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Making of the Fittest:

The TMhaking
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h e F i t t e s t :
E v o l v i n g S w i
Natural Selection and t c h e s ,AEdaptation
volving Bodies STUDENT HANDOUT


Geneticists breed organisms with different characteristics, or phenotypes, to answer questions about how the
phenotypes are inherited. Is one phenotype dominant and one recessive? Is each phenotype controlled by a
different version (allele) of a single gene, or are many interacting genes involved? In this activity, you will
answer these questions by analyzing the outcome of breeding a stickleback with pelvic spines and one
without pelvic spinesthe same procedure, called a genetic cross, that Dr. David Kingsley described in the
film Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies.

The fish shown in the photo on the left is a marine

threespine stickleback. Like all marine and sea-run
stickleback, this fish has a pair of pelvic spines (only one is
Pelvic Spine visible in the photo), which serve as a defense from large
predatory fish. In some freshwater populations, such as in
Bear Paw Lake, Alaska, stickleback lack pelvic spines. (The
scale is in centimeters.)
How are these two phenotypes inherited?

You will need:
F1 stickleback fish cards
F2 stickleback fish cards

Watch the short film entitled The Making of the Fittest: Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies and then proceed
through each part of this activity as instructed by your teacher.

Part 1Stating the Hypothesis: Which Phenotype Is Dominant?

In this activity you will examine the offspring of a genetic cross between a stickleback from the ocean (marine
stickleback) and a freshwater stickleback from Bear Paw Lake.
1. Based on what you learned in the film, what are the phenotypes of these two parental stickleback fish?
Indicate your choice with a check mark.
Marine __ pelvic spines present __ pelvic spines absent
Bear Paw Lake __ pelvic spines present __ pelvic spines absent

2. If we start with the simplest assumption that the presence or absence of pelvic spines is controlled by a
single gene with two alleles, how would you denote the genotype of the two homozygous parents?

Using Genetic Crosses to Analyze a Stickleback Trait Published April 2013

Updated May 2015 Page 1 of 10
The Making of the Fittest:
Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies STUDENT HANDOUT

Marine ____________________________ Bear Paw Lake ___________________________

3. What is your hypothesis for which phenotype is

dominant and which one is recessive?

4. Based on your hypothesis, what would you expect to
be the results of the cross between the marine and Bear
Paw Lake stickleback parents? Make your prediction
using the Punnett square to the right.

5. What would be the ratio of stickleback with pelvic spines to stickleback without spines in the first filial (F1)

6. Using the Punnett square to the right, what do you
expect would be the result of crossing two F1 fish to
produce the second filial (F2) generation?

7. What would be the ratio of stickleback with pelvic

spines to stickleback without spines in the F2 generation?

8. If you had 40 offspring in the F2 generation, approximately how many would you expect to have pelvic
spines and how many to lack pelvic spines?

Part 2Obtaining the Data: Do the Results from the Experiment Support Your Hypothesis?
Now you will use the fish cards provided by your teacher to see whether the result of the crosses described in
Part 1 support your hypothesis. The cards show photographs of stickleback fish that were stained with a
solution that turns bones red, making them easier to see. (If your cards are in black and white, the bones
should still be easier to see as they appear darker.) There should be two sets of cards: the first set (16 cards)
represents the first filial (F1) generation and the second set (40 cards) the second filial (F2) generation. You will
be sorting these cards according to whether the fish have pelvic spines.

Using Genetic Crosses to Analyze a Stickleback Trait Page 2 of 10
The Making of the Fittest:
Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies STUDENT HANDOUT

A stickleback with pelvic spines. The fish is shown in side

(lateral) and belly (ventral) views, and the pelvic spines are
indicated by the arrows. The pelvic spines are attached to the
pelvic girdle.

A stickleback without pelvic spines. The fish has a reduced
pelvic girdle (indicated by the circles) with no pelvic spines
attached to it.

1. Sort the F1 set of cards into two separate piles: fish with
pelvic spines and fish without pelvic spines
2. Repeat the same procedure with the F2 set of cards.
3. Count and record the total number of fish with each phenotype in the table below.

Table 1. Results of a Cross Between Marine and Bear Paw Lake Stickleback
Generation Fish With Pelvic Spines Fish Without Pelvic Spines
P 1 1

4. What is the ratio of fish with pelvic spines to fish without pelvic spines in the F1 generation?
5. What is the ratio of fish with pelvic spines to fish without pelvic spines in the F2 generation?

6. Do these results support the hypothesis that the presence or absence of pelvic spines is controlled by a
single gene? Explain using evidence.

7. According to these results, which phenotype is dominant and which is recessive? Explain using evidence.

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Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies STUDENT HANDOUT

Part 3Analyzing Additional Experimental Data: Do the Results Agree?

In your crosses, you only looked at one family of 16 fish in the F1 generation and one family of 40 fish in the F2
generation. Researchers would typically conduct many more crosses.
William Cresko, a researcher at the University of Oregon, conducted several crosses between marine
stickleback with pelvic spines and freshwater stickleback populations without pelvic spines, similar to the
crosses described in Parts 1 and 2. The freshwater stickleback fish were collected from several Alaskan lakes,
including Bear Paw Lake, Boot Lake, and Whale Lake. The F1 generation results of those crosses are shown in
Table 2 below. (Note that each cross is indicated with the letter x.)

Table 2. Crosses Between Several Marine and Freshwater Stickleback: The F1 Generation
Parental Cross F1 Generation With Pelvic Spines Without Pelvic
Total Offspring Spines
Your Cross
Marine x Bear Paw Lake 50 50 0
Marine x Boot Lake 33 33 0
Marine x Whale Lake 42 42 0
(Source: 2004 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences 101: 6050-6055.)

1. Add your data from the F1 fish cards from Part 2 in the top row and total the F1 fish with and without pelvic
spines in the bottom row of Table 2.
2. If you look at the total number of F1 fish, what is the ratio of fish with pelvic spines to fish without pelvic

3. Compare the outcome of the F1 cross from Part 2 to the F1 data from Dr. Creskos experiments. Describe
similarities and differences.

Dr. Cresko then took the F1 offspring and conducted several crosses between them to produce the F2
generations. The results of the crosses with the F1 progeny from the Marine x Bear Paw Lake cross are shown
in Table 3. (Dr. Cresko also conducted crosses with the F1 progeny from the Marine x Boot Lake and Marine x
Whale Lake crosses, but those results are not shown here.)

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Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies STUDENT HANDOUT

Table 3. Crosses Between F1 Generation Stickleback from the Marine x Bear Paw Lake Parental Cross:
The F2 Generations
F2 Generation (A) Total (B) With Pelvic (C) Without (D) Ratio of Pelvic Spines
Offspring Spines Pelvic Spines to No Pelvic spines

Your cross
Family 1 98 71 27
Family 2 79 62 17
Family 3 62 49 13
Family 4 34 28 6
Family 5 29 24 5
Family 6 23 17 6
Family 7 21 17 4
Family 8 19 18 1
Family 9 15 11 4
Family 10 12 10 2
Family 11 12 10 2
Family 12 4 3 1

4. In Table 3, add your F2 fish card data from Part 2 to the first row. Then add the totals for columns A, B, and
C and record these values in the last row.
5. Calculate the ratio of fish with pelvic spines to fish without pelvic spines (for example, 3:1 or 2.8:1) for each
family and for the total population. (Round your numbers to the first decimal place.) Record these calculations
in column D.
6. Look at the phenotype ratio for all of the crosses combined (bottom of column D). What does that ratio
suggest about the inheritance of the pelvic spine phenotype?

7. You will notice that the phenotype ratios vary from family to family. Explain why every family does not
show the same ratio.

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The Making of the Fittest:
Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies STUDENT HANDOUT

Extension Activity: Chi-Square Statistics

In Part 3 of this activity, you evaluated whether the ratio of fish with spines to fish with no spines suggests that
the inheritance of the trait follows the inheritance of a phenotype controlled by a single gene with a dominant
and recessive allele. That question is easy to answer if the F2 ratio is a perfect 3:1, but what if the ratio is 2.6:1 or
3.4:1? Are such differences from a 3:1 ratio a true variation from the expected 3:1 ratio, which would mean a
different pattern of inheritance, or could these differences simply have occurred by chance? The chi-square
test can help us answer this question.
Remember that with our stickleback experiment the experimental hypothesis we were testing was that the
pelvic spine trait follows the inheritance of a phenotype encoded by a single gene with two alleles. A
statistical test does not test the experimental hypothesis but rather what is called the null hypothesis. In the
case of the chi-square test, the null hypothesis is that the observed and expected outcomes are the same and
that any deviations between them occurred by chance.
In this section you will perform three chi-square tests on some of the F2 data from Part 3 to verify whether the
differences between the observed and expected results of the crosses are statistically significant (in other
words, not due to chance alone) or are NOT statistically significant (due to chance alone).

1. State the null hypothesis. Use the numbers of the total F2 generation results in Table 3 in your response.

2. Perform a chi-square statistics test on the data for the Total Population in Table 3. Use the following
tables to aid your calculations:
Total Fish Population:
Phenotype Observed (o) Expected (e) (o e) (o e)2 / e

Total = Sum (2) =

a. What is the chi-square value (2)? ____________

b. Calculate the degrees of freedom (df). ____________
c. Using the Critical Values Table below, determine whether the null hypothesis is rejected. Explain how you
determined your answer and what it means.

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Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies STUDENT HANDOUT

d. What do the results of this chi-square analysis tell you about the results obtained with these crosses?

3. Chi-square analysis can also be used to analyze the results from each individual cross. Using the F2
generation data from Table 3, perform a chi-square statistics test for Family 1.
Family 1:
Phenotype Observed (o) Expected (e) (o e) (o e)2 / e

Total = Sum (2) =

a. What is the sum chi-square value (2)? ___________
b. Calculate the degrees of freedom (df). _____________
c. Based on these results, is the null hypothesis rejected? Explain how you determined your answer and what
it means.

d. What do the results of this chi-square analysis tell you about the results obtained with these crosses?

4. Using the F2 generation data again, perform a chi-square test for Family 8.
Family 8:
Phenotype Observed (o) Expected (e) (o e) (o e)2 / e

Total = Sum (2) =

a. What is the chi-square value (2)? ____________
b. Calculate the degrees of freedom (df). ____________
c. Based on these results, is the null hypothesis rejected? Explain how you determined your answer and what
it means.

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Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies STUDENT HANDOUT

d. What do the results of this chi-square analysis tell you about the results obtained with these crosses?

5. If you had only carried out the Family 8 cross, what would you conclude about the inheritance of the
pelvic spine phenotype? Explain your answer.

6. If you look at the total population sampled, which includes 448 F2 fish, do the data support or refute the
hypothesis that the pelvic spine trait follows the inheritance of a phenotype encoded by a single gene with
two alleles, one dominant and one recessive? Explain in detail.

Critical Values Table

0.995 0.975 0.9 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.01
1 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.455 2.706 3.841 5.024 6.635
2 0.010 0.051 0.211 1.386 4.605 5.991 7.378 9.210
3 0.072 0.216 0.584 2.366 6.251 7.815 9.348 11.345
4 0.207 0.484 1.064 3.357 7.779 9.488 11.143 13.277
5 0.412 0.831 1.610 4.351 9.236 11.070 12.832 15.086
6 0.676 1.237 2.204 5.348 10.645 12.592 14.449 16.812
7 0.989 1.690 2.833 6.346 12.017 14.067 16.013 18.475

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Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies STUDENT HANDOUT

You now know something about the inheritance of the pelvic spine trait and which phenotype is dominant
and which is recessive. You will now use this knowledge to further explore the genotype-phenotype

Activity 1Test Crosses Reveal Genotypes of F2 Generation Fish

1. Find the card for the F21 fish. Can you determine the pelvic spine genotype of this fish simply by looking at
it? If so, what is the genotype?

2. Now find the card for the F28 fish. Can you determine the pelvic spine genotype of this fish? Explain.

3. What type of fish would you cross the F28 fish with to determine its genotype? Explain.

4. Based on your answer to question 3 above, show the two possible outcomes of that test cross using the
Punnett squares below.
Cross A: Cross B:

5. What are the expected phenotype ratios for the two crosses above?

Cross A: _____________ Cross B: _____________

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Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies STUDENT HANDOUT

6. After crossing fish F28 with a fish lacking pelvic spines, imagine that 48 out of 100 offspring lack pelvic
spines. What can you assume about the genotype of the F28 fish based on this result? Explain.

Activity 2Crossing Different Parents

In the initial activity, the outcomes of the F1 and F2 generations would have been different if the parental
generation had been a heterozygous fish with pelvic spines and a homozygous fish without pelvic spines.

1. In the space below, complete the Punnett square with the parents described above and show the F1

2. For the cross above, indicate the expected phenotype and genotype ratios for the F1 generation.

Genotype ratio: ______________ Phenotype ratio: ______________

3. Now take two fish from your F1 generation and cross them. For each cross described in the table below, fill
in the possible outcomes. (Note: the letter x represents a cross.)
F1 Experimental Cross What is the chance of What will be the genotype
having an F2 offspring ratio of the F2 generation for
with spines? each cross?
Male with spines x female with spines
Male without spines x female with spines
Male without spines x female without
Male with spines x female without spines

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