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20th June, 2014.


Mrs. K. Chandrika,

D/O. K.Suryanarayana,

P.No:78, 79, Badangpet, Nadargul,

Ranga Reddy Dist, T.S.

Sub: Appointment Letter

Dear Mrs. K. Chandrika,

1. With reference to your application and subsequent interview with us, we are pleased
to appoint you as a Trainee GIS Engineer in our organization on the following terms
and conditions.

2. Date of Joining: You have joined us on 20th June, 2014.

3. Salary: Your Annual Total Employment Cost to the company would be 1,20,000(One
Lakh Twenty Thousand rupees only) the details of which have been given in the

4. Period: Your consultancy period shall be for a period of minimum Six months,
beginning from 20th June, 2014, which can be extended further or terminated earlier
with One Month notice on either side, without assigning any reason.

5. You will be required to maintain most secrecy in respect of Project documents,

commercial offer, design documents, Project cost & Estimation, Technology, Software
packages license, companys policy, Companys patterns & Trade Mark and companys
Human assets profile.

____________________________________________ 8-3-231/145/c, S.K. Nagar, Yousufguda, Hyderabad (South)-500045

Email:- [email protected], [email protected],

Cont: 040-24559899,9640575126.

6. Any of our technical or other important information which might come into your
possession during the continuance of your assignment with us shall not be disclosed,
divulged or made public by you even thereafter.

7. You will not accept any present, commission or any sort of gratification in cash or kind
from any person, party or firm or Company having dealing with the company and if you
are offered any, you should immediately report the same to the Management.

8. If you accept the terms and conditions above mentioned, please sign the declaration
in the duplicate and return to us. The original shall be retained by you.

9. We welcome you to Shalom Geo Tech Solutions family and look forward to a fruitful

With best wishes,

For Shalom Geo Tech Solutions.

Authorized signature


(Signature K. Chandrika)

____________________________________________ 8-3-231/145/c, S.K. Nagar, Yousufguda, Hyderabad (South)-500045

Email:- [email protected], [email protected],

Cont: 040-24559899,9640575126.


Name of the Employee K. Chandrika

Employee ID SH-133
Function Trainee GIS-Engineer

Break-up Monthly Yearly
Basic & DA 5050.00 60600.00
HRA 2350.00 28200.00
LTA 800.00 9600.00
Medical 1000.00 12000.00
CCA 800.00 9600.00
Rs 1, 20,000/-
Rupees:- One Lakh Twenty
Total Cost to Company Thousand Rupees Only.

____________________________________________ 8-3-231/145/c, S.K. Nagar, Yousufguda, Hyderabad (South)-500045

Email:- [email protected], [email protected],

Cont: 040-24559899,9640575126.

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