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NARRATOR: Once upon a time there were a man and a woman who wanted a child. They saw a
beautiful garden. It was full of the most beautiful flowers and herbs. it belonged to wicked
witches. One day the woman saw a plant used to make salads.

WOMAN: My love, I want to eat salad.

MAN: What did you say?.
WOMAN: I want to eat SALAD!
MAN: I aint gonna do that baby!
WOMAN: But bae, if I dont eat it now, Ill die.
MAN: Very well, my love, if you want it you will have it.

NARRATOR: So the man went to the garden

MAN: Salad for my beautiful wife.

NARRATOR: The man took the plant and the woman made a salad.

WOMAN: It is so good!. But, I want more.

MAN: Ill get you more.
WOMAN: Just be careful. I hope the witch doesnt see you.
NARRATOR: So her husband went once again to the garden.

MAN: planty, planty this is for my darling wife.

NARRATOR: When he had the planty in his hands, he saw the terrible witches standing before


DAME GOTHEL: Look at yourself, youre not a beauty!!
MAN: OoooooK!
DAME GOTHEL: Imma take your baby away from you
MAN: No!. you cant do that
DAME GOTHEL: then Ill shoot you
MAN: But youre not a thieve you cant shoot me
DAME GOTHEL: Very good then. Get out of here and Ill take your baby away from you!

NARRATOR: When the baby was born, the witch stole her and put her on a tower.

DAME GOTHEL: Ha, ha, ha,ha. losers

NARRATOR: Rapunzel grew into a beautiful child, she played in the woods and took very good
care of her long hair

NOPUNZEL: I love my beautiful hair!

NARRATOR: the hair wasnt that beautiful.

DAME GOTHEL: Nopunzel, Nopunzel, let down your hair to me.

NOPUNZEL: Yes, let me unfasten my braided tresses so that you can climb up.

NARRATOR: After a year or two, the kings son was playing pokemon go in the forest
NARRATOR: Then he heard a song.

NOPUNZEL: Du,du,du,la, la, la.

PRINCE: Oh, what a beautiful song! Who is singing?

NARRATOR: The prince was a little deaf. She didnt sing that good. Anyway he saw the tower and
he thought

PRINCE: Theres no way of climbing up. There are no stairs and no doors.

NARRATOR: He stayed there until the witches came.

DAME GOTHEL: Nopunzel, Nopunzel, let down your hair to me.

NARRATOR: Then Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the witches climbed up to her.

PRINCE: So thats the way I can climb to the tower!. Ill do the same thing.

NARRATOR: Next day, when it began to grow dark, he went to the tower.

PRINCE: Nopunzel, Nopunzel, let down your hair to me.

NARRATOR: Immediately, the hair fell down and then he climbed up. Nopuzel was surprised to
see him.

NOPUNZEL: Oh my, who are you? I dont know your face

PRINCE: Darling, I love you
NOPUNZEL: NO liar you dont know me
PRINCE: Yes thats true, but come with me
RAPUNZEL: You have to go now. The witch will come soon.
PRINCE: Yes, but dont worry Rapunzel, Ill think of something.

NARRATOR: When the prince was getting down, the witch was already there, and said.

DAME GOTHEL: You have come to take Nopunzel. Now you will never see her again!.

NARRATOR: The prince grabs a glass of water that was on the table and throws it at Dame

DAME GOTHEL: Water, really? Are you for real?

NARRATOR: Now the prince and Nopunzel run away. Through the stairs that were hidden at the
end of the room

PRINCE: Look Nopunzel stairs

RAPUNZEL: Whaaaatt?????? Were there stairs? I never saw them
PRINCE: OK Nopunzel Lets goooooooo


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