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Senior Editors Sam Atkinson, Jemima Dunne, Kathryn Hennessy
Senior Art Editor Sharon Spencer
Project Art Editor Amy Child
Editors Suhel Ahmed, Rod Green, Alison Sturgeon, Miezen van Zyl
Introduction: The Railway Revolution 8
Editorial Assistance Alexandra Beeden
Design Assistance Alex Lloyd
Photographer Gary Ombler 18041838: THE IRON HORSE
Picture Research Nic Dean The invention of the steam-powered locomotive led to the
DK Picture Library Claire Bowers, Claire Cordier, Romaine Werblow
development of the rst passenger railway in Britain. This
Jacket Designers Amy Child, Mark Cavanagh
Jacket Editor Maud Whitney new mode of transport spread to other countries, with
Jacket Design Development Manager Sophia MTT Rocket setting the benchmark for future locomotives.
Producer, Pre-Production Nikoleta Parasaki
Producer Linda Dare
Pioneer: Richard Trevithick 14
Managing Editor Esther Ripley
Managing Art Editor Karen Self A British Invention 16
Publisher Sarah Larter Prole: Rocket 18
Art Director Phil Ormerod
The Liverpool & Manchester Railway 22
Associate Publishing Director Liz Wheeler
Publishing Director Jonathan Metcalf Steam for Home and Export 24
DK INDIA Pioneers: The Stephensons 26
Managing Editors Pakshalika Jayaprakash, Rohan Sinha World Pioneers 28
Managing Art Editors Arunesh Talapatra, Sudakshina Basu
Railroad Expansion 30
Senior Editor Anita Kahar
Senior Art Editors Chhaya Sajwan, Mahua Sharma
Project Editor Antara Moitra
Project Art Editor Vaibhav Rastogi
Editor Vibha Malhotra 18391869: BUILDING NATIONS
Art Editors Namita, Supriya Mahajan, Divya PR, Devan Das New tracks were laid across Europe, the US, and India.
Assistant Art Editors Roshni Kapur, Vansh Kohli, Riti Sodhi
Meanwhile, engineers made further innovations to all
Production Manager Pankaj Sharma
Pre-production Manager Balwant Singh aspects of rail travel, increasing its speed and efciency.
Senior DTP Designers Sachin Singh, Jagtar Singh Mass city transit began with the London Underground.
DTP Designers Nand Kishor Acharya, Bimlesh Tiwary
Picture Researcher Aditya Katyal
The US Forges Ahead 36
Picture Research Manager Taiyaba Khatoon
Prole: Thatcher Perkins 38
General Consultant Tony Streeter
Contributors Julian Holland, Keith Fender Building Great Railways: Union Pacic 42
Gary Boyd-Hope, Jonathan Randle Falconer, Peter Herring, Keith Langston,
Ashwani Lohani, Malcolm McKay, David Wilcock
Britain Advances 44

First published in Great Britain in 2014 by

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ISBN: 978-1-4093-4796-5
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Euro Progress 46 18951913: GOLDEN AGE
Pioneer: Isambard Kingdom Brunel 48 Electric-powered railways came into prominence in North
The GWRs Broad Gauge 50 America and Europe, while new innovations increased the
Mass Movers 52 efciency of steam. Emulating London, Paris and New
Building the Tube 54 York introduced their own underground systems.
Nations and Colonies 56
Express Steam for the UK 96
British Evolution 98

18701894: Prole: GWR Auto Trailer No. 92 100

A WORLD OF STEAM Continental Glamour 104

Pioneer: Fulgence Bienvene 106
The rapid growth of the railway dened the power
Prole: H&BT Caboose No. 16 108
of human endeavour. Tracks negotiated every terrain
Rapid Development 112
and all kinds of obstacles, covering vast distances
Prole: VGN Class SA No. 4 114
and making rail travel across continents possible.
The glamour of rail travel was epitomized by grand The New York Elevated Railway 118

stations and luxury services. On Other Gauges 120

Building Great Railways: Trans-Siberian Railway 122
19th-century Racers 62 Competition From the New Electrics 124
London Locals 64
End of the Great Western Broad Gauge 66
Prole: C&PA Snow Plow 68 19141939: STEAMS ZENITH
Delivering to America 72 During World War I locomotives were key in the transport
Building Great Railways: Canadian Pacic 74 of soldiers and munitions. After hostilities ended, steam
Specialist Steam 76 trains became faster and streamlined, and diesel trains
Prole: Merddin Emrys 78 were rolled out for the rst time in the US and Europe.
Shrinking the World 82
Prole: DHR B Class No. 19 84 Locomotives for World War I 130
The First Electric Passenger Train 90 War Machines 132
Fast and Powerful 134 Britain Makes the Change 186
Prole: King Edward II 136 Prole: Deltic Prototype 188
Great Journeys: Orient Express 140 Europe Follows the US 192
Mixed-trafc Movers 142 Great Journeys: The Blue Train 194
Versatile Engines 144 Electric Charge 196
Freight Shifters 146 Post-war Steam 198
Pioneer: Sir Herbert Nigel Gresley 148 Prole: N&W J Class No. 611 200
Streamlined Steam Around Europe 150 World Steams Last Stand 204
Prole: Mallard 152 Prole: Class WP No. 7161 206
The Age of Speed and Style 156 Europes Last Gasp 210
Diesel and Electric Streamliners 158 Prole: Beyer-Garratt No. 138 212
Practical Diesels and Electrics 160 Moving People and Goods 216
Prole: Reading MU No. 800 162


19401959: WAR AND PEACE The Japanese bullet train heralded a new age of
The destruction of many European rail lines during World high-speed rail travel, inspiring Western countries to
War II and the redrawing of national borders at the end of innovation on their own railways. Increasing competition
the conct forced many governments to overhaul their from road and air led to further modernization.
rail systems. Technological advances saw diesel- and
Freight and Passenger Accelerates 222
electric-power take over from steam.
Prole: Modied DR V100 224
World War II Logistics 170 High-speed Pioneers 228
Prole: DR No. 52.8184-5 172 The Bullet Train 230
Wartime Service 176 Prole: DR No. 18.201 232
US Moves into Diesel 178 Technology in Transition 236
Post-war US 180 Great Journeys: Indian Pacic 238
Prole: N&W GP9 Class No. 521 182 Travelling in Style 240
19801999: CHANGING TRACKS Prole: Javelin No. 395 017 284
Dubai Metro 290
New technology focused on developing high-speed
Into the Future 292
networks throughout the world, but the period also saw
the introduction of luxury trains. The Channel Tunnel
opened, linking Britain to mainland Europe.
High Speed Goes Global 246
Building Great Railways: Eurostar 248 This chapter offers an overview of basic rail technology,
Diesels Next Generation 250 from how rails and locomotive wheels are designed, to
A New Wave of Electrics 252 signalling systems past and present. The engineering
Prole: Palace on Wheels 254 principles behind steam, diesel, and electric locomotives
Urban Rail Solutions 260 are explained.

How Tracks Work 296

AFTER 2000: How Wheels Work 297

RAILWAY REVIVAL How Signals Work 298

The new millennium has seen China become a major Radstock North Signal Box 300

proponent of rail travel, building tracks at an How Steam Locomotives Work 302

unprecedented rate and introducing new trains, including How Diesel Locomotives Work 304

the ultrafast Maglev. On a global level, rail travel offered a How Electric Locomotives Work 306

more glamorous and luxurious alternative to the jetliner.

Universal Applications 266 INDEX/ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 312
Historic Railways 268
Prole: Clan Line & Belmond British Pullman 270
High Speed The New Generation 278
Spectacular Stations 280
Faster and Faster 282
The Railway Revolution
The click-clack of wheels on rails, the whiff of coal smoke reason to introduce it. Towns and cities set their own time
and oil, a whistle in the distance, the feeling of anticipation until the need for rigid timetables on the railways called for
and excitement at the start of a long journey standardization. The new technology fuelled urbanization
growing conurbations were fed by railways, delivering people
Railways capture our imagination. They speak to our soul. cheaply from ever farther aeld. Rail networks moved
The elemental attractions of re and steam, the fascination commodities that previously could not be transported long
of technology, and the glamour of connecting faraway places distances perishable fruit, newspapers, owers, and fresh
have all helped cement the place of railways in human hearts. milk were delivered to the masses in a timely manner.
For more than 200 years, trains have fuelled ambitions
and attracted ground-breaking engineers, inspiring them In these many ways, railways became essential to the
to create inventions that tapped into the human desire to creation of modern life, and achieved it with panache.
move forward and open up a world of possibilities. Companies gave their locomotives and services evocative
names; they came up with attractive colour schemes; and
Most importantly, railways have contributed to modern they worked hard on aesthetics to make their engines
history in prosaic, practical ways. Arguably, no single tool graceful, imposing, or dynamic, as well as functional.
has inuenced todays industrial world more. From the rst The drive to move ever forwards shaped the railways too.
stuttering experiments in Cornwall and Wales in the UK As new technologies developed, builders of new routes
to the building of railways that opened up whole continents climbed higher, dug deeper, and went farther, taming the
and helped create nations, as they did in North America most inhospitable ground. The push to be ever faster, ever
and elsewhere, to their capacity to make modern warfare safer, and ever-more efcient drove that progress too.
feasible the invention of the locomotive has shaped the
globe, for good and bad. Across the globe, railways put great effort into achieving
higher speeds, into selling the luxury of their most exclusive
Before the railways, life moved at a different speed; most trains, and into persuading people to use their services both
people travelled only short distances from where they lived for business and leisure. Modern marketing, public relations,
there were no cars, no planes, no modern roads. Until the the seaside holiday in all these areas, the railway has been
arrival of trains there was no unied time and no compelling an instrument of change and a driving force. It is no wonder
The locomotive is the true harbinger of civilization.

that schoolboys have dreamt of becoming locomotive camps during World War II. War became global and more
drivers, that authors as diverse as Leo Tolstoy, mile Zola, deadly, and it was inevitable that rail networks would
Agatha Christie, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle have bound themselves become targets and face huge destruction in
railways into their dramas and mysteries, or that popular modern conicts.
train-based songs like Chattanooga Choo Choo and The
Loco-Motion have stood the test of time. Yet while railways entered increasingly difcult times and
after World War II a period came when they were often seen
In the Golden Age of rail travel, newspapers and newsreels as bland, monotonous, and outdated they always resisted
breathlessly reported the latest advances as well as the becoming merely a thing of the past. In recent years theres
gory details of smashes. New express engine designs were been a renaissance as countries have directed energy into
described in detail, drivers and designers became heroes, building new high-speed routes and reducing their reliance
and there was erce competition for headlines. Locomotives on the motor car.
such as the huge Big Boy class in the US, or Britains
Mallard which broke the speed record for steam in 1938 Today, long container trains are still a vital component in
and still holds it became famous the world over. Half a freight delivery, rumbling across continents as the pioneering
century after steam disappeared across large parts of the trains did more than 200 years ago. Passengers speed across
globe, it is still an emotive force even among those who are borders without having to leave their seats, and the idea of
too young to remember it in service. Dedicated enthusiasts moving people quickly over long distances in comfort is once
chase the nal survivors of the steam age in the most again in vogue. Technology forges ahead, the glamour has
inaccessible places, or restore and preserve engines, returned, and, for many, railways are once again perceived as
coaches, and even entire lines. the civilized way to travel. Two centuries on from the
pioneering moves of the rst iron horses, rails exciting
Its not all been positive, and theres no denying the darker journey continues.
deeds that were made possible by railways. They offered an
opportunity for mass transport that enabled huge armies to
be moved and supplied across continents, as well as the TONY STREETER
deportation of millions of people to Hitlers extermination GENERAL CONSULTANT

18041838 . 13


In South Wales in February 1804, a new machine Key Events
won a bet for its owner. The Pen-y-darren steam r 1804 A locomotive at Pen-y-darren
Colliery, South Wales, launches the
locomotive had just hauled wagons loaded with
steam age. An earlier design by
iron and people for nearly 10 miles (16 km). Trevithick had apparently been built,
Richard Trevithicks machine was slow and but little information survives.

cumbersome, but the achievement would soon r 1808 Trevithicks Catch Me Who Can
is demonstrated in London.
change the world the benets of steam were
r 181314 William Hedley builds Pufng
felt quickly, and innovation was rapid. Billy to run at Wylam colliery in
In 1808 Trevithicks Catch Me Who Can northeast England.
pulled people around a short piece of circular r 1814 George Stephenson constructs
his rst locomotive, for Killingworth
track in London, but it was not until 1825 that Colliery near Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
passenger railways really began to take off. It gains the name Blcher.
In September that year the worlds rst r 1825 The opening of Britains
Stockton & Darlington Railway, the
passenger line to be paid for by public
u Stephensons engines worlds rst passenger railway paid
subscription was opened between Stockton The Rocket was far from the Stephensons only for by public subscription.
locomotive success; North Star ran on the
and Darlington in northeast England. Its rst Great Western Railway between 1838 and 1871. r 1828 Marc Sguin builds Frances
locomotive was Locomotion No. 1, created by rst locomotive.

the father-and-son team of George and Robert Stephenson. The new technology r 1829 Rocket, the template for future
locomotives, wins the Rainhill Trials.
rapidly went international; in France, engineer Marc Sguin built his own
r 1830 Tom Thumb and The Best Friend
locomotive in 1828, and in 1829 the British-built Stourbridge Lion brought of Charleston herald the start of
the steam age to the US, on the Delaware and Hudson line. locomotive building in the US.
Britains famous Rainhill Trials were held in 1829 to decide which locomotives
would be built for the worlds rst inter-city line, the Liverpool & Manchester
Railway (1830). Triumph went to the Stephensons, with their Rocket. Many of
the engines innovations were so successful that Rocket set the basic layout
for future locomotives right until the end of the steam era. Engineers on both
sides of the Atlantic began to adapt designs for their own terrain. In 1830 the
USs home-built Tom Thumb made its debut on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.

The introduction of so powerful

u Tom Thumb
an agent as steam to a carriage on On the trial run of Peter Coopers Tom Thumb in
1830 (re-enacted here), the locomotive hauled a

wheels will make a great change in car containing 18 directors of the B&O Railroad.

r 1834 The rst railway in Ireland is

the situation of man opened between Dublin and Kingstown.
r 1835 Germanys rst railway opens
between Nuremberg and Frth.
r 1835 Britains Great Western Railway
Rainhills skew arch bridge was opened in 1830, one year after the famous Rainhill Trials is incorporated.

Richard Trevithick
Although Richard Trevithick
built the worlds rst
working steam locomotives,
his name is less familiar than
that of other pioneers in
British railway engineering.
Trevithicks misfortune was
that he invented many of
his machines 20 years
before the world was ready
to use them. As well as his
locomotives, Trevithick
pursued other engineering
projects, which included a paddle-wheeled barge, a steam
hammer, a steam rolling mill, and a tunnel under the River
Thames. Trevithick also spent 10 years in South America,
where he used his steam engine designs to help open up
silver mines in Peru. He returned to England in 1827,
but died penniless six years later.

Early on in his career, Trevithick worked as an engineer in the
local mines in Cornwall. His familiarity with stationary engines
used for winding and pulling meant that he was well placed to
experiment with high-pressure engines or strong steam,
which offered greater pulling power for locomotives. He built
his rst steam vehicle in 1801, known as the Puffer. This ran on
roads, not rails, but met an unfortunate end when it crashed
into a house at Camborne in Cornwall and caught re.
In 1803 Trevithick built a high-pressure engine that could
run on iron rails. The Pen-y-Darren engine hauled 10 tons
(10 tonnes) of iron and 70 passengers along a 9-mile
(15.3-km) iron rail track, proving its usefulness. Although the
engines weight eventually fractured the track, it was a
milestone in the development of the locomotives.
Trevithick developed his third and nal locomotive in 1808
and named it Catch-me-who-can. The train pulled passengers
around a circular cast-iron track he had built in London.
Eventually the weight of the train fractured the track and
derailed the engine, but by then Trevithick had proven to the
world that a steam locomotive could be run on tracks.

The money train

Catch-me-who-can (1809) was the rst passenger train to charge a fare.
People had to pay one shilling to ride the train, which travelled at just over
12 mph (19 km/h) around a circular demonstration track in London.
Running on rails
Trevithicks high-pressure tram engine (1803)
was the worlds rst railway locomotive, and a
forerunner to the Stephensons engines. It was
used at the Pen-y-Darren ironworks in South
Wales, where it ran successfully on rails.
16 . 18041838

A British Invention
During the 18th century the British inventors
Thomas Newcomen and James Watt led the way in
the development of the low-pressure, stationary steam
engines that played a vital role in the early years
of the Industrial Revolution. A major breakthrough
took place in the early 19th century when Cornish
inventor Richard Trevithick successfully demonstrated
the worlds rst working high-pressure, steam railway
locomotive. From then on, British inventiveness, led
by the Father of Railways, George Stephenson, Pen-y-darren locomotive, 1804 Richard Trevithicks high-pressure
brought a rapid development, which culminated in Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 steam locomotive hauled the worlds
Cylinders 1 rst train on the Pen-y-darren
1830 with the opening of the worlds rst inter-city Ironworks tramway in Merthyr Tydl,
Boiler pressure 25 psi (1.75 kg/sq cm)
railway, between Liverpool and Manchester. South Wales on 13 February 1804.
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
The train was carrying 10 ton
Top speed approx. 5 mph (8 km/h) (10.2 tonnes) of coal and 70 men.

l Catch Me Who Can, 1808 Pufng Billy, 1813

Wheel arrangement 2-2-0 Wheel arrangement 0-8-0 (nal form 0-4-0)
Cylinders 1 Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 25 psi (1.75 kg/sq cm) Boiler pressure 40 psi (2.8 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 48 in Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
(1,220 mm) Top speed approx. 5 mph (8 km/h)
Top speed approx. 12 mph (19 km/h)
Weighing 7.25 tons (7.4 tonnes) and built by
Richard Trevithicks Catch Me Who William Hedley for the Wylam Colliery in
Can was demonstrated to the public Northumberland, Pufng Billy was the worlds
on a circular track at a steam circus rst commercial adhesion steam engine. Now
in Bloomsbury, London, in 1808. preserved at Londons Science Museum, it is
Unfortunately the train overturned considered the oldest surviving locomotive.
when a rail broke, so the public was
not convinced.

Locomotion No. 1, 1825

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.51 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
Top speed approx. 15 mph (24 km/h)

Built by George and Robert Stephenson,

Locomotion No. 1 hauled the rst train
on the Stockton & Darlington Railway,
the worlds rst public railway, in 1825.
This locomotive has been preserved
and can be seen at the Darlington
Railway Museum, County Durham.
u Rocket, 1829 Agenoria, 1829
Wheel arrangement 0-2-2 Wheel arrangement 0-4-0
Cylinders 2 Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.51 kg/sq cm) Boiler pressure 40 psi (2.8 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 563/4 in Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
(1,435 mm) Top speed approx. 8 mph (13 km/h)
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h)
One of only four steam locomotives built
Robert Stephenson & Co.s advanced and by Foster, Rastrick & Co. of Stourbridge,
innovative Rocket was the clear winner of Agenoria worked on the Earl of Dudleys
the Rainhill Trials held on the Liverpool & Shutt End Colliery Railway, Staffordshire,
Manchester Railway in 1829. The Rocket for 35 years. The same company built the
is shown pulling a rst-class passenger Stourbridge Lion, the rst locomotive to
carriage; luggage was carried on the roof. be exported to the US.

l Sans Pareil, 1829

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.51 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,372 mm)
Top speed approx. 18 mph (29 km/h)

Built by Timothy Hackworth, Sans Pareil

(meaning without equal) performed well
in the Rainhill Trials on the Liverpool &
Manchester Railway in 1829 but exceeded
the permitted weight, so was not
considered for the prize.

Novelty, 1829
Wheel arrangement 0-2-2WT
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.51 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,372 mm)
Top speed approx. 28 mph (45 km/h)

Although it was one of the fastest

locomotives at the 1829 Rainhill Trials,
John Ericsson and John Braithwaites
lightweight Novelty proved unreliable and
was withdrawn. It was the rst locomotive
to have its cylinders within the frames.
18 . 18041838

The Rainhill Trials were staged in 1829 to decide which
locomotives would run the worlds rst inter-city passenger
trains on the Liverpool & Manchester Railway (L&MR) from
15 September 1830. Built by engineer Robert Stephenson,
Rocket competed in the trials and hit a top speed of 28 mph
(45 km/h). As the undisputed winner, Rocket clinched the prized
contract, winning fame and universal acclaim for Stephenson.

ROCKET FEATURED A NUMBER of engineering through to the last steam locomotives. The original
innovations that ensured its success at the Rainhill 1829 Rocket can be seen in Londons Science
Chimney coronet
Trials. It had inclined cylinders on either side of the Museum, but was extensively modied. The replica
rebox, which were connected to single driving shown here is a more accurate representation of
wheels by short rods, giving it more thrust than the original. A working replica built in 1979 for the
16 ft (4.9 m) chimney
could be achieved by the beam arrangement on 150th anniversary of the L&MR resides at the
earlier engines. It was the rst engine to have a National Railway Museum in York. It incorporates
multitube boiler and chimney blastpipe, which the trailing and tender wheelsets and iron frame
Chimney stays
greatly improved steam production. The basic from a replica built at Crewe Works in 1880 to
design principles embodied in Rocket carried mark the centenary of George Stephensons birth.

Inclined cylinder
Water barrel

Fuel space
Class Rocket
Wheel arrangement 0-2-2
Origin UK
Designer/builder Robert Stephenson & Co.
Number produced 5
In-service period 183040
Cylinders 2, inclined at 37 degrees
Boiler pressure 50psi (3.51 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 563/4 in (1,435 mm)
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h)


Roof luggage rack Six-seat Hand-painted Sprung buffers with Carriage name Oak-framed Guards seat
compartment company name safety chain link windows

Revolutionary engine
This Rocket replica includes
many of the features that
facilitated the speeds the
original achieved at the trials.
Rocket was the rst locomotive
to have a fully functional
blastpipe, which forced exhaust
steam up the chimney. The
engine had no brakes. Stopping
was achieved via a foot pedal
that puts the engine into
reverse gear.


20 . 18041838

The 1979 working replica Rocket could never be wholly faithful to the original
because of the need to conform to modern health and safety requirements and
operating conditions. The replica was initially tted with wooden driving
wheels, which had to be replaced with steel ones when the originals buckled
as the engine derailed on rough track at Bold Colliery in May 1980, forcing it
to miss the opening of the Rocket 150 celebrations. The replicas water tank
was a 54-gallon (245-litre) Hogshead beer barrel originally from the
Wadworth Brewery in Devizes, Wiltshire.

1. Boiler barrel brass nameplate 2. Chimney coronet 3. Pressure gauge shut-off valve
4. Boiler water-level test taps 5. Crosshead, showing connecting rod small end and piston rod
6. Timber driving wheel and connecting rod 7. Big end detail 8. Works plate 9. Left side
driving rod 10. Slip eccentric assembly 11. Water barrel 12. Tender wheel and safety chains

2 3 6 7

9 10 12


FOOTPLATE 13 15 16

Rocket has a small basic footplate that

provides no weather protection for
the crew. The fallplate (the metal
plate that bridges the gap between
engine and tender) slides and rocks
about when in operation, so in wet
and windy weather the driver can
feel as if he is at sea. The propensity 17
for dropped lumps of coke or coal to
lodge beneath the oor-mounted,
valve-gear treadle and rebox-damper
handle could make driving conditions
particularly difcult.

13. Firebox with copper, main steam-feed

pipes above 14. Valve gear operating
treadle 15. Regulator valve 16. Firebox
door 17. Right-side, valve-gear
control levers


The carriages seen with the Rocket replica
are both reproductions of original 1834
L&MR rst-class coaches, built in 1930 for
the railways centenary. The carriages each
have three six-seat compartments, and are
named Traveller and Huskisson the latter
after Liverpool MP William Huskisson, who
was struck and killed by the locomotive at
20 21
the L&MRs opening ceremony in 1830.

18. Carriage buffer 19. Tender buffer spring

20. Brass hand grip 21. Carriage name in gold leaf
22. Carriage steps for passengers 23. Carriage
wheel, axle box, and leaf spring 24. Guards seat
25. Carriage window strap 26. First-class button
back upholstered seats

22 23 24 25 26
The Liverpool &
Manchester Railway
The Liverpool & Manchester Railway (L&MR) opened in
1830 and was the worlds rst railway to carry both fare-paying
passengers and freight. It established a cheaper and more
efcient transport link between the factories of Manchester
and Lancashire and the port of Liverpool. This delighted
factory owners, who sought faster and cheaper routes than
those provided by boats on the Bridgewater Canal.

George Stephenson was appointed engineer of the twin-track,
32-mile (51.5-km) line. His expertise was put to the test at Chat
Moss near Manchester, where the track crossed an unstable
4-mile (6.5-km) stretch of peat bog. The terrain almost brought
the project to a halt, but Stephenson overcame the challenge by
having the line built on a oating foundation of wood and stone.
Within three years, 64 bridges and viaducts had been
constructed along the line, including the nine-arch Sankey
Viaduct, the Wapping Tunnel in Liverpool, and a 2-mile (3.2-km)
cutting through Olive Mount. A passenger terminus was also
built at each end of the line in Manchester and Liverpool. In the
rst six months of 1831, the L&MR carried 188,726 passengers
and almost 36,000 tons (36,578 tonnes) of freight.

From top to bottom: Liverpool with rst-class carriages and a mail

coach; Fury with second-class carriages; North Star pulling goods
wagons; and Jupiter transporting livestock.
24 . 18041838

Steam for Home Invicta, 182930

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0

and Export Cylinders 2

Boiler pressure 40 psi (2.81 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
The success of Stephensons Rocket and the opening of the
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h)
worlds rst public railway in 1825 and the inter-city route
Robert Stephenson & Co. built Invicta in
in 1830 led to demand for British-built steam railway
Newcastle, then shipped it to Kent (UK)
locomotives at home and abroad. The most successful of by sea. Invicta hauled the rst train on the
the early builders was Robert Stephenson & Company of Canterbury & Whitstable Railway in 1830.
The locomotive was named after the motto
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, founded by George and his son Robert
invicta (undefeated) on the ag of Kent. It
in 1823. Its early locomotives were built for the Stockton & is on display at Kents Canterbury Museum.
Darlington Railway but it also supplied locomotives for the
rst railways in Egypt and Germany as well as the US.

John Bull, 1831 r Planet, 1830

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 (as built) Wheel arrangement 2-2-0
2-4-0 (as modied) Cylinders 2 (inside)
Cylinders 2 (inside) Boiler pressure 45 psi (3.16 kg/sq cm)
Boiler pressure 45 psi (3.16 kg/sq cm) Driving wheel diameter 66 in
Driving wheel diameter 66 in (1,676 mm) (1,676 mm)
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h) Top speed approx. 35 mph (56 km/h)

Built by Robert Stephenson & Co., Planet was the rst type to have inside
John Bull was exported to the US, where cylinders and the ninth locomotive built
it worked on the Camden & Amboy for the Liverpool & Manchester Railway.
Railroad from 1831 to 1866. US engineer Designed by Robert Stephenson & Co.,
Isaac Dripps added his two-wheel bogie, Planet was the rst engine type to be
to which he attached the rst cowcatcher, built in large numbers.
as well as a headlight, spark-arresting
chimney, and covered tender and cab.



Adler, 1835 The Adler (meaning eagle) was the rst

Wheel arrangement 2-2-2 successful steam railway locomotive to
Cylinders 2 (inside) operate in Germany. It was built for the
Boiler pressure 48 psi (3.37 kg/sq cm) Bavarian Ludwig Railway by Robert
Stephenson & Co. Adler remained in service
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,372 mm)
until 1857. In 1935 a replica was built to mark
Top speed approx. 17 mph (27 km/h) the centenary of the German railways.

d Bury, 1831 These locomotives were built with

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 bar frames to reduce weight and
Cylinders 2 (inside) were noted for their round-topped
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.52 kg/sq cm) reboxes. Designed by Edward
Bury & Co., the Bury was popular
Driving wheel diameter 66 in (1,676 mm)
in the US where light track was
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h) laid quickly to cover vast distances.

North Star, 1838

Wheel arrangement 2-2-2
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.52 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 84 in (2,134 mm)
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h)

u Hawthorn Sunbeam, 1837 Robert Stephenson & Co.s North Star

hauled the inaugural directors train on
Wheel arrangement 2-2-0
the broad-gauge Great Western Railway
Cylinders 2 (inside)
in 1838. The locomotive was rebuilt in
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.52 kg/sq cm) 1854 and withdrawn from service in 1871.
Driving wheel diameter 60 in (1,524 mm)
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h)

Sunbeam was built by R. & W. Hawthorn & Co.

of Newcastle for the Stockton & Darlington
Railway. Hawthorn built marine and stationary
steam engines as well as locomotives for the
broad-gauge Great Western Railway.

r Lion, 1838
Wheel arrangement 0-4-2
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.52 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 60 in (1,524 mm)
Top speed approx. 35 mph (56 km/h)

Lion was one of the rst two locomotives

built by Todd, Kitson & Laird. The other
one was called Tiger. Lion worked on the
Liverpool & Manchester Railway until 1859
before it was retired to Liverpool Docks
as a stationary pumping engine.

The Stephensons


17811848 180359

In 1830 the worlds rst passenger railway opened, the

Liverpool & Manchester, heralding the dawn of mechanized
transportation. The man responsible was George Stephenson,
a self-taught colliery engineer, who is known as the Father
of the Railways for his pioneering achievements in civil and
mechanical engineering. Working with his engineer son Robert,
Stephenson created a series of steam locomotives. The pair also
collaborated on building the Stockton & Darlington Railway
(1825), where George introduced his standard 4 ft 8 in
(1.435 m) rail gauge, which is still in use worldwide today.

George Stephenson was an innovator from the start. In 1814 he
built his inaugural locomotive, Blcher, which was the rst
engine to use anged wheels running on rails. In 1823 he set
up a locomotive works in Newcastle with Robert that built the
rst steam engines to run on commercial railway lines. The
companys rst engine was named Locomotion No. 1, but perhaps
the best known was Rocket, which serviced the Liverpool &
Manchester Railway after winning a competition in 1829.
The Stephensonss growing reputation meant that they were
much in demand as chief engineers to Britains burgeoning rail
network, following the Liverpool & Manchester with the
London & Birmingham railway in 1833. They were even
consulted on railway schemes overseas, in Egypt, Italy, and
Norway. Roberts expertise also extended to railway bridges; he
engineered the High Level Bridge in Newcastle (1849) and the
Royal Border Bridge in Northumberland (1850), among others.

Digging deep
Approximately 480,000 cubic yards (367,000 cubic metres) of rock were
excavated for the 2-mile- (3.2-km-) long Olive Mount Cutting on the Liverpool
& Manchester Railway. The cutting is almost 70 ft (21 m) deep in places.
Winner takes all
Steam locomotive trials were run in October
1829 at Rainhill, near Liverpool, to decide which
engine would be used on the Liverpool &
Manchester Railway. Stephensons Rocket
triumphed, beating four other competitors.
28 . 18041838

World Pioneers
By the mid 1820s, pioneering inventors and engineers in continental
Europe and the US were experimenting with their own designs. Some of
these developments, such as US civil engineer John B. Jerviss swivelling
leading bogie or Frenchman Marc Sguins multitube boiler, would soon
be incorporated into locomotives around the world. By the late 1830s
rapid technological advances in steam locomotive design led to a massive
expansion of railway building. In the US, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
was the rst to operate scheduled freight and passenger services. By 1837
the service had extended from Baltimore over the iconic Thomas Viaduct to
Washington DC and across the Potomac River to Harpers Ferry.

John Stevenss Steam Waggon, 1825 Colonel John Stevenss Steam Waggon
Wheel arrangement early rack-and-pinion demonstrated the practicability of
Cylinders 1 very high-pressure steam railway
u Marc Sguins locomotive, 1829 Fitted with a multitube boiler,
Boiler pressure approx. 100+ psi (7.03 kg/sq cm) locomotives. This was the rst engine Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 enormous rotary blowers, and a large
to run on rails in the US. Stevens ran
Driving wheel diameter 57 in (1,450 mm) Cylinders 2 rebox, Marc Sguins innovative steam
it on a circular track on his estate
Top speed approx. 12 mph (19 km/h) in Hoboken, New Jersey. Boiler pressure approx. 35 psi (2.46 kg/sq cm) locomotive was the rst to be built in
France. It was tested on the Saint-tienne
Driving wheel diameter approx. 54 in (1,372 mm)
& Lyon Railway in November 1829 and
Top speed approx. 15 mph (24 km/h) entered regular service in 1830.

u Best Friend of Charleston, 1830 The rst steam locomotive to be

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 constructed entirely in the US, Best
Cylinders 2 Friend of Charleston was built by the
Boiler pressure approx. 35 psi (2.46 kg/sq cm) West Point Foundry in New York. It
operated a passenger service on the
Driving wheel diameter approx. 57 in (1,450 mm)
South Carolina Railroad until it was
Top speed approx. 25 mph (40 km/h) destroyed by a boiler explosion.


Marc Sguin, 17861875

Born in the Ardche region of France, engineer, inventor,
and entrepreneur Marc Sguin built innovative steam
locomotives for the Saint-tienne & Lyon Railway. His
engines were tted with an ingenious multi-tube boiler,
which he patented in 1827, as well as mechanically driven
fans to improve draughting for the re and a rebox
enclosed by a water jacket for greater heating capacity.
Sguin developed the rst suspension bridge in continental
Europe and went on to build 186 bridges in France.

Engineering Innovation Marc Sguin was inspired by George

Stephensons Locomotion No. 1, which he saw in action on the
Stockton & Darlington Railway in 1825.

Tom Thumb, 1830

Wheel arrangement 2-2-0
Cylinders 1
Boiler pressure approx. 35 psi (2.46 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter approx. 33 in (840 mm)
Top speed 14 mph (23 km/h)

This locomotive was built by US inventor and,

later, presidential candidate Peter Cooper. The
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad raced Tom Thumb
against a horse to decide whether they should
adopt steam power or horse traction; the train
lost, but the railroad saw its potential. Weighing
only 1.1 ton (1 tonne), Tom Thumb had a vertical
boiler with inner tubes fashioned from gun barrels.

DeWitt Clinton, 1831

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure approx. 35 psi (2.46 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter approx. 583/4 in (1,520 mm)
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h)

The rst steam locomotive to operate in New York

State, the DeWitt Clinton was built for the Mohawk &
Hudson Railroad. Passengers travelled in converted
stage coaches. It was named after a governor of
New York State who was responsible for the
construction of the Erie Canal.

Experiment, 1832
Wheel arrangement 4-2-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure approx. 50 psi (3.51 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter approx. 72 in (1,830 mm)
Top speed approx. 60 mph (96 km/h)

This engine was designed by John B. Jervis, chief

engineer for the Delaware & Hudson Canal &
Railroad. Experiment, later named Brother
Jonathan, was built by the West Point Foundry,
New York, for use on the Mohawk & Hudson
Railroad. It was the rst locomotive with
a leading bogie that became the 4-2-0 type.
30 . 18041838

Railroad Expansion
The earliest US railroads were operated using horse power. In 1830 the
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O) was one of the rst to introduce steam.
While some railroads bought designs from edging manufacturers such as
Baldwin, the B&O started constructing their own, including the long-
lived Grasshoppers. In 1836 William Norris introduced the four-wheel
leading bogie, which became common worldwide until the end of steam
in the 20th century. Two years later Johann Schubert's Saxonia became
the rst successful steam engine to be built and operated in Germany.
u Baldwin Old Ironsides, 1832
Wheel arrangement 2-2-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.51 kg/sq cm)
r B&O Atlantic, 1832
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,372 mm)
Wheel arrangement 0-4-0
Top speed approx. 28 mph (45 km/h)
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.52 kg/sq cm) Designed by US inventor Matthias
Driving wheel diameter 35 in (890 mm) Baldwin, Old Ironsides was the rst
commissioned steam locomotive built
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h)
at the Baldwin Locomotive Works,
Built by US inventor and foundry owner for the Philadelphia, Germantown
Phineas Davis for the Baltimore & Ohio & Norristown Railroad.
Railroad, Atlantic was the prototype
for 20 more similar locomotives
nicknamed Grasshoppers.

Early Coaches l Directors Car, 1828

Type 4-wheel
The rst railway passenger coaches in the Capacity 12 passengers
US were primitive affairs, often based on Construction iron and wood
existing designs for turnpike stagecoaches Railway Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
and originally intended for low-speed, Originally horsedrawn, in August
horse-operated railroads. The rail companies 1830 the Baltimore & Ohio
soon learnt that they were impractical: seats Directors Car carried the
railroads directors in the rst
were uncomfortable, passengers in open-air steam-hauled train along the
carriages not only had to brave the elements railway to Ellicotts Mills behind
but also the smoke, hot ash, and cinders Tom Thumb. This is a replica built
in 1926 for the Fair of the Iron
blown out by the equally primitive steam Horse and can be seen at the B&O
locomotives that hauled the coaches. Railroad Museum, Baltimore.

r B&O Lafayette, 1837 William Norriss Lafayette was

Wheel arrangement 4-2-0 the rst in the world to feature
Cylinders 2 a leading four-wheel bogie on a
Boiler pressure 60 psi (4.21 kg/sq cm) production model. A replica,
built in 1927, can be seen at
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,372 mm)
the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Top speed approx. 35 mph (56 km/h) Museum, Baltimore.

u B&O Grasshopper John Hancock, 1836

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 50 psi (3.51 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 35 in (889 mm)
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h)

Fitted with a drivers cab, John Hancock was one of 20

Grasshopper locomotives built by the Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad. It remained in service as a switcher until 1892.

r Saxonia, 1838
Wheel arrangement 0-4-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 60 psi (4.21 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 59 in (1,500 mm)
Top speed approx. 37 mph (60 km/h)

Designed by Johann Schubert, Saxonia was the rst

practical working steam locomotive built entirely in
Germany. It was used on the Leipzig to Dresden Railway
Germanys rst long-distance line. By 1843 Saxonia
had clocked up more than 5,300 miles (8,500 km).

Nova Scotia Coach, 1838

Type 4-wheel
Capacity 6 passengers
Construction iron and wood

l Maryland Coach, 1830 Railway General Mining Association

of Nova Scotia
Type 4-wheel
Capacity 14 passengers Built by Timothy Hackworth of London
Construction iron and wood (UK), the Nova Scotia Coach carried the
Director of Nova Scotias General Mining
Railway Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Association on the colliery railway on
Based on a stagecoach, Richard Imlay's double-deck coach Cape Breton Island in Canada. Also
was one of six built for the inaugural steam train on the known as the brides car, it was said to
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. The carriage body was perched have originally carried the directors
on unsprung wheels cradled on leather straps. It was unstable new bride to their home after their
and offered little protection for top deck passengers. marriage ceremony.

18391869 . 35

On 10 May 1869 a golden spike was Key Events
hammered into a sleeper in a dusty part of r 1839 Germanys rst long-distance
line opens, linking the cities of Leipzig
Utah at Promontory in the US and two
and Dresden.
locomotives eased gently towards each other.
r 1839 In the Netherlands, Amsterdam
The simple ceremony marked the completion and Haarlem are connected by the
of the rst transcontinental railroad, and was a countrys rst railway.
u Indias rst passenger train
key moment in the development of the US. In the On 16 April 1853, GIP No. 1 carried passengers r 1841 Thomas Cook invents the
from Bombay (now Mumbai) to Tannah (now charter train, for a group of
mid-19th century railways were to become the Thane) on the Great Indian Peninsular Railway. temperance campaigners travelling
driving force of progress not just in the US, but from Leicester to Loughborough (UK).
throughout the world. Tracks spread across Europe and into ever more r 1842 Britains Queen Victoria gives
royal approval by travelling on the
inaccessible places. In India, a country that would become one of the greatest Great Western Railway.
railway nations, the rst passenger train left Bombay in April 1853. r 1844 The railway reaches Basel in
Yet this was still a time of experiments. Engineering genius Isambard Kingdom Switzerland, via France; Switzerlands
rst domestic line opens in 1847.
Brunel built Britains Great Western Railway (GWR) not to the normal 4 ft 8 12 in
(1.435 m) track gauge but to his own much wider 7 ft 14 in (2.14 m). The bigger r 1850s Safety is improved with
mechanical interlocking that connects
gauge allowed for high speeds and more spacious trains, but too much track had points and signals together.
already been laid to the narrower width favoured by Stephenson. Mediating in r 1853 Indias debut passenger train
the gauge war, the UK Parliament decided against Brunels idea. runs from Bombay to Thane.

Other inventions had long-lasting effects: the telegraph and mechanical r 1863 The worlds rst true
underground railway Londons
interlocking that connected signals and points were developed through the Metropolitan Railway is opened.
1850s, and in 1869 George Westinghouse introduced air brakes now standard
around the world. As railways grew, so did their reach through society; in 1842
Britains Queen Victoria took her rst train journey, travelling via the GWR on her
way to Windsor. A fundamental change came with the birth of mass city transit
when Londons rst underground line opened in 1863. As the network developed,
labourers could travel cheaply to work from the citys outskirts, fuelling the
creation of the worlds rst metropolis.

u The Metropolitan Line

Steam locomotives in tunnels meant that passengers

Let the country but make the railroads, had to contend with smoky stations and carriages
that were lit by gas lamps.

and the railroads will make the country r 1869 North Americas rst
transcontinental railroad is completed.
r 1869 George Westinghouse of the US
invents the air brake.
r 1869 George Mortimer Pullman
launches the ultimate in luxury
travel the Pullman Car.
The golden spike at Promontory, Utah, in 1869 linked the Union Pacic and Central Pacic railroads in the US
36 . 18391869

The US Forges Ahead r B&O L Class No. 57 Memnon, 1848

Wheel arrangement 0-8-0
The British locomotives imported into the US were often too heavy for the lighter, Cylinders 2
quickly laid rail tracks, and not powerful enough to cope with the steeper gradients. Boiler pressure 75 psi (5 kg/sq cm)
So US engineers developed designs tailored to their railways needs. A leading truck, Driving wheel diameter 44 in (1,118 mm)
rst with two wheels then four, was tted to guide the engines through the many Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h)

sharp curves. Improved traction led to the 4-4-0 becoming the standard type, soon Bought by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in
followed by the more powerful 4-6-0. Cowcatchers, headlights, and warning bells were 1848 for freight working, Memnon was later
used in the Civil War, for hauling troops and
tted to cope with the unfenced tracks. American designers built locomotives capable of supplies. Eight driving wheels gave this
hauling heavy loads over a railroad system that by 1871 linked two oceans. locomotive its extra power and traction.

d CVR No. 13 Pioneer, 1851 Pioneer hauled the short passenger

Wheel arrangement 2-2-2 trains of the Cumberland Valley
Cylinders 2 Railroad of Pennsylvania and
Boiler pressure 100 psi (7 kg/sq cm) western Maryland until 1890.
It survived the destruction of
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,372 mm)
the railways workshops by the
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h) Confederate troops in 1862.


Financing the Railroads

Railroad promoters looked to the commercial
centres of Philadelphia, Boston, and New York, as
well as European money markets to raise capital to
develop the railways. Investors preferred bonds to
stocks since these offered a guaranteed income. At
the same time, the US government offered federal
land grants to the rail companies, who then sold the
land they did not need to raise more funds.

B&O stocks The value of shares in the USs new Baltimore W&A No. 39 The General, 1855
& Ohio Railroad exceeded $3 million in 1839 when this $100 Wheel arrangement 4-4-0
certicate was issued.
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 140 psi (10 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 60 in (1,524 mm)
Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h)

Built by the Western & Atlantic

Railroad, The General pulled
passenger and freight trains
between Atlanta, Georgia, and
Chattanooga, Tennessee, from
1856 until 1891.

u B&O Class B No. 147

Thatcher Perkins, 1863
Wheel arrangement 4-6-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 175 psi (12.30 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 60 in (1,524 mm)
Top speed approx. 50 mph (80 km/h)

The Baltimore & Ohios Thatcher Perkins

(named after the companys Master of
Machinery who designed it) is a survivor
from among 16,500 Ten-Wheelers
(4-6-0s) that were built for American
railroads up to 1910. Its power was
deployed climbing the steeply graded
lines of West Virginia.

UP No. 119, 1868

Wheel arrangement 4-4-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 85 psi (6 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 60 in (1,524 mm)
Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h)

This is a replica of the Union Pacics

No. 119 rst built by Rogers Locomotive
Works of Paterson, New Jersey. The
original was stationed at Ogden, Utah,
and called upon to mark the completion
of the rst transcontinental railroad in
May 1869. It served the route until 1903.

CP No. 60 Jupiter, 1868 Jupiter was built in New York, shipped in

Wheel arrangement 4-4-0 kit-form to San Francisco via Cape Horn,
Cylinders 2 then transported by barge to Sacramento,
Boiler pressure 110 psi (8 kg/sq cm) where it was reassembled. The locomotive
represented the Central Pacic Railroad
Driving wheel diameter 60 in (1,524 mm)
at the golden spike ceremony on
later changed to 61 in (1,600 mm)
completion of the transcontinental
Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h) railroad. This replica was built in 1979.
38 . 18391869

Thatcher Perkins
Designed by the Master of Machinery at the Baltimore &
Ohio (B&O) Railroad, Thatcher Perkins, the Class B No. 147
was built in 1863. It entered service the same year, and was
used to transport Union troops during the American Civil War.
Subsequently, No. 147 hauled freight and passenger trains in
West Virginia until its retirement in 1892. It was given the name
Thatcher Perkins for the B&Os centennial celebrations in 1927.

WITH EXTRA GRIP from its 4-6-0 wheel arrangement, No. 147
was a natural progression from the 4-4-0 locomotive workhorses
rst used by US railways. Fitted with Stephenson link-motion
valve gear and a large, spark-arresting smokestack and oil lamp,
this 40-ton (41-tonne) locomotive was designed to pull rst-class
passenger trains on the companys steeply graded line from
Cumberland to Grafton in what is now West Virginia. It replaced
a similar locomotive destroyed in the American Civil War in
1861, and began service hauling Union troops and munitions
across the Allegheny Mountains during the war.
The locomotives heavy build kept it in service for 29 years,
after which it was retired and preserved by the B&O for
exhibitions and other public-relations purposes. Since 1953
Thatcher Perkins has been on display in the Mount Clare
Roundhouse at the B&O Railroad Museum in Baltimore.
However, in 2003 the buildings roof collapsed during a
blizzard and the locomotive was seriously damaged. It has
since been restored, and is now back on display in the museum. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW

Class B In-service period 186392 (Thatcher Perkins)
Wheel arrangement 4-6-0 Cylinders 2
Leading the way Origin USA Boiler pressure 175 psi (12.3 kg/sq cm)
Opening in 1827, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad was
Designer/builder Thatcher Perkins/B&O Driving wheel diameter 60 in (1,524 mm) as built
the rst railway in the US to operate scheduled
freight and passenger services for the public. Number produced 11 Class B Top speed approx. 50 mph (80 km/h)

Driving cab made of Firebox dome contains

seasoned hardwood safety valve and throttle
Warning bell tted with
Tender is carried on Handbrake controls controlled from spark arrester
two four-wheel bogies brakes on rear bogie cab by a cord
of tender only

Pilot deects
objects away
from track
T H ATC H E R P E R K I N S . 39

Safety rst
When rst introduced No. 147 burned
enormous quantities of wood, which
it carried in the eight-wheel tender. The
locomotives spark-arresting chimney
was tted with a double layer of mesh
that stopped wood embers oating
away and setting re to railside
buildings and vegetation.
40 . 18391869


The B&O painted No. 147 in a bold colour scheme. The large
headlamp, pilot (cowcatcher), sand dome, driving cab, and
tender body were nished in Indian red with gold lettering and
lining. The locomotive and tender wheels as well as the top of
the smokestack were painted in vermilion, while the cylinders,
smoke box, chimney, wheel splashers, under parts, and boiler
casing were black. Finally, the boiler bands, ag holders, bell, and
oil cups were made of brass. Unlike in Europe, it was common
practice in North America to t pilots, or cowcatchers, to the
front of steam locomotives to deect obstacles from the track.

1. Engine number plate 2. Pilot (cowcatcher) 3. Headlight 4. Oil cup

for lubricating steam chest 5. Cylinder housing piston 6. Linkage for
valve gear 7. Brass bell with decorative mounting yoke 8. Sand dome
9. Brass whistle 10. Oil cups for lubricating side rods 11. Driving wheels
and side rods 12. Tender bogie (truck) 13. Crosshead 14. Cab windows
15. Steps up to tender 16. Link-and-pin coupler at rear of tender

1 8 9 10


13 14
T H ATC H E R P E R K I N S . 41


11 18 19 20 22


23 24


The spacious driving cab was built of wood and
protected the driver and reman from the
elements; the cab was also tted with arched
windows, allowing a good view of the track
ahead. Cords to operate the whistle and bell
15 16
hung from the roof, while seats were arranged
at each side of the rebox door and offered
the crew a touch of comfort.
Early American steam locomotives used
vast quantities of wood carried in a large
tender at the rear. No. 147s tender, which also
contained a water tank taking up the two sides
and rear, was carried on two four-wheel bogies.

17. Locomotive cab (rear view) 18. Water-level gauge

(sight glass) 19. Boiler pressure gauge 20. Water
tri-cocks 21. Firebox doors 22. Reverser bar (Johnson
bar) 23. Firemans seat 24. Handbrake wheel
25. Tender coal bunker
42 . 18391869

Building Great Railways

Union Pacific
Completed in 1872, the rst transcontinental railway across North
America linked Chicago with California. Today the route is owned
by Union Pacic, North Americas largest Class 1 freight railway.

THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD (UP) started life Travel poster

in 1862 when President Lincoln signed the Pacic A woman overlooks a
lush Californian valley in
Railroad Act authorizing the building of the rst
this promotional poster
transcontinental railway across North America. for Union Pacic from
Following the wagon-train trails made by pioneer around 1915.
emigrants heading west, the UP was to build
westwards from Omaha, Nebraska, on the west Led by the railways
bank of the Missouri River. The Central Pacic rst General Manager,
Railroad (CP) was to build eastwards from Thomas Durant, and
Sacramento, California. with a workforce of
The CP began laying track from Sacramento Irish navvies, the UP
in 1863. All of the railway equipment for this commenced building
section had rst to be brought on a long and westwards along the
often dangerous voyage around Cape Horn Platte River Valley
from the East Coast, a journey that could from Omaha in 1865.
sometimes take several months. Railway equipment was
rst delivered for the UP by riverboats. However,
Union Pacic freight train
the opening of the Chicago, Iowa & Nebraska
The Union Pacic owns nearly 95,000 freight cars and
operates double-stack intermodal freight over its 31,800 miles Railroad (later, the Chicago & North Western
(51,177 km) of track between the West and East coasts. Railroad) linking Chicago to Council Bluffs on the

Construction train, 1868 1

Construction teams simultaneously
worked on east, central, and western O F A M E R I C A
sections of the Overland route,
as it was known. 3 Dale Creek Bridge
Promontory Summit The
The longest trestle on the Union Pacic,
golden spike was driven by
completed in 1868, Dale Creek Bridge
ofcials of the Union Pacic
Donner Pass The completion of was 150 ft (46m) high and was so
and the Central Pacic at the
the 1,659-ft (506-m) Tunnel No. 6 slender that it swayed in strong
lines inauguration in 1869.
in 1868 allowed the Central winds. It was later bypassed.
Pacic to pass through the WYO M IN G
Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Summit Union Pacic
Promontory Point began building this
Rawlins section in 1865.
Sacramento N E B RASK A
Laramie Cheyenne
SacramentoPromontory Island
San This section was built by Sherman Summit This was the
Francisco Central Pacic.
Supply train in Utah 2
highest point of the track at
8,015 ft (2,443 m). It was later
Wagons drawn by oxen were used to
bypassed by a new, lower route.
SacramentoOakland (San bring supplies for the construction of
Francisco) This section was the railway near Echo Canyon,
built by Western Pacic. northeast Utah.

CALIFOR NIA U TAH Bailey Railroad Yard 6
Union Pacics Bailey Railroad Yard,
North Platte, Nebraska is the worlds
largest marshalling yard.


Although named the Union Pacic Railroad, the
transatlantic route was originally built by four
1863 First Central Pacic rails laid at Sacramento
companies: the Chicago, Iowa & Nebraska
1865 First Union Pacic rails laid in Omaha
Railroad; the Union Pacic; the Central Pacic;
1869 Golden spike ceremony at Promontory
and the Western Pacic.
1872 Missouri River Bridge completes the line
1883 First passenger service on Overland Flyer 1

Union Pacic diesels First steam locomotive 4-4-0 Major General
The Union Pacic owns just over 8,000 diesel-electric Sherman built in 1864, rst saw service in 1865
locomotives, one of which is seen here at the head of a freight
Largest steam locomotive 4000-Class 4-8-8-4
train on the Overland route through the California desert.
articulated locomotives or Big Boys, 194144
Diesel-electric locomotives Union Pacic currently
east bank of the Missouri River opposite Omaha, operates 8,000, including General Electric 4,400 hp
allowed materials to be delivered by train, and by CC44AC/CTE; EMD 4,000 hp SD70M
1868 this section had reached Sherman Summit.
Meanwhile, in the west, the CP employed JOURNEY
12,000 Chinese labourers to construct 15 tunnels Chicago to San Francisco 2,300 miles (3,700 km)
to reach Donner Pass by 1868. 1893 Overland Flyer takes 86 hours 30 minutes
The two railways met at Promontory on 9 May including a ferry from Oakland to San Francisco
1869, where ceremonial golden spikes were driven 1906 The Overland Limited takes 56 hours
into the nal wooden sleeper or tie. However, Current journey 51 hours
the transcontinental railway was only nally
completed in 1872 when the Union Pacic opened RAILWAY
up its bridge across the Missouri River, linking Gauge 4 ft 8 12 in (1,435 mm)
Omaha and Council Bluffs. Tunnels Union Pacic: 4; Central Pacic: 15; longest is
Passenger trains were discontinued in 1971 when Summit Tunnel 1,750 ft (533 m)
the newly formed Amtrak took over responsibility Longest bridge Dale Creek Bridge 600 ft (183 m)
for these services. Today, apart from a daily Highest point Sherman Summit 8,015 ft (2,443 m).
passenger service aboard the luxurious California Now bypassed
Zephyr, the route carries only freight.

Main stations
Union Pacic
Central Pacic
Chicago, Iowa & Nebraska
Western Pacic

4 The Overland train

The Overland Flyer, later the Overland
Limited, ran part of the Union Pacic route
from 1887. Passengers could enjoy the scenery
from the observation car at the trains rear. 4 5

ChicagoCouncil Bluffs (Omaha)

This section of the line, built by
Chicago, Iowa & Nebraska Railroad,
predated the other sections of the
Union Pacic Railroad.

IOWA 5 Forty-Niner to San Francisco

Chicago The Forty-Niner, named for the
miners of the California Gold Rush in
Omaha 1849, was a heavyweight steam
streamliner which departed ve times
a month from Chicago in the 1940s.

Council Bluffs A ILLINOIS

ferry transferred
passengers across
the Missouri River
to Omaha before
the bridge was built.
0 150 300 miles

0 150 200 450 km

44 . 18391869

Britain Advances
This period of British railway history features both
successes and failures. The Grand Junction Railways
famous Crewe Works opened on a green-eld site in
1840 and was soon turning out graceful, single-wheeler
express locomotives. While in Liverpool, Edward Bury
pursued his bar-frame design, which became popular in
North America. On the downside, Brunels atmospheric
railway in Devon was an unmitigated disaster, and the
failure of John Fowlers underground steam locomotive
caused the designer much embarrassment.

FR No. 3 Old Coppernob, 1846 Nicknamed Old Coppernob because of the

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 copper cladding around its rebox, this locomotive
Cylinders 2 (inside) was designed by Edward Bury, and built at Bury,
Boiler pressure 100 psi (7 kg/sq cm) Curtis & Kennedy of Liverpool for the Furness
u Fireless locomotive This experimental locomotive, designed
Railway in northwest England. It is normally at
Driving wheel diameter 57 in (1,448 mm) Fowlers Ghost, 1861 by John Fowler and built by Robert
the National Railway Museum, York, and is the
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h) Wheel arrangement 2-4-0 Stephenson & Co., was intended
only survivor of the bar-frame design in the UK.
Cylinders 2 (inside) for use on Londons broad-gauge
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm) Metropolitan underground railway.
The engine was tted with condensing
Driving wheel diameter 72 in (1,830 mm)
apparatus to prevent steam and smoke
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h) emissions; it was a complete failure.
r GJR Columbine, 1845
Wheel arrangement 2-2-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 120 psi (8.43 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 72 in (1,830 mm)
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h)

The locomotive Columbine, designed by

Alexander Allen, was the rst to be built
at the Grand Junction Railways Crewe
Works. It was subsequently used to haul
the London & North Western Railways
Engineering Department Inspection
Saloon. It hauled passenger trains
until 1877 and was withdrawn in
1902. It is now a static exhibit at
London's Science Museum.
B R I TA I N A DVA N C E S . 4 5

l FR Prince, 1863 TECHNOLOGY

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 24 in (610 mm)
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h)

Businessman and engineer George England

designed and built Prince. It was one of the
rst three steam locomotives delivered to
the slate-carrying 1-ft 111/2-in- (0.60-m-) gauge
Ffestiniog Railway in North Wales in 1863. It
was returned to service in 2013 for the 150th
anniversary of steam on the railway, and is
the lines oldest working engine.

r LSWR Class 0298, 1863

Wheel arrangement 2-4-0WT
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm) Brunels Atmospheric Railway
Driving wheel diameter 67 in (1,702 mm) British engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel built the broad-
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h) gauge South Devon Railway between Exeter and Totnes as
an atmospheric railway. Dispensing with locomotives,
The Class 0298 was designed by Joseph trains were pushed along by a long piston enclosed in a
Beattie for the London & South Western cast-iron tube in the middle of the track. The vacuum to
Railway to provide suburban passenger move the piston was created at stationary pumping houses
services in southwest London. A total of (such as the one above). The railway opened in 1847, but
85 of these well-tank locomotives were failed within a year. In 1848 it was converted to operate
built, the majority by Beyer Peacock & Co. with conventional haulage, because the grease that was
applied to the leather ap that sealed the pipe melted
during hot weather, or was eaten by rats.

Atmospheric railway track This section of

Brunels broad-gauge track with its cast-iron
l LNWR Pet, 1865 vacuum pipe is on display at
Wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST Didcot Railway Centre.
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 120 psi (8.43 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 15 in (380 mm)
Top speed approx. 5 mph (8 km/h)

John Ramsbottom, the locomotive

superintendent of the London & North
Western Railway, designed this engine. Pet
is a small cabless steam locomotive that
worked on the 1-ft 6-in- (0.45-m-) narrow-
gauge Crewe Works Railway until 1929.
It is now a static exhibit at the National
Railway Museum, York.
46 . 18391869

Euro Progress r Oldenburgische Class G1 No. 1

Landwhrden, 1867
Wheel arrangement 0-4-0
The 1840s saw rapid railway building across
Cylinders 2
Europe, with many locomotive designs still Boiler pressure 142 psi (9.98 kg/sq cm)
heavily inuenced by British engineering Driving wheel diameter 59 in (1,500 mm)
expertise; many had set up workshops in Top speed 37 mph (60 km/h)
France and Austria. By the 1850s Thomas The rst locomotive to be built by Georg
Cramptons unusual long-boilered, single- Krauss of Munich, No. 1 Landwhrden won
wheeler engines were hauling trains a gold medal for excellence of design and
workmanship at the World Exhibition in
between Paris and Strasbourg at speeds Paris in 1867. After rst working on the
exceeding 70 mph (113 km/h). The design Grand Duchy of Oldenburg State Railways
and craftsmanship of locomotives built by branch lines this lightweight engine was
retired in 1900 and is now on display
edgling European builders such as Strauss at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
of Munich stood the test of time with many
remaining in service well into the 20th century.

SNB Limatt, 1847 Built by Emil Kessler of Karlsruhe, Germany,

Wheel arrangement 4-2-0 Limatt was the rst steam locomotive on
Cylinders 2 the Swiss Northern Railway (Schweizerische
Boiler pressure 85 psi (6 kg/sq cm) Nordbahn, or SNB), Switzerlands rst railway.
The engine is named after the River Limmat,
Driving wheel diameter 59 in
which the railway followed for much of
(1,500 mm)
its route. It is on display at the Swiss
Top speed approx. 35 mph (56 km/h) Museum of Transport in Luzern.

r CF de lEst Crampton, 1852 These fast locomotives, designed by British

Wheel arrangement 4-2-0 engineer Thomas Crampton, featured a large
Cylinders 2 driving wheel at the rear and a low mounted
Boiler pressure 120 psi (8.43 kg/sq cm) boiler. Built by Jean-Francois Cail, No. 80
Le Continent hauled express trains between
Driving wheel diameter 84 in (2,134 mm)
Paris and Strasbourg, retiring only in 1914 after
Top speed 79 mph (127 km/h) covering 1.5 million miles (2.4 million km).

l Sdbahn Class 23 GKB 671, 1860

Wheel arrangement 0-6-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 98 psi (6.89 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 49 in (1,245 mm)
Top speed 28 mph (45 km/h)

This engine was built by the Lokomotivfabrik

der StEG of Vienna to haul freight trains on
the Graz-Kacher Railway in southern
Austria. Still used to haul excursion trains,
GKB 671 is the oldest steam locomotive in
continuous use in the world.


Class Travel
From the very early days, rail passengers were sorted
according to their ability to pay and their position in
society. While rst-class passengers got sumptuous
seating and plenty of space, second class was often
very overcrowded and the seats were generally
wooden. Those in third class travelled in uncovered
wagons open to the elements, and to the smoke,
cinders, and ash from the steam engine at the front.

u CF de lOuest Buddicom Type 111 Built in Rouen, France, by British engineer

No. 33 Saint-Pierre, 1844 William Buddicom for the new Paris to
Wheel arrangement 2-2-2 Rouen railway, No. 33 Saint-Pierre had
Cylinders 2 a long and successful career, retiring
Boiler pressure 80 psi (5.62 kg/sq cm) only in 1912. It is the oldest original
steam locomotive still preserved on the FIRST CLASS
Driving wheel diameter 75 in (1,905 mm)
European mainland, and is on display at
Top speed 37 mph (60 km/h) the Cit du Train Museum in Mulhouse.

l BG Type 1B N2T
Muldenthal, 1861
Wheel arrangement 2-4-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 110 psi (8 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
Top speed 30 mph (48 km/h) SECOND CLASS
Schsische Maschinenfabrik of Chemnitz
built the Type 1B N2T Muldenthal to
haul coal trains on the newly opened
Bockwaer Railway in Saxony. When retired
in 1952 it was the oldest operational
locomotive in Germany. It is now on
display at the Dresden Transport Museum.

A Day at the Races, 1846 This cartoon from the London
Illustrated News shows the social distinctions of class
travel on the railways in Britain.

Isambard Kingdom
Brunel 180659
Audacious and controversial,
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
became Britains most
innovative and successful
engineer of the Victorian era.
As a young man he worked
on designs for bridges and
commercial docks with his
father Marc, an emigr
French inventor and engineer.
Brunels career took off in
1826 when he was appointed
resident engineer for the
Thames Tunnel scheme between Wapping and Rotherhithe in
London. Besides designing several of Britains most famous
railways, bridges, viaducts, and tunnels, Brunel was also involved
in several dock schemes and three designs for transatlantic ships,
which together transformed the face of Victorian England.


Brunels most enduring contribution to railway development in
Britain was the Great Western Railway (GWR) linking Bristol
with London. Despite having no previous experience of railway
engineering, he was selected for what was the most technically
challenging civil engineering project of its time.
Building began simultaneously from both the London and
Bristol termini in 1835, and the line opened in 1841. The
118-mile (190-km) route became famous for its smooth ride, and
earned the GWR the nickname Brunels billiard table. Brunels
desire to establish the GWR as the fastest and most comfortable
line saw him adopt a broad rail gauge of 7 ft in (2.14 m)
instead of George Stephensons standard gauge of 4 ft 8 in
(1.435 m), which had been used on railway lines in the Midlands
and the North. It led to the Battle of the Gauges, which lasted
50 years until the GWR nally embraced the standard gauge in
1892. The line remains a key route on Britains rail network.
Brunels nal engineering project was the Royal Albert
Bridge, famous for its gigantic tubular arches. By the time it was
complete in 1859, Brunel was too ill to attend the opening, but
managed to view his imposing masterpiece by lying on a
platform truck that was hauled slowly across the bridge.

Box Tunnel
Built in 1841, Box Tunnel in Wiltshire linked the nal section of the GWR
between Chippenham and Bath. The construction of the 2-mile- (3.2-km-) long
tunnel claimed the lives of more than 100 labourers.
Reaching Cornwall
Brunel built the Royal Albert Bridge (1859)
to carry the railway across the River Tamar into
Cornwall, extending the network westwards.
Here a prefabricated bridge span is being
prepared to be raised into position.
50 . 18391869

The GWRs Broad Gauge

While other British railways were being built to the standard gauge of 4 ft 8 in
(1.435 m), engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel used the broad gauge of 7 ft in (2.14 m)
when building the Great Western Railway, which opened from London Paddington to
Bristol in 1841. Brunel had argued that his design offered higher speeds, smoother
running, more stability, and increased comfort for passengers when compared to standard-
gauge railways. In many ways he was right, but the spread of the standard gauge not
only in Britain but also in many other parts of the world, including North
America, led to Brunels broad gauge becoming an anachronism.
The GWRs last broad-gauge train ran on 21 May 1892.

l GWR Firey Class Designed by Daniel Gooch, Firey was one of

Fire Fly, 1840 61 express passenger locomotives built for the
Wheel arrangement 4-2-2 Great Western Railway by various builders
Cylinders 2 (inside) between 1840 and 1842. The class was known
Boiler pressure 100 psi (7 kg/sq cm) for its speed with the original Fire Fly travelling
from Twyford to Paddington in only 37 minutes.
Driving wheel diameter 84 in (2,134 mm)
Built in 2005, this working replica is the 63rd Fire
Top speed approx. 58 mph (93 km/h) Fly. It operates at Didcot Railway Centre.

l GWR Iron Duke Class

Iron Duke, 1846
Wheel arrangement 4-2-2
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 100 psi (7 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 96 in
(2,440 mm)
Top speed approx. 77 mph (124 km/h)

Twenty-nine Iron Duke Class express

passenger locomotives, designed by
Daniel Gooch, were built at the Swindon
Works of the Great Western Railway
and Rothwell & Co. of Bolton-le-Moors
between 1846 and 1855. The
working replica Iron Duke, seen
here, was built in 1985 and is on
display at Didcot Railway Centre.

l GWR Iron Duke Class Sultan, 1857

Wheel arrangement 4-2-2
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 100 psi (7 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 96 in (2,440 mm)
Top speed approx. 77 mph (124 km/h)

One of the Great Western Railways Iron Duke Class

express locomotives, Sultan was originally built in 1847,
but was involved in an accident at Shrivenham a year
later when it ran into a goods train. The prototype of
this class, Great Western, was originally tted with one
pair of carrying wheels at the front as a 2-2-2. As with
other members of the class, Sultans driving wheels
had no anges to allow movement on curves.

r GWR Iron Duke Class

Lord of the Isles, 1851
Wheel arrangement 4-2-2
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 140 psi (10 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 96 in (2,440 mm)
Top speed approx. 77 mph (124 km/h)

Another express passenger locomotive

designed by Daniel Gooch for the Great
Western Railway, Lord of the Isles was an
improved version of the Iron Duke Class
with higher boiler pressure, sanding gear,
and a better drivers cab. When new,
it was exhibited at the Great Exhibition
of 1851, and then in Chicago in 1893.
It was withdrawn in 1884.

l GWR Rover Class, 1870/1871 Built between 1871 and 1888, the Great
Wheel arrangement 4-2-2 Western Railways Rover Class of express
Cylinders 2 (inside) locomotives was similar to the Iron Duke
Boiler pressure 145 psi (10.19 kg/sq cm) Class, but with a small increase in boiler
pressure and more protective drivers
Driving wheel diameter 96 in
cabs. They used names previously carried
(2,440 mm)
by Iron Dukes and stayed in service until
Top speed approx. 77 mph (124 km/h) the end of the broad gauge in 1892.


Battle of the Gauges

There were major problems for passengers who were forced to
change trains at stations where the Great Western Railways
broad gauge met standard-gauge tracks. In 1846 the British
Government passed the Railway Regulation (Gauge) Act, which
mandated the 4-ft 812-in (1.435-m) gauge for UK and 5 ft 3 in
(1.6 m) for Ireland. Brunel was overruled, and by 1892 all the
GWRs lines were converted to standard gauge.

Break of Gauge at Gloucester, 1846 This political cartoon depicts

the confusion caused at Gloucester station where passengers with
luggage had to change trains from the broad-gauge Great Western
Railway to the standard-gauge Midland Railway and vice versa.

u GWR Broad Gauge Coach, 1840 This replica of a Great Western Railway,
Type 6-wheel, Second Class broad-gauge, second-class carriage was
Capacity 48 passengers built by Londons Science Museum to run
with their replica Iron Duke locomotive,
Construction iron chassis, wooden
to celebrate the anniversary of the
coach body
railway in 1985. It now operates with
Railway Great Western Railway Fire Fly at Didcot Railway Centre.
52 . 18391869

Mass Movers
As railways expanded, so did their roles and with that the need for engines designed for
specic purposes. Express passenger engines had large driving wheels, which increased the
distance travelled in each rotation. For goods trains, haulage power was transmitted through
six, eight, or ten smaller wheels that provided the adhesion necessary for trains to move heavy
loads. Suburban passenger services kept to timetables by using tank engines that could run
equally well smokebox- or bunker-rst. For branch line and shunting engines, size and weight
were key factors, so the short wheelbase 0-4-0 and the 2-4-0 and 0-6-0 types were preferred.

S&DR No. 25 Derwent, 1845 From the middle of the 19th century,
Wheel arrangement 0-6-0 the six-wheel goods engine became the
Cylinders 2 principal British locomotive. One of
Boiler pressure 75 psi (3.5 kg/sq cm) the earliest, Timothy Hackworths
Derwent of 1845, served the Stockton
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
& Darlington Railway, in northeast
Top speed approx. 1015 mph (1624 km/h) England, until 1869.

r Met Class A No. 23, 1864

Wheel arrangement 4-4-0T
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 120.13 psi
(8.46 kg/sq cm); later 150 psi
(10.53 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 601/2 in
(1,537 mm)
Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h)

Tank locomotives built by Beyer

Peacock & Co of Manchester
were the mainstay of Londons
Metropolitan Railway from the 1860s
until the advent of electrication.
To cut pollution, exhaust steam was
returned to the water tanks where
it was condensed for reuse.

and Carriages
Unsurprisingly, the designs of the earliest
railway vehicles were based on proven
ideas. Carriages adopted the design of the
road coach; wagons were no more than
enlarged versions of the iron and wooden,
four-wheel tubs that had been used in mines
u SH Chaldron Wagon, The design of the chaldron
for centuries. However, increasing loads 184555 a medieval measure used for
both passenger and goods faster speeds, Type Bucket-type coal wagon weighing coal was adopted
Weight 31/3 tons (3.35 tonnes) for the earliest type of wagon.
and the call for greater comfort and facilities
This one was used on George
brought about rapid advances. Construction Iron platework and
Stephensons railway at the
South Hetton Colliery, County
Railway South Hetton Colliery Durham, which opened in 1822.

l LNWR Large Bloomers, 1851

Wheel arrangement 2-2-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 100 psi (7 kg/sq cm); later
150 psi (10.53 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 84 in (2,134 mm)
Top speed approx. 5060 mph (8096 km/h)

Designed by James McConnell, 74 of these

single-wheeler passenger engines were built
for the London & North Western Railway
up to 1862. They mainly worked between
London and Birmingham. The nickname,
Large Bloomers, is attributed to American
reformer Amelia Bloomer who scandalized
Victorian society by wearing trousers.

r S&PR No. 5 Shannon, 1857

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0WT
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 120 psi (8.43 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 35 in (889 mm)
Top speed approx. 1012 mph (1619 km/h)

Londons George England & Co. built this

well tank for the Sandy & Potton Railway
in Bedfordshire. In 1862 Shannon was sold
to the London & North Western Railway,
spending 16 years as a works shunter
before ending its career on the Wantage
Tramway in Oxfordshire.

l L&BR Queen Adelaides

Saloon No. 2, 1842
Type Passenger carriage with
fold-down beds
Capacity 10 passengers
Construction Wooden body, iron chassis
Railway London & Birmingham Railway

This stagecoach on wheels

transported Adelaide, Queen
Consort to Britains William IV. u NBR Dandy Car No. 1, 1863 Between 1863 and 1914 passengers
While the chassis was entrusted Type Horse-drawn rail car on the Port Carlisle Railway in
to the London & Birmingham Railways Capacity 30 passengers (12 rst northwest England travelled in this
Euston Works, the body was the work of and second class, 18 third class) horse-drawn Dandy Car, the horse
a London coach builder. This is the oldest trotting between the rails. First- and
Construction Wooden body and frame
preserved carriage in Europe and is in second-class passengers sat inside, while
Railway North British Railway third class sat on benches at either end.
the National Railway Museum, York.
Building the Tube
Congestion on Londons roads was a problem even during the
mid-19th century. Charles Pearson, a city solicitor, decided to
tackle the issue and was instrumental in raising the 1.3 million
required to build the worlds rst underground railway line, the
3.75-mile- (6-km-) long Metropolitan. The line would link the
City of London in the east and the Great Western Railways
terminus at Paddington to the west, with intermediate stations
serving Kings Cross and Euston.
Construction of the line alternated between open cuttings
and tunnels, the latter mostly formed using a cut-and-cover
method. This involved removing the street surface, cutting a
trench, installing the retaining walls, track, and tunnel roof,
and nally relaying the street surface.

Londoners immediately took to the underground line. On the
opening day, 10 January 1863, 38,000 people rode in wooden-
bodied, gas-lit carriages pulled by steam locomotives. Although
their exhaust made conditions in stations unpleasant, it did not
deter 9.5 million people from using the service in the rst year.
The Metropolitan expanded 50 miles (80 km) to the north,
but in London the future lay with deep-level lines, electric power,
and narrower tunnels what would become known as the Tube.
The rst deep-level Tube line opened with electric trains in 1890.

The tunnelling shield bore through soft, unstable soil such as clay during the
excavation process. It acted as a barrier and support while spoil was removed.
56 . 18391869

Nations and Colonies

The success of the early British railways and steam engines attracted
interest from across Europe and North America. As a result the newly
industrialized countries such as US, France, and Germany began to lay
the foundations for their own national systems, so became less and less
dependent on British expertise.
However, Britain had a wider sphere of inuence: its empire the rst
railway outside Europe being built in the British colony of Jamaica. There
were both economic and political reasons for the British to build railways
in Australia, Canada, South Africa, and elsewhere. The vastness of India
was controlled through its railway system, while the efciency, and
therefore protability, of its mining, logging, and agriculture was
completely transformed by the new transport.

Borsig No. 1, 1840

Wheel arrangement 4-2-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 80 psi (5.62 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,372 mm)
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h)

August Borsig opened a factory in Berlin in 1837

and three years later delivered his rst locomotive
to the BerlinPotsdam Railway. In 1840, No. 1
outpaced a British-built competitor, ending
Germanys reliance on imports and helping make
Borsig one of the worlds leading engine builders.

r EIR No. 22 Fairy Queen, 1855

Wheel arrangement 2-2-2
Cylinders 2
u I-class No. 1, 1855 One of four I-Class locomotives built by Boiler pressure 80100 psi
Wheel arrangement 0-4-2 Robert Stephenson & Co of Newcastle- (5.627 kg/sq cm)
Cylinders 2 upon-Tyne, England, No. 1 was delivered to Driving wheel diameter 72 in (1,830 mm)
Boiler pressure 120 psi (8.43 kg/sq cm) the Sydney Railway Co. in January 1855.
Top speed approx. 25 mph (40 km/h)
Train services were inaugurated in Australia
Driving wheel diameter 66 in (1,676 mm)
that May. No. 1 was retired in 1877 having One of the rst locomotives to haul
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h) run 156,542 miles (250,467 km). passenger trains in India, Fairy Queen was
built by Kitson, Hewitson & Thompson of
Leeds, England, for the East Indian
Railway. An outside-cylinder, 2-2-2 well
tank, it is part of the historic locomotive
collection in New Delhi and has a claim to
be the worlds oldest working engine.

u La Portea, 1857 Arriving in Argentina from Britain on

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST Christmas Day, 1856, the outside-cylindered,
Cylinders 2 four-wheel saddletank La Portea hauled
Boiler pressure 140160 psi (9.8411.25 kg/sq cm) the rst train over the Buenos Aires Western
Railway on 29 August 1857. Built by E.B. Wilson
Driving wheel diameter about 48 in (1,219 mm)
of Leeds, it remained in service until 1899 and
Top speed approx 16 mph (26 km/h) is now exhibited at the museum in Lujn.
N AT I O N S A N D CO LO N I ES . 57

Hawthorn No. 9 Blackie, 1859 Hawthorn & Co. assembled this 0-4-0 at its
Wheel arrangement 0-4-2 works in Leith, Scotland, for contractor Edward
Cylinders 2 Pickering, who used it in the construction of the
Boiler pressure 130 psi (9.14 kg/sq cm) 45-mile (72-km) Cape Town to Wellington Railway.
South Africas rst locomotive, it was rebuilt as
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,372 mm)
an 0-4-2 in 187374 and is now exhibited at Cape
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h) Towns main station.

u O&RR Class B No. 26, 1870 This locomotive was built

Wheel arrangement 0-6-0 by Sharp, Stewart & Co. of
Cylinders 2 Manchester, England, for
Boiler pressure 160180 psi the 5-ft 6-in- (1.67-m-) gauge
(11.2512.65 kg/sq cm) Oudh & Rohilkhand Railway
of northern India. No. 26 is
Driving wheel diameter 52 in (1,320 mm)
typical of British engines
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h) exported at the time.


Challenging Railways
With mountain ranges, deserts, and jungles to be overcome,
India posed a huge challenge to railway builders. Nevertheless,
the rst 25-mile (40- km) stretch between Bombay (now
Mumbai) and Thane opened in November 1852, and by 1880
around 9,000 miles (14,484 km) of track had been laid. Twenty
years on, the network had extended to 40,000 miles (64,374 km).
A committee set up by the Governor General, Lord Dalhousie,
led to the setting up of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway, the
East India Railway, and the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.

Construction site Workers photographed in 1856 on the wooden

staging used in the building of the viaduct at the mouth of tunnel
No. 8 (out of 28) on the Bhor Ghat Railway.

18701894 . 61

When Bombays Victoria Terminus opened Key Events
in 1888, it was heralded as one of the worlds r 1870s The electric track circuit
is developed, which automatically
grandest stations. Owing its styling to elements
shows signallers the location of trains.
from both Indian and British history, it had taken
r 1871 New Yorks Grand Central Station
10 years to build. VT now known as Mumbais opens it is later rebuilt as Grand
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus became symbolic Central Terminal.

of an era in which nothing seemed beyond r 1872 Japans rst railway opens
between Tokyo and Yokohama.
human endeavour and ingenuity.
r 1879 Werner von Siemens
At this time railways were spreading across demonstrates an electric locomotive
the globe; they were climbing or boring through in Berlin; the following year an electric
tramway is trialled in St Petersburg.
mountains and crossing mighty waterways via
r 1881 The narrow-gauge Darjeeling
bridges, or being linked by steamships across Himalayan Railway is completed,
u Rush hour on the El
vast seas and oceans. In 1881 the narrow-gauge In the late 19th century the Manhattan
connecting the Darjeeling hill station
to Indias rail network.
Darjeeling Himalayan Railway opened, running Railway Co. operated four elevated lines
in New York City.
from Indias plains high into the foothills of the r 1883 One of the worlds most
glamorous trains is launched. From
Himalayas. Meanwhile, the construction of Switzerlands Gotthard Tunnel had 1891 it is known as the Orient Express.
pushed a main line through 9 miles (15 km) of mountain rock. In 1885 the r 1885 The Canadian Pacic Railways
Canadian Pacic Railway was completed, creating a second route that spanned transcontinental route is completed.

an entire continent. In the UK, the Forth Bridge opened in 1890 crossing the r 1888 Bombays Victoria Terminus is
completed a decade after work started.
Firth of Forth for more than 1 12 miles (2.5 km). Then, in 1891, work started on a
project that would dwarf almost everything else: Russias Trans-Siberian Railway
would join Moscow to Vladivostok on the countrys far eastern coast.
There was an insatiable demand for more lines, higher speeds, more luxury,
and greater magnicence. The railways glamorous and luxurious side was
epitomized by the development of the long-distance Orient Express, which by
1891 had connected Paris and Constantinople (Istanbul) via some of Europes
most important cities. Yet among all the expansions and improvements to steam
travel, there were also early signs of a different future: in 1879 a new electric
locomotive, which drew power from the track, was demonstrated in Berlin.
u Victorian Gothic
Victoria Terminus, designed by the consulting British

Lay down your rails, ye Nations,

architect Frederick William Stevens, bears some
resemblance to St Pancras railway station in London.

near and far; Yoke your full trains r 1888 British railway companies
compete in the London to Edinburgh
Race to the North.
to Steams triumphal car r 1890 The Forth Bridge opens, seven
CHARLES MACKAY, SCOTTISH POET years after construction started.
r 1891 Work begins on one of the most
ambitious engineering projects ever
The US navy demonstrates steam to Japanese onlookers in Yokohama in the late 19th century the Trans-Siberian Railway.
62 . 18701894

19th-century Racers
The development of sleek express steam engines in the late 19th century led
to publicity-seeking railways in both the US and UK competing for the
fastest journey times on rival intercity routes. In the UK the famous Races
to the North of 1888 and 1895 saw the railways of the rival East Coast
and West Coast Main Lines between London and Scotland engage in a
dangerous high-speed struggle for supremacy. In the US there was erce
competition between the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central
& Hudson River Railroad on their New York to Buffalo routes during the
1890s. This triggered electrifying performances by the latter companys
celebrity locomotive No. 999 while hauling the Empire State Express.

l GNR Stirling Single Class, 1870

Wheel arrangement 4-2-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 170 psi (11.95 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 97 in (2,464 mm)
Top speed 85 mph (137 km/h)

Patrick Stirling designed this locomotive

for the Great Northern Railway. A total of
53 of these single-wheeler locomotives
were built at Doncaster Works between
1870 and 1895. The locomotives hauled
express trains on the East Coast Main Line
between London Kings Cross and York
and were involved in the Races to the
North of 1888 and 1895. No. 1, shown
here, is preserved at the National
Railway Museum in York, UK.

r LNWR Improved
Precedent Class, 1887
Races to the North Wheel arrangement 2-4-0
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Headlined in newspapers as the Race to the North,
Boiler pressure 150 psi (10.54 kg/sq cm)
railway companies unofcially raced each other on
two main lines between London and Edinburgh in Driving wheel diameter 81 in (2,057 mm)
1888. The West Coast Main Line trains were operated Top speed approx. 80 mph (129 km/h)
by the London & North Western Railway and the
Caledonian Railway; and the East Coast Main Line A total of 166 Improved Precedent
trains, by the Great Northern Railway, the North Class express locomotives, designed by
Eastern Railway, and the North British Railway. F.W. Webb, were built at the London &
Following the completion of the s Forth Bridge in North Western Railways Crewe Works
1890, the companies raced between London and between 1887 and 1901. No. 790 Hardwicke
Aberdeen. After a derailment at Preston in 1896, the set a new speed record between Crewe
practice was banned and speed limits were enforced. and Carlisle during the Race to the North
on 22 August 1895. It is preserved at the
Record run A Caledonian Railway postcard shows National Railway Museum in York, UK.
Engine No. 17 and driver John Souter at Aberdeen
after their race-winning run on 23 August 1895.

l CR No. 123, 1886 TECHNOLOGY

Wheel arrangement 4-2-2
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
Standard Rail Time
Driving wheel diameter 84 in (2,134 mm)
Confusion reigned on the early railways
as clocks at stations were set at local
Top speed approx. 80 mph (129 km/h) time, causing difculty for railway
Built as an exhibition locomotive by Neilson & Co. staff and passengers alike. In the UK
of Glasgow for the Caledonian Railway in 1886,
the Great Western Railway introduced
a standardized London Time for
this unique single-wheeler hauled expresses
their station schedules in 1840. This
between Carlisle and Glasgow. Following retirement
synchronization used Greenwich Mean
in 1935 it was preserved and is now on display
Time (GMT) set by the Royal Observatory
at the Riverside Museum in Glasgow. at Greenwich, which later became
accepted as the global standard time.
In 1883 railways in the US and Canada
split both countries longitudinally into
geographic time zones and introduced
Railroad Standard Time.
NYC&HR No. 999, 1893
Wheel arrangement 4-4-0 Time regulation Made by American jeweller
Webb C. Ball in 1889, this precision regulator
Cylinders 2 clock helped maintain the accuracy of other
Boiler pressure 180 psi (12.65 kg/sq cm) timepieces on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
Driving wheel diameter 861/2 in (2,197 mm)
Top speed approx. 86 mph (138 km/h)

Alleged to have travelled at over 100 mph

(161 km/h), No. 999 was built in 1893 to
haul the New York Central & Hudson River
Railroads agship train, the Empire State
Express, between New York and Buffalo.
This celebrity locomotive was exhibited
at the Chicago Worlds Fair before being LB&SCR B1 Class, 1882
retired in 1952. Nicknamed the Queen Wheel arrangement 0-4-2
of Speed, No. 999 is on display at the Cylinders 2 (inside)
Chicago Museum of Science & Industry. Boiler pressure 150 psi (10.53 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 78 in (1,980 mm)
Top speed approx. 70 mph (113 km/h)

The B1 Class locomotives were designed by

William Stroudley for the London, Brighton
& South Coast Railway. A total of 36 were
built at Brighton Works between 1882 and
1891. Hauling heavy expresses between
London and Brighton, they were named after
politicians, railway ofcials, or places served
by the railway. The last survivor was retired
in 1933, and No. 214 Gladstone is preserved
at the National Railway Museum in York.
64 . 18701894

London Locals
Growing prosperity and personal mobility enabled
people to move away from the centre of London.
Railroads supplied transportation links from the
new suburbs to the city, giving birth to the
commuter train. While the Great Eastern Railway
among others provided a peak-time, steam-hauled
service, electric traction overground and
underground was the future. The rst deep-level
tube line, the City & South London Railway,
which opened in 1890 was the nucleus of
Londons underground system. Other cities
soon followed Londons example: Liverpool in
northwest England and Budapest and Paris in
Continental Europe. In the US, the Boston
subway opened in 1897 and, by 1904, had
been joined by New Yorks.

u LB&SCR A1 Class, 1872 The London, Brighton & South Coast Railways
Wheel arrangement 0-6-0T suburban network was the domain of William
Cylinders 2 Stroudleys small, six-coupled tanks. Fifty were
Boiler pressure 150 psi (10.53 kg/sq cm) built between 1872 and 1880, and the bark of their
exhaust earned them the nickname of Terriers.
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
They were named after places they served, in the
Top speed approx. 60 mph (96 km/h) case of No. 54 Waddon (1875), a district near Croydon.

l NLR 75 Class, 1879

Wheel arrangement 0-6-OT
u GWR 633 Class, 1871 Designed by George Armstrong and
Cylinders 2
Wheel arrangement 0-6-0T built at Wolverhampton Works, several
of the 12-strong 633 Class were tted Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.24 kg/sq cm)
Cylinders 2
with condensing apparatus to take Great Driving wheel diameter 52 in (1,321 mm)
Boiler pressure 165 psi (11.6 kg/sq cm)
1 Western Railway trains through the tunnels, Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h)
Driving wheel diameter 54 /2 in (1,384 mm)
so gaining the nickname Tunnel Motors.
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h) John C. Park supplied the North London
Much modied, some lasted until 1934.
Railway with this shunting engine to serve
the dock system around Poplar. Thirty
were built up to 1905 and, as they rarely
left the docks, no coal bunker was tted;
fuel was stored on the footplate.

l LSWR 415 Class, 1882 Designed by William Adams of the London &
Wheel arrangement 4-4-2T South Western Railway, 71 of the 415 Class were
Cylinders 2 built from 1882 to 1885. Put to work on suburban
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm) services out of Londons Waterloo, three ended
their days on the southwest Lyme Regis branch,
Driving wheel diameter 67 in (1,702 mm)
where their short wheelbase and leading bogie
Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h) were ideal to negotiate the severe curves.

Londons Carriages l C&SLR Padded Cell, 1890

Both the Metropolitan and District railways began Type underground passenger carriage
by using locomotive-hauled carriages. However, few Capacity 32 passengers
offered the upholstered luxury of the Metropolitans Construction wooden body on two
4-wheel bogies
Jubilee coach. Most followed the pattern of the
Railway City & South London Railway
Districts No. 100, with 10 passengers to each
compartment. The distinction between the classes Tunnel diameter restricted carriage size
on this rst tube line. Coaches were
even extended to lighting: rst class travellers enjoyed tted with high-backed seating, running
two gas jets, while second and third class passengers along the length, and gates at either end
made do with one. Conditions improved little with to allow passengers on and off. With the
only windows being slits above seats, and
the coming of the City & South London Railway, air entering through roof ventilators, the
which became known as the sardine tin railway. nickname padded cells was appropriate.


Cemetery Railways
As Londons population doubled in the 19th century,
burying the dead became a crisis. The boldest solution
came from Sir Richard Broun and Richard Sprye their
scheme involved buying a large piece of land away from
the city but with a direct rail link to London. The chosen
location was Brookwood, Surrey, 23 miles (37 km) along
the LSWR main line out of Waterloo. They envisaged
that cofns would be brought to Brookwood either late
at night or early in the morning with mourners
travelling by dedicated train services during the day.
Burying the dead The London Necropolis (Greek for city
u C&SLR electric locomotive, 1889 of the dead) Railway opened in 1854. After the terminus
Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 (Bo) was bombed in 1941, its services never ran again.
Power supply 0.5kV DC third rail
Power rating 100 hp (74.60 kW)
Top speed 25 mph (40 km/h)

The rst important railway to use electric

traction was the City & South London Railway.
When opened in 1890 the line had six stations
and ran from City to Stockwell. Operated by
14 locomotives, one of which with a train of
later steel-bodied carriages with full-length
windows is passing Borough Junction in
this 1922 photograph.

d GER S56 Class, 1886 James Holden designed a small but

Wheel arrangement 0-6-0T powerful, six-coupled tank for the Great
Cylinders 2 Eastern Railways inner-suburban services
Boiler pressure 180 psi (12.65 kg/sq cm) in 1886. It was equipped with Westinghouse
compressed air brakes, ideal where stations
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
were close together. The sole survivor, No. 87
Top speed approx. 60 mph (96 km/h) of 1904, is part of Britains National Collection.

u Met C Class, 1891

Wheel arrangement 0-4-4T
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 140 psi (9.84 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 66 in (1,676 mm)
Top speed approx. 60 mph (96 km/h)

The Metropolitan Railways C Class consisted of

just four engines built by Neilson & Co. of Glasgow.
After the Met's expansion into Hertfordshire and
Buckinghamshire, they hauled trains from the
city out to Watford, Amersham, and Aylesbury.

r Met Jubilee Coach

No. 353, 1892
Type four-compartment,
rst-class passenger coach
Capacity 32
Construction original wooden body
on later 4-wheel steel chassis
Railway Metropolitan Railway
u DR Coach No. 100, 1884 The origins of coach No. 100 of the
Type four-compartment, District Railway are uncertain. What
This carriage served the Metropolitan third-class passenger carriage is denite is that the body nished
Railway from 1892 until 1907 when it was Capacity 40 up as a storage shed in Kent. It was
sold to the Weston, Clevedon & Portishead rescued, placed on a new chassis,
Construction original wooden body
Light Railway. Restored to mark the and now runs on the Kent & East
on later 4-wheel steel chassis
railways 150th anniversary in 2013, it is Sussex Railway, where a District
now at the London Transport Museum. Railway District Railway Railway brown livery was applied.
End of the Great Western Broad Gauge
When the broad-gauge rails of the Great Western Railway Firstly, a third rail to take standard-gauge trains was laid on the
(GWR) rst came up against those of a narrower-gauge GWR, reaching Paddington in 1861. Gauge conversion began
company at Gloucester, England in 1844, passengers were in 1866 and took almost three decades to complete. The nal
forced to change trains to continue their journey to the north change, along the West of England main line, took place over a
or the southwest. The impracticality of mismatched gauges led weekend in May 1892. It was meticulously planned with 4,200
the UK government to set up a Gauge Committee to examine the workmen positioned along the line and prefabricated track
issue. While the committee agreed that the GWR offered greater sections such as facing points and crossovers were ferried to
speed and stability (due as much to the excellence of Isambard where they were needed. On 23 May 1892, the operation was
Kingdom Brunels railway and Daniel Goochs locomotives as the completed and Brunels broad gauge was consigned to history.
width of the track), it concluded that the narrower gauge suited
its long-term interest. A change to the narrower gauge (now On 20 May 1892, the nal Cornishman broad-gauge express left London,
known as standard gauge) became inevitable. Paddington for Penzance with Rover Class 4-2-2 Great Western at its head.
68 . 18701894

C&PA Snow Plow

The Coudersport & Port Allegany Railroad (C&PA) Snow Plow is
typical of the wooden ploughs built by the Russell Company of
Ridgeway, Pennsylvania, from the late 19th century onwards.
Designed to be pushed by one or two steam engines along a
single-track line, it was tted with a ange that scraped
snow and ice from the insides of the rails, creating a
groove for the anges of engine and carriage wheels.

IN WINTER, HEAVY SNOWFALLS and icy conditions regularly

closed railways in the US and Canada. Faced with a loss of business,
the railway companies started to use wooden wedges attached
to the front of locomotives to clear snow from the tracks. By the
late 19th century this makeshift arrangement was superceded by
the introduction of separate snow-plough wagons mounted on
bogies and pushed by locomotives.
Believed to be oldest snow plough of its type in existence, the
C&PA Snow Plow is a wedge-style model that was built around
1890 under licence for the Russell Snow Plow Company by the
Ensign Manufacturing Company in Huntingdon, West Virginia.
A cupola was tted on the roof directly behind the plough blades to
give the crew a view of the track ahead. The plough was used on the
C&PA until 1945, when it was damaged in an accident. It later
became the property of the Wellsville, Addison & Galeton Railroad
before being donated to the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in
1980, where it has since been restored. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW

Short-line railway
Opened in 1882, the Coudersport & Port Allegany
Railroad (C&PA) was a 32-mile- (50-km-) timber-
carrying short line in Potter and McKean Counties in
Pennsylvania. It was abandoned in the early 1970s.

Rear balcony and Chimney for Cupola allows view

entrance to cabin crews stove beyond blades

to let in light
ange with horizontal
and vertical blades

Type Wedge-type snow plough
Origin USA
Designer/builder Russell Co.
Number produced 1
In-service period c. 18901945
Weight Not known
Construction Wood and steel
Railway Coudersport & Port Allegany Railroad

Blades at work
As the plough was pushed from behind by
one or two steam locomotives, the sharp
front blade would lift snow off the track
before deecting it to either side with the
angled vertical blade.
70 . 18701894


While the main body of the C&PA Snow Plow was

constructed of seasoned hardwood, the impressive plough
blades were reinforced with steel. The plough was mounted
on two four-wheeled bogies, one of which was concealed
beneath the front blade housing.

1. Porthole-style windows above top edge of plough 2. Front coupling

bar 3. Rivets on front edge of plough 4. Chimney 5. Round and square
windows looking out from the observation level 6. Journal box access
door 7. Journal box, which contains the journal bearing 8. Flange
(secondary plough) 9. Back wheel brake shoe 10. Bogie at rear (arch
bar truck) 11. Deck behind cabin 12. Bars across aperture on platform,
used as a ladder to access roof 13. Coupling ring at rear 14. Angle cock
15. Coupling at rear

1 6

8 9

11 12 13 15



17 18 19


20 21

22 23 24

The cabin was reinforced at the front end by steel girders
to prevent the crew being crushed during snow-clearing
operations. It was tted out with a handbrake, air pressure
gauge, steps for the cupola forward lookout, and a coal-red
safety stove tted with a ange on top to prevent pans from
sliding off. The suspended ange beneath the cabin oor
could be raised or lowered either manually or by air pressure,
to avoid damaging pointwork (switches) and level crossings.

16. Cabin interior 17. Suspension springs to the ange 18. Air
reservoir pipes behind steps 19. Piston to adjust height of ange
20. Brake wheel 21. Base of brake wheel with cog mechanism
22. Air brake pressure gauge 23. Coal stove 24. Pennsylvania
Railroad stamp on stove 25. Decorative door handle
Delivering to America
The South Carolina Railroad began conveying mail as early as (RPO) cars. The rst permanent RPO service ran between Chicago,
1833, but the rst regular mail service in the US did not start Illinois, and Clinton, Iowa. By 1869 the transcontinental railroad
until two years later, on the Baltimore and Ohio. In July 1838, was complete, giving postal cars the means to carry mail across
US Congress approved the use of all rail routes to carry mail, the breadth of the US. At their peak, RPO cars covered more
earning the railroad companies signicant revenues from than 200,000 miles (320,000 km) on more than 9,000 routes.
the US Postal Department (USPOD). The US also ran the worlds rst postal express, which left
In 1862 US President Abraham Lincoln approved the building New Yorks Grand Central Station for Chicago on 16 September
of a 1,928-mile (3,084-km) line between Omaha, Nebraska, and 1875. It completed the journey in just over 24 hours, and
Sacramento, California, to bring people, trade, and a vitally became the forerunner for night mail trains across the world.
needed postal service to the western regions. That same year the
government unied mail trafc under the Railway Mail Service, The rail junction at night depicted in this Currier & Ives print of 1876 shows
which led to the construction of dedicated Railway Post Ofce some of the express train types that carried mail to major US cities.
74 . 1 8 7 0 1 8 9 4

Building Great Railways

Canadian Pacific
Opened across the vast spaces of the Prairies and through the Rocky Mountains in
1886, the Canadian Pacic Railway was Canadas rst transcontinental line, linking
Vancouver on the Pacic west coast with Montreal on the St Lawrence River.

IN 1871 THE GOVERNMENT of the recently formed Colonizing Canada

Dominion of Canada promised the isolated western Canadian Pacic offered
packages of sea and rail
province of British Columbia that a railway would
travel to immigrants.
be built across the Rocky Mountains within 10
years. The project got off to a slow start and by 1880 and lake-strewn
only 300 miles (483 km) of line had been built. landscape of the Canadian
However, in 1881 a group of Canadian Shield in Ontario towards Winnipeg. The link
businessmen formed the Canadian Pacic Railway connecting the new railway at Boneld with the
(CP) and, with nancial assistance and land from eastern cities of Ottawa and Montreal had already
the government, took over the unnished lines been built by the Canadian Central Railway and
and recommenced construction work from both the Ontario & Quebec Railway, both of which the
the east and west. Overseen by the new general CP leased from 1884.
manager of the railway, William Cornelius Van From Winnipeg, construction continued
Horne, tracklaying in the east began at Boneld, westwards across the vast plains of Saskatchewan to
north of the Great Lakes, and proceeded slowly Calgary at the foot of the Rockies. From Calgary,
westwards across the remote, sparsely populated gangs of Chinese labourers built the railway up into
the Rockies through Banff, reaching Kicking Horse
Climbing the Rocky Mountains
Pass in 1884. From here the railway made a steep
A passenger train with vista dome cars and an observation
car follows the Bow River on the CPs scenic route through descent down the Big Hill before climbing again to
the Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies. cross the Selkirk Range at Rogers Pass.

Rush to nish 2 3 The nal spike

Temporary timber trestle bridges were built At Craigellachie the nal spike
in order to complete the railway before was driven by Donald A. Smith,
funds ran out, and were later replaced by completing the line between
more permanent structures. Montreal and the Pacic. C A N A D A
Jasper Edmonton The Last Best West This was
BRITISH a phrase used to market the
COLUMBIA A L B E RTA settlement of the prairieland

provinces of Saskatchewan and

c ky

Manitoba, a programme made

possible by the railway. Lake
Snowy conditions 1 Banff Winnipeg
Snow sheds were built in the Calgary
M o untains

1880s to protect the tracks Kamloops SAS K ATC H E WA N

from large snowfalls.

Medicine Hat Regina

5 The Big Hill Spiral Tunnels New line
Old line Winnipeg
In 1906 construction began on the Spiral Tunnels,
needed to address the very steep downhill Tunnel
gradient (4.5 per cent) on the Big Hill,
which saw many a runaway train.
It took 1,000 workers two years Lower Spiral
to complete the tunnels. Tunnel
Kicking Horse

Upper Spiral


Construction in the Rocky Mountains was
particularly perilous. Workers faced harsh terrain,
1881 Construction begins at Boneld
the threat of forest res, heavy snowfall, and
1882 Thunder Bay branch completed
avalanches as they built the line across deep
1885 3 November: nal spike on Lake Superior
valleys, up steep gradients, and through rock.
section; 7 November: Final spike at Craigellachie, BC
1886 28 June: First transcontinental passenger 1
service leaves Dalhousie Station, Montreal
1909 Spiral Tunnels at Kicking Horse pass open
1978 CP passenger services taken over by Via Rail
Across the Canadian Prairies 1990 The Canadian passenger train rerouted over
A train travels over the prairie near Morse, between Regina Canadian National Railways route
and Medicine Hat, in Saskatchewan. Natural gas was
discovered in the prairies by workers constructing the line.
To the west of the Rockies, construction continued Locomotive type American Standard 4-4-0 steam
through the Monashee Mountains before the two Carriages 2 baggage cars, 1 mail car, 1 second-class
lines met at Craigellachie, where a ceremonial nal coach, 2 immigrant sleepers, 2 rst-class coaches,
spike was driven in 1885. The entire route was 2 sleeping cars, and a diner
now complete and the rst transcontinental train
ran between Montreal in the east and Port Moody JOURNEY
in the west in 1886. A year later the western Montreal to Port Moody (1886) 2,883 miles
terminus was moved to Vancouver. Attracted by (4,640 km); 6 days, 6 nights
a CP package deal, which included passage on a Montreal to Vancouver (1963) 2,888 miles
company ship, travel on a company train, and land (4.648 km); 69 hours
sold by CP, thousands of immigrants from Europe
were soon streaming westwards on the new RAILWAY
railway in search of new lives. Gauge Standard 4 ft 8 12 in (1.434 m)
The Big Hill, with its treacherously steep Tunnels Connaught Tunnel 5 miles (8 km); Spiral Tunnel
gradients, was bypassed in 1909 when a series of No. 1: 3,153 ft (961 m), Tunnel No. 2: 2,844 ft (867 m)
Spiral Tunnels were opened, and the steep gradient Bridges Stoney Creek Bridge 300 ft (91 m) high
up to Rogers Pass was also later bypassed by the Highest point 5,338 ft (1,627 m) Kicking Horse Pass
opening of the Connaught Tunnel in 1916.

0 150 300 miles Start/Finish
Main stations
0 150 300 450 km
Main route


Muskeg terrain This required

sections of the track to be elevated
to prevent it sinking during thaws. 4 First passenger train
The rst transcontinental
QUBEC service left Dalhousie Station,
Montreal on 28 June 1886.
This was the site of the
rst track to be laid.

Thunder Bay
Superior Ottawa

Huron e Ont
76 . 1 870 1 894

Specialist Steam
Initially used for hauling coal, railways were soon adapted to play
similar roles in the fast-growing industrial landscape. Narrow-
gauge lines and engines were ideal for quarries, foundries, VRB No. 7, 1873 Designed by Niklaus Riggenbach and built
shipyards, brickworks, and some military sites. Dock railways Wheel arrangement 0-4-0VBT by the Swiss Locomotive Co., No. 7 was
Cylinders 2 employed on the Vitznau-Rigi mountain railway
required small but powerful engines that could weave their (Vitznau-Rigi Bahn, or VRB) near Lucerne,
Boiler pressure 185 psi (13 kg/sq cm)
way along quaysides, while in chemical plants and Switzerland, until 1937. Its vertical boiler kept a
Driving wheel diameter 25 in (644 mm)
munitions factories the danger posed by stray sparks safe water level on the steep climb, which was
Top speed approx. 5 mph (8 km/h) undertaken using a rack-and-pinion system.
was overcome by developing reless locomotives.
Ingenious engines and track were used to scale
mountains. There were few places where the
steam locomotive could not serve.

r SRR A-4 Class Engines of Pennsylvanias coal-carrying

Camelback, 1877 railways were red on cheap anthracite
Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 waste that needed a large rebox for ample
Cylinders 2 combustion, so the drivers cab could not
be sited behind it. Instead, it straddled the
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm)
rebox, hence the nickname Camelback.
Driving wheel diameter 50 in (1,270 mm)
No. 4 worked on the Philadelphia & Reading
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h) Railroad and the Strasburg Railroad.

FR Double Fairlie No. 10

Merddin Emrys, 1879
Wheel arrangement 0-4-4-0T
Cylinders 4
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 32 in (813 mm)
Top speed approx. 35 mph (56 km/h)

Following a design by British engineer Robert

Fairlie, Merddin Emrys was the rst locomotive
built by the Ffestiniog Railways workshops.
A double-ended, articulated tank engine riding
on powered bogies, todays No. 10 is much rebuilt.


Crane Tanks
Used in industrial locations from docks and
factories to shipyards and ironworks, crane tanks
combined shunting with the ability to distribute
loads. The Pallion shipyard in Sunderland, in
northeast England, employed a eet of ve,
while the nearby Shildon Ironworks in County
Durham saw the last use of the type in Britain.
Crane tanks were chiey a product of the 19th
century, although one built for the North
London Railway remained in service until 1951.

Southern Railway No. 234S, 1881 This crane tank

was used at Ashford Locomotive Works and
Folkestone Harbour, both in Kent, and at Lancing
Carriage Works in Sussex. It was retired in 1949.

u LYR Wren, 1887 Hunslet Lilla, 1891

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST Wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST
Cylinders 2 Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 170 psi (11.95 kg/sq cm) Boiler pressure 120 psi (8.43 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 161/2 in (418 mm) Driving wheel diameter 26 in (660 mm)
Top speed approx. 5 mph (8 km/h) Top speed approx. 1012 mph (1619 km/h)

Wren was one of eight small saddletanks Lilla is a survivor from 50 saddletanks
employed on the 712-mile- (12-km-), 1-ft built by the Hunslet Engine Co. of Leeds,
6-in- (0.46-m-) gauge track serving the England, between 1870 and 1932 for
Lancashire & Yorkshire Railways works at Welsh slate quarries. It was retired
Horwich, Lancashire. The engine was built from Penrhyn Quarry in 1957 and is
by Beyer Peacock & Co. of Manchester, now preserved on the Ffestiniog
and remained in use until 1962. Railway in North Wales.

l Hunslet Linda, 1893

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0STT
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 140 psi (9.9 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 26 in (660 mm)
Top speed approx. 1218 mph (1929 km/h)

From the same stable as Lilla but more

powerful, Linda was used on the Penrhyn
Quarrys mainline, which ran from Bethesda
to Port Penrhyn, near Bangor, Wales. Another
Ffestiniog veteran, Linda has been rebuilt
there as a 2-4-0 saddletank tender engine.

Saxon IV K Class, 1892

Wheel arrangement 0-4-4-0T
Cylinders 4 (compound)
Boiler pressure 174 psi/203 psi/217 psi
(12.23 kg/sq cm/14.27 kg/sq cm/
15.25 kg/sq cm) (variations within class)
Driving wheel diameter 30 in (760 mm)
Top speed approx. 19 mph (30 km/h)

Germanys most numerous narrow-

gauge class, 96 of these were built
for the Royal Saxon State Railways
from 1892 to 1921. They were
articulated, and used the Gnther-
Meyer system of powered bogies;
only 22 survive.
78 . 18701894

Merddin Emrys
The FR Double Fairlie No. 10 Merddin Emrys was built to combine
large haulage capacity with route exibility. Originally designed
by Robert Francis Fairlie and championed by the Ffestiniog Railway
in North Wales, Double Fairlie articulated locomotives were able
to negotiate tight curves thanks to their exible steam pipes and
pivoting power bogies. Fairlies patented design was also used in
Russia, Mexico, Germany, Canada, Australia, and the US.

ON 21 JULY 1879, almost 10 years since the rst of Robert Fairlies

double-ended articulated locomotives had arrived on the Ffestiniog
Railway (FR), Merddin Emrys was rolled out of the railways Boston
Lodge workshops. Designed by G.P. Spooner using Fairlies principles,
No. 10 Merddin Emrys was the third Double Fairlie to be employed on
the FR and it can still be seen there today. The locomotive could
comfortably haul 80-ton (81-tonne) loads uphill, from Porthmadog
to the slate quarries at Blaenau Ffestiniog 13 miles (21 km) away.
Impressively, some of these trains were up to 1,312 ft (400 m) long.
The design featured a double-ended boiler with two separate
reboxes in the centre. Unlike conventional steam locomotives that
carried their boilers on a rigid frame, the boiler and superstructure of
the Double Fairlie were supported at each end by a short-wheelbase
power bogie, connected by exible steam hoses. This allowed the bogies
to turn into a curve before the main body of the locomotive. It was
possible to drive each end of the locomotive independently, with the
driver and reman standing on either side of the rebox. TOP END BOTTOM END

Six of the best SPECIFICATIONS

Built in 1836, the Ffestiniog
Class FR Double Fairlie In-service period 1879present (Merddin Emrys)
Railway used six Double Fairlie
0-4-4-0T locomotives to Wheel arrangement 0-4-4-0T Cylinders 4
transport slate from Blaenau Origin UK Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
Ffestiniog to the sea at Designer/Builder R. Fairlie/G.P. Spooner/FR Driving wheel diameter 32 in (812 mm)
Porthmadog, South Wales.
Number produced 6 (2 of this improved design) Top speed 35 mph (56 km/h)

Steam dome on Drivers cab is split Coal bunker within Separate exhausts
Sandbox in front each boiler barrel in half by boiler water tank serve each end
of side tank
Side water tanks power bogie on
with 667-gallon each end
(3,032-litre) capacity

Twin role
The reman of a Double Fairlie has to
contend with twice the amount of work.
There are two re boxes, but only one
boiler, and a common water space.
Both reboxes need to be used to
maintain working boiler pressure.
80 . 18701894


While it might appear to be a product of Victorian times, todays

Merddin Emrys is virtually a new locomotive. In 1970 it was
extensively rebuilt with a new boiler, which gave it a larger, less
traditional look. By 1973 it was converted to burn oil instead of
coal, and by 1984 it was in need of another overhaul. Its builders
decided to remake Merddin Emrys in its original 1879 appearance,
but retained its larger superstructure in line with the Ffestiniog
Railways improved loading gauge restrictions. The new
locomotive emerged in 1988, only to be overhauled again in
2005. Merddin Emrys reverted to being a coal burner in 2007.

1. Nameplate 2. Smokebox door 3. Water tank ller 4. Number plate

on smokebox 5. Sandbox 6. Top end whistle 7. Mechanical lubricator
8. Reverser lever attached to boiler 9. Crosshead 10. Handbrake attached
to boiler 11. Bottom end coal bunker 12. Bottom end drivers side bogie
13. Crosshead and cylinder 14. Top of driving wheel 15. Speedometer drive
16. Small whistle 17. Norwegian Chopper coupler

10 11 12

18 19 20 22


5 6 8 9

13 16

14 15 17

The large reboxes in the centre of the cab mean
that the engine crew have to stand in conned
spaces on either side of the footplate with the
rebox between them. The driver has a single
reverser and two regulator handles, which allow
the necessary amount of steam to be thrust to
either power bogie, as and when required.
The design and position of the handles enable
regulators to be opened simultaneously with
one hand. The reman, meanwhile, has two
rehole doors, one for each rebox, and two
sets of gauges. Coal is carried in bunkers built
into the water tanks on the remans side.

18. Bottom end rebox 19. Water gauge 20. Boiler

pressure gauge 21. Top end manifold shutoff 22. Coal
bunker door 23. Vacuum ejector, steam brake, and
injector 24. Vacuum release valve 25. Top end injector
and slacker valve 26. Top end rebox door
82 . 18701894

Shrinking the World

The introduction of steam engines on the narrow-gauge, slate-carrying railway
at Ffestiniog in Wales in 1863 had led to the adoption of other narrower-gauge
railways around the world. These lines were suited to mountainous regions as
they were cheaper to construct and could cope with sharper curves and steeper
gradients. In the 1870s India built its rst locomotive using parts imported from
Britain, and in 1872 Japan opened its rst railway. Elsewhere, larger engines were
being introduced and the mass production of freight locomotives had begun.

Japans No. 1, 1871/2 Built in the UK by the Vulcan Foundry in 1871,

Wheel arrangement 2-4-0T No. 1 was the rst steam locomotive to operate
Cylinders 2 on Japans inaugural public railway, from Tokyo
Boiler pressure 140 psi (10 kg/sq cm) to Yokohama, which opened in 1872. From 1880
it went to work on other Japanese railways
Driving wheel diameter 52 in (1,320 mm)
before retiring in 1930. It is now on display
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h) at the Saitama Railway Museum.

V&TRR No. 20 Tahoe, 1875

Wheel arrangement 2-6-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 130 psi (9.14 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h)

Built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works,

Philadelphia, in 1875, No. 20 Tahoe worked
on the Virginia & Truckee Railroad in
Nevada, US, until 1926. The 41.88-ton
(38-tonne) locomotive was temporarily
brought out of retirement during WWII.
It has since been restored and is now
on display at the Railroad Museum of
Pennsylvania in Strasburg.

Indian F Class, 1874
Prince of Waless Coach Wheel arrangement 0-6-0
Constructed at the Agra Workshops of the 3-ft 3-in- Cylinders 2
(1-m-) gauge Rajputana Malwa Railway in 1875, this Boiler pressure approx. 140 psi (10 kg/sq cm)
elegant coach was specially built for the then Prince of Driving wheel diameter approx. 57 in
Wales (later King Edward VII) for his visit to India in (1,448 mm)
1877. The prince travelled to India for the Royal Durbar,
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h)
which celebrated the coronation of his mother Queen
Victoria as Empress of India. With all of its original Derived from the British-built 3ft 3-in- (1-m-)
ttings intact, this coach is now on display at the gauge F Class mixed trafc locomotives
National Rail Museum, New Delhi. introduced in 1874, F1 Class No. 734 was the
rst locomotive to be assembled in India, using
Royal transport This unique, four-wheel coach features imported parts. It worked on the Rajputana
balconies at each end with seating for four armed guards. Malwa Railway from 1895, and is now an exhibit
The carriage has sunshades on both sides and is decorated
at the National Rail Museum, New Delhi.
with emblems of the British Crown.

DHR Class B, 1889

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST
FR Single Fairlie Taliesin, 1876 Cylinders 2
Wheel arrangement 0-4-4T Boiler pressure 140 psi (10 kg/sq cm)
Cylinders 2 Driving wheel diameter 26 in (660 mm)
Boiler pressure 150 psi (10.53 kg/sq cm) Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h)
Driving wheel diameter 32 in (810 mm)
A total of 34 of these locomotives were built
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h) by Sharp Stewart & Co. and others for the
2-ft- (0.60-m-) gauge Darjeeling Himalayan
Built for the 1-ft 1112-in- (0.60-m-) gauge
Railway in India from 1889 to 1927. Some of
Ffestiniog Railway in North Wales by
them still run on this steeply graded line,
the Vulcan Foundry, Single Fairlie
which was declared a World Heritage Site
Taliesin worked slate and passenger
by UNESCO in 1999.
trains between Blaenau Ffestiniog and
Porthmadog until withdrawn and
scrapped in 1935. A working replica,
using a few parts from the original
engine, was built at the railways Boston
Lodge Workshops in 1999.

Russian O Class, 1890

Wheel arrangement 0-8-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 156213 psi (1115 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 471/4 in (1,200 mm)
Top speed approx. 35 mph (56 km/h)

Over 9,000 of the Russian O Class freight

engines were built between 1890 and
1928, making it the second most numerous
class of steam locomotives in the world.
Armoured versions of this class were
widely used to haul trains during WWI,
the Russian Civil War, and WWII.

CGR Class 7, 1892 Thirty-eight of these powerful freight

Wheel arrangement 4-8-0 locomotives were built in Scotland in 1892 for
Cylinders 2 the 3-ft 6-in- (1.06-m-) gauge Cape Government
Boiler pressure 160180 psi (11.2512.65 kg/sq cm) Railway in South Africa. They worked on the
newly formed South African Railways from 1912,
Driving wheel diameter 4212 in (1,080 mm)
until their withdrawal in 1972. Some saw service
Top speed approx. 35 mph (56 km/h) on the Zambesi Sawmills Railway in Zambia.
84 . 18701894

DHR B Class No. 19

If any class of locomotive denes a railway line it is the Darjeeling
Himalayan Railway B Class. For many years these small, yet
powerful, locomotives have hauled trains on the adhesion-worked
mountain railway that climbs from the plains of northwest India
through tea plantations to the hill station of Darjeeling. The
idyllic scenery of the route has inspired many poetic descriptions,
including halfway to heaven and railway to the clouds.

THE FIRST FOUR B Class for the Darjeeling

Himalayan Railway (DHR) were built by UK-based
Sharp, Stewart, & Company in 1889. By 1927 the
North British Locomotive Company of Glasgow, the
Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia in the US,
and the railways own Tindharia Works had built a
further 25. An additional ve had been built for the
Raipur Forest Tramway in 1925. After decades of
service, four from the DHR stock were transferred to
the Tipong Colliery Railway in 1970. Nowadays, some
B Class still run on the DHR, while several exist as
retired exhibits around India, and one was transferred
to operate on the Matheran Hill Railway in 2002.
B Class No. 19 was sold to an American DHR
enthusiast in 1962. After several years out of service
the engine was bought by a British enthusiast, who
restored it for use on the private Beeches Light

Class B Managed by Indias Northeast Frontier Railway
(NF), the DHR is 48 miles (78 km) long; it climbs
Wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST
from 328 ft (100 m) above sea level at New
Origin UK Jalpaiguri to 7,218 ft (2,200 m) at Darjeeling.
Designer/builder Sharp, Stewart & Co. The DHR is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Number produced 34 B Class
In-service period 1889 to date (No. 19)
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 140 psi (10 kg/sq cm) Tender to carry air brake Cab has been raised Saddle tank has
Driving wheel diameter 26 in (660 mm) compressor and coal (not to accommodate 120-gallon (545-litre)
used on B Class in service taller people water capacity
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h) on the DHR)
Coal bunker has
1,500-lb (680-kg)
DHR B CLASS NO. 19 . 85

Original boiler
Although the B Class No. 19 has been
overhauled for use in the UK, it retains
its original boiler dating back to 1889.
This is a remarkable feature that
is found in very few locomotives of
this vintage.
86 . 18701894


The short wheelbase of the B Class is ideally suited

to the DHRs many curves and puts all of the
locomotives weight onto the rails for adhesion.
DHR trains normally have a crew of nine: the
driver, engineer, and reman, a coal breaker who
travels on the coal bunker in front of the cab, two
sanders ride on the front to sand wet rails, and a
guard and brakeman for each coach.

1. Engine number in English and Hindi 2. Headlight 9

and chimney 3. Decoration on smokebox door securing
dart 4. Chopper coupling in style of Festiniog Railway
5. Drain cock to enable water to be drained out of smokebox
6. Brass lubrication box for steam glands 7. Filler hatch
for water tanks 8. Safety valves 9. Front of steam cylinder
10. Cylinder block with steam cylinder below, valve above
11. Original sand box 12. Turbo alternator for head and cab
lights 13. Clack (non-return) valve and brass oil reservoir
for axleboxes 14. Isolating valve, on side of dome, for steam
supply to drivers vacuum brake valve 15. Mechanical
lubricator for cylinders 16. Left leading axle showing
crosshead 17. Right trailing bearer spring 18. Left trailing
coupling and connecting rod bearings 19. Modern sand box
on top of engine 20. Top of engine showing empty former
coal bunker 21. Steam fountain and whistle in front of cab
22. Handrail on tender


3 4 5

6 7

DHR B CLASS NO. 19 . 87

10 12 14


11 13

18 19 21 22

88 . 18701894


Driven from the right and red from the left, the B Class
travels uphill chimney-rst on the DHR in India and is not
turned around. As a result, the crew in the open cab tend
to endure an unpleasant experience when the train runs
downhill in poor weather. Since the DHR shares much
of its route with the parallel cart road, the driver has
to make frequent use of the whistle at the numerous
crossings along the way.

1. Cab with rehole door at bottom, handbrake on left 2. Water

level gauge for engine and tender tanks 3. Air reservoir gauge
mounted on tender 4. Steam valves for blower (above) and
drivers side injector (below) 5. Back of boiler with steam regulator
6. Boiler water level gauges 7. Boiler pressure gauge (left),
steam chest gauge (right) 8. Vacuum brake valve 9. Reversing
lever 10. Air brake valve 11. Doors to tender behind cab
12. Empty tender behind cab

1 7 8

9 10

2 3

DHR B CLASS NO. 19 . 89


The carriages attached to No. 19 are replicas of carriages ordered for the
DHR in 1967. One is a 29-seat saloon, the other a brake/saloon which
contains a guards compartment. The accommodation was reclassied
second class when third class was abolished.

13. Internal view of rst carriage 14. Ceiling light 15. Passenger emergency alarm
16. Loudspeaker 17. Warning, in Hindi, of ne for travelling without a ticket
18. Door handle 19. Metal pull to open window 20. Wooden seating 21. Internal
view of brake carriage 22. Guards van at rear of brake carriage 23. Guards
emergency vacuum brake 24. Light switches in guards van 25. Guards handbrake
26. Vacuum brake gauge 27. Air brake reservoir pressure gauge 28. Air brake pipe
pressure gauge 29. Hindi and English script on outside of coach with acronym NF:
Northeast Frontier Railway (India) 30. External view of door handle and handrail

14 16


17 18 20 21



22 23 26 27 29


24 25
The First Electric
Passenger Train
Although it may look like a ride at an amusement park, this
train was the forerunner of every electric train that we see
today. Developed by Werner von Siemens a successful
electrical engineer and a pioneer in the development of electric
motors it was unveiled in 1879 at a trade fair held in Berlin.
Earlier attempts at electric traction generated power within
the locomotive, which limited the possibilites of rail travel.
Siemens, however, established an alternative power source by
drawing a continuous current (150 volts) for his 2.2-kilowatt
motor from a conductor rail placed along the centre of the track.
The train operated for four months and carried 90,000 people,
despite advertising a top speed of just 4.4 mph (7 km/h)
though it is said to have reached 8.12 mph (13 km/h).

This experimental train set the future design for railways.
Although energized lines were eventually superseded by safer
and more efcient electric overhead wires, the success of the
train enabled Siemens to develop an electric tramway, which
began operating in the Lichterfelde district of Berlin in 1881.
Both of these pioneering designs, created by Siemens with his
partner, mechanical engineer Johann Halske, formed the
bedrock of their worldwide electrical engineering business,
which is still operating today.

Visitors to the 1879 Berlin trade fair were carried around a 984-ft (300-m)
circular track by Siemens & Halskes electric train.

18951913 . 95

One of the worlds oldest railways pointed the Key Events
way forward when its rst mainline electric route r 1895 Americas Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad launches the electric age with
was opened in 1895. The Baltimore & Ohio
an electried route through the Howard
Railroad, which dates back to 1830, installed Street Tunnel.
electrication in its Howard Street Tunnel as r 1896 Britains rst compression ignition
a response to problems with locomotive fumes. oil locomotive is developed the precursor
of todays diesels.
Within 10 years an experimental electric railcar
r 1896 Budapests rst metro line
running on a military line snatched a new world is completed.
speed record in Germany in 1903. r 1900 The rst section of the Paris Metro
The period also saw the appearance of the is opened.
compression ignition, oil-fuelled locomotive r 1902 George Jackson Churchwards
innovative 4-6-0 for the Great Western
a precursor of the mass move to diesel traction Railway helps change the direction of
that followed later. But steam locomotives still u Stylish French Metro British locomotive design.
The entrances to the new Paris Metro, which
had plenty of life, and engineers around the opened in 1900, were inspired by the Art r 1902 Berlins rst Untergrundbahn
globe worked towards increasing their efciency. Nouveau movement of the period. underground line is nished.

In Britain, the Great Western Railways George r 1902 The New York Central Railroad
launches the 20th Century Limited
Jackson Churchward shaped the future of the countrys steam traction when express passenger train.
he came up with a new range of locomotives using standardized parts, having r 1903 A German experimental electric
adapted ideas from overseas. As cities around the world grew, the craze for railcar reaches 131 mph (211 km/h).

underground railways spread; the iconic Metro system in Paris and the Subway r 1904 New Yorks Subway opens its
rst section.
in New York were among those to begin passenger services during this era.
r 1906 The Simplon Tunnel connects Italy
Engineering feats included the Victoria Falls Bridge across the Zambezi River and Switzerland.
in Africa, which opened in 1905; and the Simplon Tunnel, which opened in 1906.
The structure, stretching more than 12 miles (20 km) under the Alps to connect
Italy and Switzerland, became the worlds longest tunnel.

Railway termini ... are our gates to the

glorious and the unknown. Through
them we pass out into adventure and
u Jura-Simplon Railway
sunshine, to them, alas! we return A 1900 timetable for the Jura-Simplon Railway. In
1895 the company proposed the ambitious project for
E.M. FORSTER, BRITISH AUTHOR the building of the Simplon Tunnel.

r 1909 The rst Beyer-Garratt articulated

steam locomotive is completed.
r 1912 A mainline diesel goes on test for
The Forth Bridge created a direct route between London and Aberdeen, prompting a second Race to the North in 1895 Germanys Prussian state railways.
96 . 18951913

Express Steam
for the UK
This period of British railway history
saw major advances in the design and
construction of British express passenger
steam locomotives. Innovations often u MR Class 115, 1896 These express locomotives,
developed in other countries such as Wheel arrangement 4-2-2 designed by Samuel W. Johnson,
Cylinders 2 (inside) were built at the Midland Railways
compounding using high- and low-pressure Derby Works till 1899. Class 115s
Boiler pressure 170 psi (11.95 kg/sq cm)
cylinders, larger and higher pressure were nicknamed Spinners for
Driving wheel diameter 93 in (2,370 mm)
boilers, superheating, and longer wheel the spinning motion of their pair
Top speed approx. 90 mph (145 km/h) of huge driving wheels.
arrangements all contributed to more
efcient locomotives. These graceful
machines were able to haul longer and
heavier trains at greater speeds on Britains
busy main lines.

u GNR Class C2 Small Atlantic, 1898 Named Henry Oakley, No. 990 was the rst
Wheel arrangement 4-4-2 of 22 C1 Class express locomotives designed
Cylinders 2 by Henry Ivatt and built at the Great Northern
Boiler pressure 170 psi (11.95 kg/sq cm) Railways Doncaster Works. Nicknamed
Klondyke, it was passed to the London &
Driving wheel diameter 93 in (2,370 mm) l LSWR T9 Class, 1899
North Eastern Railway, which went on to
Top speed approx. 90 mph (145 km/h) classify this small boiler version as C2. Wheel arrangement 4-4-0
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 175 psi
(12.30 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 79 in
(2,000 mm)
Top speed approx. 85 mph
(137 km/h)

Nicknamed Greyhounds, 66
T9 Class passenger locomotives
were built between 1899 and 1901.
The class was designed by Dugald
Drummond for the London &
South Western Railway.

MR Compound 1000 Class, 1902

Wheel arrangement 4-4-0
Cylinders 3 (2 outside low-pressure;
1 inside high-pressure)
Boiler pressure 220 psi (15.46 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 84 in (2,134 mm)
Top speed approx. 85 mph (137 km/h)

Designed by Samuel W. Johnson, these

express compound locomotives were built
at the Midland Railways Derby Works from
1902. Some 45 were constructed.

LNER Class C1 Developed from the Great Northern

Large Atlantic, 1902 Railways Class C2 Small Atlantic, 94 of
Wheel arrangement 4-4-2 these large boiler express locomotives
Cylinders 2 were built at Doncaster Works between
Boiler pressure 170 psi (11.95 kg/sq cm) 1902 and 1910. Under London & North
Eastern Railways ownership, it retained
Driving wheel diameter 80 in (2,030 mm)
its C1 classication to distinguish it
Top speed approx. 90 mph (145 km/h) from its small boiler relatives.

GWR, 3700 Class or City

Class, 1902
Wheel arrangement 4-4-0
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 80 in (2,030 mm)
Top speed approx. 100 mph (161 km/h)

Designed by George Churchward, 20 of these

express locomotives were built at the Great
Western Railways Swindon Works between
1902 and 1909. In 1904, No. 3440 City of Truro
was claimed to be the rst steam locomotive
to reach 100 mph (161 km/h).

GWR 4000 Class Another of George Churchwards designs,

or Star Class, 1907 73 Star Class express passenger
Wheel arrangement 4-6-0 locomotives were built at the Great
Cylinders 4 (2 outside, 2 inside) Western Railways Swindon Works between
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm) 1907 and 1923. The prototype, No. 4, was
given the name North Star, then
Driving wheel diameter 80 in (2,030 mm)
renumbered 4000. This is No. 4005 Polar
Top speed approx. 90 mph (145 km/h) Star, which remained in service until 1934.
98 . 18951913

British Evolution
By the end of the 19th century Britains railway network had expanded
to serve nearly every part of the country. Coal mines, quarries, ironworks,
factories, ports, and harbours were all connected to the railway system,
and the rapid growth of freight trafc led to the development of more
powerful steam locomotives capable of handling heavier and longer
trains. These freight workhorses were so successful that many remained
in service for more than 50 years. At the same time, passenger
trafc connecting cities with their suburbs also saw a rapid
expansion, with new types of tank locomotives capable of fast
acceleration hauling commuter trains to tight schedules.

u Met E Class No. 1, 1898 No. 1 was the last locomotive built at
Wheel arrangement 0-4-4T the Metropolitan Railways Neasden
Cylinders 2 (inside) Works and spent its early years hauling
Boiler pressure 150 psi (10.53 kg/sq cm) commuter trains between Baker Street
3 and Aylesbury. As London Transport
Driving wheel diameter 65 /4 in (1,670 mm)
No. L44, it remained in service until
Top speed approx. 60 mph (96 km/h) 1965 and is now preserved.

u CR 812 Class, 1899 John F. McIntosh designed this

Wheel arrangement 0-6-0 tender locomotive for the
Cylinders 2 (inside) Caledonian Railway. A total of
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm) 79 of the 812 Class were built
between 1899 and 1909. Most
Driving wheel diameter 593/4 in (1,520 mm)
remained in service for more
Top speed approx. 55 mph (88 km/h) than 50 years.

r NER Class X1, No. 66, 1902

Wheel arrangement 2-2-4T
Cylinders 2 (compound, inside)
Boiler pressure 175 psi (12.30 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 673/4 in (1,720 mm)
Top speed approx. 55 mph (88 km/h)

Built for the North Eastern Railway in 1869

to haul its Mechanical Engineers saloon,
No. 66 Aerolite was rebuilt as a 4-2-2T
in 1886 and as a 2-2-4T in 1902.

Shifting Freight l Alexandra Docks (Newport

and South Wales) & Railway Co.
No. 1340, 1897
The railway companies built thousands
Wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST
of four-wheel covered and open freight
Cylinders 2
wagons to carry raw materials, nished Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
goods, and food perishables around Britain. Driving wheel diameter 353/4 in
Individual companies also owned large (910 mm)
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h)
eets of private-owner wagons and
displayed their names on the sides. Built by the Avonside Engine Company
of Bristol, this engine spent much of
At docks and harbours, small tank
its life shunting around Newport Docks
locomotives with short wheelbases before being sold to a Staffordshire
carried out shunting operations on colliery in 1932. Now named Trojan, it
is preserved at Didcot Railway Centre.
the tightly curved railways.

GWR 2800 Class, 1903/1905 Eighty-four of these heavy

Wheel arrangement 2-8-0 freight locomotives, designed by
Cylinders 2 George Churchward, were built
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm) at the Great Western Railways
Swindon Works between 1903
Driving wheel diameter 551/2 in (1,410 mm)
and 1919. Most were in service
Top speed approx. 50 mph (80 km/h) until the early 1960s.

GWR Steam Railmotor, 1903

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 + 4-wheel
unpowered bogie
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h)

Built by the Great Western Railway, these self-

propelled carriages were tted with a steam-
powered bogie and a vertical boiler at one
end, and a drivers compartment at both ends.
The railmotors operated suburban passenger
services in London, and on country branch
lines in England and Wales. A re-creation was
completed by the Great Western Society in 2011
using an original body and a new power bogie.

u LTSR Class 79, 1909 Four of these suburban tank engines,

Wheel arrangement 4-4-2T designed by Thomas Whitelegg, were
Cylinders 2 built for the London, Tilbury & Southend
Boiler pressure 170 psi (11.95 kg/sq cm) Railways commuter services from
Fenchurch Street station in 1909.
Driving wheel diameter 78 in (1,980 mm)
Retired in 1956, Thundersley is now
Top speed approx. 65 mph (105 km/h) part of the UKs national collection.

l GWR Iron Mink Covered

Wagon, 1900
Type 4-wheel
Weight 10 tons (10.16 tonnes)
Construction iron
Railway Great Western Railway

More than 4,000 of these covered The Royal Daylight Built for the Anglo-American
wagons were built by the Great Tank Wagon, 1912 Oil Co. by Hurst Nelson of
Western Railway from 1886 to 1902. Type 4-wheel Motherwell, UK, this private-owner
Ventilated and refrigerated versions Weight 14 tons (14.2 tonnes) tank wagon carried imported
carried meat, sh, and fruit. Bogie American lamp oil branded as
Construction iron
versions weighing 30 tons (30.5 tonnes) Royal Daylight. It is now displayed
were built between 1902 and 1911. Railway private owner at Didcot Railway Centre.
100 . 18951913

GWR Auto Trailer No. 92

Great Western Railways Auto Trailer No. 92, built at Swindon Works in the
UK in 1912 and now based at Didcot Railway Centre, is a unique survivor of
one of the earliest types of GWR auto coach. It is essentially a passenger
carriage with a built-in driving compartment at one end with controls that
link to the steam railmotor to which it is coupled as a two-car unit. The
ensemble can therefore be driven in either direction without the need for
the locomotive to run round when it has reached its destination.

RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL GWR Crimson Lake livery, the

70-seater Auto Trailer No.92 is the non-powered, trailing half of
the Great Western Societys Railmotor & Trailer set. The powered
half is the railmotor itself (No.93, pictured above), a near-identical
timber-bodied vehicle that has its own built-in, vertical-boilered
steam engine, and seating for 50 passengers. The two vehicles ran
coupled together as a steam multiple unit the ancestor of todays
modern multiple unit trains on GWRs branch lines and on their
main lines as a stopping passenger train.
When operating railmotor rst, the driver and reman work in
the engine compartment. When travelling auto trailer rst, the
reman remains with the engine operating the valve gear and
injectors, and feeding the re, while the driver moves to a
compartment at the front of the auto trailer. From there he has
command of the units basic controls, which are connected to the
engine by a series of interacting rods, linkages, pipes, or chains.
He can also sound a warning bell on the front of the coach. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW


Class Railmotor In-service period 191257 (No. 93) Origin UK
Wheel arrangement/cylinder 0-4-0 + 4-wheel bogie Cylinders 2 In-service 191257
Origin UK Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm) Coaches 1 (couples with a railmotor)
Designer/builder George J. Churchward Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm) Passenger capacity 70 seats (plus 50 in railmotor)
Number produced 18 railmotors Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h) Route Great Western Railway routes

Corridor connection to Smoking saloon Central entrance Non-smoking saloon Driving compartment
next vehicle has capacity for vestibule with seats 40 passengers is used when the auto
30 passengers retractable steps trailer is in front

Luggage compartment
at rear of auto trailer

Driving compartment Great Western cities

From his forward-facing driving compartment at one end of The garter design for
the auto trailer the driver has command of a regulator lever GWRs coat of arms,
and vacuum brake, which are connected to the steam which includes the
railmotor, and a bell to signal to the heraldic shields of the
guard and the reman. cities of London and
Bristol, was adopted
from 1870 and displayed
extensively throughout
their system.
102 . 18951913


In the early and later years of the GWR its coaches were all
nished in a brown and cream livery, but in 191222 the
railway standardized on a dark red, called Crimson Lake.
Completed in 1912, the auto trailer was nished in this Crimson
Lake livery with straw-coloured lining some 1,200 ft (366 m) of
3 5
it and GWR insignia. The recent restoration project, completed
in 2012, has returned the auto trailer to these original colours.

1. Carriage number 2. Drivers warning bell 3. Coat of arms of the City of

Bristol 4. Destination board attached to side of carriage 5. Sign on luggage
compartment door 6. Fold-down passenger steps into carriage 7. Brass
door handle to passenger compartment 8. Pressure gauge on gas tank
9. Secondary suspension of transverse leaf springs 10. Part of bogie
11. Gas tank for carriage lighting 12. Rear buffer

6 7 9 10

11 12


The spacious interior of the driving compartment gives the driver

control of the trains basic controls. It also includes a fold-down
seat but this is rarely used as the driver has to stand to be able
to reach and operate the regulator. Communication between the
driver, reman, and guard is via an electric (battery-powered)
bell, and a series of simple bell codes: one ring for start, two
for stop, and three for brakes off. For the drivers comfort 18
there is a steam-heat radiator, and there are windscreen wipers
too but 1912 technology did not extend to an electric motor
to run them, so manual operation was necessary.

13. Cab interior, with regulator lever above central window to allow driver
to control the steam railmotor from the auto trailer 14. Vacuum gauge
15. Lever to open sandbox 16. Bell to signal to other members of train crew
17. Vacuum brake control 18. Foot treadle to sound exterior warning bell


Restored by craftsmen at the Llangollen Railway in North

Wales, the seating in No. 92s two passenger saloons is
authentically upholstered in GWR-style, diamond-pattern
brown moquette. Some of the seats featuring ip over
backs, which allow passengers to face the direction of travel,
were recovered from a derelict tramcar in Adelaide, Australia.

19. Overview of carriage interior 20. Replica of original gas light tting,
now powered by electricity 21. Roller blind 22. Wooden, hand-carved
corbel 23. Electric light switches (a modern addition) 24. Hand strap 21 23
suspended from ceiling with decorative metal brackets 25. Armrest
between seats 26. Part of heater under seats, fed with steam from the
railmotor boiler 27. Metal seat leg 28. Smoking saloon sign on glass
window 29. Match striker in smoking compartment 30. Leather strap to
open and close window 31. Emergency pull chain 32. Decorative brass
handles on door leading to carriage 33. Ticket rack in guards vestibule
between passenger saloons 34. Lever for releasing exterior fold-down
steps 35. Twin luggage doors 36. Luggage door locking mechanism
37. Wicket gate at end of carriage leads to next vehicle

19 25



28 32 34 35

29 30

36 37

104 . 18951913

Continental l Nord Compound, 1907

Wheel arrangement 4-6-0

Glamour Cylinders 4 (compound)

Boiler pressure 232 psi (16.3 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 69 in (1,750 mm)
Railways had conquered most parts of
Top speed approx. 70 mph (113 km/h)
Europe, and trains were now carrying vast
French engineer Alfred de Glehn designed
quantities of raw materials and nished goods
these compound express locomotives.
as well as large numbers of passengers. Travelling Built for railways in France and abroad,
times between European cities had been cut signicantly some remained in service until the 1960s.

thanks to improvements in track and signalling, and also to

modern coaches and powerful locomotives capable of sustaining
higher speeds for greater lengths of time. New technology led
the way as superheated and compound engines rolled off the
production lines in ever greater numbers, while the US-inuenced
4-6-2 Pacic type also started to make an appearance.

Bavarian Class S3/6, 1908 Designed by the German company Maffei, a

Wheel arrangement 4-6-0 total of 159 of these express locomotives were
Cylinders 4 (compound) built over a period of nearly 25 years 89
Boiler pressure 213 psi (15 kg/sq cm) for the Royal Bavarian State Railways and
70 (known as Class 18.45) for the Deutsche
Driving wheel diameter 731/2 in (1,870 mm)
Reichsbahn between 1908 and 1931. This
Top speed approx. 75 mph (120 km/h) example was modernized in the 1950s.

d Prussian Class P8, 1908 One of the most successful European
Wheel arrangement 4-6-0 steam locomotive designs, around

1895 Paris Crash Cylinders 2 3,700 of the Prussian state railways

superheated Class P8s were built
Boiler pressure 170 psi (11.95 kg/sq cm)
On the afternoon of 22 October 1895 an express train from between 1908 and 1926. Designed
Driving wheel diameter 69 in (1,750 mm)
Granville hauling three baggage cars, a post van, and six by Robert Garbe, they were built in
passenger carriages approached the Montparnasse terminus, Top speed approx. 68 mph (110 km/h) several different German factories.
Paris. The train was travelling too fast, the air brake failed,
and it crashed through the buffer stop at 30 mph (48 km/h),
then travelled across the station concourse, through the
station wall, and down to the street. A woman pedestrian was
killed, but amazingly there were no fatalities on the train.

The infamous accident Locomotive No. 721 lies upended on

its nose after crashing through the 2-ft- (60-cm-) thick wall of
the terminus and falling 33 ft (10 m) onto the street below.

SJ B Class, 1909 Swedish state railways (Statens

Wheel arrangement 4-6-0 Jrnvgar, or SJ) built 96 of these
Cylinders 2 powerful superheated locomotives
Boiler pressure 171 psi (12 kg/sq cm) between 1909 and 1920. Three more
were made in 1944. The engines
Driving wheel diameter 69 in (1,750 mm)
were used to haul express
Top speed approx. 65 mph (105 km/h) passenger and freight trains.

l PO Pacic, 1910
Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure approx. 200 psi
(14.06 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 67 in
(1,702 mm)
Top speed 56 mph (90 km/h)

Built for the Paris Orlans Railway,

these express locomotives were the
rst Pacic type in mainland Europe.
Fifty were built in the US by the
American Locomotive Co. (ALCO).

FS Class 740, 1911 A total of 470 of these mixed-trafc engines Prussian Class T18, 1912 The last tank locomotive designed
Wheel arrangement 2-8-0 were built for the Italian state railways Wheel arrangement 4-6-4T for the Prussian state railways, 534
Cylinders 2 (Ferrovie dello Stato, or FS) between 1911 Cylinders 2 Class T18s were built between 1912
Boiler pressure 171 psi (12 kg/sq cm) and 1923, some remaining in service until Boiler pressure 170 psi (11.95 kg/sq cm) and 1927. Some were still in service in
the 1970s. No. 740.423 has been restored the 1970s with Deutsche Bundesbahn
Driving wheel diameter 55 in (1,400 mm) Driving wheel diameter 65 in (1,650 mm)
to operational condition in Sardinia, and in West Germany and Deutsche
Top speed approx. 56 mph (90 km/h) is occasionally used on charter trains. Top speed approx. 62 mph (100 km/h) Reichsbahn in East Germany.

Fulgence Bienvene
French civil engineer
Fulgence Bienvene was the
creator of the Paris Mtro, a
network that revolutionized
the daily lives of Parisians. His
extraordinary achievement
followed an inauspicious
beginning to his railroad
career; in 1881 he lost his
left arm in a construction
accident while working on his
rst rail project in Normandy,
France. However, this did not
deter him from pursuing his engineering ambitions, and after
moving to Paris in 1886, he became chief engineer for the Mtro
and supervised its development over the next 35 years. In addition
to the Mtro, Bienvene also managed engineering projects for
the Parisian highway, lighting, and cleaning departments.


With Paris hosting the Universal Exhibition in 1900, the citys
Municipal Council asked Bienvene to draw up plans for a
narrow-gauge metro network for electric trains. The project
started on 4 October 1898 and the rst Mtro line (Line 1,
Porte de Vincennes to Porte Maillot) opened to passengers
on 19 July 1900, in time for the exhibition.
The speed and efciency of this new urban transport system
impressed Parisians so much that the council granted Bienvene
the job of extending and building a full underground network.
Progress was swift. Within ve years Lines 2 and 3, which
stretched for 26 miles (42 km), were completed despite a
number of unforeseen setbacks, including a re at Couronnes
in 1903 in which 84 people died. When Line 4 was tunnelled
under the River Seine (190410), the construction techniques
used were hailed as master strokes of civil engineering. By the
eve of World War I, the Paris Mtro was largely complete.
In 1933 the Avenue du Maine station was renamed
Bienvene in honour of the father of the Paris Mtro.
Nowadays, with some 1.5 billion journeys made on the Mtro
each year, the network is an integral part of the city.

Early Paris Mtro

Three Mtro lines (3, 7, and 8) cross one another beneath the Place de
lOpra. The enormous construction effort to build the Mtro saw the streets
of central Paris torn up, much to the alarm of Parisians.
Honouring history
A Sprague-Thomson electric train arrives at
Place de la Bastille Mtro station on Line 1 in
1912. Paris Mtro stations are named after
signicant events, places, and people from
French history.
108 . 18951913

H&BT Caboose No. 16

Built by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1913, this wooden, four-
wheeled caboose, or cabin car, saw service on the railways
Middle Division between Harrisburg and Altoona before being
sold to the Huntingdon & Broad Top Mountain Railroad & Coal
Company (H&BT). Known as bobbers, these cabooses were
attached to the rear end of a freight train, serving as an ofce,
lookout, and home for the crew during trips.

WIDELY USED ON NORTH AMERICAN railways from the 1870s

through to the 1930s, bobbers got their nickname from railway
crews for their bumpy and occasionally unstable riding conditions.
The cupola on the roof offered all-round visibility for conductors,
allowing them to watch the freight wagons during their journeys.
Originally numbered No. 478396, this caboose was built at the
Pennsylvania Railroads Car Shops in Altoona and remained in
service until 1940 when it was sold to the Huntingdon & Broad
Top Mountain Railroad & Coal Company. It was then renumbered
No. 16 on this coal-carrying short line in south central Pennsylvania
and was one of the last wooden-bodied, four-wheeled bobbers to
remain in service in the US before the railways closure in 1954.
Saved from the scrapyard, it then had several owners before it was
donated to the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in 1998. Here it
was expertly restored and is currently on display in H&BT red livery. REAR VIEW FRONT VIEW

Type Caboose (cabin car) In-service period 191354
Origin USA Passenger capacity 1 conductor, crews quarters
Designer/builder Altoona Car Shops Weight 1212 tons (12.7 tonnes)
Number produced Not known Railway Pennsylvania Railroad/H&BT
Bright bobber
Restored caboose No. 16 now carries the initials
of the Huntingdon & Broad Top Mountain Chimney for
Railroad (H&BT), which originally opened in crew stove
1855 to serve coal mines in Pennsylvania. Cupola serves as
observation position
for brakeman

Marker lamp
signalled end of train Ladder for access
to roof

Veranda allows easy Handbrake allows

access to brake conductor to slow
controls and roof train on downward

Buckeye coupling
could be operated Mounting steps
manually using the made of steel, with
coupling opener arm wooden treads
H&BT CABOOSE NO. 16 . 109

Crews caboose
North American cabooses traditionally had
a veranda at each end, which was reached
by steps from ground level. A steel ladder
enabled freight train crew to access
the roof in order to clean the windows
of the lookout cupola.
110 . 18951913


The caboose had a cupola from which the

brakeman kept a lookout for overheating axles,
or hotboxes, as well as shifting cargo and damage
to the train. The buckeye coupling could be
manually operated; use of this type of coupling
and air brakes were made mandatory by US
Congress in 1893, signicantly reducing the
number of railway accidents and workers killed
or injured during coupling operations.

1. Caboose number painted on side 2. Coupling link

3. Coupling opener arm 4. Steps up to veranda
5. Marker lamp 6. Retaining valve to keep air brakes
applied on long downward slopes 7. Whistle 8. Chimney
9. Windows in cupola 10. Wheel unit 11. Open journal box
showing bearing 12. Brake wheel on platform

4 5 6 7

8 9 12

10 11
H&BT CABOOSE NO. 16 . 111


The cabooses cosy interior was an ofce and a
temporary home to the locomotive crew and
conductor. Raised seats allowed views through
the roof cupola, and a coal-red stove bolted to a
steel plate on the oor kept the crew warm at night
and provided cooking facilities. Surrounded by
protective steel plates, the stove was tted with
safety features such as a double-latched door to
prevent hot coals spilling out, and a lip on the top
to stop pans and pots from sliding off when the
train was in motion.

13. Interior of caboose 14. Window latch 15. Air brake

pressure gauge 16. Seats in cupola 17. Oil lamp 18. Air
controls on coal stove 19. Coal stove 20. Sink unit


14 15 17



112 . 18951913

Rapid Development
With railways now well established, this period saw rapid developments in the
design of both passenger and freight locomotives around the world. Mass production
of heavy freight engines reached new heights with more than 1,000 of the Prussian
state railways Class G8 along with another 5,000 of the later Class G8.1 being built
over the following years. However, the world record for the most numerous class
of locomotive goes to the Russian E Class, of which around 11,000 were built.

Austrian Glsdorf
Class 170, 1897
Wheel arrangement 2-8-0
Cylinders 2 (compound)
Boiler pressure 185 psi (13 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 491/2 in (1,260 mm)
Top speed approx. 37 mph (60 km/h)

Designed by Karl Glsdorf for the Imperial

Royal Austrian State Railways, the Class
170 freight locomotives were the rst to
be tted with radially sliding coupled
axles, known as Glsdorf axles.

u Prussian Class G8, 1902 More than 1,000 of these superheated

Wheel arrangement 0-8-0 freight locomotives were built in
Cylinders 2 Germany for the Prussian state railways.
u PRR Class E7, 1902
Boiler pressure 170 psi (11.95 kg/sq cm) After WWI hundreds were given to
Wheel arrangement 4-4-2
Germanys enemies as reparations.
Driving wheel diameter 53 in (1,350 mm) Cylinders 2
Some saw service during the building of
Top speed approx. 35 mph (56 km/h) the Baghdad Railway in Turkey in 1916. Boiler pressure 205 psi (14.4 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 781/2 in (2,000 mm)
Top speed approx. 80 mph (129 km/h)

The original Class E7 No. 7002 was built at the

Pennsylvania Railroads Altoona Works, Pennsylvania,
US. It was once claimed to be the worlds fastest steam
engine, supposedly reaching 127 mph (204 km/h), but
this is disputed. First numbered 8063, this locomotive
was renumbered after the rst 7002 was scrapped
and is now in the Pennsylvania Railroad Museum.

l Indian Class EM, 1907

Wheel arrangement 4-4-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 190 psi (13.4 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 78 in (1,980 mm)
Top speed approx. 60 mph (96 km/h)

Originally built as a 4-4-0 by the North

British Locomotive Co. for the Great
Indian Peninsula Railway, the Class EM
remained in service until the late 1970s.
EM No. 922 was rebuilt in 1941 by the
Mughalpura workshops.

u VGN Class SA, 1910 One of only ve Class SA

Wheel arrangement 0-8-0 switcher locomotives built, Nos. 1,
Cylinders 2 2, and 3 were made at American
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm) Locomotive Co. (ALCO); Nos. 4
and 5 by Baldwin Locomotive
Driving wheel diameter 51 in
Works. No. 4 (shown here) retired
(1,295 mm)
in 1957 as the last steam locomotive
Top speed approx. 10 mph (16 km/h) on the Virginian Railway.

d Russian E Class, 1912 First built at Lugansk Works in Ukraine,

Wheel arrangement 0-10-0 a large number of these heavy freight
Cylinders 2 engines were eventually constructed
Boiler pressure 170 psi in Russia, as well as in Czechoslovakia,
(11.95 kg/sq cm) Germany, Sweden, Hungary, and
Poland. There were several subclasses,
Driving wheel diameter 48 in
some of which were tted with
(1,220 mm)
condensing tenders for working
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h) in areas where water was scarce.

u Austrian Glsdorf
Class 310, 1911
Wheel arrangement 2-6-4
Cylinders 4 (compound)
Boiler pressure 220 psi (15.5 kg/sq cm)
Geared Locomotives
US-built, lighter-weight geared steam locomotives such
Driving wheel diameter 84 4 in
as the Shay, Heisler, and Climax types had wheels driven
(2,140 mm) by reduction gearing. These locomotives were designed
Top speed approx. 62 mph for the quick and cheap-to-lay industrial railways used
(100 km/h) by logging, sugar-cane, mining, and quarrying industry
operations where speed was not needed and gradients
Designed by Karl Glsdorf, 90 of were often steep.
the Class 310 four-cylinder compound
express locomotives were built for
Heisler 2-truck geared locomotive No. 4 This locomotive,
the Imperial Royal Austrian State designed by Charles L. Heisler, was built for the Chicago Mill
Railways from 1911 to 1916. This was & Lumber Co. in 1918. It was the fastest of this type and is
one of the most elegant locomotives on display at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania.
of the period.
114 . 18951913

VGN Class SA No. 4

One of only ve Class SA 0-8-0 switchers (known as shunters in the UK), this
powerful locomotive was delivered by the Baldwin Locomotive Works of
Eddystone, Pennsylvania, to the newly formed Virginian Railway (VGN) in
August 1910. It marshalled heavy coal trains at the railways yards in Virginia
and West Virginia until its retirement in 1957, when it was replaced by diesel
locomotives. It is currently on display at the Virginia Museum of Transportation
in Roanoke, and is the last surviving steam engine of the Virginian Railway.


a highly protable company by transporting high-
quality coal from the mines in West Virginia to its
piers at Sewells Point, Norfolk, southwestern Virginia,
from where it was it was transferred on to ships.
Nicknamed the Richest Little Railroad in the World,
the railway used some of the worlds most powerful
steam locomotives to haul its heavy eastbound
coal trains up the steeply graded line to Clarks Gap
in West Virginia, until this section of the railway
was electried in 1925.
Marshalling the long coal trains in Page (named
after one of the railways founders), and other yards
in West Virginia and Virginia, was carried out by
powerful 0-8-0 Class SA switchers, of which No. 4
is the only surviving example. Of the ve Class SA
switchers built, Nos. 13 were supplied by ALCO
and Nos. 45 by the Baldwin Locomotive Works. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW

Baldwin Locomotive Works SPECIFICATIONS

Founded by Matthias Baldwin in 1825,
the Baldwin Locomotive Works built Class SA In-service period 191057
more than 70,000 engines for Wheel arrangement 0-8-0 Cylinders 2
railways around the world. In 1956 Origin USA Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm)
production ceased after it lost out
Designer/builder Baldwin Locomotive Works Driving wheel diameter 51 in (1,295 mm)
on a large order to supply diesels
for the Pennsylvania Railroad. Number produced 5 Top speed approx. 10 mph (16 km/h)

Tender has a water capacity Rear sand dome sands Steam dome Front sand dome sands track
of 5,000 gallons (18,927 litres) track behind driving contains throttle ahead of driving wheels when
wheels when reversing going forwards

Coal bunker can hold

10 tons (10 tonnes)
VGN CLASS SA NO. 4 . 115

Powerful switcher
A utilitarian machine, Class SA No. 4 weighed
in at 81 tons (82 tonnes), and had a tractive
effort of 45,200 lb (20,502 kg). The rear
eight-wheeled tender weighed almost 50 tons
(50.8 tonnes) when fully loaded.
116 . 18951913


SA No. 4 was built as a utilitarian workhorse able to shunt heavy

coal trains at slow speeds in marshalling yards. It was tted with
knuckle couplings and a Westinghouse air brake, both US
standard systems. The two air reservoirs for the brakes were
housed between the two cylinders at the front of the locomotive.

1. Engine number on side 2. Headlight 3. Front coupler 4. Valve chamber

head with metal star detail 5. Builders plate on side of engine 6. Brass bell
on top of engine 7. Whistle attached to steam dome 8. Safety valves
9. Piston rod 10. Crosshead support yoke 11. Driving wheels 12. Driving
wheel springs 13. Steps leading to cab 14. Exterior of cab with bright red
window frames 15. Tender behind cab 16. Signage displaying tender water
capacity 17. Light on tender 18. Handrail around edge of tender

5 6 7 8 9



13 14 15 16

VGN CLASS SA NO. 4 . 117

4 20



22 24 25

23 26


27 28

The driver and reman of SA No. 4 worked in a hot and
uncomfortable cab. The driver was seated on the right-hand
side, where he could see the road ahead and control the throttle
and air brake. Unlike many American locomotives, which were
tted with a mechanical stoker, the humble switchers had to
be manually fed coal from the tender into the rebox by the
reman using a large shovel.

19. Boiler backhead in cab 20. Engine and train brake 21. Steam
pressure gauge 22. Interior of rebox 23. Air brake gauge
24. Auxiliary controls 25. Throttle lever (regulator) 26. Control valves
27. Control pedal 28. Drivers seat
The New York Elevated Railway
While London and Paris burrowed underground to meet the Under the 1875 Rapid Transit Act, four lines were constructed,
demand for a fast and reliable public transport system, New York and these would form the heart of the New York Elevated
chose the overground route. Between 1840 and 1870, the citys Railway (or the El as New Yorkers called it). The routes ran
population had grown by more than half-a-million inhabitants. northwards along Second, Third, Sixth, and Ninth Avenues,
This increase overwhelmed the capacity of its horse-drawn bus and further lines were added up to 1917.
and streetcar routes, several of which ran along the main Although the smoke and noise of steam locomotives had
avenues. Although it was considered unsafe and impractical been supplanted by electric traction, by the late 1930s the El
to replace horses with steam engines, two local entrepreneurs, was considered outdated. The lines were demolished between
Charles Harvey and Rufus Gilbert, believed their locomotives 1938 and 1955 to make way for the New York Subway system.
could run on viaducts built over the streets. They introduced two
elevated lines to the west of Manhattan Island before nancial Passengers ride behind a lightweight, Forney tank locomotive of the Third
problems forced the authorities to take over the project. Avenue Elevated Railroad in 1896, above the wagons and streetcars of Bowery.
120 . 18951913

On Other Gauges
George Stephenson introduced the 4-ft 8-in- (1.435-m-) gauge
for British railways in 1830 and before long it became the
standard gauge for many railways around the world. However,
there were, and still are, many exceptions. In India a broader
gauge of 5 ft 6 in (1.67 m) was used for many mainline railways,
but more lightly laid lines had narrower gauges of 3 ft 3 in (1 m)
or, for mountain railways, only 2 ft (0.61 m). While the standard
gauge was usually the norm in mainland Europe and the US,
there was also widespread use of narrow gauges in mountainous
regions. The most extensive narrow-gauge network in the US
was the Denver & Rio Grande Railroads 3-ft- (0.91-m-) gauge
system in Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico.

r NWE Mallet, 1897 This engine was one of 12 powerful

Wheel arrangement 0-4-4-0 articulated steam locomotives built for
Cylinders 4 the 3-ft 3-in- (1-m-) gauge Nordhausen-
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14 kg/sq cm) Wernigerode Railway in Germany.
Several were lost in WWI but three are
Driving wheel diameter 391/2 in
now with the NWEs successor the
(1,000 mm)
Harzer Schmalspurbahnen on the
Top speed approx. 18 mph (30 km/h) Harz Mountains in central Germany.

u NWR ST, 1904 One of the rst locomotives built at Indias North u KS Wren Class, 1905 A total of 163 of these narrow-gauge
Wheel arrangement 0-6-2T Western Railways Mughalpura Workshops, ST No. 707 Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 locomotives were built by the British
Cylinders 2 (inside) was made from parts supplied by North British Cylinders 2 company Kerr Stuart for use on industrial
Boiler pressure 150 psi (10.53 kg/sq cm) Locomotive Co. of Glasgow. Weighing 55 tons (55 Boiler pressure 140 psi (9.84 kg/sq cm) railways around the world between 1905 and
tonnes), this 5-ft 6-in- (1.67-m-) gauge locomotive 1930. However, Jennie was made in 2008 for
Driving wheel diameter 51 in (1,295 mm) Driving wheel diameter 20 in (500 mm)
was employed for shunting duties. It is now on the 2-ft- (0.60-m-) gauge Amerton Railway,
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h) display at the National Rail Museum, New Delhi. Top speed approx. 15 mph (24 km/h) Staffordshire, by the Hunslet Engine Co.

r Indian SPS, 1903

Wheel arrangement 4-4-0
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 78 in (1,980 mm)
Top speed approx. 50 mph (80 km/h)

A range of standard designs was introduced

for India, including the Standard Passenger
(SP); when superheating was added
it became the SPS. British
designed, some of these
engines had extremely long
working lives. After partition in
1947, this one ran on the new
Pakistan Railways until the 1980s.

u Mh 399, 1906 Built by Krauss of Linz, this locomotive

Wheel arrangement 0-8+4 was made for the Austrian Railways 2-ft
Cylinders 2 6-in- (0.76-m-) narrow-gauge Mariazell
Boiler pressure 180 psi (12.65 kg/sq cm) Railway. It had rear wheels that are also
driven by coupling rods. Seen here is
Driving wheel diameter 36 in (910 mm)
No. 399.06 preserved on the
Top speed approx. 25 mph (40 km/h) Mariazellerbahn, Austria.

u TGR K Class Garratt, 1909 The worlds rst Garratt-type articulated steam
Wheel arrangement 0-4-0+0-4-0 locomotive, No. K1 was built by Beyer Peacock &
Cylinders 4 Co. of Manchester, England, for the Tasmanian
Boiler pressure 195 psi (13.70 kg/sq cm) Government Railway, Australia. It ran on the 2-ft-
(0.60-m-) gauge North East Dundas Tramway. This
Driving wheel diameter 311/2 in (800 mm)
historic locomotive was returned to Britain in 1947
Top speed approx. 25 mph (40 km/h) and now hauls trains on the Welsh Highland Railway.

u EIR No. 1354 Phoenix, 1907

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0WT
Cylinders 2 (inside)
Boiler pressure 120 psi (8.44 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 36 in (910 mm)
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h)

One of ve railmotors built in England

by Nasmyth Wilson & Company, Phoenix
was made for the 5-ft 6-in- (1.67-m-)
East Indian Railway in 1907. Later, in
1925, the coaches were removed and
Phoenix was rebuilt in India as a small
shunting engine. It is now on display at
the National Rail Museum, New Delhi.

r Lima Class C Shay, 1906 Designed by US inventor Ephraim Shay, the

Wheel arrangement B-B-B Class C geared three-truck steam locomotive
Cylinders 3 was rst introduced in 1885. This Shay No. 1 was
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm) built by the Lima Locomotive & Machine Co. for a
standard-gauge logging railroad in Pennsylvania
Driving wheel diameter 36 in (910 mm)
in 1906. It can be seen at the Railroad Museum of
Top speed approx. 15 mph (24 km/h) Pennsylvania, Strasburg.
122 . 18951913

Building Great Railways

TransSiberian Railway
Crossing eight time zones, the 5,772-mile (9,289-km) Trans-Siberian
Railway is the longest continuous railway line in the world. Extending
from the Russian capital, Moscow, to Vladivostok on the Pacic
coast, it provides a strategic route connecting Asia with Europe.
BY 1890 THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE stretched east
from its European borders, across the Ural
Mountains and the vastness of Siberia, to the
Pacic coast. While European Russia, west of the
Urals, had experienced industrial growth and
acquired railways in the 19th century (the rst
Kama River, near Perm
railway, opened in 1851, was between Moscow
A metal-truss railway bridge straddles the Kama River
and St Petersburg), the lands to the east remained in this early colour photograph from c. 190915.
virtually untapped. With few roads into the region, The Trans-Siberian crosses numerous major rivers.
the only means of transport were the mighty
Siberian river systems, but these were only future Tsar Nicholas II. Work began at both ends
navigable for around ve months of each year for Moscow and Vladivostok with Russian soldiers
the remaining months they were frozen. A railway and convicts employed as railway navvies. Progress
was the key to opening up this vast hinterland. was fast, and by 1898 the line stretched 3,222
Construction of the government-funded miles (5,185 km) from Moscow to Irkutsk, near the
Trans-Siberian Railway began in 1891 with the western shore of Lake Baikal.
blessing of Tsar Alexander III and his son, the Further east, the line running from Vladivostok to
Khabarovsk had already opened in 1897. However,
Steaming around Lake Baikal
the Amur line running west from Khabarovsk to
Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express is one of the luxury trains
that runs the route. Less pampered journeys can be taken on a Chita would not open until much later. Presented
variety of domestic and international services. with difcult terrain in this region, a shortcut

River crossings On its long route
Kirov across Russia the railway crosses
Perm many great rivers, including the worlds
Yaroslavl fth-longest river, the Ob, at Omsk.

Moscow Yekaterinburg
Omsk Novosibirsk
3 Moscow
BELARUS Russias capital city, Moscow,
is shown in 1890, a year before
construction on the Trans-Siberian began. 2 Construction near Yekaterinburg
Trans-Siberian passenger trains for The Trans-Siberian Railway was built at
Vladivostok depart from Yaroslavsky the rapid rate of 2 12 miles (4 km) a day
Station, which was opened in 1904. in summer conditions. To reduce costs,
UKRAINE lighter rails were used than those
standard in Europe.

Main stations
Main route
Original route 1903
Trans-Mongolian route
Trans-Manchurian route
T R A N S - S I B E R I A N R A I LWAY . 1 2 3

linking Vladivostok to Chita via Manchuria was HIGH-SPEED CONSTRUCTION

built. However, following conicts with Japan over
An amazing feat of human effort, the Trans-
Manchurian interests, a route on Russian soil was DATES
Siberian Railway was built by thousands of
needed and work on the Amur line began. 1891 Building begins from Vladivostok (east) and
Russian soldiers, as well as convicts and political
Meanwhile, the eastern and western sections Moscow (west) towards the centre
prisoners serving sentences of hard labour. After
of the Trans-Siberian Railway had come to an end 1903 Original route via Manchuria is completed
25 years of construction, its completion fullled
on opposite shores of Lake Baikal at 5,387ft 1904 Circum-Baikal around Lake Baikal is nished
the dreams of Russias last tsar.
(1,642 m) the deepest freshwater lake in the 1916 Final route is completed and line opens
world. A train ferry, the ice-breaker SS Baikal, 1
was launched in 1899 to carry complete trains TRAINS
across the lake. It could carry up to 24 railway Train No. 002 Rossiya travels eastbound Moscow
carriages and a locomotive. The ferry service Vladivostok; No. 001 runs westbound. A range of
became redundant in 1905 when the Circum- domestic Russian trains or direct international trains
Baikal Line opened around the rocky western run from Moscow to Ulan Bator, Mongolia; Beijing,
shores of Lake Baikal its 33 tunnels and 200 China; and Pyongyang, North Korea. Trains are
bridges were built by convicts and political Russian or Chinese rolling stock, depending on nal
prisoners at great cost to the state. destination. Luxury trains, such as the steam-hauled
The Khabarovsk Bridge over the Amur River Golden Eagle and Tsars Gold also run.
was built in 1913 and, with the Amur section
2 3
completed in 1916, the entire line was opened. JOURNEY
Moscow to Vladivostok
5,772 miles (9,289 km); 6 days, 4 hrs, Train No. 002M

Gauge Broad 4 ft 11 56 in (1.52 m)
Tunnels 33 on Circum-Baikal section; longest
passenger tunnel Tarmanchukan, 1.4 miles (2.2 km)
Bridges Track crosses 16 major rivers, including the
Volga, Ob, Yenisey, and Oka; the Khabarovsk Bridge
over the Amur is longest at 8,500 ft (2,590 m) 4

Highest point 3,412 ft (1,040 m) at the Yablonovy

Mountain pass near Chita
Siberian landscape
Lowest temperature -7912F (-62C) between
Full electrication of the Trans-Siberian was completed in
2002. This earlier passenger train hauled by three diesel- Mogocha and Skovordino on the Amur section
electric locomotives heads through the empty landscape.

N 0 300 600 miles

5 6 Circum-Baikal Railway
The Trans-Siberian Railway was later built 0 300 600 900 km
around Lake Baikal, the worlds deepest lake.
The track follows the lakes western shoreline,
but much of it runs through tunnels.
The Amur line The Chita 5 6
4 SS Baikal Khabarovsk section was
completed in late 1916, and was
Initially Trans-Siberian trains crossed Lake
built over very difcult terrain.
Baikal on the ice-breaker railway ferry SS Baikal,
the parts of which were built in England and
assembled in Russia. It could traverse the
lake through ice 3 ft (91 cm) thick.
7 Vladivostok Station 189394
Construction of the Trans-Siberian
Railway in the east began in 1891 in
Ulan-Ude Chita the historic port of Vladivostok.


Khabarovsk 7

G O L I A Railway Coaches and
freight wagons change Harbin
bogies to operate on the 1 Ussuri section
Chinese standard gauge. Convict labour was used to
construct the section from
Vladivostok to Khabarovsk,
Vladivostok which was completed in 1897.
Railway Opened
in 1955, the Beijing
Mongolian track Chinese Eastern Line Opened in
has the same 1903, this line provided a shortcut to
broad gauge as Chita, but conict with Japan made
Russian rail. a route on Russian soil necessary.
124 . 18951913

Competition From
the New Electrics
While steam traction was enjoying its heyday in the late 19th and early
20th centuries other forms of faster and cleaner rail transport were being
developed. Electric trams, or streetcars, rst started appearing in Europe
and the US during the 1880s, and the technology began to appear on
railways by the early 20th century. Using a mixture of either third-rail or
overhead catenary power supplies, electric traction had been introduced
on many city commuter lines in the UK and the US by the outbreak of u Budapest Metro car, 1896 Fitted with two Siemens & Halske traction motors,
Wheel arrangement 2 x 4-wheel 20 of these double-ended, electric subway cars
World War I. With their fast acceleration these trains were ideal for lines
powered bogies with 28 PS motors were built for Continental Europes rst electric
with high-density trafc; they also eliminated the problem of pollution underground railway, which opened in Budapest,
Power supply 300 V DC, overhead
in built-up areas and in tunnels. In the US the electrication of the supply Hungary in 1896. Plans for extending the metro
with two extra routes were made in 1895, but the
23/4-mile (4.23-km) Cascade Tunnel in Washington State in 1909 Power rating 28 hp (20.59 kW)
lines only opened more than 70 years later in 1970
was an early example of clean electric locomotives replacing the per engine
and 1976. Following retirement in the early 1970s,
Top speed approx. 30 mph
asphyxiating fumes of steam engines in conned spaces. car No. 18 was preserved and is on display at the
(48 km/h) Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport, US.

l NER petrol-electric Two of these petrol-electric railcars were

autocar, 1903 built in 1903 in the UK at the North Eastern
Wheel arrangement 2 x 4-wheel Railways York Works. The original Wolsey
bogies (1 powered) four-cylinder engine that drove generators
Transmission 2 traction motors to power the two electric traction motors
Engine petrol was replaced by a six-cylinder 225 hp
(168 kW) engine in 1923. The railcars had
Total power output 80 hp
been withdrawn by 1931. One is being
(59.6 kW)
restored at the Embsay & Bolton Abbey
Top speed approx. 36 mph (58 km/h) Steam Railway in Yorkshire.

Drehstrom-Triebwagen, 1903
Wheel arrangement 2 x 6-wheel bogies,
outer axles motorized
Power supply 614 kV DC (2550 Hz)
Power rating 1,475 hp (1,100 kW)
Top speed 130 mph (210 km/h)

Built by Siemens & Halske and AEG

of Germany and tted with three-
phase induction motors, two prototype
high-speed Drehstrom-Triebwagen railcars
were tested on the Prussian military
railway south of Berlin in 1903. Taking
overhead power from a triple catenary,
the AEG-built railcar reached 130 mph
(210 km/h) between Zossen and Marienfelde
on 28 October 1903, a world rail-speed
record not broken until 1931.

NER electric locomotive, 1905

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Power supply 600630 V DC, third-rail
or catenary
Power rating 640 hp (477 kW)
Top speed approx. 27 mph (43 km/h)

Drawing power from either a third-rail

or an overhead catenary, two of these
locomotives were built by British Thomson-
Houston for the North Eastern Railway in
190304 but was not operational until
1905 when the line was electried. They
worked on a steeply graded freight line to
a quayside in Newcastle-upon-Tyne until
1964. One is preserved at the Locomotion
Museum in Shildon, County Durham.


Ticketing on the Railways

Early railway companies issued tickets to passengers on
handwritten pieces of paper. This was time-consuming
and open to fraud by unscrupulous ticket clerks. Invented
by Thomas Edmondson, an English station master, the
Edmondson railway ticket system was introduced in 1842.
Using preprinted, durable cards was not only a faster
means of issuing tickets but they were also given unique
serial numbers that had to be accounted for by booking
clerks each day. Ticket inspectors at stations and on
trains punched holes in the tickets to prevent reuse.

Ticket punch Featuring a decorative, three-pointed spike,

this silver ticket punch was made by the Bonney-Vehslage
Tool Co. for the Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad in 1906.

Punch hole

u B&O Bo Switcher, 1895 Opened in 1860, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroads
Wheel arrangement Bo (0-4-0) network of railways serving waterfront warehouses
Power supply approx. 450 V, catenary at Fells Point in Baltimore was originally horsedrawn.
Overhead streetcar power lines were introduced in 1896
Power rating approx. 15 hp (11.2 kW)
with small electric switchers, like this No. 10 built by
Top speed approx. 10 mph (16 km/h) General Electric in 1909, taking over from horsepower.

Schynige Platte Class The 2-ft 712-in- (0.8-m-) gauge Schynige

He2/2, 1910 Platte Railway in the Swiss Bernese
Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 Oberland opened using steam power in
Power supply 1,500 V DC, 1893. This steeply graded mountain rack
overhead catenary railway was electried in 1914. Four of the
original electric engines built by the Swiss
Power rating 295 hp (220 kW)
Locomotive & Machine Works and Brown
Top speed approx. 5 mph (8 km/h) Boveri still operate on the railway.

1914-1939 . 129

In 1914 the world was plunged into a terrible Key Events
conict. World War I (the Great War) lasted r 1914 Outbreak of World War I.
until 1918, and during the four years of hostilities Railways prove to be essential for the
transportation of troops and supplies.
railways played a key role. The ability to move
r 1915 In Germany, Leipzigs main
men, munitions, and supplies by train assumed station is completed the worlds
new importance; in many countries full-size largest station measured by oor area.

locomotives were specially built for the military, r 1916 The nal section of the Trans-
u Ticket for the Royal Blue, 1935 Siberian Railway is opened.
while narrow-gauge railways were created to serve Recalling the glamour of the original Royal
Blue train, B&O Railroad marketed the r 1917 The Trans-Australian Railway is
the war effort. The latter were designed to be laid nished. Its route includes the worlds
revamped service as elegant and luxurious.
easily and to run close by the front lines. longest stretch of straight track at
nearly 300 miles (483 km).
At the end of the war, maps were redrawn, and many new or recreated
r 1920 Germanys railways come under
countries found themselves inheriting existing rail systems, which they adapted
the new Deutsche Reichsbahn.
to meet particular demands inside their new borders. In Germany, a post-war
r 1931 Germanys petrol-powered
reorganization brought its railways together to create the Deutsche Reichsbahn. Schienenzeppelin reaches 143 mph
In Britain, the government merged the private rail companies to form what (230 km/h), setting a rail speed record.

became known as the Big Four. r 1934 Sir Nigel Gresleys steam
locomotive Flying Scotsman records
A desire for progress and increasing rivalry (as well as competition from cars a speed of 100 mph (161 km/h).
and aeroplanes) combined to give rise to a new age of speed and streamlining. r 1935 The rst section of the Moscow
As the Art Deco visual style took hold across the world, new, futuristic-looking Metro opens.
trains were launched. Railways rivalled each other not only through offering r 1936 A German Leipzig diesel
railcar travels at 127 mph (205 km/h),
greater speed and comfort, but also through clever marketing. Towards the end a record for diesel traction.
of the period, in July 1938, Britains Mallard snatched the steam speed record
r 1938 Frances railways are brought
from a German locomotive by reportedly reaching 126 mph (203 km/h) a gure together as the Socit Nationale des
that ofcially has never been beaten. Chemins de fer Franais (SNCF).

Yet as steam neared its streamlined zenith, the push for speed and modernity r 1938 Sir Nigel Gresleys Mallard hits
126 mph (203 km/h) a steam speed
created a new breed alongside the giants of steam and new lightweight diesel record that stands today.
trains began to appear in North America and Europe during the 1930s.

There is more poetry in the rush

of a single railroad train across
the continent than in all the
gory story of Troy
u Record-breaking Mallard
Mallard and the dynamometer car stand at Barkston
on Sunday 3 July 1938, braced for the run that will
The new Empire State Express poster by Leslie Ragan advertises the USs burgeoning railroad tourism in the 1930s earn the locomotive a world speed record for steam.
130 . 19141939

Locomotives for
World War I
Following the outbreak of World War I, the Railway Operating
Division (ROD) of the British Royal Engineers was formed in
1915 to operate railways in the European and Middle East
theatres of war. The British network of narrow-gauge trench
railways was operated by the War Department Light Railways,
while the French had already standardized portable, 1-ft 1134-in
GWR Dean Goods, 1883 Designed by William Dean, 260 of these
(0.60-m) gauge, military Decauville equipment to supply Wheel arrangement 0-6-0 standard-gauge freight locomotives were built
ammunition and stores to the Western Front. The Germans used Cylinders 2 (inside) at the Great Western Railways Swindon Works
a similar system for their trench railways the Heeresfeldbahn. Boiler pressure 180 psi (12.65 kg/sq cm) between 1883 and 1899. In 1917 the Railway
Operating Division commandeered 62 of them
The entry of the US into the war in 1917 saw many US-built Driving wheel diameter 613/4 in (1,570 mm)
to operate supply trains in northern France.
locomotives shipped across the Atlantic for service in France. Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h) Some also served in France during WWII.

Henschel metre-gauge, 1914 O&K Feldbahn, 1903

Wheel arrangement 0-6-0T Wheel arrangement 0-8-0T
Cylinders 2 Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14 kg/sq cm) Boiler pressure approx. 180 psi
Driving wheel diameter 311/2 in (12.65 kg/sq cm)
(800 mm) Driving wheel diameter approx. 223/4 in
Top speed approx. 18 mph (29 km/h) (580 mm)
Top speed approx. 15 mph (24 km/h)
Built by the German company
Henschel in 1914, two of these Introduced in 1903, around 2,500 of these
3-ft 3-in- (1-m-) gauge locomotives 1-ft 113/4-in- (0.60-m-) gauge Brigadelok
were originally supplied to the Army locomotives were built by several German
Technical Research Institute. They were companies, and widely used on the military
later transferred to the Nordhausen- light railways constructed to supply forward
Wernigerode Railway in the Harz positions of the German army. The locomotive
Mountains in central Germany, where shown here is No. 7999, an Orenstein & Koppel
they hauled trains carrying engine built in 1915 with KleinLinder
Baldwin Switcher, 1917 Built in the US by the Baldwin Locomotive standard-gauge freight wagons. articulation of the front and rear axles.
Wheel arrangement 0-6-0T Works, the 651700 Series of Railway
Cylinders 2 Operating Division shunting (or switching)
Boiler pressure 190 psi (13.4 kg/sq cm) locomotives was introduced in 1917 for use
by the British Military Railways in France.
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
After the war they became Class 58 of
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h) the Belgian National Railways.

u GCR Class 8K, 1911 The Great Central Railways Class 8K freight
Wheel arrangement 2-8-0 locomotive introduced in 1911 was chosen as the
Cylinders 2 standard British Railway Operating Division 2-8-0
Boiler pressure 180 psi (12.65 kg/sq cm) locomotive during WWI. A total of 521 were built, with
many seeing service hauling troop and freight trains
Driving wheel diameter 56 in (1,420 mm)
in France. During WWII many of these locomotives
Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h) were sent on active service to the Middle East.


Armoured Engines
The British pioneered the use of small, armoured,
narrow-gauge petrol locomotives to operate on the
temporary railways that served the front line during
World War I. Unlike steam locomotives, which could
easily be spotted by the enemy, these locomotives
could haul ammunition trains to forward positions
during daylight hours without being detected.

Simplex locomotive Built for the British War Ofce by Motor

Rail Ltd in 1917, this 1-ft 113/4-in (0.60-m), four-wheel, engine
hauled 15-ton (15.2-tonne) ammunition trains at 5 mph
(8 km/h) to the trenches in northern France.

Baldwin ALCO narrow-gauge, 1916

Wheel arrangement 4-6-0PT
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 178 psi (12.51 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 231/4 in (590 mm)
Top speed approx. 18 mph (29 km/h)

Based on a French design, these 1-ft 113/4-in-

(0.60-m-) gauge pannier tank locomotives
were supplied by the Baldwin Locomotive
Works and the American Locomotive Co. in
the US to the British War Ofce, for use on
front-line military railways in northern France
and the Middle East during WWI.

Pershing Nord, 1917 The North British Locomotive Co. in

Wheel arrangement 2-8-0 Glasgow supplied 113 Consolidation
Cylinders 2 Pershings for the Compagnie des Chemins
Boiler pressure 189 psi (13.28 kg/sq cm) de fer du Nord in France. While the railway
was happy to run these large locomotives
Driving wheel diameter 56 in (1,420 mm)
at up to 56 mph (90 km/h), other French
Top speed 56 mph (90 km/h) railways preferred lower operating speeds.

Baldwin Spider, 1917

Wheel arrangement 4-6-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 190 psi (13.4 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 613/4 in (1,570 mm)
Top speed approx. 65 mph (105 km/h)

Nicknamed Spiders by British soldiers, 70 of these

mixed-trafc locomotives were built with bar frames
by the US Baldwin Locomotive Works between 1917 and
1918 for service on the Western Front during WWI. Later
they became Class 40 of the Belgian National Railways.
War Machines
Railway-mounted artillery featured in conicts from the
American Civil War to World War II. They caused great
destruction, most notably during World War I when Germanys
Pariskanonen (Paris Guns) bombarded the French capital with
230-lb (106-kg) shells from a distance of 75 miles (120 km).
Rail-mounted gun turrets provided fast, mobile re power, and
being moveable, the guns could also be hidden from enemy
attacks. From 1862 to 1945, before the introduction of air attacks,
they were perhaps the most destructive long-range weapons.


Austria-Hungary, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and the US all
deployed rail-mounted artillery. While France was the rst nation
to equip its army with rail-mounted howitzers by adapting naval
guns for use on railway wagons, Germany developed howitzers
that set records for size, range, and destructive power. Companies
such as Krupp and Skoda built Dicke Bertha (Big Bertha) and
Schlanke Emma (Skinny Emma) howitzers respectively, both of
which inicted great damage on French and Belgian defences.
However, Krupps Schwerer Gustav (Heavy Gustavs) the biggest
land weapon ever was a failure. Though capable of ring 4-ton
(4,064-kg) shells as far as 29 miles (46 km), it demanded a crew
of no fewer than 1,420 people and two parallel tracks, which
made the gun so impractical that it only saw action once.

French railway guns were engaged in the Somme offensive during

World War I. The weapon pictured required a crew of 15 men.
134 . 19141939

Fast and Powerful

The introduction of longer and heavier express passenger trains in Europe
and the US during the 1920s and 1930s led to the building of more powerful and
faster types of locomotives to standard designs. In Britain, Sir Nigel Gresley led
the way with his three-cylinder A1 and A3 Pacic 4-6-2s of which Flying Scotsman
is justiably world famous. Other British locomotive engineers such as the Great u PRR Class K4s, 1914 The Class K4s Pacic locomotives,
Western Railways Charles Collett and the London, Midland & Scottish Railways Wheel arrangement 4-6-2 of which 425 were built in the US
Cylinders 2 between 1914 and 1928, were the
Henry Fowler favoured a 4-6-0 wheel arrangement. In the US, Germany, and Pennsylvania Railroads premier
Boiler pressure 205 psi (14.4 kg/sq cm)
France, the Pacic type became the favoured express passenger locomotive type. Driving wheel diameter 80 in (2,030 mm)
express steam locomotive. They
were often used in double or triple
Top speed approx. 70 mph (113 km/h) headers to haul heavy trains.

NZR Class Ab, 1915

Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 180 psi (12.65 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,372 mm)
Top speed approx. 60 mph (96 km/h)

One of a class of 141 locomotives,

New Zealand Railways Class Ab Pacic
locomotive No. 608 is named Passchendaele
in memory of NZR staff killed in WWI. Ab
engines were replaced by diesels in the
1960s but ve have been preserved.

l SOU Class Ps-4, 1923

Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 73 in (1,854 mm)
Top speed approx. 80 mph (129 km/h)

Finished in a striking green livery, the 64

Class Ps-4 Pacic-type express passenger
locomotives were built for the Southern
Railway of the US by the American
Locomotive Company (ALCO) and the
Baldwin Locomotive Works between 1923
and 1928. Designed to haul the railroads
heavy expresses, they had been replaced
by diesels by the early 1950s. No. 1401 is
on display in the Smithsonian Institution
in Washington DC.

r LMS Royal Scot Class, 1927

Wheel arrangement 4-6-0
Cylinders 3
Boiler pressure 250 psi (17.57 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 81 in (2,057 mm)
Top speed approx. 80 mph (129 km/h)

PRR Class G5s, 1924 This engine was designed by William Designed by Sir Henry Fowler, 70 Royal
Wheel arrangement 4-6-0 Kiesel to work commuter trains Scot Class locomotives were built to
Cylinders 2 on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The haul long-distance express trains on the
Boiler pressure 205 psi (14.4 kg/sq cm) Class G5s was one of the largest and London, Midland & Scottish Railway. They
most powerful 4-6-0s in the world. were later rebuilt by William Stanier with
Driving wheel diameter 68 in (1,730 mm)
No. 5741 is on display in the Railroad Type 2A tapered boilers, and remained
Top speed approx. 70 mph (113 km/h) Museum of Pennsylvania. in service until the early 1960s.

l DR Class 01, 1926

Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 232 psi (16.3 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 783/4 in (2,000 mm)
Top speed approx. 81 mph (130 km/h)
u LNER Class A3, 1928 Britains Sir Nigel Gresley designed
A total of 241 (including 10 rebuilt Class 02s) Wheel arrangement 4-6-2 the A3 for the London & North
of these standardized Class 01 express Cylinders 3 Eastern Railway. These locomotives
locomotives were built for the Deutsche Boiler pressure 220 psi (15.46 kg/sq cm) hauled express trains between
Reichsbahn between 1926 and 1938. Some Londons Kings Cross and Scotland.
Driving wheel diameter 80 in (2,030 mm)
engines remained in service in East No. 4472 Flying Scotsman is the
Germany until the early 1980s. Top speed 108 mph (174 km/h) only example preserved.

u GWR King Class, 1930 The King Class was designed by Charles
Wheel arrangement 4-6-0 Collett for the Great Western Railway.
Cylinders 4 Thirty of these express locomotives
Boiler pressure 250 psi (17.57 kg/sq cm) were built at Swindon Works in England
between 1927 and 1936. They were
Driving wheel diameter 78 in
u GWR Castle Class, 1936 These express locomotives were designed by replaced by diesels in the early 1960s;
(1,980 mm)
Wheel arrangement 4-6-0 Charles Collett for the Great Western Railway. three including this one, No. 6023 King
Top speed approx. 90 mph (145 km/h) Edward II, have been preserved.
Cylinders 4 Its Swindon Works built 171 Castle Class engines
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm) between 1923 and 1950. Shown here is No. 5051.
They had all been retired by 1965, but eight
Driving wheel diameter 801/2 in (2,045 mm)
have now been preserved. No. 5051 Drysllyn
Top speed approx. 100 mph (161 km/h) Castle is at Didcot Railway Centre.

r Nord Pacific, 1936

Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Cylinders 4 (compound)
Boiler pressure 240 psi (16.87 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 751/2 in (1,918 mm)
Top speed approx. 81 mph (130 km/h)

French engineer Andr Chapelon designed these

powerful locomotives for the Compagnie du Nord.
They hauled express trains such as the Flche dOr
in northern France. Shown here is
No. 3.1192, which is exhibited
at the Cit du Train,
Mulhouse, France.
136 . 19141939

King Edward II
Built at Swindon Works in June 1930, the King Class locomotive
No. 6023 King Edward II was in a class of engines considered to
be the most powerful machines on any British railway. The rst
of the class, No. 6000, built in 1927, was named after the reigning
monarch King George V; later engines carried names of earlier
kings in reverse order of ascendance. King Edward II served for
32 years, rst with the Great Western Railway then British Railways.


natural progression from his four-cylinder 4-6-0 Castle Class
engines, which had enjoyed great success. Commentators at
the time even wondered whether this was a new design or
simply a super Castle. The King Class locomotives were able
to handle the heaviest trains operated by the GWR, but their
heavy axle weight restricted them to the LondonPlymouth
and LondonWolverhampton (via Bicester) routes. Owing
to this limited route availability, relatively few were built.
After being withdrawn from service in June 1962, No. 6023
King Edward II was sold to locomotive scrap merchants
Woodham Brothers of Barry, South Wales and remained
there until its rescue in December 1984. By this time the
engine was a rotting hulk and its rear driving wheel set had
been sliced through by a cutting torch following a shunting
mishap. This iconic locomotive has now been fully restored
and it returned to steam at Didcot Railway Centre in 2011. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW

Class King In-service period 193062 (King Edward II)
Wheel arrangement 4-6-0 Cylinders 4
Origin UK Boiler pressure 250 psi (17.5 kg/sq cm)
Designer/builder CB Collett/Swindon Works Driving wheel diameter 78 in (1,980 mm)
Number produced 30 King Class Top speed approx. 110 mph (177 km/h)

British Railways logo

The original lion emblem, known as
the Cycling Lion, was used on
Double red discs on cab side Steel nameplate Modied outside Copper-topped chimney
locomotives between 1950 and 1956. indicate the engines GWR with brass letters steam pipe is typical of GWR chimney
power and weight classication replaced original design
Collett tender No. 2460 is one pattern
of 24 different tenders to be
paired with this locomotive
on buffer

Long service history

King Edward II is one of only three surviving members of its
class and performed over 1.5 million miles (2.414 million km)
of service. The PDN mark on the buffer framing is the GWR
code for the Old Oak Common depot where it was rst based.
138 . 19141939


The King Class engines were originally turned

out in the GWRs traditional green Swindon
livery, with their distinctive, copper-topped
chimney. However, in 1948 two King Class
locomotives were turned out in an experimental
dark blue livery with red, cream, and grey lining. 4 5 6
In 1950 a standard Caledonian blue livery with
black and white lining was introduced. Over
time British Railways changed the livery back
to green. King Edward II has been restored in
the BR 1950s blue livery.

1. Nameplate in brass letters on steel 2. Numberplate on

cab side 3. Interior of smokebox 4. Chimney with polished 7 8 9
copper cap 5. Axle and leaf spring suspension on front
set of bogie wheels 6. Retaining valve for vacuum brake
changeover, and copper pipes for lubricator 7. Crosshead
of inside cylinder, seen through inspection hole 8. Copper
pipes for directing steam from cylinder cocks 9. Crosshead
and slidebars 10. Big end bearing of connecting rod
11. Cladding sheets on side of outer rebox 12. Vacuum
brake ejector 13. Builders plate on rear of tender tank
14. Speedometer drive 15. Low-level tender ller (a modern
addition) 16. Buffer at rear of tender 17. Front of tender
viewed from cab

10 11

12 13

14 15 16 17


19 20 21

The King Class footplate layout followed
the Swindon Works standard design,
which was practical and reasonably
spacious. Early locomotives were generally
of the right-hand drive conguration, with
the remans seat being on the left or
nearside. When double-track railways rst
24 25 came into being the lineside signals were
placed on the near side, so many railway
companies changed their footplate designs
to left-hand drive. However, the GWR
continued to congure their locomotives
for right-hand driving. Unlike other
designers Collett did not include padded
seating for the footplate crew, preferring
instead a simple, hinged wooden seat.

18. Cab controls on backhead of rebox

19. Water-level gauge 20. Firehole door
26 21. Interior of rebox 22. Vacuum brake control
23. Mechanical lubricator gauge 24. Screw
reverser (clockwise forwards, anticlockwise
backwards) 25. Automatic Train Control (ATC)
audible signalling system 26. Wooden seat on
remans side of cab
140 . 19141939

Great Journeys
Orient Express
Made famous in literature and lm, the Orient Express was the
brainchild of the Belgian Georges Nagelmackers, founder of the
Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits, a company that
specialized in operating luxury train services on European railways.
between Paris and Vienna in 1882, the rst regular U N I T E D
Express dOrient left Gare de lEst, Paris behind an
outside cylinder Est 2-4-0 locomotive on 4 October K I N G D O M
1883. It travelled eastwards to Strasbourg and then
to Munich before crossing into Austria and calling
at Salzburg and Vienna. From here the train
continued on to Budapest, Bucharest, and Giurgiu
on the banks of the River Danube in Romania. S E A
Passengers were then ferried across the river to
Rustchuk in Bulgaria, where they boarded older

rolling stock of the Austrian Eastern Railway to
Varna on the Black Sea coast. From Varna, N
passengers then made an 18-hour sea voyage to CH
ISH Calais
Constantinople. Between Paris and Giurgiu the ENGL
Black Forest 1
train consisted of ve new bogie sleeping cars, a The early Orient Express The Orient Express passed
bogie restaurant car, and two baggage cars, all built This steam locomotive, dating back to 1896, through the Black Forest wooded
travelled part of the original Orient Express mountain range in Baden in
to a high standard in teak, with locomotives southwestern Germany.
route from Paris to Constantinople.
changed many times en route. The journey took Paris
four days in total so passengers had plenty of time
to enjoy the high standard of cuisine in the Paris and Constantinople via Milan, VINTAGE POSTER
restaurant car on the rst leg of the journey. Venice, Trieste, and Belgrade. By the FROM 1920S
From 1889 the train began running directly 1930s three separate trains operated:
between Paris and Constantinople, following the the Orient Express on the original 1889 route; the
opening of new railways through the Balkans in Simplon-Orient-Express via the Simplon Tunnel; and Zurich
Serbia, Bulgaria, and European Turkey. The train the Arlberg-Orient-Express via Zurich, Innsbruck, and S W I T Z E R L A N D
was renamed the Orient Express in 1891. Budapest with through carriages for Athens.
Services ended with the onset of World War I, Sleeping cars started running from Calais, providing
but recommenced after the war and the train the rst transcontinental journey across Europe. Milan
once again became popular. The Simplon Tunnel
had opened under the Alps in 1906, and in 1919
Following suspension during World War II, the
Orient Express resumed service in 1952, but both it
a new Simplon-Orient-Express took a route between and the Arlberg-Orient-Express had ceased to run by
1962. The Simplon-Orient-
Express was replaced that
year by the Direct-Orient-
Express, which was Last journey The last run of the
Direct-Orient-Express terminated
withdrawn in 1977. Some off-route in Monaco in 1977. The
of the carriages were bought 1920s carriages were purchased
at auction here and later
by a private company in restored, primarily for use on
1982, which now runs the London to Venice route.
Venice Simplon-Orient
Express services to several
destinations in Europe.

Splendour on the Orient Express N

The saloon car aboard the Orient
Express around 1896 was designed 0 150 300 miles
for luxury, featuring detailed wood
panelling and an inlaid ceiling. 0 150 300 450 km


The original route of the Orient Express is now
DATES by a 7-hour train to Varna; ship to Constantinople
retraced annually, with all the luxury of the
1883 First regular Express dOrient leaves Gare (Istanbul); approx. 1,500 miles (2,414 km), 4 days
earliest trips. The antique train passes through
de lEst, Paris for Giurgiu in Romania 1889 Paris to Constantinople
seven countries, with numerous stop-offs along
1889 First through service ParisConstantinople Train diverted at Budapest to Belgrade and Nis, Serbia,
the way. Plush private cabins, personal stewards,
1891 Train renamed Orient Express through Dragoman Pass to Bulgaria, Pazarzhik to
and gourmet meals can all be expected on board.
1977 Regular ParisIstanbul journeys cease Plovdiv, then Constantinople; approx. 1,400 miles
(2,250 km), 67 hours 35 minutes 1
TRAIN Paris to Istanbul (current, not shown on map)
Locomotive In France the rst Orient Express was Runs annually; approx. 1,400 miles (2,253 km), 6 days,
hauled by a Chemins de Fer de lEst outside cylinder 5 nights; spends the night in Budapest and Bucharest
2-4-0. Many different locomotives were used London to Venice (current VSOE route, not on map)
Carriages (1883) 5 bogie sleeping cars with Route via Paris/Innsbruck/Verona; 1,065 miles (1,714 km),
accommodation for 20 passengers and 2 washrooms; 2 days, 1 night
1 bogie restaurant car; 1 baggage car; 1 mail car
JOURNEY Gauge Standard 4ft 8 12 in (1.435 m)
1883 Paris to Constantinople (original journey) Tunnels Longest (Simplon-Orient Express route) is
Train from Paris to Giurgiu; passengers ferried from Simplon Tunnel, Alps 65,039 ft (19,824 m)
Giurgiu across Danube to Rustchuk, Bulgaria followed Highest point Simplon Tunnel, Alps 2,313 ft (705 m)

Main stations
Original route
1889 route
Change of train
Sea voyage

2 Through the Alps 3 4

The train passed through 3 Budapest
the ski resort of St Anton
Until unication in 1873, Budapest,
in the Tyrolean Alps in
the capital of Hungary, was two
Austria along the route.
separate cities: Buda was on the
west bank of the River Danube 5 Varna
while Pest was on the east bank.
The ancient port city
of Varna dates back
ve millennia and its
Vienna necropolis is the site
Munich of the oldest nd of
gold metallurgy.
Salzburg Budapest 5
Innsbruck Giurgiu Passengers
A U S T R I A were ferried across the
Danube from Giurgiu
H U N G A R Y to board another train
at Rustchuk.
Verona Trieste
Venice R O M A N I A
Belgrade Constanta
S E R B I A Giurgiu
Rustchuk (Ruse)
I T A LY Nis Varna
B U L G A R I A 6
Iron Gates 4
This gorge on the
Danube forms the SEA
boundary between Pazardzhik
Serbia and Romania.
Sirkeci Station 6
The Orient Express Restaurant is
located at the historic Sirkeci
Station at Istanbul, the original
routes terminus.
142 . 19141939

Mixed-traffic Movers
By the 1930s the standardization of machine parts by European and US locomotive
builders had reduced construction and maintenance costs signicantly. Powerful
engines designed to haul express freight and passenger trains were soon coming off
the production lines in great numbers. In Britain both Charles Collett of the Great
Western Railway (GWR) and William Stanier of the London, Midland & Scottish
Railway (LMS) made standardization a common theme when designing their new LMS Class 5MT, 1934
4-6-0 locomotives, while in Germany the Class 41 2-8-2s built for the Deutsche Wheel arrangement 4-6-0
Reichsbahn incorporated parts simultaneously developed for three other classes. Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 72 in (1,830 mm)
Top speed approx. 80 mph (129 km/h)

Designed by William Stanier for the London,

Midland & Scottish Railway, many of these
powerful mixed-trafc locomotives, Black
Fives, saw service in Britain until the end
of steam in 1968. A total of 842 were built.

SR S15 Class, 1927

Wheel arrangement 4-6-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 175200 psi
(12.3014 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 67 in (1,700 mm)
Top speed approx. 65 mph (105 km/h)

These powerful British locomotives were a

modied version of an earlier Robert Urie
design, introduced by Richard Maunsell.
They were built by the Southern Railway
at its Eastleigh Works in Southern England.

NZR Class K, 1932 Built to haul heavy freight and passenger

Wheel arrangement 4-8-4 trains on New Zealands mountainous
Cylinders 2 North Island, 30 of the Class Ks were
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm) built at Hutt Workshops for New Zealand
Railways between 1932 and 1936. They
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,372 mm)
were gradually withdrawn from service
Top speed approx. 65 mph (105 km/h) between 1964 and 1967.
M I X E D -T R A F F I C M O V E R S . 1 4 3


Fresh Milk
Transporting perishable goods such as milk, sh, and
meat by rail called for specialized freight wagons. In
Britain, milk was rst conveyed in milk churns loaded
into ventilated wagons at country stations, but from
the 1930s it was carried in six-wheeled milk tank
wagons loaded at a creamery. The wagons were
marshalled into trains and hauled by powerful express
steam locomotives to depots in and around London.
The last milk trains to operate in Britain ran in 1981.

LNER Class V2, 1936

Wheel arrangement 2-6-2
Cylinders 3
Boiler pressure 220 psi (15.46 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 74 in (1,880 mm)
Top speed approx. 100 mph (161 km/h)
Londons dairy supplier With a capacity of 3,000 gallons
These engines were designed by Sir Nigel (13,638 litres), the Express Dairy six-wheel milk tank wagon
Gresley for the London & North Eastern weighed as much as a loaded passenger coach when full.
Railway and hauled both express passenger This wagon was built by the Southern Railway in 1931 and
and express freight trains. No. 4771 Green rebuilt in 1937.
Arrow is the only preserved example.

GWR Manor Class, 1938

Wheel arrangement 4-6-0
DR Class 41, 1937 Cylinders 2
Wheel arrangement 2-8-2 Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm)
Cylinders 2 Driving wheel diameter 68 in (1,730 mm)
Boiler pressure 290 psi/228 psi Top speed approx. 65 mph (105 km/h)
(20.39 kg/sq cm/16 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 63 in (1,600 mm) With their light axle loading, these
Great Western Railway mixed-trafc
Top speed approx. 56 mph (90 km/h)
locomotives could operate on secondary
Built with parts that were designed and branch lines as well as main lines
for several different locomotive types, in England and Wales. This engine is
these powerful, fast freight engines were No. 7808 Cookham Manor.
constructed for the Deutsche Reichsbahn
between 1937 and 1941.

GWR Hall Class, 1928

Wheel arrangement 4-6-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 72 in (1,830 mm)
Top speed approx. 70 mph (113 km/h)

A total of 259 of these versatile engines,

designed by Charles Collett, were built
at the Great Western Railways Swindon
Works between 1928 and 1943. This is
No. 5900 Hinderton Hall.
144 . 19141939

P&R Switcher No. 1251, 1918

Versatile Engines Wheel arrangement 0-6-0T
Cylinders 2
While the development of more powerful and faster express Boiler pressure 150 psi (10.53 kg/sq cm)
steam locomotives gathered pace during the 1920s and Driving wheel diameter 50 in (1,270 mm)
1930s there was also the parallel development of smaller Top speed approx. 25 mph (40 km/h)

engines designed for shunting (or switching) at freight yards, Rebuilt in 1918 from a Class 1-2a Consolidation
railway workshops, and stations, or to carry out passenger locomotive, No. 1251 spent its life as a
switcher at the Philadelphia & Reading
and freight duties on country branch lines. Many of these Railroad Shops in Reading, Pennsylvania.
versatile locomotives remained in active service until It was retired in 1964 as the last steam
the end of the steam era, while some have since engine on a US Class 1 railroad, and
is now on display at the Railroad
been restored to service on heritage railways. Museum of Pennsylvania.

u GWR 5600 Class, 1924 d L&B Lew, 1925

Wheel arrangement 0-6-2T Wheel arrangement 2-6-2T
Cylinders 2 (inside) Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm) Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 551/2 in (1,410 mm) Driving wheel diameter 33 in (840 mm)
u LMS Class 3F Jinty, 1924 These tank locomotives, nicknamed
Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h) Top speed approx. 25 mph (40 km/h)
Wheel arrangement 0-6-0T Jintys, were designed by Henry
Cylinders 2 (inside) Fowler for the London, Midland & Designed for the Great Western Railway by Charles Completed at the Ffestiniog Railways Boston
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm) Scottish Railway. Widely used for Collett, 150 of these powerful tank engines were built Lodge Works in 2010, Lyd (shown) is a replica of
shunting and local freight work in at the companys Swindon Works and 50 by Armstrong Lew, which was built by Manning Wardle in 1925
Driving wheel diameter 55 in
the Midlands and northwest England, Whitworth in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. They mainly saw for the Southern Railways 1-ft 1134-in (0.60-m) gauge
(1,400 mm)
422 were built with the last examples service in the South Wales valleys hauling coal trains, Lynton to Barnstaple line. The line, closed in 1935, is
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h) remaining in service until 1967. but were also used on local passenger services. now in the process of being reopened by enthusiasts.


Battery Power
Battery locomotives are powered by huge onboard batteries
that are recharged in between duties. These engines were
once used on railways serving industrial complexes, such as
explosives and chemical factories, mines, or anywhere else
where normal steam or diesel locomotives could present
hazards, such as re risk, explosion, or fumes. In England,
the London Underground uses battery-electric locomotives
when the normal electric power is turned off during periods
of night-time maintenance.

English Electric EE788 0-4-0 Battery Locomotive This four-

wheel, 70-hp (52- kW), battery-electric locomotive was built by
English Electric at their Preston factory in England in 1930 and
worked for many years at their Stafford Works. It is currently
on display at the Ribble Steam Railway Museum in Preston.
V E R SAT I L E E N G I N ES . 1 45

u GWR 4575 Class Designed by Charles Collett, the 4575 Class u GWR 5700 Class One of the most numerous classes of British
Prairie Tank, 1927 of Prairie tank was built at the Great Western Pannier Tank, 1929 steam engine, 863 of these Pannier Tanks were
Wheel arrangement 2-6-2T Railways Swindon Works between 1927 and Wheel arrangement 0-6-0PT built for the Great Western Railway and British
Cylinders 2 1929. Of the 100 built, many saw service on Cylinders 2 (inside) Railways between 1929 and 1950. They were
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm) branch line passenger and freight duties in Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm) usually seen at work on shunting duties or
Englands West Country. No. 5572 shown here hauling passenger and freight trains on branch
Driving wheel diameter 551/2 in (1,410 mm) Driving wheel diameter 551/2 in (1,410 mm)
was one of the six tted for pushpull operations. lines. Of the 16 preserved, No. 3738, seen
Top speed approx. 50 mph (80 km/h) It is preserved at Didcot Railway Centre. Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h) here, is on display at Didcot Railway Centre.

u DR Class 99.7376, 1928 The Deutsche Reichsbahn had these

Wheel arrangement 2-10-2T tank engines built as a new standard
Cylinders 2 design for 2-ft 51/2-in- (0.75-m-) gauge
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm) lines in Saxony, eastern Germany.
A number of these and a modied
Driving wheel diameter 311/2 in (800 mm)
version introduced in 1950s are
Top speed approx. 19 mph (31 km/h) still in service today.

u EIR Class XT/1, 1935

Wheel arrangement 0-4-2T
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 57 in (1,448 mm)
Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h)

Built by Freidrich Krupp AG of Berlin,

Germany, for the 5-ft 6-in- (1.67-m-) gauge
East Indian Railway, these locomotives were
rst introduced in 1929 and were used for
light passenger work. No. 36863 (shown)
was built in 1935 and is on static display
at the National Rail Museum, New Delhi.
146 . 19141939

Freight Shifters l PRR Class A5s, 1917

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0
Cylinders 2
As train speeds rose, they increasingly carried a variety of goods,
Boiler pressure 185 psi (13 kg/sq cm)
including perishable food items. Freight locomotives evolved
Driving wheel diameter 50 in (1,270 mm)
accordingly. Mainland Europe and North America discarded the Top speed approx. 25 mph (40 km/h)
six-wheeler for front-rank duties, but the UK continued to
The Pennsylvania Railroad served many
build them. The 2-8-0, and variants on the eight-coupled industrial sites around Baltimore, Philadelphia,
wheelbase, became the main types. Canada, China, Germany, and New York, where a short-wheelbase
and the USSR built 10-coupled designs, but, especially in the switcher, or shunter, was essential to
negotiate the tight clearances. One of the
US, the loads and terrain demanded nothing short of the giants. most powerful 0-4-0s ever, 47 of the Class
A5s were built at the railroads workshops
in Altoona, Pennsylvania, up to 1924.

r CP T1-C Class Selkirk, 1929

Wheel arrangement 2-10-4
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 285 psi (20.03 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 63 in (1,600 mm)
Top speed approx. 65 mph (105 km/h)

This semi-streamlined class of engines was

built by Canadian Pacic Railway to master the
Selkirk Mountains. Thirty of these oil-burners
were built up to 1949, and were the largest and
most powerful, non-articulated locomotives in
the British Commonwealth. They hauled trains
262 miles (422 km) over the mountains from
u XE Class, 1928/30
Calgary, Alberta, to Revelstoke, British Columbia.
Wheel arrangement 2-8-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 210 psi (14.8 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 611/2 in (1,562 mm)
Top speed approx. 30 mph (48 km/h)

Aside from articulated types, the XE (X Eagle) Class

of British-built Mikados (2-8-2s) were the largest
steam locomotives on the subcontinent. A total of
93 of these broad-gauge (5-ft 6-in/1.67-m) designs
were built, of which 35 were based in Pakistan
after partition. No. 3634 Angadh is shown here.

r DR Class 44, 1930

Wheel arrangement 2-10-0
Cylinders 3
Boiler pressure 228 psi (16 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 55 in (1,400 mm)
Top speed approx. 50 mph (80 km/h)

The Deutsche Reichsbahn acquired the rst

10 in 1926, but delayed further orders until
1937, after which no fewer than 1,979 were
built up to 1949. Unusually for a freight design
they had three cylinders, helping them to
haul trains of up to 1,181 tons (1,200 tonnes).

Goods Wagons
By the 20th century, railways hauled loads
ranging from salt to sugar, petrol to milk, and
cattle to coal. Wagons evolved to cater for specic
roles: hoppers transported coal, ores, and stone;
tankers carried liquids and gases; and refrigerated
cars carried perishable goods. Whatever the load,
u GWR Toad brake van, 1924 At a time when most UK goods trains
before the introduction of continuous braking, lacked any form of through braking,
Type Brake van
every train had a brake van. From here the guard Weight 20 tons (20.32 tonnes) the role of the guard was critical in
kept watch over the train, using his brake to keep controlling the train. From 1894 the
Construction wooden body on
Great Western Railways guards manned
control of the loose-coupled wagons on down 4-wheel steel chassis
Toads, the name deriving from the
gradients and when stopping. Railway Great Western Railway electric telegraph code for brake vans.

l UP Challenger CSA-1 Class/ Union Pacic Railroads Challenger proved

CSA-2 Class, 1936 that a simple articulated engine could haul
Wheel arrangement 4-6-6-4 huge loads at high speed. Each set of driving
Cylinders 4 wheels was powered by two cylinders, with
Boiler pressure 280 psi (19.68 kg/sq cm) four trailing wheels to support the huge
rebox. The American Locomotive Co.
Driving wheel diameter 69 in (1,753 mm)
(ALCO) built 105 from 1936 to 1944. Two
Top speed approx. 70 mph (113 km/h) have been preserved, No. 3977 and No. 3985.

r SAR Class 15F, 1938 Most numerous of South African Railways classes,
Wheel arrangement 4-8-2 the 15F was used predominantly in the Orange
Cylinders 2 Free State and Western Transvaal. Construction
Boiler pressure 210 psi (14.8 kg/sq cm) spanned WWII; 205 were built by UK companies
and a further 50 by German. Several have
Driving wheel diameter 60 in (1,524 mm)
survived. The 1945-built No. 3007 is in the city
Top speed approx. 60 mph (96 km/h) of its birth at Glasgows Riverside Museum.

l GWR 2884 Class, 1938 The Great Western Railways 2800 Class of
Wheel arrangement 2-8-0 1903 the rst British 2-8-0 was a success,
Cylinders 2 persuading the GWR to add to the original
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.81 kg/sq cm) total of 83. Modications, though minor,
merited a new designation the 2884
Driving wheel diameter 551/2 in (1,410 mm)
Class, 81 of which were built from 1938 to
Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h) 1942. No. 3822 is one of nine preserved.

l FGEX fruit boxcar, 1928

Type Express refrigerated boxcar
Weight 24.73 tons (25.13 tonnes)
Construction wooden body with
integral cooling system mounted on steel
underframe with two 4-wheel bogies
Railway Fruit Growers Express
u ACF three-dome tanker, 1939 The American Car & Foundry Co. remains
A leasing company jointly owned Type Three-dome bogie oil tanker one of the major rolling stock manufacturers
by 11 railroads in the eastern and Weight 18.08 tons (18.37 tonnes) in the US. It built three-dome tanker No. 4556
southeastern US, the Fruit Growers in 1939 for the Shippers Car Line
Construction steel superstructure
Express built and operated several Corporation. Riding on two four-wheel bogies,
mounted on a double bogie steel chassis
thousand refrigerated vehicles. Retired and used for transporting propane and liquid
in the late 1970s, No. 57708 was preserved Railway Shippers Car Line petroleum gas, the tanker has a capacity of
by the Cooperstown & Marne Railroad. Corporation 3,790 gallons (17,230 litres).

Herbert Nigel Gresley

Nigel Gresleys engineering
career started at the age of
17, when he became an
apprentice at Crewe
Locomotive Works. After
serving his apprenticeship he
broadened his experience in
the eld by working as a
tter, designer, and tester,
as well as the foreman of a
running shed. In 1905 he
began working for the Great
Northern Railway where he
designed locomotives, pioneered articulated carriages, and
eventually rose to become Locomotive Superintendent in 1911.
After the formation of the London & North Eastern Railway
(LNER) in 1923, Gresley was appointed its Chief Mechanical
Engineer, a post he held until his death. He was knighted in 1936.


Gresley initially started work on the design for a Pacic in 1915,
but when his rst was actually built in 1922 it was a very
different machine. By then Gresley had developed a conjugated
valve gear that simplied the drive from three-cylinder engines.
Gresley went on to design Britains largest and most powerful
steam locomotive, the 1925 Garratt 2-8-0+0-8-2, and its largest
passenger steam locomotive, the Class P2 2-8-2. In an effort to
increase efciency, he also experimented with a high-pressure
water-tube boiler originally developed for ships.
From 1928 Gresley developed the A1 Pacics into A3 Pacics.
These A3s had higher pressure boilers, improving performance
further. However, the rst recorded steam locomotive speed of
100 mph (161 km/h) was made by an A1 Pacic, Flying Scotsman,
on 30 November 1934. The next year, Gresley introduced the A4
Pacic, with elegant streamlined styling. It was A4 Pacic Mallard
that set the current steam locomotive speed record in 1938.
Despite his achievements in steam, Gresley remained open
to other methods of rail propulsion and in 1936 began designs
for trans-Pennine electrication using 1,500 V DC locomotives.
Delayed by World War II, the project was completed in the 1950s.

Record-breaking steam
Mallard was the ultimate evocation of Gresleys A4 Pacic: on 3 July 1938, it
set a world steam record speed of 126 mph (203 km/h) that has never been
beaten. The locomotive survives at the National Railway Museum, York, England.
The hundred mark
Built in 1923, No. 4472 Flying Scotsman
hauled the non-stop London to Edinburgh
service. In 1934 it ofcially became the
rst passenger steam locomotive to
reach a speed of 100 mph (161 km/h).
150 . 19141939

Streamlined Steam
Around Europe
The 1930s was the Golden Age of high-speed, steam-hauled trains in
Europe. With national pride at stake, railways competed for the coveted
title of the worlds fastest train. In Britain the Great Western Railways
Cheltenham Flyer was rst off the mark in 1932. Hauled by Sir Nigel
Gresleys new streamlined A4 Pacics, the London & North Eastern
Railways Silver Jubilee (1935) and Coronation (1937) services set new u LNER Class P2, 1934 Sir Nigel Gresleys Class P2 locomotives
standards in speed, luxury, and reliability. Steam speed records continued Wheel arrangement 2-8-2 hauled heavy express passenger trains
Cylinders 3 between London and Aberdeen. Six of the
to be broken, rst by the German Class 05 in 1936 and then by Gresleys powerful engines were built at the London
Boiler pressure 220 psi (15.46 kg/sq cm)
Mallard in 1938. World War II ended this high-speed excitement, & North Eastern Railways Doncaster Works
Driving wheel diameter 74 in (1,880 mm)
although Mallards record has never been broken. between 1934 and 1936. The class was
Top speed approx. 75 mph (121 km/h) rebuilt as Class A2/2 Pacics during WWII.

u LMS Coronation Class, 1938

Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Cylinders 4
Boiler pressure 250 psi (17.57 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 81 in (2,057 mm)
Top speed approx. 114 mph (183 km/h)

Designed by William Stanier, a total of 38 of these

powerful express locomotives were built at the
London, Midland & Scottish Railways Crewe
Works between 1937 and 1948. Ten were built
with a streamlined casing that was removed
after WWII. No. 6229 Duchess of Hamilton, retted
with its streamlined casing, has been preserved.

DR Class 05, 1935

Wheel arrangement 4-6-4
Cylinders 3 LNER Class A4, 1935
Boiler pressure 290 psi Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
(20.39 kg/sq cm) Cylinders 3
Driving wheel diameter 901/2 in Boiler pressure 250 psi (17.57 kg/sq cm)
(2,299 mm) Driving wheel diameter 80 in (2,030 mm)
Top speed 125 mph (201 km/h) Top speed 126 mph (203 km/h)

Three of the streamlined Class 05 British engineer Sir Nigel Gresley

passenger expresses were built designed the Class A4 streamlined
for the Deutsche Reichsbahn in locomotive. Thirty-ve of them were
Germany between 1935 and 1937. built at the London & North Eastern
During 1936 No. 05.002 set a world Railways Doncaster Works between
speed record for steam locomotives 1935 and 1938. No. 4468 Mallard set
of 125 mph (201 km/h) between an unbeaten world speed record for
Berlin and Hamburg. No. 05.001 steam engines of 126 mph (203 km/h)
is preserved in Nrnburg. on the East Coast Main Line in 1938.


Travelling Exhibit
The London, Midland & Scottish Railways streamlined
Coronation Scot train was shipped across the Atlantic
to appear in Baltimore, US. It travelled over 3,000 miles
(4,828 km) around the US before being exhibited at the
New York Worlds Fair in 1939. It was unable to return
to Britain because of the onset of World War II. The
locomotive, No. 6229 Duchess of Hamilton, masquerading
as No. 6220 Coronation, was eventually shipped back to
u SNCB Class 12, 1938 the UK in 1942 but the coaches remained in the US where
The Class 12 was designed by Raoul
they were used by the US Army as an ofcers mess until
Wheel arrangement 4-4-2 Notesse for the Belgian state railways.
after the war, when they too were returned.
Cylinders 2 (inside) Six of these Atlantic-type locomotives
Boiler pressure 256 psi (18 kg/sq cm) were built between 1938 and 1939 Duchess of Hamiltons headlamp One of the two headlamps tted
to haul the Brussels to Ostend boat to Duchess of Hamilton, this one remained in the US and is now on
Driving wheel diameter 821/2 in (2,096 mm)
trains. They were retired in 1962 and display at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum in Baltimore.
Top speed 103 mph (166 km/h) No. 12.004 has since been preserved.

l DR Class 03.10, 1939 TECHNOLOGY

Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Cylinders 3 The Silver Jubilee Service
Boiler pressure 290 psi (20.38 kg/sq cm) Named to honour the 25-year reign of King George V,
Driving wheel diameter 783/4 in (2,000 mm) the Silver Jubilee high-speed express train was
introduced by the London & North Eastern Railway
Top speed 87 mph (140 km/h)
between London Kings Cross and Newcastle-upon-
A total of 60 of these streamlined express Tyne in 1935. Painted in two-tone silver and grey,
passenger locomotives were built for the the articulated train was hauled by one of four of
Deutsche Reichsbahn between 1939 and 1941. Sir Nigel Gresleys new Class A4 streamlined Pacic
After WWII the class was split between East locomotives named Silver Link, Quicksilver, Silver
and West Germany and Poland. The German
King, and Silver Fox. The service ceased on the
onset of World War II.
locomotives were rebuilt without their
streamline casing, retiring in the late 1970s. Inaugural run LNER Class A4 No. 2509 Silver Link
departs Kings Cross station with the inaugural Silver
Jubilee express to Newcastle on 30 September 1935.
152 . 19141939

During the 1930s the desire to lay claim to the fastest speeds in
the world dominated the railways, and records were exchanged
between the industrialized nations. Then, on 3 July 1938, one
of Sir Nigel Gresleys A4 Class Pacic steam engines, LNER
No. 4468 Mallard, achieved 126 mph (203 km/h), winning Britain
the world record for steam. The start of World War II ended such
record attempts, and Mallards feat has never been beaten.

THE GRESLEY A4 CLASS of streamlined 4-6-2

Pacic locomotives built for the London & North
Eastern Railways (LNER) was heralded as an iconic
British engine design. The LNER wanted to speed
up their services and their Chief Mechanical
Engineer, Nigel Gresley, had observed streamlined
trains during a trip to Germany. After discussion
in 1935, the LNER board gave Gresley and his
design team the go-ahead to develop streamliners
especially for the railway.
The rst of the resulting three-cylinder
streamlined A4 Class locomotives, No. 2509 Silver
Link, was completed at Doncaster Works in
September 1935; No. 4468 Mallard followed in
March 1938. Gresley is said to have modelled their
impressive streamlined casing on a wedge-shaped
Bugatti railcar he had seen in France. Their SPECIFICATIONS
futuristic look certainly attracted much publicity. Class A4 In-service period 193863 (Mallard)
Although the A4 Class was in steam-engineering Wheel arrangement 4-6-2 (Pacic) Cylinders 3
terms a development of Gresleys earlier A3 Class Origin UK Boiler pressure 250 psi (17.57 kg/sq cm)
Pacic, its striking casing could not have made it Designer/builder Sir Nigel Gresley/Doncaster Works Driving wheel diameter 80 in (2,030 mm)

look more different. Number produced 35 A4s Top speed 126 mph (203 km/h)

State-of-the-art cab Double chimney was

Tender had capacity for was designed to rst introduced
9 tons (9.14 tonnes) coal increase crew comfort on Mallard
and 5,000 gallons
(22,730 litres) water
Streamlined shape
improved aerodynamics

Honouring the speed record

A plaque on the locomotive shows the record
speed as 126 mph (203 km/h) more than
2 miles (3.22 km) per minute. It was measured
by timekeepers travelling in a dynamometer car.
During the record run, the middle big end ran
hot, causing bearing metal to melt.

Serving the Silver Jubilee

The A4 class locomotives were rst built to
haul the LNERs Silver Jubilee high-speed
passenger service from London to
Newcastle. On the outside, the engines
streamlined shape both improved speed
and reduced fuel consumption, while, on
the inside, streamlined ports allowed
steam to ow freely. Mallard was the
rst A4 to be tted with the Kylchap
exhaust and blast pipe. The
sideskirts were removed during
WWII to aid maintenance and
were replaced only during
the later restoration.
154 . 19141939


The streamlined design and smooth casing of Mallard not only

offered a speed advantage but also helped capture the public
imagination. The engine had a wedge-shaped front end with a
door built into it to allow access to the smokebox for servicing
purposes, in particular for clearing out ash; the doors shape
earned it the nickname cods mouth. Mallards innovative
4 5 6
Kylchap exhaust system was located beneath its double chimney,
which was so successful that it led to the whole class of engines
being rebuilt with this type of chimney. The A4s unique sideskirts,
or valances, were designed by the engineer Oliver Bulleid.

1. Metal nameplate 2. Engine number and class, hand-painted on the nose

3. Front buffer 4. Whistle 5. Aerodynamic chimney 6. Coupling hook at
front 7. Brass builders plaque 8. Driving wheel 9. Detail of outside
connecting rod big end 10. Driving wheel return crank 11. Axle box and
cover 12. Leaf spring suspension

8 9

14 15


20 21

11 12


16 17 18 19

22 23 24 25

The locomotive cab was cramped compared to many
non-British designs. The crew had to work in concert in
26 the small space to get the most out of the engine. From his
28 bucket seat, the driver controlled the steam delivered to
the cylinders using the regulator. The reman shovelled
coal on to the 411/4 sq ft (3.83 sq m) grate area of the
rebox, and ensured the boiler contained the right
amount of water. Tenders were tted with a 18-in-
(46-cm-) wide corridor so that the engine crews could
change over while the train was moving.

27 13. Cab controls and backhead of boiler 14. Brake controls

15. Reverser control 16. Vacuum gauge and steam chest gauge
17. Injector control 18. Blower shutoff valve, left, pressure gauge
shutoff valve, right 19. Water-level gauge 20. Boiler pressure gauge
21. Firebox door 22. Cylinder cock control 23. Water control lever
for injectors 24. Flaman speed recorder 25. Drivers seat
26. Access door to coal space 27. Plaque attached to rear of tender
with instructions for use of the water scoop 28. Tender coal space
156 . 19141939

The Age of Speed

and Style
Symbolized by the futuristic designs of the trains, planes, and automobiles
of that period, the decade before World War II could rightly be called The
Age of Speed. Across the world railway companies were introducing modern
high-speed expresses designed to entice the travelling public on board with
their luxurious interiors, slick service, and dependable fast schedules. Apart
from a few diesel-powered streamliners in Germany and the US, these
iconic trains were hauled by the latest Art Deco-style steam locomotives,
many designed by some of the worlds leading industrial designers.
u VR S Class, 1937
Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Cylinders 3
r Japan/China Class SL7, 1935
Boiler pressure 200 psi (14.06 kg/sq cm)
Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Driving wheel diameter 73 in (1,854 mm)
Cylinders 2
Top speed 86 mph (138 km/h)
Boiler pressure 220 psi (15.5 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 78 /4 in (2,000 mm) First introduced in 1928, the four Australian Victoria
Top speed 87 mph (140 km/h) Railways S Class Pacic-type locomotives were
given a streamlined casing in 1937 to haul the new
Built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries in Japan non-stop, Art Deco-style, Spirit of Progress express
and the Shahekou Plant in the Kwantung between Melbourne and Albury. They had all been
Leased Territory in China, the 12 Pashina-type scrapped by 1954 after the introduction of diesels.
locomotives hauled the Asia Express during
Japanese control of the South Manchuria
Railway between 1934 and 1943. Designated
Class Shengli 7 after the war, they remained
in service in China until the 1970s.

d MILW Class A, 1935 Designed to haul the US Hiawatha

Wheel arrangement 4-4-2 expresses, four of these high-speed
Cylinders 2 Atlantic-type Class A locomotives were
Boiler pressure 300 psi (21.09 kg/sq cm) built for the Milwaukee Road (MILW)
from 1935 to 1937. Locomotive A No. 2
Driving wheel diameter 84 in (2,134 mm)
achieved 11212 mph (181 km/h) between
Top speed 112 2 mph (181 km/h) Milwaukee and New Lisbon in May 1935.


Rail and Road

By the mid-1930s, American Art Deco-style cars
and streamlined steam trains were capable of
achieving speeds of 120 mph (193 km/h). Industrial
designers such as the American Gordon Buehrig,
the Franco-American Raymond Loewy, the
Englishman John Gurney Nutting, and Italian-born
Frenchman Ettore Bugatti all left their mark on the
brief but exciting period of technological progress
that ended with the onset of World War II.

Speed rivalry Now highly sought after, Jack

Juratovics iconic Road and Track prints of 1935
feature a Duesenberg Torpedo Phaeton car racing
a streamlined steam train.

u CN Class U-4-a, 1936

Wheel arrangement 4-8-4
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 275 psi (19.33 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 77 in (1,956 mm)
Top speed 90 mph (145 km/h)

Five of these streamlined Confederation-

type express passenger locomotives were
built for Canadian National Railways by the
Montreal Locomotive Works in 1936. They
remained the premier express locomotives
between Toronto and Montreal until
replaced by diesels in the 1950s.

u NSWGR Class C38, 1943

Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 245 psi (17.22 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 69 in (1,750 mm)
PP&L D Fireless Streamlined, but not fast, this Pennsylvania Power
Top speed 80 mph (129 km/h)
locomotive, 1939 & Light Co. reless shunter was built by Heisler
Designed in 1939, ve of the standard-gauge Wheel arrangement 0-8-0 for the Hammermill Paper Co. in Erie. Used
Australian Class C38 express passenger locomotives Cylinders 2 in industrial plants where inammable fuel would
were actually delivered to the New South Wales Boiler pressure 130 psi (9.14 kg/sq cm) be a hazard, reless locomotives stored steam
Government Railways by Clyde Engineering of in their boilers. The largest of this type built,
Driving wheel diameter 42 in (1,067 mm)
Sydney between 1943 and 1945. After hauling No. 4094-D is on display in the Railroad Museum
expresses they were retired between 1961 and 1976. Top speed 20 mph (32 km/h) of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, US.


Raymond Loewy
Nicknamed The father of Streamlining, French-born Raymond Loewy
(18931986) was an American industrial designer known for his wide-
ranging work for US industry. In addition to designing world-famous logos
for oil companies, such as Shell, and railways, he also left his mark on
Studebaker cars and iconic railway locomotives such as the Pennsylvania
Railroads Class K4s, T1 and S1 streamlined steam engines. After
opening an ofce in London in 1930, Loewy went on to restyle the
Baldwin Locomotive Co.s early diesel locomotives. Loewy returned
to live in his native France in 1980 and died a few years later.

Standing tall Raymond Loewy stands on one of his iconic designs,

Pennsylvania Railroads unique Class S1 6-4-4-6 experimental streamliner
locomotive, the USs largest and fastest high-speed locomotive.
158 . 19141939

Diesel and Electric

The 1930s saw the introduction of high-speed diesel and electric trains
in Europe and North America. Designed by leading engineers such as
Ettore Bugatti and tested in wind tunnels, these streamliners caught the
publics imagination, broke world speed records, and ushered in the new
age of high-speed rail travel. In Europe the Germans led the way with their
Flying Hamburger, the forerunner of todays intercity expresses, and in the
US the Pioneer Zephyr reached new heights of futuristic modern design. Sadly
the onset of World War II brought an abrupt end to this exciting progress.

u SBB Class Ae8/14, 1931 Three prototype Class Ae8/14 electric

Wheel arrangement (1A)A1A(A1) + locomotives were built for the Swiss Federal
(1A)A1A(A1) Railways (Schweizerische Bundesbahnen, or SBB)
Power supply 15 kV 17 Hz AC, catenary Gotthard line in the 1930s. Each of these powerful
double locomotives had eight driving axles and
Power rating 7,39410,956 hp
could haul heavy trains unaided over this difcult
(5,5148,173 kW)
route. No. 11852 (shown) was for a time the
Top speed 62 mph (100 km/h) most powerful locomotive in the world.

Bugatti railcar (autorail), 1932/33

Wheel arrangement each car 2 x 8-wheel
bogies, 2 or 4 axles powered
Transmission mechanical
Engine each car 2 or 4 Bugatti 12,700 cc
Total power output 4 engines 800 hp (596 kW)
u DR Class SVT 137 With a prototype built in 1932, the Deutsche
Top speed 122 mph (196 km/h)
Fliegender Hamburger, 1935 Reichsbahn train entered service in 1935
Wheel arrangement two-car articulated set front between Berlin and Hamburg; it had a buffet Designed by Ettore Bugatti and built in the
and rear bogies 2 Bo 2 and seated 98. The dieselelectric Fliegender Bugatti factory in Alsace, France, these petrol-
Transmission each car electric (1 traction motor) (ying) Hamburger established the worlds engined railcars were supplied as single-, double-,
Engine each car Maybach 12-cylinder diesel 8,850 cc fastest regular train service with an average or triple-car units. The most comfortable and
speed of 77 mph (124 km/h). Inactive during fastest was the 48-seat, two-car, four-engined
Total power output 810 hp (604 kW)
WWII, it saw service in France in 194549, then Presidentiel, which set a world rail-speed
Top speed 99 mph (160 km/h) returned to operate in Germany until 1983. record of 122 mph (196 km/h) in 1934.

GWR streamlined railcar, 1934

Wheel arrangement 2 x 4-wheel bogies, 1 powered
Transmission mechanical
Engine 8,850 cc AEC diesel
Total power output 130 hp (97 kW)
Top speed approx. 63 mph (100 km/h)

First introduced by the Great Western Railway in 1934,

these streamlined diesel railcars were nicknamed Flying
Bananas and remained in service on British Railways until
the early 1960s. Production versions, including parcels
cars and articulated buffet sets, were tted with two AEC
diesel engines allowing a top speed of 80 mph (129 km/h).


German Experiment
The Schienenzeppelin, or rail zeppelin, was
an experimental railcar with an aluminium
body, which looked like a Zeppelin airship.
The front-end design of this prototype bore
an uncanny resemblance to the Japanese
Bullet Train of the 1960s.
Weighing only 20 tons (20.32 tonnes), this
85-ft (26-m) long propeller-driven car was
powered by a BMW 12-cylinder petrol aircraft
engine producing a power of 600 hp (447 kW).
In June 1931 it set a world land-speed record
for rail vehicles using air propulsion when it
reached 143 mph (230 km/h) on the Berlin
to Hamburg line. The railcar was scrapped
in 1939 to provide material for the German Zeppelin train Built by Franz Kruckenberg of Hannover the Schienenzeppelin only Rear fairing The wind-tunneldesigned fairing had
war effort in World War II. had two axles and was designed to carry 40 passengers. a four-bladed propeller made of ash wood.

l PRR Class GG1, 1934

Wheel arrangement 2-C+C-2
Power supply 11 kV 25 Hz AC, catenary
Power rating 4,620 hp (3,446 kW)
Top speed approx. 100 mph (161 km/h)

A total of 139 of these powerful electric

locomotives, nicknamed Blackjacks,
were built for the Pennsylvania Railroad
between 1934 and 1943. They entered
service in 1935 hauling express passenger
trains on the newly electried New York
to Washington DC main line. Relegated to
freight service in the 1950s they had all been
withdrawn by 1983. No. 4935 is preserved at
the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania.

CB&Q Pioneer Zephyr, 1934 Built by the Budd Co. for the Chicago, Burlington
Wheel arrangement 3 x articulated & Quincy Railroad, the Pioneer Zephyr was a
cars on 4 bogies streamlined train of three stainless-steel cars
Transmission mechanical articulated with Jacobs bogies and powered
Engine 8-cylinder Winton diesel by a submarine engine. On its inaugural run
between Denver and Chicago it averaged
Total power output 600 hp
77 mph (124 km/h) for the 1,015-mile
(447 kW)
(1,633-km) journey, reaching a top
Top speed 1121/2 mph (181 km/h) speed of 1121/2 mph (181 km/h).

SBB Doppelpfeil, 1939 Seven of the Schweizerische Bundesbahnens

Wheel arrangement 2 x 4-wheel Rote Pfeil (or Red Arrow), streamlined electric
powered bogies (single unit) single-unit railcars were introduced in 1935 for
Power supply 15 kV 17 Hz AC, catenary service on the Swiss Gotthard Railway, a major
international railway link between Germany and
Power rating single units 528 hp
Italy via the 49,222-ft (15,003-m) Gotthard Rail
(394 kW); twin units 1,126 hp (840 kW)
Tunnel. Three twin units known as Doppelpfeil,
Top speed 77 mph (125 km/h) (or Double Arrows), were introduced in 1939.
160 . 19141939

Practical Diesels and

World War I had left Europes railways in tatters; coal was
scant and expensive, and, while steam was still popular,
other forms of traction would soon emerge to herald the
end of an era. In mountainous countries such as Italy and
Switzerland, an abundance of clean and cheap hydroelectric
power made possible the electrication of main lines.
Powerful electric locomotives, such as the Swiss
Krocodils, were soon hauling heavy trains over
demanding routes, while in Italy speed records were being
broken on Mussolinis new high-speed railway. At the
other end of the scale, small diesel and electric shunters
(or switchers) were being introduced in Europe and North
America as a more efcient way of marshalling trains.

r SBB Class Ce 6/8 II and Serving until 1980, 51 of

Ce 6/8 III, 191920 these electric engines were
Wheel arrangement 1-C+C-1 built to haul heavy freight on the
Power supply 1.5 kV AC, catenary Swiss Federal Railways (Schweizerische
Bundesbahnen, or SBB) Gotthard line from 1919 to
Power rating 3,647 hp (2,721 kW)
1927. Their long noses, for which they were nicknamed
Top speed 47 mph (76 km/h) Krokodils (crocodiles), contain the motors.

u GIPR Class WCP 1, 1930 r DR E04, 1933

Wheel arrangement 1Co2 Wheel arrangement 1Co1
Power supply 1.5 kV DC, catenary Power supply 15 kV AC 17 Hz, catenary
Power rating 2,158 hp (1,610 kW) Power rating 2,694 hp (2,010 kW)
Top speed 75 mph (121 km/h) Top speed 75 mph (121 km/h)

The rst electric locomotives to be A total of 23 Class E04 electric

used in India, 22 of these powerful locomotives were built for Deutsche
passenger engines were built from Reichsbahn for service on the newly
1930 by Metropolitan-Vickers in the electried Stuttgart to Munich main
UK for the Great Indian Peninsula line. Members of the class stayed in
Railway. The rst of these, No. 4006 service in West Germany until 1976 and
Sir Roger Lumley, is on display at the in East Germany until 1982. Several of
National Rail Museum, New Delhi. these have been preserved.

r GHE T1, 1933

Wheel arrangement A1 (0-2-2)
Transmission mechanical
Engine 4-cylinder diesel
Total power output 123 hp (92 kW)
Top speed 25 mph (40 km/h)

This unique four-wheel 3-ft 3-in- (1-m-)

gauge diesel railcar (or Triebwagen) was
built by Waggonfabrik Dessau in 1933 for
the Gernrode-Harzgeroder Railway in
Germany. After WWII it became No. 187.001
of the East German Deutsche Reichsbahn
and was used as a workmans tool wagon.
Seating 34 passengers, this restored railcar
runs on the Harz narrow-gauge railways.

u PRR Class B1, 1934 Fourteen of these single-unit electric switchers

Wheel arrangement C (0-6-0) were built at Altoona Works by the Pennsylvania
Power supply 11 kV AC, catenary Railroad in 1934. They spent most of their life
performing empty carriage movements in and
Power rating 697 hp (520 kW)
out of Penn Station in New York, US, before
Top speed 25 mph (40 km/h) retiring in the early 1970s.

u DR Class K, 1934 These small diesel mechanical shunters, known as

Wheel arrangement B (0-4-0) Einheitskleinlokomotiven, served at small stations
Transmission mechanical on the Deutsche Reichsbahn. Fitted with only a
Engine 79 hp (959 kW) diesel as modied foot brake, some were converted to run on LPG
during WWII. Three of these, including No. 199.011
Total power output 1822 kW (2429 hp)
shown, have been converted to operate as Class
Top speed 11 mph (18 km/h) K II on the 3-ft 3-in- (1-m-) gauge Harz railways.
r LMS Diesel Shunter
No. 1831, 1931
Wheel arrangement C (0-6-0)
Transmission hydraulic
Engine Davey Paxman 6-cylinder diesel TECHNOLOGY
Total power output 400 hp (298 kW)
Top speed 25 mph (40 km/h) Track Inspection
This was the rst experimental diesel-hydraulic During the 19th century the maintenance of thousands
shunter in the UK. It was built by the London, of miles of railway track, often in places inaccessible
Midland & Scottish Railway at its Derby Works by road, was only made possible by teams of gangers
in 1931 using the frame and running gear of walking the lines or travelling on unpowered handcars
a Midland Railway 1377 Class 0-6-0 steam
(also known as pump cars or jiggers). These were
propelled by pushing a wooden arm up and down. By
locomotive of the same number. It was not
the 20th century more ingenious methods had been
successful and was ofcially withdrawn in 1939.
introduced, such as motorized road vehicles tted with
anged wheels. Road-rail inspection vehicles are still
l FS Class ETR 200, 1937 used today on remote railways around the world. In the
US these are known as hi-rail vehicles; in Scotland, Land
Wheel arrangement 3-car articulated
Rovers are adapted for use on the West Highland Line.
on 4-wheel bogies
Power supply 3 kV DC, catenary Buick Ma&Pa Car No. 101, 1937 Originally used as a funeral
Power rating 1,408 hp (1,050 kW) car, this vehicle was converted to run on the Maryland &
Pennsylvania Railroad to test a radio communication
Top speed 126 mph (203 km/h)
system between locomotives and the railways ofces.
Entering service between Milan and Naples
in 1937, a total of 18 of these three-car electric
multiple units were built by Breda for the
Italian state railways. The streamlined shape
was designed after wind tunnel tests, and in
July 1939 unit ETR 212 set a world record for
electric rail traction of 126 mph (203 km/h).
The class was in regular service until the
1990s, and ETR 212 has since been preserved.
162 . 19141939

Reading MU No. 800

The Reading Company (also known as the Reading Railroad) was a
railroad and coal mining conglomerate that expanded rapidly from
the 1830s. The company developed commuter rail services from
Philadelphia, building the imposing Reading Terminal station in 1893.
The decision to electrify many of the commuter lines was taken in
1928 and, despite the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the expansion
continued and electric trains began running from July 1931.

THE READING MULTIPLE UNIT (MU) cars were specially

built for the electrication project. Incorporating the latest
technology, the cars were designed to be cheap to run.
Aluminium was used extensively in the car body to make
them light and reduce the amount of electricity needed to
operate them. The MU cars were designed to work on their
own or as part of much longer trains, as they had cabs at both
ends. Furthermore, they were simpler to operate and much
quicker than the steam locomotives they had replaced.
The rst 61 cars were ordered in 1928 and delivered in
1931. The company ordered more cars as the electric network
continued to expand; by 1933 more than 84 miles (135 km)
of the system was electried. Some cars remained in service for
60 years, including 38 that were rebuilt between 1963 and 1965
and survived until 1990. Most of the older cars were withdrawn
a year or two after the state-government-owned Southeastern
Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) took control
of services on the former Reading Company lines in 1983. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW

Electric and steam SPECIFICATIONS

The Reading Railroad used
Class EPa/EPb In-service period 193190 (No. 800)
the Reading Lines brand
name for its passenger Wheel arrangement B2 Railway Reading Railroad
services. In addition to Origin USA Power rating 480 hp (358 kW)
running electric trains, the Designer/builder Harlan & Hollingsworth Power supply 11 kV AC 25 HZ overhead lines
railway operated several
steam locomotives. Number produced 91 Reading MU cars Top speed 70 mph (113 km/h)

Pantograph draws electrical Ventilator Windows tted Electric bus connector

power from overhead wires mounted on roof to full length of transfers power to next car
passenger car
READING MU NO. 800 . 163

Electric bus connector

Visible above the headlight, the electric bus
connector was rst used in the US on the
Reading Co. MU cars. The connectors on
adjacent coaches touched, enabling electricity
to pass safely from one car to the next. As a
result, only a single pantograph was required
to operate several motor cars at once.
164 . 19141939


Looking similar to todays commuter rail cars, the MU car with

its steel body sides, driving cabs at either end, and automatic
doors was technologically advanced when introduced.
High-voltage power lines ran along the vehicle roof from the
pantograph (which made contact with the overhead wire power
supply) to the electric bus connectors at each end of the car.
3 4 5

1. Railcar number on side 2. Electric bus connector at each end of car

3. Headlight 4. Horn 5. Insulator for 11 kV AC electric power cable running
along roof 6. Pantograph in lowered position 7. Marker light 8. Cab window
and wiper blade 9. Cow catcher 10. Sockets for 12-pin multiple working
cables 11. 12-pin multiple working cables 12. Brake shoe 13. Open journal
box showing bearing 14. Leaf spring suspension on wheel unit 15. Taylor
Flexible Truck bogie 16. Handbrake chain 17. Air brake control valves

6 7 8

9 10 11

12 14 16

13 17

READING MU NO. 800 . 165


The driver of a Reading Company MU car had to stand up in
the cab, using simple controls developed from those used on
electric tramways. They also had to estimate the trains speed,
as the early trains were not tted with speedometers. However,
the MU was tted from new with a cab signalling system that
delivered electrical signals to the train via the track.

18. Drivers cab 19. Handbrake 20. Ratchet for handbrake 21. Throttle
control, with socket for operation by Allen key 22. Light switch boxes
(left) and brake pressure gauges 23. Marker light lens (red) indicates end
of train 24. Marker light lens (yellow, shows as white when lit by oil lamp)
indicates unscheduled train 25. Marker light lens (blue, shows as green
when lit by oil lamp) indicates scheduled train 26. Top of brake unit
27. Cab interior door lock

19 21 22 23 24 25

20 26 27

28 29 30

33 34
The standard MU car had 18 rows of 2+2
reversible seats with space for gangway-
facing seats and a conductors ofce. The
freight cars had a separate compartment at
one end and fewer seats. The railway also
introduced innovations such as internal
doors that automatically closed when the
31 32 train was in motion and thermostats for
carriage heating, which reduced costs
and improved passenger comfort.

28. Interior of railcar carriage 29. Light tting

in ceiling 30. Metal luggage rack above seats
31. Brass window sash clip 32. Foot rest and
heater under seat 33. Door to toilet
34. Emergency axe in glass unit

19401959 . 169


During World War II railways formed an integral Key Events
part of the struggle for victory for both Allied r 1941 USs Union Pacic Railroad
launches its giant Big Boy steam
and Axis forces. However, rail trafc not directly
related to the war effort was discouraged in
r 1942 Germanys Class 52 Kriegslok
this period. Many of Europes railways were (war loco) is introduced as a stripped-
devastated during the conict, and were also down war-time design. Its reliability
also helps the post-war reconstruction.
much maligned by association for their transport
r 1945 Allied forces use train-busters
of millions of people to concentration camps. to destroy German locomotives.
But emerging from the shadows of war, Western
Europes railways returned with a new glamorous
face, the Trans-Europ Express (TEE) part of a
major international effort to rebuild and rebrand
railways in the wars aftermath.
Although the US had rolled out steam giants
such as the Big Boy in the early 1940s, the shift
u Red carpet train
to diesel had already started with a rapid A 1941 poster advertises the famous 20th
Century Limited US passenger train, which
transition to the new form of traction. During later featured in the lm North By Northwest.
the post-war period throughout the world,
diesel- and electric-power increasingly replaced steam, which was seen as dirty,
labour-intensive, and outmoded. The supremacy of the new technologies was
u Casualty of war
enhanced in 1955 when two French electric trains broke the world speed record. This German locomotive was found upended by Allied
forces when they captured the town of Muenster,
In the UK, the newly nationalized British Railways stuck with steam power until
Germany on 11 April 1945.
after the publication of the Modernisation Plan in the mid-1950s. Nevertheless,
r 1948 Railways are nationalized in the
the ever-increasing use of diesel-shunting engines showed the way forward,
UK. Private companies are replaced by
and in 1955 the prototype Deltic appeared, presenting the new face of express British Railways.
transport. However, by the late 1950s, neither the US nor Europe was developing r 1949 With the formation of West
the most revolutionary form of rail transport. That honour went to Japan. Germany, the countrys railways
become the Deutsche Bundesbahn.
East Germanys railways keep the
name Deutsche Reichsbahn.
r 1951 British Railways launches a new
The railroads can be reached at any range of Standard steam designs.
r 1954 1 December, British Railways
moment by military orders. Nothing, Modernisation Plan announces
the elimination of steam.
therefore, can replace the railroads r 1955 French electrics BB 9004 and
CC 7107 reach 206 mph (331 km/h)
r 1957 The pan-European Trans-Europ
Express network is launched and
a series of iconic trains are built to
Propaganda poster (1939-45) by Fred Chance, who worked as an illustrator in Philadelphia and New York run on its routes.
170 . 19401959

World War II Logistics

The transportation of raw materials, troops, military equipment, and
ammunition by rail was of strategic importance to the warring powers in World
War II. As a result, cheaply constructed powerful freight locomotives mass-
produced in Germany, Britain, and the US saw active service in war zones.
After the war many ran on European national railways as replacements or as
war reparations. A large number of engines, built for the United States Army
Transportation Corps (USATC), were sent to Asia under lease-lend agreements
and, after the war, by the UN Relief & Rehabilitation Administration.

LMS 8F, 1935 DR Class 52 Kriegslok, 1942

Wheel arrangement 2-8-0 Wheel arrangement 2-10-0
Cylinders 2 Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm) Boiler pressure 232 psi (16.3 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 56 1/4 in (1,430 mm) Driving wheel diameter 55 in (1,400 mm)
Top speed approx. 50 mph (80 km/h) Top Speed 50 mph (80 km/h)

Designed by William Stanier for the London, Midland Around 7,000 of these Deutsche
& Scottish Railway, these were the standard British Reichsbahn heavy freight locomotives
freight locomotives for part of WWII. They saw service were built mainly for service on the
for Britains War Department in Egypt, Palestine, Iran, Eastern Front. A small number remain
and Italy 25 were sold to Turkey in 1941. Of the 852 in service in Bosnia even today, while
built, some remained in British service until 1968, many, like this Class 52 No. 52.8184-5
while Turkish examples ran into the 1980s. rebuild, have been preserved.

USATC S160, 1942 Of the 2,120 austerity Consolidation-

Wheel arrangement 2-8-0 type heavy freight locomotives built
Cylinders 2 for the USATC, 800 were shipped to
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm) Britain for use in Europe after D-Day.
After the war they saw service on
Driving wheel diameter 563/4 in
many European railways as well
(1,440 mm)
as in North Africa, China, India,
Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h) and North and South Korea.

USATC S100, 1942 Built for the USATC, 382

Wheel arrangement 0-6-0T of these locomotives were
Cylinders 2 shipped to Britain and used
Boiler pressure 210 psi (14.8 kg/sq cm) in Europe after the D-day
landings of June 1944.
Driving wheel diameter 54 in (1,370 mm)
Britains Southern Railway
Top speed approx. 35 mph (56 km/h) later bought 15 as shunters.

Class V36 Shunter, 1937 Fitted with four axles but only three Armoured Car, 1942 This camouaged car formed part
Wheel arrangement 0-6-0 pairs of driving wheels, these diesel Type 4-wheel of a German Wehrmacht BP42 armoured train
Transmission hydraulic locomotives were built for the Capacity 130 (whole train) that protected supply and transport trains in the Balkans
Engine Deutsche Werke/MAK diesel German armed forces (Wehrmacht) and Russia. An armoured Class 57 0-10-0 steam locomotive
Constuction armour-
and were used for shunting duties. was positioned in the centre of the train, which consisted
Total power output 360 hp (268 kW) plated steel
They saw widespread use in Europe of a combination of infantry, navigating, anti-aircraft, and
Top speed approx. 37 mph (60 km/h) and North Africa after the war. Railway German Wehrmacht artillery wagons, with converted tank turrets.


SR Class Q1, 1942

Wheel arrangement 0-6-0
Cylinders 2 (inside)
The Maryland Car
Boiler pressure 230 psi (16.17 kg/sq cm) In 1947, US journalist Drew Pearson set out to help the
Driving wheel diameter 61 in (1,550 mm) people of war-stricken France and Italy. A Friendship
Train travelled around the US gathering $40 million
Top Speed 50 mph (80 km/h)
of relief supplies. In response, the French sent a Merci
Designed by Oliver Bulleid for the Southern (thank you) Train lled with gifts back to the US.
Railway, these freight locomotives were
Arriving in New York in 1949, the train consisted of a
series of European boxcars used to transport soldiers
lightweight, which enabled them to operate
and horses during the war. There were 49 cars one
over most of the companys network. A total of
for each US state (although the District of Columbia
40 were built, and they all remained in service
and Hawaii had to share). The Maryland Car, shown
on the Southern Region of British Railways until here, was originally built for the Paris, Lyon &
the 1960s. This is No. C1, the rst of the series. Mediterranean Railway in 1915. It is now on display
at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum, Baltimore.

WD Austerity, 1943 Indian Class AWE, 1943

Wheel arrangement 2-8-0 Wheel arrangement 2-8-2
Cylinders 2 Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm) Boiler pressure 210 psi
Driving wheel diameter 561/4 in (1,430 mm) (14.76 kg/sq cm)
Top speed approx. 45 mph (72 km/h) Driving wheel diameter 611/2 in
(1,562 mm)
Designed by R.A. Riddles for the British
Top speed approx. 62 mph (100 km/h)
War Department, these freight trains were
austerity, or cheaper, versions of the LMS These huge locomotives were built
8F. Of the 935 built, many saw service in by Baldwin Locomotive Works for
mainland Europe after D-day in June 1944. the USATC for hauling heavy freight
After the war, 733 were in operation for trains in India during WWII. They were
British Railways, while others worked in tted with 7-ft- (2,134-mm-) diameter
the Netherlands, Hong Kong, and Sweden. boilers and 40 became Indian Railways
Class AWE. One of these, No. 22907
Virat, has been restored to working
order at the Rewari Steam Loco Shed.
172 . 19401959

DR No. 52.8184-5
Built to serve Germany during World War II, the Deutsche
Reichsbahn (DR) Class 52 Kriegslok had a simple design and
was constructed from materials that were easy to source during
wartime. Nevertheless, it became a rugged classic vital to many
countries long after the conict ended, partly because it could
haul heavy loads on lightweight track. Although designed to last
only a few years, the class also proved very durable.

THE CLASS 52 KRIEGSLOK (Kriegs-Dampokomotive, or

war steam locomotive) came out of Germanys need to
construct locomotives quickly during World War II, while
maintaining maximum production capacity for armaments.
The plan was to build 15,000 locomotives, with production
spread throughout occupied Europe. Only around 7,000
were actually made, but Germanys Class 52 remains one
of the most numerous classes ever built. The locomotive
shown on these pages was built in Vienna in 1944.
The ten driving wheels gave the 52 enough grip to pull
1,968 tons (2,000 tonnes) across a level surface at 31 mph
(50 km/h). In addition, the locomotive included plenty of
cold weather protection, useful in a war that progressed into
Russia in winter. Some were even equipped with tenders
that could recycle exhaust steam back into water, meaning
they could travel long distances without having to rell.
After the war Kriegsloks remained in service. Some
were modernized and renumbered, including the engine now
known as No. 52. 8184-5, which is kept in Stassfurt, Germany. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW

Class 52 or Kriegs-Dampokomotive 1 In-service period 1942present (No. 52.8184-5)
Wheel arrangement 2-10-0 Cylinders 2
Manufacturing for war Origin Germany Boiler pressure 232 psi (16.3 kg/sq cm)
Like much of German industry during World War II, Designer/builder Hauptausschu Schienenfahrzeuge Driving wheel diameter 55 in (1,400 mm)
the Deutsche Reichsbahn was harnessed to the war Number produced approx. 7,000 Class 52 Top speed 50 mph (80 km/h)
effort. The Class 52 Kriegslok epitomized the
machines of war built during that period.
Steam dome collects Cab is fully enclosed Coal space is narrow,
Smoke deectors keep exhaust steam to be used from to protect the crew allowing driver a
away from drivers view the boiler in cold conditions clear reverse view

Water tank is
frameless, cutting
production costs

Simple elegance
Paring the design to the bare
minimum helped give the
Class 52 its austere look.
Essential components were
simplied wherever possible.
1 74 . 1 9 4 0 1 9 5 9


Looks were not a priority for the designers of the wartime Class 52, though later renements
to the design softened the austere appearance of some engines. With functionality the main
goal, the locomotives were simply built using readily available materials, and key parts were
made easily accessible. Much of the look was determined by the small driving wheels, which
gave pulling power and low axle-weight rather than high speed. Another distinctive visual
aspect of many Kriegsloks was a tub-shaped tender.

1. Number plate on front of engine 2. Smokebox door handle 3. Front headlamp 4. Front buffer
5. Chimney (smokestack) 6. Crosshead assembly 7. Shut-off valve 8. Inspection lamp under running plate
9. Air pump 10. Wheel unit with connection rod 11. Air tank 12. Door and window of cab; smaller windows 6 7
meant that locomotive was less likely to be seen by World War II bombers 13. Cab steps 14. Leaf spring
suspension on tender bogie 15. Tender tank 16. Top lamp and number plate on rear of tender

1 3


9 10


13 14 16


DR NO. 52.8184-5 . 175


Built to keep out the winter cold, the
Kriegslok cab was austere and simple,
but all the instruments were positioned
for ease of use. Following the standard
German layout, the driver sat on the
right and the reman worked from the
left. The regulator handle, reverser, and
brake controls were all within easy reach
of the driver, while the reman had
access to controls to regulate how much
water he fed into the boiler. The rebox
door swung on a ap and featured
handles on both sides so the driver
could open it while the reman
shovelled the coal in.

17. Overview of cab interior 18. Firehole

19. Inside of rebox 20. Controls on remans
side 21. Lubricator 22. Water-gauge glass
23. Sanding controls 24. Air brake pressure
gauge 25. Sign explaining the correct use
of Tromoff valves 26. Reverser 27. Brake
controls 28. Switches for lamps 29. Access
to tender

18 19 20 21

22 23 25 27 28



Wartime Service
The importance of the railways in World War II can be measured
by the efforts made on both sides to destroy networks. Between
1940 and 1942, Germanys air force, the Luftwaffe, launched more
than 10,000 attacks on Britains rail network, but failed to prevent
it from transporting the fuel, food, equipment, and munitions that
the nation needed. Germanys railways not only transported vital
goods, but also played a part in historys worst act of genocide
the transportation of Jews and other groups to death camps.
On the Allied side, the Trans-Iranian Railway in the Middle
East kept oil owing from the Persian Gulf to the Soviet Union,
while in North America trains delivered supplies to Atlantic
ports for shipping to Britain.


By 1942, with the tide turning in the Allies favour, planning
began for the invasion of Axis-occupied Europe. Recognizing
that railways would be crucial to success, Britain and the US
began a programme of locomotive building on an unprecedented
scale. By D-Day, 6 June 1944, more than a thousand new
engines had been built to haul supply trains, and they were
immediately put into service. The Allies achieved victory in
May 1945 and, while this was due to many factors, there is
no doubt that railways played a critical part.

The Womens Voluntary Service (WVS) lled the roles left vacant by the
110,000 British railwaymen who served in the war. Here, WVS members
clean the engines at a London Midland & Scottish Railway depot.
178 . 19401959

US Moves into Diesel

The diesel locomotive represented the greatest advance in US railways
during the 20th century. Although diesel engines had been around since
the 1890s, the challenge was to make them small and light enough to t
within the connes of a locomotive, yet powerful enough to haul a train.
The breakthrough had come in 1935 when General Motors unveiled their
12-cylinder, 2-cycle engine that was 23 per cent smaller and, thanks to
lightweight alloys, 20 per cent lighter than its predecessors. Accelerating
into the 1940s the diesel began to conquer the US.

l Boxley Whitcomb 30-DM-31, 1941

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0
Transmission mechanical
Engine 8-cylinder Cummins
Total power output 150 hp (120 kW)
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h)

Built by the Whitcomb company of Rochelle,

Illinois, 30 referred to the locomotive
weight range in tons and DM to its
transmission (dieselmechanical). The
Boxley Materials Co. of Roanoke, Virginia
bought No. 31 from the Houston Shipbuilding
Corporation of Texas in 1953.

l VC Porter No. 3, 1944 H.K. Porter Inc. was one of the largest
Wheel arrangement A1-A1 manufacturers of industrial locomotives in
Transmission electric the US by 1950, it had built 8,000. This
Engine not known rod-driven switcher Porter No. 3, built for the
Virginia Central Railroad, is the last of the 28
Total power output 300 hp (224 kW)
of its type built. It is now preserved at the
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h) Virginia Museum of Transportation.

PMR GM EMD SW-1 No. 11, 1942

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Transmission electric
Engine EMD Model 567 V-6 engine
Total power output 600 hp (448 kW)
Top speed 45 mph (72 km/h)

The Pere Marquette Railway, which took

its name from a 17th-century French
Jesuit priest, served the Great Lakes
region of the US and Canada. The EMD
SW-1 Class was introduced in 1936, but
No. 11 was delivered to the railway in
April 1942 to begin shunting hoppers
at Eireau, Ontario. It was retired in 1984.

GM Class E7a, 1945

Wheel arrangement A1A-A1A
Transmission electric
Engine 2 x EMD Model 567A, 12-cylinder
Total power output 2,000 hp (1491 kW)
Top speed 85 mph (137 km/h)

Supplied to over 20 railways, General Motorss E7 was

one of the rst standard American diesels. Between
1945 and 1949, 428 of the E7a cab units were produced
along with 82 E7b boosters. The Gulf, Mobile, & Ohio
Railroads No. 103, shown here, was notable for
appearing in the lm The Heat of the Night.

Baldwin Class The Chesapeake & Western (C&W, known locally as

DS-4-4-660, 1946 the Crooked and Weedy) operated over 5312
Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo miles (86 km) of the Shenandoah Valley (US). In
Transmission electric 1946 it took delivery of three diesel units. With
Engine 4-cycle engine running costs at 25 cents per mile (as opposed to
the 96 cents for steam), it marked a turning point
Total power output 660 hp
for the CHW. No. 662 was retired in 1964 and
(492 kW)
languished in a scrapyard before being donated
Top speed 60 mph (96 km/h) to the Virginia Museum of Transportation.

l Ma&Pa GM EMD Type NW2, 1946

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Transmission electric
Engine 12-cylinder engine
Total power output 1,000 hp (750 kW)
Top speed 60 mph (97 km/h)

This type was rst introduced in 1939. The

Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad (a short
line linking Baltimore with York and Hanover,
Pennsylvania) took delivery of Nos. 80 and 81,
two Type NW2 switchers built by the Electro-
Motive Division of General Motors, in December
1946. In total, 1,145 NW2s were shipped between
1939 and 1949 to over 50 railways (in contrast
to the Ma&Pas modest pair, Union Pacic bought
95). No. 81 has been part of the Railroad Museum
of Pennsylvanias collection since 1997.
180 . 19401959

Post-war US
B&A GE 70-ton switcher, 1946
Some railways needed persuading that diesel could Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
match the haulage power of steam, but, once Transmission electric
General Motorss freight demonstrator and Engine 2 x Cooper-Bessemer FDL-6T
prototypes had convinced them, the economic 6-cylinder 4-cycle engines
Total power output 660 hp (492 kW)
argument was irresistible. Mainline locomotives
Top speed 60 mph (96 km/h)
fell into two categories: cab units and hood
units. The former, with their sleek bodywork and The Baltimore & Annapolis Railroad was
mainly a commuter line that in 1950
colourful liveries, handled the expresses and were succumbed to road competition and
augmented by boosters for extra power. In the replaced passenger trains with buses.
hood unit, the workhorse, the engine (or engines), That year it bought a solitary diesel,
a General Electric 70-ton switcher
radiators, and ancillary equipment were mounted No. 50 for freight operations. The
on a platform above the chassis with the cab type was introduced in 1946 as a
placed at one end or in the centre. The transition lighter, low-cost option for secondary
routes, and 238 were built up to 1955.
from steam to diesel was accomplished within Retired in 1986, No. 50 is preserved
20 years; by 1960 around 34,000 diesel at the Baltimore & Ohio Museum.
locomotives operated in the US.

u Baldwin S12 switcher, 1950 B&O F7 Class, 1949

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Transmission electric Transmission electric
Engine De Lavergne Model 606A SC Engine EMD 567B 16-cylinder engine
4-cycle engine Total power output 1,500 hp (1,119 kW)
Total power output 1,200 hp (895 kW) Top speed 50120 mph (80193 km/h)
Top speed 60 mph (96 km/h)
The F7 was the most numerous of the General
Employing a turbocharged version of Motorss F Series; 2,341 A units and 1,467 B
the powerful Model 606A engine, the S12 (booster) units were built by 1953. The speed
switcher was famous for its hauling prowess, variation was a product of eight different gear
as demonstrated by Baldwins original ratios. Though tailored for freight, many US
No. 1200. Here, masquerading as No. 1200, railways used F7s for front-line passenger
is Earle No. 7 or, in the records of its operators, services until the 1970s. No. 7100, shown, was
the United States Navy, No. 65-000369. The bought by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in 1951
USN took 18 of the 451 S12s shipped between and enjoyed a second career on the Maryland
1951 and 1956 and stationed this unit at its Area Regional Commuter (MARC) system
ordnance depot in Earle, New Jersey. from 1987 to the late 1990s.

l N&W EMD GP9 Class, 1955

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Transmission electric
Engine EMD 567C 16-cylinder engine
Total power output 1,750 hp (1,305 kW)
Top speed 75 mph (125 km/h)

General Motorss Geep Nine remains one

of the most successful and long-lasting of
diesels, although not the most attractive.
Looks did not count for US and Canadian
railways, which between them bought 4,087
A units and 165 type B boosters from 1954
to 1963. No. 521 was one of 306 GP9s on the
books of the Norfolk & Western, and many
remain in service on secondary lines and
with industrial users; some Class 1 railways
still use them as shunters.
P O S T- W A R U S . 1 8 1

u Budd RDC railcar, 1949 After WWII the Budd Co. used its expertise in building lightweight
Wheel arrangement Bo-2 stainless-steel carriages to assemble diesel railcars (or multiple
Transmission mechanical units) for secondary and local passenger services. A prototype
Engine 2 x General Motors Type 6-110 Rail Diesel Car (RDC) was unveiled in 1949 and impressed with
6-cylinder engines its economy. By 1962, 398 were in operation. Out west, RDCs
provided a stopping service over the 924 miles (1,487 km)
Total power output 275 hp (205 kW)
between Salt Lake City, Utah, and Oakland, California. The
Top speed 85 mph (137 km/h) RDC was also exported to Australia, Brazil, Canada, and France.

l N&W ALCO T6 (DL440) Class, 1958

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Transmission electric
Engine ALCO 251B 6-cylinder 4-cycle engine
Total power output 1,000 hp (746 kW)
Top speed 60 mph (96 km/h)

The American Locomotive Co. (ALCO)

introduced the T6 (the T stood for Transfer)
in 1958 believing there was a demand for a
switcher capable of shuttling trains between
yards and terminals at higher speeds. This was
not the case and up to 1969 just 57 had been
delivered, of which the Norfolk & Western
Railway took 38. Retired in 1985, No. 41 is kept
at the Virginia Museum of Transportation, US.
182 . 19401959

N&W GP9 Class No. 521

The last major US rail operator to switch from steam to diesel was the
Norfolk & Western Railway (N&W), based in Roanoke, Virginia. As part of
its drive to eliminate steam, the N&W already ran electric trains on some
of its routes. From 1955 it moved to diesel, rst with ALCO RS-3s, and
then bought 306 model GP9 diesel-electric locomotives from General
Motorss Electro-Motive Division (EMD). Most of the GP9s were destined
for freight duties but some, including No. 521, hauled passenger trains.

THE EMD GENERAL PURPOSE (GP) road switcher diesel engines

rst appeared in 1949 and became the most successful range
of mid-power diesels in North America. The rst model, the
GP7, was built from 1949 to 1954, when the improved GP9
version was introduced. The Geeps, as the locomotives were
nicknamed, were bought in large numbers to replace the steam
locomotives still in use during the 1950s. Continuously updated,
the last Geep model was the GP60 produced until 1994.
Locomotives 501 to 521 were the last GP9s bought by the
N&W and were equipped with steam boilers to heat passenger
coaches. At rst they replaced the fast J Class steam locomotives
that worked the N&W passenger trains in the 1950s, but when
the passenger services ceased, they were used for freight
alongside the 285 other GP9s operated by this railroad.
In 1982, the N&W merged with the Southern Railway to
become Norfolk Southern Railway, which is today one
of the largest Class 1 railways in the US. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW


For the introduction of
the new passenger GP9 Class GP9 In-service period 195885 (No. 521)
diesels the N&W logo Wheel arrangement BoBo Transmission electric
in yellow was unusually Origin USA Engine EMD 567C 16-cylinder
mounted on a round plate
Designer/builder General Motors EMD Power output 1,750 hp (1,305 kW)
with a black background
on the locomotive front. Number produced 306 (GP9s for N&W) Top speed 75 mph (125 km/h)

Tuscan red livery given Dynamic brake Fuel tank could Twin air horn
to N&W passenger grille dissipates hold 900 gallons mounted on
locomotives heat from brakes (4,090 litres) of diesel drivers cab roof
Safety Brass bell used
railings run to alert staff and
full length of passengers when
locomotive moving in yard
or station
N&W GP9 CLASS NO. 521 . 183

The redbirds
The last 21 GP9s bought by the N&W for
passenger trains were given a special livery
of Tuscan Red with yellow lettering, earning
them the nickname the redbirds.
184 . 19401959


The GP9 was a simple but rugged design with features in

common with all EMD locomotives of the time, such as the
standard US knuckle coupler, originally developed in the
1890s and tted at each end of the GP9. The use of spare parts
that were interchangeable between EMD models was one of the
reasons so many of these locomotives were sold in the 1950s.

1. Numberplate on front end of engine 2. Twin headlights 3. Ladder to

access top of engine 4. Electrical connection cap 5. Knuckle coupler
6. Diesel fuel cap 7. Emergency fuel cut-off 8. Front steps 9. Wheel unit
(bogie) 10. Air horn positioned above cab 11. Spring on engine bogie
12. Air-brake cylinder 13. Dynamic brake grille 14. Clasp brake
15. Brass bell on front end 16. Door to cab

1 6 7 8


11 13 16

14 15

N&W GP9 CLASS NO. 521 . 185


The drivers cab had a standard EMD control station,
with lever-operated power and reverse and braking
controls. The locomotive and train brake equipment
were located alongside each other. The locomotive
could be driven in either direction at full speed, and
the driver had a good view forward from each end of
the cab. The power controller (or throttle) had eight
notches, so the driver could increase or decrease
power gradually.

17. Interior of cab with engineers controls 18. Emergency

brake valve 19. Windshield wiper motor 20. Switches for
windshield wipers 21. Brake control levers 22. Warning sign
23. Speedometer 24. Control panel circuit breaker switches
25. Air brake gauges 26. Load indicator 27. Power controller

18 19 21 22



24 25 27

186 . 19401959

Britain Makes
the Change
By the 1940s the rail system in Britain consisted
of four major companies and many smaller light
railways. In 1948 the Big Four and the majority
of the smaller railways were nationalized under
one umbrella company British Railways. The
new company commissioned a report to look
at ways of stemming the losses they were
incurring as a result of competition from air and
road trafc. Known as the Modernisation Plan
and published on 1 December 1954, the report
made a number of recommendations, including
the replacement of all steam engines. Tests in the
late 1950s with pilot-scheme diesels were BR (W) Gas Turbine
intended to demonstrate which locomotives to No. 18000, 1949
Wheel arrangement A1A-A1A
order in quantity. Orders for thousands of new
Transmission electric
diesels would follow in the next decade.
Engine Brown Boveri Gas Turbine
Total power output 2,500 hp (1,865 kW)
Top speed 90 mph (145 km/h)

This revolutionary locomotive was

delivered to British Railways in 1949
from Switzerland and was used for 10
years on the BR Western Region. In 1965
it left the UK and was used for research
in Switzerland and Austria, returning in
1994 to the UK where it is now preserved.

BR Class 08, 1953 Based on a wartime design of diesel shunter ordered

Wheel arrangement 0-6-0 by the London, Midland & Scottish Railway, over 950
Transmission electric Class 08 locomotives were built by ve British Railways
Engine English Electric 6KT workshops between 1953 and 1959. Smaller batches
of similar locomotives using different engines were BR Class 05, 1954 This engine was one of several designs of
Total power output 350 hp (261 kW)
also built. Sixty years on some remain in service. Wheel arrangement 0-6-0 smaller shunting locomotives delivered to
Top speed 20 mph (32 km/h) No. 08 604 Phantom is preserved at Didcot, UK. Transmission mechanical British Railways in the 1950s. Later classied
Engine Gardner 8L3 as Class 05, 69 were built between 1954 and
1961. Few remained in service for more than
Total power output 201 hp
a decade as the freight trafc they were built
(150 kW)
for disappeared after the BR network was
Top speed 17 mph (27 km/h) reduced following the Beeching Report.

English Electric
prototype Deltic, 1955
Wheel arrangement Co-Co
Transmission electric
Engine 2 x Napier Deltic
D1825 engines
Total power output 3,300 hp
(2,460 kW)
Top speed 106 mph (171 km/h)

Built speculatively by English

Electric, Deltic was the prototype
for the 22 Type 5 Deltic D9000
Class 55 diesel locomotives bought
for services on the East Coast route
from London to York and Edinburgh.
They were to replace the famous
London & North Eastern Railway
design A4 Pacic steam engines.

r BR Type 1 Class 20, 1957

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Transmission electric
Engine English Electric 8SVT MkII
Total power output 986 hp (735 kW)
Top speed 75 mph (121 km/h)

This class was one of the most

successful of all the Modernisation
Plan locomotives. A total of 227 were
built for British Railways between
1957 and 1968. The class saw limited
passenger services but could work
in multiples and, coupled together,
could handle heavy trafc. Some
remain in use with UK freight
operators nearly 60 years later.

BR Class 42, 1958

Wheel arrangement B-B
Transmission hydraulic
Engine 2 x Maybach MD650 engines
Total power output 2,100 hp (1,566 kW)
Top speed 90 mph (145 km/h)

These locomotives were based upon

successful V200 engines that ran in
West Germany and used the same
engines as their German cousins.
Known as Warships, they were
used by British Railways principally
on the Western Region from London
Paddington to Devon, Cornwall, and
South Wales until withdrawn from
service in 1972. This is No. 801 Vanguard.

BR Type 4 Class 40, 1958

Wheel arrangement 1Co-Co1
Transmission electric
Engine English Electric 16SVT MkII
Total power output 1,972 hp (1,471 kW)
BR Class 108, 1958 British Railwayss Modernisation
Top speed 90 mph (145 km/h))
Wheel arrangement 2-coach Plan led to the replacement of
multiple unit steam locomotives, and more than This class was designed to replace
Transmission mechanical 4,000 diesel multiple units were the fastest steam locomotives working
Engine 2 x BUT/Leyland 6 cylinder ordered. These new self-propelled express trains initially between London
Derby Lightweight trains were and Norwich and later all over the UK.
Total power output 300 hp (224 kW)
much cheaper to operate than The initial pilot batch of 10 was expanded
Top speed 70 mph (113 km/h) the steam trains they replaced. to a nal class of 200 by 1962.
188 . 19401959

Deltic Prototype
During its time, the English Electric prototype Deltic, rst tested
in 1955, was the most powerful diesel locomotive in the world.
Using Napier Deltic engines developed to power fast naval patrol
boats, Deltic produced high levels of performance while weighing
less than most contemporary locomotives. British Railways
ordered 22 production Deltics in 1958, introducing 100 mph
(161 km/h) express trains to the UK.


layout with three banks of six cylinders in
a triangular formation. To enable each group
of cylinders to work efciently, the crankshaft
for one group operated in the opposite
direction to the other two the resulting
opposed piston engine was both compact
and very powerful. Its light weight meant that
two derated naval engines could be installed
in a six-axle locomotive; the power available
made the Deltic the most powerful diesel
locomotive of its time.
The Deltic prototype began tests with British SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW
Railways in 1955, initially on the West Coast
route from London to Liverpool and Carlisle.
The locomotive remained the property of its
builders English Electric whose engineers SPECIFICATIONS
accompanied it on every trip. From 1959 it Class Deltic prototype
operated on the East Coast route from London Wheel arrangement Co-Co
to York and Edinburgh. It was here that Deltic Origin UK
would excel, leading to an order for 22 Designer/builder English Electric, Vulcan Foundry
locomotives, with a slightly smaller bodyshell, Number produced 1
which would replace 55 express passenger In-service period 195561
steam engines. Retired from use in 1961, the Major manufacturer Transmission electric
The Deltic prototype was built and owned by Engine 2 x Napier Deltic D18-25
prototype was presented to Londons Science
English Electric. Founded in 1918 this major
Museum and today is part of the UKs National Power output 3,300 hp (2,460 kW)
British engineering company built hundreds
Railway Museum collection. of diesel and electric engines until 1968. Top speed 106 mph (171 km/h)

A spacious cab was Engine room housing the Nameplate is unusual, Bright blue, cream, and gold livery is
provided at either end two Napier Deltic engines as the prototype had no unique to the prototype and has not been
of the locomotive and two generators number, just the name seen on a British locomotive before or since
D E LT I C P R O T O T Y P E . 1 8 9

American appeal
The headlight was part of the rounded North American
styling for the prototype locomotive. In practice, this
headlight was never used because the locomotive
never left the UK for trials anywhere else.
190 . 19401959


The Deltic prototype was built with export markets around the world in mind
and consequently used styling similar to the US streamlined diesel designs that
had been in use since the 1940s. The bright blue, cream, and gold livery made
it stand out from every other locomotive in the UK when it started trials in
1955. The design had many innovative features for its era such as retractable
steps, streamlined lights, and buffers.

1. Painted name plaque 2. Large headlight space (light never tted) 3. Streamlined electric
marker light 4. Front buffer 5. Front coupling hook 6. Horn bracket 7. Windscreen and
wiper blades 8. Sandbox 9. Folding chrome steps 10. Air brake chain 11. Exhaust vent
positioned at centre of engine 12. Metal steps up to drivers door 13. Leaf spring suspension
14. Fuel gauge 15. Shed shore supply (electricity)

1 3

16 18 19 20


21 22
The design for the compact Deltic engine originated in World War II
Junkers aeroplane engines from Germany. The engine is made
from aluminium alloy and designed to be as lightweight as possible.
To t the engines into the locomotive was an engineering
challenge, as the loading gauge (maximum height and width)
of UK trains is smaller than on European railway systems.

16. Napier Deltic Engine 17. Controls at top of engine 18. Steam heating boiler
D E LT I C P R O T O T Y P E . 1 9 1


9 11



14 15

The locomotive had identical cabs at either end,
each designed to give a good view forward, from
a raised position, through a two-piece windscreen.
This clear view of the line ahead was essential for
safe operation at a speed of 100 mph (161 km/h).
The locomotive was operated by a two-man crew,
one driving and the other monitoring ancillary
equipment, such as steam heating.

19. Left side of cab 20. Right side of cab 21. Warning
light attached to ceiling 22. Westinghouse vacuum brake
23. Wiper motor 24. Drivers display panel 25. Loco
27 28 29 brake (above) and power handle (below) 26. Orange
electricity conduits 27. Maintenance doorway to the
nose 28. Vacuum exhauster in the nose 29. Wheel
brake 30. Steam heating control

192 . 19401959

Europe Follows
the US
As Europe emerged from the chaos and damage
inicted by World War II, many railway companies
based their future planning on the US where diesels
had been replacing steam for nearly a decade. A
wide variety of manufacturers using an equally wide
choice of diesel engines built locomotives for state
railways across Europe. Labour-intensive steam was
replaced with diesels, which were cheaper to run
although more expensive to buy. The process was
gradual in most countries; some steam engines
survived until 1977 in West Germany, and they
never entirely disappeared in East Germany.

DB V200 (Class 220), 1954

Wheel arrangement B-B
Transmission hydraulic
Engine 2 x Maybach MD 650 engines
Total power output 2,170 hp (1,618 kW)
Top speed 87 mph (140 km/h)

Designed to replace steam locomotives

on heavy express passenger trains in the
mid-1950s, the Class 220s were displaced
to less important routes by electrication
in the 1960s and 70s. All were withdrawn
by the Deutsche Bundesbahn by 1984, but
many went on to work for other operators
in Greece, Switzerland, and Italy.

NSB Class Di3, 1955 The Swedish rm Nydqvist & Holm AB (NoHAB) built
Wheel arrangement Co-Co diesel locomotives under license for the major US diesel
Transmission electric locomotive builder EMD, then owned by General Motors.
Engine EMD 16-567-C As well as the Di3 locomotives, delivered in two types
to Norwegian State Railways (Norges Statsbaner AS,
Total power output 1,750 hp
or NSB), similar locomotives were supplied to Denmark
(1,305 kW)
and Hungary. The locomotives remain in service with
Top speed 65 mph (105 km/h) freight operators in several European countries.

Diesel Shunters
While the big mainline diesel engines attracted attention,
using diesel locomotives in shunting yards was just as
transformational. While labour-intensive steam machines
needed a team of operatives and had to be kept in steam
even when at rest, diesel shunters could be operated by
one person, and simply switched off when not in use.
u SNCF Class C61000, 1950 Ordered immediately after WWII in 1945,
Crew conditions were better too and, in many cases, so Wheel arrangement 0-6-0 but not delivered until 19501953, the 48
was the visibility from the cab. The advantages of the Transmission electric C61000 locomotives were used for shunting
diesels were recognized even before World War II, and Engine Sulzer 6 LDA 22 in freight yards and for short-distance freight.
Twelve of the locomotives were used with
after the conict their use became more and more widespread. Total power output 382 hp (285 kW)
coupled powered slave units to double
Many of the 1950s designs had long working lives. Top speed 37 mph (60 km/h) the power available for shunting.

DB VT11.5 (Class 601/602), 1957

Wheel arrangement B2+22+22+22+
Transmission hydraulic
Engine 2 x MTU engines
Total power output 2,060 hp (1,536 kW)
Top speed 100 mph (160 km/h)

The Class 601s were First Class only diesel-

powered train sets used for Trans-Europ Express
services from 1957 to 1972, reaching Paris, Milan,
Amsterdam, and Ostende. Some were rebuilt as
Class 602 from 1970 with 2,1450 hp (1,600 kW) gas
turbines in place of the two diesel engines. The
train sets were withdrawn from service in 1990.
u SNCF Class CC6500, 1957 Because of their shape these locomotives
Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo were nicknamed Sous-marin (submarines).
Transmission electric Twenty were delivered to SNCF to replace
Engine 2 x SACM MGO VSHR V12 steam locomotives in the west of France
where they worked until the 1980s; all were
Total power output 1,824 hp
withdrawn by 1988. Tested widely when
(1,360 kW)
new, their builder Alsthom also exported the
Top speed 81 mph (130 km/h) design 37 to Algeria and 25 to Argentina.

DB VT98 (Class 798), 1955 These rail bus vehicles were introduced
Wheel arrangement single-car in West Germany from 1953 to 1962
rail bus initially the single-engined VT95 version,
Transmission mechanical and then this more powerful two-engined
Engine 2 x Bssing AG U10 engines VT98 version. In total 913 powered and
1,217 unpowered trailer cars (of both
Total power output 295 hp (220 kW)
types) replaced steam locomotives on
Top speed 56 mph (90 km/h) many rural lines across West Germany.

l PKP Class SM30, 1957

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Transmission electric
Engine Wola V-300
Total power output 295 hp (220 kW)
Top speed 37 mph (60 km/h)

This was the rst diesel-electric locomotive

designed and built in Poland its initial
models used an engine originally designed u DR V15 (Class 101), 1959 The East German V15 (and later V18) diesel
for army tanks. Ultimately 909 of the Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 shunters were built in large numbers for both
locomotives were built by Fablok in Transmission hydraulic the Deutsche Reichsbahn and industrial rail
Chrzanw in southern Poland between Engine 6 KVD 18 SRW operators such as mines and steelworks.
1956 and 1970, many for industrial users. Built in Potsdam by VEB Lokomotivbau Karl
Total power output 148 hp (110 kW)
Polish State Railways (or PKP) received Marx Babelsberg, many were also exported
302. Some are still in use in 2014. Top speed 22 mph (35 km/h) to other Eastern Bloc countries.
194 . 19401959

Great Journeys KEY FACTS


The Blue Train

1946 The Blue Train name is formally adopted
1970s, 1997 The train is refurbished

Train Set 1 Charter train; 14 carriages accommodate
The Blue Train is one of the worlds most luxurious trains. Styling
52 passengers
itself as a hotel-on-wheels, the train travels 994 miles (1,600 km) Train Set 2 Cape TownPretoriaCape Town train;
19 carriages accommodate 80 passengers
between Pretoria and Cape Town in South Africa and passes through
Locomotives 2 x 14E Class electric locomotives, dual
scenery that ranges from lush vineyards to rugged semi-desert. current; 118 tons (120 tonnes)
Carriages 9 ft 5 in (2.9 m) wide 2 in (50 mm) wider
THE PREDECESSORS OF The Blue Train came into than standard South African rolling stock. Thinner
service in the 1890s, picking up passengers from steel sides allow greater interior space
the Union-Castle liners docking in Cape Town and Speed 49 mph (80 km/h) with a maximum of
transporting them to the gold and diamond elds 86 mph (138 km/h)
in the north. These early trains soon began Weight Complete train 98 12 tons (100 tonnes)
catering to prospectors and wealthy travellers
by offering more comfortable rail JOURNEY
experiences. By 1923 the luxury Cape Town to Pretoria (weekly) 994 miles
Cape Town to Johannesburg (1600 km) 27 hours
trains were called the Union Cape Town to Durban (biannually, Sept & Nov)
Departing Cape Town
trains. The Union Express 473 miles (760 km) 21 hours. Also available for charter
The Blue Train leaves the Cape to head north
travelled from Cape Town to to Pretoria, anked by the famous prole of
Johannesburg while the Union Table Mountain. RAILWAY
Limited made the return journey. Gauge Cape Gauge 3 ft 6 in (1,067 mm)
By 1928 these trains offered facilities THE BLUE TRAIN The decor of each coach is unique, with Tunnels Four Hex River Tunnels: twin tunnel 1,640 ft
such as hot and cold water and heated birchwood panelling, marble nishes, (500 m); single tunnels 3,609 ft (1,100 m), 3,937 ft
carriages, later acquiring dining saloons in and gold-plated ttings throughout. (1,200 m) and 44,291 ft (13.5 km)
1933 and air-conditioning in 1939. The trains Bridges Orange River Station Bridge; Vaal River
distinctive blue livery was introduced in 1936. THE ROUTE TODAY Crossing (Warrenton)
World War II caused train services to be suspended The Blue Train at one time travelled all the way to Highest point 5,751 ft (1,753 m), Johannesburg
in 1942. They resumed in 1946, the same year that Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, but this route has since
those blue trains, as they were popularly known, been discontinued. Several others are now available
adopted The Blue Train as their ofcial designation. but only as chartered services. The trains standard
The trains have since been completely rebuilt route from Cape Town to Pretoria runs through the
twice, once in the 1970s and once in the 1990s. Cape winelands and under the spectacular Hex
Today the soundproofed, carpeted compartments River Mountains, where the train emerges from a
all feature their ownen-suite bathrooms(luxury series of tunnels into the arid region known as the
suites include full-sized bathtubs). The train has Klein Karoo (Little Karoo). Here the train makes Matjiesfontein 2
This quaint and tiny museum
underoor heating, a restaurant car offering a stop at Matjiesfontein, a town that sprang up
town, little more than a single
ne dining, two lounge cars, anobservation car in 1884 around a refreshment station for passing street, is now primarily a
tourist destination.
(which converts to a conference car), as well as trains, and which remains preserved in its Victorian
a 24-hour butler service and a laundry service. state. The service then continues on to Pretoria,
passing through the semi-
desert landscape of the Great The Hex River Valley 1
The train passes through the
Karoo. On the return vineyards of the valley and Great Karoo
journey from Pretoria, through four tunnels beneath
the Hex (Witch) River Mountains, Desert
passengers may disembark named for the girl who haunts
to visit the mining town them in local legend.
of Kimberley, site of the
diamond rush that began in
the 1870s, before journeying
Table Mountain
on to Cape Town.
Lounging in luxury
There are two lavishly appointed
Paarl George
lounges aboard the train, where
Cape Town
passengers can expect ve-star Kaaimans River 5
service. Once on board, food and The route crosses the Kaaimans estuary
drinks are all-inclusive. and passes through seven tunnels.
Victoria Falls THE BLUE TRAIN . 195

7 The Smoke that thunders

Victoria Falls, forming part of the border
of Zimbabwe and Zambia, is the worlds
largest sheet of falling water. It was once
the spectacular conclusion to this now The Blue Train travels through a range of terrain,
discontinued route.
from the lush Cape to the arid Karoo. The
Pretoria to Victoria
Falls (discontinued) stopping points on the journey reect South
991 miles (1,595 km);
Africas colonial past and the source of the
two days, two nights. Bulawayo
The service ended in the Plumtree countrys wealth at the height of its powers.
1990s due to political
unrest in Zimbabwe,
poorly maintained tracks,
and soaring rail tariffs. Z I M B A B W E


Pretoria to Hoedspruit
Mahalapye (charter only) National
Approx. 279 miles (450 km); Park
21 hours. Regular service was
discontinued in 2006. 2 3

The Highveld Hoedspruit

Gaborone Bushveld break
The highest point of the
Charter guests can
rail journey is in the
overnight at a private
Johannesburg area.
game lodge.


Johannesburg 4


4 The Big Hole

The discovery of diamonds resulted
in what is reputedly the largest Valley of 1,000 Hills
man-made excavation to be created Named for the rolling, green hills
solely with picks and shovels. beside the Umgeni River, this area,
visible from the train, was once the
Kimberley battleground of the Zulu king, Shaka.


Durban 5 6

De Aar

S O U T H A F R I C A 6 Durban beachfront
3 The Karoo Durbans subtropical climate
Much of the journey traverses the and warm coastal waters
semi-desert of the Karoo, once a vast make it an all-year-round
inland sea, now a panoramic landscape of holiday destination.
scrub and koppies (low-topped hills).

Cape Town to Port Elizabeth 0 100 200 miles

(charter only, currently suspended)
663 miles (1,067 km); two nights, 7
0 100 200 300 km
two days. Regular service was
discontinued in 2006.


Port Elizabeth N Start/Finish

A Main stations
E Main route
O Discontinued route
N Other routes
196 . 19401959

Electric Charge
In the early part of the 20th century several European railways had already
started to use electric rather than steam locomotives on main lines in the Swiss
and Austrian Alps they were among the rst to use this powerful new technology.
Plans to expand electried railways were delayed almost everywhere in Europe
by World War II, which led to the destruction of much railway infrastructure. As
u BR Class 70 No. 20003, 1948 Following two similar locomotives (CC1/CC2)
post-war rebuilding got underway, most European countries turned to electried Wheel arrangement Co-Co delivered to Southern Railway in 1941,
railways, and the 1950s saw new electric trains being widely introduced. Power supply 750 V DC third rail, No. 20003 was built at the Ashford
overhead lines Locomotive Works, Kent, in 1948 for British
Railways. Like the earlier two it was used
Power rating 2,200 hp (1,641 kW)
until the late 1960s, mainly on the London to
Top speed 75 mph (120 km/h) Brighton main line and other Sussex routes.

l BLS Ae 4/4, 1944 Designed and built in Switzerland during WWII, SNCF Class BB9000, 1954
Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo the Ae 4/4 design was revolutionary, using a Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Power supply 15 kV AC, 162/3 Hz, light steel body mounted on two-axle bogies. It Power supply 1,500 V DC, overhead lines
overhead lines produced nearly 4,000 hp (2,984 kW), which
Power rating 4,000 hp (2,983 kW)
was the equivalent of two or three steam
Power rating 3,950 hp (2,946 kW) Top speed 206 mph (331 km/h)
engines. These design principles have been
Top speed 78 mph (126 km/h) used for electric locomotives ever since. This was one of two pairs of experimental
express passenger engines using two-axle
bogies that were delivered to the French
state railways in 195254: BB9003 and
9004 were built in France by Jeumont
Schneider. On 29 March 1955 BB9004,
along with CC7107, set a world record
of 206 mph (331 km/h) for locomotives,
which was not beaten until 2006.

BR Class EM1/ Built for the electrication of

Class 76, 1954 the Manchester to Shefeld route
Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo via Woodhead, the rst prototype
Power supply 1,500 V DC, was made for British Railways in
overhead lines 1940 but remained unused owing
to WWII. It was tested in the
Power rating 1,868 hp
Netherlands from 1947 to 1952, and
(1,393 kW)
was returned when the Woodhead
Top speed 65 mph (105 km/h) lines electrication was completed.

l FS Class ETR, 1952

Wheel arrangement 7-car EMU
Power supply 3,000 kV DC, overhead lines
Power rating 3,487 hp (2,600 kW)
Top speed 124 mph (200 km/h)

Featuring a driving cab on the roof, and a

panoramic lounge at the front with just 11 First
Class seats, the Settebello (Seven of Diamonds
named after an Italian card game) was the
epitome of both high-speed and luxury travel.
They were introduced by the Italian state railways
in the early 1950s. One Settebello still exists.

BR Class AL1/ This was the rst production AC

Class 81, 1959 electric locomotive class built in the
Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo UK for the rst British 25 kV AC main
Power supply 25 kV AC, overhead lines line electrication of the London to
Power rating 3,200 hp (2,387 kW)
line. As BR Class 81 the locomotives
Top speed 100 mph (161 km/h) remained in service until 1991.

DB Class E41/141, 1956 Large-scale plans for electrication of West Germanys

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo railways during the 1950s led to large orders for several
Power supply 15 kV AC, 1623 Hz, Universal locomotive types built by consortiums
overhead lines comprising all the major German locomotive-building
rms. The E41 was the universal design for light
Power rating 3,218 hp (2,401 kW)
passenger and freight trains. In total 451 were built
Top speed 75 mph (120 km/h) between 1956 and 1971; all have now been withdrawn.
198 . 19401959

Post-war Steam
While railways played a vital strategic role in Europe during World
War II, the ravages of war, destruction of industry, and shortages of
raw materials and fuel painted a bleak picture for the Continents
future. Britains railways and workshops escaped the worst excesses
of destruction, and with innovative locomotive designers, such as
Oliver Bulleid and Robert Riddles, were introducing new types of
successful austerity locomotives towards the end of the war. In
contrast, on mainland Europe the national railways were assisted
in rebuilding their war-torn networks and rolling stock by
deliveries of large numbers of powerful locomotives from US and
Canadian manufacturers who were geared up to production
through the Lend-Lease programme and the 1948 Marshall Plan. SNCF 141R, 1945 Powerful and economical to maintain, 1,323 Class 141R
Wheel arrangement 2-8-2 locomotives were built between 1945 and 1947 for the
Cylinders 2 French state railway (Socit Nationale des Chemins de
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm) fer Franais, or SNCF) by various builders in the US and
Canada. Supplied under the Lend-Lease programme
Driving wheel diameter 65 in (1,650 mm)
to replace engines lost during WWII, around half were
Top speed approx. 62 mph (100 km/h) oil-burners. Many remained in service until the 1970s.

Hunslet Austerity, 1944 Designed by the Hunslet Engine Co. of

Wheel arrangement 0-6-0ST Leeds, these locomotives were chosen
Cylinders 2 (inside) by the British War Department for use
Boiler pressure 170 psi (11.95 kg/sq cm) as its standard shunting engine during
WWII. Introduced in 1944, the earlier
Driving wheel diameter 51 in
batches saw action in Europe and
(1,295 mm)
North Africa, as well as on military
Top speed approx. 35 mph (56 km/h) bases and ports across Britain.

r SNCB 29, 1945 After WWII these powerful mixed-trafc

Wheel arrangement 2-8-0 engines were built in Canada under the Lend-
Cylinders 2 Lease programme to help in the reopening of
Boiler pressure 231 psi (16.24 kg/sq cm) Belgiums ruined state railways Socit
Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges. Of the
Driving wheel diameter 59 in
180 built, one example, No. 29.013, has been
(1,500 mm)
preserved and is on display at the Belgian
Top speed approx. 60 mph (96 km/h) national railway museum at Schaarbeek.

SR Bulleid Light Pacic, 1945 Built under wartime conditions, Oliver Bulleids
Wheel arrangement 4-6-2 Battle of Britain and West Country Class Light
Cylinders 3 (1 inside) Pacic locomotives incorporated many cost-saving
Boiler pressure 280 psi (19.68 kg/sq cm) and innovative features. The 110 locomotives built
for the Southern Railway and British Railways
Driving wheel diameter 74 in
between 1945 and 1951 were renowned for their
(1,880 mm)
performance but suffered from high coal
Top speed approx. 80 mph (129 km/h) consumption. Sixty were subsequently rebuilt.
P O S T- W A R S T E A M . 1 9 9

GWR Modied Hall, 1944

Wheel arrangement 4-6-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 70 in (1,778 mm)
Top speed approx. 75 mph (121 km/h)

Fitted with a large, three-row superheater

to make up for the low-quality coal then
available, these engines were a development
by Frederick Hawksworth of Charles Colletts
Hall Class. Between 1944 and 1950, a total
of 71 were built at the Great Western
Railways Swindon Works.
PKP Class Pt47, 1948
Wheel arrangement 2-8-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 213 psi (15 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 723/4 in (1,850 mm)
Top speed approx. 68 mph (109 km/h)

Built by Fablok and Cegielski for the Polish

state railways (Polskie Koleje Panstwowe, or
PKP) from 1948 to 1951, these engines
achieved outstanding performances hauling
heavy passenger trains over long distances.

u SNCF 241P, 1948

Wheel arrangement 4-8-2
Cylinders 4 (2 high-pressure,
2 low-pressure)
Boiler pressure 284 psi (19.96 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 783/4 in
(2,000 mm)
Top speed 75 mph (121 km/h)

These powerful Mountain-type express

passenger compound locomotives were
built by Schneider for the French state
railway (SNCF) between 1948 and 1952.
Designed to haul trains weighing 800 tons
(813 tonnes) on the Paris to Marseilles
main line, they were soon made redundant
by electrication.

Andrew Barclay Industrial, 1949

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 351/2 in (900 mm)
Top speed approx. 20 mph (32 km/h)

Scottish locomotive company Andrew

Barclay built 100s of these diminutive
saddle tanks for use on privately owned
industrial railways in Britain and abroad.
Their short wheelbase enabled them to
operate on the sharply curved lines at
collieries, steel and gas works, and docks.
200 . 19401959

N&W J Class No. 611

No. 611 is the sole remaining example of the Norfolk & Western
(N&W) Railways mighty J Class 4-8-4s, built at Roanoke, Virginia,
between 1941 and 1950. With its streamlined front end, large
cylinders, and roller-bearings all round, the locomotive was built
for running in excess of 100 mph (161 km/h) and regularly plied
the N&W routes from Cincinnati to Norfolk and Portsmouth. Today,
No. 611 is preserved at the Virginia Museum of Transportation.

THE STORY OF the N&Ws streamlined J Class 4-8-4s

was in many respects dened by World War II. The
engines were designed to haul the N&Ws prestigious,
named express trains, such as the Powhatan Arrow
and the Pocahontas, with the rst ve (Nos. 600604)
completed in 194142. However, their introduction
came just as the US entered the war, and this was
reected in the second batch (Nos. 605610), which
was delivered in 1943. Due to wartime material
shortages, these six locomotives were constructed
without streamlining and light-weight rods.
The nal, streamlined, batch (Nos. 611613) did not
appear until 1950, but their career was short-lived.
By the late 1950s the N&W had begun experimenting
with diesel locomotives, and steam was displaced by
the end of the decade. Thanks in part to the efforts of
the American railway photographer O. Winston Link,
No. 611 survived the cutters torch and was donated
to the Virginia Museum of Transportation, where it
was returned to service in 1982. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW


The builders plate shows that 611
Class J In-service period 195059, 198294 (No. 611)
is a J Class completed in May 1950.
Retired nine years later, 611 was Wheel arrangement 4-8-4 Cylinders 2
eventually overhauled to pull Origin USA Boiler pressure 300 psi (21.09 kg/sq cm)
excursion trains from 1982 until Designer/builder Roanoke Shops Driving wheel diameter 70 in (1,778 mm)
1994. The Fire Up 611 campaign is
raising funds for a full restoration. Number produced 14 J Class Top speed approx. 110 mph (177 km/h)

Tender carried by Tuscan red stripe Firebox grate covers an Roller bearings tted to Streamlined casing
two 6-wheel bogies across full length of area of 107 sq ft (10 sq m) all crank pins and axles with bullet nose
running board and tender for smoother running
N&W J CLASS NO. 611 . 201

Black bullet
With its midnight-black livery,
bullet-shaped nose, and powerful
headlight, Norfolk & Westerns
No. 611 locomotive displays many of
the characteristics so familiar
to US streamliners.
202 . 19401959


At 109 ft (33 m) in length, 16 ft (4.9 m) in height, and

weighing over 389 tons (392 tonnes), No. 611 is an
impressive locomotive and was the pride of the N&W
Railway. Its purposeful lines are accentuated by the
heavy appearance of its coupling and connecting rods.

1. Number plate (one either side of headlight) 2. Chrome strips 2

at front of skyline casing 3. Headlight 4. Chrome marker lights
5. Front steps to running board 6. Control rod to throttle
(regulator) 7. Sander valve 8. Handrail along running board
9. Air compressor under front side of engine 10. Lubrication
system reservoir 11. Sander 12. Brake mechanism 13. Driving
wheels and connecting rods 14. Injector 15. Cab window
16. Doors to tender coal bunker 17. Stoker screw inside tender

5 6 8 9 10


13 14

N&W J CLASS NO. 611 . 203

18 19



21 22 24


25 26 27 28

17 29 30

A locomotive of this size would be too much for a single
reman to manage using a shovel in the traditional
style. Therefore, No. 611 was tted with a mechanical
stoker, which fed coal directly from the tender to the
rebox by means of an Archimedes screw.

18. Cab interior 19. Control levers for automatic grate shakers
20. Control valves for stoker jets in rebox 21. Gauge test
valves and water level sight glass 22. Open rebox door
23. Staybolt detail inside rebox 24. Circulators inside rebox
25. Speedometer 26. Brake control levers and handles
27. Power reverse lever 28. Electrical switches 29. Throttle
(regulator) quadrant 30. Firemans seat 31. Foot rest
204 . 19401959

World Steams Last Stand

With seemingly unlimited supplies of cheap foreign oil, by the 1960s many
European and North American railways had replaced their steam engines
with modern diesel-electric and electric engines, which were not only more
efcient, powerful, and cleaner, but also required less maintenance between
journeys. However, in other parts of the world where coal supplies were
u N&W Class A, 1943 Built in the US at the
abundant and labour was cheap, steam continued to reign for a few more
Wheel arrangement 2-6-6-4 Norfolk & Western Railways
decades. In South Africa the development of steam locomotive design reached Cylinders 4 (simple articulated) Roanoke Workshops, the Class A
its pinnacle in the 1980s with the Red Devil. Ending in 2005, the awesome Boiler pressure 300 psi (21.09 kg/sq cm) articulated fast freight engines were one of the
most powerful in the world, remaining in service
spectacle of QJ 2-10-2 double-headed freight trains running through the frozen Driving wheel diameter 70 in (1,778 mm)
until 1959. Of the 43 built, one, No. 1218, is on display
wastes of Inner Mongolia marked the nal chapter of steams 200-year reign. Top speed 70 mph (113 km/h) at the Virginia Museum of Transportation in Roanoke.

u IR Class WP, 1947 l Soviet Class P36, 1949

Wheel arrangement 4-6-2 Wheel arrangement 4-8-4
Cylinders 2 Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 210 psi (14.78 kg/sq cm) Boiler pressure 213 psi (15 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 67 in (1,700 mm) Driving wheel diameter 73 in (1,854 mm)
Top speed 68 mph (109 km/h) Top speed 78 mph (126 km/h)

Featuring a distinctive cone-shaped nose Built between 1949 and 1956, the 251 Class
decorated with a silver star, 755 of the Class P36 were the last Soviet standard class, rst
WP express passenger engines were built for working on the Moscow to Leningrad
the Indian broad-gauge railways between line until replaced by diesels. They later saw
1947 and 1967. No. 7161 Akbar is preserved service in Eastern Siberia until being put into
at the Rewari Steam Loco Shed, India. strategic storage from 1974 to the late 1980s.

N&W J Class, 1950 A total of 14 J Class express passenger

Wheel arrangement 4-8-4 locomotives were built at the Norfolk &
Cylinders 2 Western Railways Roanoke Workshops
Boiler pressure 300 psi (21.09 kg/sq cm) between 1941 and 1950. Fitted with
futuristic streamlined casings, they
Driving wheel diameter 70 in (1,778 mm)
were soon replaced by diesels and
Top speed 70 mph (113 km/h) had all retired by 1959.

r UP Class 4000 Big Boy, 1941

Wheel arrangement 4-8-8-4
Cylinders 4
Boiler pressure 300 psi (21.09 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 68 in (1,730 mm)
Top speed 80 mph (129 km/h)

Twenty-ve of these monster articulated locomotives

were built by the American Locomotive Co. (ALCO) for
the Union Pacic Railroad between 1941 and 1944.
Nicknamed Big Boys, they were designed to haul
heavy freight trains unaided over the Wasatch Range
between Wyoming and Utah before being replaced by
diesels in 1959. Eight have been preserved of which
No. 4014 is being restored to working order.
WO R L D ST E A M S L AST STA N D . 20 5


Cutting-edge Steam
Apart from the Class 25 condensing engines,
South African Railways also took delivery of
50 Class 25NC (non-condensing). Of these,
No. 3450 was modied in 1981 at the SARs Salt
River Workshops in Cape Town as the prototype
Class 26. Nicknamed the Red Devil because of its
livery, tests demonstrated vastly increased power
and savings; diesel and electric traction had
virtually replaced steam by the early 1980s.
u IR Class YG, 1949
Wheel arrangement 2-8-2 The Red Devil This unique engine is seen here leaving
Cylinders 2
Krankuil with a South African rail tour in 1990. It last
ran in 2003 and is now preserved in Cape Town.
Boiler pressure 210 psi (14.8 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 48 in (1,220 mm)
Top speed 50 mph (80 km/h)
SAR Class 25C, 1953 A total of 90 Class 25C locomotives
The Class YG was the standard freight Wheel arrangement 4-8-4 were built for the 3-ft-6-in- (1.06-m-)
locomotive on the Indian Railways Cylinders 2 gauge South African Railways. The
3-ft 3-in- (1-m-) gauge system. Around engines were originally tted with an
Boiler pressure 225 psi
1,000 were built by various manufacturers enormous condensing tender so that
(15.81 kg/sq cm)
in India and overseas between 1949 and they could operate across the arid
Driving wheel diameter 60 in
1972. Three, including Sindh seen here, Karoo Desert. Most were later
(1,524 mm)
are preserved in working order at Rewari converted to a non-condensing
Steam Loco Shed southwest of Delhi. Top speed 70 mph (113 km/h) Class 25NC between 1973 and 1980.

IR Class WL, 1955 China Railways CS Class QJ, 1956

Wheel arrangement 4-6-2 Wheel arrangement 2-10-2
Cylinders 2 Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 210 psi (14.8 kg/sq cm) Boiler pressure 213 psi (15 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 67 in (1,702 mm) Driving wheel diameter 59 in (1,500 mm)
Top speed 60 mph (96 km/h) Top speed 50 mph (80 km/h)

Featuring a light axle load for work on branch One of the most prolic classes constructed in
lines, these broad-gauge steam engines were China was the Class QJ heavy freight engine of
built for the Indian Railways in two batches: which at least 4,700 were built between 1956
the rst 10 by Vulcan Foundry (UK) and 94 and 1988. Their service on the Jitong Railway in
at the Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (India). Inner Mongolia (China) ended in 2005, though
No. 15005 Sher-e-Punjab is preserved at Rewari. some ran on industrial railways until 2010.
206 . 19401959

Class WP No. 7161

Manufactured in the US by the Baldwin Locomotive Works, the
rst 16 Class WP steam locomotives W for 5-ft 6-in- (1.67-m-)
broad gauge and P for passenger arrived in India in 1947.
Chittaranjan Locomotive Works of West Bengal built No.7161
in 1965 to run on the Northeast Frontier Railway. Now based
at Rewari Steam Loco Shed, where it was named Akbar after the
Mughal emperor, it is the only working locomotive of its class.

WHEN THE CLASS WP of sleek, bullet-nosed,

mainline steam locomotives was rst introduced, it
set the standard on Indian railways and became the
mainstay of broad-gauge passenger operations for
the rest of the 20th century. Known for free
steaming, high fuel economy, and superior riding
characteristics and without the tail wag of the
earlier X classes its arrival marked the change
of broad gauge coding from X to W.
Initially imported until 1959, the Class WP was
manufactured in India between 1963 and 1967 at
the Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, where 259
engines were built. Requiring a crew of three a
driver and two remen these locomotives hauled
most of the prestigious passenger trains on the
Indian railway system for the next 25 years. They
established a sound reputation during their time in
service, with their good performance earning them
the title Pride of the Fleet. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW


Converted to a heritage
Class WP In-service period 196596 (No. 7161)
museum by Indian
Railways in 2002, the Wheel arrangement 4-6-2 Cylinders 2
Rewari Steam Loco Origin India Boiler pressure 210 psi (14.78 kg/sq cm)
Shed houses some of Designer/builder Chittaranjan Locomotive Works Driving wheel diameter 67 in (1,702 mm)
Indias last surviving Number produced 755 (259 in India) Class WP Top speed 68 mph (109 km/h)
steam locomotives.

Tender could carry 16 tons Cab accommodates Air brake pipes outside Metal chains along Chimney is Bullet nose
(16.2 tonnes) of coal and 6,500 a crew of three locomotive frame the length of the topped by a mounted on
gallons (29,550 litres) of water running board decorative crown smokebox

Indias star locomotive

The decorative bullet nose bears a
silver star and is the most distinctive
feature of the locomotive. A nameplate
with the name Akbar sits centrally
below the nose.
208 . 19401959


With its distinctive bullet nose, a crown on top of the

chimney, a 4-6-2 wheel arrangement, and a side prole
that includes chain-decorated footboards along the
length of the boiler, No. 7161 is regarded as one of the
most majestic locomotives that has ever run on Indian
Railways. These features have proved popular with
railway enthusiasts and tourists, and the locomotive
currently hauls a mainline tourist train.

1. Hand-painted name on plaque at front 2. Brass crown

decorating top of chimney 3. Headlight in the centre of a metal star
4. Pilot light lamp, one positioned on either side of engine 5. Cattle
guard 6. Steam chest valves 7. Steam chest 8. Driving wheels,
with balance weight and connecting rod 9. Big end and motion
10. Rear carrying wheel 11. Steps leading to cab 12. Entrance to
cab with wooden-slatted windows 13. Light at back of tender
14. Engine number 15. Ladder at back of tender 16. Rear buffer

4 5 6

7 8
CLASS WP NO. 7161 . 209

The cab is spacious enough to house the driver and two remen. The extra
space also allows the remen to stoke coal using shovels that are larger than
those used in earlier locomotives. The red-painted handles for operating the
locomotive and the monitoring gauges are positioned for ease of use.

17. Interior of drivers cab 18. Lubricator box 19. From left to right: injector steam cock
handle, dynamo cock, main cock, vacuum steam cock, and injector steam cock handle
20. Steam pressure gauge 21. Reverser wheel 22. Firehole door 23. Rocking grate
24. Front of tender

12 14


18 20



22 24


210 . 19401959

Europes Last Gasp

With diesel and electric traction rapidly gaining favour, the 1950s saw the
last steam locomotives built for Europes national railways. In West Germany
the last one to be built for Deutsche Bundesbahn, No. 23.105, rolled off the
production line in 1959. Across the English Channel, Robert Riddles had
designed 12 new classes of standard locomotives for the nationalized British
Railways. Sadly, many of these ne engines had extremely short working lives
owing to the hurried implementation of the ill-conceived Modernisation Plan.
Despite this, privately owned British locomotive manufacturers such as Beyer
Peacock & Co. of Manchester and Hunslet of Leeds continued to export steam
locomotives; the last engine was built by Hunslet in 1971.

DB Class 23, 1950

Wheel arrangement 2-6-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 232 psi (16.3 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 69 in (1,750 mm)
Top speed 68 mph (110 km/h)

This engine was designed to replace the

Prussian Class P8 passenger locomotives
on the West German Deutsche Bundesbahn.
The 105 Class 23s were built between
1950 and 1959. No. 23.105 was the last
steam locomotive built for DB. The
nal examples were retired in 1976
and eight have been preserved.

u Bonnie Prince Charlie, 1951

Wheel arrangement 0-4-0ST
BR Class 4MT, 1951
Cylinders 2
Wheel arrangement 2-6-4T
Boiler pressure 160 psi (11.25 kg/sq cm)
Cylinders 2
Driving wheel diameter 24 in (610 mm)
Boiler pressure 225 psi (15.82 kg/sq cm)
Top speed 20 mph (32 km/h)
Driving wheel diameter 68 in (1,730 mm)
Top speed 70 mph (113 km/h) Built by Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns
in 1951, Bonnie Prince Charlie originally
Robert Riddless Class 4MT tank locomotive worked as a gas works shunter at Hamworthy
was the largest of four standard tank designs Quay in Dorset (UK). It was bought by the
built by British Railways. Used primarily on Salisbury Steam Trust in 1969 and has since
suburban commuter services, a total of 155 been restored at Didcot Railway Centre.
were built between 1951 and 1956 but were
soon displaced by electrication.

BR Class 9F, 1954

Wheel arrangement 2-10-0
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 250 psi (17.57 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 60 in (1,524 mm)
Top speed 90 mph (145 km/h)

The Class 9F was the standard heavy

freight locomotive built by British Railways
between 1954 and 1960. A total of 251
were built with No. 92220 Evening Star
being the last steam engine built for BR.
Although designed for freight haulage,
they were occasionally used on express
passenger duties. All were retired by
1968, and nine have been preserved.

BR Class 7 Britannia, 1951

Wheel arrangement 4-6-2
Cylinders 2
Boiler pressure 250 psi (17.57 kg/sq cm)
Driving wheel diameter 74 in (1,880 mm)
Top speed 90 mph (145 km/h)

A total of 55 Class 7 Britannia engines,

designed by Robert Riddles, were built at
British Railways Crewe Works between 1951
and 1954. After hauling expresses across
the BR network, they were relegated to
more humble duties. One lasted until the
end of BR mainline steam in 1968.

DR Class 99.23-24, 1954

Wheel arrangement 2-10-2T
u DR Class 65.10, 1954 Cylinders 2
Wheel arrangement 2-8-4T Boiler pressure 203 psi (14.27 kg/sq cm)
Cylinders 2 Driving wheel diameter 3912 in (1,003 mm)
Boiler pressure 232 psi (16.3 kg/sq cm) Top speed 25 mph (40 km/h)
Driving wheel diameter 63 in (1,600 mm)
Seventeen of these massive 3-ft 3-in-
Top speed 56 mph (90 km/h)
(1-m-) gauge tank locomotives were built for
The powerful Class 65.10 tank locomotives the Deutsche Reichsbahn in East Germany
were built to haul double-deck and push-pull from 1954 to 1956. They still survive on the
commuter trains on the Deutsche Reichsbahn highly scenic railways in the Harz Mountains
in East Germany. All 88 built had retired by with nine currently in working order.
1977, but three have been preserved.

u Beyer-Garratt Class NG G16, 1958 Several European manufacturers

Wheel arrangement 2-6-2+2-6-2 built 34 of these engines from
Cylinders 4 1937 to 1968 for the 2-ft- (0.61-m-)
Boiler pressure 180 psi (12.65 kg/sq cm) gauge lines of South African
Railways. No. 138, built by Beyer
Driving wheel diameter 33 in (840 mm)
Peacock & Co., now hauls trains
Top speed 40 mph (64 km/h) on the Welsh Highland Railway.
212 . 19401959

Beyer-Garratt No. 138

The NG G16 class of Beyer-Garratts has achieved international
prominence serving the Welsh Highland Railway, but these
locomotives were originally built for mining concerns in southern
Africa. Used mainly for freight in Africa, in Wales these engines
have a new life pulling passenger carriages in Snowdonia National
Park, showing off their haulage capacity and articulation on the
steep gradients and sharp curves of the mountainous landscape.

BEYER-GARRATT NO. 138 is one of the last batch of Garratt

locomotives built by Beyer, Peacock & Company Ltd in
Manchester. The Tsumeb Corporation of South West Africa
(now Namibia) ordered seven locomotives of this type to
haul minerals from its mines in the Otavi mountains.
However, the re-gauging of the 256-mile- (412-km-) long
Otavi Railway to 3 ft 6 in (106 cm) before the locomotives
arrived resulted in their sale to South African Railways for
use in Natal, on the east coast.
Allocated to the 76-mile- (122-km-) long Port Shepstone-
Harding line, No.138 was one of the assets transferred when
the railway was privatized in 1986. The locomotive was
withdrawn from service in 1991. However, after being selected
by the Ffestiniog Railway for use on the Welsh Highland
Railway (WHR) in 1993, it was overhauled at Port Shepstone
and delivered to Wales. It began running on the WHR in green
livery in October 1997, but was painted red in 2010.

Class NG G16 In-service period 195891 and 1997 to present (No. 138)
Wheel arrangement 2-6-2+2-6-2 Cylinders 4
Origin UK Boiler pressure 180 psi (12.65 kg/sq cm)
Preserving history
Designer/builder Beyer, Peacock & Co. Ltd Driving wheel diameter 33 in (840 mm)
At 25 miles (40 km), the Welsh Highland
Railway is the longest heritage railway Number produced 34 Class NG G16 Top speed approx. 40 mph (64 km/h)
in Britain. The railway stopped running
services before WWII but a restoration
project was completed in 2011.

Boiler is slung on Stainless steel Number plate is Coal bunker sits on top
Chimney rises 10 ft 4 in a cradle between bands hold boiler written in English of rear engine, and
(315 cm) above the rails the two engines cladding in place and Welsh replaces separate tender
Water tank holds
up to 1,325 gallons
(6,023 litres)
B EY E R - GA R RAT T N O. 1 38 . 2 1 3

Great power
The NG G16 Garratt is the largest and most powerful narrow-gauge
steam locomotive in Britain. It weighs 62 tons (63 tonnes) and is
46 ft 6 in (14.7 m) long. Each end of the locomotive is equipped with
powerful headlamps, sand boxes, and mechanical lubricators.
214 . 19401959


Garratt locomotives consist of three main components two

engines and a boiler cradle. The cradle is pivoted to the engines
on both ends to provide the articulation that enables the
locomotive to traverse sharp curves. The additional wheel sets
provided by the duplicated engine reduce the weight carried by
each axle, so that it can operate on lighter rail. As a result, NG G16
locomotives such as No. 138 can run safely on rails as light as 40 lb
per yard (20 kg per metre), although Welsh Highland Railway rail
weighs 60 lb per yard (30 kg per metre). The locomotives were
designed to be operated equally well in either direction.

1. Numberplate 2. Level indicator of lubricator oil reservoir 3. Headlamp

4. Lubricator 5. Water tank ller cover 6. Coupler 7. Leaf spring suspension
8. Die block 9. Washout plug 10. Top clack valve 11. Dome cover 12. Chime
whistle 13. Crosshead and cylinder 14. Water lter 15. Coal bunker

1 2

5 7

16 17


B EY E R - GA R RAT T N O. 1 38 . 2 1 5

9 10 11 12

13 14


20 23 24


21 22

Despite the complexity of its mechanical arrangements, No. 138s
cab is much like that of any steam locomotive. The drivers
controls are on the right-hand side. As well as looking after the
re to create steam, the reman is responsible for operating the
injectors, which put water into the boiler as and when required.

16. Controls in drivers cab 17. Boiler pressure gauge 18. Injector
steam valve (left) and main manifold valve (right) 19. Boiler pressure
gauge isolator 20. Cylinder drain, sander, and atomizer controls
21. Water gauge 22. Reverser 23. Vacuum brake controls
24. Speedometer 25. Drivers seat
216 . 19401959

Moving People
and Goods
Although the very rst railways were built to carry freight, some were
designed from the start primarily to transport passengers. During the
world wars, the railways carried huge quantities of raw materials,
military supplies, and troops. However, by the 1950s they struggled u GWR Corridor Composite carriage Built by the Great Western Railway at
No. 7313, 1940 their Swindon Works in 1940, the 60-ft-
against more exible and cheaper road transport. Meeting this (18.2-m-) long express passenger coach
Type 2 x 4-wheel bogies
challenge with some success, the railways carved out the vital roles of Capacity 24 rst-class passengers No. 7313 has four rst-Class compartments,
transporting commuters. They competed with air travel by introducing plus 24 third-class passengers four third-Class compartments, and two
lavatory cubicles. It is wearing its wartime
faster and more luxurious passenger trains and focussed on the Construction steel
economy brown livery and is preserved
long-haul, heavy-freight trafc that remains a core business today. Railway Great Western Railway at Didcot Railway Centre.

u N&W Budd S1 Twenty of these sleeping cars were built by N&W Pullman Class P2 Seating 66 passengers, this coach
sleeper, 1949 Budd in 1949 for the Norfolk & Western Railway. No. 512, 1949 was built for the Norfolk & Western
Type 2 x 4-wheel bogies They were used on the Powhatan Arrow, The Type 2 x 4-wheel bogies Railways Powhatan Arrow by Pullman-
Standard in 1949. Introduced between
Capacity 2232 sleeping berths Pochohontas, and other sleeping car routes Capacity 66 passengers
on the railways network. The Pochohontas, Norfolk, Virginia, and Cincinnati, Ohio,
Construction stainless steel Construction steel
the N&Ws last passenger train, ceased in 1946, the train last ran in 1969. This
Railway Norfolk & Railway Norfolk & coach is now on display at the Virginia
running in 1971. This car is now preserved at
Western Railway Western Railway Museum of Transport in Roanoke.
the Virginia Museum of Transport in Roanoke.

Freight Cars
Road transport began siphoning off much
of the peacetime short-distance, single-
load freight trafc, but the railways trump
card was their ability to transport heavy loads
more efciently over long distances. To meet
this demand a wide variety of purpose-built
u Penn Central Wagon The Wagon No. 32367 was built at the
freight cars were constructed to carry raw No. 32367, 1955 Penn Central Corporations Altoona
materials such as coal, oil, and iron ore; Type Class H34A covered hopper Workshops in 1955. The cargo (often
perishable goods such as sh, meat, fruit Weight 6212 tons (63.5 tonnes) grain) was discharged through chutes
underneath the wagon. It is now on
and vegetables; and hazardous cargoes Construction steel
display at the Railroad Museum of
such as chemicals and petroleum. Railway Penn Central Pennsylvania in Strasburg.

VEB double-deck coach, 1951 TALKING POINT

Type 2- to 5-car articulated
coach sets
Capacity approx. 135 passengers
Travelling in Comfort
per coach While the Railway Regulations Act of 1847 made it
compulsory for Britains railways to provide poorer
Construction steel
people with travelling accommodation at an affordable
Railway Deutsche Reichsbahn price, the well-heeled traveller was charged much
more for comfort. Up until 1956 there were three
Known as Doppelstockwagen in
classes of travel rst, second, and third. Second class
Germany, these double-deck coaches
was then abolished. First-class compartments offered
are descended from those introduced plenty of legroom, and luxury seating, carpets, and
on the LbeckBchen Railway in 1935. curtains. Third-class passengers were squashed into
Built by Waggonbau Grlitz, they were more basic compartments with horse-hair seats.
capable of carrying 50 per cent more
passengers than single-deck coaches. Class distinction The rst-class compartment (below, left)
Seen here are the rst of around 4,000 features curtains, carpets, and individual wingbacks and
double-deck, articulated coaches built armrests for its six passengers. Third class (below, right)
in East Germany on a test run in 1951. has a less comfortable bench-seat arrangement.

l BR(W) Brake Third carriage

No. 2202, 1950
Type 2 x 4-wheel bogies
Capacity 24 Third Class passengers plus guard's
and luggage compartments
Construction steel
Railway British Railways (Western Region)

Featuring distinctive domed roof ends and designed

by the Great Western Railways last chief mechanical
engineer, F. W. Hawksworth, this Brake Third carriage
was built in 1950 for British Railways (Western Region)
by Metropolitan-Cammell of Birmingham. It is now
preserved at Didcot Railway Centre.

l DR Acid Cannister
Wagon, 1956
Type cannister wagon
Weight 14.6 tons (14.83 tonnes)
Construction steel
Railway Deutsche Reichsbahn
MDT/IC No. 13715, 1958 This 33-ft- (10-m-) long, insulated, refrigerated
Built in 1956 for the East German Type refrigerated boxcar boxcar was built by the Pacic Car & Foundry Co.
state railways, this freight wagon Weight 3712 tons of Renton in Washington State for the Illinois
carried 12 clay pots, each containing (38 tonnes) Central Railroad in 1958. Fitted with air circulation
220 gallons (1,000 litres) of acid. fans, this type of car usually carried perishable
Construction steel
It is on display at the Stassfurt fruit and vegetables, which were kept chilled by
Museum Shed. Railway Illinois Central Railroad dry ice loaded into roof-mounted bunkers.

19601979 . 221


When Japans rst Shinkansen railway opened in 1964, it heralded an exciting Key Events
future for rail. With its special high-speed lines and modern electric units, the r 1960 British Railways follows the
global trend and stops building steam
Bullet Train revolutionized the way passengers experienced rail travel. Japan
locomotives. The last one, a freight
offered an exciting vision of the future, and railways in the West were inspired engine, is named Evening Star.
to innovate. Streamlining and modernizing, operators introduced new diesel r 1961 The building of the Berlin Wall
and electric trains, refurbished stations, built new freight facilities, invested in forces a revamp of rail services to and
from the western parts of the city.
infrastructure, and continued to increase the speed on existing lines. In some
r 1963 The Beeching Report heralds a
nations, this was the era when steam locomotives were nally retired from drastic downsizing of Britains railways.
service. Inter-city travel became the norm. r 1964 The launch of Shinkansen train
However, this fresh emphasis on speed was not enough to revitalize railway services in Japan pioneers a new form
of high-speed rail transport.
travel to the level of its heyday. The popularity of train travel began to decline
with the rise in car ownership and an increase in jetliner travel, which became
more widely available. As a result, many rural and other less protable lines were
closed. In some countries the proposals were drastic Britains Beeching Report,
published in 1963, recommended the closure of around 30 per cent of the network.
In the US a government-backed organization, Amtrak, was formed in 1971 with a
responsibility for rescuing the unprotable, long-distance passenger services.
The situation in Eastern Europe was different. The absence of mass car
ownership ensured that passenger demand for rail travel remained high; railways
were considered strategically vital too. Modernization in this region often meant
increasing train capacity, as opposed to cutting u Launch of the Bullet Train
The opening of the Tkaid Shinkansen line was
lines, and speeds remained relatively low on the accompanied by an ofcial ceremony at Japan
National Railways Tokyo station on 1 October 1964.
whole. Elsewhere, however, by the mid-1970s
many countries had started to follow Japans r 1971 Amtrak is formed to rescue
inter-city rail travel in the US, after
lead, creating their own high-speed trains.
private companies nd passenger
trains increasingly unviable.
r 1972 Frances experimental gas-turbine

Theres a great
TGV 001 is nished. It takes the world
rail speed record by reaching 198 mph
(318 km/h).
emotional upsurge r 1973 Britains High Speed Train (HST)
prototype achieves a diesel world
every time we intend record about 143 mph (230 km/h).
r 1974 The USSR makes completion of
to cancel a service u Amtrak Turboliner
the Baikal-Amur Magistral a national
priority, to provide a second route to
The modern, fast Turboliner was introduced
DR RICHARD BEECHING, by Amtrak in 1973 in an effort to encourage complement the Trans-Siberian.
CHAIRMAN OF BRITISH RAILWAYS more passenger rail travel.
r 1976 Work starts on Frances rst
dedicated high-speed line, to run
between Paris and Lyon. It is the
beginning of the countrys dedicated
Glasgow Electric poster by the English painter Terence Tenison Cuneo, 1965 high-speed network.
222 . 19601979

Freight and Passenger

During the 1960s and 1970s railways around the world
followed the early lead of North America and replaced steam
with either diesel or electric locomotives. The growth in u BR Type 4 Class 47, 1962 The most numerous main-line diesel
car ownership in many Western countries meant that Wheel arrangement Co-Co locomotives ever used in the UK, the rst
Transmission electric 20 Class 47s were delivered in 196263 and
railways had to offer faster and more comfortable trains tested on British Railways Eastern Region.
Engine Sulzer 12LDA28-C
to persuade passengers to use the train instead. Freight Orders for more soon followed, and a total
Total power output 2,750 hp
services historically very slow gathered speed through of 512 were built by both Brush Tractions
(2,051 kW)
Falcon Works and BRs Crewe Works.
the introduction of new locomotives that were twice as fast Top speed 95 mph (153 km/h) Some remain in use with British operators.
and twice as powerful as the steam locomotives they replaced.
Soviet Class M62, 1964
Wheel arrangement Co-Co
Transmission electric
Engine Kolomna V12 14D40
Total power output 1,973 hp (1,472 kW)
Top speed 62 mph (100 km/h)

The Soviet M62 design was exported

to Warsaw Pact countries in the 1960s
and 1970s, as well as being delivered
to Soviet Railways. Between 1966
and 1979 Czechoslovakia received
u DR V180, 1960 599 of them from Voroshilovgrad
The V180 was designed to replace
Locomotive works (in present-day
Wheel arrangement B-B steam engines on main-line passenger
Ukraine). Production only ended in
Transmission hydraulic and freight trains in two versions
1994 and one is shown here.
Engine 2 x 12KVD21 A-2 as well as the initial 87 four-axle
versions, a further 206 more powerful
Total power output 1,800 hp
six-axle locomotives, were delivered
(1,342 kW)
by 1970 and subsequently DR V100, 1966
Top speed 75 mph (120 km/h) renumbered as DR Class 118.
Wheel arrangement B-B
Transmission hydraulic
Engine MWJ 12 KVD 18-21 A-3
Total power output 987 hp (736 kW)
Top speed 50 mph (80 km/h)

The East German V100 centre-cab design

GM EMD Class SD45, 1965
was rst tested in 1964, and in total 1,146
Wheel arrangement Co-Co
production locomotives of several types
Transmission electric were built for the Deutsche Reichsbahn
Engine 20-cylinder EMD 645E3 from 1966 to 1985. The V100s were also
Total power output 3,600 hp (2,685 kW) exported to several other communist
Top speed 65 mph (105 km/h) countries such as Czechoslovakia and China.

General Motors Electro-Motive Division

(EMD) built 1,260 SD45 locomotives from
1965 to 1971 for several US railways, using
a 20-cylinder version of EMDs then new
645 engine. Some SD45s remain in use
in the US freight railroads. Shown here
is Erie Lackawanna Railways No. 3607,
which has been preserved.

GM EMD GP40, 1965 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad bought 380 General
Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo Motors Electro-Motive Division (EMD) model GP40
Transmission electric locomotives so had the largest eet in the US of these
Engine 16-645E3 successful locomotives. In total 1,221 were built for
various operators in North America between 1965 and
Total power output 3,000 hp (2,237 kW)
1971. They were used for freight trains by B&O but
Top speed 65 mph (105 km/h) other operators used them for passenger services.

DB Class 218 (V160), 1971 Chinese DF4, 1969

Wheel arrangement B-B Wheel arrangement Co-Co
Transmission hydraulic Transmission electric
Engine MTU MA 12 V 956 TB 10 Engine 16V240ZJA
Total power output 2,467 hp (1,840 kW) Total power output 3,251 hp (2,425 kW)
Top speed 87 mph (140 km/h) Top speed 62 mph (100 km/h)

The Deutsche Bundesbahn rst ordered the nal The DF4, known as Dong Feng (East Wind), is
version of the V160 eet Class 218 in the late one of a series of locomotives built for the Chinese
1950s. The prototypes were delivered in 1968 and national railways. Updated versions remain in
1969; series production began in 1971. Fitted with production over 40 years after the rst one was
electric train heating, the Class 218 could work built at Chinas Dalian Locomotive Works. DF4s
with the latest air-conditioned passenger coaches. replaced steam locomotives throughout China
Of the 418 delivered, around half remain in use. and several thousand remain in use.


Container Transport
The use of containers to transport freight by ship began
in the 1950s. In 1952 Canadian Pacic introduced the
piggyback transport of containers on wheeled road
trailers, although the Chicago North Western Railroad
had pioneered this before World War II. During the 1960s
rail operators started to offer services to transport the
maritime containers (called intermodal as they can
be transferred from one form of transport to another)
to and from ports on specially designed at wagons.
Intermodal freight transport grew substantially in the
1970s and 1980s. In 1957 it accounted for less than one
per cent of US rail freight, but by the mid 1980s more
than 15 per cent of freight was transported in this way.

B&O Class P-34 No. 9523 This is a 40-ton (40.64-tonne)

at car for carrying road semitrailers. It was built by B&O
in 1960 at its workshops in Dubois, Pennsylvania.
224 . 19601979

Modified DR V100
The East German V100 diesel hydraulic was rst tested in 1964,
and eventually 1,146 production locomotives of several versions
were built for the Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) between 1966 and
1985. They were also made for heavy industry, and exported to
several other communist countries such as Czechoslovakia and
China. In 1988, just before the fall of the Berlin Wall (in 1989),
conversion of 10 locomotives for metre-gauge operation began.

THE DEUTSCHE REICHSBAHN ORDERED several versions of the V100 type

to replace steam engines on local passenger and freight trains, and to be used
for heavy shunting. They were built by East Germanys VEB Lokomotivbau
Elektrotechnische Werke Hans Beimler Hennigsdorf (LEW), which
occupied the site of AEGs pre-war Hennigsdorf factory, north of Berlin.
From 1988, 10 locomotives were converted for the 3-ft 3-in- (1-m-) gauge
network in the Harz Mountains of central Germany, where they gained the
nickname Harzkamel (Harz camel). They were intended to be the rst of
30 locomotives to replace steam but, after the Harz system was privatized as
a network focusing on tourism, steam engines were retained for most
trains, and there was little work for the Harz camels. Two were converted
to work freight trains where standard-gauge wagons were carried on new
3-ft 3-in- (1-m-) gauge transporter bogies. Several have now been sold and
converted back to standard gauge, and along with many other DR V100s
remain in use with freight operators in Germany and elsewhere. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW

Class HSB 199.8 previously V100, then DR 112, DB 202 In-service period 196678, as rebuilt 1988present (No. 119 872-3)
Wheel arrangement C-C, built as B-B Transmission hydraulic
Origin East Germany Engine MWJ 12 KVD 18-21 A-4
Designer/builder LEW (Berlin), Power output 1,184 hp (883 kW)
Number produced 10 (rebuilt 199.8 series) Top speed 31 mph (50 km/h) (rebuilt 199.8 series)

Ventilation grilles Exhaust takes fumes Driving cab in centre Orange warning light Three axle bogies
for the engine above top of cab gives excellent visibility used when locomotive tted at conversion
in all directions is remotely controlled to 3-ft 3-in (1-m-) gauge

for locomotive
MODIFIED DR V100 . 225

Snow camels
Harz network
The Harzkamel nickname came from the locomotives
The HSB logo stands for Harzer
waggling gait and the camel hump formed by the central
Schmalspurbahnen (Harz Narrow Gauge
cab. These kamels, however, were more at home in
Railways), the operator of the Harz Mountain
mountains than deserts, and the plough used to clear a small
3-ft 3-in (1-m-) gauge network since 1993.
coverage of snow can be seen below the buffers at track level.
226 . 19601979


The body comprises two bonnets extending from the central cab.
At one end is the engine, and at the other a variety of ancillary
equipment such as steam heating equipment for passenger coaches
and batteries. The hydraulic transmission system is located under 2 3
the driving cab alongside the diesel fuel tank.
The locomotives were built with two-axle, standard-gauge bogies;
in the conversion to 3-ft 3-in- (1-m-) gauge these were replaced with
three-axle bogies utilizing smaller diameter wheels. The remaining
HSB locomotives were rebuilt again in 1998, and three were tted
with GPS equipment enabling them to be controlled by yard staff.

1. Number plate 2. Headlight (below) and tail light (above) 3. Buffer in raised
position 4. Coupling for standard-gauge wagons 5. Electric socket for multiple
control unit 6. Coupling for wagon carrier bogies 7. Air brake pipe connecting
adapter 8. Open sandbox door 9. Fuel ller 10. Warning light used when
remote controlled 11. Overhead electrication warning ash 12. Air horn
13. Foot step to reach top of locomotive 14. Cooling device for air compressors
15. Filter, drain cup, and drip cock in main air pipe 16. Wheel assembly 17. Air
shut off valves 18. Socket for charging cable 19. Grease container for ange
oilers 20. Steps for shunters 21. Cut-off cock for main brake pipe

5 6 9 12 14

7 8


10 11


16 17 19 20

MODIFIED DR V100 . 227


23 24 25

26 27 28 29

30 31
The cab, although spartan by modern standards,
was functional and a lot simpler and cleaner than
the steam engine cabs it replaced. It was designed
to enable the locomotive to be driven in either
direction. As was common in the Eastern Bloc,
32 33 many components were interchangeable with other
types to reduce the number of spare parts required.

22. Overview of cab interior 23. Control lamps 24. Cab

controls 25. Joystick for driving 26. Timetable holder
27. Speedometer 28. Pressure gauge for brake cylinder
and main brake pipe 29. Handle for sliding cab window
30. Dead-mans vigilance device, which checks that driver
is not incapacitated 31. Air valve for radiator 32. Handle
for cab window lock 33. Light tting
228 . 19601979

High-speed Pioneers
High-speed rail travel began in 1960 when French Railways introduced
the worlds rst 124-mph (200-km/h) passenger train the Le Capitole
Paris to Toulouse service. In 1964 the rst Japanese Shinkansen line from
Tokyo to Shin-Osaka was opened; this was the start of fast passenger train
services on a dedicated high-speed rail line. Higher-speed operations u DR Class VT18.16 Built by East German industry to operate the Deutsche
began in the UK with the 100-mph (161-km/h) Deltic diesels in 1961, (Class 175), 1964 Reichsbahns important international express trains,
and in North America with gas-turbinepowered trains in 1968. In the Wheel arrangement 4-car DMU eight four-car VT18.16 trains were delivered from 1964
Transmission hydraulic to 1968. These worked abroad reaching Copenhagen,
1970s the German Class E03/103 began a 124-mph (200-km/h)
Engine 2 x 12 KVD 18/21 engines Denmark; Vienna, Austria; and Malm, Sweden; plus
operation on existing lines in West Germany, while in the UK the new Prague and Karlovy Vary in Czechoslovakia. The trains
Total power output 1,973 hp (1,472 kW)
diesel-powered High Speed Train (HST) brought 125-mph (201-km/h) were progressively withdrawn in the 1980s, although
Top speed 100 mph (160 km/h) more than one survives.
services to several major routes from 1976.

d BR Type 5 Deltic D9000 Based on the Deltic prototype of 1955, a total of 22

Class 55, 1961 of these engines were ordered for express passenger
Wheel arrangement CoCo trains on British Railways East Coast main line between
Transmission electric London, York, Newcastle, and Edinburgh to replace
Engine 2 x Napier Deltic 18-25 engines 55 steam locomotives. Capable of sustained 100 mph
(161 km/h) running, the class enabled faster trains
Total power output 3,299 hp (2,461 kW)
to be operated on the route from 1963. Withdrawn in
Top speed 100 mph (161 km/h) 1981, several have been preserved in working order.

u JNR Shinkansen Japan built brand-new, standard-

Series 0, 1964 gauge (4-ft 812-in/1.4-m)
Wheel arrangement 12-car EMU, high-speed lines to dramatically
all 48 axles powered improve journey times. The rst
Power supply 25 kV AC overhead lines section of Japan National Railways
Tkaid Shinkansen line operated
Power rating 11,903 hp (8,880 kW)
at 130 mph (209 km/h) at the time
Top speed 137 mph (220 km/h) the fastest trains in the world.


Amtrak Begins Service

The US National Railroad Passenger Corporation
(Amtrak) took over long-distance passenger rail
services in May 1971, following a US Congress
decision to maintain some level of rail service after
many companies had moved to freight only. Amtrak
started life with old equipment, but quickly started
looking for new diesel
and electric trains
including new French-
built Turboliner trains.

The turbo train Amtrak

introduced six 125-mph
(201-km/h) Turboliner
trains from 1973 on
services from Chicago.
Powered by Turbomeca
gas turbines originally
designed for helicopters,
the trains never got
to exploit their high-
speed capability.

d SNCF Class CC6500, 1969 Seventy-four powerful CC6500 engines

Wheel arrangement CoCo were delivered between 1969 and 1975
Power supply 1.5 kV DC overhead to run on the Socit Nationale des
lines (21 locos also equipped for Chemins de fer Franais Le Capitole
1.5 kV DC third rail) Paris to Toulouse service. Twenty-one
were tted with third-rail pick-up
Power rating 7,909 hp (5,900 kW)
and pantographs, for use on the
Top speed 124 mph (200 km/h) ChambryModane Maurienne line.

u DB Class E03/103, 1970 Five E03 prototypes were delivered from 1965, and
Wheel arrangement CoCo after test, another 145 slightly more powerful production
Power supply 15 kV AC, 1623 Hz engines were ordered. From 1970 until the 1980s the
overhead lines Deutsche Bundesbahn Class 103 worked on all the major
express trains in Germany. A small number remain in
Power rating 10,429 hp (7,780 kW)
use; one was used for high-speed test trains until
Top speed 124 mph (200 km/h) 2013 and allowed to run at 174 mph (280 km/h).

u UAC Turbo Train, 1968 d BR HST Class 253/254, 1976

Wheel arrangement 7-car articulated train set Wheel arrangement BoBo
Transmission torque coupler Transmission electric
Engine 4 x Pratt & Whitney Canada Engine (power car) Paxman
ST6B gas turbines Valenta 12R200L
Total power output 1,600 hp (1,193 kW) Total power output (power car) 2,249 hp (1,678 kW)
Top speed 120 mph (193 km/h) Top speed 125 mph (201 km/h)

United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) entered the In 1973 British Rail started trials of the High Speed
market with patents bought from the Chesapeake Train prototype with two power cars. Production trains
& Ohio Railway for articulated high-speed train sets followed in 1976, with deliveries lasting until 1982. The
using lightweight materials. However, UAC used gas HST holds the world diesel rail speed record of 148 mph
turbines instead of diesel engines. Canadian National (238 km/h) set in 1987. The trains remain in service
Rail bought ve sets and the US bought three. as do similar ones in Australia.
The Bullet Train
The staging of the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo presented trains soon made the journey in a record-breaking 3 hours and
Japan with the opportunity to show how far it had progressed 10 minutes. Popular from the outset, at peak times the service
since the devastation of World War II. The nation decided to ran at 3-minute intervals.
showcase its engineering capabilities with the Tkaid The rst line carried more than 150 million passengers in its
Shinkansen, the worlds rst high-speed railway. inaugural year. Its success led to more routes on the islands of
Construction of the electried line, which ran 321.6 miles Honshu and Kyushu, enlarging the network to 1,483.6 miles
(515.4 km) and linked Tokyo with Osaka to the southwest, (2,387.7 km). Engineers also designed faster models and tracks;
began in 1959 and was completed in 1964. Service commenced even the original 0-series trains were modied, reaching a top
on 1 October that year. The line carried the worlds fastest speed of 200 mph (320 km/h) before they were retired in 2008.
trains, which earned the nickname Dangan Ressha (Bullet
Trains) because of their speed and the distinctive shape of the The 16-car 300 series Shinkansen entered service in 1992, performing at a
leading car. Reaching a top speed of 130 mph (210 km/h), the top speed of 168 mph (270 km/h). The series was taken out of service in 2012.
232 . 19601979

DR No. 18.201
East Germanys Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) No. 18.201 is one of
a kind. Built to a unique design to allow the testing of coaches
at high speeds, it is the worlds fastest operational steam
locomotive. Oil ring, a special streamlined casing, and massive
driving wheels all helped to create a machine not only able to
reach high speeds, but also to maintain them. Just as remarkably,
it was built when steam development was all but over.

A SPECIAL SET of circumstances led to the creation

of No. 18.201. East Germany required a method to test
passenger coaches it was building for export, and felt that
the most practical way to achieve this was to construct a
high-speed steam locomotive t for that purpose. To build
the specialist machine, engineers used parts from older
locomotives, including the high-speed tank engine
No. 61.002 (which the DR had inherited after World
War II), as well as new components.
The most recognizable parts taken from other locomotives
were the goods engine tender and No. 61.002s big driving
wheels. However, No. 18.201s streamlined look was
distinctively modern. Unusual ttings included brakes on
the locomotives leading bogie, which gave it extra stopping
power at high speeds; it also received the Indusi safety
gear, designed to stop trains passing any stop signals. For
most of its career No. 18.201 was based at the railway test
facility in Halle (Saale) in Saxony-Anhalt. It is now cared
for by the Dampf-Plus company at Lutherstadt Wittenberg. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW

Class 18.2 In-service period 1961present
Wheel arrangement 4-6-2 Cylinders 3
Separate German networks Origin East Germany Boiler pressure 232 psi (16.3 kg/sq cm)
After World War II, West Germanys railway became the
Designer/builder Deutsche Reichsbahn Driving wheel diameter 91 in (2,311 mm)
Deutsche Bundesbahn, but East Germanys system kept
Number produced 1 Top speed approx. 113 mph (182 km/h)
the traditional Deutsche Reichsbahn name. The two
merged into the Deutsche Bahn in January 1994.

Indusi magnetic gear Driving wheels allow Smokebox merges Smoke deectors
Tender contains to stop the train at high speeds due to gases from the re keep exhaust away
water and fuel oil danger signals their large diameter with exhaust steam from crews view
DR NO. 18.201 . 233

A touch of style
The curves and angles of No. 18.201 gave
the locomotive a stylishly modern look. The
smokebox door was a distinctive conical
shape, while the locomotives thin but
efcient Giesl ejector exhaust was hidden
inside a much larger chimney shroud.
234 . 19601979

EXTERIOR 1 3 5 6

Although unique and instantly recognizable,

No. 18.201 shares design elements with other German
steam locomotives, as well as high-speed engines
from elsewhere. The look is dominated by the
green semi-streamlined casing and the large 91-in
(2,311-mm) driving wheels, which allow the
locomotive to run faster. Some details, such as the
front headlamps, are non-standard add-ons, while
others came from the Deutsche Reichsbahn stores.

1. Number plate on side of cab 2. Front headlamp 3. Coupling 4

hook 4. Front buffer 5. Front steps 6. Steam-powered
electrical generator 7. Shut-off valve 8. Whistle 9. Lagged
pipework 10. Valve gear 11. Small End 12. Bogie wheel
13. Inside the Big End 14. Lead driving wheel 15. Sand pipe
16. Brake assembly 17. Air pump assembly 18. Steps to cab
at front of tender 19. Indusi magnet 20. Detail of tender
bogie 21. Headlamp on rear of tender 22. Oil ller

10 11 12

13 16 18


14 15 19
DR NO. 18.201 . 235


24 25 28 29

26 27 30


31 32


In comparison with coal-red locomotives, the
oil-red No. 18.201 has different controls for
the reman to regulate the re, as well as dials
to monitor it. The insulated rebox door stays
shut while the engine is operating, and the
onerous task of shovelling coal is unnecessary.
21 22
The driver sits on the right, where all the main
driving controls are within easy reach.

23. Overview of cab controls 24. Lubricator 25. Lamp

switches 26. Pressure gauge 27. Sanding controls
28. Reverse/cut-off indicator 29. Firemans seat
30. Reverser 31. Firebox door 32. Interior of rebox
33. Area at front of tender
236 . 19601979

Technology in Transition
This was a period of large-scale changes for railways around the world.
Car ownership and the impact of new motorways led to the closure of less-
used railway routes, particularly in Western Europe, although branch lines
still thrived in Eastern Europe. Commodities such as coal and iron ore
continued to be carried by the railways. Much of the local goods transport
switched to trucks, but the use of intermodal containers to carry long-
distance freight by rail continued to grow. In addition, many European
cities were expanding existing metro systems or building new ones.

u BR D9500 Class 14, 1964 The 56 locomotives in this class, all built at the British
Wheel arrangement 0-6-0 Railways Works in Swindon during 1964, were
Transmission hydraulic delivered just as the local freight trafc they were
Engine Paxman 6YJXL designed for was rapidly disappearing from the UK
rail network. As a result many were withdrawn within
Total power output 650 hp (485 kW)
three years. Most went on to have longer careers with
Top speed 40 mph (64 km/h) industrial rail operators in the UK and Europe.

l Soviet Class VL10, 1963 u DR VT2.09 (Class 171/172), 1962 Designed for East Germanys rural branch
Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo+Bo-Bo Wheel arrangement 2-axle rail bus lines, this train was nicknamed Ferkeltaxi
Power supply 3,000 V DC, Transmission mechanical/hydro- (piglet taxi) because farmers sometimes
overhead lines mechanical brought piglets along as luggage. An
Power rating 6,166 hp (4,600 kW) Engine 6 KVD 18 HRW early prototype built in 1957 was followed
by orders for production trains, delivered
Top speed 62 mph (100 km/h) Total power output 180 hp (134 kW)
from 1962 to 1969. In 2004 they were
Top speed 56 mph (90 km/h) withdrawn from regular use in Germany.
Built in Tbilisi (now Georgia) the VL10
eight-axle, twin-unit electric was the
rst modern DC electric locomotive
built for Soviet Railways. It shared both
external design and many components
with the VL80 25 kV AC electric design,
also introduced in 1963. Thousands of
both classes were built until production
ended in the 1980s.

Track Maintenance
Motorized draisines replaced or supplemented daily
track inspections carried out on foot from the 1960s,
enabling tools and equipment to be carried to work sites
quickly. During the 1960s ultrasonic testing of rails by r DR V60 D (Class 105), 1961
test vehicles tted with special equipment became more Wheel arrangement 0-8-0
common in both US and Europe, and regular test trains Transmission hydraulic
operated, often at night, to monitor track condition.
Engine 12 KVD 18/21
Room for two In East Germany Total power output 650 hp (485 kW)
the two-axle draisine
Top speed 37 mph (60 km/h)
could carry two
people and their The powerful V60 was
tools to repair
designed to replace the
minor faults.
Deutsche Reichsbahn steam
locomotives for shunting
and short freight trains.
The engines, enhanced by
advances made on the WWII V36
diesels used by the German military,
unusually had four axles with the
wheels connected by external coupling
rods. They were built for the DR and
other state railways plus heavy
industry in Eastern Bloc countries.


Battery Locomotives
In many European countries battery-powered engines
were used to move locomotives around maintenance
depots. Using the battery engines enabled electric
locomotives to be transferred to maintenance areas
without (hazardous) overhead power lines for traction
current and was quicker and cheaper than starting
a diesel to move it a few hundred yards. Battery
engines continue to be used in this way today.

Akkuschleppfahrzeuge (ASF) Over 500 ASFs (meaning battery-

shunting vehicle) were built in East Germany from 1966 to 1990.
Used by DR and industrial operators, some are still working.

d DR V300 (Class 132), 1973

Wheel arrangement Co-Co
Transmission electric
Engine Kolomna 5D49
Total power output 3,000 hp (2,237 kW)

u Preston Docks Sentinel, 1968 Top speed 74 mph (120 km/h)

Wheel arrangement AA Based on the Soviet TE109 design and

Transmission hydraulic built at Voroshilovgrad (now Luhansk,
Engine Rolls-Royce C8SFL Ukraine), the most numerous of the DR
Total power output 325 hp (242 kW) V300 locomotives was Class 132, with
709 locomotives. While most have been
Top speed 18 mph (29 km/h)
withdrawn, some remain in service with
The Sentinel locomotives were designed u LT Victoria Line, 1969 The Victoria Line was the rst completely several German freight operators today.
to replace steam engines at major industrial Wheel arrangement 4-car units, new Tube line in London for 60 years when
sites that operated their own railways. always operated as pairs it opened in 1969. The new trains bought
Innovative and easy to use, they had a Power supply 630 V DC third and by London Transport were tted with
central driving position in a full-width cab fourth rail system Automatic Train Operation (ATO)
and safe places for shunting staff to travel equipment the train drove itself
Power rating 1,137 hp (848 kW)
on the outside of the engines. Several are and the driver would normally only
preserved at UK heritage railways. Top speed 25 mph (40 km/h) open and close doors at stations.
238 . 19601979

Great Journeys
Indian Pacific
The rst direct passenger rail service to cross the continent of Australia from
the east coast to the west, the Indian Pacic nally linked Sydney on the Pacic
Ocean to Perth on the Indian Ocean on 23 February 1970.

AUSTRALIAS FIRST UNBROKEN transcontinental Saving days by train

railway was made possible only by standardizing A vintage travel poster by Australian
artist James Northeld publicizes the advantages of the
the random mixture of broad-, standard-, and newly built Trans-Australian section of the railway.
narrow-gauge lines that had been built in the
19th and early 20th centuries. far as Cockburn. Here the railway met the South
The New South Wales government opened the Australian Railways line of the same gauge from
states rst standard-gauge railway in 1855, linking Port Pirie, part of the Adelaide to Port Augusta line.
Sydney on the east coast to nearby Granville. From the west coast, a 3-ft 6-in- (1.06-m-) gauge
This track was gradually extended over the Blue line already linked Perth to the gold-mining town
Mountains via a series of steeply graded zigzags, of Kalgoorlie by 1897. Between Kalgoorlie and Port
reaching Orange 200 miles (322 km) from Sydney Augusta remained a 1,000-mile (1,609-km) gap
in 1877. From Orange, the standard-gauge Broken across South Australia through a region that was
Hill line opened westwards in stages, between a virtually uninhabited and waterless desert.
1885 and 1927, across sparsely populated, arid In 1901 the newly formed Commonwealth of
lands to the mining town of Broken Hill. Westwards Australias government proposed a railway to link
from Broken Hill, the 3-ft 6-in- (1.06-m-) gauge isolated Western Australia with the rest of the
Silverton Tramway, opened in 1888, reached as country. Opened throughout in 1917, the 1,052-mile
(1,693-km) Trans-Australian Railway across the
Indian Pacic stops in Broken Hill
aptly named Nullarbor (no tree) Plain was built to
A 4,000-hp (2,984-kW) NR Class diesel-electric locomotive
pulling the Indian Pacic halts at Broken Hill. The town is at the the standard gauge of 4 ft 8 in (1.435 m), but met
centre of the worlds largest silver, lead, and zinc ore deposits. with narrow-gauge lines at either end. No natural

Start/Finish A U S T R A L I A 1 Camp train
Main stations Labourers building the
Earlier lines Trans-Australian lived in mobile
Worlds longest straight accommodation on rails, to
Trans-Australian Railway stretch of track This section
is 297 miles (478 km). SOUTH avoid constantly breaking camp
as the track advanced.
Perth to Kalgoorlie
Originally built to the 3-ft 6-in Tarcoola
(1.06-m) gauge, this line was
completed in 1897.
Meeting of two teams
Loongana The two halves of the
Trans-Australian line met at
rbor P Ooldea on 17 October 1917.
N ulla
WESTERN Nullarbor Plain 5
Port Augusta
AUSTRALIA The Trans-Australian lines Port Augusta to Port Pirie
construction faced a huge Converted from 3-ft 6-in Port Pirie
challenge in passing through (1.06-m) gauge to standard
6 Perth an almost waterless region. gauge in 1937.
Until the opening of the
Trans-Australian Railway in 1917,
Perth could be reached from the
east only by a sea voyage across
the Great Australian Bight. G R E A T A U S T R A L I A N B I G H T Adelaide

Narrow gauge The 3-ft 6-in-

N (1,067- mm-) gauge line from Port
Pirie to Adelaide was converted to
standard gauge in 1982.
0 100 200 300 miles

0 100 200 300 400 km


water sources existed on this stretch of the line, so ACROSS A CONTINENT

steam-hauled trains had to carry their own supplies,
On its 65-hour journey across New South Wales,
which occupied over half the trains load. Diesels DATES
South Australia, and Western Australia, the
took over in 1951. 1917 Standard-gauge Trans-Australian Railway
Indian Pacic crosses three time zones, which
A unied standard-gauge railway across the completed, meeting existing narrow-gauge lines in
were introduced in the 1890s. Perth is two hours
continent was realized in stages: the line from east and west.
behind Sydney in summer, and three in winter.
Port Augusta to Port Pirie was converted in 1937, 1970 Continuous standard-gauge railway between
and the 374-mile (602-km) line from Perth to Sydney and Perth completed. Indian Pacic inaugural 1 2
Kalgoorlie was converted in 1969. The track run on 23 February.
between Port Pirie and Broken Hill was rebuilt
as standard gauge by 1970, and the Indian Pacic TRAIN
made its rst run from Sydney. Now a luxury train, First locomotives Commonwealth Railways CL Class
it completes the four-day journey twice-weekly, 3,000 hp (2,23 8kW) Co-Co diesel-electrics built 197072
stopping off at the historic Broken Hill and offering Current locomotives NR class 4,000 hp (2,984 kW)
an experience of remote Australian terrain. Co-Co diesel-electrics built 199698
In 1982 the Indian Pacic also began to call at Carriages Up to 25 75-ft (23-m) air-conditioned
Adelaide after the line south of Port Pirie was stainless steel carriages, including sleeping cars,
converted to standard gauge, extending the distance restaurant car, power van, luggage van, and Motorail 3

travelled by the train to 2,704 miles (4,352 km). wagons carrying passengers cars. Three classes:
Platinum, Gold, and Red

Original journey: SydneyPerth 2,461 miles
(3,961 km); 75 hours
SydneyPerth (via Adelaide) 2,704 miles
(4,352 km), 65 hours; 4 days, 3 nights

Gauge Standard gauge 4 ft 8 12 in (1.435 m)
Longest straight stretch The worlds longest
section of straight track, 297 miles (478 km)
Across the Nullarbor
Highest point Bell Railway Station in the Blue
Double-headed by NR Class diesels, the Indian Pacic heads
out across the arid Nullarbor Plain on the worlds longest Mountains: 3,507 ft (1,069 m)
straight stretch of track.


4 Mannahill Station 5
Located along the Indian Pacic route,
Mannahill is one of the easternmost
settlements in South Australia. It has NEW SOUTH
only 66 inhabitants. WALES

Broken Hill Blue Mountains The rail routes

originally crossed the mountains
on steeply graded zigzags which
were bypassed in 1910.
Condobolin 3 Sydney
Cockburn Ivanhoe Granville
Australias premier
east coast city is
famous for its iconic
Orange Opera House and
Harbour Bridge.
Broken Hill to Port Pirie TERRITORY O C E A N
Converted from 3-ft 6-in (1.06-m)
gauge to standard gauge in 1970.
2 Inaugural journey
The Indian Pacic, the rst train to cross
VICTORIA the entire Australian continent, left
Sydney on 23 February 1970.
240 . 19601979

Travelling in Style
In the 1960s and 70s railways around the world invested in large
numbers of new passenger carriages. The investment was partly driven
by the need to offer higher speed and more comfort on intercity routes,
and in other cases simply to replace older equipment. Steel became
the dominant material for coach bodies, replacing wooden-framed,
steam-age vehicles in many cases. Increasing numbers of new multiple-
unit trains, both diesel and electric, were built in many countries to
replace conventional trains using locomotives and coaches.

l Cravens Stock, 1963 u Talgo III, 1964

Type second-class, open coach Type articulated express passenger car
Capacity 64 passengers Capacity 21 passengers
Construction steel Construction stainless steel
Railway CI (Irish railways) Railway RENFE (Spanish state railways)

Fifty-eight of these coaches were assembled In the 1950s the Spanish Talgo company pioneered
in Irish Railwayss Inchicore Works in Dublin articulated trains of semi-permanently coupled
between 1963 and 1967, using kits provided by short cars utilizing single-axle wheel sets. The
Cravens in Shefeld, UK. The coaches were Talgo III was the third version of the train and
tted with steam heating and vacuum brakes, the rst to be used internationally. Some had
and were used for express trains in the 1960s. variable-gauge axles, which permitted operation
Several coaches have been preserved. from Spain into France.

u Penn Central/Amtrak Metroliner, 1969 Budd built 61 Metroliner EMU cars for
Type snack bar car (powered) Penn Central Transportation in 1969 in
Wheel arrangement 2-car EMU collaboration with other manufacturers
Power supply 11 kV AC 25 Hz, 11 kV AC 60 Hz, and the US government. The cars were
and 25 kV AC 60 Hz, overhead lines inherited by Amtrak in 1971. Designed for
use at 150 mph (241 km/h), the Metroliners
Power rating 1,020 hp (761 kW)
never operated that fast and most were
Top speed 125 mph (200 km/h) withdrawn by Amtrak in the 1980s.

u Euroma, 1973 In the mid-1970s several Western European

u Reko-Wagen, 1967 The Deutsche Reichsbahn introduced Reko- Type rst- and second-class open railways jointly ordered 500 new daytime
Type second-class, open coach Wagen (reconstructed coaches) in the 1950s Capacity 54 (rst); 66 (second) coaches to a standard design following tests
Capacity 64 passengers and 60s the reconstruction referred to with 10 prototypes. They were funded via
Construction steel
their rebuild from older designs. Initially, short Euroma, a not-for-prot rail nancing
Construction steel Railway SBB (Swiss Railways;
three-axle coaches were built but in 1967 organization based in Switzerland. In total 500
Railway Deutsche Reichsbahn 61-ft- (18.7-m-) long bogie coaches appeared. and others) coaches were built for six different operators.
T R AV E L L I N G I N S T Y L E . 24 1

d Mark IIIB First Open, 1975 The rst 125 mph (201 km/h) Mark III coaches
Type rst class Pullman coach appeared in 1975 and incorporated steel integral
Capacity 48 passengers monocoque construction, giving them great body
strength. The British Rail High Speed Train (HST)
Construction steel
used Mark III coaches and others were built for use
Railway British Rail with electric locomotives at up to 110 mph (177 km/h).

u Mark III sleeper, 1979 In 1976 British Rail ordered a new prototype sleeper
Type sleeping coach with a view to replacing its older cars, but this was
Capacity 26 berths in 13 compartments cancelled after a fatal re on Mark I sleepers on an
overnight train in Taunton in 1978. BR decided to
Construction steel
build a new version that incorporated safety systems
Railway British Rail onto all sleepers; 236 were ordered in 1979.

r Amtrak Superliner, 1978

Type double-deck long distance
Capacity up to 74, fewer for sleepers
Construction stainless steel
Railway Amtrak

Based upon cars originally built in

1956 for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa
Fe Railway and inherited by Amtrak
in 1971, the Superliner long-distance
cars were built from 1978. Nearly
500 were made over the next
20 years in multiple congurations
(sleepers, seating cars, diners, and
observation cars).

19801999 . 245

The high-speed railway spread internationally as more countries built Key Events
dedicated networks replicating the Japanese invention. In Europe, Frances r 1981 High-speed rail services come
to Europe when France launches
Train Grande Vitesse (TGV) was launched in 1981 with a line running from Paris
the Train Grande Vitesse (TGV).
to Lyon, and a decade later Germany saw the InterCityExpress (ICE) make its It raises the world speed record to
public debut. In the UK, however, the emphasis lay on modernizing the existing 236 mph (380 km/h).

system, rather than building new lines.

As the renaissance in light rail continued, new tram systems opened in some
places. Karlsruhe in southwest Germany introduced a new concept: the tram-
train, a vehicle capable of running both on the streets and on local railways. Yet
while rail technology improved, there was also a desire for golden age travel
inspired by the past, which was realized with the launch of classic luxury trains
such as Europes Venice Simplon-Orient Express and Indias Palace on Wheels.
The end of the Cold War ushered in changes to Europes railways, not least in
Germany. Following the countrys unication in 1990, lines that ran across the
former border were reopened and new ones were built, and the former East and
West German systems were eventually merged as the Deutsche Bahn. u High-speed rail in France
The TGV-PSE is a high-speed train built for operation
However, the restructuring was much more radical in the UK after the British between Paris and the southeast of France. The
parliament voted for privatization in 1993. In the years that followed, the state- original eet had an orange and silver livery.

owned British Rail was dismantled; new companies r 1991 Russia completes the Baikal-
took over different lines and implemented their Amur Magistral a major main line
paralleling the classic Trans-Siberian.
own plans for development, and in doing so
r 1991 Germany enters the public
reintroduced variety to the train services. high-speed rail era with the
In 1994 rail celebrated yet another engineering InterCityExpress (ICE).
marvel with the opening of the Channel Tunnel, r 1992 Tram-train services are
launched in Karlsruhe, Germany.
which connected France and the UK for the rst
The new concept unites local rail
time. Running under the Dover Strait, the launch and tramways with vehicles that
of the tunnel was the realization of a dream can run on both systems.

dating back to the 19th century. r 1993 Britain votes to privatize

its railways. In the years that follow,
the state system is split up.
r 1994 In Germany, the former West

So speed yes, but let

German Deutsche Bundesbahn and
East German Deutsche Reichsbahn
are merged to form a new entity the
there be money in it u Across the Channel
On 14 November 1994, Eurostar services began
Deutsche Bahn.
r 1994 The Channel Tunnel opens,
GERARD FIENNES, between London Waterloo International, Paris connecting Britain and France by rail
FIENNES ON RAILS, 1986 Gare du Nord, and Brussels-South. underneath the Dover Strait.
r 1995 Chinas Ji-Tong Railway opens in
Inner Mongolia. Known as the worlds
last steam main line, it is not fully
A Union Pacic freight train winding across the US landscape converted to diesel until 2005.
246 . 19801999

High Speed Goes Global r Soviet ER200, 1984

Wheel arrangement each car
2 x 4-wheel bogies
Operating at speeds that were impossible on historic railway tracks, high-speed lines
Power supply 3 kV DC overhead lines
had burst upon the world scene in 1964 with the introduction of the Shinkansen in Power rating 6-car set: 5,150 hp
Japan. In Europe the French led the way, building a network of dedicated high-speed (3,840 kW)/14-car set: 15,448 hp
lines known as a Train Grandes Vitesse (TGV), with the rst route between Paris (11,520 kW)
Top speed 124 mph (200 km/h)
and Lyon opening in 1981. Spains rst high-speed line, the Alta Velocidad Espaola
(AVE), opened between Madrid and Seville in 1992. The UK, with its Victorian rail Built of aluminium alloy in Riga, the
ER200 is a Soviet high-speed train
network, lagged behind; despite the opening of the Channel Tunnel in 1994, it
that was rst introduced in 1984.
would not be until 2007 before the countrys rst dedicated high-speed railway HS1 At the time it was the rst Direct
was complete, ushering in high-speed rail travel between London and Paris. Current (DC) intercity electric
multiple-unit train with rheostatic
braking. Later versions operate on
the Moscow to St Petersburg main
line. Unit ER200-15 is on display at
the Moscow Railway Museum.

u AVE S-100, 1992 The Alta Velocidad Espaola (AVE) is a

Wheel arrangement each car network of high-speed railways operated
2 x 4-wheel bogies in Spain by Renfe Operadora. It was
Power supply 3 kV DC overhead Europes longest high-speed network and,
supply/25 kV 50 Hz AC overhead supply after China, the worlds second longest.
The rst line between Madrid and Seville
Power rating 11,796 hp (8,800 kW)
opened in 1992 using S-100 dual-voltage,
Top speed 186 mph (300 km/h) electric multiple units built by Alstom.

r Thalys PBKA, 1996 Built by GEC-Alstom in France,

Wheel arrangement 2 power cars the Thalys PBKA is a high-speed
+ 8 passenger cars international train service, introduced
Power supply 3 kV DC overhead supply/ in 1996, that can operate on four
25 kV 50 Hz AC overhead supply/15 kV different electrical systems in
1623 Hz AC overhead supply/1,500 V DC France, Germany, Switzerland,
overhead supply Belgium, and the Netherlands.
The 17 train sets built operate
Power rating 4,933 hp (3,680 kW)
services between Paris, Brussels,
11,796 hp (8,800 kW)
Cologne (Kln), and Amsterdam,
Top speed 186 mph (300 km/h) hence PBKA.


Transrapid Prototype
Developed in Germany, this high-speed monorail train
with no wheels, gear transmissions, or axles, and has no
rails or overhead power supply. Instead it levitates, or
hovers, above a track guideway using attractive magnetic
force between two linear arrays of electromagnetic coils,
hence its name Maglev. Based on a patent from 1934,
planning for it began in 1969 and the test facility was
completed in 1987. The latest version Maglev 09 can
cruise at over 300 mph (482 km/h). The only commercial
application to date opened in China in 2002 and operates
between Shanghai and its Pudong international airport.
r Eurostar Class 373/1, 1993
Revolutionary technology The two-car Maglev Transrapid Wheel arrangement each car
prototype is seen in action at the test facility at the 2 x 4-wheel bogies
Emsland test track in Germany in 1980.
Power supply 25 kV 50 Hz AC overhead
supply/3,000 V DC overhead supply/1,500 V DC
overhead supply/750 V DC third-rail (not used)
Power rating 4,600 hp (3,432 kW)
16,360 hp (12,200 kW)
Top speed 186 mph (300 km/h)

Introduced in 1993, the Class 373/1 multi-

voltage electric multiple units are operated
by Eurostar on the high-speed line between
London, Paris, and Brussels via the Channel
Tunnel. In the UK these trains operated on the
third-rail network to Londons Waterloo Station
until the completion of the HS1 line in 2007.

r SNCF LGV Sud-Est TGV, 1981

Wheel arrangement each car 2 x 4-wheel bogies
Power supply 1,500 V DC overhead supply/
25 kV 50 Hz AC overhead lines
Power rating 4,157 hp (3,100 kW) 9,115 hp (6,800 kW)
Top speed 186 mph (300 km/h)

The French Train Grande Vitesse (TGV) was

originally designed to be powered by gas turbines,
but the oil crisis of 1973 led to the rst prototypes
being electrically powered. Built by GEC-Alstom,
the rst of these dual-voltage high-speed trains
entered service on the LGV (Ligne Grande Vitesse)
Sud-Est line between Paris and Lyon in 1981.

r SJ X2, 1989
Wheel arrangement each car 2 x 4-wheel bogies
Power supply 15 kV 1623 Hz AC overhead lines
Power rating 4,370 hp (3,260 kW)
Top speed 124 mph (200 km/h)

Built of corrugated stainless steel, the Swedish railways

(Statens Jrnvgar, or SJ) X2 high-speed tilting train is
designed to operate at speed on the countrys existing
rail network. In tests it has reached 171 mph (276 km/h).
One train set was exported to China and others loaned
to Amtrak in the US and to Countrylink in Australia.

r DB ICE 1, 1991
Wheel arrangement each car
2 x 4-wheel bogies
Power supply 15 kV 1634 Hz AC,
overhead supply
Power rating 5,094 hp (3,800 kW)
6,437 hp (4,800 kW)
Top speed 174 mph (280 km/h)

Introduced in 1991, InterCityExpress

(ICE) 1 was Germanys rst truly high-
speed public train. Sixty train sets
were built, each one consisting of
a power car at either end and either
12 or 14 passenger cars; a 12-car set
can accommodate 743 passengers.
248 . 19801999

Building Great Railways

Eurostar K I N G D O M
The modern era of high-speed rail travel between London, Brussels, and Paris
began with the opening of the Channel Tunnel in 1994. However, on the London
English side of the channel, the new Eurostar trains were forced to run on
a Victorian railway system until the full completion of the HS1 link in 2007. London St Pancras 1
After initially operating from
London Waterloo from 1994, the
THE IDEA OF A TUNNEL under the English Eurostar terminal was relocated to
the refurbished London St Pancras
Channel to link the UK and France was not new. International in 2007 with the
Various proposals were made during the 19th opening of the HS1 link.
and early 20th centuries, but British fears that
a tunnel could be used by an army invading
England scuppered most plans, even though
one 1929 design included a system for ooding
the tunnel to repel invaders. DATES
It was not until the 1960s that 1988 February: Channel Tunnel building and
the French and British governments tunnelling begins
agreed to a modern project. Eurostar at St Pancras International 1990 December: the French and British tunnels meet
Construction nally began in 1974, St Pancras took over from Waterloo as underground
Londons international terminal in 2007,
but halted within a year when the 1993 June: the rst Eurostar test train travels
with the inauguration of the high-speed
British, seeing costs soar and the HS1 link from the Channel Tunnel. through the tunnel from France to the UK
economy crumble, cancelled the
project. Eventually, in 1986, a private 207-mile (333-km) LGV Nord in TRAIN
consortium of British and French 1993. This electried line connects Train set Inter-Capital (31 sets built, 27 in Eurostar
banks and construction rms agreed Gare du Nord, Paris to the Belgian service): 18 passenger carriages; 1,293 ft (394 m) long,
to build the tunnel, work beginning border and the Channel Tunnel capacity 750
from both sides in 1988. Two years 1929 POSTER FOR via Lille. The Belgians followed Train set North of London or Regional (7 sets built,
later, the two ends of the service PRE-EUROSTAR SERVICES with their 55-mile (88-km) HSL 1 on long-term lease to SNCF): 14 passenger carriages;
tunnel met under the channel. which opened in 1997, linking 1,050 ft (320 m) long, capacity 558
Opened in 1994, the Channel Tunnel extends for LGV Nord to Brussels-South. Train set Nightstar International service intended
3113 miles (50.45 km) between Folkestone in In England, the Eurostar trains ran at lower to run beyond London. Cancelled 1999 all 139
England and Coquelles, near Calais in France. It speeds on existing railways between Folkestone in coaches sold to Via Rail in Canada
consists of two single-track rail tunnels separated by Kent and into special platforms at London Waterloo, Locomotives 27 Eurostar electric multiple unit
a service tunnel, which can be used for passenger a busy commuter station. Services commenced to (EMU) sets currently in service, Class 373/1 (UK)
evacuation in an emergency. It is not a rail tunnel Gare du Nord in Paris and Brussels-South station on and TGV373000 (France). 2 power cars per set
but a roadway where the tunnel maintenance crews 14 November 1994. It was to be a further 13 years Carriages 3 Eurostar travel classes: business
use zero-emissions electric vehicles. before Britains new 67-mile (108-km) High Speed 1 premiere, standard premiere, and standard
The new Eurostar service between Paris and (HS1) line between Folkestone and the newly Speed 186 mph (300 km/h) on high-speed lines;
London demanded high-speed railway lines and refurbished St Pancras International station in 99 mph (160 km/h) in the Channel Tunnel
the French were rst off the mark, opening the London opened on 14 November 2007. This
reduced the journey time between JOURNEY
London and Brussels to 1 hour London St Pancras to Gare du Nord, Paris
51 minutes. London to Paris took 305 miles (492 km); 2 hours 15 minutes (from 2007)
just 2 hours 15 minutes, more London St Pancras to Brussels-South 232 miles
than four hours faster than when (373 km); 1 hour 51 minutes (from 2007)
passengers had to disembark, cross
the channel by ferry, and then RAILWAY
board another train bound for Gauge Standard gauge 4 ft 8 12 in (1.435 m), cleared
the capital on the French side. to larger European loading gauge
Channel Tunnel Worlds second-longest tunnel
Speed restrictions at 31 13 miles (50.45 km) and longest undersea rail
The series 373000 TGV (BR Class 373 tunnel in the world at 23 12 miles (37.9 km)
in the UK) reaches high speeds in the
Bridges Medway Viaduct, UK, 4,265 ft (1.3 km)
countryside, but is restricted to 99 mph
(160 km/h) in the Channel Tunnel. Lowest point 250 ft (76 m) below sea level
E U ROSTA R . 249


2 3 Boring the tunnel More than 13,000 engineers, technicians, and
The UK Crossover Tunnel was workers laboured to link the UK with France;
constructed almost 5 miles (8 km) from
and 11 tunnel-boring machines were used.
the UK coast, enabling trains to switch
from one track to the other. At this point Since 1994 use of the tunnel has grown until it
the entire South Rail boring machine now carries more passengers between London,
could pass through on the way to France.
Paris, and Brussels than all airlines combined.

4 Linking of England and France 1

The undersea breakthrough of UK
and French tunnels took place on
1 December 1990. The moment was later
commemorated in the Channel Tunnel.

Folkestone C
Calais Brussels
L Lille
G Shuttle service Cars and

trucks are transported between

Folkestone and Coquelles, west 2 3
Brussels-South Station

of Calais, on Le Shuttle trains. Opened in 1952, the station has

six platforms and is now only
1 hour 51 minutes from London.
French Crossover Cavern
A huge undersea cavern was also
constructed 5 miles (8 km) off the Lille-Europe Station Opened
French coast. These are the largest in 1993 to serve Eurostar, TGV
undersea caverns ever built. and other high-speed trains,
Lille-Europe is just 54 minutes
from Paris.

High-speed derailment Eurostar shares

the LGV Nord with TGV services. In 1993

F R A N C E a TGV derailed at 183 mph (294 km/h)

because of subsidence beneath the track,
thought to be caused by World War I 4
trench excavations. There were no
serious injuries.

Through France Eurostar trains

travel at 186 mph (300 km/h) on
the LGV Nord, the rst of the
high-speed Channel Tunnel rail
links to open in 1993.


5 Gare du Nord, Paris

Opened in 1846, Gare du Nord has
been served by Eurostar since 1994.
Four of the stations 44 platforms
are devoted to Eurostar services. 5

Main stations N
Main route
Tunnel 0 25 50 miles

0 25 50 75 km
250 . 19801999

Diesels Next
By the early 1980s the rst home-grown generation of
dieselelectric locomotives in Europe and North America
had reached the end of their working lives. The US engine
builders General Electric and the General Motorss EMD
brand then began to dominate the scene on both continents
with their highly successful, more powerful and efcient heavy-
freight machines, which remain in operation today. In the UK, on
the other hand, diesel locomotive building ended completely in
1987 when the last engine, BR Class 58 dieselelectric No. 58 050,
rolled off the production line at the famous Doncaster Works.
u BR Class 58, 1984 Designed with an optimistic eye on export potential,
Wheel arrangement Co-Co 50 of the Class 58 heavy-freight, diesel-electric
Transmission electric locomotives were built by British Rail Engineering
Engine Ruston Paxman 12-cylinder diesel Ltd at Doncaster between 1983 and 1987. They had
a short working life in Britain with the last retired in
Total power output 3,300 hp (2,460 kW)
2002. Since then 30 have been hired for railways
Top speed 80 mph (129 km/h) in the Netherlands, France, and Spain.

u Amtrak GE Genesis, 1992 General Electric Transportation Systems u I Class 201, 1994 Thirty-two of these powerful dieselelectric
Wheel arrangement B-B built 321 of these low-prole, lightweight, Wheel arrangement Co-Co locomotives were built by General Motors
Transmission electric diesel-electric locomotives between 1992 Transmission electric in Ontario, Canada, for Iarnrd ireann in
Engine General Electric V12 or V16 and 2001. They operate most of Amtraks Engine EMD V12 2-stroke diesel Ireland between 1994 and 1995. Two were
4-stroke supercharged diesel long-haul and high-speed rail services in the also built for Northern Ireland Railways. They
Total power output 3,200 hp
US and Canada. A dual-mode version can are all named after Irish rivers and operate
Total power output 4,250 hp (3,170 kW) (2,386 kW)
also collect 750 v DC current from third-rail on the Dublin to Cork express trains and on
Top speed 110 mph (177 km/h) in built-up areas such as New York. Top speed 102 mph (164 km/h) the Enterprise between Dublin and Belfast.

UP GM EMD Class SD60, 1984

Wheel arrangement C-C
Transmission electric
Engine EMD 16-cylinder diesel
Total power output 3,800 hp (2,834 kW)
Top speed 65 mph (105 km/h)

Built by General Motors, the heavy

freight EMD Class SD60 diesel-electric
locomotive was introduced in 1984.
Production ceased in 1995 by which
time 1,140 had been delivered to nine
US railways, Canadian National
Railways, and Brazil. Union Pacic
Railroad bought 85 of the SD60, seen
here, and 281 of the SD60M variant.

BR GM EMD Class 66, 1998

Wheel arrangement Co-Co
Transmission electric
Engine EMD V12 two-stroke diesel
Total power output 3,000 hp (2,238 kW)
Top speed 75 mph (121 km/h)

A total of 446 of these diesel-electric

freight locomotives were built by
Electro-Motive Diesel in the US for
Britains railways between 1998 and
2008. Over 650 of this highly successful
design have also been sold to several
European freight operators as well
as the Egyptian State Railways.

DWA Class 670 railcar, 1996

Wheel arrangement 2-axle
Transmission mechanical
Engine MTU 6V 183 TD 13 diesel
Total power output 335 hp (250 kW)
Top speed 62 mph (100 km/h)

Incorporating parts used in buses,

six of these double-deck diesel railcars
were built by German Wagon AG (DWA)
for German state railways in 1996 after
a prototype was unveiled in 1994. A
number remain in service.

ADtranz DE AC33C, 1996 Fitted with General Electric diesel engines these
Wheel arrangement Co-Co powerful locomotives, nicknamed Blue Tigers,
Transmission electric were built by German manufacturer ADtranz
Engine General Electric V12 diesel between 1996 and 2004. Eleven units, including
No. 250 001-5 seen here, were made for leasing
Total power output 3,300 hp (2,462 kW)
in Germany, while Pakistan Railways ordered 30
Top speed 75 mph (121 km/h) and Keretapi Tanah Melayu in Malaysia bought 20.

HSB Halberstadt railcar, 1998 Four of these were built in 1999

Wheel arrangement 2 x 4-wheel by the Halberstadt Works, then
bogies (1 powered) part of Deutsche Bahn, for the
Transmission mechanical Harzer Schmalspurbahnen
Engine Cummins 6-cylinder 1,080 cc diesel (Harz Narrow-gauge Railway).
They still work services at
Total power output approx 375 hp (280 kW)
times, running on lines that
Top speed 31 mph (50 km/h) are lightly used.
252 . 19801999

A New Wave of r CSD Class 363, 1980

Wheel arrangement B-B

Electrics Power supply 25 kV 50 Hz AC/3,000 V

DC, overhead supplies
Power rating 4,1024,666 hp
The demise of steam power in Western Europe during the (3,0603,480 kW)
1950s and 1960s saw the spread of electrication across Top speed 75 mph (121 km/h)
much of the continent. The soaring price of oil in the 1970s The prototype Class 363 dual-voltage
added further impetus for national railways to switch from locomotive was built by Skoda Works for
hurriedly introduced diesel locomotives to electric haulage. the Czechoslovakian state railways. It
was the rst multisystem electric engine
However, the power supplies varied greatly from country in the world tted with power thyristor
to country, and with the growth of transnational railway pulse regulation and has a distinct sound
freight services, a new generation of multivoltage electric in three frequencies when accelerating.

locomotives had started to appear by the 1990s.

l DR Class 243, 1982 Over 600 of these mixed-trafc electric

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo locomotives were built by L.E.W. Hennigsdorf
Power supply 15 kV 16.7 Hz AC, for the Deutsche Reichsbahn between 1982
overhead supply and 1991. Originally classied as DR Class
243, they became Class 143 under the
Power rating 4,958 hp (3,721 kW)
renumbering scheme that followed
Top speed 75 mph (120 km/h)) Germanys reunication.

TECHNOLOGY u PKP Class EP09, 1986

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Glacier Express Power supply 3,000 V DC,
overhead supply
Named in honour of the Rhone Glacier, which Power rating 3,914 hp (2,920 kW)
it passed at the Furka Pass, the Glacier Express u SNCF Class BB 26000, 1988 These multipurpose, dual-voltage
Top speed 99 mph (160 km/h)
was introduced between St Moritz and Zermatt Wheel arrangement B-B electric engines were constructed for the
in Switzerland on 25 June 1930. It was originally A total of 47 of the Class EP09 express passenger French state railways between 1988 and
operated by three 3-ft 3-in- (1-m-) gauge railway Power supply 25 kV AC/1,500 V DC,
electric engines were built by Pafawag of Wroclaw overhead supplies 1998; a total of 234 were built. A further
companies, the Brig-Visp-Zermatt Bahn (BVZ), the for the Polish state railways between 1986 and 60 triple-voltage locomotives, which
Furka Oberalp Bahn (FO), and the Rhaetian Railway Power rating 7,500 hp (5,595 kW)
1997. First entering service in 1988, they operate were made between 1996 and 2001, are
(RhB). While two of the lines were electried, steam Top speed 124 mph (200 km/h)
trains on main lines from Warsaw and Krakw. classied as SNCF Class BB 36000.
locomotives were used on the FO section until 1942
when that line was also electried. It runs daily
all-year-round but is not exactly an express as it
takes 712 hours to cover 181 miles (291 km), much of
it on a rack-and-pinion system. Since 2008 much of
its route on the Albula and Bernina railways has been
declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Scenic ride The train passes through stunning Alpine

scenery, crossing 291 bridges, burrowing through 91
tunnels, and gaining height on numerous spirals.

u BR Class 91, 1988 Delivered between 1988 and 1991, 31 of the Class 91 u FS Class ETR 500, 1992 Following four years of testing, 30 Class ETR 500
Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo express locomotives were built at Crewe Works for Wheel arrangement power cars: 2 x high-speed, single-voltage electric trains were
Power supply 25 kV AC, overhead supply British Rail. Designed to reach 140 mph (225 km/h) 4-wheel motorized bogies introduced on the Italian state railway, between
but now only used at 125 mph (204 km/h), they operate
Power rating 6,480 hp (4,832 kW) Power supply 3 kV DC, overhead supply 1992 and 1996. Before the production models
express trains in a push-pull mode on the East Coast were constructed, a prototype motor car was built
Top speed 125 mph (204 km/h) Power rating complete train:
Main Line between London Kings Cross and Edinburgh. and tested. Coupled to an E444 locomotive on the
11,796 hp (8,800 kW)
Diretissima Line between Florence and Rome, it
Top speed 155 mph (250 km/h) attained a speed of 198 mph (319 km/h) in 1988.

l SBB Cargo Bombardier Traxx, 1996

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Power supply 15 kV 16.7 Hz AC/25 kV 50 Hz AC,
overhead supply
Power rating 7,500 hp (5,595 kW)
Top speed 87 mph (140 km/h)

From 1996 the Bombardier Traxx, dual-voltage

electric locomotives were introduced on many
European railways. Since then around 1,000
have been built at the companys assembly
plant in Kassel, Germany, of which 35 of the
F140 AC variant, seen here, are operated by
SBB Cargo in Switzerland.

d BR Class 92, 1993 r Amtrak Class HHP-8, 1999

Wheel arrangement Co-Co Wheel arrangement B-B
Power supply 25 kV AC, overhead supply/750 V DC third-rail Power supply 12.5 kV 25 Hz AC/12.5 kV 60 Hz AC/
Power rating 5,3606,760 hp (3,9985,041 kW) 25 kV 60 Hz AC, overhead supplies
Top speed 87 mph (140 km/h) Power rating 8,000 hp (5,968 kW)
Top speed 125 mph (201 km/h)
Designed to haul freight trains through the Channel Tunnel
between Britain and France, the 46 Class 92, dual-voltage Fifteen of these express passenger electric locomotives
electric locomotives were built by Brush Traction and ABB were built for Amtrak by Bombardier and Alstom in
Traction and assembled at the former companys erecting 1999. The Amtrak locomotives hauled trains on the
shops in Loughborough (UK) between 1993 and 1996. They Northeast Corridor between Washington DC and
are operated by GB Railfreight/Europorte 2 and DB Schenker. Boston until they were retired in 2012.
254 . 19801999

Palace on Wheels
Travelling in the style of a Maharaja through Indias most
evocative destinations is one of lifes most luxurious railway
experiences. The Palace on Wheels, one of the worlds top ve
luxury trains, is a reconstruction based on the stately personal
carriages of the rulers of Rajasthan and Gujarat, the Nizams of
Hyderabad, and the Viceroys of India. The original carriages were in
use from 1917 until India left the British Empire in 1947.


furnished in antique silk, were deemed inappropriate for
Indias eet of standard passenger trains and put out of
commission. However, in 1982, Indian Railways teamed
up with the Rajasthan Tourist Development Cooperation
to provide a new luxury metre-gauge service with an
ivory livery and plush carriages that emulated the grand
decor of an earlier age. Powered by a steam engine, the
new Palace on Wheels made its maiden journey on
January 26, the anniversary of Indias republic.
In the 1990s there was a further re-invention of the
train when the railway switched to broad gauge. The
Palace on Wheels accommodation was replaced with
modern air-conditioned cabins with attached bathrooms,
each saloon named after one of the royal provinces of STEAM ENGINE DIESEL ENGINE
Rajasthan, with interiors that reected the history of the
region through paintings, furniture and handicrafts. Still Aspiring to royalty
The Palace on Wheels train is a spectacular re-creation of the
in use today, the train is made up of 14 saloons, a kitchen
royal and ofcial trains of the Indian 3-ft 3-in- (1-m-) gauge in
car, two restaurants, a bar with a lounge, and four service the 1920s and 1930s. Today, its carriages are rarely hauled by
cars. To add a further touch of majesty to the experience, steam most journeys are powered by a diesel locomotive.
the train offers personal Khidmatgars, or attendants,
who are available to serve guests around the clock. SPECIFICATIONS FOR CARRIAGES
The seven-day round trip on the Palace on Wheels Origin India
has since become a major tourist attraction that draws In-service 1982present Trip of a lifetime
people from around the world. The journey for 80 Coaches 14 The week-long trip on the Palace on
Passenger capacity approx. 80 Wheels takes passengers through
passengers begins in New Delhi and travels through major
northwestern India on a nostalgic
sites in northwest Indias golden triangle, taking in wildlife Route Rajasthan and the Golden
journey to some of the most popular
Triangle (DelhiJaipurAgra)
safari parks and ending at the Taj Mahal. tourist spots in the Golden Triangle.

Windows run the full Exterior paintwork is Coat of arms Painted sign shows Passenger doors
length of the carriage identical on every identies the princely name of saloon car at each end with
saloon carriage state that inspired the stylized oval windows
interior decoration


Fit for a king
The two restaurants on board the Palace
on Wheels are called Maharaja (shown here)
and Maharani. An original royal dining saloon
from 1889 is kept in the National Railway
Museum in Delhi.
256 . 19801999


The Jaipur saloon is decorated in colours that represent the former
Rajput state of Jaipur, while the exterior of the carriage bears its
coat of arms. The ceiling is adorned in the regions famed phad
(foil work) and illustrates religious festivals such as Teej, Holi,
Gangaur, and Diwali. Each saloon consists of four coupes (sleeping
rooms) and a bathroom. A mini pantry and a lounge provide
additional comfort.

1. Name of carriage embossed on metal plate 2. Phad (foil work)

on ceiling depicting festivals celebrated in Rajasthan 3. Glass and gilt ceiling
light 4. Saloon with banquet-style sofas and painted fresco ceiling
5. Metal hand plate on door 6. Carriage corridor 7. Coupe (sleeping room)
8. Mirror inside the coupe 9. Switches for lights and music 10. Ensuite
facilities with elegant modern ttings and mirror

1 3

11 12

13 14

5 7

8 10

15 9


The lounge bar is designed to reect a
contemporary royal style with ourishes
that hark back to the Rajput era. Made of
wood, marble, and brass xtures, the bar
area epitomizes the aesthetic of the time.
A selection of antique pitcher designs
ornament the front of the counter area,
depicting some of the drink-pouring
vessels the maharajas would have used.

19 20

11. Bar and lounge carriage 12. Marble-top

bar counter 13. Antique pitcher design in
marble, with gold inlay work, on front of
bar counter 14. Emergency stop chain
15. Chandelier 16. Peacock motif in tinted
glass 17. Jaali (teak latticework) panel
18. Armchairs with patra (oxidized white
metal) work on borders 19. Deep-cushioned
sofa with raw silk upholstery 20. Intricately
carved elephant head design a sign of
prosperity at end of armrest
258 . 19801999


The Rajasthani theme continues in the interior design of the

Maharani (meaning Queen) dining cabin, with oral carpets
and curtains, and featuring framed art from the Mughal period
hanging on the walls. The most opulent touch is arguably the
mirrored and teakwood-panelled ceiling.

4 5
1. Sumptuous dining room with mirrored ceiling 2. Mughal art in marble,
created with vegetable colours, on carriage wall 3. Silk-embroidered
drapes with oral design 4. Tree motif in stained glass on restaurant door
5. Panelled corridor 6. Kitchen positioned at one end of restaurant carriage

7 10 11

8 9

Maharaja means King in Hindi, and accordingly, this dining carriage has
a more masculine feel compared to the Maharani. Drapes of royal blue
adorn the elegant, mahogany-led decor. The seating is arranged in groups
of four. Both restaurants serve different varieties of cuisine, although
there is an emphasis on Rajasthani dishes.

7. Name plaque above the door 8. Air vent in central ceiling panel 9. Wall light with
painted glass shade 10. Gold-embroidered zari work on velvet drape 11. Restaurant
carriage decorated with mahogany panelling


The Palace on Wheels has brought its luxury

service up to date with the recent addition of
a carriage dedicated to spa services, equipped
with state-of-the art equipment in a relaxing
modern setting. Passengers can enjoy massage
or a range of revitalizing treatments as they
speed through the countryside to their next
heritage destination.

12. Corridor in the Royal Spa 13. Double-bed massage

suite 14. Tip-back seat and basin 15. Pedicure bowl
with rose petals


14 15


The guards compartment and generator car are located at the front of the
train, away from the palatial setting of the passenger carriages. The generator
provides the electricity necessary to power the lights, appliances, kitchen, and bar
equipment. In the guards cabin, a close eye is kept on gauge and meter readings to
ensure the train runs smoothly and that passengers have a comfortable journey.

16. Power control panel in the generator car 17. Guards compartment
18. Handbrake 19. Temperature control panel 20. Vent control 21. Air brake

18 19 20


260 . 19801999

Urban Rail Solutions

While pioneering urban railways such as Londons Metropolitan
Railway and Chicagos South Side Elevated Railroad originally ran
on steam, by the late 1930s electried railways such as the Budapest
Metro, the Moscow Metro and London Underground were carrying
huge numbers of commuters between their suburban homes and
city-centre ofces. With the worlds cities still expanding during the
late 20th century, modern electrically powered rapid-transit systems
(RTS) such as street tramways and surface and underground railways,
many using driverless automatic trains, were built to transport
millions of passengers each day, very quickly and over short distances.

Vancouver SkyTrain The 43-mile (69-km) Vancouver SkyTrain is an RTS

RTS ICTS Mark I, 1985 serving Vancouver and its suburbs. Trains on the
Wheel arrangement 2-car sets Expo Line and Millennium Line are automated and
Power supply 750 V DC, third rail are driven by linear induction motors. The cars run
in two- to six-car congurations. This is a four-car
Power rating 888 hp (640 kW) per
Mark I train of the Intermediate Capacity Transit
2-car set
System (ICTS) built by the Urban Transportation
Top speed 50 mph (80 km/h) Development Corporation of Ontario.

u SDTI Duewag The San Diego Trolley is a 53-station, Berlin U-Bahn F-type The 152-mile (245km) Berlin U-Bahn (or
U2 cars, 1980/81 three-route light rail system in the city train, 1992/1993 underground railway), rst opened in 1902 and,
Wheel arrangement double-ended, of San Diego, California, which opened Wheel arrangement 2-car sets despite problems caused by the division of Berlin
6-axle, articulated in 1981. The articulated cars initially Power supply 750 V DC, third rail during the Cold War, today serves 170 stations
Power supply 600 V DC, overhead supply used were U2 vehicles built in Germany across 10 lines. The system uses both Kleinprol
Power rating 734 hp (540 kW) per
by Duewag. These cars also worked in (small prole) trains and Grossprol (large
Power rating 408 hp (300 kW) 2-car set
Edmonton and Calgary, Canada, and prole) trains, such as the F-type. The trains are
Top speed 50 mph (80 km/h) in Frankfurt, Germany. Top speed 45 mph (72 km/h) worked in four-, six-, or eight-car combinations.

d Vienna ULF tram, 1998

Wheel arrangement 2- or 3-car articulated
Power supply 216480 kW (289643 hp)
Power rating 653 hp (480 kW)
Top speed 50 mph (80 km/h)

The Ultra Low Floor (ULF) cars, built by the

consortium of Siemens of Germany and Elin
of Austria, were introduced on Viennas tram
network in 1998 and in 2008 in Oradea,
Romania. With a oor only 7 in (18 cm)
above the pavement they provide easy
u T&W Metro, 1980 The 46-mile (74km) Tyne & Wear Metro
access for wheelchairs or
Wheel arrangement 2-car articulated in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in northeast
childrens buggies.
(6-axle articulated sets) England is a hybrid light railway system
Power supply 1,500 V DC, with suburban, interurban, and
overhead supply underground sections. A total of 90
two-car articulated sets, usually coupled
Power rating 410 hp (301.5 kW)
together in pairs, were built between 1978
Top speed 50 mph (80 km/h) and 1981 by Metro Cammell in Birmingham.

d Luas Alstom Citadis tram, 1997 The Citadis is a family of low-oor trams
Wheel arrangement 3-, 5-, and built by Alstom in France and Spain and
7-car articulated (8-, 12-, and 16-axle popular in many cities around the world.
articulated sets) The 23-mile (37-km) Luas tram system
Power supply 750 V DC, overhead lines in Dublin, Ireland, uses the three-car 301
and ve-car 401 variants on the citys
Power rating 979 hp (720 kW)
Red Line, while the seven-car 402
Top speed 44 mph (70 km/h) variant works on the Green Line.

u SMRT NorthSouth Singapores Mass Rapid Transit system started life

Line C151, 1987 when the NorthSouth Line opened in 1987. Since
Wheel arrangement 6-car sets then it has been extended to 93 miles (150 km),
Power supply 750 V DC, third rail/ serving 106 stations on ve routes. Six-car C151
1,500 V DC, overhead supply (shown), C151A, and C751B trains collect current
from a third rail and have an automatic train
Power rating 2,937 hp (2,160 kW)
operation system. C751A trains, which are fully
Top speed 50 mph (80 km/h) automatic and driverless, use an overhead supply.

Gatwick Adtranz C-100, 1987 This elevated, fully automatic, driverless,

Wheel arrangement 2-car sets with guided people-mover system began operation
rubber tyres in 1987. The train connects the North and
Power supply 600 V AC South Terminals at Londons Gatwick Airport,
a distance of 3/4 mile (1.2 km). Similar systems
Power rating 110.5 hp (75 kW) per car
have proved popular in airports and cities
Top speed 28mph (46km/h) around the world.
AFTER 2000

AFTER 2000 . 265

As the world looks for alternatives to roads, rail has once again become a Key Events
priority. New energy-efcient locomotives have been launched and the search r 2000 The Acela Express is introduced
for even higher speeds continues. In 2003 an experimental Maglev (magnetic in the US. It reaches speeds of up to
150 mph (241 km/h).
levitation) train in Japan reached a speed of 361 mph (581 km/h) the worlds rst
r 2003 The rst section of the UKs
commercial high-speed Maglev began operations in Shanghai, China, in 2004. high-speed Channel Tunnel Rail Link is
Two years later, the opening of the railway to Lhasa in Tibet broke a different opened. It reaches London in 2007 and
is now known as High Speed 1 (HS1).
kind of record, taking normal trains to altitudes never before reached. Oxygen
r 2003 An experimental Maglev train
masks are available to passengers on trains that operate at more than 16,000 ft reaches 361 mph (581 km/h) in Japan,
(5,000 m). In 2007 a specially adapted TGV in France broke the world speed a new world record for a manned train.
record for a conventional train. r 2004 The worlds rst commercial
high-speed Maglev system opens in
Expansion of high-speed rail has continued around the world. China has
Shanghai, China.
opened thousands of miles of track to create the worlds largest high-speed
network. Spain, which entered the new era in 1992, has set out to create Europes
biggest system. The launch of the Acela Express in the US pushed the nations
maximum speed up to 150 mph (241 km/h), while the UK completed a dedicated
high-speed line connecting London and the Channel Tunnel.
Yet progress is not all about going faster. Metros and light rail have continued
to expand their reach and operators have pressed ahead with greater
automation. As the 21st centurys rst decade drew to a close, the Dubai Metro
became the worlds longest fully automated u Shanghai Transrapid Maglev train
line, at 47 miles (75 km). The worlds only Maglev train service runs between
Shanghai and the citys Pudong International Airport.
Rail travel has reinvented itself as a It reaches speeds of 268 mph (431 km/h).

luxurious alternative to cramped aircraft or

r 2006 Services start on the worlds
gridlocked roads passengers can travel highest conventional railway. The route
through ever-changing landscapes in style. in Tibet reaches up to 16,640 ft
(5,072 m) above sea level.
More than two centuries after it began, the
r 2007 An experimental French
railway era is far from over. TGV sets a new world record for
conventional-wheeled trains of
35714 mph (575 km/h).

Any railway, working r 2007 China enters the modern

high-speed rail age with a new
dedicated line.
properly, is a r 2009 The rst section of Dubais
metro opens, followed by another in
marvel of civilized 2010; at 47 miles (75 km) it is the
worlds longest fully automated metro.
co-operation u Orient Express luxury travel r 2012 Completion of the major
This modern poster for the Venice Simplon-Orient sections of the Beijing to Hong Kong
LIBBY PURVES, THE TIMES, 14 MAY, 2002 Express features a liveried porter and hints at
high-speed line makes it the worlds
a return to the luxury travel of a bygone era.
longest. By the time it is nished in
2015 it will be around 1,450 miles
A Bullet Train speeds through a district of high-rise ofce blocks in Tokyo, Japan (2,234 km) long.
266 . AFTER 2000

Universal Applications
The beginning of the 21st century saw changes in the way
manufacturers dealt with their customers instead of railway
companies telling the equipment manufacturer exactly what they
wanted built, the manufacturers started offering railway operators
product ranges based on universal platforms much like the auto or
aviation industries. As a result some commuters in California now
travel in similar trains to those in Berlin or Athens, and interoperable u Siemens Eurosprinter ES64 Siemens introduced the Eurosprinter
U2/U4, 2000 family of locomotives following big orders
locomotives, able to run from multiple traction voltages and using Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo from DB in Germany and BB in Austria.
several different signalling systems, are now common in Europe. Power supply 1,500 V DC/3,000 V DC The Eurosprinter range has four basic
and 15 kV AC/25 kV AC, overhead lines bodyshells and multiple versions. The
ES64 U4 (EuroSprinter 6400 kW Universal
Power rating 8,579 hp (6,400 kW)
4 system) is the most exible and able to
Top speed 143 mph (230 km/h) operate in multiple countries.

d Voith Gravita, 2008

Wheel arrangement B-B
Transmission hydraulic
Engine 8 V 4000 R43
Total power output 1,341 hp (1,000 kW)
Top speed 62 mph (100 km/h)
u Siemens Desiro Classic, 2000
Wheel arrangement 2-car DMU The Gravita family of locomotives,
Transmission mechanical developed by Voith, is designed for freight
trafc on lightly used lines. Germanys
Engine 2 x MTU 1800 6R
Deutsche Bahn purchased 130 locomotives
Total power output 845 hp (630 kW)
of two types 99 of the Gravita 10BB and
Top speed 74 mph (120 km/h) 31 of the more powerful 15BB model.
Siemens has now sold over 600 of its rst
Desiro model, the two-car articulated diesel-
powered Desiro Classic. The trains are used for
regional passenger services in Europe, and
the design has been exported to southern
California. Electric versions have also been
built for Bulgaria, Greece, and Slovenia.

r Siemens Desiro-RUS, 2013

Wheel arrangement 2-car EMU
Power supply 3,000 V DC and 25 kV AC,
overhead lines
Power rating 3,418 hp (2,550 kW)
Top speed 99 mph (160 km/h)

Desiro EMUs have been built for several

countries from the UK to Slovenia, Greece,
and Thailand. Russian railways (RZD)
ordered 38 Desiro-RUS to operate services
at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. The
trains, branded Lastochka (swallow),
were built by Siemens at their Krefeld
factory in Germany.

Bombardier ALP45 DP, 2012 These engines were designed for through
Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo operation from busy electric lines to non-
Transmission electric electried regional routes in North America
Engine 2 x Caterpillar 3512C to facilitate one-seat rides travelling
Power supply 25 kV and 12.5 kV AC, overhead wires without changing trains. The locomotive
can switch from electric to diesel (and
Total power output diesel: 4,200 hp (3,135 kW)/
vice versa) while moving. Bombardier
electric: 5,362 hp (4,000 kW)
has sold 46 to New Jersey Transit and
Top speed diesel: 100 mph (161 km/h)/ Agence Mtropolitaine de Transport
electric: 124 mph (200 km/h) in Montreal, Canada.

r Voith Maxima, 2008 u Vossloh Eurolight, 2010

Wheel arrangement C-C Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Transmission hydraulic Transmission electric
Engine ABC 16 V DZC Engine Caterpillar C175-16
Total power output 4,826 hp Total power output 3,753 hp (2,800 kW)
(3,600 kW) Top speed 124 mph (200 km/h)
Top speed 75 mph (120 km/h)
The Eurolight design from Vossloh aims to
Voith introduced its most powerful maximize available power while minimizing
single-engine, diesel-hydraulic axle weight, which enables the locomotive to
locomotive ever built for freight operate even on rural routes often not built
operators in Europe in 2008. Two for heavy trains. By using a lighter weight
versions are available the Maxima engine and lightweight body, the locomotive
40CC and lower-powered Maxima weighs under 78 tons (79 tonnes).
30CC. Around 20 have been sold,
mostly to Germany-based operators.

u Vossloh G6, 2010 Vossloh builds the G6 diesel-hydraulic locomotive in u Alstom Prima II, 2010 Alstom developed the Prima II prototype in
Wheel arrangement C Kiel in Germany at the former Maschinenbau Kiel (MaK) Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo 2008 and has sold 20 to Moroccan railways
Transmission hydraulic factory. So far it has been sold mostly to industrial Power supply 3,000 V DC and (ONCF). The locomotives are used for
Engine Cummins QSK-23-L operators in Germany. Verkehrsbetriebe Peine- 25 kV AC, overhead lines passenger trains on all electried routes.
Salzgitter (VPS) runs a large railway network serving Able to work from all traction voltages, the
Total power output 900 hp (671 kW) Power rating 5,630 hp (4,200 kW)
the steel industry at Salzgitter (central Germany) and Prima II model can be built as four-axle
Top speed 50 mph (80 km/h) has bought 40 G6s to replace 43 older diesel shunters. Top speed 124 mph (200 km/h) locomotives or six-axle freight versions.
268 . AFTER 2000

Historic Railways
Although many now operate solely for the benet of the tourist trade, todays
historic and heritage railways were rst created to full specic industrial or
commercial functions. While a few continue to perform these duties, for
many, the original reason for building the railway has gone. Nowadays it
often falls to railway enthusiasts to restore and preserve some of the worlds
most enchanting lines for posterity.

1. The Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad (1881) in Colorado serviced gold
and silver mines but is now a National Historic Landmark, running its original steam
engines. 2. The White Pass & Yukon Route (1898) was Alaskas railway built of gold
during the Klondike Gold Rush. Closed in 1982, it is now run as a tourist attraction.
3. The Ferrocarril Chihuahua-Pacco, El Chepe, (1961) traverses the Copper
Canyon in Mexico. First planned in 1880, nances and the rugged landscape delayed
construction. 4. The Old Patagonian Express, La Trochita (1935) in Argentina faced
closure in 1992 but now runs more than 20 steam locomotives. 5. The Furka Cogwheel
Steam Railway (1925) in Switzerland was abandoned when a mountain tunnel was
built in 1982. Volunteers now operate trains up to Furka Station at 7,087 ft (2,160 m).
6. Chemin de Fer de la Baie de la Somme (1887) runs around part of the coast of 3 4
northern France using vintage stock. 7. The Historical Logging Switchback Railway 5
(1926) in Vychylovka, Slovenia, closed in 1971 but part of the line has been in operation
for tourists since 1994. 8. The Giants Causeway & Bushmills Railway (1883) in Ireland was
a tramway powered by hydroelectricity. Closed in 1949, it reopened in 2002 using steam and
diesel power. 9. The Bluebell Railway (1882) in the UK, formerly the Lewes and East
Grinstead line, closed in 1958, reopening after two years as the worlds rst preserved
standard-gauge passenger line. 10. The Ventspils Narrow Gauge Railway (1916) in Latvia
was built by the German Army during World War I. Trains run today on a 114-mile (2-km)
track. 11. The Brocken Railway (1898), or Brockenbahn, in Germanys Harz Mountains
has run tourist steam trains to Brocken mountain peak at 3,743 ft (1,141 m) since 1992.
12. The Pufng Billy Railway (1900) once served farming and forestry near Melbourne,
Australia, and is now preserved for tourists.s 13. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (1881)
is listed by UNESCO as one of the most outstanding examples of a hill railway in the world.

1 6


8 12
9 13

270 . AFTER 2000

Clan Line & Belmond

British Pullman
Built in 1948, Merchant Navy Class No. 35028 Clan Line operated
as a mainline express passenger locomotive until 1967. Since Clan
Line returned to service in 1974 it has been running special trips
on Britains main lines, and regularly hauls the Belmond British
Pullman train. It has had three major overhauls in that time.

DESIGNED BY OLIVER BULLEID, Clan Line is one of 30 Merchant

Navy Class 4-6-2 Pacic locomotives built from 1941 at the Southern
Railways Eastleigh Works. Each one was named after shipping
companies that worked at the railways Southampton Docks. Clan Line
worked on the Southern Region of the newly nationalized British
Railways and in 1959 was rebuilt into its current form. In July 1967 it
was sold to the Merchant Navy Locomotive Preservation Society, which
later teamed Clan Line up with the Belmond British Pullman train.
The cars of the train once formed part of some of Britains most
famous services such as the Brighton Belle and the Queen of Scots. After
being withdrawn from service in the 1960s and 1970s, many fell into
disrepair. In 1977 James B. Sherwood began buying and restoring the
historic sleepers, saloons, and restaurant cars with the aim of reviving
the legendary Orient Express; he acquired 35 cars in all. FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW

Coal space was extended Tender has a sloping edge to Cab designed by Nameplate BR-type smoke
in the 1995 overhaul to the top to allow the crew better Bulleid in consultation mounted on side deectors tted
increase coal capacity vision when moving backwards with crews after the 1959 rebuild

Elegant locomotive
Clan Line is maintained in
working order so that it
can run on Britains main
lines. The entire class was
rebuilt in the 1950s, so none
survive in their as-built,
air-smoothed condition.


Class Merchant Navy In-service period 1948 to present (Clan Line) Origin UK
Wheel arrangement 4-6-2 Cylinders 3 In-service various
Origin UK Boiler pressure 280 psi (197 kg/sq cm) as built Coaches 11
Designer/builder Bulleid/Eastleigh Works Driving wheel diameter 74 in (1,880 mm) Passenger capacity 2026 seats
Number produced 30 Merchant Navy Class Top speed 105 mph (167 km/h) Route various

Hand rails on either Each car has two sets Carriage names are Pullman coat of arms displayed
side of the doors of 4-wheel bogies displayed on the side on the sides of each car

Palaces on wheels
The Belmond British Pullmans
carriages run on the English leg
of the famous Orient-Express
transcontinental train. They
were restored to meet rigorous
safety standards, yet maintain
their stunning vintage features.

Travelling in style
Clan Line began its life hauling prestigious heavy
boat trains with names such as Golden Arrow
and Night Ferry. Nowadays Clan Line pulls the
elegant carriages of the Belmond British
Pullman train, which offers a movable feast The later BR logo
of ne dining and silver service. Known as the ferret and dartboard
crest British Railways used this logo
on steam locomotives from 1956.
272 . AFTER 2000


The Merchant Navy Class locomotives were originally built

with straight-sided, cylinder cladding and an air-smoothed,
streamlined casing. The view from the cab was poor, and at speed
the at top generated a vacuum that drew exhaust steam down
to obscure the drivers view. The engines were nicknamed spam
cans because the shape of their casing resembled the tins of
meat imported from the US at the time. The locomotives
underwent a rebuild in the mid-50s emerging with a more
conventional look, and the casing was replaced by conventional
boiler cladding. Clan Line entered service painted in Southern
Railways Malachite Green livery, with British Railways lettering.
5 6

1. Locomotive cab side number and power classication 2. Headboard

(when hauling the Belmond British Pullman) 3. Electric headlight 4. Draw
hook and screw coupling 5. Front buffer 6. Right-hand compression valve
and cylinder drain cock pipes 7. Leading wheel 8. Walschaerts valve gear
slide bar, crosshead, piston, and radius arm 9. Locomotive lubricators
10. Whistle 11. Nameplate 12. Rear and middle driving wheels 13. Boiler
water injector (live steam monitor type) 14. Water injector delivery pipes to
clack valves 15. Tender axle-box 16. Driving wheel brake block

7 8 9


11 12


14 15 16



19 20

21 22 23 24 25


26 27 28

The Merchant Navy Class was reputed to have one of the safest
cabs. The re door contained air holes that minimized the risk of
blowbacks, while levers allowed the driver and reman to operate
the blowers without needing to step in front of the rehole.

17. General arrangement of drivers cab 18. Firebox door and back of
boiler 19. Bottom of chimney showing spark arrestor 20. Locomotive
reverser winding handle 21. Vacuum brake ejector and steam brake
control 22. Vacuum brake gauge (left) and steam chest gauge (right)
23. Speedometer 24. Sand application valve 25. Regulator handle (right)
26. Automatic warning system (AWS) Sunower dial 27. Boiler gauge glass
28. Steam supply control valve to air brake steam compressor (a modern
addition) 29. Tender water gauge indicator 30. Firemans side control
valves (left to right): damper controls, ashpan and tender sprinkler valves,
steam and water injector controls 31. Tender coal bunker space holding
about 7 tons (7.5 tonnes) of coal
2 74 . A F T E R 2 0 0 0



Built in 1928, Lucille started out as a rst-class parlour car for the Queen
of Scots Pullman service, then ran in the Bournemouth Belle. Lucille joined
the British Pullman train in 1986. Fully restored to its former glory, the
sides of the carriage proudly display its name and the Pullman coat of
arms against the gleaming umber and cream livery.

1. Pullman coat of arms transfers on side 2. Carriage name painted in gold lettering
3. Decorative gold embellishments on lower panels 4. Decorative gold design on fascia
embellishment 5. Bogie 6. Owners plate 7. Brass embarkation light above door
8. Elaborately designed door handle 9. Passenger door into carriage 10. Specication
plate attached to end of carriage

3 4

5 19

6 9 10




12 13

14 15 16

17 18

20 21

22 23


A prominent feature of this 1920s-themed, rst-class
dining car is the French-polished wood panelling of
the walls and partitions. The distinctive marquetry
on the side panels was manufactured by Albert Dunn
in the 1920s and features Grecian urns on dyed green
holly wood. The panel restoration was completed
by the Dunn family using the original green veneer.
Other period touches include the Art Deco
lampshades and brass ttings throughout. The
windows beside each table are framed with curtains
that add to the vintage feel. Luxurious, upholstered
dining chairs seat up to 24 passengers, who are served
by staff dressed in period-style uniforms.

11. Lucille carriage ready for service 12. Coat of arms and
name plaque above doorway 13. Gold lettering of carriage
name above door 14. Ceiling light with tulip glass shade
15. Brass pull-down roof vent 16. Public address speaker grille
17. Decorative, wooden marquetry panel featuring Grecian urn
design 18. Wall-mounted brass torch lights with tulip glass
shade 19. Embroidered motif on antimaccasars 20. Mirrors
inlaid into wooden panelling 21. Emergency stop chain
22. Brass individual seat number 23. Window latch
24. Internal door handle 25. Four-seat private coupe
26. Lavatory at end of carriage, accessed through corridor
276 . A F T E R 20 0 0


Designed in 1938, Cygnuss completion was delayed by World War II.

Decorated with Australian walnut panelling, the car was reserved for use
by travelling royalty and visiting heads of state. Along with Perseus, the car
formed part of Sir Winston Churchills funeral train in 1965.

1. Single-seat layout of car 2. Pullman coat of arms on carpet at entrance to car

3. Lavatory with mosaic oor depicting a swan 4. Lavatory marble sink surround and
wooden panelling 5. Decorative-glass, cathedral light window in the lavatory

4 5


Originally on the iconic Brighton Belle service, Gwen is famous along with
sister car Mona for conveying Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother)
to Brighton in 1948. After retirement Gwen was bought by VSOE in 1988,
restored, and returned to the rails as part of the Belmond British Pullman.

6. Coat of arms and name plaque above doorway 7. Decorative marquetry 8. Mirrored
wooden panels divide length of car 9. View of Gwen car along central gangway
10. Kitchen situated at end of car accessed through corridor

9 10


Originally serving on the Southern and Brighton Belles,
Vera was badly damaged during the 1940 blitz. It was
returned to service seven years later when it was teamed
up with Audrey as part of a ve-car train. After
retirement Vera was used as a summer house in Suffolk
until the Venice Simplon-Orient Express (VSOE) bought
it in 1985. Vera is renowned for its gleaming interior,
decorated with sumptuous panels of sandalwood and
mahogany. The dining chairs are upholstered in a copy
13 14
of the original 1930s fabric.

11. Coat of arms and name plaque over doorway 12. Wooden
marquetry panelling 13. Overview of Vera car 14. Illuminated
seat number 15. Etched-glass sunburst wall light 16. Detail
of brass luggage rack 17. Four-seater coupe


15 16


This car was built in 1929 as a rst-class parlour car for the
Great Western Railways Ocean Liner services to Plymouth.
Zena had an illustrious career and even hosted the French
President Auriol on a state visit in 1950. The beautifully
restored, sandalwood panels are inlaid with intricate motifs.

18. Coat of arms and name plaque above doorway 19. Art Deco motif
on wooden panelling 20. Overview of Zena car ready for service

18 19
278 . AFTER 2000

High Speed The

New Generation
By 2000, train speeds had increased signicantly since the rst
high-speed Shinkansen and TGV trains of the 1960s to 1980s.
New lines were being designed specically for trains that could
operate at 205 mph (330 km/h), and a new generation of trains
was being introduced in several countries. Plans for intercity
u Trenitalia ETR 500, 2000 These trains were based upon an earlier batch of
Maglev (Magnetic Levitation) routes were developed in both Wheel arrangement 13-car trains including ETR 500 trains built in the mid 1990s for operation
Germany and Japan although, as yet, none has been built as the two power cars on 3,000 V DC electried lines of the Italian railways
(Trenitalia). The new high-speed lines connecting Naples
construction costs are too high. In the US 150-mph (241-km/h) Power supply 3,000 V DC, 25 kV AC,
overhead lines and Rome, and Florence and Milan that opened after
operation on sections of existing lines was introduced. 2000 needed trains able to work on 25 kV AC power,
Power rating 11,796 hp (8,800 kW)
which the latest ETR 500 can do. The trains are limited
Top speed 211 mph (340 km/h) to 186 mph (300 km/h) for current operation in Italy.

u DB ICE 3, 2000
Wheel arrangement 8-coach, high-speed EMU
Power supply 15 kV AC, 162/3 Hz, 25 kV AC,
3,000 V DC, 1,500 kV DC, overhead lines
Power rating 10,724 hp (8,000 kW)
Top speed 205 mph (330 km/h) SMT/Transrapid, 2004
Sixty-seven ICE 3 trains entered service from Wheel arrangement Maglev (no wheels)
2000, just before the new 205-mph (330-km/h) Power supply electromagnetic suspension
high-speed line connecting Cologne with Power rating unknown
Frankfurt airport opened in 2002. All had Top speed 268 mph (431 km/h)
eight cars and featured panorama lounges
at either end, where passengers could see The worlds rst commercial Maglev system was built at
the driver and the line ahead through a Birmingham Airport, UK in 1984. Work to develop high-
glass screen. Seventeen of the trains were speed Maglev systems was led by Japanese and German
four-voltage international sets, four of companies in the 1990s, and the worlds only high-
which were bought by Dutch Railways. speed system opened in China in 2004 with a 19-mile
(31-km) route connecting Shanghai city with its
Pudong International Airport using German-built trains.

l Chinese Railways CRH2A, 2007

Wheel arrangement 8-coach, high-speed EMU
Power supply 25 kV AC, overhead lines
Power rating 6,434 hp (4,800 kW)
Top speed 155 mph (250 km/h)

The Chinese Government ordered 60 CRH2A

trains from Kawasaki of Japan working with China
Southern Rolling Stock Corp. (CSR) in 2004. The
train is based on the E2 Shinkansen operated by
Japan Railways (JR) East. The rst three were built
in Japan; the remainder were assembled at CSR
Sifang. CSR has built several more versions since
2008 including 16-car sleepers.

u Amtrak Acela, 2000 Amtrak ordered the new Acela design following
Wheel arrangement two Bo-Bo power cars trials of several European high-speed trains in
plus 6 passenger cars the US in the 1990s. Built to unique US standards
Power supply 11 kV AC 25 Hz, 11 kV AC for crashworthiness, the trains can tilt, enabling
60 Hz, and 25 kV AC 60 Hz, overhead lines higher speed on curves. Current maximum speed
is 150 mph (241 km/h) in service, but plans exist for
Power rating 12,337 hp (9,200 kW)
160-mph (257-km/h) operation on some sections
Top speed 165 mph (266 km/h) of the Washington DCBoston route in the future.

RZD Sapsan, 2009 German train manufacturer Siemens built eight 10-car u JR N700 Shinkansen, 2007 The N700 Shinkansen can accelerate faster
Wheel arrangement 10-coach, high-speed EMU broad-gauge (5-ft/1.52-m) versions of its Velaro high- Wheel arrangement 16-coach, than any of the trains it replaced on the
speed train for Russia in 200911. Russian Railways high-speed EMU Tkaid Shinkansen line between Tokyo and
Power supply 25 kV AC, 3,000 V DC,
(RZD) operate the trains branded Sapsan (peregrine Power supply 25 KV AC, overhead lines Hakata. Built in either 8- or 16-car train sets,
overhead lines
falcon) the fastest bird between Moscow and St most N700s were in service by 2012, and 149
Power rating 10,728 hp (8,000 kW) Power rating 22,905 hp (17,080 kW)
Petersburg/Nizhny Novgorod. Eight more trains are trains will have been delivered by the time
Top speed 155 mph (250 km/h) Top speed 186 mph (300 km/h) production ends in 2016.
due to enter service in 201415.


Meals on the Move

Bento is the Japanese name for a carefully crafted takeaway meal in a
single, often disposable, container. Bento boxes were historically made from
wood or metal, but are now found in a variety of materials and novelty shapes.
A wide range of bento box train meals, known as ekiben, are sold at kiosks
in railway stations all over Japan to take on board the train.

Novelty boxes
Ekiben packed
in boxes shaped
like Japanese
trains have
become collectors
items. This one is
modelled on the
N700 Shinkansen.
280 . AFTER 2000

Spectacular Stations
Railway stations have become sites of some of the worlds
most exquisite architecture and design. Whether the look is
contemporary or classic, the architecture of the most celebrated
stations successfully combines form and function to make an
indelible impression on every traveller who passes through them.

1. The Tsuzumi Gate of Kanazawa Station in Tokyo (2005) combines

traditional Shinto temple designs with the strings of a Japanese drum.
2. Danggogae Station in Seoul (1993) is the north terminus of Line 4 of the
South Korean capitals subway. 3. Financial Centre metro station in Dubai
(2009) was designed with a shell-like structure that recalls the citys early
prosperity from pearl diving. 4. Komsomolskaya Station in Moscow (1952)
is located on the metros Koltsevaya Line. Its grand architecture features
chandelier lighting, baroque details, and mosaics of historic Russian scenes.
5. Haydarpasa Terminus in Istanbul (1908) has neoclassical styling, is
surrounded on three sides by water, and is Eastern Europes busiest station.
6. Tanggula Station in Tibet (2006) is the highest railway station in the world
at 16,627 ft (5,068 m) above sea level. 7. Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in
Mumbai (1888) has Gothic-style architecture and has been recognized by
UNESCO as a world heritage site. 8. Berlin Hauptbahnof (2006) is a glass
and steel structure with platforms on two levels, serving 350,000
passengers daily. 9. St Pancras International in London (1868) reopened in
2007 following extensive renovation and expansion, but retained the original
Victorian roof to dramatic effect. 10. Lige-Guillemins Railway Station in
Lige (2009) has no outer walls, but a glass and steel canopy that covers all
ve platforms. The station serves as a transport hub for high-speed rail
links across Europe. 11. Grand Central Terminal in New York (1913) has
44 platforms more than any other station in the world. The Beaux-Arts
architecture features Botticino marble staircases and an astronomical ceiling.
12. Union Station in Los Angeles (1939) has the appearance of a church
from the outside, but is one of the busiest stations on the US west coast,
serving more than 60,000 passengers daily. 13. Ushuaia Station in Tierra
Del Fuego (1910) was originally used to transport prisoners to an Argentine
penal colony. It closed in 1947, but reopened in 1994 after extensive renovation;
the station has since become a popular tourist attraction.


6 7
8 9

10 11


282 . AFTER 2000

Faster and Faster

Many existing high-speed train eets have been expanded
and, as new lines have opened, increasing numbers of fast
international services have become possible, connecting France,
Germany, Spain, and Switzerland in particular. In France, a specially
u NTV AGV ETR 575, 2012 Italian private rail operator Nuovo Trasporto
modied test train built by Alstom, the TGV V150, achieved a new Wheel arrangement 11-coach, articulated, Viaggiatori (New Passenger Transport), started
world speed record of 35714 mph (574.8 km/h) in 2007. In Japan the high-speed EMU high-speed services from Naples to Rome and
Power supply 3,000 V DC, 25 kV AC, Turin in 2012 with a eet of 25 Alstom-built
main railways had been privatized by 2006, and in 2012 the worlds
overhead lines Automotrice Grande Vitesse (AGV)
rst start-up private high-speed operator was NTV in Italy, which high-speed trains. The trains are equipped
Power rating 10,054 hp (7,500 kW)
also began its services with a brand-new train design. However, with three different classes of passenger
Top speed 186 mph (300 km/h) accommodation.
state-owned operators continue to dominate.

u VT Class 390 Pendolino, 2002 The Virgin Trainss tilting, high-speed

Wheel arrangement 9- or 11-coach, Pendolino trains have speeded up journeys on
high-speed, tilting EMU the UKs West Coast Main Line from London to
Power supply 25 kV AC, overhead lines Birmingham, Manchester, and Glasgow since
2002. By leaning on curves the trains can go
Power rating 7,979 hp (5,950 kW)
faster than conventional ones, reducing
Top speed 124 mph (200 km/h) journey times and increasing track capacity.
d LSER Class 395 Javelin, 2009 Built by Hitachi in Kasado, Japan, using Shinkansen
Wheel arrangement 6-car EMU technology, the Javelin trains have been in service
Power supply 25 kV AC overhead lines since 2009 serving the London & South Eastern
TALKING POINT Railway on the UKs domestic high-speed line HS1.
and 750 V DC third rail
They have reduced journey times signicantly (in
Steam Train Revival Power rating 4,506 hp (3,360 kW)
Top speed 140 mph (225 km/h)
some cases by as much as than 50 per cent)
The UK has led the world in preserving mainline steam locomotives, with many between cities in Kent and London.
restored to working order since the 1950s. The success in preserving different
types has led to groups of volunteers trying to recreate engine classes that never
survived. All 49 Peppercorn Class A1 locomotives were scrapped in the 1960s, so in
1990 a group decided to build another from scratch. Nineteen years later the new
engine, based on the original design but with some modern features, started
operations. It now works charter trains all over the country. Several other similar
projects are now underway in the UK.

Peppercorn Class A1 No. 60163 Tornado, 2008

This is the rst main-line steam engine
built in the UK since 1960.

u PKP IC Class ED250, 2014

Wheel arrangement 7-coach, high-speed EMU
Power supply 15 kV AC, 1623 Hz, 25 kV AC, 3,000 V DC,
1,500 kV DC, overhead lines
Power rating 7,373 hp (5,500 kW)
Top speed 154 mph (249 km/h)

Polands long-distance railway company Polskie Koleje u SNCF TGV POS, 2006 Using the new LGV Est high-speed line that
Panstwowe Intercity (PKP IC) ordered 20 Class ED250 trains connects the Alsace region with Paris, the
Wheel arrangement 10-car train including
from Alstom. Based on the New Pendolino design, rst built French national railways (SCNF) TGV POS
2 power cars
for China and Italy, but without the tilt equipment, the trains (ParisOstfrankreichSddeutschland, or Paris
began to replace older locomotiveoperated trains on the Power supply 15 kV AC, 1623 Hz, 25 kV AC,
1,500 kV DC, overhead lines Eastern FranceSouthern Germany) trains started
Gdynia/GdanskWarsawKrakow/Katowice route from late 2014. operating from 2006. The TGV POS trains also
Power rating 12,440 hp (9,280 kW)
work through services to Munich and Frankfurt in
Top speed 199 mph (320 km/h) Germany plus Geneva and Zurich in Switzerland.

l SNCF TGV Euroduplex, 2012 The third-generation Duplex (double-deck)

Wheel arrangement 10-car train TGV train was built for the French national
including 2 power cars railway SNCF; 95 have been ordered, with
Power supply 15 kV AC, 1623 Hz, deliveries planned until 2017. This is the only
25 kV AC, 1,500 kV DC, overhead lines double-deck high-speed train capable of
operating across several different European
Power rating 12,440 hp (9,280 kW)
rail networks and is used for services between
Top speed 199 mph (320 km/h) France and Germany and France and Spain.

SNCF TGV V150, 2007

Wheel arrangement 5-car, TGV train
Power supply 31 kV AC, overhead lines
Power rating 26,284 hp (19,600 kW)
Top speed 3571/4 mph (574.8 km/h)

This test train used two new TGV POS power

cars and three special cars with powered
bogies, all vehicles having specially
made, bigger wheels. For the test run
on the LGV Est Europenne line, the
overhead line voltage was increased
for more power. The record of 3571/4 mph
(574.8 km/h) 6 miles (9.65 km) per
minute more than achieved the target set.
284 . AFTER 2000

Javelin No. 395 017

Built by Japanese manufacturer Hitachi, the Class 395 Javelin is based
on technology used in Shinkansen trains. A multiple-unit train set with a
power car at each end, the Javelin can be powered by overhead wires,
but uses a third-rail electricity pick-up when operating on conventional
lines in southeast England. Javelin trains have reduced some journey
times by as much as 50 per cent, and they provided a key service during
Londons 2012 Summer Olympic Games.

THE HIGH-SPEED LINE from London to the Channel Tunnel, known

as High Speed 1 (HS1), was nished in November 2007. Providing
international services via the tunnel, it also allows domestic high-
speed Class 395 Javelins to serve southeast England. Although slower
than the 189-mph (304-km/h) Eurostar trains with which it shares
the HS1, the lighter, shorter Javelin accelerates faster.
The Javelin has four safety systems. Two French systems are used
on the HS1; Transmission Voie Machine (TVM430) sends signalling
information through the track to displays in the drivers cab, and
Contrle Vitesse par Balise (KVB) monitors and controls the trains
speed from St Pancras International station, London. On conventional
British routes, the Automatic Warning System (AWS) and Train
Protection and Warning System (TPWS) work together to alert the
driver to signals, and will stop a train if it passes a danger signal. FRONT VIEW (DPT2) FRONT VIEW (DPT1) - EXTRA YELLOW

SPECIFICATIONS High-speed designer

Class 395 In-service period 2009present German designer Alexander Neumeister
created the look of the Javelin, which bears
Wheel arrangement 6-car EMU Railway Southeastern
a resemblance to his German ICE 3 and
Origin Japan Power supply 25 kV AC overhead wires and 750 V DC third rail
several Japanese Shinkansen variants.
Designer/builder Hitachi, at Kasado Power rating 4,506 hp (3,360 kW)
Neumeister has also designed Chinese
Number produced 29 Class 395 Top speed 140 mph (225 km/h) and Russian high-speed trains.

Sliding doors Safety line warns rail Electrical equipment Name honours one Third-rail shoe
are automated staff of the presence of including heating and of 24 British athletes picks up electrical
overhead power cables air-conditioning units from the 2012 power from third rail
London Olympics
J AV E L I N N O . 3 9 5 0 1 7 . 28 5

Serving the Olympic Games

Ferrying millions of visitors to the Olympic
Park via HS1 and the station at Stratford
International, the 2012 Olympic shuttle was
known as the Javelin, and the name
endures today.
286 . AFTER 2000


The aluminium car bodies are adorned in a dark blue livery

that is unique to the Javelin trains. Each car has two wide
single sliding doors on each side, painted in lighter colours to
be easily identied by passengers. The driving cars at each end
hold the pantographs and third-rail collector shoes, which
pick up electricity to power the train.

1. Olympian signature on side of front vehicle 2. Headlight (above) and

tail light (below) 3. Coupler and horn inside open nose cone 4. External
emergency door release (access handle) 5. Driving cab door handle
6. Drivers cab door 7. Southeastern logo on side 8. Rheostatic brake
resistor mounted on roof 9. Pantograph assembly 10. Vacuum circuit
breaker (VCB) 11. Third-rail shoe fuse 12. Axle end earth
13. Underframe view of a wheel and brake disc

2 3 6

4 5

7 8 10

J AV E L I N N O . 3 9 5 0 1 7 . 287


The drivers cab is typical of those found in
modern high-speed trains, with a single drivers
chair positioned centrally facing the control
desk. To the right are CCTV displays from the
passenger cars and to the left is the Train
Management System (TMS), which, among
other functions, allows the driver to switch
between third rail and overhead power.

14. Drivers seat and controls 15. Train management

system (TMS) 16. Combined power/brake controller
(CPBC) 17. CCTV panel position in driving cab
18. Emergency brake push button 19. Master key
20. Secondary seat in drivers cab 21. Short circuiting bar
and red ag, for use in emergencies 22. Miniature circuit
breaker (MCB) panel 23. Switch panel on cab back wall
24. Onboard managers door control panel in driving cab


16 17 18 20


21 22 23 24

11 13

288 . AFTER 2000


The Class 395 is designed for commuter journeys

that typically last no more than an hour. The train
does not offer rst-class accommodation, but its
passengers pay higher fares than they would on
the slower, conventional trains. The gangway runs
through all six carriages and connects them, but if
two trains are joined together, it is not possible to
get from one six-car section to the other.
The interior of the carriages is blue and grey,
and complements the dark blue external livery.
Each train contains 340 2+2 seats, with the
majority of them facing in the same direction. In
addition, there are 12 tip-up seats in the door
vestibule areas. Two toilets are provided per train,
one of which is designed for universal access.
Passenger information interfaces on the train
include digital displays and a PA system.

25. Overview of carriage 26. Seats with table 27. Luggage

rack above seats 28. Adjustable armrest 29. Tray table
on seat back 30. Interior luggage area 31. Gangway
door between carriages 32. Gangway door open button
33. Passenger information system (PIS) display panel
34. Disabled toilet 35. Power socket sign above seats
36. Emergency alarm sign 37. Hand hold on seat for
passengers walking in the aisle 38. Interior of disabled
carriage 39. Passenger door open/close buttons

26 27

29 30

J AV E L I N N O . 3 9 5 0 1 7 . 289

31 32 33


35 38 39


Dubai Metro
Worsening trafc congestion and a growing population
expected to reach 3 million by 2017 persuaded Dubais leaders
to build the United Arab Emirates rst metro. In May 2005 a
US $3.4 billion contract was awarded to Dubai Rail Link (DURL),
a consortium of companies from France, Japan, Turkey, and the
US. Two routes were planned: the Red Line and the shorter
Green Line. Work began in 2006 on the Red Line, with stations
serving the city centre.
The opening of the rst section on 9 September 2009
attracted more than 110,000 people. The ve-car trains could
carry up to 643 passengers and provided three classes of travel,
including a section for women and children. However, the most
impressive aspect was that the trains were fully automated. This
was the inaugural stage of what at 47 miles (75 km) was in
2012 declared to be the worlds longest driverless rail network.


The Red Line fully opened in April 2010, by which time the
inaugural section had already carried more than 11 million
passengers. The second route, the Green Line, was opened in
September 2011. The Metros success has led to plans to extend
the existing lines and create three addtional routes which, by
2030, would enlarge the Dubai Metro to 262 miles (421 km)
of track, servicing a total of 197 stations.

The driverless trains on the Red Line Metro in Dubai pass over viaducts
above the streets as well as underground. Power is drawn from a third rail.
292 . AFTER 2000

Into the Future

Investment in the railways around the world is growing, driven
by rising passenger numbers as large cities continue to expand,
combined with increasing road congestion, and the need to
reduce CO2 emissions. Older-style trains that use locomotives
and separate coaches are being replaced by modern, self-powered
multiple units. Rail operators, both passenger and freight, are also
seeking to reduce maintenance and energy costs; some modern
trains are designed to recycle electricity while braking.

Bombardier Omneo Rgio2N, 2010 The Omneo is the worlds rst articulated, double-deck EMU
Wheel arrangement 6- to 10-car, articulated EMU with a single-deck driving coach at each end, and double-deck,
Power supply 25 kV AC, 1,500 kV DC, articulated intermediate coaches sandwiched between short,
overhead lines single-deck door sections. The trains can be supplied in lengths
ranging from 6 to 10 cars (266443 ft/81135 m). The French
Power rating 4,291 hp (3,200 kW)
national railway (SNCF) has agreed a 7-billionframework
Top speed 99 mph (160 km/h) contract for up to 860 trains for delivery until 2025.

u Bombardier Zero 380, 2012 The latest version of the Bombardier-designed

Wheel arrangement 8-car EMU Zero high-speed train is for operation at up to
Power supply 25 kV AC, overhead lines 236 mph (380 km/h). Chinese Railways have
ordered 70 (two were delivered in 2012). In Europe
Power rating 13,454 hp (10,037 kW)
50 224-mph (360-km/h) versions are being built for
Top speed 236 mph (380 km/h) Italian operator Trenitalia, and enter service from 2014.

Local Transport Vossloh Wuppertal

Schwebebahn train, 2015
Wheel arrangement 3-section,
Developments articulated vehicle
Power supply 750 V DC, third rail
The demand for urban transport has grown signicantly adjacent to single running rail
Power rating 322 hp (240 kW)
in the last 30 years whether metros under city streets
Top speed approx. 37 mph (60 km/h)
or light-rail systems that run on roads alongside other
vehicles. The strongest growth is in Asia and the Middle Germanys Wuppertal Schwebebahn is a
suspended railway built largely above the
East where new systems have been built since 1990. River Wupper on massive iron supports.
For established networks the challenge is to create First opened in 1901, it is now a protected
more capacity through better performance and smart national monument, but is still used daily
by thousands of commuters. Vossloh will
control systems on networks that are more than supply 31 new trains from 2015 part of
100 years old, for example, in London and Paris. a comprehensive modernization plan.


Cargo Efficiency
The major Class 1 Railways in North America have
increased operational efciency and productivity
signicantly since the 1980s. By operating longer,
heavier trains using powerful modern locomotives,
Amtrak Siemens American VMS Chemnitz tram-train, 2015 operating costs per cargo container have reduced,
Cities Sprinter ACS-64, 2014 Wheel arrangement 3-section articulated LRV making rail much cheaper than road. Double-
Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo Power supply 600 V and 750 V DC, overhead stacked containers are used in North America,
Power supply 25 kV, 12.5 kV, and 12 kV AC, lines plus diesel engines Australia, and India. The Brazilian mining company
overhead lines
Vale runs the 554-mile (892-km) Carajs Railroad
Power rating electric: 777 hp (580 kW);
with the worlds heaviest trains 330-wagon,
Power rating 8,579 hp (6,400 kW) diesel: 1,046 hp (780 kW) 41,632-ton (42,300-tonne) iron-ore trains run up
Top speed 125 mph (201 km/h) Top speed 62 mph (100 km/h) to 24 times a day to the port at Ponta da Madeira.
Siemens is building 70 ACS-64s at its factory in Tram-trains that enable travel to city centres BNSF freight train, Cajon Pass, California With two
Sacramento, California. Amtrak, which introduced from regional railway lines are now in use in modern GE Evolution Series ES44DC engines at each
the rst ACS-64 in 2014, will use them to replace many EU countries. In Germany some use diesel end, this train can be up to 223-mile (4.3-km) long.
all its existing electrics on the Washington DC engines on non-electried rail lines. Chemnitz On steep gradients, the engines slow down descending
New YorkBoston Northeast Corridor route. tram-trains will use this technology from 2015. trains, as well as pull them up the inclines.

u Siemens Vectron, 2013

Wheel arrangement Bo-Bo
Power supply 3 kV DC, overhead lines
Power rating 6,974 hp (5,200 kW)
Top speed 99 mph (160 km/h)

Siemens developed the Vectron family of locomotives to

replace its previous Eurosprinter model. The rst major
order received was for 23 Vectron DC electric locomotives
from Polish rail freight operator DB Schenker Rail Polska Siemens ICx, 2017 ICx trains will replace Germanys existing
the rst of these entered service in 2013. Subsequent orders Wheel arrangement 7- or long-distance, locomotive-operated trains, and
for locomotives for use in several countries have been 12-coach, high-speed EMU later the rst two types of ICE train. Due for
obtained, including a broad-gauge version for Finland. delivery from 2017 are 85 12- and 45 slower
Power supply 15 kV AC, 1623 Hz
7-coach trains using 92-ft (28-m) long coaches
Power rating 13,271 hp (9,900 kW)
congured as distributed-power EMUs with more
Top speed 155 mph (250 km/h) seats and space than those they replace.

u Calgary Transit C-train System The Canadian city of Calgary opened its rst light-rail u London Underground Siemens London Underground has seen signicant
Siemens S200, 2015 line in 1981. Since then the network has expanded and Inspiro metro concept growth in passengers. The New Tube for
Wheel arrangement 2-car, articulated LRV carries 290,000 people daily. To increase capacity Wheel arrangement 6-car, metro EMU London programme is planning 250 new
Power supply 600 V DC, overhead lines and to retire some of the original light-rail vehicles Power supply 630 V DC, third and fourth rail underground trains, possibly automatic and
(LRVs), 60 new S200 LRVs are on order for delivery driverless, to enter service between 2020
Power rating 777 hp (580 kW) Power rating 1,340 hp (1,000 kW)
in 201516. Calgary Transit expects to increase its and 2035. Three companies are designing
Top speed 65 mph (105 km/h) eet from under 200 to 390 over the next 30 years. Top speed 56 mph (90 km/h) trains; shown here is Siemenss proposal.

2 9 6 . H O W R A I LWAYS W O R K

How Tracks Work

Wooden rails were used for the pony-drawn wagonways of earliest days of railway construction when a temporary track
the 17th century, but iron was required to support the steam was laid rst in order to transport materials to where the line
engines of the 19th century. The cast-iron rails of the rst was being constructed. The temporary track was replaced
railways were succeeded by sturdier, wrought-iron rails in the by the permanent way once the substructure was largely
1820s, before steel stronger still came into use. Steel rails completed. The gauge the distance between the rails
were rst laid at Derby Station in England in 1857. The rails, and the alignment of the rails are constantly monitored
sleepers, and ballast of a nished railway line have come to be during construction to ensure that they remain uniform
known as the permanent way, a term that dates back to the throughout the straight sections and curves in the track.


The substructure of a track is called the formation. Since a consistent grade The gauge of a railways tracks is dened as the distance between the rails,
(gradient) is required for trains to run smoothly, the ground is rst prepared to measured from the inside of the rail except in Italy, where it can be the distance
form the subgrade. The subgrade might also be covered by a layer of sand or between the centre of the rails (see below). The rst railway builders chose
stone called a blanket before it is overlaid with ballast. Sleepers are bedded whatever gauge they felt was appropriate for their line; a wider gauge was thought
into the ballast to support the rails. Crushed-stone ballast is still the most to give greater stability for a train at speed or in strong crosswinds, while a narrow
common foundation and allows for good drainage. gauge took up less space and was usually cheaper to build. When lines grew into
networks, some form of standardization became essential.
Permanent way Two foot Russian
Cess Ballast/Sub-ballast (2 ft / 0.61 m) Category (4 ft 11 2732 in / 1.52 mm)
includes 1 ft 11 58 in (0.6 m). Former Soviet Union.
Blanket (sand, optional) foundation
Formation Industrial and military use, Second most used
worldwide. after standard gauge.
Subgrade (local materials such as topsoil)

Ground level
SIDE VIEW Italian metre Irish
(3 ft 1 38 in / 0.95 m) (5 ft 3 in / 1.6 m)
Italy, Sardinia, and Used in Ireland, Brazil,
Sicily. Metre measured Switzerland, Germany,
from centre of rail. Australia, New Zealand.

Metre Iberian
(3 ft 3 38 in / 1 m) (5 ft 5 2132 in / 1.668 m)
Mountain rail and Allows compatibility
Ballastless track Ladder track
tramways worldwide, between Spanish and
Although expensive to install, ballastless Ladder track uses sleepers running in the
some light metros. Portuguese gauge.
track using a concrete roadway or precast same direction as the rails, with cross-
concrete members saves maintenance costs. member rungs to maintain the gauge.

Cape Indian
TRACK STRUCTURE (3 ft 6 in / 1.067 mm) (5 ft 6 in / 1.676 m) India
Most modern railway tracks consist of at-bottom steel rails xed to timber or Adopted in 1873 in Cape and Pakistan. Called
Colony (South Africa). Portland in US,
concrete sleepers. Flat-bottom steel rails are more stable, easier to lay, and do
Africa, Japan, worldwide. Provincial in Canada.
not suffer from wear in the same way as the old cast-iron or wrought-iron
rails. Bull-head rails are the same shape top and bottom so that they can be
turned over and reused when the head becomes worn.
Scotch Brunel
Wooden key (4 ft 6 in / 1.372 mm) (7 ft 14 in / 2.14 m)
Head of rail
secures rail Early Scottish railways Used on Isambard
Steel clip
to chair Cast iron chair including Monkland and Brunels GWR from
secures rail
to sleeper Kirkintilloch. 1838 to 1892.
sleeper Tapered screw Wooden
fastens rail sleeper
to sleeper
Standard Breitspurbahn
(4 ft 8 12 in / 1.435 m) (9 ft 10 in / 3 m)
Used on 60 per cent of Proposed for Hitlers
the worlds railways, Third Reich supertrain
FLAT-BOTTOMED RAIL BULL-HEAD RAIL including US and UK. but railways never built.

How Wheels Work Wheel set

The wheels of a train are designed to enable it to follow curves in the track. Flange wheels

Each wheel tapers from the inside outwards and has a projecting ange on
the outer edge. The ange is to prevent the wheels from derailing and
normally it never comes into contact with the track, the weight of the train
being borne by the conical surface. These sloping edges allow the wheels
to slide across the tops (heads) of the rails. The wheels on the outside of The anged wheel
a curve have further to travel, so use the larger radius close to the ange, The anged wheel was invented by English engineer
William Jessop in 1789 to provide a better grip on
while the wheels on the inside use the shorter radius closest to their centre. railed track; this helped to prevent derailments.


As steam locomotives grew bigger and heavier, they gained more wheels, spreading The rst train brakes worked like the
their weight more evenly and giving better traction. To describe the wheel brakes on a horse-drawn cart, with
arrangement, mechanical engineer Frederick M. Whyte came up with a numbering levers moving a brake shoe to press a
system in 1900. A locomotive with four leading wheels, four powered wheels, and wooden block against the wheel tread.
two trailing wheels was a 4-4-2. Articulated locomotives, designed to tackle bends This was not very efcient and caused
more easily, needed longer numbers, but the codes retained their simple logic. wear. Modern trains use disc brakes like
The Whyte system is used in the US and the UK for steam engines, although those tted to cars. The discs are
different systems are used elsewhere, and for other types of locomotive. Some attached to the axles, and calipers tted
congurations also had names. with composite brake blocks pinch
the discs to slow the train. RIM BRAKE DISC BRAKE


022 Northumbrian
During the 1870s two different types of brake systems were tried a vacuum system and an
220 Planet air brake system. Air brakes were shown to bring a 15-car train travelling at 50 mph
(80 km/h) to a halt in half the time taken by vacuum brakes. The braking distance for the
222 Jenny Lind or Patentee Westinghouse air brake was 777 ft (237 m), while a vacuum brake took 1,477 ft (450 m).
Air or pneumatic braking is the standard system used today by the worlds railways.
4-2-0 One Armed Billy

0-4-0 Four-wheeler
Filled with Brake pipe
440 American or Eight-wheeler
compressed air
Air brake application
442 Atlantic A pump compresses air for
Feed groove
use in the system. The driver
2-6-0 Mogul Auxiliary Triple
Brake controls the air with a triple
reservoir slide
2-6-2 Prairie stops valve. When this is applied,
wheel valve
Spring Piston closed compressed air is released into
460 Ten-wheeler or Grange the brake pipe and air pressure
Exhaust valve
closed forces the piston to move
462 Pacic
against a spring in the brake
Compressed air cylinder, causing the brake
464 Baltic or Hudson
ows to brake
Wheel Brake Air pressure cylinder blocks to make contact with
280 Consolidation cylinder pushes the wheels.
282 Mikado, Mike, or MacArthur

284 Berkshire
Brake pipe
4-8-4 Northern Reservoir Feed groove Air brake release
rells with air limits air intake When the driver releases the
2-10-4 Texas or Selkirk
brake valve, air leaves the
0-4-4-0 none brake pipes. As air escapes
Brake Auxiliary Triple
reservoir from the exhaust, a spring in
2-6-6-2 none releases slide
valve the brake cylinder pushes the
Spring Piston open piston back, causing the brake
2-6-6-6 Challenger
blocks to disengage from the
4-6-6-4 Blue Ridge or Allegheny wheels. The auxiliary air
valve opens
releasing air reservoir, meanwhile, rells.
2-8-8-4 Yellowstone

4-6-4+4-6-4 Double Baltic Wheel Brake Piston returns to

cylinder original position
2 9 8 . H O W R A I LWAYS W O R K

How Signals Work

In the earliest days of the railways, there were few trains and no real need for signalling
systems. Trains ran up and down single tracks, and timetables kept them far enough apart to
avoid accidents. As railway networks became more extensive, with rail trafc travelling from
far and wide, timetables based on local time (most nations did not have standard time until
the late 19th century) caused huge confusion, and signalling became essential to prevent
collisions. By the 1830s the hand and lamp signals used by rail staff were being imitated Signal lamp
by more visible mechanical trackside signals, although in some countries it would take Lamps used by train guards, brake men, or
station staff had different lenses that could
almost a century for the style of these signals to be standardized across different networks. shine a red, green, or clear white light.


Signalling tokens
The rst trackside signals came in a variety of guises but, like the
Tokens were used on single lines to
signalling lamps employed before them, used the colour red to mean ensure only one train could enter
stop. Long recognized as the international colour for danger, red each block (section) of the line at a
was an obvious choice. Green for go had also been used in lamps time. The crew collected a token from
and was chosen as it couldnt easily be mistaken for red, or for a a signalman when it was safe to enter
non-signal light that a locomotive driver might happen to see. Yellow the block, handing it to another
signalman at the end of the block.
lights, the colour adopted because it was distinct from the other two,
Automated systems were later
were later introduced to advise caution. The trackside semaphore style
developed with tokens dispensed
of signal became the most widespread type and is still in use today. BALL TOKENS USED ON INDIAN RAILWAYS and recovered by machines.

Ball signal Semaphore Woods crossbar signal Revolving disc signal Double disc signal
The most common signal on the Widespread after the 1850s, and Crossbar signals, in use from the The disc revolved vertically to Like the crossbar, the double disc
early US railways, the ball signal still in use today, semaphore arms 1830s, indicated on/off (stop/go) signal stop and go, much like rotated on a wooden or steel signal
gave rise to the term highball. signalled danger when in the with a revolving wooden board. semaphore signals. In keeping with post. Both were short-lived,
When it was raised, it was safe to horizontal position and all clear When the crossbar was swung most signals of the time, the disc however, as the clear signal was
proceed. This was later reversed. when angled either up or down. parallel to the line it signalled clear. was made of wood and painted red. hard for train drivers to see.

ELECTRIC LIGHT SIGNALS Lamp Lifting lug Stopping the train

The use of electric signal lights instead shield Signal lights control their own block of track and are
of oil lamps started to become common designed to give a driver all the warning he needs to slow
in the 1920s, although early electric Unlit glass down before reaching a hazard. Modern rail networks also
(yellow) have safety systems in place to apply a locomotives
lights were still not powerful enough
brakes automatically if it passes a danger signal.
for drivers to see them clearly from a Clip
Unlit glass
safe distance in daylight. Semaphore (green)
signals were far clearer and easier to Green all clear light
spot. It was not until 1944 that modern Lit glass
tells Train A to proceed
lenses improved the visibility of electric into next block of track
signals sufciently to allow them to Red stop light tells
replace semaphore signals fully. following train not to
Unlit glass
Railway light signals have red lights enter this block of track
at the bottom so that they are in the
drivers line of sight; road trafc lights Base Train A
have red lights at the top so that drivers
can see them above other cars. FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW


Semaphore signal systems began to be introduced in the 1840s and consisted
of two pivoting arms or blades and a spectacle holding two coloured glass Telegraph
lenses. As the arm moved, the lenses moved in front of a light source, The telegraph transformed railway signalling,
initially an oil lamp, to allow the signals to be seen at night. On the top arm allowing messages to be sent ahead of trains for
the lenses were red and blue, the blue combining with the yellowy ame of the rst time. The most successful telegraph
system was invented by Samuel Morse in 1835.
the oil lamp to make green. On the bottom arm the lenses were yellow and Morses rst apparatus used a pendulum
blue. Once electric lights were used, the blue lenses were changed to green. device, but his partner, Alfred Vail, suggested
using a lever and armature to print a code
Red, square-ended of dots and dashes the precursor to Morse
arm is horizontal, code. The system was patented in 1840 and
meaning stop adopted for railway signalling and general use. Morse key sounder, 1875 The Morse
Thousands of miles of telegraph lines were telegraph used a single electric
strung alongside the railways, connecting the current switched on or off to send
US east and west coasts in October 1861. a series of dots and dashes.

The points mechanism is a key component of any railway. Invented by English
engineer Charles Fox in 1832, the simplest system used a pull rod activated by a
lever. This adjusted movable track sections (points) to direct a train onto a curve,
taking it away from the main line. Switching the points was a task performed
by a signalman, but most points are now operated electronically.

Main line open Branch line closed Changing points

Retracting the pull
No signal for rod closes Point A
branch line and opens Point B,
Point B
the train wheels then
Yellow distant Yellow warning closed
warning arm arm is raised, following the tracks
Switch stand round onto the branch
indicates meaning all clear or lever
proceed with line, which will then be
caution open, while the main
line will be closed.

Pull rod

Point A open

Stop Proceed with caution All clear

When the upper arm is With the upper stop arm When both the upper and
horizontal, it means stop. raised and its light green, lower arms are raised and
The lower arm is a distant the train can proceed, but both lights show green, Modern points
warning, telling the driver the lower distant warning it means that the line Modern points systems are
that the train may have to arm is still telling the driver ahead is clear. The driver now controlled electronically,
stop at the next signal. to be cautious as the next can proceed safely at allowing for more complex
Both arms horizontal signal may require the normal speed until they trafc operations at busy
means stop. train to stop. arrive at the next signal. sections of connecting track.

Two yellow preliminary

caution lights instruct
Train A that it must expect Yellow caution light
Green all clear light Green all clear light to stop in two signals time instructs Train A that it Red stop light instructs
tells Train A to proceed tells Train A to proceed must expect to stop at Train A not to enter this
into next block of track into next block of track next signal block of track

Green all clear light

instructs Train B to proceed
into the next block of track

Train B
3 0 0 . H O W R A I LWAYS W O R K

Radstock North
Signal Box
Before the days of automated signalling centres, signalmen
managed the movement of trains from local signal boxes. The
Radstock North signal box once controlled the trains on the old
Great Western Railway North Somerset Line in the UK, and was
restored at Didcot to represent an original box from the 1930s.

WHETHER IT WAS TO CONTROL a stop signal or to switch a passing train but over time signalling became more mechanical, using levers housed in the
onto a different track, signal boxes once served as the control hubs of a rail signal box and positioned next to the track. The manually operated signal boxes
transport system. The boxes ensured that trains operated safely over the were often raised to accommodate the movement of the lower part of the levers,
correct route and in accordance with the scheduled timetable, and also and to allow the signalman a clear view of the surrounding track. Nowadays,
provided the signalman with a warm and dry working environment. The with the advent of electronic signalling technology, traditional signal boxes
earliest railway signals were given by hand, or with the issuing of tokens, have largely been replaced with centrally managed signalling control centres.


The signal box contains numerous levers set inside a frame

mounted on a beam beneath the oor. The levers are painted
according to their function. The large wheel operates the level
crossing, and the instruments on the shelf above the levers
indicate whether or not different sections of the line are clear.
The key token instrument offers a safety measure to ensure
no two trains are ever on the same line on a collision path.

1. Overview of signal box interior 2. Token equipment for branch line (left)
and main line (right) 3. Shelf containing block instruments and telegraph
equipment 4. Close-up of three-position block instruments 5. Control
levers: red for signals; blue for operating locks and gates; black for
controlling points 6. Large wheel and levers for operating level crossing
7. Wicket gate levers 8. Top of levers with release mechanisms 9. Brass
plate denoting signal controlled by lever 10. Framed diagram of signalling
system at Radstock North 11. Bell tapper to send coded messages to
the next signal box 12. Signal levers 13. Single line electric key token
instrument 14. Hoops used to pass tokens to drivers 15. GWR clock
16. Lamp allows signal box operation at night 17. Coal-red stove

3 4

5 7


8 9 10 11

13 14 16

The signal box is built right next to the level crossing and the
railway, with the track connected to the box by complex
interlocking mechanics. Each lever inside the box connects to
a series of metal pulleys, chains, pivots, and rods that either
change a signal, switch a point, or open and close a gate.


3 0 2 . H O W R A I LWAYS W O R K

How Steam Locomotives Work

The power of steam has long been recognized as a potential Richard Trevithick, began experimenting with high-pressure
energy source and as early as the 1st century CE steam-powered steam engines. These could be made small enough to be
devices appeared in the writings of Hero of Alexandria. It wasnt mounted on wheels and, for the rst time, steam could be used
until the dawn of the industrial era, however, that effective ways for propulsion. Trevithicks rst engine ran on roads, but in 1803
were found to harness steam power. In 1712 English ironmonger he built a steam locomotive for the Pen-y-Darren colliery that
and inventor Thomas Newcomen developed a steam-powered ran on iron track. Within 30 years the railway revolution had
pump to clear water from mines. Stationary engines such as begun, providing transport for the masses, and steam was to
Newcomens became mobile when another English engineer, power the worlds railways for more than a century.


To generate steam, hot gases pass from the rebox The essential principles of steam power remained the same
Tender handbrake
furnace along tubes that run through the boiler, where throughout the steam age, although locomotives grew more
Applies the tender
they are surrounded by water. The hot re tubes boil sophisticated. Early steam engines had just one re tube, for brakes when the
the water and steam collects at the top of the boiler. This example, but Stephensons Rocket had 25 and later locomotives handle is turned

is referred to as saturated steam and a regulator valve had 150 or more. Depending on its job shunting, hauling Coal space
controls the rate at which it is fed into the main steam freight, or a passenger express a locomotive had to deliver Coal goes from here
its power in different ways using more pistons or more driven to the rehole via the
pipe. Superheater pipes then typically boost the steam remans shovel or an
temperature to give it even more energy before feeding wheels, but the basics remained largely the same. automatic feed system
it to the cylinders, where it expands to drive the pistons.
Exhaust steam is released through the blast pipe to the
chimney, helping to draw hot gases along the re tubes.
Main steam Superheater element pipes
Steam pipe Regulator valve
Chimney Safety Water

Valve rod
Piston rod

Blast Air ow
Cylinders pipe Boiler Firebox

Steam exhaust Superheated steam
Saturated steam Hot gases

Water ller Water tank Water oat Brake rigging

Allows water tank Supplies water to Indicates Transmits pressure to
to be lled from pipes that feed water level in the brake blocks on
top of tender the boiler water tank each wheel

STEAM PROPULSION Steam feed High Steam exhaust Low

pressure steam in pressure steam out
Water from the boiler is heated to produce
steam, which is then superheated and
transferred at high pressure via the steam
pipe to the cylinder. Entering the cylinder
through a valve, the high-pressure steam
pushes a piston which, in turn, drives Cylinder Piston
Stoking the rebox
The reman feeds coal into the rebox when the engine is the series of rods and pivots that turn the
running, but the re will have been lit many hours before to
raise the temperature slowly and avoid damaging the boiler.
driving wheel, thus converting linear
motion to rotation.
1 Outward stroke High-pressure steam is fed via a valve
into the front of the cylinder where it expands and pushes
the piston, which rotates the wheel by half a turn.

INSIDE THE CAB Steam chest

pressure gauge
Most steam locomotives had a crew of Boiler pressure
two: reman and driver. The driver was Vacuum brake
pressure gauge Gauge glass shows
in charge and controlled the locomotive boiler water level
using the regulator (which acts like a
Blower control
throttle), the reverser, and the brake.
Live steam water Exhaust steam water
Watching his gauges and looking out
injector control injector control
for trackside signals, the driver regulated
Vacuum brake Steam heating
the trains speed. The duties of the
lever pressure gauge
reman were to maintain a good supply
Regulator Whistle lever
of steam by stoking the re, and an (throttle)
adequate level of water by checking Reverser Cylinder drain
the gauge glass. The reman used the handle cock lever
injector control to force water from the
Drivers seat Firemans seat
tender into the boiler. With the driver,
he would also keep an eye out for Oil can Firebox door
trackside signals, especially on curves. warming tray

Main steam pipe Boiler Blast pipe Piston valve

Carries saturated steam The re tubes are Draws exhaust steam Supplies steam either to the
Fire tubes to the superheaters surrounded by water in up the chimney front or back of the cylinder
Carry hot gases from the the boiler which they
heat to produce steam Cylinder
rebox through the boiler
Collects steam from
to heat the water Chimney the steam pipe to
Regulator valve Expels exhaust steam
Steam dome push the piston
Firebox Controls the ow and boiler gases from
Directs rising
Supplies heat of saturated steam the smokebox
steam into the
to the re tubes main steam pipe from the boiler Smokebox
Steam pipe Collects hot gases
Takes the superheated that have passed
steam to the cylinder through the boiler

Brake shoe
Grips directly onto the wheel
to slow the locomotive Driving wheel Piston
Linked to other driving Superheater element Coupling rod Connecting rod Moves forwards or
Firebox grate wheels to receive power Reheats saturated steam to Links the driving Transfers piston backwards inside
The reman shovels from the piston and give produce superheated dry wheels so that they movement to the cylinder when
coal here from the cab even traction to the rail steam at high temperature all turn together driving wheels steam expands

Steam feed Steam Steam exhaust

Steam exhaust Valve rod enters back of cylinder

Piston Moves in Piston Ready for

Piston rod return direction next outward stroke

2 Exhaust The wheel is connected to the valve

via a series of rods. These open the valve to allow
the steam, which has now lost pressure, to escape.
3 Return stroke The movement of the valve also allows
high-pressure steam to enter the back of the cylinder,
allowing the return phase of the stroke to begin.
4 Exhaust Once the wheels have made another half turn,
the valve allows spent steam to escape and fresh steam
to enter, and the cycle begins again.
3 0 4 . H O W R A I LWAYS W O R K

How Diesel Locomotives Work

The rst diesel engine was demonstrated in 1893 by the German power from the crankshaft to the wheels. A diesel engine can
engineer Dr. Rudolf Diesel, who went on to build the rst be very powerful; those used in ships can be over 50,000 hp
reliable example in 1897. A diesel engine works by drawing air railway applications are more typically 2,5004,500 hp. Early
into the cylinders and compressing it to increase its pressure diesel locomotives introduced in the 1930s and 40s were
and temperature. Diesel fuel is then injected into it and the cheaper to operate than steam locomotives, especially where oil
resulting combustion produces energy that pushes a piston, was plentiful, because they needed far less manpower. Today
which drives a crankshaft. Different transmission systems diesel-powered trains are used worldwide, particularly on less
(electric, mechanical, and hydraulic) are used to transfer the busy lines where electrication is not economical.

Most diesel locomotives (and some diesel multiple power in turn operates the traction motors, which are reliable AC (alternating current) power supplied by an
units) have electric transmissions, and are called tted to the wheels or axles of the train. Diesel-electric alternator instead of a DC generator. The AC power
diesel-electric. In a diesel-electric, the power output locomotives are different from electric locomotives from the alternator was passed through a rectier to
in the diesel engine uses a transmission system to they carry their own power plants rather than relying transform it to DC electricity to power the traction
convert mechanical energy produced by the engine on an outside supply of electricity. motors. Advances in traction inverter technology
into electrical power. This is achieved by using the Diesel-electrics originally ran on DC (direct current) in the 1980s and 1990s allowed the AC supply to
engine crankshaft to power a generator (more recently power supplied by a generator, but developments in power the motors directly, using a system known
an alternator) to produce electricity. This electrical technology in the 1960s allowed for the use of more as three-phase supply.

Air intakes Turbocharger

Filtered intakes for air Generates extra horsepower from the
for the engine and engine using hot exhaust gases
Electric control cubicle Silencer other systems
Contains electrical controls Reduces engine noise
in the exhaust
Alternator Engine
Converts rotary Produces mechanical power
mechanical power through internal combustion
Rectier from the engine to
Converts the AC power electricity to power Radiator fan
output of the alternator the motors Part of the cooling system
to DC output
to remove excess heat

Fuel tank Battery box

Flexicoil suspension Braking equipment cabinet Air compressor A diesel locomotive Contains batteries
Between locomotive body Contains electro-pneumatic Compresses air for must carry enough used to start the
and bogies to minimize braking equipment for use in braking and diesel fuel to last engine and operate
unsprung weight whole train electrical cooling each journey on-board equipment


drive controls compressor
A mechanical transmission on a gearbox
diesel locomotive consists of a direct Radiator
mechanical link between the diesel Compressor
drive belt
engine and the wheels. There are two
types of mechanism to achieve this.
In a direct-drive type mechanism, the Fluid
engine is connected to the axles via coupling
driveshafts, differentials and gearing. fan belt
The second type is the coupling
rod-drive which is used on rigid SHUNTER
Diesel engine
locomotives that have no pivoting A shunter or switcher is a small railroad
locomotive used for moving trains safely
bogies. To maintain efcient
between storage yards and passenger
adhesion, coupling rods are attached Driving wheels stations. Shunters also assemble freight
to the outer sides of the wheels of trains before a hauling locomotive takes
over. Many shunters are diesel-mechanical
all the powered axles, powering all Gearbox
locomotives as they do not need to be
of the wheels at once. Counterbalance Driveshaft Coupling rod capable of high speed.

Controls Alternator Turbocharger Radiator fan DIESEL-HYDRAULICS

Diesel-hydraulic locomotives have similarities to their diesel-mechanical cousins,
Radiator but while most diesel-mechanical locomotives or diesel-mechanical multiple units
AC are only capable of relatively slow speeds using low-powered engines, diesel-
Rectier hydraulics are able to operate at higher speeds with much more powerful engines.
Diesel engine
This is because they have a torque converter instead of a gearbox. The torque
DC converter contains a thick, viscous uid inside a rotary impeller system to transfer
power based on the amount of speed and power the engine is producing. German
designers favoured diesel-hydraulics after World War II and large numbers were
built; locomotives were even built for export as far aeld as the USA and Asia.
Air Fuel Traction
compressor tank Bogie motor
Exhaust Main air
How it works reservoir tanks
The diagram above shows how power is transferred
from the diesel engine to the traction motors on the
wheels, through the alternator and rectier.

Traction motor blower Luggage area

Fan to cool down traction Space at rear of power
motors on this side of car to store luggage
the locomotive

Diesel Cooling coil for

engine Fuel tank air compressors Batteries

Guides help
control ow
of uid Torque converter
Turbine A torque converter contains
blades hydraulic uid that acts within
rotating elements. One element,
Drive from Impeller the impeller, is driven by the
engine blades rotary power output of the diesel
engine. The impeller blades drive
the uid onto the turbine blades,
driving the turbine round and
passing rotary force or torque
on to the wheels. Extra torque
is required when starting a
locomotive; less torque is needed
to maintain a constant speed.

Drive to
Fluid lling wheels
Traction motor Driving impeller
Powers the train using
Bogie electricity generated Main air reservoirs Turbine (driven)
Specially designed for by the alternator; one Contain air for braking Fluid emptying Fixed guide vanes
high-speed operation tted to each axle and other uses port Flow of uid
3 0 6 . H O W R A I LWAYS W O R K

How Electric Locomotives Work

In Europe, electric trains were initially developed as a more of choice for subways, helped greatly by the introduction of
efcient alternative to steam and early diesel locomotives. multiple-unit train control in 1897. In the US, electrication
The rst electric locomotive ran in 1879 in Berlin, Germany. of a main line was rst used on a 4-mile (6.4-km) stretch of the
However, much of the impetus for the switch to electric Baltimore Belt Line of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, although
traction was driven by the increasing use of railway electrication was conned to urban areas with dense trafc.
tunnels, especially in urban areas. In 1890 the rst working The introduction of alternating current as a power supply
underground system opened in London using electric enabled longer and heavier trains to be operated by electric
locomotives, and electricity soon became the power supply locomotives and also increased their speed and efciency.

ELECTRIC TRAINS Electric locomotive Air-conditioning unit Air reservoirs

components Provides air conditioning Supplies air for traction motor
Like diesel-electric locomotives, electric trains employ electric motors For an electric locomotive for drivers cab and blowers and other compressed-
to drive the wheels but, unlike diesel-electrics, electricity is generated that is powered via catenary, electrical equipment air-cooled electrical equipment
externally at a power station. The current is picked up either from the pantograph picks up the
power supply and transfers it
catenaries (overhead cables) via a pantograph, or from a third rail. As they to a transformer, where it is
do not carry their own power-generating equipment, electric locomotives converted to the correct
voltage to power the traction
have a better power-to-weight ratio and greater acceleration than their
motors attached to each
diesel-electric equivalents. This makes electric trains ideal for urban routes wheel. This power allows
with multiple stops. They are also faster and quieter than diesel-powered the locomotive to move.
trains. The world rail speed record is held by an electric train a specially
converted French TGV which achieved 35714 mph (574.8 km/h) in 2007.

Motor blowers Circuit Catenary

Main rectier breaker

Cooling fans Pantograph

3-phase Auxiliary Main transformer Main inverter 3-phase

AC motor rectier AC motor
Auxiliary inverter

How it works KEY

In the three-phase AC electric locomotive above, the High-voltage AC current from catenary
AC power supply is converted to lower-voltage DC Converted lower-voltage DC current Smoothing choke Air compressors
power by the transformer and rectiers. Inverters Smooths the DC electric Feed the traction motor
then convert this power back to AC but at the same Converted lower-voltage AC current supply to ensure consistency blowers that help keep
lower voltage to supply power to the motors. of supply to the motors the engine cool

THIRD RAIL Power rail

Many subway and light rail systems use a third
Rail Insulator
power rail as a method of power supply because
it is cheaper to install than overhead lines and is Protective cover
relatively efcient. A shoe extending from the
train makes contact with the power rail, and
conducts electricity to the train. The system
has the advantage that many trains can use it
at the same time, disengaging when they no
longer need power. The power rail carries a
Third-rail layout
high current that is potentially fatal to humans
The power rail lies on insulators
and animals that come in contact with it, so mounted on sleepers, and sits
measures are taken to minimize the risk of Sleeper alongside the running rails used
contact, especially in stations and depots. by the wheels of the train.


Insulator transformer
Electric trains that collect their current from
catenaries (overhead cables) use a power-collector
device such as a pantograph, bow collector, or
trolley pole. The power collector is in contact with
the lowest overhead wire the contact wire.
Normally made from copper or aluminium, the Contact
contact wire is designed to carry several thousand wire
amps of current while remaining in line with the Mast
track and withstanding hostile weather conditions.
The mechanics of power-supply wiring is not as Catenary
simple as it looks. The contact wires tension has to
be kept constant; to negotiate curves in the route, Running Pantograph
for example, the wire has to be held in tension rail The pantograph is kept in contact with the
horizontally while it is pulled laterally. The overhead line using a spring or an air-pressure
device. Its contact strips are designed so that
overhead wire is deliberately mounted in a zig-zag they do not get hooked up over the top of the
pattern to avoid wearing holes in the pantograph. contact wire as the train moves along.

Main control cabinet Pantograph Insulator

Contains thyristor-based controls Collects power from Protects locomotive and
to convert AC supply to DC overhead cables using crew from high-voltage
required by traction motors Rheostatic brake unit carbon-tipped head power collected by the
Contains brake grid pantograph
resistors which dissipate Motor contactor cubicle
heat generated by the Controls and regulates power
traction motors fed to the traction motors

Field control cubicle

Contains electrical control
equipment for this end of
the locomotive

Transformer (behind battery box) Traction motor Traction-motor blower Three-axle bogie
Main air reservoir Reduces voltage of electricity Provides the propulsion to move Provides air cooling for All axles have traction
Air supply for train supplied by overhead cables to a the locomotive tted to each the motors mounted on motors attached and
braking system suitable voltage for traction motors axle with integrated gearbox the bogie below are powered

Protective Fixing Protective Power rail

cover cover
Shoe on train Shoe on train Protective
Shoe contact
Trains are tted with a shoe that Shoe on
collects current from the power rail. Shoe on
The simplest design is known as the train
top contact, with the pick-up shoe
sliding along the top part of the Power rail Power rail
power rail. However, the smallest
amount of snow or ice on the Power rail
exposed rail can render it ineffective. Insulator Insulator
Side contact offers more protection
from the elements, but bottom Sleeper Sleeper Sleeper Sleeper
contact is superior because it makes
contact with most of the rail and is

Brake rigging Class

Glossary The system of rods and levers that connect

the brake controls to the brake blocks on
each wheel.
A group of locomotives built to a common
design. Can also refer to the level of
passenger comfort and service provided on
a particular train or carriage, e.g. first class.
Brake van
Adhesion Bar-frame locomotive A railcar at the back of a train that provides Class 1 railroad
The frictional grip between the wheels of a A lighter weight steam locomotive originally braking power for goods trains and A US mainline railway that has annual
locomotive and the rail of a track, which is developed by Edward Bury in 1838, which accommodation for the train guard. Known carrier operating revenues of more than
affected by axle weight. Particularly had a frame made of bars rather than plates. in the US as a caboose. $250 million.
important when a locomotive is starting. This type was adopted as standard in the US.
Branch line Classification light see Marker light
Air brake Bell code A secondary railway line that branches
A braking system that uses compressed air A language using bell signals to describe off a main line, serving local stations. Classification yard see Marshalling
as its operating medium. To apply the brake, trains used by signallers to receive and yard
the compressed air is released into a pass on trains. Broad gauge
cylinder, pushing a piston and spring that Any gauge in which the rails are spaced Co-Co
push the brake block against the wheel. Bell tapper more widely than the standard gauge Refers to any diesel or electric locomotive
A device used to tap out bell signals of 4ft 8 in (1.435 m); for example, that has two triple-sets of powered axles.
Air cushion between signallers. Isambard Kingdom Brunels 7-ft -in See also Bo-Bo, Wheel arrangement
A spring of air used in modern (2.14-m) gauge.
suspension systems. Big end Coal space
The larger crankpin end of a connecting Buffer The portion of a steam locomives tender
Alternating current (AC) rod, bigger than the crosshead end as the A device that cushions the impact of rail that carries coal to fuel the firebox. The rest
An electric current that reverses its direction stresses are greater. vehicles against each other. of the tender carries water for the boiler.
of flow rapidly at regular intervals. The rate
at which it reverses per second is the Blanket Buffer stop Collector shoe
frequency, and is calculated in cycles, or An optional layer in the formation of track, The structure at the end of a track that A power collection device attached to
Hertz (Hz). See also Direct current (DC) the blanket is made of coarse material, and stops a train from travelling any further. an electric train that picks up electricity
supports the layer of ballast. Known in the US as a bumper post. from an electrified third rail that runs
Alternator See also Ballast, Formation, Subgrade alongside the running track.
An electromechanical device that converts Bullhead rail
mechanical energy into electrical energy in Blastpipe A type of rail developed in the UK, in Compound locomotive
the form of alternating current (AC). Used A pipe that conveys exhaust steam from which the top half of the rail mirrors the A steam locomotive that uses two sets of
in diesel-electric and electric locomotives. the cylinders up the chimney of a steam bottom half. This design was intended to cylinders, the second powered by exhaust
locomotive. This creates a partial vacuum, make rails last longer. Once the running steam from the first.
Articulated locomotive increasing the flow of air passing through side is worn out the rail can be turned
A locomotive (often steam) with two the firebox. over and reused. Compression ignition
or more engine units mounted on the same The process of using heat from compression
frame but pivoted so that they can move Block Bumper post see Buffer stop to ignite and burn fuel in an internal
independently of each other. This allows In signalling terms, a section of track that combustion engine. Compression ignition
them to transition through curves despite sits between two signals. Trains cannot Bunker engines are known as diesel engines, and
a long wheelbase. enter the block if the first signal is stop. An enclosure used to store coal at the back differ from spark ignition engines that use a
of locomotive not followed by a tender. spark plug to ignite fuel.
Articulated train Bo-Bo See also Diesel
An interconnected train set with cars that A common axle configuration that Bus connector
are each linked together by a single, describes a locomotive that has two groups On an electric multiple unit train, the Conductor see Guard
pivoting bogie. of twin-set powered axles. See also Co-Co, equipment that transfers the electricity
Wheel arrangement supplied by the catenary from one unit Conjugated valve gear
Ashpan to the next. The operation of a valve on a steam
Located beneath the firebox of a coal- Bogie locomotive cylinder by means of levers
powered steam locomotive, this pan collects A set of pivoted wheels attached to Cab driven by the motion of the valve gear on
the ash and cinders that fall through the suspension components placed at the The control room of a locomotive, housing two other cylinders. Used by Sir Herbert
grate of the firebox. front or rear of a locomotive to give the engine crew. Nigel Gresley on the three-cylinder
guidance and added support. Known locomotives he designed for the Great
Atlantic in the US as a truck. Cabin car Northern and the LNER in the UK.
A steam locomotive with a wheel A railway car used by railway workers to
arrangement of 4-4-2 four leading wheels Boiler monitor track conditions. It is usually Connecting rod
on two axles, four powered and coupled The part of a steam engine in which steam attached to the end of a train. On a steam engine, a connecting rod links
wheels, and two trailing wheels. First seen is produced and circulates. The boiler must the piston rods to the crankpins of the
in 1880, it was also called a Milwaukee, be filled with water almost to the top. The Caboose see Brake van driving wheels. In some early electric
after the Milwaukee Road, which used the water is generally heated by fire tubes, locomotives, the connecting rods linked
type for its high-speed passenger operations. producing steam, which builds to a high Cant the crankshaft with the driving wheels.
pressure. The fireman ensures the boiler The angle of elevation of a rail, relative to
Axlebox is sufficiently filled with water. vertical or to its partner rail. Known in the Consolidation
A metal casing housing the bearing in which US as superelevation. A locomotive with a 2-8-0 wheel
the end of an axle rotates. Boilerman see Fireman arrangement. It has two leading wheels on
Car, carriage, coach one axle, followed by eight powered and
Axle load Boxcar see Van Various terms that describe a passenger- coupled driving wheels on four axles.
The fraction of a vehicles weight that is carrying rail vehicle. Introduced in the 1860s, it was popular in
carried by a given axle. Tracks are designed Brake the US and Europe as a freight hauler.
to carry a maximum axle load. A locomotive has a set of brakes to slow it Catenary
down, and is normally fitted with an Originally referring to the wire that Container
Ballast additional control that engages brakes supported the conductor wire of an A metal freight box that can be packed
The bed of stone, gravel, or cinders on along the length of the train via the brake overhead electrification system, the term with goods, sealed, and then transported by
which a rail track is laid. Sleepers are rigging. Brakes are activated by air, steam, catenary now applies to the entire specially adapted trains, trucks, and ships.
bedded into the ballast to support the rails. or a vacuum. See also Air brake, Vacuum overhead wire arrangement. Also known
See also Blanket, Formation, Subgrade brake as overhead lines and overhead wires. Coupler, Coupling
The mechanism for connecting rail vehicles
Banker Brake block Chimney together. Methods are standardized across
An extra locomotive that is coupled to a The friction material that is pressed against The opening in the top of the smokebox a single railway to allow any rolling stock
train to help it climb a steep section of track. a wheel to slow a train down when the through which exhaust gases and steam to be coupled together. Known in the UK
Known in the US as a helper. brake is applied. escape. Known in the US as a smokestack. as a coupling, and in the US as a coupler.

Coupling rods Double-heading Fire tubes Guard

The driving wheels along each side of a steam The use of two locomotives, with separate Tubes running between a steam A member of a trains crew who performs
locomotive are linked together by coupling crews, at the head of a train. locomotives firebox and smokebox. Hot ticketing duties. The guard looks after
rods, also known as side rods. Coupling the gases drawn through the fire tubes heat parcels and other freight in the guards van,
wheels spreads the power and reduces the Driving wheels the water surrounding the tubes. and may also be responsible for the brakes.
possibility of wheels slipping. The powered or driven wheels of a Known in the US as a conductor, a term
locomotive that provide traction. Flange which is increasingly used in the UK.
Cowcatcher see Pilot The projecting lip on the inside edge of a
Dynamic breaking wheel that guides the wheel along a rail. Handcar see Pump trolley
Crank In electric and diesel-electric locomotives
The part of a steam locomotive that and multiple units, the electric traction Flat-bottomed rail Helper see Banker
transmits power from the piston to the motors can be used as generators that act The standard rail used today, which takes
driving wheels via connecting rods. as brakes to slow down the train. Excess the form of a T-shape with a wide, flat base. Horsepower (hp)
energy may be dissipated as heat through A unit of power equal to 550 foot-pounds
Crankpin brake grid resistors (this is known as Footplate per second (745.7 watts). Used to express
A large steel pin that is pressed into the rheostatic braking). On an electric train, The floor of a locomotive driving cab the power produced by steam, diesel, or
wheel centre. On steam engines, the driving the excess energy may also be absorbed where the crew stands. Footplate can also electric locomotives.
wheels are driven by rods that transmit back into the power supply system (this refer to the entire cab.
force to the wheels through the crankpins. is known as regenerative braking). Hot box
Formation Term for an axlebox that has overheated
Crankshaft Dynamometer The substructure of a track on which the due to inadequate lubrication or too
In steam locomotives, a shaft that acts upon A device (also called a dyno) used for sleepers and rails are laid. See also Ballast, heavy a load.
cranks to convert the linear motion of the measuring force, torque, or power. On the Blanket, Subgrade
piston into rotary motion. This rotary railways, dynamometer cars are used to Injector
motion drives the wheels. measure a locomotives speed. Freight A device that feeds water into the boiler
A term used to describe trains transporting of a steam locomotive against the pressure
Crosshead Ejector finished goods and raw materials. It can of steam in that boiler.
The point of connection between the piston Part of a vacuum brake system. The ejector also refer to the load of materials or
and the connecting rod that, along with the evacuates the brake pipe to create a products that are being carried. Interchange
slidebars, keeps the piston rod in line as it vacuum, which releases the brakes. A railway station where passengers can
moves in and out of the cylinder. Funicular railway transfer from one train to another that
Electrics Used on tram, cliff, and industrial lines, follows a different route. Known in the
Cutting Refers to all locomotives, multiple-unit funicular railways use cables or chains to US as a transfer.
A channel dug through a hillside to enable trains, and railcars that draw the electric move vehicles up and down slopes.
a rail track to maintain a shallow grade. power for traction from an external source. Interlocking tower see Signal box
The electric supply is either picked up from Gangway
Cylinder a conductor rail placed beside the track, or A flexible structure provided at the ends Intermodal container
An enclosed chamber in which a piston from a caternary. of coaches to provide access from one A term used to describe a freight container
moves to produce power that is transmitted coach to another. that can be transferred from one mode of
to the wheels. On a steam locomotive, the Elevated railway transport to another, such as from a train
piston is made to move by the force of A railway built on raised platforms. Garratt locomotive to a lorry or a ship.
high-pressure steam acting against it. Examples are the former Liverpool An articulated steam locomotive with a
Overhead Railway in the UK and part boiler in a central frame and two engines Inverter
Diesel of the New York Subway in the US. on separate frames at each end. A piece of electrical equipment on a
Unlike petrol engines, diesel engines use diesel-electric or electric locomotive that
compressed air, rather than a spark, Embankment Gas turbine converts direct current (DC) power supply
to ignite the oil that fuels them. On a A raised pathway across a depression in A type of internal combustion engine that into an alternating current (AC) supply.
locomotive, the transmission of power from the landscape that enables a rail track to uses high-temperature, high pressure gas
a diesel engine to the wheels may be by maintain a shallow gradient. to generate energy. Both US and Russian Jacobs bogie
electric, mechanical, or hydraulic means. railways are now experimenting with gas Designed by German railway engineer
See also Compression ignition Engine turbine-electric locomotives (GTELs), Wilhelm Jakobs, this is a type of bogie used
The power source of a locomotive, driven which use a gas turbine to drive an on articulated railcars and tram vehicles.
Diesel-electric by steam, electricity, or diesel. Steam electric generator or alternator. The bogie is placed between two car body
Any locomotive, multiple unit, or railcar locomotives may also be referred to as sections, rather than underneath, so that
that utilizes the diesel-electric system. steam engines. Gauge the weight of each car is spread on one
In a diesel-electric, mechanical power The distance between the inside running half of the bogie.
generated by combustion is converted Exhaust edges of the rails of a track. Many gauges
into an electric charge in a generator or The used steam and combusted gases are used in different countries and on Journal box
alternator, and this electricity powers motors produced by either a steam or a diesel different railways. Also denotes a visual The housing in which the end of an axle
that drive the axles. locomotive. display of readings for steam, pressure, etc. turns on a bearing.

Diesel-hydraulic Express train Gauge glass Kriegslok

Any locomotive, multiple unit, or railcar A train that stops only at certain larger A vertical glass tube in a steam locomotive Short for Kriegslokomotive, this is a German
that utilizes the diesel-hydraulic system. stations on its route in order to arrive at its cab that indicates the water level in the war locomotive. Built in large numbers
In a diesel-hydraulic, power generated by final destination faster. boiler and firebox. during World War II, they were cheap and
combustion is passed through a torque easy to build, easy to maintain, and could
converter that transfers power to the wheels Firebox Generator withstand extreme weather conditions.
based on the amount of speed and power The section at the rear of a steam An electromechanical device that converts
the engine is producing. locomotive boiler that houses the fire that mechanical energy to electrical energy in Leading wheel
heats the water in the boiler. Fuel is fed the form of direct current (DC). A wheel located in front of the driving
Diesel-mechanical into the firebox from the cab, and the wheels of a steam locomotive that provides
Any locomotive, multiple unit, or railcar generated heat is fed through the boiler Gondola see Open wagon support but which is unpowered.
that utilizes the diesel-mechanical system. by the fire tubes.
In a diesel-mechanical, power generated by Grade, Gradient Level crossing
combustion is transferred directly to the Firehole The slope of a track. Known in the UK as A location where a railway crosses
wheels by means of driveshafts, gearing, The aperture in the firebox of a steam gradient and in the US as grade. a road or path at the same elevation.
and differentials. locomotive through which coal or other Known in the US as a grade crossing
fuel is fed by the fireman. Grade crossing see Level crossing or a railroad crossing.
Direct current (DC)
An electric current that flows in a constant Fireman Grate Level junction
direction. Alternating current (AC) has A crew member responsible for keeping the A grille of firebars at the base of a firebox A railway junction where multiple lines
significant advantages over direct current firebox of an engine fed with coal or other upon which the fire rests. The gaps in the intersect, crossing the path of oncoming rail
in terms of transforming and transmission. fuel. Also known as a stoker or boilerman. grille allow in air to assist the fire. traffic at the same elevation.

Light rail engine to have a multitube boiler with Pullman car Safety valves
A form of rail transport typically operating 25 copper tubes instead of a single flue A luxury railway carriage. Pullmans were In a steam locomotive boiler, relief valves
within urban environments. Light rail or twin flue. initially introduced in the US by George that are set to lift automatically to allow
vehicles (LRVs) include streetcars and trams. Pullman in 1865 as sleeping cars on steam to escape if the boiler pressure
Multiple unit (MU) long-distance trains. exceeds a set limit.
Link valve gear A term used in diesel and electric traction
A design of valve gear, designed at the that refers to the semi-permanent coupling Pump trolley Saloon
Stephensons locomotive works in 1842. of several powered and unpowered vehicles A small, open railway vehicle propelled by A luxurious railway carriage used as a
to form a single train. its passengers, often by means of a hand lounge, or with private accommodation.
Livery pump. Known in the US as a handcar.
Distinctive colours, insignia, and other Narrow gauge Sandbox see Sanding
cosmetic design features of a rail vehicle. Any railway with a gauge narrower than Rack railway
the standard 4ft 8 in (1.435 m). A railway with an additional toothed Sanding
Loading gauge rack-rail. A train or locomotive running on The application of sand between the wheel
The dimensions that a rail vehicle must not Oil firing the railway is fitted with a cog that lines tyres and the rails to increase grip and
exceed, to avoid collisions with trackside A method of firing a steam locomotive with the teeth on the rail, enabling it to prevent wheelslip. The sand is piped from
objects and structures. Different countries using oil as fuel. climb slopes that would be impossible a sandbox, which is often situated on top
have different loading gauges. for a normal train. of the boiler.
Open wagon
Locomotive An open-top piece of rolling stock used Railcar, railmotor Saturated steam
A wheeled vehicle used for pulling trains. to transport loose materials such as ore A self-propelled passenger vehicle, usually Steam that has yet to be superheated to
Steam and diesel locomotives generate their and coal. Known in the US as a gondola. with the engine located under the floor. remove any remaining water droplets.
own power, while electric locomotives Also known as wet steam.
collect electricity from an external source. Overhead lines or Overhead wires Railway standard time
see Catenary Before the introduction of railway Semaphore signalling
Maglev train timetables, different places in the same A system that relies on pivoting arms to
A train that works by being levitated above Pacific country often had their own local time. relay a signal to drivers. The angle of each
and propelled over special tracks by A locomotive with a wheel arrangement In the 1840s, railways began to introduce pivoting arm tells the driver whether the
electromagnetic force. Maglevs produce of 4-6-2. It has four leading wheels on a standardized railway time to avoid signal is stop, caution, or all clear.
virtually no friction, and are very quiet two axles, six powered and coupled driving confusion caused by local time differences.
in operation at high speed. wheels on three axles, and two trailing Shoe see Collector shoe
wheels on one axle. The Pacific was a Rectifier
Main line common type of steam passenger locomotive A piece of electrical equipment on a Shunter
An important railway line, often running during the first half of the 20th century. diesel-electric or electric locomotive that A small locomotive used for moving trucks
between major towns or cities. converts an AC power supply into a DC or wagons around in a marshalling yard.
Pantograph power supply. They are also used alongside Known in the US as a switcher.
Marker light An assembly on the roof of an electric railways to convert traction current.
Particularly in the US, a light that was used locomotive or electric multiple-unit Shuttle
to signal the status of the train to other power car that draws current from an Regenerative brake see Dynamic A railway service that operates between
drivers. Green marker lights indicated a overhead wire (catenary). Also known braking two stations, often without intermediate
regularly scheduled train; white marker as a current collector. stops. A common use of shuttle services is
lights indicated an extra train; and red Regulator to take passengers between airport termini,
marker lights attached to the final car Passenger train A lever used by the driver of a steam or from an airport to a city centre.
indicated the end of the train. Red lights are A train with carriages intended to transport locomotive to control the supply of
still used in tail lights around the world people rather than goods. These trains steam to the cylinders. Known in the Side rods see Coupling rods
today. Also known as a classification light. travel between stations at which passengers US as a throttle.
may embark or disembark. Siding
Marshalling yard Reverser A section of track off the main line used
A place where freight trains are assembled, Passing loop, passing siding Mechanism with a wheel or lever that for storing rolling stock.
or where freight wagons for different A position on a single-track railway where controls the forward and reverse motion
destinations are moved to the correct train. trains travelling in opposite directions can of a steam locomotive. Signal
Known in the US as a classification yard. pass each other. Known as a passing loop A mechanical or electronic fixed unit with
in the UK and as a passing siding in the US. Rheostatic brake see Dynamic an arm or a light that indicates whether
Metre gauge braking a train should stop, go, or use caution.
A railway track with the inside of its rails Permanent way
3 ft 3 in (1 m) apart. The rails, sleepers, and subgrade of a Rolling stock Signalling token
railway line. The term comes from the fact A term used by railway companies to refer A token used in old signalling systems.
Metro that temporary lines were laid during to the collection of vehicles that run on The token was collected by the trains crew
Internationally, a name that is popularly railway construction, which were then their railway. at the beginning of a block of track. The
used for an underground rapid transit replaced by a permanent way. token was returned to the signaller at the
system a type of high-capacity rail public ROD other end of the block of track. This
transport in urban areas. Generally known Pilot Stands for the Railway Operating Division system ensured that at any time, only one
as a subway in the US. Each system has its A sloping plate or grid fitted to the front of the British Royal Engineers, who train would be travelling within a block.
own name, such as London Underground, of a locomotive; it is designed to push maintained the railways in theatres
New York Subway, and Paris Mtro. obstructions off the track. Known in of war during World War I. Signaller, signalman
the US as a cowcatcher. In the UK, a person employed by a railway
Monorail Running board, running plate to manage and operate the points and
A railway system based on a single rail. Piston The footway around a locomotives engine signals on a section of track from a signal
A monorail is often elevated above the The cylindrical assembly that moves back- compartment or boiler. box. Known in the US as a towerman; in
ground, and built in urban areas. and-forth inside each cylinder of a steam or the US the term signaller denotes a signal
diesel engine. The movement of the piston Running gear maintenance worker.
Motion provides mechanical power, which is The parts involved in the movement of an
In railway terminology, the collective term transferred by various means to the wheels. engine. Includes wheels, axles, axleboxes, Signal box
for the piston rods, connecting rods, and bearings, and springs. A control room in which the movement of
valve gear of a locomotive. Piston rod trains is controlled by means of signals and
The rod linking the piston in a cylinder Running shed blocks, ensuring trains travel safely and to
Motive power depot see Running with the crosshead. An old name for a motive power depot, schedule. Known in the US as a tower or
shed where locomotives are stored, repaired, interlocking tower.
Points and maintained when not in use.
Multitube boiler A track mechanism at the point where two Sleeper
A locomotive boiler with multiple tubes, tracks diverge that allows a train to move Saddle tank The cross-piece supporting the rails, made
which revolutionized steam locomotive from one track to another. Known A tank locomotive that has the water tank out of wood, concrete, or steel. Early
design. Stephensons Rocket was the first in the US as a switch. mounted on top of the boiler. railways also used stone sleeper blocks.

Known in the US as a tie or crosstie. The Subgrade Traction motor Vertical cylinder
term sleeper can also describe a coach or Ground prepared to give a consistent An electric motor that uses incoming Vertically mounted cylinders used in early
train that provides beds for passengers on gradient to tracks that will be laid above it. electrical energy to power the axles. Used locomotives such as the Stephensonss
overnight or long-distance journeys. See also Ballast, Blanket, Formation in both diesel-electric and electric traction. Locomotion No.1 and, later, in specialized
forms of shunting engines and narrow-
Sleeping car Subway see Metro Tractive effort gauge locomotives.
A carriage with beds where passengers can A measure of a locomotives pulling power;
sleep while travelling. Sleeping cars were Supercharging the effort that it can exert in moving a Wagon
first introduced in the US in the 1830s. A way of introducing more air into the train from standstill. This force is calculated A general term for a rail vehicle that
cylinders of a diesel engine, by using a by measuring the energy the locomotive carries freight.
Slidebars turbocharger to force air through the inlet exerts on the rails. See also Traction
On a steam locomotive, slidebars combine valves at higher than atmospheric pressure. Walschaerts valve gear
with the crosshead to guide the movement Trailer, trailer car A form of link motion valve gear first
of piston rods. Superelevation see Cant A passenger vehicle in a multiple unit that patented in 1844 by Egide Walschaerts,
has no power traction equipment, and a Belgian engineer. It was widely used in
Slip coach Superheated steam which is powered by the vehicles that Europe, being easier to maintain and
A coach that could be uncoupled from a Steam that has been raised in temperature are attached to it. lighter than Stephensons link valve gear.
moving express train and braked to a halt and volume by adding extra heat as it It first appeared in the US in 1876 and was
at a station. This allowed passengers to passes between the boiler and the cylinders. Trailing wheel also used extensively there.
disembark without halting the main train. This dries the steam by turning remaining A wheel located behind the driving wheels
water droplets into gas, thus delivering of a steam locomotive that provides support Water column, water plug
Smoke deflectors more power. but which is unpowered. A hollow pole fitted with a hose and
Metal sheets attached to the smokebox connected to a water supply for filling
to funnel air upwards, forcing smoke and Switch see Points Train locomotive water tanks. Water columns
steam emitted from the chimney away Passenger or freight vehicles coupled may be fitted onto cranes with movable
from the cab to improve visibility. Switcher see Shunter together and travelling as one unit along arms to allow water to be supplied to
a railway line. Trains can be self-propelled locomotives on either of two adjacent
Smokebox Tail light or locomotive-hauled. tracks. Known in the UK as a water
The leading section of a steam locomotive The lamp at the rear of a train. In the UK, column, and in the US as a water plug.
boiler assembly that houses the main steam a train is not complete without a red rear Transfer see Interchange
pipes to the cylinders, the blastpipe, the warning light. See also Marker light Westinghouse brake
chimney, and the ends of the firetubes. Ash Transmission A widely used automatic air brake invented
drawn through the firetubes collects here. Tank locomotive In a diesel locomotive, the method by in the 1870s by US engineer George
A steam engine that carries its fuel and which power is transmitted from an engine Westinghouse. Universally adopted in the
Smokestack see Chimney water on its chassis rather than in a tender. to an axle or the wheels. Transmission may US, it was also developed worldwide.
The water is often held in side tanks or in be electrical, hydraulic, or mechanical.
Spiral saddletanks that encase the boiler. Wet steam see Saturated steam
A railway formation in which tracks cross Truck
over themselves as they ascend a mountain. Telegraph (electric) A small rail wagon. Also, the US term Wheel arrangement
A communication system developed in for a bogie. A method of classifying locomotives by the
Splasher the 1830s that used electrical impulses distribution of different types of wheels.
A semi-circular guard used to enclose the travelling through wires to send messages. Turntable For steam locomotives, Whyte notation
top section of a large-diameter driving It became the standard instrument of A device for rotating rail vehicles so they is a common system. Diesel and electric
wheel. Often fitted when a wheel protrudes railway communication worldwide. can travel back in the direction they came locomotives and powered cars are
above the running board of a locomotive. from. Largely obsolete today. categorized by the number of powered
Tender and unpowered axles that they have.
Standard gauge A vehicle attached to a steam engine that Twin-track railway The unpowered axles, which often carry
Rails spaced 4 ft 8 in (1.435 m) apart. carries the fuel and water. A railway that runs two tracks along the the leading and the trailing wheels, are
Standard gauge is the most commonly used same line, each track taking trains in listed numerically, while the powered
gauge worldwide. Designed by Robert Third rail opposite directions, rather than both axles supporting the driving wheels are
Stephenson for the first inter-city railways, A system that provides an electric train directions being serviced by a single track. given an alphabetical description. See also
it is also known as Stephensons gauge. with power through a conducting third rail Bo-Bo, Co-Co, and Whyte notation.
set alongside the running tracks. The power Underground see Metro
Steam chest is collected via a shoe attached to the train. Wheel unit see Bogie
The internal part of a locomotives cylinder USATC
block where the valve chamber connects Three-phase system An abbreviation that stands for United Wheelset
with the steam supply and exhaust pipes. A system that enables a steady supply of States Army Transportation Corps. An assembly that consists of two wheels
AC current without fluctuations to power Locomotives built in the US for the attached to an axle on a rail vehicle.
Steam dome traction motors, enabling higher traction USATC were shipped to Europe for
A chamber on top of the barrel of a steam power to be achieved. use by the Allies in World War II. Whyte notation
locomotives boiler where superheated A classification of steam locomotive wheel
steam collects and is directed to the Throttle see Regulator Vacuum brake arrangements that is based on the number
cylinders through the steam pipe. A type of brake that is held off by a partial of leading, driving, and trailing wheels. For
Tie see Sleeper vacuum and applied when air is let into example, a wheel arrangement of 4-4-0
Steam locomotion the system. Vacuum brakes were used in would denote a locomotive with four
Steam locomotion is founded on the Tilting train the UK because, unlike air brakes, they leading wheels, four driving wheels,
principle that when water is heated above A train that can lean into bends, enabling did not require a separate pump. and no trailing wheels.
its boiling point, it turns to steam and its it to travel faster around curves without
volume becomes 1,700 times greater. If this passenger discomfort. Valve Yard
expansion takes place within a sealed vessel In a steam locomotive, valves co-ordinate An area off the main line used for storing,
such as a boiler, the pressure of the steam Tower see Signal box the movement of steam into and out of the sorting, loading, and unloading vehicles.
will become a source of energy. cylinders. In a diesel engine, valves control Many railway yards are located at strategic
Towerman see Signaller fuel intake and expulsion of exhaust gases. points along a main line. Large yards may
Steam pipe have a tower from which marshalling
The pipe that connects the steam dome to Track Valve gear operations are controlled.
the steam chest in the cylinder block. The permanent fixtures of rails, ballast, Linkages that connect the valves of a
fastenings, and underlying substrate that steam locomotive and control the
Stoker see Fireman provide a runway for the wheels of a train. movement of the valves.

Streamliner Traction Van

A locomotive or train set that incorporates In railway terms, a force that relies on A at-bottomed freight wagon with
streamlining into its shape to provide friction between a wheel and a rail to sliding doors on each side. Known in
reduced air resistance. generate motion. See also Adhesion the US as a boxcar.
312 . INDEX

Bombardier cab interiors continued
ALP45 DP 267 Deltic prototype 1901
Omneo Rgio2N 292 DHR B Class No.19 889
Traxx 253 DR No. 18.201 235
All general page references are given in italics. Baldwin Locomotive Works Zefiro 380, 292 DR No. 52.8184-5 Kriegslok 175
References in bold refer to main entries. Baldwin ALCO narrow gauge 131 Bonnie Prince Charlie 210 GWR Auto Trailer No. 92 102
Baldwin Class DS-4-4-660 179 Borsig, August 56 IR Class WP No. 7161 209

accidents 104
Baldwin Old Ironsides 30
Baldwin S12 switcher 180
Baldwin Spider 131
Borsig No.1 56
Boston subway 64
Box Tunnel (Wiltshire) 48
Javelin No. 395017 287
King Edward II 139
Mallard 155
Acela Express 265, 279 Baldwin Switcher 130 Boxley Whitcomb 30-DM-31 178 Merchant Navy Class No. 35028 Clan Line
Adams, William 64 early diesels 157 Braithwaite, John 17 273
Adelaide, Queen 53 SR Class Ps-4 134 brake vans 146, 10811 Merddin Emrys 81
Adler 245 VGN Class SA No. 4 1137 brakes 297 modified DR V100 227
ADtranz ball signals 298 Bridgewater Canal 23 N&W J Class No. 611 203
C-100 2601 ballast 296 Brig-Visp-Zermatt Bahn (BVZ) 252 N&W GP9 Class No. 521 185
DE AC33C 251 ballastless track 296 Brighton Belle 270, 274, 276, 277 Palace on Wheels 259
AEG 224 Baltimore & Annapolis Railroad, B&A GE Britain see United Kingdom Reading MU No. 800 165
Aerolite (NER Class XI, No. 66) 989 70-ton switcher 1801 British Pullman 2707 Rocket 21
Agenoria 17 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O) 13, 28, 29, British Rail see British Railways steam locomotives 303
air brakes 35, 297 36, 72, 306 British Railways (BR) 169, 186, 245 Thatcher Perkins 41
airport railways 261 B&O Atlantic 30 Beeching Report 221 VGN Class SA No. 4 117
Akbar (IR Class WP No. 7161) 204, 2069 B&O Bo Switcher 125 BR Class 4MT 210 cabooses, H&BT No. 16 10811
Akkuschleppfahrzeuge (ASFs) 237 B&O Class B No.147 Thatcher Perkins 3741 BR Class 05 1867 Cail, Jean-Franois 46
Alexandra Docks (Newport & South Wales) B&O Class P-34 No. 9523 223 BR Class 7 Britannia 211 Caledonian Railway (CR)
Railway Co. Saddletank No. 1340 98 B&O F7 Class 1801 BR Class 08 186 CR 812 Class 98
Alexander III, Tsar 122 B&O Grasshopper John Hancock 31 BR Class 9F 21011 CR No.123 623
Alstom 193, 282 B&O L Class No. 57 Memnon 36 BR Class 14 236 Engine No.17 62
Citadis tram 261 B&O Lafayette 31 BR Class 42 187 Races to the North 62
Prima II 267 electric trains 95 BR Class 58 250 Calgary transit C-train system Siemens S200
Alta Velocidad Espaola (AVE) 246 GM EMD GP40 223 BR Class 70 No. 20003 196 293
alternating current 306, 3089 Baltimore Belt Line 306 BR Class 91 253 California Zephyr 43
American Car & Foundry Company, AFC battery locomotives 144, 237 BR Class 92 2523 Camden & Amboy Railway 24
three-dome tanker 147 Battle of Britain Class Light Pacific BR Class 108 187 Camelback (SRR A-4 Class) 76
American Civil War 36, 38, 133 locomotives 198 BR Class AL1/Class 81 197 Canada 31, 56, 61, 745, 146, 157, 2501, 260
American Locomotive Company (ALCO) 105, Bavarian Class S3/6 104 BR Class EM1/Class 76 197 Canadian Central Railway 74
134 Beattie, Joseph 45 BR Type 5 Deltic D9000 Class 55 2289 Canadian National Railways (CN) 229, 250
Amtrak 43, 221, 228 Beeching, Dr Richard 221 BR GM EMD Class 66 251 CN Class U-4-a 157
Acela 279 Beeching Report 186, 221 BR HST Class 253/254 229, 241 Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) 61, 745, 223
Amtrak Class HHP-8 253 Beijing to Hong Kong high-speed line 265 BR Type 1 Class 20 187 CP T1-C Class Selkirk 146
Amtrak GE Genesis 250 Belgium 131, 151, 198, 248 BR Type 4 Class 40 187 Canterbury & Whitstable Railway 24
Amtrak Siemens American Cities Sprinter see also Socit Nationale des Chemins de BR Type 4 Class 47 222 Cape Government Railway (CGR), CGR
ACS-64 293 fer Belges (SNCB) BR (W) Gas Turbine No. 18000 1867 Class 7 83
Amtrak Superliner 241 bento boxes 279 BR(W) Brake Third Carriage 2167 Cape Town to Wellington Railway 57
Penn Central/Amtrak Metroliner 2401 Berlin Deltic 188 carbon dioxide emissions 292
Turboliner 221, 228 division of 221 logo 136, 271 cargo efficiency 293
Amur Line 1223 electric tramway 91 Mark III sleeper 241 carriages 523, 2167, 2401
Andrew Barclay Industrial 199 Hauptbahnhof 2801 Mark IIIB First Open 241 Art Deco-style 157
Angadh (XE Class) 146 U-Bahn F-type train 260 broad gauge 35, 48, 501, 667, 1201, 146 British Pullman 270, 2747
Argentina 56 Untergrundbahn 95, 260 Brocken Railway 2689 comfort of 217
Arlberg-Orient-Express 140 BerlinPotsdam Railway 56 Brookwood Cemetery 65 DHR B Class No. 19 89
Armstrong, George 64 The Best Friend of Charleston 13, 28 Broun, Sir Richard 65 Directors car 30
Art Deco 129, 156, 157, 275 Beyer Peacock & Co. 95, 121, 210, 211, 212 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 35, 489 GWR Auto Trailer No.92 1003
articulated steam locomotives 95 Beyer-Garratt 95 atmospheric railway 44, 45 GWR broad gauge 51
artillery, railway-mounted 133 Class NG G16 211 broad gauge 48, 50, 66 Javelin No. 395017 2889
Asia Express 156 No. 138 21215 Brunel, Marc 48 L&BR Queen Adelaides Saloon No. 2 523
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe TGR K Class Garratt 121 Budapest Metro 64, 95, 260 London locals 645
Railway 241 BG Type 1B N2T Muldenthal 47 car 124 London underground 55
Atlantic (B&O) 301 Bhor Ghat Railway 57 Budd Company, Budd RDC railcar 181 Maryland coach 31
atmospheric railway 45 Bienvene, Fulgence 106 Buddicom, William 47 Nova Scotia coach 31
ATO (Automatic Train Operation) 237 Big Bertha (Dicke Bertha) 133 Buehrig 157 Orient Express 140, 141
Auriol, President 277 Big Boy (UP Class 4000) 9, 169, 2045 Buenos Aires Western Railway 56 Palace on Wheels 2549
Australia 56, 121, 129, 1567, 2389 Big Four 12, 186 Bugatti, Ettore 157, 158 Prince of Waless Coach 82
Austria 46, 112, 113, 121, 133, 196, 261 Black Five (LMS Class 5MT) 142 Bugatti railcar (autorail) 152, 1589 Rocket 18, 21
auto coaches 1003 Blackie (Hawthorn No.9) 57 Buick Ma&Pa Car No. 101 161 self-propelled 99
automatic trains 237, 2601, 265, Blackjack 159 Bulleid, Oliver 170, 198, 270 The Blue Train 194
290, 293 Blaenau Ffestiniog 78, 83 Bullet Trains 158, 221, 228, 2301, 264 see also cabooses; coaches
Automatic Warning System (AWS) 284 Bloomer, Amelia 53 Bury engine 25 cars (automobiles)
AVE see Alta Velocidad Espaola BLS Ae 4/4 196 Bury, Edward 25, 44 Draisine 236
Blcher 26 business travel 8 Ma&Pa car No. 1 161

Baghdad Railway 112
Blue Tigers (ADtranz DE AC33C) 251
Blue Train see The Blue Train 1945
Bluebell Railway 2689 C
ownership 221, 222, 236
pump cars 161
reliance on 9
Baikal see SS Baikal BNSF freight train 293 cab interiors Cascade Tunnel (Washington State) 124
Baikal-Amur Magistral 221, 245 bobbers 108 Beyer-Garratt No. 138 215 Catch Me Who Can 13, 14, 16
Baldwin, Matthias 30, 114 Bockwaer Railway 47 C&PA Snow Plow 71 catenary 306, 307
INDEX . 313

Cavalier (N&W) 200 Cras Iompair ireann (CI) Cravens Stock Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) continued engines continued
cemetery railways 65 coach 240 DR V22.09 (Class 171/172) 236 how electric locomotives work 3067
Central Pacific Railroad (CP) 35, 42, 43 Cornishman (GWR) 667 DR V60 D (Class 105) 2367 how steam locomotives work 3023
CP No. 60 Jupiter 37 Coronation Class (LNER) 150 DR V300 (Class 132) 237 Napier Deltic D18-25 188
CF de lEst Crampton, No. 80 Le Continent Coronation Scot (LMS) 151 Reko-Wagen 241 English Electric
467 Coudersport & Port Allegany Railroad DeWitt Clinton 29 0-4-0 Battery Locomotive N788 144
CF de lOuest Buddicom Type 111 No. 33 (C&PA), Snow Plow 6871 Diesel, Rudolph 304 Deltic prototype 169, 186, 18891
Saint Pierre 47 cowcatchers 36 diesel-electrics 3045 Enterprise express 250
Chance, Fred 169 Crampton, Thomas 46 diesel-hydraulics 305 Ericsson, John 17
Channel Tunnel 245, 246, 2489, 253, 265, crane tanks 77 diesel-mechanicals 305 Erie Lackawanna Railway, GM EMD Class
284 Cravens Stock 240 diesels 129, 15861, 169, 170, 17887, 221, SD45 2223
Rail Link 248, 265 crew, steam locomotives 303 2223, 2289, 2367, 2501, 2667, 293 Eurofima 240
Chapelon, Andr 135 Crewe Works 44 first 95 Eurostar 245, 2489, 284
Chat Moss 23 Crocodiles (Krokodils) 160 forerunners of 95 Class 373/1 246
Cheltenham Flyer (GWR) 150 Cumberland Valley Road, CVR No. 13 Pioneer how diesel locomotives work 3045 Evening Star (BR Class 9F) 21011, 221
chemicals 216 36 and oil crisis 252 Experiment 29
Chemin de Fer de la Baie de la Somme 268 Cuneo, Terence Tenison 220 Direct-Orient-Express 140 Express dOrient 140, 141
Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 229 Currier & Ives 723 Directors Car (1828) 30 express freight 143
Chesapeake & Western, Baldwin Class cut-and-cover method 55 disc brakes 297
DS-4-4-660 179
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (Mumbai) 61,
Cygnus Carriage 276
Czechoslovakia 222, 224
CSD Class 363 252
District Railway 64
DR Coach No. 100 65
dock railways 76, 77, 98, 199, 2367
Fairlie, Robert Francis 76, 78
Chicago & North Western Railroad 43, 223 Dong Feng (Chinese DF4) 223 Fairy Queen (EIR No.22) 567
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad,
CB&Q Pioneer Zephyr 159
Chicago, Iowa & Nebraska Railroad 43
D-Day landings 170, 171, 177
Doppelstockwagens 217
double disc signals 298
double-decker (duplex) trains 283, 292
Ferkeltaxi (DR V22.09) 236
Ferrocarril Chihuahua-Pacifico,
El Chepe 268
Chicago, South Side Elevated Railroad 260 dairy wagons 143 draisines, motorized 236 Ferrovie dello Stato (FS)
China 146, 205, 222, 223, 224, 245, 246, Dalhousie, Lord 57 Drehstrm-Triebwagen 124 FS Class 740 105
265, 278 Dandy Car No.1 53 Dripps, Isaac 24 FS Class ETR 197
Class SL7 156 Danggogae Station (Seoul) 280 driverless trains 2601, 290, 293 FS Class ETR 200 161
DF4 (Dong Feng) 223 Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) 57, 61, drivers, steam locomotives 303 FS Class ETR 500 253
China Railways 2689 Drummond, Dugald 96 Ffestiniog Railway 212
CRH2A 278 DHR Class B 83 Drysllyn Castle (GWR) 1345 FR Double Fairlie No. 10 Merddin Emrys
CS Class QJ 205 DHR Class B No.19 849 Dubai Metro 265, 2801, 2901 76, 7881
Chinese labourers 43, 74 Davis, Phineas 30 Dubai Rail Link (DURL) 290 FR Prince 445
Chittaranjan Locomotive Works 205, 206 de Glehn, Alfred 104 Dublin, Luas Alstrom Citadis tram 261 FR Single Fairlie Taliesin 83
Christie, Agatha 9 Dean, William 130 Duchess of Hamilton (LMS) 1501 Fiennes, Gerard 245
Churchill, Sir Winston 276 Delaware & Hudson Canal & Railroad 13, Dudley, Earl of 17 Financial Centre metro station (Dubai) 2801
Churchward, George Jackson 95, 97, 99 29 Dunn, Albert 275 Fire Fly (GWR) 50
Circum Baikal Line 123 Deltic prototype 169, 186, 18891, 228, 304 Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge fireboxes
Citadis trams 261 Deltics 188, 228 Railroad 268 double 78, 79
City & South London Railway (C&SLR) 64 Denver & Rio Grande Railroad 120 Durant, Thomas 42 stoking 302, 303
C&SLR electric locomotive 65 Derby Lightweight trains 187 DWA Class 670 railcar 251 fireless locomotives 44, 66, 157
C&SLR Padded Cell 64 Derwent (S&DR No. 25) 52 firemen 303
City of Truro (GWR City Class No. 3440) 97
Clan Line 2707
class travel 47, 64, 89, 217
Deutsche Bahn (DB) 245, 251
DB ICE 1 247
DB ICE 3 2789
East Coast Main Line 62, 150
first class 47, 217
First Transcontinental Railroad 345, 423
flanged wheels 297
Class V36 Shunter 170 Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) 169, 210, 245 Races to the North 62 Flche dOr 135
Climax locomotives 113 DB Class 23 210 East Germany 169, 192, 193, 211, 217, 222, Fliegender Hamburger (DR Class SVT 137) 158
coaches DB Class E03/103 229 2248, 2327, 240, 245, 252 Flying Hamburger (DR Class SVT 137) 158
broad gauge 51 DB Class E41/141 197 see also Deutsche Reichsbahn Flying Mail 723
early US 301 DB V160 Class 218 223 East Indian Railway (EIR) Flying Scotsman (LNER) 134, 135, 1489
GWR Auto Trailer No. 92 1003 DB V2000 (Class 220) 192 EIR Class XT/1 145 food, perishable 8, 143, 1467, 216, 217
Prince of Waless Coach 82 DB VT11.5 (Class 601/602) 193 EIR No.22 Fairy Queen 567 Forster, E.M. 95
see also carriages DB VT98 (Class CC6500) 193 EIR No.1354 Phoenix 121 Forth Bridge 61, 94
coal mines 76, 144, 146, 199 Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) 129, 142, 169, 245 Edmondson, Thomas 125 Foster, Raistrick & Co. 17
Cold War 221, 245 DR Acid Cannister Wagon 217 Edward Bury & Co 25 Fowler, Henry 134
Collett, Charles B. 134, 135, 136, 142, 143, DR Class 01 135 Edward VII, King 82 Fowler, John 44
144, 145, 199 DR Class 03.10 151 Egypt 26 Fowlers Ghost 44
colour signals 2989 DR Class 05 150 Einheitskleinlokomotiven 161 Fox, Charles 299
Columbine (GJR) 445 DR Class 41 143 ekiben 279 France 13, 289, 467, 56, 95, 104, 105, 1067,
commuters 8, 64, 216, 2601, 266, 2923 DR Class 44 146 electric bus connectors 163 129, 1301, 133, 1345, 169, 171, 196,
Compagnie du Nord 135 DR Class No. 52.8184-5 Kriegslok 169, electric trains 61, 901, 95, 1245, 148, 15865, 1989, 221, 2289, 245, 2469, 265,
Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits 140 171, 1725 260, 169, 1967, 221, 2223, 2289, 2823, 292
compound engines 96, 104 DR Class 65.10 211 2367, 2467, 2523, 2667, 2789, see also Socit Nationale des Chemins de
compression ignition oil locomotives 95 DR Class 99.23-24 211 2829, 2923 fer Franais (SNCF)
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 9 DR Class 99.73-76 145 how electric locomotives work 3067 freight trains 9, 989, 1301, 1427, 1701, 177,
concentration camps 9, 169, 177 DR Class 243 252 Electro-Motive Division 251 180, 187, 1923, 199, 212, 2167, 221,
conductors, cabooses 10811 DR Class K 161 Elevated Railway (New York) 61, 1189 2223, 2367, 2501, 2523, 2667, 293
conjugated valve gears 148 DR Class SVT 137 Fliegender Hamburger 158 Elizabeth II, Queen 276 diesel locomotives 304
container transport 223, 236, 293 DR Class V100 222, 2247 Empire State Express 62, 63 express freight 143
continuous braking 146 DR Class V180 222 engine room, Deltic prototype 190 Union Pacific Railroad 423
convict labour 122, 123 DR Class VT18.16/Class 175 228 engines freight yards 144
Cook, Thomas 35 DR EO4 160 armoured 131 Friendship Train 171
Cookham Manor (GWR) 143 DR No. 18 201 2325 battery-powered 144, 237 Fruit Growers Express, FGEX fruit boxcar
Cooper, Peter 13, 29 DR V15 (Class 101) 193 how diesel locomotives work 3045 1467
314 . INDEX

Furka Cogwheel Steam Railway 268 Great Western Railway (GWR) continued hoppers 146 journeys, great continued
Furka Oberalp Bahn 252 GWR 2800 Class 99 horse-drawn railcars 53 Indian Pacific 2389
Furness Railway, FR No. 3 Old Coppernob 44 GWR 2884 Class 147 howitzers 133 Orient Express 1401
Fury (L&MR) 223 GWR 3700 Class or City Class 97 HSB Halberstadt railcar 251 Jubilee Coach No.353 65
GWR 4000 Class or Star Class 97 Hungary 64, 95, 124, 133 Jupiter (CP No.60) 37

Garbe, Robert 104
GWR 4575 Class Prairie Tank 145
GWR 5600 Class 144
GWR 5700 Class Pannier Tank 145
Hunslet Engine Co. 210
Hunslet Austerity 198
Lilla 77
Jupiter (L&MR) 223
Jura-Simplon Railway 95
Juratovic, Jack 157
gas-turbine powered trains 221, 228 GWR Auto Trailer No. 92 1003 Linda 77
Gatwick, ADtranz C-100 2601
gauge 296
battle of the gauges 35, 48, 51
GWR Castle Class Drysllyn Castle 1345
GWR Corridor Composite carriage
No. 7313 216
Huntingdon & Broad Top Mountain Railroad
& Coal Co., H&BT Caboose No.16 10811
Huskisson, William 21
Karlsruhe, tram-train 245
broad 35, 48, 501, 667, 1201, 146 GWR Dean Goods 130 hydroelectric power 160 Keretapi Tanah Melayu (Malaysia) 251
conversion of GWR 66 GWR Firefly Class Fire Fly 50 Kerr Stuart, KS Wren Class 120
metre 224, 296
standard 26, 35, 48, 51, 66, 120, 296
see also narrow gauge
GWR Hall Class Hinderton Hall 1423
GWR Iron Duke Class Iron Duke 50
GWR Iron Duke Class Lord of the Isles 51
I-class No.1 56
Kiesel, William 134
King Edward II (GWR No.6023) 1359
Klein-Linder articulation 130
geared locomotives 113 GWR Iron Duke Class Sultan 501 Iarnrd ireann, I Class 201 250 Klondyke (GNR Class C2) 967
General Electric 125, 180, 250, 251 GWR Iron Mink Covered Wagon 989 Illinois Central Railway 217 Komsomolskaya Station (Moscow) 280
General Motors 1789, 180 GWR King Class King Edward II 1359 Imlay, Richard 31 Krauss, Georg 46
Electro-Motive Division (EMD) 182, 250, GWR Manor Class Cookham Manor 143 India 35, 61, 82, 83, 849, 112, 120, 145, 146, Kriegslok (DR No. 52.8184-5) 169, 171,
251 GWR Modified Hall 199 160, 171, 2049, 245, 2549 1725
GM EMD Class SD45 2223 GWR Rover Class 51, 667 Indian Class EM 112 Kruckenberg, Franz 158
GM EMD GP40 223 GWR Steam Railmotor No. 93 99, 100 Indian F Class 82 Krupp 133, 145
The General (W&A No. 39) 36 GWR streamlined railcar 158 Indian Pacific 2389 KVB (Contrle Vitesse par Balise) 284
generator car (Palace on Wheels) 259 GWR Toad brake van 146 Indian Railways
genocide 9, 177
George V, King 150
German Wagon AG (DWA) 251
Radstock North Signal Box 3001
and standard time 63
Green Arrow (LNER Class V2) 143
IR Class AWE 171
IR Class WL 205
IR Class WP Pacific No. 7161 204, 2069
ladder track 296
Germantown & Norristown Railroad 30 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 63 IR Class YG 205 Lafayette (B&O) 31
Germany 13, 24, 30, 31, 35, 467, 56, 77, 901, Gresley, Sir Herbert Nigel 129, 134, 135, 143, Indian SPS 120 lamps, signal 298
95, 104, 105, 112, 1201, 124, 129, 1301, 148, 150, 152 Indusi safety gear 232 Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, LYR Wren
133, 1345, 1423, 145, 147, 1501, 156, Greyhounds (LSWR T9 Class) 96 industrial design 156, 157 77
158, 1601, 169, 1705, 177, 1923, 197, guards compartment (Palace on Wheels) 259 industrial railways 767, 989, 113, 199, Landwhrden (Class G1 No.1) 46
21011, 217, 2229, 2367, 240, 245, Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad, GM Class E7a 2367, 267 Large Bloomers (LNWR) 523
2467, 2512, 260, 2789, 293 1789 Inner Mongolia 204, 205, 245 Le Capitole (SNFC Class CC6500) 228, 229
see also Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB); Gwen Carriage 276 Inter-city travel 18, 221, 240, 241 Leipzig Station 129
Deutsche Bahn (DB); Deutsche Reichsbahn InterCityExpress (ICE) 245, 247 Leipzig to Dresden Railway 31, 35
Gernroder-Harzgerode Railway, GHE T1
(Triebwagon) 160
Hackworth, Timothy 17, 31, 52
intermodal freight transport 223, 236
international services 1401, 2489, 282
interoperable locomotives 266
Lend-Lease programme 170, 198
Lew (L&B) 1445
Lige-Guillemins Railway Station 2801
Giants Causeway &Bushmills Railway Halske, Johann 91 Invicta 24 light rail systems 245, 265, 2923
2689 handcars 161 Ireland 240, 250, 261 light signals 2989
Gilbert, Rufus 119 Hardwicke (LNWR Improved Precedent see also Iarnrd ireann; Cras Iompair Lightning Express 723
Glacier Express 252 Class No.790) 62 ireann Lilla (Hunslet) 77
Gladstone (LB&SCR B1 Class) 623 Harvey, Charles 119 Iron Duke (GWR) 50 Lima Locomotive & Machine Co., Lima Class
Golden Arrow 271 Harzer Schmalspurbahnen 251 Italy 26, 105, 160, 161, 197, 253 C Shay 121
Glsdorf, Karl 112, 113 Harzkamel (modified DR V100) 2247 after 2000 278, 282 Lincoln, Abraham 42, 72
Glsdorf Hawksworth, Frederick W. 199, 217 see also Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) Linda (Hunslet) 77
Class 170 112 Haydarpasa Terminus (Istanbul) 2801 Ivatt, Henry 96 lines
Class 310 113 headlamps 151 closures 221, 236
Gooch, Daniel 50, 66
Gotthard Railway 158, 159, 160
Gotthard Tunnel 61
Heavy Gustav (Schwerer Gustav) 133
Hedley, William 13, 16
Heeresfeldbahn 130
Jamaica 56
electrification 197, 306
high-speed 245, 246, 265
modernization 245
grade (gradient) 296 Heisler, Charles L. 113, 157 Japan 60, 61, 82, 169, 221, 228, 2301, 264, Link, O. Winston 200
Grand Central Terminal (New York) 61, 2801 Heisler 2-truck geared locomotive No.4 113 265, 2789, 282 Lion 25
Grand Junction Railway (GJR) 44 Henry Oakley (GNR Class C2 Small Atlantic Class SL7 156 literature, trains in 9
Columbine 445 No.990) 967 Japan National Railways Liverpool (L&MR) 223
Grasshoppers 30, 31 Henschel metre-gauge 1301 JNR Shinkansen Series 0 228, 230 Liverpool & Manchester Railway (L&MR)
Gratitude Train 171 heritage railways 9, 2689 JNR Shinkansen Series 300 2301 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 223, 24, 25, 267
Great Central Railway, GCR Class 8K 130 Hero of Alexandria 302 JR N700 Shinkansen 279 Locomotion No. 1 13, 1617, 26
Great Eastern Railway (GER) 64 hi-rail vehicles 161 Japans No.1 82 Loewy, Raymond 157
GER S56 Class 65 Hiawatha expresses 156 Javelin No.395017 2829 London & Birmingham Railway (L&BR) 26
Great Indian Peninsular Railway 57, 112 High Level Bridge (Newcastle) 26 Jefferson, Thomas 13 L&BR Queen Adelaides Saloon No.2 523
GIPR Class WCP 1 160 High Speed 1 (HS1) 248, 265, 282, 284 Jennie (KS Wren Class) 120 London & North Eastern Railway (LNER)
Great Northern Railway (GNR) 148 High Speed Train (HST) 221, 228, 229, 241 Jervis, John B. 289 148, 150
GNR Class C2 Small Atlantic 967 high-pressure water-tube boilers 148 Jessop, William 297 LNER Class A3 135, 152
GNR Stirling Single Class 62 high-speed trains 9, 221, 22831, 2459, 253, Jews, deportation of 9, 177 LNER Class A4 Mallard 1505
Races to the North 62 265, 2789, 2829 Ji-Tong Railway 205, 245 LNER Class C1 Large Atlantic 97
Great Western Railway (GWR) 13, 25, 35, 48, Hinderton Hall (GWR) 1423 jiggers 161 LNER Class P2 150
134, 142, 150 historic railways 2689 Jintys 144 LNER Class V2 Green Arrow 143
GWR Auto-trailer No. 92 1004 Historical Logging Switchback Railway 268 John Bull 245 London & North Western Railway (LNWR)
broad gauge 501, 667 Hitachi 284 John Hancock (B&O Grasshopper) 31 LNWR Improved Precedent Class 62
Broad Gauge Coach 51 Hitler, Adolf 9 Johnson, Samuel W. 96, 97 LNWR Large Bloomers 523
coat of arms 101 H.K.Porter Inc. 178 journeys, great LNWR Pet 45
GWR 633 Class 64 Holden, James 65 The Blue Train 1945 Races to the North 62
INDEX . 315

London & South Eastern Railway (LSER), Metropolitan Railway continued Norfolk & Western Railway (N&W) continued Pen-y-darren steam locomotive
LSER Class 395 Javelin 2829 Met C Class 65 N&W EMD GP9 Class 180 13, 1415, 16
London & South Western Railway (LSWR) Met Class A No. 23 523 N&W EMD GP9 Class No.521 1825 Penn Central Corporation
LSWR 4115 Class 64 Met E Class No. 1 989 N&W J Class 204 Penn Central Wagon No. 32367 216
LSWR Class 0298 45 Met Jubilee Coach No. 353 65 N&W Pullman Class P2 No. 512 21617 Penn Central/Amtrak Metroliner 2401
LSWR T9 Class 96 Metropolitan-Cammell 217 Norfolk Southern Railway 182 Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., PP&L D
London, Brighton & South Coast Railway Midland Railway (MR) 51 Norges Statsbaner AS, NSB Class D13 1923 fireless 157
(LB&SCR) MR Class 115 96 Norris, William 30, 31 Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) 62, 108
LB&SCR A1 Class 645 MR Compound 1000 Class 97 North British Locomotive Company 131 PRR Class A5s 146
LB&SCR B1 Class 623 Mikados 146 North British Railway (NBR) PRR Class B1 161
London Illustrated News 47 military railways 9, 1303 NBR Dandy Car No. 1 53 PRR Class E7 11213
London local railways 645 milk trains 143 Races to the North 62 PRR Class G5s 134
London, Midland & Scottish Railway (LMS) Miller, Joaquin 129 North Eastern Railway (NER) PRR Class GG1 4935 159
134, 142, 1767 Milwaukee Road, MILW (Chicago, NER Class XI, No. 66 989 PRR Class K4s 134, 157
LMS 8F 170 Milwaukee, St Paul & Pacific Railroad) NER electric locomotive 1245 PRR Class S1 157
LMS Class 3F Jinty 144 Class A 156 NER petrol-electric autocar 124 track inspection 151
LMS Class 5MT Black Five 142 mining 76, 113, 144, 146, 212, 293 Races to the North 62 Peppercorn Class A1 No. 60163 Tornado 282
LMS Coronation Class 1501 mixed traffic 1423 North London Railway (NLR), NLR 75 Class Pere Marquette Railway, PMR GM EMD
LMS Diesel Shunter 161 Modernisation Plan (BR) 169, 186, 187, 210 64 SW-1 No. 11 179
LMS Royal Scot Class 134 Mohawk & Hudson Railroad 29 North Star (GWR Star Class No. 4000) 97 permanent way 296
London Necropolis Railway 65 monorails 246 North Star (L&MR) 223, 25 Pershing Nord 131
London, Tilbury & Southend Railway, LTSR Morse, Samuel 299 North Western Railway (NWR), Pet (LNWR) 45
Class 79 99 Morse code 299 NWR ST 120 petrol locomotives 131, 158
London Transport, LT Victoria Line 237 Moscow Metro 129, 260 Northeast Frontier Railway (NF) 84, 206 petroleum 216
London Underground 35, 44, 64, 237, 260, 306 mountain railways 76, 82, 83, 849, 1201, 125 Northfield, James 238 Phantom (BR Class 08) 186
building 545 multi-voltage electric locomotives 252 Norway 26, 192 Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Shops, P&R
Siemens Inspiro metro concept 293 multiple-unit (MU) trains 100, 1625, 240, Notesse, Raoul 151 Switcher No. 1251 144
Lord of the Isles (GWR) 51 306 Nova Scotia Coach (1838) 31 Phoenix (EIR No. 1354) 121
Lucille Carriage 2745 self-powered 292 Novelty 17 Pickering, Edward 57
Ludwig Railway 24 Mussolini, Benito 160 Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori, NTV AGV piggyback transport 223
Luftwaffe 177 ETR 575 282 Pioneer 36
luxury 1401, 1945, 217, 239, 245,
2549, 265
Lyd (L&B) 1445
N&W Class A 204
Nutting, John Gurney 157
Nydqvist & Holm AB (NoHAB) 192
Pioneer Zephyr (CB&Q) 159
Planet 24
Pocahontas (N&W) 200, 216
Lynton to Barnstaple line, L&B Lew 1445 Nagelmackers, Georges 140
Napier Deltic engine 188 O points 299
mechanical interlocking 35

McConnell, James 53
narrow gauge
around the world 823, 1201
Beyer-Garratt No. 138 21215
Ocean Liner (GWR) 277
oil prices/crisis 247, 252, 304
Old Coppernob (FR No. 3) 44
Poland 193, 199, 252, 283, 293
Polar Star (GWR Star Class No. 4005) 97
Polskie Koleje Panstwowe (PKP)
McIntosh, John F. 98 DHR Class B No. 19 849 Old Ironsides (Baldwin) 30 PKP Class EP09 252
MacKay, Charles 61 historic railways 2689 Old Patagonian Express, La Trochita 268 PKP Class Pt47 199
Maglev (magnetic levitation) trains 246, 265, Merddin Emrys 7881 Oldenburgische Class G1 No. 1 Landwhrden PKP Class SM30 193
278 military railways 130 46 PSK IC Class ED250 283
Maglev Transrapid prototype 246 modified DR V100 2247 Olive Mount Cutting 23, 26 Port Carlisle Railway 53
mail trains 723 specialist steam 767 Omneo Rgio2N 292 La Portea 56
mainline electrification 197 see also gauge; metre gauge Ontario & Quebec Railway 74 posters 42, 128, 140, 168, 169, 220, 238, 245,
Mallard (LNER Class A4) 9, 129, 148, 1505 nationalization 169, 178 Orenstein & Koppel, O&K Feldbahn 265
Marc Sguin locomotive (1829) 289 Nelson, Hurst 99 1301 power rails 306, 307
Mariazell Railway, Mh 399 121 Netherlands 35 Orient Express 61, 1401 Powhatan Arrow (N&W) 216
Marquardt, Ernst 169 New Empire State Express 128 Otavi Railway 212 Prairie Tank (GWR) 145
Marshall Plan 198 New South Wales Government Railways, Oudh & Rohilkand Railway, O&RR Class B Preston Docks Sentinel 2367
Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad (Ma&Pa) NSWG Class C38 157 No.26 57 Prince (FR) 445
Car No. 1 161 New York overhead lines 307 Prince of Waless Coach 82
GM EMD Type NW2 No. 81 1789 Elevated Railway 61, 11819 Owl 723 privatization 245, 282
Maryland Car 171 Subway 64, 95, 119 oxygen masks, for high altitude 265 Promontory Summit (Utah) 345, 43
Maryland Coach (1830) 31 World Fair (1939) 151 golden spike 345, 37
mass city transit 35
mass production 11213
mass transport 9
New York Central & Hudson River Railroad
(NYC&HR) 62
NYC&HR No. 999 63
Pacific Railway Act (1862) 42
Prussian state railways 95
Prussian Class G8 112
Prussian Class P8 104
Matheran Hill Railway 84 New Zealand Railways (NZR) Pacific type 104, 105, 1345, 148, 150, 152, Prussian Class T18 105
Maunsell, Richard 142 NZR Class Ab 134 156, 186, 198 Puffer 14
MDT/IC No. 13715 217 NZR Class K 142 Padded Cell carriage 64 Puffing Billy 13, 16
meals Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Pakistan Railways 251 Puffing Billy Railway 2689
takeaway, Japan 279 Robert Stephenson & Co 24, 26 Palace on Wheels 245, 2549 Pullman
see also restaurant cars T&W Metro 261 Pannier Tank (GWR) 145 Car 35
mechanical interlocking 35 Newcomen, Thomas 16, 302 panorama lounges 278 Class 216
Memnon 367 Nicholas II, Tsar 122, 123 pantographs 306, 307 see also British Pullman
Merchant Navy Class No. 35028 Clan Line Night Ferry 271 Paris Pullman, George Mortimer 35
2701 Nord Compound 104 1895 crash 104 pump cars 161
Merddin Emrys (FR Double Fairlie No. 10) 76, Nord Pacific 135 Mtro 64, 95, 1067 Purves, Libby 265
7881 Nordhauen-Wernigerode Railway, NWE Paris Orlans Railway, PO Pacific 105
metre gauge 224, 296
metro systems see cities by name
Metroliners 2401
Mallet 1201
Norfolk & Western Railway (N&W)
N&W ALCO T6 (DL440) Class 1801
Park, John C. 64
Passchendaele (NZR Class Ab) 134
Pearson, Charles 55
quarries 76, 77, 78, 113
Metropolitan Railway 35, 64, 260 N&W Budd S1 sleeper 216 Pearson, Drew 171 Queen of Scots 270, 274
building the Tube 545 N&W Class J No.611 2003 Pease, Edward 35 Quicksilver (LNER) 150
316 . INDEX

R.&W. Hawthorn & Co. 25, 57
San Diego, SDTI Duewag U2 cars 260
Sandy & Potton Railway, S&PR No.5
Shannon 53
Socit Nationale des Chemins de fer
Belges (SNCB)
Class 40 131
Stanley, Henry Morton 9
Statens Jrnvgar (SJ)
SJ B Class 105
Races to the North 61, 62, 95 Sankey Viaduct 23 Class 58 130 SJ X2 247
rack-and-pinion system 76 Sans Pareil 17 SNCB 29 198 stations
Radstock North Signal Box 3001 Sapsan (RZD) 279 SNCB Class 12 151 Paris Mtro 106, 107
Ragan, Leslie 128 Saxon IV K Class 77 Socit Nationale des Chemins de fer refurbished 221
Rail Diesel Car (RDC) 171 Saxonia 30, 31 Franais (SNCF) 129, 292 spectacular 2801
rail zeppelin 158 Schienenzeppelin 158 SNCF 141R 198 steam trains 1031, 3257, 5889, 91123,
Railmotor & Trailer set (GWR) 99, 100 Schubert, Johann 30, 31 SNCF 241P 199 12957, 16977, 198215, 221, 2325,
Railroad Standard Time 63 Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB) SNCF Class BB 26000 252 26877
rails 296, 3067 SBB Cargo Bombadier Traxx 253 SNCF Class BB9000 169, 196 cutting-edge 205
railway construction SBB Class Ae8/14 158 SNCF Class C61000 192 Europes last gasp 21011
Canadian Pacific 745 SBB Doppelpfeil 159 SNCF Class CC6500 193, 229 golden age 9, 95
Eurostar 2489 Schynige Platte Class He2/2 125 SNCF Class CC7107 169, 196 historic railways 2689
tracks 296 seaside holidays 8 SNCF LGV Sud-Est TGV 247 how steam locomotives work 3023
Trans Australian Railway 2389 second class 47, 217 SNCF TGV Euroduplex 283 invention of 16
Trans-Siberian Railway 1223 Sguin, Marc 13, 28, 29 SNCF TGV P06 283 iron horses 9, 13
Union Pacific 423 semaphore signals 2989 SNCF TGV V150 282, 283 and Modernisation Plan 169, 186, 187,
Railway Operating Division (ROD) 130 Settebello (FS Class ETR) 197 Somme offensive 133 210
Railway Post Office (RPO) cars 72 Shanghai songs, trains in 9 replacement of 169, 1789, 1867, 252
Railway Regulation (Gauge) Act (1846) 51 SMT/Transrapid 278 Sous-marin (submarines) 193 revival of 9, 282
Railway Regulations Act (1847) 217 Transrapid Maglev train 265 Souter, John 62 specialist steam 52, 7681
Rainhill Trials 13, 17, 18, 267 Shannon (S&PR No. 5) 53 South Africa 56, 57, 83, 147, 1945, 212 spread across world 35
Raipur Forest Tramway 84 Shay, Ephraim 113, 121 South African Railway 204, 210, 211, 212 versatile 1445
Rajasthan Tourism Department 254 Sher-e-Punjab (IR Class WL) 205 SAR Class 15F 147 wheel configuration 297
Rajputana Malwa Railway 82 Sherwood, James B. 270 SAR Class 25C 205 withdrawal of 221, 222
Rapid Transit Act (US, 1875) 119 Shinkansen trains 221, 228, 230, 246, 278, SAR Class 25NC (Red Devil) 204, 205 world steams last stand (194059) 2045
rapid transit systems 260 279, 284 South Carolina Railroad 28, 72 worlds last steam railways 9, 245
Reading Company (Railroad) 144 shipyards 76, 77 South Devon Railway 45 zenith of 129
Reading MU No. 800 1625 shoe contact 306, 307 South Hetton Coliery, SH Chaldron Wagon Steam Waggon (John Stevenss) 289
recycled energy 292 shunters 144, 160, 161, 169, 170, 186, 198, 52 Stephenson, George 13, 16, 23, 24, 26, 35,
Red Devil (SAR Class 25NC) 204, 205 210, 305 Southern Belle 277 48, 52, 120
redbirds 183 diesel (194059) 1923 Southern Railway (SR) Stephenson, Robert 13, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26,
Reko-Wagen (DR) 241 see also switchers L&B Lew 1445 302
Renfe Operadora, AVE S-100 246 Shutt End Colliery Railway 17 Merchant Navy Class 270 Stevens, Frederick William 61
restaurant cars Siemens 261, 279 milk tank wagon 143 Stevens, John 28
The Blue Train 194 Amtrak Siemens American Cities Sprinter No. 234S crane tank 77 Stirling, Patrick 62
Palace on Wheels 255, 258 ACS-64 293 SR Bulleid Light Pacific 198 Stockton & Darlington Railway (S&DR) 13,
Venice Simplon-Orient Express 270, 2747 Desiro Classic 266 SR Class Q1 170 16, 24, 26
revolving disc signals 298 Desiro-RUS 267 SR S15 Class 142 S&DR No. 25 Derwent 52
Rhaetian Railway (RhB) 252 Eurosprinter 266 Southern Railway (SOU) Stourbridge Lion 13, 17
Riddles, Robert A. 171, 198, 210, 211 ICx 293 SR Class Ps-4 134 streamliners
Riggenbach, Niklaus 76 Inspiro metro concept 293 see also Norfolk Southern Railway diesel and electric 1589
rim brakes 297 S200 293 Soviet Railways (SZD) steam 1517, 2003
Road and Track prints (Juratovic) 157 Vectron 293 Soviet Class M62 222 streetcars 124
road transport 236 Siemens, Werner von 61, 91 Soviet Class P36 204 style, Art Deco 156, 157
alternatives to 9, 265 Siemens & Halske 91, 124 Soviet Class VL10 236 subgrade 296
road-rail inspection vehicles 161 signal boxes 3001 Soviet ER200 246 subways see underground railways
Robert Stephenson & Co. 17, 24, 25, 44, 56 signalmen 300 Spain 240, 246, 265 Sdbahn Class 23 GKB 671 46
Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns 210 signals see also Renfe Operadora Sultan (GWR) 501
Rocket 13, 1621, 24, 267, 302 how signals work 2989 specialist engines 767 Sunbeam (Hawthorn) 25
Rocky Mountains 745 mechanical interlocking 35 speed superheating 96, 104
Royal Albert Bridge 489 Radstock North Signal Box 3001 age of 1567 Superliners 241
Royal Bavarian State Railways 104 Silver Fox (LNER) 150 emphasis on 8, 221 suspended trains 292
Royal Border Bridge (Northumberland) 26 Silver Jubilee (LNER) 150 passenger services 196079 22831 Sweden 105, 192, 247
Royal Daylight Tank Wagon 99 Silver King (LNER) 150 speed records see also Statens Jrnvgar (SJ)
Royal Saxon State Railway 77 Silver Link (LNER) 150, 152 Bullet Trains 230 switchers 113, 11417, 125, 160, 161, 17881
Royal Scot Class (LMS) 134 Silverton Tramway 238 diesel 129, 221, 304 see also shunters
royal trains 523, 82, 276 Simplex locomotive 131 electric 169, 196, 228, 230, 265, 279 Switzerland 61, 76, 95, 125, 1589, 160,
Russell Snow Plow Company 68 Simplon Tunnel 95, 140, 141 Maglev trains 265 196, 252
Russia 61, 83, 112, 113, 1223, 129, 133, 279 Simplon-Orient-Express 140 Mallard 9, 148, 150, 152, 153 early railways 35
see also USSR; Soviet railways Sindh (IR Class YG) 205 Races to the North 62 see also Schweizerische Bundesbahnen
Russian E Class 112, 113 Singapore, SMRT North-South Line C151 Schienenzeppelin 158 (SBB)
Russian O Class 83 261 steam 9, 129, 148, 150, 152, 153, 232 Sydney Railway Co. 56
Russian Railways, RZD Sapsan 279 Sir Roger Lumley (GIPR Class WCP1) 160 TGV 221, 245, 248, 265, 282, 283

Skinny Emma (Schlanke Emma) 133
Skoda 133, 252
slave units 192
Spider (Baldwin) 131
Spinners (MR Class 115) 96
Spirit of Progress (VR) 156
Tahoe (V&TRR No. 20) 823
safety features 232, 284 sleepers 216, 241, 296 Spooner, G.P. 78 Talgo III 240
brakes 297 The Blue Train 194 Sprague-Thomson electric train 107 Taliesin (FR Single Fairlie) 83
mechanical interlocking 35 Orient Express 1401, 270, 276 Sprye, Richard 65 Tanggula Station (Tibet) 2801
signals 2989 Palace on Wheels 2549 SS Baikal 123 tankers 146, 147, 216
tokens 300 snow ploughs standard rail time 63 Tasmanian Government Railway, TGR K
St Pancras International (London) 248, 2801 CP&A Snow Plow 6871 Standard steam designs 169 Class Garratt 121
Saint-tienne & Lyon Railway 28, 29 modified DR V100 225 Stanier, William 134, 142, 151, 170 telegraph system 35, 299
INDEX . 317

TGV (Train Grande Vitesse) 221, 245, 246, underground railways 545, 64, 95, 1067, Vitznau-Rigi Bahn, VRB No. 7 76
248, 265, 278 236, 260, 2923, 306 VMS Chemnitz tram-train 293
SNCF LGV Sud-Est TGV 247 see also cities by name Voith
SNCF TGV Euroduplex 283 Union Express 194 Gravita 266
SNCF TGV P06 283 Union Pacific Railroad (UP) 35, 423, 244 Maxima 267
SNCF TGV V150 282, 283 UP Challenger CSA-1 Class/CSA-2 Class Vossioh
TGV-PSE 245 147 Eurolight 267
Thalys PBKA 2467 UP Class 4000 Big Boy 169, 2045 G6 267
Thames Tunnel scheme 48 UP GM EMD Class SD60 2501 Wuppertal Schwebebahn train 292
Thatcher Perkins (B&O Class B No. 147) UP No.119 (1868) 37 Vulcan Foundry 82, 83
3741 Union Station (Los Angeles) 2801
The Blue Train 1945
third class 47, 89, 217
third rails 306
United Aircraft Corporation, UAC Turbo
Train 229
United Arab Emirates 290
Thomas Viaduct 28 United Kingdom 1327, 445, 4855, 627, 183669 523
Thomason-Houston 124 7681, 95, 96103, 1245, 129, 1301, 18951913 989
Tibet 265, 2801 1339, 14255, 169, 1701, 1767, Express Dairy milk tank wagon 143
ticketing 125 18691, 1969, 2101, 2167, 221, 222, freight 191439 1467
Tiger 25 2289, 2367, 241, 245, 246, 24853, freight 194059 21617
tilting trains 247, 282 2601, 265, 2707, 2829 freight 196079 223
time, standard rail 63 colonies 567 see also brake vans; cabooses
Tipong Colliery Railway 84 expertise from 46, 56, 82 Wapping Tunnel (Liverpool) 23
Toads 146 exports from 245, 36, 82, 210 War Department 170
Todd, Kitson & Laird 25 see also British Railways; rail companies by Hunslet Austerity 198
Tkaid Shinkansen line 228, 230, 279 name WD Austerity 171
tokens 300 United States 13, 245, 2831, 345, 3643, War Department Light Railways 130
Tolstoy, Leo 9 56, 61, 623, 6873, 60, 95, 10817, 129, Wardle, Manning 144
Tom Thumb 13, 29, 30 1301, 133, 134, 144, 1467, 1569, 161, warfare, railways and 9
Tornado (Peppercorn Class A1) 282 168, 169, 1701, 177, 17885, 2004, Warships (BR Class 42) 187
torque converters 305 2167, 221, 2289, 2401, 244, 260, 265, Watt, James 16
tracks 2923 Webb, F.W. 62
how tracks work 296 electrification 306 Wehrmacht
inspection 161 financing the railroads 36, 36 Armoured Car 1701
maintenance 236 mail trains 723 Class V36 Shunter 170
third rail 306 see also Amtrak; rail companies by name Welsh Highland Railway (WHR), Beyer-
traffic lights 2989 United States Army Transportation Corps Garratt No.138 21215
train-busters 169 (USTAC) 170 West Coast Main Line 62
Train Protection Warning System USTAC S100 170 Races to the North 62
(TPWS) 284 USTAC S160 170 West Country Class Light Pacific
trams Universal Exhibition (Paris, 1900) 106 locomotives 198
electric 124, 2601 Universal locomotive types 197, 266 West Germany 169, 192, 193, 210, 223, 228,
tram-trains 245, 293 urban railways 8, 2601, 265, 2923 229, 245, 260
Trans-Australian Railway 129, 2389 US National Railroad Passenger Corporation see also Deutsche Bundesbahn
Trans-Europ Express (TEE) 169, 193 see Amtrak West Highland Line 161
Trans-Iranian Railway 177 Ushuaia Station (Tierra del Fuego) 2801 Western & Atlantic Railroad, W&A No. 39
Trans-Mongolian Railway 123 USSR 146, 204, 221, 222, 236, 245 The General 36
Trans-Siberian Railway 61, 1223, 129, 221, see also Russia; Soviet Railways (SZD) Western Pacific Railroad 43
245 Westinghouse, George 35
transcontinental railway (USA) 345, 423
Transrapid prototype 246
trench railways 130, 131
Vail, Alfred 299
wheels 297
White Pass & Yukon Route 268
Whitelegg, Thomas 99
Trenitalia, ETR 500 278 Van Horne, William Cornelius 74 Wilson, E.B. 56
Trevithick, Richard 13, 1415, 16, 302 Vancouver Sky Train RTS ICTS Mark I 260 Womens Voluntary Service (WVS) 1767
Triebwagen 124, 160 Vanguard (BR Class 42) 187 Woods crossbar signal 298
Tsuzumi Gate of Kanazawa Station (Tokyo) VEB double-deck coach 217 World War I 12933, 160
280 VEB Lokomotivbau Elektrotechnische Werke locomotives for 1301
Tube see London Underground Hans Beimler Hennigsdorf (LEW) 222, World War II 9, 133, 151, 168, 169, 1707,
tunnels 252 192, 194, 198
Bhor Ghat Railway 57 Venice Simplon-Orient Express 1401, 245, Wren (LYR) 77
Box Tunnel (Wiltshire) 48 265, 276, 277 Wuppertal Schwebebahn train 292
Channel Tunnel 245, 2489 Ventspils Narrow Gauge Railway 2689
Connaught Tunnel 75
London Underground 55
Paris Mtro 106
Vera Carriage 277
Victoria, Queen 35, 82
Victoria Falls Bridge 95
XE Class 146
Simplon Tunnel 95, 140, 141 Victoria Line (London) 237 Zefiro 380 292
Spiral Tunnels 74, 75 Victoria Railways (VR), VR S Class 156 Zena Carriage 277
and switch to electric engines 306 Victoria Terminus (Bombay) 61 Zola, mile 9
Turboliner (Amtrak) 221, 228 Vienna, ULF tram 261
Turkey 1401, 170 Virat (IR Class AWE) 171
TVM430 (Transmission Voie Machine) 284 Virgin Trains, VT Class 390 Pendolino 282
Tyne & Wear Metro 261 Virginia & Truckee Railroad, V&TRR No. 20
Tahoe 823

ultrasonic testing 236
Virginia Central Railroad, VC Porter No. 3
Virginian Railway, VGN Class SA No. 4
UN Relief & Rehabilitation Administration 170 1137

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