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Lambino vs. COMELEC [G.R. No.

174153, October Initiative and Referendum Act that the Lambino Group
25, 2006] invokes as valid, requires that the people must sign the
"petition . . . as signatories."
TO THE CONSTITUTION MUST CONTAIN THE PROPOSED An initiative that gathers signatures from the people
AMENDMENTS. - Clearly, the framers of the without first showing to the people the full text of the
Constitution intended that the "draft of the proposed proposed amendments is most likely a deception, and
constitutional amendment" should be "ready and can operate as a gigantic fraud on the people. That is
shown" to the people "before" they sign such proposal. why the Constitution requires that an initiative must be
The framers plainly stated that "before they sign there "directly proposed by the people . . . in a petition"
is already a draft shown to them." The framers also meaning that the people must sign on a petition that
"envisioned" that the people should sign on the contains the full text of the proposed amendments. On
proposal itself because the proponents must "prepare so vital an issue as amending the nation's fundamental
that proposal and pass it around for signature." law, the writing of the text of the proposed
amendments cannot be hidden from the people under
The essence of amendments "directly proposed by the a general or special power of attorney to unnamed,
people through initiative upon a petition" is that the faceless, and unelected individuals.
entire proposal on its face is a petition by the people.
This means two essential elements must be present. The Constitution entrusts to the people the power to
First, the people must author and thus sign the entire directly propose amendments to the Constitution. This
proposal. No agent or representative can sign on their Court trusts the wisdom of the people even if the
behalf. Second, as an initiative upon a petition, the members of this Court do not personally know the
proposal must be embodied in a petition. people who sign the petition. However, this trust
emanates from a fundamental assumption: the full text
These essential elements are present only if the full of the proposed amendment is first shown to the
text of the proposed amendments is first shown to the people before they sign the petition, not after they
people who express their assent by signing such have signed the petition.
complete proposal in a petition. Thus, an amendment
is "directly proposed by the people through initiative INTIATIVE CAN ONLY BE EXERCISED TO PROPOSE
upon a petition" only if the people sign on a petition AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION, AND NOT
that contains the full text of the proposed REVISION. - This Court, whose members are sworn to
amendments. defend and protect the Constitution, cannot shirk from
its solemn oath and duty to insure compliance with the
The full text of the proposed amendments may be clear command of the Constitution that a people's
either written on the face of the petition, or attached to initiative may only amend, never revise, the
it. If so attached, the petition must state the fact of Constitution.
such attachment. This is an assurance that every one
of the several millions of signatories to the petition had The question is, does the Lambino Group's initiative
seen the full text of the proposed amendments before constitute an amendment or revision of the
signing. Otherwise, it is physically impossible, given Constitution? If the Lambino Group's initiative
the time constraint, to prove that every one of the constitutes a revision, then the present petition should
millions of signatories had seen the full text of the be dismissed for being outside the scope of Section 2,
proposed amendments before signing. Article XVII of the Constitution.

Moreover, "an initiative signer must be informed at the Courts have long recognized the distinction between an
time of signing of the nature and effect of that which is amendment and a revision of a constitution. One of the
proposed" and failure to do so is "deceptive and earliest cases that recognized the distinction described
misleading" which renders the initiative void. the fundamental difference in this manner:

Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution does not [T]he very term "constitution" implies an instrument of
expressly state that the petition must set forth the full a permanent and abiding nature, and the provisions
text of the proposed amendments. However, the contained therein for its revision indicate the will of the
deliberations of the framers of our Constitution clearly people that the underlying principles upon which it
show that the framers intended to adopt the relevant rests, as well as the substantial entirety of the
American jurisprudence on people's initiative. In instrument, shall be of a like permanent and abiding
particular, the deliberations of the Constitutional nature. On the other hand, the significance of the term
Commission explicitly reveal that the framers intended "amendment" implies such an addition or change
that the people must first see the full text of the within the lines of the original instrument as will effect
proposed amendments before they sign, and that the an improvement, or better carry out the purpose for
people must sign on a petition containing such full text. which it was framed.
Indeed, Section 5(b) of Republic Act No. 6735, the
Revision broadly implies a change that alters a basic The abolition alone of the Office of the President as the
principle in the constitution, like altering the principle locus of Executive Power alters the separation of
of separation of powers or the system of checks-and- powers and thus constitutes a revision of the
balances. There is also revision if the change alters the Constitution. Likewise, the abolition alone of one
substantial entirety of the constitution, as when the chamber of Congress alters the system of checks-and-
change affects substantial provisions of the balances within the legislature and constitutes a
constitution. On the other hand, amendment broadly revision of the Constitution.
refers to a change that adds, reduces, or deletes
without altering the basic principle involved. Revision By any legal test and under any jurisdiction, a shift
generally affects several provisions of the constitution, from a Bicameral-Presidential to a Unicameral-
while amendment generally affects only the specific Parliamentary system, involving the abolition of the
provision being amended. Office of the President and the abolition of one
chamber of Congress, is beyond doubt a revision, not a
In California where the initiative clause allows mere amendment. On the face alone of the Lambino
amendments but not revisions to the constitution just Group's proposed changes, it is readily apparent that
like in our Constitution, courts have developed a two- the changes will radically alter the framework of
part test: the quantitative test and the qualitative test. government as set forth in the Constitution. Father
The quantitative test asks whether the proposed Joaquin Bernas, S.J., a leading member of the
change is "so extensive in its provisions as to change Constitutional Commission, writes:
directly the 'substantial entirety' of the constitution by
the deletion or alteration of numerous existing An amendment envisages an alteration of one or a few
provisions." The court examines only the number of specific and separable provisions. The guiding original
provisions affected and does not consider the degree of intention of an amendment is to improve specific parts
the change. or to add new provisions deemed necessary to meet
new conditions or to suppress specific portions that
The qualitative test inquires into the qualitative effects may have become obsolete or that are judged to be
of the proposed change in the constitution. The main dangerous. In revision, however, the guiding original
inquiry is whether the change will "accomplish such far intention and plan contemplates a re-examination of
reaching changes in the nature of our basic the entire document, or of provisions of the document
governmental plan as to amount to a revision." which have over-all implications for the entire
Whether there is an alteration in the structure of document, to determine how and to what extent they
government is a proper subject of inquiry. Thus, "a should be altered. Thus, for instance a switch from the
change in the nature of [the] basic governmental plan" presidential system to a parliamentary system would
includes "change in its fundamental framework or the be a revision because of its over-all impact on the
fundamental powers of its Branches." A change in the entire constitutional structure. So would a switch from
nature of the basic governmental plan also includes a bicameral system to a unicameral system be because
changes that "jeopardize the traditional form of of its effect on other important provisions of the
government and the system of check and balances." Constitution.
--- On 25 August 2006, Lambino et al filed a petition
Under both the quantitative and qualitative tests, the with the COMELEC to hold a plebiscite that will ratify
Lambino Group's initiative is a revision and not merely their initiative petition to change the 1987 Constitution
an amendment. Quantitatively, the Lambino Group's under Section 5(b) and (c)2 and Section 73 of Republic
proposed changes overhaul two articles Article VI on Act No. 6735 or the Initiative and Referendum Act.
the Legislature and Article VII on the Executive The Lambino Group alleged that their petition had the
affecting a total of 105 provisions in the entire support of 6,327,952 individuals constituting at least
Constitution. 40 Qualitatively, the proposed changes twelve per centum (12%) of all registered voters, with
alter substantially the basic plan of government, from each legislative district represented by at least three
presidential to parliamentary, and from a bicameral to per centum (3%) of its registered voters. The Lambino
a unicameral legislature. Group also claimed that COMELEC election registrars
had verified the signatures of the 6.3 million
A change in the structure of government is a revision of individuals.
the Constitution, as when the three great co-equal The Lambino Groups initiative petition changes the
branches of government in the present Constitution are 1987 Constitution by modifying Sections 1-7 of Article
reduced into two. This alters the separation of powers VI (Legislative Department)4 and Sections 1-4 of Article
in the Constitution. A shift from the present Bicameral- VII (Executive Department) and by adding Article XVIII
Presidential system to a Unicameral-Parliamentary entitled Transitory Provisions. These proposed
system is a revision of the Constitution. Merging the changes will shift the present Bicameral-Presidential
legislative and executive branches is a radical change system to a Unicameral-Parliamentary form of
in the structure of government. government.
On 30 August 2006, the Lambino Group filed an
Amended Petition with the COMELEC indicating
modifications in the proposed Article XVIII (Transitory constitutional requirements in gathering the
Provisions) of their initiative. signatures that the petition contained, or
The COMELEC denied the petition citing Santiago v. incorporated by attachment, the full text of the
COMELEC declaring RA 6735 inadequate to implement proposed amendments.
the initiative clause on proposals to amend the The Lambino Group did not attach to their present
Constitution. petition with this Court a copy of the paper that the
ISSUES: people signed as their initiative petition. The Lambino
1. Whether the Lambino Groups initiative petition Group submitted to this Court a copy of a signature
complies with Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution sheet after the oral arguments of 26 September 2006
on amendments to the Constitution through a peoples when they filed their Memorandum on 11 October
initiative; 2006.
2. Whether this Court should revisit its ruling in 2. A Revisit of Santiago v. COMELEC is Not
Santiago declaring RA 6735 incomplete, inadequate or Necessary
wanting in essential terms and conditions to The present petition warrants dismissal for failure to
implement the initiative clause on proposals to amend comply with the basic requirements of Section 2,
the Constitution; and Article XVII of the Constitution on the conduct and
HELD: scope of a peoples initiative to amend the
1. The Initiative Petition Does Not Comply Constitution. There is no need to revisit this Courts
with Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution on ruling in Santiago declaring RA 6735 incomplete,
Direct Proposal by the People inadequate or wanting in essential terms and
Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution is the conditions to cover the system of initiative to amend
governing constitutional provision that allows a the Constitution. An affirmation or reversal of Santiago
peoples initiative to propose amendments to the will not change the outcome of the present petition.
Constitution. This section states: Thus, this Court must decline to revisit Santiago which
Sec. 2. Amendments to this Constitution may likewise effectively ruled that RA 6735 does not comply with the
be directly proposed by the people through requirements of the Constitution to implement the
initiative upon a petition of at least twelve per initiative clause on amendments to the Constitution.
centum of the total number of registered voters of Lambino was able to gather the signatures of
which every legislative district must be represented by 6,327,952 individuals for an initiative petition to amend
at least three per centum of the registered voters the 1987 Constitution. That said number of votes
therein. x x x x (Emphasis supplied) comprises at least 12 per centum of all registered
The framers of the Constitution intended that the draft voters with each legislative district at least represented
of the proposed constitutional amendment should be by at least 3 per centum of its registered voters. This
ready and shown to the people before they sign has been verified by local COMELEC registrars as well.
such proposal. The framers plainly stated that before The proposed amendment to the constitution seeks to
they sign there is already a draft shown to them. The modify Secs 1-7 of Art VI and Sec 1-4 of Art VII and by
framers also envisioned that the people should sign adding Art XVIII entitled Transitory Provisions. These
on the proposal itself because the proponents must proposed changes will shift the president bicameral-
prepare that proposal and pass it around for presidential system to a Unicameral-Parliamentary
signature. form of government. The COMELEC, on 31 Aug 2006,
The essence of amendments directly proposed by the denied the petition of the Lambino group due to the
people through initiative upon a petition is that the lack of an enabling law governing initiative petitions to
entire proposal on its face is a petition by the people. amend the Constitution this is in pursuant to the
This means two essential elements must be ruling in Santiago vs COMELEC. Lambino et al
present. First, the people must author and thus contended that the decision in the aforementioned
sign the entire proposal. No agent or case is only binding to the parties within that case.
representative can sign on their behalf. Second, ISSUE: Whether or not the petition for initiative met
as an initiative upon a petition, the proposal the requirements of Sec 2 ArtXVII of the 1987
must be embodied in a petition. Constitution.
These essential elements are present only if the full HELD: The proponents of the initiative secure the
text of the proposed amendments is first shown to the signatures from the people. The proponents secure the
people who express their assent by signing such signatures in their private capacity and not as public
complete proposal in a petition. Thus, an amendment officials. The proponents are not disinterested parties
is directly proposed by the people through initiative who can impartially explain the advantages and
upon a petition only if the people sign on a petition disadvantages of the proposed amendments to the
that contains the full text of the proposed people. The proponents present favorably their
amendments. proposal to the people and do not present the
There is no presumption that the proponents observed arguments against their proposal. The proponents, or
the constitutional requirements in gathering the their supporters, often pay those who gather the
signatures. The proponents bear the burden of signatures. Thus, there is no presumption that the
proving that they complied with the
proponents observed the constitutional requirements in is, the Court avoids questions of constitutionality so
gathering the signatures. The proponents bear the long as there are other means to resolve an issue at
burden of proving that they complied with the bar.
constitutional requirements in gathering the signatures
that the petition contained, or incorporated by ***NOTE: On November 20, 2006 in a petition for
attachment, the full text of the proposed amendments. reconsideration submitted by the Lambino Group 10
The proponents failed to prove that all the signatories (ten) Justices of the Supreme Court voted that Republic
to the proposed amendments were able to read and Act 6735 is adequate.
understand what the petition contains. Petitioners HOWEVER, this was a mere minute resolution which
merely handed out the sheet where people can sign reads in part:
but they did not attach thereto the full text of the Ten (10) Members of the Court reiterate their position,
proposed amendments. as shown by their various opinions already given when
Lambino et al are also actually proposing a revision of the Decision herein was promulgated, that Republic Act
the constitution and not a mere amendment. This is No. 6735 is sufficient and adequate to amend the
also in violation of the logrolling rule wherein a Constitution thru a peoples initiative.
proposed amendment should only contain one issue. As such, it is insisted that such minute resolution did
The proposed amendment/s by petitioners even not become stare decisis.
includes a transitory provision which would enable the
would-be parliament to enact more rules.
There is no need to revisit the Santiago case since the
issue at hand can be decided upon other facts. The rule

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