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Importance of maize

Maize is the most important cereal crop in Uganda providing over 40% of the calories
consumed in both rural and urban areas. The crop has increasingly become a staple food
in many parts of the country due to changes in peoples eating habits. Small scale
farmers, who constitute the bulk (80%) of the rural poor, also account for the largest
share of maize production. It is grown in every part of the country and a direct source of
livelihood to over two million households, over 1000 traders/merchants and 600 millers.
Increasingly, maize has become a major non-traditional export cash crop particularly
benefitting smallholder farmers.

Ecological requirements

a) Soils

Maize requires well drained soils with a good supply of nutrients and moisture. It
cannot withstand even a slight degree of water logging and therefore can be killed
if it stands in water for a day.

b) Rainfall

Maize grows in both cool and warm areas. A good supply of moisture is critical at
establishment and tasseling stages. For good yields therefore, maize requires more
moisture/rain during these two stages. Optimum rainfall during the first 5 weeks
after planting is 200mm below which irrigation should be applied. The most
critical period is at silking stage whereby a small degree of wilting can cause
incomplete pollination while a severe drought may lead to a complete crop loss.
To avoid this needs a supply of moisture 3000mm on average through irrigation
for about 2 months after silking. There is need to use early maturing varieties
where rains are short.


Maize grows well at all attitudes but particular varieties are more suitable for the different
altitudes ranging from 0 to 2,900 m above sea level (a.s.l.). Optimum temperature for
maize growth is 300C.

Recommended Maize Varieties and their Characteristics

i) Longe 1

a. Early
maturing and drought tolerant
b. Fairly
resistant to maize streak virus
c. Matures in
110 120 days (for dry harvesting)
d. Gives
average yield of between 4,000 kg/ha. Can yield between 5000 6000
kg/ha with good management including fertilizer application.

ii) Hybrids

Hybrids B and c are recommended.

iii) Kenya

a. Hybrids 511,
622, 632 are suitable for low attitude and 612, 613, 614 for high altitude
but are late maturing.
b. Hybrids 511,
622, 632 mature in 120 160 days
c. Hybrids 612,
613 & 614 take 5 6 months to mature
d. Potential
yields for hybrids are between 7,000 9,000 kg/ha.

Maize is grown by using clean, well mature selected or certified seed

Agronomic practices

a) Land
preparation: Plough early to a fairly rough seed-bed.

b) Planting

i) Plant early
and best at the beginning of the rains
ii) Planting can
be by hand or machine
iii) Can plant
seeds behind the plough if animal traction is used
iv) Spacing:
Hand planting 75cm x 50 or 60cm (21/2 ft x 2 ft) leaving two (2)
plants per hole at a seed rate 20 25 kg/ha.
Machine planting 75cm x 30cm (21/2 ft x 1 ft) leaving one
(1) plant per hole at a seed rate of 14-16 kh/ha.

v) Thinning
Leave 1-2 plants (depending on stand) at about 10 cm height.
vi) Weeding/weed control

Wed early in the first few weeks and again as necessary. Herbicides
especially, atrazine and lasso (alachlos) are effective.

vii) Fertilizers
Maize responds well to fertilizers/manure. Apply Diammonium
phosphate (DAP) at planting time at a rate of 125 kg/ha or single
super phosphate (SSP) at more or less the same rate. Top dress at
knee height with nitrogen a fertilizer such as urea applying 250
kg/ha. Farm yard manure (FYM) is highly recommended because it
gives highest yields and does not destroy the soil structure and/or
pollute the environment. FYM also has residual effect in the soil
that benefits next seasons crops.

c) Pests and diseases

Common insect pests of maize are stalk borers and army worms. Stalk borers
damage the stalks while army worms damage the leaves.

Maize Stalk borer

Army worm
Use insecticides like actellic and salut as dust or spray.

Striga weed
Maize diseases include

o Maize streak virus

o White leaf blight and rust caused by virus

and fungi, respectively.

o Grow resistant varieties
o Plant early
o Use appropriate insecticides to control
white flies that spread viruses and appropriate fungicides to control the
fungal diseases.
d) Harvesting and postharvest handling

Harvesting maize is usually done by hand by removing the cobs from the stalks
and dried before storing in silos or cribs
(see fig).

Sometimes stalks can be cut, the maize tied up in bundles and left to dry standing
up. Drying should target the dry season and when completely dry, remove the
cobs and store.

Stored maize

Alternatively, the maize is left in the field to dry and stored safely on the cob after
husks have been removed.
Storage pests

Maize weevil

Larger grain borer

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