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ENGLISH TEST PREPET 25th May Teacher: P.


Name: ____________________ Total marks:___/65 Final mark:

1 Put the words in order to write sentences. 2 Write questions from the prompts.
1 city / centre / the / They / live / in /. 1 you / have / a / car / ?
____________________________________ ____________________________________
2 We / work / in / dont / the / hospital /. 2 you / like / pizza / ?
____________________________________ ____________________________________
3 go / I / to/ car / by / work /. 3 your parents / live / in /a / big / house / ?
____________________________________ ____________________________________
4 shopping / on / They / like / Saturdays /. 4 they / finish / work / late / ?
____________________________________ ____________________________________
5 the / meet / I / dont / friends / in / afternoon /. 5 you / work / in /an /office / ?
____________________________________ ____________________________________
(5 points) (10 points)

3 Complete the text with the correct negative (-) or affirmative (+) form of the verb in brackets.
My friends day.
My friend Jessica (0) _STUDIES _ (study) in a university. She (1)________ (live) with two students but she (2)
________ (see) them very often. She (3) ________ (get) up at seven oclock and she (4) ________ (have) a sandwich
and a cup of coffee for breakfast. She (5) ________ (go) to the university at eight oclock. She (6)________ (finish)
late. At home, she (7) ________ (read) books but she (8)________ (watch) TV. She (19)________ (go) to bed late.
(9 points)

4 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 a Do 4 a Do
b Does they live in Poland? b Are you American?
c Are c Does
2 a Does 5 a Does
b Are you work in a hospital? b Do your father work in an office?
c Do c Are
a does (5 points)
3 How old b do your sister?
c is
ENGLISH TEST PREPET 25th May Teacher: P. Nez

5 Write the opposites. 6 Write the places.
1 fast slow 1 Im a nurse. I work in a h_________.
2 dirty ____ 2 Im a teacher. I work in a c_________.
3 beautiful ____ 3 Im a student. I study at u_________.
4 expensive ____ 4 Im a manager. I work in an o_________.
5 quiet____ 5 Im a waiter. I work in a r_________.
6 small ____ (5 points)
(5 points)

7 Complete the times with these words: 8 Complete the sentences with ordinal numbers.
half minutes - oclock - quarter - to 1 Friday is the ___5th______ day of the week. Tuesday is
1 3:00 - Its three _________. the _________.
2 2:15 - Its _________ past two. 2 D is the _________ letter of the alphabet.
3 9:35 - Its twenty-five _________ ten. 3 Barack Obama: the _________ African-American
4 11:56 - Its four _________ to twelve. president of the USA.
5 6:30 - Its _________ past six. 4 November is the _________ month of the year.
(5 points) 5 We live in the _________ century.
(5 points)

9 Write the places in the city.

1 You park the car at a car pARKING_. 6 You read a book in a l_______.
2 You see a play or a musical at a th_______. 7 You meet clients and colleagues in the b_______
3 You go shopping in a s_______ a_______ . d_______.
4 You stay the night at a h_______. (6 points)
5 You get tourist information at a v_______ c_______.

10 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 4 right / the / the / street / Take / on / first /.
1 the / where / me / museum / is / Excuse / ? ____________________________________
____________________________________ 5 Its / hospital / the / opposite /.
2 about / Its / away / minutes / ten /. ____________________________________
____________________________________ (10 points)
3 park / the / past / Go /.

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