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IOGPT Safety Awareness Campaign 2014

HSE - Quiz 2014

Serial NO.:__________ Time allotted: 30 Minutes

Name:___________________ Designation:______________________

CPF No.:_________________ Place of posting: ___________________


Please tick out the most correct choice .In case of descriptive question(s) writes your answer to the
point in brief.

1. The SAFE Acronym stands for:






S: Spot the Hazard

A: Assess the Risk

F: Find a Safer Way

E: Everyday

2. What are the three ways to make a situation safer?

1. ELIMINATE the risk so its not there anymore.

2. REDUCE the risk.
3. SUBSTITUTE an action, a product or a piece of equipment for something safer.
4. ADD an additional man power.

Ans: 123
3. What is the purpose of The Workplace Safety and Health Act(answer in one sentence)?


Ans: To protect worker safety and health in the workplace.

4. What is the Internal Responsibility System (IRS)?


Ans: The Internal Responsibility System (IRS) is all about sharing responsibility for knowing the safety
and health problems at a workplace and doing something about them.

5. What are the powers and duties of Workplace Safety and Health Officers?

1. Administrate the work place

2. Inspect workplace
3. Investigate any potential hazardous situation and work refusal
4. Eliminate/rectify the any potential hazardous situation
5. Order compliance with the law (e.g. the Act or Regulations)


1. Inspect any workplace

3. Investigate any potential hazardous situation and work refusal
5. Order compliance with the law (e.g. the Act or Regulations)

6.Name the five different types of hazards:


Ans:1. Chemical

2. Physical

3. Biological

4. Muscle strain or musculoskeletal injury hazards

5. Psycho-social hazards
07. What is the difference between working alone and working in isolation?

ANS: Working alone is the performance of any work by a worker who is:

a) The only worker for that employer at that workplace at any time; and

b) Not directly supervised by his or her employer, or any person designated as a supervisor by
his or her employer, at any time.

Working in isolation means working in situations where assistance is not readily available in the

event of injury, ill health or emergency.

8. Following are basic rights of workers:

1. The Right to Know

2. The Right to Participate

3. The Right to Refuse Unsafe Work

4. The Right to Protection from Discrimination

(A) True ___ (b) False ____

Ans -True

9. In first aid: CPR means

A. Casual pulse respiration

B. Circulatory pulmonary respiration
C. Cardio pulmonary resuscitation
D. None of the above

9. What does WHMIS stand for?


Ans: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System

10. When you report injuries or illnesses, you help your employer to make changes to prevent the
same injury from happening to others.

(a) True (b) False

Ans: True (a)

11. A Health and Safety Management System is (choose one answer):

A. A computer system that tracks accident reports.

B. A plan for how a business unit will meet agreed-upon standards.

C. A manual with step-by-step instructions for how to avoid hazards on the job.

Answer: B.

12. Standard Operating Procedures are (any one answer):

A. Described in the Operating Procedures Handbook.

B. Set by OSHA for all companies in the energy business.

C. Defined uniquely for each particular job.

Answer : C.

13. Health and Safety Standards are:

A. Laws enacted by government to protect the public near energy installations.

B. Used to measure progress and conduct evaluations.

C. A vision statement defined by the leading energy industry trade groups.

Answer: B.

14. If you see something in the office or laboratory that in dangerous situation, tell it to the Head of the

office/laboratory in-charge:

At once
After office hours

Ans: at once

15. Any spill on the floor can cause an accident. Always clean it up

At once
During clean up time
When you have time
at the end of the office period.

Ans: at once
16) Best fire extinguisher for electrical fire is

A. Soda ash Extinguisher

B. Foam extinguisher
C. DCP Extinguisher
D. CO2 Extinguisher

16. When you work in the laboratory long hair must be

Cut off
Held with both hands
Kept out of the way
Combed and tied nicely

17. When in the laboratory you should wear

Closed-toed shoes
Open-toed shoes
No shoes

Ans: Closed toe shoes

18. If you see a fire in an apparatus, or a burning liquid, it is best to put it out with

The fire blanket

Water from the sink
Your coat
The fire extinguisher.

20. If acid gets on your skin or clothes, wash at once with

sulfuric acid

Ans: water

19. To put out a fire in a person's hair or clothes, use

the fire blanket

a handy chemical
the wind from running
the fire extinguisher
Ans: The fire blanket

20. Before you touch an electric plug, switch, or outlet

Your hands should be dry

Ask the custodian
Your hand must be clean
Ask the nurse.

21. To be able to put out a fire safely, you should know

how to use extinguisher

where the extinguisher is located
How to use a fire blanket

All are true (b) All are false

23. Before you touch an electric plug, switch, or outlet

your hands should be dry

ask the custodian
your hand must be clean
ask the nurse.

24. To be able to put out a fire safely, you should know

how to use extinguisher

where the extinguisher is located
How to use a fire blanket
(a) All are true (b) All are false

26. In case of big fire, what you will not do:

a. Evacuate the building soughting fire! Fire!

b. Remove flammable materials

c. Sound alarm system

d. Call fire tender

e. Go to home

f. Help physically handicapped worker to evacuate

27. When smelling a liquid

inhale deeply
use the fume hood.
Waft it toward you
pour it on the table.

28. A worker in India having age below following is regarded as Child woker:

(a) 10 yrs (b) 15 Yrs (c) 16yrs (d) 18 yrs (e) 20 yrs (f) 24 yrs

6.) Which of the following can be termed as the definition of near miss accident?

A. incident which may lead to injury or property damage ,but not has resulted in to that
B. incident which has resulted in to injury
C. incident which leads to fire with property damage
D. None of the above

12.) Safety is responsibility of

A. HSE Deptt.
B. Employees
C. Management
D. All

11.) Mock drills are carried out

A. To prepare for the emergency

B. To help people in body building
C. To pass time
D. None

23.) What 3 elements must exist simultaneously before a fire can exist?

A. Smoke, flame & Ember

B. Heat, fuel & Oxygen
C. Flame, fuel & spark
D. Smoke, Oxygen & heat

35.) Diesel exhaust is the main source of three highly toxic pollutants that have widespread impact on
urban air quality and human health. Name them

A. SPM,Sox, NOx
B. SPM, benzene
C. Sox, Ammonia, Benzene
D. Lead, NOx, Co2

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