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Simplified Manual

Call-ins and Talk Show management

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NeoGroupe SARL, France. Tel +33 9 72 23 62 00. USA Office Tel (210) 757 4700
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NeoGroupe SARL, France. Tel +33 9 72 23 62 00. USA Office Tel (210) 757 4700
NeoScreener enhances the communication between a call
screener, the Producer and the Talent regarding phone calls.
The system is made of:

 A Telos multiline system with 2 or 4 hybrids (faders)

 Several DeskTop Director units

 A computer at the call screening position with the

« standard » screen

 A computer in the Production room with the « standard »


 A computer in the On Air studio with the « Talent » dis-


Calls are welcomed at the call screening position , entered in the database as call
cards (records) and are then presented to the Talent if necessary.

Hence the Talent only sees those calls that the call screener has decided to pre-

Calls fall in two categories :

 Those currently available on the telephony system and that will be used on
air as live conversation AUDIO.
 Those which are not / not any longer available on the telephony system and
which information will be mentioned by the Talent (Traffic/Liners etc.), for
which there is an existing call card.

Therefore the screener position is essential to this operation as it is the one deciding
which piece of information will be presented to the Talent in real-time.

While using NeoScreener, it is recommended to stop using the Telos Desktop

Director control surface, as absolutely all operations are possible through the
software. Furthermore, this will avoid that you have a call card opened, whilst you
just changed of line by using the DD keys.

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The above screen in linked to a Desktop Director in TALENT mode (usually in the
production room) The next page shows it in PRODUCER mode
The following zones are present on this screen:

 Lines control (ringing, active, on hold, locked)

 Hybrids control (on-air audio activation)
 Call card / Callback / Unconditional hangup on line
 Call state (Topic, recognized name, total time, on hybrid time)
 Chat zone with other workstations
 List of all call cards.
 « Shortlist » of calls in a given show.
 Incoming messages (website, sms, iPhone, facebook etc.)
 Activate « Talent » screen
 Scrolling display of call cards found in the « Traffic » shortlist
 Close the switchboard (all lines ring busy)

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The following zones are present on this screen:

 Lines control (ringing, active, on hold, locked)

 Hybrids status only (the control of hybrids is not possible with this mode)
 Call card / Callback / Unconditional hangup on line
 Call state (Topic, recognized name, total time, on hybrid time)
 Chat zone with other workstations
 List of all call cards.
 « Shortlist » of calls in a given show.
 Incoming messages (website, sms, iPhone, facebook etc.)
 Activate « Talent » screen
 Scrolling display of call cards found in the « Traffic » shortlist
 Close the switchboard (all lines ring busy)

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When a call comes in, an automatic search is performed on the database and
shows you summarized information for that calling number, in the central button for
the line. It is therefore important to read this before answering the call.

Pick-up the line, create a call card and prefilling it with the existing known informa-
tion is done in one single click on the CALL button of that line.

You can also use the « Line x » button to pickup the line without going through the
call card. You will then also be able to display that call card at a leter time by clicking
again on the « CALL » button of that line.

A ringing line is displayed with a red animated circle.

A line currently on hold (after answering) is displayed with a blue animated circle.
An active line (on the handset or the headset) is shown with a green point.

When you take a line with the CALL button of the line, the call card is displayed:

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This gives you a call card in which you can fill-in several fields, the main one being
the Topic field. The call card is pre-filled with the last information known under that
number (detected by callerID, if available).

If the call does not have to be sent to the Talent screen, you can close the call card
with ESCAPE or by clicking on CLOSE. The information is saved anyhow. This call
card might be used at a later time for callback or to be included in a Shortlist.

If you wish to send / display this call card on the Talent’s screen, you only need to
decide the priority of that call on the Talent screen, using the UP and DOWN but-
tons, and then to send it to his/her screen, putting the call on hold at the same time,
by clicking on READY. This will put automatically the call on hold, marked « ready »
by a √ sign.

If you do not wish to present that cal to the Talent, but only mention it by including it
in the Shortlist for one show, you only have to set the call in the appropriate show
and then to hit « SELECT »
Attention one of the shortlists is displayed as scrolling text on the Talent displays
and Screener/Producers displays. Usually this is the « Traffic » information shortlist

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At any time it is possible to open the call card again to alter
 The topic or any of the fields.
 The priority of that call.
To that effect, you only need to press again on the « CALL » button of that line.

The right-hand side zone of the screen lets you send an instant mes-
sage to the other workstations connected in the same show.

This message is displayed including on your own workstation.

Just enter your message here and hit ENTER.

On the Talent side, the screen displays the same messages in a more
visible manner and in red.

It is easy to erase the messages on the Talent side: simply do a

RIGHT CLICK on the white text-entry zone.

If you also use NeoWinners,

simply go in NeoScreener
through the On Air screen of
NeoWinners. This latter re-
mains active, hence you can
access both screens SIMUL-
TANEOUSLY, for example-
by placing the NeoScreener
screen on one monitor and
NeoWinners on the other, if
you have a dual-screen

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In order to assign a caller as the winner of a contest, only
1. Select the contest in NeoWinners (single-click in left column)
2. Do a right-click on the « CALL » button of the appropriate line.

This peforms the same operation than if you had entered manually the telephone
number in the search zone of NeoWinners:
 If the winner does not exist, you can create his/her winner card (prefilled from
the call card)
 If he/she exists and has the right to play today, simply select the winner
 If he/she exists and is NOT allowed to play today, select someone else.

You can re-use an already entered call card by searching in the calls list that is avai-
lable under the « Calls » button on top of the main screen.

This gives you a filtered list of the call cards. We advise you to always work with the
date interval parameter set to « Today » or « Last 7 days (rolling) » to avoid the dis-
play of a too large number of records at once (which slows down the displays).

 Filters zone (by show, dates, keyword…) and visible calls count
 Calls list (sortable/searchable by clicking on the magnifyer glass on the column)
 Callback / add call card / change call card buttons
 Include / exclude the selected call in the shortlist of that show

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Several options are available from the main screen:
 Callback from a call card = open « Calls » and hit « Dial now »
 Create a call card (« + ») and call as above
 Use the « Callback » button on a line if it is available at this time.
 Click on the « Line x » button to use the dialer

In ANY case, do NOT dial a number directly on the Desktop Director of Telos,
as there would be no call card in NeoScreener.

 Dialer (the numeric keypad also works)

 Speed dial keys (to change content = right click)
 List of recent calls out
 List of preselected for a contest (of NeoWinners)
 More speed dial keys

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The Shortlists are accessible under the «SHORTLIST» button from the main screen

They contain the list of the call cards you have selected for being in the shortlist for
one specific show, in the order you have added them.

These shortlists can be used for:

 Calls prep sheets (ahead of the shows time)
 List of preselected call cards in case the Talent wants to look at the received
calls list while the show is running (if there are many call cards, the producer or
screener can preselect certain calls in the shortlist for that show)
 List of the received calls being part of a special category, used across several
shows (Traffic, Liners, etc.)

 Show selection
 Callback / change the call card
 Reject a call card from the list / empty list
 Re-ordering of call cards

In all lists of the software, a RIGHT CLICK lets you export visible data to Excel,
Word ou XML. A right click on the column header lets you select the visible columns
and a right click on the magnifyer glass lets you filter.

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It is possible to get the list of Web, iPhone, SMS, FaceBook messages addressed to
the Radio and to re-use that data in NeoScreener.

Click on the « MESSAGES » button on the main screen and a floating window ap-
pears. It is automatically refreshed et shows you the most recent on top.

Using these messages is very simple:

 Use a message to turn it into a call card in a

single click: click on the WWW or SMS or @
icon of the message.
 Discard (mask) a message
 Discard (mask) all visible messages
 Filter incoming messages in order to show only
from the x-th message matching a keyword
 Filter messages addressed to a specific show
 Display all messages, including those dis-
carded (masked).

This function lets you interface NeoScreener (and

NeoWinners too) in a very intuitive way with the
whole of the messages coming from your audience

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This screen only displays the current calls that have been Okayed by the call scree-
ner. Hence, it does not show all of the current calls traffic on the call screener side.

LINE = Set a call audio On Air on Hybrid 1 (line in RED). Second click = Locking
(line in YELLOW, used for conferencing two callers on-air).
REJECT = Call placed on hold, cleared from the Talent display and instructions
given in the Chat window on call screener side.
WINS = Call placed on hold, cleared from the Talent display and instructions given
in the Chat window on call screener side.

The « chat » lets you exchange with the call screener.

The calls counter shows the number of current incoming calls on the screener side.

NEXT = Takes the next call in the priorities order, as decided by the call screener
and sets the call on hybrid 1.
HOLD = Places the active call (red line) on hold (if not locked in yellow).
DROP = Drops the active call (red line) on hold (if not locked in yellow).

MESSAGES = List of incoming messages (SMS, iPhone, Web…). See p10.

CALLS = List of all calls processed with NeoScreener. See p7
SHORTLIST = List of call cards selected/prepared for a show. See p9

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For any questions, you can contact us:

By email: [email protected]

By phone:
+33 9 72 23 62 00 (France)
+1 210 757 4700 (USA)

Or on

Technical Support:

By email: [email protected]

By phone:
+33 9 72 23 62 06 (France)
+33 6 70 43 49 91 (France - Cell)

written by Philippe Halin

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For more information on NeoGroupe products please visit our website
or contact us by e-mail at [email protected]

14, Rue des Selliers
F-94440 Marolles en Brie
Tel: +33 9 72 23 62 00

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