Clean Air Flow Test

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An ISO:900, ISO:14001 and OHSAS:18001 certified Company


(NIT No:- Ch-12/GMP-357/HPGCL Dated:- 05.02.2015)







Cost of Tender Document : Rs. 1000 /-


Haryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd. (HPGCL) is power generating company of

Haryana. HPGCL owns & operates the following Thermal Power Plants in the state:-

a) Panipat Thermal Power Station, PTPS-I, Panipat (1x117.8MW+3x110MW).

PTPS-I is having four coal fired thermal generating Units. Each Unit is provided with 5 no. (4
working + 1 standby) bowl type coal mills

b) Panipat Thermal Power Station, PTPS-II, Panipat (2x210MW+2x250MW).

PTPS-II is having four coal fired thermal generating Units, detailed as under:
210 MW Unit-V is provided with 6 no. (4 working + 2 standby) bowl type coal mills.
210 MW Unit-VI and 250 MW Unit VII & VIII are provided with 3 no. (2 working + 1 standby)
tube (ball) coal mills.

c) Deenbandhu Chotu Ram Thermal Power Plant, DCRTPP, Yamunanagar (2x300MW).

DCRTPP is having two coal fired thermal generating Units of capacity 300 MW each. Each Unit
is provided with 6 no. (4 working+ 2 standby) bowl type coal mills.

d) Rajiv Gandhi Thermal Power Plant, RGTPP, Hisar (2x600MW).

RGTPP is having two coal fired thermal generating Units of capacity 600 MW each. Each Unit
is provided with 8 no. (6 working+2 standby) bowl type coal mills.

HPGCL intends to improve efficiency of boilers by optimizing performance of pulverisers to

ensure proper combustion of coal and stabilization of furnace of its Thermal Power Plants. In order
to achieve above objective HPGCL proposes to engage the services of a
Firm/Agency/Organization on Annual Rate Contract (ARC) basis for one year, having
experience of carrying out of Clean Air Flow Test and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic
Coal Sampling of Coal Mills at its Thermal Power Stations. Accordingly, sealed tenders in two
parts, Techno-commercial Bid & Earnest Money Deposit (Part-1) and Price Bid (Part-2), are invited
on lump sum rate basis in duplicate from reputed, registered and experienced organizations/ firms
for conducting Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal
Mills of Unit-5 to 8 of PTPS-II, Panipat, Unit-1 & 2 of DCRTPP, Yamunanagar and Unit 1 & 2 of
RGTPP, Hisar HPGCL. The successful bidder will conduct and complete the Clean Air Flow and
Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills in time bound manner as per
scope of work detailed under Section-III.


All bidders must carefully observe the following instructions. The offers / tenders not in line with
these instructions will be liable of rejection.
a) Tender documents can be purchased on any working day up to 25.02.2015 between
10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. from the office of SE/ Technical (HQ), HPGCL, Panchkula by
depositing tender cost (non refundable) of Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) in the
form of cash / BA-16/ Demand Draft drawn in favour of Sr. Accounts Officer/ EAD, HPGCL,
Panchkula, Payable at Panchkula.
b) Tender document can also be down loaded from the website of HPGCL i.e. A Demand draft of Rs.1000/- (rupees One thousand only) drawn in favour
of Sr. Accounts Officer/ EAD, HPGCL, Panchkula, Payable at Panchkula must be enclosed
in a separate envelope marked as cost of tender documents with the bid.
2. The offer /tender should be typed or written in blue/black ink. Offers written in pencil shall be
3. All the information should be submitted in English language only.
4. Any cutting/over-writing in the proposal or in the document must be avoided. If unavoidable, it
should be signed by the signatory authorized to sign the tender document. The power of
attorney in the name of signatory on behalf of the company, for signing the tender documents
and other papers of the contract should be furnished with TECHNO-COMMERCIAL bid.
5. The tender must be complete in all respect.
6. SITE OF WORK INSPECTION- Before tendering, the bidders are advised to inspect the site of
work & the environment and make acquaint with the actual work & other prevalent conditions,
facilities available, position of material & labour. No claim will be entertained later, on the
ground of lack of knowledge.
7. SUBMISSION OF TENDER: The bid document must be submitted in the following manner:
a) The bid document must accompany an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.50,000/-
(Rupees Fifty Thousand only) in the form of crossed Demand Draft/ Pay Order in favor of
Sr. Accounts officer/ EAD, HPGCL, Panchkula payable at Panchkula in a separate sealed
envelope super-scribed as BID EARNEST MONEY on top of envelope. (First Envelope)
b) If the tender document is down loaded from the website of HPGCL then the cost of tender
document must be enclosed in a separate envelope marked as COST OF TENDER
DOCUMENTS with the bid. (First Envelope)
c) The Qualifying requirement along with documentary proof (as per the tender documents)
must be placed in a separate sealed cover super- scribed as QUALIFYING DOCCUMENTS
on the top of envelope. (Second Envelope)
d) The techno commercial bid/offer must be placed in a separate sealed cover super-scribed as
TECHNO COMMERCIAL BID on the top of envelope. (Third Envelope)
e) The price bid (Part-2) be quoted and placed in a separate sealed cover clearly marked as
PRICE BID on top of the envelope. Price bid of only technically qualified bidders, will be
opened for which, date and time will be communicated to them in due course of time.
(Fourth Envelope)
f) The sealed envelopes as above (four envelops) should be put in a single packet/ envelope
sealed and clearly super-scribed as tender for Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test
including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills with NIT No. The name, address and
telephone no. of bidder and mobile no. of main dealing persons should be clearly written on
the envelope.
g) Tender should be submitted in DUPLICATE by registered post or by hand, all the pages of
each copy should be duly signed & stamped. Both copies should be separately tagged &
clearly marked as ORIGINAL & DUPLICATE

h) Tender document should be submitted on or before 26.02.2015 up to 11:00 AM in the office
of SE/Technical (HQ), Room no. 108, Urja Bhawan, C-7, Sector-6, Panchkula, Haryana.
HPGCL may, as its discretion extend the time and date for the submission of bid documents.
8. Offer should positively be submitted by the due date prescribed for the tender and those
received late will not be considered irrespective of whether same was sent by registered
post/Courier/by any other means.
9. The firm should have registration with EPF, labour commissioner & ESI authority.
10. HPGCL reserves the right to modify the document by issuing amendment/ clarification before
the due date. Such amendments/clarification will be sent by fax/email to the bidders. In such an
eventuality, if it so arises the HPGCL may allow to the bidders to modify their offers, if bid has
been submitted.
11. The bids will be rejected if:
a) It is not received on or before the due date and time or not accompanied with the required
documents and schedules.
b) Bid is not accompanied with the EMD indicated above and /or not accompanied with cost of
bid document.
c) The firms do not purchase or download tender documents/specifications from HPGCL
website and submit tender without tender fee.
d) Tender/offer is submitted by fax/e-mail.
e) Proposal is not a firm price proposal.
f) Proposal is not valid for the requisite time period.
12. HPGCL reserves the right to reject any proposal if:
a) A material misrepresentation is made or discovered or
b) The bidder does not respond to HPGCL asking for supplementary information required for
the evaluation of the proposal with in the given time period
13. In the event of Bidder not responding further information/clarification as may be required for the
finalization of the bid, the HPGCL reserves the right to reject the bid and to forfeit the EMD of
such Bidders.
14. After opening of the bids and till finalization, HPGCL will not entertain any correspondence from
the bidder except for any clarification sought by HPGCL.
15. The authorized representative must sign & stamp each page of the proposal.
16. The techno-commercial bid and price bid should be marked with the page numbers and total
number of pages should be mentioned in the upper right corner of the front pages of the each
bid (techno-commercial bid and price bid).
17. Submission of correct bid proposal is the Bidders responsibility. There will be no consideration
for error and omissions on part of the Bidders.
18. It is clarified that HPGCL is under no obligation to select any firm/agency or to assign reasons
for selecting or rejecting any particular firm/agency or to disclose the methodology of awarding
technical scores in the evaluation. HPGCL is also under no obligation to proceed with the work
or part thereof.
19. HPGCL reserves the right to allot the work for all the units or any one or more units.
20. QUALIFYING REQUIREMENT: The tender of only those firms will be considered who will
produce documentary proof in support of following criteria duly attested.
a) The firm should have carried out at least five (05) Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test
including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills of Thermal Power Plant of unit capacity
210 MW or above during last three years before last date of submission of bid. Copy of work
orders of Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal
Mills carried out by the bidder along with satisfactory performance certificate/completion
certificate shall be attached.

b) Annual turnover of the firm should be equal to or more than Rs 01 Crore (Rupees one
Crore) (each year during last three years before last date of submission of bids). Annual
turnover should be duly certified by the statutory body like Chartered Accountant or
independent auditor who are competent to do so as recognized by the State concerned.
The firm should have all the instruments like pitot tube and Isokinetic sampling kit etc. as per
ASME standard for carrying out said tests. A committee of HPGCL officers shall be
constituted for evaluation of techno-commercial bids. The tenders of only those firms who
meet the qualifying requirement as mentioned above shall be considered. The decision of
the committee shall be final.
21. The bidders/Contractors shall observe the highest standards of ethics during the submission of
tender, procurement and execution of the contract. In case of evidence of cartel formation by
the bidder (s) EMD is liable to be forfeited.
a) The bidders shall quote the prices in English language and international numerals. The
rates shall be in whole Indian rupees and shall be entered in figures and the total amount
shall be entered in figures as well as in words. For the purpose of tender, the metric system
of units shall be used.
b) The bidders shall quote a lump sum price of Clean Air Flow Test and Dirty Air Flow Test
including Isokinetic Coal Sampling per Coal Mill Elevation (unit-wise) separately, including
all statutory taxes/ levies, duties etc.
c) The price during the period of contract will remain unchanged.
d) HPGCL reserves the right to get Clean Air Flow Test or Dirty Air Flow Test including
Isokinetic Coal sampling or both test conducted for any number of Coal Mills of one Unit or
multiple Units at a time depending upon the requirement and opportunity.
The bidder will quote their rates strictly as per the rate quoting sheet at ANNEXURE-2. Further,
if there is difference in rates quoted as per actual sum of all the units and overall total rate
quoted by bidder for all the units, the overall financial implication will be calculated by taking
lower of two for the purpose of payments and evaluation of financial bid.
No deviation will be agreed and bidder should agree to all terms and conditions as per the
tender documents.
The validity of tenders should at least be for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of
Part-2 offer.
26. No joint venture/association of independent contractors/Consortium is allowed.
27. In case of any query regarding description of the work or any other terms & conditions of the
tender document, clarification can be had from SE/Tech. (HQ), HPGCL, Panchkula or Dy.
Secretary/Generation, HPGCL, Panchkula through mail at [email protected].
28. If major shutdowns / outages of any unit occur due to any reason during carrying out the test,
the contractor shall have to complete the work after synchronization of unit.
29. Since the contractor will be handling sophisticated equipments, he must have proper skilled
staff that has already worked on similar jobs. Qualification & experience of all skilled workers as
well as engineers should be given in tenders. The period for which these categories of people
have been working with the firm & their experience on similar jobs should be indicated distinctly
along with photocopy of the same.
30. HPGCL will provide assistance for connection and disconnection of instruments/ equipment to
the supply system and one coordinator from the respective generating unit during the time of
field measurement and also provide single / three Phase connection 230V/415V10% AC
supply for the measuring instruments at the site.

31. HPGCL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons
and will not be responsible and will not pay for any expense or loss that may be incurred by the
bidder in preparation of the tenders.
32. Opening of Bids
The Bids would be opened on the date and time specified in this Document at the above-
mentioned address. In case, the date of opening falls on a holiday or a holiday is subsequently
declared on that day, the tenders will be opened on the next working day following the holiday.
Representatives of all bidders may remain present at the time of opening of
Techno Commercial bid.
A. Part-1 shall be opened on 26.02.2015 on 03:00 PM.
The envelope containing cost of tender document and EMD shall be opened first. Qualifying
requirements shall be opened only if the cost of tender document and EMD are found in order.
The Techno Commercial bid of only those bidders will be opened who meet the Qualifying
requirements of the bid.
At the time of opening of Part 1 of the bids, Part 2- Price bid shall not be opened by HPGCL.
B. Evaluation of Bids
The Techno Commercial Bid (Part-1) shall be evaluated and only the techno commercially
qualified Bidders shall be considered eligible and intimated for the opening of the Price Bid

B1. Techno Commercial Bid Evaluation

The Techno Commercial Bid shall be initially scrutinized to establish Responsiveness.
A Techno Commercial Bid shall be deemed to be Non-responsive in the following cases:
a) It does not include sufficient information for it to be evaluated objectively.
b) Prima-facie there is significant inconsistencies between the information submitted and
the supporting documents or the supporting documents are not submitted.
c) It is not signed and/ or sealed in the manner and to the extent indicated in the Bid
The Responsive Techno Commercial Bid shall be evaluated to determine their compliance
with the Qualifying Requirements, detailed in the bid document. For this purpose, HPGCL shall
use the supporting documents submitted by the bidder and/ or information available with or
obtained by HPGCL.
B2. Price Bid Evaluation
The Bidders qualifying as per the Techno Commercial Bid (Part-1) shall be considered for
Price Bid Evaluation.
The Price Bid shall be initially scrutinized to establish Responsiveness. A Price Bid shall
be deemed to be Non-responsive in the following cases:
a) It does not include sufficient information for it to be evaluated objectively.
b) It is not signed and/ or sealed in the manner and to the extent indicated in the Bid
c) Conditional offer.
The rate negotiations could be held upto L3 (3rd lowest) bidder, if the difference between the
L1 (1st lowest) quoted rates and those quoted by L2 (2nd lowest) and L3 is within 5% of the L1
quoted rates. In case, where the L1 bidder refuses to further reduce his offered price and the

L2 or L3 bidders come forward to offer a price which is better than the price offered by L1
bidder, the bidder whose price is accepted becomes L1 bidder. However, in such a situation,
the original L1 bidder shall be given one more opportunity to match the discounted price. In
case of acceptance, he would be treated as L1 bidder.

SE/Technical (HQ)
HPGCL, Panchkula



Acceptance of bid proposal by HPGCL shall be communicated by the issue of a Letter Of Intent
The successful bidder shall accept the LOI within 3 days from the issue of the LOI by returning a
duly signed copy.
The successful bidder (contractor) shall execute a contract agreement on specific Performa on
NJSP of requisite value. The stamp duty shall be borne by the bidder.
The period of contract shall be for one year from the date of acceptance of LOI, extendable for
another three months at the same rates, terms & conditions at sole discretion of HPGCL.
5.1 The Earnest Money amount of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) deposited by the
successful bidder shall be converted into Security Deposit.
5.2 No claim shall be entertained against HPGCL in respect of interest or any depreciation on the
value of Security Deposit.
5.3 If the contractor fails or neglects to observe or perform any of his obligations under the
contract, it shall be lawful for the HPGCL to forfeit either in whole or in part, in its absolute
discretion, the Security Deposit furnished by the contractor.
5.4 The security deposit of the contractor shall be retained by HPGCL for the entire period of
5.5 The security of the contractor shall be released after 30 days from the completion of contract.
a) The work of Clean Air Flow Test / Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling in a
particular Unit shall be started within a week after receiving a written request from HPGCL to
conduct desired tests/test on any Unit.
b) The contractor will submit the respective test reports of the Unit/Units within 10 days of
carrying out the tests.
c) The quantity of work may be increased/decreased to any extent depending upon the plant /
front available. The payment shall not be made for the work not done.

100% payment (unit-wise) after submission of report of Clean Air Flow Test or Dirty Air Flow Test
including Isokinetic Coal sampling or both as applicable, carried out on the number of Coal Mills of
respective unit.
Note: The above payments are subject to statutory & mandatory deductions.

The payment shall be made through RTGS/NEFT, however RTGS/NEFT charges shall be borne
by Firm/contractor. The contractor will submit his banking details duly authenticated by him along
with bills separately or on the bill itself as under:-

a) Name & Address of beneficiary b) Name & address of Bank

c) Account Number d) IFSC Number

The contractor will submit the bill in triplicate on approved Performa to the engineer-in charge. The
bill should be on the contractors bill book duly serially numbered and bearing date of issue,
contractors EPF code, ESI code, Service Tax number, PAN & TIN. A photo copy of the EPF code,
ESI code, Service Tax number, PAN, TIN & any other relevant document as desired by HPGCL
shall be attached with the bill.
HPGCL may consider the request for reasonable extension of completion period of work, without
levy of the damages for delay/ penalty, due to strike, lock out, natural calamities, commission/
omission on the part of the HPGCL and labour problems which are beyond the reasonable control
of the contractor etc.
No extra payment will be made for any work carried out by the contractor for the job as mentioned
in work order.
No idle labour charges will be admissible in the event of any stoppage caused in the work resulting
in contractors labour being rendered idle due to any cause.
Electricity, air & water will be provided free of cost. HPGCL may provide like pipes scaffolding
material to the contractor, if required free of charge, subject to availability. HPGCL may provide
suitable space for site store/temporary workshop free of charge to the contractor.
Furnished/unfurnished limited accommodation will be provided by HPGCL in thermal colony of
respective Power Station, if available, on chargeable basis at the prevailing daily rates.
The watch and ward of T&P & other material will be the responsibility of the contractor.
All statutory deductions on account of income tax and service tax including surcharge etc., shall be
made at source from the bills of the contractor at the prevailing practice by Sr. Accounts
Officer/EAD, HPGCL, Panchkula. The contractor will be required to submit Income Tax clearance
certificate in original or a certified copy thereof to the account wing before the release of his
Strict adherence of various applicable labour laws like the Factories Act, Minimum Wages Act, ESI
Act, Payment of Wages Act, the workmans compensation Act, EPF Act, Contractor labour
(Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and all other statutory requirements as amended from time to
time to the entire satisfaction of Central/State Government Authorities, shall be the responsibility of
the Contractor and he shall have to make good loss, if any, suffered by HPGCL on account of
default in this regard by the contractor. The contractor will submit the copy of EPF challan & EPF
Inspection report at the time of payment. The EPF contributions will be deposited by the contractor
in his own EPF code no.
a) The contractor will be solely responsible for any liability for his workers in respect of any
accident, injury arising out and in course of contractors employment. To meet his aforesaid
obligation under the Workmen Compensation (W.C.) Act, The contractor will obtain cover note
from the Insurance Company under W.C. Policy in respect of persons employed by him for
carrying out his work and obligation under the agreement. The premium payable for the
aforesaid Insurance Policy shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor shall ensure that

the said Insurance Policy of this insurance cover is required to be submitted by the contractor
to Engineer-In-Charge of work of respective power stations immediately after issue of LOI, but
before the start of work. Payment against the work done will not be released to the contractor
until and unless the contractor submits photocopy of Insurance cover.
b) The Contractor shall deposit the ESI of his workers and submit the ESI deposit challan along
with the bill.
Contractor shall have to comply with all the provisions of safety rules. The Chief Safety Officer shall
impose penalty of Rs.200/- per day per head if the workers of contractor are found to be working
carelessly without proper protective equipments in unsafe conditions.
The firm would follow all labour & related laws as applicable from time to time.
20. SCOPE OF WORK (Section-III).
The activities mentioned in the scope of work as per Section-III. However, it is not possible to list
out all the minor activities in detail. So, all such minor / any other left out activity essential for Clean
Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills shall deemed to
be included in the scope of work.
No sub letting of the contract shall be allowed and any subletting will lead to cancellation of the
In case, the contractor does not start the work within a week from the written request of HPGCL,
penalty @ Rs. 5000/-per day shall be imposed and shall be deducted from the amount payable to
the contractor.
23. All material issued to the contractor by the HPGCL or brought by the contractor for its bonafide use
at work shall be stored and preserved by the contractor in his custody as to avoid it against any
loss/damage/shrinkage or deterioration in any form.
24. During the course of this work, the contractor shall keep a competent authorized representative
and its assistants so that the progress of the work is not hampered. The representative shall
represent the contractor in his absence and all directions given to him shall be binding as given to
the contractor. In no case, the authorized representative can refuse to receive the instructions.
25. INDEMNITY: if, for any reason or resulting from any causes whatsoever, any statement,
representation or warranty set forth in the Bid proposal and Contract Agreement is found to have
been materially incorrect or untrue when made, in breach or fails to prove to be true, the contractor
should be fully liable to any and all liability, damage, any third party claims, costs and expenses
including legal fees arising from such misrepresentation breach or incorrect statement. The
Contractors shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Employer fully and hold harmless against any
and all liabilities, costs, expenses including legal fees, third party claims of infringement of
copyright, trademarks, trade names, patents and other intellectual property rights subsisting in or
used in connection with the Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal
Sampling of Coal Mills of Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited (HPGCL) including all
documentation and manuals relating thereto including any original authorship of further
developmental works or derivative works made. The Contractors shall indemnify the Employer
against all actions, suits, claims, demands, costs or expenses arising in connection with death or
injuries suffered by persons employed by the Contractors under any applicable law for the time
being in force.
All arbitration proceedings under this Regulation shall be governed by the provisions of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the Rule there under, with any statutory modifications
thereof for the time being in force.

The contract is subject to jurisdiction of Courts of Panchkula only.
28. In case, the services of the contractor are not found satisfactory during the period of contract,
HPGCL reserves the right to cancel the contract without assigning any reasons. HPGCL will not be
responsible and will not pay for any expenses or losses that may be incurred by the contractor
towards preparation/mobilization for execution of the job against work order.
If the contractor fails to adhere to the time schedule or if his services are found to be unsatisfactory,
the HPGCL will be entitled at its option either:
a) To get the work done from any other agency after serving a notice of 03 days on the contractor
at his risk and cost and without prejudice to the provision of the work order.
b) To cancel the contract & forfeit the security deposit.

30. NEGLIGENCE & RISK COVERAGE:- If the Contractor contravenes the provisions of this contract
or fails to provide efficient services or refuses to comply with any reasonable order given in writing
by the Controlling officer of the Employer or his authorized representatives, a one week notice shall
be served upon him to correct himself and to execute this contract in true spirit, if a contractor fails
to take notice of such notice served upon him, the Employer shall be at liberty to take the work
wholly or in part, out of the contractors hands and re-contract with any other person(s) at the cost
of the Contractor. Any extra expenditure incurred by the Employer on such re-contracting shall
also be recoverable from the agency, in addition to the HPGCL right or claim for liquidated
damages. It shall also be lawful for the HPGCL to forfeit either in whole or in part, in its absolute
discretion, the security deposit furnished by the Contractors. Forfeiture of the security deposit shall
be without prejudice to the right of the HPGCL to recover any further amount of any liquidated and /
or other damages to the maximum of 10% of the total value of contract, undue payment or
overpayment made to the contractors under this contract or any other contract.
31. CONFIDENTIALITY: The terms of the bid and all information disclosed by the Employer and
obtained by the Contractor in connection with the Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including
Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills to Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited (HPGCL)
shall remain the exclusive property of the Employer and shall not be disclosed by the Contractor to
any third party other than without the prior written consent of the Employer.
32. The language of the Contract Documents shall be English.
33. The laws that apply to the Contract are the laws of Union of India.
34. The currency of the Contract is Indian Rupees.


a) All the measuring instruments, tools, fittings & other ancillaries shall be arranged by the
contractor. The contractor should ensure that the equipments/instruments/T&P should be of
standard make and in good working condition.
b) The contractor should ensure that the equipments/instruments/T&P are of desired accuracy as
per relevant ASME guidelines and are calibrated by National Accreditation Board for Testing
and Calibration Laboratory (NABL) accredited lab with valid certificates.
c) The list of instruments to be used by the contractor is to be submitted with proper calibration
certificate before commencements of measurement
d) HPGCL will provide the required location/points for the placement of instruments & connection
of power cables. All additional points required for taking samples shall be informed well in
advance to avoid any time delay at later stage. Also temporary platform/scaffolding required
shall also be informed in advance stage.

e) All the work force required i.e. Engineers, Technicians and Helpers to carry out test shall be in
the scope of contractors. General supervision shall be carried out by Engineer-In-Charge.

f) All facilities like boarding and transportation etc. (except electricity, air, water) for his
supervisors/ staff shall be arranged by the contractor for the job.

g) Process parameter measurement should be done without causing major disturbance to the
actual process stream. Some operational arrangements/corrections/ adjustments, if desired so
for process measurement, should be intimated at least one week in advance to the S.E./O&M
(concerned) of respective unit of each power station. However, final decision pertaining to the
availability of the equipment for test, operational adjustments, time line etc. will rest solely with
concerned Thermal Power Station.
36. Report of Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills
The comprehensive Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of
Coal Mills Report should contain the following:
a) A table of contents.
b) Executive Summary.
c) All parameters measured during Clean Air Flow test before and after balancing of fuel pipes.
d) All parameters measured during Dirty Air Flow test before and after balancing of fuel pipes.
e) Graph showing Coal Mill fineness results using Rosin-Rammler method.
f) Recommendations to improve Coal Mill fineness.
g) Any other information not covered above but required for completion of report shall be included
in the report.
h) Four hard copies along with soft copies in DVD/CD of Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test
including Isokinetic Coal Sampling (unit-wise) of HPGCL thermal Power Stations to be
37. The prospective bidder should submit following documents along with Techno-commercial Bid for
review & deciding the bid.
a) Reference List of Thermal Power Plant where comprehensive Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow
Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills have been carried out.
b) List of test instrument with their accuracy class, calibration date & certifying agency (Instrument
accuracy should be as per relevant ASME guidelines)
c) Copy of reports of Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of
Coal Mills carried out at similar units.
d) Profile & work experience of officers/personnel to be deputed for carrying out job at HPGCL
Thermal Power Stations
38. XEN/Efficiency, XEN/C&I, XEN/BMD of concerned Unit of power station will coordinate for the
above Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills .

SE/Technical (HQ)
HPGCL, Panchkula



A. Clean Air Flow Test

1. Perform Clean Air Flow test as per ASME PTC Code to quantify air flow in each fuel pipe of
2. Ascertain pipe-to-pipe airflow balance (variation in the pipes should be less than +/- 2.0%).
B. Dirty Air Flow Test Including Isokinetic Coal Sampling Of Coal Mills
1. Perform Dirty Air Flow test as per ASME PTC Code to quantify fuel flow in each fuel pipe of
2. Quantify fuel line temperature and static pressure.
3. Determine Dirty Air Velocity in each Fuel pipe.
4. Ascertain pipe-to-pipe fuel flow balance (variation in the pipes should be less than +/- 5.0%)*.
5. Quantify air-to-fuel ratio in individual fuel pipe and pulverizer.
6. Collect Isokinetic coal samples from each PC pipe of Coal Mills for analysis of Coal Mill
7. Plot the result of four sieve analysis on Rosin & Rammler graph.

a) Study the existing system at each Thermal Power Station.
b) Any other scope of work/activity not specifically mentioned in the tender document but
required to be carried out as per the system requirement will be in the scope of bidder without
any financial liability of HPGCL.
c) Detailed procedure for conducting tests would be as per attached Annexure-3.
d) *depending on site conditions.


Technical Specification of Coal Mill installed in HPGCL Thermal Power Stations at Panipat,
Yamunanagar, Hisar

A. Panipat Thermal Power Station (PTPS-2), Panipat

A.1 Unit-5 (210 MW)

COAL MILL specification:-
1. Pulveriser Type : Bowl Mill with Classifier
2. No. of Coal Mills : 06 Coal Mills
3. Size & Type : 803 XRP (Pressurized )
4. Base Capacity : 39.68 T/hr. for a pulverized fuel fitness of 70 % through 200 mesh
5. Make : M/s BHEL , Bhopal

A.2 Unit-6 (210 MW)

COAL MILL specification:-
1. Coal Mill Type : Pressurized, doubled ended Ball Tube Mills BBD 4760
2. No. of Coal Mills : 03 Coal Mills
3. Capacity : Design Coal-84.68Tons/hr, Ball load 76Tons
Worst coal 93.79 Tons/hr, Ball load 88Tons
4. Make : BHEL
A.3 Unit-7&8 (250 MW each)
1. Coal Mill Type : Pressurized, doubled ended Ball Tube Mills BBD 4772
2. No. of Coal Mills : 03 Coal Mills in each Unit
3. Capacity : Design Coal-75.9 Tons/hr, Ball load 80 Tons
Worst coal 97 Tons/hr, Ball load 100 Tons
4. Make : BHEL

B. Unit- 1&2 (300 MW each), DCRTPP, Yamunanagar

1. Coal Mill Type : HP-1003, Bowl Mill
2. No. of Coal Mills : 06 Coal Mills in each Unit
3. Capacity : 60.0 T/hr

C. Unit- 1&2 (600 MW each), RGTPP, Hisar

1. Coal Mill Type : HP-1103, Bowl Mill
2. No. of Coal Mills : 08 Coal Mills in each Unit
3. Capacity : 75.30 T/hr
4. Make : Shanghai Heavy Machinery Plant Co. Ltd.



Annexure-1 : Submission of Techno commercial Bid - Standard Forms.

Annexure-2 : Price Bid Performa.

* Annexures are enclosed.


Techno-commercial Proposal - Standard Forms

1A. Technical proposal submission form.

1B. Reference List of Thermal Power Plant where Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including
Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills have been carried out.

1C. List of test instrument with their accuracy class, calibration date & certifying agency (Instrument
accuracy should be as per relevant ASME guidelines)

1D. Copy of Report of Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of
Coal Mills carried out at similar units.

1E. Composition of the team and task(s) of each team member with their profile & work experience.



[Location, Date]

FROM: (Name of Firm) TO: (Name and Address of Client)

______________________ ______________________________

______________________ ______________________________

______________________ ______________________________

Subject: The work of conducting Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic
Coal Sampling of Coal Mills of HPGCL Thermal Power Stations at Panipat,
Yamunanagar and Hisar against enquiry no ------dated _________Technical Proposal.
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for the above in accordance with your NIT
No.______ dated [Date], and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal which includes this
technical proposal, and a financial proposal sealed under a separate envelope.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

We remain,

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:


Reference List of Thermal Power Plants where Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including
Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills has been carried out.

Using the format below, provide information on each reference assignment (along-with documentary proof)
for which your firm individually as a corporate entity was legally contracted.

Assignment Name: Country:

Location within Country: Professional Staff Provided by

Your Firm/entity(profiles):
Name of Client: No. of Staff:

Address: No. of Staff-Months; duration of


Start Date (Month/ Completion Date (Month/Year): Approx. Value of Services (in
Year): Rs.):

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions

Narrative Description of Project:

Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:

Firms Name:








1. Technical/ Managerial Staff

Sr. No. Name Position Task


2. Team Leader (For Back up of Technical/Managerial Staff)

Sr. No. Name Position Task



Proposed Position:
Name of Firm:
Name of Staff:

Date of Birth:
Years with Firm/Entity: Nationality:
Membership in Professional Societies:
Detailed Tasks Assigned:
Key Qualifications:

[Give an outline of staff members experience and training most pertinent to tasks on assignment.
Describe degree of responsibility held by staff member on relevant previous assignments and give dates
and locations. Use about half a page.]


[Summarize college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of schools,
dates attended, and degrees obtained. Use about one quarter of a page.]

Employment Record:

[Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held. List all positions held by staff
member since graduation, giving dates, names of employing organizations, titles of positions held, and
locations of assignments. For experience in last ten years, also give types of activities performed and
client references, where appropriate. Use about 3 quarter of a page.]


[For each language indicate proficiency: excellent, good, fair, or poor; in speaking, reading, and writing ]


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me,
my qualifications, and my experience.
[Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the Firm] Day/Month/Year]
Full name of staff member:______________________________________
Full name of authorized representative: ___________________________



[Location, Date]

FROM: (Name of Firm) TO: (Name and Address of Client)

______________________ ______________________________
______________________ ______________________________

Subject: The work of conducting Clean Air Flow and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic
Coal Sampling of Coal Mills of HPGCL Thermal Power Stations at Panipat,
Yamunanagar and Hisar against enquiry no ------dated _________Financial Proposal.
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for the above in accordance with your NIT No.
_____ dated [Date], and our Proposal (financial proposals). Our attached financial proposal is for the sum
of [Amount in words and figures] inclusive of all statuary taxes and duties. The financial proposal also


Sr. Unit No. Lump-sum Rate Lump-sum Rate of dirty No. of Total Amount
No. of clean air flow air flow test including Elevation (Rs.)
test per Coal Isokinetic Coal Sampling
Mill Elevation per Coal Mill Elevation
(Rs.) (Rs.)
A B C D E F = E(C+D)
PTPS-II, Panipat
1 Unit-5 (210 MW) Rs.(______) Rs.(______) 6 Rs.(______)
2 Unit-6 (210 MW) Rs.(______) Rs.(______) 6 Rs.(______)
3 Unit-7 (250 MW) Rs.(______) Rs.(______) 6 Rs.(______)
4 Unit-8 (250 MW) Rs.(______) Rs.(______) 6 Rs.(______)
DCRTPP, Yamunanagar
5 Unit-1 (300 MW) Rs.(______) Rs.(______) 6 Rs.(______)
6 Unit-2 (300 MW) Rs.(______) Rs.(______) 6 Rs.(______)
RGTPP, Hisar
7 Unit-1 (600 MW) Rs.(______) Rs.(______) 8 Rs.(______)
8 Unit-2 (600 MW) Rs.(______) Rs.(______) 8 Rs.(______)
Overall total (item 1 to 8) Rs.(______)

Rs. In words (________________________________________________________________)

Note: - Evaluation of Bids shall be made on the basis of overall total quoted prices for Clean Air Flow Test
and Dirty Air Flow Test including Isokinetic Coal Sampling of Coal Mills of HPGCL Thermal Power Stations
at Panipat, Yamunanagar and Hisar. Further, if there is difference in rates quoted as per actual sum of all
the units and overall total rate quoted by bidder for all the units, the overall financial implication will be
calculated by taking lower of two for the purpose of payments and evaluation of financial bid.

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of the Firm:



Purpose of CLEAN/DIRTY AIR FLOW TEST is to calculate coal / air mixture velocity and flow in each PF
pipe and to enable balancing of coal and air flow in each PF pipe of subjected mill.
Scope of work:
The test to be conducted as per guide lines of ASME PTC 4.2 code.
1. Before starting the test, ensure that test ports are installed on coal pipes to facilitate clean and
dirty air traversing using pitot tubes and dirty air probes. Optimum location for these taps
should be between five diameters downstream and ten diameters upstream of the nearest elbow
or change of direction. A minimum of two test ports per coal pipe, 90 degree apart, is required
for testing.
2. The numbers of sampling ports should be determined based on the available straight lengths of
coal pipes, upstream or downstream of the nearest bends. The guidelines for locating testing
cross sections are described in ASME PTC 4.2.
3. Traverse points on the pitot tube to be marked on an equal area grid in accordance with ASME
Performance test Code 4.2 for traversing circular ducts or pipes.
4. Two equal lengths Tygon tubing sections to be cut to desired length. The tubing should then be
taped or bound together so that one tube is marked on both ends to identify as the high
pressure line or impact line. The second tube is used as the low pressure line or static line.
5. A 5 to 10 vertically inclined manometer is set up on a level and stable work area. The tygon
tubing is connected to the high and low side taps on the manometer as indicated below. A
digital manometer is preferred in lieu of the inclined manometer.
6. The following data should be recorded for each test. (Table 1)
Coal pipe designation
Individual velocity head for each traverse point (2 ports -24 points)
Temperature and static pressure for each coal transport Pipe

Dirty Air / Fuel Ratio Test


Unit Mill DATE:

Start Time Barometric Pres.

End Time Probe 'K' Factor

Corner 1 Corner 2
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12



Corner 3 Corner 4
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12



Table 2

Control Room Data - Dirty Pitot Survey - Unit ___

Mill _____ Date __/ __/ _____ Readings taken by __________________

Time ___hrs ___hrs ___hrs ___hrs ___hrs ___hrs ___hrs

(Freq 15
Unit Load MW

PA Flow t/hr
Coal Flow T/hr
Mill Outlet Deg C
Mill DP mmWC
Mill Amps Amp
Hot Air % open
Cold Air % open
Inlet PA Deg C
Frequency Hz
Time - 20 sec
disc. rev.

Note: Please ensure stable conditions for the mill being tested. In case of unavoidable variations,
please inform the test crew at firing floor.

7. If using an inclined manometer, ensure the manometer is level and has been zeroed, prior
to inserting the pitot tube into the flow.

8. Install a dustless connector at the ball valve outlet to ensure coal containment in coal
transport pipe during traverse.

9. Insert the dirty air probe through the dustless connector. Open the ball valve fully while
inserting the dirty air probe.

10. Place the probe on the first measurement point & allow the manometer reading to stabilize.
Record the data and move to the next measurement point. Repeat this process for all 12-test
points on the particular port.

11. Prior to moving to next test port, disconnect the tubing from the probe and blow the sensing
lines. Typical log sheets for recording data in Control Room and test locations are attached as
Table 1 and Table 2.

12. Measure and record static pressure and temperature reading for each coal transport pipe using
the static pressure probe. Before inserting the probe in the coal pipe, static pressure sensing
line is connected to one side of the manometer. The tube on the other end is pinched to
prevent blowout of manometer fluid during insertion of the probe. The thermocouple is
attached to a temperature Readout.

13. Calculate velocity in each fuel line and ascertain dirty air balance. The dirty air balance should
be expressed as a deviation from the mean velocity of all the pulverisers individual coal
transport pipes (a maximum deviation of +/-5% indicates a satisfactory clean air balance).


Scope of work:
Purpose : PF sample collection of pulverized coal for fineness fractions

5.1 Iso kinetic Sampling

After determination of the dirty air velocities in their associated coal transport pipes, iso kinetic
coal samples are extracted. The coal-sampling probe is marked identical to the dirty air test
probe and following steps are followed for isokinetic sampling.

1. Calculate the sampler orifice differential pressure based on the dirty air velocity traverse data.
The sampler differential i.e. the differential to be maintained during sampling, is determined by
entering the average square root velocity head observed by the probe for a single port into the
following equation.

Sampler P = 1.573 x (avg. Vh) x (probe K factor)

This formula will yield a sampler differential pressure which will result in a velocity through the
sampler tip that is equal to the velocity of the coal and air mixture through the coal transport
pipe (i.e. isokinetic sampling).

2. Connect the tygon tubing to the inclined manometer and the orifice sensing lines on the
sampler (sensing line closest to the filter canister is the high side. Prepare to enter the test
port with the sampling probe and maintain the desired differential pressure for that port.

3. Insert the sample probe into the port to the first sampling point. The desired differential
pressure will be monitored and maintained at all times while the probe is in the sample port. A
needle valve on the sampling apparatus is utilized to maintain the sampler differential (it is a
good idea to establish the approximate sampler differential just prior to inserting the probe into
the port). The sampler probe will remain in the coal transport pipe for 4 minutes (2 ports, 12
points per port, 10 seconds per point) for a standard two port arrangement. The sampling time
is very critical and great care should be taken to ensure the correct sampling time is obtained
for each single point.

4. Upon completion of sampling from all ports on a single fuel pipe, turn off the aspirator air
supply and remove sampler from the coal transport pipe. Disconnect manometer from
apparatus, turn aspirator air back on and shake sample transport hose and filter assembly to
ensure all coal sampled has been evacuated from the sampler.

5. Empty the sample collected in the collection jar into a sample bag and establish the weight of
the sample (in grams). Assign this weight with a pipe designation, test number and date.

6. Repeat the same procedure for completing the isokinetic coal sampling from the remaining coal
transport pipes of the same mill. A new filter should be used for testing of each coal pipe.

Gross Coal sample should be collected from feeder inlet chutes for determination of coal
characteristics namely size of raw coal, moisture, HGI for applying corrections to the measured
test data. The power consumed by the mill during the test can be computed by connecting
energy meters, or by recording the mill amperes.

Mill fineness sample is checked for four typical screens and the results can be plotted on Rosin
- Rammler chart to validate the data.

Coal fineness fractions is to be recorded in the given format.

Mill Mill air Mill output Mill out Mill DP +50 +70 +100 -200
Flow Temp. % retained
T\hr. T\hr. deg C mmWC
Mill 2A
Mill 2B
Mill 2C
Mill 2D
Mill 2E
Mill 2F

7. Coal fineness Analysis

(This analysis is best performed directly after sample extraction to prevent coagulation of sample due
to moisture absorption especially for samples drawn from the mills handling high moisture coal)

i. Roll the sample bag to provide a proportionate sample. Remove 50 grams of coal from the
ii. Shake this 50 grams of sample through a series of 50, 100, 140 and 200 mesh Standard

iii. Record the weight of coal residue on each of the four screens and the bottom catch pan. A
scale capable of accuracy to 0.001 grams is required. Calculate the percentage of sample
passing through each mesh using the following equations.

Weight of Test Sample 50 g 50.0

Weight of Residue on 50 Mesh R1 g ______
Weight of Residue on 100 Mesh R2 g ______
Weight of Residue on 140 Mesh R3 g ______
Weight of Residue on 200 Mesh R4 g ______
Weight of Sample Passing 200 Mesh) R5 g ______

% Passing 50 Mesh (50.00 R1)/ 50 X 100 %

% Passing 100 Mesh (50.00 (R1+R2))/ 50 X 100%
% Passing 140 Mesh (50.0 (R1 + R2+R3))/ 50 X 100%
% Passing 200 Mesh (50.00 (R1+R2+R3+R4)) /50 X 100%
% Recovery (50.00 (R1+R2+R3+R4+R5))/ 50X 100%.

Following references/guidelines should be followed for conducting all the tests.

-ASME Performance Test Code 4.2 1969,
-Coal Pulverisers DS/ISO 9931 : Sampling of pulverized coal conveyed by gases in
direct-fired coal system


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