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The Ionian Islands





04 Corfu (Kerkyra)

22 Diapontia Islands

26 Paxoi (Paxi)

32 Lefkada

50 Kefalonia

68 Ithaca (Ithaki)

74 Zakynthos (Zante)


1. Cover page: Zakynthos, Navagio beach.

Its white sand and turquoise waters attract thousands of visitors each year.
Ionian Islands

The Ionian Islands have a temperate climate, seawaters as deep as they are refreshing, in the area, reaching 4,406 m., registered as the greatest in the Mediterranean.
verdant mountains, a rich cultural heritage and a carefree spirit; the ideal combination for Their mild, temperate climate makes them the ideal choice for vacation or permanent stay.
your holidays during which you will enjoy a well-developed tourism infrastructure, hotels, In the wintertime, the mainlands mountains buffer the bitter northern winds blowing to the
restaurants, water sports centres, cultural events and numerous sights, historic monuments, direction of the islands while the hot summer weather is tempered by the mild northwestern
and museums. meltemia winds and the sea breeze. The areas air currents have turned many of the Ionian
Scattered along the mainlands western coastline, the Ionian Islands are a cluster of 12 Islands beaches into worldwide known destinations for windsurfing.
large and small islands covering an area of 2,200 sq. km. There are six large ones: Zakynthos The Ionian Islands have been inhabited since the Paleolithic times. Since then, numerous
(Zante), Ithaki (Ithaca), Kerkyra (Corfu), Kefalonia (Cephallonia), Lefkada (Leucas), and invaders and cultural influences have left their stamp on the islands.
Paxoi. The small ones are Antipaxoi, Ereikoussa, Mathraki, Othonoi, Meganisi, Kalamos, Kas- In 1204 the Franks seized Constantinople and the Ionian Islands, part of the Byzantine Em-
tos and Strofades isle group south of Zante. Together with Kythira and Antikythira (both at pire until then, were ceded to the Venetians. Venetian rule led to the formation of local nobil-
a distance from the rest, opposite southern Peloponnese and Lakonias coastline) they form ity, whose register remained in effect as late as the 19th century.
Eptanesa (meaning Seven Islands). From the time of Frankish rule until 1864, when the islands became part of Greece, power
Being part of the Greek mainland once, the Ionian Islands were torn away when part of the changed hands a number of times. European presence on the islands, concurrently with Ot-
terrain sank due to the seismic activity along the Ionian Seas coastline fault; that accounts toman rule in the rest of Greece, led to significant intellectual activity that is manifest in the
for the areas rugged shores, beautiful beaches and imposing mountains that used to be part islands architectural tradition and charming cultural traits.
of the Pindos Mountain Range across the Greek mainland. It also accounts for the sea depth

2. The Old Fortress in the city of Kerkyra (Corfu).

The islet Vidos lies beyond that.
Corfu (Kerkyra) City of Corfu 1 square as well as one of the countrys largest

and most impressive ones. It was designed for
It has a population of approximately 30,000 defense purposes during the 17th-18th century
residents, corresponding to one third of the when the Venetians opened up Spianata an
population in Corfu Regional Unit (Corfu, Paxoi,
Antipaxoi, Othonoi, Ereikoussa and Mathraki).
area equalling approx. 1/3 of the then settle-
ment in the Old Fortress foreground, so as to
The city is divided into the old town or Xopoli, widen their firing range in case of an attack. This
between the old and new fortress, and three is the most popular promenade area for locals
new suburbs: Mantouki to the NW; Saroko and visitors alike. It is also the place where most
between Avrami and Sotiras hills; and Garitsa cultural events take place e.g. concerts, religious
which begins at Dougklas pillar located at the processions, parades as well as cricket matches
south beach. The historic centre lies within the (on the lawn). Opposite Spianada, there is Pen-
old town whose fortified walls prevented it from tofanaro, the skateboarders favourite hangout,
spreading out, and led to a singular architectural the Monument for the Unification of the Ionian
style, featuring tall multi-storey buildings and Islands and Greece, the Venetian cistern and
narrow cobblestone alleys (kantounia), where the pavilion sheltering the philharmonic bands
laundry is hung out to dry from buildings across during concerts.
either side of the alley, and small squares. It is To Liston, one of the most famous buildings in
Greeces largest preserved medieval town and Spianada, marked by impressive rows of arches.
one of the most beautiful in the Mediterranean; It was built by French engineer Lesseps during
as of 2007 it has been on the list of the UNESCO the rule of the French Imperialists. It has been
World Heritage Sites. modelled according to the Rue Rivoli buildings in

City promenade Paris. Lined with pastry shops, cafs and elegant
shops, Liston is a favourite rendez-vous place for
To Spianada (Esplanade), the citys central locals and visitors alike.
3. The impressive row of arches at Liston.
4. Garitsa bay at the south end of the city of Corfu.

osmopolitan Kerkyra is probably the best known Ionian island and one of the Mediterraneans
most popular destinations. It attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists annually and is an
inexhaustible source of artistic inspiration. Its enormous cultural heritage, combined with its
natural beauty, ideal climate, inviting beaches, and noteworthy sights make it a prestigious and at-
tractive destination for Greek and foreign visitors alike. Area: 591 sq. km. Coastline length: 217 km.
Kerkyra was named after a woman. Mythology has it that when Poseidon fell in love with Korkyra,
Aesopos daughter, he retreated with her to this island and named it after her. Faiakas, the boy born
to them, established the Kingdom of the Faiakes which, according to Homer, was Odysseus last stop
before his return to Ithaca.
Kerkyra is known abroad as Corfu because of the islands two acropolises [perched on two hilltops
(corfs in Greek)] within the city of Kerkyra. Its other ancient name was Drepanon (scythe) due to the
islands shape.
Corfu determines Greeces sea borders with neighbouring Italy and Albania. It is therefore its strategic
position that has made her the bone of contention among conquerors whose presence on the island
stamped its culture, tradition, and customs. Venetian, French, and British rule left behind strong ele-
ments of western culture which eventually blended with the islands Greek identity. In 1864, Corfu
became part of Greece. The islands contribution to education, literature, the arts, and politics has
been enormous. It is the birthplace of Ioannis Kapodistrias, modern Greeces first governor; scholars
Andreas Moustoxydis and Iakovos Polylas; composer Nikolaos Mantzaros who set the Greek National
Anthem to music; Spyros Samaras who set the Olympic Anthem to music; and the Theotokis Fam-
ily numbering eminent politicians and writers amongst its members. In 1824, the Ionian Academy,
Greeces first university was founded on the island followed by the first Greek philharmonic band in
1840. No wonder that, today, there are 20 philharmonic bands in Corfu.
Astrakeris Almiros Kalamaki

Ag. Andreas




Si d

To the Palace of Saints Michael and


Peroulades Sidari Agios Ioannis Roda


George (built 1819-1823 according to the Geor-

! ! !

Avliotes Aharavi P
Karousades Avlaki N
Ag. Stefanou
Perithia Sinies Ag. Stefanou Sinion
gian architectural style). It boasts lavish decora-
Arillas Velonades Agios Georgios Kerasia tive elements, grand entrance gates and a Doric

! !

Nimfes Kalami

colonnade. The palace served as the residence


Arilla Kavvadades
Strinilas Kouloura

Agros Nissaki Agni of the British Lord High Commissioner of the Io-
Spartilas Barbati Krouzeri
nian Senate and of the Most Distinguished Order


Ag. Georgios Ano Korakiana Agios Markos


of Saint Michael and Saint George. Nowadays

Ton Pagon Skripero Pirgi Kato Agios Markos

! !


Kato Korakiana Ipsos

Krini it houses the remarkable Asian Art Museum

Lakones Dassia
! !

Paleokastritsa !

Dafnila which numbers approximately 10,500 art ob-


Liapades jects from India, China, Korea, Pakistan, Japan,



Kontokali etc., donated by private collectors, and the Mu-


Kira Hrisikou !P
Giannades !

Evropouli Potamos
nicipal Gallery, mostly exhibiting the artwork
Afra P
Alepou " T of 19th-20th century Corfiote artists.

Ermones Agios Ioannis

Kokkini Kanali !P!P

To the Reading Society, modern Greeces
! !

Ermones Vatos
Pelekas Kompitsi

Panagias Mirtiotissas Kastania Hrisiida

oldest cultural institution.
Kontoyalos P
! Pontikonisi !

Kalafationes Viros IG To the gate of San Nicolo, opposite the


Perama !


Sinarades !P P Kinopiastes M
Reading Society, below the main road where

Kastellani K ER
aliskari Agioi Deka Gastouri IT



Faliraki cove is located as well as a beach for-

Ag. Gordis


Kato Garouna Benitses ER
KIR merly a private one - by the name of Alekos



Ano Pavliana
bathing place.




Paramona Strongili t i
ai To the Old Fortress, built on a peninsula op-
Agios Mattheos or

Skala M
Episkopiana !
posite Spianada. Fortifications began as early as
Prasoudi i 6. The Sts. Michael and George palace.
Moraitika Messoggis ar the Byzantine times and were completed by the

uk s
Bo iti

Pe os u

Venetians who turned the peninsula into an islet hospital. See also the Lighthouse, the clock

Kanouli t

No M

Hlomos by building the Contra Fossa moat. An impres- tower; the Central Municipal Library and


Alonaki Petriti i Alykes

Argirades G Bouka IG
sive bridge links it to the city. Noteworthy monu- the History Archives.
Halikounas P
! Molos !

Agios Georgios
Issou Perivoli
Lefkimmi !
ments on the fortress grounds are: the main To Campiello, Corfus oldest neighbourhood.
Ag. Georgios P
! P
entrance gate; the Savorgnan, Martinengo, You can visit Panagia i Kremasti church and the

Marathia !

Vitalades Ag. Prokopios

Ag. Varvaras Kritika and Mandraki ramparts; the land and sea sur- square with the Venetian well.

veillance watchtowers; the 1840 Agios Geor- To Mouragia, one of the citys most scenic

Glifoneri Paleohori Kavou !

Megali Lakka Kavos gios basilica built to resemble an ancient Doric neighbourhoods. Follow Arseniou Street (start-
0 3 6 12 Kanoula
km Ag. Gordi Tou Notou temple; an old catholic chapel; the old jail- ing at the old port and ending at Sts Michael
house; the British barracks and the British and George Palace, in the central square).

5. Panoramic view of the city of Corfu; the old harbour area.

7. Palaiokastritsa,
one of Corfus most popular tourist resorts.
On 1, Arseniou Street you will come upon Di- Corfiote wife. It is a 19th-century neoclassical

onysios Solomos Museum, the former house architectural gem and now houses the small yet
of the poet who wrote the Hymn to Freedom interesting Archeological Museum of Palaiopolis.
(Greeces National Anthem) and who lived there To Palaiopolis, the archeological site near
for almost 30 years until his death in 1857.
To the old Prefecture building, at Moura-
Mon Repos which was ancient Corfus agora
(market place). Make a point of visiting the tem-
gia. It is an outstanding neoclassical building ple of Apollo (within Mon Repos next to the ruins
designed by architect Ioannis Chronis. It has of the Temple of Hera), the Roman baths, the
been built on the site of the house where Ioannis
agora and a late Hellenistic times edifice.
Kapodistrias, the first governor of Greece, was
To Vido (Ptychia), an isle opposite the old
port, accessible by boat. Its lush vegetation in-
To the Town Hall Square, the most impor-
cludes pines and palm trees. Once a rehabilita-
tant square during Venetian times. It is flanked
tion centre, it is now home to pheasants, par-
by remarkable buildings such as The Lodge of
tridges, hares, and wild rabbits (no hunting al-
the Nobles (Loggia dei Nobili, 1663), con-
lowed). You will find a restaurant and a number
verted in 1720 into San Giacomo Theatre, to be-
of gorgeous beaches there.
come todays City Hall, one of the citys finest
To Lazaretto (Gouvino), another islet teem-
buildings; the Catholic Metropolitan Church of
ing with flora opposite the old port; a national
San Giacomo e San Cristoforo; and the resi-
dence of the Catholic Archbishop, housing a
Bank of Greece branch today.
To the New Fortress (1576) where you can
visit the old British barracks, galleries, arched Corfiotes are devout people. There are many
passageways, bastions, gun emplacements, and churches on the island and the orthodox Easter
see inscriptions in Latin on the walls. From that is celebrated with the becoming splendour in
location you will enjoy a panoramic view of the the traditional manner. The citys patron saint
sea and the historic town centre. The Ceram- is Agios Spyridon who, according to tradition,
ics Museum and an open air theatre are also has delivered the locals from the plague in 1629.
located here. Do not fail to visit Agios Spyridon church, the
To the Ionian Parliament (near the corner of Corfiotes religious point of reference. You will
Moustoxydi and Zampeli Streets) where the un- 8. The monastery of Vlacherna. Beyond that,
9. View of Palaiopolis archeological site.
ion of the Ionian Islands with Greece was voted the byzantine church of Pantokratoras on Pontikonisi islet.
for. This neoclassical building was designed by sites around the city; the most impressive one
architect Ioannis Chronis and built in 1854. is the enormous Gorgo pediment from the Doric
To the noteworthy archeological Monument temple of Artemis.
of Menekrates, at Garitsa, made of hewn To Kanoni, one of Corfus top touristic spots
stones and bearing an archaic inscription citing with an excellent view of Vlacherna Monastery,
Menekrates as a consul from present-day Gal- Pontikonisi, the Chalikiopoulos Lagoon and the
axidi town. airport.
To Platytera Monastery, at Mantouki, To Pontikonisi, Corfus islet-landmark. Ac-
adorned by impressive murals, icons, and other cording to mythology, it was a Faiakes ship that
valuable heritage items. It is also Kapodistrias turned to stone.
final resting place. There are a number of good To Mon Repos (3 km S). A visit to this out-
tavernas in the area. standing estate is a must! You will see the ne-
To Spilia, an area at the old port. oclassical mansion that had been used by the
To the Jewish Quarter, where the citys Jew- former Greek royal family as a country resi-
ish residents have always had their stores. dence. It was originally built for Sir Frederick
To the Archeological Museum (1, Vraila Ar- Adam, the British High Commissioner of the
meni Street). It houses finds from archeological Ionian Islands and Diamantina Palatianou, his
beautiful Venetian well graces its courtyard. is home to the Corfu Golf Association and has a

There are three more Catholic churches: golf academy for the young aged 8-18.
San Giacomo e San Cristoforo (at City Hall Enjoy waterskiing, windsurfing, parasailing,
square), Agios Fragkiskos Monastery and ringo and pedalo riding, personal watercraft
Panagia tis Tenedou church. The Jewish
Synagogue is situated near the New Fortress
riding, etc at beaches with water sports facilities.
Corfus coastline areas are ideal for scuba div-
and the citys historic centre. ing as you can explore coves, bays, rocky sea
beds, and acquaint yourself with the impressive
Events local marine life.
Festivities taking place on the three succes- 11. Witness the custom of dropping clay jugs at Liston.
sive Sundays of the Carnival.
The Petegoletsa skits, on the last Thursday
of the Carnival Season.
Easter is a special celebration in Corfu, begin-
ning on Palm Sunday when Agios Spyridon re-
ligious procession takes place. This is repeated
on Holy Saturday. That day it is customary to
drop clay jugs to the ground from balconies at
Liston. The islands philharmonic bands follow
the processions as well as the Lords Epitaphios
[an embroidered cloth icon of Christ prepared
for burial, lying on a low table covered in flow-
ers] on Good Friday.
Celebration of the islands union with Greece,
on May 21st.
The Ionian Islands Music Festival.
Varkarola, in August.

Fun activities
Swimming. If you stay in the capital, go to the
beaches of Anemomylos, Mon Repos and Vido.
Sports: By the beachfront hotels you can go
10. The church of Panagia tis Tenedou. for water skiing, windsurfing, ringo riding,
beach volleyball, and much more.
see the citys tallest belfry, a marble iconostasis fus port. This three-aisled basilica is known for
You will also find waterslides, swimming pools
(templon), exquisite murals, religious heritage the 15th-century Panagia Dimosiana icon painted
and water fun for the young and older ones
items and votive offerings. The Saints holy relics on both sides.
alike. The facilities include restaurants, bars and
(skenoma) are kept in a gilded shrine studded Panagia ton Xenon, built by the monk
mini markets offering a full range of services.
with precious stones. On Palm Sunday morning Nikodimos in the early 18th century.
Casino: at the Corfu Holiday Palace Hotel.
the holy relics are placed at the forefront of a Agios Ioannis Prodromos (16th century),

Sports activities
procession going around the city, accompanied at Sternes. It is a single-aisled basilica with a
by Corfus 20 philharmonic bands. wooden roof and great murals.
Panagia i Antivouniotissa, at Mouragia. The Pantokrator, a church well known for its The Corfu Cricket Festival with the participa-
painted wall tapestry and panels that are deco- beautiful marble iconostasis. tion of UK teams.
rated with gilded wood carvings are particularly Agios Nikolaos ton Geronton (16th centu- The annual Formula III Powerboat Racing
interesting. It houses the Byzantine Museum, ry), at Campiello; the carved iconostasis is one of World Championship.
exhibiting a significant collection of portable the oldest in the city. The Ropa Valley golf course is located in the
icons of the Cretan School of Art. Panagia i Kremasti, where you will see a centre of the island, near Ermones beach and
Panagia i Spiliotissa (1577), located at Cor- marble iconostasis and remarkable icons. A is considered as one of the finest in Europe. It
Useful phone numbers (+30) Sarroko Square), tel: 26610-39.859.

Daily to: Kanoni, Analipsi, Potamos, Temploni,
Corfu Municipal Office: 26613-61.324,
Kastellanoi, Kouramades, Perama-Benitses,

Kontokali-Gouvia-Dasia, Afra-Agios Ioannis;
Police Station: 100, 26610-38.661,
26610-20.821 Achilleio-Gastouri.
E.O.T. (Greek National Tourism Ioannis Kapodistrias Corfu Airport:
Organisation): 26610-37.638 26610-89.600
Ionian Islands Regional Tourism Hospitals
Bureau: 26610-37.520, 26610-37.638-40 General Hospital: 26613-60.400
Tourist Police Station: 26610-29.168 Agros Health Centre: 26630-71.312
Traffic Police Station: 26610-29.167 Agios Markos Health Centre:
Port authority: Domestic timetables: 26610-93.815
26610-32.655, 26610-39.513, International Lefkimmi Health Centre: 26620-31.466
timetables: 26610-30.481 Museums
Marina (Gouvia): 26610-91.376, Museum of Asian Art: 26610-20193
Museum of Ceramic Art: 26610-27.370
K.T.E.L. long-distance buses (Green
Archeological Museum: 26610-30.680
line, terminus: Avramiou St):
Byzantine Museum (at Panagia
Daily to: Afiona, Arilla, Agios Georgios
Pagon, Agios Gordios, Agios Matthaios, Agios
Dionysios Solomos Museum:
Stefanos, Avliotes-Barbati, Ermones, Glyfada,
Kassiopi, Kavos, Korakiana, Liapades, 26610-30674
Loutses, Mesongi, Palaiokastritsa, Pyrgi-Ypso, Website for Corfu, Diapontia Islands and Paxoi:
Roda-Acharavi, Sidari, Spartera.
13. Aeroplane landing at the airport of Corfu, located in the middle of Chalikiopoulos lagoon.
City buses (Blue line, terminus: Municipality of Corfu Tourist Portal:

12. A philharmonic band of Corfu, in front of Sts. Michael and George Palace. Trips around Danilia, a replica of a traditional village.

Corfu Island Gastouri 3

Corfus stunning scenery, the touristic attrac- A scenic large village built according to tradi-
tions, dream beaches and entertainment oppor-
tional architectural lines, where Achilleion
tunities are not to be found in the capital only.
is located, the famous palace of the Empress
From one end to the other, Corfu has many sur-
Elisabeth of Austria, wife of Francis Joseph I
prises in store for the visitor. The road network
is very good leading to fascinating locations to (known as Princess Sissy). Distance from
the north, middle and south Corfu. the capital: 10 km SW.

Mesi (Middle) Corfu Must see

Achilleion, built in 1890. It was designed
Gouvia 2 by Italian architect R. Caritto and involved
It is a popular tourist resort with very good ho- Achilles as the main theme. After Sissys
tels and fish tavernas. There is a well equipped assassination (1898), Achilleion was bought
marina at Gouvia and nearby Kontokali that is by Germanys Kaiser Wilhelm II as a summer
one of the largest in the Mediterranean (count- residence. The palace is now a museum.
ing 1,235 berths). Distance from the capital: Exquisite statues (such as Achilles Dying,
9 km NW. the Satyr carrying Dionyssus on his shoulders,
and others) adorn the palaces colonnades
Must see and gardens that offer a wonderful view.The
The Venetian shipyards. interior is decorated with marvellous murals
and paintings inspired by Greek mythology. Must see

There is also a Catholic chapel, items that
Panagia Myrtidiotissa Monastery.
belonged to Sissy and Wilhelm II, etc.
Sinarades (5 km S), one of the oldest
Empress Elizabeths fountain, under the
plane trees.
Two picturesque villages: Agioi Deka, built
villages on the island, with lovely houses
(notice the special architectural features 17
called voltas), interesting churches and a
on a mountainside, and Kynopiastes where
Folk Art Museum.
you will find interesting 17th century mansions
Ermones beach, (6 km NW) where,
and Theotokos church, a three-aisled basilica.
according to Homer, Odysseus [Ulysses] was
shipwrecked and encountered Nausica.
Benitses 4
Benitses is a busy and popular tourist resort
with large hotels that get fully booked in sum-
Swimming at some of the islands top beaches
mer. There is a small harbour for mooring boats.
Tourist growth is significant in the area and (Glyfada, Myrtiotissa, Kontogialos).
most hotels provide facilities to be used as con- Horseback riding at Pelecas Country Club.
ference centres. Distance from the capital: Camping at Ermones.
13.5 km S.
Palaiokastritsa 7
Must see Palaiokastritsa is located on the islands north-
Corfu Shell Museum western side and is one of Corfus most famous
Kaisers Bridge and its characteristic jetty. resorts. The beauty of the rolling countryside is
unequalled: olive groves as far as the eye can

Activities see, luxuriant pine-covered hills, rugged coasts,

lacy beaches, six natural coves with golden
In the areas beaches you will find a wide
sand, each surrounded by steep cliffs, and a
range of services on offer such as schools
picture-perfect harbour for boats. You will find
for water sports, tennis and beach volleyball
that tourist services are of the highest quality!
courts, scuba diving schools and shops renting
Distance from the capital: 25 km NW.
equipment for windsurfing, parasailing etc.

psos 5 Must see

It is a cosmopolitan tourist resort. The beach- The monastery of Panagia Palaiokastritsa
front of fine sand is lined with hotels and visi-
14. Part of the colonnade at Achilleion, 15. Corfu is the ideal destination
tors can pick from a wide selection of activities
and the statues of Apollo and the Three Graces. for water sports fans.
by the seaside. From a certain point, Ypsos
changes to Pyrgi. Distance from the capi- Short trips by rented boats.
tal: 15.5 km NW. Water sports.
Mini-golf, tennis, beach volleyball.
Must see Camping at Ypsos, Pyrgi, Kato Korakiana and
The National Gallerys branch. Dasia.
Dasia, 1.5 km S of Ypsos, a highly
touristic area with large hotel complexes and
conference facilities. Merlin, the agriculturalist Pelekas 6
who introduced the well known Japanese A picturesque village situated west of the city.
Kumquat citrus variety in Greece, had his From Kaisers Observatory in Pelekas, you will
estate in Dasia. enjoy what is probably Corfus loveliest sunset

location. You will also find some amazing sandy
beaches such as Kontogialos and cosmopolitan
Excursion boat tours to nearby areas. Glyfada. Distance from the capital: 16 km W.
The ruins of a medieval castle (12th - 13th Sidari 9 The waterfalls in a verdant area near

c.) destroyed by Ottoman assaults in the 16th Nymfes village (15.5 km SE).
It is a famous resort at Corfus northwestern tip. Cavo Drasti (approx. 6 km W), where
c. and later on blown up by the Venetians.
The fine beaches and impressive seaside geo- you will be impressed by the cliffs and a
Some of the islands finest and most
logical formations of smooth rock have made it magnificent sunset view.
popular summer resorts with their grand
a popular destination. On the way to Peroulades The southwest idyllic beaches in Peroulades,
villas, pebble beaches, and tranquil, clear
village, visit the famous, lovely beach known as Agios Stefanos, Arillas and Agios Georgios
waters; notably Barbati, Nisaki, Kaminaki,
Canal d Amour. Distance from the capital: ton Pagon.
Agni, Kouloura (the place where novelist
36 km NW.
Lawrence Durrell lived), Kerasia, Agios
Stefanos Sinion and Avlaki. Must see
Antiotis lagoon (wetland) covers Swimming and water sports at the areas
The popular resorts at Roda (9.5 km E) and beach facilities.
400,000 m2 and is home to 96 species of
Acharavi (12.5 km E) where far stretching Camping at Agios Ioannis, Karousades (4.5 km
migratory birds; it has been included in the
sandy beaches are popular with the motley E), Roda (9.5 km E) and Arillas (9 km SW).
NATURA 2000 network.
younger generation. Visit the Folk Art
Museum at Acharavi (opposite the Roman Peritheia 10
Activities public baths) exhibiting traditional items A fine example of traditional architecture,
used in daily life by locals over the past two Peritheia is a beautiful old village nestled in
Swimming at the areas popular sandy beaches.
centuries. The objects originated from the
Powerboat excursions to Kavos Barbaros and Mount Pantokrator. Quite a few houses are in the
collection of V. Spyrou and other residents.
the Peristeres rocky islets. process of being restored by Greek and foreign

16. Kouloura bay and village. 17. The famous Canal d amour, between Sidari and Peroulades.

(founded in 1228) on a hilltop. Its ecclesiastical

museum is remarkable.
Lakones (3.5 km E), a village with a great
view from the Bella Vista location.
Angelokastro, a 13th-century Byzantine fort
near Krini village (10 km NW).

Swimming at refreshingly cool, deeply blue
waters at every beach in the area.
Renting a boat for a trip from the port to the
sea caves.
Scuba diving in the areas fascinating under-
water world.

North Corfu
Kassiopi 8
A cosmopolitan seaside resort with a medieval
castle nestled amid cypress trees, and a busy yet
scenic port. It is a popular destination with mar-
vellous beaches nearby. Distance from the
capital: 36 km N.

Must see
The church of Panagia Kassiopitissa
(restored in the 16th c.)
residents or visitors. Distance from the capi- The old Salt Mines (Alykes 3 km N) with

tal: 44 km N. their small Agios Ioannis church, the Venetian
salt warehouses and the sheltered fishing
Must see
boat wharf; visit popular Kavos village
Mount Pantokrator and Ypsilos (6 km S) and experience the pulsating
Pantokrator Monastery (elevation 911 m.) nightlife. There is also a fine sandy beach
where you will enjoy an amazing view. The with water sports facilities.
monasterys church features an impressive
gilded iconostasis, old icons and murals.
Old Sinies, an abandoned, architectural
gem of a village in the Pantokrator area. Swim at Alykes or Molos beach at a tourist
resort offering a wide choice of water sports

Activities facilities.
Hiking from Molos (6km N) up to cape Lefkim-
Hike on foot or ride an off-road vehicle to Mt. mi (via the salt mines, a 45 min. walk) and from
Pantokrator. It is one of Corfus most impressive
Kavos up to Panagia Arkoudila Monastery (60
routes as the view from that barren mountain
min. walk).
and the scenery will definitely make it worth
while. If you decide to hike, start from the village 19. The village of Agios Georgios Pagon
of Palia Peritheia (7km S), or Strinylas (approx. and the sandy beach.
15 km S) and go all the way to the top of Mt.
Pantokrator where Ypsilos Pantokrator monas- 18. Issos beach, among the most beautiful ones in Corfu.
tery is located.
Mountain biking on Mt. Pantokrator.
tine oak forest at the foot of Gamilio (meaning
Nuptial) Mountain, thus named because Alki-
noos, the King of ancient Faiakes, was married The strip of land separating the lake from the
South Corfu there. Distance from the capital: 23 km SW. Ionian Sea is a very popular swimming loca-
tion as there are beaches and sand dunes. The
Mesongi 11 Must see
stretch is extensive and you are certain to find
A well-known yet fairly quiet resort, Mesongi is some remote or less busy spots to swim at.
Pantokrator Monastery (4th c.) and an Hiking from Chalikouna beach up to Agios
built next to a river estuary, by a far stretching
interesting Cave (called the Sea hole) on Georgios beach, via Korission Lake (90 min.
beach of fine sand. Distance from the capital:
account of archeological finds. From that route).
22 km S.
spot the view to the village and the protected

Must see
wetlands of Lake Korission is captivating. Lefkimmi 14
Past Argyrades and Perivoli, you will reach
Episkopiana village (6 km N), on the hill, Agios Georgios southern Corfus largest town. It has been
above Moraitika. It is Ioannis Kapodistrias
Argyradon 13 known since antiquity due to the 434 BC sea bat-
Go downhill, past Agios Matthaios, towards the tle between the Corfiotes and the Corinthians
Chlomos village (12 km S), built
at Aktio. At the time, its name was Lefkimma.
amphitheatrically on a raised area with main road and turn right southwards. You will
Later, the pirates named it Cavo Bianco. Its
a fantastic view. You will find a number reach Agios Georgios Argyradon village and the
port, Melikia, connects Corfu with Igoumenitsa,
of buildings that are considered as fine lovely sandy beach. Distance from the capi-
Parga, and Syvota (in Ipeiros). Distance from
examples of local architecture. tal: 32 km SE.
the capital: 41.5 km SE.

Activities Must see Must see

Lake Korission, (a natural monument of The 17th-century Panagia Arkoudila
Swim at the villages wonderful sandy beach
breathtaking beauty), Chalikouna beach monastery. Its fortified tower was the monks
or try the water sports facilities on site.
as well as the cedar tree forest and the sand refuge during pirate raids. The monastery
Agios Matthaios 12 dunes found in Issos (the longest beach on has been built in a forest, on the islands
the island). southernmost cape.
The village is built amphitheatrically in a pris-
DIAPONTIA Islands Ereikoussa 1

Useful phone numbers (+30)
It is the northernmost island of the group, ver- Community Office: 26630-71.703
dant and ideal for a tranquil vacation with few Police Station: 26630-72.400
yet gorgeous beaches where the trees reach up Rural Clinic: 26630-71.505
to the sand. The locals are olive tree growers,
fishermen, or in the tourism business. There is Mathraki 2
a shuttle boat service to the city of Corfu, Agios
This is the southernmost, smallest island of the
Stefanos Avlioton and Sidari. Distance from
Corfus Cape Drastis: 6 nautical miles NW.
Diapontia group, a spear fishermans paradise
with beautiful reefs, rocky islets and a seabed
that is full of life. There is a shuttle boat serv-
Must see ice from Plakes, Mathrakis port, to the city of
Porto, the islands port and main village with Corfu, Agios Stefanos Avlioton and Sidari. Dis-
an extensive beach where a variety of services tance from Corfus Cape Kefali: 4.5 nautical
are offered. miles W.

Must see
Kontrakas old port in Fyki, on the west
Swimming at Porto and Braghini.
coast. Past Cape Katergo, the sea waters
Spear fishing.
in the area are ideal for underwater spear
Hiking on the forest trails leading to the
fishing. The old stone belfry of Agia Triadas
Merovigli hilltop.

21. An aerial photo of Ereikoussa.

20. Diapontia Islands are ideal for underwater activities.

iapontia Islands namely Ereikoussa, Mathraki, Othonoi and smaller, unin-
habited islets are an Ionian Sea group of islands located close to the north-
western edge of Corfu.

Must see

Ormos Ammou (Sand Cove): From here, Swimming at Ammos, Aspri Ammos, and Fyki.
ERIKOUSSA Erikoussa take a boat to the beach of blue-green waters, Spear fishing

and find the cave where, according to the Sailing
Porto !
myth, Calypso kept Odysseus [Ulysses]
in captivity.
Porto Useful phones numbers (+30)
Dafni Dafni and Chorio, two lovely villages.
The 1872 lighthouse on Cape Kastri Community Office: 26630-72.132

(NE edge of the island). Police Station: 26630-71.592

Ammos ERIKOUSS Kastrino and Ostrako, two rocky isles near Rural Clinic: 26630-71.550

Cape Kastri.

Port Authority: 26630-72.280

Aspri Ammos

22. A beach at Othonoi.

A KI - O


Airport Beach
Archaeological site Bus station
Police T
" Region capital
Hospital Plakes KI
Village >1000 per. Fiki SIDA RI - M A
! !

Hamlet Mathraki !P Portelo
Castle - Fortress
Main road network Kontrakas Diaplo
Casino !

Port Rural road Network OS
Marina Minor road network
Museum Apidies Arvanitiko
Ferry route

0 1.25 2.5 5

church is also worth your visit. Useful phone numbers (+30)

The churches of: Agios Nikolaos (1675)
Community Office: 26630-81.190
in the islands northern area (Kato Panta) and Police Station: 26630-72.400
Agios Spyridon in the south (Ano Panta). Rural Clinic: 26630-71.676
Karavi, Leipso, Diaplo and Plaka rocky
Othonoi 3
The largest island of the group is Othonoi, lo-
Activities cated on the Greek territorys westernmost
edge. The outstanding natural beauty is comple-
Swimming in the vast Portelo beach stretch-
mented by traditional houses, old churches, and
ing across the entire NE side of the island, at
ruins of Venetian castles. There is a shuttle boat
Arvanitiko, Fyki and Apidies. service running from Ammos, Othonois port,
Fishing and scuba diving in Portelo. to the city of Corfu, Agios Stefanos Avlioton and
Hiking along the stone trails leading to Sidari. Distance from Corfus Cape Drastis:
Merovigli hilltop (155m). 12 nautical miles W-NW.
PAXOI (Paxi) Gaios 1 Events

It is the islands capital town and port, ideal for Classical Music Festival in the summertime.
sun-and-sea vacations. The image of the port The August 15th feast on the small island of
wedged in the narrow channel between Paxoi
island and Agios Nikolaos isle is considered one
Agios Gaios icon placed at the head of a reli- 27
of the prettiest in the Ionian Sea. There are gious procession on June 29th with the partici-
cafs and fish tavernas by the pier. pation of the Metropolitan (Bishop) and Corfus
philharmonic bands.
Neroladia fair, in mid-July.

Must see Activities

The church of Agios Charalampos (the The island is ideal for relaxation. However,
islands patron saint) and Agioi Apostoloi apart from tavernas and cafs, there are also
church where there are interesting murals. nightclubs and bars at the port area.
The Museum, housed in the Venetian- Swimming at Kloni Gouli, Kamini, Kaki Lag-
turned-British Governors Mansion of former kada, Alati, Plakes, Ballos, Levrechio, Pounta,
and Kipos.
times. There are finds from antiquity,
An island tour by small boat.
household utensils, weaving articles and a
Tennis and mini golf.
small gallery exhibiting works of art by
Sailing around the islets close to Paxoi.
Chr. Aronis, a local painter. Hiking and mountaineering.
Agios Nikolaos isle, opposite the port,
featuring a Venetian fort (1423), two small Useful phone numbers (+30)
churches, and a windmill.
Municipal Office: 26623-60.300
Panagia islet where you can visit Police Station: 26620-32.222
Panagias Monastery and a picturesque Port authority: 26620-32.259
lighthouse. Rural Health Centre: 26620-31.466
Lesianitis windmill (1780) now deserted, Museum: 26620-32.566
near Tranakatika village (2 km SW). Website:

24. The small harbour at Longos, Paxoi.

23. Mesovrika beach, Antipaxoi.

ll that you need for a quiet, memorable vacation is on this island: lacy beaches, small coves,
green hills with olive trees, imposing cliffs, sea caves and particularly interesting hewn stone
cisterns dotting the island. Its small size (area: 13 sq. km, coastline: 30 km) invites the visitor
to explore it from end to end on foot.
Tradition has it that Paxoi used to be part of Corfu Island until Poseidon tore it apart with his trident
so that he may have a secluded spot to enjoy the company of his beloved Amfitriti. Under Venetian
rule, commercial, maritime and agricultural activities thrived on the island.

25. Gaios harbour (Paxoi)

is a much photographed spot in the Ionian Sea.
Kanoni dr

La os

Harami d

M po s o
Ki rehi
Plani M


! !

Lakka Dalietatika


Apergatika !

Loggos N
PAXI Kaki Lagada

Platanos Kipiadi
! ! Kamini
Magazia Kloni Gouli
Vlahopoulatika !

Defteri Spiatza
Avlaki Makratika !
Paxos Beach





Vrika Messovrika

0 1.25 2.5 5

26. Dense vegetation ends at the sea shore in Lakka, Paxoi.

Trips around ing an impressive belfry (1774) and interesting

murals. Distance from Gaios: 4 km NW.
Must see the small boat from Parga or Corfu. Another op-
tion is to use the flying dolphin or watertaxi serv-
Paxoi Island
Agios Andreas church.
ice from Corfu.
Activities Ypapanti sea cave.

Hiking. A network of trails goes past Magazia

The sunset from the lighthouse (1919).
Antipaxi (Antipaxi) 6
Ozias 2
It is the islands oldest settlement with tradition-
and continues along the islands western part
through some incredible landscape. Activities It is a pretty, miniature of an island, southeast
of Paxoi (3 nautical miles from Gaios), known
al stone-built houses and ruins of old churches Diving in the sea caves (grves). Swimming at Charami, Kanoni, Planoi, Orkos,
for its fantastic beaches. Voutoumi, a beach
the most important one being that of Agia Ma- Arkoudaki and Lakkos.
of exotic beauty, is among the finest in Greece.
rina (8th c.). Swim at the cove by the village. Dis- Longos 4 Boat excursions from the port to nearby beaches.
Another two gorgeous beaches are Vrika and
tance from Gaios: 1.5 km S.
Getting there
It is Paxois smallest harbour. Distance from Mesovrika. Agrapidia is the small port con-
Gaios: 5.5 km NW. necting the island with Paxoi. There is a group
Must see Travel by ferryboat from Igoumenitsa, or take of rocky isles opposite the southern coastline.
Mongonisi, a small island linked to Ozias Must see
27. A picturesque narrow street at Gaios.
by a bridge. The old G. Anemogiannis oil mill & soap
Kaltsonisi, frequently visited by people factory.
who own or rent boats.
Magazia 3 Swimming at Marmari, Kipos, Levrechio, Gly-
fada, Kipiadi, and Monodendri.
This is a village with stone-built houses and
Boat excursions from the harbour to nearby
elaborate dry stone courtyard walls. The Oil
Museum is housed in an 18th c. oil mill (tel.
26620-30.043). On Paxois west coast, near
the village, there are approx. 40 fascinating sea
Lakka 5
caves called grves, with impressive vaults. This picturesque village of beautiful houses, al-
The ones best known are by the cliffs of Erimitis leys, and small squares is located in the islands
and Achai bays. You will also come across the northern part amid flourishing vegetation. Dis-
church of Ypapanti (1601), 2km NW, featur- tance form Gaios: 7.5 km NW.

rated with busts of some of the islands eminent
Lefkada Town 1 scholars.
Lefkada is the islands capital and port town To the pedestrian zone along the coast
(population: approx. 8,000). It is linked to the lined with the younger generations hangouts,
coast of Central Greece via a floating swing
bridge. The town planning includes picturesque
cafs, and music bars.
To the central square with many restaurants
alleys, small squares, traditional houses, elabo- and cafs where Agios Spyridonas church is lo-
rate belfries and paved pedestrian zones, ac- cated (late 17th c.) with an interesting iconosta-
cording to the Medieval European urban plan- sis and icons. The main town mall (along Melas
ning style. Its historic centre has been built fol- Street) starts from this point.
lowing the Venetian urban design plan, known
To Kouzounteli (or Kouzoumpei) area, where
as a fish backbone plan, unique in Greece and
age-long plane trees stand next to traditional
Europe and a fine example of excellent anti-
coffee shops that serve freshly ground coffee
seismic construction. The city is surrounded by
and soumada drink made from fragrant al-
a canal and a lagoon, while, farther north, lies
Gyra, a sandy beach that forms a fine circle, dot-
To the Archeological Museum. Finds (mid-
ted with windmills and scant vegetation.
Paleolithic times - 4th c. AD) come from tombs

Town promenade
excavated at Nydri, burial grounds of the ancient
town of Lefkada, etc.
To the lagoon, one of the Ionian Seas most To the Public Library, housed in a neoclas-
significant wetlands, home to magnificent sical building. There is an extensive collection
swans, egrets, wild ducks, wild geese, and of printed documents and post-Byzantine icons
Eurasian coots. It is protected by the Ramsar painted in the style of the Eptanesian iconogra-
Convention as a wetland of international impor- phy school by eminent religious iconographers
tance. There is also an ivari, a fish farm where such as Doxaras, Roussos, etc.
fish grow in their natural environment. To Charamogleios Eidiki Lefkadiaki Li-
To Agia Mavra fort, at the towns entrance, brary [a library treating exclusively local
constructed by a Sicilian named Giovanni Orsini themes] exhibiting rare books, gravures and
in 1300, next to the artificial canal on a lagoon maps. The art gallery is often the venue for
islet. Several additions were made later by the painting and photography exhibitions. The li-
Venetians and the Turks. There is a lighthouse brarys collection has been included in the
on the fort as well as Agia Mavras chapel. Guiness Book of Records.
To Bosketo Park, where the islands intelle- To the Pantazis Kontomichis Folk Art
genzia used to meet in former times. It is deco- Museum, established in 1937 and managed

28. The impressive rocks and lighthouse at Cape Lefkata, Lefkada. 29. The bridge at the canal bordering Lefkada town.

efkada or Leucas Island (area: 302.5 is surrounded by a total of 24 islets - Aristotle
Onassis Skorpios being one of them. It connects to the opposite coast of Central Greece via
a floating swing bridge (length: 50 m). The bridge offers easy access to Lefkada to visitors
from all over Greece as it connects to parts of Egnatia Odos [Road] junction, Preveza-Aktio sea tun-
nel, Central Greeces Aktio International Airport and the ports in Igoumenitsa (Ipeiros) and Patras
(Peloponnese). On Lefkada you will find noteworthy sights, churches and monasteries, picturesque
villages, lush vegetation, idyllic coves of turquoise waters, busy and secluded beaches of stunning
beauty, a significant cultural heritage and hospitable locals.
Up until the 6th c. BC, Lefkada was part of the Akarnania coastline. It owes its name to Lefkata,
the cape with the towering rugged white cliffs on the islands southern tip. Lefkada has been in-
habited since Neolithic times and flourished as a Corinthian colony. In 1204, after Constantinoples
occupation by the Franks, it became part of the Despotate of Epirus [Ipeiros]. Later on, the Turks,
Venetians, French and British occupied the island. In 1864, it became part of Greece along with the
other Ionian Islands.

M a

Ag ini

.I a



Skala Yalou !
! T
! ! Kaligonio
Pefkoulia Apolpaina
Agios Nikitas

Ligia !P Kavalos
Milos !



Lazarata Paradisos

! !

Pinakohori Katouna


Avali Exanthia Pigadissani


Karia P


Megali Petra Alexandros Kolivata Magemenou
! !

Eglouvi !
Vafkeri Perigiali

Nidri SPARTI !

Neohori ! P
! Madouri !

Agios Ilias Kalithea

Dragano ! Geni SKORPIOS !


Lakka 30. Lefkadas lagoon. Agia Mavra fort is in the background.
Agios Petros Vournikas Lagada
Yalou Athani
Desimi final resting place of the novelist A. Valaoritis is oldest church on the island, a single-naved con-


Trafia !

Alonaki Spartohori in the churchyard. struction with a large semicircular arch, built in

Poros Efteri Katomeri

Egremni Ponti Marandohori
Panagia ton Vlachernon, in Elaionas. On the 15th c.
Vassiliki Rouda Episkopi
! ! Sivota
KALAMOS Meatfare Sunday of 1821, at the instigation Agios Ioannis Antzousis, a small, pictur-
Kontarena !
Porto of Ioannis Zampelios, one of the local leading esque church on the beach by the same name.

Evgiros Mikros Yalos Kalamos !

members of Filiki Etairia [Society of Friends], this Panagia Faneromeni Monastery, 2 km SW
Ayofili historic church was the place where chieftains of Fryni. Built on a hill covered with pine trees, it
and elders from Roumeli pledged themselves is one of the islands most important monuments
KITHROS to take part in the Greek War of Independence. with a historic course that goes possibly back
Kastos !

KASTOS The Gospel Book they took their oath on is still to the Apostles times. Panagia Faneromeni is
ARKOUDI preserved. Lefkadas patron saint and is celebrated on the
0 3 6 12
km Dormition of Theotokos (the Mother of Pentecost (Holy Spirit) Monday. The 1876 icon of
God), on the NW side of the lagoon. It is the Panagia is preserved in the monastery and has

31. Windsurfing by Agios Ioannis beach.

by the Orpheus Music and Literature Associa- To Tsoukalades (7 km SW), a traditional village.
tion. Exhibits include a wide and rare collection
of items related to local everyday life and work.
To the Phonograph-Memorabilia Museum
whose exhibits include old phonographs, vinyl Agios Minas. The towns most noteworthy
records, decorative antique items, old banknotes church boasts an exquisite wood-carved icon-
etc. ostasis, icons painted by great iconographers
To the agelong Elaionas (Olive Grove), lying e.g. Kontarinis and Roussos, and oil paintings by
west, on the town outskirts. Doxaras, Koutouzis, Ventouras and others. This
To Megalos Avlaimonas and Mikros Avlai- initially small baroque-style church was founded
monas wetlands, two natural-habitat fish farms on 1707 and was rebuilt to its present size after
near the city. the damage it sustained in 1724.
To the windmills at Gyra. Agios Nikolaos (1687): the wood-carved
To Fryni (2 km SW), a small village on a slope iconostasis is remarkable.
with a fantastic view. Christos Pantokrator, founded in 1700. The
32. Panoramic view of Syvota bay,
a mini fjord-like formation.

been painted by Benjamin Kontrakis, a Mount since 1955 and involves theatrical and music
Athos monk. Visit the Ecclesiastical Museum events, exhibitions, conferences, and poetry
on the same grounds, where interesting items nights. It is one of Greeces oldest cultural
are exhibited, originating from churches and institutions along with the Athens Festival.
monasteries on the island, and dating from the
second Turkish Occupation (1479-1684) until
Wine festival that takes place in Sfakiotes Mu-
nicipality on Frya Square, around the historic
1864 when the island became part of Greek Frya Well.
territory. You will find particularly interesting
works of art by Eptanesian painters; ecclesiasti- Activities
cal manuscripts and old documents dating to Swimming. If you stay in Lefkada town, you
times before and after the 1821 Greek War of In- can swim at Kastro, Gyra, Myloi, and Agios
dependence; silver artefacts (crosses, chalices, Ioannis Antzousis. Around the island you will
trays etc); sacerdotal vestments and a collection discover some amazing beaches and to the
of 18th-19th century antimins (or antimensions islands east there are numerous beautiful,
consecrated altar cloth). wooded isles.

Visiting the sea caves. Farther south, Kalamos
and Kastos isles boast beaches and sea caves 34. Lefkadas marina.
International Folklore Festival. As of 1962, of great beauty.
rina in Greece. There are 500 berths, a con- KTEL Long-distance buses:
bands and artists from all over the world meet Bicycling; the town of Lefkada as well as the
trol tower, a multi-purpose building, a yachting 26450-22.364, 26450-22.795
in Lefkada every August and exchange the nearby coastline are ideal for a bicycle ride. Go
club, an office-and-shops complex, a small Hospital: 26450-25.371
product of their cultural and artistic folklore round the lagoon, following the exceptional
hotel, a boat maintenance and repair unit, a Vasiliki Rural Health Centre:
in the fields of dancing, music, and traditional scenic route: Agia Mavra - Gyra - Myloi - Ai
parking lot, 300 winter-secure berths ashore, 26450-31.065
heritage. Giannis - Lefkada.
and recreational open-air facilities (tel: 26450- Archeological Museum: 26450-21.635
The Discourse & Art Festival. It has been Marina: it is located at the towns east side,
26.645, fax: 26450-26.642, website: www. Public Library: 26450-22.502
organised by the Cultural Centre of Lefkada and is considered to be the best equipped ma- Charamogleios Eidiki Lefkadiaki
33. Paragliding over Kathisma beach. Library: 26450-21.465

Pantazis Kontomichis Folk Art
Museum: 26450-22.778
Kite surfing in Myloi beach. Phonograph - Memorabilia Museum:
Mountain biking: the islands tall, green moun- 26450-21.088
tains are criss-crossed by routes and trails that Ecclesiastical Museum - Panagia
are ideal for biking. Rent your mountain bike in Faneromeni Monastery: 26450-21.105
Lefkada town.
Website for Lefkada, Meganisi, Kalamos and Kastos:
Parapente (paragliding) over Kathisma beach.
Your instructor and double parachute equip-
ment will guarantee your safety.
Trips around
Useful phone numbers (+30) Lefkada Island
Lefkada Regional Unit - Tourism
Section (Lefkada, Meganisi, Kalamos,
Clockwise, east to west
Kastos): 26453-60.755
Municipal Office: 26453-60.511-5 Kariotes 2
Police Station: 26450-29.370 It is a village on the islands east coast, with
Traffic Police: 26450-29.379 modern tourist facilities while keeping to the
Port Authority: 26450-22.176 old traditional architectural style. At Spasmeni
Aktio Airport (Central Greece): Vrysi location there is a well equipped camping
site. Distance from the capital: 3.5 km SE.
ning to Meganisi, Ithaca, Kefalonia and Central
Must see
Greece. Distance from the capital: 17 km S.
Alexandrou salt mines. Opposite them,
visit Alexandrou fort built on a small isle. Must see
The ruins of ancient Nirikos or Lefkada
(2nd millennium BC) one of the largest, area-
Madouri Island, home to Aristotelis Valaoritis,
a major Greek poet, and Aristotle Onassis
wise, ancient Greek towns, near Kalligoni
Skorpios Island, where swimming is allowed.
village (2 km N).
The sheltered Vlycho bay and the verdant
Palioi Kariotes, a traditional village cape Agia Kyriaki, the site of the small Agia
(4 km SW). Kyriaki church; the Nymphs Cave; and the tomb
of archeologist Wilhelm Drpfeld
Lygia 3 (1853-1940).
It is the islands main fishing town with a tour- Dimosari ravine, (2.5 km W) where, you can
ism infrastructure of high standards. Distance enjoy a swim in the waterfalls cascading into it.
from the capital: 6 km SE. Perigiali (2 km N), a seaside village offering
an incredible view of Prigkiponisia, as well as
Must see Neochori (5 km W).
35. The famous Skorpios Island,
Vlycho (3 km S), a seaside village in the nook
Katouna (4 km S), a picturesque village owned by the Onassis family.
of the bay and Geni, the scenic tourist area
with fantastic cobblestone alleys, traditional
and the monks retreat; the location offers a situated on the opposite coast
houses, nice little tavernas as well as the
panoramic view. (5.5 km SE).
view to the salt mines and Alexandrou fort. Windsurfing
Agios Georgios Monastery (6 km SW), The 18th-century historic Evangelistria
Panagia church belfry and the iconostasis of Mountaineering
below Skaroi forest, was founded according Monastery (Red Church) built high on the
Agios Varvaros church are also particularly Fishing
to various accounts before 1500 and mountain.
interesting. Scuba diving centres offer diving excursions in

prospered during the Turkish Occupation. the company of certified divers.
The monasterys church is decorated with
Nikiana 4 remarkable murals especially the eastern wall
Camping at Episkopos area.
Scuba diving: Similarly to Nikiana, scuba div-
This is a picturesque fishing village and a tourist that has remained practically intact. ing centres organise underwater explorations.
destination, built at the foot of Mount Skaros Other water sports (water skiing, wakeboard-
near a forest of age-long oak trees. Distance
The iconostasis dating back to 1724 is a
Nydri 5 ing, parasailing and fun rides on bananas or
replica of the one found in Agios Minas
from the capital: 9.5 km S. The islands biggest tourist resort lies along the ringos pulled by a motor boat).
church in Lefkada town.
eastern coast. It boasts an ultra-modern marina Sailing (620-berth ultra-modern marina)
The traditional mountain villages Kollyvata
Must see and an intense nightlife. Nydri faces Prigkiponi- Mountain biking.
(6 km SW), Alexandros (7 km SW) and
sia (i.e. Madouri, Cheloni, Skorpios, Skorpidi and Camping at Vlycho-Geni.
Agioi Pateres Monastery (3.7 km SW) Vafkeri (13.5 km SW).
Sparti islands). There is a ferryboat service run- Hiking from Geni towards Agia Kyriaki.

36. A general view of Nydri and verdant Prigkiponisia.


37. Egkremni: a white pebbled beach with turquoise waters.

Poros 6 located in a fjord, a favourite destination

among sailing fans.
Poros is southeastern Lefkadas balcony over-
looking Arkoudi, Oxies, Ithaca, and Kefalonia
islands. Swim in the crystal-clear waters of Vasiliki 7
Mikros Gialos, where you can also find a It is southern Lefkadas tourist hub with abun-
well-equipped camping site. Distance from dantly flowing streams and a vibrating night-
the capital: 26 km S. life. Take the ferry for a visit to the captivating 39. Vasiliki bay, internationally known to windsurfers.
Porto Katsiki beach, Agiofylli beach, Kefalonia
Must see and Ithaca. Distance from the capital: 37.5
the bay, Agios Petros (7 km N),
Athani 8
Marantochori (7.5 km E) there is a
The ancient country estate (Pyrgi km SW. The village, built in an amphitheatre-like man-
campsite there and Evgiros (8.5 km SE).
location) where part of its 4th-3rd c. BC ner (elevation: 340 m), overlooks the Ionian
square tower remains. Must see Beautiful Syvros village (8 km NE). Visit
Sea. Distance from the capital: 34.5 km SW.
the 1809 restored watermill; the flowing
Picturesque Syvota village (11 km SW), The villages Ponti (2 km W) overlooking
springwaters in Piges Kerasias; Karoucha Must see
38. Cape Lefkata is one of Lefkadas most impressive landscapes. cave and the villages Vournikas (2 km E) Dragano (2.5 km N), a mountain village
and Agios Ilias (6 km N) at a 620 m. famous for producing top-quality honey.
elevation. Enjoy the fantastic view of the The old Agios Nikolaos Niras church,
surrounding area. 12 km S of Athani.
he lighthouse and the ruins of Apollos
Activities sanctuary at cape Doukato (Lefkata or Cape
Kyra), 17 km S (the last 4.5 km are a dirt
Swimming in Vasiliki, Agiofylli, Ammousa and
road). That breathtaking location of rugged
Afteli beaches.
cliffs and magnificent sea view is also known
Windsurfing: Vasiliki bay is a destination as Sapphos Jump; legend has it that this
widely known on account of the particular cli- was the spot where the lyric poetess of
mate conditions and favourable winds, making antiquity jumped off from, taking her own life.
it very popular among windsurfing fans.
Water sports: water skiing, wakeboarding, Activities
parasailing and banana or ringo fun rides Swimming at Egkremnoi and Porto Katsiki, two
pulled by a motor boat. of Greeces loveliest beaches.
Mountain biking.
Horseback riding: various riding farms organ- Agios Nikitas 9
ise outings on horseback out in the country. It is a cosmopolitan, seaside tourist resort. Dis-
Camping. tance from the capital: 13 km SW.

40. Porto Katsiki, Lefkadas most famous beach,

is among the six top ones in the Mediterranean.

1478-1684 period. In the old days, one of them
supplied water to all the villages in the area.
Wine festival on Frya Square, by the historic
Profitis Ilias Monastery, in Spanochori.
well, organised by Sfakiotes municipality.
Drymonas traditional village.
The areas exquisite belfries.
Kontomicheio Folk Art Museum run by
Karya 11 47
It is a widely known mountain village (eleva-
Sfakiotes Municipality, located in a pine-
tion: 500 m) with a fantastic plane tree shaded
covered area, in Kavalos. It demonstrates
square, busy caf-bars and restaurants. The
the importance of pre-industrial era tools and
exquisitely crafted traditional karsanika em-
the socioeconomic framework of Lefkadas
broideries have won the place a fine reputation.
working class during the period mentioned
Distance from the capital: 13.5 km S.
above. Exhibits include tools of various trades
(shoemakers, farmers, carpenters, barbers,
masons, lumberjacks etc), replicas of local Must see
home interiors (kitchen, oven), collections of Maria Koutsochero Folk Art Museum of
old photographic material, hand-woven fabrics Lefkada embroidery. In this small private
and traditional costumes. museum where looms, woven fabrics and
Melissa ravine, (crossed by a network of karsanika embroideries are exhibited, the
trails) with ruins of small settlements, visitor has the opportunity to get to know
old watermills, stone bridges, wells, and many the lifestyle, character and the folk culture of
41. Traditional wedding in Lefkada. 43. Flowing waters in Sfakiotes wooded area.
springs. Lefkadas mountainous areas.

Must see Pigadisanoi village (2.5 km N).

42. Agios Nikitas - the village and beach.
Agios Ioannis Prodromos monastery
Nearby Kalamitsi (7 km S), a mountain
(at Livadi, 4.5 km E) founded in 1605. It is said
village that keeps a genuine traditional
that chieftain S. Bouas or Grivas was interred
there in 1622. There are remarkable murals in

Activities the church that date back to 1736-1753.

Swimming at Kathisma, a location of great

natural beauty with an inviting beach, where
you will also find a well-equipped campsite; at Detailed representation of a traditional wed-
Pefkoulia beach; and at Myloi, a tranquil beach ding in Lefkada, on August 11th.
accessible by small boat. Riganada feast, during which home-baked
bread sprinkled with olive oil, salt and oregano
Mountain trips is offered together with salted sardines.

Sfakiotes 10 Egklouvi 12
This is a group of traditional villages, namely La- It is a beautiful traditional mountain village (el-
zarata (seat of Lazarata municipality, 10 km SW evation: 730 m) built in a green area. It is fa-
of the capital), Spanochori, Kavalos, Aspro- mous for producing delicious lentils that are one
gerakata, Pinakochori, Exantheia and Dry- of the best varieties found in Greece. Other cul-
monas. They are built in an amphitheatre-like tivations include chickpeas, broad fava beans,
manner on semi-mountainous terrain around a and a rare grape variety called vertzami pos-
fertile valley. It is said that Cretan settlers who sibly introduced to the area by the Venetians in
came here in the 16th or 17th c. named the area 1684. Distance from the capital:18.5 km S.
after Sfakia their homeland.
Must see
Must see Profitis Ilias country chapel (2.5 km N)
The skilfully built Turkish wells dating to the offering a fine panoramic view.

with ferry runs to and from it. Tradition has it tile roofs, coloured wooden shutters, wooden
that this was the island of the ancient Tafioi. Ac- balconies and they are surrounded by olive
cording to Homer, Odysseus [Ulysses] entrusted Swimming: on the east side at Agios Konstan-
trees; a snapshot of times gone by.
his ships to their king, Mentor, before departing tinos, Myrtia and Asprogyali; further south, at

The villages few restaurants serve fresh fish,
for Troy. Other sources maintain that this is As- Agriapidia, Pefkoi and Kefali; and on the west
as the area offers excellent catches.
teris Island cited in the Homeric epics. side at Kedros, Alexaki, Kipoi and Trachilos.
The large Agios Ioannis church, serving
There are three traditional villages, each with a Hiking from Kalamos to Episkopi (route
the parish and the cemetery. It was built
picturesque harbour: Atherinos is the harbour in length: 7.5 km).
in the mid-19th c. There is an underground
Katomeri village (the municipal seat); Vathy
space in the churchs foundations that houses
harbour bears the same name as the village and Kastos 15 a vaulted stone structure which is possibly the
Spilia is the harbour in Spartochori village. On
Kastos (area: 6, population: 120) is an site of an early-Christian tomb.
this island you will find some amazing beaches
elongated isle covered in olive trees. It provides Fokotrypa, at Agios Aimilianos. This small
such as Ampelaki, Balos, Platigyali, Svourna, Kol-
safe anchorage for boats sailing the Ionian Sea. cave, recessing 30 m. into the rock and
opoulou, Dichali, Limonari, Elia and Limni. Most of
There are very few roads on the island, so there featuring a small sandy beach within, was
the picturesque bays, mainly the northern ones,
are no cars. Sarakiniko, the islands west nat- once a refuge for seals.
provide safe anchorage to sailing boats.
ural bay has a small jetty that allows mooring Agios Aimilianos country chapel, at a
even during bad weather. There is a small shut- 4-km distance from Kastos village.
Must see
tle boat service running to Central Greece.
Agios Konstantinos church in Katomeri
and Agios Ioannis church 3 km SW of
Must see Swimming: in the south at Ampelakia and
Fyki; near the village at Vali and Kalada; and
Giovanis Cave and Papanikolis Cave, Kastos village, built in an amphitheatre-like
in the north at Agios Aimilianos, Limni, Kamini
both in the SW part of the island (accessible style around its harbour. The sparsely built
and Vrisidi.
44. Hiking in Dimosari gorge. only by sea). stone houses are two-storeyed and have red
Hiking along the islands trails.
Voltoi rural monuments; they are unique, Kalamos 14 45. Vathy, one of the three villages on Meganisi.
dome-like shaped adobe cabins exclusively Kalamos Island (area: 25 sq. km; population:
found in the area. 500), is covered with pine trees, especially the
Vafkeri, a traditional village (6.5 km E). northern part. There is a ferry connection with
There is also an interesting, deserted, 16th c. Mytikas, Central Greece. The islands main ac-
monastery, that of Assomatou Archangelou tivity area is Kalamos port located on the east
Michail (Bodiless Archangel Michael), located side. Sailing boats touring the Ionian Sea, drop
3 km S. anchor at this island either to seek shelter from
The main worship area of the historic, though bad weather or for visitors to enjoy the local
deserted today, Red Church (Evangelismos seafood delicacies at the seaside taverna.
Monastery, 1478), 7 km NE (E of Platystoma
village). Must see

Episkopi, a small community and
the neighbouring Castle of Kalamos or
Lentil feast in the area of Agios Donatos coun- Kastromonastiro. Little is known of this
try chapel (3 km W of the village). It takes place impressive monument of which only parts of
during the first days of August and a lentil dish is the stone walls and battlements have remained.
offered with salted sardines on the side. This is the burial place of the mother of
G. Karaiskakis who was a leading figure of the
Nearby islands 1821 Greek War of Independence.
Porto Leone, a small scenic bay that was
Meganisi 13 given this name by the Venetians who mapped
out the area. There is an interesting old bridge
A green island (area: 20 sq. km; population:
in that area.
1,100) lying 4 nautical miles away from Nydri
Kefalonia Argostoli 1
It has been the capital town of the island since
1757. Argostoli is a modern town that keeps
many of the traditional architectural elements
of the past. It has been built in an amphithea- 51
tre-like manner, overlooking Koutavos lagoon,
a stopover area for many migratory birds. A
large number of neoclassical buildings, large
squares and churches grace the town. There is
a remarkable diversity of cultural events as the
towns Philharmonic Band, choirs, and drama
groups are quite active.

Town promenade 47. Argostoli: the commemorative obelisk

To the central, spacious Vallianos Square, at Drapanos Bridge.
where the statue of benefactor P. Vallianos vos lagoon is marvellous.
stands surrounded by cafs, restaurants, and To the Municipal Market, by the beach,
bars. where the bust of local poet Nikos Kavvadias
To Napiers Garden, named after British Lord stands.
High Commissioner Sir Charles James Napier To Drapanos stone bridge (also named De
who, in the mid-19th century carried out many Bosset Bridge). Built by the British in 1813, it
infrastructure works on the island. Though small is 900 metres long and links Argostoli with the
in size, the garden has a large variety of tree opposite coast. Do visit the Municipal Cem-
species. etery at nearby Drapanos village where there
To Rizospaston Street, bordered by palm are exquisite marble sculptures and monuments
trees; this is the location of Risospaston Monu- created by famous artists.
ment. To the Archeological Museum, exhibiting
To Lithostroto, the towns main street lined finds from various sites on the island, mostly
with shops and haunts of the young. dating from the Mycenaean period.
To Kampana square, halfway down Lithos- To Korgialeneios Library, one of the largest
troto where Kampana belfry stands. It has been in Greece, housing over 55,000 volumes and a
restored recently, based on the original plans rare Byzantine icon collection.
of the one destroyed in the 1953 earthquakes. To the History and Folk Art Museum, ex-
From the top, the view of the town and Kouta- hibiting items relating to the islands history

46. Green areas and blue waters blend beautifully on Kefalonia. 48. The lighthouse in Agioi Theodoroi, Argostoli.

agnificent scenery, amazing beaches, a rich cultural heritage, great monuments, mountains,
castles, distant monasteries and the cheerful, hospitable people are the assets that have
turned Kefalonia Island (or Cephallonia) into one of the most attractive destinations. The larg-
est Ionian island lies in the mouth of Patraikos Gulf, between Zakynthos (or Zante) and Lefkada (area:
904 sq. km; coastline: approx. 250 km). It is endowed with an exquisite nature and diverse geological
formations, countless coves, and lush vegetation. Ainos Mountain Range towers in the distance (a
National Reserve area since 1962 with an abundant and diverse flora and fauna).
In Byzantine times, Kefalonia was part of both the Achaia province and the Eastern Illyria district.
Throughout the centuries, it has successively been under Norman, Frankish, Venetian, and Turkish
rule. It became Greek territory on May 21st, 1864, along with the rest of the Ionian Islands. During
WWII, local resistance to Italians and Germans was sturdy. The film Captain Corellis Mandolin,
shot on location on this island, is about such an account of resistance.

49. Panoramic view of Asos,

one of Kefalonias prettiest,
most picturesque villages.
Dafnoudi Kimilia ATOKOS
Markantonata !


Alaties Tzanata Foki




Doliha (Evreti)
Ag. Ierousalim Kamini
Avlaki Kakogilos ITHACA ()

Assos Kalo Limnioni

Ag. Sofia

Patrikata Horgota



Ag. Kiriakis Neohori Giagana





- IT
! Agia Efimia

Ha ni



Pe enis


! Kardakata Ag. Paraskevis Palioras
Livadi Antisamos
h o ri a


Lit ma





Agia Thekli Sami


- KE
A m ou

a P
Monopolata otir Farsa FAL

Poulata O NIA


Kaminarata Dilinata


Ya Ag.Spiridonas
lis o n P
Grizata 50. Argostoli. Koutavos lagoon is in the background.
ri a

ka Favatata n i Davgata
! !

r Havdata Lixouri Lim


i Xilomata

Ag. Konstantinos
P Loggos
and products on display.
Faraklata !

Soulari Lepeda Kiani Akti Razata
! !
! To the Natural History Museum, at Dav-
Matzavinata Ag. Ioannis " T ARGOSTOLI Valsamata

Digaleto gata village (5 km N) which provides information Agios Nikolaos, a Catholic church.
! Aragia
on Kefalonias and Ithacas natural environment Panagia i Sissiotissa (1517), by the main


s Xi

Poros !P and marine zone as well as data on the Ainos beachfront road.


Ya los
ak i s o s


t ra




M Plat akk
ris Ya

no Tzanata

National Reserve (tel: 26710-84.400). Agia Varvara, built on a rock, next to Drapanos



Lakithra Metaxata










Agia Eirini



51. Argostolis seafront.
! !

Kako Laggadi

Svoronata Pessada


Spartia Asprogerakas
-H es

Arginia Pastra
A i mm

ur i
ap a
Lo zak


Tr hom

el i


rti ia


a Sis

Ni inos

Ratzakli Skala!P






Ko Mounda
Katelios Kaminia
0 3 6 12

(costumes, weaponry, heirlooms, etc.) and eve- rebuilt according to the original plan.
ryday life. To the Round of Lassi, a fantastic circular
To Pharaoh Hill, offering a panoramic view route starting from Argostoli and going around
of the town. Lassi peninsula by the sea and the rugged coast-
To Katavothres, near Agioi Theodoroi Light- line. Lassi (2 km W of Argostoli) is a popular
house, where the seawater dropping into these tourist resort with two cosmopolitan sandy
underground caverns resurfaces 14 days later at beaches: Makrys Gialos and Platys Gialos.
Karavomylos (in Sami area), at the other end of To the Botanical Garden: Its 8 stremmata
the island! (8,000 sq.m.) of land is home to endemic and
To Agioi Theodoroi Lighthouse, on the tip other flora species. There is also a space avail-
46. Lassi
peninsula where sunset view is enthral- able for music events.
ling. Originally built in 1829 by the British, it was To Vinaries Wine Cellar & Shop, in Tha-
destroyed in the 1953 earthquakes and was later lassomylos location where there are local wines
Makrys Gialos and Platys Gialos.
You will find a game farm in Pesada. There
Lakithra 2 fort, the islands medieval capital, near Travliata
village. Its impressive walls and underground
is a ferry service to Zante. It is a large village south of Argostoli, sur-
passages are in relatively good condition but the
The island offers many opportunities for re- rounded by lovely smaller villages and marvel-

Venetian Governors residence, the barracks,
ligious tourism since many of the Monasteries lous sandy beaches. The locals call this entire
and San Marco Catholic church are in ruins.
have guest quarters for pilgrims and visitors area Leivatho. Ferries make runs from Pesada
to Zante. Distance from Argostoli: 7 km S. The Mycenaean tombs at Mazarakata.
alike who wish to become better acquainted
Dias islet with the church of Panagia
with Kefalonias religious monuments.
Must see Vlachernon, opposite Avythos beach.

Sports Kourkoumelata, Metaxata, Kaligata, Lourdas beach area (15.5 km E) and the
Domata and Svoronata villages with local choice fresh produce.
Scuba diving at Lassi magnificent neoclassical buildings, beautiful

squares and a breathtaking sea view. Activities
The 1587 Milapidia Monastery.
Swimming at the sandy beaches Minias,
Beach volleyball The 13th-century Agios Georgios Venetian
Ammes, Ai Chelis, Lygia, Avythos, Agios Thomas,
Water sports
Hunting 53. Makrys Gialos: one of the islands most popular beaches.
Mini golf
Mini football on a 5X5 field
Swimming in heated pools
Track & field sports
Extreme sports and hydromassage at Lassi
Well-equipped campsite at Fanari.

Useful phone numbers (+30)

Municipal Office: 26713-60.100
E.O.T. (Greek National Tourism
52. Kefalos theatre, Argostoli. Organisation) : 26710-22.248
Police Station: 26710-22.200
bridge, opposite the town. Tourist Police: 26710-23.226
Agios Spyridon (at Poulata village), with an Traffic Police: 26710-23.226
elaborate wood-carved iconostasis. General Hospital: 26710-24.641
Panagia, at Domata, where the temporary cof- KTEL Long-distance buses:
fin that carried Patriarch Gregory Vs body is kept. 26710-22.281
Argostoli Port Authority: 26710-22.244
Events Kefalonia Airport: 26710-28.808
Various cultural events take place at Kefalos, Museums
a historic theatre in Argostoli. Archeological Museum: 26710-28.300
The procession of the islands patron saint, Agi- Korgialeneio History and Folk Art
os Gerasimos, on August 16th and October 20th. Museum: 26710-28.221
Agia Effimias feast, on July 11th.
Argostoli website:
The carnival festivities that take place in many
The Commemoration of the Union with Greece, Trips around
Kefalonia Island
on May 21st.

Swimming. If you stay in Argostoli you will Central and southern
swim at Kamaroules, Gradakia, Paliostafida, Kefalonia
Trapezaki, Lourdas, Paradeisi, Sisia, Katsonas, ond largest port and the only one connecting
Nisi, Lefka and Koroni. the island to Italy. Dense vegetation covers the
Horseback riding at Lourdas. surrounding area which is extremely interest-
ing from a geological point of view. Distance
Valsamata 3
The village is built on Omala plateau, where
from Argostoli: 24 km NE.
Robola, the famous local grape variety, is cul- Must see
tivated. Distance from Argostoli: 11 km E. The lake at Karavomylos village (4 km
NW). This is the point of discharge for the
Must see underground course of waters that flow
The Cooperative Winery where you can down from Argostolis katavothres (meaning
taste and purchase wines, especially Robola, sinkholes), creating a unique geological
one of the noblest grape varieties produced in phenomenon.
Greek vineyards and among Kefalonias most Melissani Lake cavern, once the
acclaimed products. worship site for god Pans ancient cult, near
The monastery of Agios Gerasimos, Karavomylos, accessible by small boat. The
Kefalonias patron saint. The belfry is situated sunlight, entering through the caves collapsed
at the monasterys entrance and has been part of the roof, turns everything within the
built according to the Eptanesian (Ionian) cave into a fairyland of iridescent light.
architectural style. The monastery is in Omala, The 150-million-year old Drogarati cave
near Saranta Pigadia valley and is surrounded (4.5 km S) with exquisite stalactite and
by vineyards. The saints holy relics (skenoma)
are kept there. In the monasterys old church 56. Melissani cave.
there is a cave used by the saint as his ascetic
retreat. The plane tree the saint planted in 55. Ainos National Park.
1570 still stands next to that church. Two
religious processions take place each year one is on October 20th, in honour of the fir trees; one of them is unique in expanse
in his honour and thousands of people translation of his holy relics. and to a very high degree consists of Abies
participate: the first one is on August 16th, in The Ainos National Reserve where the Cephalonica, the black fir, native to Kefalonia.
commemoration of his death and the second trails will take you through lovely forests of The Reserve is also hosting endemic flora and
is a refuge for the small horse breed of the
54. The far-stretching Lourdas beach. species Equus caballus, living in a semi wild
state. Ainos tallest peak is Megalos Soros
(elevation: 1,628 m). You can access the
mountain via the Argostoli-Sami road.

Horseback riding at Mt Ainos foot.
Hiking along Ainos trails.
Cycling route: the tour of Ainos (a 30 km ride).
4x4 wheel drive through Ainos starting at the
National Reserves central entrance and ending
at Arginia village (a 22 km drive).

Sami 4
Sami is a seaside town built at the foot of two
hills on the islands east side, on the location of
the ancient town of Sami. It is Kefalonias sec-
57. Antisamos - aerial photo.
moor at its harbour. Drive or go by boat to the
beaches: Agia Paraskevi, Kapsolimnionas, Agrio-
syko, Giagianna, Gorgotha, Agia Sofia and Kalo
Limani. Distance from Argostoli: 32 km NE.

Must see
Thematon Monastery (17th c), dedicated
to Panagia (the Virgin Mary) and built on the
top of a wooded slope of Mount Agia Dynati
(approx. 7 km E).
The traditional villages Makryotika
(4.5 km W); Neochori (10 km N); and
Komitata (12 km N); you will find interesting
elements of traditional architecture.
Myrtos beach (9.5 km NW), among the
top Mediterranean sandy beaches, where the
white expanse of sand is sheltered by towering

Scuba diving. Underwater outings get organ-
ised in the area.
Hiking along the Drakopoulata - Panagia The-
maton Monastery - Makryotika route.

Skala 6
Kefalonias southernmost village is a well organ-
ised resort. See the ruins of a Roman mansion

58. The fantastic Myrtos beach, at Myrtos bay. 59. Agia Effimia is the perfect base for various outings.

stalagmite formations. The acoustics within are Activities

perfect and the cave often becomes a venue
Swimming at the beaches in Sami, Agia Par-
for music and other events.
askevi and Antisamos.
Antisamos cove (4.5 km E). A big part of
Water sports.
Captain Corellis Mandolin (directed by
J. Madden, 2001) was filmed next to its Basketball
turquoise waters. Volleyball
Agrilia Monastery (3 km NE), dedicated to Horseback riding in Koulourata area (7.5 km S).
the Holy Mother of God: the view of Sami bay Mini football on a 5x5 field.
and Ithaca is amazing. Camping
Ancient Sami, on the same hill where Agioi Hiking on the Sami - Ancient Sami - Antisamos
Fanentes church is (6 km S). The town thrived route
during the Roman times; there remain parts of
the Cyclopean walls, a Hellenistic times wall Agia Effimia 5
as well as remnants of an ancient theatre.
This seaside village with a beautiful beach is
From this location, the view of the greater
fast becoming a popular tourist destination, as
area is magnificent.
shown by yachts and recreational boats that
Mini golf. rou and Xylomata.
Beach volleyball. Biking.
Tennis. Climbing.
Water sports. Hiking following the Poros Asprogerakas
Scuba diving.
Hiking along the Pastra Kateleios route. North

Poros 7 Asos 8
It is the islands second main port, a busy town This is a particularly picturesque village, built
hosting a variety of cultural activities. Distance along the neck of Asos peninsula, in a verdant
from Argostoli: 40 km E. pine and cypress-covered location, with a Vene-
tian castle towering over it. The sheltered har-
bour provides safe anchorage for recreational
Must see
and fishing boats. As you walk down the main
Vochynas ravine and Drakaina cave, road, the view of the village is just lovely. Dis-
60. The sandy beach in Poros. the site of archeological finds. tance from Argostoli: 36.5 km. N.
with well preserved mosaics as well as the ruins Tzanata, the village where a large,
overlooking Kaminia sandy beach.
of Apollos temple. Distance from Argostoli: Mycenaean vaulted tomb was excavated, Must see
The loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta - caretta)
37 km SE. possibly belonging to a dignitary, together
find refuge here as well as in Mounta. The 16th-century Venetian castle and a
with a four-wall, chamber-like tomb (reliquary)
marvellous view of the surrounding area and
Must see Events of the same era.
The 13th-century Atros Monastery, the
the sunset. There remain the castle walls with
The 2nd -century BC Roman mansions the arched gate, the Governors residence,
Panagia (Our Lady) feast on August 15th, at oldest one on the island, dedicated to
ruins, containing marvellous mosaic floors. Agios Markos church and parts of the barracks.
Markopoulo village (12 km W). Notice the the Nativity of Theotokos (Mother of God).
The ruins of the Doric temple of Apollo The mountain villages, namely Patrikata
harmless, small snakes with the black cross- The ruins of ancient Pronnoi, above
(3.5 km N). (8.5 km E) and Karya (9 km E). En route,
shaped mark on their head, also known as Pan-
Palaio Chorio, the remarkable architectural Asprogerakas village.
agias snakes. the greater areas view is fantastic.
elements and the watermills found there.
Mounta (3 km SW), an area next to Cape Activities Activities Activities
Mounta with a gorgeous beach.
Swimming: at the villages beach, in Kaminia, Swimming at the villages beaches as well as Swimming at the villages beaches; and at
Ratzakli (4 km W), a seaside village
Kateleio and Mounta. at Limenia, Kako Lagkadi, Ragia (Aragia), Laza- Myrtos, 12 km S.

61. Fiskardo, Kefalonias most cosmopolitan village.

Activities of Mycenaean tombs and churches with post-
Byzantine icons.
Swimming at Foki, Evreti, Kamini, Emplysi,
Kimilia, Dafnoudi, Alaties and Agia Ierousalim.
Scuba diving in Fiskardos sea caves and in Swimming at Lepeda beach, Xi (red sand 67
the area around Agia Ierousalim. beach), Megas Lakos and Petanoi.
Horseback riding in Ritsata near Livadi village
(7 km N.).
Kaminarata 11
Lixouri 10 The 1759 Kipouraioi Monastery is in this
mountain village. It was a major monastery
Locals call this town Pikolo Parisi (little Paris;
on the island once and possesses remarkable
Italian Piccolo Parigi). It is the modern-day com- religious heritage items. The landscape and
mercial and administrative centre of the islands sunset view are breathtaking. The 1781 Agia
62. Lixouri, Kefalonias second largest town. western part with a long cultural and artistic Paraskevi Tafiou Monastery and Drakos-
tradition, remarkable churches and monaster- pilia cave are nearby. Further south, you will
Fiskardo 9 Must see ies. There are two libraries (Iakovateios and find the imposing Gero-Gompos lighthouse.
A well-known cosmopolitan town, Fiskardo The Roman cemetery and ancient baths Petritseios); the second oldest Philharmonic Distance from Argostoli: 37 km W.
(known as Panormos in antiquity) is a listed tra- where a recess carved into the rock is called School (after Corfus Old Philharmonic); and
ditional village with lovely houses (some date Queen Fiskardas Throne by the locals. the Vallianeios Professional School. There Activities
back to the 18th c) painted with vivid colours, The 6th c. early christian church near are ferry runs to Argostoli. Distance from Arg-
Swimming at Platia Ammos, one of the areas
picturesque narrow alleys, tourist shops, res- Fiskardos lighthouse. There are ruins of the ostoli: 31.5 km W.
most beautiful beaches.
taurants, fish tavernas, bars, and cafs. From older 16th c. Venetian lighthouse next to the
new one. 64. Kipouraioi Monastery
this port, there is a shuttle boat service running
The Marine and Environmental Must see (Annunciation to the Virgin Mary).
to Ithaca and Lefkada; it is also a mooring area
for luxury yachts since Fiskardo is on the list Museum. Pantokrators Metropolitan Church.
of destinations preferred by the international
Tzanata, Markantonata and Tzamarelata The restored, mid-19th-century Typaldos-
mountain villages overlooking Fiskardo. Iakovatos Neoclassical Mansion, housing
jet set. Distance from Argostoli: 49.5 km N.
on the ground floor the Municipal Library
63. Gerogompos lighthouse. The height of the tower is 13 m. with 20,000 volumes, a Byzantine and post-
Byzantine icon collection, Gospel manuscripts
(dating back to the 10th, 14th, and 15th century)
and on the first floor, a collection of personal
items belonging to the founding family.
Ancient Pali, at Palaiokastro location.
The Venetian Kleisoura bridge, over a
wooded gorge (near the road towards Livadi
Mantzavinata village (4.5 km SW); nearby
Kounopetra is a rock jutting out of the sea,
that used to move until the 1953 earthquakes
when its position stabilised. If pristine natural
beauty is your thing, visit Vatsa, an area near
Kounopetra, and enjoy the gorgeous beach.
The 14th-century Koroniotissa Monastery
(2.5 km W).
Kontogenada village (15 km NW), the site
ITHACA (Ithaki) Vathy 1 To the Venetian castles ruins.

To the Nymphs Cave or Marmarospilia (3
Vathy is Ithacas capital town and port. The km W of Vathy) where, according to Homer,
Venetian influence is manifest in this heritage Odysseus hid the gifts presented to him by the
small town featuring beautiful tiled roofs, and
picturesque kantounia (cobblestone alleys). Af-
Faiakes on his return from Troy. Visit nearby
Palaiochora, a significant Venetian settle-
ter the ravaging 1953 earthquake, the biggest ment as manifested by the ruins of houses and
part of the town had to be restored or rebuilt churches (such as The Dormition of Theotokos
anew. The 1668 Sotiras chapel stands on La- Church and the Entry of Theotokos in the Tem-
zaretto isle, at Vathys port entrance. Under ple Church; both are listed monuments).
British rule the islet was used as quarantine for To Evmaios Cave (6.5 km S) where, accord-
infectious diseases and later as a jail. ing to tradition, Odysseus met with Evmaios, his
faithful servant; continue towards Arethousa
Town promenade Spring and the Homeric location Korakos
Petra; the above are located at Marathias area.
To Panagia Metropolitan Church, featuring
To Alalkomenes ancient town ruins (circa
a 1793 wood-carved iconostasis and an old bell
800 BC), on a hill at Aetos area (4 km W), where
tower (1820).
parts of the Cyclopean walls and rock-carved
To Taxiarchis church, famous for the Crucifix-
cisterns still stand. Boats make runs to Kefalonia
ion icon, said to have been painted by El Greco.
from Pisaetos, the small harbour in Aetos Bay.
To the Drakoulis family neoclassical man-

sion, by the beach.
To the Archeological Museum; finds come
mostly from the islands southern part and date Theatrical Contest: amateur drama groups
back to the Mycenaean era up to the Roman participate in this cultural event.
times. Cultural events centred on Homer and Odys-
To the Maritime and Folk Art Museum (in seus.
the old power station building); exhibits include Exhibitions, concerts, seminars and confer-
traditional costumes and furniture, trade and ag- ences.
ricultural tools and items related to the islands Festivals: June 30th in Frikes, July 17th in Exogi,
maritime tradition. July 20th in Kioni, August 5th and 6th in Stavros,
To the library in Ithaca Cultural Centre, August 14th in Anogi and August 15th in Platre-
housing a rare book collection. ithias.

66. Vathy (Deep) took this name because it is located at the innermost point of an enclosed bay.

65. A view of Ithaca, 1819 gravure (by E. Dodwell).

ow profile, hospitable Ithaca Island (or Thiaki as the locals call it) is ideal for relaxed vaca-
tions. The second smallest Ionian island, after Paxoi, is said by many scientists to have been
the kingdom of Homers Odysseus [Ulysses] and has been inhabited since prehistoric times. It
flourished during the Mycenaean Period (1500-1100 BC) only to fall into obscurity after that glorious
period. A number of locals who had settled on neighbouring islands, repatriated during the Venetian
occupation (1504). In 1797, Ithaca came under French, then Russian and then Turkish rule until
1809 when it became a British protectorate. It played an important part during the 1821 War of
Independence and was united with Greece on May 21st, 1864, along with the rest of the Ionian
Islands. Area: 92.6 sq. km, coastline length: 101 km.

a ri [ N

Agioi Saranta in

Kalamos Sh ATOKOS







Ammoudi Stavros !
Kioni !


Liano Nisaki

! Lefki ASTAK
Koutoupi 67. Kioni, a traditional village.
Komninou Ammos

os Panagia Katharon Monastery is 3.5 km to the boat or through a trail), or try the small beaches

Aspros Yalos in



south; its main church (katholikon) was built in

along the road towards Kioni. Distance from
KEFALONIA Dexa Filiatro 1530 and restoration works took place in the late Vathy: 19 km NW.
17th century. From this point, you will enjoy the
Exogi 6
Ae Lazareto
stunning view of the islands southern part and

Vathi P
! Sarakiniko
the open sea. Distance from Vathy: 16 km It is the islands northernmost village and - some
Piso Aetos
Perahori !
Platia Ligia NW. say - the most beautiful one, thanks to its scenic
Griza location (you will find here Ithacas unique pine
Stavros 3
tree forest of the highest purity). From here,
there is a view of Afales, Ithacas largest bay.

Pera Pigadi This is a beautiful large village in the islands


The picturesque Panagia Monastery can be seen
- IT

north side. The bust of Odysseus [Ulysses]

further up the village, at Pernarakia. According


stands in the central square. Make a point of vis-


to scholars, Agios Athanasios area and the loca-


Kako Lagadi
iting the Venetian Tzouganatos residence and
0 1.25 2.5 5
km Andri
tion of Odysseus palace are believed to be iden-
ITHAKI - KEFALONIA the byzantine Sotiras church. Another place of
tical. Distance from Vathy: 22.5 km N.
interest is the Archeological Collection (tel:
26740-23.955) that includes finds from the Kioni 7
Loizos littoral cave. Poli is the small port of
Police Station: 26740-32.205 Kioni is Ithacas truly cosmopolitan spot, a small
Stavros village, a scenic bay where boats are
Health Centre: 26740-32.222 port where you will also see the remnants of
Enjoy yourself in the cafs, bars and tavernas moored and ferry runs take place to Fiskardo
Port Authority: 26740-32.909 three windmills. It is a traditional village as well
by the port. (Kefalonia) and Lefkada. You can go for a swim
Archeological Museum: 26740-32.200 as a busy one. In the summertime, the small
Swimming at Loutsa, Dexia (or Dexa), Aetos, in Aspros Gialos and Agios Ioannis beaches and
Maritime - Folk Art Museum: port is the mooring place for many yachts. North
Piso Aetos (Pisaetos), Mnimata, Skinos, Gidaki, from Lefki village you can swim in Militera and
26740-33.398 of Kioni, you will find Mavronas, a pebble beach,
Filiatro, Sarakiniko and Kaminia. Koutoupi beaches. Distance from Vathy: 16.5
Ithaca website: and to the south you can reach - by boat only -
Hiking. There are quite a lot of interesting km. NW.
the secluded beaches of Kritami, Chalkia and Li-

Trips around
routes to choose from, the most popular ones ano Nisaki. Distance from the capital town:
being: from Vathy towards Evmaios cave and Platreithias 4 23.5 km NW.
Arethousa spring or towards Aetos hill (eleva-
tion: 378 m); from Perachori to Palaiochora and
Ithaca Island It is located in a fertile area, next to Agioi
68. One of Ithacas numerous idyllic beaches.
Saranta, Lachos and Kalamos villages. You
the Nymphs cave; from Exogi to Kalamos and
Platreithias or towards Stavros and Poli; from Anogi 2 can swim at Afales and Agios Nikolaos coves.
Distance from Vathy: 18.5 km NW.
Platreithias to the areas of Marmakas and Agios One of the islands oldest villages, Anogi is built
on Mount Nirito at 510 m. above sea level. Visit
Nikolaos, and from Anogi to Mount Niritos top or
towards Kioni. the 12th c. Dormition of Theotokos Church Frikes 5
Diving. and admire the exquisite 17th-century murals From this fishing village lying northeast there is
and the 1682 Venetian style belfry. There are a shuttle boat service to Lefkada and Kefalonia.
Useful phone numbers (+30) also numerous impressive monoliths (called It is said that Frikes used to be Reithros port de-
menir) scattered around the village; Araklis scribed in the Homeric Epics. Go for swimming
Municipal Office: 26740-32.795
and Kavellaris are the biggest ones. The historic in Limenia and Pera Limenia beaches (access by

69. The sheltered bay at Vathy,

Ithaca, is ideal for water sports.
ZAKYNTHOS (Zante) Zante Town
The islands port is in Zante town. Although se-
verely damaged in the 1953 earthquakes there
are still many elements that denote a glorious
Town promenade
To Solomos Square, surrounded by buildings
designed according to the traditional local archi-
tecture with arched windows and doorways. The
statue of D. Solomos, Greeces national poet,
stands in the middle of the square. Buildings
around it include the Municipal Cultural Centre
that houses the outstanding Public Histori-
cal Library of Zakynthos - (numbering 55,000
volumes) and the Post-Byzantine Museum of
Zakynthos with invaluable treasures on display
such as gilded statues, icons, and wood-carved
72. The statue of D. Solomos at Solomos square.
works of art.
To the seafront road or Strata Marina (K. the meeting place for residents and visitors alike.
Lomvardou Street), the towns busiest area Visit Solomos, Kalvos, and Eminent Zakyn-
where most of the tourist shops, cafs, bars, and thians Museum, that houses, among other
restaurants are. It begins at Solomos Square exhibits, the statue of national poet D. Solomos
and ends at Agios Dionysios church (patron saint sculpted by Georgios Vroutos in 1902.
of the island). To Rouga. It is called Alexandrou Roma Sreet;
To San Marco Square, where in 1797 the it begins at San Marco Square and crosses al-
rebelling working class people burnt the libro most the entire town. This street, adorned with
doro [italian for Golden Book (of Nobility)] and impressive arches, has been the towns commer-
planted the tree of liberty. This paved square is cial centre for centuries.
To the 17th-century Roma Mansion (behind
70. Zakynthos town (Zante). 71. The church of Agios Nikolaos, Solomos square.
Solomos Square), one of the islands most sig-

akynthos is a green island with fertile fields and a temperate climate (area: 406 sq. km; coast- nificant historic buildings. It has large reception
line: 123 km). What makes it very interesting is the ever-changing countryside that has resulted areas, a library featuring rare volumes, a col-
in different types of beaches. On the islands southeastern part you will find sheltered coves lection of family portraits, pictures, costumes
with sandy beaches of deep blue waters. However, if rugged cliffs and an interesting underwater world and weaponry that had belonged to the Roma
are to your liking, you should prefer the western part of the island. family, etc.
The Venetians, who ruled Zakynthos from 1484 until 1797, called the island Fioro di Levante (flower To Grigorios Xenopoulos Museum (at
of the East) as there are over 7,000 species of flowers on Zakynthos. The third largest island of the Faneromeni area, near Agios Dionysios church)
Ionian Sea, after Corfu and Kefalonia, is internationally known by the name of Zante. The islands first dedicated to the well known Zakynthian novel-
inhabitant is said to have been Zakynthos, son of Dardanos, Frygias king. It is believed that he built an ist. Exhibits include his manuscripts, published
acropolis on the site where the Venetian fort was constructed at later times. works, personal items, as well as furniture from
Venetian architectural influence has left its stamp on Zante despite the damage sustained due to the his family home.
seismic activity in the area. After the ravaging 1953 earthquake and the ensuing fire, a number of To the Venetian fort, on a hill overlooking
historic buildings and churches burned to the ground. Consequently, the significant treasures these the town, built on the site of Psofis, the ancient
buildings were housing were buried in the ashes. The town of Zante was rebuilt according to an urban acropolis. Within the citadel there are ruins of
plan where strict anti-seismic regulations applied, and, to a large extent, adhered to the citys former a Venetian jail and gunpowder magazine, the
architectural character. In Zante rules also apply concerning the protection of the loggerhead sea British barracks and governors house, as well as
turtle (Caretta - caretta) and the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus - monachus). byzantine churches.

Agios Nikolaos


Makris Yalos
On Carnival Sundays, the Karnavalos effigy is Zakynthos Municipal Office:
Navagio P
! ! taken around on a parade. Events conclude 26953-61.300-1
Ano Volimes os

na i

ika d
m with the Funeral of the Mask.

Al ou
m Police Station: 26950-48.266,

is a A

Orthonies Easter. Zante oozes character during the Holy

os ia

Dr Pah

Am trag ari

po aki
Ka rak
Week; this involves agelong customs (an-


Tourist Police: 26950-24.482-4


Katastari !P TH tenia) as well as a special typikon (religious Traffic Police: 26950-24.476

IOANNIS Alonia Planos IN
Meso Gerakari Kipseli
Bouka ZA services described in a liturgical book). Hospital: 26950-59.100
Maries Pigadakia Kato Gerakari !PTragaki !P LIN

Celebrations honouring the memory of Agios


! !

Porto Vromi Kallithea !

Tsilivi KY !
Port Authority: 26950-28.117-8
Exo Hora Giri Agios Dimitrios Kalipado Dionysios include religious processions and
Skoulikado !P Airport: 26950-28.322, 26950-29.500


Agia Marina Agios Kirikos

Bohali other artistic events on August 24th and De-
Zakynthos Ferry Association:
! !

Galaro Sarakinado P
! P
! P
cember 17th.

Agioi Pantes Fiolitis Gaitani !

" !

Dimotiki Plaz 26950-49.500, 26950-22.083
Lagadakia Vougiato Exhibitions, theatrical performances, and other

KTEL Long-distance buses:

in i
Agios Leon

m er

Ka urd
Maherado !P Ambelokipi P
Zo cultural events organised by the Municipality.

to 26950-22.255

Lagopodo P
! !

Kiliomenos Romiri


Radio taxi service: 26950-48.400


Ba io
Kalamaki !P

Porto Limnionas Mouzaki !P Xirokastello !

Laganas Post-Byzantine Museum: 26950-42.714
Porto Roxa P
Kalamaki Ano Vasilikos Mavratzis

Swimming. If you stay in town, you can swim

Lithakia !P Public Library: 26950-48.128
Vasilikos Porto Roma
Agios Sostis Sekania
in Planos, Tsilivi and Kalamaki. Solomos, Kalvos & Eminent
Ag. Sostis Dafni Gerakas
Porto Koukla Water sports. Seafront hotel facilities house Zakynthians Museum: 26950-48.982
Limni Keriou Ag. Nikolaos
schools for water skiing, windsurfing, parasail- Roma Mansion: 26950-28.343
ing, etc. The Forts archeological site:
STROFADES Scuba diving. The areas fascinating under-

Marathias 26950-48.099
water world is ideal for underwater touring,

ARPINA Ecclesiastical Museum: 26950-28.683
especially on the islands west untamed side. Askos Stone Forest: 26950-31.650
Make the round of the island on small excur-
0 3 6 12
Vertzageio Museum of Rural Life:
STAMFANI sion boats that set off at the towns port.
Chelmi Natural History Museum:
Useful telephone numbers (+30) 26950-65.040
Zakynthos Regional Unit - Milaneio Maritime Museum:
To Bochali, below the Venetian fort, a pic- nax). The church was built in 1708 and reno- Tourism Dept: 26950-22.518 26950-42.436
turesque suburb with quiet, narrow streets, old vated in 1764. Its impressive bell tower is the
houses, the 9th c. Panagia church, traditional tallest in the city. The Ecclesiastical Muse- 73. The church of Agios Dionysios, by the towns seafront avenue.
coffee houses and restaurants where you can lis- um, a place of culture and collective memory,
ten to old Zakynthian music. From here, the view is housed in the new annexs elevated ground
of the town and the greater area is enchanting. floor; the exhibits include icons and Christian art
To Strani hill, at a 2 km distance from the heritage articles, mostly originating from Meta-
town, offering a fantastic view. It is here that morfosi Strofadon Monastery.
poet Dionysios Solomos conceived the Hymn to San Marco, a 1516 Catholic church (at San
Marco Square). Its belfry is a replica of San Mar-
Freedom that became later the Greek National
co Cathedral in Venice.
Anthem and The Free Besieged as he watched
Agios Georgios. The members of the Soci-
the Siege of Mesolongi town.
ety of Friends, chieftains Kolokotronis, Nikitaras,
and Fotomaras, as well as other fighters of the
Churches 1821 Greek War of Independence, took an oath
on its triptych [three-panelled] icon.
The 17 th-century Renaissance style Agios
Panagia i Pikridiotissa, at the foot of the
Nikolaos tou Molou, (on Solomos Square)
with a byzantine belfry. Agios Dionysios, the is-
lands patron saint, stayed here in 1583.
The 18th c. Agios Dionysios (on the ports
south pier) where the holy relics of the patron The Carnival: the town crier goes around the
saint of the island are kept in a silver shrine (lar- island shouting out the carnivals programme.

74. The Blue Caves are sea caves

with a particular geological formation
and rank high among Zantes natural attractions.
The dominant colour is blue, hence their name.
1,500 animals belonging to 45 species. Visitors The beautiful, famous and much Mesi (Middle) Zante
can cross the park via an extensive traditional photographed Navagio beach (3.6 km W).
cobblestone path network. Small boats will take you to this beach (a Katastari 4
Korithi (2 km N), a village of well-tended 30-minute trip) from the turquoise waters
stone houses.
Xygkia (7.5 km S), the site of an unexploited
of Porto Vromi bay. The beachs real name
is Agios Georgios but it got this name
The islands most populated village is Katastari,
built in an amphitheatre-like manner on a hill 81
slope full of olive trees and vineyards, overlooking
healing sulphur spring. To get there take a (navagio=shipwreck) because of the merchant
the touristic Alykes bay. Katastari has a long tradi-
small boat from Agios Nikolaos port. vessel that was shipwrecked there in the
tion in music and there is a Philharmonic Orches-
1980s. Make sure you bring some potable
tra. Distance from the capital: 16.5 km NW.
Activities water along.
Elies (6.5 km E), where you will see a
Swimming at the villages beach, the Blue Must see
number of traditional stone houses.
Caves and Makrys Gialos. The 16th-century Panagia Spiliotissa The panoramic view from the 17th-century
Water frolics at the Waterpark. monastery (about 10 km SE, near Orthonies Agios Ioannis Prodromos monastery.
Tennis. village). Its wood-carved iconostasis was Vertzageio Museum of Rural Life at
Basketball. crafted by Nikiforos Lampetis in 1712. Pigadakia village (1.5 km S) where there are
Water sports sessions, organised in hotel fa- rare items on display (some dating back to the

75. The caretta - caretta turtle at the Laganas sea area.

Sauna, hydromassage and thalassotherapy
Activities 16th century) related to the cultural and rural
history of a traditional village in Zante.
Swimming at: Makrys Gialos and Navagio.
are some of the services provided in hotels in Chelmi Natural History Museum, at
Zakynthos National Marine Park Rent a pedalo or other small boat and explore
the area. Agia Marina village (7 km S). In this private
( 26950 29870-2 the sea caves in Porto Vromi area.
Beach volleyball. museum there are collections of birds, fishes,
Hiking along trails that lead to secluded coves
Tour of the island on small boats leaving from shells from seas around the world, extinct
Zante town website: such as Saricha cove.
Agios Nikolaos. plants and animals, minerals and ores. Printed
Enjoy yourselves at Agia Paraskevi feast, on July
Trips around 26th; and Agios Dimitrios feast, on October 26th.
educational material is available for children.
Volimes 3
Zante Island It is a scenic mountain village that actually
76. Exploring sea caves at Porto Vromi.

comprises three smaller hamlets: Ano Volimes,

North Kato Volimes and Meses Volimes. It is famous
for the local colourful woven fabrics and em-
Agios Nikolaos 2 broidery crafted by the members of the villages
This small port offers a shuttle boat service to Rural Cooperative. You can visit the Blue Caves
Pesada, Kefalonia, and is lined with tavernas. from here. On your way to Volimes, visit the
Facing the ports entrance, there is Agios Nikola- picturesque Orthonies village. Distance from
os islet with monastic ruins on it. Distance the capital: 32.5 km NW.
from the capital town: 32 km NW.
Must see
Must see The belfry of Agia Paraskevis church, a
The Blue Caves on the NE tip of Cape faithful replica of Agios Dionysios belfry in
Skinari, where the lighthouse stands. This is Zante town.
the location that is closest to Kefalonia Island. Agios Andreas monastery, NW of the
The best time for a visit is early in the morning village.
when seawaters under the natural rock The 1540 Agios Georgios ton Krimnon
arches assume an intense blue colour. monastery in a dense pine forest (2.5 km W.).
Askos Stone Park (www.askosstonepark. A path starting there leads to the cave where
gr), 1 km S. Visit this natural park that is very Agios Gerasimos, Kefalonias patron saint, led
rich in flora and fauna and is unique in Greece. an ascetic life.
It is home to 200,000 trees, plants, and shrubs Panagia Anafonitria monastery (6 km
belonging to 120 species and it is the habitat of SW), housing a 15th-century medieval tower.
77. The Navagio (shipwreck) beach;
among the most famous in the Mediterranean.

Alykes 5 lovely countryside.
The stunning natural environment in
Its a seaside village and a very popular tour-
Limnionas bay (5.5 km SW).
ist destination. A river runs nearby with a stone
Kampi (7 km NW), a village built at the foot
bridge over it. The village was named after the
salt mines in the area. At a small distance, there
of the steep Schiza rock offering a spectacular
sunset view. There is a Mycenaean burial
are many small beaches and coves. Distance
ground nearby with carved caves.
from the capital: 17.5 km NW.
Koiliomenos or Agios Nikolaos (7 km SE
elevation: 480 m.), a traditional 16th century
Must see
village; visit the impressive Agios Nikolaos
he seaside Alikanas village (3 km SE); a church belfry (1893). On your way to Lagopodo
site of archeological finds. across a green area you can visit the Orchid
The Venetian watchtower (Vardiola) with Garden containing 42 orchid species that grow
a coat of arms ensconced in the wall near Agios on the island.
Konstantinos, a small church (about 8 km SE). Machairado (14 km SE), Zantes largest
The picturesque Planos village (16 km village, second to Katastari, with a traditional
S), a favourite tourist destination. At a short architectural style. There are noteworthy
distance from Planos, visit the famous Tsilivi churches such as the 14th-century Agia Mavra
beach that is among the islands prettiest church with a Venetian bell tower and the 14th-
and most popular ones. This is where you will century Ypapantis Church which was recently
also find the Milaneio Nautical Museum. damaged by fire and restoration works are on
Exhibits include nautical items from famous the way. About 4 km E. of the village you can
ships, photographic material, costumes visit the Koumoutos Estate where top quality
and heritage articles of importance that organic wine and olive oil are produced on
complement an impressive 4,000-year-old the 60 hectares of land. (tel: 26950-92.284).
record of history.

Activities Swimming at Limnionas and Porto Roxa.
Swimming: at the villages beach, and across Hiking. Mount Vrachionas offers some pretty
the beachfront from Alikanas to Tsilivi, at Porto interesting walks: from Loucha village (4 km
Vromi bay and Navagio (NW side of the island). NW) to Koiliomenos through Yperagathos Mon-
Mini golf: There is an excellent mini golf astery and towards Maries; from Gyri village
course in the area. (6.5 km NW) towards Agia Marina and from Exo
Camping: at Alykes, Meso Gerakari (6.5 km S) Chora village (4.7 km N) to Kampi.
and Tragaki (8 km S).
Panagia Anafonitria feast; join the celebrations South
if you happen to visit the area on August 15th.
Argasi 7
Agios Leon 6 Argasi lies at the foot of Mount Skopos and it
This is a traditional mountain village with stone is a busy and popular seaside resort. The vil-
houses and dry-stone courtyard walls. Dis- lages popular beach features a 19th-century
tance from Zante town: 24 km W. stone bridge and the ruins of a medieval cas-
tle. From June 1st to October 31st, after sunset,
Must see it is forbidden to camp or remain within the
greater seaside area of Argasis beach or any-
Agios Leon church, built in memory of the
where around cosmopolitan Vasilikos resort
late Bishop of Sicily. Rugs and textiles woven by
(11 km S.), as lights and noise seriously disturb
locals are available for sale in the village.
the egg-laying patterns of the sea turtles. Dis-
Loucha village (5 km NE) surrounded by a
tance from the capital: 4 km. SE.
Activities and the ruins of a medieval community. In
Limni, the harbour area of Keri, (5.5 km NE)
caves. The boats pass by Mikri Myzithra and
Megali Myzithra, Marathias Kamares (natural
The area is ideal for hiking. Follow the trail there are many fish tavernas. This place is also openings into the rocks); and the sandy beach
starting at Argasi and reach the mountaintop the site of tar reserves known since antiquity on Marathonisi.
where Panagia Skopiotissa church stands, built
on the site of the temple of Artemis. The view
(at Pigi Irodotou). Distance from the capi-
tal: 21 km SW.
Swim at Limni and Marathias beach.
Scuba dive at the diving centre in Limni Keriou.
from the top is well worth the effort.
In Argasi, there is a toyland and a small zoo.
Must see Nearby islands
Swimming in Argasi at the beaches: Kaminia,
The 1745, Renaissance-style Panagia
Vourderi, Porto Zoro, Banana (where white lil-
ies grow out of the sand), Ionio, Porto Roma
Keriotissa church, featuring a beautiful belfry Strofades 10
and an outstanding wood-carved iconostasis. Far into the Ionian Sea, 45 km SW of Zante and
and Gerakas.
The lighthouse in Keri, built in 1925 78 km W of Cape Katakolo, Peloponnese, two
There are beaches with facilities for beach
(1.5 km SW), on the verge of a precipice small secluded islands appear: Strofadia or Stro-
volleyball, tennis and water sports.
dropping 200 m. From here, the sunset view fades. In antiquity they were called Floating Is-
Scuba diving at Vasilikos diving centre.
is one of the most enjoyable in the Ionian Sea, lands because they actually appear to be float-
Laganas 8 as is the view to Megali Myzithra and Mikri
Myzithra, two towering white cliffs jutting out
ing. Stamfani is the large one and Arpyia (Arpina)
It is the islands cosmopolitan top resort with is the small one. The two are connected by a reef-
of the sea in pyramid-like shapes. like isthmus. The 13th-century Metamorfosi
bars, cafs, and restaurants. Part of the beach
Marathias village (2.5 km S of Limni). Monastery (or Panagia Pantochara Monastery)
is subject to restrictions regarding the protec-
It offers a fantastic view of Laganas bay and is on Arpyia. The walls are over 25 metres high,
tion of the Caretta-caretta sea turtle as Laga-
Marathonisi isle. obviously to ward off pirate raids. This is the place
nas bay, the islets Marathonisi and Pelouzo
Damianos cave, near Agalas village.
and Strofades islets are within the National where Agios Dionysios, Zantes patron saint, had

Marine Park of Zakynthos. Distance from retreated. Rent a boat from the port to get there.
the capital: 11 km S. However, you wont be allowed to remain on ei-
Begin at Limni Keriou by taking the small ther isle: both are part of the greater National
Must see boat that goes on a tour around the areas sea Marine Park of Zakynthos zone.
The pine-covered Agios Sostis islet, facing 79. Mikri Myzithra and Megali Myzithra, in Keri area.
a pebble beach and the small port. A floating
bridge connects it to Zakynthos.
Porto Koukla, a cosmopolitan resort.
Kalamaki (6 km E), a popular tourist area
78. Beautiful sandy beaches on Marathonisi. with a lovely beach and impressive gypsum
cliffs (Gypsolithoi or Ypsolithoi).
Must see
Sekania and Dafni beaches, two of the Activities
most significant habitats for the breeding ways Basketball
of the loggerhead sea turtle. Beach volleyball
The Folk Art Museum (Memorosa), at Water sports
Vasilikos; exhibits include collections of local Hydromassage
costumes, handwoven fabrics, utensils, tools, Thalassotherapy
furniture and photographic material depicting Swimming at the sandy beach in Laganas,
the island prior to the 1953 earthquake. Agios Sostis and Porto Koukla.
Gorgeous Gerakas beach near Vasilikos with Scuba diving at the Laganas diving centre.
its flowery yards and tavernas where you will Camping. K
hear some traditional singing (kantades).
The privately-owned Pelouzo islet (at Keri 9
Laganas bay), a place that is a protected sea
This is a picturesque village at the islands
turtle breeding area.
southern tip, with a beautifully paved square
80. Zante is endowed with beautiful scenery

and rare geological phenomena.

November 2012

Publication Supervision: ANGELA VARELA

Director, Directorate of Market Research
and Advertising

Publication Coordination: ELENI MITRAKI

Head, Department of Publications
and Audiovisual Media






Page Layout -

English Layout Adaptation: LTH advertising

Photo credits: 1 (front cover): C. MOUSTAFELLOU

2, 47, 48, 49, 61: G. AUGOUSTINATOS
6, 9, 68, 71, 72: N. DESYLLAS 17: A. DROUGAS
24, 26: K. KOUREBANA 65: N. MARKOU
55, 57, 59, 63: P. MATSOUKA 75: G. MOUSSOULIS
74: Y. YANNELOS 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 20, 25, 50, 51, 53, 58, 64, 66, 67,
73, 76: GNTO ARCHIVES 28, 29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 46, 52, 54,
5, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22: KERKYRA PREFECTURE
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45: LEFKADA PREFECTURE




ISBN: 978-960-534-051-3




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