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Name: _________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
1. What is your age group?
a) 15-20 b) 20-25

c) 25-30 d) 30 and above

2. In which occupation you belong to?
a) Professional b) Students
c) Businessman d) Others _________________

3. What is your monthly income?

a) 10000 -20,000

b) 20000 to 30000

c) 30000 to 40000

d) 40000 Above

4. What motivates you to buy products online?

a) Easy payment
b) No hidden cost
c) No travel to shop
d) Wide range of products
5. Do you feel that the online marketers are providing competitive prices?
a) Yes

b) No

c) Cant say

6. What products you buy on internet?

a) Books

b) Music CDs
c) Apparel

d) Mobile

e) Laptop

f) Other [specify] ___________

7. Do you feel that online shopping is better than shopping at physical store?
a) Yes

b) No

c) Cant say

8. Which of the following stores have you ever visited for shopping online?
a) e-bay

b) Snapdeal

c) Amazon

d) Flipkart

e) Other [please specify]

9. Have you faced any problems while shopping online?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Specify _________________________

10. How do you make your payments on internet?

a) Credit card/Debit card

b) Bank transfer

c) PayPal

d) Any other______

11. What was the main reason why you started using online payment? (You can select more than 1)
a. I dont use online payment
b. My bank started offering the service
c. There is no bank branch or ATM near my home or work
d. I became comfortable with the security of mobile banking
e. I liked the convenience of mobile banking
f. To receive fraud alerts or check my account for fraudulent transactions
g. Other (please specify): _____________
12. What factors help you to decide which site to use for online shopping?
a) Search engine

b) Personal recommendation

c) Special offers on sites

d) Online advertising

e) Other_________

13.When was the last time you purchased something online? a. before last month
a) before 3 months b) before 6 months
c) before 9 months d) before 1 year
14. What did you purchase last time online? (You can select more than 1)
a. Books

b. Furniture

c. Music

d. Cinema ticket

e. Kitchen / Home appliances

f. Electronic gadgets

g. Groceries

h. Toys

i. Clothes
j. Electrical products

k. Cosmetics

l. Travel tickets

m. Holidays

n. food

Other (Please Specify)_________________________________________________________

15. Main Reason for online Shopping? (You can select more than 1 )
a. Price

b. Fast Shipping

a) e. Friend Referral

c. Convenience & time saving

b) d.Brand conscious

c) f. Discount

d) Other:__________________________________________________________________

16. How did you get the idea of buying specific brand through an online store? (You can select more than
a) Referred by friend/family

b) Saw an online advertisement

c) Saw an offline advertisement (TV/Newspapers/Magazine/Hoardings)

d) I was just waiting for launch of this product since long

e) Other:_______________________________________________________________

17. How do you find the specific to your own needs? (You can select more than 1)
a) Product Ratings

b) Product reviews
c) Advice from offline store

d) Referred by Friend / Family member

e) Compare description and prices

f) New technology/ product in market

g) Referred by website by your search history

h) Other:________________________________________________________________

18. Are you satisfied with the online services?

a) Yes

b) No

19. How did you find the procedure of purchasing a product from our website?
a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Average

d) Bad

20. Any suggestions to make online shopping more fruitful.

Thank you for your valuable time and response.

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