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Asian Journal of Educational Research Vol. 4, No.

3, 2016
ISSN 2311-6080



Dr. Mowafaq Momani

Academic Supervisor of the ELC
University of Tabuk, SAUDI ARABIA


T. Saleh Alshaikhi & T. Hani Al-Inizi

University of Tabuk, SAUDI ARABIA


This study investigates the obstacles of using smart board in teaching English at Tabuk
secondary schools. It also aims to find solutions for those obstacles and how they can be
overcome. The study also explores the learning benefits of using smart board in teaching
English. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the researchers will develop a
questionnaire for 30 EFL Saudi teachers in Tabuk City, KSA to answer it. The questionnaire
will consist of three sections, namely, the obstacles of using smart board in teaching English,
suggested solutions for these obstacles and some positive and negative aspects of using smart
board. This will help the researchers easily find answers to the questions of the study. The
questionnaire will be analyzed to find out the results that help the researchers answer the
questions of the study and to introduce recommendations for teachers, and syllabus designers.

Keywords: Smart Board 'SM', obstacles Of Using Smart Board, and EFL Saudi Teachers.


Recent advances in many different fields have significantly impacted on teaching,

particularly in terms of the application and use of technology and communication. This has
rendered conventional methods, which formed the basis of teaching at secondary school
level, inadequate in getting students involved and engaged in their education. These methods
were highly dependent on rote learning and focused basically on the theoretical aspects rather
than the practical ones. This was seen as being insufficient in teaching English, particularly to
beginner and elementary learners, who depended mainly on both the practical and theoretical
aspects of language learning. Depending merely on computers as the only teaching method is
not adequate. It should be used in relation with current teaching methods, as well as utilize
computerized programs that suit the specific educational level of the student. Based on this,
the need for developing state-of-the-art technological programs, that meet the demands of all
disciplines in general and English in particular, have become a necessity.

In today's classrooms of the information age, it is not a surprising to see smart boards. These
technologies will become a routine of the daily life. Smart boards provided a unique dynamic
to classrooms by incorporating the power of computer technology with the indispensability of
traditional blackboards. There are many studies in the literature demonstrating that this mixed
technology contributes to academic achievement and that this contribution can be further
enhanced (Levy, 2002; Geer & Barnes, 2007; Kennewell & Beauchamp 2007; Lewin,
Somekh & Steadman, 2008; Wood & Ashfield 2008). These contributions come in the form
of enabling student interaction, having positive motivational effects on students, diversifying
instructional materials teachers can use, placing teachers to a more effective position, helping

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Asian Journal of Educational Research Vol. 4, No. 3, 2016
ISSN 2311-6080

students in reifying the topics in their minds by supporting imagination, rendering lessons
more interesting and enabling saving the lessons on the board (Wall, Higgins & Smith, 2005;
Geer & Barnes, 2007; Tataroglu & Erduran, 2010). Adequate utilization of these technologies
by the teachers within teaching-learning processes may depend on various factors such as
cost, physical conditions, students' perceptions, school management and teaching. The
teachers, who undertake the tasks of thoroughly planning, implementing and reviewing
processes of teaching learning and putting in effort for developing each and every phase of
these (Levy, 2002), also have an important role in enabling these technologies to contribute to
the process. Although smart board technologies are not considered to be brand new, the fact
that their integration to the schools in Saudi Arabia is not completed yet limits the number of
studies in the literature concerning particularly acute obstacles when using smart boards, the
problems they may face and real solutions. In consideration of this basic premise, it is aimed
to discover in this study the obstacles of using smart board in teaching English despite the
fact that the necessary installations are available in the classrooms they attend to. In line with
this purpose, answers to the below questions will be sought: 1. what are the obstacles of using
smart board in teaching English at Tabuk secondary schools? 2. What are the learning
benefits of using smart board in teaching English? And 3. What solutions can be provided to
overcome these obstacles?

Statement of the Problem

Many old teachers had neither used based learning strategies as learners themselves, nor as
trainees. They have no previous experiences in teaching with high technology such as (SBT).
The challenge for these teachers is even more difficult. This is due to the rapid change of
technological context, in which classroom activities occur. Secondary EFL teachers face
difficulties while using the smart board. They experience difficulties in integrating it into
teaching and learning of English language. Teachers need practical answers to the increasing
challenges imposed by new technologies such as SBT to the teaching profession. They should
also be familiar with the solutions that help them overcome such obstacles. Thus, It has
become necessary to use modern teaching methods in order to achieve the educational
objective of improving and enhancing conventional educational techniques. That is, changing
the quality of education through the use of multimedia and modern teaching techniques such
as smart board.

Research Questions
The questions which this study aims to answer include:

1. What are the obstacles of using smart board in teaching English at Tabuk secondary
1. What solutions can be provided to overcome these obstacles?
2. What are the learning benefits of using smart board in teaching English?

Aims of the Study

To explore the obstacles of using smart board in teaching English at Tabuk secondary
To investigate the learning benefits of using smart board in teaching English.
To give solutions for the obstacles of using smart board.

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Asian Journal of Educational Research Vol. 4, No. 3, 2016
ISSN 2311-6080

Significance of the Study

The findings will hopefully help secondary school teachers to understand technology and the
important role of SB skills for educational and teaching English language in particular. In
addition, it helps the teachers to find solutions for the obstacles they face. Teachers,
inspectors, syllabus designers, and policy makers will find relevant points to their decisions.

Limitation of the Study

Population of the study: this study was limited to secondary school teachers of English.
This study is confined to Tabuk city.
The study will be conducted during the first term of the 2015-2016 (1436-1437 Hijri)
academic years.

Theoretical Background
Smart Board Benefits

Smart boards are good replacements for traditional whiteboards or flipcharts as they provide
ways to show students everything which can be presented on a computer's desktop
(educational software, web sites, and others). They help teachers use a student-centered
approach to teach language. EFL teachers can use smart boards to improve reading and
comprehension, and teach grammar and writing. With a smart Board, teachers can combine
video, audio, Web browsing and word processing to teach students interactively. EFL teacher
can use smart board to enhance students language skills in play way method. For e.g.
Pictogram' (Draw a picture and guess the word) can be played. With younger learners
spelling races are very popular. Word games are an excellent way of settling classes and
revising vocabulary. Teachers can use anagrams or jumbled sentences for the learners or they
can also ask the synonyms or antonyms or the lexis or collocation words. The teachers can
use different colours when writing. For e.g. while teaching grammar the teacher can use the
Blue colour pen for the nouns, the yellow colour for the verbs, the red colour for the
adjectives and the Green colour adverbs. They can also display paragraphs with errors and
ask the students to edit the paragraphs or proofread them. To teach writing skills the teacher
can also use a story starter and ask the students to write a class story or chain story or peer

Teachers can also writes entences based on photographs as it will teach them the usage and
functions of the language and can further use photographs of persons (i.e. characters from
book, persons from history)and can ask the students to write in bubble about their thoughts.
Thus, many people called it Smart Board because Smart Technologies Company was a
pioneer provider to the education sector. The first smart board was introduced in 1991. It was
used in business presentation. Nowadays, it is used in classrooms, lectures halls, and
language labs. In 1992 Microsoft Company took interest in the idea and became a minority
investor in the Interactive White Boards (IWBs) and other collaboration tools such as
interactive pen display, interactive digital signage, wireless slates, multimedia cabinets and
software, Schut (2007). Learning to use computer and the Internet is an easy task, but
mastering SBT use as an effective tool to improve teaching and learning processes is not.
SBT presents new challenges to teachers. Teachers need training not only in computer
literacy but also in the pedagogical application of those skills to improve teaching and

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learning. Technical support and pedagogical support are issues. They play important roles in
implementing smart board in teaching and learning a second language like English.

The Impact of SBT on Teaching

According to the British Educational Communication and Technology Agencys (Bectas)

analysis (2003), smart boards could have positive effects on teaching. Interactive White
board, in general, as presentational tool help teachers in many ways. This assistance included
increasing teaching time by allowing teachers to present more than one resource in the lesson
and more efficiently, Walker (2003).SBT enables teachers to use face-to-face instructions and
real environment at the same time. It enables teachers to use web-based resources in whole-
class teaching; they could bring the outside world inside classroom that is the Internet. In
addition, It helps linking objects which is an excellent way to make classes non-linear and to
bring the Internet straight into English classes. Besides, teachers can use multimedia
materials that help them to present and explain various concepts. It also enables teachers to
save and print what is on the board, including notes made during the lesson, reducing
duplication of efforts and facilitates revision for future use, Walker (2002).

Moreover, SBT enables teachers to provide authentic materials and information through text,
pictures, sounds, video segments, and animation which seeks to enhance learners
engagement more than conventional whole-class teaching does. It also encourages more
varied, creative and seamless use of teaching materials and allows teachers to share and re-
use materials, reducing workloads, Glover & Miller (2001). Using SBT inspires teachers to
change their pedagogy and encouraging professional development, Smith A (1999). It also
inspires teachers to re-think their approach to teaching and learning. The flexibility and the
scope for creative lesson planning are huge. Finally, it supports classroom management with
the ability to walk around the classroom, and be near learners; this could make a difference in
learners behaviours and enables teachers and students to add amazing interactive charts to
every presentation.

Previous Studies

United Kingdome ran a pilot program, Embedding Information and Communication

Technologies 'ICT' in the Literacy and Numeracy Strategies, in the late 1990s (Higgins et al.,
2005) where SBs were installed in several regions primary schools. The evaluation of this
program was based on students attainment, teachers opinions and students view. The
results showed positive changing in teachers practices in the use of SBs and classroom
interaction. A systematic observation confirmed the impact of SBs on teaching and learning.
Nevertheless, the impact of SBs in term of students attainment in national test was less than
the desired national policy objectives. This raised two questions about the integration of the
SBs into classroom. The first question concerned the SB as a tool of teaching and a tool that
might improve students learning. The second question was wider and challenging to policy
level, which runs and evaluates the program. That was the government approach; how
educational research was valued and used at its level. However, United Kingdome has to
continue to promote the embedding of such technologies in schools. Moreover, Glover &
Miller (2001, p. 261) found initial training by companies and supplier successful in firing
teachers with initial enthusiasm. They also quoted Walker's (2003b p. 2) if you dont catch
them at the start, provide support and show them how to use learning materials, their
enthusiasm quickly wanes. These two examples by Glover & Miller and Walker indicate
that methodological training and lack of practice might impede and frustrate such lessons.

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Levy (2002) says that early adopters were able to experiment and develop their own SBs
use following initial training. In other words, teachers who are already confident ICT users
tend to become enthusiastic. Teachers computer competency plays an important role in the
use of SBs. However, a user who lacks computer competence is less able to be self-reliant.
Teachers need technical support when some difficulties arise immediately during lessons.
Such as slow log-on when they use the internet, slow or non-existent response from
electronic pens if they use stylus pen, freeze or unresponsive or awkward to move images and
objects on the surface of the SB, a lack of signal between individual slates and the board if
they use wireless SB. In such cases, rapid troubleshooting technical support is a priority
(levy, 2002). There are other types of drawbacks in term of practicalities. Such as the
physical environment in which the board is located, as the height of the board at where was
placed (low or high) might be an issue. Pupils found it too difficult to write on, manipulate,
dragetc.; even teachers might have some difficulties. Classroom environment such as
temperature, sunlight, shadow and dust might impede the board works properly. When
sunlight is shining directly on the IWB, learners found it difficult to see what is on the board.
The shadow, when a teacher/a learner steps into the light produced by projector, makes it
impossible to see what he is actually writing or doing. Hot weather and dust could stop the
board operation. SB requires cool classroom. Nevertheless, health and safety are to be
considered. Those are the light, which is shining from the projector, and the multitude of
wires required for the SB and associated equipment. All these might cause problems.
Therefore, teacher should stand to the side of the board or away from the shadow that cast
over the screen.

In general, ICT referred to computing technology (hardware, software, the internet, network,
or people who use these technologies). In Jessica & Lisa's, (2007, p. 170) study of Australian
primary schools in 2007, they state that ICT referred to new methods, ways and tools
(technologies) of doing what teachers have always done to communicate message or
information. Research shows that many primary school teachers continue to feel ill-
quipped using technology as learning tool in spite of the in-service training, they had
received (Lisa & Jessica, 2007, p. 170). Many schools have equipped their classrooms with
technologies (hardware and software) and have provided professional development for
teachers; with the expectation that ICT would be put to use. However, the study will
investigate the obstacles reported by a variety of teachers from different schools as they tried
to use SB. Lisa & Jessica pointed out that technologies should be considered in ways that
were meaningful to the needs of contemporary learners. Technology helps develop learners'
reading and writing skills. Teachers need to shift from the old view of learning process; the
traditional notion of classroom in which teachers role is transmitting information or
knowledge, to a new one that fosters learners to gain the knowledge. The focus should be on
strategies and skills that enable learners to gain information or knowledge.

Definition of Terms

SBs are a brand of interactive white board (IWB). Simply speaking, it can be described as a
whiteboard displaying the image from the computer monitor with the surface operating as a
giant touch screen. They vary in size and can be mobile or wall mounted. The set up can
consist of a desk or ceiling mounted data projector and computer or can work on a totally
integrated system as is the case for rear projection. The computer can then be controlled from
the board itself by touching the SB screen, either directly with your finger or one of the
incorporated electronic pens.

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SB Smart Board
SBT Smart Board Technology
EFL English as a Foreign Language
IWB Interactive Whiteboard
ICT Information and Communication Technologies

Research Method

The main aim of this research is to investigate the obstacles of using smart board in teaching
English at Tabuk secondary schools. In order to answer this question, quantitative data was
collected using questionnaire instruments. This chapter will include the following topics:
a) The participants in the study
b) The instrument used in the study
c) A description of the data collection techniques used to answer the research questions.

Instrument of study

The research items are answered by analyzing the teachers responses to Likert scales (1 for
SD, 2 for D , 3 for U , 4 for A , 5 for SA) for positive items on the questionnaire , and(5 for
SD, 4 for D , 3 for U , 2 for A , 1 for SA) for negative items on the questionnaire. To ensure
the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, the inter-rater approach was followed.

Data Analysis

This section describes the data analysis procedures that are performed on the collected data in
order to answer the research questions. All qualitative data are coded by the researchers. The
study adopted a descriptive survey design. The instrument used for data collection was a
questionnaire titled as "the obstacles of using smart board in teaching English at Tabuk
secondary schools ". The questionnaire was made up of thirty (30) items arranged on a five
point likert scale. In adapting the instrument, the researchers added two other sections; the
first one seeks solutions for these obstacles and the other one explores positive and negative
aspects of using smart board.


Research Question 1: What are the obstacles of using smart board in teaching English at
Tabuk secondary schools?
No. items agree Strongly undecided disagree Strongly Total
agree disagree
Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. %
1 Teachers' 11 36.6 8 26.6 5 16.6 1 3.3 5 16.6 30 %100
lack of
on how to
use these
2 Technical 13 43.3 9 30 3 10 1 3.3 4 13.3 30 %100

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g videos and
websites in
schools such
3 Teachers' 10 33.3 12 40 4 13.3 2 6.6 2 6.6 30 %100
inability to
solve the
failures by
during class
4 Teachers are 12 40 9 30 3 10 4 13.3 3 10 30 %100
before the
5 There is no 13 43.3 10 33.3 3 10 2 6.6 2 6.6 30 %100
program for
teachers to
their skills
of using
6 Computer 14 46.6 10 33.3 3 10 1 3.3 2 6.6 30 %100
and anti-
software in
are not up-
7 Teachers 7 23.3 7 23.3 7 23.3 5 16.6 4 13.3 30 %100
know some

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struggle to
manage it
8 Teachers 14 46.6 8 26.6 1 3.3 4 13.3 3 10 30 %100
and dont
have enough
time to learn
and prepare
for smart
9 There is no 14 46.6 9 30 3 10 3 10 3 10 30 %100
training on
how to
smart boards
into English
10 There is lack 11 36.6 9 30 4 13.3 2 6.6 4 13.3 30 %100
resources to
be used with
the smart
Table 1: Teachers responses towards the obstacles of using smart board in teaching English

It is evidenced from table 1 and according to teachers' opinions, one obstacle is due to their
lack of knowledge on how to use SBs 63.2% agree to that while only 16.6% do not. The table
also shows that 73.3% of the teachers respond agree that schools IT department block
downloading videos and some websites such as As consequence, any content
related to already is blocked. Most educational websites, however, and their
multimedia contents link to is seen that the prominent negativeness does not
originate from the smart boards but from the teachers' lack of knowledge on using these
technologies, or their lack of preparation before starting the class. In addition, it is also stated
by 73.3% of the teachers that they cannot solve the technical failures by themselves during
class hours. It is shown that 76.6% of respondents agree. Three respondents were neutral
(10%). Only two respondents, represented 6.6%, disagreed that there was no professional
development program for teachers to upgrade their skills of using computer. This reveals that
there was some computer training programs. However, most of the subjects thought that it
were not professional development programs. A few respondents thought that teachers
received training on computer skills. It also indicates that 24 (79.9.7%) respondents agreed,

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ISSN 2311-6080

three respondents were undecided and two respondents disagreed. The highest percentage
79.9% indicates that teachers had computer literacy, which would enable them to know
whether computer software was up to date or not updated. Moreover, the table shows that
about 46.6% of teachers sometimes struggle to manage the Smart Board. Seven teachers are
neutral and four disagree. It also illustrates that about 73.2% of teachers agree and 23.3%
disagree that they have workload schedules. Only one teacher 3.3% remains undecided. So
about three quarters of teachers complained about workload schedules and that 76.6% agree
there was no in-service training on how to integrate Smart Board into English language
teaching and 20% of the respondents disagree and 10% are undecided. Lastly, more than half
of the respondents answers Agree, four teachers are undecided and six teachers disagree
about the lack of adequate educational software. This emphasizes that there is a lack of
interactive digital learning resources to be used with smart whiteboard.

Research Question 2: What solutions can be provided to overcome these


No. items Agree Strongly undecided disagree Strongly Total
agree disagree
Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. %
1 11. Provision 13 43.3 9 30 3 10 2 6.6 3 10 30 %100
of applied
from experts
on using
smart boards
2 12. Ministry 19 63.3 5 16.6 3 10 3 10 0 0 30 %100
of Education
such as
videos and
3 13. 11 36.6 11 36.6 6 20 2 6.6 0 0 30 %100
should be
employed in
schools, just
as guidance
4 14. Teachers 5 16.6 16 20 2 6.6 3 10 4 13.3 30 %100
should be
supervised by

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ISSN 2311-6080

these experts
5 15. Smart 11 36.6 10 33.3 4 13.3 5 16.6 0 0 30 %100
Board should
be installed
in teachers
rooms. This
and enhances
among the
Schools staff
6 16. Teachers 9 30 10 33.3 7 23.3 3 10 1 3.3 30 %100
for the use of
such as IWB
in particular
and ICT in
general in the
7 17. Teachers 13 43.3 8 26.6 6 20 3 10 0 0 30 %100
should have a
clear idea of
how a
classroom is
with Smart
8 18. English 13 43.3 8 26.6 7 23.3 2 6.6 0 0 30 %100
should share
resources and
to help
develop other
9 19. Schools 13 43.3 9 30 4 13.3 4 13.3 0 0 30 %100

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support as
well as
10 20. 12 40 9 30 6 20 2 6.6 1 3.3 30 %100
should be
into software
Table 2: Teachers responses to some solutions that can be provided to overcome these

Table 2 shows that 73.3% of the teachers go for providing Provision of applied trainings from
experts on using smart boards, 10% do not and 6.6% remain undecided. In addition to this,
80.8% of the teachers respond 'agree' that Ministry of Education should prepare instructional
materials such as presentations, videos and visuals while 10% disagree and 10% remain
undecided and that education technologists should be employed in schools, supervising
teachers' competencies and levels of using these technologies through these experts as well as
providing continuous support to teachers were the other suggested solutions. Moreover, about
70% of the teachers encourage the installation of Smart Board in the teachers room which
may encourages and enhances cooperation among the schools staff, while only 16.6%
disagree. In addition, 69.9% agree that they should prepare themselves for the use of
technology such as IWB in particular and ICT in general in the classroom while 13.3% do not
and 23.3% remain undecided. About 70% of the teachers agree that they should have a clear
idea of how a traditional classroom differs from classroom equipped with Smart Boards and
share ideas, resources and experiences to help develop other teachers while three respondents
(10%) state that no need for that. Schools Administration does not provide periodical
pedagogical and technical support concerning smart board; 73.3% state that while 13.3% do
not. Lastly, 70% see that it is better to transform syllabuses into software programs while
9.9%, and 20.1%, respond disagree and undecided, respectively.

Research Question 3: What are the learning benefits of using smart board in
teaching English?
No. items agree Strongly undecided disagree Strongly Total
agree disagree
Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. Perce. Sum. %
1 Smart boards 14 46.6 8 26.6 5 16.6 0 0 3 10 30 %100
to students'
and largely
help in

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visually, by
addressing to
more sensing
2 Smart boards 14 46.6 11 36.6 1 3.3 2 6.6 2 6.6 30 %100
amount of
saving from
3 Smart boards 17 56.6 8 26.6 2 6.6 1 3.3 2 6.6 30 %100
enable the
use of all
kinds of
visuals in
as educative
4 Smart boards 15 50 8 26.6 4 13.3 1 3.3 2 6.6 30 %100
help in
5 Smart boards 14 46.6 8 26.6 3 10 2 6.6 3 10 30 %100
review of
topics via
saving them
6 Instruments 11 36.6 10 33.3 7 23.3 0 0 2 6.6 30 %100
provided by
smart boards
bring in big
7 Smart boards 8 26.6 5 16.6 8 26.6 3 10 6 20 30 %100
are waste of
time for
teachers that
do not know
how to use
them or for
those who
are not ready
to use them
8 Smart boards 7 23.3 9 30 7 23.3 4 13.3 3 10 30 %100

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have no
aspects for a
how to use
all of their
9 Technical 5 16.6 7 23.3 13 43.3 1 3.3 4 13.3 30 %100
hinder flow
of the course
10 More than 19 63.3 9 30 2 6.6 0 0 0 0 30 %100
one student
cannot use
the boards at
the same
Table 3: Teachers responses towards the benefits of using smart board in teaching English?

It is evidenced from table 3 and according to teachers' opinions, 73.2% of the teachers find
smart boards generally useful. According to them, the most prominent benefits of smart
boards are that they address more sense organs and make major contribution to the process of
learning. 74.2% say 'agree' that smart boards provide time saving, enable the use of all kinds
of visuals in computer environment as teaching tools and make the topics easy, enjoyable and
interesting. Meanwhile, 73.4% of the teachers agree that Smart boards enable review of
topics via saving them, while 23.3% and 16.6%, respond undecided and disagree,
respectively. In addition, 69.9% agree that instruments provided by smart boards bring in big
conveniences while 6.6% do not and 23.3% remain undecided. Smart boards are waste of
time for teachers that do not know how to use them or for those who are not ready to use
them, 43.2% agree for that while 30% do not and 26.6% remain undecided. Moreover, 53.3%
of the teachers state smart boards have no negative aspects for a teacher knowing how to use
all of their functions while 16.6% disagree and 43.3% remains undecided. However, about
40% say that technical problems hinder flow of the course while 16.6% and 13.3% disagree
and undecided, respectively. Lastly, one negative point of smart boards is that only one
student can use the smart board at the same time; 93.3% agree for that and only 6.6% are


Based on data analysis, Tabuk Schools English language teachers face challenges when they
use smart boards in English language classes. These challenges are due to many reasons.
Those reasons are teachers lack of computer competency, breakdown in the common
understanding of the schools goals among those who hold the decision-making power,
ongoing technical support is insufficient and the learners are more familiar with technology
than their teachers are. Those challenges interact to hinder SB integration into teaching and
learning English language. The study discovers that teachers need continuing pedagogical
support and technical support. The schools administration should have a clear vision
concerning the smart board, providing materials and resources. The number of the team of

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ISSN 2311-6080

technicians should be increased. Moreover, teachers should be aware of digital learners


There are many benefits for using smart

board in teaching English


Figure 1: Teachers' responses towards the benefits of using smart board in teaching

The findings of this study show many challenges that teachers face when using interactive
whiteboard. These challenges are categorized into three categories. First, teacher factor;
There is a big gap between teachers practice and pedagogical framework of the Smart Board.
They use Smart board as a presentational tool for teaching English language classes. Nearly
half of the English language sample teachers face difficulties to manage Smart Board. They
also lack knowledge about troubleshooting of Smart Board. More than 73 percent of teachers
complain about their busy schedules. In addition, More than 35% of teachers do not use web-
learning resources in English language classes and lack computer competency. The second
category refers to Schools Administration; schools administration does not have a clear
vision concerning Smart Board. It does not provide periodical pedagogical support
concerning smart board. Moreover, it provides insufficient interactive learning materials
(software) and professional programs to raise teachers skills of using computer and smart
board. Schools suffer from shortage of supporting materials. Third, Technical Support Factor;
The majority of teachers emphasize that technicians are not available when smart boards
problems occur. The number of technicians is a small to deal with all classrooms demands,
too. Nearly all English language teachers complain about computer programs and anti-virus
protection, which are not updated regularly, in the classroom. It is considered the biggest
challenge, which impedes and affects teachers performance inside classrooms.


In general, teachers find smart boards useful. It is also possible to find studies in the literature
asserting that teachers usually have a positive attitude towards these technologies (Kennewell
& Morgan, 2003). According to teachers, the most prominent benefits of smart boards are
that they address more sense organs, provide visuality and make major contribution to the
process of learning, provide time saving, enable the use of all kinds of visuals in computer
environment as teaching tools and make the topics easy, enjoyable and interesting. According
to teachers' opinions, the reason for the inadequate use of smart boards is not only due to the
smart boards but also due to teachers' lack of knowledge on how to use them or not making
adequate preparation before the classes. Despite the fact that teachers have these technologies
available in their classes, they do not use them adequately. On the other hand, teachers
usually feel the need to use these technologies when they want to share visual material with
the students and when it is necessary to make drawings. Similar findings are set forth also in
the study conducted by Erduran and Tataroglu (2009).The primary difficulty teachers

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ISSN 2311-6080

experience in using smart boards is their lack of knowledge on using these technologies. On
the other hand, lack of suitable presentations and instructional materials, teachers' inability to
fix technical failures by themselves and the lack of preparation to be made before classes are
the reasons constituting other difficulties. Similarly, also in the study carried out by Erduran
and Tatarolu (2009) technical problems and the lack of training provided to teachers are
emphasized, and it is stated that especially technical problems discourage teachers to use
smart boards. Also in the same study it is mentioned that teachers do not find themselves
competent in using smart boards and finding suitable materials, and that teachers need to
receive training on some skills. In order to overcome these difficulties it is suggested that
applied trainings from experts on using smart boards should be provided to teachers, Ministry
of National Education should prepare teaching materials related with the courses and topics,
education technologists should be employed in schools and teachers should be subjected to
supervision by these experts in terms of their levels of effectively utilizing these technologies
as well as being continuously supported.


In the light of these findings the researcher recommends that technology such as Smart board
should be used accurately in order to facilitate teaching and provide fun opportunities for
learners to learn English language. The responsibility is shared between schools
administration and teachers themselves to integrate the Smart Board into teaching and
learning English language, and reduce the challenges when they occur:

1. Smart Board should be installed in teachers rooms. This encourages and enhances
cooperation among the Schools staff including English language teachers.
3. Teachers should prepare themselves for the use of technology such as IWB in particular
and ICT in general in the classroom.
4. Teachers should have a clear idea of how a traditional classroom is different from
classroom equipped with Smart Board.
5. English language teachers should share ideas, resources and experiences to help develop
6. Teachers should upgrade their knowledge and skills of using computer to minimize
challenges when they occur inside the classroom.
7. Teachers should be aware of learners needs and their different learning styles. They
should be accommodated in English language classes
8. Teachers should read about Smart Board pedagogy innovation in teaching and changing
in methods to meet the needs of 21st century learners.
9. Schools should provide strong pedagogical support as well as technical support.
10. The number of technicians must be increased.


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Teacher's Name: (Optional)

1- Qualification: Bachelor ( ) Education Bachelor ( )

Master ( ) Doctorate ( )

2- Experience: Less than 5 years ( ) 5-10 years ( )

More than 10 years ( )
Domain A: explores the obstacles of using smart board in teaching English
Domain B: seeks solutions for these obstacles.
Domain C: explores positive and negative aspects of using smart board.
Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
agree Disagree

Items SA A U D SD
Domain A: Some obstacles of using smart board in teaching

1. Teachers' lack of knowledge on how to use these technologies

2. Technical support blocks downloading videos and some websites
in schools such as
3. Teachers' inability to solve the technical failures by themselves
during class hours
4. Teachers are not adequately prepared before the class
5. There is no professional development program for teachers to
upgrade their skills of using computers
6. Computer programs and anti-virus protection software in
classrooms are not up-to-date
7. Teachers know some smart board's possible feature, however,
they sometimes struggle to manage it
8. Teachers have workload schedules and dont have enough time
to learn and prepare for smart board
9. There is no in-service training on how to integrate smart boards
into English language Teaching
10. There is lack of interactive digital learning materials and
resources to be used with the smart board
Domain B: solutions for these obstacles
11. Provision of applied trainings from experts on using smart
12. Ministry of Education should prepare instructional materials
such as presentations, videos and visuals
13. Education technologists should be employed in schools, just

Multidisciplinary Journals 38
Asian Journal of Educational Research Vol. 4, No. 3, 2016
ISSN 2311-6080

as guidance counselors
14. Teachers should be constantly supported and supervised by
these experts
15. Smart Board should be installed in teachers rooms. This
encourages and enhances cooperation among the Schools staff
including English language teachers
16. Teachers should prepare themselves for the use of technology
such as IWB in particular and ICT in general in the classroom
17. Teachers should have a clear idea of how a traditional
classroom is different from classroom equipped with Smart Board
18. English language teachers should share ideas, resources and
experiences to help develop other teachers
19. Schools should provide strong pedagogical support as well as
technical support
20. Syllabuses should be transformed into software programs
Domain C: positive and negative aspects of using smart

21. Smart boards provide major contribution to students' learning

processes and largely help in reification (through visually, by
addressing to more sensing organs)
22. Smart boards provide considerable amount of saving from
23. Smart boards enable the use of all kinds of visuals in
computer environment as educative materials
24. Smart boards help in making classes convenient, enjoyable
and interesting
25. Smart boards enable review of topics via saving them
26. Instruments provided by smart boards bring in big
27. Smart boards are waste of time for teachers that do not know
how to use them or for those who are not ready to use them
28. Smart boards have no negative aspects for a teacher knowing
how to use all of their functions
29. Technical problems hinder flow of the course
30. More than one student cannot use the boards at the same time

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