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Hazard and risk assessment for indirect potable

reuse schemes: An approach for use in developing
Water Safety Plans

Angelina Dominguez-Chicas a,b, Mark D. Scrimshaw a,*

Institute for the Environment, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, UK
Programa Ambiental, Instituto de Ingeniera y Tecnologa, Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Av. Del Charro 450 Nte. Partido
Escobedo, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, C.P. 32310, Mexico

article info abstract

Article history: This paper describes research undertaken to develop an approach for facilitating an initial
Received 7 January 2010 hazard assessment and risk characterisation for a proposed indirect potable reuse scheme,
Received in revised form as part of the water safety plan recommended by the World Health Organization. The
1 April 2010 process involved a description and evaluation of the catchment, which was the sewerage
Accepted 3 July 2010 system supplying the sewage treatment works that would provide the effluent to supply
Available online 30 July 2010 the pilot scale indirect potable reuse water treatment plant. Hazards, sources and barriers
throughout the proposed system were identified and evaluated. An initial assessment of
Keywords: the possible hazards, highlighted chemical hazards as predominating, and assessment of
Water scarcity risks, using a heat map as output, categorised most hazards as medium or high risk.
Augmentation However, this outcome has been influenced by a precautionary approach which assigned
Risk assessment a high likelihood to the occurrence of hazards where no data was available on their
Chemicals occurrence in the system. As more data becomes available, and the waster safety plan
Heat map develops, it is anticipated that the risk heat map will become more specific. Additionally,
high quality targets, to drinking water standards, have been set, although water from the
potable reuse plant will be discharged to receiving waters where it will undergo natural
attenuation prior to further treatment to potable standards before distribution. The
assessment has demonstrated the usefulness of the approach where data is initially
limited, in generating a heat map allowing for prioritisation of hazards to a practical level.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction validation of the whole water supply process. The WSP meth-
odology is focused on conventional drinking water supplies,
The World Health Organization guidelines for Water Safety and evaluates the failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) of
Plans (WSPs) are based on the human health risk assessment of the system, in relation to the risk of producing unsafe water,
the potable water supply chain, from the catchment to the with attention to microbial and chemical hazards (Hamilton
customer, considering the hazards within the system utilising et al., 2006). As part of the WSP, the whole supply process
a multi-barrier principle (Davison et al., 2005). The approach involved is documented, including management practices and
takes into account issues related to the control, monitoring and quality assurance schemes that ensure the sound design,

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 44 (0)1895 267299; fax: 44 (0)1895 269761.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Dominguez-Chicas), [email protected] (M.D. Scrimshaw).
0043-1354/$ e see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
6116 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 4 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 6 1 1 5 e6 1 2 3

operation, and monitoring of the water supply chain, from plant. Further barriers, following discharge and subsequent
resource to customer (Davison et al., 2005; WHO, 2006). abstraction, although of concern in a full WSP, are not
As a result of mounting worldwide water stress, the reuse considered in this hazard and risk characterisation.
of wastewater for potable purposes is increasing for the
augmentation of supply, or protection of available natural
sources of drinking water (IWA, 2008). It is possible to split 2. Work team and documentation
potable reuse schemes into two categories, direct, where
highly treated wastewater is supplied directly to a drinking The first stage of assessing the implementation of a WSP
water treatment plant, and this only occurs at one place in the approach for a potential IPR scheme was undertaken by the
world currently, Windhoek in Namibia or indirect, where it is main author as a research study with guidance from the water
discharged into a surface water that is later subsequently used utility where the IPR pilot plant was under evaluation. The key
as a water source. Indirect potable reuse (IPR) is defined as the types of expertise that fed into the work included that from
abstraction, treatment, and distribution of water for drinking the research team responsible for designing and operating the
from a natural source water that is fed in part by the discharge pilot plant, composed of scientists and engineers with a range
of wastewater effluent (NRC, 1998). In addition, IPR can be of skills covering water reuse including membrane technology
further subcategorised as unplanned where treated waste- and water quality. In addition, staff from other departments of
water is reabstracted downstream due to historic legacy or the company were consulted for their relevant expertise in
planned where the process is actively managed. More than key areas such as operational water safety plans, water and
fifteen planned IPR facilities are already operating worldwide, wastewater plant performance, trade effluent, sewerage
some of which have been functioning for over 20 years (Asano system maintenance and catchment modelling. Input from
et al., 2007; Rodriguez et al., 2009). To date, neither environ- the various experts helped describe the system and aid hazard
mental nor public health problems have been detected, and assessment and risk characterisation.
such schemes are becoming more common as available water Information from internal sources within the water utility
becomes increasingly scarce (Del Pino and Durham, 1999; and from the public domain was consulted for documented
Singapore Public Utilities Board (PUB), 2002; Asano et al., experiences from similar processes. Information from
2007; IWA, 2008). Evaluation of planned IPR schemes, inline internal sources included that from the consulted experts
with the WSP framework, should encompass comprehensive described above. Public domain information sources included
health assessment and risk management strategies, which government and research organizations (Environment
take into account the unique risk characteristics of IPR Agency, British Geology Survey, British Meteorological Office,
schemes, such as: National Health Service, Drinking Water Inspectorate, Greater
London Authority planning documents) and for a range of
 complexity and variability in composition of the source of information on the removal of contaminants in advanced
water; treatment processes, scientific journals and reports.
 limited knowledge of health effects related to individual
chemicals and mixtures of hazards;
 public acceptance of the end product; and 3. Hazard assessment and risk
 the need for greater support for planners and engineers characterisation
during decision making, such as the level of monitoring and
testing required and the prioritisation of corrective and The initial assessment of the hazards and the risk character-
preventive actions (IWA, 2008). isation took into account the limited amount of water quality,
technical and operational data available. In addition, an
Although there are a few key guidelines (Davison et al., approach which evaluated expert opinion, within and
2005; NRMMC and EPHC, 2006a) and documented experi- external to the water utility, along with internal and public
ences for hazard and risk assessment in IPR projects (Crook domain data was followed. This involved a description and
and Surampalli, 1999; Crook et al., 1999; Rodriguez et al., evaluation of the system, followed by identification and
2007a,b), to date these have not been undertaken within the assessment of hazards and hazardous events, and their risk
framework of a WSP. This work describes the first attempt, characterisation. The IPR system was described in terms of
undertaken as part of a research project, at implementing activities and their related hazards, potential hazardous
a WSP approach for an IPR system in the early stage of events and failure modes (FMs) that may occur in the water
development. It covers the three first three modules outlined supply chain. Such hazards and events may represent a risk
in the WHO WSP Manual (WHO, 2005); assembly of the work by presenting a challenge to the treatment processes or result
team; documentation and description of the system; and in operational problems within the water supply chain.
hazard identification and the risk characterisation. The IPR Unlike a traditional water supply, the IPR scheme utilises
scheme for which this methodology has been developed is the sewage catchment as its source of water and three key
being evaluated by a UK water utility serving a large metro- barriers in this chain were identified as the catchment, the
politan area for augmentation of the drinking water supply. conventional activated sludge STW (AS STW) and the IPR water
The scope of this work is the consideration of the sewage treatment process (IPR WTP) (Fig. 1). The description of the first
catchment, through the conventional activated sludge sewage barrier, the sewerage catchment, used information on activi-
treatment works (STW) and the pilot scale IPR treatment ties undertaken in the catchment along with their related
process, with the end point being the product from the IPR hazards. That of the subsequent barriers, the AS STW and the
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 4 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 6 1 1 5 e6 1 2 3 6117

Fig. 1 e Schematic of the IPR drinking water supply. The WSP developed here was focussed on three barriers, the sewage
catchment, activated sludge sewage treatment works (AS STW) and the pilot scale indirect potable reuse water treatment
plant (IPR WTP).

IPR WTP, covered the processes which turn the source into urban catchment were classified into ten further sub-catch-
reclaimed water that meets acceptable standards for aug- ments to facilitate the identification of hazards:
menting raw water supplies. A summary of key facts and
operational parameters relating to these three barriers is pre-  domestic
sented in Table 1. These three barriers are effectively additional  legal traders
factors to be considered in relation to the existing treatment  illegal traders
processes following abstraction from the receiving waters.  storm run-off
 hospitals and laboratories
 green areas (agricultural, parks and wildlife)
3.1. The sewerage catchment barrier
 urban buildings
 sewerage network
The raw water for the IPR system will be sourced from an
 hazardous events (flooding, fires, spills)
urban catchment, with minimal agricultural but significant
 planned future activities.
industrial activity. The sources of wastewater within this

Table 1 e Characteristics and operational parameters of the three barriers (the catchment, the AS STW and the IPR WTP).
Barrier Parameter Details
1. The sewerage catchment Area of approx. 400 km
Annual rainfall 760 mm
30% combined sewers, with limited infiltration
Industrial sector Metal electroplating; wholesale and service of printers,
radioactive substances (medical use), non ferrous metals,
waste incineration, manufacture and supply of pharmaceuticals,
chemical and allied products.
2. The AS STW Size Population equivalent approx. 850,000
70% domestic flow
Consented flow of approx. 450,000 m3/day
Average flow 200,000 m3/day
Process Nitrifying activated sludge (sludge age 8e10 days).
3. The IPR WTP Size 600 m3/day
Pre-screening 500 mm filter
Micro-filtration 5 mm pore size, 85e95% recovery
Reverse osmosis Flux 17e20 L/m2/h
75e85% recovery
Advanced oxidation UV dose range: 300e400 mJ/cm2
H2O2 dose range: 2e10 mg/L
6118 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 4 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 6 1 1 5 e6 1 2 3

These sources of wastewater were further delineated into approximately 21 h. For the purposes of the WSP no additional
a total of 42 sub-categories, for example domestic inputs were hazards were deemed to be added during wastewater treat-
specified as either regular or exotic sewage. Out of 116 traders ment, as any inputs, such as nitrate produced through
within the catchment, twenty six traders, predominantly conversion of ammonia, were already included within the
from the metal finishing and food production industries, were assessment of the catchment. The addition of polyelectrolyte
classified by the water utility trade effluent (TE) team as risk to dewater sludge, with liquors returned to the crude sewage
traders. This was based on an assessment of their activities, flow, was not deemed to represent a hazard based on available
historical fulfilment of consented discharges, and procedures safety data.
in place to manage unplanned discharges on site.
The hazards were classified as microbiological, physi- 3.3. The IPR WTP barrier
ochemical, nutrients, and chemicals. Chemicals were sub-
classified as inorganic, metals (as a separate group to other A proportion of the final effluent from the AS STW will be
inorganics), pesticides, endocrine disrupting compounds treated to a high quality in a pilot scale IPR WTP consisting of
(EDCs), chlorinated solvents, disinfection by-products (DBPs), pre-screening, microfiltration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO), and
pharmaceuticals, other organics, and radiologicals. Hazards an advanced oxidation process (AOP) utilising UV radiation
taken into consideration were those listed in national and and hydrogen peroxide. Subsequently, it is planned that the
international environmental and drinking water regulations highly treated effluent will be returned to either surface water
(EEC, 1976; Defra, 2002; EC, 2006; NRMMC and EPHC, 2006b; or potentially used to recharge groundwater. Chloramine
WHO, 2006), those associated with specific activities in the solution will be used to minimise biofouling of membranes,
catchment and those linked with health concerns expressed sulphuric acid will be used to minimise scaling of the RO
within the scientific literature and by experts, such as the TE membrane, and sodium hydroxide to correct the pH of the
team. Specific hazards of interest to the TE team, on the basis final treated water. The total time of residence of the water in
of historical infringements, were copper, nickel, cadmium, the IPR WTP is approximately 2 h. The final IPR system is
and arsenic. In addition to these four metals, chromium, lead, proposed to be designed such that it is not a closed loop in that
mercury, silver, zinc, toluene, cyanide, suspended solids and the reject and waste streams will not be returned to the head
sulfides, along with oils and greases were identified by the TE of the works but discharged to an alternative sewage treat-
team. Additionally, consideration of historical occurrence in ment works in another catchment.
receiving waters in the catchment as identified in the Envi-
ronment Agency Pollution Inventory, also highlighted and
a range of pesticides and other substances (Environment 4. Identification and assessment of hazards
Agency, 2009). Assessment of other catchments may result and hazardous events
in other classifications, which would be of greater relevance to
the sources. Specific information about the main activities in the system
The sewerage system in the catchment consisted along with their hazards was listed in a series of spread-
predominantly of combined sewers (75%), and it was consid- sheets together with the main consequences (effects of their
ered that discharges within the catchment would be impacted occurrence) downstream for each barrier. Assessment of the
during rainfall events. Such impacts were considered as being significance of failures involved the analysis of the conse-
likely to result in three possible consequences, dilution of quences on the treatment processes or the quality of the
hazards associated with dry weather flow, through transport final product. This process resulted in a list of hazards and
of contaminants in run-off, and by increasing the flow rate hazardous events, which was used as a basis for the risk
through the system (Bannerman et al., 1993; Yuan et al., 2001; assessment process. Modelling was also undertaken to
Kasprzyk-Hordern et al., 2008). The possibility of the release of obtain the distribution of a point discharge of a hazard
hazards through point source discharge as single events throughout the sewer network to the inlet of the STW using
within the catchment was encompassed utilising modelling, a validated hydraulic model already developed by the water
and the influence of four waste sites located in or near the utility with InfoworksCS (Wallingford Software, Wall-
catchment area was taken into account as they were either ingford, UK).
close to, or within, the run-off pathways known to occur
during flooding events. 4.1. Assessment of the sewerage catchment

3.2. The AS STW barrier The outcome of an initial assessment of the catchment
resulted in the identification of 490 potential hazards, linked
The AS STW treats crude sewage to meet consents for to the ten sources of wastewater identified within the catch-
discharge to the receiving water course. The wastewater ment. These hazards were prioritised by further consultation
passes through inlet screens, followed by primary settlement within the company and with external advisors, and reduced
after which the settled sewage flows into the aeration tanks, to 223 hazards for more detailed assessment. This prioritising
where aerobic biodegradation of organic matter and ammonia process took into account national and international regula-
takes place. Finally wastewater flows into the secondary tions, technical information for the individual stages of the
settlement tanks, from which the final effluent is produced, water treatment process, and products used and manufac-
a proportion of which flows to the pilot scale IPR plant (Fig. 1). tured within the catchment. The hazards continued to be
The total time of residence through the AS STW is classified into the four categories, microbiological,
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 4 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 6 1 1 5 e6 1 2 3 6119

physicochemical, nutrients and chemicals, with the last group 4.2. Modelling of the distribution of a point discharge
being subdivided into other categories as shown in Fig. 2.
Analysis of the distribution of hazards between these cate- The modelling investigated a hypothetical point discharge of
gories identified that chemical hazards dominated in number, a water soluble compound occurring over a period of 1 h.
accounting for 193 of the 223 identified. Of these 193 chemical Results indicated that broadening of the discharge during
hazards pesticides contributed 67, other organics 35 and transit resulted in the event lasting between 80 and 215 min at
metals 30. However, pesticides were associated with fewer the inlet to the STW. A comparison of the event occurring
sources (<10% of the total number of sources) than during dry or wet weather events determined that hazards
compounds classified as other organics and metals, which would reach the entrance of the treatment works more rapidly
were each associated with over 90% of the possible sources during dry conditions than during storm conditions, as
identified within the catchment. Microbiological hazards were a result of water backing up in the system during rainfall
relatively low in number and associated with few sources. events. This effect was more pronounced at locations farthest
The assessment of the hazards and hazardous events are from the STW, and at 5 km or less, little delay would occur
also being incorporated into a conceptual model (Fig. 3), where during storm flows. Modelling of such events enhanced the
failures to achieve operational or water quality targets, basic WSP by giving an assessment of the time available to
described as FMs, are linked to the consequence of such make operational decisions at the STW or in the IPR WTP if
a failure, the effect modes (EMs). The indicators described are mitigation measures are required to reduce risks.
the basis for the control of the process and are factors which
could be taken into account when investigating the risks 4.3. Assessment of the AS STW and IPR WTP
associated with key FMs. For instance the WSP framework
recommends the assessment of the system in terms of what Historical records of the conventional STW showed that the
may cause hazards and hazardous events, and subsequently removal of basic parameters met performance targets. The
control and operational limits are identified and established to robustness of the STW was also demonstrated by a decrease
track the performance of the processes (Davison et al., 2005). (from 60% to 38%) in exceeding reporting thresholds for
Examples of this type of approach can be found in WSP a range of other parameters between 2001 and 2005
developed for water supply (Guan, 2008; Simazaki, 2008), (Environment Agency, 2009). Overall, the chemicals were the
hospitals (Dyck et al., 2007) and the food processing industry most significant of the four categories of hazards identified in
(Casani and Knchel, 2002). For example, should there be relation to possible failures at the STW (Fig. 4), although this
a case of disposal of hazards, described as FM-1 in the model was based on a literature review where a high likelihood of
(Fig. 3), this would be expected to result in a range of possible occurrence was used when real data on occurrence was
effects (EMs), the consequence of which, is described as the absent. The assessment of the AS STW indicated that few
indicator. To date, relevant indicators to take into account microbiological hazards will be linked to failure modes, which
have been identified as I-1 to I-6 in the model for the catch- was considered to be a result of the high quality of the effluent
ment, although this is an iterative process and the model is from the AS plant in relation to these parameters.
still being refined. To evaluate the significance of one of these The hazards representing a challenge to the IPR WTP were
indicators (I-3), the time taken for a hazard to reach the STW, evaluated using site specific water quality data from the
and the possible impact of dilution (I-4), the distribution of effluent of the AS STW, and where not available, data from the
a point discharge was evaluated using the InforworksCS literature (Davison et al., 2005; NRMMC and EPHC, 2006c;
model. Asano et al., 2007; Metcalf and Eddy, 2007). The performance

Fig. 2 e Relative contribution of each major hazard category to the total number of hazards (,) and percentage of sources
within the catchment with which each hazard group was associated (-).
6120 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 4 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 6 1 1 5 e6 1 2 3

Failure modes Effect modes Indicators Key code

(FMs) (EMs) (I)
EM-1 I-1, I-2, I-5

FM-1 EM-2 I-1

I-2 FM-1 Disposal of hazards into the sewerage system from
domestic / traders sources
EM-3 I-2
FM-2 Climatic and seasonal variations in the catchment
FM-3 Runoff (including that from hazardous sites)
EM-1 I-3
FM-4 Inadequate performance of the sewerage network
I-5 FM-5 Major spillages and / or use of substances during
FM-2 emergency responses (i.e. fires and infectious events)
EM-2 I-3

EM-3 I-3 EM-1 Release of hazards at levels above the treatment

I-4 capacity
EM-2 Technical problems with the treatment works,
EM-1 I-3
reduced performance
EM-3 Requires an increase in capacity or upgrade of the
FM-3 EM-2 I-3 process.

EM-3 I-3
I-4 I-1 Hazards detected in investigational phases
I-2 Records of hazards most frequently discharged
EM-1 I-5
I-6 I-3 Time of travel to the STW
FM-4 I-4 Dilution factors
EM-2 I-5
I-6 I-5 Historical records of the catchment performance
I-6 Irregular or increasing long-term trends in detection
EM-1 I-5 of hazards
EM-2 I-5

Fig. 3 e An initial conceptual model of failure modes, effect modes and their associated indicators as identified in the
catchment for the IPR scheme which may be developed within the WSP.

Fig. 4 e The percentage of hazards in each category related to failure modes at the AS SWT (,) and at the IPR WTP (-).
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 4 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 6 1 1 5 e6 1 2 3 6121

of the processes in relation to the removal of contaminants heat map (Fig. 5). The definitions for each of the likelihoods
was evaluated by reference to the published literature on and consequences described in the heat map are provided in
advanced treatment processes, and this was incorporated into supplementary information, Tables S1 and S2. This risk
the risk assessment. Again, outcomes in relation to the characterisation will be refined as further data and hazard
contribution of each of the hazard categories to failures is information becomes available. In the heat map, the likeli-
shown in Fig. 4. Of all the hazards identified, 67% contributed hood of an event (hazard) is presented as increasing on the x-
to FMs. The majority of these were chemical hazards (53%), axis, and increasing severity of the consequence on the y-axis.
a total of 130 possible chemical hazards associated with FMs Of the 223 parameters evaluated, 9% were assessed as low
based on the limited information on their occurrence avail- risk, 49% medium risk, and 42% as high risk. Microbiological
able. Compounds included in this group were metals, pesti- hazards, although small in total number (Fig. 2), were ranked
cides, a range of other organics, and DBPs. The specific causes as high risk as a result of the lack of data on their occurrence
of FMs in the IPR WTP were assessed to be hazards associated and the high consequence that has initially been associated
with disinfection (DBP) (48%) and passing through the RO with them. Examples of the prioritised hazards, many of
membrane (14%). This outcome may be a result of a precau- which are ubiquitous contaminants in the environment, and
tionary approach being taken in this first iteration of the WSP, not site specific, are listed in supplementary information,
whereby a high likelihood of occurrence of a hazard was Table S3. This initial assessment is based on a conservative
assigned when limited (or no) data was available and as more evaluation of the likelihood of occurrence, due in the main
monitoring is undertaken, it is anticipated that this outcome part to a lack of real data, however, as more data becomes
will change. In the same manner as for the catchment, the available, it is anticipated that the number of parameters
evaluation of the hazards and hazardous events that may identified as high and medium risks will be expected to
occur within the AS STW and the IPR WTP, and associated decline with further refinement.
effects, are planned to be developed into a conceptual model. Of the 94 parameters characterised as high risk, some
resulted in operational risk, such as membrane fouling and
others were indicative of hazards potentially exceeding values
5. Risk characterisation of the hazards and in drinking water guidelines. However, it is important to put
hazardous events such outcomes in context, as for many hazards including
pesticides, organics, pharmaceuticals, metals, chlorinated
Within the semi-quantitative risk assessment procedure that solvents and DBPs a lack of data on removal rates resulted in
forms part of the WSP (Davison et al., 2005), the risk (R) is precautionary values being used for the initial assessment and
defined as the product of the likelihood of any hazard at as monitoring of the process is undertaken, the outcomes of the
a certain point of the process (L), and the consequence(C ) risk characterisation will be refined. Such outcomes should also
downstream for the performance of the water supply be placed in the context of the final treated, reclaimed water,
being discharged to a receiving water, where natural
RLC (1)

The estimated risk for each hazard was classified as high,

medium or low level, and all the resulting risks displayed in
a risk heat map. This was undertaken in order to track the
C ritical

Ranked as 'High Risk'

removal or control of risks along the IPR element of the 94 hazards (42%)
4 main groups:
drinking water supply chain, and facilitate the measurement pesticides
of the effectiveness of risk management strategies. Initially organics
this was an estimation of the pre-mitigation and post-miti-

gation risks at each barrier.

A risk matrix with scores was produced, where L and C

were both assigned a score (of 1e5), with 5 being the most
Mod erate

likely hazard or most serious consequence. Assessment of the Ranked as 'Medium Risk'
109 hazards (49%)
likelihood of a hazard took into account historical data on 5 main groups:
concentrations and frequency of detection at the entrance of metals
the barrier, either as a result of typical activities or a failure in organics
Mino r

Ranked as 'Low Risk' endocrine disrupters

the previous barrier of the system. It also took into account the 20 hazards (9%) pharmaceuticals
5 main groups:
variability of the concentrations at the entrance of the barrier, endocrine disrupters
I nsignific ant

and the ability of the processes that make up the barrier to metals
mitigate the hazard. Consequences were related to the physicochemicals
impacts of producing water of inadequate or variable quality, pharmaceuticals

failing to achieve the technical requirements for the correct

Rare Improbable Remote Possible Probable
functioning of the system, and adverse implications to public
health (acute and chronic effects).
The final outcome of the risk characterisation, based on
estimations of the quality of the final treated reclaimed water, Fig. 5 e The heat map produced as a result of the WSP risk
on the basis of published removal rates for the AS STW and assessment based on estimated likelihoods of occurrence.
the IPR WTP, quantified using Equation (1), was a 5 by 5 grid The output will be refined during subsequent iterations.
6122 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 4 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 6 1 1 5 e6 1 2 3

attenuation (Gurr and Reinhard, 2006), will precede further The approach described for hazard characterisation and
treatment following abstraction as part of the overall IPR risk assessment has been a useful first evaluation of the
scheme. potential hazards. However, the uncertainty regarding the
occurrence of the hazards and their removal, combined with
the precautionary approach, results in a relatively large
6. Recommendations for monitoring and proportion of high risk parameters.
refinement of assessment The IPR WTP was identified as the most sensitive step in
the water treatment barrier, although it is important to
The heat map was the result of an initial estimation of the understand that initial assessments are based on worst-case
potential risk posed by hazards identified as potentially being assumptions in relation to occurrence of hazards, which may
present within the catchment for the IPR WTP. Further have influenced this outcome.
refinement of the assessment, that has been produced within The model of linking failure modes to effect modes and
the limitations of available information, will be undertaken indicators requires further development, however, as part of
using data generated from further monitoring of the pilot the WSP it is likely to be advantageous to the management of
scale plant presently being operated. Water quality moni- the system.
toring throughout the supply chain will be undertaken to
increase confidence in the quality of the product, based on
a list of selected parameters included in a water quality
envelope defined for the IPR system. The proposed water Acknowledgments
quality envelope consists of 74 parameters that are either:
This paper reflects the views of the authors who thank
 of concern for the IPR system due to their low or variable Thames Water Utilities Ltd. for supporting this investigation
removal rates and ADC is grateful to the Mexican Consejo Nacional de
 detected in high levels at the entrance to the IPR WTP Ciencia y Tecnologa for PROMEP funding for the PhD
 related to historical failures by the traders scholarship.
 represent a challenge to the IPR WTP (such as scaling/
biofouling of membranes, or are known to pass through the
RO membrane).
Appendix. Supplementary material
Development and refinement of the assessment will also
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found
be based on comparing results from an ongoing monitoring
in the on-line version, at doi:10.1016/j.watres.2010.07.007.
program at the pilot scale IPR WTP against external water
quality standards. There will be a two-year trial of the IPR
WTP, and monitoring of 184 hazards will be undertaken
verified for increasing understanding of the final water quality
and treatment processes. This will involve weekly analysis of
microbiological parameters, nutrients, physicochemicals,
Asano, T., Burton, F.L., Leverenz, H.L., Tsuchihashi, R.,
inorganics, chlorinated solvents and metals, along with Tchonobanoglous, G., 2007. Water Reuse: Issues,
quarterly analysis for more exotic and emerging contami- Technologies, and Applications. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
nants such as endocrine disruptors, pesticides, radiologicals, Bannerman, R.T., Owens, D.W., Dodds, R.B., Hornewer, N.J., 1993.
pharmaceuticals, DBP and other organics. In addition, audit- Sources of pollutants in Wisconsin stormwater. Water Science
ing of the water quality will be undertaken, taking into and Technology 28 (3e5), 251e259.
Casani, S., Knchel, S., 2002. Application of HACCP to water reuse
account such factors as instrument and process control
in the food industry. Food Control 13 (4/5), 315e327.
equipment calibration and maintenance. As part of a coherent Crook, J., Surampalli, R.Y., 1999. Water reclamation and reuse
strategy to ensure that any future use of an IPR scheme is fully criteria in the U.S. Water Science and Technology 33 (10/11),
integrated within the water supply business, development of 451e462.
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