Linux Insight: Course Code - LA011

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Linux Insight

Course Code - LA011

Our Curriculum
This course begins with the very basic foundations of Unix/Linux lineage and proceeds to
explore the various structures of a Linux system, its' default file system hierarchy and usage of
the bash shell interface at a Power User Level.

The participants need to have a background of having worked at the desktop level on any
Operating System , and conversant with computer fundamentals.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to the fundamentals of Linux OS
and a good grasp of its' basic structures including the file system, logical use of the default shell,
BASH in a meaningful way.

Course Contents
Unix & Linux : Background and The Vi Editor
Perspective The Three Modes of Operation
Bell Labs Inheritance Moving back & forth
The BSD and other off-shoots Deletions and Undoing Changes
GNU/GPL & Minix Projects Inserting & Modifying Text Inputs
Linux Development Model Making Changes Globally
Commonalities and Differences
Main Features of the Linux Kernel Login Shell & Help-line
Class of Users, their Identities & Privileges
Linux Installation : A step-by-step Virtual Consoles & their importance
Guidance Executing shell commands
Device Identification under Linux Man, Info,& FAQ Pages
Partitioning Scheme & Tools
Local Installation Linux File System & its' Structure
Types of Installation : Workstation & Server Basic Structure : Inode
Classes Features of the default Ext3 File System
Package Selection The Single-rooted Hierarchy & its' contents
Installation Process Exploring the directories

An Introduction to BASH Shell Basic Shell Commands

The Essential Features Listing/Copying files & Directories
Setting Environment Variables Viewing Text Files
Bash Related Configuration Files Pipes & Compound Commands
Regular Expressions
Introducing the Graphical User Interface Hard Links and Symbolic Links
The Underlying Infrastructure : X Window Disk/Memory Usage
System The Linux Processes & related commands
X Server Topology
The X Clients : KDE & GNOME Desktops
Exploring the X Applications

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Linux System Administrator
Course Code – LA211

Our Curriculum
This module is structured to cover the essential features of administering a Linux system. It
begins with the traditional Unix-like style tools as implemented under Linux and further explores
various Linux-specific tools & configurations of System Administration. The entire range of
topics are vividly presented through systematic, logical, and structured methodologies which
combine theory and practice in a meaningful manner.
The participants should have gone through our First Level Course, viz., LA-011 or
possess the equivalent knowledge base with a clear understanding of the fundamentals of
Linux OS, its' default file system, and be able to manipulate & use the Bash shell in a
logical manner.
At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to all essential aspects of fruitfully
administering a Linux system. Further they would have taken the few first steps towards
configuring a network of Linux systems. In short they would be Next Level Linux Professionals.

Course Contents
Administration of Users : Printer Administration
Unix-style of User Policies Implementing Common Unix Printing System (CUPS)
User Creation & maintenance Exploring the configuration files
Creation & Administering Groups
Password Creation & Ageing Policy
Group Administrator Policies
Understanding the Linux Boot Process
Co-administrator through Sudoers BIOS Initialisation
Kernel Initialisation
Starting of the init process
File Access Permissions The grub.conf, inittab ,& fstab files : A Study
Significance of Unix-style permissions Run Levels & service initialisation scripts
The meaning of read,write, & execute levels
The extra bits of permissions :suid,sgid,stickybit
Extended Attributes
Advanced File System Management
Enabling Access Control Lists (ACL's) Configuring LVM2 in Linux
RAID Implementation & Configuration of Software
RAID in Linux
User Quotas
Creating the quota file
Enabling Quota for specific users Linux Networking Environment
Checking the quota Configuration of Network Card
Testing the network & connectivity on the LAN
Network Tools
Job Scheduling through at and cron daemons The telnet, ftp, & ssh client programs

Archiving, Backup & Application Management

The time-tested Unix tar utility
Advanced Installation Methodologies
Preparing for Network Installation
Compressing files using gzip, bzip2 tools
Automating Installation using Kickstart
Installation of applications through RPM Utility
Lab Exercise

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Linux Network Servers
Course Code - LA311

Our Curriculum
This module is structured to cover the complete setup and exploration of configuration files of various
utilities such as use of Linux as a DNS, DHCP servers. Further it thoroughly expands into the domain of
file and print sharing, and user authentication under homogeneous environment through NFS/NIS &
through Samba setup in an environment having a mix of Linux & Windows systems. It further exposes the
participant into the domain of web server Apache, Squid Proxy & mail servers Sendmail and Postfix. The
entire range of topics are vividly presented through systematic, logical, and structured methodologies which
combine theory and practice in a meaningful manner.

The participants should have gone through our First & Next Level Courses, viz., LA-011 & LA-211 or
possess equivalent knowledge base with a clear understanding of the essentials of administering a Linux
box and have sufficient exposure.
At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to all essential aspects of setting up and
maintaining Linux Network servers. In short they would be Next Level Linux Network Professionals.

Course Contents
Domain Name Server APACHE
The Basic Concepts & Toplogy Implementation
The BIND Package Server Configuration
Configuration Files Configuration of Virtual Hosts
Create and maintain Zones User authentication, host authentication
Setup & Testing DNS Security through htaccess
Slave Server Setup Configuring SSL for viewing secure/encrypted pages
Subdomain Delegation
Dynamic Host Control Protocol Exploring the configuration file
The Client Process Simple Squid access permissions
The Server process Fine-tuned access permissions :ACL's
Configuring clients to use proxy mode
Dynamic DNS
Generating TSIG (Transaction Signature) keys
BIND Dynamic Updates
Samba Server Configuration
Client-side configurations
Setting up file/print sharing
DDNS Updates
Samba client utilities : smbclient, smbmount

Network File System ( N F S ) SENDMAIL

The Client-Server Architecture Mail Transfer Agent (M T A)
Portmapper Service Mail Server Configuration File
Configuring the client Setting up Procmail
Configuring the server Multiple mail servers setup
NFS Utilities : nfsstat & showmount, Autofs

Network Information Service ( NIS ) Comparative Merits
NIS Client Utilities Mail Server Configuration Files
ypbind, ypcat, ypwhich, yppasswd authconfig
NIS Server Utilities ypinit, ypserv
Configuring NIS Slave Server

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Linux Academy - Securing & Optimizing Linux OS
Course Code: LA411

Our Curriculum
This module is structured to cover various aspects of securing a Linux system through multi-layered
approach by using several tools and utilities. It broadly explores the concept of cryptography, the all
important Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM), Configuring a firewall using the IP Tables utility,
Using Kerberos Authentication Mechanism to secure the services, and set up relating to VSFTP,
OpenSSH, & Syslog environments to secure a Linux box. The entire range of topics are vividly presented
through systematic,logical, and structured methodologies which combine theory and practice in a
meaningful manner.

The participants should have gone through our three Courses,viz., LA-011, LA-211 and LA-311. In the
alternative they must possess equivalent knowledge base with a clear understanding of the essentials of
administering a Linux box and have sufficient practical exposure to configuring & maintaining a Linux
system as well as Network servers.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to all essential aspects of security related
topics in a thoroughly professional manner and get to know the various methodologies and utilities on a
practical plane. In short they would be Next Level Linux Security Professionals.

Course Contents
Security : Open SSH Server
An Overview Cryptography Essentials
Physical & Logical Security Symetric & Asymetric Keys
Configuration File
Pluggable Authentication Module
Underlying Algorithms Syslog Server
Configuration Files File System Analysis
User Restriction Analysing Log Files
Time & Resource Limitations
Kerberos Authentication
Xinetd & TCP Wrappers The Set up
The Configuration files Configuration Files
Securing the system User Authentication
Services Authentication
Setting up Very Secure FTP
The Configuration files The Process of Kernel Compilation
Creating ftp users Kernel Components
Restricting Users Kernel Modules & the Concept of Dynamic
Configuring Firewall through IP Tables Requisite Packages
Essential Concepts Running the compilation
Net Filter Components
Implementation of Firewall Rules

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Administering Linux using Shell Scripting
Course Code: LA221

Our Curriculum

This course begins with the very basic foundations of Linux shell lineage and proceeds to
explore & understand the default shell BASH as a programming tool. It further deals with
the syntax of shell scripts, various utilities available in BASH, and also set of shell-
specific operators and options in a meaningful & logical manner.


The participants need to have a background of having worked at the desktop level on
Linux Operating System , and conversant with basic Linux shell commands as well.


At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to the essential features of
BASH Shell Programming, and a good understanding of its' use in effectively
administering a Linux system.

Course Contents
Introduction • Command Substitution
• Why Shell Programming? • Arithmetic Expansion
• Starting Off With a Sha-Bang • I/O Redirection
Basics Advanced Topics
• Special Characters • Regular Expressions
• Introduction to Variables and • Subshells
Parameters • Restricted Shells
• Quoting • Process Substitution
• Exit and Exit Status Tests • Functions
• Operations and Related Topics • Aliases
Beyond the Basics • List Constructs
• Variables Revisited • Arrays
• Loops and Branches • Files
• Internal Commands and Builtins • /dev and /proc
• External Filters, Programs and • Of Zeros and Nulls
Commands • Debugging
• System and Administrative • Options
Commands • Gotchas
• Scripting With Style

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Administering Linux using PERL Scripting
Course Code: LA321

Our Curriculum
This course begins with the very basic foundations of understanding and constructing a
Perl script. It further deals with essential aspects of various Perl values, variables,
functions and operators in a meaningful & logical manner.

The participants need to have a background of having worked at the desktop level on
Linux Operating System, and conversant with basic Linux shell commands as well.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to the essential features of
PERL Programming, and a good understanding of its' use in effectively administering a
Linux system.

Course Content
1. Getting Started ¾ Comparison Operators
¾ What Is Perl? ¾ Writing Loops Using the
¾ A Sample Perl Program while, until
¾ Running a Perl Program ¾ Statements
¾ Statements, Tokens, and ¾ For , foreach, last, next,
<STDIN> redo, continue, goto
¾ Writing to Standard Output statements
¾ Function Invocations and
Arguments 3. Understanding Scalar Values
2. Basic Operators and Control Flow ¾ What Is a Scalar Value?
¾ Storing in Scalar Variables ¾ Integer Scalar & Floating-
Assignment Point Values
¾ Performing Arithmetic ¾ Using Octal and
¾ The chop Library Hexadecimal Notation
Function ¾ Character Double-Quoted
¾ Assignments and Strings
Expressions ¾ Using
¾ Other Perl Operators ¾ Escape Sequences
¾ Conditional Statements Single-Quoted Strings
o The if - else

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
4. More Operators ¾ Using Local Variables in
¾ Using the Arithmetic Subroutines
Operators ¾ Passing Values to a
¾ String-Comparison Subroutine
Operators ¾ Passing a List to a
¾ Using Logical Operators Subroutine
¾ Using Bit-Manipulation ¾ Calling Subroutines from
Operators Other Subroutines
¾ Using the Assignment ¾ Recursive Subroutines
Operators ¾ Passing Arrays by Name
¾ Assignment Operators as Using Aliases
Subexpressions ¾ Using the do Statement
¾ Using Autoincrement and with Subroutines
Autodecrement ¾ Specifying the Sort Order
5. Lists and Array Variables ¾ Predefined Subroutines
¾ Introducing Lists 9. Associative Arrays
¾ Using Lists and Arrays in ¾ Definition
Perl Programs ¾ Referring to Associative
¾ More on Assignment and Array Elements
Array Variables ¾ Adding Elements to an
¾ Using Array Slices Associative Array
6. Reading from and Writing to Files ¾ Creating Associative
¾ Opening a File Arrays
¾ Reading from a File ¾ Adding and Deleting
¾ Writing to a File Array Elements
¾ Redirecting Standard ¾ Looping Using an
Input and Standard Output Associative Array
¾ Closing a File ¾ Creating Data Structures
7. Pattern Matching Using Associative Arrays
¾ Introduction 10. Formatting Output
¾ The Match Operators ¾ Defining a Print Format
¾ Match-Operator ¾ Using the Multiline Field
Precedence Format
¾ Pattern-Matching Options ¾ Writing to Other Output
¾ The Substitution Operator Files
¾ The Translation Operator ¾ Specifying a Page Header
¾ Extended Pattern- ¾ Setting the Page Length
Matching ¾ Formatting Long
8. Using Subroutines Character Strings
¾ What Is a Subroutine? ¾ Formatting Output Using

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
11. Working with the File System 16. References in Perl 5
¾ File Input and Output ¾ Using References
Functions ¾ Multidimensional Arrays
¾ Directory-Manipulation ¾ References to Subroutines & File
Functions Handles
¾ File-Attribute Functions ¾ Using Symbolic References
¾ Using DBM Files
17. Object-Oriented Programming in
12. Process, String, and Mathematical Perl
Functions ¾ An Introduction to Modules
¾ Process- and Program- ¾ Classes in Perl
Manipulation Functions ¾ Blessing a Constructor
¾ Mathematical & String- ¾ Instance Variables
Manipulation Functions ¾ Methods
¾ Overrides
¾ Destructors
13. Scalar-Conversion and List- ¾ Inheritance
Manipulation Functions 18. Perl Debugger
¾ The chop,chomp,crypt,
¾ Entering and Exiting the Perl
¾ hex,int,oct,ord,scala Debugger
r,pack, ¾ Listing Your Program
¾ unpack,vec,defined,und ¾ Stepping Through Programs
ef Function ¾ Displaying Variable Values
¾ Array and List Functions ¾ Breakpoints
¾ Associative Array ¾ Tracing Program Execution
Functions ¾ Line Actions

14. System Functions

¾ System Library
Emulation Functions
¾ Socket-Manipulation
¾ The UNIX System V IPC
¾ Command-Line Options

15. System Variables

¾ Global Scalar Variables
¾ Pattern System Variables
¾ File System Variables
¾ Array System Variables
¾ Built-In File Variables

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Linux – Apache – MySQL – PHP (LAMP)
Course Code – LA421
Our Curriculum
The ambit of this popular course is Linux OS, Apache Web server, MySQL database management system,
and PHP Programming for web development. This course begins with the very basic foundations of Linux
OS and shell commands, and essentials of networking environment in Linux. It explores the default Web
Server Apache which is widely used and the most popular one in the Web. It proceeds further and deals
with MySQL Database in all its' essential aspects beginning with the basics and quickly moving on to
advanced administration such as data recovery & backup and using PhpMyAdmin utility through the web.
The ultimate leg of the LAMP Technology is the PHP Programming. It deals with various core aspects of
using this flexible, fast, and the most popular web scripting technique with amazing results.

The participants need to have a background of having worked at the desktop level on Linux Operating
System and conversant with basic Linux shell commands as well.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to the essential features of Linux OS, and a
good understanding of using the various topics dealt with in this LAMP Course such as Apache, MySQL
RDBMS, and PHP Scripting for administering the World Wide Web in a meaningful and constructive

Course Contents
Unix & Linux : Background and Perspective Introduction To Database
Bell Labs Inheritance DBMS
The BSD and other off-shoots RDBMS
GNU/GPL & Minix Projects Storage Engines
Linux Development Model MYSQL Features
Commonalities and Differences MYSQL Internals
Main Features of the Linux Kernel Datatypes, Modifiers, Functions,
An Introduction to BASH Shell Operators
The Essential Features SQL Syntax (Query)
Setting Environment Variables SQL Privileges
Bash Related Configuration Files Select, Insert, Create, Delete, Update
The Vi Editor Drop, Revoke, Grant, Lock
The Three Modes of Operation Joins, Unions
Moving back & forth Cross Joins, Outer Joins
Deletions and Undoing Changes Left Outer, Right Outer
Inserting & Modifying Text Inputs Inner Joins
Making Changes Globally Installation Of Mysql Server/Client
Login Shell & Help-line Using RPM, Using Source
Class of Users, their Identities & Privileges Mysql Backup & Recovery
Virtual Consoles & their importance Mysql Fine Tuning
Executing shell commands Explore My.cnf File
Man, Info,& FAQ Pages Explore Server.Log File
Linux File System & its' Structure Mysql Replication
Basic Structure : Inode Mysql Clustering
Features of the default Ext3 File System Indexes
The Single-rooted Hierarchy & its' contents Views
Exploring the directories Administration
Basic Shell Commands Client / Server Concepts
Listing/Copying files & Directories Server Configuration
Viewing Text Files Client Configuration

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Pipes & Compound Commands
Regular Expressions P - PHP
Hard Links and Symbolic Links Introducing PHP
Disk/Memory Usage Simple variables and operators
The Linux Processes & related commands Functions
A - APACHE Object-oriented programming
Implementation HTML forms
Server Configuration Working with files
Configuration of Virtual Hosts Databases
User authentication, host authentication Cookies and sessions
Security through htaccess Multimedia
Configuring SSL for viewing secure/encrypted XML and XSLT
pages Output buffering
Java and COM

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Exploring the Linux Kernel Architecture
Course Code: LA521

Our Curriculum
This course begins with the very basic foundations of Linux Kernel lineage and
proceeds to explore & understand its' default sub-system architecture which includes the
Process & Memory Management, Inter Process Communication as well as File System
Internals, and the various data structures connected with these sub-systems of the kernel
in a meaningful & logical manner.

The participants need to have a background of having worked at the desktop level on
Linux Operating System and conversant with basic Linux Shell Commands as well.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to the essential features of
Linux Kernel, and a good understanding of its' basic structures and conceptual
architecture. This module serves as the platform to further studies on the Kernel in areas
such as Kernel Programming, Device Drivers, and Socket Programming.

Introducing the Kernel Process Management

• Definition • Concept of process
• Classification of Kernels • The process address space
• Linux Kernel Development M • Process descriptor
Kernel Compilation • Process state
• Building the kernel • Process scheduling
• Adding patch to the kernel Memory Management
Boot Process • Address Translation and page fault
• System startup handling in Linux
• Boot loader • Demand paging
• Startup functions • Buddy system allocation
File Systems • Slab allocation
• The Virtual Filesystem • Swapping memory areas
• VFS data structures • Memory mapping
• System calls handled by VFS Inter-Process communication : An Overview
System calls • Pipes and FIFO’s
• System calls vs. API’s • System V IPC’s
• System call Handlers and Service Routines • Message queues
• Entering and Exiting a system call • Shared Memory and mapped memory
• Semaphores
Lab Exercise

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Linux Kernel Programming
Course Code: LA621

Our Curriculum
This module is structured to cover the more important aspects of the programming
environment and tools in Linux. The entire range of topics which include a thorough
study of system calls' implementation, kernel debugging techniques are vividly presented
through systematic, logical, and structured methodologies which combine theory and
practice in a meaningful manner.

The participants should have gone through our Kernel Architecture module,viz., LA-521
or possess the equivalent knowledge base with a clear understanding of the essential
features of Linux Kernel, and a good insight into its' basic structures and conceptual
architecture of Linux OS.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to all essential aspects of
fruitfully using the Linux programming environment. Further they would have taken the
few first steps towards debugging techniques. In short they would be Next Level Linux

Course Contents
System call Implementation Shared Memory and mapped memory
• Implementing a new system call Semaphores
Creation of Processes and exec system Debugging Tools
calls • GDB
• Creating processes • Memory tracing
• Destroying processes • System call tracing
• Wait system calls • Kdb
• Usage of exec system calls • Memwatch
Implementation of Inter-Process Makefile and Automake
communication Lab Exercise
System V IPC’s
Message queues

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Device Driver Programming
Course Code : LA721

Our Curriculum
This module is structured to cover the essentials of device driver programming as well as
modules. The entire range of topics which include a thorough study of Kernel
Synchronization, Timers, Interrupts and also exposes the participant into the domain of
Character, Block , & Network drivers and their key functionality areas.

The entire range of topics are vividly presented through systematic, logical, and
structured methodologies which combine theory and practice in a meaningful manner.

The participants should have gone through our First two modules,viz., LA-521 & LA-621
or possess independent knowledge to the extent of coverage in these courses.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to all essential aspects of
building modules and device drivers in a Linux Environment. In short they would be
Next Level Linux Device Driver Programming Professionals.

Course Contents
Essentials of Device Driver OS services
Programming • Kernel Synchronization
• The Role of the Device Driver • Atomic functions, Bit functions
• Splitting the Kernel • Memory barriers
• Classes of Devices and Modules • Semaphores
Module programming • Timers
• Types of devices • Jiffies
• Advantages of modules • Inserting delays
• Writing modules • Kernel timers
• Module usage count • the proc file system
• Exporting symbols and The kernel Interrupts
symbol table • Using I/O ports
• Automatic loading/Unloading of • Installing an interrupt handler
modules • Tasklets
• Version control • Task queues and work queues
• Calling user space programs • Top half and bottom half

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Network Programming on Linux
Course Code: LA821

Our Curriculum
This module is structured to cover various aspects of TCP/IP network model as part of
the kernel structure. It further explores the areas of implementation of threads with
communication between them and TCP/UDP Sockets along with advanced socket system

The participants should have gone through our module LA-521 or in the alternative
possess an insight into the kernel structure, its' sub-system architecture with a clear
understanding of the kernel internal data structures.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to all essential aspects of
Network Programming in Linux being exposed to various topics in a practical manner. In
short they would be Next Level Linux Network Programming Professionals.

Course Contents
Essentials of TCP/IP Model Threads Implementation of TCP/UDP sockets
Implementation (Pthreads) • sockaddr structure
• Thread functions • Byte order
• Communication b/w threads • socket system calls
• Synchronization b/w threads • Implementing tcp/udp client and
• Mutex server
• Multithreading • Advanced socket system calls
• Broadcasting
• Multicasting
Implementation of HTTP, HTTPS, RTP
on the client side
Lab Exercise

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Directory Services and Centralized Authentication
Course Code: LA1011

Our Curriculum
This course begins with the very basic foundations of Linux shell lineage and proceeds to
explore & understand the default shell BASH as a programming tool. It further deals with
the syntax of shell scripts, various utilities available in BASH, and also set of shell-
specific operators and options in a meaningful & logical manner.

The participants need to have a background of having worked at the desktop level on
Linux Operating System, and conversant with basic Linux shell commands as well.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to the essential features of
BASH Shell Programming, and a good understanding of its' use in effectively
administering a Linux system.

Course Contents
Introduction to directory services and Kerberos and LDAP
LDAP • Introduction to Kerberos
• Linux and OpenLDAP • Configuring the Kerberos key
LDAP schema, attribute, distribution center (KDC) and clients
objectclass & LDIF • Configuring LDAP to support
• Planning a Directory service Kerberos
• Installation and configuration of Access control with Simple Authentication
OpenLDAP in Linux and Security Layer (SASL)
• Access control list and security Replication and high availability LDAP
• Logging and Debugging of LDAP implementation for a data centre
• Basic Performance tuning & Troubleshooting OpenLDAP
indexing Administering with LDAP client (GUI
• SSL/TLS integration and security tools)
• Using Command line tools to Authenticating windows clients
query and search directory(ldap Windows networking overview and SMB
admin tools) protocol
• Understanding authentication and • Configuring Samba PDC with LDAP
authorization backend
• Name service switch, pam_ldap • Windows domain authentication and
and nss_ldap Linux client
• Central account management Active directory and NSS
• Winbind and integration of Linux
servers to Active directory networks
• Sample Project

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Linux Clusters Management
Course Code: LA1021

Our Curriculum
This course begins with the very basic foundations of Linux shell lineage and proceeds to
explore & understand the default shell BASH as a programming tool. It further deals with
the syntax of shell scripts, various utilities available in BASH, and also set of shell-
specific operators and options in a meaningful & logical manner.

The participants need to have a background of having worked at the desktop level on
Linux Operating System, and conversant with basic Linux shell commands as well.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to the essential features of
BASH Shell Programming, and a good understanding of its' use in effectively
administering a Linux system.

Course Contents
Introduction to clustering Storage
Redhat Cluster Configuration and Using GNBD with Redhat GFS
Management Overview GNBD driver and command usage
Configuring cluster with Conga Integration of LVM, GFS & Cluster
Configure member nodes, services and Troubleshooting cluster
failover domains Sample project
Luci and Ricci
Managing cluster with Conga
Configuring and Managing cluster with
LVM concepts
LVM components (PV,VG & LV)
LVM administration with command line
LVM configuration file
Troubleshooting and restoration of
corrupted LVM
LVM administration with GUI
LVM Volume Group metadata

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]
Implementing XEN Virtualization
Course Code: LA1031

Our Curriculum
This course begins with the very basic foundations of Linux shell lineage and proceeds to
explore & understand the default shell BASH as a programming tool. It further deals with
the syntax of shell scripts, various utilities available in BASH, and also set of shell-
specific operators and options in a meaningful & logical manner.

The participants need to have a background of having worked at the desktop level on
Linux Operating System, and conversant with basic Linux shell commands as well.

At the point of exit one would have had a thorough exposure to the essential features of
BASH Shell Programming, and a good understanding of its' use in effectively
administering a Linux system.

Course Contents
z Introduction to virtualization and
data centre consolidation
z Xen architecture
z Installation and configuration
z Configuration files
z Manging Resources efficiently
z Networking in Xen
z Managing Virtual machine with
z Managing Virtual machine with
z Managing Virtual machine with
z Monitoring and Diagnosing
z Troubleshooting Xen
A sample project implementation

“Laxmi Mansion”, #81/B, 22nd Cross, 8th Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011
Tel: 080-22443353 email: [email protected]

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