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VOL. 281, OCTOBER 30, 1997 277

Reyes vs. Court of Appeals

G.R. No. 124099. October 30, 1997.


GALOLO, and CELSA AGAPE, petitioners, vs. COURT OF
APPEALS and JULIO VIVARES, respondents.

Courts Jurisdiction Settlement of Estates Wills Probate As

a general rule, courts in probate proceedings are limited to passing
only upon the extrinsic validity of the will sought to be probated.
As a general rule, courts in probate proceedings are limited to
pass only upon the extrinsic validity of the will sought to be
probated. Thus, the court merely inquires on its due execution,
whether or not it complies with the formalities prescribed by law,
and the testamentary capacity of the testator. It does not
determine nor even by implication prejudge the validity or
efficacy of the wills provisions. The intrinsic validity is not
considered since the consideration thereof usually comes only
after the will has been proved and allowed.
Same Same Same Same Same The intrinsic validity of a
will may be passed upon where practical considerations
demanded it as when there is preterition of heirs or the
testamentary provisions are of doubtful legality, or where the
parties agree that the intrinsic validity be first determined.There
are, however, notable circumstances wherein the intrinsic validity
was first determined as when the defect of the will is apparent on
its face and the probate of the will may become a useless
ceremony if it is intrinsically invalid. The intrinsic validity of a
will may be passed upon because practical considerations
demanded it as when there is preterition of heirs or the
testamentary provisions are of doubtful legality. Where the
parties agree that the intrinsic validity be first determined, the
probate court may also do so. Parenthetically, the rule on probate
is not inflexible and absolute. Under exceptional circumstances, 1/12

the probate court is not powerless to do what the situation

constrains it to do and pass upon certain provisions of the will.
Same Same Same Same Same The propriety of the
institution of the devisees/legatees already involves inquiry on the
wills intrinsic validity which the probate court need not inquire
upon.The case at bar arose from the institution of the petition
for the





Reyes vs. Court of Appeals

probate of the will of the late Torcuato Reyes. Perforce, the only
issues to be settled in the said proceeding were: (1) whether or not
the testator had animus testandi (2) whether or not vices of
consent attended the execution of the will and (3) whether or not
the formalities of the will had been complied with. Thus, the lower
court was not asked to rule upon the intrinsic validity or efficacy
of the provisions of the will. As a result, the declaration of the
testator that Asuncion Oning Reyes was his wife did not have to
be scrutinized during the probate proceedings. The propriety of
the institution of Oning Reyes as one of the devisees/legatees
already involved inquiry on the wills intrinsic validity and which
need not be inquired upon by the probate court.
Same Same Same Same Same Words and Phrases A will
is the testator speaking after his death.In the elegant language
of Justice Moreland written decades ago, he saidA will is the
testator speaking after death. Its provisions have substantially
the same force and effect in the probate court as if the testator
stood before the court in full life making the declarations by word
of mouth as they appear in the will. That was the special purpose
of the law in the creation of the instrument known as the last will
and testament. Men wished to speak after they were dead and the
law, by the creation of that instrument, permitted them to do so. x
x x All doubts must be resolved in favor of the testators having
meant just what he said.(Santos vs. Manarang, 27 Phil. 209). 2/12

Same Same Same Same Same Evidence The failure of a

party to present a document before the probate court to support his
position constitutes a waiver and the same evidence can no longer
be entertained on appeal, much less in a petition for review before
the Supreme Court.Petitioners tried to refute this conclusion of
the Court of Appeals by presenting belatedly a copy of the
marriage certificate of Asuncion Reyes and Lupo Ebarle. Their
failure to present the said certificate before the probate court to
support their position that Asuncion Reyes had an existing
marriage with Ebarle constituted a waiver and the same evidence
can no longer be entertained on appeal, much less in this petition
for review. This Court would not try the case anew or settle
factual issues since its jurisdiction is confined to resolving
questions of law which have been passed upon by the lower
courts. The settled rule is that the factual findings of the
appellate court will not be disturbed unless shown to be contrary
to the evidence on the record, which petitioners have not shown in
this case.


VOL. 281, OCTOBER 30, 1997 279

Reyes vs. Court of Appeals

PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the

Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

Quimpo, Willkom, Borja, Neri, Calejesan & Oclarit
Law Offices for petitioners.
Algarra, Mutia & Trinidad Law Offices for private


Unless legally flawed, a testators intention in his last will

and testament is its life and soul which deserves
reverential observance.
The controversy before us deals with such a case.
Petitioners Manuel G. Reyes, Mila G. Reyes, Danilo G.
Reyes, Lyn Agape, Marites Agape, Estebana Galolo and
Celsa Agape, the oppositors in Special Proceedings No. 112
for the probate of the will of Torcuato J. Reyes, assail in1
this petition for review the decision of the Court of Appeals
dated November 29, 1995, the dispositive portion of which 3/12


WHEREFORE, premises considered, the judgment appealed

from allowing or admitting the will of Torcuato J. Reyes to
probate and directing the issuance of Letters Testamentary in
favor of petitioner Julio A. Vivares as executor without bond is
AFFIRMED but modified in that the declaration that paragraph
II of the Torcuato Reyes last will and testament, including
subparagraphs (a) and (b) are null and void for being contrary to
law is hereby SET ASIDE, said paragraph II and subparagraphs
(a) and (b) are declared VALID. Except as above modified, the
judgment appealed 2from is AFFIRMED.


1 Penned by Associate Justice Jose C. dela Rama, concurred in by

Associate Justices Jaime M. Lantin (Chairman), and Eduardo G.
2 Rollo, p. 29.



Reyes vs. Court of Appeals

The antecedent facts:

On January 3, 1992, Torcuato J. Reyes executed his last
will and testament declaring therein in part, to wit:

x x x

II. I give and bequeath to my wife Asuncion Oning R. Reyes the

following properties to wit:

a. All my shares of our personal properties consisting among

others of jewelries, coins, antiques, statues, tablewares,
furnitures, fixtures and the building
b. All my shares consisting of one half (1/2) or 50% of all the
real estates I own in common with my brother Jose,
situated in Municipalities of Mambajao, Mahinog,
Guinsiliban, Sagay all in Camiguin real estates in Lunao,
Gingoog, Caamulan, Sugbongcogon, BolocBoloc,
Kinoguitan, Balingoan, Sta. Ines, Caesta,
Talisayan, all in
the province of Misamis Oriental. 4/12

The will consisted of two pages and was signed by Torcuato

Reyes in the presence of three witnesses: Antonio Veloso,
Gloria Borromeo, and Soledad Gaputan. Private
respondent Julio A. Vivares was designated the executor
and in his default or incapacity, his son Roch Alan S.
Reyes died on May 12, 1992 and on May 21, 1992,
private respondent filed a petition for probate of the will
before the Regional Trial Court of Mambajao, Camiguin.
The petition was set for hearing and the order was
published in the Mindanao Daily Post, a newspaper of
general circulation, once a week for three consecutive
weeks. Notices were likewise sent to all the persons named
in the petition.
On July 21, 1992, the recognized natural children of
Torcuato Reyes with Estebana Galolo, namely Manuel,
Mila, and Danilo all surnamed Reyes, and the deceaseds
natural children with Celsa Agape, namely Lyn and
Marites Agape, filed an opposition with the following
allegations: a) that the last will and testament of Reyes
was not executed and attested in accordance with the
formalities of law and b) that Asuncion Reyes Ebarle
exerted undue and improper influence upon the


3 Exhibit F, Records, p. 4.


VOL. 281, OCTOBER 30, 1997 281

Reyes vs. Court of Appeals

testator at the time of the execution of the will. The

opposition further averred that Reyes was never married to
and could never marry Asuncion Reyes, the woman he
claimed to be his wife in the will, because the latter was
already married to Lupo Ebarle who was still then alive
and their marriage was never annulled. Thus, Asuncion
can not be a compulsory heir for her open cohabitation with
Reyes was violative of public morals.
On July 22, 1992, the trial court issued an order
declaring that it had acquired jurisdiction over the petition
and, therefore, allowed the presentation of evidence. After
the presentation of evidence and submission of the 5/12

respective memoranda, the trial court issued its decision on

April 23, 1993.
The trial court declared that the will was executed in
accordance with the formalities prescribed by law. It,
however, ruled that Asuncion Reyes, based on the
testimonies of the witnesses, was never married to the
deceased Reyes and, therefore, their relationship was an
adulterous one. Thus:

The admission in the will by the testator to the illicit relationship

between him and ASUNCION REYES EBARLE who is somebody
elses wife, is further bolstered, strengthened, and confirmed by
the direct testimonies of the petitioner himself and his two
attesting witnesses during the trial.
In both cases, the common denominator is the immoral,
meretrecious, adulterous and illicit relationship existing between
the testator and the devisee prior to the death of the testator,
which constituted the sole and primary consideration for 4
devise or legacy, thus making the will intrinsically invalid.

The will of Reyes was admitted to probate except for

paragraph II (a) and (b) of the will which was declared null
and void for being contrary to law and morals. Hence, Julio
Vivares filed an appeal before the Court of Appeals with
the allegation that the oppositors failed to present any
competent evidence that Asuncion Reyes was legally
married to another person during the period of her
cohabitation with Torcuato Reyes.


4 Decision, Records, p. 141.



Reyes vs. Court of Appeals

On November 29, 1995, the Court of Appeals promulgated

the assailed decision which affirmed the trial courts
decision admitting the will for probate but with the
modification that paragraph II including subparagraphs (a)
and (b) were declared valid. The appellate court stated:

Considering that the oppositors never showed any competent,

documentary or otherwise during the trial to show that Asuncion 6/12

Oning Reyes marriage to the testator was inexistent or void,

either because of a preexisting marriage or adulterous
relationship, the trial court gravely erred in striking down
paragraph II (a) and (b) of the subject Last Will and Testament,
as void for being contrary to law and morals. Said declarations are
not sufficient to destroy the presumption of marriage. Nor is it
enough to overcome the very 5
declaration of the testator that
Asuncion Reyes is his wife.

Dissatisfied with the decision of the Court of Appeals, the

oppositors filed this petition for review.
Petitioners contend that the findings and conclusion of
the Court of Appeals was contrary to law, public policy and
evidence on record. Torcuato Reyes and Asuncion Oning
Reyes were collateral relatives up to the fourth civil degree.
Witness Gloria Borromeo testified that Oning Reyes was
her cousin as her mother and the latters father were sister
and brother. They were also nieces of the late Torcuato
Reyes. Thus, the purported marriage of the deceased Reyes
and Oning Reyes was void ab initio as it was against public
policy pursuant to Article 38 (1) of the Family Code.
Petitioners further alleged that Oning Reyes was already
married to Lupo Ebarle at the time she was cohabiting
with the testator hence, she could never contract any valid
marriage with the latter. Petitioners argued that the
testimonies of the witnesses as well as the personal
declaration of the testator, himself, were sufficient to
destroy the presumption of marriage. To further support
their contention, petitioners attached a copy of the 6
marriage certificate of Asuncion Reyes and Lupo Ebarle.


5 Decision, Rollo, p. 29.

6 Annex A, Rollo, p. 103.


VOL. 281, OCTOBER 30, 1997 283

Reyes vs. Court of Appeals

The petition is devoid of merit.

As a general rule, courts in probate proceedings are
limited to pass only upon
the extrinsic validity of the will
sought to be probated. Thus, the court merely inquires on 7/12

its due execution, whether or not it complies with the

formalities prescribed by law, and the testamentary
capacity of the testator. It does not determine nor even by
implication8 prejudge the validity or efficacy of the wills
provisions. The intrinsic validity is not considered since
the consideration thereof usually comes only after the will
has been proved and allowed. There are, however, notable
circumstances wherein the intrinsic validity was first
determined as when the defect of the will is apparent on its
face and the probate of the will may 9
become a useless
ceremony if it is intrinsically invalid. The intrinsic validity
of a will may be passed upon because practical
considerations demanded it as when there is preterition of
heirs or10 the testamentary provisions are of doubtful
legality. Where the parties agree that the intrinsic
be first determined, the probate court may also do
so. Parenthetically, the rule on probate is not inflexible
and absolute. Under exceptional circumstances, the
probate court is not powerless to do what the situation
it to do and pass upon certain provisions of the
The case at bar arose from the institution of the petition
for the probate of the will of the late Torcuato Reyes.
Perforce, the only issues to be settled in the said proceeding
were: (1) whether or not the testator had animus testandi
(2) whether or not vices of consent attended the execution
of the will and (3) whether or not the formalities of the will
had been com


7 Ajero vs. Court of Appeals, 236 SCRA 488 Cayetano vs. Leonidas, 129
SCRA 522.
8 Palacios vs. Palacios, 106 Phil. 739.
9 Nepomuceno vs. Court of Appeals, 139 SCRA 206 Nuguid vs. Nuguid,
17 SCRA 499.
10 Balanay vs. Martinez, 64 SCRA 452 Cayetano vs. Leonidas, 129
SCRA 522.
11 Nuguid vs. Nuguid, supra.
12 Nepomuceno vs. Court of Appeals, supra.



Reyes vs. Court of Appeals 8/12

plied with. Thus, the lower court was not asked to rule
upon the intrinsic validity or efficacy of the provisions of
the will. As a result, the declaration of the testator that
Asuncion Oning Reyes was his wife did not have to be
scrutinized during the probate proceedings. The propriety
of the institution of Oning Reyes as one of the
devisees/legatees already involved inquiry on the wills
intrinsic validity and which need not be inquired upon by
the probate court.
The lower court erroneously invoked the ruling in
Nepomuceno vs. Court of Appeals (139 SCRA 206) in the
instant case. In the case aforesaid, the testator himself,
acknowledged his illicit relationship with the devisee, to

Art. IV. That since 1952, I have been living, as man and wife,
with one Sofia J. Nepomuceno, whom I declare and avow to be
entitled to my love an [sic] affection, for all the things which she
has done for me, now and in the past that while Sofia J.
Nepomuceno has with my full knowledge and consent, did comfort
and represent myself as her own husband, in truth and in fact, as
well as in the eyes of the law, I could not bind her to me in the
holy bonds of matrimony because of my aforementioned previous

Thus, the very tenor of the will invalidates the legacy

because the testator admitted he was disposing of the
properties to13 a person with whom he had been living in
concubinage. To remand the case would only be a waste of
time and money since the illegality or defect was already
patent. This case is different from the Nepomuceno case.
Testator Torcuato Reyes merely stated in his will that he
was bequeathing some of his personal and real properties
to his wife, Asuncion Oning Reyes. There was never an
open admission of any illicit relationship. In the case of
Nepomuceno, the testator admitted that he was already
previously married and that he had an adulterous
relationship with the devisee.
We agree with the Court of Appeals that the trial court
relied on uncorroborated testimonial evidence that
Asuncion Reyes was still married to another during the
time she co

_______________ 9/12

13 Ibid.


VOL. 281, OCTOBER 30, 1997 285

Reyes vs. Court of Appeals

habited with the testator. The testimonies of the witnesses

were merely hearsay and even uncertain as to the
whereabouts or existence of Lupo Ebarle, the supposed
husband of Asuncion. Thus:

The foregoing testimony cannot go against the declaration of the

testator the Asuncion Oning Reyes is his wife. In Alvarado v.
City Government of Tacloban (supra) the Supreme Court stated
that the declaration of the husband is competent evidence to show
the fact of marriage.
Considering that the oppositors never showed any competent
evidence, documentary or otherwise during the trial to show that
Asuncion Oning Reyes marriage to the testator was inexistent
or void, either because of a preexisting marriage or adulterous
relationship, the trial court gravely erred in striking down
paragraph II (a) and (b) of the subject Last Will and Testament,
as void for being contrary to law and morals. Said declarations are
not sufficient to destroy the presumption of marriage. Nor is it
enough to overcome the very 14
declaration of the testator that
Asuncion Reyes is his wife.

In the elegant language of Justice Moreland written

decades ago, he said

A will is the testator speaking after death. Its provisions have

substantially the same force and effect in the probate court as if
the testator stood before the court in full life making the
declarations by word of mouth as they appear in the will. That
was the special purpose of the law in the creation of the
instrument known as the last will and testament. Men wished to
speak after they were dead and the law, by the creation of that
instrument, permitted them to do so. x x x All doubts must be
resolved in favor of the testators having meant just what he
said. (Santos vs. Manarang, 27 Phil. 209).

Petitioners tried to refute this conclusion of the Court of

Appeals by presenting belatedly a copy of the marriage
certificate of Asuncion Reyes and Lupo Ebarle. Their
failure to present the said certificate before the probate 10/12

court to support their position that Asuncion Reyes had an

existing marriage


14 CA decision, Rollo, p. 29.



Reyes vs. Court of Appeals

with Ebarle constituted a waiver and the same evidence

can no longer be entertained on appeal, much less in this
petition for review. This Court would not try the case anew
or settle factual issues since its jurisdiction is confined to
resolving questions of law which have been passed upon by
the lower courts. The settled rule is that the factual
findings of the appellate court will not be disturbed unless
shown to be contrary to the evidence on 15
the record, which
petitioners have not shown in this case.
Considering the foregoing premises, we sustain the
findings of the appellate court it appearing that it did not
commit a reversible error in issuing the challenged
ACCORDINGLY, decision appealed from dated
November 29, 1995, is hereby AFFIRMED and the instant
petition for review is DENIED for lack of merit.

Regalado (Chairman), Romero, Puno and Mendoza,

JJ., concur.

Petition denied, judgment affirmed.

Notes.Attestation clause is valid even if in a language

not known to testator.(Caneda vs. Court of Appeals, 222
SCRA 781 [1993])
Proof that wills executed abroad conform with the
formalities prescribed by laws in the foreign jurisdiction or
by Philippine laws is imperative. (Vda. de Perez vs. Tolete,
232 SCRA 722 [1994])
The object of the solemnities surrounding the execution
of wills is to close the door against bad faith and fraud,
accordingly, laws on this subject should be interpreted to 11/12

attain these primordial ends. (Ajero vs. Court of Appeals,

236 SCRA 488 [1994])



15 Mercado vs. Court of Appeals, 234 SCRA 98, G.R. No. 108802. July
12, 1994.


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