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Form W-7 (COA) Certificate of Accuracy for IRS Individual

OMB Number
(Rev. March 2013) Taxpayer Identification Number 1545-0074
Department of the Treasury See Publication 4520
Internal Revenue Service Form use only by IRS Certifying Acceptance Agents when submitting Form W-7

Certificate of Accuracy
The undersigned is an authorized representative of

, a Certifying Acceptance Agent under an agreement entered into with

(CAA Business Name)

the Internal Revenue Service dated / / 20 . The undersigned certifies with regard to Form W-7 submitted for
, that the applicant is not eligible for a SSN and has
(Form W-7 Applicants Name)
provided the documentation checked below that sufficiently supports the applicants identity and foreign status.

REMINDER: A passport is the only document that proves both foreign status and identity. If a passport is not provided, a
combination of two or more documents must be provided to meet the documentation requirements.
Check the box under each category (Identity, Foreign Status) that corresponds to the documents reviewed by you.
Supporting Document Identity
Passport (Stand Alone Document)

National Identification Card (must be current and contain name, photograph, address, date of
birth and expiration date)
United States Drivers License

Civil Birth Certificate (Required for applicants under 18 if passport is not provided) *

Medical Records (valid only for dependents under age 6) *

Foreign Drivers License

United States State Identification Card

Foreign Voters Registration Card

United States Military Identification Card

Foreign Military Identification Card

School Records (valid only for dependents under age 14 (under age 18 if a student)) *

Visa issued by United States Department of State

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Photo Identification

*May be used to establish foreign status only if the documents are foreign.
Check and complete the following paragraph only if the applicant is applying for an ITIN under
Exception 1(a) - Partnership Interest.
The undersigned further certifies that the Applicant has provided a copy of the relevant pages of the Partnership
Agreement of and
(Name of Partnership)
EIN as documentation in support of meeting the requirements for Exception 1(a).
The undersigned further certifies that the documentation was reviewed in accordance with the procedures set forth in the
Acceptance Agent Agreement and is authentic, complete, and accurate based on the information and documentation submitted by the
The Certifying Acceptance Agent shall retain copies of all relevant documents including signed copies of the Forms W-7 submitted
to the IRS on behalf of the applicant upon which the Certifying Acceptance Agent has relied upon to certify the applicants foreign status
and identity.

(Signature of Authorized Representative) (Date signed)

Acceptance Agent EIN Acceptance Agent Office Code Acceptance Agent PTIN
Catalog Number 56020G Form W-7 (COA) (Rev. 3-2013)
Page 2

Instructions for Form W-7 (COA) Certificate of Accuracy for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number

What is Form W-7 (COA) by you and included in your COA. You should attach a copy of the
Form W-7 (COA) is a Certificate of Accuracy prepared by an ITIN original documents or certified copy by the issuing agency for primary
Certifying Acceptance Agent (CAA) and attached to each Form W-7 and secondary applicants. You must attach the original or certified
(Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) that copies for all dependents. You should not take them to an IRS Taxpayer
is submitted to IRS. It contains the following information. Assistance Center (TAC) to be reviewed by an IRS employee.
The name of the designated authorized representative of the CAA Who can sign the Certificate of Accuracy?
who is completing the Certificate of Accuracy. Only the designated authorized representative of the business is
The legal name of the business. permitted to sign the COA.
The EIN (Employers Identification Number) and office code of the Where can I find Form W-7 (COA)?
Certifying Acceptance Agent.
Form W-7 (COA) can be found on the IRS web site at by
The date that the Acceptance Agent Agreement was approved. searching for Form W-7 (COA).
The name of the ITIN Applicant.
Whose PTIN is required?
The type(s) of supporting documentation reviewed by the CAA to
prove the ITIN applicants identity and foreign status. Only tax practitioners are required to have a PTIN. The approved
authorized representative of the business must provide their PTIN on
A statement by the CAA that they have verified to the best of their
Form W-7 (COA).
knowledge, the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the
documentation they reviewed. Supporting Documentation
The signature of the individual who has prepared the COA and the
You should check only the boxes that correspond to the documents
date that it was signed.
which you reviewed and certified to support the ITIN applicants
What is the purpose of Form W-7 (COA) identity and foreign status. A passport is the only stand alone document
The COA is a certification by the CAA that they have reviewed the for purposes of satisfying both the identity and foreign status
supporting documentation to prove the ITIN applicants identity and criteria. If you review the applicants passport, you would place an x
foreign status and to the best of their knowledge the documents are in the box under the Identity and Foreign Status column on the
complete, authentic, and accurate. Note: With the exception of Passport line. If, however, a passport is not reviewed by you, then a
documentation to prove Exception 1(a) criteria, the only documents combination of at least two or more documents must be examined from
that should be included in the COA are those that were reviewed by the list of Supporting Documents; one which satisfies identity, and one
you to prove the applicants claim of identity and foreign status. All which satisfies foreign status. If a document does not display a box
other supplemental documentation supporting Exception criteria, under the Identity or Foreign Status column, it signifies that the
(i.e. a copy of a withholding document, a letter from a financial document can not be used to support that category. For example: A
institution, etc,) as well as a denial letter from the Social Security Foreign Drivers License, U.S. State Identification Card, and U.S.
Administration (if applicable) must be attached to Form W-7 and Military Identification Card can not be used to prove an applicants
submitted to IRS. foreign status. Therefore there is no check-box for those documents
under the foreign status column. They can, however, be used to prove
Who must submit a COA? the applicants identity, so there are check-boxes under the identity
All IRS ITIN Certifying Acceptance Agents are required to complete column. Medical records valid for children under 6 years of age and
and submit a separate COA for each Form W-7 that is sent to IRS. It is school records are valid only for dependents under age 14, (under age 18
important to remember that as a Certifying Acceptance Agent, if a student).
documentation to support identity and foreign status must be reviewed

Definitions The following chart represents definitions for phrases used in Form W-7 (COA).
Phrase Definition
This is the name of the individual who is preparing and signing the Certificate of Accuracy. This person must
The Undersigned
be the the individual who has been designated as the authorized representative of the business.
This is the legal name of the business that was entered by you on Form 13551, Application to Participate in the
CAA Business Name
ITIN Acceptance Agent Program.
Agreement approved date
This is the date that IRS approved your agreement. You can locate this date on your CAA Agreement.
___ / ___ / 20__
Form W-7 Applicants Name This is the name of the individual for whom you are completing the Form W-7 and Certificate of Accuracy.
The name of the partnership should be entered on this line only if you are requesting an ITIN under Exception
Name of Partnership
1(a) Partners in a U.S. or foreign partnership that invests in the U.S.
This is the Employers Identification Number (EIN) that was assigned to the business by IRS. The office code
is a number assigned by the ITIN Policy Section when the application for AA status is approved. Preparer Tax
EIN, Office Code and PTIN
Identification Number (PTIN) is required for anyone who prepares or assists in preparing federal tax returns for
compensation. This number should be entered on the line for Acceptance Agent PTIN
Date signed This is the date that the Certificate of Accuracy is signed by the authorized representative of the Business.
For additional information regarding documentation, please refer to Publication Publication 4520 Acceptance Agents Guide for Individual Taxpayer
Identification Number (ITIN)

Catalog Number 56020G Form W-7 (COA) (Rev. 3-2013)

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