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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 2 228 232

Review Paper on Frequency Multiplier at Terahertz Range
Dhruvi.D. Prajapati Prof. Usha Neelkanthan
PG Stud. Department of E&C H.O.D. of E&C department
L.D. Collage of Engineering L.D. Collage of Engineering
Ahmedabad, India Ahmedabad, India
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract: Frequency multiplier is an electronic circuit which generates the output frequency which is an integer multiple of the applied
frequency. For this purpose, nonlinear devices such as BJT, FET, schottky diode, varactor diode, step recovery diode are used. The nonlinear
region of their characteristics is utilized to design frequency multiplier. In terahertz range stability and broad bandwidth are required factors to
design heterodyne receiver. For this purpose, only schottky diode is the best option because its cutoff frequency is so high and due to this reason
switching frequency of this diode is high compared to its other comparable. The design of frequency multiplier consists of three parts namely the
diode structure, input and output matching circuit. The detailed discussion about sources available at terahertz frequency range, different design
methods of frequency multiplier with active and passive devices, comparison of available passive frequency multiplier are presented in this

Keywords: frequency multiplier, doubler, tripler, schottky diode, antiparallel diode pair, LO, HEMT, HBV

1. Introduction
Several recent articles have described the potential capability Imaging system: Its able to see through clothing to detect
of terahertz technology and how developing this technology contraband or weapons.
can lead to exciting scientific research for applications in Imaging RADAR: For this type of systems the signal to noise
variety of fields. One of most challenging aspects of Terahertz ratio and the standoff distance can be improved with higher
technology is the lack of compact, reliable efficient local power sources because spatial resolution is directly
oscillator (LO) sources in the terahertz range. proportional to the frequency for a given aperture size.
Sources available at Terahertz range and their limitations are Astrophysics: Heterodyne spectrometer is needed to measure
given below: Doppler velocities in the interstellar medium and star forming
regions with resolution around 1 km/s.
FIR laser pumped by the gas laser: The power generation
method for this type requires several tens of watts of DC Frequencies ranging from below 100 GHz to at least 5 THz are
power. It is bulky and works at discrete frequencies [1]. needed to identify the spectral signature of a wide range of
Limitation: It is used only at ground based applications where molecules, isotopomers, atoms and ions as well as
size and power are not an issue [1]. temperature, density pressure, mass and dynamics of the
QCLs (quantum Cascade Lasers): They are ultra-compact system observed
milliwatt-level terahertz solid state sources. CW mode This article will describe the technologies developed to build
frequency is lower than 1.2 THz [1]. frequency multiplier for solid state LO above 100 GHz for a
Limitations: It has tuning problem. It requires cryogenic space borne radio telescope. This will address some of the
cooling to approximately 40K for maximum output power [1]. most important questions in cosmology and galaxy evolution.
High frequency signals can be generated either using high
These two sources known as photonic sources are used to frequency oscillator or cascading a low frequency source with
generate LO in cryogenic heterodyne receiver. But the main frequency multipliers. It is difficult to build and realize a high
problem is that their output power is in 1-2 THz range which frequency oscillator due to degraded performance such as
is lower than the power produced by room temperature stability, accuracy and phase noise. To overcome these
frequency multiplier [1] problems low frequency low phase noise VCO in conjunction
with the frequency multiplier is the most preferred and the
Application of high frequency sources: proposed method [4][6] for our research work.

High speed wireless communication: It is used for high speed 2. Frequency Multiplier
wireless data communication. This requires open free space Frequency multiplier is an electronics circuit that generates an
path to high speed wireless communication system transferring output signal whose output frequency is a harmonic (multiple)
data at rates of several tens of Gigabytes per seconds [1] of its input frequency. Frequency multiplier consists of a
IJRITCC | February 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 2 228 232
nonlinear circuit that distorts the input signal and consequently fraction of the time that it is on, compared to the entire period
generates harmonics of the input signal. At output side called is its duty cycle. By adjusting the duty cycle we can
bandpass filter is used to select the desired harmonic maximize the desired output harmonics generated. The higher
frequency and remove the unwanted fundamental and other the harmonic, the shorter the duty cycle must be. For a
harmonics from the output [2] doubler, the optimum is around 30%, and for a tripler is about
20%. [3]

Figure 2.1: frequency multiplier basic block diagram [2]

Many types of the frequency multipliers such as doubler and

Tripler, quadrupler have been reported. They can be
implemented using passive or active circuits.

There are 2 Types of Frequency Multipliers for design based

on the solid state devices:
Active Multiplier and Passive Multiplier

The active multipliers using transistors have the advantage

of providing conversion gain, but the broadband bandwidth is
difficult to achieve due to the stability and power consumption
Figure 2.2: ideal circuit of active frequency multiplier [3]
problem. On the other hand, passive multipliers using diodes
as a nonlinear deice which provides broader bandwidth and
As shown in figure, gate is driven by an RF source. Gate
good stability in millimeter wave range.
bias voltage is somewhat below (more negative) than pinch-
off. So FET conducts only for the period when the gate
Inp-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have
voltage is above the voltage . This whole period is known as
demonstrated excellent millimeter-wave characteristics, such
as low noise figure, and high gain. However, the main duty cycle. Duty cycle of the drain current pulses can be
drawback of the Inp-substrate is the high cost and limited adjusted by changing the DC gate bias . A shorter duty-
wafer size availabilities [8] cycle is necessary for higher harmonics because as per the
generation of harmonics, number of harmonics is directly
Traditionally, the schottky diode has been the device of proportional to the distortion in applied sinusoidal signal. So,
choice for the multiplying element and it is still the most for more harmonics in active multiplier it requires more
common multiplying element available at millimeter negative gate voltage and great RF input required. As we
wavelength. Recently heterostructure barrier varactors (HBV) continue to decrease the duty cycle in this manner, eventually
or on metamorphic high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) the negative peaks of the gate voltage reach the gate
have been developed rapidly. HBVs reach very high breakdown voltage [3]
efficiencies and output levels but are inherently narrowband
devices [4]. HEMT based active multiplier provides very good The most important characteristic of active multiplier is the
conversion efficiencies and can be implemented on the same possibility of obtaining conversion gain instead of loss.
chip with amplifier elements. A disadvantage with active HEMTs have relatively low values of and is
devises is that they cannot usually handle large input power proportional to gate width. Output power depends largely on
and are not as stable as passive multipliers [8]. the size of the device. There is a tradeoff between power
against gain. To achieve gain at higher output frequency,
Active Multiplier must be reduced and this requires a narrow device. A narrow
device results in lower output power. [2]
An active frequency multiplier generates harmonics by
rectifying the sinusoidal input signal. The principal of FET and BJT frequency multipliers can be made very
operation is that the active devices such as a FET or BJT are broadband, but again there is a price, increasing the bandwidth
biased near its pinch-off point of DC load line. The input reduces conversion gain. As with other FET circuits, the
sinusoidal turns the device on over part of its cycle. The FETs input Q may be very high, and if the multipliers
IJRITCC | February 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 2 228 232
bandwidth is more than few percent, the input may be parameters, and requires a high tolerance for frustration. For
impossible to match over the whole band. [3] terahertz application only schottky diode multiplier are used
because the switching speed of schottky diode is higher than
So, the active multipliers are narrowband and it has some all other devices. In schottky diode, only majority carriers are
stability problem. Active multiplier cannot be higher order participating in any conduction process so, depletion region
multiplier because if the order of multiplication is high then created at the junction is very narrow. Voltage required to
providing the required matching for higher frequency is remove this stored charge in the depletion region is very small.
difficult. To overcome these all problems, we go with the So cut-in voltage of schottky diode is very less and switching
passive multiplier. speed of that diode is high which meets the requirement to
design multiplier at terahertz frequency range.
Passive Multiplier
There are number of efficient ways to generate harmonics with 3. Schottky diode frequency multiplier
passive devices. The dominant devices are schottky-barrier For millimeter and submillimeter wave frequency multipliers,
diode, varactor diode and step-recovery diode. According to schottky planar varactors are still providing the best
diode their resistive or capacitive nonlinearity are used to performance in terms of efficiency, output power, and
generate harmonics of input sinusoidal signal. instantaneous bandwidth [5]. Planar schottky diodes were
introduced over a decade ago [9], [10] and now have been
Resistive frequency multiplier: Resistive frequency multipliers successfully demonstrated well into the terahertz range,
use the nonlinear I/V characteristic of a schottky barrier diode replacing whisker-contacted schottky diode [2]
to distort a sinusoidal waveform. This distortion generates the
harmonics. The optimum efficiency of a resistive frequency Schottky based multipliers can be divided into reactive
multiplier can be no greater than 1/2 , where n is the harmonic (varactors diodes) and resistive (varistor diodes) multipliers.
number [3]. Resistive multiplier has broader bandwidth Mixed mode of operation is also possible. Varactors
because schottky diode is used as a resistive device and it has multipliers have larger efficiencies and produce more output
inherently very broadband. power than multipliers based on resistive schottky diodes.
Resistive multipliers on the other hand have smaller
Varactor multiplier: The nonlinearity of capacitance C/V is capacitance variation and thus can be designed to cover wider
used to distort the sinusoidal signal. But one problem is that bandwidths than varactors multipliers [7].
designing a varactor multiplier is the diodes weak reactive
nonlinearity. Without some tricks, the multiplier does not Passive multiplier has more advantages over on active
generate harmonics beyond the second. A varactor is capable multiplier. Passive multiplier using schottky diode handle
of higher efficiency and power than a resistive multiplier. If large input power and it is stable for high frequency. To design
the current in the diode is sinusoidal, the charge function will a MMIC frequency multiplier for a frequency higher than 100
vary in the same way, and the junction voltage will be roughly GHz BES process by United Monolithic Semiconductors
proportional to the square of the charge. This means that the (UMS) is use. The main component of BES process is
varactor multiplier will generates only second harmonics schottky diode because schottky diodes switching frequency
efficiently. For higher harmonics, an idler, a short circuit is higher than all other diodes.
resonator tuned to the second harmonic in parallel with the
diode is used. This idler allows a second harmonic current to Diode is nonlinear device so it used to design frequency
circulate through the diode and to mix with the fundamental, multiplier and its current equation is given by

producing a third harmonic. [2] = [exp 1] (1)

Step-recovery diode multiplier: A SRD frequency multiplier is Where = 25.8 mV for T= 293 K (absolute temperature)

a reactive device, but it operates somewhat differently from a = junction voltage
conventional varactor multiplier. SRDs are generating high k = Boltzmanns constant
harmonics from a relatively low frequency excitation. SRDs = saturation current
can generate large pulses a few tens of picoseconds large. = ideality factor
Because SRD multipliers invariably are high order, conversion In paper [11] the authors have discussed three types of
loss can be high. In SRD does not require any type of idler to structures to design a multiplier using schottky diode. First one
generate higher order harmonics. SRDs use the diodes is common balanced tripler whose block diagram is shown in
diffusion capacitance for charge storage nonlinearity to figure 3.1. As shown in this figure on chip capacitor is
generate harmonics. [2] required for applying DC bias to the schottky diode.
From above all multipliers, SRD multiplier and varactors are Constrained by the technological level, the on chip capacitor
prone to instability. They also are sensitive to circuit cannot be achieved.
IJRITCC | February 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 2 228 232
For schottky varactor diodes cutoff frequency should be much
higher than the operating frequency [11].

Figure 3.1: block diagram of common balanced tripler [11]

To overcome on chip capacitor problem, a tripler is

implemented without bias circuit [12] which is shown in
below figure 3.2. Here diodes are connected in anti-parallel Figure 3.3: block diagram of unbalanced tripler with bias
form. So the even harmonics of the input signal are trapped in circuit [11]
a virtual short circuit formed by the diodes and suppressed.
And at output side only odd harmonics of the applied signal is The input circuit as well as the output circuit, consists of the
available. The disadvantages of this scheme are that the Microstrip-waveguide transition and matching circuit [5].The
efficiency is relatively low, and heat accumulation happens in input and output circuits must fulfill demanding criteria. First,
the schottky junction when high input power is added due to the circuits must obviously let the wanted signal to pass and
the poor thermal conductivity of quartz glass [11]. second, to provide a reasonably large reactive load at other
frequencies. In addition, the circuit elements should be as
small as possible to minimize the chip size and transmission
line losses

The tripler consists of input output matching circuits,

separates bias routes for both diodes and of a diode pair. In
order to suppress the coupled slotline mode and to obtain a
symmetric coplanar mode, the circuit was designed to be as
symmetric as possible [8].

The input and output circuits must fulfill a demanding

criteria. First, the circuits must obviously let the wanted signal
to pass and second, to provide a reasonably large reactive load
at other frequencies. In addition, the circuit elements should be
as small as possible to minimize the chip size and transmission
Figure 3.2: block diagram of tripler without bias circuit [11]
line losses. [11] The input circuit, as well as the output circuit,
consists of the waveguide-Microstrip transition and matching
To overcome these problems, an unbalanced scheme discussed
circuit. The input circuit consist a low pass filter whose cutoff
in [12] with a pair of schottky diode is in parallel is adopted is
frequency 0 and DC block capacitor. At output side, the
shown in figure. Because of this type of structure, even
short circuit idlers are used for all unwanted harmonics which
harmonics are not suppressed; hence the design process gets
behave as short circuit for unwanted harmonics and open
more difficult.
circuit for wanted harmonic
Design methodology: usually, the first step in the design of
For schematic simulation process the tripler is divided into
frequency multiplier is to determine the characteristics of the
two parts: a linear network, which is analyzed using Ansys
diodes along with the operating conditions that best suits the
High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) in consideration
application. Such as a doping level, diode dimensions, and the
of the parasitic effects, and nonlinear behavior of the schottky
bias voltage for a given input power once these parameters are
varactor diode, solved by Agilent Advanced Design Simulator
fixed and the optimum embedding impedances of the diodes
(ADS). [11]
are determined, a linear circuit can be synthesized [5].

IJRITCC | February 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 2 228 232

Paper Input frequency Output frequency Input power Output power Conversion loss Efficiency
(GHz) (GHz) (dBm) (dBm) (dB) (%)
[7] 25-23 75-140 17 -2.4 19.5 1.12
[4] 25-37 75-110 16 -3.7 to 2 14 to 19.7 1.5
[11] 75 225 23.8 -12.3 11.4 7.3
[6] 20-35 60-110 12 -3 15 -

Table 3.1: summary of the performance of previously designed tripler and this work

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IJRITCC | February 2017, Available @

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