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Doretha James, RN, Lead School Nurse Makes Nurse Horne RN do her work responsibilities including: Teaching classes, Making schedules for nurses (calls me during summer break to do this), Divide/deliver supplies, Divide/deliver paperwork to physicians, Make reports/data collection, etc. Therefore, | have to cover the nursing office while Nurse Horne RN completes these assignments. © Makes what | feel are unfair work assignments. Nurse Home RN, and | have a significantly larger number of medications, procedures, special education students, than any other school. The number of students that we see daily GREATLY outnumbers other school nurse's assignments, Our pay is no more for doing more work. © Has sent the nurse from Dothan High School to our school, on a day Nurse Horne, RN, and I were both off of work, to look at our office. Nurse Horne RN was then called in for a meeting with Nurse James, RN, Lead School Nurse, regarding the findings of the nurse from Dothan High School. PLEASE NOTE: The nurse at Dothan High School should have NEVER left her school because she has diabetic students that have medication that requires a nurse to be on campus at all times. © Will not send assistance to Honeysuckle when one nurse is out. Fails to answer text messages and emails regarding requests for help. * Makes the school nurses at Honeysuckle responsible for after school programs (that we do not work for) and other school nurses do not have to do. (only a few schools have these programs.) © Will not support policies in place for safety regarding field trips and notifying the school nurses 2 weeks in advance so we can prepare and staff if needed. This has been an ongoing issue with the school counselor and she is not made to comply with the Dothan City Schools Field Trip Policy Eugene McElvin, Custodian © Makes remarks such as “Things are going to be different when the new principal comes. Lots of people won't even work here anymore.” This remark was made after Ms. Weatherington was removed as principal and Mr. Torrence was the incoming principal Refuses to clean the nurse's office, which he is assigned to clean © _ Refuses to bring supplies to the nursing staff, which is his assigned area ‘* Makes remarks ‘in general” but directed to the nursing staff (ex) Nurse Horne RN and | reported to Mr. Russ that the maintenance room door was left open and this was after the nursing staff was told they couldn't use this area related to chemicals, etc. McElvin reported to close and lock the door, He looked into the nurse's office and said “Ridiculous, just wait.” © Laughs at the nursing staff when our access and parking were taken away. “Aquenbey sndweo HO S| BoUEHOL “IW , “JeY) NOge 29t191101 “4 SE 0} BAEY jIIM NOK, Sa}eIg “eoyJo BuIsunU ay) UI sLOpMS Jo a1eO 10 Suo!sio9p ejduy!s eeu 0} pesnjai sndueo uo jou $1 jedjouLld sty UeyM Sey “Seuo [euosied sly axe Joquinu auYd pue SSOIppe Ot} Se pere|e1 [OO49S LON SI SIU ‘YoepUNo, Ae|peig oy aGed oy a]2a19/UO y0M SJoqUOW YeIs pey se © Jd Buryoes} useq eney pinoys (Soke, YeeoD) ay uayM “A}W9}24} siy 10} ‘sunoY Jooyos BuLINp eaxe palenco atN JepUN poo} BuIYoo9 Soke} YowOD Sey oH] “a1e101ddeu! sem yuewiwiod Jey) WIY pio} | PUB NY BUOY OsuNNy pue. Sumuueje Aon sem siy| peay ouo YW SyUIY) AfUO 2H, (UeIpo}sho oup Bulp1eB9.) ples ay pue ‘ssny yy 0) pouodes SeM SIU. “Woo! eouEUE]UIEWI oY) Ss809e 0} PamoIe js 210M UeIpYYD ‘OS|Y “@sn Oo} WoDN}So1 esojO e BuINeY JOU Jo inso, & se seuo}s Kouph padojenop NY SUCH @SJNN “WiooSA/ OY} PasN AMA O194YM SI SIU | "LOO! BoUeUa|UIEW a4) ul aie sjeojusayo esneoag ans! Arayes e, sem. ples pue JJe)s BulsinU Oy) Wio4y WiOO4 BoUeUDIUIELL ay) 0} ssa00e Yoo] ° edoug Wwersissy ‘ssmy JN (sioquiow yeys Jouro Buip1ebes) yers Bussinu ot 0} sjustutoa oyeudouddeu) Bunyew ssnaj sy Inoge pI seM, (‘eaie paiaroo eu 1epun) episino 3009 pjnoo ay os sesselo safe} U9eOO ae) 0} ‘S8B)0 JOYJOUR WOY) ,palINd, Sem JoyDeS] Y “Jd ONIHOVALL NAS JAVH C’INOHS 3H 3TIHM ‘Puayee JEU) Play oq 0} BUIOB sem EIN WEA ‘Alss}esy sIy 40} Yeas ood Joyo} ad ‘SekeH YBO ped) ‘Da}OWWAP SEM LOIBUUIOU}EE MA UAL fediouud se BuNoe ‘ssnej VW IEW PIO SEM & ey oles SiK) Jo JoquialH e q 0} ples Bujoq sem eur etn pio semy Hop seunjoid Jo} Busod shen seB91 Sens} a4 IHOGE plo} Se” .Bupgows punose NH 01 Hoda pip 4yne.| “WY “sndues UO axoM ssny pue uo|BuVaYTeE;M sOLIOU ‘U7 SWWH 7e ediouud) uojbuLayeEnA ‘SIN PUE INO ex04q JOU e ,AleoISEG, UBM PAIIED SEM, — TOM Se jJoSAu J0} SuoNPUED BuD}OM e|GeLO|WooUN 40} speLI wan] Ut YORI “UA WHo;qaud one4 TuBIW aus SauC AluO oMN axe eWIOH OSINN pUE BUUEZNg, UOIBUIEWEDAA “SHY PIO} BY YeYY “OLUN UN Ye AlEIO:09S ‘UapIEH “SW DIOL & “yes Bursinu ou ‘spiemo} ajnsoy Aron sioqweuljJe1S ou aPeW pUE (PAIEIS ]apMIs e JEN) Wy 0} Peoded | PUE NY WOH BSINN YM saquaLN YEISe GIOL © 1y] JO SIMO YOO J04 spuAyaeM ayy UO P 19 “SBunoaLu AynoR} Je SUBIS A\uosOs SEM OH “ALINNSLLVE! PUB ALYOMOS OY) ‘s}yIN@J “JV 3LON) Jo Jaqwow & s} ssmy -aj TEN ‘ax0m yeys “ploy Bulag e10m Jooyds ye s]N0 W000 1eyI Suywup, sem uojBuveyieayy “SW 1eu peuoded eI “AEP pue (Jedrouud yueysisse) ssmay yy pue (at winjnowng Arepuosas jo Joyadiq ‘yINe4 Joos Dr. Ledbetter, Superintendent Requested that Nurse Horne RN stay at Honeysuckle, despite knowing she was being treated unfairly by Ms. Weatherington, so that she could “document” Ms, Weatherington’s incompetencies. Was notified numerous times of Doretha James, RN, Lead School Nurse, making Nurse Horne RN do things that are her job responsibilities therefore leaving me to cover ALL students that reported to the nursing office as well as procedures. Was notified that Mr. Torrence, principal, informed nursing staff (on more than one occasion) NOT TO CALL DHR- Which is ILLEGAL. Was notified of the concerns regarding students not being “coded” appropriately in our computer system- with regards to attendance. (ex) Students were “coded” SUSPENDED and they were at school Was notified of issues regarding nurses being “bullied” by staff Was notified that Mr. Faulk TOLD staff members information that was told to us and we inturn reported to him. Was notified that the restroom key was taken from the nursing staff Was notified that the parking places were taken from the nursing staff (and the custodial and lunchroom staff park there now.) Chain of Command Sharon Baxter, Honeysuckle Middle School Counselor Chain of Command Mr. Torrence, Principal Honeysuckle Middle School Chain of Command Scott Faulk, Director of Secondary Curriculum Note: Mr. Faulk was the principal at Honeysuckle Middle School before being promoted to thi: position. What Changed the School Environment? The administrative staff at central office (in my opinion) scrambled to find a solution to these issues. Nurse Horne RN was called in to speak to Dr. Ledbetter, Superintendent. Dr. Ledbetter told her that he was aware of the issues that Ms. Weatherington had (regarding her lack of leadership skills) and he “needed' her to stay, in order to document what she observed so they could take actions regarding Ms. Weatherington’s administrative position, She was basically made to stay, despite her request to be moved after being told she wouldn't be treated fairly. Ms. Weatherington was later “demoted” from her position of principal. She was returned to the position she held at Dothan High School before she became principal at Honeysuckle Middle School. During Ms. Weatherington's leadership at Honeysuckle Middle School, NUMEROUS veteran/experienced teachers left our school. They either transferred “in system” or they moved to another school system entirely. Some staff members even retired. The RACIAL issues were very visible. | had been at Honeysuckle a short time and was not included in the meetings noted above. | however, work well with Nurse Horne RN and was willing to stay if she remained at the school. Nurse Horne RN and | realized that we worked very wel together in such a difficult school setting, and it became a passion to care for these children. | was ONLY willing to stay at Honeysuckle if she remained. What Changed the School Environment? Mr. Scott Faulk, Principal at Honeysuckle Middle School, received a promotion to Director of Secondary Curriculum. (I had only been at Honeysuckle full time for one year and driving back and forth from an elementary school for one year), The time under Mr. Faulk’s administration, although very busy was not hostile. The team of employees typically worked wel together. Upon the appointment of Ms. Weatherington as principal everything took a swift change. There was a massive | change in teaching staff as many of the veteran teacher either retired or saught emplyoment at other schools | was told by Janice Horne RN (my co-worker) that she had a meeting over the summer in which she was informed that "Ms. Weatherington will never treat you fairly”, by Mr. Faulk, and was encouraged to move to another school. We remained at Honeysuckle and thus began the downward spiral for our school. Health Issues: Nurse Chan, RN and Nurse Horne, RN have suffered physically due to their hostile work conditions. They now take antidepressant medication(s) and have blood pressure issues (requiring medication.) Nurse Horne, RN, also started having kidney stones for the first time in her life. Additional Issues/concern continued Double PE daily, so no computer or exploratory classes * Teachers without certificates * Charging for PE when they realized that showing a movie and charging for it was against copy write laws. * Secretary was “demoted to clerical aide by Mr. Torrence for a black female to become secretary. Suzanne was in position more than 10 years. + Drills are never successful, for example, a Fire Drill bell was rung but assistant principal said “it’s a severe weather drill”, and kids were inside and outside. Racial Division- The Sorority and Fraternity Issue Pictured below are a few of the staff from Honeysuckle Middle School ‘Standing (Left to right): Ms. Weatherington, Principal, irs Hogans, LinC teacher, Mrs. Cole, teacher, Ms. Baxter, counselor Bottom Row: Mr. Russ, Assistant Principal, Shona Fletcher, Parental Involvement Specialist Chain of Command Todd Weeks, Director of Personnel/Assistant Superintendent Continued * The Special Needs classes: Mrs. Maxwell has at least 8 students and Ms. Hearns has four students. * Some staff members (all African Americans) get a specially cooked breakfast in the kitchen where food is cooked. This is unfair and against The Health Department regulations. Additional Issues/Concerns * A teacher at HMS reported to the nursing office on more than one occasion stating that “you two nurses have caused so much trouble”, “all the staff are talking about you two”, “Mr. Torrence doesn't like you guys”. * Teacher is reported by NUMEROUS students “he does not teach”, “the kids are out of control”. (We have treated injuries that have occurred in this particular teachers class). * Reports that another teacher (male) “left the classroom to talk to (female). After the male teacher walked out, the kids were unsupervised and said “let's jump N. he’s white”. This child obtained injuries for this incident. (report written) * Students having sex at school Honeysuckle Middle School Hostile Work Environment and Discrimination Honeysuckle School Nurse Chain of Command: Ledbetter, Superintendent Chain of Command Tonya Grier, Child Nutrition Supervisor/School Nurse Supervisor Chain of Command Doretha James, Lead School Nurse Chain of Command Elton Russ, Assistant Principal Honeysuckle Middle School Ms. Weatherington Requested the transfer of Janice S. Horne, RN, school nurse, for no reason Told staff not to communicate with the nursing staff (during emergency situations- child tased by police officer) Failed to notify Janice S. Horne, RN, for administrative team meetings, which she was a member of, Told parents details that both myself and nurse Horne RN reported to her regarding safely of students and the potential threat her child posed to school (mother of student with anger issues and history of harming animals) * Talked to Doretha James, RN, Lead School Nurse, about Janice Horne, RN and myself regarding how she did not like us. Nurse Home, RN and | heard conversation because we were in Doretha’s office (per her direction.) ° Made the work environment at Honeysuckle very uncomfortable for nurses (18yj980} 06 0} peysenbes am) “epjonsfeuo}y JP Pa}. 810M a” MOY Jo sjUre\duIOD AUY 0} payIO4 JOOYDS JoYJoUE o4 J9/SUE.)'s,NY ‘@LIOH] OSINN PUR OULU paluEG) = @ «"9Ue7 ino U Kejg,, 0) popaeu am | pUE NEY ‘oWOH] SSINN PIO} S90) “JN. WY 0} Poyoder om yeYM (\JeIS PArjonul) WAY} PIO} yINe4 IW JOYE siequIoLH yeys Ueamjoq, Sommnsoy Bujpieb6e1 jedound juejsisse ‘ssmy “sj pue ‘oKXeg “syy WJOSAW ‘NY ‘OUIOL asuNNY YM BUIOSU e PSH] & SIBqUIOU JJe}s UeEMjaq sons} BurpieBou (sn payse oy Jee) Wy 0} peyiode: | pue NY OUIO} @SINN FEUM WEIS Oy GTO. HIME “IM TEU) PaynoU sen © epjonskauoly ye (Ayjuse}24y/AyN0108) sons} jeloe4 Jo PEULIO|UI SEMA @ juspusjuLadng jue}sissy//EUUOSIad JO JO}9IIC ‘SYBE/N\\ PPO! “yey Buysinu eyy uo y40m uonIppe J0 lop JeouB e seyeU si! sans] 24) ssnosip 0} Wot) j[e9 18n@ JOU sep eYs pUe ,SUOY JuOWISseIE}, poyejd.woD oney Kou) ye We}s Bujsunu oUp 119 SJuEPMg “eouEsge 194 UI oIqEHEAE SI 4OJ@SUNOD oMIRSGNS ON Jo] e snduleO yo S| ° “aye ‘Buykling ‘Bumyno se Yons senss) yjjeey jeIVOW/Y}EdYy oney YUN suNPMs BulpseBO1 WEIS BuISINU YA ZIOM JOU IIMA ers enneas|uIUpe Aq pepuewiides JOU S| pUE “99 ‘ADI0A JA sastes ‘Aja}elidouddeul eIs Gursinu oy) 0} syeodg —& (9}9 ‘esinu eynjsqns © einpoyos 0} peau Aeu!) ‘919 ‘jooyos ey) Jo Buyers pue A\ajes sjuEpMs By) Bulpebeu UP|d w dojonop 0} yeIs Sujsunu ou sesinbey iy “pueye osje ysnuu esunu e ‘di pjay ou) Uo S908 sojeqeip YMA JUAPNys e J) “AyoJos BuIpseBo4 Weou09 Jeel6 @ s} SIU “Aaljog JoouDS Aj1D UeYIOg Jed ‘seinpeyos oYs YEU Sdu} pjoy Jo SeSuNU OOYoS AypOU O} Sle|« Jojesunog “ie}Keg UoLeYS. Nursing License Concerns: © Student Attendance is NEVER correct. We do not know if a child is at school, at home, at the alternative school (PASS Academy), or suspended and at home. THIS GREATLY AFFECTS OUR MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION. We give NUMEROUS controlled substances. If a child is given his/her medication by the nursing staff, but they are ;oded” absent in the computer, this looks suspicious, * Field Trips- No notice or No appropriate notice is given to the nursing staff: This is a great concer. If a child goes on a field trip and they are a diabetic, have an allergy that requires an epi-pen, has asthma, etc. Nursing considerations have to be made. A nurse may be required to attend, send medication, etc. There have even been times when a field trip was taken and the nursing staff did not find out until AFTER students returned to school ° An appropriate Safety Plan was not put in place after Mr. Torrence took the "radio" (walkie-talkie) from the nursing staff. We were told to call 9-1-1 call the main office, call Mr. Torrence’s cell phone, and calll Cpl. Coachman’s cel Phone (school resource officer.) This plan is a great deal less effective than having a radio. Numerous times the office staff do not answer (related to no line available or being busy.) Mr. Torrence’s cell phone # is long distance, so this requires a long distance code be entered before his telephone #. This is an example of the code to enter before is telephone #: 1-800-238-6533 You hear a pause.....then enter 836-4356 and then you enter the telephone #, including the area code. PREVIOUSLY. ...| was not attached to a phone. | could care for the child involved in the emergency WHILE using the radio at the same time. With a push of one button, I could reach ALL needed staff. The change in the safety plan (per Mr. Torrence) was told to the Superintendent....and the concems the nursing staff had regarding the change. Nothing was changed © MANY MORE CONCERNS... | Mr. Torrence, Principal Changed the locks to the school and we could not access the building Changed the lock to the restroom that the school nurse’s used Told Nursing staff we could not park where we have always parked, but allowed lunchroom staff, PE teacher, and custodian to park in the same area. Told nursing staff we could not call DHR- which is ILLEGAL. Took the “radio” (walkie-talkie) away from the nursing staff (which Nurse Home RN has had for 14 years) and failed to implement a plan that ensured the safety of students in the event of an emergency. (I feel this was done because the nursing staff was able to hear about fights and other issues that administration did not want documented.) Tells students that they can not see the nurses (after injuries/fights)- specifically regarding a child that the nursing staff called DHR for. Told Nurse Horne RN (called her to a private room in the nursing office) she needed to "Be Professional" and she must notify him when she called DHR. She informed him this was not what the law stated. Has been notified of attendance documentation issues (ex) students are “coded” suspended and are at school, students are absent, but are not “coded” absent in computer system, etc. Has been notified that school counselor fails to notify school nursing staff of field trips 2 weeks in advance and he does not do anything when she continues to violate the policy. He later called a meeting and told Nurse Horne RN, and | that we should "be team players” regarding the field trip. Notifies parents of children that have reported abuse to the nurses and allows them to pick children up from school This is against the policy for handling possible abuse cases

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