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Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 47
A key is a piece of mild steel inserted between the shaft and hub or boss of the pulley to
connect these together in order to prevent relative motion between them. It is always inserted
parallel to the axis of the shaft. Keys are used as temporary fastenings and are subjected to
considerable crushing and shearing stresses.
stre A keyway is a slot or recess in a shaft and hub of
the pulley to accommodate a key.

Types of Keys
The following types
ypes of keys are important from the subject point of view :
1. Sunk keys, 2. Saddle keys, 3. Tangent keys, 4. Round keys, and 5. Splines.

Sunk Keys
The sunk keys are
re provided half in the keyway of the shaft and half inn the keyway of the hub
or boss of the pulley. The sunk keys are of the following types :
1. Rectangular sunk key. A rectangula
rectangular sunk key is shown in Fig. The usual proportions of
this key are :
Width of key, w = d / 4 ; and thickness of key, t = 2w / 3 = d / 6
where d = Diameter of the shaft or diameter of the hole in the hub.
The key has taper 1 in 100 on the top side only.

Fig. Sunk Key

2. Square sunk key. The only difference between a rectangular sunk key and a square sunk
key is that itss width and thickness are equal, i.e. w = t = d / 4
3. Parallel sunk key. The parallel sunk
s keys may be of rectangular or square section uniform
in width and thickness throughout. It may be noted that a parallel key is a taper less and is
used where
re the pulley, gear or other mating piece is required
quired to slide along the shaft.
4. Gib-head key. It is a rectangular sunk key with a head at one end known as gib head
It is usually
ly provided to facilitate the removal of key. A gib head key iss shown in Fig.
(a) and its use in shown
hown in Fig. (b).
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 47

Fig. Gib head

hea key and its use.
The usual proportions of the gib head key are:
Width, w = d / 4 ; and thickness at large end,
e t = 2w / 3 = d / 6
5. Feather key. A key attached to one member of a pair and which permits relative axial
movement is known as feather key.
key It is a special type of parallel key which transmits a
turning moment and also permits axial movement. It is fastened either to the shaft or hub, the
key being a sliding fit in the key way of the moving piece.

Fig. Feather Keys

6. Woodruff key. The woodruff key is an easily adjustable key. It is a piece from a
cylindrical disc having segmental cross-section
cross in front view as shown in Fig. A woodruff
key is capable of tilting in a recess milled out in the shaft by a cutter having the same
curvature as the disc from which the key is made. This key is largely used in machine
mac tool
and automobile construction.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 47

Fig. Woodruff Key

The main advantages of a woodruff key are as follows:
1. It accommodates itself to any taper in the hub or boss of the mating piece.
2. It is useful on tapering shaft ends. Its extra depth in the shaft prevents
vents any tendency
tendenc to turn
over in its keyway.
The disadvantages are:
1. The depth of the keyway weakens the shaft.
2. It can not be used ass a feather.
Saddle keys
The saddle keys are of the following two types:
1. Flat saddle key, and 2. Hollow saddle
s key.
A flat saddle key is a taper key which fits in a keyway in the hub and is flat on the shaft as
shown in Fig. It is likely to slip round the shaft under load. Therefore it is used for
comparatively light loads.

Fig. Flat saddle

sadd key and Tangent keys
A hollow saddle key is a taper key which fits in a keyway in the hub and the bottom of the
key is shaped to fit the curved surface of the shaft. Since hollow saddle keys hold on by
friction, therefore these are suitable ffor light loads. It is usually usedd as a temporary fas
in fixing and setting eccentrics, cams etc.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 47
Tangent Keys
The tangent keys are fitted in pair at right angles as shown in Fig. Each key is to withstand
torsion in one direction only. These are used in large heavy
hea duty shafts.
Round Keys
The round keys, as shown in Fig. (a)
( are circular in section and fit into holes drilled partly in
the shaft and partly in the hub. They have the advantage that their keyways may be drilled
and reamed after thee mating parts have been assembled. Round keys are usually considered to
be most appropriate for
or low power drives.

Sometimes, keys are made integral with the shaft which fits in
the keyways broached in the hub. Such shafts are known as
splined shafts as shown in Fig. These shafts usually have four,
six, ten or sixteen splines. The splined shafts are relatively
stronger than shafts having a single keyway.

Stresses in Keys:
Forces acting on a Sunk Key
When a key is used in transmitting torque from a shaft to a rotor or hub, the foll
following two
types of forces act on the key:
1. Forces (F1) due to fit of the key in its keyway, as in a tight fitting straight key or in a
tapered key driven in place. These forces produce compressive stresses in the key which are
difficult to determine in magnitude.
2. Forces (F) due to the torque transmitted by the shaft. These forces produce shearing and
sive (or crushing) stresses in the key.
The forces acting on a key for a clockwise
clockwis torque being transmitted from a shaft to a hub are
shown in Fig.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 47
In designing a key, forces due to fit of the key are neglected and it is assume
assumed that the
distribution of forces along the length of key is uniform.

Strength of a Sunk Key

A keyy connecting the shaft and hub is shown in Fig.
Let T = Torque transmitted by the shaft,
F = Tangential force acting at the ci
circumference of the shaft,
d = Diameter of shaft,
l = Length of key,
w = Width of key.
t = Thickness of key, and
and c = Shear and crushing stresses for
f the material of key.
A little consideration will show
how that due to the power transmitted by the shaft, the key may
fail due to shearing or crushing. Considering shearing of the key, the tangential shearing force
acting at the circumference
ircumference of the shaft,
earing Shear stress = l w
F = Area resisting shearing
Therefore, Torque transmitted by the shaft,

Considering crushing of the key, the tangential crushing force acting at the circumference of
the shaft,
F = Area resisting crushing
rushing Crushing stress

Therefore, Torque transmitted by the shaft,

The key is equally strong in shearing and crushing, if
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 47


The permissible crushing stress for the usual key material is at least twice the permissible
shearing stress. Therefore from the above equation, we have w = t. In other words, a square
key is equally strong in shearing and crushing.
In order to find the length of the key to transmit full power of the shaft, the shearing
strength of the key is equal to the torsional shear strength of the shaft. We know that the
shearing strength of key,

And torsional shear strength of the shaft,

From the above

When the key material is same as that of the shaft, then = 1. So, l = 1.571 d.

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 49
Cottered Joints:
A cotter is a flat wedge shaped piece of rectangular cross-section and its width is tapered
(either on one side or both sides) from one end to another for an easyy adjustment. The taper
varies from 1 in 48 to 1 in 24 and it may be increased up to 1 in 8, if a locking device is
provided. The locking device may be a taper pin or a set screw used on the lower end of the
cotter. The cotter is usually made of mild steel or wrought iron. A cotter joint is a temporary
fastening and is used to connect rigidly two co-axial rods or bars which are subjecte
subjected to axial
tensile or compressive forces. It is uusually used in connecting a piston
iston rod to the crosshead of
a reciprocating steam
am engine, a piston
pisto rod and its extension as a tail or pump rod, strap end of
connecting rod etc.
Types of Cotter Joints
Following are the three
hree commonly used cotter joints
j to connect two rods by a cotter:
1. Socket and spigot cotter joint, 2. Sleeve and cotter joint, and 3. Gib and cotter joint.
Socket and Spigot Cotterr Joint
In a socket and spigot cotter joint, one end of the rods (say A) is provided with a socket type
of end as shown in Fig., and the other end of the other rod (say B) is inserted into a socket.
The end of the rod which goes into a socket is also called spigot. A rectangular hole is made
in the socket and spigot. A cotter is then driven tightly through a hole in order to make the
temporary connection between the two
tw rods. The load is usually acting
cting axially, but it changes
its direction and hence the cotter
cot joint must be designed to carry both the tensile and
sive loads. The compressive load
loa is taken up by the collar
ollar on the spigot.

Fig. Socket
Sock and spigot cotter joint
Design of Socket
ket and Spigot Cotter Joint
The sockett and spigot cotter joint is shown
s in Fig.
Let P = Load carried by the rods,
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 49
d = Diameter of the rods,
d1 = Outside diameter of socket,
d2 = Diameter of spigot or inside diameter of socket,
d3 = Outside diameter of spigot collar,
t1= Thickness of spigot collar,
d4 = Diameter of socket collar,
c = Thickness of socket collar,
b = Mean width of cotter,
t = Thickness of cotter,
l = Length of cotter,
a = Distance from the end of the slot to the end of rod,
t = Permissible tensile stress for the rods m
= Permissible shear stress for the cot
cotter material, and
c = Permissible crushing stress for
f the cotter material.
The dimensions for a socket and spigot cotter joint may be obtained by consid
considering the
various modes of failure as discussed below:
1. Failure off the rods in tension

From this equation,

quation, diameter of the rods (d) may be determined.
2. Failure of spigot in tension across the weakest section (or slot)

From this equation, the diameter of spigot or inside diameter of socket ((d2) may be
determined. In actual practice, the thickness of cotter is usually taken
take as d2 / 4.
3. Failure of the rod or cotter in crushing
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 49
From this equation,
quation, the induced crushing stress may be checked.
4. Failure of the socket
ocket in tension across the slot

From this equation, outside diameter of socket (d

( 1) may be determined.
5. Failure of cotter in shear

From this equation,

quation, width of cotter ((b) is determined.
6. Failure of the socket
ocket collar in crushing

From this equation,

quation, the diameter of socke
socket collar (d4) may be obtained.
7. Failure of socket end in shearing

From this equation,

quation, the thickness of socket collar (c) may be obtained.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 49
8. Failure of rod end in shear

From this equation, the distance from the end of the slot to the end of the rod ((a) may be
9. Failure of spigot collar in crushing

From this equation,

quation, the diameter of tthe spigot collar (d3) may be obtained.
10. Failure of the spigot
pigot collar in shearing

From this equation,

quation, the thickness of spigot collar (t1) may be obtained.
11. Failure of cotter in bending
The maximum
m bending moment occurs at the
he centre of the cotter and is given by
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 49

We know that
hat section modulus of the cotter,

Bending stress
tress induced in the cotter,

This bending stress induced in the cotter should be less than the allowable bending stress of
the cotter.
12. The length of cotter (l)) in taken as 4 d.
13. The taper in cotter should not exceed
excee 1 in 24. In case the greater taper is required, then a
locking device must be provided.
14. The draw of cotter is generally taken as 2 to 3 mm.
Notes: 1. when all the parts of the joint are made of steel, the following
ng proportions in terms
of diameter of the rod (d)) are generally adopted:
d1 = 1.75 d , d2 = 1.21 d , d3 = 1.5 d , d4 = 2.4 d , a = c = 0.75 d , b = 1.3 d, l = 4 d , t = 0.31 d
,t1 = 0.45 d , e = 1.2 d.
Taper of cotter = 1 in 25, and draw of cotter = 2 to 3 mm.
2. If the rod and cotter are made of steel or wrought iron, then = 0.8 t and c = 2 t may be
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 50
Design and draw a cotter
otter joint to support a load varying from 30 kN in compression to 30 kN
in tension. The material used is carbon steel for which the following allowable stresses may
be used. The load is applied statically. Tensile stress = compressive stress = 50 MPa ; shear
stress = 35 MPa and crushing stress = 90 MPa.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 50
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 50

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 51
Sleeve and Cotter Joint
Sometimes, a sleeve andd cotter joint as shown in Fig., is used to connect two round rods or
bars. In this type of joint, a sleeve or muff is used over the two rods and then two ccotters (one
on each rod end) are inserted in the holes provided for them in the sleeve and rods. The taper
of cotter is usually 1 in 24. It may be noted that the taper sides of the two cotters should face
each other as shown in Fig. The clearance
clearan is so adjusted that when the cotters are driven in,
the two rods come closer to each other thus making the joint
joi tight.

The various proportions for the sleeve and cotter joint in terms of the diameter of rod (d ) are
as follows :
Outside diameter of sleeve,
d1 = 2.5 d
Diameterr of enlarged end of rod,
d2 = Insidee diameter of sleeve = 1.25 d
Length of sleeve, L=8d
Thickness of cotter, t = d2/4
2/4 or 0.31 d
Width of cotter, b = 1.25 d
Length of cotter, l=4d
Distance of the rod end (a)) from the beginning to the cotter hole (inside the sleeve end) =
Distance of the rod end (c)) from its end to
t the cotter hole = 1.25 d

Design of Sleeve and Cotter Joint

The sleeve andd cotter joint is shown in Fig.
Let P = Load carried by the rods,
d = Diameter of the rods,
d1 = Outside diameter of sleeve,
d2 = Diameter of the enlarged end of rod,
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 51
t = Thickness of cotter,
l = Length of cotter,
b = Width of cotter,
a = Distance of the rod end from the beginning to the cotter hole (inside the sleeve
c = Distance of the rod end from its end to the cotter hole,
t , and c = Permissible tensile, shear and crushing stresses respectively for the
material of the rods and cotter.
The dimensions for a sleeve and cotter joint may be obtained by considering the various
modes of failure as discussed below:
1. Failure of the rods in tension
The rods may fail in tension due to the tensile load P. We know that

From this equation, diameter of the rods (d) may be obtained.

2. Failure of the rod in tension across the weakest section (i.e. slot)

From this equation, the diameter of enlarged end of the rod (d2) may be obtained. The
thickness of cotter is usually taken as d2 / 4.
3. Failure of the rod or cotter in crushing

From this equation, the induced crushing stress may be checked.

4. Failure of sleeve in tension across the slot

From this equation, the outside diameter of sleeve (d1) may be obtained.
5. Failure of cotter in shear

From this equation, width of cotter (b) may be determined.

6. Failure of rod end in shear

From this equation, distance (a) may be determined.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 51
7. Failure of sleeve end in shear

From this equation, distance (c) may be determined.

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 52
Design a sleeve and cotter joint to resist a tensile load of 60 kN. All parts of the joint are
t following allowable stresses: t = 60 MPa ; = 70 MPa ;
made of the same material with the
and c = 125 MPa.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 52

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 53
Gib and Cotter Joint
This joint is generally used
use to connect two rods of square or rectangular section. To
make the joint; one end of the rod is formed into a U-fork, into which, the end of the other
rod fits-in. When a cotter
otter is driven-in,
driven the friction between the cotter and straps of the U
causes the straps open. This is prevented by the use of a gib.
A gib is also a wedge shaped
shape piece of rectangular cross-section
tion with two rectangular
projections, called lugs. One side of the gib is tapered and the other straight.
traight. The tape
tapered side
of the gib bears against the tapered side of the cotter such that the outer edges of the cotter
and gib as a unit are parallel. This facilitates making of slots with parallel edges, unlike the
tapered edges in case of ordinary
inary cotter joint. The gib also provides larger surface for the
cotter to slide on. For making the joint, the gib is placed in position first, and then the cotter is

Fig. Gib and cotter Joint

Let F be the maximum
um tensile or compressive force
forc in the connecting rod, and
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 53
b = width of the strap, which may be taken as
a equal to the diameter of the rod. d
h = height of the rod end
t1 = thickness of the strap at the thinnest part
t2 = thickness of the strap at the curved portion
t3 =thickness of the strap across the slot
l1 = length of the rod end, beyond the slot
12 = length of the strap, beyond the slot
B = width of the cotter and gib
t = thickness of the cotter
Let the rod, strap, cotter, and gib are made of the same material with c' t' and :as the
permissible stresses. The following are the possible modes of failure, and the correspon
design equations, which
h may be considered for the design of the joint:
1. Tension failure of the rod across the section of diameter,
diamete d

2. Tension failure of the rod across the

t slot(Fig.1)


If the rod and strap are made of the same material, and for
f equality of strength, h=2t3
3. Tension failure
ilure of the strap, across the thinnest
t part (Fig.2)


4. Tension failure
ilure of the strap across the slot
sl (Fig.3)
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 53


The thickness,
ss, t2 may be taken as (1.15 to 1.5)
1. t], and
Thickness of the cotter, t = b/4.
5. Crushing
ing between the rod and cotter (Fig.1)
F = h t c ; and h = 2t3
6. Crushing between the strap and gib(Fig.
F = 2 t t3 c
7. Shear failure off the rod end. It is under double shear (Fig.4).

F = 2l1h
8. Shear failure
lure of the strap end. It is under double shear (Fig.5).

F = 4 l2 t3
9. Shear failure
lure of the cotter and gib. It is under double shea
The following proportions for the widt
widths of the cotter and gib may be followed:
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 53
Width of the cotter =0.45 B
Width of the gib = 0.55 B
The above equations may be solved, keeping in mind about the various relations and
proportions suggested.
Design a cotter joint to connect piston rod to the crosshead of a double acting steam engine.
The diameter of the cylinder is 300 mm and the steam pressure is 1 N/mm2. The allowable
stresses for the material of cotter and piston rod are as follows: t = 50 MPa ; = 40 MPa ;
and c = 84 MPa
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 53

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 54
The following figure shows a knuckle joint with the size parameters and proportions
indicated. In general, the rods connected by this joint are subjected to tensile loads, although
if the rods are guided, they may support compressive loads as well.
Let F. = tensile load to be resisted by the joint
d = diameter of the rods
d1 = diameter of the knuckle pin
D = outsidee diameter of the eye
A =thickness of the fork
B =thickness of the eye
Obviously, if the rods are made of the same material, the parameters, A and B are related as,

Fig. Knuckle Joint

Let the rods and pin are made of the same material, with t, c and as the permissible
stresses. The following are the possible modes of failure, and the corresponding design
equations, which may be considered for tthe design of the joint:
1. Tension failure of the rod, across the section of diameter,
diamete d
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 54

d 2
2. Tension failure
ilure of the eye (fig.1)

F = (D-d1) B t
3. Tension failure
ilure of the fork (fig.2)

F= 2 (D - d1) A t
4. Shear failure of the eye (Fig.3)

F = (D-d1) B
5. Shear failure
lure of the fork (Fig.4)

F = 2 (D-d1) A
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 54
6. Shear failure
lure of the pin. It is under double shear.
F 2x d x
7. Crushing
ing between the pin and eye (fig.1)
F = d1 B c
8. Crushing
ing between the pin and fork (fig.2)
F = 2 d1 A c
For size parameters, not covered by the above design equations; proportions as indicated in
the figure may be followed.

Design a knuckle joint to transmit 150 kN. The design stresses may be taken as 75 MPa in
tension, 60 MPa in shear and 150 MPa
M in compression.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 54

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 55
A shaft is a rotating machine element which is used to transmit power from one place to
another. The power is delivered to the shaft by some tangential force and the resultant torque
(or twisting moment) set up within the shaft permits the power to be transferred to various
machines linked up to the shaft. In order to transfer the power from one shaft to another, the
various members such as pulleys, gears etc., are mounted on it. These members along with
the forces exerted upon them causes the shaft to bending.
In other words, we may say that a shaft is used for the transmission of torque and
bending moment. The various members are mounted on the shaft by means of keys or
splines. The shafts are usually cylindrical, but may be square or cross-shaped in section. They
are solid in cross-section but sometimes hollow shafts are also used. An axle, though similar
in shape to the shaft, is a stationary machine element and is used for the transmission of
bending moment only. It simply acts as a support for some rotating body such as hoisting
drum, a car wheel or a rope sheave. A spindle is a short shaft that imparts motion either to a
cutting tool (e.g. drill press spindles) or to a work piece (e.g. lathe spindles).

Types of Shafts
The following two types of shafts are important from the subject point of view:
1. Transmission shafts. These shafts transmit power between the source and the machines
absorbing power. The counter shafts, line shafts, over head shafts and all factory shafts are
transmission shafts. Since these shafts carry machine parts such as pulleys, gears etc.,
therefore they are subjected to bending in addition to twisting.
2. Machine shafts. These shafts form an integral part of the machine itself. The crank shaft is
an example of machine shaft.

Stresses in Shafts
The following stresses are induced in the shafts:
1. Shear stresses due to the transmission of torque (i.e. due to torsional load).
2. Bending stresses (tensile or compressive) due to the forces acting upon machine elements
like gears, pulleys etc. as well as due to the weight of the shaft itself.
3. Stresses due to combined torsional and bending loads.
Design of Shafts
The shafts may be designed on the basis of
1. Strength, and 2. Rigidity and stiffness.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 55
In designing shafts on the basis of strength, the following cases may be considered:
(a) Shafts subjected to twisting moment or torque only,
(b) Shafts subjected to bending moment only,
(c) Shafts subjected to combined twisting and bending moments, and
(d) Shafts subjected to axial loads in addition to combined torsional and bending loads.

Shafts Subjected to Twisting Moment Only

a) Solid shaft:
When the shaft is subjected to a twisting moment (or torque) only, then the diameter of the
shaft may be obtained by using the torsion equation. We know that

J r
Where T = Twisting moment (or torque) acting upon the shaft,
J = Polar moment of inertia of the shaft about the axis of rotation,
= Torsional shear stress, and
r = Distance from neutral axis to the outer most fibre
= d / 2; where d is the diameter of the shaft.
We know that for round solid shaft, polar moment of inertia,
J d
Then we get, T
From this equation, diameter of the solid shaft (d) may be obtained.
b) Hollow Shaft:
We also know that for hollow shaft, polar moment of inertia,

J ( d 0 ) 4 ( di ) 4
Where do and di = Outside and inside diameter of the shaft, and r = d0 / 2.
Substituting these values in equation (i), we have

Let k = Ratio of inside diameter and outside diameter of the shaft = di / do

Now the equation (iii) may be written as
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 55

From the equations, the outside and inside diameter of a hollow shaft may be determined.
It may be noted that
1. The hollow shafts are usually used in marine work. These shafts are stronger per kg of
material and they may be forged on a mandrel, thus making the material more homogeneous
than would be possible for a solid shaft. When a hollow shaft is to be made equal in strength
to a solid shaft, the twisting moment of both the shafts must be same. In other words, for the
same material of both the shafts,

2. The twisting moment (T) may be obtained by using the following relation:
We know that the power transmitted (in watts) by the shaft,

Where T = Twisting moment in N-m, and

N = Speed of the shaft in r.p.m.
3. In case of belt drives, the twisting moment (T) is given by
T = (T1 T2) R
Where T1 and T2 = Tensions in the tight side and slack side of the belt respectively, and R =
Radius of the pulley.
Shafts Subjected to Bending Moment Only
a) Solid Shaft:
When the shaft is subjected to a bending moment only, then the maximum stress (tensile or
compressive) is given by the bending equation. We know that

Where M = Bending moment,

I = Moment of inertia of cross-sectional area of the shaft about the axis of rotation,
b = Bending stress, and
y = Distance from neutral axis to the outer-most fibre.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 55
We know that for a round solid shaft, moment of inertia,

Substituting these values in equation

From this equation, diameter of the solid shaft (d) may be obtained.
b) Hollow Shaft:
We also know that for a hollow shaft, moment of inertia,

And y = d0/ 2
Again substituting these values in equation, we have

From this equation, the outside diameter of the shaft (do) may be obtained.

Shafts Subjected to Combined Twisting Moment and Bending Moment

When the shaft is subjected to combined twisting moment and bending moment, then the
shaft must be designed on the basis of the two moments simultaneously. Various theories
have been suggested to account for the elastic failure of the materials when they are subjected
to various types of combined stresses. The following two theories are important from the
subject point of view:
1. Maximum shear stress theory or Guest's theory. It is used for ductile materials such as mild
2. Maximum normal stress theory or Rankines theory. It is used for brittle materials such as
cast iron.
Let = Shear stress induced due to twisting moment, and
b = Bending stress (tensile or compressive) induced due to bending moment.
a) Solid Shaft:
According to maximum shear stress theory, the maximum shear stress in the shaft,
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 55
Substituting the values of b and

The expression M 2
T 2
is known as equivalent twisting moment and is denoted by
Te. The equivalent twisting moment may be defined as that twisting moment, which when
acting alone, produces the same shear stress () as the actual twisting moment. By limiting
the maximum shear stress (max) equal to the allowable shear stress () for the material, the
equation (i) may be written as

From this expression, diameter of the shaft (d) may be evaluated.

Now according to maximum normal stress theory, the maximum normal stress in the shaft,

[ M M 2 T 2 ] is known as equivalent bending moment and is denoted

The expression
by Me. The equivalent bending moment may be defined as that moment which when acting
alone produces the same tensile or compressive stress (b) as the actual bending moment. By
limiting the maximum normal stress [b(max)] equal to the allowable bending stress (b),
then the equation (iv) may be written as

From this expression, diameter of the shaft (d) may be evaluated.

b) Hollow shaft:
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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In case of a hollow shaft, the equations (ii) and (v) may be written as

It is suggested that diameter of the shaft may be obtained by using both the theories and the
larger of the two values is adopted.
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 56
A shaft is supportedd by two bearings placed 1 m apart. A 600 mm diameter pulley is mounted
at a distance of 300 mm to the right of left hand bearing and this drives a pulley directly
below it with the help of belt having maximum tension of 2.25 kN. Another pulley 400 mm
diameter is placed 200 mm to the left of right hand bearing and is driven with the help of
electric motor and belt, which is placed horizontally
horizontally to the right. The angle of contact for both
the pulleys is 180 and = 0.24. Determine
Determi the suitable diameter for a solid shaft, allowing
working stress of 63 MPa in tension and 42 MPa in shear for the material of shaft. Assume
that the torque on one pulley is equal to that on the othe
other pulley.
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Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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A steel solid shaft transmitting
ansmitting 15 kW at 200 r.p.m. is supported on two bearings 750 mm
apart and has two gears keyed to it. The pinion having 30 teeth of 5 mm module is located
100 mm to the left of the right hand bearing and delivers power horizontally to the right. The
gear having 100 teeth of 5 mm modul
module is located 150 mm to the right of the left hand bearing
and receives power in a vertical direction from below. Using
ing an allowable stress of 54 MPa in
shear, determine the diameter of the shaft.
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Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 56

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 56
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 57
Shafts Subjected to Axial Load in addition to Combined Torsion and Bending Loads:
When the shaft is subjected
ubjected to an axial load (F) in addition to torsion and bending loads as in
propeller shafts of ships and shafts for driving worm gears, then the stress due to axial load
must be added to the bending stress (b).
( We know that bending equation is

And stress due to axial load

Resultant stress (tensile or compressive) for solid

so shaft,

In case of a hollow
ow shaft, the resultant stres

In case of long shafts (slender shafts) subjected to compressive loads, a factor known as
column factor () must be introduced to take the column effect into account.
Therefore, Stress due to the compressive load,

Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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The value of column factor () for compressive loads* may be obtained from the following
relation :
Column factor,

This expression is used when the slenderness ratio (L / K) is less than 115. When the
slenderness ratio (L / K) is more than 115, then the value of column factor may be obtained
from the following relation:
Column factor,

Where L = Length of shaft between the bearings,

K = Least radius of gyration,
y = Compressive yield point stress of shaft material, and
C = Coefficient in Euler's formula depending upon the end conditions.
The following are the different values of C depending upon the end conditions.
C =1, for hinged ends,
= 2.25, for fixed ends,
= 1.6, for ends that are partly restrained as in bearings.
In general, for a hollow shaft subjected to fluctuating torsional and bending load, along with
an axial load, the equations for equivalent twisting moment (Te) and equivalent bending
moment (Me) may be written as

It may be noted that for a solid shaft, k = 0 and d0 = d. When the shaft carries no axial load,
then F = 0 and when the shaft carries axial tensile load, then = 1.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 57
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 58
A hollow shaft is subjected to a maximum torque of 1.5 kN-m and a maximum bending
moment of 3 kN-m. It is subjected, at the same time, to an axial load of 10 kN. Assume that
the load is applied gradually and the ratio of the inner diameter to the outer diameter is 0.5. If
the outer diameter of the
he shaft is 80 mm, find the shear stress inducedd in the shaft.
m = 1.5 103 N-m ; M = 3 kN-m = 3 103 N-m ;
Solution. Given: T = 1.5 kN-m
F = 10 kN = 10 103 N ; k = di / do = 0.5 ; do = 80 mm = 0.08 m
Let = Shear stress induced in the shaft.
Since the loadd is applied gradually, therefore
theref from DDB, we find that Km =1.5 ; and Kt = 1.0
We know that
hat the equivalent twisting moment for a hollow shaft,

We also
o know that the equivalent twisting
twis moment for a hollow shaft (Te),

A hollow shaft of 0.5 m outside diameter and 0.3 m inside diameter is used to drive a
propeller of a marine vessel. The shaft is mounted on bearings 6 metre apart and it transmits
5600 kW att 150 r.p.m. The maximum axia
axial propeller thrust is 500 kN and the shaft we
weighs 70
1. The maximum
ximum shear stress developed in the shaft, and
2. The angular
ngular twist between the bearings.
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Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 58

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 59
Design of Shafts on the basis of Rigidity
Sometimes the shafts are to be designed on the basis of rigidity. We shall consider the
following two types of rigidity.
1. Torsional rigidity. The torsional rigidity is important in the case of camshaft of an I.C.
engine where the timing of the valves would be affected. The permissible amount of twist
should not exceed 0.25 per metre length of such shafts. For line shafts or transmission
shafts, deflections 2.5 to 3 degree per metre length may be used as limiting value. The widely
used deflection for the shafts is limited to 1 degree in a length equal to twenty times the
diameter of the shaft. The torsional deflection may be obtained by using the torsion equation,

where = Torsional deflection or angle of twist in radians,

T = Twisting moment or torque on the shaft,
J = Polar moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area about the axis of rotation,
G = Modulus of rigidity for the shaft material, and
L = Length of the shaft.
2. Lateral rigidity. It is important in case of transmission shafting and shafts running at high
speed, where small lateral deflection would cause huge out-of-balance forces. The lateral
rigidity is also important for maintaining proper bearing clearances and for correct gear teeth
alignment. If the shaft is of uniform cross-section, then the lateral deflection of a shaft may be
obtained by using the deflection formulae as in Strength of Materials. But when the shaft is of
variable cross-section, then the lateral deflection may be determined from the fundamental
equation for the elastic curve of a beam, i.e.

BIS codes of Shafts

The standard sizes of transmission shafts are:
25 mm to 60 mm with 5 mm steps; 60 mm to 110 mm with 10 mm steps ; 110 mm to 140
mm with 15 mm steps ; and 140 mm to 500 mm with 20 mm steps. The standard length of the
shafts are 5 m, 6 m and 7 m.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 59
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes 60
A steel spindle
le transmits 4 kW at 800 r.p.m. T
The angular deflection should not exceed 0.25
per metre of the spindle.
pindle. If the modulus of rigidity for the material of the spindle
s is 84 GPa,
find the diameterr of the spindle and the shear
s stress induced in the spindle.

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 61
Use of internal and external circlips, Gaskets and seals

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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Compare the weight, strength and stiffness
stif of a hollow shaft of the same external diameter as
that of solid shaft. The inside diameter of the hollow shaft being half the external diameter.
Both the shafts
hafts have the same material and length.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 62

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 63
Shaft Coupling
Shafts are usually available up to 7 meters length due to inconvenience in transport. In order
to have a greater length, it becomes necessary to join two or more pieces of the shaft by
means of a coupling.
Shaft couplings are used in machinery for several purposes, the most common of which are
the following:
1. To provide for the connection of shafts of units those are manufactured separately such as
a motor and generator and to provide for disconnection for repairs or alternations.
2. To provide for misalignment of the shafts or to introduce mechanical flexibility.
3. To reduce the transmission of shock loads from one shaft to another.
4. To introduce protection against overloads.
5. It should have no projecting parts.
Types of Shafts Couplings
Shaft couplings are divided into two main groups as follows:
1. Rigid coupling. It is used to connect two shafts which are perfectly aligned. Following
types of rigid coupling are important from the subject point of view:
(a) Sleeve or muff coupling.
(b) Clamp or split-muff or compression coupling, and
(c) Flange coupling.
2. Flexible coupling. It is used to connect two shafts having both lateral and angular
misalignment. Following types of flexible coupling are important from the subject point of
(a) Bushed pin type coupling,
(b) Universal coupling, and
(c) Oldham coupling.

Sleeve or Muff-coupling
It is the simplest type of rigid coupling, made of cast iron. It consists of a hollow cylinder
whose inner diameter is the same as that of the shaft. It is fitted over the ends of the two
shafts by means of a gib head key, as shown in Fig. The power is transmitted from one shaft
to the other shaft by means of a key and a sleeve. It is, therefore, necessary that all the
elements must be strong enough to transmit the torque. The usual proportions of a cast iron
sleeve coupling are as follows:
Outer diameter of the sleeve, D = 2d + 13 mm
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 63
And length of the sleeve, L = 3.5 d
Where d is the diameter of the shaft.
In designing a sleeve or muff-coupli
ng, the following procedure may be adopted.

1. Design for sleeve

The sleeve is designed by considering it as a hollow shaft
Let T = Torque to be transmitted by the coupling, and
c = Permissible shear stress for the material of the sleeve which is cast iron.
The safe value of shear stress for cast iron may be taken as 14 MPa.
We know that torque transmitted by a hollow section,

From this expression, the induced shear stress in the sleeve may be checked.
2. Design for key
The key for the coupling may be designed in the similar way as discussed in Unit-5. The
width and thickness of the coupling key is obtained from the proportions. The length of the
coupling key is at least equal to the length of the sleeve (i.e.
( 3.5 d). The coupling key is
usually made into
nto two parts so that the length of the key in each shaft,

After fixing the length of key in each shaft, the induced shearing and crushing stresses may
be checked. We know that torque transmitted,
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 63
Note: The depth of the keyway in each of the shafts to be connected should be exactly the
same and the diameters should also be same. If these conditions are not satisfied, then the key
will be bedded on one shaft while in the other it will be loose. In order to prevent this, the key
is made in two parts which may be driven from the same end for each shaft or they may be
driven from opposite ends.
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 64
Problem: Design and make a neat dimensioned sketch of a muff coupling which is used to
connect two steel shafts transmitting 40 kW at 350 r.p.m. The material for the shafts and key
is plain carbon steel for which allowable shear and crushing stresses may be taken as 40 MPa
and 80 MPa respectively. The material for the muff is cast iron for which the allowable shear
stress may be assumed as 15 MPa.
Given: P = 40 kW = 40 103 W; N = 350 r.p.m.; s = 40 MPa = 40 N/mm2; cs = 80 MPa =
80 N/mm2; c = 15 MPa = 15 N/mm2.

2. Design for sleeve

We know that outer diameter of the muff,
D = 2d + 13 mm = 2 55 + 13 = 123 say 125 mm Ans.
and length of the muff,
L = 3.5 d = 3.5 55 = 192.5 say 195 mm Ans.
Let us now check the induced shear stress in the muff. Let c be the induced shear stress in
the muff which is made of cast iron. Since the muff is considered to be a hollow shaft,
therefore the torque transmitted ((T),

Since the induced shear stress in the muff (cast iron) is less than the permissible shear stress
of 15 N/mm2, therefore the design of muff is safe.
3. Design for key
From Design data Book,, we find that for a shaft of 55 mm diameter,
Width of key, w = 18 mm Ans.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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Since the crushing stress for the key material is twice the shearing stress, therefore a square
key may be used.
Then, Thickness of key, t = w = 18 mm Ans.
We know that length of key in each shaft,
l = L / 2 = 195 / 2 = 97.5 mm Ans.
Let us now check the induced shear and crushing stresses in the key. First of all, let us
consider shearing of the key. We know that torque transmitted (T),

Now considering crushing of the key. We know that torque transmitted (T),

Since the induced shear and crushing stresses are less than the permissible stresses, therefore
the design of key is safe.

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 64
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 65
Clamp or Compression Coupling or split muff coupling
It is also known as split muff coupling.
coupling In this case, the muff or sleeve is made into two
halves and are bolted
ted together as shown in Fig.
Fig The halves of the muff are made of cast iron.
The shaft ends are made to a butt each other and a single key is fitted directly in the keyways
of both the shafts. One-half
half of the muff is fixed from below and the other half is placed from
above. Both the halves are held together by means of mild steel studs or bolts aand nuts. The
number of bolts may be two, four or six. The nuts are recessed into the bodies of the muff
castings. This coupling may be used for heavy duty and moderate speeds. The advantage of
this coupling is that the position of the shafts need not be changed
changed for assembling or
disassembling of the coupling. The usual proportions of the muff for the clamp oor
compression coupling are:
Diameter of the muff or sleeve, D = 2d + 13 mm
Length of the muff or sleeve, L = 3.5 d
Where d = Diameter of the shaft.
In the clamp or compression coupling, the power is transmitted from one shaft to the
other by means of key and the friction between the muff and shaft. In designing this type of
coupling, the following procedure may be adopted.

1. Design of muff and key

The muff and key are designed in the similar way as discussed in muff coupling.
coupl .
2. Design of clamping bolts
Let T = Torque transmitted by the shaft,
d = Diameter of shaft,
db = Root or effective diameter of bolt,
n = Number of bolts,
t = Permissible tensile stress for bolt material,
= Coefficient of friction between the muff and shaft, and
L = Length of muff.
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We know that the force exerted by each bolt

Then, Force exerted by the bolts on each side of the shaft

Let p be the pressure on the shaft and the muff surface due to the force, then for uniform
pressure distribution over the surface,

Then, Frictional force between each shaft and muff,

And the torque that can be transmitted by the coupling,

From this relation, the root diameter of the bolt (db) may be evaluated.

Flange Coupling
A flange coupling usually applies to a coupling having two separate cast iron flanges. Each
flange is mounted on the shaft end and keyed to it. The faces are turned up at right angle to
the axis of the shaft. One of the flanges has a projected portion and the other flange has a
corresponding recess. This helps to bring the shafts into line and to maintain alignment. The
two flanges are coupled together by means of bolts and nuts. The flange coupling is adapted
to heavy loads and hence it is used on large shafting.
The flange couplings are of the following three types:
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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1. Unprotected type flange coupling
coupling. In an unprotected type flange coupling, as shown in
Fig.1,, each shaft is keyed to the boss of a flange with a counter sunk key and the flanges are
coupled together by means of bolts. Generally, three, four or six bolts are used. The keys are
staggered at right angle along the circumference of the shafts in order to divide the
weakening effect caused by keyways.

Fig.1 Unprotected Type Flange Coupling.

The usual proportions for an unprotected type cast iron flange couplings, as shown in
Fig.1, are as follows:
If d is the diameter of the shaft or inner diameter of the hub, then Outside diameter of hub,
Length of hub, L = 1.5 d
Pitch circle diameter of bolts, D1 = 3d
Outside diameter of flange,
D2 = D1 + (D1 D) = 2 D1 D = 4 d
Thickness of flange, tf = 0.5 d
Number of bolts = 3, for d upto 40 mm
= 4, for d upto 100 mm
= 6, for d upto 180 mm
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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2. Protected type flange coupling
coupling. In a protected type flange
ange coupling, as shown in Fig.2
the protruding bolts and nuts are protected by flanges on the two halves of the coupling, in
order to avoid danger to the workman. The thickness of the protective circumferential flan
(tp) is taken as 0.25 d.. The other proportions of the coupling are same as for unprotected type
flange coupling.

Fig.2. Protected Type Flange Coupling.

3. Marine type flange coupling.
coupling In a marine type flange coupling, the flanges are forged
integral with
ith the shafts as shown in Fig.3.

Fig.3. Solid Flange Coupling or Marine Type flange coupling.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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The flanges are held together by means of tapered headless bolts, numbering from four to
twelve depending upon the diameter of shaft. The other proportions for the marine type
flange coupling are taken as follows:
Thickness of flange = d / 3
Taper of bolt = 1 in 20 to 1 in 40
Pitch circle diameter of bolts, D1 = 1.6 d
Outside diameter of flange, D2 = 2.2 d
Design of Flange Coupling
Consider a flange coupling as shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2.
Let d = Diameter of shaft or inner diameter of hub,
D = Outer diameter of hub,
D1 = Nominal or outside diameter of bolt,
D1 = Diameter of bolt circle,
n = Number of bolts,
tf = Thickness of flange,
s, b and k = Allowable shear stress for shaft, bolt and key material respectively
c = Allowable shear stress for the flange material i.e. cast iron,
cb, and ck = Allowable crushing stress for bolt and key material respectively.
The flange coupling is designed as discussed below:
1. Design for hub
The hub is designed by considering it as a hollow shaft, transmitting the same torque (T) as
that of a solid shaft.

The outer diameter of hub is usually taken as twice the diameter of shaft. Therefore from the
above relation, the induced shearing stress in the hub may be checked.
The length of hub (L) is taken as 1.5 d.
2. Design for key
The key is designed with usual proportions and then checked for shearing and crushing
stresses. The material of key is usually the same as that of shaft. The length of key is taken
equal to the length of hub.
3. Design for flange
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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The flange at the junction of the hub is under shear while transmitting the torque. Therefore,
the torque transmitted,
T = Circumference of hub Thickness of flange Shear stress of flange Radius of

The thickness of flange is usually taken as half the diameter of shaft. Therefore from the
above relation, the induced shearing stress in the flange may be checked.
4. Design for bolts
The bolts are subjected to shear stress due to the torque transmitted. The number of bolts (n)
depends upon the diameter of shaft and the pitch circle diameter of bolts (D1) is taken as 3 d.
We know that
Load on each bolt

Then, Total load on all the bolts

And torque transmitted,

From this equation, the diameter of bolt (d1) may be obtained. Now the diameter of bolt may
be checked in crushing.
We know that area resisting crushing of all the bolts = n d1 tf
And crushing strength of all the bolts = (n d1 tf ) cb

From this equation, the induced crushing stress in the bolts may be checked.
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 66
Problem: Design a cast iron protective type flange coupling to transmit 15 kW at 900 r.p.m.
from an electric motor to a compressor. The service factor may be assumed as 1.35. The
following permissible stresses may be used :
Shear stress for shaft, bolt and key material = 40 MPa
Crushing stress for bolt and key = 80 MPa
Shear stress for cast iron = 8 MPa
Draw a neat sketch of the coupling.

Solution. Given: P = 15 kW = 15 103 W; N = 900 r.p.m. ; Service factor = 1.35 ; s = b = k

= 40 MPa = 40 N/mm2 ; cb = ck = 80 MPa = 80 N/mm2 ; c = 8 MPa = 8 N/mm2.
The protective type flange coupling is designed as discussed below:
1. Design for hub
First of all, let us find the diameter of the shaft (d).
( ). We know that the torque transmitted by
the shaft,

Since the service factor is 1.35, therefore the maximum torque transmitted by the shaft, Tmax
= 1.35 159.13 = 215 N-m
m = 215 103 N-mm
We know that the torque transmitted by the shaft (T),

We know that outer diameter of the hub,

D = 2d = 2 35 = 70 mm Ans.
And length of hub, L = 1.5 d = 1.5 35 = 52.5 mm Ans.
Let us now check the induced shear stress for the hub material which is cast iron. Considering
the hub as a hollow shaft. We know that the maximum torque transmitted (T
( max).

Then, c = 215 103/63 147

1 = 3.4 N/mm2 = 3.4 MPa
Since the induced shear stress for the hub material (i.e.
( . cast iron) is less than the permissible
value of 8 MPa, therefore the design of hub is safe.
2. Design for key
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 66
Since the crushing stress for the key material is twice its shear stress (i.e. ck = 2k ), therefore
a square key may be used. From DDB, we find that for a shaft of 35 mm diameter,
Width of key, w = 12 mm Ans.
And thickness of key, t = w = 12 mm Ans.
The length of key ( l ) is taken equal to the length of hub.
Then, l = L = 52.5 mm Ans.
Let us now check the induced stresses in the key by considering it in shearing and crushing.
Considering the key in shearing. We know that the maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

Then, k = 215 103/11 025 = 19.5 N/mm2 = 19.5 MPa

Considering the key in crushing. We know that the maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

ck = 215 103/ 5512.5 = 39 N/mm2 = 39 MPa.

Since the induced shear and crushing stresses in the key are less than the permissible stresses,
therefore the design for key is safe.
3. Design for flange
The thickness of flange (tf) is taken as 0.5 d.
Then, tf = 0.5 d = 0.5 35 = 17.5 mm Ans.
Let us now check the induced shearing stress in the flange by considering the flange at the
junction of the hub in shear.
We know that the maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

c = 215 103/134 713 = 1.6 N/mm2 = 1.6 MPa

Since the induced shear stress in the flange is less than 8 MPa, therefore the design of flange
is safe.
4. Design for bolts
Let d1 = Nominal diameter of bolts.
Since the diameter of the shaft is 35 mm, therefore let us take the number of bolts,
n=3 and pitch circle diameter of bolts,
D1 = 3d = 3 35 = 105 mm
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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The bolts are subjected to shear stress due to the torque transmitted. We know that the
maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

(d1)2 = 215 103/4950 = 43.43 or d1 = 6.6 mm

Assuming coarse threads, the nearest standard size of bolt is M 8. Ans.
Other proportions of the flange are taken as follows:
Outer diameter of the flange,
D2 = 4 d = 4 35 = 140 mm Ans.
Thickness of the protective circumferential flange,
tp = 0.25 d = 0.25 35 = 8.75 say 10 mm Ans.
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 67
Flexible Coupling:
We have already discussed that a flexible coupling is used to join the abutting ends of shafts.
when they are not in exact alignment. In the case of a direct coupled drive from a prime
mover to an electric generator, we should have four bearings at a comparatively close
distance. In such a case and in many others, as in a direct electric drive from an electric motor
to a machine tool, a flexible coupling is used so as to permit an axial misalignemnt of the
shaft without undue absorption of the power which the shaft are transmitting.

Bushed-pin Flexible Coupling

A bushed-pin flexible
ible coupling, as shown in Fig.,
Fig., is a modification of the rigid type of
flange coupling. The coupling bolts are known as pins.

The rubber or leather bushes are used over the pins. The two halves of the coupling are
dissimilar in construction. A clearance of 5 mm is left between the face of the two halves of
the coupling. There is no rigid connection between them and the drive takes place through the
medium of the compressible rubber or leather bushes.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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In designing the bushed-pin
pin flexible coupling, the proportions of the rigid type flange
coupling are modified. The main modification is to reduce the bearing pressure on the rubber
or leather bushes and it should not exceed 0.5 N/mm2. In order to keep the low bearing
pressure, the pitch circle diameter and the pin size is increased.
Let l = Length of bush in the flange,
D2 = Diameter of bush,
Pb = Bearing pressure on the bush or pin,
n = Number of pins, and
D1 = Diameter
eter of pitch circle of the pins.
We know that bearing load acting on each pin,
W = pb d2 l
Then, Total bearing load on the bush or pins
= W n = pb d2 l n
And the torque transmitted by the coupling,

The threaded portion of the pin in the right hand flange should be a tapping fit in the coupling
hole to avoid bending stresses.
The threaded length of the pin should be as small as possible so that the direct shear stress
can be taken by the unthreaded neck.
Direct shear stress due to pure torsion in the coupling halves,

Since the pin and the rubber or

leather bush is not rigidly held in the
left hand flange, therefore the
tangential load (W)) at the enlarged
portion will exert a bending action
on the pin as shown in Fig.. The bush portion
porti of the pin acts as a cantilever beam of length l.
Assuming a uniform distribution of the load W along the bush, the maximum bending
moment on the pin,
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 67

We know that bending stress,

Since the pin is subjected to bending and shear stresses, therefore the design must be checked
either for the maximum principal stress or maximum shear stress by the following relations:
Maximum principal stress

and the maximum shear stress on the pin

The value of maximum principal stress varies from 28 to 42 MPa.

Note: After designing the pins and rubber bush, the hub, key and flange may be designed in
the similar way as discussed for flange coupling.
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 67
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 68
Design a bushed-pin type of flexible coupling to connect a pump shaft to a motor shaft
transmitting 32 kW at 960 r.p.m. The overall torque is 20 percent more than mean torque.
The material properties are as follows:
(a) The allowable shear and crushing stress for shaft and key material is 40 MPa and 80 MPa
(b) The allowable shear stress for cast iron is 15 MPa.
(c) The allowable bearing pressure for rubber bush is 0.8 N/mm2.
(d) The material of the pin is same as that of shaft and key.
Draw neat sketch of the coupling.
Solution. Given: P = 32 kW = 32 103 W; N = 960 r.p.m. ; Tmax = 1.2 Tmean ; s = k = 40
MPa = 40 N/mm2 ; cs = ck = 80 MPa = 80 N/mm2 ; c = 15 MPa = 15 N/mm2 ; pb = 0.8
1. Design for pins and rubber bush

In order to allow for the bending stress induced due to the compressibility of the rubber bush,
the diameter of the pin (d1) may be taken as 20 mm. Ans.
The length of the pin of least diameter i.e. d1 = 20 mm is threaded and secured in the right
hand coupling half by a standard nut and washer. The enlarged portion of the pin which is in
the left hand coupling half is made of 24 mm diameter. On the enlarged portion, a brass bush
of thickness 2 mm is pressed. A brass bush carries a rubber bush. Assume the thickness of
rubber bush as 6 mm.
So, Overall diameter of rubber bush,
d2 = 24 + 2 2 + 2 6 = 40 mm Ans.
and diameter of the pitch circle of the pins,
D1 = 2 d + d2 + 2 6 = 2 40 + 40 + 12 = 132 mm Ans.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 68
Let l = Length of the bush in the flange.
We know that the bearing load acting on each pin,
W = pb d2 l = 0.8 40 l = 32 l N
And the maximum torque transmitted by the coupling (Tmax),

l = 382 103/12 672 = 30.1 say 32 mm

And W = 32 l = 32 32 = 1024 N
So, Direct stress due to pure torsion in the coupling halves,

Since the pin and the rubber bush are not rigidly held in the left hand flange, therefore the
tangential load (W) at the enlarged portion will exert a bending action on the pin. Assuming a
uniform distribution of load (W) along the bush, the maximum bending moment on the pin,

Maximum principal stress

And maximum shear stress

Since the maximum principal stress and maximum shear stress are within limits, therefore the
design is safe.

2. Design for hub

We know that the outer diameter of the hub,
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 68
D = 2 d = 2 40 = 80 mm
And length of hub, L = 1.5 d = 1.5 40 = 60 mm
Let us now check the induced shear stress for the hub material which is cast iron. Considering
the hub as a hollow shaft. We know that the maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

c = 382 103 / 94.26 103 = 4.05 N/mm2 = 4.05 MPa

Since the induced shear stress for the hub material (i.e. cast iron) is less than the permissible
value of 15 MPa, therefore the design of hub is safe.
3. Design for key
Since the crushing stress for the key material is twice its shear stress (i.e. ck = 2 k ),
therefore a square key may be used. From Table 13.1, we find that for a shaft of 40 mm
Width of key, w = 14 mm Ans.
and thickness of key,t = w = 14 mm Ans.
The length of key (L) is taken equal to the length of hub, i.e.
L = 1.5 d = 1.5 40 = 60 mm
Let us now check the induced stresses in the key by considering it in shearing and crushing.
Considering the key in shearing. We know that the maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

Considering the key in crushing. We know that the maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

ck = 382 103/8400 = 45.48 N/mm2 = 45.48 MPa

Since the induced shear and crushing stress in the key are less than the permissible stresses of
40 MPa and 80 MPa respectively, therefore the design for key is safe.
4. Design for flange
The thickness of flange ( tf ) is taken as 0.5 d.
tf = 0.5 d = 0.5 40 = 20 mm
Let us now check the induced shear stress in the flange by considering the flange at the
junction of the hub in shear.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 68
We know that the maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

c =382 103 / 201 103 = 1.9 N/mm2 = 1.9 MPa

Since the induced shear stress in the flange of cast iron is less than 15 MPa, therefore the
design of flange is safe.

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 69
Design a cast iron protective type flange coupling to transmit 15 kW at 900 r.p.m. from an
electric motor to a compressor. The service factor may be assumed as 1.35. The following
permissible stresses may be used:
Shear stress for shaft, bolt and key material = 40 MPa
Crushing stress for bolt and key = 80 MPa
Shear stress for cast iron = 8 MPa
Draw a neat sketch of the coupling.

Solution. Given: P = 15 kW = 15 103 W; N = 900 r.p.m. ; Service factor = 1.35 ; s = b =

k = 40 MPa = 40 N/mm2 ; cb = ck = 80 MPa = 80 N/mm2 ; c = 8 MPa = 8 N/mm2.
The protective type flange coupling is designed as discussed below:
1. Design for hub
First of all, let us find the diameter of the shaft (d).
( ). We know that the torque transmitted by
the shaft,

Since the service factor is 1.35, therefore the maximum torque transmitted by the shaft, Tmax
= 1.35 159.13 = 215 N-m
m = 215 103 N-mm
We know that the torque transmitted by the shaft (T),

We know that outer diameter of the hub,

D = 2d = 2 35 = 70 mm Ans.
And length of hub, L = 1.5 d = 1.5 35 = 52.5 mm Ans.
Let us now check the induced shear stress for the hub material which is cast iron. Considering
the hub as a hollow shaft. We know that the maximum torque transmitted (T
( max).

Then, c = 215 103/63 147 = 3.4 N/mm2 = 3.4 MPa

Since the induced shear stress for the hub material (i.e.
( . cast iron) is less than the permissible
value of 8 MPa, therefore the design of hub is safe.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 69
2. Design for key
Since the crushing stress for the key material is twice its shear stress (i.e. ck = 2k ), therefore
a square key may be used. From DDB, we find that for a shaft of 35 mm diameter,
Width of key, w = 12 mm Ans.
And thickness of key, t = w = 12 mm Ans.
The length of key ( l ) is taken equal to the length of hub.
Then, l = L = 52.5 mm Ans.
Let us now check the induced stresses in the key by considering it in shearing and crushing.
Considering the key in shearing. We know that the maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

Then, k = 215 103/11 025 = 19.5 N/mm2 = 19.5 MPa

Considering the key in crushing. We know that the maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

ck = 215 103/ 5512.5 = 39 N/mm2 = 39 MPa.

Since the induced shear and crushing stresses in the key are less than the permissible stresses,
therefore the design for key is safe.
3. Design for flange
The thickness of flange (tf) is taken as 0.5 d.
Then, tf = 0.5 d = 0.5 35 = 17.5 mm Ans.
Let us now check the induced shearing stress in the flange by considering the flange at the
junction of the hub in shear.
We know that the maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

c = 215 103/134 713 = 1.6 N/mm2 = 1.6 MPa

Since the induced shear stress in the flange is less than 8 MPa, therefore the design of flange
is safe.
4. Design for bolts
Let d1 = Nominal diameter of bolts.
Since the diameter of the shaft is 35 mm, therefore let us take the number of bolts,
n=3 and pitch circle diameter of bolts,
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 69
D1 = 3d = 3 35 = 105 mm
The bolts are subjected to shear stress due to the torque transmitted. We know that the
maximum torque transmitted (Tmax),

(d1)2 = 215 103/4950 = 43.43 or d1 = 6.6 mm

Assuming coarse threads, the nearest standard size of bolt is M 8. Ans.
Other proportions of the flange are taken as follows:
Outer diameter of the flange,
D2 = 4 d = 4 35 = 140 mm Ans.
Thickness of the protective circumferential flange,
tp = 0.25 d = 0.25 35 = 8.75 say 10 mm Ans.

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 70
Two 35 mm shafts are connected by a flanged coupling. The flanges are fitted with 6 bolts on
125 mm bolt circle. The shafts transmit a torque of 800 N-m at 350 r.p.m. For the safe
stresses mentioned below, calculate 1. Diameter of bolts; 2. Thickness of flanges; 3. Key
dimensions ; 4. Hub length; and 5. Power transmitted. Safe shear stress for shaft material =
63 MPa Safe stress for bolt material = 56 MPa Safe stress for cast iron coupling = 10 MPa
Safe stress for key material = 46 MPa

Solution. Given: d = 35 mm; n = 6; D1 = 125 mm; T = 800 N-m = 800 103 N-mm; N =
350 r.p.m.; s = 63 MPa = 63 N/mm2; b = 56 MPa = 56 N/mm2 ; c = 10 MPa = 10 N/mm2 ;
k = 46 MPa = 46 N/mm2.

1. Diameter of bolts
Let d1 = Nominal or outside diameter of bolt. We know that the torque transmitted ( T ),

(d1)2 = 800 103 / 16 495 = 48.5 or d1 = 6.96 say 8 mm Ans.

2. Thickness of flanges
Let tf = Thickness of flanges.
We know that the torque transmitted (T),

tf = 800 103 / 76 980 = 10.4 say 12 mm Ans.

3. Key dimensions
From Table 13.1, we find that the proportions of key for a 35 mm diameter shaft are:
Width of key, w = 12 mm Ans.
And thickness of key, t = 8 mmAns.
The length of key (l) is taken equal to the length of hub (L).
l = L = 1.5 d = 1.5 35 = 52.5 mm
Let us now check the induced shear stress in the key. We know that the torque transmitted
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 70

k = 800 103 / 11 025 = 72.5 N/mm2

Since the induced shear stress in the key is more than the given safe stress (46 MPa),
therefore let us find the length
ength of key by substituting the value of k
= 46 MPa in the above
equation, i.e.

l = 800 103 / 9660 = 82.8 say 85 mm Ans.

4. Hub length
Since the length of key is taken equal to the length of hub, therefore we shall take hub length,
L = l = 85 mm Ans.
5. Power transmitted
We know that the power transmitted,

The shaft and the flange of a marine engine are to be designed for flange coupling, in which
the flange is forged on the end of the shaft. The following particulars are to considered in the
Power of the engine = 3 MW
Speed of the engine = 100 r.p.m.
Permissible shear stress in bolts and shaft = 60 MPa
Number of bolts used = 8
Pitch circle diameter of bolts = 1.6 Diameter of shaft
Find:: 1. diameter of shaft; 2. diameter of bolts; 3. thickness of flange; and 4. diameter of
Solution. Given: P = 3 MW = 3 106 W; N = 100 r.p.m.; b = s = 60 MPa = 60 N/mm2; n =
8; D1 = 1.6 d

1. Diameter of shaft
Let d = Diameter of shaft.
We know that the torque transmitted by the shaft,
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 70

We also know that torque transmitted by the shaft (T),

d3 = 286 106 / 11.78 = 24.3 106

or d = 2.89 102 = 289 say 300 mm Ans.
2. Diameter of bolts
Let d1 = Nominal diameter of bolts.
The bolts are subjected to shear stress due to the torque transmitted. We know that torque
transmitted (T ),

= 90 490 (d1)2 ... (Since D1 = 1.6 d)

So, (d1)2 = 286 106 / 90 490 = 3160 or d1 = 56.2 mm
Assuming coarse threads, the standard diameter of the bolt is 60 mm (M 60). The taper on the
bolt may be taken from 1 in 20 to 1 in 40. Ans.
3. Thickness of flange
The thickness of flange (tf ) is taken as d / 3.
So, tf = d / 3 = 300/3 = 100 mm Ans.
Let us now check the induced shear stress in the flange by considering the flange at the
junction of the shaft in shear. We know that the torque transmitted (T),

s = 286 106 / 14.14 106 = 20.2 N/mm2 = 20.2 MPa

Since the induced shear stress in the *flange is less than the permissible shear stress of 60
MPa, therefore the thickness of flange (tf = 100 mm) is safe.
4. Diameter of flange
The diameter of flange (D2) is taken as 2.2 d.
So, D2 = 2.2 d = 2.2 300 = 660 mm Ans.

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 70
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 71
A spring is defined as an elastic body, whose function is to distort when loaded and to
recover its original shape when the load is removed. The various important applications of
springs are as follows:
1. To cushion, absorb or control energy due to either shock or vibration as in car springs,
railway buffers, air-craft
craft landing gears, shock absorbers and vibration dampers.
2. To apply forces, as in brakes, clutches and spring loaded valves.
3. To control motion by maintaining contact between two
two elements as in cams and followers.
4. To measure forces, as in spring balances and engine indicators.
5. To store energy, as in watches, toys, etc.
Types of springs:
1. Helical springs. The helical springs are made up of a wire coiled in the form of a hhelix and
is primarily intended for compressive or tensile loads.

2. Conical and volute springs.. The conical and volute springs, as shown in Fig. 23.2, are
used in special applications where a telescoping spring or a spring with a spring rate that
increases with the load is desired

3. Torsion springs. These springs may be of helical or spiral type as shown in Fig. The
helical type may be used only in applications where the load tends to wind up the spring and
are used in various electrical mechanisms.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 71

4. Laminated or leaf springs.. The laminated or leaf spring (also known as flat spring or
carriage spring)) consists of a number of flat plates (known as leaves) of varying lengths held
together by means of clamps and bolts.

5. Disc or bellevile springs. These

hese springs consist of a number of conical discs held together
against slipping by a central bolt or tube.
6. Special purpose springs. These springs are air or liquid springs, rubber springs, ring
springs etc. The fluids (air or liquid) can behave as a compression
compression spring. These springs are
used for special types of application only.
Terms used in Compression Springs
1. Solid length. When the compression spring is compressed until the coils come in contact
with each other, then the spring is said to be solid.
Solid length of the spring, Ls = n'.d where n' = Total number of coils, and d = Diameter of
the wire.
2. Free length. The free length of a compression
compr spring, as shown in Fig.,, is the length of the
spring in the free or unloaded condition.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 71

Free length of the spring,

LF = Solid length + Maximum compression + *Clearance between adjacent coils (or clash
= n'.d + max + 0.15 max
3. Spring index. The spring index is defined as the ratio of the mean diameter of the coil to
the diameter of the wire. Spring index, C = D / d where D = Mean diameter of the coil, and d
= Diameter of the wire.
4. Spring rate. The spring rate (or stiffness or spring constant) is defined as the load required
per unit deflection of the spring. Mathematically, Spring rate, k = W / where W = Load, and
= Deflection of the spring.
5. Pitch. The pitch of the coil is defined as the axial distance between adjacent coils in
uncompressed state. Mathematically, Pitch of the coil,
Free Length
n' 1
Stresses in Helical Springs of Circular Wire
Consider a helical compression spring made of circular wire and subjected to an axial load W,
as shown in Fig.(a).
Let D = Mean diameter of the spring coil,
d = Diameter of the spring wire,
n = Number of active coils,
G = Modulus of rigidity for the spring material,
W = Axial load on the spring,
= Maximum shear stress induced in the wire,
C = Spring index = D/d,
p = Pitch of the coils, and
= Deflection of the spring, as a result of an axial load W.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 71

Now consider a part of the compression

compressi spring as shown in Fig. (b). The load W tends to
rotate the wire due to the twisting moment ( T ) set up in the wire. Thus torsional shear stress
is induced in the wire.
A little consideration will show that part of the spring, as shown in Fig.(b),
), is in equilibrium
under the action of two forces W and the twisting moment T.. We know that the twisting

The torsional shear stress diagram is shown in Fig. (a).

In addition to the torsional shear stress (1) induced in the wire, the following stresses also act
on the wire:
1. Direct shear stress due to the load W, and
2. Stress due to curvature of wire.
We know that the resultant shear stress induced in the wire,

Maximum shear stress induced in the wire,

= Torsional shear stress + Direct
irect shear stress
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 71

Deflection of Helical Springs of Circular Wire

Buckling of Compression Springs

It has been found experimentally that when the free length of the spring (L
( F) is more than
four times the mean or pitch diameter (D),
( then the spring behaves like a column and may fail
by buckling at a comparatively low load.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 71
Wcr = k KB LF
where k = Spring rate or stiffness of the spring = W/,
LF = Free length of the spring, and
KB = Buckling factor depending upon the ratio LF / D.
Surge in springs
When one end of a helical spring is resting on a rigid support and the other end is loaded
suddenly, then all the coils of the spring will not suddenly deflect equally, because some time
is required for the propagation of stress along the spring wire. A little consideration will show
that in the beginning, the end coils of the spring in contact with the applied load takes up
whole of the deflection and then it transmits a large part of its deflection to the adjacent coils.
In this way, a wave of compression propagates through the coils to the supported end from
where it is reflected back to the deflected end.

Where d = Diameter of the wire,

D = Mean diameter of the spring,
n = Number of active turns,
G = Modulus of rigidity,
g = Acceleration due to gravity, and
= Density of the material of the spring.
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 72
Problem: A helical spring is made from a wire of 6 mm diameter and has outside diameter of
75 mm. If the permissible shear stress is 350 MPa and modulus of rigidity 84 kN/mm2, find
the axial load which the spring can carry and the deflection per active turn.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 72
Problem: Design a spring for a balance to measure 0 to 1000 N over a scale of length
80 mm. The spring is to be enclosed in a casing of 25 mm diameter. The approximate number
of turns is 30. The modulus of rigidity is 85 kN/mm2. Also calculate the maximum shear
stress induced.

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 73
Problem: Design a helical compression spring for a maximum load of 1000 N for a deflection
of 25 mm using the value of spring index as 5. The maximum permissible shear stress for
spring wire is 420 MPa and modulus of rigidity is 84 kN/mm2.
4C 1 0.615
Take Wahls factor, K
4C 4 C
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 73
Problem: Design a close coiled helical compression spring for a service load ranging from
2250 N to 2750 N. The axial deflection of the spring for the load range is 6 mm. Assume a
spring index of 5. The permissible shear stress intensity is 420 MPa and modulus of rigidity,
G = 84 kN/mm2. Neglect the effect of stress concentration. Draw a fully dimensioned sketch
of the spring, showing details of the finish of the end coils.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 73

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 74
Energy Stored in Helical Springs of Circular Wire
We know that the springs are used for storing energy which is equal to the work done on it by
some external load.
Let W = Load applied on the spring, and
= Deflection produced in the spring due to the load W.
Assuming that the load is applied gradually, the energy stored in a spring is,

We have already discussed that the maximum shear stress induced in the spring wire,

We know that deflection of the spring,

Substituting the values of W and in equation (i), we have

Where V = Volume of the spring wire

= Length of spring wire Cross-sectional area of spring wire
Helical Springs Subjected to Fatigue Loading
The helical springs subjected to fatigue loading are designed by using the Soderberg line
method. The spring materials are usually tested for torsional endurance strength under a
repeated stress that varies from zero to a maximum. Since the springs are ordinarily loaded in
one direction only (the load in springs is never reversed in nature), therefore a modified
Soderberg diagram is used for springs, as shown in Fig.

The endurance limit for reversed loading is shown at point A where the mean shear
stress is equal to e / 2 and the variable shear stress is also equal to e / 2. A line drawn from
A to B (the yield point in shear, y) gives the Soderbergs failure stress line. If a suitable
factor of safety (F.S.) is applied to the yield strength (y), a safe stress line CD may be drawn
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 74
parallel to the line AB,, as shown in Fig. Consider a design point P on the line CD. Now the
value of factor of safety may be obtained as discussed below:

From similar triangles PQD and AOB, we have

Springs in Series
Total deflection of the springs,
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 74

Springs in Parallel

Surge in Springs or finding natural frequency of a helical spring:

When one end of a helical spring is resting on a rigid support and the other end is
loaded suddenly, then all the coils of the spring will not suddenly deflect equal
equally, because
some time is required for the propagation of stress along the spring wire. A little
consideration will show that in the beginning, the end coils of the spring in contact with the
applied load takes up whole of the deflection and then it transmits
ts a large part of its
deflection to the adjacent coils. In this way, a wave of compression propagates through the
coils to the supported end from where it is reflected back to the deflected end.
This wave of compression travels along the spring indefinitely.
indefinitely. If the applied load is
of fluctuating type as in the case of valve spring in internal combustion engines and if the
time interval between the load applications is equal to the time required for the wave to travel
from one end to the other end, then resonance will occur. This results in very large
deflections of the coils and correspondingly very high stresses. Under these conditions, it is
just possible that the spring may fail. This phenomenon is called surge.
It has been found that the natural frequency
freq of spring should be at least twenty times
the frequency of application of a periodic load in order to avoid resonance with all harmonic
frequencies up to twentieth order. The natural frequency for springs clamped between two
plates is given by
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 74

Where d = Diameter of the wire,

D = Mean diameter of the spring,
n = Number of active turns,
G = Modulus of rigidity,
g = Acceleration due to gravity, and
= Density of the material of the spring.
The surge in springs may be eliminated by using the following methods:
1. By using friction dampers on the centre coils so that the wave propagation dies out.
2. By using springs of high natural frequency.
3. By using springs having pitch of the coils near the ends different than at the centre to have
different natural frequencies.
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 75
Energy Stored in Helical Springs of Circular Wire
We know that the springs are used for storing energy which is equal to the work done on it by
some external load.
Let W = Load applied on the spring, and
= Deflection produced in the spring due to the load W.
Assuming that the load is applied gradually, the energy stored in a spring is,

We have already discussed that the maximum shear stress induced in the spring wire,

We know that deflection of the spring,

Substituting the values of W and in equation (i), we have

Where V = Volume of the spring wire

= Length of spring wire Cross-sectional area of spring wire

Helical Torsion Springs

The helical torsion springs as shown in Fig., may be made from round, rectangular or square
wire. These are wound in a similar manner as helical compression or tension springs but the
ends are shaped to transmit torque. The primary stress in helical torsion springs is bending
stress whereas in compression or tension springs, the stresses are torsional shear stresses. The
helical torsion springs are widely used for transmitting small torques as in door hinges, brush
holders in electric motors, automobile starters etc. A little consideration will show that the
radius of curvature of the coils changes when the twisting moment is applied to the spring.
Thus, the wire is under pure bending. According to A.M. Wahl, the bending stress in a helical
torsion spring made of round wire is
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 75

4C 2 C 1
Where K = Wahls stress factor =
4C 2 4C
C = Spring index,
M = Bending moment = W y,
W = Load acting on the spring,
y = Distance of load from the spring axis, and
d = Diameter of spring wire.
Total angle of twist or angular deflection,

Where l = Length of the wire = .D.n,

E = Youngs modulus, d 4
D = Diameter of the spring, and
n = Number of turns.
And deflection,

When the spring is made of rectangular wire having width b and thickness t, then

Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 75

Angular deflection,

In case the spring is made of square wire with each side equal to b, then substituting t = b, in
the above relation, we have

Flat Spiral Spring

A flat spring is a long thin strip of elastic material wound like a spiral as shown in Fig. These
springs are frequently used in watches and
gramophones etc. When the outer or inner end of this type
of spring is wound up in such a way that there is a
tendency in the increase of number of spirals of the
spring, the strain energy is stored into its spirals. This
energy is utilised in any useful way while the spirals open
out slowly. Usually the inner end of spring is
clamped to an arbor while the outer end may be
pinned or clamped. Since the radius of curvature of every spiral decreases when the spring is
wound up, therefore the material of the spring is in a state of pure bending.
Let W = Force applied at the outer end A of the spring,
y = Distance of centre of gravity of the spring from A,
l = Length of strip forming the spring,
b = Width of strip,
t = Thickness of strip,
I = Moment of inertia of the spring section = b.t3/12, and
Z = Section modulus of the spring section = b.t2/6
When the end A of the spring is pulled up by a force W, then the bending moment on the
spring, at a distance y from the line of action of W is given by
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 75
The greatest bending moment occurs in the spring at B which is at a maximum distance from
the application of W.
Bending moment at B,
MB = Mmax = W 2y = 2W.y = 2M
Maximum bending stress induced in the spring material,

Assuming that both ends of the spring are clamped, the angular deflection (in radians) of the
spring is given by

And the deflection,

The strain energy stored in the spring

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 76
Problem: A helical torsion spring of mean diameter 60 mm is made of a round wire of 6 mm
diameter. If a torque of 6 N-m
m is applied on the spring, find the bending stress induced and
the angular deflection of the spring in degrees. The spring index is 10 and modulus of
elasticity for the spring material is 200 kN/mm2. The number of effective turns may be taken
as 5.5.

Problem: A spiral spring is made of a flat strip 6 mm wide and 0.25 mm thick. The length of
the strip is 2.5 metres. Assuming the maximum stress of 800 MPa to occur at the point of
greatest bending moment, calculate the bending moment, the number of turns to wind up the
spring and the strain energy stored in the spring. Take E = 200 kN/mm2.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 76

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
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Lecture Notes - 76
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 77

Concentric or Composite Springs or coaxial springs or nested springs

A concentric or composite spring is used for one of the following purposes:
1. To obtain greater spring force within a given space.
2. To insure the operation of a mechanism in the event of failure of one of the springs.
The concentric springs for the above two purposes may have two or more springs and have
the same free lengths as shown in
n Fig. (a) And are compressed equally.
Such springs are used in automobile clutches; valve springs
gs in aircraft, heavy duty diesel
engines and rail-road
road car suspension systems. Sometimes concentric springs are used to
obtain a spring force which does not increase in a direct relation to the deflection but
increases faster. Such springs are made of different lengths as shown in Fig. (b).
). The shorter
spring begins to act only after the longer spring is compressed to a certain amount. These
springs are used in governors of variable speed engines to take care of the variable centrifugal
force. The adjacent coils of the concentric spring are wound in opposite directions to
eliminate any tendency to bind.
If the same material is used, the concentric springs are designed for the same stress. In order
to get the same stress factor (K),
), it is desirable to have the same spring index (C
C ).

Consider a concentric spring as shown in Fig. (a).

Let W = Axial load,
W1 = Load shared by outer spring,
W2 = Load shared by inner spring,
d1= Diameter of spring wire of outer spring,
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 77
d2 = Diameter of spring wire of inner spring,
D1 = Mean diameter of outer spring,
D2 = Mean diameter of inner spring,
1 = Deflection of outer spring,
2 = Deflection of inner spring,
n1 = Number of active turns of outer spring, and
n2 = Number of active turns of inner spring.
Assuming that both the
he springs are made of same material, then the maximum shear stress
induced in both the springs is approximately same, i.e.

When stress factor, K1 = K2, then

If both the springs are effective throughout their working range, then their free length and
deflection are equal, i.e.

When both the springs are compressed until the adjacent coils meet, then the solid length of
both the springs is equal, i.e.
n1.d1 = n2.d2
The equation (ii) may be written as

Now dividing equation (iii) by equation (i), we have

i.e.. the springs should be designed in such a way that the spring index for both the springs is
same. From equations (i) and (iv)), we have
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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From Fig. 23.22 (a),
), we find that the radial clearance between the two springs,

Usually, the radial clearance

ance between the two springs is taken as

------ (vi)
From equation (iv), we find that
D1 = C.d1, and D2 = C.d2
Substituting the values of D1 and D2 in equation (vi), we have

Leaf Springs
Leaf springs (also known as flat springs)
springs are made out of flat plates. The advantage of leaf
spring over helical spring is that the ends of the spring may be guided along a definite path as
it deflects to act as a structural member in addition to energy absorbing device. Thus the leaf
springs may carry lateral loads, brake torque, driving torque etc., in addition to shocks.
Consider a single plate fixed at one end and loaded at the other end as shown in Fig
Fig. This
plate may be used as a flat spring.
Let t = Thickness of plate,
b = Width of plate, and
L = Length of plate
te or distance of the load W
from the cantilever end.
We know that the maximum bending moment at the
cantilever end A,
M = W.L
And section modulus,

Bending stress in such a spring,
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Lecture Notes - 77

We know that the maximum deflection for a cantilever with concentrated load at the free end
is given by

If the spring is not of cantilever type but it is like a simply supported beam, with length 22L
and load 2W in the centre, as shown in Fig. then Maximum bending moment in the centre,
M = W.L
Section modulus, Z = b.t2 / 6
Bending stress,

We know that maximum deflection of a simply supported beam loaded in the centre is given

From above we see that a spring such as automobile spring (semi

elliptical spring) with
length 2L and loaded in the centre by a load 22W, may be treated as a double cantilever. If the
plate of cantilever is cut into a series of n strips of width b and these are placed as shown in
Fig., then equations (i) and (ii) may be written as

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The above relations give the stress and deflection of a leaf spring of uniform cross section.
The stress at such a spring is maximum at the support.

If a triangular platee is used as shown in Fig.,

Fig., the stress will be uniform throughout. If this
triangular plate is cut into strips of uniform width and
and placed one below the other, as shown
in Fig. to form a graduated or laminated leaf spring, then

where n = Number of graduated leaves.

A little consideration will show that by the above arrangement, the spring becomes compact
so that the space occupied by the spring is considerably reduced.
When bending stress alone is considered, the graduated leaves may have zero width at
the loaded end. But sufficient metal must be provided to support the shear. Therefore, it
becomes necessary to have one or more leaves of uniform cross-section
section extending clear to the
end. We see from equations (iv)) and (vi) that for the same deflection, the stress in the uniform
cross-section leaves (i.e.. full length leaves) is 50% greater than in the graduated leaves,
g that each spring element deflects according to its own elastic curve. If the suffixes
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 77
F and G are used to indicate the full length (or uniform cross section) and graduated leaves,

Adding 1 to both sides, we have

where W = Total load on the spring

spr = WG + WF
WG = Load taken up by graduated leaves, and
WF = Load taken up by full length leaves.
From equation (vii), we may write

Bending stress for full length leaves,

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Lecture Notes - 77
The deflection in full length and graduated leaves is given by equation (iv), i.e.

Equalised Stress in Spring Leaves (Nipping)

We have already discussed that the stress in the full length leaves is 50% greater than the
stress in the graduated leaves. In order to utilise the material to the best advantage, all the
leaves should be equally stressed.
This condition may be obtained in the following two ways:
1. By making the full length leaves of smaller thickness than the graduated leaves. In this
way, thee full length leaves will induce smaller bending stress due to small distance from the
neutral axis to the edge of the leaf.
2. By giving a greater radius of curvature to the full length leaves than graduated leaves, as
shown in Fig. before the leaves are assembled to form a spring. By doing so, a gap or
clearance will be left between the leaves. This initial gap, as shown by C in Fig, is called nip.
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Consider that under maximum load conditions, the stress in all the leaves is equal. Then at
maximum load, the total deflection of the graduated leaves will exceed the deflection of the
full length leaves by an amount equal to the initial gap C. In other words,

Since the stresses are equal, therefore

Substituting the values of WG

G and WF in equation (i), we have

The load on the clip bolts (Wb) required to close the gap is determined by the fact that the gap
is equal to the initial deflections of full length and graduated leaves.

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The final stress in spring leaves will be the stress in the full length leaves due to the applied
load minus the initial stress.
Final stress,

Length of Leaf Spring Leaves

The length of the leaf spring leaves may be obtained as discussed below :
Let 2L1 = Length of span or overall length of the spring,
l = Width of band or distance between centres of U-bolts. It is the in effective length
of the spring,
nF = Number of full length leaves,
nG = Number of graduated leaves, and
n = Total number of leaves = nF + nG.
We have already discussed that the effective length of the spring,
2L = 2L1 l ... (When
( band is used)
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 77
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 78
Problem: Design a leaf spring for the following specifications:
Total load = 140 kN ; Number of springs supporting the load = 4 ; Maximum number of
leaves = 10; Span of the spring = 1000 mm ; Permissible deflection = 80 mm.
Take Youngs modulus, E = 200 kN/mm2 and allowable stress in spring material as
600 MPa.

A truck spring has 12 number of leaves, two of which are full length leaves.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 78
The spring supports are 1.05 m apart and the central band is 85 mm wide. The central load is
to be 5.4 kN with a permissible stress of 280 MPa. Determine the thickness and width of the
steel spring leaves. The ratio of the total depth to the width of the spring is 3. Also determine
the deflection of the spring.

1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
Lecture Notes - 78
2. Machine Design R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.

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