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Examiners Report

June 2011

GCE Biology 6BI04 01

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June 2011

Publications Code UA027477

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2 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

This paper contains a variety of question styles which demand the full range of assessment
objectives. Some answers are straightforward testing knowledge and understanding.
However, the demands of this paper will require candidates to apply knowledge in situations
where they may be presented withdata and information which may be unfamiliar. This
means that these questions will require careful reading.There was no evidence that the
time allocation for this paper was insufficient. Most candidates completed all sections of the
questions. There were very few sections where no attempt had been made.

On most of the questions where longer answers involving discussion or explanations, the full
range of marks was used. There were very few occasions where available mark points were
never awarded.

An important aspect of this A2 unit is the expectation that knowledge and understanding
from the AS units can be used. Candidates should be reminded of this. It was noticeable
that on some of these questions, where the required answer was straightforward, many
candidates were unable to give precise, accurate answers. This applied equally across the
range of ability. Indeed it hasmeant thatsome of the candidates who performed well on
the more demanding questions have not necessarily achieved an overall mark which reflects

At this level, HSW is an important component of assessment. This means that many
questions will be based on the use of data. It also means that questions will be set where
candidates must evaluate or comment on how scientists use or consider ideas. During
revision, it is advised that candidates use past questions to practise this type of question.
It was noticeable that the use ofvague orinaccurate terminology meant that, on some
questions, credit could not be awarded. In addition to this, many candidates include
repetitive or reworded comments in their answers. Some examples are given in this report
of this type of answer.

In this report comments on the achievement on individual questions have been given
together with examples where appropriate.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 3

Question 1 (b) (i)
This question proved to be more discriminating than was expected. The majority of
candidates suggested that a graph would be the most suitable format. There was less
certainty about which type of graph should be used. Most candidates gained further credit
for describing the axes to be used.

Examiner Comments

The correct format is clear for 2 marks. However, the

question only requires a suggestion for the display
of the data. This candidate has given irrelevant
information about what the graph might show.

Examiner Tip
Make sure you concentrate on what the question
requires. Here more credit could have been gained by
describing the axes or suggesting the use of separate
lines for each temperature.

4 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Question 1 (b) (ii)
This part to question 1 also proved to be more discriminating than was intended. Most
candidates realised that the investigation was concerned with growth rather than
germination and some attempt was made to follow up this concept. All of the mark points
were seen but it was relatively rare to see a candidate who gained credit beyond their first
idea. The terms accuracy and reliabiltiy were often confused with validity or given as part of
general lists.

Examiner Comments
The candidate has gained a mark for the reference to the
optimum temperature. However, there is not enough to
credit the idea that this will ensure that they germinate.
The final statement about a control is too vague.

Examiner Tip
Try not to leave answers incomplete or vague. Here it
would be better to give an example of the controlled
variable e.g. time taken for germination.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 5

Question 1 (b) (iii)
Most candidates chose the sea plantain and many were able to follow this with some
comment about the faster rate of growth at all of the temperatures. A large number
of candidates only referred to differences in the final masses. It was also common for
candidates to quote rather than manipulate figures to compare the rates of growth. Where
manipulation was attempted, some candidates did not give precise comparisons. Answers
such as 'sea plantain grows about 10 times faster' were fairly common. Some candidates
attempted to justify a choice of the bog sedge by comments about it being less affected by
changes in temperature.

Examiner Comments
Although this candidate has chosen the sea plantain,
the reference to a wide range of latitudes in the first
sentence is not linked clearly to the idea of different
temperatures in the last sentence. They have also
referred to 'had the highest mass' which needs to be
more specifically linked to rate of growth.

6 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Question 2 (a) (i)
This was intended to be a reasonably straightforward question. Most candidates realised
that extremes of temperature outside of this range would affect enzyme activity and
gained some credit. The better answers followed this up with good details about the effects
on the enzyme molecules. Many candidates did not distinguish between denaturation of
enzymes as temperatures increase and inactivation as temperatures decrease. Use of vague
terminology when referring to metabolic reactions also penalised many candidates.

Examiner Comments
This is a good example. The candidate has stated
clearly that metabolic reactions could be affected
and has followed this up with explanations
related to the two temperature extremes.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 7

Examiner Comments
Here the candidate has linked the idea of
denaturation to both lower and higher temperatures.
The reference to 'internal processes' is too vague.

Examiner Tip
Be careful about attention to detail and the use of precise
terminolgy. Reference to denaturation of enzymes
should only be linked to increasing temperatures. Using
'metabolic' processes rather than 'internal' shows that it is
the cell activity that is affected by enzymes.

8 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Question 2 (a) (ii)
The full range of marks was given on this question. Most candidates gained some credit
for stating that these gases are involved in the greenhouse effect. There was a reasonable
number of excellent answers with precise terminology and detail gaining full credit.
Describing the effect of greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere was expected to be a
straightforward and familiar topic to candidates. However, many descriptions lacked clarity
or included inaccurate knowledge. Vague statements about carbon dioxide and methane
keeping heat in the atmosphere like a blanket were fairly common. It was also noticeable
that many candidates are confused aboutUV andIR radiation and the involvement of ozone.

Question 2 (a) (iii)

Most candidates gained full credit on this question. It should be emphasised that corrections
to ticks should be made clearly.

Question 2 (b)
The full range of marks was given on this question and every point in the markscheme
was used.It was pleasing to see a large number of candidates who were able to consider
more than one reason why scientists might have doubts about the link between global
warming and the use of fossil fuels. There were some very good answers where the
available evidence from the past and the difficulties of future modellingwere considered.
Sound references to correlation and causal relationships were seen in the answers by many

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 9

Question 3 (c)
There were some very good answers to this question where candidates explained clearly
how each seral stage would have an effect on the soil which would lead to the possibility of
successive communities being able to outcompete them. The full range of marks was given
with candidates spead fairly evenly and every mark point was used. Where lower marks
were given, it was usually because candidates described rather than explained the changes
in the communities.

Examiner Comments
After making the first point about pioneer species,
this answer does little more than repeat the idea Examiner Tip
that successive communities are able to eventually
When a questions asks 'why'
colonise as a result of succesful competition. More
something happens, make sure you
detail about the effect that each seral stage are
give detailed explanations rather than
needed. If the reference to soil development had
vague descriptions.
been linked with increase in mineral and humus
content as the lichens and mosses decomposed,
far more credit could have been given.

10 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Question 3 (d)
Most candidates gave the term, climax community, correctly. The ideas that there would be
a dominant species and a high biodiversity were also credited for one or two marks in many
answers. Explanations for the stability of this community were very varied. Many answers
stated that it was stable because it does not change without any further comment.

Examiner Comments

Although the candidate has named the climax

community and referred to a dominant
species, the rest of the answer is too vague.
Stating that it is stable because there will
be no change in the species and being more
specific about environmental conditions would
have enabled full credit to be given.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 11

Question 4 (a)
This question was very discriminating. Very few answers were seen where a clear,
accurate distinction was made. Full credit was rarely awarded. Confusion of proteins with
polysaccharides and nucleic acids was common. Whereas the 3D shape has a special
distinction in globular proteins that are enzymes, many candidates stated that fibrous
proteins do not have a 3D shape.

Examiner Comments
A good example where two
distinctions are made clearly.

Examiner Tip
Make sure that your AS knowledge
is sound on the A2 papers.

Question 4 (b) (ii)

Temperature was the factor suggested by most candidates. Some candidates missed the
reference to 'environmental' in the question and gave internal factors. Very few candidates
were able to suggest two factors.

12 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Question 4 (c)
The majority of candidates were able to gain credit by general references to different
muscles contracting or reaching full contraction at different rates or times. A large number
of these candidates could then give a comparative description of the difference in rate of
contraction in the jaw and the leg muscles. Where attempts were made to use data from
the graphs, relatively few candidates calculated differences with many going no further
than quoting times. Finer distinctions from the data, such as different starting times for
contraction or the idea of the jaw muscle relaxing before the leg muscle had finished
contracting,were rarely seen.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 13

Examiner Comments
A straightforward answer. Reference to the jaw
muscle contracting to full tension before the leg
muscle can be credited. This would also gain the
general point about different contraction rates
in different muscles. There is no manipulation of
the data or reference to any other difference.

Examiner Tip
If you are comparing events at different times,
manipulate data to give some indication of the
magnitude of the difference. Here subtracting the
time for full contraction in the jaw muscle from
that in the leg muscle would have gained more
credit. Also use all of the information in the graph,
such as starting time for contraction or jaw muscle
relaxing while leg muscle is still contracting.

14 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Question 5 (a) (i)
Relatively few candidates were able to give acceptable answers to what was expected to be
a straightforward test of knowledge from the specification for this unit. Vague references
to competition without any qualification or competition for resources were seen in many
answers. Many candidates did not read the question carefully enough and gave ways in
which the epidermis is a barrier.

Examiner Tip
Examiner Comments Be specific when describing competition between
A very vague reference to competition. organisms. Give examples such as food or space.

Examiner Tip
Examiner Comments
Although the candidate has qualified the idea of Try to give separate and clear ideas when
competition, both statements consider this idea. asked for more than one example.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 15

Question 5 (b)
Where candidates concentrated on the use of antibiotics in the treatment of bacterial
infections, some credit could usually be given. However, many candidates ignored the
fact that antibiotics are not usually able to be effective against viruses. References to
the possibility of opportunistic or bacterial infections being more likely was given by a
number of candidates. Many candidates then gave vague references to antibiotics 'fighting'
'attacking' or 'treating' these infections which meant that full credit was rare.

Examiner Comments
The candidate has recognised that antibiotics are used for bacterial
infection but has not been specific. There needs to be a clearer reference
to the increased likelihood of a bacterial infection. However, the first
sentence does qualify as the equivalent to inhibit bacterial growth.

Examiner Comments
Although the first sentence uses the word 'contribute',
the rest of the answer is clear for full credit.

16 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Question 5 (c) (i)
Most candidates were able to complete the calculation. Very few candidates could not
perform any stage.

Question 5 (c) (iii)

Most candidates gained some credit for references to the possibility of resistance in bacteria.
The potential to pass on resistance genetically was only given by a few candidates. MRSA
as an example was given by a noticeable number of candidates. However, some common
confusions were apparent. The use of examples, such as immunity rather than resistance,
antibiotics causing the mutations and resistance to antibiotics by patients, were often given
in explanations. Some candidates included the idea that resistance to antibiotics by viruses
would develop.

Examiner Comments
The use of the term 'immunity' and the vague
reference to 'pathogens' do not qualify for any credit.

Examiner Tip
Do not confuse antibiotic resistance in bacteria with
the term immunity. Avoid using vague terms such as
'pathogens' when a more specific reference is needed.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 17

Examiner Comments
Although this could have been more concise,
the candidate understands this topic.

18 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Question 6 (b) (iii)
Candidates who have had experience of this core practical were able to score reasonably
well on this question. It was pleasing that very few candidates seemed to have no
knowledge of the procedure at all. Generally, where full credit was not awarded, attention to
detail was needed rather than confusion or lack of knowledge.

Examiner Comments
Although the candidate seems to know the
procedure, there is a general lack of detail.

Examiner Comments
Although some details are not quite clear, there is enough to
show the candidate has a clear knowledge of the procedure.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 19

Question 6 (b) (i-ii)
(i) Candidates who recognised that the sequence for the chimpanzee and human indicates
that these two species are more closely related to each other than they are to the orang
utan or gorilla, tended to score reasonably well. Further marks were usually gained by
pointing out the differences in the other two sequences or by giving the likely rank order of
the ape relationships. The full range of marks was given. Many candidates misread the data.
A noticeable number of candidates made general and vague references to the relationship
between humans and apes rather than to the specific examples.
(ii) The most common mark given was for a reference to the closeness of a relationship
being indicated by similarities in DNA. Very few candidates made the link between DNA and
genes that code for proteins.

Examiner Comments
In part (i), the answer is straightforward and Examiner Tip
just satisfies the maximum mark, it does not
actually state the differences from the table. Refer to the data as much as
Doing this would ensure the marks where possible to guarantee credit.
doubtful descriptions cannot be credited.
In part (ii), there is a clear statement about the
similarity of DNA from closely-related species.

20 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Question 7 (a) (i)
Most candidates were able to draw structures that could be recognised as grana. Only
candidates who labelled those structures alone, or who annotated to indicate which
structuresare involved inlight-dependent reactions, could gain full credit.

Question 7 (a) (ii) 1

Most candidates gave a correct response.

Question 7 (a) (ii) 2

Most candidates gave a correct response.

Question 7 (a) (iii)

Most candidates gained full credit.

Question 7 (b) (i)

Although understanding of the information and data can be judged in the response for 7bii,
many candidates did not follow the instructions in the question and used more than one tick
in each column. There were more correct responses for Schizymenia than for Ulva.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 21

Question 7 (b) (ii)
This question asked candidates to use the data in the table. Candidates who compared
the rate of photosynthesis in each seaweed at different wavelengths with the rate for that
seaweed in red light, usually scored two marks. Further credit was gained by some who
could relate the best wavelength for photosynthesis in each weed to the place where that
wavelength was likely to be available during submersion. Although comparisons between the
seaweeds were not required, many candidates attempted these and their answers became
overcomplicated and confused. Many answers stated that the data show that the absorption,
rather than the rate of photosynthesis, was higher or lower in certain wavelengths even
though there is no data for absorption. However, credit was gained by some who stated that
red seaweeds will reflect red light or that green seaweeds reflect green light. This question
required careful reading and understanding.

Examiner Comments
The candidate has used the information
to make a comment about the rate of
photosynthesis in each of the seaweeds. There
is also a reference showing understanding of
why a pigment is red or green.

22 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Examiner Comments
A very confused answer. The candidate has not
realised the significance of the rate shown for
red light. They have also referred to absorption
rather than rate of photosynthesis.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 23

Question 8 (a) (i)
Most candidates gave an acceptable response.

Question 8 (a) (ii)

Most candidates gave an acceptable response.

Question 8 (a) (iii)

Most candidates gave an acceptable response.

Question 8 (b) (i)

The full range of marks was given. Most candidates referred to changes in base and/or DNA
with the better ones giving a full definition.

Question 8 (b) (ii)

Candidates who concentrated on the rapid mutation rate leading to new strains of HIV
developing tended to gain further credit. Many answers were general accounts of resistance
to various drugs rather than to a particular drug. References to the value of use of a mixture
of drugs being used in the treatment was only considered by a few candidates. Immunity
was confused with resistance by a number of candidates.

Examiner Comments

Although this answer is brief, it covers several points clearly. There

are references to a rapid reproduction rate, the formation of new
strains and the likelihood of resistance to a particular drug.

24 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Examiner Comments
Although this answer reads well, only a reference
to a rapid mutation rate can be credited.

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 25

Paper Summary
Overall the paper allowed most candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and ability in
most areas of the unit that were assessed.
As in previous years, candidates who have prepared carefully with reference to previous
papers, the specification and available resource material and who read questions carefully,
tend to write concise and accurate answers to achieve high marks. However, it is a concern
that relatively few candidates are able to maintain a high level of achievement throughout
all sections of the paper.

26 GCE Biology 6BI04 01

Grade Boundaries
Grade boundaries for this, and all other papers, can be found on the website on this

GCE Biology 6BI04 01 27

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Order Code UA027477 June 2011

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