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4th Periodic Examination

Name: _____________________________ Date:
Grade and Section: ___________________

I. Circle the word with the correct spelling.

1. poodle poodel poodul

2. thik thick theeck
3. vayand viand vyand
4. string streeng streng
5. krabs kravs crab
6. synonymns synonyms synonims
7. beutiful baeutiful beautiful
8. stumble stumbl stumblle
9. describe discribe descryb
10.embrase embrace imbrace
11.children cheldrin childrin
12.luchbox lunchbox lunckbox
13.dezzy deezzy dizzy
14.square squer squere maney monie
16.kichen kitchen kichten
17.foolish follish folish
18.brekfast brakefast breakfast
19.supper super sapper
20.botle bottlle bottle
21.apron epron eypron
22.baskit basket bascet
23.notbook notebook nootbook
24.jacket jaket jucket
25.gwava guava guaba
26.umbrella umbrela umbrrella
27.markit market marcet
28.scooter scutter scotter
29.aple apple appel
30.luncch lanch lunch

II. A. Write the correct word to describe the picture. Choose from the
list in the box.
happy round light fat old
wet hot soft funny sweet

1. _________ 2. _________ 3.

4. _________ 5. _________ 6.

7. _________ 8. _________

9. _________ 10. _________

B. Box the words which tell what color.

1. Ashley likes pink shoes.
2. Mother gave me her blue umbrella.
3. I dont like the smell of green grass when raining.
4. Yellow is he color of Bumblebee in Transformer.
5. My daddy Jikni likes purple shirts.

C. Underline the word that tells what kind.

1. A tiger is a wild animal.

2. Ashley has nice eyes.
3. The little baby is crying.
4. The beaches in Cangmating are wide.
5. My fat cat is named Miming.

D. Write an adjective on the blank that tells how many.

1. There are ________ minutes in an hour.
2. I have ________ fingers.
3. There are ________ days in a week.
4. There are ________ weeks in a month.
5. There are ________ months in a year.

III.Circle the word in the parenthesis that means the same as the
underlined word.
1. Ashley is thin. She is (brave, fat, skinny).
2. The sick boy is sad. He is (happy, lonely, brave).
3. The merry boys are playing. They are (strong, big, happy).
4. Jikni is lazy because he did not study. He is (shy, idle, active).
5. My room is tidy. It is (neat, dirty, messy).
6. He did not swim because he was afraid of the water. He is (sad,
scared, lazy).
7. Sampaguita is a small flower. It is (large, odorless, tiny).
8. I feel cozy with my attire. I feel (hot, comfortable, skinny).
9. My ate Cassie is stout. She is (skinny, brave, fat).
10. My classmate is very silent in class. She is (noisy, quiet,

IV. SYNONYMS. Matching type. Connect them with a line.

1. dark sick
2. large/huge intelligent
3. damp fast
4. quick start
5. above wet
6. bright clever
7. beneath big
8. wise over
9. ill dim
10. begin under

V. Circle the opposite of the first word.

1. far (up, away, near)
2. cheap (expensive, nice, cute)
3. rough (fast, smooth, sour)
4. crooked (straight, wide, narrow)
5. dirty (clear, clean, smelly)
6. difficult (easy, ugly, light)
7. wide (big, full, narrow)
8. dark (strong, light, fast)
9. young (new, old, thick)
10. strong (brave, weak, smart)

VI. Write the opposite of the given words. Choose from the list in
the box.

careful down thin short

sweet first in pretty light

____________1. heavy ____________6. out

____________2. last ____________7. thick
____________3. careless ____________8. ugly
____________4. sour ____________9. after
____________5. up ____________10. Long

VII. Encircle the word that tells what each child is doing.

1. jump walk 2. pinch cry

3. cry talk 4. sidewalk hop

5. cry play

VIII. Box all the action words in the list.

jump play give lonely cry explain
honest go build say open wish
watch pinch bag greet smell

IX. Underline the verb or action word in each sentence.

1. Mother cooks food.

2. The dog barks.
3. The monkey swings.
4. Engineers build bridges.
5. Artists paint pictures.

X. True or False.

______1. Melody is a very old and happy cat.

______2. Melodys parents did not want her to go out into the
fields alone because she was the youngest in the family.
______3. Melody saw a place full of cheese.
______4. Disobedience can bring trouble.
______5. Melody stumbled on a big stone and fill into a stream.

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