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[G.R. No. 7094. March 29, 1912.]

THE UNITED STATES , plainti-appellee, vs. HILARIO DE LA CRUZ,


F. C. Fisher, for appellant.

Acting Attorney-General Harvey, for appellee.



OBFUSCATION. Held: That the commission of the oense of which defendant
was convicted was marked with the extenuating circumstance dened in
subsection 7 of article 9, in that defendant "acted upon an impulse so powerful as
naturally to have produced passion and obfuscation," the evidence disclosing that
in the heat of passion he killed the deceased, who had theretofore been his
querida (concubine or lover), upon discovering her in flagrante in carnal
communication with a mutual acquaintance
2. ID.; ID.; U. S. vs. HICKS DISTINGUISHED. The facts in this case
distinguished from those in the case of U. S. vs. Hicks (14 Phil. Rep., 217),
wherein the defendant was held not to be entitled to the benets of the
provisions of the above-mentioned article of the code.
3. ID.; ID.; ID. In the former case the cause of the alleged "passion
and obfuscation" of the aggressor was the convict's vexation disappointment and
anger engendered by the refusal of the woman to continue to live in illicit
relations with him, which she had a perfect right to do, his reason for killing her
being merely that she had elected to leave him and with his full knowledge to go
and live with another. In the case at bar the impulse upon which the defendant
acted, and which naturally produced 'passion and obfuscation," was not that the
woman declined to have illicit relations with him, but the sudden revelation that
she was untrue to him, and his discovery of her in agrante in the arms of



The guilt of the defendant and appellant of the crime of homicide of which
he was convicted in the court below is conclusively established by the evidence of
The trial court was of opinion that its commission was not marked by either
aggravating or extenuating circumstances, and sentenced the convict to fourteen
years eight months and one day of reclusion temporal, the medium degree of the
penalty prescribed by the code. But we are of opinion that the extenuating
circumstance set out in subsection 7 of article 9 should have been taken into
consideration, and that the prescribed penalty should have been imposed in its
minimum degree. Subsection 7 of article 9 is as follows:
"The following are extenuating circumstances:
xxx xxx xxx
"That of having acted upon an impulse so powerful as naturally to
have produced passion and obfuscation."
The evidence clearly discloses that the convict, in the heat of passion, killed
the deceased, who had theretofore been his querida (concubine or lover) upon
discovering her in agrante in carnal communication with a mutual
acquaintance. We think that under the circumstances the convict was entitled to
have this fact taken into consideration in extenuation of his oense under the
provisions of the above-cited article.
This was the view taken by the supreme court of Spain upon a similar state
of facts as set forth in its sentence of July 4, 1892, which is summarized by Viada
(p. 69, in question 19, art. 9 of vol. 6) as follows:
"Shall he who kills a woman with whom he is living in concubinage for
having caught her in her underclothes with another party and afterwards
shoots himself, inicting a serious wound, be responsible for that crime with
the extenuating circumstance of having acted with violent passion and
obfuscation? The Audiencia of Santiago de Cuba did not so hold and its
judgment was reversed by the supreme court for improper disregard of
article 9, number 8, of the Penal Code for Cuba and Puerto Rico: 'The facts
held to be true by the trial court, and which were the immediate cause of the
crime by producing in the accused strong emotion which impelled him to the
criminal act and even to attempt his own life, were a sucient impulse in the
natural and ordinary course to produce the violent passion and obfuscation
which the law regards as a special reason for extenuation, and as the
judgment did not take into consideration the 8th circumstance of article 9 of
the code, the Audience rendering it seems to have violated this legal
It is true that in the case of U. S. vs. Hicks (14 Phil. Rep., 217), we held that
the "causes which mitigate the criminal responsibility for the loss of self-control
are such as originate from legitimate feelings, not those which arise from vicious,
unworthy, and immoral passions," and declined to give the benet of the
provisions of this article to the convict in that case on the ground that the alleged
causes for his loss of self-control did not "originate from legitimate feelings." But
in that case we found as facts that:
"All the foregoing circumstances conclusively prove that the accused,
deliberately and after due reection had resolved to kill the woman who had
left him for another man, and in order to accomplish his perverse intention
with safety, notwithstanding the fact that he was already provided with a
clean and well-prepared weapon and carried other loaded cartridges besides
those already in his revolver, he entered the house, greeting everyone
courteously and conversed with his victim, in what appeared to be a proper
manner, disguising his intention and calming her by his apparent repose and
tranquility, doubtless in order to successfully accomplish his criminal design,
behaving himself properly as he had planned to do beforehand."
In the former case the cause of the alleged "passion and obfuscation" of the
aggressor was the convict's vexation, disappointment and deliberate anger
engendered by the refusal of the woman to continue to live in illicit relations
with him, which she had a perfect right to do; his reason for killing her being
merely that he had elected to leave him and with his full knowledge to go and
live with another man. In the present case however, the impulse upon which
defendant acted and which naturally "produced passion and obfuscation" was not
that the woman declined to have illicit relations with him, but the sudden
revelation that she was untrue to him, and his discovery of her in flagrante in the
arms of another. As said by the supreme court of Spain in the above cited
decision, this was a "sucient impulse" in the ordinary and natural course of
things to produce the passion and obfuscation which the law declares to be one of
the extenuating circumstances to be taken into consideration by the court.
Modied by a nding that the commission of the crime was marked with
the extenuating circumstance set out in subsection 7 of article 9, and by the
reduction of the penalty of fourteen years eight months and one day of reclusion
temporal to twelve years and one day of reclusion temporal, the judgment of
conviction and the sentence imposed by the trial court should be and are hereby
affirmed, with the costs of this instance against the appellant.
Arellano, C.J., Torres, Johnson, and Trent, JJ., concur.

Separate Opinions
MORELAND, J., concurring:

I agree except as to the application of the extenuating circumstance

presented by paragraph 7, article 9, Penal Code. In my judgment it is not
warranted by the facts or the law.

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