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Unit Tests A and B: Answer key pre-intermediate

Unit 1: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A Unit 1: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
Grammar Vocabulary
1 read 9 started 1 surprised 4 excited
2 happened 10 became 2 worried 5 angry
3 was driving 11 were 3 interested
4 lost 12 were studying
5 was raining 13 tried B
6 was; doing 14 didnt / did not answer 6 tweet 9 post
7 was playing 15 was watching 7 online 10 download
8 was making 8 upload

16 was chatting 19 were you doing 11 online 14 surprised
17 met 20 didnt see 12 upload 15 angry
18 went 13 blog

21 26 16 checking 19 read
22 did you decide 27 17 email 20 worried
23 28 18 shocked
24 did you enjoy 29 didnt come
25 was living 30 had
Vocabulary 1 went 4 was chatting
A 2 were you doing 5 met
1 online 6 checking 3 didnt see
2 upload 7 email
3 blog 8 shocked
6 12
4 surprised 9 read
7 did you decide 13
5 angry 10 worried
8 14 didnt come
B 10 did you enjoy 15 had
11 post 14 online 11 was living
12 download 15 upload
13 tweet
16 were studying 24 lost
C 17 tried 25 was raining
16 excited 18 didnt / did not answer 26 was; doing
17 angry 19 was watching 27 was playing
18 surprised 20 did 28 was making
19 worried 21 read 29 started
20 interested 22 happened 30 became
23 was driving
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Open Mind pre-intermediate

Unit 1: Skills Test

1 F
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T

1 The South African elections / elections
2 South Africa
3 The Channel Tunnel
4 The Brazilians / Brazil
5 The (Football) World Cup

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

I was walking down the street when I saw a man run

out of the bank. He was wearing a mask and was
carrying a big bag. He got into a car that was waiting
outside and drove away.
I couldnt believe what I was seeing but I quickly got
out my phone and took a picture of the car. When
the police arrived, I showed them the photo and they
wrote down the number plate.
Later, I was watching the news on TV and saw that the
police caught the two men who robbed the bank. I
was very proud of myself.

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Unit 2: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A Unit 2: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
Grammar Vocabulary
1 the best 9 as good as 1 learn about 4 go to see
2 as interesting as 10 the funniest 2 went to 5 join
3 the dullest 11 the best 3 does
4 as entertaining as 12 as talented as
5 the least interesting 13 the most famous B
6 the oldest 14 the most popular 6 c 9 d
7 the youngest 15 the least important 7 e 10 a
8 the most beautiful 8 f

16 cheapest the cheapest 11 love 14 dull
17 most good best 12 popular 15 language
18 most nice nicest 13 strange
19 sadest saddest
20 isnt expensive isnt as expensive
16 foreign 19 modern
21 dullest dull
17 ridiculous 20 interesting
22 funnyest funniest
18 film club
23 interestingest most interesting
24 easiest easy Grammar
25 baddest worst A
C 1 the most boring 4 not as scary as
26 not as scary as 29 the worst 2 the worst 5 the best
27 the best 30 as tall as 3 as tall as
28 the most boring B
Vocabulary 6 isnt expensive isnt as expensive
7 dullest dull
8 funnyest funniest
1 foreign 6 join
9 interestingest most interesting
2 ridiculous 7 popular
10 easiest easy
3 film club 8 strange
11 baddest worst
4 modern 9 dull
12 cheapest the cheapest
5 interesting 10 language
13 most good best
B 14 most nice nicest
11 f 15 sadest saddest
12 a
13 e
16 the best 24 the most popular
14 b
17 as interesting as 25 the least important
15 c
18 the dullest 26 the oldest
C 19 as entertaining as 27 the youngest
16 go to see 20 the least interesting 28 the most beautiful
17 join 21 the best 29 as good as
18 learn about 22 as talented as 30 the funniest
19 went to 23 the most famous
20 does
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Unit 2: Skills Test

1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F

1 B
2 A
3 B
4 A
5 C

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

I went to the cinema to see the new Mad Max film

recently. The acting was brilliant but the whole story
was very weird. It had a lot of strange characters in it
and ridiculous looking cars. Mad Max is set in a future
world where there are very few natural resources.
Its an action film so it was quite exciting. It isnt the
worst film but it definitely isnt the best! I think that
comedies are better. I love the film Anchorman

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Unit 3: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A Unit 3: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
Grammar Vocabulary
1 Shall we go for lunch tomorrow? 1 packed 4 went on
2 My sister is going on holiday by herself. 2 caught 5 found
3 Could you open the window, please? 3 checked in
4 May I see your ticket, please?
5 Did you buy yourself a present? B
6 We did everything ourselves. 6 wallet 9 map
7 passport 10 sunglasses
B 8 suitcase
7 myself 12 shall
8 May 13 you C
9 herself 14 him 11 sunscreen 16 guidebook
10 myself 15 themselves 12 sunglasses 17 checking
11 yourself 13 reservation 18 driving licence
14 tour 19 rucksack
C 15 guidebook 20 wallet
16 A 19 B
17 C 20 A Grammar
18 C A
1 yourselves 6 themselves
D 2 himself 7 myself
21 myself 26 himself 3 itself 8 yourself
22 yourself 27 itself 4 myself 9 herself
23 herself 28 myself 5 herself 10 itself
24 itself 29 herself
25 yourselves 30 themselves B
11 C
Vocabulary 12 A
A 13 A
1 checking 6 sunscreen 14 A
2 driving licence 7 sunglasses 15 B
3 rucksack 8 reservation
4 wallet 9 tour C
5 passport 10 guidebook 16 We did everything ourselves.
17 May I see your ticket, please?
B 18 Could you open the window, please?
11 map 19 My brother is going on holiday by himself.
12 sunglasses 20 Did you buy yourself a present?
13 wallet 21 Shall we go for lunch tomorrow?
14 passport
15 suitcase D
22 shall 27 yourself
C 23 you 28 myself
16 packed 24 May 29 her
17 caught 25 himself 30 myself
18 checked in 26 themselves
19 went on
20 found
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Unit 3: Skills Test

1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 T

1 volunteers
2 (over 2000) plants and animals
3 your trip
4 Appalachian Spring website
5 (your) pictures / photo(graph)s

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

In the UK its a good idea to carry an umbrella in your

bag, you never know when it might rain! It is good to
be prepared as the weather is very changeable one
minute its warm, the next its cold and rainy.
The UK is famous for bad food but I dont think that
this is fair. Fish and chips are delicious and there are
lots of very good restaurants and pubs that you can
eat in for lunch and dinner.
Clothes shopping in the UK is very good, especially
in London. The UK is quite expensive though so bring
lots of money or a credit card!

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Unit 4: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A C

16 proud
17 confused
18 embarrassed
19 scared
1 Ive / I have known 20 uncomfortable
2 Have you ever been
3 he hasnt / has not invited Unit 4: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
4 He invited
5 ve / have been
6 How long has she studied
7 s / has studied
8 Has she ever read 1 embarrassed
9 s / has read 2 scared
10 s / has borrowed 3 uncomfortable
11 Have you ever worked 4 proud
12 How long have you worked 5 confused
13 Ive / I have worked B
14 Ive / I have never worked
6 got
15 Ive / I have had
7 failed
B 8 had
16 She hasnt seen the new Batman film. 9 lost
17 Sallys gone to Australia, shes coming home in two 10 missed
18 Have you ever eaten Thai food? / Has (s)he ever
11 seen 16 exhausted
eaten Thai food?
12 found 17 had
19 David has known Juan since he was a child.
13 wallet 18 scared
20 Oh no! Ive lost my wallet!
14 thrilled 19 missed
C 15 failed 20 disappointed
21 for 26 havent
22 never 27 has / s
23 Have 28 for A
24 since 29 since 1 Have you ever eaten Japanese food? / Has (s)he
25 ever 30 have / ve ever eaten Japanese food?
2 Mark has known Carlos since he was a child
Vocabulary 3 Oh no! Ive lost my purse!
A 4 He hasnt seen the new Batman film
1 exhausted 6 won 5 Claras gone to Canada, shes coming home in two
2 had 7 seen weeks
3 scared 8 found B
4 missed 9 wallet
6 for 11 havent
5 disappointed 10 thrilled
7 never 12 has / s
B 8 Have 13 for
11 lost 9 since 14 since
12 missed 10 ever 15 have / ve
13 got
14 failed
15 had

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C Unit 4: Skills Test

16 Ive / I have known
17 Have you ever been
18 he hasnt / has not invited
1 T
19 He invited
2 F
20 ve / have been
3 T
21 Have you ever worked
4 F
22 How long have you worked
5 T
23 Ive / I have worked
24 Ive / I have never worked Reading
25 Ive / I have had 1 A
26 How long has she studied 2 C
27 s / has studied 3 A
28 Has she ever read 4 C
29 s / has read 5 B
30 s / has borrowed
Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

I have changed my appearance many times in my

life. When I was a teenager I dyed my hair a different
colour every few months! My mum hated it when I
dyed it blue!
The best change in my life was when I got married
and had my beautiful son, Joshua. I was happy before
I got married but now I cant imagine my life without
my husband and child.

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Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Unit 5: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A Unit 5: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
Grammar Vocabulary
1 saw 6 Have you ever gone 1 c 4 d
2 Was it 7 ve never gone 2 b 5 a
3 It was 8 went 3 f
4 They sang 9 ve seen
5 ve bought 10 didnt invite B
6 jazz 9 hip-hop
B 7 rock 10 classical
11 shouldnt 8 reggae
12 paid
13 Have; downloaded C
14 should / ought to 11 upbeat 16 catchy
15 should / ought to 12 songs 17 dancing
13 silly 18 lyrics
C 14 folk music 19 type
16 bought 21 ve not / havent known 15 cool 20 sounds
17 ve / have finished 22 worked
18 went 23 s / has lived Grammar
19 decided 24 Did; watch A
20 havent heard 25 havent been 1 Ive heard I heard
2 going go
D 3 didnt practise havent practised
26 I never went Ive never been 4 I never went Ive never been
27 ought ought to 5 ought ought to
28 Ive heard I heard
29 going go B
30 didnt practise havent practised 6 havent heard 11 havent been
7 ve not / havent known 12 bought
Vocabulary 8 worked 13 ve / have finished
A 9 s / has lived 14 went
1 upbeat 6 catchy 10 Did; watch 15 decided
2 songs 7 dancing
3 silly 8 lyrics C
4 reggae 9 type 16 shouldnt 19 should / ought to
5 cool 10 sounds 17 paid 20 should / ought to
18 Have; downloaded
11 hip-hop 14 rock D
12 classical 15 reggae 21 saw 26 Have you ever gone
13 jazz 22 Was it 27 ve never gone.
23 It was 28 went
C 24 She sang 29 ve seen
16 f 25 ve bought 30 didnt invite
17 a
18 e
19 d
20 c

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Unit 5: Skills Test

1 B
2 A
3 B
4 A
5 C

1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

My favourite singer is Lana Del Rey. I love her voice

and the lyrics to her songs. Her song Video Games is
one of my favourites. I usually listen to it on my phone
when Im on the train going to work as it helps me to
relax. I love to listen to her music as its very romantic
but quite sad and it makes me think. I saw her in
concert in Rome last year. It was great!

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Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Unit 6: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A C

16 up
17 up
18 away
19 away / out
1 You must pay the telephone bill. 20 out
2 We mustnt forget to call the gas company.
3 I have to tidy up the house. Unit 6: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
4 They dont have to go to work on Saturdays.
5 Chris, you must be quiet because the baby is
6 You mustnt tell anyone because its a secret. A
7 She has to call him to apologise! 1 up
8 You dont have to come for lunch if you dont 2 up
wantto. 3 away
9 I must visit your parents before they go on holiday. 4 away / out
10 We dont have to check out of the hotel until 12pm. 5 out

11 B 6 b
12 C 7 f
13 C 8 c
14 A 9 d
15 A 10 a

16 mustnt 21 has to 11 dining 16 tidy
17 mustnt 22 mustnt 12 bathroom 17 hang
18 dont have to 23 have to 13 lamp 18 wardrobe
19 has to 24 mustnt 14 throw 19 put
20 dont have to 25 have to 15 give 20 sofa

D Grammar
26 the most slowly 29 more regularly A
27 worse 30 more loudly 1 the best
28 the best 2 more regularly
3 more loudly
Vocabulary 4 the most slowly
A 5 worse
1 living 6 tidy
2 kitchen 7 hang B
3 rug 8 wardrobe 6 dont have to 11 have to
4 throw 9 put 7 has to 12 mustnt
5 give 10 armchair 8 mustnt 13 mustnt
9 have to 14 dont have to
B 10 mustnt 15 has to
11 f
12 a
13 d
14 c
15 e

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C Unit 6: Skills Test

16 We mustnt forget to call the gas company.
17 You must pay the telephone bill.
18 I have to tidy up the house.
1 F
19 You mustnt tell anyone because its a secret.
2 F
20 Dan, you must be quiet because the baby is sleeping.
3 T
21 They dont have to go to work on Saturdays.
4 T
22 You dont have to come for lunch if you dont want to.
5 F
23 She has to call him to apologise!
24 We dont have to check out of the hotel until 12pm. Reading
25 I must visit your parents before they go on holiday. 1 Peter
2 Peter
3 Victor
26 B
4 Victor
27 C
5 Peter
28 A
29 B Writing
30 B Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

My dream house would be a villa by the sea in the

south of France. It wouldnt be too big because I
dont like cleaning but it would have a big garden and
two bedrooms. The dining room would have a big
table so all my friends could come for dinner. It would
have big windows to let in light. The walls would be
painted white and there would be a big comfortable
sofa in the living room.

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Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Unit 7: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A Unit 7: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
Grammar Vocabulary
1 a few 7 much 1 bottle 4 packet
2 too 8 much 2 tin 5 jar
3 fewer 9 more 3 can
4 more 10 too
5 enough 11 less B
6 enough 6 greasy 9 sweet
7 crunchy 10 sour
B 8 juicy
12 a few
13 less C
14 too 11 spicy 16 jar
15 enough 12 sweet 17 greasy
13 salty 18 tin
C 14 packet 19 box
16 many much 15 bottle 20 crunchy
17 few little
18 enough juicy juicy enough Grammar
19 fewer less A
20 enough spicy spicy enough 1 too 4 much
21 fewer less 2 many 5 more
22 many much 3 little / bit of
23 many too
24 enough sweet sweet enough
25 fewer little 6 enough spicy spicy enough
7 fewer less
D 8 many much
26 too 29 much 9 many too
27 many 30 more 10 enough sweet sweet enough
28 little / bit of 11 fewer little
12 many much
Vocabulary 13 few little
A 14 enough juicy juicy enough
1 jar 6 spicy 15 fewer less
2 greasy 7 sweet
3 can 8 salty C
4 tin 9 packet 16 a few 18 too
5 juicy 10 bottle 17 less 19 enough

11 sweet 14 crunchy 20 a few 26 much
12 sour 15 juicy 21 too 27 much
13 greasy 22 fewer 28 more
23 more 29 too
C 24 enough 30 less
16 packet 19 tin 25 enough
17 jar 20 can
18 bottle
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Unit 7: Skills Test

1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 T

1 A
2 B
3 B
4 B
5 C

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

When I was holiday in China, I asked the woman at

the hotel we were staying at if she could cook me and
my friend a special meal. It was his 21st birthday. One
hour later she brought us two plates. It smelled great.
We ate it and it tasted very good. When I asked the
woman what it was, she smiled and said that it was
snake! It was a meal I will never forget!

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Unit 8: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A Unit 8: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
Grammar Vocabulary
1 rather 6 seeing 1 date
2 to go 7 to dance 2 thirsty
3 going 8 rather 3 split
4 Singing 9 reading 4 divorced
5 to eat 10 running 5 worried

11 A 6 b
12 B 7 d
13 A 8 e
14 C 9 f
15 B 10 a

16 spend 24 working 11 gone 16 got married
17 booking 25 not go 12 split up 17 blind date
18 not to stay 26 to go 13 angry 18 bored
19 to do 27 buying 14 get engaged 19 hungry
20 coming 28 swimming 15 divorced 20 asked
21 to rest 29 dancing
22 selling 30 Shopping Grammar
23 to travel A
1 not go 9 selling
Vocabulary 2 to go 10 to travel
A 3 buying 11 working
1 got married 6 going on a date 4 swimming 12 spend
2 blind date 7 gone 5 dancing 13 booking
3 bored 8 split up 6 Shopping 14 not to stay
4 hungry 9 angry 7 coming 15 to do
5 asked 10 get engaged 8 to rest

11 c 16 Singing 21 reading
12 a 17 to go 22 to dance
13 d 18 going 23 running
14 f 19 rather 24 seeing
15 b 20 to eat 25 rather

16 divorced 26 C
17 worried 27 B
18 date 28 B
19 thirsty 29 B
20 split 30 C

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Unit 8: Skills Test

1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 T

1 T
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 F

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

Hi Sandra,
I will try to help you but it is a very difficult situation.
Ithink that first of all you should speak to Michelle
and tell her that Tom asked you to go on a date with
him. I think that if you tell her that you like him she
will understand. Two years is quite a long time ago!
Hope that helps,

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Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Unit 9: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A Unit 9: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
Grammar Vocabulary
1 wont 6 might 1 mountain 4 river
2 might 7 might not 2 island 5 lake
3 will 8 is going to 3 field
4 Im going to 9 might
5 probably 10 Ill B
6 e 9 d
B 7 a 10 c
11 The weather forecast says it will probably rain 8 b
12 Im going to visit my grandmother this afternoon. C
13 She definitely wont be on time. 11 island 16 foggy
14 My brother might not get the job. 12 stormy / windy 17 lake
15 We may visit you in the autumn. 13 raining 18 mountain
14 windy / stormy 19 sunny
C 15 cold 20 hill
16 raining rain
17 Grammar
18 A
19 definitely will need will definitely need 1
20 be not not be 2
21 3 will is going to
22 to 4
23 ll definitely may / might 5
6 be not not be
24 sat sit
25 may / ll probably
8 to
9 ll definitely may / might
27 10 sat sit
28 will is going to 11 may / ll probably
29 12 snowing snow
30 13
15 definitely will need will definitely need
1 foggy 6 ocean B
2 lake 7 island 16 The weather forecast says it will probably snow
3 mountain 8 stormy / windy tomorrow.
4 sunny 9 raining 17 She definitely wont be on time.
5 hill 10 windy / stormy 18 Im going to visit my aunt this afternoon.
19 We may visit you in the autumn.
20 My brother might not get the job.
11 f 14 a
12 e 15 d C
13 b 21 wont 26 might
22 might 27 might not
23 will 28 is going to
16 mountain 19 river 24 Im going to 29 might
17 island 20 lake 25 probably 30 Ill
18 field LE
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Unit 9: Skills Test

1 C
2 A
3 A
4 A
5 B

1 B
2 C
3 A
4 C
5 B

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

Im an optimist so I think that in 50 years time the

world will be a better place. I think that nowadays
people recycle more so in the future the world will be
less polluted. People now understand that we need
trees to live and that animals need to be protected
so I think that it will be greener. I think that people
will live longer as new medicines will be discovered.
Ialso think lots of new things will be invented to make
life easier. Maybe there will be people living on the
moon! I really hope my predictions come true!

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Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Unit 10: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A B

6 decorate 9 relaxed
7 snacks 10 fun
8 soft
1 am leaving / m leaving / am going to leave / m C
going to leave 11 welcomed 14 played
2 ll / will; bring 12 give 15 have
3 ll / will bring 13 bring
4 are; going to be / will; be
5 am / m meeting D
6 arrives 16 activities 19 atmosphere
7 are / re stopping 17 room 20 room
8 ll / will buy 18 music
9 ll / will take
Unit 10: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
10 Could you call the shop to find out how much I have Vocabulary
to pay?
11 You need to get up earlier in order not to be late
forwork. 1 music 4 activities
12 CORRECT 2 atmosphere 5 room
13 I need some chocolate to make the brownies for 3 room
14 Im taking my MP3 player in order to listen to
something on the plane. 6 welcomed 9 played
15 I left the present on the table in order not to forget 7 give 10 have
it when we leave! 8 bring

16 leaves 19 are you doing 11 snacks 13 relaxed
17 is meeting 20 ll 12 soft 14 fun
18 Is
D 15 guests 18 conversation
21 to 24 in order to 16 crowded 19 loud
22 in order not to 25 going to 17 lively 20 awful
23 in order to
26 shuts 29 going to do 1 will be 4 Is
27 is going to have 30 will be 2 leaves 5 are you doing
28 will believe 3 is meeting

Vocabulary B
A 6 to 9 in order to
1 crowded 4 loud 7 in order not to 10 going to
2 lively 5 awful 8 in order to
3 conversation

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C Unit 10: Skills Test

11 Could you call the shop to find out how much I have
to pay?
12 You need to get up earlier in order not to be late
forwork. 1 T
14 I left the present on the table in order not to forget 3 T
itwhen we leave! 4 F
15 Im taking my MP3 player in order to listen to 5 T
something on the train.
16 I need some chocolate to make the brownies for
theparty. 1 B
2 C
D 3 A
17 am leaving / m leaving / am going to leave / m 4 B
going to leave 5 B
18 ll / will; bring
19 ll / will bring Writing
20 are; going to be / will; be Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
21 am / m meeting Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.
22 arrives
23 are / re stopping Sample answer
24 ll / will buy Next weekend, Im going to my friend Charlies
25 ll / will take wedding. Im very excited as I have known him since
we were eight years old. Im very happy for him.
E The ceremony will be in our home town so I have to
26 shuts catch a train the day before to make sure I get there.
27 is going to have It is very far away from where I live now! Im going
28 will believe to meet my sister at the train station and then shes
going to drive me to my hotel. I cant wait!
29 m going to do
30 ll
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Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Unit 11: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A Unit 11: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
Grammar Vocabulary
1 is made 6 are found 1 F 4 F
2 are displayed 7 was taken 2 T 5 T
3 was given 8 was developed 3 T
4 was released 9 was; used
5 was bought 10 is called B
6 e 9 b
B 7 f 10 d
11 Many different things are done 8 a
12 Computers are used
13 The World Wide Web was invented C
14 (A lot of) machines are operated 11 contacts 14 download
15 (A lot of) products are sold 12 icon 15 wood
13 log onto 16 ceramic
16 was made 19 send D
17 was written 20 was invented 17 upload 19 cotton
18 is used 18 ceramic 20 send

D Grammar
21 is was 26 A
22 by of / from 27 sending sent 1 recycling recycled 6
23 28 2 7 is was
24 from by 29 speaked spoken 3 sending sent 8 by of / from
25 recycling recycled 30 4 9
5 speaked spoken 10 from by
1 upload 3 cotton 11 is used 14 was made
2 ceramic 4 send 12 send 15 was written
13 was invented

5 d
8 c C

6 f
9 a 16 Many different things are done

7 b 17 (A lot of) machines are operated
18 The World Wide Web was invented
C 19 Computers are used
10 contacts 13 log onto 20 (A lot of) products are sold
11 icon 14 ceramic
12 download 15 wood D
21 is made 26 are found
D 22 was; used 27 was released
16 F 23 was given 28 was developed
17 T 24 was taken 29 are displayed
18 F 25 was bought 30 is called
19 T
20 T

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Unit 11: Skills Test

1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 F

1 A
2 B
3 A
4 A
5 C

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

Something I cant live without is my phone. I take it

everywhere with me. I use it to talk to my friends and
to browse the internet when Im on the bus going to
work. I also use it to take photos, listen to music and
to check my emails before I go to work. So it is very
useful! I would like to get a new one as mine is quite
old now. Id prefer to have one thats more compact
and up-to-date. I saw one online that I liked but it was
very expensive.

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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Open Mind pre-intermediate

Unit 12: Grammar and Vocabulary Test A D

16 a
17 b
18 a
19 b
1 will eat 4 put 20 b
2 wont 5 are
3 have Unit 12: Grammar and Vocabulary Test B
6 Take plenty of sun cream when you go to the beach.
7 If I feel better, Ill go out. A
8 Will we go to the park if it rains? 1 a 4 a
9 If you liked your job, you wouldnt be looking for 2 b 5 b
another one. 3 b
C 6 e 9 d
11 had 14 could work 7 a 10 b
12 d / would buy 15 would; live 8 f
13 spoke / could speak
D 11 community 14 satisfaction
16 asked 21 were 12 creativity 15 adventure
17 told 22 go 13 work ethic
18 work 23 doesnt play
19 says 24 had D
20 fail 25 make 16 admire 19 get on with
17 share 20 being
E 18 having an argument
26 a 29 b
27 b 30 a Grammar
28 a A
1 a 4 a
Vocabulary 2 b 5 b
A 3 a
1 admire 4 share
2 get on with 5 being B
3 having an argument 6 says 11 had
7 fail 12 make
B 8 were 13 asked
6 satisfaction 9 community 9 go 14 told
7 creativity 10 adventure 10 doesnt play 15 work
8 work ethic
C 16 Take plenty of sun cream when you go to the beach.
11 f 14 a 17 Will we go to the park if it rains?
12 d 15 c 18 If I feel better, Ill go out.
13 b 19 CORRECT
20 If you liked your job, you wouldnt be looking for
another one.

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Open Mind pre-intermediate

D Unit 12: Skills Test

21 will eat
22 wont
23 are
1 F
24 put
2 T
25 have
3 T
E 4 F
26 had 5 T
27 d / would buy
28 could speak / spoke
1 C
29 could work
2 A
30 would; live
3 B
4 A
5 B

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Writing.

Sample answer

I dont think that the values of people in my country

have changed much in the past ten years. My parents
taught me to respect people who are older than me
and to help my community. I think that a lot of my
friends were also taught these things. I think that
people in my country have always worked hard and
still do now. Lots of people in my country are very
creative. There are a lot of young artists, especially in
the city. In the past many famous artists lived in my
country so I dont think it has changed a lot.

Please see the Mid-course Test and the End-of-course
Test keys for the Mark Scheme for Speaking.

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