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Kate Ganly
Johanna Mair


As change agents, social entrepreneurs tackle persistent social problems that often require
innovative solutions in resource-scarce environments (Mair and Marti, 2006; Seelos and Mair,
2005). While much research to date has focused on the 'entrepreneurship' side of the equation,
there have been few studies examining the processes of 'social' change that these entrepreneurs
and organizations aim to set in motion (Vasi, 2009). One way to conceptualize the role of social
entrepreneurs in social change processes is to view them as institutional entrepreneurs (Mair
and Marti, 2009), i.e., as entrepreneurial actors who introduce and push through alternative
conceptions of social, political or cultural order. This paper draws upon a broader research
project based on an in-depth case study of one such entrepreneurial actor in Eastern India
addressing issues of institutionalized inequality and social exclusion through community
development work.

Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Institutional change, Water.

Research Assistant, IESE
Profesor, Strategic Management, IESE

As change agents, social entrepreneurs tackle persistent social problems that often require
innovative solutions in resource-scarce environments (Mair and Marti, 2006; Seelos and Mair,
2005). While much research to date has focused on the entrepreneurship side of the equation,
there have been few studies examining the processes of social change that these entrepreneurs
and organizations aim to set in motion (Vasi, 2009). One way to conceptualize the role of social
entrepreneurs in social change processes is to view them as institutional entrepreneurs (Mair
and Marti, 2009), i.e., as entrepreneurial actors who introduce and push through alternative
conceptions of social, political or cultural order. This paper draws upon a broader research
project based on an in-depth case study of one such entrepreneurial actor in Eastern India
addressing issues of institutionalized inequality and social exclusion through community
development work. The focus of our analysis is on the constitutive effect of the entrepreneurial
actor (organization) on its target group (community) as well as society at large. In this paper we
specifically ask: What are the mechanisms and processes through which social entrepreneurs
alter institutional arrangements and thereby trigger the social change that enables sustainable
development? We view the production of collective meaning as an important factor in
influencing the enabling conditions for institutional change.

Case Study and Contextual Background

Gram Vikas is a development NGO that has been working with poor and disadvantaged
communities in rural Orissa, since 1971. Orissa has been acknowledged as Indias poorest state
(De Haan, 2004; Council for Social Development, 2006) and is home to the highest proportion
of the most marginalized groups in India.1 Both Gram Vikas and its founder, Joe Madiath, have
received many awards for social entrepreneurship: from the Schwab Foundation, Skoll
Foundation and Ashoka among others. This paper conceptualizes the organization as the social,

Officially termed scheduled castes (SCs), also known as Untouchables and scheduled tribes (STs), these groups
make up significant proportions of Orissas population. Based on national poverty statistics from 2000, 72 per cent of
STs and 55 per cent of SCs in Orissa were living below the national poverty line, compared with 33 per cent among
all other groups (De Haan, 2004).
and at the same time, institutional entrepreneur but also views the communities it works with
as crucial actors contributing to the processes of social change.

While poverty levels are extremely high, women in Orissa are doubly disadvantaged. For
example, almost half of the female population suffers from nutritional deficiency, at least two
in seven married women have experienced domestic violence since the age of 15, and literacy
levels among women in Orissas poorest districts can be as low as 21 per cent (Government of
Orissa, 2004). To address these disparities, Gram Vikas has developed an innovative approach
that begins to break down longstanding traditional and cultural assumptions about the social
position of women and other disadvantaged groups in Indian society. In this paper we narrow
our focus to the strategies and tactics Gram Vikas uses to bring social change, as well as
development to the women in rural Orissa by introducing a new norm of inclusion and
creating collective meaning around this norm.

After observing that high mortality rates and persistent ill health could be traced to waterborne
diseases resulting from the practice of open defecation, Gram Vikas initiated the Rural Health
and Environment Program (RHEP) in 1991. Its aim is to provide every household in a village,
regardless of caste or tribal status, with piped drinking water and a separate toilet and bathing
room; and it requires 100 per cent inclusion, that is, both men and women from every family
and every caste in the village are required to participate. Gram Vikas believes that the
sanitation aspect can only be addressed if everybody changes their behavior: even one family
still practicing open defecation will continue to pollute the water table. In this way the
organization has found an intervention method that allows it to insist on its underlying social
mission of equality and inclusion for reasons that do not appear to directly challenge
social norms.

Institutional Change Processes

In our case study, Gram Vikas promotes inclusion in rural Indian village life where exclusion of
women, lower castes and tribal people is the accepted norm dictated by social custom. Despite a
national constitution which guarantees equality under the law to all castes, tribes and genders,
cultural practices that make women and some caste groups second class citizens are still
dominant in rural India. More than 30 years of experience has taught Gram Vikas that this is
not an issue which can be tackled directly. Our data show that inclusion as a norm becomes
institutionalized over time, in stages and with the active involvement of the villagers
themselves. We also found that various organizational structures were created to support this
institutionalization process and observed how, over time, the new norm becomes embodied in
the practices and structures of everyday life. Whilst we do not have the space to elaborate here
on the specific tactics and strategies involved, what follows is a very brief description of the
four stages we observed.

Stage one building consensus: Resistance to the idea of 100 per cent inclusion as a norm
guiding thinking and acting at the local level is inevitable. Resistance to the participation of
lower castes or Untouchables is especially strong from higher castes in the village. While this
presents an initial obstacle, it is usually more easily overcome than resistance to the idea of
womens participation. In a strongly patriarchal society, which continues to practice restrictive

customs such as purdah,2 dowry payments3 and the early marriage of young girls, the idea that
women should participate in decision-making does not even cross peoples minds, least of all
the women themselves. However, Gram Vikas insists that women should make up 50 per cent of
the General Body (represented by one male and one female member of every household),
which is created to oversee the implementation of the RHEP. Many meetings are held to discuss
this non-negotiable issue and, while the consensus on womens participation is reached only
by the men, it is a necessary step to unlocking the social position of women.

Stage two maintaining commitment: In the second stage the village must work towards
satisfying the conditions they have agreed to with Gram Vikas in order to embark on the
program. This includes collecting a village corpus fund of Rs 1,000 per household. The norm of
inclusion is strategically included in the processes that Gram Vikas sets up. The village must
actively endorse the ideal of inclusion by working together to raise sufficient funds. Some
families will not be able to afford this amount and in effect, the richer families end up
subsidizing the poorer ones. By the end of this period the Village Executive Committee (five
men and five women elected by the General Body) is registered as a society under Indian law.
This enables it to deal with external agencies and to access government development funding
in the future. The corpus fund is banked in a term deposit with the designated purpose of
providing future funding for the extension of toilets, bathing rooms and piped water supply to
new households in the village. These social-organizational, economic and legal structures
embody the norm of inclusion in concrete entities, which in turn facilitates the collective
adoption of meaning and accelerates the institutionalization process of the new norm.

Stage three establishing infrastructure: This phase sees the actual construction of the toilets,
bathing rooms and water tanks but it is not merely physical infrastructure that is being
developed. By now meetings of the General Body, the Executive Committee, Womens Self Help
Groups (SHGs)4 and various sub-committees of the RHEP, have become routine. These social-
organizational structures, committed to establishing equality of access to water and sanitation
in the village, are important sources of mediation and moderation during a precarious stage in
the process. The villagers are required to provide some of the materials and all of the unskilled
labor in building their own toilets and the village water tank, well and pipeline. A long term
commitment of this kind will often provoke conflicts and arguments among political factions in
the village. Interestingly, it is in this stage that the women begin to collectively exercise
political power: when work is derailed by mens quarrels, there are many instances of women
going on kitchen strike and refusing to cook until the work is resumed. Completion of the
facilities is a groundbreaking moment for the village, which now has its own 24 hour piped
water supply something that does not even exist in large rural towns. Both the economic and
the social commitment to the norm of inclusion are realized in a very tangible and powerful

Purdah refers to the custom of seclusion of women within the home and restriction of contact with men who are
not kin. It is widely practiced in rural India.
Even though the practice has been illegal in India since 1961, payment of a dowry to a girls in-laws upon
marriage is still very much the norm and contributes in large part to the structural inequality of women in society.
Girl children cost the family a great deal upon marriage while boys bring in wealth. The most common form of
gender discrimination in poor families is malnutrition through neglect. Dowry violence and dowry-related deaths of
women are also a problem when dowries are not perceived to be sufficient, and in-laws are often the perpetrators.
Self Help Groups are extensively promoted and encouraged by the Indian Government as a way of organizing
women into savings solidarity groups that can access formal credit through a national bank linkage scheme. NGOs
throughout India are instrumental in forming and supporting SHGs.

Stage four ongoing development: By this stage Gram Vikas has generally been working with a
village for around 3-4 years. During the implementation of RHEP many other activities will
have been initiated besides those directed towards water and sanitation: the women will have
formed SHGs and begun to access bank credit; Gram Vikas has probably helped the village to
access further loans for local income generation and development projects; and many education
sessions will have been conducted. The key for Gram Vikas at this point is to maintain the
momentum for social development that has been created in the village and to widely diffuse the
norm of inclusion by transposing it from the domain of water and sanitation to other areas of
village life.

How Inclusion is Encoded in Practice and Structure

We see the creation of the General Body and the Executive Committee as vital structures in a
progressive institutionalization of the new norm of inclusion. These community organizations
open up spaces in which women and marginalized individuals can legitimately participate in
the official concerns of the village. Women, in particular, represent latent resources that have
been locked in social structure and unable to play a role in the community at the level of
decision-making or indeed any contribution to village affairs. Throughout the progression of
RHEP, women gain increasing levels of autonomy and agency, especially in the political and
economic spheres.

As Gram Vikas comments in a report, the visibility of women in community-level decision-

making and in the public arena increases through a gradual process (Jayapadma and Johnson,
2003). First they step out of their homes and participate in group meetings; then they form
SHGs and travel outside the village to access bank loans or to negotiate with officials; as a
result of the confidence gained, they may begin to take responsibility for other projects in the
village until eventually they may even be elected to local government posts. For these women,
the practice they have had in their daily lives of both participating and being included enables
them to take up government positions and fulfill them in their own right, rather than the far
more common practice of just occupying positions that have been reserved for women
candidates but actually fronting for men who hold the real power.

Institutional change happens slowly. However, even the occurrence of men and women meeting
together in the same space to discuss the same topics is a significant change in rural Orissa.
Such events reflect a subtle transformation but they are powerful indicators of institutional
change. The alternative structures based on inclusion, such as the general body and executive
committee, provide alternative templates that point to unimagined solutions for some of the
villages biggest problems (e.g., health, access to safe water). In turn, these structural models
provide the spaces and the means to unlock and redeploy resources such as the social and
political capital of the women and other marginalized actors.

We study how institutional change is possible in an extreme context where actors are affected
by lack of autonomy and where social exclusion is the dominant norm guiding thinking and
acting. Unfortunately such extreme contexts are still the reality in too many places. The focus
of our investigation lies in how an entrepreneurial actor introduces a new norm inclusion

and, together with the target group the rural community creates collective meaning around
that norm. The dissemination and institutionalization of the new norm across different domains
and its penetration of daily practices, creates a shared collective understanding around the new
norm that not only produces a sense of taking it for granted but also significantly alters the
conditions for acting and thinking. Our research indicates that this process involves several
stages and requires time.

Insights from our research for making sense of, and scholarship on, social entrepreneurship,
especially in developing countries, point to a localized approach, employing small steps and
involving the target group. In this paper, we conceptualize development as a process of
institutional change and we view the creation of alternative meaning structures as an enabler
of this process, but more importantly as a necessary condition for development that is actually

Council for Social Development (2006), India Social Development Report, New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.

De Hann, A. (2004), Disparities within Indias poorest regions: Why do the same institutions
work differently in different places?, Background Paper for the World Bank Development
Report 2006.

Government of Orissa (2004), Orissa Human Development Report, Bhubaneswar: Planning

and Coordination Department, Government of Orissa.

Jayapadma, R. V. and Johnson, L. (2003), Institutionalizing gender in patriarchal rural

communities: Creating spaces through uncontested domains, Paper presented at SDC
Gender Capitalization Workshop, Fribourg, Switzerland June 15-19.

Mair, J. and Marti, I. (2006), Social entrepreneurship research: A source of explanation,

prediction, and delight, Journal of World Business, 41(1): pp. 36-44.

Mair, J. and Marti, I. (2009), Entrepreneurship in and around institutional voids: A case study
from Bangladesh, Journal of Business Venturing: Forthcoming in May.

Seelos, C. and Mair, J. (2005), Social entrepreneurship: Creating new business models to serve
the poor, Business Horizons, 48(3): pp. 241-246.

Vasi, I. B. (2009), New heroes, old theories? Toward a sociological perspective on social
entrepreneurship, in R. Zeigler, An Introduction to social entrepreneurship: Voices,
preconditions, contexts, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

International Journal of Advance Research in
Computer Science and Management Studies

Rural Entrepreneurship in India:

Challenge and Problems
Brijesh Patel1 Kirit Chavda2
Research Scholar Research Scholar
G. H. Patel Institute of Business Management G. H. Patel Institute of Business Management
Sardar Patel University Vallabh Vidhyanagar Sardar Patel University Vallabh Vidhyanagar
Gujarat India Gujarat India

Abstract: Rural entrepreneurship is now a days a major opportunity for the people who migrate from rural areas or semi -
urban areas to Urban areas. On the contrary it is also a fact that the majority of rural entrepreneurs is facing many
problems due to not availability of primary amenities in rural areas of developing country like India. Lack of education,
financial problems, insufficient technical and conceptual ability it is too difficult for the rural entrepreneurs to establish
industries in the rural areas. This paper makes an attempt to find out the Problems and Challenges for the potentiality of
Rural Entrepreneurship. It also focuses on the major problems faced by rural entrepreneurs especially in the fields of
Marketing of products, financial amenities and other primary amenities, i.e. availability of electricity, water supply, transport
facilities and required energy etc.

Keywords: Rural Entrepreneurship, challenges, Problems, constraints, rural, amenities.

I. Introduction

Concept of Rural Entrepreneurship

Defining entrepreneurship is not an easy task. To some, entrepreneurship means primarily innovation, to others it means
risk-taking? To others a market stabilizing force and to others still it means starting, owning and managing a small business. An
entrepreneur is a person who either creates new combinations of production factors such as new methods of production, new
products, new markets, finds new sources of supply and new organizational forms or as a person who is willing to take risks or
a person who by exploiting market opportunities, eliminates disequilibrium between aggregate supply and aggregate demand or
as one who owns and operates a business.

What is Rural Entrepreneurship?

The problem is essentially lopsided development which is a development of one area at the cost of development of some
other place, with concomitant associated problems of underdevelopment. For instance, we have seen unemployment or
underemployment in the villages that has led to influx of rural population to the cities. What is needed is to create a situation so
that the migration from rural areas to urban areas comes down. Migration per se is not always undesirable but it should be th e
minimum as far as employment is concerned. Rather the situation should be such that people should find it worthwhile to shift
themselves from towns and cities to rural areas because of realization of better opportunities there. In other words, migration
from rural areas should not only get checked but overpopulated towns and cities should also get decongested. If it is so, ways
can always be found out. One is by forcibly stopping villagers from settling in the slums of towns and cities, making use of all
powers to clear the slums so the villagers are forced to go back. But such practices have not achieved the desired results in the
past. Apart from causing suffering to the poor people and adding to the expenditure of the Government, social tensions and

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Kirit Chavda
economic hardships created by the government officials and their staff in every demolition of slums is not desirable from a sane
government. Moreover, when a slum is demolished people do not move out of urban localities. They only relocate to a nearby
place because they are entrenched in the economy of the town or city. Though governments have tried out various schemes for
generating incomes in the rural areas such as government initiatives have not stopped people from moving out of villages to
cities. This is because such government initiatives are not on their own capable of enabling people to earn adequately and
ameliorate their conditions. There has to be some committed enterprising individual or a group of people.

II. Rural Entrepreneurship in India

Who should be capable of making use of the government policies and schemes for the betterment of rural people? Some
individuals who happen to be local leaders and NGOs and who are committed to the cause of the rural people have been
catalytic agents for development. Though their efforts need to be recognized yet much more needs to be done to reverse the
direction of movement of people, i.e. to attract people in the rural areas. It means not only stopping the outflow of rural people
but also attracting them back from the towns and cities where they had migrated. This is possible when young people consider
rural areas as places of opportunities. Despite all the inadequacies in rural areas one should assess their strengths and build on
them to make rural areas places of opportunities. This is much to do with the way one sees the reality of the rural areas. The way
a survivor or job seeker would see things would certainly be different from those who would like to do something worthwhile
and are ready to go through a difficult path to achieve their goals. It isn't that there is a dearth of people with such a mindset. But
with time they change their minds and join the bandwagon of job seekers due to various compilations. Enabling them to think
positively, creatively and Entrepreneurship purposefully is most of the development of rural areas. Young people with such
perspective and with the help of rightly channelized efforts would usher in an era of rural entrepreneurship.

The basic principles of entrepreneur which applied the rural development are:

Optimum utilization of local resources in an entrepreneurial venture by rural population - Better distributions of the
farm produce results in the rural prosperity.
Entrepreneurial occupation rural population to reduce discrimination and providing alternative occupations as against
the rural migration.
To activate such system to provide basic '6 m'- manpower, money , material, machinery, management and market to
the rural population.

Rural Entrepreneurship in changing Environment:

The changing global environment raises questions about the ability of traditional, small-scale businesses in rural areas to
share the potential benefits offered by the changing environment. The rapid (though declining) population growth, coupled with
even faster urbanization, creates increasing demands. In India, urban populations in general grow about twice as fast as the
overall total, and by 2020 they may exceed the size of rural populations. Such a major demographic trend challenges the
capacities of some traditional small-scale businesses to cope with the increasing demands.

III. Effect of Globalization on Rural Entrepreneurship

Since globalization is a macro-concept and rural entrepreneurship is a micro-concept, occurring in a very limited area, it is
very difficult to establish causal linkages, or to quantify the specific effects of globalization on rural entrepreneurship. However,
it is possible to identify a range of different channels through which various aspects of globalization can be expected to change
the welfare of rural entrepreneurship in India.

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Brijesh Patel
Kirit Chavda
1) Productivity and efficiency effect

Globalization is often said to result in higher productivity, due to the access to global markets, abilities to specialize, and to
take advantages of economies of scale and scope. Exposure to the global competition can result in high levels of productivity
and efficiency. However, it is less crucial for large economies like India. Again, the potential gains to rural entrepreneur are also
large, because globalization enhances countries abilities to exploit comparative advantages arising from differing natural and
ecological conditions. At the level of national policy, these arguments seem to favour globalization. Still, it is very easy to see
how the rural entrepreneur could still lose out. This is true in most case duet the lack of affordable facilities in rural areas. There
are many other factors which place rural entrepreneurs at a disadvantage. Most of them, lack access to the technologies and
market information that would enable them to comply with quality specifications and effectively respond to emerging
opportunities. They rarely have access to credit and the other financial services necessary to compete in the modern world.
Many face high transportation and input costs that further reduce their ability to compete. Additionally, there are some whose
cultures place greater value on the maintenance of traditional ways of life, rather than on material success in a competitive
world. Apart from these disadvantages, there is the wider question of whether the economic and institutional infrastructures, and
the structure of policies, are favorable for small enterprises to succeeding international competition. In short, globalization
presents real dangers to the rural entrepreneur, to set against the possible advantages for the wider economy.

2) Economic growth effect

As already noted, the argument in favour of globalization is the positive link between globalization and rural
entrepreneurship in India. Because the potential benefits include improved access to foreign technology and managerial
expertise. There have been varied views concerning the connection between trade openness and rural entrepreneurship growth,
and this has given rise to a large body of empirical literature, suggesting a positive relationship between trade openness and
rural entrepreneurship growth. Edwards (1998) concludes that greater openness accelerates economic growth, and that large
departures from free trade dampen it. The evidence suggests that liberalizing countries outperform those who failed
liberalization attempts (Michael et al., 1991). In contrast, Helleiner (1986) suggested that a certain level of national development
is necessary before the objective of export-led growth can be realized.

Emergence of the WTO and the series of deliberations under the Uruguay round have changed the world economic order.
Indian Government has shelved the earlier protectionist policies and opened up the economy to the world market. Undoubtedly,
this has helped the Indian economy to recoup its strength with the flow of international capital and technology resulting in a
robust economic position. The economy is moving steadily with more than 6 per cent DGP growth rate for the last two decades
or so. However, the new economic order has posed severe challenges to the agricultural and rural sectors of the economy.

Overall, it indicates that openness promotes faster growth. Still, the question remains as to what this might do for the rural
enterprises, particularly as little FDI flows into agriculture, least of all small-scale agriculture. The effect of globalization on
rural enterprises depends upon the changes in GDP and changes in income distribution. The evidence suggests that the rural
entrepreneur overall are substantially included as beneficiaries from economic growth. However, the extent of inclusion varies

As discussed earlier, free trade and openness results in faster growth. Growth might be expected to specifically benefit the
rural entrepreneur to the extent that the agricultural sector is included in the economic expansion. In fact, there is little evidence
that trade expansion in India has actually taken this form.

ISSN: 2321-7782 30 | P a g e
Brijesh Patel International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies
Kirit Chavda Volume 1, Issue 2, July 2013 pg. 28-37
3) Technological effect

Transfer of technology is one of the prominent features of globalization and one of the major reasons for predicting
improved growth. Many formerly small rural entrepreneurs saw major improvements in their businesses, but the improvements
were in a very limited area and to a very limited number of entrepreneurs.

The focus today is on the potentials and dangers of biotechnology. In principle, the benefits here too may be large. The
benefits may be from raising productivity, reduced risks of drought and pests, as well as lower food prices.

Biotechnology research has been more relevant to the problems of high-income countries. The benefits tend to be specific
to particular environments, conditions or markets. As mall number of multinational corporations is also carrying out much of
the research.

There has been a general focus upon the problems of rural entrepreneurs in rich countries, with little attention being paid to
developing countries like Indias basic food crops and the problems of their small farmers.

4) Distributional Effect

It is not possible to gauge the overall effect of globalization on the level of inequality; the effect on women entrepreneur in
rural area is less ambiguous. Many rural women entrepreneurs are hampered from benefiting from the changes arising from
globalization. They have less access than men to education and training, less time to devote to productive activities, less
command over important resources such as land, credit and capital. Income developing countries, the sexual division of labor
precludes women from income derived from cash crops. In addition, they also have less incentive to respond to economic
signals, since they are likely to have less control over any income.

5) Transformational and insecurity effect

Rural entrepreneurship is not always directly related to income. It can also refer to an intense level of insecurity. Many
times those who have managed to improve their position are pressed back down again by natural disasters, inflation and other

Some aspects of globalization increase such problems. Globalization is generally associated with the accelerated pace of
change in economic life and increased competitive pressures. This requires a speedy adaptation, which may simply be outside
the range of those with few modern skills or other assets. As indicated earlier, globalization is linked to increased specialization,
but this, for all its advantages, increases risks for rural entrepreneurs by pushing them to play all their cards. These factors are
further compounded by the transformational and insecurity effect due to volatile environment.

Greater financial interdependence amongst national economies, resulting from globalization, has the effect of transferring
or spreading shocks from one nation to another. This can be seen from the financial crisis in the last year (2008) which affected
the world, leading to a global slowdown. The enormous cross-border movements of highly mobile financial capital and the
difficulties of regulating this have resulted in the tendency for financial shocks to spreading around the world. Many of these
shocks coming from the rest of the world hit the urban sector hardest. Still, there are a number of channels through which the
effect is transferred to the rural enterprises.

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6) Policy

Government of India has, in a sense, discriminated against agriculture and those enterprises that depend upon it. This
discrimination has typically taken the form of overvalued exchange rates, state trading monopolies for domestic and external
marketing of agricultural commodities. Additionally, the revenues from commodity exports have been used for the growth of
civil services and urban development, rather than reinvestment in agriculture.

IV. Challenges faced by Rural Entrepreneurship in India

Family Challenges: Convincing to opt for business over job is easy is not an easy task for an individual. The first thing
compared is Will you make more money in the business of your choice or as a successor of family business. This is where it
becomes almost impossible to convince that you can generate more cash with your passion than doing what your Dad is doing.

Social Challenges: Family challenges are always at the top because that is what matter the most but at times social challenges
also are very important. Let us say you and your friend graduated at the same time. You opted for entrepreneurship and your
friend opted for a job. He now has a flat, car and what not because he could easily get those with a bank loan but you still have
nothing to show off and this is where the challenge comes.

Technological Challenges: Indian education system lags too much from the Job industry as a whole but then it lags even more
when it comes to online entrepreneurship. What technology would be ideal and how to use that technology effectively?

Financial Challenges: (Difficulty in borrowing fund): Financial challenges are a lot different in India especially for online
entrepreneurs. When you are starting out as an entrepreneur you dont opt for venture funding but try to go to funding for small
to medium business people. Many such non-technical business people dont understand the online business models as a whole
and so getting an initial business funding from them becomes challenging. The other option you can think of is a loan but bank
loan is not at all an option in India for new online entrepreneurs.

Policy Challenges: Now and then there is lots of changes in the policies to change in the government. Problems of TRIPS and
TRIMS. Problems of raising equity capital, Problems of availing raw-materials, Problems of obsolescence of indigenous
technology Increased pollutions Ecological imbalanced. Exploitation of small and poor countries etc.

A. Opportunities

Free entry into world trade.

Improved risk taking ability.

Governments of nations withdrawn some restrictions

Technology and inventions spread into the world.

Encouragement to innovations and inventions.

Promotion of healthy completions among nations

Consideration increase in government assistance for international trade.

The establishment of other national and international institutes to support business among the nations of the world.

Benefits of specialization.

Social and cultural development

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B. Challenges for Rural Entrepreneurs

Growth of Mall Culture

Poor Assistance

Power Failure

Lack of Technical know how

Capacity Utilization

Infrastructure Sickness

C. Opportunities for Rural Entrepreneurs

Crashed Scheme for Rural Development

Food for Work Program

National Rural Employment Program

Regional Rural Development Centers

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India

Bank of Technology

Rural Innovation Funding

Social Rural Entrepreneurship.

D. Need for Creating Indian Entrepreneurs- A Snapshot:

A recent Mckinsey & Company-Nasscom report estimates that India needs at least 8,000 new businesses to achieve its
target of building a US$87 billion IT sector.

In the next 10 years, 110-130 million Indian citizens will be searching for jobs, including 80-100 million looking for their
first jobs.

In todays knowledge based economy is fertile ground for entrepreneurs, in India. It is rightly believed that India has an
extraordinary talent pool with virtually limitless potential to become entrepreneurs. Therefore, it is important to get committed
to creating the right environment to develop successful entrepreneurs. To achieve this, India must focus on the following area.

Create the Right Environment for Success

Ensure that Entrepreneurs have access to the Right Skill

Ensure that Entrepreneurs have access to Smart Capital

Enable Networking and Exchange

Government Support: Both the Central and State Governments should take more interest in promoting the growth of

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V. Problem of Rural Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs are playing very important role in the development of economy. They face various problems in day to day
work. As the thorns are part of roses, similarly every flourishing business has its own kind of problems. Some of the major
problems faced by rural entrepreneurs are as under.

Financial Problems

Paucity of Funds

Most of the rural entrepreneurs fail to get external funds due to absence of tangible security and credit in the market. The
procedure to avail the loan facility is too time-consuming that its delay often disappoints the rural entrepreneurs. Lack of
finance available to rural entrepreneurs is one of the biggest problems which rural entrepreneur is born now days especially due
to global recession. Major difficulties faced by rural entrepreneurs include low level of purchasing power of rural consumer so
sales volume is insufficient, lack of finance to start business, reduced profits due to competition, pricing of goods and services,
Financial statements are difficult to be maintained by rural entrepreneur, stringent tax laws, lack of guarantees for raising up of
loans, difficulty in raising capital through equity, dependence on small money lenders for loans for which they charge
discriminating interest rates and huge rent and property cost. These all problems create a difficulty in raising money through
loans. Landlords in Punjab proved to be a major source of finance for rural entrepreneurs but the rates of land are reduced due to
global recession so they also lack hard cash nowadays.

Some banks have not ventured out to serve rural customers because banks are expensive to be reached by rural customers and,
once reached, are often too poor to afford bank products. Poor people often have insufficient established forms of collateral
(such as physical assets) to offer, so they are often excluded from traditional financial market. The government is providing
subsidies to rural areas but due to the high cost of finance, these subsidies are not giving fruitful results. Major sources of
finance in rural areas are loans from regional rural banks or from zamindars but their rate of interest is usually very high. The
government has various institutions for this purpose but the results are not up to the level expected. Industrial Finance
Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial development bank of India, Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
(ICICI), Small Scale Industry development bank of India (SIDBI) are some of the national level (SFC) institutions that are
helping out rural entrepreneurs. Some state level institutions are also working like a State Financial Corporation and State
Industrial Development Corporation (SIDC). These institutions provide assistance for setting up of new ventures and side by
side for modernization and expansion of existing ones but their terms and conditions are very strict to be handled. Various
schemes like composite loan scheme, tiny unit scheme, scheme for technical entrepreneurs etc. had started but they are unable
to meet the expectation of rural entrepreneur. Raising funds through equity is little bit difficult for rural entrepreneurs because
of lack of financial knowledge and also their financial corpus is also low, so loans are the primary source of finance for them
which proved to be a great obstacle in developing rural entrepreneurship. Various policies of RBI regarding priority sector
lending failed to achieve its objectives. Micro financing movements started in India worked well. Self-help groups from the
basic constituent unit of micro finance movement in India. Self-help groups are a group of a few individuals who pool their
savings into a fund from which they can borrow as and when necessary. Such a group is linked with banks but joining an
existing SHG is often a costly affair for an aspiring villager as in order to maintain parity among the members, a new member
has to join by depositing the total accumulated individual savings and interest of groups. So starting new SHG is an easy as
compared to join existing one. NGOs also played important role in rural development. These NGOs are usually registered as
societies and trust. They have less capital resources as they cannot raise equity capital.

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Kirit Chavda

Lack of Infrastructural Facilities

The growth of rural entrepreneurs is not very healthy in spite of efforts made by government due to lack of proper and
adequate infrastructural facilities.

Risk Element

Rural entrepreneurs have less risk bearing capacity due to lack of financial resources and external support.

Marketing Problems


Rural entrepreneurs face severe completion of large sized organizations and urban entrepreneurs. They incur the high cost of
production due to high input cost. Major problems faced by marketers are the problem of standardization and competition from
large scale units. They face the problem in fixing the standards and sticking to them. Competition from large scale units also
creates difficulty for the survival of new ventures. New ventures have limited financial resources and hence cannot afford to
spend more on sales promotion. These units are not having any standard brand name under which they can sell their products.
New ventures have to come up with new advertisement strategies which the rural people can easily understand. The literacy rate
among the Problems Faced by Rural Entrepreneurs and Remedies to Solve It rural consumer is very low. Printed media have
limited scope in the rural context. The traditionally bounded nature, cultural backwardness and cultural barriers add to the
difficulty of communication. People in rural areas mostly communicate in their local dialects and English and Hindi are not
understood by many people. It has been seen in the recent past that in spite of enough food stocks with government warehouses,
people are dying of starvation. This indicates a problem with the public distribution system. The producers are not collective in
their approach for marketing their products because they are too widely scattered and uneducated.


Middlemen exploit rural entrepreneurs. The rural entrepreneurs are heavily dependent on middlemen for marketing of their
products who pocket large amount of profit. Storage facilities and poor mean of transport are other marketing problems in rural
areas. In most of the villages, farmers store the produce in open space, in bags or earthier vessels etc. So these indigenous
methods of storage are not capable of protecting the produce from dampness, weevils etc. The agricultural goods are not
standardized and graded.

Management Problems

Lake of Knowledge of I.T

Information technology is not very common in rural areas. Entrepreneurs rely on internal linkages that encourage the flow of
goods, services, information and ideas. The intensity of family and personal relationships in rural communities can sometimes
be helpful but they may also present obstacles to effective business relationships. Business deals may receive less than rigorous
objectivity and intercommunity rivalries may reduce the scope for regional cooperation. Decision making process and lines of
authority are mostly blurred by local politics in rural areas.

Legal formalities

Rural entrepreneurs find it extremely difficult in complying with various legal formalities in obtaining licenses due to illiteracy
and ignorance.
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Kirit Chavda
Procurement of Raw Materials

Procurement of raw materials is really a tough task for rural entrepreneurs. They may end up with poor quality raw materials,
may also face the problem of storage and warehousing.

Lack of Technical Knowledge

Rural entrepreneurs suffer a severe problem of lack of technical knowledge. Lack of training facilities and extensive services
crate a hurdle for the development of rural entrepreneurship.

Poor Quality of Products

Another important problem is growth of rural entrepreneurship is the inferior quality of products produced due to lack of
availability of standard tools and equipment and poor quality of raw materials.

Human Resources Problems

Low Skill Level of Workers

Most of the entrepreneurs of rural areas are unable to find workers with high skills. Turnover rates are also high in this case.
They have to be provided with on the job training and their training is generally a serious problem for the entrepreneur as they
are mostly uneducated and they have to be taught in the local language which they understand easily. The industries in rural
areas are not only established just to take advantage of cheap labor but also to bring about an integrated rural development. So
rural entrepreneurs should not look at rural area as their market, they should also see the challenges existing in urban areas and
be prepared for them. Rural entrepreneurs are generally less innovative in their thinking. Youths in rural areas have little options
this is what they are given to believe. This is the reason that many of them either work as farm or migrate to urban land.

Negative Attitude

The environment in the family, society and support system is not conducive to encourage rural people to take up
entrepreneurship as a career. It may be due to lack of awareness and knowledge of entrepreneurial opportunities. The young and
well educated mostly tend to leave. As per circumstances, rural people by force may be more self-sufficient than their urban
counterparts, but the culture of entrepreneurship tends to be weak. Continuous motivation is needed in case of rural employee
which is sometime difficult for an entrepreneur to Problems In Rural Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs are playing very important
role in the development of economy. They face various problems in day to day work. As the thorns are part of roses, similarly
every flourishing business has its own kind of problems. Some of the major problems faced by rural entrepreneurs are as under.


1. Ahirrao Jitendra. (2013), Enterpreneurship and Rural Women in India, New Century, New Delhi.

2. Nandanwar Kalpana P. (2011), Role of Rural Entrepreneurship in Rural Development, International

Referred Research Journal, ISSN- 0974-2832, Vol. II, ISSUE-26, March.

3. Saxena Sandeep. (2012), Problems Faced By Rural Entrepreneurs and Remedies to Solve It, Journal of
Business and Management, ISSN 2278-487X, Vol. 3, Issue 1, July-August.

4. Santhi N. and Rajesh Kumar S. (2011), Entrepreneurship Challenges and Opportunities in India, Bonfring
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 1, Special Issue, December.

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Kirit Chavda

5. Kishor Choudhary. (2011), Effect of Globalization on Rural Entrepreneurship in India, Half Yearly Global
Economic Research Journal, ISSN 2249- 4081, Vol. I, Issue, pp. 88-92.



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