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Reading and Writing 0085/01


Time 1 hour 10 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are
not already there.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions.
Read the instructions on the answer sheet.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. Use a pencil.
You must complete the answer sheet within the time limit.
At the end of the test, hand in both this question paper and your answer sheet.


Questions 1 55 carry one mark.
Question 56 carries five marks.

* 500/2416/4
UCLES 2015 Cambridge English Entry Level Certificate in ESOL International (Entry 2)
2 3

Part 1 Part 2
Questions 1-5 Questions 6-10

Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? Read the sentences about going camping.
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.
For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on your answer sheet.
For questions 6-10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.
0 You can eat here in the mornings. Answer: 0
0 Adrian and Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . school last week.
_________________________________________________________________________________ A B C
A studied B went C finished Answer: 0

1 You should not swim here. SLOW! _________________________________________________________________________________

2 You must not drive fast here. 6 They . . . . . . . . . . . . to go camping for their holiday.
OPEN AFTERNOONS A decided B thought C felt
B Adults - 2.50
3 You can play football here after
lessons. Children - 1.00
7 They wanted to . . . . . . . . . . . . somewhere near the sea.

4 It is cheaper to buy things today than HALF PRICE FOOTBALL SHIRTS A stand B put C stay

8 It . . . . . . . . . . . three hours to drive to the camp-site.

5 You can drive here next week.
A had B took C got
9 They put their tent in a . . . . . . . . . . . . of the field.

DANGER! A centre B corner C back

10 They . . . . . . . . . . . . some postcards to their friends.
BREAKFAST SERVED A bought B chose C sent
7.00 - 10.00




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Part 3 Questions 16-20
Questions 11-15
Complete the conversation.
Complete the five conversations. What does Anita say to Kim?

For questions 11-15, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. For questions 16-20, mark the correct letter A-H on your answer sheet.

Example: Example:
A New York
0 Where do you Kim: What are you going to do at the
come from? B School weekend, Anita?
C Home Anita: 0 ............ Answer: 0

Answer: 0
Kim: Well, Im going to go to London.
Would you like to come as well? A Me, too. I need some books for
school and a pair of shoes.
11 Im sorry we dont have your size. A What a pity! Anita: 16 ............
B I hope so. B Yes, I have to work on Saturday.
C Ill take it. Kim: Yes. I must study on Sunday.
Great! Itll be good to go together. C Id love to. I suppose you want
to go on Saturday?
12 How long are you going to stay in Bangkok? A For another three weeks. Anita: 17 ............
B For the last three weeks. D Fine. Do we need to book
Kim: First, Id like to go shopping. tickets?
C It took three weeks.

Anita: 18 ............ E I have some money for a new

13 See you tomorrow. A Thats all right. jacket.
B I cant see. Kim: Oh, I can help you choose them. Is
there anything else you want to do? F What do you want to do there?
C Dont be late.

Anita: 19 ............ G Yes, Id like to go to a cinema

14 I dont like this programme. A Ill turn it on. afterwards.
B Lets turn it off then. Kim: OK. Theres a good one in Oxford
Road. It always has the newest H I dont know.
C You didnt take it off.

15 Can I leave early? A Before 4.30. Anita: 20 ............

B Yes, thats fine.
Kim: Im not sure, but Ill phone and ask.
C Not at all.
I know well have a good day.

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Part 4
Questions 21-27 Example:

Read the article about a young man and woman who lost a ring. 0 Thomas and Ingers home is in Sweden.
Are sentences 21-27 Right (A) or Wrong (B)?
If there is not enough information to answer Right (A) or Wrong (B), choose Doesnt say (C). A B C
A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say Answer: 0
For questions 21-27, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.

21 Thomas asked Inger to marry him when they were on a boat.

A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say

22 Thomas put the gold ring on Ingers finger.

A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say

23 They returned from their boat trip without the ring.

A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say

Thomas and Inger, who live in Sweden, are the happiest couple in the world. Two years 24 Mr Carlsson often visited Thomas and Inger.
ago, they were on a boat a few kilometres from the beach. Thomas asked Inger to marry
him and he gave her a gold ring. He wanted to put the ring on Ingers finger, but he A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say
dropped it and it fell into the sea. They were sure the ring was lost for ever.

That is, until last week, when Mr Carlsson visited them. He has a fish shop and he found 25 Mr Carlsson caught the fish.
the ring in a large fish which he was cutting up for one of his customers. The fish thought
the ring was something to eat! Mr Carlsson knew that the ring belonged to Thomas and A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say
Inger because inside the ring there were some words. They were, To Inger, All my love,
Thomas. And so Mr Carlsson gave the ring back to them. Mr Carlsson found the ring when he ate the fish.

Inger now has two rings. When they lost the first one, Thomas bought Inger another one. A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say
But they think the one the fish ate is the best one.

27 Thomas and Inger prefer the first ring.

A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say

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Part 5 Example:
Questions 28-35 A B C
0 A is B was C there Answer: 0
Read the article about a woman called Jahan Begum.
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. _________________________________________________________________________________

For questions 28-35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.

_________________________________________________________________________________ 28 A for B after C since

29 A keep B keeping C kept

Jahan Begum 30 A any B another C that

31 A against B through C at
Jahan Begum (0) born on a farm in the hills. She lived there with her family
(28) thirteen years. The family grew their own food and (29) animals. But
32 A Their B Its C His
then one year it didnt rain so they decided to move to (30) country.

The journey (31) the mountains was long and difficult. (32) first home in the 33 A some B each C this
new country was a tent. Then Jahans brothers made a house with wood and stones so the family
had somewhere better to live.
34 A they B it C them

Now, (33) day Jahan makes things like hats and socks out of wool. She sells
(34) in the market to get money for food. She is happy with her home and her work, 35 A yet B ever C still

but she (35) .hopes to return to her farm in the hills one day.

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Part 6 Part 7
Questions 36-40 Questions 41-50

Read the descriptions of some jobs. Complete this postcard.

What is the word for each one? Write ONE word for each space.

The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word. For questions 41-50, write the words on your answer sheet.

For questions 36-40, write the words on your answer sheet.

Example: 0 on
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________

0 I help people to learn things. t _ _ _ _ _ _

Answer: 0 teacher Dear Jane,

Im sitting (0) the beach at the moment. Soon, Im (41) to have a swim.
I arrived here three days (42) with my family. We (43) be on holiday
36 I show customers the menu and bring them their food. w _ _ _ _ _
together here for two weeks. It (44) a beautiful place. The beach is very near
(45) hotel. The sea isnt cold and (46) are many interesting places to
37 People come to my shop to buy medicine. c _ _ _ _ _ _
visit. Yesterday we walked (47) a village in the mountains. I took lots
(48) photographs. Its (49) pity that you didnt come (50) us.
38 I will repair your car for you. m _ _ _ _ _ _ _

39 If you want to change the colour of your room, I will p _ _ _ _ _ _ Peter

do it for you.

40 I help my boss by answering the phone, making s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

appointments and writing letters.

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Part 8 Part 9
Questions 51-55 Question 56

Read these two notes about school books. You now live in a new house. Write a note to a friend about the house.
Fill in the information on the Bookshop Order Form.
For questions 51-55, write the information on your answer sheet.
where your house is

Books youll need this year: which room you like best and why.
14 Park Road
Europe, 1815 1875 Ilford
by T Hudson 11 February
7.99 each Jack, Write 25-35 words.
Geography of India Write the note on your answer sheet.
by Grant Robinson Ill give you 4 for your old school geography
book. When youre at the bookshop tomorrow,
Order from:
can you order the history book I need?

Queens Bookshop
22 Green Street
Barking Jenny Doyle


Customer: Jenny Doyle

Address: 51

Name of book: 52

Writer: 53

Price: 54

Date of order: 55

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1 E 21 A
2 A 22 B Sample 1
3 H 23 A
4 C 24 C Dear Lucho,
5 G 25 C I live in a house on Urovizes street now.
26 B
6 A 27 A
I only like the garage Where I can play football all day
7 C Love
8 B 28 A Emilia
9 B 29 C 5 marks
10 C 30 B
31 B Commentary
11 A 32 A
12 A 33 B The candidate has clearly communicated all three parts of the message, with only a minimal
13 C 34 C punctuation error. The candidate was therefore awarded 5 marks for this part.
14 B 35 C
15 B

16 C Sample 2
17 F
18 A Dear Jin :
19 G I had moved to my new house. My new house's address is 4F, No.169, 2nd Sec.,
20 D
Shou-Long Rd. Lung-Ho. It has three rooms. I would like inside room, because the
For numbers 36 - 50, spelling must be correct. others are too closely the road. I don't like too noise. So, I choose inside room.
36 waiter
37 chemist 4 marks
38 mechanic
39 painter Commentary
40 secretary
This script covers all three pieces of information but could not be awarded the full 5 marks because of
41 going, planning grammatical errors and the omission of some words. This candidate scored 4 for this part. Students
42 ago are not penalised if they write more than 35 words. If they use fewer than 25 words, they
43 'll, will, shall automatically lose one mark.
44 is, 's
45 the, our, my
46 there
47 to, in
48 of
49 a
50 with

For numbers 51-55, spelling and capitalisation must be correct.

51 14 Park Road, Ilford

52 Europe 1815 - 1875
53 T Hudson
54 () 7.99
55 12 Feb(ruary)

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Sample 3

Hi John
I moved to a new house at Hsintein. It is a new village in the mountain. All
around likes a garden. Especially from the dining room, I can see the mountain, green
trees, and lots of flowers and birds singing. I love it very much. I'm pleasure to invite
you to my house soon.
Wei Hsiao
3 marks


This candidate attempted all three pieces of information. However, the reader needs to interpret what
the candidate means for the second content point, which room they like best. Because of this, the
script was awarded 3.

Sample 4

Dear Tomy
My hose in Japan. and I like bad room. becouse it very beautifully room and nice. That
you best friend
2 marks


This answer only covers two of the content points, which room they like best and why. That the
house is 'in Japan' is not a satisfactory answer to 'where the new house is' and the errors in spelling
and grammar in the rest of the text are too extensive to justify 3 points. The candidate was therefore
awarded 2 marks.

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