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Court File 62-CR-16-81 10
State of Minnesota,


Jeronimo Yanez,


This questionnaire has been prepared to assist in jury selection in the above criminal case,
and is to be filled out by each prospective juror in this case. The information requested in the
questionnaire is designed to save time and assist the court and the parties in selecting jurors for the
trial. Your responses to the questionnaire will eliminate the need to ask these questions in open

The information requested is further intended to protect the fairness and impartiality of the
trial by eliminating the potential for bias or prejudice among members of the jury panel, to allow
the parties to know more about each panel member, and to assist in reducing the jury panel to the
proper size for the trial itself. It is not this court's intention to embarrass anyone. Your answers
must be complete, candid and honest, so that the parties will have a meaningful opportunity to
select a fair and impartial jwy. Following completion of the questionnaires, each prospective juror
to be questioned will be questioned individually rather than as a group.



In order to ensure that your answers are not influenced by the opinions of others, you should
fill out the questionnaire by yourself without talking to or consulting with any other person.

You must print or write your answers in blue or black pen. Please print or write legibly.
If your answers are illegible, you may be requested to recopy your answers.

Please read each question carefully and answer each question as completely and accurately
as you can. There are no right or wrong answers td the questions.

you cannot answer a question because you do not understand it, write "Do not
understand" in the space after the question. If you cannot answer the question because you do not
know the answer, write "Do not know" in the space after the question. If you need extra space to
answer any question, please use the extra blank sheet of paper included at the end of the
questionnaire. Be sure to indicate on the blank page the number of the question you are answering.
If any question calls for a response that is so personal and private that you want to discuss it with
the judge and the attomeys in the judge's office, please write o'I need to speak in private" and give
abrief description ofthe information. If any follow-up is required, a private hearing with the judge
and attomeys may be conducted to discuss the response.

Until you are excused as a juror, you are ORDERED to not discuss or otherwise
communicate with anyone, including your family and close friends, anything connected with this
case, including the questions asked in this questionnaire, your answers or any other aspect of this
case. You may tell your family and employer only the time and place of this trial and your time
requirements as a juror. If anyone approaches you and attempts to learn about or discuss any
aspect of this questionuaire or your potential service as a juror in this case, you may not
answer their inquiries. If they persist, you should report this to the court immediately.

You are also ORDERED to not read, watch or listen to any news or social media
coverage of this matter. Do not investigate or research anyhing about this case, including the
issues, evidence, parties, witnesses, location, or the law, through any form of written, print,
electronic, internet or social electronic media. Do not allow anyone to discuss these subjects with

Please return this form to the judge's clerk immediately upon its completion. You
will then be excused from the trial for the rest of the day. You are to return to the jury oflice
tomorrow morning, May 3L, no later than 8:45 a.m. You are not to make a copy of the




Presiding Judge

Juror Pool Member Number:


1. Age:

2. Gender: Male Female

3. What city / town / neighborhood / township do you live in?

4. How long have you lived in Ramsey County?

5. How long have you lived at your current address?

Own Rent

6. Where did you grow up? (City, County, State)

7. What is your marital status?

Married. How many years?

Divorced How long were you married?
Separated How long?
Widowed How long were you married?
Living with significant other How long?

8. If you have children, stepchildren or are the guardian of any children, please state:

Sex Agg Does child Education* Occupation* Marital

live withyou? Status*

Answers to questions marked with an * are only required for adult children.

9. If anyone else is living in your home, what is their relationship to you, their age and


10. What is your present job or occupation?

Full Time Part Time
Unemployed Disabled
Retired Homemaker

11. Briefly describe your job:

12. How long have you been so employed?

13. Prior to this employment, what did you do?

14. If you are retired or disabled, what was your last job or occupation?

15. If you are currently unemployed, what is your customary work?

16. Do / did you supervise others? Yes No

17. Have you ever owned yorrr own business? _ Yes No

IF YES, please describe nature of the business:

1 8. If married or living with another person, does the other person work outside the residence
and, if so, what is that person's job or occupation?

19. If he or she is retired or unemployed, what was his or her occupation before retiring or
being unemployed?


20. What is your highest level of education?

Less than high school College work _ Graduate degree
High School diploma College graduate
Technical or Business school_ Postgraduate work



2t. If married or living with another person, what is your spouse or significant other's
educational background?

11 Have you ever had any training, education or iobs or have you ever done any volunteer
work in any of the following areas? (Check each one that applies to you)
Corrections / Jail / Prison Victims of Crimes
Counseling Firearms / Guns
Forensic Sciences Security
Genetics / DNA Investigations
Justice System i Courts TV / Radio
Laboratory Law
Law Enforcement Local / State Government
Medicine / Nursing Mental Health
Pathology Police Procedures
Psychology Science or Biology

IF YES TO ANY OF THESE, please explain:


23. It is anticipated that this trial will begin on May 30,2017, and could take up to three weeks
to complete. Do you have any personal obligations, circumstances or commitments that
would impact your ability to serve on this jury? _ Yes No

IF YES, please explain:

24. What are your hobbies, major interests, recreational pastimes, and spare-time activities?

25. Please list all groups or orgarrizations in which you participate or are a member. For
example, service clubs, civic groups, social groups, church or church groups, unions or
professional organizations, volunteer activities, educational or political groups,
neighborhood groups or self-help groups, the NRA, Sierra Club, PTA, Rotary, any group
that protests against police or government agencies, any group whose members are
primarily composed of persons of one race, any group which discriminates against
any race, any group which claims superiority over other races:

26. Have you ever held a leadership position in any organization listed in response to the
previous question? _ Yes No

IF YES, please list the leadership position(s) and duties:

27. Where do you get your news? Check all that apply:

Radio Facebook
Newspapers_ Twitter
Teleyision Linkedin
Magazines Other Social Media (please identify)
Neighbors (word of mouth)
Other (please identify)

28. How often do you read the newspapers to get your news? Please check one box:
3 to 4 times a week
7 to 2 times a week

29. How often do you watch television to get your news? Please check one box:
3 to 4 times a week
I to 2 times a week

30. How often do you listen to the radio to get your news? Please check one box:
3 to 4 times a week
I to 2 times a week

31. How often do you search the lnternet or social media to get your news? Please check one
3 to 4 times a week
7 to 2 times a week

32. Which newspapers or magazines do you regularly read?

33. What kinds of television shows, if any, do you watch on a regular basis? (Please check
all that apply.)
Morning news shows like "Good Morning America" and "Today."
Morning talk shows
Morning or aftemoon soap operas
Aftemoon talk shows
Evening network news
Evening or late night local news
T.V. tabloids like "Hard Copy," "Inside Edition," and "American Joumal."
Prime time series (sitcoms and dramas)
Reality shows (such as o'Survivor")
Learning / Discovery / Educational
Sports / sporting events
Investigative j ournalism (like " 20 l 20," "D ateline, " and "60 minutes")
Crime Shows (like "Cops," and "America's Most Wanted")
Fictional crime stories (such as "CSI," "Law and Order")
Political talk shows
T ate night news shows
Late night talk shows (like "David Letterman" or the "Tonight Show")
Court T.V., CNBC or other court or law related programs


34. Were you ever in the military? Yes No

(Including ROTC, National Guard)

IF YES, answer the following:

a.) What branch?
b.) Date of Service?
c.) Rate or rank?
d.) Where were you stationed?
e.) Character of discharge (honorable, general, etc.)?
f.) Reason for discharge?
g.) What were your duties?
h) Were you ever involved in combat? (if yes, when and where)

35. If you were in the military, were you ever involved in any way with military law
enforcement, non-judicial punishment, courts martial, or administrative boards or
hearings? Yes No

IF YES, please explain:


36. Do you, or any members of your family, own firearms? Yes No

37. Have you, or any member of your household, ever been a member of, or contributed to,
any organization concerned with hunting or firearms, whether for or against such activities?
Examples include, but are not limited to the NRA, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever,
Yes No

38. Have you ever had training in the use of firearms? Yes No


39. Have you, a family member or a close friend, ever been the victim of a crime whether it
was reported to law enforcement authorities or not?

Yes, I have Yes, family or friend No

IF YES: What was the crime and what was the outcome?

40. Have you ever been a witness to a crime, filed a report with a police office or other law
enforcement agency, or had contact with a district or county attorney's office?
Yes No

IF YES, please explain:

41. Have you, any family member, or anyone close to you ever been a suspect in, arrested for,
or charged with a criminal of[ense, other than a minor traffic offense?
Yes No
IF YES, please explain:

42. If you answered yes to questions 39r 40, or 41, was there anything about your experiences
with law enforcement, attorneys, or the court system that you thought was unfair or
unpleasant or not handled appropriately? _ Yes No

lF YES, please explain:

43. Tell us about your best or worst experience with law enforcement.

44. There will trial. Do you feel that you would give the
be law enforcement testimony in this
testimony of police officers any more or less credibility than the testimony of any other
witness simply because of their occupation?
Yes No

IF' YES, please explain:

45. Have you ever testified in a criminal case as a witness? Yes No

IF YES, please explain:

46. Do you have any family members or close friends who are employed with a law
enforcement agency or involved with our court system? Yes No

Itr'YES, please explain your answer:


47. Have you ever served on a jury before? _ Yes _ No

IF YES: Please answer the following.

State court Number of times _ Date _
Federal court Number of times._ Date _
Civil case Number of times _ Date
Criminal case Number of times Date

How many times did you deliberate and reach a verdict?

Were you ever the foreperson? _ Yes _ No

Was there anything about your prior jury experience that makes you wonder whether you
could fairly and impartially act as a juror in this case? _ Yes _No

IF YES, please explarn:


The defendant in this case, Officer Jeronimo Yanez, is charged with Manslaughter in the Second
Degree for the death of Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, on July 6,2016. He is also
charged withtwo counts of Dangerous Discharge of aFirearm fromthe same incident, endangering
Diamond Reynolds and a minor. Officer Yanezhas pled not guilty and is presumed to be innocent
of each of these charges unless and until he has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt
under the facts and law to be applied.

48. If you have heard about this case from television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the
Internet, social media or other sources, please check those sources listed below that reflect
the source of your information.

Television Tabloids Radio Internet Newspapers

lnternet Chat Rooms Magazine Family and Friends
Facebook Twitter Linkedin
Any Other Social Media (please identify)

49. How would you describe the amount of media and other coverage that has come to your
attention about this case?

_I believe I know exactly what happened in this case.

A great deal
Quite a bit (read many articles or TV stories)
Moderate amorurt (ust basic coverage)
Little (basically, just heard about it)
None (never heard of this case)

50. What, if anything, do you remember reading or hearing about this case? Please be specific.

51. Ifyou have heard about this case, what sticks out in your mind about what you read, heard
or saw about Philando Castile, the person who was shot?

52. If you have heard about this case, what sticks out in your mind about what you read, heard
or saw about Diamond Reynolds, the person who is alleged to have been endangered?

53. If youhave heard about this case, what sticks out in your mind about what you read, heard
or saw about Offrcer Jeronimo Yanez, the defendant?

54. Have you had any conversations with family members, friends, co-workers, or other people
you know about this case? Yes No

IF YOU ANSWERED YES, have any of those people ever expressed to you an
opinion on the guilt or innocence of Officer Yanez in this case?
No Yes

IF YOU ANSWERED YES, have you ever expressed an opinion on the guilt or
innocence of Officer Yanez in this case?
No Yes


55. Have you ever known or met Officer Jeronimo Yanez, any members of the Saint Anthony
Police Department, any Agent or Employee of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension,
Philando Castile, Diamond Reynolds, any of their family, friends, or anyone else who has
personal or first hand information about this situation or was involved in any way? _
Yes No
IF YES, please explain:

56. The state is represented in this case by Assistant County Attorneys Richard Dusterhoft,
Clayton Robinson and Jeffrey Paulsen. The defendant is represented by attorneys Thomas
Kelly, Paul Engh and Earl Gray. Do you know any of these attomeys? _Yes No

IF YES, please identifz the attorney(s) you know and your relationship or knowledge of


57. During the course of this trial you will be instructed by the judge as to the relevant law
which you will be required to follow. You must follow the law as given to you by the
judge, without exception. Is there any reason you feel you could not follow the judge's

58. Do you have any religious, philosophical, or moral beliefs that will not permit you to sit in
judgment of another person? No Yes

IF YES, please explain:

59. What is your opinion of the American criminal justice system and why?

60. Is there any matter not covered by this questionnaire that should be brought to the attention
of the attorneys and the court because it would affect your ability to be a fair and impartial
juror? Yes No

IF YES, please explain:

Attached to this questionnaire is a list of potential witnesses who may be mentioned or called to
testiff in this case. Please review the list of names carefully and place a check mark next to the
name of any person you may be familiar with.

Again, you shall not discuss this questionnaire or any matter relating to this case with anyone,
without exception, until the case is over and the court advises you that you have been excused.

I affirm, under penalty of law, that I answered truthfully and completely all questions in this
questionnaire to the best of my knowledge and belief and understand that it is a violation of
law not to do so.

Signature Date

*Home phone number:

*Work phone number:

*Phone numbers are requested in the event the court needs to contact you.

Potential witnesses or people who may be mentioned in trial.
(Note: Not all of the below will be called to testiff):
Joseph Adams Roseville Police Department
Renee Adrian Minnesota State Patroi
Sharuron Aiexander-Banaszweski White Bear Lake, MN
Bryan Anderson Roseville Police Department
Randall Axtell Saint Paul Police Department
Dr. Andrew Baker Hennepin County Medical Examiner
Sheryl Benning South Saint Paul, MN
Mikias Asfaw Beyene Lauderdale, MN
Valerie Castile Robbinsdale, MN
Shelby Conlon Blaine, MN
Joseph Cooksley Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Juan Cortez Saint Paul Fire Department
Grant Datillo Roseville Police Department
Shannon Diedrich Saint Paul Police Department
Dan Diegnau Saint Anthony Police Department
James Diehl Ramsey, MN
Allison Dolenc Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Carolyn Donarski Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Joseph Dutton Plymouth, MN
Dr. Kristin M. Engebretsen Cannon Falls, MN
Elliot Erdman Saint Anthony Police Department
Sarah Fagerness Hennepin County Medical Center
Nina Fateyenko Hennepin County Medical Center
Michelle Frascone Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Lindsey Garfield Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Anna Miriam Garnaas-Halvorson Saint Paul, MN
Lany Goodman Saint Paul Fire Department
Chris Hagel South Saint Paul, MN
Douglas Haider Ramsey County Sheriffs Office
Luke Hanegraaf Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Glenn Hardin Saint Paul, MN
Erica Henderson Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Douglas Henning Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Corey Hentig Shakopee, MN
Shane Hess Saint Anthony Police Department
Brian Thomas Hooshangh-Darouie Saint Paul, MN
Cody Horner Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Michael Huddle Saint Anthony Police Department
Katherine Igowsky Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Daniel Johnson Saint Anthony Police Department
Zachary Johnson Saint Paul Fire Department
Greg Joswiak Inver Grove Heights, MN
Joan Joswiak Inver Grove Heights, MN
Mike Kaneko Bureau of Criminal Apprehension

-1 3-
Emanuel Kapelsohn Fogelsville, PA
Michael Katzovitz Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Joseph Kauser Saint Anthony Police Department
Martin Koolen Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Joe Lemke New Brighton, MN
Jon Mangseth Saint Anthony Police Department
Ben Mauthe Minneapolis, MN
Mike Mauthe Minneapolis, MN
Dave Minkel Blaine Police Department
Scott Mueller Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Shannon Munson Andover, MN
Mark Nielsen Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Jeffrey Noble Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
William O'Keefe Minneapolis, MN
Christopher Olson Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
JA Olson Anoka County Sheriff s Office
Carrie Ostrue South Saint Paul, MN
Josh Ostrue South Saint Paul, MN
Todd Ostrue South Saint Paul, MN
Michael Paider Saint Paul Fire Department
Nathaniel Pearlson Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
William Persell Orono Police Department
C. Michael Phill Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Mike Pritzlaff Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Dennis Randall Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Diamond Reynolds Saint Paul, MN
Dr. Robert Rivard Hennepin County Medical Center
Kiel Ruston Saint Anthony Police Department
Amanda Schuman Hennepin County Medical Center
Jeffrey Spiess Saint Anthony Police Department
James South Saint Anthony Police Department
Jeremy Sroga Saint Anthony Police Department
Tressa Sunde Saint Anthony Police Department
Juan Toran Roseville Police Department
Eric Torgerson Saint Paul Fire Department
Toni Vang Blaine, MN
Zachary Weisner Roseville Police Department
Daniel Wellman Ramsey, MN
Dan Willems West Saint Paul, MN
Kathy Willems South Saint Paul, MN
Steve Willems South Saint Paul, MN
Haivy Yang Roseville Police Department


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