - 12:11, 14:2, 14:18,
59:16 124:10, 126:2, 67:10, 75:6, 75:7, 41:13, 149:16 15:22, 16:5, 16:9,
expressed [10] - 126:4, 130:20 81:1, 81:10, 90:22, Foundation [2] - 6:20, 25:18, 26:18, 26:25,
48:13, 49:3, 59:19, features [4] - 115:20, 94:3, 115:19, 121:7, 158:24 27:16, 28:3, 29:6,
59:21, 64:17, 98:13, 117:13, 118:15, 148:8, 148:13, four [4] - 167:20, 78:14, 78:16, 79:5,
118:16, 119:10, 118:17 148:19, 162:14, 184:3, 184:4 142:15, 143:21,
164:5, 164:21 Federal [1] - 183:18 185:1 French [1] - 46:13 147:10, 147:16,
expressing [3] - feedback [5] - 24:18, finishing [1] - 75:1 friction [1] - 166:23 147:18, 147:23,
60:18, 75:10, 95:18 25:4, 25:11, 144:8, fired [3] - 161:17, friendly [1] - 45:11 148:22, 149:1,
extent [4] - 17:16, 144:20 162:11, 162:13 front [3] - 121:2, 157:21, 159:2,
59:7, 91:23, 127:2 feelings [1] - 36:16 firewall [2] - 173:19, 138:19, 156:2 160:15, 160:23,
eye [1] - 51:11 felt [2] - 38:1, 161:12 173:20 frustrated [2] - 63:9, 163:5, 163:19,
eye-opening [1] - female [22] - 152:6, firewalls [1] - 69:12 118:19 164:3, 164:10,
51:11 152:7, 152:8, first [21] - 9:11, 10:23, frustration [1] - 59:16 164:20
152:22, 152:25, 16:10, 16:12, 35:23, full [1] - 22:21 Gen [2] - 118:11,
F 153:7, 153:22, 53:18, 74:23, 76:18,
fully [2] - 31:12, 102:9 120:14
154:5, 154:8, 77:9, 77:17, 78:5,
function [3] - 80:3, gender [3] - 152:4,
154:13, 154:21, 83:2, 88:5, 93:23,
facing [5] - 115:15, 118:18, 122:25 152:5, 174:16
155:21, 155:24, 99:25, 109:4,
168:9, 168:17, functional [1] - 30:1 general [9] - 31:14,
174:5, 174:6, 174:7, 111:21, 130:7,
169:1, 171:20 functionality [1] - 44:4, 48:11, 55:19,
174:18, 177:15, 159:11, 168:13,
fact [1] - 159:1 120:20 118:21, 118:23,
178:5, 179:3, 180:21 180:4
functioning [2] - 134:18, 136:7,
factors [2] - 18:3, females [1] - 153:1 fiscal [1] - 106:25
120:3, 129:17 170:21
139:25 few [6] - 36:6, 79:13, fit [1] - 47:17
fundamentally [1] - generates [1] - 118:1
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generation [1] - 12:11 102:23, 105:1, 142:20, 142:24 67:25, 68:5, 68:15, 161:12
generic [1] - 44:23 132:10, 176:18 heard [10] - 26:11, 163:7, 164:5, 165:6, incident [1] - 171:4
gist [1] - 11:16 grow [3] - 154:2, 35:8, 36:19, 42:9, 165:20 include [3] - 13:18,
given [30] - 21:17, 154:4, 154:5 44:6, 49:15, 79:13, hostility [1] - 165:17 14:20, 39:12
33:18, 52:1, 58:21, grudges [2] - 151:12, 163:24, 163:25, hour [2] - 101:3, included [2] - 42:17,
58:24, 60:14, 64:1, 151:21 177:10 167:18 130:10
81:2, 81:5, 81:6, GST [22] - 4:21, 4:22, hearing [2] - 82:21, hours [4] - 110:15, includes [1] - 123:3
82:16, 85:8, 93:12, 5:2, 6:12, 6:17, 6:22, 163:23 167:20, 167:22, including [13] - 50:4,
97:5, 111:11, 7:10, 9:20, 10:20, heavily [2] - 6:17, 7:17 169:24 58:23, 59:17, 69:9,
114:13, 138:24, 14:20, 15:24, 17:6, held [11] - 18:1, 18:25, HR [1] - 166:12 72:25, 73:10, 74:16,
138:25, 139:1, 53:13, 60:14, 60:24, 19:5, 22:1, 23:17, hum [4] - 5:19, 10:7, 80:3, 84:2, 84:11,
139:3, 139:7, 111:22, 132:10, 23:24, 85:11, 88:6, 18:18, 50:5 90:18, 174:20,
141:20, 143:11, 136:6, 147:9, 157:23, 159:7, human [2] - 45:11, 181:24
147:10, 157:24, 158:24, 176:3 159:10 48:20 inclusive [1] - 38:3
158:25, 165:18, guess [1] - 95:23 helicopter [3] - 99:23, hundred [3] - 107:24, incorrect [3] - 22:7,
171:21, 174:19, guessing [1] - 27:6 121:8 135:5, 135:14 43:12, 180:6
181:14 guide [4] - 133:18, HeliOS [2] - 50:2, hundreds [3] - 79:2, incur [1] - 20:10
Glyn [6] - 103:7, 133:22, 134:1, 129:9 109:1, 140:20 independent [2] -
103:20, 104:7, 135:19 help [21] - 12:7, 20:25, hypothetical [6] - 87:15, 87:17
105:2, 105:18 guideline [1] - 108:2 33:11, 33:14, 33:16, 21:20, 58:15, 96:21, indicate [2] - 35:1,
goal [12] - 11:19, guidelines [3] - 37:22, 33:17, 35:4, 40:3, 156:7, 181:9, 181:11 35:2
11:22, 12:15, 16:17, 108:6, 108:8 40:4, 41:1, 75:9, indicated [3] - 100:14,
16:19, 16:20, 18:16, guy [3] - 74:10, 92:17, 101:18, I 100:16, 184:21
18:19, 19:8, 19:13, 166:14, 166:15 101:23, 103:25, indication [1] - 35:23
21:24, 160:3 105:2, 134:1, 151:3, indirectly [3] - 35:2,
iCenter [4] - 118:7,
goals [3] - 16:18, 19:9, H 154:10
123:1, 123:9, 123:17
57:22, 114:24
24:7 helped [6] - 4:9, 4:19, individual [2] - 31:6,
Gran [1] - 34:8 8:8, 45:16, 128:13, idea [10] - 24:12,
great [6] - 52:11, hack [4] - 44:10, 174:20 24:14, 27:18, 68:9,
individuals [7] -
52:12, 154:21, 44:12, 44:13, 48:11 helpful [1] - 121:24 107:22, 108:7,
17:25, 23:12, 25:6,
154:22, 155:7, hackable [2] - 66:8, helping [2] - 21:7, 109:4, 166:10,
26:9, 39:21, 49:3,
155:15 66:13 37:5 168:11, 179:13
Greg [58] - 5:3, 5:11, hacked [1] - 171:7 helps [1] - 110:11 ideal [4] - 43:2, 43:4,
industrywide [1] -
17:22, 23:10, 24:10, hacking [1] - 44:11 43:10, 50:6
hesitant [1] - 92:25 156:22
24:16, 26:21, 27:7, half [4] - 14:13, 14:14, identification [9] -
hex [6] - 45:9, 46:8, infer [1] - 43:22
27:11, 32:16, 32:25, 14:15, 167:18 39:10, 42:10, 80:22,
46:10, 46:11, 46:19, influence [2] - 75:23,
33:15, 34:10, 35:1, hallway [1] - 49:24 100:11, 101:24,
48:22 175:13
35:5, 35:7, 37:2, halted [4] - 8:2, 74:1, 121:17, 127:6,
hierarchy [1] - 29:18 information [34] -
37:3, 37:20, 40:2, 125:12, 129:10 129:25, 134:11
high [8] - 17:7, 26:14, 20:6, 20:25, 21:14,
40:25, 48:8, 48:14, halting [2] - 9:8, 9:9 identified [1] - 152:23
76:16, 77:11, 78:6, 22:21, 22:22, 27:21,
49:14, 55:2, 90:15, halves [1] - 5:21 IE8 [1] - 104:1
159:4, 160:16, 27:24, 28:4, 33:20,
137:13, 137:20, hand [1] - 159:17 160:17 ignorance [1] - 71:12
33:24, 34:1, 37:1,
138:6, 142:25, handle [5] - 11:9, higher [5] - 80:10, ignored [1] - 139:8
37:21, 39:22, 74:11,
143:23, 144:3, 11:11, 31:18, 108:3, 80:11, 80:14, 103:14 illegal [5] - 177:15,
77:4, 92:16, 92:19,
144:4, 144:11, 156:10 highlighted [1] - 178:14, 178:19,
93:9, 93:13, 93:18,
144:12, 146:24, handled [1] - 108:13 115:18 179:20, 182:17
93:20, 121:25,
146:25, 150:23, happy [1] - 164:10 HIPAA [3] - 80:4, 80:5, image [2] - 124:17,
122:1, 122:13,
151:9, 151:16, haranguing [1] - 124:3 124:18
124:12, 124:16,
158:20, 158:21, 91:20 hired [1] - 57:25 immediate [1] - 11:12
141:6, 148:11,
158:22, 158:23, hard [4] - 25:21, 29:1, history [1] - 104:24 implementation [2] - 162:18, 162:24,
158:25, 159:3, 90:6, 145:8 119:22, 160:22 176:15, 176:17
HITECH [1] - 124:3
159:4, 159:7, 163:6, Healthcare [17] - implemented [3] - 6:4, initiative [8] - 149:13,
holes [1] - 51:15
163:13, 163:21, 15:25, 16:4, 16:6, 143:2, 175:4 149:18, 150:2,
home [1] - 166:10
163:25, 164:9, 21:1, 21:24, 23:16, implementing [1] - 150:3, 150:5,
honest [2] - 22:24,
166:8, 166:24, 25:18, 26:9, 27:1, 143:4 150:10, 150:12,
167:1, 167:7 37:23, 38:5, 152:5, important [4] - 9:1, 181:21
honestly [1] - 144:17
Greg's [2] - 159:24, 152:23, 152:24, 65:16, 65:18, 95:21 innovation [1] -
honesty [1] - 91:22
160:6 159:6, 161:14, improvement [1] - 176:22
hospital [2] - 114:19,
group [7] - 25:10, 174:17 115:9 input [5] - 19:20,
25:13, 29:22, hear [4] - 27:8, 27:15, inappropriate [1] - 24:16, 144:3,
hostile [8] - 67:23,

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144:13, 149:22 integration [9] - 8:10, 107:10, 107:13, 54:21, 54:23, 56:1, 122:16, 122:17
inquiry [1] - 20:22 9:3, 9:4, 28:16, 138:17, 139:2, 56:3, 56:5, 57:22, Java [4] - 6:13, 6:17,
insert [1] - 56:2 37:23, 96:25, 139:25, 142:25, 60:13, 60:17, 64:20, 7:14, 7:17
inserted [1] - 63:21 125:14, 140:23, 160:17, 173:2, 65:20, 66:3, 69:22, Java-based [1] - 7:14
inside [11] - 102:11, 141:2 173:10, 173:14, 70:1, 70:3, 71:9, Jay [1] - 70:22
165:1, 165:14, Integration [9] - 4:8, 173:25 71:23, 75:15, 75:25, job [19] - 21:10, 24:13,
169:1, 169:3, 4:18, 33:9, 42:12, involvement [2] - 76:4, 76:5, 76:6, 30:16, 30:17, 32:19,
169:12, 170:10, 96:17, 125:12, 10:4, 10:5 76:9, 76:21, 77:1, 40:24, 57:8, 57:24,
170:17, 171:17, 129:10, 137:9, 140:7 IPv4 [6] - 50:4, 50:11, 77:15, 79:7, 79:10, 57:25, 61:24, 86:17,
172:11, 173:19 integrity [1] - 64:3 50:21, 51:10, 53:18, 79:17, 79:19, 79:24, 110:7, 110:22,
insider [5] - 171:5, intellect [2] - 149:7, 66:9 80:2, 80:9, 81:3, 154:22, 155:7,
171:10, 171:12, 149:9 IPv6 [27] - 33:10, 50:4, 81:5, 81:7, 83:4, 155:22, 155:25,
171:13, 171:22 intent [1] - 92:17 50:11, 50:21, 51:10, 84:13, 84:14, 84:15, 156:20, 158:3
Insite [69] - 4:7, 4:18, intentionally [2] - 51:12, 52:4, 52:7, 85:4, 85:6, 85:9, jobs [2] - 21:6, 137:1
5:16, 5:18, 7:2, 8:8, 57:24, 78:1 52:9, 53:12, 53:18, 85:19, 85:25, 87:4, join [1] - 38:19
11:2, 13:25, 14:6, interact [1] - 87:7 53:23, 54:12, 61:3, 87:7, 87:10, 87:14, joined [3] - 8:6, 57:21,
14:8, 14:9, 28:16, interacted [2] - 65:8, 66:7, 66:8, 87:15, 87:17, 87:18, 157:22
31:14, 32:5, 33:8, 139:13, 176:21 66:11, 66:13, 69:8, 88:12, 88:16, 88:18, judged [1] - 156:19
33:19, 42:12, 50:1, interaction [4] - 26:18, 69:12, 70:10, 70:15, 88:21, 88:22, 88:24,
89:3, 89:10, 94:14,
50:13, 81:1, 83:3, 140:9, 166:23, 167:8 70:19, 70:22, 71:3, K
83:6, 83:7, 84:10, interactions [3] - 59:4, 72:20 94:21, 95:22, 96:8,
84:25, 85:13, 96:16, 59:5, 177:7 irrelevant [19] - 17:15, 96:10, 97:14, 99:2,
104:11, 104:14, 19:17, 20:1, 20:22, 105:5, 112:17, keep [8] - 12:22,
interacts [1] - 140:14
106:1, 106:24, 20:23, 21:21, 47:19, 115:15, 117:6, 21:18, 124:11,
interested [2] - 51:24,
107:16, 107:19, 69:8, 98:21, 109:23, 117:8, 117:9, 124:16, 137:2,
111:7, 117:12, 112:14, 131:19, 118:22, 119:3, 170:21, 172:12,
interesting [1] - 51:8
117:18, 117:22, 139:11, 140:25, 119:6, 129:11, 183:8
interface [7] - 119:14,
118:2, 118:15, 141:15, 148:18, 133:19, 133:22, Kendale [4] - 5:7,
169:2, 169:10,
119:7, 122:4, 122:8, 154:20, 175:6, 135:19, 135:20, 145:12, 157:19,
170:6, 170:10,
123:25, 125:11, 178:25 135:21, 136:9, 157:23
172:11, 172:24
129:9, 130:19, issue [63] - 50:22, 136:24, 137:3, kept [2] - 41:16, 75:2
internal [3] - 136:6,
133:2, 133:13, 52:14, 52:25, 55:3, 137:5, 137:11, Kevin [1] - 70:21
171:20, 172:19
134:5, 136:8, 136:9, 58:2, 58:6, 59:6, 137:22, 138:25, kicked [2] - 11:20,
Internet [2] - 102:11,
136:17, 137:4, 65:7, 65:10, 65:12, 139:3, 139:16, 12:17
137:6, 137:8, 65:22, 66:20, 69:9, 142:12, 142:14, kind [25] - 12:18,
internet [3] - 168:25,
137:15, 138:9, 69:22, 69:24, 69:25, 143:12, 143:14, 33:25, 37:25, 38:3,
169:1, 169:11
140:6, 147:12, 70:1, 72:17, 73:11, 143:16, 149:3, 44:7, 48:11, 49:4,
interpersonal [2] -
147:20, 147:23, 74:24, 76:20, 77:16, 149:9, 150:23, 55:15, 56:9, 58:3,
157:15, 167:10
168:6, 168:16, 83:5, 83:25, 84:2, 150:24, 150:25, 59:17, 66:7, 92:20,
interrogation [1] -
169:19, 170:4, 85:12, 85:15, 88:7, 166:9, 166:10, 118:19, 125:12,
173:11, 181:14, 97:23, 102:8, 166:25, 167:9, 129:11, 137:15,
interrupt [4] - 75:4,
181:15 102:20, 104:6, 167:10, 169:6, 147:10, 160:16,
91:15, 91:19, 183:10
install [10] - 11:10, 105:7, 105:18, 169:18, 170:4, 163:6, 163:13,
interrupted [1] - 94:4
11:12, 11:13, 11:18, 114:23, 115:2, 171:21, 177:16, 164:24, 165:7,
interrupting [1] - 24:2
11:23, 12:16, 12:18, 115:22, 125:23, 178:9, 178:12, 165:8, 165:16
investigate [4] - 178:16, 178:20, kinds [3] - 19:9,
15:8, 15:18, 15:19 126:11, 126:14,
47:12, 55:15, 71:23, 178:21, 179:4, 133:19, 154:12
installed [1] - 54:20 126:16, 128:14,
105:3 181:17, 181:18
installing [3] - 133:2, 129:13, 129:15, knowing [2] - 151:7,
investigated [1] - item [2] - 115:7,
134:5 133:12, 133:13, 178:21
126:10 115:13
installment [1] - 12:13 133:16, 133:17, knowledge [51] - 7:25,
investigating [1] - itself [4] - 75:18,
instance [1] - 139:19 135:6, 135:9, 39:20, 42:2, 42:3,
69:10 118:5, 125:14, 131:4
instances [2] - 135:13, 135:16, 42:4, 42:7, 46:6,
investigation [3] - 46:7, 59:7, 66:18,
139:24, 140:18 135:18, 137:16,
53:11, 97:1, 125:16
instead [6] - 45:20,
involve [1] - 20:19
140:12, 142:22, J 66:20, 67:4, 67:15,
48:21, 113:20, 151:8, 152:11, 72:20, 72:24, 73:1,
involved [27] - 5:23, 156:22, 161:2, 73:4, 73:9, 73:13,
118:7, 121:8, 148:22 J2EE [1] - 6:13
10:13, 26:6, 35:10, 168:8, 169:10, 179:9 76:25, 79:12, 85:3,
instructed [1] - 47:2 Jacobs [3] - 5:11,
35:12, 35:16, 35:17, issues [131] - 27:3, 86:14, 97:3, 98:18,
integrate [4] - 137:15, 55:12, 78:5, 78:12, 144:5, 144:12
138:9, 140:24, 141:3 28:11, 28:20, 33:12, 98:22, 99:1, 99:17,
78:13, 78:17, 78:20, January [5] - 120:11, 107:18, 112:6,
integrates [1] - 141:1 35:25, 53:24, 54:16,
79:8, 79:14, 101:21, 121:4, 121:6, 125:11, 128:7,
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128:22, 141:10, 32:13, 32:25, 96:22, 160:17, 176:14 106:2, 109:18, 19:23, 19:24, 19:25,
142:14, 143:12, 97:16, 131:21, 173:3 liar [2] - 92:3, 92:23 120:1, 123:11, 20:4, 29:17, 59:17,
145:17, 153:13, lead's [1] - 99:8 lie [1] - 22:20 123:20, 135:7, 66:16, 72:19, 84:11,
156:5, 157:20, leader [3] - 40:17, lies [1] - 22:16 139:15, 140:10 95:17, 96:16, 96:21,
158:9, 158:19, 40:23, 59:12 life [2] - 109:23, 136:4 looked [3] - 143:5, 136:8, 149:22,
173:6, 175:3, leaders [2] - 174:7, light [2] - 56:2, 58:2 152:10, 175:24 151:19, 151:23,
177:18, 178:2, 174:9 likability [1] - 154:16 looking [6] - 9:21, 151:24, 153:2,
179:6, 179:8, leadership [3] - 9:21, likable [1] - 166:15 20:12, 27:17, 46:17, 154:20, 156:3,
179:11, 180:24, 89:7, 94:18 likely [2] - 107:16, 109:15, 132:10 156:17, 156:18,
181:25 leads [30] - 30:24, 119:20 looks [1] - 102:22 158:2, 160:8,
knowledgeable [1] - 31:4, 37:19, 42:16, limited [1] - 122:2 low [6] - 17:9, 32:21, 160:13, 160:14,
27:5 53:13, 59:17, 61:19, line [7] - 12:13, 19:25, 76:19, 77:4, 77:15, 174:6, 175:13
known [2] - 4:24, 5:3 62:7, 64:24, 66:16, 20:21, 47:18, 66:7, 78:25 managers [31] - 17:6,
knows [7] - 31:1, 31:8, 69:16, 72:20, 72:23, 100:5, 168:14 LPIs [1] - 30:2 21:20, 23:12, 24:18,
75:14, 79:23, 98:10, 73:3, 81:4, 84:11, lines [2] - 35:11, 40:5 LSD [10] - 27:8, 29:17, 25:12, 29:25, 30:1,
131:25, 161:25 85:2, 85:9, 89:18, Linux [30] - 8:13, 31:17, 32:8, 32:10, 30:2, 64:24, 69:16,
Kuhn [8] - 5:9, 32:1, 90:15, 95:3, 95:16, 33:12, 40:22, 43:16, 33:19, 37:2, 37:19, 72:23, 73:3, 74:16,
33:25, 37:19, 42:17, 97:20, 137:13, 43:20, 44:3, 44:22, 96:22, 151:17 81:3, 84:2, 85:1,
128:12, 137:13, 141:3, 173:3, 45:3, 48:12, 48:17, LSDs [3] - 33:24, 85:9, 136:5, 155:1,
144:4 177:17, 178:8, 49:7, 55:20, 57:5, 178:8, 181:24 155:23, 157:6,
179:5, 181:23 59:10, 65:12, 65:17, lying [4] - 22:17, 174:19, 177:17,
L learn [7] - 33:21, 36:7, 66:6, 71:10, 72:17, 22:20, 92:5, 92:22 178:8, 178:16,
37:2, 37:4, 37:5, 73:23, 74:24, 75:16, 178:21, 179:5,
58:25, 74:19 85:10, 96:12, 97:9, M 179:7, 180:20,
label [1] - 106:9 180:25, 181:23
learned [2] - 26:19, 98:7, 126:20,
lack [9] - 73:3, 97:2, managing [1] - 174:12
87:18 141:24, 142:11
149:15, 153:12, mad [1] - 162:11 mandated [1] - 124:3
learning [9] - 58:10, Linux/Windows [1] -
156:3, 159:8, Madhuri [6] - 21:9, mandatory [1] -
64:22, 66:5, 73:6, 142:12
174:23, 179:8, 35:4, 35:13, 74:15, 124:10
73:7, 73:8, 84:12, list [2] - 22:17, 100:10
180:24 128:13, 162:10 manner [2] - 75:2,
178:10, 181:20 listen [2] - 61:21,
lacking [1] - 173:8 mail [36] - 36:4, 39:8, 81:10
least [3] - 36:6, 111:7, 61:25
language [2] - 6:15, 39:13, 39:23, manufacturer [1] -
144:7 listener [1] - 53:25
35:3 102:22, 103:6, 108:3
leave [6] - 35:12, 38:6, listening [17] - 52:5,
lapse [1] - 51:7 103:21, 105:12, March [3] - 38:15,
38:8, 105:16, 53:24, 54:18, 60:5,
lapses [1] - 8:3 120:7, 120:22, 113:23, 127:23
168:25, 169:10 61:23, 63:24, 66:4,
laptop [4] - 134:21, 121:3, 121:5, mark [5] - 38:22, 39:1,
leaves [1] - 25:6 66:22, 67:5, 67:13,
135:23, 145:9 121:13, 121:21, 39:4, 39:7, 121:15
leaving [1] - 22:22 70:11, 89:19, 90:1,
laptops [2] - 133:24, 122:6, 122:19, marked [12] - 39:10,
led [3] - 51:23, 52:20, 90:5, 90:17, 95:4,
142:7 128:10, 128:11, 42:10, 80:22,
53:12 96:2
large [2] - 115:15, 128:12, 128:15, 100:11, 100:12,
left [3] - 78:4, 161:14, listens [1] - 51:9
156:9 128:16, 129:4, 101:24, 109:21,
162:3 live [1] - 112:23
largely [3] - 138:1, 129:19, 129:23, 113:15, 121:16,
legal [22] - 65:2, 68:6, Livermore [1] - 103:8
139:11, 140:25 130:10, 130:24, 127:5, 129:25,
68:21, 74:14, 178:5, lives [1] - 110:22
last [11] - 14:25, 74:6, 131:3, 131:5, 134:11
178:23, 179:2, load [2] - 11:5, 12:5
101:9, 103:5, 131:13, 131:19, marking [1] - 51:3
179:12, 179:15, loaded [1] - 133:25
116:15, 145:21, 136:6, 136:7, 136:11
180:20, 181:1, log [10] - 80:4, 110:18, marks [1] - 86:1
146:16, 146:20, mailed [2] - 100:9,
181:6, 181:7, 182:2, 116:3, 117:22, Mathews [3] - 120:13,
152:14, 166:12, 129:1
182:11, 182:17, 120:19, 120:20, 121:4, 121:21
175:25 mailing [1] - 101:8
182:20, 182:21, 123:20, 124:16, Matson [3] - 120:13,
law [6] - 80:16, 124:3, mails [3] - 128:6, 121:4, 122:6
182:23, 183:16, 170:24, 171:1
178:15, 179:13, 128:21, 129:2
184:4 log-in [2] - 120:19, matter [5] - 22:18,
179:20, 184:8 main [4] - 6:12, 6:14, 43:11, 125:7, 141:5,
letter [1] - 43:25 120:20
laws [2] - 183:16, 10:25, 153:1 154:13
letting [2] - 21:14, log-out [1] - 80:4
183:18 major [2] - 149:11, mattered [1] - 9:1
37:4 logged [1] - 124:22
lawyer [1] - 182:24 168:15
level [20] - 17:7, 17:9, logging [3] - 117:11, matters [2] - 19:21,
layer [2] - 45:10, 46:17 majority [1] - 171:2
17:23, 21:7, 26:14, 117:13, 138:11 149:21
lead [17] - 29:15, 30:2, male [3] - 154:7, mean [14] - 6:1, 8:16,
32:21, 76:16, 76:19, logs [4] - 118:1, 118:3,
30:4, 30:5, 30:7, 154:13, 158:13 16:10, 18:4, 20:8,
77:4, 77:11, 77:15, 123:2, 123:25
30:8, 30:9, 30:11, manager [32] - 16:22, 21:10, 36:9, 46:9,
78:6, 78:25, 91:23, look [12] - 42:11,
30:20, 31:17, 32:12, 123:12, 159:4, 18:20, 19:18, 19:22, 47:18, 65:2, 110:10,
99:20, 99:21, 100:9,
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122:15, 129:19, memory [6] - 49:2, minute [1] - 82:1 21:21, 68:22, 79:25, 121:1, 121:12,
174:15 93:4, 93:5, 103:25, minutes [6] - 74:6, 101:14, 157:4, 121:18, 122:5,
meaning [3] - 43:23, 104:6, 104:10 89:20, 90:24, 91:1, 163:2, 170:10, 122:9, 122:11,
46:14, 102:25 men [3] - 153:5, 153:6, 95:5, 184:23 172:11, 175:6, 122:15, 123:14,
means [8] - 86:8, 154:16 mischaracterize [2] - 180:1, 180:17 125:5, 127:7,
107:19, 115:3, mention [3] - 121:21, 67:18, 155:14 moving [1] - 171:19 127:11, 127:15,
115:6, 115:16, 140:16, 166:22 mischaracterizes [10] MR [248] - 4:10, 7:7, 128:2, 128:5,
115:24, 115:25, mentioned [16] - - 19:16, 22:4, 23:20, 8:17, 9:13, 9:18, 128:20, 128:25,
136:6 16:21, 48:8, 49:6, 37:8, 67:2, 83:10, 12:19, 13:4, 13:11, 129:5, 129:22,
meant [6] - 39:12, 49:19, 118:13, 99:10, 155:9, 13:14, 14:10, 14:15, 130:3, 130:9, 131:2,
43:22, 85:24, 93:22, 130:16, 144:11, 177:21, 182:4 14:23, 15:1, 16:7, 131:8, 131:13,
122:6 145:12, 146:12, Mischaracterizes [1] - 17:13, 19:1, 19:15, 131:18, 131:22,
meantime [2] - 12:3, 163:12, 164:6, 67:11 19:22, 20:4, 20:7, 132:2, 134:8,
12:17 164:22, 164:24, misconfigured [1] - 20:14, 20:17, 21:2, 134:14, 135:11,
measure [2] - 179:2, 165:7, 167:7, 174:16 126:20 21:11, 21:15, 22:2, 143:17, 146:4,
180:21 mentioning [2] - misconstruing [1] - 22:4, 22:14, 23:1, 147:4, 148:8,
measured [1] - 153:3 128:12, 128:16 68:21 23:19, 24:1, 28:1, 148:12, 148:17,
measuring [1] - mentor [4] - 145:21, misdoing [1] - 21:1 28:14, 29:12, 30:12, 149:15, 149:19,
174:21 146:1, 146:11 misleading [4] - 47:8, 30:22, 31:2, 34:3, 151:13, 151:15,
mechanism [6] - mentoring [1] - 93:7, 93:16, 105:19 34:6, 34:13, 34:16, 153:11, 154:18,
27:22, 27:24, 146:16 misrepresentation [1] 34:20, 36:10, 36:14, 155:5, 155:9,
123:22, 123:24, message [10] - 29:11, - 47:7 36:21, 37:6, 37:13, 155:13, 156:25,
124:24, 125:3 42:18, 42:25, 44:5, missed [3] - 7:16, 38:12, 38:20, 38:25, 157:4, 158:5,
mechanisms [3] - 46:10, 46:11, 46:12, 62:25, 163:20 39:11, 39:16, 41:9, 158:15, 159:11,
28:4, 28:9, 115:21 46:19, 46:22 missing [4] - 80:2, 41:18, 44:8, 46:25, 159:16, 159:22,
medical [20] - 108:3, met [2] - 18:19, 146:17 80:5, 93:2, 120:19 47:14, 51:2, 53:3, 160:4, 161:1, 161:3,
108:19, 108:22, Microsoft [5] - 6:18, misstate [1] - 77:25 53:20, 56:12, 56:16, 161:22, 162:6,
109:3, 110:12, 6:21, 7:14, 7:19, 56:20, 58:4, 58:14, 162:14, 162:20,
misstates [5] - 12:20,
114:10, 116:4, 136:1 59:2, 60:22, 62:2, 162:22, 163:1,
23:20, 76:10, 85:16
116:7, 116:9, 117:2, Microsoft-based [2] - 62:13, 62:17, 64:4, 163:16, 167:14,
mitigate [3] - 103:25,
123:4, 124:4, 7:14, 7:19 64:11, 65:4, 67:1, 167:17, 167:23,
104:10, 114:4
124:11, 124:15, mid [7] - 24:23, 24:25, 67:9, 68:7, 68:12, 168:2, 169:23,
mitigation [2] - 170:9,
132:20, 133:4, 25:11, 144:5, 68:16, 68:20, 70:17, 170:2, 172:1,
133:16, 137:15, 144:13, 144:21, 71:16, 71:19, 71:24, 174:23, 175:1,
mitigations [1] - 169:9
137:21 144:23 72:8, 73:14, 74:5, 175:11, 176:8,
mixing [1] - 139:17
meet [10] - 9:23, 10:2, mid-2012 [1] - 125:13 75:5, 76:10, 77:2, 176:24, 177:3,
modality [8] - 8:9,
17:5, 19:8, 19:9, 77:19, 77:21, 78:2, 177:11, 177:20,
mid-term [3] - 144:13, 8:14, 54:4, 56:5,
19:12, 21:24, 24:7, 78:7, 78:11, 79:22, 178:1, 178:24,
144:21, 144:23 136:5, 139:18,
89:1, 94:12 80:11, 80:17, 81:13, 179:16, 179:19,
mid-year [4] - 24:23, 140:22, 141:2
meeting [5] - 120:11, 81:16, 81:21, 81:25, 179:25, 180:4,
24:25, 25:11, 144:5 modifications [1] -
161:16, 161:23, 82:5, 82:8, 82:13, 180:10, 180:13,
middle [4] - 57:7, 173:17
164:11, 164:17 82:19, 83:9, 83:15, 180:17, 182:3,
91:15, 94:4, 129:14 Mohieddine [3] - 23:9,
meetings [9] - 6:9, 84:3, 84:6, 85:14, 182:6, 182:13,
might [31] - 25:5, 32:9, 26:19, 26:20
28:7, 107:14, 85:16, 86:25, 87:24, 182:18, 182:22,
33:3, 33:4, 34:1, Monday [1] - 73:24
145:22, 163:14, 90:22, 91:13, 92:12, 183:4, 183:7,
35:10, 35:12, 37:11, money [1] - 22:19
164:7, 164:23, 94:2, 94:7, 95:10, 183:13, 183:22,
48:5, 48:25, 49:18, month [4] - 57:21,
165:13, 176:19 97:2, 98:10, 98:16, 184:1, 184:9, 184:20
51:14, 88:15, 66:1, 113:19, 176:1
Mehring [13] - 4:25, 99:9, 99:14, 99:25, MS [218] - 4:13, 4:16,
108:10, 110:14, months [5] - 36:7,
17:22, 21:8, 23:8, 100:6, 100:13, 7:3, 7:5, 7:12, 8:20,
115:8, 119:9, 60:15, 70:23, 71:1
23:10, 25:2, 26:21, 100:18, 100:23, 13:1, 13:7, 13:13,
119:13, 124:14, moot [1] - 69:13
61:19, 89:17, 90:18, 101:4, 101:7, 13:17, 13:20, 13:25,
124:20, 126:19, morning [1] - 78:24
95:3, 161:17, 162:18 101:11, 101:14, 14:3, 14:13, 14:17,
139:14, 140:15, most [12] - 4:4, 5:1, 102:3, 102:16, 14:25, 17:18, 19:19,
Mehring's [1] - 58:23 141:11, 165:16, 26:18, 70:1, 70:3, 105:9, 105:13, 20:2, 20:5, 20:12,
member [3] - 76:15, 165:17, 166:7, 109:11, 114:3, 105:20, 106:4, 20:16, 20:23, 21:4,
150:10, 150:14 166:8, 166:9 114:6, 137:22, 106:10, 106:15, 21:13, 21:22, 22:13,
members [12] - 17:7, migrate [1] - 148:3 141:14, 142:1, 106:19, 107:2, 22:15, 23:6, 30:25,
23:8, 25:20, 26:16, Milwaukee [3] - 170:22 107:5, 108:11, 31:9, 31:24, 34:5,
26:17, 69:6, 69:14, 145:11, 163:9, Motioning [1] - 159:15 114:25, 116:18, 34:15, 34:18, 34:23,
69:23, 69:24, 164:18 motives [1] - 171:16 116:20, 116:24, 36:12, 36:18, 36:23,
137:14, 156:16 mine [1] - 49:14 move [13] - 6:5, 13:8, 120:16, 120:21, 37:9, 37:17, 38:23,
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39:3, 39:7, 39:14, 167:15, 167:21, needed [22] - 11:4, next [17] - 6:6, 11:5, 41:23, 53:20, 56:12,
39:19, 41:7, 41:11, 168:5, 169:25, 12:9, 16:1, 16:6, 12:11, 12:15, 13:8, 58:4, 58:14, 59:2,
41:22, 46:23, 47:6, 170:3, 171:25, 33:21, 33:23, 37:1, 27:7, 27:14, 35:9, 67:1, 92:8, 92:15,
47:25, 53:5, 53:9, 172:5, 174:2, 174:4, 47:11, 48:3, 52:2, 40:14, 41:11, 49:15, 123:14, 143:17,
54:22, 54:25, 56:15, 175:8, 176:10, 81:1, 81:7, 83:24, 57:18, 78:21, 90:3, 149:19, 154:18,
56:19, 56:22, 56:25, 177:1, 177:8, 86:14, 97:22, 109:18, 142:19, 155:5, 163:16,
58:20, 62:5, 62:15, 177:13, 177:23, 104:15, 123:13, 165:6 174:23, 175:11,
62:20, 62:23, 63:15, 178:4, 180:2, 180:7, 126:19, 149:13, nice [3] - 47:16, 91:3, 180:12, 182:3
64:6, 64:13, 67:7, 180:11, 180:15, 154:11, 164:13, 158:1 objected [1] - 184:25
67:21, 68:4, 68:10, 180:18, 182:5, 173:7 night [1] - 101:9 objecting [1] - 47:8
68:13, 68:18, 68:23, 182:9, 182:16, needs [8] - 36:6, 59:9, Nobles [1] - 73:17 Objection [1] - 30:12
68:25, 74:8, 77:24, 182:20, 182:25, 75:16, 75:17, nobody [7] - 18:21, objection [39] - 12:19,
78:4, 78:9, 79:4, 183:11, 183:15, 100:14, 140:10, 18:25, 22:1, 51:10, 13:20, 14:10, 14:23,
80:14, 80:20, 80:24, 184:6, 184:16 164:12, 184:24 69:8, 108:15, 121:9 15:1, 19:15, 22:2,
81:14, 81:20, 81:23, multiple [1] - 50:9 negative [4] - 24:11, non [1] - 108:20 22:6, 23:19, 34:13,
82:2, 82:7, 82:11, 157:24, 157:25, nonconformance [4] - 37:6, 60:22, 65:4,
82:15, 83:1, 83:11, N 182:10 108:4, 108:16, 67:10, 71:16, 71:24,
83:14, 83:21, 84:8, negatively [1] - 154:17 109:20, 115:8 73:14, 76:10, 77:2,
88:1, 90:24, 92:11, neglecting [2] - 58:7, nonconformances [3] 77:19, 80:17, 83:9,
92:13, 94:5, 95:14, Nah [1] - 166:13
95:21 - 106:18, 107:19, 84:3, 85:14, 86:25,
97:4, 97:12, 98:12, name [3] - 30:25,
negligence [6] - 56:9, 108:12 97:2, 99:9, 105:9,
99:3, 99:11, 99:19, 100:10, 172:16
57:3, 59:1, 64:24, nonconformities [1] - 114:25, 149:15,
100:4, 100:12, named [1] - 31:7
74:2, 74:4 109:1 151:13, 153:11,
100:16, 100:21, Naresh [1] - 144:4 156:25, 158:5,
negligent [1] - 71:11 none [1] - 25:14
101:2, 101:5, Nate [13] - 5:5, 17:22, 175:12, 177:20,
network [15] - 7:23, normal [1] - 173:24
101:17, 102:13, 23:10, 24:16, 26:21, 179:16, 179:19,
42:13, 43:18, 45:10, normally [1] - 50:13
102:18, 105:11, 32:17, 32:24, 79:1, 182:13
46:17, 70:12, Nos [3] - 80:22,
105:17, 105:23, 107:15, 116:13, objections [1] - 92:20
125:19, 126:17, 121:16, 127:5
106:8, 106:13, 142:24, 143:23,
127:20, 128:13, note [6] - 19:23, 47:1, objective [4] - 11:19,
106:17, 106:23, 144:4
128:17, 129:16, 54:22, 102:3, 11:22, 16:17, 16:18
107:4, 107:10, near [1] - 4:6
132:15, 170:17, 121:18, 134:14 observation [1] - 55:1
107:12, 116:16, nearing [1] - 10:23
171:17 nothing [7] - 108:20, observed [2] - 56:18,
116:19, 116:22, neat [1] - 47:16 147:6
networking [11] - 113:2, 113:19,
117:1, 120:17, necessarily [3] - 5:20, obvious [1] - 27:12
46:7, 52:18, 52:25, 143:1, 160:6, 162:2,
120:24, 121:7, 24:8, 184:9 53:1, 70:5, 145:14, 178:19 occasion [1] - 166:25
121:14, 121:20, need [63] - 13:4, 145:17, 145:24, noticed [1] - 70:11 occasionally [1] -
125:6, 125:10, 15:16, 20:6, 20:9, 146:14, 146:18, noting [1] - 22:5 24:17
126:7, 127:4, 20:18, 22:19, 31:3, 157:20 notoriously [1] - 145:2 OEC [5] - 8:2, 8:5, 8:9,
127:10, 127:12, 31:5, 34:6, 36:21, networks [2] - 51:10 November [3] - 8:6, 9:8, 73:25
127:18, 128:3, 40:22, 41:12, 41:24,
never [14] - 16:3, 38:11, 38:19 offer [2] - 40:2
128:8, 128:23, 47:9, 51:13, 56:20,
16:11, 18:19, 29:21, NSA [2] - 171:5, 171:7 offered [7] - 33:14,
129:3, 129:7, 129:8, 59:12, 62:18, 63:16,
61:14, 78:11, 92:21, number [4] - 67:16, 40:3, 151:3, 174:17,
130:1, 130:4, 130:8, 63:17, 67:23, 74:10,
98:24, 149:9, 108:12, 115:15, 175:10, 175:16,
130:12, 130:15, 74:11, 79:25, 82:7,
158:24, 160:11, 127:14 175:19
131:6, 131:11, 82:8, 82:17, 84:23,
160:13, 167:11, numbers [2] - 108:9, offering [2] - 41:1,
131:16, 131:20, 93:17, 93:19, 93:21,
170:12 136:19 151:3
131:25, 132:8, 94:2, 98:7, 98:13,
new [29] - 9:7, 12:14, numerous [9] - 40:4, Office [49] - 5:22,
132:23, 132:25, 98:14, 100:1, 100:6,
15:9, 15:10, 31:14, 65:21, 88:15, 117:9, 5:23, 11:3, 12:5,
134:12, 143:7, 103:18, 106:4,
33:20, 33:23, 51:4, 133:22, 134:2, 13:10, 13:19, 13:23,
143:10, 146:7, 106:11, 107:5,
57:20, 58:25, 63:25, 137:5, 137:11, 14:8, 14:21, 15:7,
148:9, 148:14, 115:4, 116:21,
65:9, 69:17, 78:19, 143:21 15:14, 15:15, 15:16,
149:21, 155:12, 116:22, 120:6,
87:9, 112:16, 33:3, 114:15,
155:17, 157:2, 120:17, 120:25,
113:17, 113:20, 114:17, 116:1,
157:9, 158:12, 122:16, 131:16,
115:9, 118:25,
116:8, 116:10,
159:14, 159:20, 131:23, 138:14,
119:17, 119:19, 116:11, 117:3,
159:25, 161:2, 138:21, 138:22, oath [1] - 22:18
119:21, 139:20, 121:23, 133:4,
161:7, 161:10, 138:24, 139:14,
153:23, 178:6, object [30] - 7:7, 9:13, 136:9, 136:17,
161:24, 162:4, 148:10, 150:11,
179:2, 181:20 13:11, 16:7, 17:13, 137:4, 137:6,
162:9, 162:17, 161:20, 162:25,
news [1] - 115:14 20:6, 28:1, 28:14, 137:11, 137:24,
162:21, 162:24, 176:11, 177:9,
Next [1] - 90:16 29:12, 34:21, 41:19, 138:2, 138:5,
163:4, 167:13, 183:3, 184:16
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138:10, 138:12, opinion [15] - 52:18, 89:20, 94:20, 95:5, percent [2] - 76:23 piece [6] - 5:20, 5:21,
138:17, 138:25, 52:24, 60:12, 74:1, 109:4, 134:4, 160:11 perception [1] - 69:4 29:20, 119:11,
139:2, 139:13, 75:23, 149:20, Part [1] - 39:17 perfect [1] - 29:2 124:14, 142:8
139:15, 139:19, 151:22, 152:3, participant [3] - 129:2, perfectly [1] - 45:1 pile [1] - 159:18
140:3, 140:9, 166:17, 181:3, 129:24, 131:4 perform [1] - 81:6 pilot [1] - 139:21
140:14, 142:3, 183:2, 183:3, 183:8, parts [2] - 116:6, performance [19] - place [3] - 24:5,
142:8, 142:10, 183:9, 183:14 125:23 19:11, 24:10, 24:15, 171:12
148:3, 157:21, opinions [1] - 119:10 party [3] - 88:10, 75:19, 85:21, places [1] - 7:11
159:2, 164:14 opportunity [7] - 22:8, 172:15, 173:14 106:24, 107:13, plan [38] - 13:9, 13:13,
Offices [1] - 13:24 36:15, 82:25, pass [2] - 43:25, 66:8 144:3, 156:20, 14:6, 14:7, 14:20,
official [1] - 16:12 105:15, 115:9, passed [5] - 34:8, 157:12, 157:25, 40:9, 40:19, 40:21,
Ofir [6] - 161:14, 165:22, 167:18 131:1, 131:21, 158:8, 159:24, 41:16, 42:13, 42:16,
161:17, 162:5, opposing [1] - 92:14 151:11, 151:19 160:6, 160:12, 43:5, 43:13, 43:16,
162:10, 162:11, opposite [2] - 86:10, passive [1] - 147:1 166:21, 166:22, 43:21, 44:12, 44:21,
162:12 88:10 passive-aggressive 174:10, 174:14 44:23, 45:1, 45:6,
often [4] - 27:15, optional [1] - 124:10 [1] - 147:1 period [12] - 13:21, 45:19, 48:19, 59:9,
28:24, 96:4, 123:19 options [1] - 172:13 past [10] - 28:5, 55:22, 13:22, 14:12, 14:16, 65:11, 75:1, 75:17,
old [9] - 13:9, 36:2, ordered [2] - 16:24, 89:23, 95:7, 154:14, 37:18, 57:6, 58:9, 89:2, 94:13, 137:9,
36:25, 37:18, 57:21, 16:25 166:16, 166:24, 58:10, 60:4, 83:5, 139:6, 139:12,
60:15, 103:11, original [2] - 81:5, 166:25, 167:7, 83:7, 84:25 139:14, 140:16,
111:15, 145:8 103:21 167:19 periodically [1] - 141:8, 141:15,
omit [1] - 91:8 originally [2] - 103:7, paste [1] - 45:8 136:24 141:18, 151:2, 151:5
Once [1] - 105:16 148:2 patch [1] - 126:19 perjury [2] - 22:16, plans [7] - 13:14, 15:3,
once [6] - 6:10, 45:2, otherwise [3] - 21:5, Patel [4] - 39:8, 39:9, 22:17 15:5, 31:21, 96:12,
73:17, 85:23, 126:23 105:18, 175:14 42:17, 161:11 person [36] - 4:11, 97:9, 140:20
one [53] - 4:11, 7:16, ourselves [2] - 51:14, patient [6] - 114:11, 19:4, 25:10, 25:16, platform [2] - 106:24,
10:3, 14:9, 14:22, 148:24 114:23, 115:2, 29:21, 36:5, 36:6, 147:12
18:7, 19:3, 29:21, outside [3] - 19:6, 124:12, 124:15, 36:8, 57:21, 58:5, point [52] - 8:24, 9:7,
35:5, 47:19, 49:5, 169:4, 173:20 124:18 61:21, 61:22, 64:25, 11:8, 12:10, 13:15,
50:14, 50:15, 52:3, overall [1] - 14:20 patients [1] - 110:21 69:17, 69:18, 70:8, 16:23, 29:21, 46:6,
53:14, 57:21, 58:9, overassertive [1] - pause [1] - 143:7 86:9, 86:10, 86:11, 47:12, 51:20, 53:1,
92:13, 93:2, 93:5, 180:12 peers [8] - 24:18, 86:12, 86:20, 89:25, 53:3, 57:19, 63:16,
93:22, 98:19, overconfident [6] - 153:2, 155:1, 93:19, 134:18, 64:18, 64:22, 64:23,
103:17, 105:5, 55:16, 56:11, 59:18, 155:23, 174:20, 149:17, 151:9, 65:1, 65:9, 65:25,
111:5, 111:24, 64:21, 72:7, 88:12 175:14, 180:21, 151:10, 151:11, 66:1, 67:8, 69:2,
117:14, 119:15, overlooked [1] - 139:9 180:25 151:18, 154:1, 69:4, 69:13, 69:19,
125:8, 133:20, own [4] - 18:13, 123:6, pending [4] - 42:1, 155:21, 162:21, 71:7, 71:8, 72:10,
135:3, 135:10, 160:12, 172:19 57:1, 147:14, 177:19 165:21, 166:12, 72:15, 72:22, 73:11,
137:1, 137:10, owned [1] - 147:20 People [1] - 156:23 174:1, 180:22 74:15, 75:11, 76:3,
138:13, 138:20, people [39] - 9:22, personal [18] - 17:14, 84:1, 88:9, 93:2,
141:12, 144:17, 19:17, 21:19, 67:4, 96:5, 111:6, 111:16,
144:18, 145:25,
P 10:2, 10:12, 10:15,
112:13, 119:5,
19:4, 19:11, 21:24, 67:15, 97:3, 98:18,
146:19, 152:14, 22:20, 25:5, 25:13, 98:22, 99:1, 99:17, 119:24, 122:3,
152:20, 160:10, p.m [1] - 185:4 25:15, 26:11, 26:14, 128:7, 128:22, 131:20, 132:3,
164:11, 169:9, package [5] - 43:9, 27:12, 29:2, 30:23, 153:12, 154:19, 143:23, 148:6,
169:13, 170:9, 43:10, 45:5, 45:21, 33:24, 37:19, 38:3, 157:1, 158:9, 175:4, 148:20, 183:23,
172:13, 173:10, 48:2 38:5, 38:6, 53:12, 178:25 184:22
175:24, 176:14 packet [7] - 42:13, 53:13, 55:11, 55:13, personality [1] - pointed [8] - 52:4,
online [3] - 103:25, 42:19, 43:2, 43:4, 72:9, 87:13, 119:15, 166:17 52:10, 53:23, 54:12,
104:11, 133:14 43:18, 48:17 144:9, 144:11, personally [2] - 132:3, 70:1, 70:3, 70:10,
open [2] - 51:14, page [1] - 106:6 150:18, 150:22, 150:25 136:4
57:20 pages [2] - 102:1, 160:23, 164:17, personnel [1] - 26:18 pointers [1] - 55:9
opened [1] - 135:5 116:4 171:2, 171:14, phase [2] - 78:19, pointing [2] - 139:21,
opening [1] - 51:11 papers [1] - 159:18 171:15, 173:21, 78:21 179:9
operating [8] - 8:12, parent [1] - 165:23 178:2 phases [3] - 6:6, 6:7, points [1] - 181:23
15:10, 27:22, 27:24, part [20] - 4:4, 5:16, per [2] - 43:24, 117:4 16:9 poking [1] - 170:24
28:4, 28:8, 31:16, 5:25, 6:1, 11:22, perceive [1] - 180:21 phone [1] - 25:22 poor [2] - 28:11, 28:20
130:22 23:11, 33:1, 33:2, perceived [1] - 153:2 picked [1] - 16:17 poorly [4] - 58:19,
operation [2] - 105:8, 57:25, 67:11, 74:2, perceiving [1] - picture [2] - 84:24, 75:18, 85:20, 88:19
114:10 83:2, 85:13, 89:9, 174:21 105:19 port [9] - 33:12, 50:14,

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50:15, 50:17, 50:19, printout [2] - 105:25, 114:2, 114:6, prototyping [1] - quiet [1] - 166:9
51:4, 53:17, 54:18, 121:19 132:22, 139:19, 118:10 quite [3] - 49:22,
54:19 priorities [1] - 28:24 139:22, 139:23, prove [1] - 22:19 49:25, 90:11
ported [1] - 44:25 priority [2] - 11:13, 169:18, 170:4 provide [4] - 24:15,
portion [3] - 10:6, 28:22 productivity [1] - 47:22, 144:2, 159:23 R
33:7, 34:10 privilege [1] - 93:12 114:22 provided [2] - 20:2,
ports [6] - 15:11, problem [53] - 47:10, products [5] - 11:11, 152:4
RA [2] - 134:19, 138:3
31:15, 50:4, 50:9, 47:13, 47:14, 49:9, 44:25, 45:3, 108:3, providers [1] - 124:11
50:10, 52:16 142:11 raise [2] - 66:2, 184:13
49:21, 55:18, 56:7, providing [5] - 29:9,
position [1] - 19:13 program [4] - 30:1, raised [1] - 184:7
61:6, 65:1, 65:23, 33:20, 37:1, 37:24,
positively [2] - 59:22, 67:22, 73:4, 76:4, 52:8, 112:1, 112:2 raising [5] - 62:10,
154:16 86:4, 86:12, 86:19, programming [3] - 177:16, 178:6,
provocative [1] -
86:20, 86:22, 86:23, 6:15, 145:13, 146:13 179:4, 181:17
possible [12] - 49:22, 161:12
88:9, 99:7, 102:10, programs [1] - 79:17 ran [2] - 43:19, 136:16
49:25, 51:18, 53:15, public [3] - 168:9,
56:3, 91:7, 91:9, 102:20, 103:3, project [79] - 6:3, 6:5, randomly [1] - 50:9
168:17, 171:19
93:4, 100:21, 103:10, 103:22, 6:6, 6:22, 7:13, 7:14, rather [5] - 42:18,
pull [3] - 121:25,
123:10, 123:15, 103:23, 104:25, 7:18, 7:19, 8:8, 8:9, 110:6, 147:10,
122:12, 123:8
170:20 105:4, 110:12, 9:11, 9:22, 9:23, 150:3, 173:20
pulled [1] - 169:1
possibly [2] - 50:24, 112:18, 113:4, 10:1, 10:5, 10:11, read [34] - 42:1, 56:25,
pulls [1] - 122:1
50:25 115:6, 115:7, 10:18, 10:21, 11:20, 57:1, 62:16, 62:20,
punished [1] - 158:3
potential [4] - 112:17, 125:18, 126:24, 14:18, 14:19, 16:3, 62:22, 80:23, 83:14,
purchased [2] -
154:2, 154:4, 154:5 127:22, 130:13, 16:5, 16:9, 16:10, 85:23, 94:7, 94:8,
109:10, 111:13
potentially [4] - 130:23, 133:15, 16:14, 16:19, 16:25, 94:11, 97:4, 97:7,
pure [1] - 6:24
110:21, 114:8, 134:22, 135:22, 17:6, 17:24, 18:4, 100:4, 101:25,
purpose [1] - 23:3
170:18, 171:22 138:2, 152:24, 18:6, 18:15, 19:5, 102:1, 106:14,
put [4] - 7:5, 67:23,
161:19, 166:23, 19:7, 23:14, 23:15, 106:16, 111:18,
pounds [1] - 166:14 113:15, 163:20
167:8, 175:9, 24:4, 27:25, 28:3, 115:13, 116:12,
power [2] - 150:18,
175:15, 179:10, 28:25, 29:5, 29:7, 120:19, 120:22,
180:23 32:11, 33:1, 40:25,
Q 126:7, 126:9,
Practically [1] -
problems [17] - 12:18, 54:13, 59:13, 76:13, 127:25, 130:6,
35:19, 57:9, 61:9, 77:10, 78:12, 78:15, qualified [1] - 173:21 131:6, 147:14,
practice [8] - 46:5,
61:10, 65:24, 87:6, 78:19, 79:1, 79:3, quality [6] - 8:3, 9:10, 157:13, 172:5,
46:9, 71:15, 71:21,
113:5, 114:4, 79:6, 84:17, 85:7, 63:23, 66:3, 181:18, 172:8, 177:19
108:25, 109:6,
125:13, 134:2, 89:9, 94:20, 97:15, 181:22 readable [3] - 45:12,
109:7, 112:19
134:3, 149:11, 109:16, 142:15, questioning [3] - 48:20, 48:21
Prasad [1] - 30:8
157:17, 167:12, 142:16, 142:18, 19:25, 47:18, 91:22 reading [5] - 39:23,
prepared [3] - 176:24,
170:25, 171:19 142:20, 143:13, questions [21] - 13:6, 73:19, 73:22, 121:8,
184:22, 185:1
procedures [1] - 143:15, 143:22, 21:20, 23:4, 35:18, 125:4
present [4] - 66:12,
37:22 147:15, 152:12, 40:5, 54:3, 81:17, ready [4] - 112:9,
161:17, 164:7,
proceed [1] - 91:17 159:2, 159:6, 81:18, 81:22, 82:9, 112:11, 127:8, 149:2
process [2] - 10:14, 164:10, 174:7, 82:22, 105:15, reaffirming [1] - 27:20
presenting [1] -
141:18 174:12, 175:25, 148:18, 158:10, real [11] - 40:18,
product [28] - 8:11, 179:3 162:15, 175:7, 43:23, 65:22, 69:22,
presents [1] - 107:15
9:2, 9:4, 9:6, 11:15, projects [3] - 28:6, 180:1, 182:23, 79:11, 87:4, 89:8,
pressure [3] - 98:2,
15:17, 18:24, 31:16, 28:23, 84:17 184:4, 184:23, 92:19, 94:19, 96:10,
98:3, 164:13
33:22, 36:7, 37:1, promotion [1] - 184:25 104:5
pretty [4] - 11:25,
37:4, 37:5, 37:22, 151:11 Questra [24] - 11:10, realize [3] - 55:20,
27:10, 27:12, 72:7
37:23, 51:6, 54:2, proper [6] - 58:24, 11:14, 12:5, 15:15, 57:3, 130:10
prevent [1] - 110:20
54:8, 109:2, 113:25, 88:4, 117:17, 102:11, 102:21, realized [3] - 51:11,
previous [8] - 42:4,
126:2, 130:19, 117:18, 171:11, 103:1, 103:2, 76:3, 96:6
62:22, 80:23, 94:11,
132:15, 132:19, 173:6 103:18, 109:12, realizing [3] - 71:9,
97:7, 126:9, 166:12,
137:20, 141:3, properly [3] - 54:2, 109:16, 115:17, 143:13, 143:14
141:24, 181:21 129:18, 136:23 116:1, 118:5, 119:2, really [15] - 10:9,
primarily [1] - 109:11
production [20] - proposing [1] - 48:13 121:23, 122:23, 15:21, 55:4, 65:9,
principal [12] - 6:2,
104:17, 104:18, protect [1] - 21:1 123:6, 128:18, 101:19, 111:15,
10:8, 19:19, 29:16,
104:19, 105:4, protected [1] - 183:20 147:24, 147:25, 115:10, 121:24,
29:23, 30:19, 45:17,
105:7, 105:17, protection [3] - 164:14, 169:16 135:13, 143:2,
45:18, 53:13, 96:22,
107:20, 109:9, 103:25, 104:6, quicker [1] - 12:9 144:10, 150:16,
176:13, 184:6
111:16, 112:3, 104:10 quickly [3] - 101:1, 150:25, 155:8, 165:5
print [1] - 106:8
113:9, 113:24, protocol [1] - 50:17 154:2, 154:4 reason [10] - 10:25,
printed [1] - 120:24

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52:22, 62:12, 112:7, 145:7 48:16, 48:22, 48:24, 109:16, 112:25, 10:10, 31:20, 143:1,
165:19, 168:20, recount [1] - 74:22 49:1, 49:9, 49:12, 113:17, 137:25 143:6, 164:3
169:20, 169:21, redirect [1] - 12:23 49:13, 49:16, 49:22, replaced [4] - 109:22, reschedule [2] -
173:7, 175:3 referenced [1] - 39:2 50:1, 52:3, 52:15, 112:8, 112:9, 112:12 100:19, 110:21
reasons [2] - 10:17, referring [4] - 59:3, 53:22, 53:24, 55:6, replacement [3] - research [1] - 135:10
145:25 71:19, 101:16, 174:8 55:9, 55:11, 55:19, 109:15, 113:25, resentment [1] -
rebuild [5] - 102:24, reflect [3] - 75:18, 59:11, 60:3, 60:7, 147:22 151:21
103:2, 103:13, 85:20, 88:19 63:6, 64:16, 65:12, replacements [1] - resisted [1] - 48:3
103:18, 103:19 reflected [3] - 156:18, 70:25, 72:1, 72:11, 15:16 resisting [1] - 49:21
rebuilding [1] - 103:17 156:19, 157:10 72:13, 72:18, 73:21, replacing [6] - 11:14, resolve [1] - 184:15
receive [1] - 129:23 reflection [1] - 155:3 78:10, 80:7, 88:20, 13:9, 13:18, 14:21, respond [1] - 25:14
received [1] - 62:10 refresh [3] - 49:2, 89:16, 90:19, 90:20, 137:1, 137:25 response [6] - 16:2,
recently [1] - 152:10 146:8, 161:24 91:5, 91:10, 91:11, replicated [1] - 119:23 43:11, 56:6, 121:5,
recess [4] - 39:6, regard [1] - 29:13 95:1, 95:25, 96:4, replied [1] - 103:6 127:24, 176:10
80:21, 125:9, 168:4 regarding [7] - 88:19, 102:9, 117:8, 118:9, reply [2] - 25:7, 105:3 responsibilities [2] -
recipient [4] - 128:6, 135:16, 135:17, 118:21, 118:22, report [3] - 115:6, 31:7, 32:19
128:21, 129:2, 129:5 135:23, 149:10, 118:23, 121:10, 123:9, 123:17 responsibility [8] -
reckless [2] - 55:16, 152:22, 177:6 125:23, 126:13, reporter [9] - 4:11, 17:11, 18:12, 23:13,
88:10 regular [1] - 28:7 126:15, 126:16, 22:12, 39:1, 54:24, 30:4, 30:11, 31:10,
recklessness [3] - regulated [2] - 64:1, 126:18, 127:1, 68:1, 94:11, 97:7, 32:20, 99:8
56:10, 64:25, 74:3 65:2 129:13, 129:15, 147:14, 172:8 responsible [22] -
recollect [1] - 184:16 reimaged [1] - 134:21 133:17, 134:6, REPORTER [6] - 68:2, 17:7, 18:1, 18:5,
recollection [2] - 138:10, 144:22, 80:19, 95:8, 101:10, 19:4, 22:1, 23:18,
related [6] - 69:3,
127:3, 164:9 144:24, 144:25, 167:25, 184:18 29:9, 29:14, 29:16,
137:23, 142:15,
recommended [1] - 145:10, 146:6, Reporter [6] - 42:1, 29:17, 29:20, 29:23,
142:16, 145:16,
148:6 146:9, 146:23, 57:1, 62:22, 80:22, 29:25, 30:3, 31:20,
148:24, 152:14, 126:9, 177:19 64:2, 97:15, 97:19,
reconnect [1] - 125:21 relationship [6] - 12:2,
152:19, 153:14, reporting [17] - 97:20, 98:19, 98:23
reconnecting [1] - 19:13, 26:4, 26:8,
153:15, 153:20, 117:11, 117:17, rest [2] - 55:7, 65:18
129:17 26:25, 161:18
153:21, 163:5, 117:18, 117:20, restart [1] - 125:22
reconvene [1] - relationships [1] -
163:17, 163:18, 118:4, 120:6,
167:13 25:22 restarting [1] - 126:18
165:2, 165:4, 166:1, 121:23, 122:4,
record [68] - 4:14, relatively [3] - 153:23, restate [1] - 83:19
166:3, 167:2, 122:14, 122:23,
4:15, 7:3, 7:4, 7:6, 178:6, 181:20 results [2] - 53:10,
167:11, 168:6, 123:22, 123:24,
13:2, 13:3, 13:5, release [5] - 10:23, 168:23
168:10, 172:16, 124:23, 125:3,
19:24, 20:15, 20:18, 16:12, 16:19, retention [5] - 152:6,
175:20, 175:21, 174:8, 174:11,
39:6, 39:17, 39:18, 168:15, 168:16 152:7, 152:22,
175:22, 176:2 174:15
46:23, 46:24, 47:1, released [8] - 51:5, 152:25, 174:18
remembering [1] - reports [2] - 118:2,
53:8, 54:24, 80:21, 111:20, 112:2, retire [2] - 112:19,
93:15 118:8
80:25, 83:8, 85:23, 158:25, 168:6, 112:24
remembers [1] - 91:3 representations [1] -
86:2, 91:14, 93:11, 168:10, 168:13, review [9] - 24:23,
remote [2] - 115:20, 46:15
101:10, 101:12, 168:14 45:22, 106:25,
123:4 reproduced [2] -
101:13, 102:3, relevant [3] - 39:24, 107:13, 127:8,
remotely [4] - 110:12, 119:8, 119:24
102:8, 102:14, 141:16, 179:1 160:12, 174:10,
102:15, 102:17, 110:13, 110:18, reproducing [1] -
reliable [1] - 118:7 174:14, 176:19
105:7, 115:3, 120:9, 110:22 118:14
reliably [4] - 116:5, reviewed [6] - 127:7,
120:15, 120:21, remove [1] - 25:25 request [3] - 16:2,
116:11, 117:3, 127:11, 127:12,
121:19, 125:9, reoccur [1] - 165:17 22:15, 115:10
117:10 127:15, 130:3,
127:4, 127:13, repeat [3] - 63:18, requested [2] - 25:11, 134:16
rely [1] - 171:16
132:24, 134:9, 83:12, 118:14 167:24
remaining [2] - reviewing [4] - 102:4,
134:10, 134:15, repeatedly [1] - 67:12 require [1] - 108:21 113:18, 130:2,
115:19, 137:14
143:9, 152:10, repeating [1] - 116:16 required [6] - 66:14, 134:12
remember [120] - 8:5,
152:13, 158:7, rephrase [3] - 155:19, 104:7, 124:9, reviews [2] - 160:7,
8:11, 8:21, 9:3, 9:6,
158:16, 158:18, 173:4, 178:4 124:10, 124:11, 176:20
9:24, 9:25, 10:3,
161:8, 161:9, 162:4, rephrased [1] - 34:18 125:3 rewinding [1] - 23:7
10:24, 18:10, 24:17,
167:25, 168:3, rephraseing [1] - requirement [10] - rewritten [1] - 48:19
24:20, 24:21, 24:22,
168:4, 174:2, 174:3, 24:24, 25:1, 37:13, 34:19 17:8, 80:2, 80:6, Rick [3] - 176:4,
175:25, 183:25, 38:9, 40:1, 41:4, rephrasing [1] - 8:7 124:3, 124:25, 176:18, 177:7
184:2, 184:18, 41:6, 42:11, 42:20, replace [11] - 11:4, 125:2, 159:4, ride [1] - 99:23
184:19, 184:21 42:21, 42:22, 45:6, 14:7, 15:6, 15:8, 163:19, 164:19 risk [2] - 108:17,
records [2] - 124:19, 48:6, 48:7, 48:15, 15:15, 15:18, requirements [5] - 172:14

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roadmap [1] - 11:24 save [2] - 110:19, 72:8, 73:14, 74:5, 175:11, 176:8, seeking [1] - 146:11
role [6] - 17:24, 32:4, 110:21 75:5, 76:10, 77:2, 176:24, 177:3, seem [1] - 87:9
32:6, 32:20, 74:18, saved [1] - 145:8 77:19, 77:21, 78:2, 177:11, 177:20, selfish [1] - 27:16
151:25 saw [4] - 37:25, 104:4, 78:7, 78:11, 79:22, 178:1, 178:24, send [5] - 25:2, 25:8,
roles [2] - 32:18, 124:18, 130:24 80:11, 80:17, 81:13, 179:16, 179:19, 25:12, 110:14,
32:19 SC [1] - 118:3 81:16, 81:21, 81:25, 179:25, 180:4, 114:20
rosy [1] - 143:5 Scabba [2] - 168:21, 82:5, 82:8, 82:13, 180:10, 180:13, sending [1] - 29:10
roughly [2] - 8:12, 170:8 82:19, 83:9, 83:15, 180:17, 182:3, sends [1] - 25:4
87:11 schedule [8] - 97:16, 84:3, 84:6, 85:14, 182:6, 182:13, senior [2] - 23:11,
route [1] - 147:21 97:21, 97:25, 98:17, 85:16, 86:25, 87:24, 182:18, 182:22, 69:15
RSVP [63] - 5:17, 5:24, 98:23, 98:25, 90:22, 91:13, 92:12, 183:4, 183:7, sense [5] - 61:2, 61:4,
6:22, 7:13, 7:17, 101:15, 101:20 94:2, 94:7, 95:10, 183:13, 183:22, 96:15, 150:7, 150:15
9:22, 10:5, 10:18, scheduled [1] - 12:7 97:2, 98:10, 98:16, 184:1, 184:9, 184:20 sent [9] - 25:9, 25:10,
11:15, 11:20, 14:2, schedules [1] - 99:9, 99:14, 99:25, Scullen [1] - 100:22 25:15, 107:4, 120:7,
14:18, 14:19, 15:22, 174:13 100:6, 100:13, search [4] - 118:17, 128:15, 128:16,
16:5, 16:19, 17:2, schedulewise [1] - 100:18, 100:23, 135:9, 135:10, 136:6, 136:7
17:24, 18:17, 26:20, 98:8 101:4, 101:7, 135:13 sentence [1] - 111:5
27:25, 28:3, 28:16, scheduling [10] - 101:11, 101:14, second [10] - 38:21, separate [1] - 65:7
29:6, 32:25, 33:7, 97:13, 97:14, 97:22, 102:3, 102:16, 53:16, 66:1, 93:23, September [3] -
76:7, 76:8, 76:12, 97:23, 98:4, 99:7, 105:9, 105:13, 93:24, 116:22, 24:11, 163:9, 164:16
76:15, 76:21, 77:1, 99:20 105:20, 106:4, 125:8, 134:9, 140:3, series [1] - 22:20
77:5, 77:9, 78:14, scope [2] - 28:22, 106:10, 106:15, 168:15 serious [5] - 8:3,
78:15, 79:1, 79:5, 28:24 106:19, 107:2, secondhand [1] - 59:19, 62:9, 108:17,
79:20, 80:3, 109:16, screen [17] - 42:17, 107:5, 108:11, 26:12 114:17
112:1, 112:2, 112:9, 43:1, 43:3, 43:5, 114:25, 116:18, secondly [1] - 47:21 server [3] - 56:4,
112:17, 113:8, 43:7, 43:13, 44:13, 116:20, 116:24, seconds [1] - 143:8 60:13, 138:14
113:24, 118:11, 45:4, 45:7, 45:8, 120:16, 120:21, Section [1] - 134:23 servers [3] - 11:6,
119:3, 120:14, 104:4, 104:5, 121:1, 121:12, section [1] - 135:2 142:3, 142:4
137:1, 142:15, 106:21, 120:4, 121:18, 122:5, sections [1] - 135:3 service [6] - 51:9,
143:13, 143:15, 120:23 122:9, 122:11, security [52] - 7:24, 53:25, 105:8,
143:21, 147:15, screens [5] - 119:1, 122:15, 123:14, 34:9, 50:22, 51:7, 108:23, 109:2,
147:18, 148:21, 119:2, 119:17, 120:1 125:5, 127:7, 51:15, 51:16, 51:18, 115:20
148:22, 157:21, 127:11, 127:15, 53:15, 55:2, 56:3,
SCULLEN [248] - 4:10, services [2] - 6:25,
159:2, 160:16 128:2, 128:5, 60:13, 63:22, 64:20,
7:7, 8:17, 9:13, 9:18, 7:11
run [9] - 43:18, 44:21, 128:20, 128:25, 65:7, 66:2, 69:3,
12:19, 13:4, 13:11, servicing [2] - 110:22,
54:4, 55:10, 102:21, 129:5, 129:22, 69:8, 69:25, 72:21,
13:14, 14:10, 14:15, 124:14
104:11, 104:14, 130:3, 130:9, 131:2, 80:4, 81:2, 81:4,
14:23, 15:1, 16:7, set [8] - 51:9, 54:4,
142:3, 142:4 131:8, 131:13, 81:7, 84:13, 88:11,
17:13, 19:1, 19:15, 54:5, 54:7, 54:17,
running [7] - 102:11, 131:18, 131:22, 96:25, 114:9, 168:7,
19:22, 20:4, 20:7, 64:7, 112:16, 161:19
110:5, 112:12, 132:2, 134:8, 168:8, 168:17,
20:14, 20:17, 21:2, setting [3] - 10:8,
113:7, 114:19, 134:14, 135:11, 168:18, 169:5,
21:11, 21:15, 22:2, 29:10, 29:14
137:2, 140:13 143:17, 146:4, 169:18, 169:19,
22:4, 22:14, 23:1, several [28] - 7:11,
runs [2] - 142:7, 147:4, 148:8, 170:4, 170:7,
23:19, 24:1, 28:1, 10:11, 16:9, 26:10,
176:20 148:12, 148:17, 170:12, 170:14,
28:14, 29:12, 30:12, 28:25, 48:22, 50:3,
149:15, 149:19, 171:18, 171:21,
30:22, 31:2, 34:3, 54:21, 54:23, 55:6,
151:13, 151:15,
S 34:6, 34:13, 34:16,
153:11, 154:18,
172:9, 172:12, 56:13, 59:11, 65:12,
34:20, 36:10, 36:14, 172:17, 173:6, 71:8, 72:2, 73:18,
155:5, 155:9, 173:9, 173:24,
36:21, 37:6, 37:13, 74:6, 78:16, 80:1,
Sachin [6] - 5:7, 155:13, 156:25, 174:1, 178:7, 179:4,
38:12, 38:20, 38:25, 107:23, 123:8,
144:4, 145:11, 157:4, 158:5, 181:17
39:11, 39:16, 41:9, 135:4, 135:14,
157:19, 157:20, 158:15, 159:11,
41:18, 44:8, 46:25, security-related [1] - 138:17, 144:11,
157:23 159:16, 159:22,
47:14, 51:2, 53:3, 69:3 170:9, 171:15,
Sachin's [2] - 145:21, 160:4, 161:1, 161:3,
53:20, 56:12, 56:16, see [15] - 15:3, 29:6, 172:14
158:8 161:22, 162:6,
56:20, 58:4, 58:14, 36:5, 46:18, 46:19, severity [3] - 80:10,
safe [1] - 147:21 162:14, 162:20, 46:21, 48:20, 54:8,
59:2, 60:22, 62:2, 80:11, 80:14
safety [3] - 114:9, 162:22, 163:1, 100:10, 104:2,
62:13, 62:17, 64:4, share [3] - 160:7,
114:23, 115:2 163:16, 167:14, 106:4, 120:18,
64:11, 65:4, 67:1, 160:8, 160:10
sales [4] - 8:2, 9:8, 167:17, 167:23, 121:25, 153:18,
67:9, 68:7, 68:12, sheet [3] - 25:2, 25:4,
9:9, 74:1 168:2, 169:23, 157:14
68:16, 68:20, 70:17, 144:19
sat [2] - 33:13, 49:15 170:2, 172:1, seeing [1] - 100:8
71:16, 71:19, 71:24, ship [2] - 126:5,
Saturday [1] - 73:22 174:23, 175:1,
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132:19 46:19, 46:21, 46:22, 103:14, 152:9 State [1] - 183:18 176:6, 176:20
shooting [1] - 163:10 48:2, 48:20 sort [11] - 10:9, 35:20, statement [13] - 9:15, Stuff [1] - 163:25
shop [2] - 6:17, 6:18 soft [2] - 153:4, 40:23, 57:14, 69:13, 62:3, 70:18, 74:7, subject [1] - 105:21
Short [2] - 80:21, 174:25 75:16, 83:24, 77:25, 81:24, 82:1, Subodh [1] - 26:22
125:9 software [52] - 6:14, 103:15, 105:1, 83:19, 93:21, 112:1, success [1] - 154:15
short [2] - 39:6, 168:4 6:23, 6:24, 7:21, 164:14 116:12, 117:5, 172:2 Suchecki [2] - 23:9,
shot [14] - 15:3, 42:17, 7:22, 11:6, 12:12, sorting [1] - 55:24 statement/question 26:21
43:1, 43:3, 43:5, 12:14, 17:12, 18:2, sought [1] - 149:22 [1] - 67:12 suddenly [1] - 57:12
43:13, 44:13, 45:4, 40:10, 40:19, 109:9, sounds [2] - 127:21 statements [5] - suggest [3] - 92:4,
45:7, 69:21, 104:5, 109:10, 109:12, source [3] - 102:25, 56:14, 67:17, 81:22, 146:7, 184:13
111:24 109:17, 109:22, 112:22, 172:19 92:24, 157:1 suggesting [1] - 63:2
shots [1] - 43:7 109:25, 110:6, speaking [1] - 163:13 stating [1] - 22:21 summarized [1] -
shoulder [4] - 61:20, 110:7, 110:11, speaks [2] - 131:3, status [2] - 10:17, 103:16
62:8, 72:6, 95:20 110:18, 110:23, 150:17 10:19 Sunday [2] - 73:22
shouting [1] - 27:9 111:1, 111:14, specific [19] - 7:21, stay [2] - 13:4, 105:16 support [5] - 11:18,
show [4] - 36:4, 120:8, 111:21, 112:8, 14:5, 14:12, 25:16, stayed [4] - 76:5, 76:6, 11:23, 12:16, 17:3,
153:18, 153:19 112:13, 112:14, 44:20, 50:16, 50:25, 76:9, 167:18 105:1
showed [1] - 157:10 112:17, 112:20, 79:24, 80:9, 84:22, step [1] - 13:8 Support [1] - 133:2
showing [4] - 64:25, 112:25, 113:3, 88:23, 118:22, stereotype [3] - 155:4, SupportCentral [1] -
106:1, 156:2, 181:21 113:7, 113:17, 133:17, 135:18, 156:19, 157:10 135:5
shows [1] - 110:2 113:21, 114:15, 140:18, 141:10, still [10] - 22:9, 113:4, supporting [2] -
side [16] - 26:9, 33:3, 114:17, 119:19, 143:19, 143:20, 113:5, 113:23, 11:13, 12:12
33:5, 68:14, 69:25, 124:4, 126:23, 181:12 114:1, 114:6, Suppose [1] - 45:17
115:16, 124:20, 130:17, 132:9, specifically [7] - 156:15, 167:3, suppose [1] - 86:9
137:21, 137:24, 132:19, 132:20, 13:23, 30:10, 31:6, 170:14, 171:21 supposed [13] - 30:18,
138:8, 142:1, 142:3, 138:3, 138:4, 142:8, 34:25, 145:15, stop [10] - 24:2, 38:20, 30:19, 30:21, 37:20,
156:14 142:10, 148:4, 152:15, 153:15 87:24, 91:16, 92:7, 40:8, 40:9, 40:18,
side's [1] - 74:20 173:16, 173:18 specifics [4] - 25:24, 92:15, 92:21, 54:4, 55:10, 60:21,
sides [2] - 26:13, Solaris [2] - 142:4, 28:23, 55:11, 80:7 113:18, 125:21, 132:16, 158:3, 159:3
153:8 142:10 speculation [1] - 97:3 183:22 Surgery [21] - 4:7,
sign [1] - 62:1 Solaris-based [1] - speculative [2] - stopped [10] - 10:21, 4:18, 8:2, 8:9, 8:14,
significant [1] - 136:8 142:10 86:25, 175:6 10:25, 12:4, 21:2, 8:16, 8:25, 9:8, 9:9,
similar [4] - 30:20, solely [2] - 44:15, speed [1] - 37:21 21:8, 118:9, 120:11, 9:12, 33:8, 42:12,
32:22, 119:2, 127:21 109:3 spending [1] - 73:21 125:13, 129:14, 50:2, 60:13, 73:25,
sit [4] - 27:7, 27:11, solution [3] - 12:9, spent [2] - 73:17, 74:6 149:1 96:17, 125:12,
35:8, 108:11 103:12, 103:17 spots [1] - 150:20 stopping [1] - 183:23 125:17, 129:10,
sits [1] - 176:18 solvable [1] - 65:24 SPR [2] - 106:6, 115:3 story [1] - 91:3 137:8, 140:6
sitting [3] - 73:18, solve [1] - 103:3 spreadsheet [4] - straight [1] - 103:1 surprise [2] - 36:15,
150:3, 165:6 solved [1] - 126:24 24:19, 25:5, 25:12, strategy [6] - 28:12, 141:11
situation [3] - 48:15, solving [1] - 90:2 144:20 28:21, 29:10, 29:15, surprised [4] - 36:12,
53:22, 181:10 someone [9] - 35:23, SPRs [3] - 112:4, 171:18, 172:9 37:3, 37:10, 52:8
six [3] - 70:23, 71:1, 63:14, 105:2, 112:13, 137:22 Stratton [19] - 5:3, surprising [1] - 57:13
152:14 135:22, 140:10, stab [1] - 87:3 17:23, 23:10, 24:16, surrounding [2] -
size [2] - 16:24, 16:25 142:25, 177:10, Stadium [2] - 145:11 26:21, 32:16, 33:15, 54:10, 137:6
178:15, 181:3 stage [1] - 77:11 37:20, 137:14, system [22] - 7:23,
skill [2] - 73:2, 180:23
sometime [2] - 11:4, stages [1] - 111:20 146:25, 150:23, 8:12, 10:4, 15:11,
skills [14] - 74:17,
16:20 staging [1] - 139:21 151:9, 158:20, 30:2, 31:16, 31:18,
75:24, 85:3, 86:14,
146:14, 153:4, sometimes [13] - 24:7, stake [3] - 21:6, 21:10, 158:21, 158:22, 33:1, 52:9, 54:6,
156:4, 156:11, 24:18, 24:19, 24:20, 24:13 158:23, 159:1, 54:10, 54:14,
157:15, 173:9, 54:17, 54:18, 57:15, start [8] - 51:3, 51:13, 166:24, 167:7 106:24, 107:13,
174:25, 177:18, 87:7, 111:2, 145:3, 51:22, 78:21, 91:20, Stratton's [1] - 24:10 110:12, 124:4,
180:25 150:8, 150:11, 100:20, 143:3, stressed [1] - 166:8 130:22, 136:15,
150:12 170:24 strong [1] - 99:5 137:23, 138:4,
skillset [1] - 145:14
somewhat [1] - 10:15 started [12] - 12:3, stuff [20] - 7:23, 7:24, 139:18, 173:23
slide [1] - 109:19
somewhere [2] - 5:6, 38:9, 38:11, 53:11, 43:13, 52:10, 52:13, systems [1] - 11:10
Snowden [1] - 171:4
148:23 54:1, 101:8, 148:5, 54:11, 54:12, 61:14,
SOA [1] - 6:21
soon [2] - 109:21,
SOAP [16] - 42:18, 148:20, 148:21, 61:15, 65:8, 69:25, T
112:10 172:6, 182:14 135:2, 138:5,
42:25, 43:9, 43:10,
Sorry [1] - 125:7 starting [2] - 77:11, 139:17, 145:23,
44:5, 45:5, 45:21,
sorry [3] - 102:19, 149:10, 176:4, table [1] - 159:15
46:10, 46:11, 46:12, 128:19

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tables [1] - 123:8 87:8, 87:12, 87:15, terms [21] - 10:20, 67:19, 76:11, 78:8, timely [2] - 75:2, 81:10
targeted [1] - 174:24 87:18, 88:7, 88:8, 13:9, 14:6, 15:22, 80:23, 81:17, 83:10, title [2] - 30:5, 32:14
task [1] - 139:1 88:16, 88:18, 88:21, 15:25, 16:4, 16:6, 85:17, 87:23, 99:10, titles [1] - 32:18
tasks [2] - 40:11, 96:7, 96:10, 96:22, 16:23, 17:4, 17:11, 131:18, 155:10, today [8] - 77:12,
76:20 102:20, 115:4, 26:25, 30:15, 39:21, 155:14, 177:21, 78:10, 84:23,
team [94] - 5:16, 5:17, 125:24, 130:13, 52:12, 80:15, 84:12, 180:9 100:24, 117:10,
5:18, 5:24, 6:9, 142:14, 142:19, 85:22, 93:17, testing [25] - 32:21, 118:8, 135:21,
15:24, 17:7, 18:21, 142:22, 143:3, 117:16, 153:3, 167:9 41:16, 43:6, 43:14, 170:15
23:8, 23:11, 23:14, 143:11, 143:14, terrible [1] - 51:7 50:2, 50:8, 61:25, together [8] - 4:5,
25:20, 26:15, 26:16, 143:16, 143:24, test [81] - 31:21, 40:6, 64:2, 81:6, 81:10, 35:6, 48:5, 51:23,
26:17, 26:20, 27:5, 145:17, 146:13, 40:9, 40:19, 40:21, 96:25, 137:10, 61:4, 121:25,
27:22, 28:13, 28:15, 149:7, 149:10, 41:15, 42:13, 42:16, 137:17, 138:11, 138:20, 156:16
28:16, 28:21, 29:15, 149:12, 155:8, 43:2, 43:4, 43:5, 139:2, 139:7, tons [3] - 57:22,
29:24, 30:4, 30:5, 156:4, 156:10, 43:13, 43:16, 43:21, 139:20, 139:23, 60:16, 60:18
30:7, 30:8, 30:11, 157:12, 157:25, 43:23, 43:25, 44:12, 140:10, 141:9, took [9] - 11:25,
30:20, 30:24, 31:4, 159:5, 159:8, 173:3, 44:21, 44:23, 45:1, 143:4, 168:21, 16:11, 70:22, 127:1,
32:12, 32:13, 35:14, 176:20, 177:16, 45:6, 45:12, 45:19, 170:8, 172:20 150:5, 175:18,
35:15, 35:19, 35:25, 177:17, 177:18, 48:19, 51:4, 52:9, tests [1] - 140:21 175:20, 175:21,
42:16, 55:7, 59:12, 178:2, 178:7, 178:9, 53:10, 54:6, 54:9, text [3] - 45:8, 46:13, 175:22
59:17, 60:9, 61:19, 178:10, 178:11, 54:14, 59:9, 61:24, 48:21 tool [1] - 108:23
62:7, 63:8, 64:7, 178:16, 178:17, 62:1, 65:11, 66:8, THE [24] - 7:10, 8:19, tools [1] - 43:17
64:19, 64:24, 65:18, 178:20, 178:21, 66:13, 71:10, 71:22, 12:22, 13:22, 14:1, top [1] - 147:24
66:16, 69:6, 69:14, 179:4, 179:6, 179:8, 75:1, 75:16, 81:2, 30:14, 37:15, 53:7, topic [3] - 151:1,
69:16, 69:23, 69:24, 179:10, 180:23, 85:10, 89:2, 94:13, 77:20, 78:13, 80:13, 152:20, 166:11
72:19, 72:23, 73:3, 180:24, 181:4, 96:12, 97:9, 101:21, 83:12, 83:17, 95:12, totally [6] - 17:15,
75:3, 75:11, 75:15, 181:18, 181:22, 127:19, 127:25, 100:8, 101:15, 20:1, 47:19, 68:20,
76:14, 78:17, 81:4, 181:25 128:19, 129:20, 121:10, 127:17, 154:20, 178:25
83:24, 84:1, 84:11, technically [12] - 130:25, 131:1, 130:6, 130:14, toward [1] - 148:20
85:2, 87:5, 88:8, 35:18, 60:25, 61:5, 131:12, 131:21, 155:16, 161:5, towards [1] - 153:5
89:7, 89:18, 90:15, 65:15, 66:10, 66:18, 132:3, 137:9, 172:3, 182:24 track [2] - 124:12,
94:18, 95:3, 98:25, 117:16, 149:8, 137:17, 138:13, themselves [1] - 170:21
99:8, 131:21, 154:23, 155:15, 138:14, 138:17, 27:17 tracking [1] - 137:23
132:19, 137:13, 155:18, 157:14 139:1, 139:5, theory [2] - 47:17, traffic [1] - 169:3
140:23, 141:2, technologies [1] - 139:12, 139:14, 47:24 trail [5] - 117:22,
143:25, 144:1, 6:16 140:1, 140:7, therefore [1] - 74:3 118:8, 123:25,
150:9, 150:14, technology [8] - 6:12, 140:13, 140:16, They've [1] - 35:14 124:5, 125:1
154:10, 156:16, 7:18, 52:8, 66:9, 140:20, 141:8, thinking [2] - 59:18, trails [1] - 117:21
157:16, 178:8, 69:17, 84:12, 141:15, 141:18, 155:4 trained [1] - 21:5
181:23 145:18, 179:7 151:2, 151:5, 168:8, thinks [3] - 98:17, training [28] - 9:8,
teams [2] - 28:17, technology-based [1] 168:17 151:18, 184:23 9:10, 70:16, 70:20,
156:12 - 7:18 tested [3] - 52:15, third [2] - 172:15, 70:22, 71:5, 152:4,
technical [117] - 27:3, teddy [2] - 166:13, 173:16 173:14 152:9, 152:10,
51:1, 61:8, 61:14, 166:18 testified [14] - 8:18, third-party [2] - 152:13, 152:16,
65:23, 66:19, 66:20, telephone [1] - 136:15 21:11, 30:23, 31:3, 172:15, 173:14 152:21, 153:5,
69:7, 69:22, 72:24, television [1] - 27:15 58:16, 58:19, 67:3, thirdhand [1] - 26:12 153:14, 153:17,
73:1, 73:4, 73:9, temple [1] - 163:9 67:14, 67:16, 79:22, thoughts [1] - 41:24 173:22, 174:17,
73:13, 74:13, 74:17, ten [9] - 63:15, 63:17, 175:2, 177:5, threat [3] - 171:11, 174:19, 174:22,
74:21, 75:14, 75:15, 89:20, 95:5, 108:14, 180:18, 184:2 171:12, 171:13 174:24, 175:2,
75:21, 75:25, 76:4, 110:2, 110:3, testify [14] - 15:2, three [16] - 5:14, 12:8, 175:4, 175:10,
76:6, 76:9, 76:20, 111:10, 111:15 41:20, 72:9, 98:11, 17:25, 19:4, 21:7, 175:15, 175:18,
76:21, 76:25, 77:4, tenth [1] - 162:7 99:14, 100:2, 21:9, 23:9, 34:9, 175:25, 179:14
77:15, 78:22, 78:23, term [7] - 68:6, 68:21, 106:21, 122:5, 48:4, 51:22, 70:16, transcripts [1] - 20:11
78:25, 79:3, 79:7, 115:4, 144:13, 122:7, 128:25, 79:23, 116:6, transfer [1] - 124:15
79:10, 79:17, 79:19, 144:21, 144:23, 132:4, 132:5, 117:13, 163:13, transformers [1] -
80:9, 83:4, 83:25, 166:13 159:24, 178:1 169:24 17:2
84:1, 84:14, 85:1, terminated [1] - 12:2 testifying [4] - 8:18, throughout [1] - 60:2 translate [1] - 46:20
85:6, 85:9, 85:15, termination [1] - 34:4, 36:11, 177:3 timeframe [5] - 9:24, treat [2] - 177:15,
85:19, 85:25, 86:3, 162:19 testimony [21] - 12:21, 39:24, 41:4, 74:23, 182:2
86:5, 86:10, 86:13, terminology [1] - 19:16, 22:5, 23:20, 149:4 treated [3] - 19:12,
87:3, 87:4, 87:5, 109:21 37:8, 67:3, 67:11, timeline [1] - 164:12 58:18, 182:2

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treatment [4] - 58:23, 92:11, 92:13, 94:5, 134:1, 134:23, 155:3, 155:4 136:3, 136:14, 142:7
58:24, 59:3, 182:10 95:14, 97:4, 97:12, 135:19, 136:3 unconsciously [3] - uses [1] - 7:10
trending [1] - 115:22 98:12, 99:3, 99:11, true [6] - 7:20, 29:5, 156:17, 156:18,
Trends [1] - 106:6 99:19, 100:4, 44:4, 86:6, 114:2, 157:10 V
trial [4] - 68:5, 68:11, 100:12, 100:16, 133:7 uncovering [1] - 54:9
68:18 100:21, 101:2, truth [16] - 20:13, under [1] - 22:17
101:5, 101:17, vague [25] - 7:8,
tricky [1] - 126:25 22:24, 60:19, 74:11, underneath [1] -
102:13, 102:18, 12:20, 13:11, 16:7,
tried [1] - 111:23 74:12, 88:2, 91:12, 120:4
105:11, 105:17, 17:14, 28:1, 28:14,
tries [1] - 183:9 92:16, 92:17, 93:1, understood [2] -
105:23, 106:8, 29:12, 30:13, 53:21,
Trivedi [40] - 8:17, 150:17, 150:22, 88:17, 96:9
106:13, 106:17, 71:16, 73:14, 77:2,
19:2, 19:23, 22:14, 160:1, 160:2, 177:9 unintelligible [2] -
106:23, 107:4, 77:6, 87:1, 104:22,
23:1, 30:22, 34:3, try [6] - 107:14, 151:15, 155:6
107:10, 107:12, 123:14, 143:17,
36:10, 38:12, 47:2, 146:14, 165:10, uninterrupted [1] -
116:16, 116:19, 149:16, 154:19,
47:15, 67:9, 67:25, 170:18, 171:22, 94:10
116:22, 117:1, 155:5, 164:9,
70:18, 72:8, 74:5, 171:23 Unix [1] - 142:3
120:17, 120:24, 177:21, 177:23,
77:21, 81:13, 82:5, trying [22] - 9:12, unless [3] - 91:11,
121:7, 121:14, 182:13
87:24, 100:13, 12:23, 34:5, 37:11, 106:22, 142:24
121:20, 125:6, vaguely [1] - 129:11
101:7, 105:10, 43:15, 49:2, 56:1, unnecessarily [1] -
125:10, 126:7, various [2] - 10:1,
105:20, 106:19, 56:2, 62:5, 64:7, 164:4
127:4, 127:10, 76:17
120:22, 121:5, 69:17, 74:9, 81:14, unnecessary [1] -
127:12, 127:18, 83:11, 119:1, 119:5, vast [1] - 171:1
125:5, 129:22, 148:10
128:3, 128:8, 126:22, 146:7, vended [2] - 112:21,
130:11, 131:14, unplugging [1] -
128:23, 129:3, 147:16, 161:19, 169:16
134:8, 148:12, 126:17
129:7, 129:8, 130:1, 161:24, 172:16 vendor [1] - 168:12
154:18, 162:6, unresolved [3] -
130:4, 130:8, turn [1] - 103:12 venting [1] - 165:24
175:1, 178:24, 110:2, 110:3, 111:10
130:12, 130:15, turned [1] - 51:12 veracity [1] - 91:22
179:25, 184:2, up [39] - 10:14, 10:18,
184:21 131:6, 131:11, TV [1] - 27:14 verify [1] - 162:25
12:22, 16:18, 25:6,
TRIVEDI [218] - 4:13, 131:16, 131:20, twice [2] - 163:2, version [2] - 54:20,
29:10, 29:14, 37:20,
4:16, 7:3, 7:5, 7:12, 131:25, 132:8, 180:19 111:21
41:1, 51:9, 54:4,
8:20, 13:1, 13:7, 132:23, 132:25, two [26] - 4:3, 5:8, versions [3] - 44:22,
54:5, 54:7, 54:17,
13:13, 13:17, 13:20, 134:12, 143:7, 5:14, 5:21, 11:19, 103:11, 133:24
57:22, 58:3, 60:3,
13:25, 14:3, 14:13, 143:10, 146:7, 12:8, 15:24, 17:12, versus [2] - 65:11,
64:7, 69:18, 92:20,
14:17, 14:25, 17:18, 148:9, 148:14, 18:2, 18:23, 21:7, 74:24
96:1, 113:21,
19:19, 20:2, 20:5, 149:21, 155:12, 21:8, 27:8, 28:17, view [3] - 69:5, 116:3,
114:19, 119:4,
20:12, 20:16, 20:23, 155:17, 157:2, 40:10, 43:6, 46:15, 121:9
122:1, 122:12,
21:4, 21:13, 21:22, 157:9, 158:12, 82:1, 87:7, 87:12, Viewer [2] - 134:20,
135:9, 138:4, 138:5,
22:13, 22:15, 23:6, 159:14, 159:20, 93:6, 108:14, 125:8, 138:3
139:17, 142:12,
30:25, 31:9, 31:24, 159:25, 161:2, 146:17, 159:7, views [7] - 17:14,
142:25, 156:2,
34:5, 34:15, 34:18, 161:7, 161:10, 163:13 19:17, 21:19, 98:21,
157:17, 161:19,
34:23, 36:12, 36:18, 161:24, 162:4, two-minute [1] - 82:1 154:19, 175:5,
163:5, 167:22,
36:23, 37:9, 37:17, 162:9, 162:17, type [3] - 66:24, 77:16, 178:25
178:16, 178:20
38:23, 39:3, 39:7, 162:21, 162:24, 108:16 Visual [1] - 103:13
update [2] - 136:1
39:14, 39:19, 41:7, 163:4, 167:13, typically [1] - 32:14 VNC [9] - 50:19,
updated [1] - 136:3
41:11, 41:22, 46:23, 167:15, 167:21, 53:25, 54:11, 54:16,
upgrade [3] - 11:7,
168:5, 169:25, 55:10, 56:4, 60:13,
47:6, 47:25, 53:5,
170:3, 171:25,
U 148:3, 149:3
53:9, 54:22, 54:25, 61:3
upgraded [1] - 172:24
56:15, 56:19, 56:22, 172:5, 174:2, 174:4, volcano [5] - 165:8,
upset [1] - 49:4
56:25, 58:20, 62:5, 175:8, 176:10, U.S [2] - 184:7, 184:8 165:11, 166:4,
urgency [2] - 150:7,
62:15, 62:20, 62:23, 177:1, 177:8, ultimately [4] - 20:21, 166:6, 166:18
63:15, 64:6, 64:13, 177:13, 177:23, 47:19, 65:14, 126:22 vulnerabilities [6] -
urgent [1] - 150:16
67:7, 67:21, 68:4, 178:4, 180:2, 180:7, um-hum [4] - 5:19, 168:24, 170:8,
usability [1] - 120:13
68:10, 68:13, 68:18, 180:11, 180:15, 10:7, 18:18, 50:5 170:22, 171:3,
180:18, 182:5, usable [1] - 118:17
68:23, 68:25, 74:8, unavailable [1] - 172:25, 173:18
182:9, 182:16, useful [3] - 117:23,
77:24, 78:4, 78:9, 136:21 vulnerability [15] -
182:20, 182:25, 118:6, 122:25
79:4, 80:14, 80:20, uncheck [2] - 103:24, 51:17, 51:18, 53:15,
183:11, 183:15, user [6] - 119:14,
80:24, 81:14, 81:20, 104:15 56:4, 66:2, 72:21,
184:6, 184:16 169:2, 169:10,
81:23, 82:2, 82:7, unchecked [1] - 104:7 80:5, 81:3, 169:19,
trivial [1] - 108:15 170:6, 170:10,
82:11, 82:15, 83:1, unclear [2] - 28:12, 170:14, 170:18,
trouble [1] - 134:19 172:23
83:11, 83:14, 83:21, 28:21 170:19, 172:12,
troubleshooting [6] - users [6] - 104:25,
84:8, 88:1, 90:24, unconscious [2] - 178:7, 181:17
133:18, 133:21, 115:17, 116:2,

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W 47:2, 47:21, 47:22, Y

67:24, 67:25, 68:4,
68:6, 68:13, 68:15,
wait [3] - 4:10, 86:7, 75:6, 77:22, 81:18, year [17] - 14:11,
128:2 82:9, 82:22, 91:15, 14:13, 14:14, 14:15,
Walls [4] - 118:9, 91:18, 91:20, 92:1, 14:25, 24:21, 24:23,
118:13, 120:10, 92:3, 92:9, 92:15, 24:25, 25:11, 38:14,
121:22 92:22, 92:23, 98:20, 144:5, 145:21,
wants [1] - 151:23 99:1, 99:16, 100:14, 146:16, 146:20,
wasting [3] - 162:15, 100:24, 105:14, 166:12
162:20, 162:22 105:21, 106:20, years [37] - 5:1, 5:4,
watching [1] - 46:18 107:6, 107:7, 121:3, 5:6, 5:8, 5:10, 5:13,
wave [1] - 159:17 130:1, 131:15, 5:14, 9:5, 11:5,
ways [3] - 30:3, 114:4, 132:4, 158:11, 11:19, 12:8, 15:24,
184:3 158:18, 159:13, 16:14, 17:12, 18:2,
WCF [5] - 6:20, 159:16, 159:23, 18:23, 19:20, 29:8,
158:23, 159:3, 161:3, 185:1 45:2, 57:12, 78:16,
160:15, 161:2 WITNESS [24] - 7:10, 110:2, 110:3,
weak [2] - 165:21 8:19, 12:22, 13:22, 111:10, 111:15,
weaknesses [2] - 14:1, 30:14, 37:15, 116:15, 117:10,
150:20, 156:3 53:7, 77:20, 78:13, 118:6, 151:7,
wear [1] - 161:11 80:13, 83:12, 83:17, 152:14, 153:24,
web [2] - 6:25, 7:10 95:12, 100:8, 153:25, 154:14,
website [2] - 168:8, 101:15, 121:10, 159:7, 166:19,
171:20 127:17, 130:6, 168:11, 172:23
week [4] - 70:22, 71:5, 130:14, 155:16, yesterday [3] - 16:24,
106:25, 146:20 161:5, 172:3, 182:24 26:19, 106:12
week-long [1] - 71:5 Witness [1] - 101:16 yourself [1] - 77:18
weekends [1] - 73:18 woman [1] - 157:7
weekly [2] - 136:15, women [2] - 153:6, Z
145:22 154:17
weeks [2] - 11:16, word [3] - 64:6, 71:8,
zero [1] - 66:17
35:7 99:5
whole [12] - 58:3, wording [2] - 18:10,
73:18, 73:21, 73:23, 77:12
84:24, 85:15, 91:2, words [2] - 22:23,
100:5, 110:16, 46:14
112:16, 161:2, 163:7 workload [2] - 9:23,
widespread [1] - 10:2
133:13 works [6] - 40:20,
willing [1] - 58:18 40:21, 50:14, 98:6,
Windows [35] - 6:20, 117:16, 138:19
40:22, 43:15, 43:19, worse [2] - 110:6,
44:2, 44:15, 44:20, 111:3
44:21, 44:25, 45:15, write [6] - 32:21,
46:1, 46:8, 48:10, 41:14, 44:23, 45:12,
48:18, 49:7, 55:17, 139:12, 184:24
57:4, 59:10, 59:19, writing [3] - 45:13,
65:11, 65:17, 66:6, 143:5, 156:23
71:10, 72:17, 74:24, written [8] - 40:21,
75:16, 85:10, 98:6, 43:5, 43:12, 43:21,
141:21, 141:22, 44:24, 45:14, 46:13,
142:6, 142:9, 103:7
142:11, 158:23 wrongdoing [1] -
Windows-based [1] - 160:3
142:9 wrote [4] - 101:19,
Wireshark [1] - 48:17 103:6, 128:11
witness [52] - 20:24,
22:9, 23:4, 24:2,
27:19, 36:17, 38:21,

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Document >>> Insite2.0_3Q_2012.ppt powerpoint (I am attaching it so it is all in one


>>> slide number 9

Open Issues:
465 Design Non-Conformances
means serious defects...

>>> slide number 7

2Q Review showed a massive decline in performance in February.
Investigation found that was a measurement error. A new robot was brought
online in Beijing in Feb and was skewing our numbers.
We can now see our performance is gradually getting worse as new devices are
added, which matches the reports we are getting from users.

>>> slide number 8

Not-so-Good News
We have been experiencing a large number of issues on the device-facing
side of the application. This means that even though users can get
into the Questra app, they cannot use remote service features of the
application. We have mechanisms to detect this issue, but not to do trending on it.
(230 of 291)
Case: 17-15217, 03/04/2017, ID: 10343298, DktEntry: 17-4, Page 1 of 12

Insite Platform

System Performance Review

FW44 12

Data for Insite2.0 (3Q/2012)

Presenter: Nate Davis

(231 of 291)
Case: 17-15217, 03/04/2017, ID: 10343298, DktEntry: 17-4, Page 2 of 12

- Architecture Overview
- Utilization / Growth Data
- CTQ Summary and Data
- Drill-down on CTQ gaps
- SPR Summary and Data
(232 of 291)

Simple Block Diagram of Solution

Case: 17-15217, 03/04/2017, ID: 10343298, DktEntry: 17-4, Page 3 of 12

Deployment Diagram
Web Servers Web Servers
(Device-facing) (User-facing)

Machine Data


File Server
(NAS) GE Healthcare
(233 of 291)
Case: 17-15217, 03/04/2017, ID: 10343298, DktEntry: 17-4, Page 4 of 12
Insite2 Device Growth

Year New Systems Cumulative % Increase

- 79,708 Registered Devices (4k new in 2004 16 16
3Q) 2005 485 501 3031.25
2006 4360 4861 870.259481
- Double-digit growth every year 2007 8011 12872 164.8014812
- No mechanism to retire devices from 2008 11916 24788 92.57302672
2009 12710 37498 51.27481039
database when out-of-service 2010 13972 51470 37.2606539
- Will pass 100k devices by 3Q-2013 2011 15685 67155 30.47406256
2012 12553 79708 18.69257687
GE Healthcare
(234 of 291)
Case: 17-15217, 03/04/2017, ID: 10343298, DktEntry: 17-4, Page 5 of 12
Insite2 Modality Break-Down

Ultrasound + LCS make up 2/3 of our device population

and are both growing at increasing rates.
GE Healthcare
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Case: 17-15217, 03/04/2017, ID: 10343298, DktEntry: 17-4, Page 6 of 12

CTQ Summary
CTQ Summary

CTQ Measured@ Specs Actual

Application Availability Topaz >= 98% 99.3%

Performance - Time to process Topaz 7 seconds 4.8 seconds

an inbound request

Application Utilization Insite 2 < 67,850 79,708


Note: CTQs from MDEX Gen 3 program (M4 in March 08)

GE Healthcare
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Case: 17-15217, 03/04/2017, ID: 10343298, DktEntry: 17-4, Page 7 of 12

Performance CTQ Deep Dive

Performance over past 12 months
2Q Review showed a massive decline
in performance in February.

Investigation found that was a

measurement error. A new robot was
brought online in Beijing in Feb and
was skewing our numbers.

We can now see our performance is

gradually getting worse as new devices
are added, which matches the reports
we are getting from users.

Specifically, pages that do deep

searches (gathering select data from
multiple DB tables) are getting slower.
Device Search
Load Device Page

GE Healthcare
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CTQ Deep Dive

Issues / Actions

Good News
Application Uptime has been in-spec for 7 consecutive months

Not-so-Good News
We have been experiencing a large number of issues on the device-facing side of the
application. This means that even though users can get into the Questra app, they
cannot use remote service features of the application. We have mechanisms to detect
this issue, but not to do trending on it.

Ongoing Effort
Our team of volunteers meets weekly to try to isolate and address the highest impact
issues. (See attached excel tracker)

GE Healthcare
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SPR Trends
Changes in 3Q:
Count of id Classification
Year State Defect-Design NC Improvement Opportunity Grand Total
15 SPRs closed
2004 Assigned 2 2 4 Reviewed and dispostioned
New 4 4 8 with justification 12
2005 Assigned 5 8 13
New 6 4 10
Unacceptable Risk sprs
Resolved 1 1 2 imported incorrectly from
2006 Assigned 45 14 59
New 32 9 41
Resolved 27 7 34
2007 Assigned 27 5 32
New 258 52 310
Resolved 18 8 26 5.2 release
2008 Assigned 9 1 10
New 6 1 7
Resolved 1 1
2009 Assigned 1 1 Open Issues:
New 5 2 7
2010 New 12 2 14
465 Design Non-
2011 Assigned 3 3 124 Improvement Opportunity
Will be closed with justification
New 5 2 7 when RSvP program retires
Questra back-office
Grand Total 465 124 589
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Insite 2.0 Service SupportCentral Cases
Insite2 Service Ops 2012 SC Cases: 43
- 35 Open
- 8 Closed
Note: No cases closed until 3Q new staffing (Mike Walls) put in place to help
address these since last quarter

Insite ExC 2012 SC Cases: 18

- 4 Open
- 14 Closed
Note: Keeping up well on these due to helpful volunteers (Chris B, Madhuri,

Take-Away: Added staffing to help investigate issues is

helping to alleviate user frustration with the app. We need
to keep people assigned to this.
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Performance CTQ Deep Dive

Performance over past 12 months
**Back-up slide. Averaged by month instead of by week. **

Device Search
Load Device Page

GE Healthcare
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Case no:




Madhuri Trivedi vs. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, John F. Kelly, in his
Official Capacity as Secretary of Homeland Security, U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND
IMMIGRATION SERVICES, Lori Scialabba in her Official Capacity as Director- U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services,
Donald Neufeld -director USCIS service center in his individual capacity,
Greggory Richardson- director TSC - in his individual capacity,
Mark Hazuda- Director NSC - in his individual capacity,
John Roth, OIG - in his individual capacity,
Maria Odom-DHS- in her individual capacity

Letter detailing GE issues, deposition, arbitration, 600 defects on 100,000 medical

devices for several years, wrongful /illegal termination and loss of immigration
and wages as a retaliation of not participating in GEs fraud scheme

Appellant MADHURI TRIVEDI March 4th 2017

Founder, CEO OrangeHealth( start up)

P.O. Box 8359, Fremont, CA 94537
[email protected] Phone: 650-242-5135 Fax: 708-774-4859

Copy to: Patrick Hale (He just retired)

Email : [email protected]
Director System Design and Management (SDM) and SDM Sloan Fellow program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and MIT Sloan school of Management
Case 17-15217 Madhuri Trivedi Page 1 of 7
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Hon. Circuit Judge Clanby and Clifton,

Department of Justice needs to be renamed as Department of Injustice.

I wrote a short motion for injunctive relief upon this court and appellate
court and both judges have shown no respect, empathy and sympathy. DHS has
done TORT, intentional infliction of emotional distress and hardship. GE despite
my stellar performance to cover up their fraud illegally and wrongfully terminated
me ; along with my wages and immigration.
Judges could have looked at whole record and try to resolve..I am surprised
how tax payers money are used and how talented, honest people for doing right,
lawful thing get such treatment

Exhibit 3..all 600 defects were closed in one day without doing anything during
last few months I was there..GE argument was that they will be addressed/closed when
existing product is replaced with new product. But when defects were closed there was
no new product in existence. And GE was replacing back office software and not medical
device software. Replacing medical device software on 100,000 devices requires
RECALL from GE or FDA.

1) Deposition of Genera Eletric architect William Barbiaux taken by Madhuri

2) Exhibits of Deposition of GE architect William Barbiaux
3) Description of GE document
GE document describing 496 design non conformances(defects) in
PRODUCTION for several years and worst performance on medical devices
side, 100,000 medical devices including MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, LCS and
4) GE document describing 496 design non conformances(defects) in
PRODUCTION for several years and worst performance on medical devices

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side, 100,000 medical devices including MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, LCS and
5) Immigration email with Dave and Nate before joining GEHC
6) After I raised serious concerns and issues in GEs performance ranking
system during my arbitration with GE, GE ended it as per new article blow.

General Electric is ending annual performance reviews

7) AAA 51 160 01260 13 Subpoena witness
Where GE CEO Mike Swinford, GE CTO Mike Harsh came to testify
8) AAA 51 160 01260 13 Subpoena document
Those male engineers who were responsible for GE product Insite Exc despite
having uncompetitive, below acceptable standards were treated favourably.
9) Security Issue in production Insite2
10) pointing out contravention of codelaw. HIPPAHITECH law
11) Medical device product didnt have audit trail and logging as confirmed by
GE architect
12) Customer internal customer Missy's complaint, where she was not able to
connect to medical devices for two months
(hence unable to do her job, unable to meet service contract obligation that GE
signs with hospitals when they buy a medical device and also purchase a
service contract worth $50k, $100k or more) and madhuri fixed immediately
within 24 hoursIt was Madhuris second week at work..Being brand new I
fixed itGEs uncompetitive staff who were not able to fix it..their EGO was
13) After fixing as shown in Exhibit 13, Email was sent by GE representative
to all
regional service leaders in canada and USA.
14) Which Fortune 500 Boards of Directors are taking security seriously
This article states that after I left GE issued cyber security warning on their
products to all share holders dated back to 2010..2010 was a year when I
started working for GE first time

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15) Surgery device port hacking page 1

I was able to hack product on OEC C arm surgical medical device while
testing. As William Barbuiax testified in exhibit 1 (attached here)..this was
critical and it would have been a seious issue in filed/hospitals if I would not
have raised it.
16) Surgery port hacking page 2
17) Surgery OEC C arm had several missing libraries for networking,
communicationsWhile my manager/team lead were harassing me and was
in rush to release this productbecause of me and my investigation .this
was put on hold. Without networking and connectivity libraries; Insite EXC
product cant exist as it was the core and main function of product. After that
several teams had to spent two months fixing this issues and developing
libraries..My role was to TEST this product. Develop automated /scripts
/software test plans .

In 2007, GE Healthcare entered a consent decree with the FDA which prohibited
the manufacture or distribution of surgery OEC C arms medical imaging devices
828.htm) . Ms. Trivedis first project for GE Healthcare was to work on finally
bringing a related product back to market. Being aware of the checkered history, I
was putting highest standards; but was punished for following quality processes.
18) Insite Production issue screen

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19) As per exhibit 19 above Centicity medical product as GE used Insite Exc
and this exhibit shows Veterans hospitals signed a contract worth multi
20) I was told to develop 1000 page test in 23 days that works on linux and
widows both..including developing/writing software.
21) 1000 page test document
22) My communication with GE managers about surgery hack, quality, no
networkingthis was important internal whistleblowing and I suffered more
and more retaliation and discrimination
23) My Email to General manager Dave Elario..raising and reporting concerns
and again they harassed me more and delayed my immigration.
24) Dipti Patel team/project lead at GE developed a test plans which was used on
thousands of devices
Test plan captured network traffic( life sniffing data transferred over the
internet because internet uses HTTP hyper text transfer Diptis
test network analyzer compared screenshots (INSTEAD of comparing binary
data..this shows how poor her technical depth , knowledge and understanding

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wasAnd How GE quality system, managers allowed it for years.. GE

managers also had no clue and time to know how to do it in a right technical
way)..of ideal network packet with the network packet that is under test..(For
example someone from court sends a message over internet..standards
message versus actual message)
25) GE manger perjury Lying under Oath
26) Email from Principal engineers that defect required fixing whole software, not
27) Insite product was accessible on multiple ports which is hacking security
vulnerability. A product MUST be accessible via one PORT but it was
randomly opening multiple ports..It is like having random doors open into
your house and you have no clue who getting in/out of doors and which doors
are open because it is randomly open..This was a Hackers paradise..
28) Static code analyzer is a software that analyzes and code reviews software
against 1000 rules. FDA recommends/for some requires that for medical
devices and software for medical devices to use static code analyzer. Insite
Exc product never used static code analyzer..While writing software , they
used manual review where one person will ead code and reviewWhile being
new to team, I wrote to My manager Dave Mehring that we use static code
analyzer as it is recommended. Given Insite Exc used 15 programming
languages-.NET, C#, java, PERL, C, C++, python, and moreDave mehring
replied via email that for ten years we havent been using any quality
analyzer/static code analyzer for Insite Exc and we dont have time. It was my
third month at GE-new to GE when I ran into this. Dave Mehring was mad
and looking for ways to revenge and make me look bad.
29) GenderSpeak Email Mike Harsh- CTO of GE Healthcare about gender
sensitivity i.e. communicating with female engineers
30) I reported my concerns to GE global services CEO Mike Swinford ..But no
result came out..At arbitration hearing he said that whatever I sent to him to
report issues..He forwarded that to senior HR manager reporting to him Adam

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Holton..And he testified that Adam Holton has left GE a month before my

arbitration hearing.
Given my immigration was at stake, I was doing best to have GE address it.

P.O. Box 8359
Fremont, CA 94537
[email protected]
Phone: 650-242-5135
Fax: 708-774-4859
March 4th 2017

I hereby certify that on this date, I caused a true and correct copy of this statement
delivered electronically to Gisela Westwater.

Dated: March 4th 2017 Respectfully submitted,

Madhuri Trivedi

Case 17-15217 Madhuri Trivedi Page 7 of 7

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From: Madhuri Trivedi [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 3:51 PM
To: Mehring, David T (GE Healthcare)
Cc: Davis, Nate (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Lead Engineer - 1392311

Hi David

I transferred my student visa to H1 B starting October 1, 2007. It ends September 2013 as of now(except
time I spent out of US, which can be recaptured at the time of filing so it can be pushed beyond Sept
2013 to some more...Immigration lawyers know how many days I would get and how it's counted etc so I
don't know exactly how many ).

Upon hiring, premium processing ($1000 extra fees) is available for H1 transfer where processing is done
in 15 calendar days (can take up to two months sometimes but still it's lot faster and convenient that
regular processing). It is good as I can register car and get a new license plate etc when become resident
in WI state right away.

After that; preparing PERM case for Green card takes from 2/4 months. And as long as PERM case is
filed before 365 days of visa end date, I get H1 extension beyond 2013 when case is processing.

The other scenario would be to do premium processing for PERM case which is available now as from
March 2009( I have learnt about this new development recently ) where if permanent case(PERM case-
labor certification OR I140) filing is done after "365 days before timeline" (after Sept 2012) of visa end
date ..In this case it's approved in 15 days and I get three years extension while Greencard in under

GE Healthcare is a global company and I am sure there could be solutions worked upon. I believe
this opportunity is very interesting and rewarding and being an asset for the company. I have not started
greencard process yet.

Thanking you.

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From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Lead Engineer - 1392311
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 19:19:10 +0000

Madhuri can you please confirm the timings

You transferred from F-1 student status to H-1 in September 2007. H-1 visas have a max date of 6 years
which in your case is September 2013 (absent of any time you has spent outside the US during your 6
years in H-1 status). This means we would have to sponsorship your green card immediately upon hire
with the hope of filing PERM by September 2012 which is very risky in the conditions of approvals and
processing the Government is doing. Do you already have something in the works towards a Green


From: Davis, Nate (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 11:02 AM
To: 'Madhuri Trivedi'
Subject: RE: Lead Engineer - 1392311

Hi Madhuri,

Good to hear from you again. After the interviews, we pass the information along to HR and hiring
managers, so the rest of the process is out of my hands at this point. However, I will definitely pass
along to them that you are still interested so they can contact you regarding any openings.


Nate Davis

From: Madhuri Trivedi [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 1:40 PM
To: Davis, Nate (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Lead Engineer - 1392311
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Hello Nathan Davis,

I would like to thank you and GE Healthcare team to interview me for Lead Engineer position. I find this
opportunity interesting and rewarding. I enjoyed the phone conversation with the team and to learn
more more about the product and opportunity.

I look forward to this opportunity and next interviews.


Subject: Lead Engineer - 1392311

Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 14:49:35 -0400
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Hello Madhuri,

I received your rsum for the Lead Software Engineer position at GE Healthcare. I would like to setup
some time for a 30 minute phone call to talk to 2-3 members of our technical team. This will just be a
phone screen to make sure that we understand what your technical strengths are and what sort of work
you are interested in to ensure that any interviews we setup are a good fit.

If you could get back to me with the following information, I would appreciate it.

1. Will you now, or in the future, require sponsorship for employment Visa status (e.g., H-1B, visa
status)? If yes, provide details.

2. Are you willing to relocate to either the Milwaukee or Detroit area (please answer for both locations)?

3. Please provide a few options for dates/times when we could contact you via phone. Include preferred
phone number or if you would like me to setup a number you can call us at.

Thank you,
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Nate Davis

Software Architect

GE Healthcare

Global Services Technologies

Phone - (262) 524-5204

email - [email protected]
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Why GE had to kill its annual

performance reviews after
more than three decades
Max Nisen August 13, 2015

Hallowed but shifting ground at GE's Crotonville management training campus (General Electric)

The annual performance review has been a ubiquitous and generally loathed
xture of the corporate world for decades. But haters can rejoice: Its nally
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starting to topple. The best part? Even the company that popularized the toughest
form of formal annual review is moving away from them.

For decades, General Electric practiced (and proselytized) a rigid system,

championed by then-CEO Jack Welch, of ranking employees. Formally known as
the vitality curve but frequently called rank and yank, the system hinged on the
annual performance review, and boiled the employees performance down to a
number on which they were judged and ranked against peers. A bottom percentage
(10% in GEs case) of underperformers were then red.

The company got rid of formal, forced ranking around 10 years ago. But now, GEs
in the middle of a far bigger shift. Its abandoning formal annual reviews and its
legacy performance management system for its 300,000-strong workforce over the
next couple of years, instead opting for a less regimented system of more frequent
feedback via an app. For some employees, in smaller experimental groups, there
wont be any numerical rankings whatsoever.

With the decision, GE joins other high-pro le companieslike Microsoft,

Accenture, and Adobethat have started dumping or have already gotten rid of
formal annual reviews. GE may not have invented stack ranking, but its the
company most identi ed with it. And given the longstanding and pervasive
in uence GE has had over the business world, its move could represent the
beginning of the end for a practice that has been at the heart of how corporations
have managed people for many decades.

It existed in more or less the same form since I started at the company in 1979,
GEs head of human resources, Susan Peters, tells Quartz. But we think over many
years it had become more a ritual than moving the company upwards and

A century old icon, shifting rapidly

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There are few companies in America that have General Electrics legacy. Founded
by none other than the great inventor Thomas Edison, its well into its second
century of existence. Its move to dump the annual review for large swathes of its
workforce underscores a sweeping shift underway at the blue-chip conglomerate.
Its selling off billion-dollar pieces of the lucrative nancing business that
imperiled it during the 2008 crisis and led to a too big to fail designation. Its
fundamentally restructuring to refocus on its increasingly high tech and industrial
businesses, emphasizing things like power and water infrastructure, advanced jet
turbines and imaging equipment. By the end of the transition, industrial
businesses will provide over 90% of earnings (PDF), and the only lending the
company will do will be to customers buying industrial machinery.

Its made broad changes in its management style too, under current CEO Jeff
Immelt. They mark an emphatic break from the hard-charging style Welch
embodied as CEO from 1981 to 2001. Welchs intense and widely imitated approach
made sense for the GE of yesteryear. It was a bloated industrial conglomerate that
was facing extraordinary competition from Asian manufacturers. In 1994near the
mid-point of Welchs tenurenearly 60% of GE sales came from a vast number of
industrial businesses that were becoming increasingly commoditized. That
economic reality led to obsessions with cost, ef ciency, and operational excellence,
which were embodied in Welchs management style.

Welchs rapid cost cutting and wholesale reorganization of the company led to the
nickname Neutron Jack. The companys value increased by more than $300
billion during his reign, making it the worlds largest at one point. Fortune
Magazine dubbed him the manager of the century in 1999. Along with its rank
and yank policy, GE also subscribed to Six Sigma, a manufacturing quality protocol
that worked to ruthlessly boost quality control and eliminate mistakes. Welch was
a believer in confrontation, in brutal candor, in argument, and in pushing people
extremely hard. In a lot of ways, he ran the company by sheer force of will and
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Brief. approach to management made him a legend at GE and American business
schools. Parts of his legacy remain at GE, particularly his insistence that managers
be given ownership of their businesses. But his style and focus on the annual
performance review simply doesnt work for the company or its younger workforce
any more, say GE human resources executives.

The world isnt really on an annual cycle anymore for anything. Peters told
Quartz. I think some of it to be really honest is millennial based. Its the way
millennials are used to working and getting feedback, which is more frequent,
faster, mobile-enabled, so there were multiple drivers that said its time to make
this big change.

Shes not the only one who thinks so. Theres a growing realization that the annual
review just isnt a particularly good way to manage people or to boost performance.
It leads to a tendency for HR to focus excessively on process over outcomes.

When you think of the leadership association people have with Jack Welch and
the ranking and rating, it suited a certain time, it does not suit today and todays
worker in my opinion, Adobe HR head Donna Morris, who led that companys
transition away from annual reviews and ratings, told Quartz. Its a process that
looks in the rear view mirror, thats focused on what youve done a year ago. That
just isnt current with how I think were working and how many of the employees
that were looking to attract or grow have been raised.

Welch doesnt comment on current GE practices. But as recently as 2013, he

defended the bell curve in The Wall Street Journal (paywall). He argues that rank
and yank is a pejorative term, and prefers to call it differentiation. But he argues
forcefully that candid appraisal of employees is essential, that they need to know
exactly where they stand in an organization, and that with constant
communication and feedback, it isnt as harsh as people make it out to be.

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Yes, I realize that some believe the bell-curve aspect of differentiation is cruel,'
Welch wrote. That always strikes me as odd. We grade children in school, often as
young as 9 or 10, and no one calls that cruel. But somehow adults cant take it?
Explain that one to me.

Of course, that discounts the often highly negative experiences of employees of

some companies that took up the practice.

From The Pit to mindfulness training

The changes are palpable at GEs legendary Crotonville management training

center, the leafy campus in upstate New York where the company has sent up-and-
coming executives since 1956. The heart of Crotonville was always the Pit, the
largest of several imposing lecture halls where Welch used to deliver his
passionate, hours-long speeches, during which he expected managers to challenge
him, only to push them right back. The company recently cut an enormous window
into the formerly nearly subterranean Pit. Its trying to make the place more
modern, friendly, welcoming, and open.

The campus is also getting new buildings. One includes a studio where executives
are taught suminagashi, the Japanese art of painting on water. Theres a new two-
sided kitchen, built in a renovated carriage house, that was used to hold cooking
competitions until a tendency towards overcompetetiveness led to some
modi cations. A once clubby English-style pub at the center of campus in a
converted farmhouse called The White House is now an airy cafe and meeting
space serving craft coffee. Instead of drills on Six Sigma, executives can now take
courses on mindfulness. A string quartet and improv sessions are used to prompt
discussion about teamwork.

Its just about the opposite of what youd expect if you went by one of Welchs
Snaps sitcom
means,30 Rocks
voter parody dog
manipulation, of the place,
leasing. which
All this characterized
and more two
in today's Dailyof 5/10
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the core Six Sigma values of the company as brutality and hand-shake-fulness.

Raghu Krishnamoorthy, the longtime GE exec in charge of Crotonville, sees the

programs he runs there as essential to helping transition the company from
management by process and rigid bell curve to management enabled by mobile
phones for a new generation of employees who have different expectations. The
last generation of workers expected and were often motivated by competition.
Thats not really the case any more, he says.

Command and control is what Jack was famous for. Now its about connection and
inspiration, Krishnamoorthy recently told a group of HR executives at a
conference at the campus. In fact, were repurposing the mission of Crotonville as
a place where we inspire connection and develop people.

Management via app

The new app is called PD@GE for performance development at GE by the

admittedly acronym-happy company, and was built by a team from its large and
growing group of software engineers in Silicon Valleys San Ramon. The HR group
has been one of the rst to adopt it, including the experiment with no numerical

Each employee has a series of near-term goals, or priorities. Managers are

expected to have frequent discussions, called touchpoints, on progress toward
those goals and note what was discussed, committed to, and resolved. The app can
provide summaries on command, through typed notes, photographs of a notepad,
or even voice recordings. The focus isnt on grading how well people are doing, but
on constant improvement.

Employees can give or request feedback at any point through a feature called
insights, which isnt limited to their immediate manager, or even their division.
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Normally, you never get that feedback unless you manage to track someone down 6/10
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the next day, which people rarely do, and only from a direct manager. If you wait
for an annual review, any speci cs are probably long forgotten.

This allows me to ensure that Im in a position to change tomorrrow ,

Krishnamoorthy says, pointing at the app. But this is just the tool. The most
important thing is the conversation. [The app] makes it incumbent on me to be a

Theres an emphasis on coaching throughout, and the tone is unrelentingly

positive. The app forces users to categorize feedback in one of two forms: To
continue doing something, or to consider changing something.

Weve found that that terminology has been extremely helpful, Peters says. You
know that humans dont really like to give negative feedback, its just not
something that anybody does well, I think its just not in human nature. So if you
want the person thats working for you to improve, you have to think about it in
true coaching terms.

Managers will still have an annual summary conversation with employees around
December where they look back at the year and set goals, but its far less
consequential and fraught than the formal review the company is replacing. Its
not meant to be all that different from the conversations expected to occur
throughout the year, and entirely unlike the sort of formal review that sets
decisions on things like pay or advancement.

The rollout is going to be slow. There are about 25,000 to 30,000 people using the
new system now, and Peters estimates there will be 80,000 on board by the end of
this year. The rest will transition by the end of 2016.

The shift in how GE employees think about and track their performance mirrors
the broader transition underway at the company to substantially simplify its
What Snaps IPO means, voter manipulation, dog leasing. All this and more in today's Daily
business. FastWorks is a successor in many ways to Six Sigma and consciously 7/10
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mimics the way that companies in Silicon Valley work. Theres a focus on rapid and
frequent experimentation, learning from the market, only funding projects that
prove themselves, and acceptance and willingness to move on from failures.

It is a really important element of what were trying to do, which is to make a

major shift of the companys culture towards simpli cation, towards better, faster
outcomes for customers, Peters says.

A long time coming

The move by more and larger companies away from annual reviews and ratings is
well past due, say management theorists. Years of research, from both business
school professors and neuroscientists, has found that the practice is ineffective at
boosting performance, actively alienates employees, is based on a awed
understanding of human motivation, and is often arbitrary and biased. People
simply dont t neatly (pdf) on a bell curve. It ends up being an exercise in
paperwork and bureaucracy instead of an agent of change.

When you look at the evidence about stack ranking. The kind of stuff that they
were doing, which was essentially creating a bigger distribution between the haves
and the have nots in their workforce, then ring 10% of them, it just amazed me,
Bob Sutton, a professor at Stanfords Graduate School of Business told Quartz. We
looked at every peer reviewed study we could nd, and in every one when there was
a bigger difference between the pay at of the people at the bottom and the top
there was worse performance.

As much as researchers and many employees might applaud the decision, it

doesnt mean its going to be easy. Theres a reason reviews have stuck around for
so long, and its hard to overemphasize how entrenched the annual review has
become. Its the way most were raised as employees, a huge part of their workload,
and a comfortable framework to administer and to defend pay, promotion, and
What Snaps IPO means, voter manipulation, dog leasing. All this and more in today's Daily 8/10
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ring decisions. Adobes Morris says that one of her biggest obstacles was actually
convincing her own people that this could work.

Even if companies claim loudly that theyve done away with annual reviews and
rankings, there are often shadow rankings, where companies still do effectively
the same thing, but more informally, in the background. Meanwhile, HR executives
get particularly nervous about the pay piece, about how they can pay for
performance in the absence of a formal performance measurement system.

If you get rid of the performance ratings, how are you going to get rid of a fair and
equitable and measurable system to blame the distribution of pay on? Paul
Rubinstein, a partner in Aon Hewitts talent strategy consultancy asks, rhetorically.
Because why did performance ratings come into existence? So theres some
mechanism to force pay decisions. People wonder, which came rst the rating or
the pay decision.

Support and training on how to make pay decisions without rankings has taken a
lot of investment at Adobe, Morris says. Even within GE, theres still a sense of
con ict, which might help explain why the company seems hesitant to fully
commit to removing numerical rankings.

One thing we do know is that we will maintain our culture of meritocracy and
differentiation, Peters says. So we have to make sure what ever other aspects or
factors come into play, to make sure you still have that. Were trying to gure this
out and keep some of the fundamentals of the culture and also move to a place
where its more contemporary. I dont know what the answer on thats going to be

In early pilots, the company saw no difference in pay differentiation when

managers didnt use ratings. But it has a lot of people to convince of that, so
different pilot groups will continue doing different things until theres more
data.IPO means, voter manipulation, dog leasing. All this and more in today's Daily
What Snaps
longitudinal 9/10
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harshest critics of performance reviews and ratings argue that numerical
rankings and pay differentiation are perhaps the most damaging parts of the
system, and that any regime that preserves them cant hope to truly change. And
many companies like the idea of getting rid of reviews and rankings, but struggle to
follow through.

If GE has one thing going for it, its a uniquely deep bench of management talent,
and a culture that emphasizes constant improvement and helping other people
succeed. That made stack ranking less harmful at GE than it was at other
companies, according to Bob Sutton, and it might help it overcome the rockier
parts of the transition.

Although Jack believed in it like a religion, I think that they gured out [stack
ranking] was something that didnt work, that was faith based, Sutton says. One
thing I will give them credit for, going back to Jack and continuing to today, is that
theyve clearly de ned a star employee as someone who does great work and who
helps others succeed as well.

What Snaps IPO means, voter manipulation, dog leasing. All this and more in today's Daily 10/10
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--Forwarded Message Attachment--

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: FW: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 22:21:19 +0000

This is support central email..for Windows 7 IE 8 issue solving. FYI..



From: Capilongo, Marco (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 9:57 AM
To: Trivedi, Madhuri (GE Healthcare); Livermore, Glyn C (GE Healthcare); Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

This worked. Ill explain on the call.


From: Trivedi, Madhuri (GE Healthcare)

Sent: March-09-12 10:29 AM
To: Livermore, Glyn C (GE Healthcare); Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare); Capilongo, Marco (GE
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

These are full settings captured for ActiveX on my windows 7 SP1(patch already installed) with IE8 ..
similar to screenshots are sent before..


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From: Livermore, Glyn C (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 3:57 PM
To: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare); Capilongo, Marco (GE Healthcare)
Cc: Trivedi, Madhuri (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

Are either of you available tomorrow Friday 9 th. If so I will set up a webex meeting we can see if we can
figure out what is going wrong. I will set up a system somewhere so that we can access it.


From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 9:38 AM
To: Capilongo, Marco (GE Healthcare); Livermore, Glyn C (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops


I have also mirrored your settings (the ones displayed on the screen shot, I have
additional options) without success.

I have deleted all RAViewer programs and renamed my vncviewer.ext to


Please advise on the next step.


Missy Polacek-Ryan RT(R) B.S.

Interventional Invasive Applications Specialist

GE Healthcare Interventional Systems

T 800.437.1171 Option 4 (Applications Support)

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E [email protected]

From: Capilongo, Marco (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 9:20 AM
To: Livermore, Glyn C (GE Healthcare); Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

Hi Glen,

No help with your settings.

1-No Raviewer anywhere on the hard drive

2-No vncviewer anywhere.

Let me know what you find as I really would like to get this working.



From: Livermore, Glyn C (GE Healthcare)

Sent: February-29-12 3:36 PM
To: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare); Capilongo, Marco (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

Hi Missy and Marco. Since you both have the same problem I have combined my responses back to you.
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I dont have Windows 7 or IE 8 so I have asked a colleague to confirm she can connect and then send me
the screen captures of those. I included a picture of my IE6 settings which may be the same. I know we
have many users with this combination so it should work.

Can you check for me while I am waiting for that information.

1. Do you have RAViewer Control existing on your hard drive (normally in C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded
program files. If you do please delete it so we can reload it.

2.The RA viewer download will fail if somewhere on your hard drive you have vncviewer.exe

Please do a search for this file and if you have it temporally rename it to vncviewer.exe1

Then try the download again.

When I get the IE7 picture I will forward it to you.


From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:21 PM
To: Livermore, Glyn C (GE Healthcare)
Subject: FW: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

Hello Glyn,

I am having problems using Insite 2 after my Windows 7 upgrade. I do have a SC case

open :

I have been referred to you from Alan Kuhn. Please take a look at this e-mail chain and
let me know if you can assist me, if not please let me know where to try next.
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From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:20 PM
To: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

Thanks Alan, I am back to my original errors.

I will contact Glyn Livermores team now.


Missy Polacek-Ryan RT(R) B.S.

Interventional Invasive Applications Specialist

GE Healthcare Interventional Systems

T 800.437.1171 Option 4 (Applications Support)

E [email protected]

From: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:03 PM
To: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

Just rechecking IE settings.

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In Tools --> Internet Options --> Security tab.

In Custom settings, ActiveX controls and plug-ins section:

Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls - enable

Download of signed ActiveX controls enable

Download of unsigned ActiveX controls enable

Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting prompt

Same settings as my IE. Download works.

Make sure to log off and log back onto enterprise. I did same steps with good results.

From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:19 PM
To: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)
Subject: FW: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops


The RAViewer is NOT downloading when I press OK the window just disappears and I
am left with the RAViewer Control Unavailable message on the bottom of the screen.

Before I can go forward how can I get my RAViewer back if it is not auto-prompting to

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From: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:52 AM
To: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops


Youre IE setting are set to prompt if the download is not safe. This is the prompt and just select
OK. The RAViewer will downloaded and the connection will commence.

If this does not help, I would open a case with the Remote Access community Glyn
Livermore is a facilitator of this community and this is really his area of expertise.

Hope this helps.

From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:35 AM
To: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops


I removed the RAViewer as requested and now this is the message that I get. Also, I
looked through the Total Access troubleshooting guide but I had no idea what I was
looking for.
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I am an applications specialist for the Interventional Invasive team, I am not a computer

expert and that is why I opened a SC case with the Insite 2 experts as advised by
onsite support at the Healthcare Institute and Kurt Bahr. I need to get this program
(Insite2) working on my computer is the bottom line. I opened this case in January and
there is still no resolution and it sounds like you are telling to me

Seek out a new team for support or read the guide myself and fix the issue that no one
else has been able to.
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Missy Polacek-Ryan RT(R) B.S.

Interventional Invasive Applications Specialist

GE Healthcare Interventional Systems

T 800.437.1171 Option 4 (Applications Support)

E [email protected]

From: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:12 AM
To: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare); Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

Within windows explorer, navigate to below. Right-click on the listed RAViewer components
and select Delete in menu. Just wondering, did you read the Total Access troubleshooting
guide in the Remote Service Support community. This is not a backoffice issue but a
connectivity issue. The Remote Service site facilitators can probably help further.

is the site addr. Look in Installation and Support section for the guide.

- Al
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From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:03 AM
To: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare); Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops


I am not clear on the process to remove the RAViewer do you have any type of
instructions that I can follow?


Missy Polacek-Ryan RT(R) B.S.

Interventional Invasive Applications Specialist

GE Healthcare Interventional Systems

T 800.437.1171 Option 4 (Applications Support)

E [email protected]

From: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:59 AM
To: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare); Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

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Try removing the RAViewer elements as described below. On next Insite connection, a new
RAViewer will be downloaded and installed on your laptop. This is used for the FE (laptop) side
of the connection.

- Al

From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:51 AM
To: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare); Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops


Yes, other engineers can connect to these devices when I am not able to. My workflow
as to how I attempt to remote into systems has not changed, the only

Change has been my Windows 7 upgrade. I know how to use Insite2, I had been
successfully using it for 3+ years until the Windows 7 upgrade.


Missy Polacek-Ryan RT(R) B.S.

Interventional Invasive Applications Specialist

GE Healthcare Interventional Systems

T 800.437.1171 Option 4 (Applications Support)

E [email protected]
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From: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:06 AM
To: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare); Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

You are attempted to connect via the VNC Total access connection. In order to do that, the VNC
server on the product must be running. I am not familiar with the DMS product as to how the
VNC server is activated on the device, etc.

Looks like the RAViewer is being downloaded properly, so IE settings do appear correct. Can
other engineers connect to this particular device? Then that rules out a device side problem.

You might also find the downloaded RAViewer in C:\Windows\Downloaded Program

Files. Remove the RAViewer.ocs and RAViewere.inf. Lets try that next to force download of
new RAViewer module.

From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 8:11 AM
To: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare); Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops


I am not sure what you mean IS the VNC server running on the machine. I am not able to
access any systems using Insite 2 after my Windows 7 upgrade.
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After I attempt to use Insite 2 and fail co-works are able to get into the machine that my
attempt failed on so I know for sure that it is my system that is not working properly.


Missy Polacek-Ryan RT(R) B.S.

Interventional Invasive Applications Specialist

GE Healthcare Interventional Systems

T 800.437.1171 Option 4 (Applications Support)

E [email protected]

From: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 7:58 AM
To: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare); Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

IS the VNC server running on the machine? Do you have similar issues with other customer
devices? Is this isolated to this particular device?

From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 10:56 AM
To: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare); Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Subject: FW: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops
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Any suggestions? I need to get this program working for customer support.


Missy Polacek-Ryan RT(R) B.S.

Interventional Invasive Applications Specialist

GE Healthcare Interventional Systems

T 800.437.1171 Option 4 (Applications Support)

E [email protected]

From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:22 PM
To: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare); Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

Hi Alan,

I have changed the settings as instructed and I am still getting the following error

Please advise.
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Missy Polacek-Ryan RT(R) B.S.

Interventional Invasive Applications Specialist

GE Healthcare Interventional Systems

T 800.437.1171 Option 4 (Applications Support)

E [email protected]

From: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 2:48 PM
To: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare); Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Subject: RE: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops

Hi Missy,

Try this:

You must have a newer laptop image with default IE8 settings.

You need to set the IE8 Explorer settings:

Tools --> Internet Options --> Security tab.

Set security level for this zone - to Low

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Select Custom level --> ActiveX controls and plugins section. Set all settings in the section to enable
except for

Initialize and Script Acitive X Controls not marked as safe --> set to Prompt.

Restart browser.

From: Polacek-Ryan, Missy (GE Healthcare)

Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 2:30 PM
To: Mahajan, Navdeep (GE Healthcare)
Cc: Kuhn, Alan (GE Healthcare)
Subject: Email the Facilitators - InSite 2.0 - Service Ops


I need assistance with Insite 2. I opened a case in January and no one has been able
to help me.

It was suggested that I e-mail the facilitators.

Please look at the attached e-mail for details.

Logged By: Polacek-Ryan,Missy

Community: InSite 2.0 - Service Ops
Case Category: A User Interface or Server Error Report
Severity: Normal
Persons Affected: Few
Solve By Date: Friday, February 03, 2012 at 3:56:00 PM
Logged On: Monday, January 30, 2012 at 3:56:56 PM
Case Url:
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Missy Polacek-Ryan RT(R) B.S.

Interventional Invasive Applications Specialist

GE Healthcare Interventional Systems

T 800.437.1171 Option 4 (Applications Support)

E [email protected]
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