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Republic of the Philippines Same; Same; Criminal Procedure; Evidence; Circumstantial

Manila Evidence; Judgments; Requisites; A judgment of conviction based on
FIRST DIVISION formanunbrokenchainthatresultstoafairandreasonableconclusion
G.R. No. 185209 June 28, 2010
REY VILLATIMA and alias "DEDONG" BARGO, Accused. VOL. 621, JUNE 28, 2010 647
People vs. Baron
the perpetrator.There is no direct evidence proving that the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee,vs.RENE appellantconspiredandparticipatedincommittingthecrime.However,
BARONyTANGAROCAN,appellant. hiscomplicitymaybeprovedbycircumstantialevidence,whichconsists
REYVILLATIMAandaliasDEDONGBARGO,accused. ofproofofcollateralfactsandcircumstancesfromwhichtheexistenceof
Criminal Law; Robbery with Homicide; Elements; In robbery with the main fact may be inferred according to reason and common
homicide, a conviction needs certainty that the robbery is the central experience.Circumstantialevidenceissufficienttosustainconvictionif:
(a) there is more than one circumstance; (b) the facts from which the
to the robbery.Robbery with homicide exists when a homicide is circumstancesissuchastowarrantafindingofguiltbeyondreasonable
committedeitherbyreason,oronoccasion,oftherobbery.Tosustaina doubt.Ajudgmentofconvictionbasedoncircumstantialevidencecanbe
conviction for robbery with homicide, the prosecution must prove the sustainedwhenthecircumstancesprovedformanunbrokenchainthat
following elements: (1) the taking of personal property belonging to resultstoafairandreasonableconclusionpointingtotheaccused,tothe
another; (2) with intent to gain; (3) with the use of violence or exclusionofallothers,astheperpetrator.
robbery, the crime of homicide, as used in the generic sense, was
purpose and objective of the malefactor and the killing is merely thespecialcomplexcrimeofrobberywithhomicidewhethertheyactually
incidentaltotherobbery.Theintenttorobmustprecedethetakingof participated in the killing, unless there is proof that there was an
humanlifebutthekillingmayoccurbefore,duringoraftertherobbery. endeavor to prevent the killing.The concerted manner in which the
appellant and his companions perpetrated the crime showed beyond punishablebylaworwhichareincludedbythelawindefiningacrime
reasonabledoubtthepresenceofconspiracy.Whenahomicidetakesplace andprescribingapenaltythereforshallnotbetakenintoaccountforthe
purpose of increasing the penalty.Robbery with Homicide is a single
shall be guilty of the special complex crime of robbery with homicide
indivisible crime punishable withreclusion perpetuato death under
whether they actually participated in the killing, unless there is proof
thattherewasanendeavortopreventthekilling.Therewasnoevidence paragraph1,Article294oftheRevisedPenalCode.Wefindthatthetrial
adducedinthiscasethattheappellantattemptedtopreventthekilling. court correctly appreciated the aggravating circumstance of treachery,
Thus,regardlessoftheactsindividuallyperformedbytheappellantand which exists when the offender commits any of the crimes against
hiscoaccused,andapplyingthebasicprincipleinconspiracythattheact persons,employingmeans,methodsorformsintheexecutionthereofthat
ofoneistheactofall,theappellantisguiltyasacoconspirator.Asa tend directly and specifically to insure its execution without risk to
result,thecriminalliabilitiesoftheappellantandhiscoaccusedareone himselfarisingfromthedefensethattheoffendedpartymightmake.The
andthesame. evidencepointsthatoneofthecoconspiratorstiedthehandsofthevictim
Escote, Jr., 400 SCRA 603 (2003), treachery is not a qualifying
equal or greater injury fails to impress. To avail of this exempting
circumstance, the evidence must establish: (1) the existence of an circumstance but a generic aggravating circumstance to robbery with
uncontrollablefear;(2)thatthefearmustberealandimminent;and(3) homicidealthoughsaidcrimeisclassifiedasacrimeagainstpropertyand
thefearofaninjuryisgreaterthanorat asingleandindivisiblecrime.Corollarily,Article62,paragraph1ofthe
648 Revised Penal Code provides that in diminishing or increasing the
648 SUPREME COURT REPORTS penalty for a crime, aggravating circumstances shall be taken into
ANNOTATED account. However, aggravating circumstances which in themselves
People vs. Baron
least equal to that committed. A threat of future injury is
Same; Same; Aggravating Circumstances; Treachery; Penalties;
Treachery is not a qualifying circumstance but a generic aggravating APPEALfromadecisionoftheCourtofAppeals.
circumstancetorobberywithhomicidealthoughsaidcrimeisclassifiedas ThefactsarestatedintheopinionoftheCourt.649
acrimeagainstpropertyandasingleandindivisiblecrime;Aggravating VOL. 621, JUNE 28, 2010 649
circumstances which in themselves constitute a crime especially People vs. Baron
TheSolicitorGeneralforappellee. 4) wrist watch and ring worth P3,800.00.

PublicAttorneysOfficeforappellant. and inflicting upon the person of Juanito Berallo the following injuries, to wit:

DECISION 1. Gaping incised wound, shallow at the extremeties and deeper at the
middle portion, 7 cms. long, from right lateral aspect of the neck going
DEL CASTILLO, J.: slightly downward and to the left of anterior neck.

Circumstantial evidence is sufficient to produce a conviction that the appellant 2. Stabbed wound, 2 cm. long, 14 cm. deep, directed slightly upward and
conspired with his co-accused in committing the crime of robbery with homicide. to the right, located on the upper chest below wound # 1.
His claim that he acted under the impulse of uncontrollable fear of an equal or
greater injury could not be sustained because there was no genuine, imminent, 3. Stabbed wound, 2 cm. long, 12 cm. deep, directed to the right,
and reasonable threat, preventing his escape that compelled him to take part in located at the left chest, level of 3rd rib.
the commission of the offense charged.
4. Stabbed wound, 2 cm. long 20 cm. deep, directed slightly downward
Factual Antecedents and to the left, located at the middle of the chest, level of 5th rib.

On July 19, 1995, an Information1 was filed before the Regional Trial Court of 5. Incised wound 1 cm long, right cheek.
Cadiz City, Negros Occidental, Branch 60, charging Rene Baron y Tangarocan
(appellant), Rey Villatima (Villatima), and alias "Dedong" Bargo (Bargo) with the 6. Stabbed wound, 2 cm. long, 6 cm. deep, directed downward located
special complex crime of robbery with homicide committed against Juanito at the medial aspect of the upper back, right.
Berallo (Berallo). The Information contained the following accusatory allegations:
7. Stabbed wound, 2 cm. long, 10 cm. deep, located at the upper outer
That on or about 9 oclock in the evening of June 28, 1995 at Hda. Sta. Ana, quadrant of the back, right.
Brgy. Burgos, Cadiz City, Negros Occidental, Philippines and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, conspiring,
8. Incised wound, 2 cm. long, located at the middle of the upper quadrant
confederating and helping one another with evident premeditation and treachery
of back, right.
and with intent to kill, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously
assault, attack and stab to death one Juanito Berallo in order to rob, steal and
take away the following: 9. Stabbed wound, 2 cm. long, 4 cm. deep, directed downward located at
the medial aspect of upper inner quadrant of back, left.
1) sidecar of the tricycle which costs P16,000.00;
10. Stabbed wound, 2 cm. long, 5 cm deep, directed downward, located
at the middle of upper quadrant of back, left.
2) motorcycle described as Kawasaki HDX colored black with Engine No.
G7E-088086 and Chassis No. HDX-849776 which is worth P103,536.00;
11. Incised wound, 2 cm long, located 2 cm to the left of wound # 10.
3) wallet with cash money of P1,250.00;
12. Stabbed wound, 2 cm. long, 7 cm. deep, directed downward for P30.00. When Berallo agreed, the appellant called Villatima, then wearing a
located at the middle of lower back, left. fatigue jacket, and Bargo. They then rode Berallos tricycle.

13. Incised wound, 6 cm. long, distal third left forearm. Pacita Caratao, a dressmaker, was also in Julies Bakeshop at around the same
time Joquino and Ballesteros were in front of the premises. She noticed Berallo
14. Incised wound, 3 cm. long palmar surface left hand. sitting on a parked tricycle while the appellant was seated behind him. After
buying bread, she approached Berallo and asked if he was going home to Lag-
15. Incised wound, 5 cm. long palmar surface left hand, 2 cm. below asan, hoping that she could ride with him. However, Berallo replied that he still
wound # 13. had to ferry passengers. She thus decided to cross the street and take a
passenger jeep. While inside the jeep, she saw two more persons boarding
Berallos tricycle.
CAUSE OF DEATH: Severe hemorrhage due to Multiple Stabbed wounds,
On June 29, 1995, SPO2 Jude dela Rama received a report of a robbery with
which directly caused the death of the victim Juanito Berallo, to the damage and
homicide incident. Together with other policemen, he proceeded to Hacienda Sta.
prejudice of the heirs of the victim in the amount, to wit:
Ana, Cadiz City, where he saw Berallo lying dead in a sugarcane plantation
about 20 meters away from the highway. They also noticed several traces of
P 50, 000.00 - as indemnity for the death of the victim. footprints near Berallos body and a tricycle sidecar in a canal beside the
Martesan Bridge. Beside the sidecar was a fatigue jacket.
P 150, 000.00 - as indemnity for the loss of earning capacity, or such
amount to be fixed by the court. Dr. Merle Jane B. Regalado conducted the post-mortem examination on the
cadaver of Berallo. She found that the victim sustained 15 stab wounds and died
ACT CONTRARY TO LAW. of severe hemorrhage due to multiple stab wounds. Five of them were
considered as fatal and caused the immediate death of Berallo. The wounds also
Only the appellant was arrested. Villatima and Bargo remain at-large to date. indicated that they could have been inflicted by more than one person.
Appellant entered a plea of "not guilty" when arraigned. After the termination of
the pre-trial conference, trial ensued. The follow-up investigation of the police team identified the appellant as one of
the suspects. After having been apprised of his rights, appellant admitted that he
The Prosecutions Version and his co-accused took Berallos tricycle and, after detaching the motorcycle
from the sidecar, brought the motorcycle to Barangay Oringao, Kabankalan,
Culled from the evidence presented by the prosecution, the case against the Negros Occidental and left the same at the house of Villatimas aunt, Natividad
appellant is as follows: Camparicio (Natividad).

On June 28, 1995, at around 8:30 in the evening, Ernesto Joquino, Jr. (Joquino), Natividad denied knowledge of the incident but admitted that her nephew
a tricycle driver, was having a conversation with Canni Ballesteros (Ballesteros) Villatima, together with the appellant, and another companion, were the ones
in front of Julies Bakeshop at Magsaysay St., Cadiz City. Berallo arrived and who brought the motorcycle to her house in Kabankalan.
parked his tricycle in front of the bakeshop. The appellant approached Berallo
and asked if he could take him and his companions to Hacienda Caridad
Nemia Berallo (Nemia) identified the motorcycle recovered from the house of On February 12, 2002, the trial court rendered a Decision2 finding the appellant
Natividad as the one stolen from her deceased husband. She also testified on guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the complex crime of robbery with homicide. It
the sum of money and the value of the personal property stolen from her disposed as follows:
husband. She allegedly spent the sum of P2,400.00 for the purchase of the burial
lot. WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, this Court finds accused RENE BARON
Y TANGAROCAN (detained) GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the complex
The Version of the Defense crime of Robbery with Homicide as charged in the information and there being
the attendance of the aggravating circumstance of treachery hereby sentences
Appellant denied any participation in the crime. He claimed that on June 28, him to suffer the penalty of DEATH.
1995, at around 7 oclock in the evening, he bought rice and other necessities for
his family and proceeded to the public transport terminal to get a ride home. A The accused is further ordered to pay the heirs of the victim the amount
tricycle with two passengers passed by and its driver inquired if he wanted a ride of P50,000.00 by way of indemnity for the death of the victim, Juanito Berallo and
up to Segundo Diez. He boarded the tricycle and told the driver that he would the amount of P5,050.00 for the cash and the value of the wrist watch and ring of
alight at Canibugan, but the driver requested him to accompany them up to the victim plus the amount of P2,400.00 for the purchase of the burial lot by way
Segundo Diez. He agreed out of concern for the safety of the driver. Upon of reparation and in addition the amount of P100,000.00 as moral damages
reaching Bangga Doldol, however, the passengers announced a hold-up. Armed and P50,000.00 as exemplary damages. The sidecar and the motorcycle are
with guns, the passengers told him and the driver not to make any wrong move, hereby ordered returned to the heirs of the victim.
or they would be killed. Thereafter, the passengers tied the hands of the driver
and dragged him towards the sugarcane fields. He no longer knew what The accused is further ordered to be immediately committed to the National
happened to the driver since he remained in the tricycle. However, he suspected Penitentiary for service of his sentence.
that the driver was killed by the two passengers.
The Clerk of Court of this Court is hereby ordered to immediately forward the
Thereafter, the passengers went to Taytay Martesan and detached the sidecar of records of this case together with the Decision of this Court to the Supreme Court
the tricycle. They then took him to a house at Barangay Oringao and did not for automatic review.
allow him to leave the premises. The following morning, they returned to Cadiz
City. The two passengers even accompanied him to his house and threatened The case against Rey Villatima and alias "Dedong" Bargo [both of whom are] at-
him and his wife at gunpoint not to report the incident to the police authorities. large is hereby ordered archived and [to] be immediately revived upon their
On June 30, 1995, at around 10:00 oclock in the evening, policemen came to his
house and asked where the motorcycle was taken. He told them of the location Cost against accused Rene Baron.
of the vehicle and insisted that he had nothing to do with the incident. He
stressed that the two passengers whose names he did not know, were
responsible for the crime committed.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court
Before the appellate court, appellant alleged that the trial court erred in finding
him guilty as charged and in not appreciating in his favor the exempting
circumstance of irresistible force and/or uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater Our Ruling
injury. However, the same was disregarded by the CA holding that all the
requisites for said circumstances were lacking. The appellate court found that the The appeal is unmeritorious.
alleged threat, if at all, was not real or imminent. Appellant had every opportunity
to escape but did not take advantage of the same. Instead, he waited inside the Robbery with homicide exists when a homicide is committed either by reason, or
tricycle as if he was one of the malefactors. The dispositive portion of the CA on occasion, of the robbery. To sustain a conviction for robbery with homicide, the
Decision4 reads as follows: prosecution must prove the following elements: (1) the taking of personal
property belonging to another; (2) with intent to gain; (3) with the use of violence
WHEREFORE, the APPEAL is DISMISSED. The Decision dated February 12, or intimidation against a person; and (4) on the occasion or by reason of the
2002, of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Cadiz City, Negros Occidental, Branch robbery, the crime of homicide, as used in the generic sense, was committed. A
60, in Criminal Case No. 1675-C finding accused-appellant Rene Baron y conviction needs certainty that the robbery is the central purpose and objective of
Tangarocan guilty of robbery with homicide is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION the malefactor and the killing is merely incidental to the robbery. The intent to rob
reducing the death penalty to reclusion perpetua without parole conformably with must precede the taking of human life but the killing may occur before, during or
R.A. 9346 and reducing the award of moral damages from P100,000.00 after the robbery.6
to P50,000.00 and exemplary damages from P50,000.00 to P25,000.00.
In this case, the prosecution successfully adduced proof beyond reasonable
Costs against accused-appellant. doubt that the real intention of the appellant and his companions was to rob the
victim. The appellant and his companions boarded the tricycle of the victim
SO ORDERED. pretending to be passengers. Midway to their destination, one of the accused
declared a hold-up and at gun point, tied the hands of the victim and brought him
Issues towards the sugarcane field where he was stabbed to death. The victim was
divested of his wallet containing P1,250.00, a wrist watch and ring. Emerging
Still aggrieved, the appellant comes to us for a final review of his case. In his from the sugarcane plantation, they boarded the tricycle of the victim, detached
brief, he assigns the following correlated errors: the sidecar and dumped the same in a canal beside the Martesan Bridge with the
fatigue jacket of one of the accused. They proceeded to Barangay Oringao,
Kabankalan and hid the motorcycle in the house of Villatimas aunt, Natividad.
Concededly, there is no direct evidence proving that the appellant conspired and
participated in committing the crime. However, his complicity may be proved by
circumstantial evidence, which consists of proof of collateral facts and
circumstances from which the existence of the main fact may be inferred
according to reason and common experience.7 Circumstantial evidence is
II sufficient to sustain conviction if: (a) there is more than one circumstance; (b) the
facts from which the inferences are derived have been established; (c) the
THE TRIAL COURT GRAVELY ERRED IN FINDING THE ACCUSED- combination of all circumstances is such as to warrant a finding of guilt beyond
APPELLANT GUILTY BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT OF THE CRIME reasonable doubt.8 A judgment of conviction based on circumstantial evidence
CHARGED.5 can be sustained when the circumstances proved form an unbroken chain that
results to a fair and reasonable conclusion pointing to the accused, to the Q. What were you doing at Julies Bakeshop at that particular
exclusion of all others, as the perpetrator.9 date and time?

In this case, the circumstantial evidence presented by the prosecution leads to A. I was x x x having a conversation with Canni Ballesteros.
the inescapable conclusion that the appellant and his co-accused conspired to
commit robbery with homicide. When considered together, the circumstances Q. While you were x x x in front of Julies Bakeshop, was there
point to them and no one else as the culprits. We thus agree with the observation anything that transpired?
of the trial court that:
A. Yes, maam.
A careful examination of the records of this case reveals, [that] no eye witness
was presented by the prosecution pointing to the three accused to be actually Q. Can you tell us what was that?
responsible in the perpetration of the crime charged except the extra-judicial
narration of the accused Rene Baron but who also tried to exculpate himself from
A. I saw Juanito Berallo park his tricycle in front of Julies
the commission of the crime by denying his [complicity] in the crime.
Despite this finding however, this Court found from the records of this case,
Q. When you saw Juanito Berallo park his tricycle x x x in front of
numerous and cumulative material circumstantial evidence from which one can
Julies Bakeshop, what transpired after that?
derive a logical and necessary inference clearly showing the three accused to be
responsible for the crime charged and these are the following; to wit:
A. Rene Baron approached Juanito Berallo and asked him if he
can conduct Rene Baron to Hda. Caridad.
1. The fact that at about 8:30 in the evening of June 28, 1995 witness
Ernesto Joquino, Jr. while in front of Julies Bakeshop saw the victim
Juanito Berallo [park] the latters tricycle in front of the bakeshop when Q. By the way, do you know Rene Baron before June 28, 1995?
accused Rene Baron hired the tricycle of the victim in going to Hda.
Caridad and whose companions were Rey Villatima and "Dedong" Bargo A. Yes, maam, I know him because we are all drivers of the
(TSN-Tan, January 18, 1996, pp. 6-10). Thus, the excerpts of the tricycle.
Transcript of the Stenographic Notes has this to reveal in vivid fashion, to
wit: Q. What about this Juanito Berallo, do you know him before June
28, 1995?
"Q. Mr. Joquino, on June 28, 1995 at about 8:30 in the evening
where were you? A. Yes maam.

A. I was in front of Julies Bakeshop. Q. Why do you know him?

Q. Where is this Julies Bakeshop located x x x? A. Because he ran as councilor in Cadiz City.

A. At Magsaysay Street, Cadiz City.

Q. So going back to the incident where you said Rene Baron 2. The fact the Rey Villatima was wearing a fatigue jacket when the latter
approached Juanito Berallo and asked Berallo if the latter would boarded the tricycle of the victim and proceeded to Hda. Caridad (ibid, p.
conduct him to Hda. Caridad, what was the answer of Juanito 12) and it was the same fatigue jacket recovered by the police from the
Berallo to Rene Baron? sidecar of the tricycle at the scene of the crime and this was the last time
that the victim was seen alive;
A. Juanito Berallo asked Rene Baron how much he will pay [to]
him and then Rene Baron said that he will pay Juanito Berallo the 3. The fact that witness Pacita Caratao corroborated the testimony of
amount of P30.00 and then again Juanito Berallo asked Rene Ernesto Joquino, Jr. and Berallo sitting on the latters tricycle parked near
Baron how many x x x will ride on the tricycle and Rene Baron Julies Bakeshop and saw Rene Baron sitting behind Juanito Berallo and
said that there were three of them. the witness even asked the former if he will be going to Lag-asan to
which the victim Juanito Berallo refused because he has some
Q. By the way, how far were you from where Juanito Berallo and passengers to be conducted (TSN-Tan, March 13, 1997, pp. 3-4) and has
Rene Baron were talking? referred to the accused Rene Baron and his two companions (TSN-Tan,
March 13, 1997, pp. 4-5) as his passengers;
A. From here up there. (Witness pointed to a distance of about
four (4) meters.) 4. The fact that the during the police investigation witness SPO2 Jude de
la Rama found the dead body of the victim inside the sugarcane
Q. After Juanito Berallo agreed with Rene Baron and his plantation in Hda. Sta. Ana and found many traces of footsteps inside the
companions to conduct them to Hda. Caridad, what did Rene sugarcane fields (TSN-Tan, July 8, 1997, p. 4) indicating that more than
Baron do if there was any? one person conspired and co-operated with each other in killing the
A. Rene Baron called his companions who were just across the
street. 5. The fact that the witness De la Rama found the sidecar of the tricycle
beside the Martisan Bridge which is just beside the scene of the incident
and also beside the sidecar of the tricycle they found a fatigue jacket and
Q. Were you able to recognize x x x the two companions whom
has recovered inside its pocket a used soap (ibid, p. 5);
Rene Baron called from across the street?
6. The fact that when the police officers invited Rene Baron for interview,
A. Yes, sir.
Rene Baron pointed to his co-accused, Rey Villatima as the one who was
wearing the fatigue jacket the police officers recovered as well as had
Q. And who were they if you know? named his (Baron) other companion as alias "Dedong" Bargo (ibid, p. 7);

A. Rey Villatima and Dedong Bargo." 7. The fact that after the three accused had detached the motorcycle from
its sidecar, Rey Villatima was pointed to by the accused Rene Baron as
(TSN-Tan, January 18, 1996, pp. 6-10) the one who drove it while he (Rene Baron) and "Dedong" Bargo rode
behind and all of them immediately proceeded to the house of the aunt of
Rey Villatima in Brgy. Oringao, Kabankalan, Negros Occidental (ibid);
8. The fact that it was accused Rene Baron who had guided the police matters worse, he (Baron) even went along with the two other accused
investigators to Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental, a city in the up to Oringao, Kabankalan City where they hid the stolen motorcycle
southern portion of Negros Occidental which is about 150 kilometers (ibid, pp. 12-13);
away from Cadiz City in the north, the scene of the crime; and with the
cooperation of the Chief of Police of the former place proceeded to the 14. The fact that the accused Baron was left unharmed by the killers of
house of a certain Natividad Camparicio, the aunt of accused Rey the victim in spite of the fact that he (Baron) is a potential witness to the
Villatima (ibid, pp. 7-8); serious crime of Robbery with Homicide; and when they were in Oringao,
ate breakfast with them then rode a passenger jeep with many
9. The fact that Natividad Camparicio affirmed that the stolen motorcycle passengers; alighted in Kabankalan proper from Barangay Oringao;
was brought to her house at around 1:15 in the morning of July 1, 1995 stood and waited in a public place at the Ceres Bus Terminal; rode a
by her nephew, Rey Villatima together with the latters companions and public transportation bus to Bacolod City for three (3) hours then alighted
pinpointed to accused Rene Baron as one of them (ibid, p. 9); in Libertad Street in Bacolod City; and again rode a passenger jeepney
going to a place known as "Shopping" to take another passenger bus in
10. The fact that prosecution witness, Police Insp. Eduardo Berena also going back to Cadiz City (ibid, pp. 21-30).1avvph!1

confirmed they were able to recover the stolen motorcycle which was
kept in the ground floor of the house of Mrs. Camparicio (TSN-Guanzon, From [this] series of proven circumstantial evidence, the inescapable and natural
October 2, 1997, pp. 8-15); conclusion is the three accused were in conspiracy with one another to kill the
victim and cart away the motorcycle as the combination of these numerous
11. The fact that the stolen motorcycle was positively identified by witness circumstantial evidence [is] enough to produce the strong moral certainty from an
Nemia Berallo as the same motorcycle driven, owned and registered in unbiased and [unprejudiced] mind to safely conclude that no other persons but
the name of the victim, Juanito Berallo (TSN-Guanzon, October 2, 1997, the three accused conspired to perpetrate the crime as clearly the series of
pp. 9-10); events indubitably [shows] that there was unity of purpose, concurrence of will,
and that they all acted in concert towards the same end, the accused being
12. The fact that accused Rene Baron admitted during his testimony that together with a group when they rode the tricycle of the victim; all of them were
he rode in the tricycle driven by the victim together with the two together at the scene of the crime, they all rode in the same stolen motorcycle
passengers in going to Segundo Diez but reached only the area of going to Barangay Oringao, Kabankalan City; all of them were together in hiding
Bangga "Doldol" where the actual robbery and killing took place (TSN- the stolen motorcycle in the house of Natividad Camparicio; and they were
Tan, May 11, 1999, pp. 9-12); together as a group going to Cadiz City from Kabankalan City passing [through]
and stopping [at] various cities and municipalities.10
13. The fact that when the two hold-up men brought the driver inside the
sugarcane field, accused Rene Baron who was left on the road outside The concerted manner in which the appellant and his companions perpetrated
the sugarcane field (ibid, p. 11) did nothing and instead of escaping and the crime showed beyond reasonable doubt the presence of conspiracy. When a
seeking help, accused Rene Baron leisurely stayed in the tricycle as if homicide takes place by reason of or on the occasion of the robbery, all those
everything [was] normal and nothing [happened], thus indicating that he who took part shall be guilty of the special complex crime of robbery with
(Baron) [was] in conspiracy to rob and kill the victim since as the facts are homicide whether they actually participated in the killing, unless there is proof
depicted x x x Rene Baron would clearly appear that he (Baron) acted as that there was an endeavor to prevent the killing. 11There was no evidence
a "look out" while the two companions were killing the victim and to make adduced in this case that the appellant attempted to prevent the killing. Thus,
regardless of the acts individually performed by the appellant and his co-
accused, and applying the basic principle in conspiracy that the "act of one is the As thoroughly discussed in People v. Escote, Jr.,17 treachery is not a qualifying
act of all," the appellant is guilty as a co-conspirator. As a result, the criminal circumstance but "a generic aggravating circumstance to robbery with homicide
liabilities of the appellant and his co-accused are one and the same. 12 although said crime is classified as a crime against property and a single and
indivisible crime".18 Corollarily, "Article 62, paragraph 1 of the Revised Penal
The appellants attempt to evade criminal liability by insisting that he acted under Code provides that in diminishing or increasing the penalty for a crime,
the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury fails to impress. aggravating circumstances shall be taken into account. However, aggravating
To avail of this exempting circumstance, the evidence must establish: (1) the circumstances which in themselves constitute a crime especially punishable by
existence of an uncontrollable fear; (2) that the fear must be real and imminent; law or which are included by the law in defining a crime and prescribing a penalty
and (3) the fear of an injury is greater than or at least equal to that committed. 13 A therefor shall not be taken into account for the purpose of increasing the
threat of future injury is insufficient. The compulsion must be of such a character penalty".19 In the case at bar, "treachery is not an element of robbery with
as to leave no opportunity for the accused to escape.14 homicide".20 Neither is it "inherent in the crime of robbery with homicide".21 As
such, treachery may be properly considered in increasing the penalty for crime.
We find nothing in the records to substantiate appellants insistence that he was
under duress from his co-accused in participating in the crime. In fact, the In this case, the presence of treachery as a generic aggravating circumstance
evidence is to the contrary. Villatima and Bargo dragged the victim towards the would have merited the imposition of the death penalty. However, in view of the
sugarcane field and left the appellant inside the tricycle that was parked by the subsequent passage of Republic Act (RA) No. 9346, entitled "An Act Prohibiting
roadside. While all alone, he had every opportunity to escape since he was no the Imposition of the Death Penalty in the Philippines," we are mandated to
longer subjected to a real, imminent or reasonable fear. Surprisingly, he opted to impose on the appellant the penalty of reclusion perpetua without eligibility for
wait for his co-accused to return and even rode with them to Kabankalan, Negros parole.22
Occidental to hide the victims motorcycle in the house of Villatimas aunt.
In line with current jurisprudence, if the death penalty would have been imposed
The appellant had other opportunities to escape since he traveled with his co- if not for the proscription in RA 9346, the civil indemnity for the victim shall
accused for more than 10 hours and passed several transportation terminals. be P75,000.00.23 As compensatory damages, the award of P2,400.00 for the
However, he never tried to escape or at least request for assistance from the burial lot of the victim must be deleted since this expense was not supported by
people around him. receipts.24 However, the heirs are entitled to an award of temperate damages in
the sum of P25,000.00.25 The existence of one aggravating circumstance merits
Robbery with Homicide is a single indivisible crime punishable with reclusion the award of exemplary damages under Article 2230 of the New Civil Code.
perpetua to death under paragraph 1, Article 294 of the Revised Penal Code. We Thus, the award of exemplary damages is proper. However, it must be increased
find that the trial court correctly appreciated the aggravating circumstance of from P25,000.00 to P30,000.00.26 Moral damages must also be increased
treachery, which exists when the offender commits any of the crimes against from P25,000.00 to P75,000.00.27 Moreover, the appellant is ordered to return the
persons, employing means, methods or forms in the execution thereof that tend stolen items that were not recovered. Should this no longer be possible, there
directly and specifically to insure its execution without risk to himself arising from must be restitution in the total amount of P5,050.00 representing the cash
the defense that the offended party might make.15 The evidence points that one contained in the victims wallet, as well as the value of the wrist watch, the ring,
of the co-conspirators tied the hands of the victim before dragging him to the the motorcycle and sidecar taken by the appellant and his co-accused.
sugarcane field.16 Thus, he was unable to defend and protect himself against his
malefactors who were superior in number and armed with knives and guns. WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR HC No.
00638 finding appellant guilty beyond reasonable doubt of Robbery with
Homicide and sentencing him to suffer the penalty
of reclusion perpetua is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATIONS. The appellant is
hereby ordered to pay the heirs of the victim P75,000.00 as civil
indemnity; P75,000.00 as moral damages, and P30,000.00 as exemplary
damages. Actual damages is DELETED, and in lieu thereof, appellant is ordered
to pay temperate damages in the amount of P25,000.00. The appellant is also
ordered to return the cash of P5,050.00 taken from the victims wallet and the
other pieces of personal property also taken but not recovered, more particularly
his wrist watch, ring, his Kawasaki HDX motorcycle and its sidecar. Should
restitution be no longer possible, the appellant must pay the equivalent value of
the unreturned items.



Associate Justice

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