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Case 1:15-cr-00104-AWI-SKO Document 104 Filed 08/19/15 Page 1 of 12

United States Attorney
J Assistant United States Attorney
2500 Tulare Street, Suite 4401
4 Fresno, CA9372l
Telephone: (559) 497-4000
5 Facsimile: (559) 497-4099

Attorneys for Plaintiff
7 United States of America


15 Time:
Defendant. Courtroom: #2,8ftFloor
t6 Honorable Anthonv W. Ishii

Pursuant to Rule l1(c) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, the United States of America,
by and through BENJAMIN B. WAGNER, the United States Attomey for the Eastem District of
California, and MELANIE L. ALSWORTH, Assistant United States Attorney, and the defendant,
SARAH YBARRA, and her attorney, RICHARD BESHWATE, have agreed as follows:
l. Charges.
The defendant acknowledges that she has been charged by Indictment, l: l5-CR-00104 AWI
SKO, in the Eastern District of California as follows:





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1 Count Twelve:
Conspiracy to Distribute and/or Possess with Intent to Distribute
2 Marijuana, in violation of Title 21, United States Code, gg 846 and
Count Twenty-Three:
4 Attempt to Distribute a Controlled Substance (Marijuana), in violation of
Title2l, U.S.C. $ 846 and 841(a)(l)
Counts Twenty-Four and Thirty-Two:
6 Use of a Communication Facility to Facilitate Commission of a Felony, in
violation of Title 21, U.S.C. $ 843(b)
2. Agreements by Defendant.
(a) The defendant agrees that this plea agreement shall be filed with the court and become
part ofthe record in the case.
(b) The defendant agrees to enter aplea of guilty to Count Twelve which charges her with
conspiracy to distribute and/or possess with intent to distribute marijuana. The defendant agrees that she
is in fact guilty of this charge and that the facts set forth in the factual basis of this agreement are true
and accurate. Defendant further agrees to admit the forfeiture allegation contained in the indictment.
(c) StipulationsAffectingGuidelineCalculation:
The defendant stipulates and agrees that there is no material dispute as to the following
sentencing guidelines variables and therefore stipulates to the following:
1. Base Of[ense Level. The defendant stipulates and agrees that the weight of
marijuana attributable to her conduct is approximately 2.5 kg. The base offense
level for conspiracy to distribute and/or possess with intent to distribute 2.5 kg of
marijuana is 8 pursuant to U.S.S.G. $ 2D1.1(aX5).
2. Acceptance of Responsibilitv. The offense level should be reducedby 2levels for
acceptance of responsibility under U.S.S.G. $ 3El.l.
3. Total Offense Level. The total offense level is 6.
4. Advisory Guideline Ranee. The guideline range for offense level 6, criminal
history category IV, is 6-12 months imprisonment.
(d) Defendant stipulates and agrees that a sentence of 12 months imprisonment is reasonable
and takes into consideration the factors set forth in 18 U.S.C. $ 3553. Defendant agrees not to request a

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I downward departure from the agreed upon sentence of 12 months.

2 (e) Forfeiture: The defendant agrees to forfeit to the United States voluntarily and

3 immediately all of her right, title, and interest to any and all assets seized in connection to the criminal

4 charges and events giving rise to the Indictment.

5 Defendant agrees that any assets seized or found to be connected to the criminal events and

6 charges giving rise to the Indictment constitute property subject to forfeiture pursuant to 21 U.S.C. g

7 8s3.

8 Defendant agrees to fully assist the govemment in the forfeiture of any seized assets or assets

9 later determined to be forfeitable pursuant to the Indictment and to take whatever steps are necessary to

l0 pass clear title to the United States. Defendant shall not sell, transfer, convey, or otherwise dispose of

11 any assets found to be connected to the criminal events charged in the Indictment.

t2 Defendant agrees not to file any claim to any of the seized property in any civil proceeding,

t3 administrative or judicial, which may be initiated. Defendant agrees to waive her right to notice of any

t4 forfeiture proceeding involving this property, and agrees to not file a claim or assist others in filing a

l5 claim in that forfeiture proceeding.

t6 The defendant waives the notice provisions of Fed. R. Crim. P. 7(c)(2) and 32.2(a), waives oral

t7 pronouncement of forfeiture at the time of sentencing and any defects in such pronouncement that

18 pertain to forfeiture, and waives any defenses to forfeiture, including any defense predicated on the Ex

t9 Post Facto, Double Jeopardy, and Excessive Fines Clauses of the United States Constitution. The

20 defendant knowingly and voluntarily waives any right to jury trial in any criminal or civil forfeiture

2T proceeding.

22 (0 The defendant understands and agrees that the court is not a party to this agreement, that

23 sentencing is a matter solely within the discretion of the court, the court is under no obligation to accept

24 any recommendations made by the government, and the court may in its discretion impose any sentence

25 it deems appropriate up to and including the statutory maximum stated in this Plea Agreement. If the

26 court should impose any sentence up to the maximum established by the statute, the defendant cannot,

27 for that reason alone, withdraw her guilty plea, and she will remain bound to fulfill all of the obligations

28 under this Agreement. The defendant understands that neither the prosecutor, defense counsel, nor the

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1 court can make a binding prediction or promise regarding the sentence she will receive.

2 G) The defendant is aware that Title 18, United States Code, Section 3742 affords a
J defendant the right to appeal the sentence imposed. Acknowledging this, the defendant knowingly

4 waives the right to appeal her conviction or any sentence (or the manner in which that sentence was

5 determined) which is in accordance with the maximum provided in Title 21, United States Code,

6 Sections 8a1(a)(1) and (bxlXC), on the grounds set forth in Title 18, United States Code, Section 3742

7 or on any ground whatever, in exchange for the concessions made by the United States in this plea

8 agreement. The defendant also waives her right to challenge her conviction, sentence or the manner in

9 which it was determined in any post-conviction attack, including but not limited to a motion brought

10 under Title 18, United States Code, Section 3582 and/or Title 28, United States Code, Sections 2241 or

11 2255, except for non-waivable claims.

T2 (h) If the defendant's conviction on the count to which she is pleading guilty is ever vacated

13 at the defendant's request, or her sentence is ever reduced at her request, or ifthe defendant violates the
T4 Plea Agreement, she shall thereafter be subject to prosecution for any federal criminal violation of which

15 the government has knowledge, including but not limited to perjury, false statements, and obstruction of
r6 justice. Because disclosures pursuant to this Agreement will constitute a waiver of the Fifth

t7 Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination, any such prosecution may be premised on

l8 statements and/or information provided by the defendant. The government shall have the right (1) to

t9 prosecute the defendant on the count to which she pleaded guilty; and (2) to file any new charges that
20 would otherwise be baned by this Agreement. The decision to pursue any or all of these options will be

2t solely within the discretion of the United States Attomey's Offrce. By signing this agreement, the

22 defendant agrees to waive any objections, motions, and defenses she might have to the govemment's

23 decision, including Double Jeopardy. In particular, she agrees not to raise any objections based on the

24 passage of time with respect to such counts including, but not limited to, any statutes of limitation or any

25 objections based on the Speedy Trial Act or the Speedy Trial Clause of the Sixth Amendment.

26 If it is determined that the defendant has violated any provision of this Agreement or if the
27 defendant successfully moves to withdraw her plea: (1) all statements made by the defendant to the

28 goverrlment or other designated law enforcement agents, or any testimony given by the defendant before

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1 a grand jury or other tribunal, whether before or after this Agreement, shall be admissible in evidence in

2 any criminal, civil, or administrative proceedings hereafter brought against the defendant; and (2) the

3 defendant shall assert no claim under the United States Constitution, any statute, the Federal Rules of
4 Criminal Procedure, Rule 410 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, or any other federal rule, that

5 statements made by the defendant before or after this Agreement, or any leads derived therefrom, should

6 be suppressed. By signing this Agreement, the defendant waives any and all rights in the foregoing

7 respects.

8 (i) The defendant agrees to waive all rights under the "Hyde Amendment", Section 617,P.L.

9 105-l l9 (Nov. 26,1997), to recover attomeys' fees or other litigation expenses in connection with the

10 investigation and prosecution of all charges in the above-captioned matter and of any related allegations

11 (including without limitation any charges to be dismissed pursuant to this Agreement and any charges

t2 previously dismissed).

13 0) The defendant understands that the court must consult the Federal Sentencing Guidelines

T4 and must take them into account when determining a final sentence. Defendant understands that the

15 court will determine a non-binding and advisory guideline sentencing range for this case pursuant to the

t6 Sentencing Guidelines. Defendant further understands that the court will consider whether there is a

T7 basis for departure from the guideline sentencing range (either above or below the guideline sentencing

18 range) because there exists an aggravating or mitigating circumstance of a kind, or to a degree, not

t9 adequately taken into consideration by the Sentencing Commission in formulating the Guidelines.

20 Defendant further understands that the court, after consultation and consideration of the Sentencing

2l Guidelines, must impose a sentence that is reasonable in light of the factors set forth in 18 U.S.C. g

22 3ss3(a).

23 (k) The defendant understands that pleading guilty may have consequences with respect to

24 her immigration status if she is not acitizen of the United States. Under federal law, a broad range of
25 crimes are removable offenses, including the offense to which defendant is pleading guilty. Indeed,

26 because defendant is pleading guilty to a controlled substance offense, removal is presumptively

27 mandatory. Removal and other immigration consequences are the subject of a separate proceeding,

28 however, and defendant understands that no one, including her attorney or the district court, can predict

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1 to a certainty the eflect of her conviction on her immigration status. Defendant nevertheless affirms that

2 she wants to plead guilty regardless of any immigration consequences that her plea may entail, even if
3 the consequence is her automatic removal from the United States.

4 3. Agreements blz the Government.

5 (a) StipulationsAffectingGuidelineCalculation:

6 The govemment stipulates and agrees that there is no material dispute as to the following

7 sentencing guidelines variables and therefore stipulates to the following:

8 1. Base Offense Level. The defendant stipulates and agrees that the weight of
9 marijuana attributable to her conduct is approximately 2.5 kg. The base offense

10 level for conspiracy to distribute and/or possess with intent to distribute 2.5 kg of
ll marduana is 8 pursuant to U.S.S.G. $ 2D1.1(aX5)

t2 2. Acceptance of Responsibility. The offense level should be reducedby 2levels for

13 acceptance of responsibility under U.S.S.G. $ 3E1.1.

t4 3. Total Offense Level. The total offense level is 6.

15 4. Advisory Guideline Range. The guideline range for offense level 6, criminal

t6 history category IV, is 6-12 months imprisonment.

t7 (b) The govemment will recommend a sentence of 12 months imprisonment. The

18 govemment agrees a sentence of 12 months imprisonment is reasonable and takes into consideration the

t9 factors set forth in l8 U.S.C. $ 3553.

20 (c) If the defendant enters a plea of guilty to Count Twelve, the govemment agrees to

2T dismiss all remaining counts against the defendant at the time of sentencing.

22 4. Nature- Elements. Possible Defenses. and Factual Basis.

23 (a) The defendant has read the charge contained in Count Twelve of the Indictment, and that

24 charge has been fully explained to her by her attorney.

25 (b) The defendant fully understands the nature and elements of the crime with which she has

26 been charged, together with the possible defenses, and has discussed them with her attomey. To convict

27 the defendant of the crime of conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute marijuana, the

28 government would have to establish the following beyond a reasonable doubt:

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1 First: that beginning at a time unknown but no later than January 2,2014 and

2 ending on or about March 26,20l5,there was an agreement between

3 defendant and at least one other person to knowingly and intentionally

4 distribute and possess with intent to distribute marijuana, and

5 Second: that defendant joined in the agreement knowing of its purpose and

6 intending to help accomplish that purpose.

7 The elements of distribution of marijuana are as follows:

8 First: the defendant knowingly distributed a controlled substance, to wit:

9 marijuana, and

10 Second: at all times, defendant knew that marijuana is a controlled substance.

l1 The elements of possession with intent to distribute marijuana are as follows:

t2 First: the defendant knowingly possessed marijuana;

13 Second: the defendant possessed marijuana with the intent to distribute it to

t4 another person; and

l5 Third: at all times, defendant knew that marijuana is a controlled substance.

t6 (c) The defendant will plead guilty because she is in fact guilty of the crime set forth in

t7 Count Twelve. The defendant also agrees that the following are the facts of this case, although she

18 acknowledges that, as to other facts, the parties may disagree:

t9 Beginning at a time unknown but not later than December 11,2014, and
continuing to no later than March 26,2015, in the County of Fresno, State
20 and Eastern District of California, the defendant and at least one other
person entered into an agreement to distribute and/or possess with intent to
2t distribute marijuana.

22 Specifically, on or about January 2,2015, defendant assisted Denny Foster

in identifizing and contacting a source of supply for the acquisition of
23 approximately four (4) pounds of marijuana which defendant knew Denny
Foster intended to sell in Fresno, Califomia, and/or ship to Albuquerque,
24 New Mexico for distribution. Additionally, on or about December 18,
2014 and February 7,2015, defendant assisted Denny Foster in shipping
25 marijuana to an individual in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Each shipment
contained approximately % pound of marijuana.
At all times, defendant knew that marijuana is a controlled substance.


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I 5. Potential Sentence.

2 The defendant understands that an advisory sentencing guideline range for this case will be

3 determined by the Court. The defendant further understands that the Court will impose a sentence
within that guideline range, unless the Court finds that there is a basis for departure (either above or
below the range) because there exists anaggravating or mitigating circumstance of a kind, or to a
degree, not adequately taken into consideration by the Sentencing Commission in formulating the

9 The parties agree, however, that they will not seek or argue in support of any other specific

10 offense characteristics, Chapter Three adjustments (other than the decrease for "Acceptance of
ll Responsibility") or cross-references, except that the govemment may move for a departure or
adjustment based on defendant's post-plea obstruction ofjustice ($ 3Cl.l) should the defendant engage
in such conduct. Both parties agree not to move for, or argue in support of, any departure from the
Sentencing Guidelines, or any deviance or variance from the Sentencing Guidelines under United States

v. Boolrer,543 U.S. 220 (2005).


t7 The defendant also agrees that the application of the United States Sentencing Guidelines to her

18 case results in a reasonable sentence, and that the defendant will not request that the Court apply the
t9 sentencing factors under l8 U.S.C. $ 3553 to arrive at a different sentence than that called for under the
Sentencing Guidelines' advisory guideline range as determined by the Court. The defendant
acknowledges that if she requests or suggests in any manner a different sentence than what is called for
under the advisory guideline range as determined by the Court, the plea agreement is voidable at the

24 option of the government. The govemment, in its sole discretion, may withdraw from the plea

25 agreement and continue prosecution of the defendant as if the parties never entered into this plea
26 agreement.

The following is the maximum potential sentence which the defendant faces:

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I (a) Imprisonment.

2 Minimum:
Mandatory None.

J Maximum: 5 years.

4 (b) Fine. Maximum: $250,000.00.

5 (c) Fine and/or Imprisonment.

6 (d) Supervised Release.

7 Maximum: 2 years.

(Should the defendant violate the conditions of supervised release, he could be

subject to a term of imprisonment up to the term of supervised release imposed.)

(e) Penalty Assessment. Mandatory: One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) )

(f) Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. $ 862, the defendant may become temporarily or
permanently ineligible for any and all federal benefitsl and, pursuant to 21 U.S.C.

$ 862a, shall be ineligible for the following government benefits:

(l) assistance under any State program funded under part A of title IV of the
Social Security Act(42 U.S.C. g 601 et seq.);
(2) benefits under the food stamp program (as defined in section 3h of the
Food Stamp Act) (7 U.S.C. $ 2012(h)) or any State program carried out
under the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. $ 2011 et seq.).

6. Waiver of Rigilrts.

The defendant understands that by pleading guilty she surrenders certain rights, including the
22 (a) The defendant is entitled to the continued representation of an attomey at any trial in this

23 case and, if the defendant is unable to aflord an affomey, one would be appointed by the Court.
24 (b) If the defendant persisted in a plea of not guilty to the charge(s) against her, she would

26 lThe
term "federal benefits" does not include any retirement, welfare, Social Security, health,
27 disability, veterans benefit, public housing, or other similar benefit, or any other benefit for which
payments or services are required for eligibility, but refers to the issuance of any grant, contract, loan,
28 professional license, or commercial license provided by an agency or appropriated funds of the iJnited
States. 21 U.S.C. $ 862(dxl).
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1 have the right to a public and speedy trial and the assistance of an attomey at that trial. If the defendant
2 could not afford an attomey, one would be appointed for her. The trial could be either jury trial or a

trial by a judge sitting without a jury. The defendant has a right to a jury trial. However, in order that
the trial be conducted by the judge sitting without a jury, the defendant, the govemment and the judge
must all agree that the trial be conducted by the judge without a jury.

(c) If the trial were a jury trial, the jury would be composed of twelve lay persons selected at

8 random. The defendant and her attorney would have a say in who the jurors would be by removing

9 prospective jurors for cause where actual bias or other disqualification is shown, or without cause by

l0 exercising peremptory challenges. The jury would have to agree unanimously before it could return a
ll verdict of either guilty or not guilty. The jury would be instructed that the defendant is presumed
innocent and that it could not convict her unless, after hearing all the evidence, it was persuaded of her
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

l5 (d) If the trial were held before ajudge without ajury, the judge would find the facts and

t6 determine, after hearing all the evidence, whether or not she was persuaded of the defendant's guilt

t7 beyond a reasonable doubt.

(e) At a trial, whether by a jury or a judge, the government would be required to present its
witnesses and other evidence against the defendant. The defendant would be able to confront those
govemment witnesses and her attorney would be able to cross-examine them. ln turn, the defendant
could present witnesses and other evidence on her own behalf. If the witnesses for the defendant would

23 not appear voluntarily, she could require their attendance through the subpoena power of the court.

24 (0 At atrial, the defendant would have a privilege against self-incrimination so that she

25 could decline to testifu, and no inference of guilt could be drawn from this refusal to testifu.
The defendant understands that by pleading guilty she is waiving all of the rights set forth above
and the defendant's attorney has explained those rights to her and the consequences of her waiver of

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1 those rights.

2 7. Entire Agreement.

3 Other than this plea agreement, no agreement, understanding, promise, or condition between the

4 govemment and the defendant exists, nor will such agreement, understanding, promise, or condition

5 exist unless it is committed to writing and signed by the defendant, counsel for the defendant, and

6 counsel for the United States.

7 8. Court Not a Party.

8 The defendant understands that the United States Probation Office is not a party to this

9 Agreement and will conduct an independent investigation of the defendant's activities and her

10 background and prepare a presentence report which it will submit to the Court as its own sentencing
il recommendation. In addition, the government will fully apprize the Probation Office, as well as the

t2 Court of the full and true nature, scope and extent of the defendant's criminal activities concerning the

t3 charge to which the defendant is entering a plea of guilty, including activities which may not have been

t4 charged in the Indictment, or were the subject of dismissed counts.

15 9. Approvals and Signatures

t6 A. Defense Counsel

t7 I have read this plea agreement and have discussed it fully with my client. The plea agreement

18 accurately and completely sets forth the entirety of the agreement. I concur with my client's decision to

t9 plead guilty as set forth in this plea agreement.


22 Attomey for Defendant

24 B. Defendant
25 I have read this plea agreement and carefully reviewed every part of it with my attomey. I
26 understand it, and I voluntarily agree to it. Further, I have consulted with my attorney and fully
27 understand my rights with respect to the provisions of the Sentencing Guidelines that may apply to my

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I czlse. No other promises or inducements have been made to me, other than those contained in this plea

2 agreement. In addition, no one has threatened or forced me in any way to enter into this plea agreement.

J Finally, I am satisfied with the representation of my attorney in this case.


C. Attorney for the United States
I accept and agree to this plea agreement on behalf ofthe government.
10 '/r" l, ,














Plea Agreement t2

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