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An Accusation of Sexual Harassment in Pro Sports.

Plaintiff: Knicks Senior Vice President of Marketing and Business Operations, Anucha
Browne Sanders
Defendant: Knicks owner Madison Square Garden (MSG) and President Isaiah
Issue: Suit charged Thomas and MSG with sex discrimination and retaliation.
Mr. Thomas is accused of verbally abusing and sexually harassing Miss Brown over a
two year period. MSG is accused of retaliation Sanders complain to top management
about the harassment and was fired about a month later.
Defense: Garden sided numerous explanations for the dismissal including that Sanders
had failed to fulfill professional responsibilities.
Testimony: There was little corroboration from witnesses to the claims of either party.
Ruling: The jury decision was in favor of Sanders who was
awarded over $11 million in punitive damages.

1. Do you think Ms. Browne Sanders had the basis for a sexual harassment
suit? Why?
Ans: Yes the Plaintiff has the basis for a sexual harassment suit because the
attention given was unwanted, it was gender-based, and when she complained
to HR, she was fire within a month. EEOC guidelines were not taken into
2. From what you know of this case, do you think the jury arrived at the
correct decision? If not why not? If so, why?
Ans: The jury did arrive at the correct decision given the facts that were
presented. Burden of proof fell on the garden who was unable to present
concrete evidence for why Ms. Browne was terminated. Without the proper
evidence it appears that the Plaintiff was improperly fired for her complaints
against the present.
3. Based on the few facts that you have, what steps could Garden
management have taken to protect itself from liability in this matter?
Ans: MSG could have solved the problem in house instead of firing Ms Browne.
A thorough investigation should have been conducted with proper documentation
of the findings. The case said nothing about sexual harassment policy so if they
had one, they should abided by their policy and or improved/created one. Also
before terminating an employee for poor performance the Garden should have
record that warnings were given.
4. Aside from the appeal what would you do now if you were the Gardens top
Ans: Create a more stringent sexual harassment policy, revamp their code of
conduct and establish employee training. A system should be put in place to
require documentation for terminating employees. Finally actions should be taken
against Mr Thomas and the Garden should have a press conference about how
they are improving the company to ensure this will not happen again.
5. The allegations against Madison Square Garden in this case raise ethical
questions with regard to the employers action Explain whether you agree
or disagree with this statement and why?
Ans: I agree with this statement due to Gardens attempt to sweep a problem
under the rug. Anything that is hidden from the public or attempted to be hidden
from the public is likely unethical. All organizations should take such accusations
seriously and provide for the safety and wellbeing of all employees. MSG not
only ignored Ms Brownes complaint, they fired her without warning which is an
unethical practice.

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