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[A.C. No. 6052. December 11, 2003.]


Petitioner lawyers Oliver L. Garcia, Emmanuel Ravanera and Tony Velez filed a petition seeking the
disqualification of respondent lawyer Leonard De Vera from being elected Governor of Eastern
Mindanao in the 16th Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Regional Governor's Elections.

Petitioner Garcia is the Vice-President of Bukidnon IBP Chapter, while petitioners Ravanera and Velez
are the past president and the incumbent President, respectively, of the Misamis Oriental IBP Chapter.
Petitioners contended that respondent's transfer from Pasay, Paraaque, Las Pias and Muntinlupa
(PPLM) Chapter to Agusan del Sur Chapter is a brazen abuse and misuse of the rotation rule, a
mockery of the domicile rule and a great insult to the lawyers of Eastern Mindanao for it implied that
there is no lawyer from the region qualified and willing to serve the IBP.

Petitioners also submitted that respondent De Vera lacks the requisite moral aptitude for the position.
According to petitioners, respondent De Vera was previously sanctioned by the Supreme Court for
irresponsibly attacking the integrity of the SC Justices during the deliberations of the plunder law.
They further alleged that respondent De Vera could have been disbarred in the United States for
misappropriating his client's funds had he not surrendered his California license to practice law.

Respondent De Vera argued that the Court has no jurisdiction over the present controversy
contending that the election of the officers of the IBP, including the determination of the qualification
of those who want to serve the organization, is purely an internal matter governed as it is by the IBP
By-Laws and exclusively regulated and administered by the IBP. Respondent also averred that an IBP
member is entitled to select, change or transfer his chapter or transfer his chapter membership under
Section 19, Article II and Section 29-2, Article IV of the IBP By-Laws. He also stressed that the right to

transfer membership is also recognized in Section 4, 139-A of the Rules of Court which is exactly the
same as the first of the above-quoted provision of the IBP By-Laws.

On the moral integrity question, respondent De Vera denies that he exhibited disrespect to the Court
or to any of its members during its deliberations on the constitutionality of the plunder law. As for the
administrative complaint filed against him by one of his clients when he was practicing law in
California, which in turn compelled him to surrender his California license to practice law, he
maintains that it cannot serve as basis for determining his moral qualification (or lack of it) to run for
the position he is aspiring for.


1. Whether or not the Court has no jurisdiction over the IBP.

2. Whether or not the respondent is disqualified from being elected Governor in the IBP.


1. On the issue of jurisdiction, the Court affirmed its right to hear and decide the present controversy.
Section 5, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution conferred on the Supreme Court the power to
promulgate rules affecting the IBP and implicit in the constitutional grant is the power to supervise all
the activities of the IBP, including the election of its officers. The power of supervision over the IBP
has been demonstrated in the past when it looked into the irregularities which attended the 1989
elections of the IBP National Officers. The Court likewise amended several provisions of the IBP

2. The Court upheld respondent De Vera in his contention that a member of the IBP is entitled to
select, change or transfer his chapter membership. Section 19 of the IBP By-Laws allows a member to
change his chapter membership, subject only to the condition that the transfer must be made not less
than three months prior to the election of officers in the chapter to which the lawyer wishes to
transfer. In the case at bar, respondent De Vera's transfer to the Agusan del Sur IBP Chapter is valid as
it was done more than three months ahead of the chapter elections held on February 27, 2003.

The Court also ruled that there is nothing in the By-Laws which explicitly provides that one must be
morally fit before he can run for IBP governorship. The Court emphasized that the disqualification of a
candidate involving lack of moral fitness should emanate from his disbarment or suspension from the
practice of law by the Court or conviction by final judgment of an offense which involves moral

In In Re: Published Alleged Threats Against Members of the Court in the Plunder Law Case Hurled by
Atty. Leonard De Vera, Respondent De Vera was found guilty of indirect contempt of court and was
imposed a fine in the amount of Twenty Thousand Pesos for his remarks contained in two newspaper
articles published in the Inquirer. The Court held that the statements were aimed at influencing and
threatening the Court to decide in favor of the constitutionality of the Plunder Law. The ruling cannot
serve as a basis to consider respondent De Vera immoral. The act for which he was found guilty of
indirect contempt does not involve moral turpitude. Moral turpitude as "an act of baseness, vileness
or depravity in the private and social duties which a man owes his fellow men, or to society in general,
contrary to the accepted and customary rule of right and duty between man and man, or conduct
contrary to justice, honesty, modesty or good morals."

On the administrative complaint that was filed against respondent De Vera while he was still
practicing law in California, he explained that no final judgment was rendered by the California
Supreme Court finding him guilty of the charge. Bare allegations and unsubstantiated by evidence are
not equivalent to proof.

The Court also ruled that petitioners are not the proper parties to bring the suit under Section 40 of
the IBP By-Laws which provides that only nominees can file a written protest setting forth the ground
therefor. Petitioner Garcia is from Bukidnon IBP Chapter, while the other petitioners, Ravanera and
Velez, are from the Misamis Oriental IBP and are not qualified to run for IBP governorship of Eastern
Mindanao pursuant to the rotation rule enunciated in Sections 37 and 38 of the IBP By-Laws. The
Court also held that the instant petition was premature as no nomination of candidates has been
made by the members of the House of Delegates from Eastern Mindanao, and assuming that
respondent De Vera gets nominated, he can always opt to decline the nomination.

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