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Choose the best answer from the options marked A , B , and C.

Then, on
your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen.

15 marks
Choose the correct answers.

1 The children ___________milk everyday.

A drink
B drinks
C drinking

2 Would you like mutton soup ___________chicken soup? .

A or
B but
C and

3 Sheila wrote a letter ___________ her friend yesterday.

A to
B at
C for

4 The __________ is a farm animal.

A cat
B hen
C camel

5. The ducks ________near the pond in the farm.

A lived
B lives
C live

Questions 5 7
Replace the pictures with the correct phrases.

Aman wants to make a paper weight. First, he cleans

________________ with soap and water.


Then he dries it with a cloth. He ____________________

with a brush.

Lastly, he puts the stone in the _________________.


6 A a wood 7 A wipes the stone

B a cloth B cleans the stone
C a stone C paints the stone
D a paper D washes the stone

8 A sun to dry
B sun to burn
C sun to cook
D sun to bake

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning to the word underlined.

9 My father is tall but my mother is __________

A big
B long
C short
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

10 A Sarah, where are you going !
B Sarah, where are you going.
C Sarah, where are you going?

Questions 11 15
Read the passage below carefully and choose the correct answer.

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a buffalo. The buffalo
helped the farmer to plough his paddy field. Every evening the farmer tied
the buffalo outside the house and went home.

One day, when he opened his front door, his dog jumped up to greet
him. He was very happy and patted the dog. The buffalo saw this and
thought, I will jump up and greet my master tomorrow.

The next morning, the farmer went to untie the buffalo. The buffalo
jumped up to lick the farmer. He shouted at the buffalo angrily.

11 The farmer had a _________

A carry things
A cow and a dog B pull the cart
B buffalo and a cat C plough the paddy field
C dog and a buffalo
D cow and a buffalo 13 What did the dog do when the
farmer opened the front door?
12. The farmer used the buffalo to
___________. A It barked at the farmer.

B It jumped up and bit the farmer He tied the buffalo ________
C It jumped up to greet the the house.
A inside
B outside
C in front of

15 Why do you think the farmer

shouted at the buffalo?

A The buffalo ran away.

B The farmer was happy.
14 Where did the farmer tie the C The farmer was angry.

(30 marks)
Questions 16 - 18
Choose the most suitable answer to fit the situation in the picture.

16 A Twice a day.
B For fifteen minutes.


17 A Yes, it is.
B Its across the road.


18 A Its all right.

B Yes, of course.
(6 marks)
Read. Then circle the correct answer.

The Tale of Two Frogs

One day, two frogs were playing on a rainy day. Slowly, they hopped
and hopped and came into a house. There was a churn of milk. Both the frogs
fell into the churn.
Both the frogs tried for some time, but it was in vain. One of the
frogs lost hope and said, I cant swim any more and he drowned to the
bottom. The other did not lose hope.
He kept on swimming. His movements churned the milk into butter.
The frog climbed on to a pat of butter and hopped out of the churn.

Question 19
Tick (/) the correct answer.

(a) Who was playing in the rain?

two cats
two birds
two frogs

(b) What happen to the two frogs?

Fell into the well

Fell into the churn

(c) Why did only one frog hop out from the churn?

One of the frog died in the churn.

One of the frog had already hopped out much earlier

(d) What is the moral value of the story?

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush

God helps those who help themselves

(8 marks)
Qestion 20

Underline the Common Nouns in the following sentences.

a. We arrived early at the bus station.

b. There are different species of fish.

c. They have gone to the zoo.

d. The baby is crying.

e. My mother is in the kitchen. (5 marks)

Qestion 21

Look at the picture. Complete the sentences using This, That,

These or Those.

Qestion 22

Read and group words according to categories.
Match Correctly

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