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Workshop Objectives

Understand basic concepts of gender and be familiar with

gender terminology as well as gender approaches to
development, as precursor of subsequent workshops on
gender analysis tools and gender responsive budgeting
Workshop Structure
Pre-training Participants Basic Gender Gender
Assessment expectations Concepts Approaches to
Filling up the Group Gender & Sex Development
Assessment Exercise Gender
Forms Division of WID
Labour WAD
Basic Gender GAD
terminology Gender
Power mainstreaming
Gender Needs
Gender Needs

Divide in pairs
Each pair makes discussion
Lists down expectations from workshop
Lists down ground rules for the workshop
Session I
Session Objectives

Differentiate between gender &


Understand power relations and

Participants their manifestations in daily life
would be
able to: Be familiar with gender

Differentiate between practical

and strategic gender needs
Plenary Exercise

What comes to mind when we say sex?

What comes to mind when we say gender?

What is sex?

Biological characteristics

Do not change with society or culture

Remain the same through the time

Remain the same for all women and all men

What is Gender?
Culture &




Sex Vs. Gender
What youre born with
Male or Female
Biologically defined
Refers to biological condition of men and women
No change possible
Women and men are in the same category

What you are given
Masculine and Feminine
Socially constructed
Position of men and women in society
Changes overtime
Differences along cultures, religion, age
Sex Vs. Gender
Sex Gender
Is in genitalia Is in brain

Remains constant Varies between / within

Fixed and unchanging over Changes over time
Not influenced by economic Influenced by many factors
and social factors including education, income
level, religion, age, social
class, etc.
Plenary Exercise
List down on flip chart:

Attributes of girls / women

Attributes of boys / men

Common statements about women in literature, music,

film, overall society

Common statements about men in literature, music, film,

overall society
Sex Roles
Are based on physiological differences.

Are about a persons function as a male or as a female


Thus a womens role (the female role) is linked to

pregnancy, giving birth, breast feeding.

A male role is associated with producing sperm.

Hence, sex roles are physical roles and are biologically

Gender Roles
Are culturally defined

A womans role as household cook is not biologically


Men can and often cook.

Female role of cooking is socially determined

So we call it a female gender role not a female sex role.

A process where girls and boys, men and women are
taught how to behave.

Mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, schools, churches/

mosques teach us how we behave.

Gender roles are shaped through socialization.

Gender is NOT
Womens rights

War between sexes

Giving women dominance over men

List more in plenary brainstorming

Gender equality
It is NOT sameness or mirror images of one another

It is NOT about trying to convince ourselves and society

that all men and women are the same.

It is NOT about perpetuating stereotypes about how men

think/act and how women think/act.

It is about being aware of and celebrating differences

between men and women, and using these differences to
improve the means by which organizations and societies
Gender Equity
There be no discrimination on the basis of a persons sex

There should be equality of opportunities (both sexes

have equal rights and entitlements to human, social,
economic and cultural developments, and an equal voice
in civic and political life)

Because of their different positions in society, they may

not take advantage of equal opportunities to the same

Equal does not mean same

Equality Vs. Equity
Ability to influence or control a person/group to perform a
specified activity or make certain decisions

Social roles and relations between men and women in the

society are influenced by how much power they have.
Power Relations

A couple is struggling to conceive a child. They go to a Pir

who tells them they will have a child, but only after they
have decided which sex they want it to be.

Imagine being in this situation.

Write down the sex you would choose for your child

Also, write down at least three reasons for choosing the sex.

How each society divides work among men &

women according to what is considered suitable
or appropriate

Community Role:
Reproductive Productive Role:
Role: Voluntary, unpaid
Work done for work done at
Work that maintains
financial or other community level
and sustains life is
done by women,
benefit is done by mostly by women,
men e.g., market sometimes men
e.g., child bearing,
production or e.g. water
daily child rearing
home production provision, health
and domestic tasks
care etc.
An average day in the life of a woman parliamentarian

An average day in the life of a male parliamentarian

An average day in the life of a house wife

An average day in the life of a working woman

An average day in the life of a working male

Practical Gender Needs

These are needs related to the roles of

reproduction, production and community work
of men and women which, when met, do not
necessarily change their relative position/
condition in society, which arise from the
gender roles.
Strategic Gender Needs

Refers to higher level of needs of women and

men which, when met, help change their status
in society. Examples of such needs are
decision making and access to information.
List some common PGNs

List some important SGNs

Session II
Major Terminology
Gender Blind Gender Equity
Gender Neutral Affirmative Action
Gender Bias Access to Resources
Gender sensitive Control of Resources
Gender Balance Empowerment
Gender Perspective Sexual Harassment
Gender Specific
Gender Relations
Glass ceiling
Gender Equality

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